Think of the way a ball bounces. One moment it finds itself hurtling down at great speed. Moments later, though, it is going up again, just as fast. It can't stop in mid-air. Nor can it change direction until it has completed its current course. Now think of what seems to be going the wrong way for you. Maybe things have to get a bit worse, before they start to get a whole lot better. Even if so, it really won't be long before they do start to improve surprisingly swiftly.
You have made your mark and won at least some substantial part of your battle. Why then, aren't you celebrating? Because you can now see that you have not reached the end of a journey at all. There's further to go. It is also beginning to dawn on you that in order to reach the next stage you may first have to retreat a little. That seems silly. Why give up ground that you have fought so hard to gain? But you are not giving up, you are letting it go. There's a big difference.
Oil burns a lot more brightly than wood. That doesn't mean, though, that you should pour it on your fire. What is fuelling you? Are you being gently nourished by a wise ambition? Or are you being worked into a frenzy by an intense reaction? We should never act out of anger or fear. We should always be led by faith and inspiration. If you are used to the heat of an unsuitable energy source, you may find a switch to a more constructive supply seems strange. But you won't regret making it.
You are beginning to suspect that almost everyone else in your world seems happy to mislead you about something. Even those you normally feel able to trust appear to be editing the information they have access to. Making statements that omit crucial facts. Painting pictures from carefully-chosen perspectives that happen to disguise vital details. I put it to you, humbly but bravely, that you are being similarly selective in some of your remarks. What's needed now is true candour. All round.
It's not quite the development you had been hoping for but it is a development - and a good one too. Indeed, if you look at it closely, you will see it is a better development than the one you had your heart set on. The only trouble is, once we have our hearts set on something specific, we become narrow minded. We want what we want, regardless of how unreasonable it may be - or even how ultimately counter-productive. The universe is about to take good care of your true need. Trust it.
Relationships will be your main focus at the full moon, particularly if you are born on June 22 or within five days of this date. Your full moon will fall in your opposite sign of Capricorn on that date, highlighting all sorts of partnership matters. If you have been unhappy in a romantic attachment, this full moon is likely to bring matters to a head. If you are in a strong and healthy relationship, you may be making plans to bring your alliance closer. With Venus in Cancer very close to Saturn, you will be in a very serious mode, and quite clear-eyed and realistic. Conditions seem to be such that you will not be able to ignore certain realities.
(続き) Pluto - the problem planet here - can bring highly unfair, even ruthless, tactics into the situation. Mars will be no help, as the Red Planet will be in a bad mood too, and this suggests that your feelings will be vulnerable to criticism. Both of these planets can be applied to a personal, romantic situation - you may be bullied or criticized - and this can be very tough. I hope I am wrong about this full moon. It gives me no pleasure to have to report this to you.
(続き) Next month's aspects are a little better - Mercury, Pluto and Mars will be cordial - but Saturn will be standing next to the Sun, and that suggests that you will experience a sobering experience. A major decision about a partner seems unavoidable and inevitable. Certainly by the time you are done with both full moons, you will be feeling very realistic. There's no way to deal with these aspects other than head-on. You know what? It's better to know who is on your side and who isn't. If someone isn't going to give you support, you don't need this person in your life.
(続き) All things considered, I feel you should brace for anything. Although it is possible you will see an upbeat development, it seems more likely that you will experience certain relationship turbulence. Keep in mind that ALL close relationships are under the microscope, so the one person who might make your life difficult might be a client or business partner, not a romantic partner. It is also possible that you will be the initiator, not the victim of someone else's words, but even so, it appears this episode will drain you.
(続き) No matter what occurs, know that the universe is trying to help you use your time well. If you need to fix something in a relationship, if the relationship means something to you, you will work it out. If you feel this blowout has been coming for a long time, you may now find the courage to make a complete break. If you are incompatible, you will be freed to find someone who is better for you.
Romantically, if you are single or if you are getting along very well with your partner, you will have lots of ways to enjoy yourself in June. Venus will be in Cancer from June 3 to June 28, a fabulous development, because Venus sends a soothing balm to everything it touches. You will have heightened charisma and find it far easier to attract the right kind of attention from various admirers. You will also have a team of planets in Cancer by the last third of the month, including the Sun, full moon, Venus, and Mercury - considerable cosmic support!
(続き) Your favorite day, if single and looking for love, will occur over the weekend of June 11-12, when Venus will wink at Uranus. Travel seems to form part of your romantic luck, so by all means flee town if you get the opportunity. Alternatively, you might meet this person in some sort of classroom situation or seminar. If you are attached and happy, this is also likely to be a standout weekend.
Another terrific night to enjoy love would be June 18, when the moon will glide in Scorpio. It doesn't quite have the star-power of the earlier date, but it sure should be fun anyway.
(続き) Partnership issues will rise to the surface on the June 22 full moon. You may find that you have to compromise to make this alliance work. No problem - be ready to deal. If you haven't made up your mind about a key person in your life, by June 22 the right choice will become obvious. If it is time to walk away, you will do so and chances are, you won't look back.
(続き) Romantically, lucky you, the kiss-me planet Venus is now in Cancer, so if you are single, you'll adore June, because you will be the sign most likely to receive compliments - and phone c alls. Dress for romantic success on your best dating weekend, June 11-12. Thanks to a rare communication between Venus and surprise-a-minute Uranus, it'll be a zesty fun-filled time and truly a weekend to remember. Attached? Another dazzler of a day is due on June 18 when the moon will glide in compatible, sizzling Scorpio.
Venus glides into your sign on the 3rd, sweetening your disposition and giving you a more approachable, luscious vibe. This is your time of year, Crab: the Sun moves into your sign and the Northern Hemisphere heats up to a warm glow. A family matter clarifies itself after the 5th, thanks to Jupiter's forward movement. Instead of stewing about this, probably in silence, you can express your thoughts confidently and feel heard and understood. Getting things out in the open can be a very healing experience. Although June marks the beginning of summer vacation, you're all business and mega-productive, especially after the 11th when Mars enters your career and reputation sector. (One caveat: don't lock horns with authority figures, even if you're convinced that you're right and they're wrong. Some friction with a boss or supervisor is likely during this period ? and may be due to competition or jealousy.) Mid month, Uranus goes retro for months, suggesting that you rethink a long-held belief or revise an expectation. You may question another's integrity or your own values during this retro phase. A brilliant Full Moon on the 22nd puts the emphasis on relationships and the art of getting along with sometimes difficult but unavoidable people.
It may seem that June offers little but unrelenting effort and responsibility. But if you understand that you’re ending the two year cycle during which you’ve been reorganising every element of your life, you won’t mind. Be tough, eliminating what doesn’t work and embracing what does. Don’t worry that there will be little remaining. Instead, think about what you've always intended to do or deal with. Then list as yet unrealised goals, and aim high. Within months even distant dreams could be part of your life.
>>50 this full moon is likely to bring matters to a head 今回の満月が事態を土壇場に追い込みそうです。 >>53 Keep in mind that ALL close relationships are under the microscope "全ての"交際関係が事細かに検討されていることを心に留めておきましょう >>55 the last third of the month 月の最後の3分の1(=下旬) >>58 when the moon will glide in compatible, sizzling Scorpio. 月が、調和的で焼け付くような蠍座を滑走するときです >>59 don't lock horns with authority figures 権威者とツノ突き合わせて争わないように
Here comes a surprisingly splendid weekend; one you deserve and are fully entitled to enjoy. It's not all going to be easy. Is it ever? Some big issue is going to come under deep discussion. A difficult doubt will have to be addressed and explored. A fact may have to be faced. But all this will only add to the mood of glorious decisiveness you eventually attain. You have been discussing a big plan for a long while. It is time to put your money where your mouth is - and your head where your heart is!
# put one's money where one's mouth is (口のあるところに金を出す) # とは、「口に出したことについて金を出す」つまり、「自分の言葉や約束 # を具体的な行動で実証・裏づけする」という意味です。 # put one's head where one's heart is (心のあるところに頭を出す) # は、おそらくこのイディオムと対句となるようにジョナが考えた表現で、 # put one's head in the noose (首吊り縄に頭を入れる), # put one's head into the lion's mouth (ライオンの口に頭を入れる) # といった、「あえて自ら危険・危機に身をさらす」という意味のイディオム # から類推して上記のように訳してみました。 # …さらなる妙訳ご教示のほどを。
For ages you’ve known that certain difficult situations could be resolved only by tackling them from an entirely unaccustomed angle. However, your suggestions fell on deaf ears ? or so you thought. Now others haven’t just adopted your ideas, they’ve claimed them as their own. Irritating as this is, regard it as flattery and leave it at that. This is particularly important as you’ve other far more crucial matters to consider. These involve various obligations that have been costly, tedious or both. An opportunity arises to take a stand, and in doing so get the cash and appreciation you deserve ? but you must act now.
June 6-12: Now that Venus is in your sign, you’re more inclined to make love and postpone war. Even when others try to provoke an argument, you’re all about the peace process. This is good for you and superb for your most important relationships. Troubled relationships may actually begin to heal during this Venus cycle, and argumentative types with giant chips on their shoulders will figure that you’re a lost cause and stop picking on you. If there’s any possibility of making a commitment, do so over the weekend.
resolve はこの場合「解決する」という意味の方が適切でしょう。 tackling them の them は difficult situations を指しています。 ? はおそらくハイフンが文字化けしているのでは。 claim them as their own の them は your ideas を指しています。 # 「あなたの意見を自分達のものとして主張する」ですね。 flattery は単なる「ほめ言葉」というよりは「お追従」「おべっか」と いったニュアンスの意味です。 leave it at that は、「(議論等を)そのへんにしておく、そこそこで切り 上げる」という意味もあるようです。 # regard it as flattery 「そのこと(他人があなたの意見を自分達の意見と # して主張していること)をおべっかと見なす」…すみません、ここはわたし # も意味がよく分かりません…。 This is particularly ... の this は「それをおべっかと思ってそこらへん でほっておくこと」と解釈しました。なぜそれが important か、の理由が 次の as 以下です。 involve はこの場合「〜にからむ」「〜にかかわる」「〜を伴う」という 意味の方が適切ではと解釈しました。 take a stand には「立場をはっきりさせる」「明確な態度を打ち出す」と いう意味があるそうです。 in doing so で「そうする(=立場をはっきりさせる)ことにより」です。 appreciation は>>97さんの訳を採り「感謝」としましたが、「評価」でも 良いかもしれません。 # the cash and appreciation 「お金と感謝」で、立場を明確にすること # によって得られる有形無形の報酬、といった意味なのだと思われます。
Whose rules are you playing by? It's funny how we all feel obliged to abide by regulations and requirements, even when we don't understand them - and even when those around us are just as baffled by their apparent irrelevance. You suspect that there's nothing you can now do about a difficult situation. In fact, though, there's plenty. You just have to question an old assumption and be brave enough to apply a different set of standards. You have the power to rewrite the rule book now.
Don't feel upset, anxious or intimidated. Think of Dorothy as she approached the Wizard's gate. It looked for a moment as if she were never going to be let into his palace. All that effort to walk down that 'yellow brick road' had been in vain. The doors were barred. Entrance was forbidden yet, somehow, she found her way through. Something that seems 'far bigger' than you, is causing you to feel hopeless or helpless. What difference can you make? A big one. You'll soon see.
You know how upsetting confrontations can be to you. For this reason you’ve been doing everything you can to tiptoe around potentially explosive issues. This is exactly what others were hoping you would do. The only way they’ll realise that you’re serious is if you make it clear that you’re not going to back down.
You have any number of reasons for sidestepping certain rather tricky issues. Amongst these is the fact that others don’t want to confront these situations any more than you do. However, with each day they’re getting worse, and they’ll continue to do so until you decide that it’s time to undertake the necessary changes.
Are you loved? Are you cared for? Are you wanted, appreciated, admired and respected? There is, of course, always room in any life, no matter how contented, for a little more comfort. But whether you now seek only the icing on a cake or just a crumb of the cake itself, you will find the next couple of days rather gratifying. It would appear that a certain someone truly cares - and that alongside the emotional support that you are being offered there is also a helpful gesture of a very tangible, kind.
Your intuition has long been telling you that others were struggling with certain situations. But when you’ve talked things over, they’ve insisted things were fine. Now events give you an opportunity to lend a hand. Do so, without even asking, and you should finally be able to give them the support they so need.
Your emotions always affect your wellbeing and quality of life, but today may bring matters to a head. Monitor moods and reactions and strive for balance. Don’t engage in control or “gotcha” games. Even if you don’t feel the consequences of such behavior immediately, you will. Detach from anger, resentment and fear. This may require ongoing vigilance. By the end of the day, you should feel on solid ground.
Your sword is sharp, your horse is strong and your plan of attack is clever. What, though, if, instead of fighting you - your opponent backs down? Or what if you find yourself in a classic 'Keystone Cops' scenario. You run at a locked door with a battering ram. Meanwhile, the person on the other side of that door throws it open, so you now race forward unimpeded - but you run into the room so fast that you hurtle out of the window on the far wall! Watch for a sudden change that works in your favour.
>>172 bring a matter to a head は「事態を土壇場に追い込む」という意味なの だそうです。today は副詞的用法で、主語は Your emotions でしょう。 「あなたにとって感情が健康や生活に影響をおよぼすのはいつものことだ けど、今日はもうどうにもならなくなっちゃうかも。」 みたいな感じですかね。
control or "gotcha" games は control games or "gotcha" games と 解釈し、この場合の control は「支配」「支配権」といった意味に
うわ。すごいヘンになっとるやん…。 整形して再うpします…。 ---------- bring a matter to a head は「事態を土壇場に追い込む」という意味なの だそうです。today は副詞的用法で、主語は Your emotions でしょう。 「あなたにとって感情が健康や生活に影響をおよぼすのはいつものことだ けど、今日はもうどうにもならなくなっちゃうかも。」 みたいな感じですかね。
control or "gotcha" games は control games or "gotcha" games と 解釈し、この場合の control は「支配」「支配権」といった意味に とりました。 問題の "gotcha" games ですが、この場合には、「相手の失敗やアラを あげつらってそれを自分の利とするような争い」といった意味になると 思われます。"gotcha" は "I've got you"「やったぜ!」「つかまえた!」 ですね。 「支配権争いや、相手のアラをあげつらって自分をよく見せるような競走 に参加しないように」 といったところでしょう。
on solid ground は「しっかりした論点に立って」「確固たる立場に いて」という意味ですので、最後の文は 「その日の終わりまでには、あなたはしっかりした足場にいると感じる はずです。」みたいな感じだと思われます。 ---------- レス無駄遣いスマソ…。
How long does it take to make a life-changing decision? How long does it take to come up with a brilliant idea? How long does it take to identify something crucial? Moments. Life seems to involve an awful lot of shuffling, jostling, prevarication and preparation... followed by a brief, intense burst of glory. You are on the threshold now, of some significant experience. It won't take you long. But when it comes, you will correctly feel as if you have been building up to this for ages.
There’s a difference between being understanding about the shortcomings of others, and allowing that tolerant attitude to become an excuse for allowing them misbehave. Certainly the antics that you once thought amusing are beginning to lose their charm. The longer you wait, the more difficult you’ll find it to say what must be said.
You’ve looked at things from every angle, and are only now facing the rather difficult fact that you’re going to have to disappoint somebody you care about. While this is the last thing you want to do, anything else would mean making a serious sacrifice, a situation that neither you nor they would want.
# only now は「たった今」「まさに今」という意味になるようです。 # the fact that ... は同格節で「〜という事実」という意味の方が適切 # ではないでしょうか。 # この場合の the last は、「最も〜しそうにない」「まさか〜しないと # 思われる」という意味だと思われます。 # the last thing you want to do で「あなたが最もしたいと思いそうに # ないこと」ですね。 # While はここでは「〜とは言え」「〜だとしても」の意味だと解釈して # 「こういうことはあなたが最もしたくないと思っていることなのだと # しても」といった意味でしょう。 # 「こういうこと this 」とは「大事に思っている人をがっかりさせること」 # と解釈しました。 # 問題の anything else would mean ですが、 mean には「〜を引き起こす」 # 「〜を生じさせる」という意味もあるようです。 # つまり、「大事な人をがっかりさせなければいけないこと」以外のことは # 何であれ making 以下のような結果を引き起こすことになるだろう、と # いうことでしょう。 # 最後の they would want の they は somebody you care about 「あなた # が大事に思う誰か」を指している、と解釈しました。
Your cosmic climate is most encouraging. You should find today very fruitful and enjoyable. Does this make you feel comforted - or does it leave you wondering if the word 'but' has been omitted from the end of the previous sentence. Surely it can't be as simple as that can it? Well, nothing in your world is ever as simple as that. You have some peacemaking to do. There is an old piece of unfinished business to attend to. Deal with that and your time really will be magical.
This week begins perhaps the year’s most important cycle for you. Between now and mid-July you’ll be examining every element of your life, considering what works and what doesn’t. Previously you might not have been in a position to change things. But now that the courageous Mars has moved to accent such matters, you’ll have the strength and fortitude necessary to tackle what must be faced and dealt with. If you’ve any doubts the wisdom of this regime, simply note the amazing offers and ideas currently coming your way. The more deadwood you eliminate, the more you’ll be able to take advantage of.
What does your new situation really mean? What will you do if you ever decide to retreat or reverse? How will you manage it? Let's tackle those questions in order. It means that you are growing wiser and stronger. If you ever change your mind about it, a return to the past way of living will not prove as impossible as you fear. But you won't ever want to do that. At worst, you'll change a few more things before you get the formula completely right. At best, it WILL all be right.
As you’ll notice over the next few days, not only are things in constant transition, what seems the best option will change dramatically as circumstances themselves change. While you can’t avoid making commitments, if you ensure that what you organise can be easily rearranged, you’ll be able to consider various options as they arise. .
The Moon and Jupiter are now remarkably close together in the night sky. Tomorrow, your ruler will pass directly in front of the planet of hope and justice, obscuring its light entirely. That's both an auspicious omen and a problematic portent. Interpreted positively, it suggests you have the power to do something very noble and wise. It also implies a risk, though, that you could throw yourself passionately into a plan that sounds very laudable but is ultimately based on selfishness instead of sensitivity.
At first you probably thought you were being over-sensitive. But gradually it’s becoming evident that sooner or later, you’re going to have to make it clear to one particular individual where the line is drawn. They’re already aware that their actions are causing irritation, so won’t be the least bit surprised at what you say.
It is never wise to take the law into your own hands. The current conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter suggests that you are in a position of power and influence. You may or may not be able to dispense justice. You are certainly well placed to create convincing justification. Don't talk yourself into a dramatic course of action that you later regret. Instead, reach within for wisdom, compassion and insight. Then you will see how you can really ensure that only the right things happen.
Only now, as you look back on the past two years, do you realise just how hard you've worked to overcome certain obstacles. At one point you were beginning to wonder if you were ever going to get anywhere. However, suddenly it's become clear that you're within close range of achieving those once distant goals.
Sometimes, it is only when you push yourself to the edge that you discover where your limits truly lie. Right now, you are learning a lot about what you are really capable of. Some of these revelations are shocking, others are deeply inspired. All are important. You are recognising your strengths and coming to terms with your weaknesses. You are learning that things are not quite as you once imagined them to be. Once you adjust, you'll be better off forever as a direct result of this process.
In some cases convincing others to support your plans has been merely a matter of discussing various options, and encouraging them to go with what suits everybody best. But it looks like it's going to take something of a more dramatic nature, such as the events triggered by next Wednesday's Full Moon, to get their attention.
Listen carefully. What can you hear? That is the sweet sound of a welcome development in the offing. It is just that, due to other, louder, more local noises, you can hardly detect it. Not only are various people round you creating a distracting hubbub, you are humming a little tune to yourself. This melody, though it may be cheering you up, is also counteracting your ability to recognise the distant strain. Be quiet for a moment. Be still. Be brave enough to fully open your ears.
The early part of this week seems to be more about what you don't want to do than what you do. Dealing with unappealing issues may not be fun, but the sooner they're eliminated from your list of things to do, the better. In many, you need only tackle situations head on and you're done.
Having played with some fire, you have now retreated to a cool corner to consider your position. Your fingers are just a little burned. That hurts. But you are still attracted to that inferno. Maybe if you can only get yourself a heat proof suit, it will be safe to go back and have another try. Maybe. Or maybe that fire needs to burn down a little before you return to it. Time has to pass. Thought must be given to the other matters that you have lately been ignoring. Eventually, the right kind of balance WILL be struck.
For longer than you care to think about it, one or two individuals have counted on you when they needed help. However, when things are good they're never around. The time has come to examine these relationships. With things as one-sided as they appear to be, they could hardly be referred to as friendships.
Words are not appropriate. What you need is a picture. It's not a very complicated one. You can draw it for yourself. Take a sheet of paper. Fold it in half. On the top half, write the word "Then". On the bottom half, write the words, "From now on". Now go all the way along the fold with a black marker pen. That's your image. A big thick line, separating past from present. Demonstrating precisely what you now have a chance to do in your daily life. Forget what's gone before.
A combination of unexpected events and disappointments has hit everybody hard, but it’s been particularly traumatic for those you work or live with closely. You’ve tried to discuss these issues with them. Now, what’s arisen will corner them into acknowledging and dealing with the certain dilemmas that you’ve been trying to get them to face.
These days, amusement parks are full of simulators. These create a sense of terror as they turn, twist and buck whilst showing their occupants convincing footage of some wild and scary journey. Yet even if they break down or go out of control, they cannot harm the rider. Are you on a real roller coaster now or merely one that seems real? It is hard to tell from your perspective. But then, it is SUPPOSED to be hard to tell. To be effective, a simulator MUST be a stimulator. The sky insists, though, that ultimately, you ARE safe.
You can look at what's happening as some kind of a problem or you can see it as a test of faith and stamina. Some people pay good money to be put through psychological challenges as intense as the one that you face now. They do so for the invaluable sense of triumph that ensues when they emerge from the situation having learned and accomplished so much. You have recently been getting just such a chance. You are about to discover how blissfully beneficial it has been.
You are fast approaching the end of... an era. Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say something different there? Well, you ARE fast approaching the end of your tether too. But that's because the two are connected! You HAVE had enough of a certain silly situation. Now, your patience HAS finally snapped. That's wonderful news. Saturn will move into a new sign in a couple of weeks. Between now and then, you can finally make a break with the past, and prepare for a much more rewarding future.
訳してみますた(意訳です) 6/28 蟹座 別訳歓迎 Saturn won't leave your sign for another two weeks or so. It has, though, been in Cancer for more than two years. Astrological influences of such duration, don't tend to begin and end suddenly. They fade into one another, rather like tunes on the decks of some highly accomplished DJ. You don't really notice the transition until it has all but happened. if you listen carefully now, though, you can hear the heavenly drum beginning to pound out a different rhythm. Detect it - and you can start dancing to it.
やってみますた 6/29 蟹座 別訳歓迎 I recently asked Uri Geller, if he wished that he had been born with the power to do something other than bend spoons and mend broken watches with his mind. He replied instantly, 'Yes! I wish I could levitate.' There's always more we can do. There's always further we can go. Regardless of what he can or can't do, though, there's plenty you can do now. You are only just beginning to discover what's possible. You may yet have to rethink your whole idea about what the future could hold for you.
Be still, be silent, be strong. Stand back from the cavalcade of chaos. Forget all that you know - or think you know. Put aside your current idea about who you are and what you are supposed to be doing. Be willing to see it all from a different perspective. The planets are about to treat you to a rare, revealing insight. All is not as you thought it was. change just one idea about what 'ought' to be happening and you'll find your current problem is not half as big as you had recently begun to think. Rare heavenly alignments make amazing changes possible in July. Find out more in your new long-range forecast.
Daily stars for today�30�June�2005 Experience has taught you that it’s not even worth approaching certain individuals about potential changes. They wouldn’t even discuss them. At one time that might have been true. But recent developments have forced them to become more open-minded, so much that they’ll not only listen, state your case well and you’ll win them over.
If we have too few aims and objectives, we never get anywhere. We just end up drifting through life, doing whatever seems easiest at the time. If we have too many goals and aspirations, we grow anxious and agitated. Nothing is ever acceptable 'just the way it is'. We forever feel as if we ought to be somewhere else, doing something different. In one key area of life now, you are being just a little too rigid about your desire to reach a certain goal. Care a little less, enjoy yourself a lot more.
After weeks of trying to find ways around certain rather disheartening obstacles, you were just about to give up. Now suddenly the tide has turned. Ironically, when you gave up, you also give things a push. In relinquishing one set of goals, you cleared the way for the realisation of other, equally worthwhile, ones.
Your week ahead: This week brings the annual New Moon in your sign. It also brings the last moment that Saturn and the Moon will both be in the sign of Cancer until August 2032. You may still be dealing then with the consequences of the decisions that you make, and the actions that you take, over the next few days. You are reaching the end of a process that has preoccupied you intensely over the past two-and-a-half years. You are tired of a drama, a saga; an ongoing effort to solve a seemingly impossible problem. Don't give up now. Make one last brave attempt. Even if you have tried before and failed, this time you can get it right and make it work.
When you first approached one particularly difficult character with an idea, you were hugely anxious about their reaction. Not only did they explore it, they were actually interested in what you had to say. This is the key. They don’t suffer fools gladly, but are always happy to hear about an intriguing idea or offer.
おはようございます。 ケイナー 7月4日 別訳・補足大歓迎! Of course life is a carnival. Just look at all the litter on the streets - and the amount of booze for sale everywhere. Or course life is a circus. Why it's absolutely full of clowns. And of course too, life is a bowl of cherries. Tiny, shiny pieces of promise; some of which are sweet, many of which are sour and all of which contain indigestible stones. You have had, lately, a bittersweet relationship with life. But by and large, the bitter bit is over. It's time now for some sweet stuff. It starts any day now.
For July 4: No matter what shape your budget is in, you’re in the mood to spend cash and enjoy instant gratification, no matter how brief. Others might try to talk you out of a decision. Even if you privately know that they’re right, you’re apt to stick to your guns and do what you want to. Suffice it to say that you won’t take orders from anyone today. In fact, you celebrate Independence Day with a vengeance.
Ordinarily the annual Cancer New Moon, on Wednesday, would indicate a fresh start. While it’s true that the insights accompanying it will prove enlightening, this is just the beginning. Next week Saturn ends its two year reign in your sign, and with its departure, on the 16th, you shift from merely coping with obstacles to benefiting from the strength you’ve developed in doing so. Consequently, concentrate on clearing away past clutter from your life, from actual pointless mementos to passé goals. The more you’ve the courage to relinquish now, the freer you’ll be when next week’s new, and far more upbeat, cycle begins.
Some kind of move must be made. Some sort of change must come about. What if, in your attempt to make something better, you accidentally make it worse? Your desire to 'get it right' is freezing you to the spot. You have to thaw out, even if the only way to do so is to generate what's probably the wrong kind of heat. It doesn't matter. Movement, even if it isn't the ideal type of movement, will create freedom and opportunity. With that, you'll be able to set everything straight.
Some kind of move must be made. Some sort of change must come about. What if, in your attempt to make something better, you accidentally make it worse? Your desire to 'get it right' is freezing you to the spot. You have to thaw out, even if the only way to do so is to generate what's probably the wrong kind of heat. It doesn't matter. Movement, even if it isn't the ideal type of movement, will create freedom and opportunity. With that, you'll be able to set everything straight.
ELLE 7月5日 Don’t expect things to be neat, orderly or on time. Annoying little glitches interfere with the best-laid plans. Even if others resort to pointing and blaming, you don’t have to. Frustration is bad enough without alienating friends and colleagues. It appears that the timing is off in a project or relationship. Everyone involved agrees it’s important, but cannot agree on the details.
物がきちんと整理されてる、とか規則的とか定期的とかって思わないで。 鬱陶しい小さいズレや不調は周到に準備された計画を邪魔するでしょ。 他者が非難や指示に頼っても、あなたはそうする事(必要)は無いわよ。 Frustration is bad enough without alienating friends and colleagues. ↑(不明点多し、お手伝いお願いします) 翻訳ソフトでは:友人と同僚を遊離させないで、フラストレーションは十分悪いです。
Your heart is not especially inclined to do whatever people are expecting of you. Bigger issues are preoccupying you. These include the desire to exercise your right to reconsider commitments you have kept up without question for ages. You have such a right. It is important to use it. Even if there's nothing you can change or nothing you actually dare change, yet... you are fully entitled to those thoughts. You don't have to tell everyone, but nor do you have to apologise for it.
Judging by the tricky planetary activity in your opposite sign of Capricorn, in which there occur two Full Moons in sequence this year, those closest are going through it. You’d like to relieve their burden. However, the lessons they’re facing are theirs, and theirs alone. Support them from the sidelines, but do no more.
Today’s New Moon and accompanying positive aspects supercharge your confidence and enthusiasm. Good news comes in, along with promising indicators that you’re on the right track. You treat yourself to something you’ve wanted for a while. Self-denial won’t be on today’s agenda. You may have one clash with an authority figure, but even that doesn’t have enough juice to ruin your day. You can actually feel things getting better. . . .
Your heart is not especially inclined to do whatever people are expecting of you. Bigger issues are preoccupying you. These include the desire to exercise your right to reconsider commitments you have kept up without question for ages. You have such a right. It is important to use it. Even if there's nothing you can change or nothing you actually dare change, yet... you are fully entitled to those thoughts. You don't have to tell everyone, but nor do you have to apologise for it.
Once upon a time, you couldn't walk. You couldn't talk. You couldn't tie your shoelaces. You couldn't read. You couldn't write. You couldn't add up. You couldn't cook. You couldn't... Well, I hope you can see what I'm driving at. Very early in your life you overcame a series of enormous challenges. You have some truly impressive achievements under your belt. Now, er... what precisely is it that you feel you couldn't do - or couldn't possibly learn to do? Don't limit your potential.Trust yourself and try.
You decide to push ahead with an important new venture. Setting aside fear or hesitation, you thrust forward and view each expense as an investment in your future. Follow your instincts on this, and don’t allow old worry to get in the way, even for an instant. There will always be a few handwringers on the perimeter, warning you to stay put. But this is your life ? and your decision.
Clear cut as some arrangements are, and you have facts to back up decisions, others remain confusing. Ultimately it would appear that you’ll have to rely on what your instincts tell you. Certain individuals may question the wisdom of this. But it’s better to take action than do nothing until you’re on more solid ground.
Once upon a time, you couldn't walk. You couldn't talk. You couldn't tie your shoelaces. You couldn't read. You couldn't write. You couldn't add up. You couldn't cook. You couldn't... Well, I hope you can see what I'm driving at. Very early in your life you overcame a series of enormous challenges. You have some truly impressive achievements under your belt. Now, er... what precisely is it that you feel you couldn't do - or couldn't possibly learn to do? Don't limit your potential.Trust yourself and try.
Saturn will leave your sign in just over a week. Already, its bags are packed. It is loosening its grip on you. You are no longer feeling so restricted, daunted, intimidated or limited. Must you wait until this difficult planet ends its two-year spell in your sign before you fully find your freedom and strength? Absolutely not. Defy your sense of 'what's impossible' this weekend. Reach out for the very best. And then prepare to be truly amazed and delighted.
You’re in the mood for a little self-indulgence this weekend. Once you get past a couple miscues Friday morning, things get more interesting by the minute. A mistake or misunderstanding could lead to a very good time. Chance meetings feel highly charged and seductive. Saturday continues your foray into pleasure and immediate gratification ? and who can blame you? After all, you’re just now finishing up a Saturn transit. Just behave yourself around people taking pictures or recording your words and behavior. Don’t assume that others are having as much fun as you are or that anything goes. Unless you’re in a discreet, private place, protect your reputation and image. Sunday changes your attitude from hedonistic to the usual security-consciousness. You work on your schedule and catch up on chores, happy that you had a couple days of fun.
シェリー 別訳補足大歓迎 In a little over a week’s time, the planet of focus, delay and achievement, Saturn, leaves Cancer. This ends a lengthy and frequently challenging cycle. In some cases it’s already clear what you’ve learned. But in others it may take months before you realise the degree to which you benefited from its stern regime.
Others are feeling impatient about getting things finished, but your instincts are saying that what’s done in haste now would only need to be redone later. Because others are unlikely to be willing to listen to explanations of any kind, instead simply tackle things slowly and deliberately, making no excuses for the time you’re taking.
You already feel better, don’t you? Now, instead of anticipating obstacles or rejection, you can begin to pursue goals, relationships and anything else that increases your happiness and security. At first, you’ll feel wobbly, but after receiving positive feedback and genuine warmth from others, you’ll realize that your life has changed . . . for the better, baby! Don’t hold back ? especially after Saturday. Decide what you want in your closest relationships ? and go after it. This week’s touchstones: Carnelian, Turquoise.
シェリー 10日 意訳 別訳歓迎 You already know that others aren’t going to be thrilled about last minute changes in plan. But you also know that they aren’t just wise, they could lead to something wonderful. When others complain, therefore, waste no time justifying your actions or making promises. Instead, simply suggest they wait and see what happens next.
What have you done wrong? What do you have to apologise for? Come on. Own up. Astrologers can see everything you know... Er, actually, we can't. We can just see some things, sometimes. But we know, like most people know, that if you ask smart questions in a commanding tone, you may get back interesting answers. Please don't be fooled, today, into giving out more information than you need to. And definitely don't let a sense of guilt lead you to assume that you must have made some big error.
You may disagree with an authority figure or decision maker. Your opinions in a financial matter may be discounted or dismissed. When you attempt to explain your ideas, others appear to be confused, annoyed or both. Is this a primal battle for control ・ or is it about doing the right thing? A clash of egos is likely to generate more stalemate than progress.
You may already be aware that things are somehow different. You’ll notice that a persistent shadow is going or that what have become familiar obstacles are vanishing. Each day you’ll be more confident, and life will be easier, anticipating the departure of Saturn, planet of both achievement and restriction, from Cancer on Saturday.
シェリー Weekly 7/10-7/16 Your stars for the week beginning 10 July 2005 The good news is that this is the second of two life-changing weeks. The bad news is that you won’t necessarily know what’s wonderful about these right away. You could actually be more conscious of what’s going than what’s coming. Thus, you’ll need to be brave, particularly when you must say farewell to certain plans or commitments without anything to replace them. Still, this Saturday’s departure by Saturn from Cancer, after two years, ends a cycle of growth; true, frequently it’s been enforced and often in challenging settings. Now you begin to reap the rewards of those efforts, and dazzlingly unexpected ways.
Penny Thornton Cancer Weekly Horoscope 11th July 2005 - 17th July 2005 There is one good reason for a celebration this week - Saturn's departure from your sign. You've been put through your paces - mercilessly on some occasions - but you now have the resources and the wisdom to deal with anything and anyone! While the next seven days could produce welcome developments on the personal or romantic front, it is the area of work and life-direction that receives the best of influences. You could take a step up the ladder of success now, or you may be laying down plans that will add to your professional and financial stature in the future. Whatever your goals and wherever you feel you are upon the road of life, something about this week's stars gives you a push in the right direction.
Your behavior may seem inappropriate or bother another. This really irritates you. You won’t react well to another’s attempt at scolding or shaming you, and are likely to view another’s behavior as presumptuous. It’s amazing how quickly and virally negativity spreads. One person negatively judges you, creating resentment ? and then it metastasizes. Nip today’s trend in the bud by steering clear of negative people.
The time has come to stand up for yourself. While there are numerous situations in which you’ve done exactly that, there are one or two in which you’ve sidestepped potentially contentious issues. With each passing day of the week, however, you’ll feel increasingly more courageous, ready to tell others where you draw the line.
It is time to reflect. As Saturn now prepares to leave your sign, you are entering a phase during which your priorities will remain fixed for some while to come. These will establish your agenda. They will define the areas in which you succeed. You probably WILL succeed. You most likely WILL get what you have set your heart on. But if your heart is set on something unwise, you may not actually appreciate that success. So think carefully, now, about what those priorities really should be.
You feel as if someone is watching you and taking notes. You’ve felt this way for a couple days, and sense that someone disapproves of your work or personality; yet you can’t quantify what this is about. Instead of attempting to pry information out of others, just go about your business to the best of your ability. Don’t pump anyone for info or act defensive ? and be very careful how you word things this afternoon.
Usually, when people seem to be losing an argument, they change the subject or they introduce some complicated new factor, designed to baffle their adversary. Somehow, by subtly shifting the goal posts, they end up getting most of what they want. This time honoured technique works well. It has, though, no place in your current strategy. You require a specific solution to a specific problem. A fudge or a compromise will not suffice. Stick to a simple plan, regardless of whether you now seem to be winning or losing.
Last week’s Cancer New Moon didn’t just trigger valuable insights, it made you aware of certain situations in which you’ve been compromising without even realising it. Difficult as raising such matters are, the sooner you do it, the better. Once you begin, you’ll feel more in control of your life than for ages.
Probably, in you, it has been afflicted by the trial of Saturn. And probably, there was also a trouble with various persons in the trial. However, when the origin of the trouble is the Cancer, how do you think? I should think it natural that good results naturally cannot be achieved if it is the Cancer. Although it helped when it was it, you neglected it. Therefore, the trouble occurred. pushing by making it people's cause, if a conclusion is said -- right -- he wrong -- him -- it is a selfish idea.
You make an effort to look at things differently. Annoying elements pester and force you to work harder to earn your angel’s wings. Whatever ? you’ve been through this before and are much tougher than you appear. People close to you may press for quick action, but don’t do anything against your better judgment. Everything revolves around the interpretation of specific details.
While past experience may have made you wary of taking an ambitious approach to certain situations, you’re encouraged to aim high. You’ve been working hard, something which has been noted by those in charge. Add to that the positive influence of Saturn’s departure from Cancer on Saturday, and things will improve with every passing day.
If you are writing a book and it's not very exciting, there's an easy way to add drama. Just introduce a countdown. Set a deadline. Involve your characters in some breathless race against the clock. It works every time. In real life though, countdowns are not such fun. They are intimidating - or even hypnotic. We get rooted to the spot by the false feeling that some future event is inevitable. Something big is coming up for you soon. But you do have a choice. So don't just sit there. Decide what it is that you want to DO about it.
Boy, are you ever feeling ambitious! Friday and Saturday pulsate with drive and fierce dedication. You’re extremely protective of friends and family during this time. You normally are like a she wolf when it comes to loved ones, but are even more so now. In fact, you’re filled with bravado and swagger and dare an enemy to step over the line. Feeling your oats and commanding more power is wonderful, but don’t tempt fate. Keep ego under wraps. A trip may be discussed this weekend. New housing plans may also be Topic A. A significant number of you feel emboldened enough to strike out on your own in a career venture. Saturday marks Saturn’s entrance into Leo. This makes you even more cash flow aware than you normally are.A number of you invest your money into property or a project, and then watch it like a hawk. Some lingering uncertainty continues in a private matter, but most of it should ease up by Saturday evening. Sunday is an excellent day for house hunting or shopping for housewares. You’re an amazing negotiator and sure to get an excellent price.
ケイナー 15日 Breathe. As deeply and slowly as you can. Imagine yourself, with each inhalation, welling up with hope and life and love. Envisage yourself, with each gentle exhalation, eliminating anger, fear resentment and all other poisonous feelings from your heart. Then, relax! Well done. You'll be a yogi soon at this rate. As Saturn now prepares to leave your sign, there is a most irritating factor that you need to rise above. The choice is very simple. Either you must become bigger than it. Or it will continue to seem bigger than you.
ケイナー 15日 Breathe. As deeply and slowly as you can. Imagine yourself, with each inhalation, welling up with hope and life and love. Envisage yourself, with each gentle exhalation, eliminating anger, fear resentment and all other poisonous feelings from your heart. Then, relax! Well done. You'll be a yogi soon at this rate. As Saturn now prepares to leave your sign, there is a most irritating factor that you need to rise above. The choice is very simple. Either you must become bigger than it. Or it will continue to seem bigger than you.
ケイナー 15日 Breathe. As deeply and slowly as you can. Imagine yourself, with each inhalation, welling up with hope and life and love. Envisage yourself, with each gentle exhalation, eliminating anger, fear resentment and all other poisonous feelings from your heart. Then, relax! Well done. You'll be a yogi soon at this rate. As Saturn now prepares to leave your sign, there is a most irritating factor that you need to rise above. The choice is very simple. Either you must become bigger than it. Or it will continue to seem bigger than you.
Hallelujah! Praise be! Hang out the flags! Blow those trumpets! Saturn's gone... and it ain't coming back. the last couple of years or so have been hard and heavy, tough and trying, difficult and demanding... to say nothing of exhausting and exasperating. Is life going to be easy and rosy from now on? Of course not! It is, though, going to be a whole lot better than it was. A cloud has lifted, a mood has shifted. If you have yet to see proof of this permanent positive change, expect it to arrive undeniably over the next few days. The biggest, most oppressive obstacle in your life need never trouble you in quite the same way again.
お詫びにシェリー 16日 It’s up to you to take a tough line. There are numerous situations in which you’ve been doing far more giving than receiving, and things must be put on a more equitable footing. True, raising such matters isn’t easy. It takes courage. But once you’ve spoken the first words, the rest will flow with ease.
It’s only natural to expect that, now that Saturn’s finally departed Cancer, life will be a bed of roses. While you’ll find that things are less of an uphill struggle, and that many of your efforts from the past two years begin to come good, difficult situations and people won’t just vanish. In some cases they’ll actually become more so. The difference is that you’ll finally be able to resolve problems, either by taking decisive action or simply withdrawing from arrangements entirely. The latter may seem excessive. But on serious reflection, you realise that there’s no reason for you to tolerate such nonsense.
Thursday’s Full Moon emphasizes your closest ally, friend or loved one. They may lean on you for support, strength and emotional sustenance. Be generous with your time and love this week. Don’t wait until a loved one asks for help. Anticipate his or her needs. A financial matter may be more confusing or involved than it initially appears to be, particularly after Friday. Details and explanations may slowly dribbl e in during the next several weeks.