(3)何人も云うことであり、云うまでもないことと思うが、私は一時代を隠したような偉大な思想家、 大きな思想の源淵となったような人の書いたものを読むべきだと思う。 As it is often said and it goes without saying, I think you ought to read the book by the great writer who predominated in his day or generated the great river of thought.
(4)唯一つの思想を知るということは、思想というものを知らないと云うに同じい。 There is no difference between only knowing one thought and knowing no thought.
great philosopher、great thinkerという言い方もあり。 思想の流派、学派はschool of thoughtという言い方が普通。 その開祖となったというのはfounded a school of thought。 Schoolというのは一般的に「群れ」を意味しますが、メダカの学校という歌は 誤訳がもとになったという話を聞いたことがあります。
一時代を画するというのはmake an epoch, mark an epochという言い方もあり。 エポックメイキングといいますね。
Onlyの場所はこれでいいのかな。Onlyは基本的に直後にかかるから、 only knowingという言い方は「知っているだけで実践が伴わない」という 文脈を想起させます。 Knowing only one sideで「一面しか知らない」という言い方をよくしますので、 それを応用してknowing only one thoughtとしましょう。
比較級を使って以下のようにも書けます。 Knowing only one thought is no better than knowing no thought.
82.樹々の色は変わり,茶色に変わるのもあれば,黄色に変わるものもありますが, いちばん人目をひく色はモミジの赤色です。 Leaves of trees change their colors, some turn to brown, some turn to yellow, but the most fascinating is the red of maple leaves.
以下のように3文に切るのが試験では安全策。 Leaves of trees change their colors. Some turn to brown, and some turn to yellow. But the most fascinating is the red of maple leaves.
2000年堀辰雄「鼠」です。よろしくおねがいします。 A 彼らは、そういう規則が、詩人を刺激する韻の法則のように、彼らの遊戯を一そう 面白くすることを知っていたからだ。 That was because they knew that those rules make their play more fun like rules of rhyme stimulating poets.
B ところが、その物置小屋の中に、一大事件がもちあがった。 But there happend a big event in the shed.
2001年 津島 佑子「水辺」 です。よろしくおねがいします。 A この現実の身にもう一度、蘇る音だったのか、と私は不意を襲われたような心地がして 、肌寒くなった。 I had had no idea that it was the sound of what befell me later. I felt as if all of a sudden someone attacked me and trembled.
B 藤野と再び、夫婦として顔をあわせるには、私はあまりにも、この新しく自分に手渡さ れた不安定なかたまりに愛着を持ち始めていた。 I've got to have too much affection for this unstable bunch of circumstances newly handed to me to meet Hujino again as his wife.
C 娘が私の代わりに、修理工を詰ってくれた。 Instead of me, my doughter blame the repairman.
instead of meを後ろに持って行った場合、instead of my doughter blamed me と混同されませんか?
having had no idea it was the sound of what befell me later, I felt as if all of a sudden someone attacked me and trembled. 二文のつなぎを分詞構文にした以外変わっていませんが。。。
それでは2002年 太宰治「故郷」 おねがいします。 A 私は洋室をぐるぐると歩き回り、いま涙を流したらウソだ、いま泣いたら ウソだぞ、と自分に言い聞かせて泣くまい泣くまいと努力した。 I wanderd in the Western-style room and saying to myself "It's not time to shed tears, never weep now," tryed hard not to break into tears.
引用符のなかの句読点は ピリオド→コンマ としたのですが これで良いのでしょうか
B 私は寒い暗闇の中にひとりでいた。 I was alone in the cold dark room.
B 牛尾大六は多少いまわしそうに、汚らしい家の中を見回して、 このまえのときよりずっと切り口上で云った。 Looking around in the dirty room a bit distastefully, Dairoku Ushio said far drier than the last time.
B ああ、イカン。動詞を修飾するのは副詞ですね。 far drier → far more dryly
D thatは接続詞でit can be said that 〜構文の倒置形として書いてみたのですが、 やはり駄目ですか。。。
it can be said that way. ならOKでしょうか?こういう歌詞なら見たことがあるので 最初こっちだったのですが、これは主人公「三沢伊兵衛」の嫁「おたよ」が彼の口まね をしていう台詞なのでこんな口癖あるかしらん、と気になりまして It can be said that 〜と言うのが伊兵衛の口癖という設定にしておこうかな〜とw
We had not planned to meet but had run into each other on the Chuo commuter line. She had decided to see a film by herself, and I was headed for the bookshops in Kanda- nothing urgent in either case. She had suggested that we leave the train, which we happened to do in Yotsuya, where the green embankment makes for a nice place to walk by the old castle moat. Alone together, we had nothing in particular to talk about, and I wasn't quite sure why Naoko had suggested we get off the train. We had never really had much to say to each other.
C診療室の中は、昔と少しも変わっていなかった。木製の茶色いカルテ入れも、 診療台の位置も、壁に掛けてあるレンブラントの絵も、そっくりそのままであった。 There was no change in the policlinic from what used to be. A brown wooden rack of charts, the position of a treatment table, and a Rembrandt on the wall-- nothing had changed. . D私は身づくろいを整え、洗面所へ行き、あっちに揺られ、こっちに揺られして、 胸やズボンをびしょぬれにさせながら、歯を磨き顔を洗った。 I tidied myself and went to the bathroom. Rocked to one side and another and the bosom of my shirt and my slacks drenced with water, I brushed my teeth. 分詞構文と独立分詞構文をandでつなぐのって良くないのでしょうか。。
I watched those frail glowing shapes drifting through the night, and ever as they drifted scattering, under impulse of wind and wave, more and more widely apart. Each, with its quiver of color, seemed a life afraid,--trembling on the blind current that was bearing it into the outer blackness. . . . Are not we ourselves as lanterns launched upon a deeper and a dimmer sea, and ever separating further and further one from another as we drift to the inevitable dissolution? Soon the thought-light in each burns itself out: then the poor frames, and, all that is left of their once fair colors, must melt forever into the colorless Void. . . .
I tidied myself and went to the bathroom. Rocked to one side after another I brushed my teeth and wash my face as I drenched the bosom of my shirt and my slacks with water.
To be sick doesn't always mean to be unhappy. Even if your important person were ill in bed, you would not be blame for it, nor would he be unhappy. It matters not how long he lives but how he lives his life.
>>154 三単現。shouldの省略とかじゃないよね。 layは他動詞、lieは自動詞。 149を以下のように変えればよかっただけ。 Even if your important person lies mortally sick in bed, lieとlayで迷ったら、in bedと意味がだぶっているので動詞はbe動詞でいい。
A.仏教では、財産に執着したり、命に執着したりすることを浅ましいこととみて、 それを断念することを薦める。 Because Buddhists think of persisting in their means and their lives as fool, they are recommended to give up it.
B.本当の仏教徒ならば、無一物に甘んじて、治療を拒否して静かに死を迎えるはずである。 A true Buddhist would stand his poverty, refuse to getting remedy, and accept his death quietly.
If you want to be a mature adult in terms of mentality , you must give up something. A simple giving up only prevents you from growing up ,however human beings should realize thir own limits. A resignation for being a sensible adult iffers from a simple giving up and is based on strong self-affirmation.
Growing up to adult means giving up something. Though abandoning something simply prevents you from growing up, you have to know your own limitation. On the other hand,Abandoning something in order to become adult,which differs from simple abandoning,is based on the feeling you are right.
If you want to be a mature adult in terms of mentality , you must resign something. Simple giving up only prevents you from growing up ,but you should realize your own limits. Resignation in order to become a sensible adult differs from a simple giving up and is based on strong self-affirmation.
The word "intelligence" is frequently used in expression of individual ability to learn, resolve problems, make a future plan, and distinguishe one's inner world from outer. We human beings take pride in this intelligence----the ablity to separete us from other species.
As a result of introducing computer,which deal with a large number of information quickly, to our lives, people cannot help depending memorizing information, thinking and judging on others.
2.見方によっては、情報社会の主人公は人間ではなく、日々増殖し続ける情報という名の怪物になってしまったとも言えるのだ。 If you change the perspective, you find that the hero in social of information is not the human but the monster called information increasing day by day.
cannot help doing : 〜せざるを得ない この表現はニュアンスが難しい。 一般的には 「感情を抑えきれずに〜せざるを得ない、〜だと思わずにはいられない」 という場合に使われる。 行為や決定の選択が問題になるときには普通使えない。 例えば、「雨が激しく降っていたので、タクシーに乗らざるを得なかった」と言う場合に、 It was raining heavily, so I couldn’t help taking a taxi. は不自然。 〜, so I had to take a taxi. が自然な表現。 ただし、この「感情を抑えきれずに」というニュアンスは薄れる場合もあるようで、 We cannot help excluding several items from our discussion. (いくつかの項目を議題から除かざるを得ない)や I cannot help being poor. (自分の貧乏はどうすることもできない)という例も見られる。 (これらは「新編英和活用大辞典 on CD-ROM(大修館書店)」から) このような例外の指摘はやや曖昧な説明ではあるが、 「英語教育97年5月号(大修館書店)」のp.72にある。 また、「感情を抑えきれずに」というニュアンスを含まないものを不可としているのは、 「続英誤を診る(進学研究社または河合出版)」の p.45 にその指摘と例文がある。 さらに、「英語・この一言が難しい(洋販出版)」の p.93 では、 この表現を使うのが「一人前の大人」や「かなりの年齢の者」である場合は不自然 ではないが、子供が使うのは不自然だという指摘がある。 要するに、「感情を抑えきれずに、あるいは、そう思わざるを得ない」という ニュアンスがある場合に使うのがよく、それ以外の場合に使うべきではない、 と覚えておくのが無難である。 なお、この helpは「避ける」という意味。
As a result of widespread daily use of computers which process massive information quickly, people have come to have to outsource own memory storage, thinking and even decision making.
From a viewpoint, we can say that the man’s role as the main actor of the (information) society has been replaced by the monster of information which continues to proliferates day by day.
socialは形容詞。the information societyは決まった言い方だし、 名詞+名詞の用法(一つ目の名詞は形容詞的用法)に慣れよう。
is not the human but〜では、元々は人間が主人公だったのに置き換わった、 という変化が表現できていないと思う。 でも、置き換わった後の社会のことを「情報社会」というのであれば、私の答案の the information societyからはinformationを除くべき、ということになります。
the monster called informationでもいいと思いますが、基本的にコードネーム (ゴジラなど)をつける場合の表現だと思います。情報そのものが怪物なので、 私は同格のofにしました。
(1)風邪は万病のもと,という言葉が気になって,あれこれ試みるが,なかなか治らない。 Captured by the saying "Initial symptoms of any disease are similar to symptoms of flu," I tryed different treatments but it has taken forever to recover my health.
(2)これほど科学や医学が進歩しているのに,風邪ひとつ退治できないというのは考えさせられる問題である。 It is the issue about which makes us think that, instead of the development of science and medicine which we see today, we can't find any cure for a mere flu.
解答例として But ironically enough, as if to coincide with the progress of science and technology, our young people have shown an increasing dislike for science and techonology since the second half of the1980's.
あいかわらずあほな間違いおかすなあ。。。orz instead of → in spite of, tryed → tried ですね。
Captured by the saying "Initial symptoms of any disease are similar to symptoms of a cold," I tried several treatments but I can hardly recover from the illness.
前置詞が前に出るのは目的格のときのみですか? It is the issue which makes us think about itself that, in spite of the development of science and medicine which we see today, we can't find any cure for a mere cold. これはなんか気持ち悪いので
The issue that, in spite of the development of science and medicine which we see today, we can't find any cure for a mere cold makes us think. これも主語が長くて気持ち悪いなあw
主語が関係代名詞の修飾で後ろに長くなるときって、 文の最後に関係代名詞を置いてもいいってルールありましたっけ? 例えば、 The number of the words is increasing that are used widely in Japan and are difficult to understand in the country whose people speak English. 極端すぎますが、これでもおkですか?
添削ありがとうございます。 日本語を大胆に読み替えて英訳するよりも、 多少というか大方直訳調の方が入試では無難ということ、気をつけていきます。 many peopleをmuch peopleとするのは気付きませんでした。 the earth would be too small to live. の部分はやはり日本文通りに直訳調で there will be too much people in the world.とするほうがいいのでしょうか。
What may happen if I go this way? Don't worry to go, otherwise there will be no way to go. Once you take a step, it will make a road. Go on without indecision [hesitation], then you'll find your destination.
>>260 簡潔っすね。problematic [adj]involving problems and difficult to deal with 覚えとこう。
あと、in spite of〜句の前にコンマは無くても良いのですか?句読点よくわからないものでw
調べてるうちに面白いサイトを見つけたので。暇つぶしによさそうです Common Errors in English ttp://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/index.html ワシントン州立大のサイトなので内容は信用できると思うのですが、もちろん私には判断できませんw ここの人がいうには有名なサイトらしいです。(・∀・)
文章を書く際、自分を等身大以上に立派に見せようとしてはならない。 When it comes to writing, you must not try to show yourself off more than what you are.
when it comes to〜ingは微妙かな?文脈によりそうw
まず、読者の姿を思い浮かべて、彼らに自分の考えをはっきりと伝えるには、 どんな書き方をしたらよいかをよく考えてみることだ。 What you have to do in the first place is, considering people who read it, (to) consider how to write to make your opinion clear to them.
According to the United Nations, today's average life expectancy in the world is 26. However, in Japan, it have reached 41, and this is the highest number in the world. The evidence indicates that Japan has founded peaceful and stable its own society.
( 1 ) 国連によると,いま,全世界の人々の平均年齢は26歳だ。日本は41歳で最高齢だ。 According United Nations, average age of people in the whole world is 26 years old today. That of japan is 41years oid which is the oldest.
( 2 ) 高齢化世界一は,日本が平和で安定した社会を築いてきたあかしである。 The highest aging population in the world is a result of the stable and peaceful society which Japaneses have achieved.
>>283 it hasに訂正。 has foundedのかわりにisでもバツではないと思う。歴史的な蓄積の感じが省かれてしまうけど。 peaceful and stableが限定詞itsより前に出ているのがおかしい。 has founded as peaceful and stable a society as Switzerland のような場合は 限定詞より前に出てくるけど。
>>286 according to the United Nationsに訂正。 years oldのoldは無くてもいい。 個々人の成果というより集団・国家としての成果という書き方の方がよいのでは。
(1) In Europe many people travel to the south area during summer vacation. Presidents of European countries, who are very busy also take a long vacation. Even some restaurants and hotels are closed so that the owners and workers can take a vacation. The meaning of summer vacation in Europe is quite different from that in Japan.
首相はprime minister。大統領と首相の違いは以下サイト参照。 http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=1049261 非限定用法のwho節を使うのはgoodですが、終わりにもコンマを。 第一文の最後はduring summer seasonもしくはin summer、 第二文はtake long vacationsもしくはtake their long vacations、 第三文はtake their vacationsとするとよいと思う。 「かき入れ時の観光地の」が訳されていない。試験では訳し終えた和文の 語句を一つずつ取消し線で潰していって漏れがないか確認すること。
I think nobody who compromises his job can be a professonal. I am often said that I am sttuburn, that is, I think, because I deal seriously with my job. A person who is flexible with everything might have good reputaions from others around him, but he seems to be not enough good at his job.
It is my belief that you cannnot be a true professional if you compromise on the quality of your work. People often say I am stubborn, but I understand that it is because I am unbending in my attitude toward my work. If you change your opinion easily and agree to others, you might be able to popular among those around you, but you will remain mediocre in your profession.
>>292 どうもありがとうございます。 失礼ながらご指摘の中で第二文の“take a long vacation” が良くないというのだけが腑に落ちません。赤本では可となっていますが。 では引き続きご指導願います。
>>296 I think no one can become persons of great skill without doing their best in his job. I often said to be stubborn because, I guess, I work very sincerely. Many people might think that people who have flexibility are good, however, something important in doing a job seems to be lacking in those people.
I think that no one who compromises with his/her own job becomes a professional of the career. I am often said to be stubborn, but I regard it as the result of my enthusiastic attitude to my own work. Perhaps some kinds of flexible people are liked by people around them, while their works are not so satisfactory, I think.
>>297 横レスですがJapaneseに複数のsはつきませんよ Japanとかthe Japanese nationとかかなあ・・・>集団・国家
I think that if you are not likely to try to completely accomplish your work,you can never be a professional. People around me often say that I am too far from flexible, and I believe this is because I always work with a firm belief. It may be true that a lot of people prefer someone who are flexible, but as for work I think he or she doesn't have something important.
早起きしたので書いてみました。 Can you be a real professional without doing your best in your work? I don’t think so. I am often said to be a difficult person to work with, but I understand that’s because I am honest [sincere] in and proud of my job. You may be welcomed if you are easy to change, but I cannot expect a good job to be done by such person.
>>309 Lives of gret minds are impressive and interesting. They tell us the woderful way of living and thought, which are not taught or showed by parents and teachers.
Great people's lifes are interesting and moving. Because that tells us how they live wonderfully and how they think. we can not be told that by our perents and teachers.
Life of a great is impressive and interesting. That tells us human's brilliant ways of living and thinking which neither parents nor teachers can teach or demonstrate.
(・∀・) Lives of great minds are moving and interesting. They tell us such wonderful ways of living and thinking that our parents and teachers can't even teach them or show any good example of them to us.
teach them to us と show us any good example〜を to usにしてteachとshow両方にかけるかたちにしたのですが、こういう変形はありですよね? 。。。しかし、読みにくいなあw
>>311 how節にtheyがあるからそうしたんだろうけど、主語のthatはどうだろう? ちょっと長いけど紛れの無いところでeach one of their livesとかどうかなあ
Lives of great men are moving and interesting. Children can study from them the great ways of living and thinking, which parents and teachers can neither teach nor exemplify.
such that や so that は、そこで示される因果関係について、 原因と同等以上に結果の方にも重きが置かれる場合に使うのだと思います。 本問では、親や教師は引き合いに出されているだけなので、非制限用法 which節でルーズにつなげておくのがよいと思います。 一般的に、因果関係について踏み込んで訳すのは試験では危険。
He was asking somebody as wild as I was to set an example for the students, and telling me that I had to be looked up to by the whole school, and that I would never be an educator unless, as an individual, I exerted a good moral influence on the pupils outside school too. This was unreasonable.
Being young, I was rather inclined to become blindly devoted to a single cause. At least, so I must have appeared to Sensei. I considered conversation with Sensei more profitable than lectures at the university. I valued Sensei's opinions more than I did those of my professors. Sensei, who went his solitary way without saying very much, seemed to me to be a greater man than those famous professors who lectured to me from their platforms.
>>326 My mother likes shopping. She is always buying a lot of things without thinking whether she needs them or not, so our place is always getting full of what we don't need. To make matters worse, she buys only cheap things, so my father says, "You are always spending much money [in] getting worthless things!" But then she remains calm, replying "You might be also one of them."
My mother loves shopping. Since she buys too many things without thinking about if they are necessary, there is a lot of junk in my house. My father deplores that she pays much money for trash. And my mother cynically says that he may be one of the trash.
My mother's hobby is going shopping. ←だめかな・・・。 She often buy many things without considering, so there are many things in my house which my family don't need. In fact what she bought are always cheep, and my father complains that she throw money away by buying cheep things. However she says cool that she may get him in this way.
Of the items that I was asked to buy, the one that gave me most trouble was a chemisette. The apprentice at the shop was willing enough to bring out as many as I wished to see, but I found it very difficult to decide which I should buy. Also, prices varied greatly. Those that I thought would be cheap turned out to be very dear, and those that looked expensive to me turned out to be very cheap. Precisely what it was that made one chemisette better than another, I could not understand. I regretted not having asked Sensei's wife to buy one for me.
I bought a suitcase also. Of course, it was a cheap one, made in Japan. But it had metal fittings that shone brilliantly, and it was impressive enough to stun country people. My mother had asked me in one of her letters to buy such a bag for myself if I graduated, so that I could come home with all the presents packed in it. I laughed when I read the request. I understood my mother's motives, and I was not being unkind when I found it comical.
All this happened when I was still living in a boarding house. I had matured somewhat since then, but I was not yet so clothes- conscious as to start worrying about being well-dressed. I still had the odd notion that good clothes, like a mustache, came after graduation. This is why I remarked to Okusan that though books were necessary, clothes were not. She knew that I bought a great number of books, and she asked me: "Tell me, do you read them all?" Amongst them were, of course, such necessary books of reference as dictionaries, but there were also many that I had not yet even opened. I was at a loss for an answer. And I thought that, as long as I was going to buy unnecessary things, I might just as well spend money on clothes as on books.
あの・・・coolってLDOCEで調べたんですが 副詞で使えそうなんですがどうでしょうか? play it cool to behave in a calm way because you do not want someone to know that you are really nervous, angry etc She would not show him how upset she was. It was always smarter to play it cool.
Because of wide spreading of word processors and personal computers, ways of writing has been completely changed. So, say, the phrase "take a pen"has been less heard. Nevertheless, it is an unforgettabe pleasure for us to make a pen run smoothly on paper.
「筆を取る」はあてずっぽうでtake a penとしましたがほんまにありそうなのでこのまま採用。 「筆を走らせる」もまんまですが、ま、英米人もこんな比喩的表現をわかってくれるでしょうw unforgettableは微妙かなあ。 なんか、「変わってしまった」を無意識に受動態でやりましたが、能動態でもいけますね。 なんとなくネガティヴニュアンスなのは受動態?w 一文目を2文に分けたので、soでゆるくつないでみました。
You may chose different ways to write because there are many word prosessers and personal computers in the world. For example, now, many people don't write any letters by using a pen. However, I'm very comfortable when I write something on a paper. I cannot forget that.
The diffusion of word processors and personal computers has changed the physical manner of writing completely. We can see it in the fact that the phrase like "put pen to paper" is no longer used very often. But I still have a strong attachment to writing with a pen and paper because I feel so pleasant when I drive a pen on paper.
訳案2 With the wide spreading of word processors and personal computers, ways of writing has been completely changed. Some phrases like "set pen to paper" are seldom seen any more. But, once we make a pen run on paper, we can still feel irrestible joy. >>347より読みやすいと思います。(・∀・)
I began then to write this letter. I am not accustomed to writing, and it pained me much to find that many of the incidents and my own thoughts I could not describe as freely as I wished. Often, I was tempted to abandon the task, and so break my promise to you. But every time I dropped my pen thinking I could not go on, I found that, before a full hour had passed, I was writing once 」more. You may take this as a manifestation of my naturally strong sense of obligation. I will not contradict you if you do. As you know, I have led a very secluded life and have had little contact with the outside world. As I look about me, I find that I really have no obligations. Either through force of circumstances or through my own designing, I have lived in such a way as to free my life of obligation. But this is not because I have not it in me to feel a sense of obligation towards others. Rather, it is because I feel it so sharply that I have led such a negative kind of life. I am not strong enough to bear the pains that it inflicts on one. You will understand, then, that if I had not kept my promise to you I should have felt very uneasy. The desire to avoid such uneasiness was in itself enough to make me pick up my pen again.
>>362 Today flowers come out before their seasons around us, the vegetables and fruits which used to be able to see only on their seasons are served on daily dishes. We now live in the world where there seems to be no season.
Meanwhile, it so happened that I had another occasion to have a conversation with Sensei's wife. It was at the time of the year when the days grow shorter and there is everywhere a feeling of restless activity.
Sensei was never expensively dressed. He had only one maid, and his house was by no means a large one. But even I, who was not of the family, could see clearly that he lived comfortably. One could hardly say that he lived in luxury, it is true, but on the other hand there was obviously no necessity for him to stint himself.
It is often said that we live in the throwaway society. Many people throw away their electrical appliances as garbage even if they can still use them. Some people throw away even their pets. It seems that we are materially richer but mentally poorer than before. If one does not have an attachment toward things and animals around him, he cannot have kindness to other human beings.
After her mother's death, I tried to treat my wife as gently as I could. I loved her, of course. But again, I was not being gentle merely for her sake. I suppose that my heart was moved in the same way as when my mother-in-law had fallen ill. My wife appeared content. But in her contentment, there seemed to linger a vague uneasiness that sprang from her own inability to understand me. Mind you, I do not think for a moment that her uneasiness would have decreased had she been allowed to understand the nature of my gentleness towards her. Indeed, I think that she would have become even more uneasy. A woman is more happy when she is the sole object of affection--whether or not this kindness may involve injustice elsewhere does not seem to matter very much-- than when she is loved for reasons which transcend particular individuals. At least, I have noticed this tendency more in women than in men.
>>374 This is said to be an age when things are easily abandoned. Not only usable electric products and pieces of furniture but also even living pets are abandoned as trash. Well, we become materially richer but, mentally, further poorer than before. Even without love for things and animals about us, how can we hold love for other people? 最初は、357さんみたいに it is said that〜にしたほうがよかったかな。思いつきませんでしたw
I began then to write this letter. I am not accustomed to writing, and it pained me much to find that many of the incidents and my own thoughts I could not describe as freely as I wished. Often, I was tempted to abandon the task, and so break my promise to you.
>>384 In lakeside towns, what causes bad effect on living beings in lakes is that people keep pouring into lakes polluted water without being cleaned. It is ironic that the more people move to lakeside for better natural circumstances and the more polluted water as very important part of narural enviroment consequently becomes. 無理無理です。。。
I have been walking around the city for a long time. It seems that the evil spirit, which had always pressed me, has become weak since I grasped it, which makes me very happy. Such a troublesome depression is disappearing only by grasping this one thing. I found what seems suspicious is true paradoxically. How mysterious mind is!
I was walking a town for a long time. The ill-omened always pressure my heart, but it seemed to become somewhat loose when I took hold of that, so I was very happy on the town. Such a one fruit distract me from most obstinate melancholy----Or, Being doubtful was paradoxical true. Anyway, how strange so-called heart is.
People at a lakeside city discharge untreated wastewater into the lake and destroy its ecology. Probably many of them originally settled there attracted by its good natural environment. It is ironical that the water, the essential part of that environment, is now polluted due to the increase of the population.
In my neighborhood, now, we see flowers bloom before their seasons come, and we can eat vegitables and fruits which we were not able to see before thier seasons come. So, in this world, we have difficulty in finding when seasons leave and come.
>>238さん neighborhoodは隣近所ですよね。 「私達の周り」だとaround usくらいでしょうか。主語がweなら省くのもアリかな。 vegetablesのスペルミス。 2回目のbefore thier seasons comeがどこにかかるののかわかり辛い。 which we used to be able to eat only in their season(s)とでもしますか。
It is said that we too often throw things away before the things break out. We throw away not only electronical products or furnitures which we can use yet, but also pets as garbages. It is true that we improve our lives in material, but the more we improve, the worse our lives become in mind. So, we can't expect for kindful heart for human without affection for animals and things we use.
People pften feel like going somewhere distant so that they should escape from the bounds in daily life. But few people can do this. In most cases people only wish to carry out and eventually frustrate.
>>392やり直しです。 In lakeside towns, people keep pouring untreated wastewater into lakes, and living beings in lakes receive bad influences. Many people move to lakeside for better natural circumstances, and water, as very important part of natural enviroment, is polluted. That is ironic.
We often feel like going somewhere over the rainbow where daily troubles melt like lemon drops. But only few of us can actually fly beyond the rainbow. Why, oh why can't rest of us?
>>402 Many people often wish if they went somewhere far away escaping from troublesome rules they must obey and what bind them down in daily life. But very few can actually do so. Most of them only wish and can't actually do so, and therefore only their concealed passions get stronger. だいじょうぶでしょうか?actulally do so よろしくおねがいします
>>414 When I was to study abroad in France for the first time, immediately, my very delighted father asked his aquaintance for my ship ticket to France and, almost every night, explained to me the ports through which my ship was to go with his old travel guide he found. He was explaining as he was unseriously dealt with by me, being said "That's enough. Dad, it's not you who will go to France, you know." またしても無理無理のグダグダです。。。
This made this man conscious apparently that whether this old woman would be dead is depending on his will.And this will make cool his heart heating with hate till now. Only one left is that calm pride and satisfaction he usually gets after the business succeeds peacefully.
The old man, however, shaked his head smilingly. In fact, his knot was far from a drag. Now he considered it like a dear grandchild, and he was squirting the only partner which comforts him pure water very carefully even when he wash his face every morning .
>>443おねがいします This is a small villagge in the center of Izu Peninsula. It is about 2 km in mountains from Y village the terminal bus stop. Some of people who are away from the village to work in urban cities and some of women who are married to men of other counties come back on New Year's holidays. Some return every year and some show their faces (for the first time in)→once several years.
本番ではshow their faces などとはしないで Some return every year and some once several years.とするでしょうw countyも危険な香りがするのでvillagesになりそうです
>>450 Considering that the children who are at a loss about how to buy any thing even at convenience stores are able to, in the world of video games, drop in on many towns, to talk with people there, to gather information how efficiently and to reach the goal with no difficulities, the video game world and the real world seem to, even though both need the same thinking, need quite different logic to deal with it. むずかすい。 解説にあるように逐語訳ではうまくいかない部分をwhat〜でやってまう技は使えますね
Some children don't know even how to buy things at a convenience store. But once they start playing video games, the same children can visit various towns, talk with a lot of people, gather information with surprising efficiency, and reach their destinations without any trouble.
This striking contrast makes me think that the logic of thinking in the virtual world might be completely different from that in the real world even if the subjects of thinking are equivalent.
二人ともよく書けてますが、ぶつ切り中学英語モードで書き直してみます。 Some children cannot buy things at convenience stores. But in video games, they can easily visit various towns, talk with people, get information very efficiently, and come to the goal. It seems that the video game world and the real world require quite different logics to do the same thing.
>>457よろしくおねがいします。一日一文w Once, on a magic stage I made a mistake and disclosed the mechanism of a trick. A child who had been ,till then, so critical to me that he had came to my place on the stage and said some things, suddenly became silent trying to pretend ignorance of it. And he secretly informed me like "Don't worry. Any other person but me never noticed your mistake." Kids are lovely, you know. 手品の種て
Some day I made a mistake in the magic show and a secret was exposed to the audience, and a kid, who had embarrassed me, suddenly kept silent. He behaved as if he had seen nothing. Then he secretly told me that he had noticed, however, only he did noticed in order to relieve me. How wonderful kids are !
One day on a magic show, I failed in magic and showed the audience its tricks. A child, who was saying one thing and another to me before he saw the tricks, suddenly became silent and he was trying to behave as if he hadn't saw the magic's tricks. he tried to told me secretly that the tricks was leaking out like "Don't mind. I'm the only person noticed this secret." I think children are interesting.
>>459 Some day は「いつか」ですよw 或る日は One day です。 あとはいいとおもうけど、had embarrassed は had been embarrassing のほうがいいかも。 >>460 fail in は試験に失敗するイメージな気がしますねえ 5行目 to told は変ですね
I perform a majic trick. At one stage, I mistakenly revealed how the trick was done. A child on the stage noticed it. He had been talkative until then, but sudddenly became silent. He pretended not to have noticed. Then he secretly told me that he had noticed, saying, like, "I will keep it to myself, so be assured." I found the child's behavior very interesting.
・彼は電話の音を耳にするやいなや、階段を駆け登ってきた。 As soon as he heard a call,he ran up stairs. ・彼は言う事とすることが違う。 His saying and doing is different. ・政治家の個人的な善意は、その人の政策を評価する上では最も些細な事柄である。 A statesman's personal goodwill is the smallest matter to judge his policy.
I am a magician. This is an episode [a story] of my stage. There was a child in the audience who came up on the stage and was embarrassing me. Then, I made a mistake and exposed the trick to the audience. The child suddenly became silent, pretended to have seen nothing, and tried to make me relaxed. Children are really interesting.
One day I had a chance to visit the town I lived in my childhood. Remembering my dim memory, I managed to get to a place which seemed to be familiar to me,but I couldn't be convinced that this was what I knew. The scenery around there had completely changed compered to one I saw before. The houses built there apparently looked new,and they couldn't seem to be there since thirty years ago.
>>467 よろしくお願いします。 There is a typical words 'a computer couldn't make a mistake', and in short this means it is human beings that often make a mistake. When you make a mistake while dealing with an assignment, if you are relying on a person, he can assume that probably you wanted to do that, and you make a mistake as this. But,it is difficut for a computer to see to it. 'When you find an error while making use of a computer,you should suppose you own are responsible for the error before you suppose the computer is responsible for the error', you ,if you are a beginner you particulally, should remember this words.
>>466 One day I had a chance of visiting the town where I had spent my childhood. Depending on what was vauely in my memory, I managed to come to the place where I seemed to have lived but I couldn't have confidence. My old neighborhood had been completely changed. Houses standing there were obviously newer than I could thought that they had stood for thirty years more. へんなのw
>>467 The common phrase "the computer makes no mistake", in short, means that human beings makes them. In case you deal with a human, he might notice your mistake and infer what you thought, but the computer can hardly do so. You, especially if you are a beginner of the computer, should keep in mind that you should ask first yourself whether you are to blame for mistakes before you suspect whether the computer is. むずかすい
>>469 第二文最後は過去形に。第三文は過去完了形に。 aroundは単独ではofの目的語に成れないので、 Atmospheres of and around the townとする。 試験の英作文では算用数字は使わず綴りで書く。
http://eigo.be/grammar/sinceago.htm この“since two years ago”のように、“since” と “ago” が共存するのは 「正用法」ではありません。・・・ 理由は“since”が「過去から現在までの動作」を、“ago”は「過去の一時点の 動作(現在とは基本的に関係ない)」ことを表しているからです。 結局「正用法」としては、“I have studied English for two years.”のよう に書くことになります。
>>485 >第二文最後は過去形に。 とありますが、第二文の最後は but I couldn't be convinced that this was what I knew. ですが、どこの箇所のことでしょうか?
>第三文は過去完了形に。 とありますが、第三文最後は compered to one I saw before. ですが、compared to one I had seen before. にするということでしょうか?beforeがあるのと文脈から時間の前後関係がわかると 思い過去形にしたんですが・・・
またお願いします。 (A)席を隣りあわせて旅するうちに彼女と口をきく機会も出てくるだろう。 文脈がないので書きづらいですね・・・ Since I am going on a trip on a train sitting next to her, I'll have a chance to talk with her.
(B)古橋健二という名はそう有名ではないが,まったく知られていないわけでもない。 Truely the name 'Huruhashi Kenji' is not much famous,but it isn't completely familiar to .
(C)また,たいてい誰でも一度ぐらいは自分の文章を読んだことがあるはずだ。 And also , most people must have read their own writings.
>>491,492 486は481へのレスです。 第二文最後は過去形に。>but I couldn't be sure that the place is really the town. 第三文は過去完了形に。>Atmospheres of the town and around was completely changed.
>>494 この問題は>>326で扱いましたね。 鬼塚本の解答の分詞構文を接続詞表現に還元するならand said thatでしょう。 「批判する」のと「〜と言う」のとは別の動作というわけではないので、 ここでこういうように分詞構文をつかうのはあまりよくないように思います。 by saying thatならよいかと。
>>498 お願いします。 In this year winter came unusually earlier in the northern town I live in . I remembered it was in the middle of November that snow fell for the first time in this year, and this wasn't unusual. As usual,I expected that it would be in the next year that there was a pile of snow . But coldness gradually got harder , and so did snow , so in December my town had completely gotten white by snow. As far as I remenmber , It is for the first time in twenty years that It has gotten a white scenery by snow in my town before X'mas.
>>499 お願いします。 If you live abroad, you would have the opinion that human beings are homogeneous. Even though I have communicated with English , certainly I am comvinced that this is true. The way they respond to sadness and pleasure and the way they consider in a person they talk with are very similar to those of Japanese. They are shy and so you couldn't become on good terms with them soonly , but once you get friends, surprisingly you and they could find what you are with each other.
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20051223b5.htm The agency had said earlier this winter would be warm, but changed its tune after record-low temperatures were posted across the country this month. It also said snowfall will be heavier than usual from December to February on the Sea of Japan coast.
The train came out of the long tunnel into the snow country. The earth lay white under the night sky. The train pulled up at a signal stop. A girl who had been sitting on the other side of the car came over and opened the window in front of Shimamura. The snowy cold poured in. Leaning far out the window, the girl called to the station master as though he were a great distance away.
-Y. Kawabata “Snow Country” translated by Edward G. Seidensticker
>>508 お願いします。 There seem to be a lot of people who aren't good at getting up earily in morning . I am used to staying up late , but I have difficulty in getting up earily. However , when I manage to get up earily due to what I have to do , I feel fresh. wind blow toward my cheek in the morning make me feel pleasure . In that day I feel as if the day was more long and I have a good day . And also in that day I decide to get up earily from the next day , but in the next day , the decision become obscure for me to get up in usual time .
There seem to be a lot of people who aren't good at getting up earily in morning . I am used to staying up late , but I have difficulty in getting up earily. However , when I manage to get up earily due to what I have to do , I feel fresh. Wind blow toward my cheek in the morning makes me feel pleasure . In the evening I feel as if the day was more long and I had had a good day . And also in that day I decide to get up earily from the next day , but in the next day , the decision become obscure for me to get up in usual time .
>>488あすなろ最終回です。よろしくおねがいします。 (A)席を隣りあわせて旅するうちに彼女と口をきく機会も出てくるだろう。 There will be chances to talk with her as I am travelling with seated in the next seat to her.
(B)古橋健二という名はそう有名ではないが,まったく知られていないわけでもない。 Kenji Furuhashi is not so a famous name, but it is not a name which is known by nobody.
(C)また,たいてい誰でも一度ぐらいは自分の文章を読んだことがあるはずだ。 Also, most of people must have read a work I wrote, not less than once.
This year winter has came to a north-country town where I live, earlier than usual years. The first snow, I think, fell in the middle of November and it was not rare. I had expected that snow's lying on the ground would be after the new year coming as usual, though. It got colder and colder day by day and in December snow decolated all the town in white. As far as I know, it is for the first time in twenty years that the town is all covered with snow before Christmas.
If you live in a foreign country, you will have an impression that human beings are the same. You wiil surely have it, getting along with English people. The ways they come across sadness and delight and their consideration for people they deal with are very similar to those of Japanese. Though they are shy and you can't easily become a friend of them, once you become one, you and they can astonishingly touch each others' heart of heart.
>>514 (A) travelling seated next to her とする。 (B) not so famous a name とする。 (C) not less than once は変な感じ。not less than once a year のような 使い方はよくあるけど。one or more works of mine. でどうでしょうか。
>>525 お願いします。 I called him 'teacher' , so now I also express him as 'teacher' and don't use his name. This is not my consideration . This is because it is more natural for me to do this. I don't remember him without calling him 'teacher'.
For many people it is hard to get up early in the mornings. I am used to staying up late but, for me too, it is hard to get up early. However I feel refreshed when I get up early in a morning for special jobs. Then sun rays hit softly my cheeks in the confortable morning air. In such a day, I can feel the twenty four hours very longer and realize that I have spent good working hours. And sometimes I make up my mind to make it rule to get up early everyday from the next morning on but in the next morning I can hardly execute it. in the mornings として毎日感を出してみました
>>527 おっ、さっそく嬉しいねぇ。 公式訳のreferは重要で便利な表現ので使えるように。to do soも。 最後の文は、「先生」と口にしないと彼のことを思い出せない、という意味に読める。 Whenever I remember him, I feel like to call him "Sensei".というように 直訳するのが無難。
公式訳 http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/1001/kokoro1.html I always called him "Sensei." I shall therefore refer to him simply as "Sensei," and not by his real name. It is not because I consider it more discreet, but it is because I find it more natural that I do so. Whenever the memory of him comes back to me now, I find that I think of him as "Sensei" still.
>>528 大気は日光ではなく空気のことでしょう。 Howeverのあとにコンマをうたないと「どんなに私が〜と感じても」と読みそうになる。 他はよくかけています。 morningsもOK。 This is the way I wash my face early in the morning という童謡があるように、morningだけでもいいけど。
>>531 お願いします 'Congratulation on your winning prize , and could you tell me a little why you decided to become a movie directer ? ' Let me see , I don't remember the reason crearly , so it is difficult for me to tell it. Probably , when I was seven, I was bought a camera and this was why I started to find the interrest in images. And also I had an ancle who managed a movie theater . I think this was one of the reasons that I could be familiar with the circumstances where there are things which are related to a movie .
>>525 I always called that man "Sensei." So, here, I describe him only as "Sensei"and don't write his real name. This is rather because it is natural for me to do so than because I make consideration for him. Still, whenever I remember him, I itch to call out "Sense〜i."
>>531 "Congraturations on your recieving the prize. Could you please tell me a litttle about what made you a movie directer?" "Well, it is difficult to answer that question, but when I was seven years old, I was bought a caramel candy and it gave me a chance to be interested in movies," and he went on to say. Also my uncle who run a movie theather caused me to be familiar to something related to movies."
>>532 英作文は基礎から積み上げようとしてもそれだけではなかなか京大レベルに たどり着きません。山の麓をぐるぐるまわる(skirt around the mountain) ことなく、自分が登るべきレベルを早めに見ておいたほうがいい。 文法や語彙について自分に欠けているものはその過程で見えてくるので、 それを補充してゆけばいい。
>>535 525のonlyはOKです。タイガーウッズについてのニュース記事より。 http://texnews.com/tiger/pride042197.html But Woods soon began correcting reporters, telling them he would be denying his mother by allowing the media to describe him only as black.
>>544 お願いします。 Baseball is one of the sports most American people enjoy. Most American people grow playing baseball in their neighboring fields in their childhood. Being dirty with mud and saying that a neighbor has become more good at baseball or less, they learn to live with another person , or to accept the feeling that they are defeated by a person.
Baseball is one of the sports most American people enjoy. Most American people grow playing baseball in their neighboring fields when they are children. Being dirty with mud and saying that a neighbor has become more good at baseball than me or less, they learn to live with another person , or to accept the feeling that they are defeated by a person.
If someone says that airplane is invented in spite of Helmholtz's argument, "Human cannot fly in the same way as a bird", he holds a quite wrong criticism. Now, and even in the future, human won't able to fly as if they were birds in the way of fluttering the wings, which is like one bird has, by themselves.
複雑でへたくそですが。 質問があります。「訳しにくい表現」の5でthe way SV(〜の独特な仕方)を用いているんですが、 今年の京大プレでは「〜の方法」に「the way SV」を使った場合、大きな減点対象となっていました。 そのせいで安易にthe way SVを使うのを控えているのですが、この場合はOKなのですか? 解説本に「〜の独特な仕方」というニュアンスで使うと書いてありますが、判断基準がよく分かりません。 とりあえず添削だけでもいいのでお願いします。m(_)m
とりあえず>>549さんに便乗w If someone criticizes Helmholtz because, despite Helmholtz's saying that human can not fly just like a bird, humans have invented airplanes, he is making a wrong claim. Neither today nor even in the future human can fly by moving something like bird's wing for himself like a bird, これでは一文が長いので Helmholtz once said "Human can not fly just like a bird," and now human has invented airplanes. But if anyone criticizes Helmholtz, he is making a wrong claim. Neither today nor even in the future, human can fly only by moving something like bird's wing for himself, like a bird does.
This is a small village in the middle of Isu Peninsula , and you can reach this vilage walking into the mountain for two kiromaters from Y village which is the destination of a bus. Some people living in a city to work and some women who have married to live in another town return this village in the vacation of Shogatsu . Some return every year , and others return for the first time in years.
>>547 more goodはbetterに。それ以外は減点無しでいいでしょう。 十分に高水準ですが、以下ご参考。
第一文はうまく処理したね。popularを使ってもいい。 第二文は単純に動詞をplayedにしてもいいと思う。 主語が複数だと以降書きにくければ、A typical American guyを主語に。
その次はcomparing his development as a baseball player to a neighborとするとすっきり。 www.imdb.com/Bio?Berra%2C+Yogi When Dale Berra, Yogi's son, was asked about comments comparing his performance as a baseball player to his father's, He replied, "you can't compare me to My Father. Our similarities are different."
屈辱感はthe feeling of being defeatedとすればすっきり。 翻訳本のタイトルから。 敗北を抱きしめて ―第二次大戦後の日本人 Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II John W. Dower
Don't go changing to try and please me You never let me down before Don't imagine you're too familiar And I don't see you anymore I would not leave you in times of trouble We never could have come this far I took the good times, I'll take the bad times I'll take you just the way you are
>>564 お願いします。 When you stare at an object which is nearby you , it causes you to strain your eyes. This is because when you look at an object which is within six meters from you , your mascle of your eyes gets more nervous. As well as when you use a computer , when you have to continue to stare at an object which is nearby you , for example when reading or creating something, you should sometimes rest your eyes seeing distance .
>>544よろしくおねがいします。 Beseball is one of the national sports of America. Many American kids grow up playing baseball on feilds in the neighborhood. Playing the game, covered with mud, and having words over trifles---for instance whether someone gets to be better player than one or not, or something--- they gradually learn how to get on well with others. Also they learn how to deal with the embarrassment that they feel when they are defeated by others. 屈辱感って出てこない罠 humiliation?
>>564もひとつおねがいします。 It makes your eyes tired that you watch something close to your eyes. When you look at things within about six meters, the muscles of your eyes tense. In case you keep watching things for a long while, not only such as using computers but also as reading and as crafting you had better make your eyes rest occasioanlly. これが今年最後かな?
There are flowers around us exceeding a new change of climate which has four cycle a year , and there are vegetables and fruits on our tables which we were free to have only in particular one cycle . So we feel lucked in a sence of the cycle today .
Not only but alsoを使っている567の方が読みやすいですね。 Had betterは脅すようなきつい語調なので565のshouldの方がいい。
英語サイトから表現例を採取。 www.dansdata.com/danletters036.htm Close focusing for long periods of time may harm your eyes.
www.drjgriffin.com/reading.html Prolonged reading may tire your eyes at any time.
www.bwgen.com/presets/desc476.htm It is important to relax and not to strain your eye muscles, even though your eyes are closed.
http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040511/ldh3.htm Do not strain your eyes by reading in dim light. During reading and writing never hold the book too close to the eyes. Keep the book at a distance of at least 10 inches. After reading for about an hour continuously it is necessary to give rest to your eyes.
>>569 綴り注意 lacked sense exceedingはそういう使い方をするのかな。beforeが無難。 climateは季節というより気候。 アルクの例文:The climate in Tokyo is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
他は良く書けていると思います。 英文サイトから参考文を採取。 http://www.baking911.com/pantry/fruit_purees.htm Apples are generally are harvested in mid to late August, with some being done in January. This is when flavor, freshness and nutritional value are at their peak. Modern refrigeration has caused one unintended and unfortunate consequence, that being that the average consumer has lost a sense of season. Everything looks good on the shelf, everything is available at any time in any area, and it is easy to forget that fruit is seasonal and is actually being grown somewhere.
>>573 お願いします。 Greeting is a conventional exchange of gestures and words and by it you can preserve the extent of your statuses how you are close . In many societies , when greeting a person you often meet or you simply know , you don't shortly stop to greet him , but on the other hand , when greeting your acaintance you haven't see long time , the longer you heven't see him , the longer you spend time to greet him .
>>573よろしくおねがいします。 The greeting is the exchange of certain gestures and words between people as custom, and it makes people recognize the position and the friendship of each other. In most societies, people rarely interrupt their job to greet someone if they often meet him and if they know him only by sight. But, on the contrary, people often take more time to greet friends whom they have not seen for a long period.
>>573 Greeting is a traditional exchange of words or gestures and we can ascertain status or intimacy each other. In many societies people never stop what they are doing in order to greet someone whom they don't know well but when they meet a friend of them whom they have not seen for a long time, they may take enough time to greet him or her.
A greeting, which means something you say or do when you meet others, shows where they stand in society and how close they are. In many societies, if you meet your acquaintances, you don't stop what you are doing to greet them. On the other hand, if you meet friends for the first time in a long time, you tend to take your time greeting them.
>>580 2006年一発目よろしくおねがいします。 There was a man at the airport in Paris, sitting purposelessly on his trunk with his head on his hand. "How are you doing? Is there anything the matter with you?" I said to him. And he replied, "No, I'm fine. I have just arrived here at the end of a long journey. Now my voyage is over but I can hardly realize it, as if my heart has not come here yet. So I'm waiting for my heart to come." パリスなのでvoyageをつかってみますた。
>>580 お願いします。 In an airport in Paris a man standing back on his suitcase was supporting his fase with his fist at his cheek and with its elbow on his knee . When I asked him , ' What's wrong? Is there something wrong with you ? ' . Then , He replied , ' No . I have arrived here from a distant area , and my body has got accustomed to here while my mind hasn't . So I am waiting for my mind to get accustomed . '
あすなろ27回お願いします。 (1)風邪は万病のもと,という言葉が気になって,あれこれ試みるが,なかなか治らない。 I wonder that cald cause a lot of kinds of desease , so I try to recovery from it by many ways . But , it prolongs .
(2)これほど科学や医学が進歩しているのに,風邪ひとつ退治できないというのは考えさせられる問題である。 Though science technology and medical technology have progressed as such , we can't prevent even a cald from occuring on us . This is a problem makes us consider .
>>583 綴り注意 face。 ある一点にじっとしているので最初はinよりatがいい。 男がwalkingしているのならinでいいけど。 離陸地もおなじくある一点なのでfrom a distant areaのareaは余計。 from a distanceでいい。 オチが説明的すぎるけど試験の英作文としてはOKでしょう。
>>587 お願いします。 In the West , when people invite a person into their house , to begin with , they usually show and explain all of the rooms . In fact , in German , at home a German friends of mine , they showed and explained rooms to me through bedroom to the room where they worked and kept things . Then , I was surprised to find that every room was clear and in order . When I invited they , who are couple , into my home , I only kept them in a living room and didn't have room for showing them other rooms . Now thinking of that , I feel ashamed .
Western people, whenever they invite a person to their house, show the guests to all the rooms in their house. When my German couple friends showed me to bedroom and the room where they work and keep things and so on in their house, I was suprised at all the rooms in their house were clean and in order. When I invited them to my house, all the rooms except Japanese traditional room was so dirty that I couldn't show them those rooms. Now, I'm ashamed whenever I remember that.
>>587よろしくおねがいします。 It is usual for Westerners that when they have guests in their house, they invite the guests to all rooms of the house. When I visited my German friend, his family showed me to from the bed room to the underground room they used as a stock room and as a working room. Then, I was astonished that every room was clean and in order. Now I think it a bit ashamed that when I invited him and his wife to my house before then, I kept them stay on only in our guest room, not to mention showing them to every room. 「今」は多分nowではないほうがよいのでしょうが。。。 最後の文はbefore thenといれることで過去完了形を回避w
>>588 単複注意 a German friend。その前にof。 bedroomにaかtheを。「地下の」が訳し漏れ。 部屋がclearというと何も物を置いていないみたい。 掃除がしてあるというのはclean。 目的格注意 When I invited them 「余裕がなかった」をdidn't have room forと訳すのはgood。 部屋の意味のroomと一緒に使うとちょっと紛らわしいですが。
>>589 第一文の「まず」が訳し漏れ。 ドイツの友人が夫婦であることを第二文で処理しておくのは上手いね。 綴り注意 surprise surが「上に、上から」、priseが「掴む、捕捉する」で、 合わせて上から投網をぶっかけてびっくりさせるようなイメージ。 「驚いた」のところはwereをbeingにかえるか、もしくはbe surprised that S V と同格のthat節を用いる。588のようにto findを入れてもいい。
Westerners usually show their guest all rooms of their house firstly. When I visited my German couple friend, they showed me all rooms of their house including a basement room for working and storage. I was surprised that every room was clean and in order. Before that, I had invited them to my house and at that time I kept them in a living room and could never afford to show other rooms. I feel ashamed of it now.
The Internet regardless of nationality gender age work ,connect people each other through the common intersts. For example a university sudent of Kyoto can learn to know each other and talk together about environmental problem physics knitting fishing. Now the various barriers between people is about to be removed
>>595 お願いします。 The internet connects users through each interests regardless of nationality, sex, age, business and so on. For example, a college student in Kyoto can come to know an old lady in New York and can talk about enviromental problem, psysics, funny things and fishing. Various barriers between people are about to be removed now.
>>595 お願いします。 By internet , people can connect their own interests with each other regardless of their nation , gender , age and job . For example , a college student who lives in Kyoto and a woman who lives in New York can know each other and discuss environmemtal problems , phisics , sewing and fishing . That is , a various of walls which keep people who live in different area from connecting each other are being omitting by Internet .
>>595よろしくおねがいします。 The internet makes people who are interested in a common thing connected each other regardless of nationality, sex, age, or occupation. For instance, a college student in kyoto can be aquainted with an old woman in New York on the internet and talk over evironmental problems, physics, weaving or fishing. Now the internet is about to remove many walls keeping people from connecting each other.
>>606 お願いします。 I visited a hot spring in winter because I had heard that it is the only hot spring in the world where I can take with a monkeys . When I saw a monkey which still kept its body in the hot spring piled with snow on its head , it was like a philosopher . Then , it occured to me that the difference between human beings and monkeys isn't as much remarkable as we think .
>>606よろしくおねがいします。 Having heard there be only a hot spring all over the world which men and moneys take together, I visited it in a mid-winter. There I saw a monkey on whose head some snow lay taking the hot spring as if he was a philosopher. It occurred to me that there was not so big a difference between men and monkeys as we thought.
>>606 お願いします Having heard there be only a hot spring in the world where we can take with monkeys, I went there in midwinter. In the hot spring I saw a monkey kept taking a bath with its head covered with the snow, it seemed as if it was a philosopher. It occured to me that the difference between men and monkeys may be not as big as we think.
>>595 インターネットは人々を、国籍、性別、年齢、職業などにいっさい関係な く、お互いの関心事を通じて結びつけます。 The Internet connects people with each other based on their interests, utterly regardless of their nationality, sex, age, or occupation.
例えば京都の大学生とニューヨークのおばあさんが知り合い、環境問題や 物理学、編物や釣りについて語り合うこともできるわけです。 A college student in Kyoto, for example, can meet on the Net an elderly woman in New York to talk about a variety of topics from the envritonment or physics to knitting or fishing.
人々を隔てていたさまざまな壁が取り除かれようとしているのです。 Various barriers separating people are being removed.
>>618 お願いします。 In my childfood , after children came home , they esually played with neighboring other children still it got dark . Then , we made a trick to be scolded and also disagreed with each other to fight with each other with violence . But , by doing so we learned to communicate with another . So , seeing mordern children , who only play a video game for their pastime , I may be able to say why there are children who bully another child .
In my childfood , after we children came home from school , we usually played with neighboring other children still it got dark . Then , we made a trick to be scolded and also disagreed with each other to fight with each other with violence . But , by doing so we learned to communicate with another . So , seeing mordern children , who only play a video game for their pastime , I may be able to say why there are children who bully another child .
Children are full of curiosity. Most animals lose their curiosity as they grow up. But human beings can keep their interest in various things even after they get old. This might suggest that human beings are a happy species which can enjoy the privilege of keeping its childness throughout life.
When Sensei said this, I remembered the remark his wife once made to me that though Sensei was once an avid reader, he had since lost his old interest in books. Forgetting my thesis for the moment, I said to Sensei:
"Why is it, Sensei, that you are not as interested in books as you once were?"
"There is no particular reason ... Well, perhaps it is because I have decided that no matter how many books I may read, I shall never be a very much better man than I am now. And ..."
"This is not very important, but to tell you the truth, I used to consider it a disgrace to be found ignorant by other people. But now, I find that I am not ashamed of knowing less than others, and I am less inclined to force myself to read books. In short, I have grown old and decrepit."
Sensei's manner was calm, as he said this. I was not much affected by what he said, perhaps because his tone held none of the bitterness of one who had turned his back on the rest of the world. I left the house thinking him neither decrepit nor particularly impressive.
>>626 ありがとうございます。 >Various barriersは第一文の国籍等を指しているのでtheをつける。 国籍等は例示と思ったので、various barriers に the をつけませんでした。
>>618 When I was a child, playing with the neighborhood children after school until it got dark was the norm.
Getting up to mischief together, which often ended up being scolded, or quarreling with each other, which sometimes developed into a fight, provided a good opportunity to learn how to deal with other people.
Seeing that many children today spend too much time playing a video game at home, it is no wonder that bullying occurs as it does.
>>618 お願いします。 When I was a child, it was usual for me to play outside with neighborhood children after school until it becomes dark. We were scolded for playing a trick and fought each other because of our quarrel then. But we learned how to go around with others by doing so. Seeing children today, who are always plaing video games in their house, I feel as if I understood why bullying happens.
>>620 Young animals including human beings are filled with curiousity . And , the more most animals grow , the less they are as curious about things as when they are young . But , human beings can keep interested in a various kind of things even after they become old . This may mean that human beings are the only kind of lives which can enjoy the privilege of being a child eternally .
>>618の参考に。 CarpentersのYesterday Once Moreより。 I'd は I would の略です。
When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waitin' for my fav'rite songs When they played I'd sing along It made me smile Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where they'd gone But they're back again Just like a long lost friend All the songs I love so well Ev'ry sha-la-la-la ev'ry wo-ho-wo-ho still shines Ev'ry shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're startin' to sing so fine When they get to the part Where he's breaking her heart It can really make me cry just like before It's yesterday once more
>>622 Two years ago, I traveled around Eastern Europe and visited a town of a country, where I was surprised to learn that the central square and the surrounding historic buildings were perfectly restored from the ruins of the Second World War to their original state based on old photographs of them.
I was so overwhelmed by the pride and passion of the people living there that I was almost at a loss for words.
Never have I realized more keenly the significance of preserving the historic quarter of a town.
Two years ago , I traveled in Eastern Europe and was surprised to know the fact that a square in a town and historically important buildings around it , which had been destroyed in the World War U , were completely rebuilt by people who referred to a photo where the spuare and buildings were yet to be destroyed . I had no words because I was strongly hit by pride and eagerness of the civil . I have never thought that preserving traditions is as important as in that time .
>>616 見た瞬間 hear O 原形動詞 が浮かんでしまったので。。。 たしかにhear there is〜 のほうが自然なかんじがします。
>>618よろしくおねがいします。 In our childhood, after school, we children would be playing with the neighboring friends outside till dusk. Scolded for playing tricks and having fights with friends, we learned how to get on with others. Looking today's children who are always playing video games in the house, I seem to be able to know the reason why many bullies happen.
>>620 Children of any species are curious about everything. And animals of most species seem to be less curious as they grow. But we humans can keep their curiosity about various things, even when we are grown-ups. It might show that we have the privilege to stay a child till we die.
>>622やりだすととまりませんw When I travelled East Europe the year before last year, In a town, a plaza and historical buildings around it that had broke in the Second World War, had been completely rebuilt as these had been before on the basis of old photographs, which surpised me. I was so impressed by the pride and the passion of people there which made the rebuilding realized that I couldn't say a word. I have never felt the importance of preserving tradition more strongly than I felt at that time, in my life..
暗記した例文集にあった、〜, which surprised meをつかってみますた。 辞書には「句、節、文、又はその内容を先行詞として」などと書いてありましたが 使い方は良くわかりませんw これであっているのやら
おととしをthe day after tomorrowからthe year before last yearとしてしまいましたが、two years agoでいいのですねorz
When I was a child, I would play outside with neighborhood children after school till dark. Getting scolded for doing something mischievous or wrong together, or turning into a fist fight, I learned how to deal with others. On the contrary, today’s children seem to play only inside with video games. It should be a natural consequence that they cause the bullying problem.
Children are full of curiosity. But I heard that though children of most animals were full of curiosity just like human ones, they loose their curiosity as they mature. On the contrary, human beings can keep their interest in even after they get old. It seems to mean that human beings are a happy species which can enjoy the privilege to remain childlike forever.
The most apparent thematic thread in the story concerns growing up (or not), with the character of Peter wanting to remain a child forever in order to avoid the responsibilities of adulthood. "Peter Pan syndrome" has become a psychiatric term named by Dr. Dan Kiley to describe an adult who is afraid of commitment and/or refuses to act his age. It is also sometimes used to positively describe an innocent, childlike approach to life.
>>620 お願いします。 Both animals and humans are full of curiousity when they are young. In general, animals seem to be less curious as they grow up. But humans can keep interests in various things even after they aged. It seems to show that humans are a happy species which can enjoy the privilege of being childlike forever.
>>655 どうもです。 確かにそう読めるww 最後に文はこっちではどうでしょうか? I felt most strongly that preserving traditional things is important in my life , and I have never felt that as strongly as at that time .
>>650 ありがとうございます。 >even after they aged は過去形でいいのかな。日本語に引っ張られてない? ダメです。引っ張られてます。ダメポ_| ̄|○
>>622 お願いします。 When I traveled East Europe two years ago, I was suprised that a square in a town and its surrounding historic buildings, which had been destroyed during WWU, were rebuilt completely with the help of photos. I was so impressed by the pride and the passion of citizens there that I had no words. It was the time when I felt most the importance of keeping tradition in my life.
武力紛争の際の文化財の保護のための条約(ハーグ条約) Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property In the Event of Armed Conflict (The Hague Convention 1954) http://exchanges.state.gov/culprop/hague.html
>>656よろしくおねがいします。 There are so many cultural assets around us that we are too familiar with those assets and are apt to think them unspecial. But the fact is that each of them is the result of numerous people's longtime perpetual efforts to preserve them. We have to remember the fact that not to cherish those cultural assets is to make those people's effort worthless. く、苦しい。。。
In July, there are so many temples, dedicated to gods, that almost every day in the month is a festival day, held in [memory?] of one of those gods. Near my house, there is a small temple dedicated to Inari. Though, the temple is not magnificent, the festival is very popular. It is called Goto-Inari. the 5th [instant?] was a festival day and I went at night to it. In that night the weather was very clear and the street was so crowded by(→with) people that I hardly made my way through them. By(→Along) the road, market gardeners arranged their plants to sell them. I bought (#) a plant from a market-gardener and return- ed home at 9 o'clock.
>>656 お願いします。 You are so accustomed to too many cultural things around you that you tend to take them for granted . To tell the truth , each of them is a simbol of efforts for long time by many people who made efforts to maintain it . So you should bear in mind that if you deal with cultural things loughly , it means that you kill their efforts .
>>669よろしくおねがいします。 The character of Japanese tea-room's window differs fundamentally from the character of European windows. Japanese tea-room's windows are not for people's looking out through them, but for feeling outside atomosphere. We feel a wind blowing outside by the sight, in a tea-room's window frame, of tree branches swinging and the sun setting by that of their shade fading. A tea-room's window plays the role to constrain light from outside and to enter it into the tea-room.
>>669 お願いします。 The window which is in a room Japan has to drink some tea and get relaxed is basically different from a normal window , which Europe has . The perpose of it is for us not to see outside but to feel a sence of outside . Seeing shades of trees moving back and forth from the window , we Japanese feel wind outside blows . And also , seeing the shades get dim , we feel it getting dark . One of the perposes of the window is to make light outside comes in the room curbing its amount .
二番目の文は外を見る人の主語をどう入れるか悩んだ結果for us to do... にしました。 影がゆれるのゆれるはshake使っていいのか不安だったので無理矢理表現してみました。 最後の文は「抑制しつつ内部に入れる」と解釈したので、 目的のうちの二つじゃなくて一つにしました。
>>676よろしくおねがいします。 I have an ideal that when it comes to reading, whatever book I read, I read it all the way through with skipping no word. I can hardly practice it but hope to.
一文目がもっさりかも。when it comes to readingはなくても良いでしょうか? コレはコレで私は好きですがw
>>677とりあえず perpose→purpose make light outside comesのcomes→come ですね あと、「そこに映る樹木の影」の影はshadeよりもshadowぽいような(私は影→像と脳内変換してましたがw) shade:物体の光の当たらないほうの暗い部分。(月の掛けている黒い部分みたいな) shadow:光が何かにさえぎられてできた黒い像。(影ふみの影)
>>677 >>674のようにJapanese, Europeanなど前置形容詞を使えばシンプルな構文で もっと楽に書ける。 第二文のfor usはいらないでしょう。 it getting dark が日没のことを指しているのがわかりにくい。その前の 影についてdarkを使っているので。 採光についてはletを使うのがやわらかい感じでいいようです。
http://mcel.pacificu.edu/as/students/tea/teahouse.html The windows of the tea room were closely related to the construction of the walls. A lintel was laid out from one post to another, and the space between them was made into a window. This structure let little light into the small tea hut and the lintel looked out of place so a window cut into the lower area of the wall could be built in various sizes and allowed more light in. Such low windows provided ventilation and a better view of the garden or natural scenery, since people sat on the floor. Another characteristic of the tea hut window was the bamboo grilles which not only let in more light, but helped to create a mood of serenity. ventilation:通気
>>676 When I read a book, however the book is like, I think it is the ideal to read all through the book without skipping any parts. It is not easy, but I wish I did so.
>>685 お願いします。 In the cotemporary society , people often connect themselves to others on the basis of merit of each other . So Human beings seem to be obscure because their social and economical position more count than themselves . I want them to share the relashionship which is more based on their indivisual attractions and make a society where they own are main .
>>656 お願いします。 We are used to so many heritages surrounding us. And we tend to think of these as natural. But actually, each of them is the result of the effort by many people who are trying to keep them for a long time. Not caring heritages is that not caring such efforts by those people, which is the fact we have to remember.
>>669 これもお願いします。 Windows of tea room are basically different from windows which means in Europe. Windows of tea room are not for looking outside through them, but for feeling atmosphere of outside. We feel blowing outside by seeing the shade of tree moving which be reflected in there, and feel sunset by seeing this shade becoming light. Those windows are playing a role of controling sunlight for not too sunlight coming into room.
>>685 ずっとやってると楽しくて止められなくなってきました。 これもお願いします。 In society today, people often connnect each other for the sake of their profit. And human ourselves may tend to become less represented by social and economic position. I think that we should make society pleasant by building relationship which is more based on charm of each of us.
>>685わたいもおねがいします。 In our modern society, people are apt to connect each other by relationships such as one takes advantage of other. People often overlook a human-self behind the social and financial status. I hope that our society becomes a cheerful one which consists of relationships based more on our personalities. なんだかなぁ〜 利益=interest。何で思い出さないかな?
>>685 In modern society, most of human relationships are based on their merit and/or demerit. Social, or economical positions often leave humans themselves away from sight. I wish to make relationship standing on the each character with people, and make the society more enjoyable.
>>688 human beingsという言い方は動物などとの対比で使うのが普通。 obscureのかわりにfacelessを使うとよりイメージがわくかな。 最後のところはthey themselves are mainとする。 人間疎外の表現ということで>>193,>>203を参考に they themselves are the main actorsとするのもいいかと。 綴り注意 relationship individual
>>696>>697 ありがとうございます。 >第二文は意味がひっくり返っている。lessではなくmore。 そうなんですか?「かすむ」を「存在感が薄くなる」と捉えて 「become less represented」としたんですけれど。 昔どこかで「be less represented」が「存在感が薄い」だと覚えたので。
>>698よろしくおねがいします。 For instance, people and cars may go ahead when the traffic signal is green, and must stop when red. This agreement can spread all over the world and actually does. While the traffic signal is a civilizational thing because of its universality, cultural things are things like a Japanese woman opens a Japanese sliding door "Fusuma" with both her hands and falling on her knees. Here, it does not matter whether you think it more reasonable that she do it with standing. なんだかなぁ〜 後半かなり意訳されてるし。。。 従位接続詞whileで文化的なものの方に重心があると表現できるなら 最後の文の「ここ」はhereでいいかな〜、と考えました
>>698 お願いします。 People and cars, for example, can go forward when the traffic signal is green, and must stop when it is red. This agreement can spread all over the world and actually dose. The trafic signal is a civilization in that sense it is universal. A culture, in contrast, is the thing like Japanese women open a Japanese sliding door, which is called "Fusuma", by both hands with falling on her knees. In such case, rational idea that she may open the door with standing isn't permitted.
>>698 お願いします。 Civilization is a universal rule in the world . For example , when a traffic signal turns green , men and cars go , and when it turns red , they stop . This rule is universal because it can be accepted in the world and in fact people follow it . A traffic signal is a simbol of civilization . On the other hand , culture is a common tule in a part of the world . For example , in Japan , when opening a Fusuma , which is a Japanese door for separating rooms , some women do it with hands with knees on the floor . You may think they can also open the door standing , but it cannot be accepted here .
>>701, 703, 704 第一文は、皆が当たり前のこととしてしているというニュアンスは 704の助動詞無しの書き方が一番よく表していると思います。 道路交通法施行令の訳としてはmayやcan, mustでいいのでしょうが。 警察庁のサイトより www.npa.go.jp/english/ kouki1/BasicTrafficRulesinJapan.pdf (4) When you cross a sidewalk or side strip, you must bring your vehicle to a complete stop right before it and make sure that you can cross it without interfering with the safe transit of pedestrians. You must take the same precaution for “ordinary” bicycles that may pass on a sidewalk where a road sign allowing “ordinary” bicycle transit is posted. (5) Parking or stopping is prohibited in certain places including the following. This rule does not apply when you stop your vehicle at a red light or when you are avoiding danger.
>>698 For example, a greeen traffic light means "go" and a red light "stop". This convention can, and does, extend throughout the world. In the sense that it is universal, the traffic light belongs to civilization.
Culture, in contrast, can be illustrated by the way a Japanese woman opens a "fusuma" , a sliding door. She kneels in front of the door and uses both hands to open it. Sliding it while standing is, however rational it may seem, unacceptable in this case .
>>706 お願いします。 There is no thing as understanding yourself which seems easy to do but in practice is difficult . If you always stand in front of a mirror , it doesn't mean you understand yourself . In contrary , if you do so , you may not understand yourself forever . The intention in itself to stand in front of a mirror may prevent you from understanding yourself .
Many in the West believe the world is moving toward a single, global culture that is basically Western. This belief is arrogant, false, and dangerous. The spread of Western consumer goods is not the spread of Western culture. Drinking Coca-Cola makes a Russian no more Western than eating sushi makes an American Japanese. The essence of the West is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. As countries modernize, they may westernize in superficial ways, but not in the most important measures of culture--language, religion, values. In fact, as countries modernize they seek refuge from the modern world in their traditional, parochial cultures and religions. Around the globe, education and democracy are leading to "indigenization." And as the power of the West ebbs, "the rest" will become more and more assertive. For the West to survive as a vibrant and powerful civilization, it must abandon the pretense of universality and close ranks. Its future depends on its unity. The peoples of the West must hang together, or they will hang separately. indigenization:土着化 vibrant:活発な the pretense of universality:普遍性を標榜すること close ranks:同一歩調を取る hang together:団結する
>>698 For instance, the green signal means "Go," and the red does "Stop." This rule can be valid all over the world, and actually is. At the respect of universality, the signal is civilization. On the contrary, culture is like that, in Japan, women open the fusuma, Japanese traditional door with both hands, with standing on knees. The rationalism that we can open with standing does not work in this context.
>>706 It seems easy to know yourself, but there is nothing more difficult than it. To know yourself is not to stand in front of the mirror always. Even though you did so, you would not be able to know. Moreover, thinking standing in front of the mirror sometimes prevent you from knowing yourself.
>>685 Ours is a society where most people are related with each other through their interests. Their social and economic status often obscures what they are as humans. In developing human relations, however, personal character should matter more, which will help make our society a warmer place.
「かすむ」というのは、「わからなくなる」というよりは、「その価値が減じ て感じられる」ということぢゃないかとも思った。 Their social and economic status are often regarded as more important than what they are as humans.
>>706よろしくおねがいします。 Actually, nothing is more difficult than to know oneself, though we are apt to think it easy. If one perpetually stands in front of a mirror, he is not necessarily able to know himself. Some people cannot know themselves, despite a million times' looking into the mirror. It sometimes happens that, paradoxically, one's intention in front of the mirror disturbs from knowing oneself.
Train Kept a Rollin' is done with the Japanese band the B'z. The singer of this band is quite alright, but when the guitarman (Brad, Joe and the guy from the B'z) are doing licks at the end of Train, it is clear the guitarplayer can't even play a few notes straight. You really wonder how he has come so far (playing in front of such a big audience, but not being able to play at all). On the DVD, one can clearly see the singer of the B'z say: "That was my part," after Steven did the first part of 'Train.'
>>727 第三文は however many times という表現を使えばもっと楽に書ける。 日本語を学ぶ外国人のブログより。 http://www.nihongonomichi.com/2005/02/book_battle.html I learnt many kanji compounds just by having to look them up so many times while learning grammar points. However, this is or was purely sight recognition and however many times I look at a kanji I'm not convinced I could write it.
誰か know of oneself と書くかなと思ったのですが、出なかったですね。 know of は know something of という意味なので、自分の全体を深く知り尽くす という本問のような文脈では know oneself でよいです。
>>729 can't play straight は「まともに演奏できない」という意味でしょう。 not being able to play at all はその同義反復。
That was my part の That は the first part of 'Train' のことでしょう。 「それは俺のパートやないか、横取りして歌わんといてや。。。」 これを言ったのは稲葉で、Stevenもボーカル、つまり did は sang の意。 sing-sang-sung。
By the way, say something. Everything begins from doing so. That is the first step. I can decide whether that is right or not someday. I can do, and another also can. Whoever will do, it is the time to tell, and I have to learn to tell.
It is one of the great plesure in your life that though you do nothing to do it , suddenly you become able to do a thing which you thought you couldn't do before or to understand a thing which is so obscure that you couldn't understand it before . At that time you feel as if a curtain ahead of you which isn't transparent was come off naturally .
>I'm not convinced I could write it. ここのcouldはcanでも文法的にはかまわないですよね。 でも、この人はcanとするほど自信が持てないので couldにした、って感じですかね?
>>736 I think it one of the great joys of life that you suddenly become to be able to do whatever you thought was an impossible task, or to take it for granted whatever you were not sure about. When it happens, you will feel as if something like a piece of cloth covering your eyes disappears. veilはspellがわからんでしょうな。可算名詞だというのもわからんだろうので こんな感じでごまかしておくでしょう。[習慣・習性・能力]のwillとやらを使ってみますた。微妙ですw
>>750 ありがとうございます。 one of 〜はそうだと思ってたんですけど、plesureが不可算だと思ってた方が釣り合いで重かったのでw comes O off だと思ってました。気をつけます・・。
(就職面接の会話で) 中略 'What sort of student do you regard yourself as ... did you enjoy studying while you were at scool ? 'に対して、 「自分ではまじめな学生だったと思います。試験に落ちたことはありませんし、 興味のある科目は一生懸命勉強しました。」 I regard myself as an earnest student . I have never missed any entrance exam and I have studied a subject harder which I was interested in .
' What were your favorite subjects at school ? 'に対して、 「数学と理科が大好きな科目でしたが、歴史も好きでした。」 My favorite subjects were Math and Science , but I liked History too .
そのままつながって、 'Do you have any plans for further study ? 'に対して、 「そうですね、機会があれば勉強を続けたいと思っています。」 Yes , I want to keep studying if I have a chance to do .
'Have you ever had a job before ? 'に対して、 「はい、そこの角を曲がったところにある図書館で働いていました。」 Yes , I had worked at the liblary which you can arrive at when you turn at that corner .
>>737よろしくおねがいします。 Anyway let us say something. we can start with speaking about ourselves. That is the first step. It is only necessary to know whether that is right or wrong after we have done. I, or whoever else, can judge that. Anyway it is the time to tell something. And I must find what I ought to tell.
>>706 遅ればせながらお願いします。 Nothing is more difficult than to know yourself, though it seems easy. Standing in front of a mirror constantly isn't to know yourself. However many times standing in front of a mirror, some people can't know himself forever. The feeling that standing in front of mirror may interrupt to know yourself.
howeverは副詞句を作るのが普通な希ガス some peopleがhimselfもちょっと気持ちワルス 最後の文のthat節?もオカスィような。。。the feeling when you stand〜とか? interrupt O to do で何かをするために邪魔をするみたいな意味だったような
>>736 お願いします。 I think it is one of great pleasures in life that coming to able to do the thing which have been thought impossible to do and realizing the thing suddenly which have been so ambiguous that we couldn't realize. It is the time I feel like a cloth in front of my eyes disappears.
>>737 お願いします。 Anyway, I probably shoul talk something. All things starts from talking something about myself. It is the first step. I can judge whether it is right or not after that. I can judge, and someone can judge. Anyway, now is the time I should talk. And I must learn talking.
>>758 これもお願いします。 People who are used to many poems and novels when they were young are often disappointed in the world. Becaue, for them, it seems that they have realized life though they haven't experienced the world at all. And because all things they experience after they started to work aren't always impressive like novels.
Anyway , let's talk about something . Everything starts when I speak about something of myself . It is a first step . If I want to judge whether it was good or not , I may do it after speaking . I may judge it , or another . In any case , today it is the time when we should speak , and I must learn to speak .
>>766 では I have to learn how to tell.に修正 ありがとうございました。
副詞節と書こうとして副詞句と書いてしまいました、どっちにしても間違いでしたがw 文頭のHoweverを見て「あ、副詞節がきたな」と思い込んで読んだらSVが無かったので 間違いかなと思ってしまいますたorz however→many times standingとかかっていたのですね many times standing がどうも読めませんでw
>>758よろしくおながいします。 If you are so familiar with many poems and novels as a young person, even without experiencing the world you are apt to feel as if you knew everything in life, and therefore, when you come to experience the world, you are disappointed or lose expactaions for the world because things in the world are not always impressive like in novels.
普遍性の高いものとして現在形で押し切ってみますた。 be disenchanted/disillusioned withか。。。知ってる単語の派生語だが、まず無理ぽ しかも、よくみたら一文になってたw どっかで切ればヨカタ。ま、日本語に忠実に訳したということで。。
>>772 or another だけで助動詞も動詞を省略というのはちょっと無理かと。 may do itをつける。特に試験英作文では無駄な繰り返し(redundancy)を 恐れずにベタめに書く方が無難。多少redundantでもそれで減点されることは ないでしょう。 主語の統一は全ての場合にしないといけないわけではないです。 無駄に視点を動かさないように、というだけです。
If you read many poets and novels to be familiar with them when you are young , you would regard yourself as a person who unconsciously know what life is even though you don't have any social experience . And also after you become a menmber of an adult sociaty you would be dissappointed or stop imagining delusion because whatever you experience isn't as moving as novels .
>>770 becauseが主節を導けないということの他に、 最後の文がall 〜 not always という表現でnotがallとalwaysの両方を 否定できているのかが気になる。allはいらない。 最後は「小説の中の出来事のように」と解してlike in novelsとするとよいかと。
>>775 最初に条件節と句が主節の前にふたつ連続で来るのがちょっとひっかかる。 even without は feelの後にコンマ挟みの挿入で入れてはどうかな。 もしくはeverything in lifeの後に。 他はいうことなし。とてもよく書けています。
>>786 十分にfluentな訳ですよ。when youngとthough withoutは試験英作文では もっと冗長な表現にした方がいいぐらい。 最後の文はas in novels とした方がいい。 他はいうことなし。とてもよく書けています。
>>791 a person who unconsciously know は三単現。 unconsciouslyは「無意識に」なので、roughlyやalmostなどの方がいい。 「人生」を「人生とは何か」と解してwhatを使ったのはvery good。what is lifeでもいい。 最後の文の頭のalsoは不要かと。as in novelsに。
When I choose furniture or appliance, I take the one made of wood. The unique, gentle mood of a tree, which has its own life, makes me comfortable. Artificial material is in the best condition when new, while wooden one is just in the primary condition when new. The most notable attraction is that wood is refined by time and gets more tasteful and beautiful.
When I buy furniture or instruments, I choose wooden one if possible. Wood has mild moods like other living things, and makes me relaxed. When brand-new, artficial material is in its best, but wood starts approaching to its best. As the time passes by, wood becomes more appealing and beatiful, which attracts me the most. 2行目が特に難しかったです
>>794 When I buy a piece of furniture or a thing, I always choose a wooden one. Wood comes of living trees and has a warm atomosphere of its own. Therefore wooden things are comfortable for me.
Things made of artificial materials are newer, the better. but wooden things begin to grow at the time they are produced.
Years make them mellower and more beautiful. That is the biggest reason why I love them.
>>794 お願いします。 When I buy furniture or a thing, I choose the one made of wood as much as possible . I feel comfortable when I see or use those because wood has a good feeling which is particular to living things. Artifical materials is best condition when they are new. But wooden materials become more and more beatiful as time passes. That is what I'm most fascinated with them.
>>794 お願いします。 When buying furniture ore an item , I choose as one which is made of tree as possible . Trees have a good atmosphere which lifes uniquely have , so they are comfortable for me . Although artificial materials are at best when they are created , trees begin to become better condition at that time . The longer time passes , the better and more beautifle they look . This is the most charming point .
>>795 第二文、A of B の後にwhichが来ると、先行詞がAなのかBなのか紛らわしい。 Wood has the unique gentle mood that living things have, and it makes me comfortable. などとすれば回避できる。 refined by time はいいですね。refined in time, polished by time, polished in timeでもいい。
>>796 綴り注意 artificial beautiful 第三文のin its bestや対比イメージの作り方はいいですね。 during being usedを最後に付け足すとなお良いかと。
>>799 綴り注意 atmosphere 第一文はor such a thingとするとベター。 第二文はcome ofを使うのは上手く考えましたね。 第四文はgrowよりmatureがいいでしょう。
>>805 綴り注意 artificial 非三単現 Artificial materials are 語法 in its best condition as time passes はいいですね。 全体としてわかりやすい書き方をしていていいと思います。
>>807 生物の意味のlifeは集合名詞で不可算。 >>799もそうですが、begin to 〜 の後はat that time よりfrom that timeの方が しっくりくると思う。好みの問題なので減点対象ではないですが。 綴り注意(typoでしょうが) beautiful
The dog nextdoor is friendly unless his master is nearby in which case he barks frantically. Does he want to appear as a faithful guard dog? Even on these occasions, however, he wags his tail violently just as usual. He must be suggesting to me that he doesn't really mean it. Such delicacy sometimes makes me want to pat him on the head. But I decided I shouldn't do that.
>>809 お願いします。 My neighbor's dog is normally friendly, but when his master is near by him, he barks very hard with loud voice as if he protected his master. However, seeing his tails, it is waved very hard as usual as if he told me casually that he didn't want to bark at me. Somwtimes, I come to want to pat him on the head by his cuteness. But I think I shouldn't.
My next door's dog is usually nice to me, but he is keenly barking loud at me. while his master is being around him. He may be trying to do his task as a gurd dog. But, even then, his tail is being rushly wagged as usual. He must be trying to secretly imform me that he is just pretending. Though such his appearance sometimes makes me itch to stroke his head, it seems to be better left undone.
If you strike a child take care that you strike it in anger, even at the risk of maiming it for life. A blow in cold blood neither can nor should be forgiven. なかなかいいこといいますよ ジョージ=バーナード=ショー
>>809 お願いします。 A dog , which my neighbor has , normally tend to be on good terms with me , but only when the neighbor is near by it , it bark hard and loudly toward me . At that time , was it intending to play its defensive roll ? But then , as usual , it is swinging its tale very hard . Apparently , it is naturally intending to tell me that though it is barking towerd me , it doesn't want to attack me . Because it is obedient but follws its thought , I often want to have my hand skid on its head , but it is better to stop it .
>>809 お願いします My neighbor's dog is usually polite.However,only when near him,it desperately barks loudly at others.I wonder if it tries to protect him.However,at this time,it wags its tail hardly ,which may tell me that it doesn't want to do such a thing. Although I sometimes want to stroke its head to praise for its braverey,it seems wise of me not to do for myself. みなさんの答案を見ると自分の表現力の拙さがよくわかりますorz でもそれがやる気につながるわけで。よしっ、がんばろッ
>>818 お願いします In general, we associate Italy with tomatoes, but tomatoes come from South America, not Italy. Moreover,only short time has passed since Italian people come to eat tomatoes. It is not less than 200 years. When we think of the fact that Italian cooking started in ancient Rome, we feel as if tomatoes had started to be used by the Italian “yesterday.”
Tomato is originated in South America, though there is a widespread impression of Italy as "tomato country." In addition to that, italians didn't eat tomatos till very recently. They has eaten tomatos for no more than some two hundred years. Compared to the origin of italian cuisine dating back to the ancinet Roman period, it seems like only yesterday that they began eating tomatos.
>>819 綴り注意 bravery 確かにitよりheの方がいいね。でもdogというと雄と考えがちなのはなぜなんだろうね。 筆者が褒めてやりたくなったのは吠える勇気に対してなのかな。 解釈次第なので難しいところですが、私ならbehaviorとして逃げます。 最後の, it seems wise of me not to は上手いですね。
>>794 As for furniture and utensils, I prefer those made of wood. They create a pleasant atmosphere characteristic of living things, making me comfortable.
While products made of artificial materials are at their best when they are brand-new, wooden products are just on the starting point when they are fresh.
Aged in time, wood adds to beauty as well as taste, which process is one of the most attractive features of the wooden.
>>818 お願いします。 In general , there is an impression that Italy is famous of tomato . But at first tomato was made in South America . Besides , in Italy they began to eat tomato short years ago . At most , only two handred years ago or so . Compared to the fact that Italian cook began in the ancient Rome era , There seems as if they have known tomato since yesterday .
>>818 お願いします。 There is a widespread impression that tomato is a typical food of Italy. But tomato is originated in South America, not in Italy. Moreover, it has been only 200 years since Italian people started to eat tomato. Compared to the fact that Italyian food have been continued from the ancient Roma era, its history is very short like started from yesterday.
>>818 Generally,people associate Italy with tomatoes. However,it is in Lutin America that tomatoes were produced for the first time. What is more,in Italy,as few as 200 years have passed since tomatoes became one of foods. Considering that the origin of the Italian foods lies in the age of the Classical Roma,we can safely think tomatoes have been involved in Italy since ゛yesterday."
It seems that most people use the plated silver for marching. The wooden is definitely better and truer for concert use. Plastic is nothing more than just an inexpensive version of the wooden. But, like I had said earlier, I'm very partial to the wooden pics!
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family, native to Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru.
According to Andrew F. Smith's The Tomato in America, the tomato probably originated in the highlands on the west coast of South America. Because the plant was clearly similar to its nightshade congeners, it was assumed for years to be poisonous in Italy, where it was grown as a decorative plant. Eventually the peasant classes discovered that it could be eaten when more desirable food was scarce. This eventually developed into a whole cuisine of tomato dishes, as the wonders of the fruit became obvious. But this took several centuries, wide acceptance not happening until the 18th century.
>>818 たくさんの人が書いているので、あまり違う風にできなかったです。 Speaking of Italy, many people will be reminded of tomatoes, but in fact their home is not Italy but South America. Besides, the history in which Italians eat tomatoes is very short: they began this practice only a little more than 200 years ago. Since Italian food goes back to ancient Rome, tomato can be said to be a newcomer which came as late as yesterday.
>>831 綴り注意 hundred there is an impression that は書きやすくていいですね。 最後の文、仮定法なら事実ではないってことだけど、昨日時点でイタリア人は トマトのことを知っているのでは。一昨日以前は知らなかった、なら反実仮想に なるけど。・・・as if は動詞の選び方が難しい。>>822はOKなので参考に。
>>833 前置形容詞の使い方など、私の文体に似てきたようなw いい感じです。 最後の文、三単現 has been
>>834 綴り注意 Latin 情報を出してゆく順番(情報構造)がいいので文章がよく流れていますね。
History of weather forecasting Many peoples livelihoods and indeed lives are strongly influenced by the weather. In the past, this was probably more true than it is today. For millennia people have tried to predict what the weather would be like a day or a season in advance. In 650 BC, the Babylonians predicted the weather from cloud patterns. In about 340 BC, Aristotle described weather patterns in Meteorologica. The Chinese were predicting weather at least as far back as 300 BC.
Ancient methods of weather forecasting usually relied on experience to spot patterns of events. For example, they noticed that if the sunset gave a particularly red sky, then the following day brought fair weather. This experience accumulated over the generations to produce weather lore. However, not all of these predictions prove reliable and many of them have since been found not to stand up to rigorous statistical testing.
>>837 お願いします。 Whether it rains much or less , there would happen a problem . In the age when there even isn't a word ' weather forecast ' , they had only way of asuuming by theirselves if they wanted to know a weather in the future . So they must have watched sky and asuume move of wind in earnest . This is why there are many words as to weather .
>>837 Both having too much and too little rain gives people disasters. When even the words,゛weather forecast" didn't exist,people had no choice but to predict what the weather would be like by themselves.Therefore,they must have watched sky and examined wind carefully.I think that is why there are a lot of words which have something to do with the weather.
>>837 よろしくお願いします。 Too much or too little rain can be disastrous. In the past, when nobody had ever heard of "weather forecasting", how the weather is going to be was just a matter of personal speculation. They must have seriously studied the sky and the wind. This, in my opinion, explains the rich variety of words we have for weather.
>>839 時制とかの初歩的間違えはもったいないですね。気をつけます >>837 お願いします If it doesn't rain at all,or rains too much, disarters will occur. In the days when even the word,“weather forecast”had not exested,people forecast the following day's weather by themselves. So they must have looked up the sky and felt the wind. That is why we now have a lot of words about the weather.
http://www.students.haverford.edu/east/east260/projects/nausicaa.html The movie begins with the great master Yupa traveling through the earth and finding that more and more countries are being overtaken by the Fukai. When he accidentally angers an Ohmu, Nausicaa is there to save him by calming the Ohmu with light bombs and a wind whistle. Yupa is very impressed by both Nausicaa's ability to read the wind and her understanding of the Ohmu.
http://www.comicbox.co.jp/e-nau/e-nau.html MIYAZAKI: People who make steel, and others like them, are not found in the centers of villages. They are on the outskirts. Ethnologically speaking, these people exist apart from the villagers. The worm handlers are like that. They and the wind readers were probably considered special races in their villages. Not everyone in the village could read the wind. So, people who could, although greatly valued, were considered to be different. They were treated carefully, but could not live together with the villagers. They had taken on different responsibilities. This is what happens when people band together.
>>837 Too much rain and too little rain alike led to disaster. When there was not even the word "weather forecast", people had to predict the change of weather for themselves. They no doubt paid serious attention to the sky and the wind. This resulted in a wide variety of expressions which refer to the weather. 簡略版ですいません。
>>850 お願いします。 It seems that large part of people who aren't punctual are people who are too busy and people who have too much pastime . Former thinks that if he had others wait a little , he would be forgiven by them because they aren't as busy as he is . Later thinks that others have so much pastime too . It goes without saying that both of them are selfish thought .
>>850 In many cases, those who are not punctual are either too busy or too free. The former assume that other people, who are not as busy, should be tolerant, and the latter assume that others, who are as free, do not mind waiting. Needless to say, both are selfish. またしても簡略版で。すみません。やっぱりこういうのはまずいですよねぇ... もう少していねいに原文に即して書かないと。 あと、話題の assume を使ってみました。
>>850 It seems that those who are not punctual are often either too busy or too free. The former thinks that he is allowed to keep others waiting for a while because they cannot be busier than he.The latter thinks that others have a lot of free time,too. Needless to say,both persons think about others in a selfish way. よろしくお願いします。 「時間を守らないひと」を複数形thoseで入っておきながら途中はheになって、 そしてまた最後に複数形personsといってしまうところはまあ気にしなくていいでしょうか?
>>837よろしくおねがいします。 Both too much and too little rain causes a disaster. When the phrase "weather forecast" didn't exist yet, people had to foresee how the weather was going for themselves. So they must have looked up the sky seriously and tried to sense how the wind would blow. Therefore we now have various words relating to weather.
>>850も一つもおねがいします。 Many of people having too little time and too plenty of time don't seem to be very punctual. The former people think that they ought to be forgiven because others are less busy than they are, and the latter people do because others are as idle as they are. It goes without saying that both their thoughts are too selfish.
>>860 When you plan to visit some place, the place will naturally become your master. Whether you follow a tour guide or you walk around with a guidebook, the same is true. At the very beginning of planning on going somewhere, the place takes the initiative and you are an obedient slave.
>>860 When you visit somewhere, of course, the place you visit is the master. It makes no difference whether you walk with a guide or have a guidebook alone. When you decide where you visit at the very beginning, the place begin to have the control of you and you become the obedient slave of the place. よろしくお願いします。 むずかしい。一文目の the place you visitはくどいかな?
>>860 If you are planning a visit to a certain place, naturally it is not you but the place that is the main character. It makes no difference even if you turn to a guide or a guide book as you walk around the place. At the very first moment when you start to work on where to go, your destination takes the lead, making you its obedient slave ever after.
>>866 Behind the growing interest in brain today is, it seems, the stress of the times that the brain feels half unconciously. When people are doing sports, it is not when they are playing well but when they do not know how to move their body that they become aware of the existence of their body. People of today may be at a loss how to use their brain.
Those who are not punctual can be divided into two groups. One group is too busyand the other anything but busy. According to the first group, other people cannot be so busy and can easily wait for some time. On the other hand, the second group assumes that others must have just as plentiful time.
Wherever you visit , naturally it is the place that is main . This isn't changed whether you are shown by a guide or you walk around with a guide book . Since the time when you decide to make a plan that you're going to visit a place , you follow place in making the plan and you become a slave who is obedient to place .
>>868 ありがとうございます。ほんとうに感謝しています。といいつつ矢継ぎ早でなんですが・・・ >>866 I think it is because our brain more or less unconsciously has much stress of today that we are more and more interested in our brain these days. When we are doing sports, it is not when we are doing it well but when we at a loss how to move our body that we become aware of the existence of our body.Then, perhaps, the modern people may be at a loss how to work our brain. よろしくおねがいします。
The reason why nowadays people are getting more and more interested in brains is, I think, that our brains feel unconsciously such kind of stress that is unique to modern society. When you are playing sports, it is not when you are doing well but when you don't know how to move that you get aware of the exsistence of your body. Perhaps people today don't understand how to make their brains work.
>>878 Your teeth play an important role in your health. Protecting healthy teeth requires more than medical treatment. Try to prevent diseases and keep healthy rather than just receive temporary care. To this end, eat a balanced diet including vegetables, in addition to brushing your teeth regularly after each meal. Also important is to maintain mental balance so that you may not become ill because of high stress. 根性続かん。長い文は切ってもいいのかしらん?
>>878 Our teeth play important roles in our health. We cannot keep the health of our teeth good by only treatment. We should try to prevent them from illness and make sure that our teeth are always in good health. In order to do so,it is important not only to brush our teeth after every meal but also to have balanced meals including vegitables. What is more, we should maintain our mind so stable that we don't get ill when we are very stressed. よろしくおねがいします。ながい。「その場限りの治療からさらに前進して」 が訳出できませんでした。
Today we increasely want to know about brain , and it seems that this is because we have stress which our brain almost unconsciousely have . when playing a kind of sport , it isn't the time when we do well but the time when we don't have any idea how we should move that the time when we are conscious of our own existence . I wonder we modern people maybe can't find how to use their own brain .
>>837 お願いします。 If it rains, whether it is too much or too little, it can be disastrous. When the word "weather forcast" wasn't exsited, people had only way to judge the weather by themselves. So they must have look up the sky, and read the sky seriously. I think that is why there are many words about the weather.
>>883 第一文、普通に振った時も危ないように読める。 第二文、didn't exist もしくは wasn’t existent とする。 綴り注意 forecast only way を何とか使うなら、 the only way was to judge the weather by themselves. という感じかな。>>844の no choice but to の方がいい。 第三文、read the wind。 第四文、so many とするとベター。
>>850 お願いします。 I think that major part of unpunctual people is too busy or too idle ones. The former thinks that they can keep others who aren't busy like them waiting for a moment. The latter thinks that others also have a time to kill like them. It is obvious that both ways to think are selfish.
>>860よろしくおねがいします。 If you think of travelling somewhere, it is inevitable that the place where you visit plays a leading role. It is all the same whether you are guided by a guide person or by a guide book, You turn to be a docile slave of the place, at the time you begin to plan a trip and think where to go in the first place.
>>866 Behind today's growing interest in human brains, there seems to be stresses which we half-unconsciously feel in our modern life. In playing sports, we care about the existance of our body not while we play them well but while we don't know how to use our body. I suspect that we ,by any chance, don't know how to use our brains.
>>878 Teeth are very important for our health. And health of our teeth cannot be kept only by medical treatments We must not only consult dentists when there is something wrong with our teeth, but also, more positively, always try to keep healthy life and control our health. For the sake of that, it is important not only that we try to be accustomed to eat a balanced diet including a lot of vegetables and to brush teath after every meal, but also that we keep good mental condition so as not to suffer from an excessive stress and from a disease.
>>758 オリンピック記念で >>786の再挑戦。 Excessive exposure to poetry or fiction at a young age will give the readers the illusion that, despite their complete lack of social experiences, they have somehow got an idea of what life is like.
Real life experiences, however, are not always as impressive as literature, leaving them disappointed or disillusioned.
Excessive exposure to がだめなら、Reading too much で。 最後は、leading to disappointment or disillusionment にしようかと迷い ました。
>>860 お願いします。 When you plan to go somewhere, the place become your master obviously. It is the same thing that you are guided by a tour guide or you walk around with a guide book. From the start which you are planning to go somewhere, the place become your master and you become its slave.
ちょっと離れてましたが、再開。 お願いします >>860 When you take a trip somewhere,it is natural that the place plays a leading role. That remains to be even if a guide leads you, or if you take a guidebook with you. When you make a plan of where you go first, the place starts to lead you,and makes you its submissive slave. >>866 These days, we are more interested in brains than ever. One of the reasons seems to be the stress which our brains feel unconsciously in our life today. We are conscious of the existence of our body while playing a sport, not when we can move the body,but when we don't know how to move it. Judging from the point of the view, we, the modern people,may come not to know how to use our brains.
>>869 綴り注意 unconsciously 語幹sci-は「知る」。science、 conscience 良心、 conscientious 良心的な 第二文、whenの二重構造は変な感じ。 People, doing sports, become aware of the existence of their body not when they are playing well but when they do not know how to move their body. とすればいいかと。和文の情報構造(情報要素を提示する順番)を活かしていることに注目。 なお、二重条件の表現は法務文書を書く際に重要になってきます。 日本語では大条件を「場合」、小条件を「とき」で表すことになっていますので、 英文和訳に利用してください。
>>882 綴り注意 increasingly unconsciously 第一文の後半は because our brains have [suffer] stress almost unconsciously でよいかと。 第二文の情報構造、>>869および>>875への私のレスを参照。 I wonder はいいですね。
>>895 情報構造がどの文もばっちりなのでグレード高いです。 by any chance を「ひょっとして」の意味に用いるのは疑問文か条件節のときだけ のような気もするけど、まあいいでしょ。
>>903 第一文をふたつに切るのはいい判断です。 情報構造上、We, while playing sports, are 〜 とするとベター。 are conscious より come to be conscious の方が動きがあっていいかな。 最後の文の冒頭はJudging from this point of view とするとベター。
>>901 第一文の主節と第三文の主節、三単現。 第三文のwhichの格は? From the time when you start planning the trip, とすればよいかと。
>>903 第一文、a trip to somewhereとする。 第二文、even if みたいで読みにくい。That remains applicable もしくは That remains true とかでどうでしょう。 第三文、firstがどこにかかるのかわかりにくい。 「そもそもの始まりから」という表現の強調の気分は At the very time when 〜 で出ると思われ。
Garden is a housing device which, despite being out of the house, has some effect on the atmosphere in it. For example, when you sit down in the living room and take a casual look into the outside, whether you see a plane of green lawn or bush of pine can change the atmosphere in the house.
>>907-908 添削ありがとうございます。和文和訳を丁寧にしようと思います。 >>850 Too busy or free people are more likely not to be punctual, because the former thinks that,compared to him,the others are not so busy that they will allow him to be late a little, while the latter thinks that the others also have plenty of free time like him. Needless to say,both of them are selfish. 第一文が長すぎる・・・
>>878 Teeth play an important role for our health,but we can't keep the teeth health only by curing. So,let's keep in mind to prevent diseases and to control our health before we need temporary cures. In order to do so,it is important not only to make a habbit of brushing our teeth after every meal,but also to have balanced meals including vegetables. Moreover,we need to keep a mental balance so as not to become ill because of excessive stress.
>>905 ありがとうございました。 >>909 A garden is,though it is outside the house, something like a device which has not a few influences on the inside atmosphere. For example,when we happen to see outside from the living room,it makes very great difference weather we can look at bright grass spreading or trees standing on a small scale, I think. よろしくおねがいします。「松」知りません。本番でこういうときはどうしたらいいでしょうか? 今回のようにtreeとかでごまかせば?
>>909よろしくおねがいします。 A garden, being outside of a building, is a equipment of a house which can have a strong influence upon an atmosphere inside of the building. For instance when one is seated on a couch in a living room of a house and give a casual glance toward the garden outside of a window, one's feeling at the time depends, to a good extent, upon whether there is a garden of flat light green grass or one of dense viridian bushes of pine trees.
>>879 長いのを切るのはOKですが、(1)と(2)をひとつのグループにして切っているのはイマイチかな。(1)と(2)の情報提示の順番も変わってしまっているし。 To this end, brushing your teeth regularly after each meal is not enough. We should 〜 とするとよいかと。
>>880 綴り注意 vegetables 「そのようなその場限りの対処からさらに前進して」という意味の 常套句に beyond such ad hoc measures というのがあります。 (1)(2)(3)の順番や軽重の扱いはこれでいいでしょう。
>>895 第三文までの流れはとてもいいです。 最後の文は、For the sake of that, we should not only get accustomed 〜 but also keep 〜 とするとよいかと。前半はtry toをつけ、後半はつけないのもバランス上気になる。
Teeth play an important roll in our health. We cannot keep our teeth healthy only by therapy . And also we should prevent us from getting ill and maintain our health . To do so , it is also important that we try to not only wash our teeth after each meal but also have well-balanced meal including vesitable , and keep steady in terms of our mind in order not to get ill for too much stress .
庭の問題。 >>910 細かいけど、into the outside というのは変な感じ。窓枠のイメージなんだろうけど。 look to がいいでしょう。 第一文がatmosphereで終わっているので、第二文の主節の主語をatmosphereにして the atmosphere in the house can be changed by whether 〜 とすると情報構造のつながりがよくなる。
Garden is located out of the house , but it is one of the elements for living in the house because it has inflence on the atmosphere in rooms of the house . For example , when you sit in the living room and see outside naturally , whether there is a site of clear glass which covers all of the ground or of dark matu which is too thriving would affect how you feel the house much .
There used surely to be some strict adults in your own town, and they always scolded children seriously when they behaved immorally. I think there were a clear awareness that the whole local society grew up children. moreover, owing to the tendency, children could be more conscious that they themselves were a part of society.
In the past, there used to be some scary adults in every town, and when children there did something shameful, such adults would scold them seriously. I think that the adults in those days thought all people in the community should brought up children there together. As a result from that tendency, children, in turn, were able to become aware that they were members of society.
よろしくおねがします。 In the past, there used to unexpectionally live some scary grown-ups in any block, and, if a child did anything to be ashamed of as a person, they would scold him not by halves. There used to be a intense consenus among people that children were brought by the whole local community, I believe. Because of that atmosphere, children could gradually get to hold the self-consciousness as a member of the community.
>>866 お願いします。 I think that the stress which we feel half-unconsciously in modern times leads to the fact that more and more people are interested in brain these days. While playing sports, we may be conscious of the existence of our body in the situation that we don't know how to move our body, not the second we are playing it very well. I suspect that people today are perhaps becoming the ones who don't know how to work their brains.
>>878 これもお願いします。 Teeth are very important for our health. Teeth healthy cannot be stayed only by treatment. We should keep in mind that we should still advance to preventing diseases and controling healthy from the temporary treatment. So, it is important that not only brushing teeth after every meals but also eat well balanced-food including vegetables, moreover, keeping our mental steady so that we don't too stress and catch a disease.
>>909 これもお願いします。 Garden is a house device which has some effect on atmosphere of inside a house, despite it is outside the house. For example, when we look outside casually while sitting in the living room, how we feel is very different whether there are a wide bright grasses or a thick pine bushes.
「歯と健康」の問題。 >>932 第二文、Healthy teeth cannot be kept にする。 第三文、We should keep in mind that we shouldはくどい。We shouldだけでいい。 綴り注意 controlling controlling の目的語は名詞healthにする。 その次はbeyond the temporary treatmentとするといいでしょう。 最後のkeepingは構文上の位置付けがよくわかりません。 文を切ってwe should keepとすればよいでしょう。
庭の問題。 >>926 綴り注意 influence 問題なくよくかけていますが、 how you feel the house would be much affected by whether 〜 とするとよみやすいかな。
保守揚げついでの緊急英作w What kind of words do you choose when it comes to explaining the taste of a red tai to people who haven't eaten it yet before? Probably you cannot describe it whatever words you may use. Thus, we cannot deliver even one taste to others by words. Words are less usuful than we think.
Long ago , in neighborhood there would be always some so obstinate adults that they told children off seriously whenever children had a bad manner . I think adults had a strong will to raise children in the whole social community . By their atomosphere , children were able to increase their self-awareness that they are a member of the community .
What kind of words do you select when you are told to explain the taste of a red tai to those who have never had it ? Probably, you won't be able to put it into any kind of words. Thus, we cannot express even one taste, so language is less useful than we've expected.
You often find that you don't have any more ways to deal with them after you become a bit close to the answers of mathematic problems but notice the dificulties of them.
But when you encounter the trouble like that, you must feel that math is unexpectedly easy and, on the contrary, interesting if you return to the basis of it, and restart studying it.
In the past, when a child was being disgraceful, some adults in the community who were feared by many children would take the trouble to scold him in earnest. People seemed to be strongly aware that the whole community should be involved in fostering children. Such an atmosphere helped children develop an awareness of community membership.
If you are told to explain how a red tai tastes to someone who have never eaten a red tai , what words do you choose to explain it ? Probably , you wouldn't express it by any words . As this case , you can't explain a taste of a simple food . So , you can't freely express much unexpectedly by language .
>>925 お願いします。 In old times, surely, there were some scary adults in a town. They always scolded children seriously when they behaved badly. I think that is because the adults had a strong awareness that they should bring up children by everyone who are in the community. Children could become the person gradually who have an awareness that they are a member of community by that atmosphere.
>>940 これもお願いします。 When you are asked to explain the taste of a red tai for someone who have never had it, what words do you choose? Perhaps, you can't express it whatever words do you choose. Thus, we can't explain the taste of even a food, so languages aren't as useful to express things as we think.
おねがいします。 >>940 If you are asked to describe how a red tai tastes by someone who has never eaten it, what words will you choose? Perhaps, there is no way to express it no matter what words you use. Because you can not tell even the taste of such a single thing,a language is not as useful as you think. >>945 There is nothing we can do when we get at a loss how to solve a math problem, though we studied math a little.That is because, without knowing any formula, we can never manage to solve a math problem for ourselves. However, even in such a situation, if we study math so hard that we may review everything including the very basic, we must feel math is easier than we thought or more interesting than easy.
>>940 How do you explain what a red tai tastes like to someone who has never eaten it? No words are likely to be suitable to describe its taste. In this respect, language is rather an inconvenient tool. また簡略版やっちまった。すまんです。
>>947 第一文、悪くはないんだけど、和文の情報構造を活かすとこうなります。 In the past, there were some adults in a community who were feared by many children. When a child was being disgraceful, they would take the trouble to scold him in earnest. 第二文、第三文はこれでいいでしょう。
>>953 第一文を切ったのはよい判断です。情報構造もいい。 「地域社会全体で」はby everyone in the community もしくは by all of the communityでいい。 最後の文、childrenは複数、the personは単数なのがよくない。 主語をa childにするのも手。任意の一人について語るというモード。
Many people have a opinion that communication is important,but if you think that communicating is chattering,it is far from correct understanding. Communicating needs dramatical sense of grasping your situation. When people who are lacking in the sense have a discussion on difficult problems, they'll begin to quarrel immediately.
>>945 お願いします。 You can't answer the mathmatical problem any more whenever you solve it a little, and you can't come up with the idea to solve it. Solving it isn't a kind of work which you can manage to do only by yourself even if you don't know formulas and so on. However, even in that case, you must find mathmatics not so much easy as interesting surprisingly, if you study it from the essential basics like you follow the way you have been studied it.
>>958 これもお願いします。 Many people says that communication is important. However, if they think that continuing to talk becomes communicating, it is an inconsequent thought. Communication needs the dramatic sense of grasping the situation. If people who don't have the sense debate a difficult problem, they will quarrel about it.
>>950 黒鯛というのもいますよ。関西ではチヌといって釣り師のターゲット。 京大で友人と海釣りにといえば、若狭湾に出向いたりします。 explainではなくdescribe。 最後はこうした方がいいでしょう。 you can't express by language so freely as you expect.
When you study Math , if you are solving the problem and then can't find how to finish it , you become at a loss . This is because you can't solve Math only by yourself when you don't have any formula by heart . But you would think that then while you study Math as if you try again it through very basic process , unexpectedly , it is easy or interesting .
>>945 数学の問題よろしくお願いします In mahematics, once you enter into a domain where you don't understand, nothing can be done about it. How could you deal with it for yourself without knowing formulas or some knowledge relating to it? You can do nothihg. Mathematics is a thing of that kind. Nevertheless even in the case of that kind, if you are willing to learn mathematics all over again, step by step, from the very first step, you must get to find that mathematics is not so difficult and, moreover, is interesting as you learn. なかなかやりにくい問題でした
また遅くなってすみません。お願いします。 >>909 Although a garden is out of doors,it is a device of dwelling which influences the indoor atomosphere much. For example,when you sit in a living room and look at out of window unconsciously,it makes a big difference in the air of a house whether there is a spread of fresh grass or a pile of old pine.
>>925 There used to be some scary adults in ever town,and they earnestly gave children a lecture,whoever the children did something to be ashamed of. I think that they had a strong consciousness that children should be brought up by the whole community. Thanks to the atomosphere,the children could also become aware that they were members of the community.
残りレス少ないのに連投すみません >>940 If you are asked the taste of a red tai by someone who have not eaten one,how do you describe it? Probably we can't communicate the taste of a thing,so a language is not as convenient as you thought.
>>958 Many people say that dialogue is important,but if they associate it with a chat,they have a very big mistake. In dialogue,we need to have a dramatic sense to understand situations. As soon as people lacking the sense deal with a difficult problem, they will have a conflict.
>>971 The days when TV had not been invited,it was radio that we surrounded in living rooms. We felt excited hearing the small magic box. Those who are growing up with TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in describing something. However,thanks to that,radio made us full of imagination.
>>971 お願いします。 Before the arrival of TV, in living room, people often listened to radio. We listened to the sound heard from the small magic box with our heart excited. Those who have been grown up with TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in expression power. Thanks to that quality, however, we became imaginative ones.
10さん、新入りですが、あと1週間よろしくお願いします!717と名乗ることにします。 とりあえず、次の2題お願いします。 >860 When you visit some place,it is natural for the land to become the main character. Even if you walk with a guide or a guidebook,it doesn't matter.In other words,the moment you plan to go somewhere, what you should decide to do begins to depend on the place where you want to go.
>866 It seems that the stress of this age,which our brains feel to some degree unconsciously,causes us to become more interested in the brain today.While we are playing sports,it is not when we do well but when we don't know how we should move our bodies that we get conscious of the existence of the body. In this way,probably,we have become unable to understand how to use our own brains.
>>945 数学の問題。お願いします。 If you find you cannot understand mathematics at a somewhat advanced level, you will be at a loss how to tackle it. Math is not something you can manage for yourself without knowing any relevant formulae. Neverhteless, if you continue to study it, with your determination to start again from the very beginning, you are sure to find math less difficult than you thought, or indeed quite interesting anyway.
数学の問題。 >>946 数学の話であることをもっと前に出した方が読みやすい。 When you become a bit close to the answers of mathematic problems but notice the difficulties of them, you will find that you don't have any more ways to deal with them.
>>955 第一文、There is nothing we can doと言い切ってしまうと第三文への伏線にならないので There seem to be 〜 とする。また、最後のthoughはafterの方がいいかな。 第三文、hardというよりhumbly(謙虚に、humbleの副詞形)の方がいいでしょう。 前へ前へと頑張るとかえって停滞する、急がば回れというのが主旨ですから。
>>960 綴り注意 mathematical 第一文、You feel you can’t 〜とする。>>955へのレス参照。 第二文、even if ではなく if だけにする。 第三文、easyとdifficultが反転してない? 最後のところ、実際に辿るわけなので、like you followはfollowingだけにする のがいいでしょう。
>>965 第一文、When you try to solve a math problem but can't find how to finish it, とするとよいかと。 mathを大文字始まりにする必要はないでしょう。 第三文、>>955および>>960へのレスを参照。以下のようにするとよいでしょう。 But if you study math again through very basic process, you will find it unexpectedly easy or rather interesting.
>>967 第一文、数学の話であることを最初にもってくるのは情報構造上good。 主節はyou feel nothing can be done とするとベター。上のレス参照。 同様に、You can do nothing by such a headlong approach.とするとベター。 Mathematics is not a thing of that kind.と続ける。(肯定/否定が逆では。) you must get to findは義務っぽいのでyou will surely get to findの方がよいかと。
>>977 最後の「違いありません」というのは筆者の主観なので、 you are sure to findはyou will surely findとする。 最後のanywayは消すかsomehowとする。 他はとてもよく書けています。
>>973 typoというかミス(;^ω^) >>940 鯛の話 2文目以降 Probably,we can't do that because it is beyond description. You see,we can't communicate even the taste of a thing, so a language is not as convenient as you thought. でお願いします。
テレビとラジオの問題。 この問題でこそ思い出して欲しいのがCarpentersのYesterday Once More。 対訳サイト。カラオケメロディが流れます。 http://homepage1.nifty.com/carnet/yesterdayomore.htm I'd は I would の略です。 本問の第二文はもろにこれで書けるでしょう。 Before TV came along, radio was at the center of living room entertainment. When I was young, my family would listen to the small magical box excitedly.
前スレ>>975 第一文、in living roomは最後でいい。 第二文、listenとhearを一緒に使うのは変な感じ。heardはとる。 最後の文、「映像表現を欠く」というのは機能の有無の問題なので qualityの一語で切り捨てるのはどうかと。
>>9 第一文、家庭でということも表すために最後にin living room もしくはat homeをつける。 最後はhoweverの前で文を切る。 「映像表現を欠く」はこのように直訳するのが結局は安全策でしたね。 all the moreはいいですね。逆説的なつながりなのでthanks toよりいい。 enrichもいいですね。河合塾生ならすぐ思いつくw
Many people say conversation is important , but if you think that talking with someone means conversation , it is fault . When you make a conversation , you must maintain the special sence . This sence is to understand the circumstances . If you don't have the sence and talk with such man , there would happen the quarrel .
Before TV was invented , the main medium in the house was radio . We were listeng with curiousity to the sound and voice which were come out from the small magical box . The people who were brought up in the circunstances which there is TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in the ability to express somethig . But , because radio can't make images , it made us imaginative .