牡羊座(11月15日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts. In an ideal world, all problems would have simple solutions and you would set things right in minutes. In the real world, it isn't like that. At the moment, you are finding it hard to make progress; just when you think you have an answer, some new factor pops up and complicates the situation all over again. But, all things considered, you're not doing too badly. So when someone offers you a sure-fire short-cut to success today, don't be tempted. It's nothing of the kind - and you' re better on your own.
You're in the sweetest of moods today, happy with yourself and the world in general. The moon is nicely placed, you have no axe to grind with anyone, and almost everyone you meet remarks on your sunny disposition. So why, then, do certain members of your family insist on being difficult? Is it something you said? Or did? Or didn't do, perhaps? Whatever it is, it is not your fault, and don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. Leave them to their own devices. Don't let them spoil your day.
Jonathan is away, your forecasts today are written by Jonathan's colleague, the eminent international astrologer, BERNARD FITZWALTER.
Although it is true that the presence of Jupiter in Libra for the next few months is going to widen your horizons in all sorts of ways, it is sadly also true that most of them are not going to be cheap. Jupiter tends to work on the same scale as a movie director, so if it costs thousands to create a particular effect, then fine, says Jupiter, let's do it. Today's planetary alignments make you acutely aware of the cost of making those dreams come true - but what's money for, if not for spending?
牡羊座(11月16日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts. That peculiar dynamic energy which all born under the sign of the ram have is one which works best on its own. In other words, you can produce astonishing results if you are left to get on with things in your own way. So you won't be too pleased today when someone working alongside you quotes rules and regulations, telling you off for going outside the proper procedures. Thank them for their advice, and tell them they are right - but tell them too that, given the time and resources available, your way is best.
Sam Solomon writes: Are you sure you want a zodiac forecast today? I only ask because in some strange way it seems as if you are not keen to see what the future holds. You dread a particular development - or you desire it so strongly you can't bear the idea of disappointment. You are, therefore, failing to make simple investigations that could tell you a great deal about what to expect. Rather than canvas my opinion, develop your own. Ask a few crucial questions. Make a few careful calculations. Then trust the conclusion you come to.
Sam Solomon writes: Imagine you are in a hurry to get from A to B. You want an express train but the only option is a service that calls at nearly every station on the line. You resign yourself to this and set off. To your horror, the train makes an additional unscheduled stop. You're furious. 'It was bad enough before,' you complain, 'but this is ridiculous.' Then you hear an announcement. From this particular station you can catch another express train that will get you there much faster. Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions today.
牡羊座(11月17日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sam Solomon writes: You don't like to do as you are told. But a lot depends on who is doing the telling. You are always willing to accept instruction from someone wise, incisive and intelligent. Like, for example, yourself! Well... I can think of a very good example, can't you? Sometimes, though, even the advice you give yourself is questionable. You are now experiencing a strong, impulsive urge. Are you wisely seizing an opportunity or recklessly acting without forethought? Wait 24 hours before you make your move. Then you'll know.
Sam writes: Some people love an argument. (What do you mean, 'Oh no they don't!'?) Others love to complicate simple, straightforward matters. You can easily spend a large part of your day pursuing various distractions which seem to be important, yet which are ultimately irrelevant. Alternatively, you can strive to make sure that you are not rising to someone else's antagonistic bait. If you can manage to stay calm and clear with your thoughts firmly focussed on one key fact, you will yet find the short-cut that avoids a long, winding road.
Sam writes: People assume that wealth and fame go together. It is not always the case. Some multimillionaires lead very private lives. Some household names are unable, for one reason or another, to capitalise on their fame to any great extent. Suppose a wish-granting-fairy was to turn up in your world today. You would be well advised to think carefully about what you asked her for. Don't request X, on the assumption that it is sure to include Y. Be as specific as you can be. Or, more wisely still, ask only for the ability to enjoy whatever you happen to get!
牡羊座(11月18日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sam writes: How would you like a form to fill in or an encounter with an authority figure who can tell you, in no uncertain terms, precisely what you are and aren't allowed to do? This, at a superficial level at least, is likely to be the flavour of the day. There is, though, an opportunity to experience something much more profound. You are being led by a series of challenging factors and circumstances towards a moment of deep revelation. In one area of your life you may be powerless but in another, you are more powerful than you ever knew.
天秤座(11月18日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Sam writes: People assume that wealth and fame go together. It is not always the case. Some multimillionaires lead very private lives. Some household names are unable, for one reason or another, to capitalise on their fame to any great extent. Suppose a wish-granting-fairy was to turn up in your world today. You would be well advised to think carefully about what you asked her for. Don't request X, on the assumption that it is sure to include Y. Be as specific as you can be. Or, more wisely still, ask only for the ability to enjoy whatever you happen to get!
Small worries are a bit like kittens. They appeal to us. They seem endearing. After all, life with nothing to worry about would be a bit like life with nothing or nobody to love. Very safe, but more than a bit bland. And empty. Adorable little kittens, though, soon grow into haughty hungry cats. And as for those little worries? Well, woe betide you if you feed them. A small worry has lately started to grow out of all proportion. Your challenge this weekend, is to get it back down to size.
One person's reality is another's fantasy. One's brightest dream is another's worst nightmare. Different strokes for different folks. Yet in the end, we all want to feel safe, strong, sure, secure, loved, comforted, engaged and interested. Fulfilled and content. The destination is identical in every case. It's the route that can be so terribly personal. You know more than you think about what pushes the right buttons in a certain person. You are to discover this weekend that they know more than you realise about you. Fresh back from India, I have just recorded your brand new in-depth week ahead forecast.
水瓶座の週末どなたかよろしくお願い致します。 (参照元:ttp://www.cainer.com/) It's funny how we do some very strange things to make ourselves feel good. It's funny, too, how the most unexpected issues or encounters can make us feel bad. We don't always know quite how a certain development is likely to make us feel. We are growing, changing, evolving beings. Just as we no longer take pleasure in some activities that thrilled us as children, so we sometimes find that we have grown out of more recent fascinations. You are moving on now and, as you'll see this weekend, that's very good. Fresh back from India, I have just recorded your brand new in-depth week ahead forecast.
牡羊座(11月19日(金)-21日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Difficult decisions aren't really decisions at all. They are just, choices. We all make those, every day. We don't sit around for hours wrestling with the implications that arise from eating crispies instead of corn flakes. Yet, strangely, sometimes people make a big deal out of options that are just as irrelevant. This weekend, though, you are up against a truly taxing dilemma. You absolutely have to get the answer to this question. There's only one way to solve it. You have to honour your deepest instincts.
You are dealing with a situation that hardly seems real. You are not sure what to make of a certain scenario. You suspect you are dreaming - or that you must have jumped to the wrong conclusion about something. That's why you keep trying to put a negative interpretation on the developments which are taking place. You figure you had better shine a spotlight on the problem before it sneaks up on you from behind. Yet there is no problem. Merely an opportunity which is long overdue, and for which you can be truly thankful.
天秤座(11月22日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are dealing with a situation that hardly seems real. You are not sure what to make of a certain scenario. You suspect you are dreaming - or that you must have jumped to the wrong conclusion about something. That's why you keep trying to put a negative interpretation on the developments which are taking place. You figure you had better shine a spotlight on the problem before it sneaks up on you from behind. Yet there is no problem. Merely an opportunity which is long overdue, and for which you can be truly thankful.
牡羊座(11月22日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) here are times when everything obviously goes our way. From the moment we wake to the moment we fall contentedly asleep, life is smooth, pleasing and easy. There are other times when we can no more find the flow than we can tame a tiger. The only force we can feel is the pressure of mounting anxiety. And then, there are times like this. When everything, but everything, is exactly as it should be. As it needs to be. As it surely has to be. Even - no, make that especially, the stuff that seems wrong. You are about to find out how right something really is.
"That which does not destroy us, makes us stronger." Something now, is taking you to the edge of your patience, the end of your tether, the point within where faith and fear sit on opposite sides of a seesaw. You want more control over a certain situation. You probably can't get it - yet. But don't assume, just because you are seemingly powerless, that your situation is hopeless. You know what you want. You know why you want it. The sheer force of that desire may yet prove more than enough to get the result you crave. As the Moon grows bigger this week, so do your chances.
天秤座(11月23日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You have been very disciplined. You deserve a little treat. This, more or less, is the argument you keep putting forward. You know, of course, the counter argument. Only too well. And that's the trouble with being good, isn't it? Once that initial glow of righteousness wears off, restlessness sets in. But there are some adventures that you really don't want to go on - or return to. Acknowledge and satisfy your craving for mischief. But try to do it in a constructive way that involves going forwards. Not sideways, and definitely not back.
牡羊座(11月23日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Why, when most people are asked a simple question, do they usually tend to reply with an opinion - phrased as if it were a definitive answer? Few people have the courage to say 'I don't know'. It wouldn't be so bad if they would say, " What I think is..." or, "In my experience, you will probably discover..." but they often don't. They make some confident assertion in a way that suggests you would be churlish or stupid to argue. What have you lately been told? And how true is this really? An opportunity exists today regardless of who insists otherwise.
Your heart is pulling you in one direction. Your head is pulling you in another. Meanwhile, the ever-fattening Moon is pulling the tide of your heart towards a moment of truth. What lies ahead, though, is not a struggle or a showdown but a glorious moment of inner reconciliation. For your heart and head are not actually as far apart in their needs and their views, as you fear. It's just that your head wants you to explore all the other options first. While your heart just wants you to get on with the inevitable and essential next move.
牡羊座(11月24日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) People born under your sign, we are told, like to 'shoot first and ask questions later'. Better that, though, than to ask so many questions that you never take action at all. You don't hang about. You make things happen. You seize your opportunities. When there are none to seize, you go out and create them. Or, at least, you do when you are at your best. You may be ebullient, but you are not entirely immune to criticism or negativity. Recent events have taken some of the wind out of your sails. Coming events will bring back the breeze.
天秤座(11月24日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some things are always right. Some things are always wrong. Most things, though, are not really quite so straightforward. We make a great mistake when we generalise or reach a conclusion without being fully informed of all the salient facts. Some people, in your world now, seem very sure about what's good and what's bad. What's really bad, though, is that they think their opinions are so good. You can see more sides to the story. It is important not to ignore these, just because you are under a degree of pressure to conform.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 常に正しいもの、というのがあります。また、常に間違っている もの、というのもあります。しかしながら、多くの物事の善悪は、 実際のところ、それほど明確に決定できるものではありません。私 たちは、一般論を述べたり、あるいは主要な事実についての十分な 情報を得ないままで結論を出したりする時に、大いなる過ちをおか しがちです。今あなたの周囲にいる何人かの人々は、何が正しくて 何が間違っているか?という事について強い確信を抱いているよう に見えます。しかしながら、本当に間違っているのは、彼らが自分 の意見を全くもって正しいと思い込んでいる事です。あなたは、そ の物語について更に多くの側面を見る事が出来ます。それらを無視 しない事が大切です。何故ならあなたには、順応するべきちょっと したプレッシャーがかかっているからです(= just because you are under a degree of pressure to conform:?)。
24日 みづがめ Some people think highly of you. Others have yet to learn quite how special you are. Many of this world's finest flavours are similarly undervalued by the majority of people. Great works of art, great pieces of music, truly inspired designs and inventions are admired only by a select few whilst the masses buy dross in their droves. So, your lack of universal popularity is nothing to be ashamed of. You may, though, discover very soon, that in an unexpected area you have recently won yourself a lifelong fan.
Just as it is easy to look on the bright side while the sun is shining, it is easy to feel confident when others are applauding your efforts. The real key to success in life, though, comes from finding the ability to have faith in yourself when others are disputing your judgement or criticising your ideas. If you can manage that, even at a time when things don't seem to be going your way, you are either a real fool or a real genius. Better though, to be either of these, than to be a wimp. Trust your own vision now, it is sharper than you realise.
天秤座(11月25日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You have quite a fan club. What makes it all the more impressive is the fact that you do not give it much attention. Where some people go out of their way to encourage the membership of such a group, you don't send out so much as a quarterly circular. You don't even believe that you have admirers - or people who really respect you for who you are and what you do. Nonetheless, it would appear that your true supporters are like goldfish, they thrive on neglect. You are much appreciated and highly valued. Clear evidence of this will present itself very soon.
牡羊座(11月25日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Nobody, but nobody, gets it right all the time. We all misjudge people and situations every so often. That's how we make the most precious discoveries of all. To chastise yourself for making a 'mistake' is to waste valuable time and energy. You don't even know, for certain yet, that you have made a mistake. You are merely encountering certain signs and signals which suggest this. They could be misleading. By all means change direction for a while, but don't imagine that you are destined for some kind of failure.
Where do you belong? And to whom? What are you a part of? Which particular machine are you a small, yet crucial cog within? Are you happy with your involvements and allegiances? Do you still secretly dream of leading a very different life? The Full Moon is urging you now to give these questions serious consideration. That's not so you can torture yourself, all weekend, with doubts and misgivings. It's simply so you can acknowledge a genuine need and start taking practical steps towards finally making your dream a reality.
牡羊座(11月26日(金)-28日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are we mere mortals or are we gods in human form? Within each one of us there is a spark of the eternal. No matter how mundane our lives may sometimes seem, we are a part of the divine creation. We have no right to assume that we are only a very small or insignificant part. We all of us have the potential to be heroes and heroines. And to be fired and filled with the deepest wisdom and the most profound inspiration. Something, this weekend, may seem very ordinary. But something else is truly exceptional.
天秤座(11月26日(金)-28日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The planetary pentagram suggests reconciliation between people who have been in dispute. It's a bright omen for the future of the world. And it is particularly encouraging for you. Not only can you now resolve an outstanding issue of an old adversary, you can achieve something much more desirable, yet much more difficult. You can make peace with your past. You have long felt uncomfortable about something that happened some while ago. It can't be changed, but you can alter the way you feel about it. That will make a big difference.
みづがめ 26日 'Be yourself.' It sounds like great advice. Wise. Incisive. Empowering. But in order to be who you really are, you first have to know who that is. The true fact of the matter is that none of us do. We have a rough idea. We cling pretty tightly to the sketchy self-image we have managed to develop, Often, though, this only causes us to become more entrenched in opinions we ought to be growing out of. This weekend presents a chance, not just to be yourself, but to be the 'yourself' you have always wanted to be.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, there is a rather large puddle on the floor of that tunnel. If you walk in the direction of the light, you will get wet. Worse, for you cannot be sure what that puddle contains, you could end up making contact with something which is less than pleasant. So what do you want to do? Stay where it's dark? Or take the only route to freedom? It may not be ideal but it does exist and it is traversable. The puddle is not too deep. The outside world is well worth reaching!
牡羊座(11月29日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are not, it would seem, having an ideal relationship with the material world at the moment. Machines refuse to work. Enterprises that bring success to others fail to produce results when you embark on them. You lack resources that might make a big difference - and, despite theories about how easy it is to get them, they aren't coming your way... yet. But this week's right angle from Neptune to Mars suggests that part of the problem is in the way it is being looked at. The change needed to turn things around may be smaller than you think.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 一見そんな事なさそうですが、あなたはたった今、この物質世界 と理想的な関係を結んではおられません。機械はうまく作動しませ ん。他人に対しては成功をもたらす企業も、あなたが投資に乗り出 した時に限って結果を出し損ねたりします。あなたには重要な資源 が不足しています――そしてそれは、理論的には非常に簡単に手に 入れられる筈のものなのですが、あなたのところに届いてはいませ ん...未だ今のところ。しかし、今週海王星と火星が90度を形成する 事から考えると、問題の一部は、モノの見方の問題なのです(= part of the problem is in the way it is being looked at:?)。 事態を転回させる為に必要とする変化は、あなたが思うよりも小さ いものなのです。
Some fires are hard to light. Others spring into life at the slightest spark. The same can be said about the putting out of fires. Some are easy to quench. Others will resist a team of trained extinguishers. Be careful then, about what you try to ignite now. The people in your world are volatile. So are the situations you face. You need, on the one hand, a lot of matches and a lot of kindling. And, on the other, a lot of water and a lot of buckets. Life is now getting very intense but it is also about to prove highly rewarding. Is it all getting a bit too much?
Even if you are unhappy, even if you are worried, even if you are upset about something or someone, you need to keep putting on a brave face and focusing on whatever daily tasks lie before you. By dwelling on your emotional response to a certain situation, you will not necessarily make things better. The way to improve matters is to let time pass. Things will look (and be) much more inspiring in every way very soon. There IS a happy solution to your current problem. It is coming your way as fast as it can.
牡羊座(11月30日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are a smart cookie. You understand a lot. You even appreciate that there's far more to intelligence than the ability to get academic qualifications. Yet still you are nervous of exploiting your cleverness. You fear that you may be smart but perhaps not smart enough. What if you make a move you regret? What if you mistake an opportunity for a problem... or vice versa? So what do you want to do now? Worry, doubt yourself continually and get nowhere? Or risk trusting your own appraisal of a key set of options? Is it all getting a bit too much?
原文: Dictionaries are full of words. Really big dictionaries contain really big words. Many of which nobody ever uses. Indeed, even the most erudite and articulate amongst us would be hard pressed to use all of those terms and descriptions in the course of a lifelong literary career. So what are all those other words for? That's easy. They exist in order to prevent us from properly understanding one another. Human beings get along a lot better when there's an element of ambiguity in their conversation. Avoid being too specific today!
天秤座(12月1日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Thursdays are always difficult, and this one looks like it 's set to be no exception. From the moment you woke up, you have begun to feel disoriented and bemused. And your memory seems to be going. I bet you can't remember a single thing that happened on Wednesday, can you? I beg your pardon? What do you mean this IS Wednesday? You really are suffering from delusions, aren't you? Or are you? Watch out, today, for a tendency to doubt yourself. You know what's true, regardless of what anyone else insists!
牡羊座(12月1日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There are, or so most people seem to think, two types of luck. That's not strictly true. We make a judgement. We categorise. We say, 'this is good,' or 'this is bad'. We never feel ambivalent or indifferent about this particular topic. But that may be a big mistake. Luck, many experts believe, has absolutely no emotional interest in us. It just is what it is. It's what we make of it that matters. But what we make of it depends on how we see it. You've got a lot of luck running through your life today. What kind? That 's up to you.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 殆どの人々は、「運には2つのタイプがある」と考えているよう です。これは、厳密に言えば真実ではありません。私たちは判断を 下します。そして分類します。「これは幸運である」「これは不運 である」と言います。この件に関しては、相反する感情の板挟みに なったり、どうでもいいと感じたりはしません。しかし、これは大 きな誤りであるかもしれません。多くの専門家が信じるところによ れば、運は私たちの感情を喚起するようなものでは決してないので す。運は、まさにその運であるところのもの、なのです。私たちは、 運から重要な意味を読み取ります(= It's what we make of it that matters:?)。しかし、私たちがそこからどのような意味を読 み取るか?というのは、私たちがそれをどう見るか?によって変わ ってくるのです。多くの運が、今日という日のあなたの人生の中を 駆け抜けていきます。どんな種類の運でしょうか? それは、あな た次第です。
Dictionaries are full of words. Really big dictionaries contain really big words. Many of which nobody ever uses. Indeed, even the most erudite and articulate amongst us would be hard pressed to use all of those terms and descriptions in the course of a lifelong literary career. So what are all those other words for? That's easy. They exist in order to prevent us from properly understanding one another. Human beings get along a lot better when there's an element of ambiguity in their conversation. Avoid being too specific today!
A New Moon in your philosophy zone might not sound like the ultimate exciting Christmas present. But don’t underrate philosophy! It’s time for you to open up those beautiful eyes of yours. You zoom around (your home, your city, the world) at full speed. How about slowing down long enough to take in all that’s around you? Anything foreign will have extra appeal now. Study is well starred. Love opportunities look good. This is a month to do something different.
Every New Moon holds a certain promise. It's true that not every New Moon will change your life. But as that famous motivational guy Anthony Robbins likes to say (so I am told) 妬t's never too late to start again・
This month's New Moon takes place next to the most passionate and powerful planet of them all, Pluto. Pluto is the deep and dark force in our solar system, probably the deepest and darkest that we know about. Saturn has a fearsome reputation. Even people who don't know much about astrology know that when Saturn draws near, there's good reason to stay attentive!
Pluto is another sort of energy altogether. He is the garbage man of the zodiac, who wants to eat up all your crud. But in order for him to swallow and disperse it back out into the Universe, you have to serve it to him. He's about getting rid of stuff. But just as you can't start a bonfire without firewood, you can't expect Pluto to help you mulch up your dross unless you pass it his way.
Pluto's main keyword is 'transformation' but he's a subtle guy. He's about shedding the skin you no longer need to be in. The New Moon this month near Pluto, is a powerful time to think about what you no longer want or need, and what you don't want to take with you into 2005. It takes place on December 12 at 1.30am GMT.
The New Moon takes place in the part of your chart dealing with wide open spaces, higher eduction, travel, adventure and seeing the bigger picture. Make sure you weave one of these concepts into your New Year's resolutions somehow.
As for the the meeting of Venus and Mars in Scorpio early in December (around the 5th), this will mean different things to different people. Because you are ruled by Mars, though, you are one of the signs it will affect the most. Venus and Mars are the lovers of the zodiac and when they get together, there is always a certain frisson in the air. What's also interesting is that these two haven't actually got together and conjoined (met up in the same place in the skies) since May 2002. That was also back when Venus was about to to do another of her rare retrogrades.
What does this all mean to you? Well,it's certainly a suggestion from the heavens that Aries folk who feel as though their lovelife has been a bit haywire or somehow lacking for the past few years could be due for some good love news.
Have you been going too fast for your admirers to catch you? Have you been too busy with your own 'stuff' to allow your partner into your world? Have you been coming on too strong and/or forgetting about the subtleties of romance? Tsk tsk! Have you stalled, given mixed messages and/or not been assertive enough? This list of questions isn't meant to make you feel bad! It's aimed at helping you see where you might be able to make changes, with a little help from the heavens. And they're are all good questions to ask yourself now, if you're one of the Rams hoping that the Venus/Mars rendez vous will bring you good new love developments.
The Venus/Mars connection could also come through into your life as somehow connected to cash, as it also takes place in your money box. End of year bonuses are extra likely for you, so fingers crossed. Mercury going backwards in your travel zone means that if you have to delay a trip away now, it could be for the best, and you might enjoy the eventual get-away a lot more later. If you are travelling during the holiday period, keep your itinerary flexible and even then, allow plenty of room and good humour for last minute changes of plan.
Your relationship with a particular person could be better. But that's a bit like saying Siberia would be a much more pleasant place to live if only it didn't snow quite so often. Some things just are what they are. Even when they alter and give rise to the impression that a permanent change has occurred, they soon go back to how they used to be. When you've got something that won't shift no matter what you do, there's only one thing you can do. Shift yourself! Mentally or physically, one way or another, that's your only option now.
牡羊座(12月2日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There are lots of things you just can't do. There are some things that you simply have to do. This seems to be upsetting you. Don't let it. There is something perfect about the corner that you are now being backed into. It's the only place to be - and the more so, if you really want to be somewhere else. Though some aspects of your situation may be awkward or unacceptable, they represent a departure point. You wouldn't want to stay long on a stepping-stone in the middle of a river, either. But you'd still be glad to reach it.
牡羊座(12月2日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There are lots of things you just can't do. There are some things that you simply have to do. This seems to be upsetting you. Don't let it. There is something perfect about the corner that you are now being backed into. It's the only place to be - and the more so, if you really want to be somewhere else. Though some aspects of your situation may be awkward or unacceptable, they represent a departure point. You wouldn't want to stay long on a stepping-stone in the middle of a river, either. But you'd still be glad to reach it.
2日 みづがめ Where do you get your energy from? Why can't others get theirs from the same place? Could it be because you are always there before them, helping yourself to a supply that ought to be shared more equally throughout the zodiac? And might your need for so much energy be fed, in part, by the very fact that you are always having to compensate for less active individuals? The sky promises plenty of energy and success now. Even so, you may do just as well, with less effort, if you allow someone else a chance to assist you.
"Knock knock." "Ring Ring." "Stop hiding and answer the door. We know you are in there." The Dream Police are out to get you. They have a warrant for your arrest. You are accused of harbouring an illicit aspiration. You are wanted for questioning about a series of stolen moments. Can you account for your whereabouts? Ethereal witnesses claim they recently saw someone of your description, entering forbidden fantasy territory. Don't confess. They can't prove anything! Don't apologise either, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
ヤスミン 12月 みづがめ(1) If there’s a big deal in your life which you’re saving up for, take extra care mid December, when your budget could blow out if you’re not super careful. This is also a potentially touchy time for love. The keyword for romance for you right now should be ‘freedom’… give and take it freely and you should sail past any problemos. Overall, this party season finds you in good form and with your name on plenty of invitation lists. Enjoy!
Ivory towers are lonely places. So too, are many of the addresses on Millionaires' Row. We admire people who seem to have 'made it' yet they often envy those whose world is still full of potential. Once you reach the top of a mountain, there's nowhere else to go but down. Even if you stay there, it can get pretty cold and windy. Be careful what you aspire to now. You may find it is easier to get (but harder to enjoy) than you think. You may also find that there is something less obvious but far more rewarding to aim for.
天秤座(12月3日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Where do you want to be? Think carefully. Many destinations with exotic sounding names turn out to provide no escape at all. Your best bet might be a cosy cave in the Himalayas. No phones. Plenty of chance to find your true self. And all the yak-butter tea you can drink. Or maybe you DON'T really want to get away from it all. Maybe you just need to alter your situation so that it is no longer something you need to run from. With a little honest effort and compromise, this is perfectly attainable now.
牡羊座(12月3日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There's not enough money. There's not enough time. There's not enough help and co-operation. There's just way too much pressure. So where is your much-needed relief and assistance going to come from? Yourself! That's where. You CAN ride to your own rescue. You can, very satisfactorily, save the day. All you have to do is loosen your grip on some idea or desire that you are currently clinging to, too tightly. Adapt. Adjust. Accept. Relax. Venus and Mars in conjunction promise real relief and respite soon. Prepare for a glorious weekend.
水瓶週末です。よろしくお願いします! Can you leap tall buildings at a single bound? Or travel faster than a speeding bullet? Or force an express train to halt, just by stretching out your hand? Of course not. You are probably not even wearing your swimming costume on top of a one-piece stretch suit. In one key respect, though, you do now have access to an impressive 'super power'. The sky is now focusing on energising your brain. You've got amazing insight and immense intelligence. Put it to work this weekend. And you won't need any of those other abilities. Are you worried about something? I have just recorded your in-depth forecast for the coming week. For reassuring news click here for a month's free trial of the weekly in-depth audio service.
みづがめ 6日 You will never know everything that there is to know. Nor, even if you make every possible effort, all day every day, will you ever manage to ensure that every move you ever make is impeccable. Mistakes are inevitable. So, too, are decisions based on insufficient information. Accept as much and relax. You do need, now, to clear up a problem that could, perhaps, have been avoided if only you had known more or thought things through more. But so what? You ARE setting things straight. And that's what counts.
天秤座(12月6日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There is something you really do not want to be dealing with. You resent the amount of time it is taking up - or the amount of emotional energy that it is absorbing. We may be talking, here, about a relationship issue, a work situation or a mechanical problem. Whatever it is, you are being driven to distraction by it. There in that statement, is your solution. This is 'just a distraction' from something far more important. As long as you remember your true priority, you will soon make short work of the minor matter.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) あなたが本当に対処したくない何事かがあります。あなたは、そ の事にかかる時間の量の多さに――あるいはその事が吸い取る精神 的エネルギーの多さに――腹を立てておられます。私たちがここで 話しているのは、人間関係の問題、仕事の環境、機械的なトラブル などに関する事です。それが何であれ、あなたはそれによって上の 空のような状態になっておられます。これが、あなたの状況に関す るお話しです(= There in that statement, is your solution:?)。 あなたは、更に重要な事からはほど遠い事に対して「上の空」にな っておられるのです。真の優先事項を思い出しさえすれば、あなた はすぐに、小さな問題は手早く片付けるようになるでしょう。
牡羊座(12月6日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You deserve a reward. It doesn't have to be financial. A simple gesture of appreciation will do. You want to know that someone values you. You want to feel sure that you are not wasting your time or chasing after some difficult quarry for no real purpose. At minimum, you will soon be shown how much you matter to someone - and you'll see the amount of high esteem in which you are held. That will do wonders for your confidence and thus, your ability to cope. After which, things will all get a lot easier.
Your disposable income is increasing, at least to some small extent. Your level of popularity is rising. You're finding yourself inspired to do and say some wonderful things. And you're falling in love with something - if not with someone. This is making you a little crazy but it is also filling you with a glorious sense of electricity. You can forget whatever has been making you feel blue. Put on rose-tinted spectacles. Think Pink. You've got a fine time ahead of you. That's not a guarantee of endless joy but it is a promise of comfort and confidence. No matter what's upsetting you, there's a reason to be cheerful.
牡羊座(12月7日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) When one thing finishes, another begins. Like in a relay race, the torch of protection is now being handed on. The sky has your best interests at heart in this changeover. The main difference you should notice is that where before you had to draw on your own resources in order to make something constructive happen, you are now able to relax and let others supply a lot more of what you need. The current cosmic climate is exceptional. So, too, is your chance to take the story of your life and give it a really inspiring new twist.
牡羊座(12月8日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) A famous golfer once remarked, 'It's a strange thing, but the more I practise, the luckier I seem to get.' Hard work, to some extent at least, creates good fortune. Effort invariably leads to reward. It is, though, true that a small amount of effort can sometimes bring a very big reward, and a large amount won't necessarily bring results in the same ratio. That, of course, is because there's more than one ingredient in the cake of success. So make effort now. Be clever and think positive thoughts. Then everything else you need, you'll get.
天秤座(12月8日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) They say there are two sides to every story. If only that were so. Think how simple life would be. Just two sides. Instead of the 22, or perhaps even the 222 that you can always so easily identify. You are giving a lot of thought to a certain matter at the moment. You keep mulling it over in your mind. Still, though, you can't completely make sense of it. Stop looking for a definitive answer. You don't need to understand absolutely everything in order to reach a decision, but that, for the time being at least, surely has to be right.
It's not what you do; it's the way that you do it. You can get away with a lot if you adopt the right attitude. Equally, if you become morose or manic, you can suddenly find that your options have become severely restricted. Nothing feels right when you don't feel right. Everything has potential when you are willing to make room for a little magic in your life. How much control do you have over your own emotions now? More than you might imagine. Draw a deep breath, shake away the shadow that is looming over you, and let some light shine in.
天秤座(12月9日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Once upon a time, people sought wisdom. They would travel for miles and subject themselves to significant hardship, all in the hope of finding some kind of enlightenment. Their quest was for meaning, for truth, for some understanding that might help to make sense of it all. Now, though, we have 24-hour TV. And constant shopping opportunities on the Internet. We have hamburger bars and MP3 players. And breakfast radio DJs. Er... Something, today, is about to add depth to a situation that has begun to seem woefully shallow.
牡羊座(12月9日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Auspicious alignments don't invariably make us feel happy. Their impact on us can be rather like that of an unexpected rescue party. There we are, making the most of an awkward situation, picking our way gingerly from the minefield or coping with an oppressive regime. Suddenly, a band of masked raiders burst upon the scene creating havoc. We fear that they will rock a carefully-balanced boat. But they don't care. They have come to set us free, and they are determined to succeed. That's the kind of help you are getting now!
牡羊座(12月10日(金)-12日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Jesus overturned the moneylenders' tables outside the temple. It's hard to imagine quite what he would make of the loans which many people feel obliged to take out so that they can afford to celebrate Christmas. Probably, he would be more concerned about all the other terrible things that have happened in his name - and the way his words of peace are still being used as justification for war. Somewhere in your world now, the spirit of an important understanding is being broken. Strike a blow for all that's right this weekend. Stick with your principles.
天秤座(12月10日(金)-12日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) 'Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight. Be a connoisseur and taste with caution. Any wine will get you high. Judge like a King and choose the purest; the ones unadulterated with fear or some urgency about what's needed. ' These words are from the Sufi poet, Rumi. It is clear, this weekend, that you have many options. A part of you wants to be sensible. You feel honour-bound to consider practical requirements and seasonal pressures. Yet you owe it to yourself to base your most important decisions on the deepest wisdom in your heart of hearts.
'Even kings and emperors, with heaps of wealth and vast dominion, cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God.' Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion, was not revered because he said things like this. Such things are easy to say. It was clear, though, that he actually understood it, and that he meant it. We all know what 'ought' to matter in life. We know what we really 'should' prioritise. It's one thing to say the right thing, another to do it. This weekend, though, you really can 'walk your talk,' along a very high and noble path.
Are there not a hundred urgent issues to attend to? Shouldn't you be making a plan, solving a problem, fulfilling a promise and sticking to a timetable? Maybe the link between the Moon to Mars has yet to take effect. Maybe it will be a little while before life reaches this wild and crazy speed. But it will. When it does, you will do well to remember that moves made in haste are often repented at leisure. You may have an awful lot on your plate but that's all the more reason to stop and think. Do so and you will yet end up very pleased with all that your reflection shows you.
天秤座(12月13日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Sometimes, when we determinedly set out to have a good time, we don't quite manage it. We do all the right things, go to all the right places yet the magic eludes us. Sometimes too, when the world seems to be promising us a good time, there turns out to be a catch. Some of the sweetest experiences come about more subtly. We aren't especially expecting them or they don't seem like much to write home about. They just happen to be precisely what we need. They make us say "Yes! All really IS the way it needs to be."
牡羊座(12月13日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Something has to go. Something has to turn itself around. Something old has to be put aside. Something new has to be embraced. Put like this, it all sounds fine. Why should you be anxious? Even the most adventurous amongst us, though, tend to be overly fond of the familiar. For all that's wrong with a certain set up or situation, you know what it entails and how to cope with it. The sky, though, is challenging you to alter and adapt. The sooner you do so, bravely, the sooner you'll encounter a series of extremely encouraging new options.
When it does, you will do well to remember that moves made in haste are often repented at leisure. それが起きた時、慌ててやった行動はしばしば、余裕ができてみれば後悔されるものだ、ということを思い出した 方がよいでしょう。
You are getting a glimpse of what life could be like if only certain factors were different. You will find the experience inspiring. You may also, though, find it unnerving. It will open your eyes but it will also cause you to lose enthusiasm for the normality you know. You won't want, any more, to keep accepting the status quo. You'll want to strive for more of what you have encountered. This will require much change. But if you pursue it slowly, there's no reason why it cannot happily come about.
天秤座(12月14日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Sometimes, fools simply have to rush in where angels fear to tread. If no fools are available, the angels have to turn themselves into idiots. They have to temporarily lower their own intelligence, ignore their better judgement and act impulsively. Once the dust has died down from the dive they have taken, they are very glad to have been so silly. There is no logical solution to this pressing problem. There is only an illogical, emotional, slightly-wild-and-risky but extremely essential heartfelt way to proceed.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 愚か者は時折、天使が足を踏み入れるのを怖れる所に突進する必 要があります(*)。もし手の空いている愚か者がいなければ、天使た ちが自ら白痴にならねばなりません。天使たちは一時的に、自らの 知性を低下させ、より良い判断を無視し、衝動的に行動することに なります。自ら行った突進によって亡骸となった時、彼はそこまで 愚かになる事が出来た事を非常に嬉しく思うでしょう。この切迫し た問題に対する論理的な解答などありません。非論理的で、情緒的 で、少しばかり気違いじみて危険な、しかし非常に本質的な、真情 に溢れた道だけが、前進可能な道なのです。 (*) Fools rush in where angels fear to tread:めくら蛇に怖じ ず、みたいな諺があるらしいです。
牡羊座(12月14日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Here is a wand. Here is an incantation. Wave that wand. Say those words and... er... well, OK then. There IS no way to instantly transform a tricky situation now. There is no short cut. The only real road from here to your desired destination is a long one. It requires much by way of dedication, effort and discipline. The sooner you face this and start walking, the sooner everything will pick up. But here's one compensation. For all that it is due to be difficult, the journey will also prove highly rewarding.
天秤座(12月15日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Are you in danger of going too far? How can you be? You have already gone too far! You went there quite some while ago and you never came back. Now, though, you seem to be going even further down a controversial road. What else though, can you do? Retreat? Withdraw? Apologise? You really have to finish what you have started, even if it requires you to go further. You will find, if you trust your own judgement today, that it turns out to be much more reliable than certain other people seem to think that it is.
牡羊座(12月15日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) People sell insurance policies on the promise that they will provide 'piece of mind'. If only it was that simple. All the big supermarket chains could cash in. Somewhere, in-between the corn flakes and cabbages, they could fill up a whole aisle with boxes of the stuff. It would be sure to prove popular. They could make it part of a special range that might also include stability, security and wisdom. Just one problem, really. You can't buy any of these things. Sometimes, though, you can be given them - as you will see today.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 人々は、「心の平安(*)」を提供するという約束の元に、保険証書 を販売します。物事がそれくらいシンプルであれば良かったのです が...。もしそうなら、全ての巨大スーパーのチェーンは大成功を収 めていた事でしょう。コーンフレークとキャベツの間に、箱詰めし た保険証書を通路いっぱいに積み上げていた事でしょう。そうすれ ば、間違いなく大衆化に寄与する事になるでしょう。保険証書は、 安定と安全と智恵をもたらすかもしれない、特別な品揃えの一つに なりうるでしょう。ただ、実は一つだけ問題があります。あなたが 「安定・安全・智恵」のいずれも購入する事が出来ない、という事 です。しかしながら、時として、あなたは「安定・安全・智恵」を 与える事が出来ます――今日あなたはその事を理解するでしょう。 (*) piece of mind:peace of mind の事? 誤植でなければ「心の 欠片」? (※ 遅くなってすみません...(_ _;))
If you know what it is that you don't know, you are half way to knowing what you need to know. If you think that you know all there is to know, you know nothing. Worse still, you don't even know that you know nothing! Nobody knows what you know now but then, you don't know exactly what anybody else knows, either. It's time to start questioning some assumptions. Partly through anxiety or arrogance, partly through fear, key points are not being communicated. Can you clear up the confusion? You will never know unless you try. Truly amazing times lie ahead for you next year.
12月16日 水瓶座 いよいよ佳境のようです。翻訳よろしくお願いします。 Have you noticed how, when you try to tidy a room, it is never possible to clear up every last inch of i Somewhere, a little mess will remain - even if it is discreetly hidden behind a door or a drawer. Perhaps, if you could just get rid of that one last lingering imperfection, you could banish all mess forever. But that might be living in a sterile environment. Mayhem makes magic! Order makes boredom. The best solution you can now find involves a bit of a fudge or a compromise. That's actually not a disadvantage, it's a real blessing.
If you carry on doing what you're doing, there are sure to be consequences. But then, you can't just decide to do nothing. You must trust your instincts and give it a chance to guide you. You are right to feel wary of all the unknowns and uncertainties in your current situation. Yet, simply because so much is unclear, it is impossible to make an informed choice about the best possible way to proceed. You either play your hunch or you let yourself be talked into playing someone else's. You really may as well trust the plan you have already made.
牡羊座(12月16日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) We live on a tiny ball of rock that is hurtling through space at 1,000 miles per second, spinning wildly on its axis as it goes. No wonder we feel so dizzy so much of the time. Everything keeps changing. Nothing stands still. Or, if situations do remain the same for any length of time, they become stuck in unsatisfactory modes. And when they finally alter? Often they appear to have altered too much. Can there ever be any sense, stability, comfort, safety and security? Well, as a matter of fact, sometimes there can. As, soon, you will see.
牡羊座(12月17日(金)〜19日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Will it all be OK in the end? Very probably so. But that's a fat lot of use. We need it to be OK in the middle, preferably in the bit that's happening right now. Strangely, though, as fast as we can work out why one thing is wrong, we find ourselves having to deal with another thing that needs to be put right. Every so often, though, life runs out of ways in which to torture us. It forgets to be hard and harsh. It accidentally brings us an experience of calm, comfort, peace, strength and stability. This weekend, Saturn and Mars will help you get the very best that life has to offer.
天秤座(12月17日(金)〜19日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) 'Don't upset the apple cart.' That's what people say. But apple carts are inanimate objects. You can say whatever you like to them. They can't hear it, so how can they be upset? And what's all this about, 'Don't rock the boat?' Boats are stiff, serious constructions designed for a very practical purpose. They probably need a good rocking. It could help them to relax. Now I know what you are thinking. Boats are inanimate objects. But then what about the apple carts, eh? This weekend, take care not to read too much into a situation that matters less than you think. And do not be afraid of a little controversy.
The sunshine of certainty is starting to break through the cloud of confusion. This weekend, it may yet even penetrate the mist. All sorts of shapes have been looming and lingering. You have been trying to make sense of them but you have misinterpreted their meaning. Soon, you'll gain a much clearer insight. You'll understand far more about what's really going on. You'll discover that you have been worrying quite unnecessarily. A seemingly sensitive situation is just about perfect the way that it is. Those menacing shadows will soon become reassuring signs.
It feels, in some ways, as if you have only just recovered from some previous Christmas. You really don't want to see a repeat of the dramas that arose back then. Indeed, you are not at all sure that you are looking forward to the event. Things this year, though, will be very very different. An enormous gift of power is heading your way fast. It suggests that a current fear will vanish. Soon you will not just feel much more confident, you'll have much more control over your situation. Your journey from here to the end of the year is due to be highly enjoyable.
牡羊座(12月20日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Pace yourself. Christmas is not some examination that you need to revise for. The New Year is not some test of strength and resourcefulness. You are not obliged to be 'ready' for either event. They will take place regardless of how much preparation you do. They will prove enjoyable, too, irrespective of whether you fight to control the way they unfold or sit back and see what happens. Don't sacrifice your ability to enjoy this particular moment for the sake of some other allegedly more important one. And then... do what comes naturally.
The Moon will be Full in your sign on Boxing Day. There's no doubt that this festival, this year will be no ordinary experience. It's almost as if the cosmos is using Christmas as an excuse to ensure that you finally out an issue that has been wrinkling your brow for ages. You deserve better than the life you have lately been leading. To attain the magical change you seek though, you really don't have to prove a point or fight a battle. Nor, for that matter, do you have to start believing in Santa Claus. You just have to start believing more in yourself!
Your job is to be a dependable character who shares sanity at a time when many people are starting to go a little crazy. Your ability to somehow rise above conflict will soon be enhanced by supportive planets. いつもありがとうございます。 天秤座21日です。お時間あればどうぞよろしくおねがいいたします。
It will not though, be constant and infallible. You too, will feel tempted at times to succumb to fear, anxiety or resentment. Your strength will be tested but you should find it easy to pass this test and give a fine example in the process. You need to set a standard of tolerance and forgiveness for the sake of the future. Between now and the end of the week, there's more in store than you realise.
21日 水瓶座 Santa Claus is, of course, an Aquarian. What other sign could he be? Think how opinionated you need to be in order to feel sure that you can find your way down millions of chimneys in one night. Imagine the resourcefulness necessary to receive and honour all those endless wish lists. Consider the courage it takes to ride a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. You have much in common with Santa... including the way in which you now have so much on your plate. But you have the same generosity too... and the same inevitable date with a sense of satisfaction. サンタクロースは、もちろん水瓶座です。 他のどのサインに勤まると思いますか? あなただからこそ一晩で何百万個もの煙突にたどりつけることを確信させるために どれくらい独善的に物事が進んできたことか、よく考えてみてください。 それらの無限の「欲しいものリスト」を受け取る名誉と、尊敬に値する 必要な工夫を考えてみてください。 それを受け取り、空とぶトナカイに引かれるそりに乗る勇気を考えてみてください。 いまやあなたはサンタクロースととても共通点が多いのです、それは あなたがとてもよいものをたくさん持っているからですよ。 しかもあなたは時間の制限がある満足感と同じように寛大さも持ち合わせています。
Your job is to be a dependable character who shares sanity at a time when many people are starting to go a little crazy. Your ability to somehow rise above conflict will soon be enhanced by supportive planets. It will not though, be constant and infallible. You too, will feel tempted at times to succumb to fear, anxiety or resentment. Your strength will be tested but you should find it easy to pass this test and give a fine example in the process. You need to set a standard of tolerance and forgiveness for the sake of the future. Between now and the end of the week, there's more in store than you realise.
The Full Moon is going to be in your sign on Boxing Day. That will bring the drama you've been wrestling with lately to a conclusive close. You are a person of great merit and of special talent. These are all points which, of late, you have been prone to overlook. The pressure of the festive season may continue to put you in a tense, self doubting mood for a day or two but soon enough, you'll see a big demonstration of affection and support. oddly, this may somehow coincide with a separation from something you once felt keen to cling to. Yet ultimately, that will be liberating not debilitating.
牡羊座(12月22日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Try walking backwards for Christmas. Revisit an aspect of your past. Return to a place - or to a position that once you spent a lot of time in. You have may mixed memories of this particular era. You don't especially want to turn your attention towards it. Yet there's a lesson to be learned from the experience. This could help you move forward in a much more pleasing way. Find the courage to access a memory hovering in the back of your mind, yet which you are trying to ignore. That's how you'll find the seed of a vital discovery and a far more viable plan.
天秤座(12月22日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) People have strong ideas about how things are supposed to be at this time of year. Our expectations though, rarely match the reality. Some dramas and problems refuse to respect the season, just as they refuse to listen to reason. Right now, you find yourself dealing with a difficulty which is drawing a lot of your energy and concentration. You've got a lot to do and none of it is especially conducive to a festive frame of mind. But think of the relief you will feel once you've taken care of the task in hand.. What's happening is right. Don't worry. Just do what you need to do.
At some point over the next few days, you may become deeply concerned about a duty of some kind before suddenly seeing the whole thing in a very different light. You don't owe anyone anything. You simply owe it to yourself to do what you know is right... rather than just what may seem right to other people. In making allowance for the people whose views need to be tolerated now, it's important not to suddenly start doubting your own ideas! A decision you reached some while ago remains as wise now as it was then. Trust it and continue to implement it. この数日間の何らかの時点で、あなたは非常に異なった光の中で全体のものを見ながら、突然前にある種の義務に関して深く心配するようになることができます。 あなたはだれにも何も負っていません。 あなたは、あなたが… ちょうどまさしく他の人にとって見えるかもしれないことよりむしろ正しいのを知っていることをするのに 自分からそれを単に負っています。 寛大に許容される必要がある人を考慮に入れるのにおいて、突然あなた自身の考えを疑い始めないのは重要です! あなたがいくつか達した決定、前、現在そしてより同じくらい賢明なままです。 それを信じてください、そして、それを実装し続けてください。
天秤座(12月23日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The trouble with Christmas is the amount of expectation it creates. Everyone feels obliged to conjure seasonal spirit. That produces a lot of pressure. You don't notice this if you are feeling reasonably happy about your situation. When, though, there's something wrong, you can't hide it in the usual way. Somehow, the season causes even a tiny problem to stick out like a sore thumb. You have been keeping a tricky situation under control for some while. Now, an issue is being forced to a head. Neither worry about this nor resent it. The planets will soon bring a change that suits you.
牡羊座(12月23日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The picture on the card shows a family, gathered by a tree, near a crackling hearth, in an old world house, windows glowing on to a cobbled street, covered in snow. It is not though, just Australians who find this image incongruous. Even in cold countries, blazing yule logs are rarely found these days. And as for truly happy families? Well, let us never forget that family life is always a challenge. Be of good cheer. What lies in store for you is a real Christmas, not a cardboard cut-out celebration. It will be happy and it will be magical too. But it won't be predictable... and nor will it be without intrigue and incident!
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) クリスマス・カードには、「古めかしい家の中、雪に覆われた玉 石道路の上に明るく輝く窓の内側で、パチパチと音を立てる暖炉の 側、ツリーの周りに集まっている家族」の絵が描かれています。し かしながら、この絵はオーストラリアの人たちにしてみれば不釣り 合いなものに映るでしょう。喩え寒冷地に住む人であっても、今時 クリスマスに暖炉を燃やすような所は滅多に見られません。では、 「真に幸福な家族」はどうでしょう? そうですね、私たちは「家 庭生活」が常に挑戦課題であることを決して忘れてはなりません。 元気を出して下さい。あなたの未来に待ち受けているのは、張りぼ ての祝祭なんかではなく、現実のクリスマスです。クリスマスは、 幸福であり、また魔法のように魅惑的でしょう。しかし、それは予 測できるものではないでしょう...また、計略と偶発的な出来事抜き、 という訳にもいかないでしょう!(= But it won't be predictable... and nor will it be without intrigue and incident!:?)
Now that you know what you know, how can your holiday be anything but wonderful? Okay, don't answer that. There is a sense in which the candour and intensity of a recent exchange could yet put the whole of the festival in a different light. So try another tack. How can your Christmas be anything but honest? And how can any kind of honest, sincere situation be anything but good? The only thing you're going to miss out on this year is a bucketload of painful pretence that you really have no need or desire for. The Full Moon is your promise of meaning and, ultimately, of happiness too. Need a little extra Christmas inspiration?
Christmas, for most of us, means spending time in the company of people we don't normally see so much of. Sometimes it means remembering why we don't normally mind not seeing so much of them. It can mean making an effort. It can be a time for giving in more ways than one. There are joyous factors in your life now - and there are oppressive ones too. You're not sure just how the next few days are due to pan out. So let me tell you. There may be a tense Full Moon but the Sun's harmonious alignment to your ruler is a promise of an excellent experience.
Lavish celebrations are dreadfully out of date. These days, darling, minimalism is all the rage. This Christmas, expect a visit from the fashion police. Are your decorations all the same shade of the same colour? Is your tree no bigger than a bonzai? If not, you may be struck off the celebrity A-list or banned from some of exclusive establishments. To save you from this fearful festive fate, here's a foolproof line to use in your defence. "But I AM a true minimalist. I am taking a minimalistic approach to minimalism!"
Christmas gets more commercial every year. Now though, things have gone too far. Santa has had his sleigh sponsored It has been brazenly emblazoned with the logo of Toys R Us. What may we ask, as an ethical Piscean, do you intend to do about this? The world of tradition is depending on you to fight against this evil. The sky insists that your duty is clear. Tonight you must neither eat, drink nor be merry. You must stand all night in the garden, clutching a protest placard. The rest of us will be with you in spirit. Honestly.
みなさま、クリスマスイブをお楽しみですか? >>418の一文、短時間でやったため構文上、ちょっと間違えちゃいました。 大意は変わらないのですが、お詫びして訂正いたします。 What may we ask, as an ethical Piscean, do you intend to do about this?
ウホッ。今公式サイト見たら原文が変わってる?! What may we ask, as an ethical Aquarian, do you intend to do about this? 昼見た原文ではas an ethical Pisceanだったのでつが…。 結局、今年のうお座さん同様、今日のジョナは昔の使いまわし?? と、思って調べたらやはりそうでした。 ttp://cheese.2ch.net/fortune/kako/1008/10082/1008295168.html の165と166…。2001年のうお座と同じなんて…
'Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear.' Thomas C. Haliburton. There are six billion people on this planet. How many of them, do you think, could get along easily for the whole Christmas period without some sort of friction or discord? Friction and discord are fine, natural things. They are also, potentially, harmless. They only produce lasting sorrow, pain or trouble if they are nursed and fed instead of expressed and discarded. An intense, heated exchange of views can be very healthy. But don't cling to the content of such a debate. Let it help things to move on.
水瓶座27日です。 'Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.' So said sports star, Ray Knight. Imagine, please, that you are good musician attempting to play a lovely piece. Then along comes someone who happens to be tone deaf - and starts joining in with you. Or maybe you are an artist, carefully painting a picture. How are you going to feel if someone grabs a brush and starts 'contributing' to your masterpiece? Firmly but calmly, you now need to demand your freedom to operate without interference... and to assert your right to sit in silence till you have something to say!
'The worst thing you can try to do is cling to something that is gone, or to recreate it.' Songwriter Johnette Napolitano. If it isn't sorted and settled now, it's probably going to remain in a state of flux for a while. I think you know the 'it' in question. 'It' is whatever you're so keen to make a decision about, to learn the outcome of, to clarify, consolidate or complete. Adjust, accept and allow yourself to live with the change that has started to happen instead of constantly trying to turn back the clock. What you really need to do is turn it forward! Let it all go, stop worrying and time will solve your problem.
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?' That's what Jean Jacques Rousseau once asked. No answer is needed. There are times when we 'just know' what we need to be doing. Impulses and instincts drive us directly to a course of action, so quickly and strongly that we hardly have time to wonder if we are doing a good thing or not. Even if they seemingly lead us into trouble, they give us momentum and purpose. Recently, you have been wrestling with a big doubt. Drop it. Your recent actions have been doing yourself... and someone else a power of good.
28日 水瓶座 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' So said the great teacher Lao Tzu. Close your eyes. Think of a clear blue sky high above you. See a ladder, emerging from the top of your own head. Watch it go upwards, ever upwards, into that wide blue yonder. Now, conjure up an image of yourself, somehow climbing that ladder. Keep climbing. Keep climbing. Keep climbing. OK. Now, look down. There's your situation. The one that seems so big, daunting, urgent and overwhelming. Seems small in the distance - doesn't it? Stay positive and it will stay small. Are you worried about what's going to happen? 「千里の道も一歩から」とは高名な師、Lao Tazの言葉です。 目を閉じてみてください。あなたのはるか頭上にあるクリアな青空をイメージしてください。 あなたの頭からはしごが現れたとします。それが広い青空へ向かってどんどん上のほうへとのびていくところを想像してください。 そして、あなたがそのはしごを登っているところをイメージするのです。 登り続けてください。登り続けてください。もいっちょ登り続けてください。 OK.今度は下を見て下さい。あなたの今の状況があります。 とてつもなく大きく威圧的で、緊急で圧倒的に見えるもの。 はるか下でなんと小さく見えることでしょうね。そうでしょ? ポジティブでいてください。そうすればそれは小さいままです。 それでもあなたは何がこれから起こるか心配ですか?
'Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.' Leo Buscaglia. Fascinating things are already starting to happen. If you carry on making progress at this rate, you'll hardly recognise yourself or your situation by 2005. Or rather, you'll recognise yourself for the first time in ages - and you'll see, in your world, something that seems every bit as welcome as it is oddly familiar. You're going forward at a rate of knots yet you're also going back; to an ideal you held dear before you gave up on it - or to an experience that you have long yearned to reclaim.
'There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.' William Shakespeare. You have lately been wrestling with a difficult matter. You have been thinking about it so hard and so furiously that you no longer know what you think. You have looked at if from every angle and, in doing so, you have become like a person trying to choose a fragrance in the perfume store. Two or three scents you can differentiate between. Try many more and your nose becomes incapable of distinguishing the difference. A rest is essential. No matter how pressing a certain matter seems.
'There is a way to look at the past. Don't hide from it. It will not catch you if you don't repeat it.' So said jazz heroine, Pearl Bailey. You are trying to piece a puzzle together. There is though, no instruction manual. You cannot even be sure that you have all the right parts. Each time you try to join it all together in what you assume must be the proper way, you find that there is either something missing or something left over. It is most frustrating. Yet you really ought to carry on experimenting. Hope for the best. By trial, by error, by improvisation and by spontaneity you will find the perfect combination.
'The love we give away is the only love we keep.' Elbert Hubbard. There is now a temptation to cling to the past. You want to wait and see what happens. Why be so passive? Why give up the choice you ought to be able to exercise? *Maybe the last time you thought too far ahead, you set a big chain of events in motion. Maybe you now feel you went too far and should have been more spontaneous. Perhaps so - but you know how you want things to change and you know there's a chance to make that change happen. Be brave. Let go.
遅くなってすみません。30日水瓶座です。 'Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.' Plato. For you, a profound sense of social responsibility and involvement is not preferable but essential. Without it, you can barely function. So intense is that desire, you will even commit to situations that do not deserve your energy; perhaps even ones you do not fully approve of. Better, you think, to be a part of something less than ideal and in with a chance to change it than to be nowhere, with nobody. You are caught in a situation which must alter. Soon it will.
天秤座(12月31日(金)-1月2日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Saturn's harmonious link to Venus today, will increase your ability to form accurate, instinctive judgements but enhance your sensitivity. You will have some accurate insights. But you will also experience some strong fears or anxieties. It is important not to take these too seriously. Learn what you need to learn and adjust your plans accordingly but remain optimistic and cheerful. For the sky is on your side. You are capable of great things now, provided you keep up your concentration.
牡羊座(12月24日(金)-1月2日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Is there good news for you? Tell you what; let's try asking a few more convoluted questions instead. Are you reading words on a page? Yes and no. There are spaces between the words. Subconsciously, you are reading those too. Does time progress in a linear fashion? Yes and no. According to some scientists, it doesn't. While Mars is forming a right-angle to Uranus, you can question anything. There's no such thing, in this world, as a totally definitive answer. But the news in store for you is as good as any news ever gets.
>>465 Better, you think, to be a part of something less than ideal and in with a chance to change it than to be nowhere, with nobody. 居場所がなかったり、1人でいるよりは 理想とはいえないものの一部になって それを変える機会に恵まれる方がいいと思うでしょう。
There is something you are exceptionally good at, something that you have been waiting, your whole life long, for a chance to do. So be glad of the sharp, restless angle between your ruler and Mars. If you were too content at the moment, you would become lazy, listless and lacking in motivation. You need to be a little sore and angry so that you can be sure of success. But now, you are cross enough. All you need next is to become determined, sure of yourself and ready to seize a real opportunity in 2005.
天秤座(1月3日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Listen very carefully and you may just hear a whisper on the wind. What is it saying? You can't be sure. It's almost imperceptible. So faint that you half suspect that it is not there at all. Yet you also half suspect that you know precisely what that voice is saying. You CAN hear every word if you allow yourself to. Stop wondering if it is merely your imagination. Stop doubting your intuitive ability. Just trust that your subconscious has something wise to say. Do it the courtesy, at least, of trying to open your ears.
牡羊座(1月3日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It's the start of a brand new year, yet you are dealing with a perplexing situation. You are trying to hold a sensible conversation with someone who doesn't know - or doesn't feel able to talk about - what they want. That's enough to test the patience of a saint. Saints, though, enjoy having their patience tested. It's entirely possible that by the end of the year, you will deserve canonisation. But if you want to avoid becoming a martyr, you had better resolve to take a certain situation less seriously soon.
Welcome to life, in 2005, on planet earth. This is the year we discover how all things are joined by invisible strings. All people are too. The great joke is that we all try to pretend otherwise. We kid ourselves that events can occur in isolation. We think we can shift an item - or change an attitude without creating additional factors or side-effects. Then every so often, we stop to think. And we realise what we ought to be taking into account. So, take into account what you can now see, and you'll make the right start to the year.
水瓶座3日です。 What might you be willing to do for a million pounds? It would depend, presumably, on how you felt at the time, what the circumstances were and how badly you needed the money. Don't dwell too long on that question. You are not about to be made an offer. But you might now care to think about what you wouldn't agree do for one million, or indeed, for any money in the world. List a few of those things, then consider how closely they compare to what you are now contemplating. There's your compass for the New Year.
Take a telescope. Point it at the sky. You'll see countless stars, each a sun - surrounded by planets. Endless other worlds, full of things that we will never understand. Take a microscope. Point it at a drop of water. There are countless tiny molecules - each a world within a world. OK. Back to normality. The rent. The domestic situation. The drama that can't wait to suck you into 2005. Of course you can handle it. Of course it will all be fine. The more so if you keep, as you deal with it all, a crucial sense of perspective.
天秤座(1月4日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Mountains now need to be moved. Were these merely large hills, you might see the point of setting out to shift them, one shovelful at a time. Perhaps, if you only needed to move a single mountain rather than a set, you might still feel inclined to make the gesture. The sheer scale of the task before you, though, makes it all seem silly. How can you possibly do what now needs doing? You can't! That's great. It means you must give up. The moment you do that, your first miracle of the New Year will start to unfold.
牡羊座(1月4日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) What do you have to lose? Not much. What do you have to learn? A great deal. That's the attitude you need to foster this year. Saturn's sharp link to Mars is supplying an impressive degree of cosmic protection. Provided you follow a sincere hope or a noble belief, you cannot harm your prospects. Even 'errors of judgement' will turn out to have been wise. If, though, you act out of sheer stubbornness or allow fear to influence your decision, a small difficulty may yet become a big one.
1月4日水瓶 もし、この世界が組織立った知能の高い人々によって運営されているのなら 一体この騒ぎはなんなのでしょう? もし大抵の物事について社会が「正しい」のであれば これだけたくさんの人が貧しく、不幸で混乱しているのでしょう? わたしたちはみな、どこか遠くで、賢い、分別ある人たちが筋書きを知っていると 考えたいのです。しかし証拠が指し示すものは違います。 あなたには今でっかい考えがあります。でもあなたはそれが少し見当違いかなと 恐れています。 他の人は賛成しないとか不可能だというのではないかと。 どうにかして、説得しなさい。2005年にはそれが勝者だと明らかになるかも しれません。 If this world is run by organised, intelligent people, how come it is in such a mess? If society is 'right' about most things, why are so many people poor, unhappy or confused? We all like to think that somewhere, out there, some wise, sensible people know the score. Yet the evidence suggests otherwise. You have a big idea now. You fear, though, that it is a little off beam; that others will disapprove or that they will tell you that it is not possible. Pursue it anyhow. In 2005, it could prove a winner.
今月の終わりには、あなたの主星である火星が、強力な星である冥 王星と会合します。これは年初に当たって実に印象的な出来事であ り、まるで「牡羊座生まれの人の為に特別にあつらえられた」会合 であるかのように感じられます。これは同時に、ちょっとした熱い ランデブーでもあります。ランデブーが、あなたの仲間である火の 星座・蠍座で起きる、というのはあなたにとって朗報です――あな たは、誰かが自分の下にロケットを(うまい具合に)設置してくれ たかのような気分で1月を終える事が出来るでしょう。火星と冥王星 の会合は、間違いなくあなたの為に作用します――もしあなたがそ のエネルギーを統御するならば(これはつまり、ご自分がありった けの情熱をかき集めて作り上げたものに対処する、という事を意味 します(= that means dealing with what comes up with as much passion as you can muster:?))。幾つかの星座は余りに臆病す ぎて、こんなにも激しい影響力をうまく扱う事が出来ません。しか し、今月導き出されるバイブレーションは、あなたの波長にピッタ リ合っています。今こそ、ご自分の望む未来に向かって自らを駆り 立てていく時なのかもしれません。
There's a limit to the number of places you can be in at once. Right now, though, you feel torn. Lots of people want different things from you. Lots of demands are being made and lots of inviting options are arising too. But which to choose? What should you prioritise? Don't go for the most obvious. Look at what's likely to be of greatest value and importance in the long term. And then make your selection. It may briefly cause a few eyebrows to be raised but you have to follow your heart.
牡羊座(1月5日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Six billion people are standing on this tiny spinning ball of rock which is racing, at enormous speed, round a ball of nuclear fire. Some are glad to be on board. Others are having a hard time. All are cross about something. All are hopeful about something too. All have desires, ambitions and intentions. What makes you any different? What makes you deserve a little drop of cosmic encouragement today? Who can say? Ask a philosopher. But regardless of the reason, you're about to get some!
天秤座(1月5日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Constructive developments should soon occur. It may seem as if you have reached stalemate in a game of chess - but even if so, it IS a constructive development. It means your 'opponent' is similarly stuck. It cannot be long before this is acknowledged - and the game is brought to an end. It is always more satisfying to win than to draw - but a draw is definitely preferable to an outright loss. Some 'draws', furthermore, contain an element of moral victory. Yours could well be construed in this way.
水瓶座 5日 You are growing a little restless and impatient. There is something you want to accomplish; something you strongly suspect is possible. To make it happen, you are going to have to put yourself out on a limb. You will need to make a lot of effort and have a lot of faith in your own judgement. But what if you are making a mistake? This fear is holding you back. Soon, though, you will have to overcome it. Your judgement is better than you imagine. Trust it, act on it and allow it to lead you in the right direction now.
天秤座(1月6日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You can't be anyone other than who you are. Or rather, you can. Easily. But sooner or later, you will begin to find the experience disconcerting. There's nothing in this world quite so comforting and comfortable as the ability to feel totally at home with your own persona, lifestyle and situation. Somehow, in order to make yourself fit a certain mould, you have had to contort an aspect of your own character. Now here comes a chance to relax and be yourself. And to discover that this makes you much more successful, not less.
牡羊座(1月6日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Something very special is happening now. You are developing much greater inner strength and wisdom. There may not yet be much to show for this in a material sense but give it time. True strength involves the strength to resist pressure. True wisdom encompasses an understanding of the relative unimportance of most worldly ambitions. You are refining your priorities. You are reducing the number of interests and preferences you have. So that you can give full attention to just one, genuinely important, area of your life.
ジョナ水瓶座 1月6日 Do you have a heart of stone? Not at all. You simply have a will of iron. Right now, it's vital to make sure that something happens in the way that it needs to happen. You can't afford to let wild emotions muddle your thoughts. You can't let yourself be distracted by your own passing moods or by other people's initial responses to a rather disturbing development. You are not being cold or unsympathetic. You are being practical and wise. There will be time, later, for all the soft stuff. First, there's a pressing need to be strong. あなたは石の様につめたいハートの持ち主ですか?そんなことわけないですよね。 ただ、鋼のような強い意思があるだけです。 たった今、起こるべくして起こった出来事はとても重要です。 荒々しい感情があなたの考えをかきみだす余裕もありません。 あなた自身のの心の中に燃える火が消えてしまいそうになったり、他の人の最初の 応答にめげて不穏な空気に取り乱している場合でもないのです。 あなたは冷たかったり、人の気持ちが分からない存在ではありません。 賢明で有意義な存在です。 時間はすべてのやさしい人々にたっぷり残されています。 まずは最初に差し迫って必要なのは、あなたは強くなることです!
You really don't have to build on strong foundations. Weak ones will work perfectly well if you are not constructing anything that needs to last for a while. And foundations are so terribly dull. In requiring you to dig down before you move up, they demand that you focus on a plan that seems to be taking you in the opposite direction to the one that you want. Feel free then, to just plough ahead and see how far you get. Unless you really care, in which case, you'd best be sensible this weekend.
>>404さん 訳いいと思いますよー 私が変えるなら、6行目の「焦点を当てる」を「重点的に取り組む」にするくらいです。 最後の行の"in which case"のこういう使い方っていまいち分からない…
Unless you really care, in which case, you'd best be sinsible this weekend. あなたは本当に心配しているのでない限り、〜の場合に、あなたは…
天秤座(1月7日(金)-9日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) It is going to be a great weekend. It is going to be great, even if nothing great happens. Indeed, it is more likely to be great if you do something small, simple and seemingly insignificant. Great things are often overrated. Little things count for a lot more. We can all climb a mountain if we are determined enough. We can probably move a mountain too, if we really try. But what about the ability to just look at a mountain and say, "How amazing. And how lucky I am to see this." Now that truly is a great achievement.
牡羊座(1月7日(金)-9日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are not a fanatical perfectionist. If something is 'good enough to do the job' you will usually accept it without further question. Only in a few, selected areas of life are your standards fastidiously high. One of the things, though, that you never see as fully up to scratch is your capacity to work miracles. This is ironic, considering that your track record is so exceptionally impressive. You manage eight out of ten of the impossible tasks you set yourself. That's a record to be proud of. Let yourself off the hook this weekend, you are doing well enough.
Jupiter is going to be passing though your sign for a good portion of the year to come. That's exceedingly auspicious, especially with regard to the fulfilment of long-held personal ambition. Still, though, we have to be careful about assuming, just because the planets look positive, that everything will come easily to you. You can expect several near misses before you finally hit your target. You can also expect to have good reason to feel slightly uncomfortabl if everything starts falling into place too swiftly. Life, after all, is not about getting from A to B. It's about having the experiences that only the journey from one place to another can bring. People speak a lot about 'purpose' and 'point'. They talk about being here 'for a reason' or to 'learn a lessson'. It all sounds very convincing until you stop to apply a little efficiency analysis to the proposition.
If there's a lesson, how can it possibly take an entirely lifetime to learn? If there's a purpose, does it really need to be carried out over several decades? Unless, that is, we 'need' to be continually distracted and diverted from our divine objective in order to make some other more complex kind of spiritual progress. If that's the case, surely we should be grateful for every distraction. We should celebrate every time-consuming setback as a gift from the great creation. We should express gratitude for difficulty and treat ease with great suspicion. Shouldn't we? Well... perhaps you don't have to go quite that far. But if you can be just a little philosophical about how long certain processes need to take, you'll enjoy yourself far more and you certainly won't arrive where you need to be any more slowly. Urgency is not the name of the game this year. Nor, even, is practicality. It's happiness you're after. And if you relax and remember as much, you won't just feel pleased when you eventually fulfil your ambition... you'll enjoy the process of edging ever closer towards this moment just as much too!
天秤座(1月10日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Are you stony broke? Or is it just your confidence that's damaged? It seems as if you're short of something you sorely need. And so you are. But what you need is not money - or some major change in your love life, it is inspiration - plain and simple. Nurture that and you'll get everything else you require. Be glad of what you can't afford. You are better off without it. Be glad too, of what's not on offer elsewhere in your world. When the time is right, it will magically become available. Right at the moment, though, you are firmly steered towards more important priorities.
牡羊座(1月10日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The Daleks are coming. They are in league with evil Martian forces. It's all part of a conspiracy involving the CIA. The government is hushing it up. The estate agents are in on it. They and the greengrocers cannot be trusted - unless, of course, they are selling organic bananas. That's a secret sign that they are on the side of the good guys. Hmmm. Might there, just possibly be a bit of fanciful over-reaction in a certain part of your world right now? The New Moon suggests an empty threat is putting you under unnecessary pressure. Don't succumb to a false fear today.
Suppose, please, that there is a locked door in your world somewhere. You have tried to open it many times. You have what looks very much like the key - yet it does not work. In disgust or disappointment, you give up. Actually though, you have been turning it the wrong way or failing to notice a bolt that must also be undone before the door can open. The New Moon in your sign, is effectively urging you to go back and repeat, more carefully, an exercise that you have attempted and prematurely dismissed as pointless. It will work this time.
In California they have a saying, 'When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping'. Sometimes, actually, there is a lot to be said for creating a diversion in the face of adversity. If you dive straight in to a pool of trouble, you immediately lose all sense of perspective. If, though, you rise to aggravating bait, you risk playing straight into the challenger's hands. Perhaps a trip to Tesco is not the most appropriate option... but some act of defiant fearlessness IS appropriate. You feel scared of something or someone, yet you really have no need to feel this way.
牡羊座(1月11日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you play with fire, you will get burned. This is a lesson that you have learned in your life, the hard way. It has taken you longer than it probably should have done to get the hang of the idea. Now, though, you are most understandably reluctant ever to play with fire again. Does this mean then, that there must now be no fire in your life? Of course not. It merely means you must draw a distinction between working with the stuff and playing with it. If you are going to deal now, with something or someone volatile, you had best be serious, focused and well prepared.
天秤座(1月11日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) What good is a tool kit to someone with no mechanical knowledge? What use is a magic wand without an understanding of basic sorcery? What help is an inspired idea to a person who has no enthusiasm for taking action? Valuable, nay, priceless things are all around us. Yet unless we can recognise their intrinsic worth, they may as well be piles of dust. Which brings us round to your outlook. Rarely, if ever, have the planets offered you so much. But to take advantage of it, you must make some effort and do some adapting.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. You can't summon a phoenix unless you first get yourself some ashes. You can't see a rainbow unless you've got some rainfall. Keep that principle in mind now. And don't worry. I am not predicting the end of anything. We are dealing now, with something that ended a long time ago. That 'awkward' part of your past is coming back, not to haunt you but to help you. You have had the problem. Now you get to encounter the unique advantage that the problem has created.
Hindsight is 20/20. Our perfect vision is aided by the fact that the past doesn't tend to argue with us. It's only the future that has a nasty habit of challenging our assumptions. Maybe you understand exactly what has led you to your current position, or maybe you just think you do. It doesn't much matter, unless you intend to waste a precious opportunity debating history when you could be setting out to shape the future. If you want a brighter tomorrow, you don't need memory, you need faith.
天秤座(1月12日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Restraint is an admirable thing. Far too many people jump to far too many conclusions. They make far too many moves. They nurture far too many desires. Just imagine what a wonderful place the world would be, if only more of us just sat on our hands. If only we just stayed in one place, kept our hopes low and avoided making a commitment to anything. That would be an improvement, wouldn't it? Well then, if you really think it wouldn't... Why are you so doubtful about your own current urge to take action?
牡羊座(1月12日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are feeling sleepy, very sleepy. Your eyelids are growing heavy. Everything is starting to grow hazy and fuzzy. Even the letters on this page are beginning to dance around like faerie folk at a ceilidh. You can no longer tell reality from fantasy, truth from illusion, the actual from the pretend. So, no change there then. Are you living through some weird dream? Is it all just a hypnotic trance? That depends. If you snap your fingers now, you can dramatically change your situation: and if you don't? You can keep it exactly as it is.
Why can't astrologers see their own future? For precisely the same reason that none of us can make accurate predictions on our own behalf. How can we possibly see the wood from the trees, when we are dealing with our own wood and our own trees? We care about them too much. We are so full of our hopes, fears, plans and memories that we have no chance at all of obtaining objectivity. You think you know what's about to happen next. Don't be so sure. The outlook is better than you can see.
天秤座(1月13日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Go into any library and you will find shelves creaking and groaning under the weight of learned tomes containing 'definitive explanations'. Endless books containing endless answers. It's hard when you encounter such a sight, to think of the world as a place full of mystery. Yet believe it or not, we really don't know how everything works. There are still many things we must learn. You are now discovering a new side to a situation you once thought you understood completely. This may be baffling, but it is very beneficial.
牡羊座(1月13日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Nothing is quite as it seems. Miracles are undoubtedly possible at the moment. They will, though, happen in their own time. You can't hurry them along - any more than you can keep certain difficult developments at bay. You may not be able to do much to change the speed or direction of your current journey, but you can do plenty to make it feel far more comfortable. Just accept what can't be altered, for the time being, at least. Meanwhile, sit back, be patient and have faith. The future has a pleasant surprise up its sleeve.
Some people can't see what's really going on because they are too busy looking at what they wish was happening. Others are blind to reality because they can only see their fears. We all have a perspective that is limited in one way or another. We all, also, have a tendency to believe that our particular point of view is complete and correct. A discovery that you make, this weekend, should show you that much is not as you once thought it was. Don't resist or resent this. It's great news.
天秤座(1月14日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Little in life is as difficult as it seems. That's because the easiest thing of all is the art of making something easy seem difficult. It starts the moment we go to school. Suddenly, we face a series of authority figures that are only interested in that we 'behave as we are supposed to', and turning the simplest of subjects into mind-boggling propositions. You are not at school this weekend. Nor are you obliged to go the long way round a simple process. When you see an obvious way to proceed, proceed! You won't be wrong.
牡羊座(1月14日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Close your eyes. Now open them. What's the difference? I'm not talking about the amount of light; I'm talking about the distinction between your imaginary world and your actual environment. Of course the two are not the same. The twain shall never meet. Sometimes, though, like circles in a Venn diagram, they can interlink and overlap. Sometimes, too, you can find yourself right in the area of the intersection. Mars and Neptune are harmoniously aligned this weekend. Dreams are not as far from your reach as you may think.
天秤座(1月15日(土)-21日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) What would you like first, the good news or the bad news? Ha! That's the wrong answer. It's funny how easily we accept the options which are placed before us. We don't question them. We just make the choices we are told we can make. That 's not good. We ought to say, 'Why does there have to be any bad news at all? This week, there absolutely doesn't have to be any bad news. You have an enviable outlook. You may not be able to get all your heart desires, but you can certainly come a big step closer towards the fulfilment of a dream. Just ignore the suggestion that your choices are limited.
牡羊座(1月15日(土)-21日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) This is your lucky week. I hate making such statements. I know how frustrating it can feel to hear them when there's no sign of fortune in your life. I am also aware of an ethical responsibility. Some people can misunderstand. They can assume that they are quite safe to blow their savings on horse races and lotteries. They can completely forget that to win such things you don't need luck - you need a miracle. A miracle, this week, you won't get. But Jupiter insists that if an opportunity really exists and you really give it your best shot, you stand a good chance.
牡羊座(1月15日(土)-21日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) This is your lucky week. I hate making such statements. I know how frustrating it can feel to hear them when there's no sign of fortune in your life. I am also aware of an ethical responsibility. Some people can misunderstand. They can assume that they are quite safe to blow their savings on horse races and lotteries. They can completely forget that to win such things you don't need luck - you need a miracle. A miracle, this week, you won't get. But Jupiter insists that if an opportunity really exists and you really give it your best shot, you stand a good chance.
The clock can't be turned back. History can't be changed. Yet nor are you obliged to dwell forever on what is now in the past. Sometimes, we get magnetically attracted to incidents and issues that are negative or difficult. They make us so upset, that we forget they have little real relevance to our current situation. We become like people who are so wrapped up in a TV show that they can't hear the phone ring or see the people sitting next to them on the sofa. Your focus now, needs to be on what's positive and possible, here today. It can't be directed there, though, unless you first direct your gaze away from yesterday.
They say that people who don't learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. It may be true, but if you spend too long dwelling on the mistakes of the past, you may be doomed to go nowhere other than round in ever decreasing circles of regret and reminiscence. The past has something to teach us about the present. But only the present can shape the future. The question for you now, is neither, 'What went wrong with a certain situation?' nor, 'Why did it happen?' it's just, 'What can I do differently now?' The answer is, you can change as much or as little as you feel inspired to alter.
天秤座(1月18日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) A circle needs to be squared. An impossible puzzle needs to be solved. A feat of amazing dexterity needs to be performed. You may not realise it, but you were born blessed with the gift of healing. Even if you can't always mend the wounds in your own life, you can (and often do) help others build bridges and strengthen bonds. It may be that you now have to extend help to someone else and hope that the favour (directly or indirectly) is returned. It may also be that if you can stand back from what you're worried about and imagine how you'd advise someone else in a similar position, you can sort out your own difficulty - easily!
牡羊座(1月18日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Six billion people live on this planet. None of them gets along perfectly. Nor do any of them ever manage to let a single day go by without doing at least one crazy thing. So that's at least six billion acts of stupidity, once every 24 hours. And six billion potential disagreements, too. Given all this, you can hardly expect to get everything just right today... or to gain universal approval for your actions. You can, though, expect to make some amazing progress... and to get closer to a phase where sanity and harmony largely prevail, in your own corner of the world at least.
Waxing moons always make us feel more energetic. As they grow fuller by the night, we sense (even if we aren't actually looking at the sky) a mood of increase, of exuberance, of abundance and of growth. We feel as if it ought to be possible to accomplish more today than yesterday. We start to think of the present as a platform from which the train to a more successful future can be caught. Or at least, that's how we feel if we are happy. If we've got trouble, we suddenly start expecting each new day to be more problematic than the last. If you're going to blow anything up out of proportion today, make it a hope not a fear.
牡羊座(1月19日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Steady pressure is all you need to apply. There's no need to push or pull too hard. Neither hurry up nor ease off. Just carry on at a pace that doesn't feel forced. There is, you and I both know, something you very much want to hapen. There is also, as we are equally aware, something we really want to stop from happening. The good news? That desire of yours is extremely likely to be granted in time. The bad news? Well, those two little words 'in time' say it all. Saturn and Mars insist there's no shortcut. The long way round, though, is neither as long, convoluted or difficult as you may fear.
天秤座(1月19日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Whose life even remotely resembles your own? There may be some superficial similarities between your world and someone else's. But that's a bit like saying, 'From a distance, it appears as if it is possible to write messages on a blackboard with a chunk of Wensleydale cheese.' If, today, you waste time and energy wordering why your life isn't more (or less) like anyone else's, you'll miss a most important opportunity. Neptune is inviting you to recognise what's truly unique about your life and your situation. See yourself as a special person, entitled to a special solution to a particular problem... and that's what you'll find!
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 誰かの人生とあなたの人生は、ホンの少しでも似ているところが あるでしょうか? あなたの状況と、誰か他の人の状況の間には、 表層的な類似点はあるかもしれません。しかしそれは、いわゆる 「遠くから見れば、ウェンズレデールチーズの切れ端で黒板にメッ セージが書いてあるようにも見える(= From a distance, it appears as if it is possible to write messages on a blackboard with a chunk of Wensleydale cheese:そう見ようと思 えば見えなくもない?)」という程度のものです。本日、もしあなた が「自分の人生が他人の人生にちっとも(あるいは、それほど)似 てないのは何故だろう?」と考える事に時間やエネルギーを浪費し たりすれば、あなたは非常に重要なチャンスを逃す事になるでしょ う。海王星は、「自らの人生と状況が真にユニークなのはどういう 点か?」という事に気付く方向へとあなたを誘っています。自らを 「特別な人間であり、ある問題に対する特別な解決策を手に入れる に値する人間なのだ」と見なして下さい...そして、それこそあなた が発見するものです! P.S. こんな時間になっちまいました;
天秤座(1月20日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Chalk and cheese are usually both white. They tend to be kept in small sticks. They... no, sorry, I can't go on. I thought I'd try making a case for the similarities between these two wildly different substances... but I have run out of ideas. You, presumably, know the feeling. For a long time now, you have been trying to square a particular circle. You have run out of excuses and explanations. No amount of convoluted logic can answer the question, 'Why am I bothering to force an unnatural arrangement to work?' That's good. Soon you'll have to stop trying. And then, something better will enter your life.
牡羊座(1月20日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) A famous golf player once remarked 'The harder I practise, the luckier I get.' Gary Player's words are wise but they don't say all that needs to be said on this topic. While we can always do ourselves a favour by investing positive energy into changeable situations, we must not assume that good luck is always 'earned'. It isn't, any more than bad luck is always 'deserved'. There are, what's more, areas of life where all the effort in the universe won't alter the outcome of a process. Right now, a convenient coincidence is on its way to you. The opportunity will arise, regardless of whether you attempt to create it.
Why do we want things to be different? Because we all find it so hard to enjoy life just the way it happens to be. It's not particularly because we are fussy. Nor because we are foolish. Or fickle. It's because there's a restless impulse 'built in' to all of our hearts. This need to keep things moving means we can usually face the future with enthusiasm instead of fear. You want things to be different now. Don't worry too much about that. They'll change soon enough. Meanwhile, just enjoy what's happening for what it has to offer, while it lasts.
天秤座(1月21日(金)〜23日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Over the last few days, here in this space, there has been much discussion about chalk, cheese and the similarities between the two substances. So far though, I belatedly realise, we have made no mention of the fact that both words start with the letters c and h. Crikey. Talk about overlooking the obvious. Well then. There you have it. Case proven. The two are clearly indistinguishable. Er... aren't they? It's tempting, this weekend, to settle for a substitute that superficially resembles the ideal that you want to attain. Talk yourself into a dubious compromise if you really want to. But honestly, you don't have to.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) この数日間、ここでは「チョーク(chalk)とチーズ(cheese)」及び 「その両者の類似性」について多くの議論が交わされて来ました。 さて、私は遅まきながら、私たちが「どちらとも c と h の文字で 始まっている」という事実に関して何も言及していなかった事に気 付きました。うーむ。「灯台もと暗し」とはこの事ですね。さてさ て。もうお分かりですよね。証明は完了したのです。この2つのモノ は、ほとんど見分けが付かないほどよく似ています。えーと...違い ますか? 今週末、表面的には「あなたが目指している理想」に似 ていると思われる代用品で妥協してみては?という誘惑がありそう です。もしあなたが本当に妥協したいのであれば、眉唾モノの妥協 を受け入れるべく、自らを説得してみて下さい。しかし実のところ、 あなたが妥協する必要はないのです。
牡羊座(1月21日(金)〜23日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) All you want is for things to work out well. What's the best way to ensure that this happens? Well, there's the rub. We never can be sure. Our best plans often turn out to have the worst results. Sometimes, too, the last thing we'd ever imagine is the first thing to bring us success. But one thing we can at least be sure of is that certain courses of action are never wise. We can do our bit to avoid choices that are sure to make things work out badly. This weekend, in order to do what's right, all you have to do is resist what's wrong!
The right thing to do rarely turns out to be the easiest thing. It certainly isn't always the most attractive thing. We get enticed by short cuts and special deals. Intense emotional needs and desires blind us to the light of logic. We think, 'There ought to be an instant way to get what I so much want'. Then we seize on the first notion that looks half likely to offer us such a solution. To do the right thing requires wisdom restraint, patience, faith, effort, sincerity and humility. But you've now got the chance to do exactly the right thing this weekend. You'll never regret taking that opportunity.
牡羊座(1月24日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Eric writes: Perhaps without realising it, you've been quite fortunate for many recent years. Astrological factors that others have experienced as wrenching changes, you've experienced as the option to make choices about your personal truth. Pluto in Sagittarius has taught you to honour the higher cosmic power known as your own soul. Yet what you learn this week will just about top everything, presenting you with an extraordinary moment of decision. It involves work, but it's not limited to just that area of your life. Though that's not a bad place to start, given the urgent professional issues that have surfaced recently.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) エリック筆:恐らく、それに気づきさえしなければ、あなたはこ のところしばらくは実に幸福だった筈です。他の人達が「悲痛な変 化」として経験してきた占星術的な要素を、あなたは「個人的真実 を選ぶ為の選択肢」として経験してきました。射手座に入っている 冥王星はあなたに、より高い宇宙のパワー…即ちあなた自身の魂を 敬う、という事を教えてきました。しかし、今週あなたが学ぶ事は、 何にも勝るものです。「決意の為の特別な瞬間」があなたにプレゼ ントされるのです。それは、仕事の事も含みますが、あなたの人生 のその分野だけに限られるものではありません。ともあれ、最近急 激に表面化した職業上の一件の事を考えてみると、ここはスタート 地点として悪くありません(= Though that's not a bad place to start, given the urgent professional issues that have surfaced recently:?)。
天秤座(1月24日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Eric writes: If you feel like you're caught in feelings you don't understand, give yourself a couple of days to work it through. Most likely what you've got going on feels like it should take longer than that, but it may actually take a lot less. Something is a bit more complicated than it looks or feels, but it's not what you think. A relatively simple situation is holding up the works on resolving a more involved one, and you're likely to be approaching everything emotionally rather than logically. That's natural - until it passes, and your mind takes over and starts giving you accurate information.
天秤座(1月25日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Eric writes: Creativity is a matter of relationship. We think of artists, writers and other creative people as being lone talents. But, in truth, both the creative process and the work itself are supported by relationships. You can now have a taste of how that works, if only you'll share your gifts with your friends. Creative work changes when it's received by an audience, and that in turn changes you. You could say that art creates the artist. The entire creative process is alive; the art or writing itself is alive; and, go figure, it all feels a whole lot better than confusion.
牡羊座(1月25日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Eric writes: The question is not making enough money and it's not keeping yourself busy. Those are games for amateurs. The challenge is raising your life to the level of a full-on spiritual quest, where every choice and action align toward one inner goal. This world presents us with so many pressures that it's easy to forget why this is worth striving for. Many say it's impossible, but how many have tried? This is, fortunately, a quest that's more about the journey than the destination. You are closer to a breakthrough than you may imagine. Or rather, it is closer to you.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) エリック筆:問題は、十分なお金が稼げないことではなく、また 多忙が続いていることでもありません。そういった事々は、アマチ ュアの為のお遊びみたいなものです。あなたの挑戦課題は、「自ら の人生を、魂の探究に全力投球できる所までレベルアップする(= raising your life to the level of a full-on spiritual quest:?)」 という事です。探究の途上では、全ての選択肢や行動が内的なゴー ルに向かって整列しています。この世界では、数多くのプレッシャー が私たちにもたらされます。ですから私たちは「何の為に生き延び ようとしているのか?」という事を容易に忘れがちです。多くの人 が「そんな事は不可能だ」と言います。では、一体どれくらいの人 が挑戦したのでしょうか? 幸いな事に、魂の探究の旅は、目的地 にたどり着く事よりも、旅の途上そのものに意味があります。あな たは、ご自分が思っておられるよりも、突破口に近づいておられま す。というよりもむしろ、突破口があなたに近づきつつあるのです。
While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: When the tension of the Full Moon finally lets go, there's sometimes a strange feeling of realising you didn't notice it building in the first place. While you've had so much work to get done, the pressure has served you well. But at the moment, your responsibilities have enough momentum. You don't need to push them along. This is the time, however, to make deep decisions about how to handle your work life. Pluto has given you the impression that you didn't incarnate this time around just to have a good time. Mars is saying you now get to make some adjustments.
天秤座(1月26日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: It should now be obvious that recent disturbances or upsets were masking a deeper, more important situation, which you can now set about resolving. It's awesome how responsive life is to our attempts to heal, to make amends and improvements. It's as if every challenging situation is waiting for loving attention, which then prompts both people and 'circumstances' to grow and improve. When we hide awareness of how we feel, or sweep our fears under the rug, that's when things go out of control. Sunlight is not just the best disinfectant; it is the source of life.
牡羊座(1月26日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: It has been said that faith can move mountains, but few people experience the benefits of this promise. But you can, and I think you're ready. Imagine how a miracle could scare the wits out of someone unprepared to accept that everything they believe is wrong. To accept miracles requires confidence, and confidence is something you've learned a lot about. You've accepted the benefits of being shown where your faith was misguided, or where you were exerting too much effort of your own. Now, hold that grain of faith in your heart and let the universe lead the way.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) ジョナサンは1週間ほど不在なので、同僚のエリック・フランシス が占います:「信念は山をも動かす」と言われますが、その言葉の 有益さを実体験する人は殆ど居ません。しかし、あなたなら実体験 できますし、私が思うにあなたは既にその為の準備を整えています。 「自分の信じていた全てが間違っている」ということを受け入れる 心構えが出来ていない人に対して、奇跡がどんなに大きなショック を与え得るか、想像してみて下さい(= Imagine how a miracle could scare the wits out of someone unprepared to accept that everything they believe is wrong:?)。奇跡を受け入れる には、自信が必要です。そして自信について言えば、あなたは多く の事を学んできました。あなたは、「自分の信念が間違っていた」 もしくは「自分自身の努力を余りにも多く費やしすぎていた」とい う事を示される事によって、利益を得てきました(= You've accepted the benefits of being shown where your faith was misguided, or where you were exerting too much effort of your own:?)。さあ、あなたの心の中にあるわずかな信念を握りし めて、宇宙の導きに従って下さい。