ここは、現・英語偏差値を5上げるための、読解実戦スレです。 出題に解答して添削を受けたり、和訳問題集のわからないところを 質問したりしてください。 ●出題される方へ センターレヴェル長文(論理展開脳開発用)、私文型長文(内容一致・要約)または、精読4行英文(2次下線部和訳用) の出題と添削・解説・訳例提示おねがいします。 ●解釈系質問をされる受験生の方 学年、志望校(学部)、質問内容、その文の出典(本の名前とか)を添えられると、回答が親切になります。 《例》高2、中央大法志望、偏差値55、学校プリントなんですが、 people's hatred of their rules(人民の規則嫌悪)の訳し方はどうしたらいいの? 親切な人:それはね、名詞構文といって、people hated of their rules(人民が規則を嫌っていたこと)と考えるんだよ。 受験生:なーんだ、そっかぁ
That praises are without reason lavished on the dead , and that the honours due only to excellence are paid to antiquity, is a complaint likely to be always continued by those, who, being able to add nothing to truth , hope for eminence from the heresies of paradox, or those, who, being forced by disappointment upon consolatory expedients, are willing to hope from posterity what the present age refuses, and flatter themselves that the regard which is yet denied by envy, will be at least bestowed by time.
【第一パラグラフ】ケータイの普及で、エチケットに関する社会学的観測が盛んだ。 【第二パラ】電車内で大声でしゃべる連中は不愉快だが、英国では面と向かって注意 をする習慣は、もともと伝統的に根付いていない。そのことは、個人の 資質の問題だけでなく、社会の問題として捉えるべきだ。 【第三パラ】最近急に言われだした一つの問題は、仕事の商談中での、ケータイ使用だ。 My preliminary observations indicate that lower-ranking English executives tend to be less courteous, attempting to show their own importance by keeping phones on and taking calls, while high-ranking people with nothing to prove tend to be more considerate. 【第4パラ】もうひとつ気がついたのは、これだ。 Many women now use their mobiles as 'barrier signals' when on their own in coffee bars and public places, as an alternative to the traditional use of a newspaper or magazine to signal unavailability and mark personal 'territory.' 彼女らに言わせると、ケータイの向こうに親・知人がいることを匂わせることで、変な 男に言い寄られたりしなくて、安心できるのだそうだ。 【設問】 (1)うえの英文を、それぞれ出来るだけ短く要約せよ。 (2)第三、第四パラ、のエチケット上の問題の本質は何であると感じるか。 あなた自身の言葉で説明せよ。
Tamara and Adriana had their first contact electronically.
We have refrigerator, we have running water, we have cellphones.
Widespread use of cell-phones has made it necessary to introduce a cell-phone code of conduct. Appropriate use of a cell-phone in public is controlled by a set of written and unwritten rules and regulations.
明治40年第一高等学校入試問題(一部) Never, perhaps, have triumph and lametation been so strangely intermingled. Astonishment and admiration at the splendid victory, with sorrow for the loss of the gallant victor (General Wolfe), filled every breast. Throughout all the land were illuminations and public rejoicings, except in the little village of Westerham, where Wolfe was born, and where his widowed mother now mourned her only child. 『立志・苦学・出世―受験生の社会史』(竹内洋)より タイプミスのチェックはやってません<>
【1】18世紀、独立戦争のあった頃のアメリカでは、お昼3時前後にメインディッシュ を食べていた。A typical meal might consist of salted beef with potatoes and peas, followed by baked eggs and salad, all washed down with quantities of alcohol that would (*)leave most of us today unable to rise from the table.
【2】そのころは、生肉や牛乳が腐りやすかった。The General George Washinton pushed his plate of sherry trifle to one side when he discovered that the cream distinctly smelled not very good but that the less discerning Martha, the General's wife, continued eating it with relish.
【3】トマス・ジェファーソンは、野菜の栽培を奨励し、ナス・ブロッコリー・セロリなどの 外来野菜を定着させた。しかし、Only a sufficient amount of grapes to make a good wine to satisfy his taste eluded him, to his unending despair. 後にホワイトハウス入りした彼は、国費で大量のワインを購入したといわれている。
《設問》【1パラ】の(*)leave の意味は次のうちのどれか? アallow イgo away from ウmake as a result エstop annoying
【3】The use of humble everyday objects is not only habitual − which is to say that we cannot do without them − but that these things are "ordinary": they embody our mostly unspoken assumptions , and they both order our culture and determine its direction.
【4】そのことが特に顕著に現れているのが、三度の食事である。As soon as we can count on a food supply (and so take food for granted), and not a moment sooner, we start to civilize ourselves. ハンバーガーが、丸い形のパンに肉を挟んで出される ということは、その形態に社会の思想が表現されていると見てよいのだ。
【3パラ】検証 The use of humble everyday objects is not only habitual-which is to say that we cannot do without them-but that these things are "ordinary": they embody our mostly unspoken assumptions, and they both order our culture and determine its direction.
do without は、I cannot do without him.彼ナシではいられないわ。ですよね。 unspoken assumption は暗黙の了解。 興福寺直訳:ありきたりな日常物の使用は、所謂、なしで済ませられないというだけの habitual ではない。 たいていの暗黙の了解を具現し、我々の文化を整理整頓し、文化の行き先を決定するような、ordinary なものだ。
コナン君、旅人さんのように、文に書いてあるとおり、「抜き書きする」のが受験答案だよ。 ordinary の部分はそれで正解。だけど、habitual のところな。形や行動で表すのって、 どっちかと言えば、ordinary だぜ。著者は、cannot do without の無意識甘受感を habitual と言いたがっている。で、そのnot do without を外側から眺めると、habitual には一定の規則が認められ、それは、habitual の歴史と未来を知らずうちに決定付ける 秩序的な行儀のよさを持っているようです、っていいたいんじゃないかな。 辞書では両方「ふつう」と訳す。 「私朝起きたら、ふつう歯を磨く」の「普通」はhabitual 「彼、毎朝歯を磨かない。アイツは、ふつうじゃないな。」の「普通」はordinary みたいな違い。カスタムとノーマルみたいな。 でも、でもだ。悲しいかな、 出題者は、こちらの考えなんか聞いていない。「英文中から、それっぽいところを 抜き書きせよ」と言っている。著者の脳味噌の観察記録を書け、と、強要しているのだ、入試ってヤツは。
【4パラ】ここの下線部和訳は、2005青学文学部が課した入試問題の部分そのままです。 私立文系が記述答案問題を出すのはキョービ、珍しいですよね。 As soon as we can count on a food supply (and so take food for granted) , and not a moment sooner , we start to civilize ourselves. コナン君:私たちはすぐに食事の用意ができることを期待しているが、 そんなに早くできないこともある。そこから文明がはじまる。 旅人さん:我々が食べ物の供給が当てに出来るや否や、寸分の狂いも無く まさにその瞬間に、文明の衣をまとい始めるのだ。 (かっこ内)の訳、ほぼ同じですので、比較検討上、省かせていただきました。 まずこの文に、as soon as(〜と同時に), not a moment sooner(一瞬も早くなく=同時に) と2回おなじフレーズが出て来る理由として、カッコ挿入文によって、文章が一時分断された ため、念を押してもう一度、言い直しているだけ、ということみたいですね。 で、文意ですが、前後脈絡からいくと、コナン君的に「早く飯が出て来るスタイル」 と文明化、かな?って思っちゃう。 それもムリ無いかな、っていうより、ほとんどの受験生、そちら方面で和訳したんじゃないでしょうか? でも、旅人さんは、ハズしていない。 和訳の視点が違うからか?えーと、旅人さんがハズさなかった理由は何でしょう? 結局、上の解体図に沿えば、文章が全て、habitual 対 ordinary の比較で書かれているという「仕掛け」 を見抜いて、仕掛けに従って、地図の南北の方位を最重視して、訳に当たられた事に尽きます。
【2】 As bizarre as such tales may strike those who first hear them , they typically also sound somehow plausible. In contrast to traditional or pre-modern legends , they usually do not, for example, involve mysterious supernatural forces. As can clearly be seen in the alligator story, they are more likely to reflect our anxieties and suspicions about contemporary life in the big city.
As bizzare as such tales は文法的に結構議論のあるところです。 Being as bizzare as such tales, とかの分詞構文の形でもないですし。 英語いたでも、結論でていませんでしたし、今後も話題になるか知れません。 とりあえず、その手の奇妙な話ってものは、くらいで。
to … extent: used to show how far sth is true or how great an effect it has 1. To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. 2. He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized him. 3. To some extent what she argues is true. 4. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. 5. To what extent is this true of all schools? 6. The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. (以上OALD第7版)
@)Many of the normal motives of civilized life---snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc.---had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master.
A)To what extent people draw their ideas from fiction is disputable.
B)And whether I say Yes or No probably depends upon the extent to which I grasp what is demanded of me.
これについて、安藤は、 「Young as he isの形式は、Shakespeare時代には(@)のように、As young as he isであった。 (@)As young as I am, I haue obseru'd three Swashers: (Henry V 3.2.27) (おいらは若造だけど、こういう威張り屋は三人も見たことがあるぜ) この形式は、<英>では18世紀前半から使用されなくなったが、<米>ではいまでも使用されている。」 としている。
>>69 あ、それ、実践ロイヤルにも同じ記述があって、 分詞構文Being as young as he is, のBeing の省略形と解説あります。(p252) 上でも書きましたが、このワニのところには、 この分詞構文だとしっくりこないですね。 >>71 as2個セットで、though he is young のthough の意味の接続詞と見るんじゃないかなあ。
@ The most important things are the hardest things to say. A Because words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. B But it's more than that, isn't it? C The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. D When the secret lays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.
<読解のヒント> @to say ただのto 不定詞です。things to say これから言わなくちゃならぬ事(to 不定詞は未来の意志)。 Ashrink A to/into B が見抜けないと、収拾つかなくなる。 骨格は shrink limitless things to living size で、前半ー過去形、後半ー現在形。bring out 口に出して言う
B直訳すると、「でも、ソレはアレより大きいでしょ、ねえ、そうじゃない?」 it は何か? that は何か?、それぞれAの文中から探して、訳出する。 Ctoo close to〜は、too-to の構文じゃないよ。早合点厳禁。close to〜のそばに love to steal って、want to steal のもっと熱心な感じかな。 D冒頭の Whenって、へんでしょ。自問自答に対して、「だって、〜なんだもの。」 みたいな、口語的文言。条件節じゃないよ。良く出てくるよ、このwhen。 ここは、not−butの構文を意識して訳してね。
>>84 There is always something to be said for remaining ignorant of the worst. I have never told a cancer patient yet that there is no hope any longer.
Damage from California Wildfires Could Top $1 Billion
With at least half a million people forced from their homes, President Bush signed a major disaster declaration, allowing federal officials to make grants for temporary housing and home repairs, and providing low-cost loans to property owners whose losses are not covered by insurance.
grant: a sum of money that is given by the government or by another organization to be used for a particular purpose ex) student grants (= to pay for their education) / He has been awarded a research grant.
>>88 乙です。なんじゃ?帰ってみれば、出典、バラされとるやないの。 ま、いいか。 コナン君は小説系やね。さすがにこなれてる。@〜Cは、ほぼ満点。Dが微妙。 @これは100点Aは、よく訳せたね。訳は100点だが、no more than のところイケタ? no more than living size で、「生サイズと同じ」→「現実の大きさ」 Bit=本当に言いたい事, that=living sizeのもの。 Cこれもいいな。landmarksの後はcloseが省略、treasureの後はwhichの省略、だよね。 D「秘密は、語り手の要望によってではなく、聞き手の側の要望によって閉じ込められたままになる、ってことだからね。」
>>95 ああ、そうでしたね。これが、質問スレで 「最悪のことを知らないままにするためには、ずっとウソの病名を 言い続けなければならない。」と訳すべきだとする反・中原派と、 中原支持者との間で、けんかになった。中原はシニカルを拾えていない、 と反中原派が言えば、シニカルの意味を知らずに語るなとかで、もめた。 中原は、英標の補訂者だから、詮索君も無縁じゃないな。 とりあえず、there is something to be said は受験必修フレーズらしいよ。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ・allow A to do :Aに〜することを許可する。 ・make a grant:助成金を与える(要は資金を作るみたいな訳になってればOK) ・allowing 〜, and providing このandはallowingとprovidingをつなげています。
Woodblock print artists of the caliber of Utamaro, Hokusai and Hiroshige would never appear after the Meiji Restoration. Part of the reason was simply the fact that the ukiyo , or the floating world , of Japan's Edo period isolation was gone forever.
floating world を Edo isolation と関連づけて訳すとなると、どういう訳語になるんだろう と、考えています。
My father would eat every last mouthful , his chopsticks walking quickly across the plate. Then he would rise , whistling , and clear the table , every motion so clean and sure , I would be convinced by him that all was well in the world.
全体的に would で書かれているのは、筆者の回想文だからですね。 「〜は、よく〜したものだった。」みたいな訳文にするのがコツです。
【1】私は、ある市場調査会社の統計部門の責任者として働いている。よく、 数学者などは「数字はウソをつかない」などとぬかすが、現場にいる私に言わ せれば、Figures lie when liars figure. である。
【2】統計学上は、コインを投げて表の出る確率は50パーセントである。以前 「俺は、10回投げて7回表を出せる」と、うそぶく男に出くわした。これはバカ げた話で、The man proved only that he was a narrow-minded fool when he failed to recognized that statistical properties emerge only on large scales.
【3】逆に、確率の期待値だけにとらわれすぎると、危ないこともある。 I refer specifically to the statistician who drowned while trying to cross a river with an average depth of four feet.
詳細な解説ありがとうございます。注意不足でした。阿修羅さんの問題選択は 決してランダムではなく、意図をもって出題されてるのがよくわかれます。 そしてまんまとその罠にはまっていっています。阿修羅さんは問題提出の 野村スコープやーー。後、偶然にも四の字固めを英語でfigure four leg lock というのを知ってましたので設問@はすんなりと理解できました。
Scholars do not know whether Beowulf is the sole surving epic from a flourishing Anglo-Saxon literary period that produced other great epics or whether it was unique even in its own time.
glossary: Beowulf: A epic written by old English in eighth century.
口の外側は口、内側は口蓋、と呼びます。下唇から喉元まで垂れた袋を floor of the mouth と見ているのでしょう。象の鼻が上唇と一体になって いるのと似てますよね。vapor は蒸発ですので、蒸発化が増えるとは、つまり どんどんなくなる、ということではないかと思います。くちばしを上に向けて 揺すりながら飲み込んでゆく様かなと。
Scholars do not know whether Beowulf is the sole surving epic from a flourishing Anglo-Saxon literary period that produced other great epics or whether it was unique even in its own time.
But there's also the issue of global marketing. How about the potential to create taste? I mean, selling the image that sorrounds using a product. If consumers want to associate themselves with that image, won't they develop a taste for the product that does for them?
won't they develop a taste for the product that does for them? のとこどうやって訳せばいいわからん。 won'tは単純に〜しなかっただろうかと解釈するのでしょうか?
Scholars do not know whether Beowulf is the sole surving epic from a flourishing Anglo-Saxon literary period that produced other great epics or whether it was unique even in its own time. 他の偉大な叙事詩を生み出した開花的なアングロサクソンの文学時代から 生き残った叙事詩がbeowulfだけなのか、あるいはその時代でさえ特異であったのか、 いずれにせよ学者には分からないのである。
The frequency with which I hear and similar cases suggests to me that as a society , we are failing in what we psychologists refer to as the process of separation and individuation. While parents today want more than anything else for their children to be happy , the formula by which they raise them is almost certain to produce unhappiness. The children never learn to be self sufficient because they've never been expected to be.
frequency with 兼、similar with なのだと思いますが、う〜ん??? ちなみに、similar は形容詞と、名詞しか無い筈。 2文目は、今の親が子供の幸福を望む一方、子供引き上げ方式では、まず失敗しそう。 3文目は、期待されていないから、自立を学ばない。くらいですかね。
But there's also the issue of global marketing. How about the potential to create taste? I mean, selling the image that sorrounds using a product. If consumers want to associate themselves with that image, won't they develop a taste for the product that does for them?
product that does for them? についてですが、 does=associate them=imageで イメージに関連した製品と解釈していますが、だいだいこんなかんじでしょうか?
First, the assumption that the SRRS measures change exclusively has been shown to inaccurate. We now have ample evidence that the desirability of events affects adaptional outcomes more than the amount of change that they require.Thus, it seems prudent to view the SRRS as a measure of diverse forms of stress, rather than as a measure of change-related stress.
SRRS (The scale of pgychology for measuring life change as form of stress)
>>162 全文明が、変化の究極的源泉たる発明者と発見者を産出するものであるとはいえ、 もしも文明の全構成員達の創意を通してのみから変化がやって来るものであらば、 どこも急速には進行しないであろう。変化するにふさわしい機会というものがそんな ふうに限局されておれば、我々はいまだ石器時代に甘んじておろう。 ある特定の社会に関する限り、その社会の前進というものは、その構成員が他の社会の 構成員の道具・技術・発想と接触して来た結果であり、自分達のものとは異なる方法と 形態に有利さがあると認める心の準備がなされていた結果でもあり、そして、 もしそうしようと彼らが望めばその方法と形態を享受できる機会を持てた結果でもあるのだ。 現代文明の複雑さは、構成員が蒔いた天才の種という狭い部分によってだけ成り立ってきた わけではないのだ。(←註:ここ英文は肯定文ですが、この後のrather に呼応してnot only but 風で訳してみます、文脈上の判断であることを了解ください) むしろ我々の、めくるめく世代を超えた先祖達が、他文明人達の方法を積極的に有益視し、 前述のようにする事が有利であるとみた折には、すすんで自分たちの物として採択してきた事 に依っているのだ。
ご質問の答え should they wish to do so → if they should wish to do so 古臭い仮定法の倒置です。このスレでは、過去に散々出てきています。 were , had , should の3個に限っては、疑問文じゃなければ、仮定法条件文の 倒置だと思わなければなりません。以下、文例を挙げます
Journalism has always entertained as well as informed. Had it not done so , it would not have reached a mass audience. But today , say journalism's critics , the instinct to amuse is driving out the will , and depleting the resource , for serious reporting and analysis. Obsessed with a world of cerebrity and trivia , the news media are rotting our brains and undermining our civic life.
例えば、 Testified or not, it is a fact.(立証されようとされまいと、それは事実だ。) The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to a disaster. (同じことが万一戦時中に起こったならば、惨事になるだろう。) のように、 英語の分詞構文は、譲歩や条件といった論理関係まで表せるのに、「〜して・〜しながら」 という日本語にはそのような機能は内在していない。 よって、分詞節の内容と主節の内容とを比較考量しないで安易に和訳してしまうことは、 誤った解釈をする原因となる。
>Testified or not, it is a fact.(立証されようとされまいと、それは事実だ。) >The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to a disaster. >(同じことが万一戦時中に起こったならば、惨事になるだろう。)
Most of us, at one time or another,are tempted to consider possible alternatives to decisions we have made in the past or to the paths we have chosen to follow. We sometimes also find ourselves dreaming of being a different person, or projecting our thoughts into a wide range of possible futures. When we do this, we are creating a world of "possibilities" ; we are exercising our imagination. This capacity to venture into "mights,""woulds," and "coulds" frees us from perceptual dominance of events taking place right in front of us at present and is one of the special miracles with which we are equipped through human evolution.
in the past or to the paths のところの構造説明と、できましたら全訳お願いします(><
Most of us, at one time or another,are tempted to consider possible alternatives to decisions we have made in the past or to the paths we have chosen to follow. We sometimes also find ourselves dreaming of being a different person, or projecting our thoughts into a wide range of possible futures. When we do this, we are creating a world of "possibilities" ; we are exercising our imagination. This capacity to venture into "mights,""woulds," and "coulds" frees us from perceptual dominance of events taking place right in front of us at present and is one of the special miracles with which we are equipped through human evolution.
Increasing interest in melancholy is not, however, evidence of an increase in the prevalence of actual melancholy. As the historian Roy Porter suggested, the disease may simply have been becoming more stylish, both as a medical diagnosis and as a problem, or pose, affected by the idle rich, and signifying a certain ennui or detachment. No doubt the medical prejudice that it was a disease of the gifted, or at least of the comfortable, would have made it an attractive diagnosis to the upwardly mobile and merely out-of-sorts.
But melancholy did not become a fashionable pose until a full century after Burton took up the subject, and when it did become stylish, we must still wonder: why did this particular stance or attitude become fashionable and not another? An arrogant insouciance might, for example, seem more fitting to an age of imperialism than this wilting, debilitating malady; and enlightenment, another well-known theme of the era, might have been better served by a mood of questing impatience.
Male hummingbirds (claim) (feeding territories) in open meadows where, from late May through June, they mate with females (coming to feed out) take no part in nesting.
A crooked deformity in the nest branch, (a second), unusually close branch (overhead), or proximity to part of a trunk bowed by a past ice storm are features that provide shelter and make for an attractive nest site.
もとのぶんがあった。 Some people are so changed by their life’s experience that in old age they behave in completely unexpected ways. Many of us know elderly men and women who no longer act as we have come to expect them to act. I am not talking here about victims of senile dementia. In the examples I am thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears, to those who know him, to be someone else entirely.
In the examples I am thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears, to those who know him, to be someone else entirely.
one=a personだとすると、 ... the person continues to behave in (what ...) a normal manner, but a person so remote from his old self ... このbutの後のa personは何?ってことに。
one=a mannerとすると、 ... the person continues to behave in (what ...) a normal manner, but (in) a manner so remote from his old self ...
The old doctor felt my pulse , and then with a certain eagerness asked me whether I would let him measure my head. "I always ask leave , in the interests of science , to measure the crania of those going out there," he said. "And when they come back , too ? " I asked. "Oh , I never see them ," he smiled.
go out there は、この文だけだと、その通りですが、文脈上 英国からアフリカ奥地(推定コンゴ、原作では地名特定なし) へ赴任する前の健康診断のシーンでして、流れの上では「あそこに 働きに出る連中」になります。したがって、too? のところも、 「帰ってきてからも、測るの?」「いや、まだ帰ってきた奴を 見たことないんじゃ」と笑ったんですね。科学的興味で、過酷な コンゴ赴任前後の頭の大きさを測って比べたい、帰ってきて測れば 脳みそが減少しているんじゃないか、ということですね。
"Observe the lamp−the chimney is broken in two pieces. But see, the coffee-cup is absolutely smashed to powder."
"Well," I said wearily, "I suppose someone must have stepped on it."
Poirot said , turning to me , "Somebody stepped on that cup , grinding it to powder , and the reason they did so was either because it contained strychnine or − which is far more serious− because it did not contain strychnine!"
The solar system, to be brutally honest, has turned out to be something of a bust. There was a time when the planets seemed to have a lot of potential,but (1)only if scientists didn't look too closely. Once they did,(2)things got ugly fast. The planets were either flash -frozen or deep fried,uninhabitable gas giants or inhabitable rocky pellets , smothered by a toxic atomosphere or almost totally airless - (3)altogethere poor company for a glamour would like Earth.
(1)はonly if をどうやくせばよいのでしょうか?方向性は 科学者はあまり熱心に調べていなかった ですよね? (2)書き換えの問題で、 the ( ) quickly began to seem ( ) to ( )much ( ) ( )にはいるものを教えてください。 文章の意味的には状況はすぐに変わってしまった みたいな感じですよね? お願いします。
(1)科学者たちがとても詳しく調べていない限りにおいてのみ、そう見えたにすぎない。 (the planets seemed to have a lot of potential) only if scientists didn't look too closely. とすると分かりやすいかも。 仮定法のif onlyと混同しないよう注意が必要。
(2)the planets quickly began to seem not to have much potential 惑星には多くの可能性があるように見えた→よく調べてみたら(once they did)そうでもないことがわかった(とても苛酷な環境だった) というような話だから、 (2)は前の文のthe planets seemed ...と反対の内容になっていなければならない。
It is an unforgettable experience for anyone born on the other side of the Atlantic to take a plane journey by night across the United States. Looking down he will see the lights of some town like a last outpost in a darkness stretching for hours ahead, and realize that , even if there is no longer an actual frontier , this is still a continent only partially settled and developed , where human activity seems a tiny thing in comparison to the magnitude of the earth, and the equality of men not some dogma of politics or jurisprudence but a self-evident fact.
The argument surrounding human rights can slip too easily into an overemphasis on the individual as (*1) a passive receiver of the benefits of his or her rights. (*2)It is not the intention at all of rights advocates , but their argument sometimes hints at an idea of society in which we each sit there , interested in society and community only for what they can give us as individuals , complaining about rights whenever we get less than we think we deserve.
Q1. (*1)a passive receiver of the benefits is a person・・・
@who shares his or her advantage with other people Awho does nothing but enjoy his or her own advantage Bwho distributes payments to his or her employees Cwho passionately asks for his or her own payments
I have looked for love in stranger places, but never found someone like you. Someone whose smile makes me feel ‘I have been holding back’, and now there is nothing I cannot do. Cause this is real , this is good , it warms the inside just like it should, but most of all it is built to last. Waking the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight you and I are made to get love right you are the sun in my universe considered the best when we have felt the worst.
I have looked for love in stranger places, but never found someone like you. Someone whose smile makes me feel ‘I have been holding back’, and now there is nothing I cannot do. Cause this is real , this is good , it warms the inside just like it should, but most of all it is built to last. Waking the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight you and I are made to get love right you are the sun in my universe , considered the best when we have felt the worst.
An actor is a man who must put himself into the skin of another man, even if , as in the Elizabethan theater , the other man is a young woman. And it is not enough for him to imitate and physically to move into the gestures of the other man. This is only half of what he does. ★ The other half is to think and feel himself into the man , and if he fails to convince , that is where he fails.★
The individual starts by taking it for granted that both for himself and for his neighbors there are certain views already established which they cannot hope to alter , views which are determined by nationality , creed, political party , social position , and other elements in one's surroundings. These views are protected by a kind of taboo , and are not only kept sacred from criticism , but are not a legitimate subject of conversation. ★ This kind of intercourse , in which we mutually abjure our natural quality as thinking beings , is euphemistically described as respect for other people's convictions , as if there could be any convictions at all where there is no thought.★
Most casual visitors to the zoo are convinced , as they stroll from cage to cage , that the funny gestures of the inmates are no more than a performance put on solely for their entertainment.
Today there is not only a neglect of thought but an actual distrust or deprecation of it. The organized political , social , and religious groups of our time are bent on inducing the individual to take up uncritically readymade beliefs rather than inviting him to work out for himself by thought his own convictions.
When〜がどこまでか、がわかるかどうかがこの文の味噌です。 教科書の文では、ふつう、When A do B , C do D.(AがBするとき、CはDする。) ってなっているのに、この文は、When〜がどこまでか、コンマがどこか、が わかりません。ちゃんと書けよと文句を言いたいのは、私も同じですが、現実のアメリカ人が そう書いている以上仕方ないです。日本人が学校でどう習っているのかアメリカ人には関係ない ということでしょう。高校1年生が実際の受験英語にそろそろ取り組もうとすれば、 必ずや感じるであろう違和感がこういうところにあるかと思い、この文を持ち出しのですが・・・。
riverrun , past Eve and Adam's , from swerve of shore to bend of bay , brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castel and Environs.
The Keys to Given! A way a lone a last a loved a long the
●アダムとイブ教会という教会がダブリンの川のほとりに実在するそうです。 Eve and Adams=イーブンアトムズ=even atoms=まっすぐ降り注ぐ原子、 の含意ありとのことです。 ●bend of bay ダブリン湾は実際にカーブしているそうです。 ●commodius vicus ラテン語の音で「ゆったりとした村」。それと、 世界史の授業で帝政ローマの、ローマの平和・五賢帝時代の5人の最後、 5番目のマルクス・アウレリウス・コモドゥス・アント二ヌス帝というの習った? こいつ最悪の王だったらしい。このバカ殿による繁栄と瓦解を暗示している らしい。 ●recirculation イタリアの反デカルト哲学者・ヴィーコの「歴史循環説」の事らしい。 あるいは、我々が血、川が血管、城が心臓、という血液循環の比喩と読む人もいる由。
●the keys to given 「イエスがペーターに言いました。君に、天国の王国に 通ずる鍵を与えよう。」というのが新約聖書にあって、そのことらしい。
で、貴殿の訳は、川の流れは我々を城とその周辺に回帰させる、 とした方がいいのではないでしようか。by commodius vicus はby curriculum vitae(履歴書) だろう、という説をとって、「人生遍歴によって」と挿入してみるのはどう?
At the end of my first year at music school , I gave my first public performance and (*1)I approached it with all the calmness of inexperience. When it was time to play ,(*2) I felt such joy that I knew nothing could go wrong. *3)I seemed not to be playing but listening to the music as it poured out of my fingers.
Nowhere did he differ more sharply from his English cousins than in his attitude toward rules, .... 他のスレで出された文章ですが(基礎技術100より) 訳文がもうひとつ理解できませんでした。 おねがいいたします。
>>312 何かの文章の冒頭で、コンマの後に後続文があるという設定なんだよね? @どこにも〜ない。 A↑は no more than のno も、兼ねている。イギリスの親戚以上にシャープじゃない。 Bcousins が彼の具体的な「いとこ」を指すならそれで、一般的ならアメリカ人清教徒が英国に 残してきた「本家の人々」をさすでしょうね。 Cthan English cousins did でなく、比較事象がthan in his attitude ってのがへんてこりんだな。 D後続文に繋がる条件節になっているようなんで、それっぽく以下の様かと・・
要は、アメリカ人が母国イギリス人と同じぐらい規律を守る、ということのようですが、 no more than の比較対象が両者の色々な「気質」のうちの「どれに対する厳格さが英国と違うか?」 に焦点があるように読めます。 面倒なら、no more than =almost equal で読んで、 「アメリカ人とイギリス人が同じなのは規律を尊守する態度だった」とかでもいいんじゃない?。
たまたま、似たような文で、 hardly more than , hardly less than が昨日だか、質問スレにも出てハナシてたんだけど、 ぶっちゃけ「ニアリー・イコール」で訳す方が、あいまいさがなくて良い訳だと感じるよ。 たとえ強調の意味があるとしても、あるいは強調が訳文に反映されてないと言われようとも、 著者の修辞に読者が迷わされるとすれば、それは書き方が悪いと大声で言おうぜ。
Her declared major had been English literature , but when it seemed to her that her classmates were chiefly concerned with acquiring the sophistication and the poise to deal with men , she had no trouble leaving literature for nursing.
Last night , I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive , and for a while I could not enter for the way was barred to me. Then , like all dreamers , I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.
No other subject is,for the writer,so intensely personal as boxing. To write boxing is to write about oneself- however elliptically ,and unintentionally.And to write boxing is to be forced to contemplate not only boxing,but the perimenters of civilization-what it is,or should be,to be human.
The trouble with tea is that originally it was quite a good drink. So a group of the most eminent British scientists put their head together, and made complicated biological experiments to find a way of spoiling it. To the eternal glory of British science their labour bore fruit. They suggested that if you do not drink it clear , or with lemon or rum and sugar , but pour a few drops of cold milk into it , and no sugar at all, the desired object is achieved. Once this refreshing , aromatic , oriental beverage was successfully transformed into colourless and tasteless gargling-water , it suddenly became the national drink of Great Britain and Ireland ―still retaining, indeed usurping , the high-sounding title of tea.
Mr.Collins was not a sensible man , and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society ; the greatest part of his life having been spent under the guidance of an illiterate and miserly father ; and though he belonged to one of the universities , he had merely kept the necessary terms , without forming at it any useful acquaintance. The subjection in which his father had brought him up had given him originally great humility of manner.
”You didn't steal them ?” ”I would ,”the boy said . ”But I bought these.” ”Thank you ,” the old man said. He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride. ”Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current,” he said.
************************************** 我々がマスコミによって情報化されていく過程には、真実の伝達ではなくて、 「こういうのが良いんじゃないか?」という理想の創造の伝達である面が大きい。 テレビコマーシャルや新聞広告の世界がまさにそうだ。 One could take as an example the image of the motor car as symbol of comfort , power and success , and contrast this with the reality of it caught in heavy traffic , a hot , dirty source of frustration for the person inside and everybody and everything outside , a perfect example of the impractical and foolish dreams of civilized man. The image making in this case has a simple function ; ▲ the selling of an object which nobody in his right mind could ever want to have , since his having it must imply everybody else's having it. ▲
メディアが創造する娯楽・情報番組なども、誰の利益にもならぬものを作っている。 テレビドラマがそうだ。人々は自分達のうんざりするするような日常を思い起こさせる ものなど見たくないから、BGMをバックに歩く映画女優のイメージを希求する。 ▲ A world in which wars last for thirty seconds , and heart-broken heroines fade away into images of the pleasures of dish-washing , is one which must deny what lived experience is like. ▲ And , unlike reality ,it can always be switched off.
Hello Seller i have interest on your item for my son as a christmas gift that i will coming up in west Africa i will like to know the condition of the item and i will offer you 2500 usd including the shipment cost by EMS SPEED POST i will like how many you have in stock and i will make the payment via bank to bank transfer so i will like you to get back to my personal email to my email すいません、ヤフオク出品で外人さんからこんな質問が・・・なんと言ってるのでしょうか?
Hello Seller i have interest on your item for my son as a christmas gift that i will coming up in west Africa 息子へのクリスマスプレゼントに良さそうだな i will like to know the condition of the item 品物の状態を教えてくれ and i will offer you 2500 usd including the shipment cost by EMS SPEED POST EMS SPEED POSTの送料込みで2500米ドル支払う i will like how many you have in stock 在庫はいくつあるかしりたい and i will make the payment via bank to bank transfer 銀行振り込みで支払うつもりだ so i will like you to get back to my personal email to my email 私のメールに返信してくれ
>>367 訳文は核心をついていて、まったくそういうことなんだけど・・・。his having it must imply のhis は テレビ見てるcivilized man でしょ?ちがう? 「the image の機能= the selling だ。理由は・・・だからだ。」という文ですね。 まっとうな心境なら誰も絶対欲しがらないであろう物品を売ること。 なぜなら、そのひとが持つことは、他の人皆が持つことをほのめかすからである。 もちろん、他の人みんな=テレビの人=image なので、コナン君の訳も同じ文意だけどね。 一応、下線和訳的には前文のcivilized の言い換えという王道で。そういや、先日のボクシング文にも、「文明の周辺」ってのがあったなあ。
>>369 原文そのものが短い中で、突拍子もなく話題がころころ変わる文章なので非常に読みにくい文章です。突如wars が出てくるので、え?って思うよね。 無理ないです。ドラマとかでの戦争のハナシをいきなり出してきているのです。 訳ですが、(AofB , andC)を(BのA、とC)っていう読み方されていませんか? (BとC、のA)という可能性を検討されませんでしたか?ここは、 A world in which (wars last , and heroines fade) is one 。。でしょ。
【1】▲ Music , after all , is nothing more than a sequence of sound waves. So what is it that allows those waves to touch us so deeply ? ▲ Part of the answer seems to lie in the physics of sound waves. Scale and chords , for example , are constructed from pitches that are mathematical progressions of one another. But theory only tells us how music works , not why. It cannot explain why one tune is utterly banal and another is magic.
【2】▲You may like a song that I hate simply because it resembles other songs that you like.▲ The aesthetics of music vary widely between cultures. It seems that the power of music lies not in the sounds but in ourselves.
【3】The Soviet composer V. Shebalin suffered a stroke in the left hemisphere of his brain , the area for language comprehension. Afterwards he had great difficulty communicating , yet his compositions were as brilliant and sensitive as before.
【4】On the other hand , a young musical composer suffered damage to the right hemisphere. He had no trouble communicating and eventually returned to teaching music. But he had lost all interest in composition.
【5】Even if we do someday track down the brain's 'music receptor,' we are still left with one final mystery : Why is it there? What biological need dose it serve? Logically , we could also ask that question about painting or sculpture , dance or poetry. Why do humans respond to beauty of any kind? To that question we have no answer.
Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere -- to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me. In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion; that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process, and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. But with the disappearance of that base, I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served. And there is no longer a need for the process to be prolonged.
I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion; that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process, and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future.
Game theory is concerned with the actions of decision makers who are conscious that their actions affect each other. When the only two publishers in a city choose prices for their newspapers , aware that their sales are determined jointly , they are players in a game with each other. They are not in a game with the readers who buy the newspapers , because each reader ignores his or her effect on the publisher. Game theory is not useful when decisions are made that ignore the reactions of others or treat them as impersonal market forces.
受動態にすると文意が取り難くなる文の例です。最大の理由は do without で意味を成す「動詞句」を受動態にすると、前置詞 だけが「余る感じ」になるせいです。前置詞の目的語が主語として 前に出てしまっているので、上のようにwithout の働きがマスク されてしまいわけがわからなくなりますね。 難問なのですが、わかっちゃうとどうってことないですよね。 受験勉強頑張ってください
"If language is not correct , then what is said is not what is meant ; if what is said is not what is meant , then what ought to be done remains undone." So wrote Confucius some five hundred years before the birth of Christ , and his statement is as true today as it ever was.
ちょっと以下の文章について質問。 In some cultures, it is considered necessary if you wish to be socially accepted to exchange vulgar jokes with some people but to go through life not saying a single word to others.
>>444 >In some cultures, it is considered necessary if you wish to be socially accepted >to exchange vulgar jokes with some people but to go through life not saying a single word to others.
In some cultures, it is considered necessary if you wish to be socially accepted to exchange vulgar jokes with some people but to go through life not saying a single word to others. ある文化においては、 他の人々と一言も話さないで生活するのではなく、社会的に受け入れられたいならば、 いくらかの人々と下品なジョークを交わすことが、必要と考えられている。 wish to be socially accepted not wish to go through alone では? 違ってたらごめん。
Did you ever think , when you held or looked at a beautiful pearl , that its origin was irritation ? An oyster , in response to the irritating presence of sand within its shell , creates a thing of beauty. Not only is the conflict resolved but value is created.
If three brothers inherit two camels between them , you can think of each as owing two-thirds of a camel ― a convenient legal fiction , one with which we are so comfortable that we forget how curious it is if taken literally.
I scarcely think we could any of us claim that in reading a novel we deliberately watch the book itself , rather than the scenes and figures it suggests.
A child draws a human head as a circle. This is not an attempt to reproduce the specific outline of a particular person's head but rather a general form quality of a head , of heads in general ― namely , roundness.
Nothing is valuable in itself. The truth is that nothing makes any difference , including that truth. Hamlet's question "to be or not to be" is absolutely meaningless.
>>472 大変結構です。so that を構文どおり書くと最後のif の訳が入れにくいという ことですよね。よくよめましたねえ。 >>473 意訳しすぎとは言えないと思います。大変結構な訳文と思います。
>>474 すごくいいんだが、一箇所惜しい。 we any of us =we all と考えるべき。「我々全て」です。 あと、could claim は「主張することができるだろう(婉曲)」です。 >作品と・・同一視しない 文理解はそのとおりです。読者は皆たいてい、小説の中の主人公になって読んじゃうよね、と。
>>479 これは難文。いかにも、「京大らしい」そうです。 The truth is that ...「真実はthat 以下のことです。」でしょ。 that 節内は、「違いを生むようなものはなにもない」です。 ここで著者はコンマを置いて、言い直すんです。 「何もないが真実だ」と、今言ったんだけど、それも「ない」んだ。ってこと コンマincluding that truth. はそういう意味。 that truth のthatは、文頭のtruth を指す指示語。 「世の中は色即是空だ、その色即是空も含めてな。」という文なんですね。
CHIVALRY is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than its emblem , the cherry blossom ; nor is it a dried-up specimen of an antique virtue preserved in the herbarium of our history. It is still a living object of power and beauty among us ; and if it assumes no tangible shape or form , it not the less scents the normal atmospherel and makes us aware that we are still under its potent spell.
indigenous to 〜の土地に固有の herbarium ハーブ(herb)の様な薬草類の乾燥標本集、押し花標本集 tang=touch tangible=touchable scent 〜(の匂い)を嗅ぐ、〜の残り香を追跡する not the less それでも尚、 atmospherel 、口述を筆記したとされている文なので、atmosphere の誤記だと思われる。 under a spell 魔法にかかって、魅惑されて
Poetry has been regarded as important , not simply as one of alternative forms of amusement , as one man might choose skating, another chess , and another poetry. Rather , it has been regarded as something central to each man's existence , something which he is better off for having and which he is spiritually poor without.
She got the boys to turn cartwheels with her , falling on their hands turning their heels upwards , whom she would follow , and wheel so her self naked as she was all the fort over.
(出典;' Colonial Landscapes ' 「National Geographic」誌, May 2007)
His companion , measuring the length of the lawn beside him , was a person of quite different pattern , who would not have provoked you to wish yourself in his place.
But is it perhaps childish or morbid to terrify oneself with visions of a totalitarian future? Before writing off the totalitarian world as a nightmare that can’t come true, just remember that in 1925 the world of today would have seemed a nightmare that couldn’t come true. Against that shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday’s weather can be changed by decree, there are in reality only two safeguards. One is that however much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing, as it were, behind your back, and you consequently can’t violate it in ways that impair military efficiency. The other is that so long as some parts of the earth remain unconquered, the liberal tradition can be kept alive. Let Fascism, or possibly even a combination of several Fascisms, conquer the whole world, and those two conditions no longer exist. We in England underrate the danger of this kind of thing, because our traditions and our past security have given us a sentimental belief that it all comes right in the end and the thing you most fear never really happens. ★Nourished for hundreds of years on a literature in which Right invariably triumphs in the last chapter, we believe half-instinctively that evil always defeats itself in the long run. Pacifism, for instance, is founded largely on this belief. Don’t resist evil, and it will somehow destroy itself. But why should it? What evidence is there that it does? And what instance is there of a modern industrialized state collapsing unless conquered from the outside by military force?★
After making these arrangements, Michael left the Great Domestic (George) somewhere in that area and returned himself to London to recruit foreigners from all quarters and to take certain other measures made neccessary by the crisis and events that had occurred.
>>551 どうもありがとうございます! ちなみにこれが>>549の直前の文です。 crisis and eventはこの文章にかかっているのでしょうか・・・・・・
If the king would do this, he said, not only would he be most grateful to him, but he confirmed that the marriage alliance promised by his ambassadors would be fulfilled. >>552 多分そんな感じの文章ですね。 詳しいことはよくわかりません。。。
Thanks to supermarkets that simply airfreight everything all the time , we have no concept of seasonableness now ― which when you think about it , was also more environmental friendly.
「英標」といえば、バージニア・ウルフ。英標とは異なる出典から。 最後の、, that Redly ・・・のthat は、順接の接続詞とみてよい んじゃないかと思うのですが、特別な用法でしょうかね。
Mr. Pepper went on to describe the white , hairless , blind monsters lying curled on the ridges of sand at the bottom of the sea , which would explode if you brought them to the surface , their sides bursting asunder and scattering entrails to the winds when released from pressure, with considerable detail and with such show of knowledge , that Ridley was disgusted , and begged him to stop.
More generally , irrespective of the number of pieces the chocolate bar is composed of , the number of snaps is always one less than the number of pieces you need.
The Trinity is one of the most sublime mysteries of our holy religion. In rejecting it because it is incomprehensible , Unitarians betray their inadequate sense of theological fundamentals. In religion we believe only what we do not understand , except in the instance of an intelligible doctrine that contradicts an incomprehensible one. In that case we believe the former as a part of the latter.
Each culture has its own way of coping with the problem of death. For those societies in which the process of individuation has progressed but little , the end of individual is less of a problem since the experience of individual exsistense itself is less developed.
>>598 (#タイポすみませんでした。exsistense →existence ですね。) ていねいな和訳、おつかれさまでした。 先日から、比較級の定型文句の点検をしている流れで、今回は、 be less of a problem (大して問題じゃない)が、ネタのつもりでしたが、 難なくクリアですね(慶応はこの部分の穴埋めを出題でした。)。 一箇所、気になったのは、 ●『that(those)+名詞+関係詞(長い修飾節)』は、所謂、《予告のザット》でしょうね。
Only with the experience of different subjects can anyone make an intelligent choice of specialization in the first place , let alone be able to see his subjects in any kind of perspective.
# anyone [make a choice], let alone [see his subjects]
You see , there is not one of all the little people in the Green Forest who has so many enemies to watch out for as has Whitefoot. There are ever so many who would like nothing better than to dine on plump little Whitefoot.
(Thornton W. Burgess ' Whitefoot the Wood Mouse ' 山ねずみロッキー・チャック)
He said , " Far better the washing machine and the hose than the worst one of all that get from time to time , the feeling like I am locked in a fridge."
To serve abstract thought alone, we are told, the braincontains far more components than the most complex of the present generation of computers. And the computer is yet to be invented that also smells, tastes, sees, and touches, thus adding to its capacity for abstract thinking all the emotional richness and complexity of a human response.
第一文は、To〜は副詞句、we are told はカンマに挟まれて挿入されているので、 「私たちがきいたことには」みたく訳すといい。 主節は主語がthe brain Vがcontains Oがcomponents thanは比較の接続詞なので以下従属節として訳す。than以下のV、Oは主節と同じなので省略されている。
第二文、 この文のポイントは要素の移動。 Andは接続詞。大きな構造をまずとらえると、 the computerがS、is yet to be invented がVで「そのコンピューターはまだ開発されていない。」とまず読むと思う。 そこで問題になるのがthat 以下。じつはこのthatはthe computerにかかる関係詞。 その節の中を見てみると、alsoは「〜もまた」、 smells,tastes,sees,and touchesはV’の並列。 thus以下は分詞構文だが、ここにもポイントがある。 addの語法は「V O to O」だが、ここでは要素の移動がおきて 「V to O O」になっている。thinking の目的語だと勘違いしやすい。
Good sense is , of all things among men , the most equally distributed ; for everyone thinks himself so abundantly provided with it , that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else , do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess.
失恋は人を哲学者にするといいますが、訳文、非常に冴えていますねえ。 完璧っす。周りから見ればどっちでもいいような彼女(彼氏)に、どういう わけか執着して、同じ花を見て美しいと言い合った過去を詰問したくなる。 人の気持ちは変わるもの。しかし、裏切られても裏切られても、こちらからは 全面的に信用する。Do the right thing.
追記 遅ればせながら、 慶應理工のas bizarre as …と、there is always something to be said for…について、 PCのアクセス規制が解除され次第、報告します。 前者はネイティブと英語史の先生とで見解が分かれましたが、 後者は両方とも意見が一致しました。〔翻訳通信(でしたっけ?)が主張してたのと一緒でしたね。〕
The qestion remains wheter or not there is a useful and defnsible way to undersqand humans that does not rely on biological or psychological essences,or on historical investigations alon, It is best to understsnd humankind from a cultual perspective.
They swim into a hole where there's lot of bananas. They're very ordinary-looking fish when they swim in. But once they get in , they have like pigs. Why , I've known some bananafish to swim into a banana hole and eat as many as seventy-eight bananas.
京大 There are always at least two games taking place during a tennis match ; the one on the court and the one is your head. There's not an experienced player alive who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score.
No sooner had she left the room than the old criminal’s body was convulsed by a fit of coughing: he spat blood into an old vanaspati can. The great Sheikh, the ‘Thief of Thieves’, had become a sick man, and every day the time drew nearer when some young pretender to his power would stick a dagger in his stomach. A lifelong addiction to gambling had left him almost as poor as he had been when, decades ago, he had started out in this line of work as a mere pickpocket’s apprentice; so in the extraordinary commission he had accepted from the moneylender’s daughter he saw his opportunity of amassing enough wealth at a stroke to leave the valley for ever, and acquire the luxury of a respectable death which would leave his stomach intact.
The more the Internet makes us all broadcasters, all reserchers,all consumers and ,alas, all potential bomb makers, the more critical it is that our teachers, parents and communities are still making us all citizens. これを訳してほしいのですが・・・
《農夫と風力発電バブル》 Farmers and ranchers in the U.S. are discovering that they own not only land but also the wind rights that go into that land. One of the attractions of wind energy is that the turbines scattered across a farm or ranch do not interfere with the use of the land for farming or cattle grazing. ★ Farmers can literally eat their cake and have it, too. ★ The mere sight of a scientist installing wind-measuring instruments in a community could ( ア ) land prices.
As she reached, without thinking he grabbed her wrist, moved her hand away, pure defense ― but kept holding her, by the wrist. They were eyes-to-eyes, and neither would look away. Roger brought her hand to his lips and kissed it then, still watching her eyes. A pause, his heart in sharp knocks against the front of his chest…“Ohh…”the sound rushing out of her, and she came in to hug him, completely let-go, open, shivering as they held each other. She told him later that as soon as he took her wrist that night, she came. And the first time he touched her cunt, squeezed Jessica’s soft cunt through her knickers, the trembling began again high in her thighs, growing, taking her over. She came twice before cock was ever officially put inside cunt, and this is important to both of them though neither has figured out why, exactly.
>>740 *pure defenseは、moved her hand awayを受けています(多分)ので、 ロジャーの視点から見た行為だと思います。 *She told him later ... は、この一文だけ浮いた感じになっています(多分)。 *【同志社法の良心】は、さすがに入らないだろうと思います。人間ですから(これは確実)。
For children , the issue of birth was once clouded in the myths of storks and cabbage patches. Today , many children are routinely told about birth and are included in what hospitals now call the "family birthing process." In some cases ―though still rare― children are invited to be present at the delivery of their siblings.
World agriculture has completed a revolutionary shift away from growing food grain for people providing feed grain for animals. This shift presents the planet with an alarming new problem , with consequences possibly far greater and larger lasting than more visible events such as wars and natural disasters.
>>754 World agriculture has completed a revolutionary shift away from growing food grain for people providing feed grain for animals. 世界の農業は、ヒトの食用穀物の栽培から、動物の飼糧用穀物の栽培へと 革命的な移り変わりを成し遂げた。
>>772 次の4つの例文を考えて見てください。 (1)She will make a good teacher. (2)She will make him happy. (3)She will make him a good wife. (4)She makes the weight 50 pound.
>>777 特に難しいわけでもないですが。↓ There still exist in the world, or existed till lately, small, isolated groups of people who maintain the essential habits of the Stone Age, not so much because they use stone weapons and tools, since some of them have not advanced beyond wood, but because their economy is in fundamental respects the same.
American writers seem even more exuberant and less restrained by a respect for words than English writers. Possibly their polyglot traditions make them less fastidious and less aware of the real meanings. But as long as the principles of clearness and sincerity are jealously maintained, the bad mean words will surely die out in time. The language is the living embodiment of the soul of a people; the American often seems to make more noise than necessary to attract attention to himself. For, after all, the exaggerated style and the crude colours of the popular journalist are as frequently due to vanity as to sheer inability to state information clearly and straightforwardly.
>>796 しかし、日本語がうまいなあ・・・。 最後の、 [as] frequently due to vanity [as] to sheer inability は [as] frequently due to vanity [as] they are due to sheer inability
Fortunately, however, Winston Churchill engaged with issues more serious than this waving of the filial bloody shirt. Brodrick proposed the creation of three army corps of regulars and another three of militia and volunteers in reserve. Churchill was scathing about the three regular corps: ‘one is quite enough to fight savages and three are not enough even to begin to fight Europeans’. ‘A European War cannot be anything but a cruel heart-rending struggle, which, if we are ever to enjoy the bitter fruits of victory, must demand, perhaps for several years, the whole manhood of the nation, the entire suspension of peaceful industries, and the concentration to one end of every vital energy of the community.’ This was a better prophecy than that of Brodrick, about his future speechmaking, and Churchill’s aphorism that ‘the wars of peoples will be more terrible than the wars of kings’ was also very much on the mark.
>>799 *St John Brodrick: the Secretary of State for War(陸軍大臣)
*this waving of the filial bloody shirt: チャーチルの父、ランドルフ卿が、 この時(1901年)よりも15年前に、軍の経済的効率化のため、甚大な努力を 注いだにもかかわらず、ブロドリックは、陸軍の再編に当たって、予算を大幅に 増やそうとした。これに対して、チャーチルが立ち上がったこと(5月)を指す。 (‘I’m very glad the House has allowed me … to lift again the tattered flag that I found lying on a stricken field.’)
*filial: connected with the way children behave towards their parents ex) filial duty [piety]: 孝行
*that(=prophecy) of Brodrick: Major General(陸軍少将)Colvileの処遇を巡って、 調査委員会設立を要求した動議によって政府がピンチに陥った時、チャーチル (当時まだ駆け出しの新人議員)は力強い演説(3月)で、政府を救った。この部分は、 そのことに関連して、He(=Churchill) had certainly pleased St John Brodrick, the Secretary of State for War, whose note to him (admittedly sent during the excitement of the debate) contained a fine example of false prophecy: ‘May I say you will never make a better speech than you made tonight.’ と英文の筆者が記述していたことを受けてのもの。
>>799 チャーチルと陸軍大臣の軍の配備と構成の構想ちがいをいっている ヨーロッパにおける戦争は悲惨きわまりないものになるだろうと予言 人民戦争は王家の戦争よりも恐怖である。 the concentration to one end of every vital energy of the community このセンテンスのendのいみがわかりません。 最後にひとつに集中する・・・かな おねがいします
>>807 *They are prepared to use violence in pursuit of their ends. *She is exploiting the current situation for her own ends. *With this end in view (= in order to achieve this) they employed 50 new staff. *We are willing to make any concessions necessary to this end (= in order to achieve this).
>>807 the concentration to one end of every vital energy of the communityは、 concentrating every vital energy of the community to one endです。 つまり、名詞構文です。
>>815 やったはずなんですけど、まったく気がつかなかったですorz 倒置が起きてるのはawarenessとweの間に関係代名詞が 省略されてるのかなぁ程度にしか思ってませんでした。 なるほどそういう理由だったんですね。 what it is doing 名詞節で、それは何をしているのか?ってことですかね。 ここでitはa body partを指してるのかなぁと思いました。
>>802 畏敬の念が抑制されないのではなく、その念があることによって言葉に対する制約がより少ないという ことです。 2行目のfastidiousとawareはどちらもof real meaningsにかかります。 jealouslyはここでは「油断なく」という意味です。 the exaggerated styleとthe crude coloursはどちらもof the popular journalistにかかります。 ここではジャーナリストのstyleを「文体」と訳しているようです。 frequently due (to vanity)+(to sheer inability)となっていて、どちらもdueに続くところです。
>>826 どうやらその壁の挫折側の方に落っこちてまだそこに居るようです。 まずはその壁の上に戻る作業、つまりスタートラインまで戻りたいもんですね。 がんばります。 あ、あとよく考えたらまだ理解できてない箇所がありました。 (The farther away from the brain) a body part is positioned これは括弧内が比較級扱いで、主語のがa body partにかかってるんですかね? 雰囲気で訳しちゃったので本質的に理解できてなさそうです。 お願いします。
After our face , we are less aware of our arms and hands , then our chest and stomach and we are least aware of our legs and almost oblivious to our feet. This means that the legs and feet are an important source of information about someone's attitude because most people are unaware of what they are doing with them and never consider faking gestures with them in the way that they would with their face.
(our arms and hands) , then (our chest and stomach) ここが同じ形なので並列関係かな?と推測しました。 with themが何を指しているのかよくわからなかったので雰囲気で読みました。 二回目のwith themもよくわかりません。 with them in the way that they would with their face. in the way邪魔になるというイディオムだったかなと。 それでその後に顔がなんたらって書いてあったので顔が邪魔になってるのかな。 程度に考えて訳しました。 最後の文が全く読めなかったのです。
fakeを調べたら、 to make sth false appear to be genuine, especially in order to cheat sb (偽物を本物であるように見せる、とりわけ人を騙すために) と定義されていたので、「誤魔化す」という日本語は適切ではないですね。 訂正するとともに、お詫び申し上げます。
Yet one must remember that England is not completely democratic. It is also a capitalist country with great class privileges and (even now, after a war that has tended to equalise everybody) with great differences in wealth. But nevertheless it is a country in which people have lived together for several hundred years without major conflict, in which the laws are relatively just and official news and statistics can almost invariably be believed, and, last but not least, in which to hold and to voice minority views does not involve any mortal danger.
>>845 justが、 that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable という意味の叙述用法(ここでは)の形容詞であることを見抜けていないこと を除けば、後は問題無いですね。
last but not leastは、 used when mentioning the last person or thing of a group, in order to say that they are not less important than the others という風に定義されています。
Yet fairy tales are nothing if not realistic ; and it is their cynicism that keeps them lively. It will be noticed that traditional stories are seldom soft , and never sentimental. A high value may be placed on riches but not on learning , on worldly success but not on the means by which the success is achieved.
●「if not」は、ちんぽ氏の指摘どおり「if 主語 were not〜 」でしょうね。 ○「A but not B」AだがBじゃない。BほどでなくAだ。 ●[It will be noticed] の「will」は「習慣のウィル」でよいとおもいます。 ○worldly は世俗的な、げんきんな、の意味とおもいます(前後の文脈上)。
In such an atmosphere the man in the street has no real understanding of things like concentration camps, mass deportations, arrests without trial, press censorship, etc. Everything he reads about a country like the USSR is automatically translated into English terms, and he quite innocently accepts the lies of totalitarian propaganda. Up to 1939, and even later, the majority of English people were incapable of assessing the true nature of the Nazi regime in Germany, and now, with the Soviet regime, they are still to a large extent under the same sort of illusion.
>>868 *the man (and/or woman) in the streetは、an average or ordinary person, either male or female、 つまり、街中にいるような、何の変哲もない普通人のこと。 ex) Politicians often don’t understand the views of the man in the street.
*things like Aは、Aのような物事・事物
*readは、ここでは、to discover or find out about sb/sth by reading、 つまり、読むことを通して何かについて知る、ということ。日本語を訳は、 「読む」で問題無いが、everythingを「本」としているのは不味い。 ex) Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.
*termsは、ここでは、a way of expressing yourself or of saying sth、 つまり、言い表し方。文脈の流れから、English termsは、「英国風」ということ。
*majorityは、ここでは、the largest part of a group of people or thingsです。 多数「派」ではない。 ex) This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals. (この治療は、大多数の病院で、行われていない。)
*natureは、ここでは、the basic qualities of a thing、つまり、性質、本質です。 ex) It’s difficult to define the exact nature of the problem.
*withは、ここでは、concerning; in the case of、つまり、「関連」「対象」です。
>>869 で、英語の方はと言えば、読み違えているところは、ほとんどありません。 even laterの部分と、 they are [still] [to a large extent] under the same sort of illusion、 つまり、stillとto a large extentは、共に副詞要素として機能しており、 areとunderがつながっていることが見抜けていないところだけですね。 stillは、ナチスと同様ソ連も全体主義国家であることが明白なのに、「未だに・依然」 ということです。(ソ連は、1941年6月22日にナチスドイツの侵攻を受け、連合国側に 移りました。それ故、大戦中のイギリスでは、ソビエトスターリンは大人気でした。つまり、 英国民の大部分は、全体主義国家ソ連の恐ろしさに気付いていなかったのです。)
>>877 George OrwellのAnimal Farm(Penguin Modern Crassics)のAppendix2として、 掲載されているPREFACE TO THE UKRAINIAN EDITIONです。Appendix1の PREFACE TO THE UKRAINIAN EDITIONもおもしろいですよ。 というか、ただで読めるサイトがあるんで、リンク貼っておきます。 http://home.iprimus.com.au/korob/Orwell.html
We know very well that in art we cannot speak of progress in the sense in which we speak of progress in learning. A Gothic work of art may be just as great as a work of the Renaissance.
That was when all these people and streets, objects and buildings seemed to begin to talk among themselves , interacting in ways that I had not anticipated , as if they lived not just in my imagination or my books but for themselves.
When I scrounged for firewood on the mountainside and wondered whether this was really a war or whether the News Chronicle had made it up, when I dodged the Communist machine-guns in the Barcelona riots, when I finally fled from Spain with the police one jump behind me― all these things happened to me in that particular way because I was serving in the P.O.U.M. militia and not in the P.S.U.C. So great is the difference between two sets of initials!
*the News Chronicle: ニューズ・クロニクル(イギリス自由党系の新聞)
*the Barcelona riots: 1937年5月3日から5月8日にかけて起こった左翼内部の内輪もめ。 スターリン主義のスペイン共産党とそのローカル支部であるPSUCの影響下にある「親衛 突撃隊」が、5月3日、バルセロナにあるアナキストの電話交換所を乗っ取ろうとしたことが 契機となり、両者の激しい抗争が勃発した。反スターリンのPOUMはアナキストの側に立って参戦。 これは、「社会主義革命よりも先ずはフランコ打倒」を目指すソ連とスペイン共産党の政策と、 「革命から勝利へ」を唱える反スターリン的社会主義勢力とアナーキストの政策の対立が、具現化 した結果であった。
A : Is this a pen? B : No, that is an apple. A : Oh! sorry, apple...this is an apple... B : Yes, that is an apple. A : By the way, is this a pen? B : No!!! That is an apple!! A : Oh! sorry! This is an apple!! B : Yes, good. you are smart. good..good. A : Yes, this is an apple...But is this a pen? B : Nooo!!! that is an apple!! apple!! apple!!! A : Pen!! this is a pen!!! pen!!! pen!!! B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!!! Fuck!!! apple!! apple!! apple!!! this is an apple!!!!! A : Fuck!!This is Fucking pen!! pen!! Fuck pen!!
It sounds as if you should write letter to your old company thanking them for giving you an opportunity to make use of all years of training and experience they gave you. (明治大学)
Well,I thought that losing my wife and family as well as losing my job would really be the straw that broke the camel's back. (明治大学)
SARSの感染がこれほど急激に拡大したのは、1人で次々に何十人もの人に感染させた superspreader(中国では「毒王」)と呼ばれている人たちの存在が大きいと指摘されています。 次の英文はWhat Makes a Superspreader?と題する記事の一節です。
"We don't know how SARS spreads," says Dr. Balaji Sadasivan, Minister of State at Singapore's Ministry of Health, "but we have drawn the conclusion that some people don't seem to spread it to many people while others spread it to a lot." Worried health officials know that each of Asia's supercities is a single superspreader away from another outbreak.
>>946 俺は回答した者ではないが、有名な表現だよ、それ。 杉田敏のビジネス英会話でも出てきたことがあったと思う。 OALDから。 the last/final straw | the straw that breaks the camel's back: the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer
>>944 某サイトの解説・解答です。 名詞で動詞・形容詞・副詞を修飾したいときは、前置詞をつけて「前置詞+名詞」の形で 副詞句にするのが原則です(この場合の名詞の働きは「前置詞の目的語」と呼ばれます)。 たとえば、上の英文で言えば、to many peopleとto a lotは副詞句でspreadを修飾しています。 また、from another outbreakは副詞句でawayを修飾しています。
ところが、時間・距離・数量・様態を表わす名詞は、前置詞なしで、副詞の働きをすること があります。たとえば、All his life he lived in London.(生涯彼はロンドンで暮らした) のAll his lifeがこれです。「一生の間」ならfor all his lifeと言いそうですが、 この文ではforが付かずに、いきなりall his lifeが副詞の働きをしてlivedを修飾しています。 こういう働きをする名詞のことを「副詞的目的格」といいます。副詞的目的格は、動詞だけでなく、 形容詞や副詞を修飾することもあります。
>>951 [one trian] late/[three miles] wide/[two years] my senior/[Two dishes] later [three cucumber sandwiches] later/[God Almighty] anxious
[a single superspreader] away from another outbreak [ ]内の名詞句が後の語を修飾している。 [ ]内の名詞句「分」だけ〜だ、ということ。 問題の英文だと、「また別の発生から、a single superspreader分だけ、離れている」 ということになる。 そこから、「毒王が一人出れば、瞬く間にサーズが大発生しますよ」という意味合いになる。
>>953 a single superspreader 分しか離れていないからすぐ広まる ↓ サーズの大発生につながるというのは、少し抽象的で難しいものですね。
each of Asia's supercities is a single superspreaderここまでだけだと アジアの各大都市は一人の毒王である と今でも読んでしまいます。away fromを見て他の感染から離れて を訳に加えるように見えちゃいます。 アジアの各大都市は他の感染から一人の竜王「分」しか離れていない @ただこの分はいったいどこから訳に出てるのか A本番でこの形に気づけるかどうか が、少し不安です。 言われればなるほどと思いますが、本質的に理解できてないのかな・・・。
>>954 >少し不安です・・・ あ、それ、いきなり見ても、ワケわからないよ(笑 流れ説明。昨日の朝にね、ちんぽ氏(同志社)が、次の文が読めるか? って言って、なぞなぞ問題を出したのね↓。 なぞなぞ文; 「Many of the world is one harvest away from the starvation.」
Though you have your freedom to go in and out as you like , you have no more chance of getting away from me than if you were chained by the leg in a prison cell.
For half a century, America’s leaders have dreamed of erecting a shield above their nation to protect it from incoming ballistic missiles. Such a shield would help their country to recapture the sense of untouchability that its geography, weak neighbours and power inculcated and sustained―until the advent of “mutually assured destruction”. The habitual American faith in technology has helped to make the ambition seem feasible: if America can put a man on the moon, then why shouldn’t it “hit a bullet with a bullet”, as some like to characterise the task of shooting down a missile in space?
>>990 3〜5行目に関して、 until the advent of “mutually assured destruction”は、 直前のinculcated and sustainedにかかってますので、少し不味い訳し方ですね。 理想のミサイル防衛が出来れば、マッド理論からは、解放されるはずです。 (現実のミサイル防衛は非常に粗野なものですが。) それ以外は全く問題無いです。