次の英文の"the moment when"以下を和訳せよ。ただし、"it"の内容を明らかにすること。 Change had been our ally too often. We had grown complacent,over-confident of its story. And so the moment when it first chose to betray us was also the moment when we were least likely to suspect that it might. (00東大)
>>952 the moment when it first chose to betray us was also それがわれわれを最初に裏切ることにしたときは、 the moment when we were least likely to suspect that it might. それがそうしてくるかもしれないとはまるで思っていなかったときだった。
次の英文の第2文を和訳せよ。 To the average Englishman of today Captain Cook is little more than a name. But he is at least that, and, if we except Christopher Columbus and the latest newspaper-hero, there is hardly any other explorer of whom as much can confidently be said. (85東大)
(1) To the average Englishman of today Captain Cook is little more than a name. 現代のイングランド人にとっては、キャプテン・クック(クック艦長)と言ってもただの名前でしかない。 (意訳:現代のイングランド人は、その名前を知っているだけだ。特に重要な人物というわけではない。)
(2) But he is at least that, でも彼は少なくともそうであって(意訳:少なくとも名前を残したのであって)、 and, if we except Christopher Columbus and the latest newspaper-hero, クリストファー・コロンブスや最近の新聞に出てくる英雄(有名人)を除けば、 there is hardly any other explorer of whom as much can confidently be said. 同じことを自信を持って言えるような探検家は、他にはほとんどいない。
>>952 (>>958 の訂正を反映) (1) CHANCE had been our ally too often. 偶然はそのときまで、我々(= 人間)の味方であることがあまりに多かった。
(2) We had grown complacent, over-confident of its LOYALTY. 我々(= 人間)は独りよがりになり、偶然によって裏切られることはないと思い込むようになっていた。
(3) And so the moment when it first chose to betray us だから、偶然が最初に我々(人間)を裏切ることにした最初の瞬間は、 was also the moment when we were least likely to suspect that it might. 偶然がそんなことをするなんて思いもかけなかった瞬間でもあったのだ。
次の英文の第2文を和訳せよ。 Even now, when interviewing a candidate for a job, we are inclined to attach too much weight to the school and university background and to the academic record. We would rather accept this evidence than take the more difficult step of trying to find out for ourselves what the applicant is really like and what is the potential. (91東大)
>>980 (1) Even now, when interviewing a candidate for a job, we are inclined to attach too much weight to the school and university background and to the academic record. 就職面接をしている今でさえ、出身の学校や大学はどこだったとか、 学歴がどうだということに、われわれは重点を置きすぎる。
(2) We would rather accept this evidence than take the more difficult step of trying to find out for ourselves what the applicant is really like and what is the potential. 就職希望者の本当の人となりや素質を自分たちで見きわめようと試みるという、より難しい 手順を踏むよりも、この証拠(学歴)を受け入れてしまう。
次の英文の第2文を和訳せよ。 Before the sun was full up I went out into the yard and I was shocked to see Ritchie still squatting there reading in the flowerbed; I walked over and spoke to him. But he didn't so much as take his eyes off the book to look at me; you'd have thought he didn't hear me. (95東大)
>>990 (1) Before the sun was full up 太陽が完全に顔を出す前に、 I went out into the yard 僕は庭に出たが and I was shocked to see Ritchie still squatting there reading in the flowerbed; リッチーがまだそこでしゃがんだまま、花壇の中で本を読んでいるのを見てびっくりした。
(2) I walked over and spoke to him. そこで僕は、歩いて行って彼に話しかけた。
(3) But he didn't so much as take his eyes off the book to look at me; でも彼は、本から目を離して僕の方を見ようとさえしなかった。
(4) you'd have thought he didn't hear me. 彼は僕の声が聞こえなかったんじゃないかと、普通なら思ってしまうところだ。