和文英訳しちゃった。 In the modern society,we have such various problems as economical,enviornmental or educational one. If you were in charg of certain country,what kind of politics would you put into practice for such problems? どのような問題に対してんとこ胡麻化した。うまいのきぼん
>>10 The education has been considered to craming a lot of knowledg, so students are good at learning anything by heart, but poor at thinking of things logically. Therfore,they decide much less strongly what they will do than before.
As a boy, I usually played with my neighbor friends outside after scholl until it got dark. we often got scolded for mischief , and had a quarell and fought each other .But I have learned how to communicate with others from those experiences. I feel that today's children who are doing nothing but play video games at home imply why there is a bullying between them.
As a boy, I used to play with my neighbor friends outside after school till dark.
Sometimes we got into mischief and got scolded together, sometimes fell out and brawled with each other, thus learned the way to get along with others.
Children's indulgence in video games today seems to hint where the source of bullying is.
When I was a child , I usually played outdoors with neighor friends untill it got dark. We are often scold off for playing tricks or having quarrels, but it leaded us to learn how we associated with each other. When I watch children today doing nothing but video games, I realize why they bully others
【問題】芸術家なら、こんな美の構造に触発されて、自分の作品の中にとり入れ てみたいと思うだろうし、科学者なら、その現象の背後に潜む法則性をたずねて みたいと思うにちがいない。 If you are an artist, you might well be inspired by the structure of beauty like this to take into your works it, if a scientist to seek for the rule hidden behind that phenomenon.
>>47その3 *「時代遅れの」 obsolete, out of date, old-fashionedなど *It ...thatの仮主語構文を使っていると思われるが なぜかthat節内に主語が見当たらない。 実はIt is obsolete to Vの形が問題文のニュアンスに 合う。是非書き直してみてほしい。 以上。
採点してほすぃ 問題文 日本全国を見回しても、英語がまったくできないという人間は 存在しない。なぜなら英語は私たちの日常生活に 深くかかわっているからだ。 解答 The people who cannot speak English wouldn't exist even if you look around Japan. It is because English is much concerned with our daily life.
>>85 1つめ。 *we→youに直すべし。 *the England theは絶対に消すこと。なぜならばEnglandというのは 自ずと1つに特定されるから必要ないわけである。 ではアメリカは? the United States of America, the US, America と様々な表現がありtheの有無も様々。 なぜそうなるのか考えてみよう。 (ヒント:theがかかる名詞は?) 点数6/10
解答 No,no.It's not true.That's not the reason why you hate her. You don,t want to be in compitition. No,no.That's not I am talking about.No,no. What's!?What are you talking about?Gesus Crist! That's not the issue!You know? What we are talking about is why you hate her,and it is because you don't want to be in compitition!
日本全国を見回しても、英語がまったくできないという人間は存在しない。 なぜなら英語は私たちの日常生活に深くかかわっているからだ。 There is no one in Japan who cannot understand English at all. Nowhere in Japan can you find someone that has no knowledge of English. This is because English is deeply involved [embedded] in our daily life.
くっつけちゃお English is so much a part of everyday life that there is nobody in Japan who cannot understand English at all.
きれいな場所では誰も物を捨てる気にならない。(最初はno oneで) No one will want to throw away things in beautiful places. No one would feel like tossing away anything in places free of litter.
>>91 * be in competition with〜「〜と競って」 あえてその表現を使うならば、with othersを加えるべし。 和文の尊重すれば You don't want to be compared with others.となる。 *That's not <what> I am talking about. whatの抜け。 *Gesus Crist 正確な綴りはJesus Christ、怒りや驚きを表すのに使われる表現。 「わけがわからない」には当てはまらないので不適。 例えばIt doesn't make any sense to me.あるいは I cannot understand (at all) what you are talking about. でも通じる。曖昧な表現は使うのを避けよう。 *「いいかい?」 You know?ではなくYou know, ...である。 点数7/10 追伸 >>83と>>91は同一人物だね?別に2chに何を求めるわけじゃないけど 一言礼(納得しないのならせめて感想くらい)書くのが礼儀だと思ふ。
>>96 1つめ。 *According to <the> wea<t>her forecast, ... ここはtheが必要、「明朝雨がやむ」という天気予報は特定されるよね? *...it will be stop rain(n)ing by next morning iは小文字、rainingのnは1つ、「翌朝」は上の書き方も×じゃないけど、 tomorrow morningとはっきり書いたほうがベター。 点数8/10
>>96(続き) 4つめ。 *The best wonderful point in the movie... best自体がgoodの最上級だからwonderfulと並べることは不可。 The most wonderful pointならいいけれど 問題の指定には合わないね。 *「美しい景色」は its beautiful scenery[あるいはscenes] scenery「一連の景色」はsceneの集合体。 backgroundは「(絵画などの)背景;経歴、人物背景」 点数7/10
5つめ。 *Whoever persuade to me,... →Whoever comes to persuade me,... あるいはNo matter who comes to persuade me,... に直そう。 点数8/10
Americans have lots of interests in house.They spend lots of time thinking and speaking their own house and how to make it better.They like looking other's house,and expect that they enjoy looking the inside of the house there if they go to foreign country.So,foreigners are almost always guided all rooms from bath to kitchin when they visit American home.
添削、ヨロシクお願いします。その際に以下の疑問にも答えてくだされば幸いです。 一行目のinterests in を concerns of または concerns aboutにしてもいいですか?
Americans have lots of interests in house. interests > interest 単数に house > houses 複数に concern は「心配・懸念」というニュアンスなので interest がいいでしょう。
They spend lots of time thinking and speaking their own house and how to make it better. speaking の後に about their own house > their own houses / it > them
They like looking other's house, looking の後に inside などの前置詞必要 other's house > others' houses アポストフイの位置と複数
and expect that they enjoy looking the inside of the house there if they go to foreign country. ここはもとの日本語が変なので・・・ look は自動詞なので注意。 foreign country > a foreign country
So,foreigners are almost always guided all rooms from bath to kitchin when they visit American home. So の後のカンマ不要 guided all rooms > shown around all the rooms from bath to kitchen > ,from the bathroom to the kitchen, American home > an Amecian's house
Americans have a lot of interest in their houses. They spend a lot of time thinking of and speaking about them and how to make them better. They like to look at other people's houses, and they think that when they visit a foreign county, they will enjoy visiting and looking into the houses there. So, foreigners are almost always shown around the whole house, from bathroom to kitchen, when they visit an American house.
Houses are a great concern to Americans. They spend a lot of time thinking of and talking about their houses and how to improve them. They are interested in looking at other people's houses and, if they go abroad, they think they will visit some houses to enjoy looking inside. This is why, when foreign people visit an American's house, they are certain to be shown to every room, including kitchen and bathroom.
Consultative body of the former Prime Minister the late Mr. Keizo Obuchi reported that introducing English into the lesson of an elementary school and considering as an official second language in January, 2000.
こちらも添削おながいします。 The house is a great interest for American people.
They spend a lot of time in thinking of and talking about how to enhance their houses. They like seeing other's houses, and think they will enjoy visiting the houses in the countries where they visit.
Therefore people from abroad who visit American people's houses are necessarily shown from the bathroom to the kitchen.
The consultative comittee formed by the former Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, who died during his term, suggested in its report that elementary schools should teach English as Japan's second official language.
To American people, how to live in a house is an important matter. They spent much time to think and talk about their own houses and how to live in them more comfortable. They like to call at and examine others' ones, and they think they will enjoy a chance to do so even in foreign countries. That's why they usually show all the rooms from the bath room to kitchen in their houses to guests from foreign countries.
Though there is a set phrase which says "Computers don't mistake,"it means that human which controls them makes many mistakes. If you deal with a human,he might guess,"Oh,you intended to do that in this,but you mistook." However,computers don't such a thing. Suspect yourself before you doubt computers-particularly, the beginners should keep this in mind.
俺もそれやってみる。 The cliche "computers do'nt make a mistake" only means that human who get handle on them often stumble at operation. When you make a mistake, human beings can infer your intention which you could'nt take into practice, but coumputer can't. We ,especially the beginner,should bear this saying "If there are some error,the cause may be not the computer but you."
There is a common phrase "A computer will not make errors," but you should not understand it literally. It means that it is you rather than the computer that causes it to make an error. When you work with a man, he may kindly notice a mistake you made and understand what you really mean, but you cannot expect the computer to be so kind. Suspect you made an error yourself when the computer did it. That's my advise to users, especially to beginners.
>>128 >Though there is a set phrase which says "Computers don't mistake,"it means that human which controls them makes many mistakes. >If you deal with a human,he might guess,"Oh,you intended to do that in this,but you mistook." However,computers don't such a thing. >Suspect yourself before you doubt computers-particularly, the beginners should keep this in mind.
it means that human which controls them makes many mistakes. というのは文法的にもアレないうえに不自然な感じを受けます。 これを日本語に訳すと、コンピュータたちを抑制するような人間はとにかくミスをやらかすものだ、という なんだかよく分からないものになります。 悪いのはコンピュータではなくむしろそれを扱う側である、と言うのでしたら、 it is not the computers but human beings who operate them that caused errors のほうがすっきりします。
If you deal with a human, ここで deal with というのは分かんないなー。これは誰それと取引するという 意味ですので、ここの訳文にはなじまないと思います。わたしは work であっさり片付けたけど、command a man to do something でも ちと大仰だけどいけます。
"Oh,you intended to do that in this,but you mistook." Oh, you seem to make a mistake and is not what you really mean. でどうですかね。
However,computers don't such a thing. Don'tでもいいけど、ここはあえて will を使って won't do so のほうがちょっとしゃれた感じがだせます。 The door will not open.(この戸がどうしても開いてくれない)という例文、高校で習いますよね。
Suspect yourself before you doubt computers-particularly, the beginners should keep this in mind. suspect yourself はいいとして、このあとに doubt をわざわざ使う必要があるのかどうか。 Suspect youself when your own computer seems to have made an error. The users, especially the beginners, had better keep that in mind.
Vegitation have a power to make people feel refresh, and can also absorb carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. In addition, they enhance the sights of cities where are full of cars and people passing by hasty. So I think plants are very important for our lives .
It says that it proposed marriage, saying " wanting to support death penalty among the homes mentally " from this woman. According to the person concerned, the woman is the period which is the same as death penalty among the homes. It says that it moved the letter of the encouragement many times through the defense team in the trial of the detective trial and that it was inserting a confectionery kind and so on. The woman was telling the intention of the marriage through the last ten day in September, the defense team when death penalty between " wanting to become a support sympathetically with the mental weakness of ( death penalty among the homes ) " and so on and the home retracted to be appellant. After that, it says that it had death penalty among the homes hand over marriage with its own photograph. It says to have accepted as " the fact to want to meet if being a person of the understanding of wanting to be. it seems that it is a human being until " death penalty among the homes " is dealt out and so on " to the proposing of marriage from the woman. The wife of death penalty can meet generally if getting permission of the bridewell. The defendant among the homes divorced the March, 99, 4th wife and at the time of the event, he was single.
we say that computers never make a mistake. It shows that there are lots of people who operate with wrong ways in short. In the case of humans, they may speculate that "you might do this way here, but miss.". Howerver, computers will not do that. Suspect yourself before computers, the users, especially for beginers, should keep that in mind that.
>>135 >Vegitation have a power to make people feel refresh, and >can also absorb carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. >In addition, they enhance the sights of cities where are full of >cars and people passing by hasty. >So I think plants are very important for our lives .
で、採点ですけど Vegitation have a power to make people feel refresh, and の have は has ですね。refresh はもともと動詞で、これを形容詞的に使うときは refeshed がよろしいです。
can also absorb carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. だと、can も also も削って absorb は absorbs に。emission は名詞なので、 他動詞の emit(放射する)を使って emitted に。
In addition, they enhance the sights of cities where are full of cars and people passing by hasty. なんで where がここに出てくるんかなー。たぶん which のつもりだったのでしょう。 hasty はあわただしいという意味の形容詞で、あわただしくというつもりなら in haste が よろしいです。 they make cities more green which are full of motorcars and people leaving and coming on the streets in haste.
「決まり文句」を set / common phrase としているけど phrase は「文」ではなく「句」だから不可。 it is often said などで処理して。
human は基本は形容詞です。名詞として使うなら humans となる。 a human という形もないではないが受験では避けよう。 いずれにしても無冠詞単数で human を名詞として使うのはダメ。 131みたいに you で処理するか、 a person などを使う。
>>131 はしっかりした文になっている。 2文目の causes は you に合わせて cause に。 最後の方の when the computer did it は意味から考えて when / before you assume the computer did it でしょう。 advise > adivice
>>149 ちなみにOALDでの phrase の定義は 1. a group of words without a FINITE verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence 'the green car' and 'on Friday morning' are phrase 2. a group of words which have a particular meaning when used together: a memorable / famous phrase * She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.
set phrase にしても、数語の組合せではよく使いますが、完結した文章では使わないと思います。
>>150 なんか難しいことが書いてあるなー。私の使ってる辞書にも同じようなことが書かれてる(日本語)けど これは文法用語として使われるとき限定ってことですよね。そもそもこの定義では As the phrase goes, there is no crying over spilt milk. という例文が成立しなくなってしまいます。
コービルドでの1番目の語義 phrase A phrase is a short group of words that people often use as a way of saying something. The meaning of a phrase is often not obvious from the meaning of the individual words in it.
We often hear it said that computers do not make mistakes. It means that, in many cases, the person who operates the computer is responsible for the error.
Even if you do something in the wrong way, people are usually able to guess your intention, but we cannot expect that from computers.
So, ask yourself if you did not give wrong instructions before suspecting the computer is to blame.
When you are too absorbed in deceiving, you often do not realize being deceived. It is easy to deceive those who lie. They tend to fall into the fallacy of believing that they only lie and others do not.
>>160 Next month, Yamashiro, Kyoto prefesture, will introduce the first day nursery monitoring system in Western Japan, allowing parents to refer to it with PC on the net. Only parents can access to that system for protecting plivacy matters.
Next month, Yamashiro, Kyoto prefecture, will introduce the day nursery monitoring system, which is introduced for the first time in Wtern Japan, allowing parents to watch their children in the room with PC on the net. Access to the system is limited to the parents to protect their children's privacy.
wtern→Western Next month, Yamashiro, Kyoto prefecture, will introduce the day nursery monitoring system, which is introduced for the first time in Western Japan, allowing parents to watch their children in the room with PC on the net. Access to the system is limited to the parents to protect their children's privacy.
>>169 ありがとうございました。 a day nurseryで保育所なのでthe day nurseryにしたんですが イミが違ってくるんでしょうか。 is off limits to the parent の反対の意味で is limited to 〜にしたんですが こういう使い方はしないんでしょうか。 辞書を確認したところ、例文がThe prisoner was limited to one visitor. その囚人の面会人は一人に限られていた・・と載っていて、いまいちわかりませんでした。
In Yamashiro town in Kyoto Prefecture, the Town nursery school is to begin the 'nursery school monitorining system' next month, which is the first time in the western region of Japan. It enables the parents to watch how their children are going in the school on their PCs through the Internet. It is available only to their parents so as to protect their right to privacy.
Being ill doesn't necessary means they are unhappy. If an important person for you have been illed, it isn't your responsibility and doesn't mean he is unhappy either. What is important is how to live in life and isn't how long you live.
病気である事は必ずしも不幸である事を意味しません。 たとえあなたの大事な人が死に至る病気に伏していても それはあなたのせいではないし、その人が不幸であるという事でもない。 大切なのはどう人生を生きるかで、ドレくらい長く生きるかではない。 It can not said that the sick is unfortunate. If your precious person is suffering from a fatal desease, that doesn't mean that you made the patient ill and he is unhappy. How you live is the important thing, not how long you live.
すみません訂正。 It can not be said that the sick is unfortunate. If your precious person is suffering from a fatal desease, that doesn't mean that you made he or she ill and unhappy. How you live is the important thing, not how long you live.
Illness does not necessarily mean unhappiness. Even if your beloved is fatally ill in bed, neither are you to blame for that nor are they always unhappy.
再度訂正。 It can not be said that the sick are unfortunate. If your precious person are suffering from a fatal desease, that doesn't mean that you made him or her ill and they are unhappy. How you live is the important thing, not how long you live.
>Being ill doesn't necessary means they are unhappy. ケアレスだと思うけど、doesn'tがあるからmeansには三単現のsは不要。 部分否定は、not necessarily(副詞)であって、necessary(形容詞)ではない。 theyはbeing illを意図してるんだと思うけど、being illは「病気でいる事」なので、 「彼ら」にはならないし、「それら」としても、「病気でいる事」は複数じゃない。 だから、ここでtheyを使うのは不適切かと。 →Being ill doesn't necessarily mean being unhappy.
>If an important person for you have been illed, まず、illは動詞ではなく形容詞なのでilledとするのはおかしい。 主語がan important personなので、動詞には三単現のsが必要、つまりhas。 しかし、原文では「たとえ、もし〜」なので、仮定法で表現するのが良いし、 「たとえ」の語感をだすためにもeven if 〜として、仮定法過去が適当。 あと「死に至る」が訳されていないので、これも落とさないように。 →Even if an important person for you had a deadly illness,
>it isn't your responsibility and doesn't mean he is unhappy either. 仮定法の帰結節にするために助動詞の過去形を用いる。 →it wouldn't be your responsibility and also mean he is unhappy.
>What is important is how to live in life and isn't how long you live. たぶんここは大丈夫だと思う。ただ、「not A but B」の形にするか、 「A, not B」の形にするほうが無難だと思う。 あと、youを使ってるから、your lifeとして統一するほうが良い。 →What is important is not how long you live but how to live in your life.
>>181 >Illness does not necessarily mean unhappiness. >Even if your beloved is fatally ill in bed, neither are you to blame >for that nor are they always unhappy.
ただ、neither〜nor で名詞節を二連発というのは私やったことないです。 you are not to blame for that, nor is it that he is unhappy としたほうが読みやすいのでは。
次の英作文の添削をお願いします。 ・人々は自由と放縦を混同しがちだ。 People are liable to confuse freedom with loose. ・最近老人をだまして金を振り込ませる事件が急増している。 These days incidents that someone deceives old people into paying money into his account is remarkably increasing. ・左翼は我々にうわべだけの人権意識を植え付ける。 The left implants in us superficial recognition of human right.
>>182 >It can not be said that the sick are unfortunate. 「必ずしも〜ではない」という部分否定になってないのがマズい。 not necessarilyやnot alwaysを使って部分否定にするべき。 the+形容詞で「病人」をちゃんと複数扱いにできてるのは良い。 →It can not necessarily be said that the sick are unfortunate.
>If your precious person are suffering from a fatal desease, 「たとえ」を訳出するためevenを入れるべき。あと主語は三人称だからareじゃなくてis。 →Even if your precious person is suffering from a fatal desease,
>that doesn't mean that you made him or her ill and they are unhappy. 前文を指すのはthatよりitとしたほうがいいと思う。あとtheyがおかしい。 him or herではちゃんとorで単数にしてるのに、theyで複数にするとダメでしょ。 ここは別にheかsheのどちらかでも大丈夫だし、そのほうがすっきりする。 →it doesn't mean that you made him ill and that he is unhappy.
>How you live is the important thing, not how long you live. この語順だと、省略を元に戻した時に How you live is the important thing, and how you live is not how long you live. ということになってしまい、文意がおかしくなる。 →The important thing is how you live, not how long you live.
>>185 >・最近老人をだまして金を振り込ませる事件が急増している。 >These days incidents that someone deceives old people into paying >money into his account is remarkably increasing.
ええと、 These days the slickers are remarkably increasing who try to deceive old people into paying into their bank accounts.
>>185 横から>>188>>189氏が直したポイントをちょこっと説明。 >These days incidents that someone deceives old people into paying money into his account is remarkably increasing. 同格のthatが使える名詞は限られていて、incidentでは不可。
>The left implants in us superficial recognition of human right. superficial recognitionとhuman rightの冠詞が抜けてる。
About twenty-four percent of people who were born during the postwar baby boom are not completely satisfied to be lumped together under the name of the baby boom generation.
One out of four baby boomers feels uncomfortable with the label of "a baby boomer".
The fishery promoting public cooporation of Okuma Chou succeed in cultivation of HOSHIGAREI ,which high grade and rare fish and it is difficult for us to breed,by utilizing the waste heat of nuclear plant.
The fishery promoting public corporation of Okuma Chou succeed in cultivation of HOSHIGAREI ,which is high grade and rare fish and it is difficult for us to breed,by utilizing the waste heat of nuclear plant.
The fishery promoting public corporation of Okuma Chou succeed in cultivation of HOSHIGAREI ,which is high grade and rare fish and it is difficult for us to breed,by utilizing the seawater heated by the waste heat of nuclear plant.
Approximately one-forth of the Japanese born within four or five years after World War 2, or in the baby booming days, don't like to be called the 'Dankai no Sedai' ("the baby boom generation") .
The Okuma Town Fisheries Promotion Corporation has announced that it succeeded in raising spotted halibuts, rare fishes that belong to the pleuronectidae family and are well-known to be hard to raise, in the heated sea water from the nuclear power station.
Thank you so much カキナオシマシタ exciteミマシタガ Nearly one out of four people in the baby-boom generation after World War U dislikes to be called Dankai-no-sedai(the babyboomers).
次の添削をお願いしまつ。 当地の気候はきわめて温暖で、冬でもめったに雪は降りません。 The climate is very mild here,and it seldom snows even in winter. あのデパートはブランド品のバーゲン中です。 That department store is holding a sale of quality-brand goods. 人には何らかの生まれながらの才能があるものですが、それを生かせるかどうかが問題です。 Everybody has some talent or other. It is a question of whether or not they can make the most of it. サファリパークにいらっしゃるなら5番のバスです。30分ほどで着きます。 Take Bus No.5 to the safari park.You'll be there in about 30 minutes. このテレビドラマを見れば江戸時代の庶民の暮らしぶりがよくわかります。 This TV drama will show you clearly how the common people lived in the Edo period. あの人は化粧のせいで若く見えるけれど、もう40歳を超えているのよ。 She looks young because of her makeup,but she is already past forty. 旅の楽しみ方は人それぞれであろう。名所旧跡めぐりもよいが、私ならまず食べ物である。 Everyone has different way of enjoying traveling. Doing the sights is fun,but for me ,food is more important.
>>215 >人には何らかの生まれながらの才能があるものですが、それを生かせるかどうかが問題です。 >Everybody has some talent or other. It is a question of whether or not they can make the most of it.
some 加算名詞 or other を使っているのにはにやりとしました私。ただ、生まれながらの才能の訳としては talent よりは gift のほうが感じがだせます。
Eveyone has some gift or other. The point is whether you can make the best of it.
make the best だと、俺っちの才能なんてたかが知れてるけどやるだけはやるかという風に やや卑下した感じになるので most のほうが良いです。whether or not のうちの or not は あってもいいけどこれは名詞節だから省略もできます。
>>215 >旅の楽しみ方は人それぞれであろう。名所旧跡めぐりもよいが、私ならまず食べ物である。 >Everyone has different way of enjoying traveling. >Doing the sights is fun,but for me ,food is more important.
私なら It is up to you to decide to how to enjoy traveling と改造しちゃうところだけど、way で行くのでしたら everyone は避けて Any person has his/her own way of enjoying traveling かな。Doing the sights は巧い。
このテレビドラマを見れば江戸時代の庶民の暮らしぶりがよくわかります。 This TV drama will give you a clear picture of ordinary people's lives in the Edo period.
旅の楽しみ方は人それぞれであろう。名所旧跡めぐりもよいが、私ならまず食 べ物である。 Different people have different ways of enjoying travel. Visiting famous places may be a good idea, but I would like to put food first.
不老不死は人類の夢である。しかしもしそれが実現したら、地球上は人で一杯になってしまうだろう。 People dream of immortality and eternal youth,but if this ever became a reality,the earth would overflow with people.
The fishery promoting public corporation of Okuma Chou succeed in cultivation of HOSHIGAREI ,which is high grade and rare fish and it is difficult for us to breed,by utilizing the seawater heated by the waste heat of nuclear plant.
Day after day, English business men spend no less than one hour to erase unnecessary mail records. Some of them say that 'Now unnecessary mail records is one of the my main ploblem on my business'
Day after day, English business men spend no less than one hour to erase unnecessary mail records. Some of them say that 'Now unnecessary mail records is one of my main ploblem of my business'
>不老不死は人類の夢である。しかしもしそれが実現したら、地球上は人で一杯になってしまうだろう。 >People dream of immortality and eternal youth, but if this ever became a reality, the earth would overflow with people.
>>241 >大熊町の町水産振興公社は、原発で温められた海水を使い、 >育てるのが難しく希少な高級魚「ホシガレイ」の養殖に成功した。 > >The fishery promoting public corporation of Okuma Chou succeed in >cultivation of HOSHIGAREI ,which is high grade and rare fish and it is >difficult for us to breed,by utilizing the seawater heated by the waste >heat of nuclear plant.
Okuma Cho でも・・・いいか。succeed は succeeded のことですねきっと。cultivation の 前には the が欲しい。
ホシガレイの英語名を使わないのであれば Hoshigarei と頭のみ大文字でいいです。高級魚って とこは私 rare でまとめてしまったけど、a をつけて a high grade に。it is difficult の it は先の which とかぶるから削り、for us も削ったほうがいいです。
"Osechi" dishes, which were originally royal custom, spread through ordinally people, and later, only the dishes served at New Year's day became to be called "Osechi dishes."
They have changed their style according to each place and each times.
Some young pwople may be not fully satisfied with Osechi's taste. One add to flesh,saying "I want more volume."and anoteher put emphasis on vegetable,saying "I want more healthy meal". Like this,Osechi vary between each families.
>>276 Some young people may not be satisfied with the taste of Osechi. Some add meats to make heavier, or some add vegetables to make healthier. Osechi depends on the cook.
Day after day, English business men spend no less than one hour to erase unnecessary mail records. Some of them say that 'Now unnecessary mail records is one of my main ploblem of my business'
Osechi, or New Year dishes, originated from the royal way of dining. It spread among citizens and came to be recognized as the celebrating dishes for the New Year days by the name of Osechi. Each region and age has its own Osechi manner and style.
あけおめでございます。添削おねがいします。 >>283 The history of the development of technology shows that most of its progress have been achieved by the endeavor of those who dreamt of, really fascinated with the beauty of scientific discovery, without considering their profits.
And a lot of great discoveries often resulted from an extremly simple question. To be successful in solving such a question , however, you have to acquire basic knowledges and scientific skills to convince the public.
>>275 >"Osechi" dishes, which were originally royal custom, spread through >ordinally people, and later, only the dishes served at New Year's day >became to be called "Osechi dishes." >They have changed their style according to each place and each times.
ordinally は Ordinary のことですねきっと。 which were originally royal custom はこれでもいいけど縮めて originally rolay custom にしてもグー。 became to be called は come to be called に。 spread through ordinally people は became popular with ordinary people に。なぜって the dishes が主語の場合に spread はよく考えたらやや不自然だから。ここ私もミスってました。 each place and each times はちと不自然な感じを受けます。time and place に。 place and time でも文法的にはいいけど普通は逆に呼ぶそうです。
>>280 >英国のビジネスマンは毎日1時間も費やして不要なメールを消している。 >中には「メールは今や仕事上の悩みの種」と話す人もいる。 > >Day after day, English business men spend no less than one hour >to erase unnecessary mail records. >Some of them say that 'Now unnecessary mail records is one of >my main ploblem of my business'
spend と組み合わせる場合 to erase は erasing にします。不定詞は使えなかったのではないかと。 mail records よりも e-mail か思い切って spam に。
>>279 >Some young people may not be satisfied with the taste of Osechi. >Some add meats to make heavier, or some add vegetables to make healthier. >Osechi depends on the cook.
add meats to make heavier がちと気になります。I ate chicken. とあれば鶏肉を食べたという 意味ですが、I ate a chicken.にすると鶏を一匹むしゃぶり食べたという感じになってしまいます。 だからここでも meats は meat にして、さらに meat to make it heavier に。 pieces of meat なら使えます。それからここのitはおせちのこと、ね。
vegetables to make healthier は vegetables to make it healthier がいいです。 ここでは複数形であります。
>>278 >Some young pwople may be not fully satisfied with Osechi's taste. >One add to flesh,saying "I want more volume."and anoteher put emphasis >on vegetable,saying "I want more healthy meal". >Like this,Osechi vary between each families.
Seeing the history of the development of science, you'll find that most of that development has been accomplished by the effort of the people who are purely attracted by beauty of science without considering the profit brought by scientific achievements and dreamed of the scientific discoveries. And a lot of the great discoveries often stem from simple questions. But to connect such questions with achievements of research, you must acquire the stable foundation and scientific methods which lead to everybody's conviction.
Seeing the history of the development of science, you'll find that most of that development has been accomplished by the effort of the people who were purely attracted by beauty of science without considering the profit brought by scientific achievements and dreamed of the scientific discoveries. And a lot of the great discoveries often stem from simple questions. But to connect such questions with achievements of research, you must acquire the stable foundation and scientific methods which lead to everybody's conviction.
>>300奨学金は、いずれも学業、人物ともに優れ、かつ、健康であって、経済的理由 により学資の支弁が困難と認められる者に貸与又は給与されるものですが、 奨学生の採用数には予算的に限度がありますので、必ずしも希望者が全て採用される とは限りません。 Any of the scholarship is lent or awarded with a smart , healthy student with good personality regarded as not being able to pay tuitions for economic reason. However, as the scholarship budget is limitted, not all the students are approved to get scholarship money.
>>299 > Seeing the history of the development of science, you'll find that most of that development has been accomplished by the effort of the people > who were purely attracted by beauty of science without considering the profit brought by scientific achievements and dreamed of the scientific discoveries. > And a lot of the great discoveries often stem from simple questions. > But to connect such questions with achievements of research, you must acquire the stable foundation and scientific methods which lead to everybody's conviction.
Currently , a building agency , alotted constructions on the bases of given areas by the road public company, gets construction materials for the express way.
The public opinion that charges such a system with being one of the cause of high costs, have mounted.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
In my high shoo1 days, my English a6i1ity didn't improved as I thought. there were few chance to conversation and my vocabulary didn't grow. However,I'd like to keep studying English.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
カラオケは楽しいけど、あまり話ができないのがこまる。 Singing in a karaoke room is a lot of fun, but having a conversation there is a lot of trouble.
どういう職業が他の職業より優れているかといった議論は無意味である。 It does not make sense to try to say that one occupation is better than another.
学生のバイトは今では普通のことだが、いい点もあれば具合の悪い点もある。 It is not uncommon now for students to have a part-time job, but there are disadvantages as well as advantages to it.
高校時代、英語は思ったほど上達しなかった。 会話をする機会もほとんどなかったし、語彙も伸びなかった。 でも、勉強はずっと続けていきたいと思う。 While I was a high school student, I did not make as much progress in English as I thought I would. I seldom had opportunity to speak English, nor could I increase my vocabulary. But I still want to go on studying it hard.
>>334 > While I was a high school student, I did not make as much progress in > English as I thought I would. > I seldom had opportunity to speak English, nor could I increase my vocabulary. > But I still want to go on studying it hard.
While は When に。I thought I would はややまだるっこしいから I had expected でまとめるべし。
seldom nor ってのは聞いたことないよ〜。 neither nor にして、I had neither few opportunities に。
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
Today,the builders who are contracted to construct of sectional road by the road public company individually draft the building materials of freeway . The criticism that this system is one of the background of 'High cost structure' is rising.
Now, the construction industry company who contracted construction from the road public corporation for every section is raising the construction materials of a highway individually. Criticism that this system is connected with the cause of high cost structure is increasing.
1.試合の間中、勝つことばかり考えていた。 During the game, I kept thinking about winning. While playing the game, I made a concentrated effort to win. While we were playing the game, I was completely absorbed in defeating our opponents.
2.自然の壮大な美を間近に見てみたい。 I want to see the grandeur of nature for myself/at first hand. I would like to see with my own eyes how wonderful nature is. I would like to have close contact with the beauty of nature.
3.目標に達するためには、大事なことは自分で決断する必要がある。 In order to achieve your goal, you need to make important decisions for yourself. If you are to attain your aim, you have to decide for yourself on important matters. Your goal requres your own decisions as to what is important.