You are now being asked to deal with a series of issues and factors that you were not expecting to arise. You have, you feel, other priorities. You resent what seems like an intrusion into an already packed agenda. You can't though, just ignore what's cropping up - and nor should you, even if this was a viable option. For, hidden within some of these seemingly trivial or irrelevant topics are some factors that touch on matters of great importance. Be willing to learn from what's happening and you may yet make a very valuable discovery about what's eventually possible.
牡羊座(9月6日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Will you ever grow up? Let us hope not. That would be dull. A while ago, it began to look as if you were getting perilously close to acting in a very sensible, grown-up way until, well, you know what happened to scupper that. Yet another wave of chaos came rolling in. Where do those strange developments come from? You surely don't subconsciously create them, do you? Let's leave that unanswered. Let's just say that you now seem to be obliged to push a point, conquer an obstacle and clear up a long-standing source of conflict. Is this wise? Probably not. Will it work? Well... it might just.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) あなたはずっと成長し続けるでしょうか? そうでない事を祈り ましょう。何故なら、それはきっと退屈な事だからです。少し前の あなたは、非常に理性的かつ大人びた振る舞いを、危険なくらいキ ッチリとおこなおうとしているように見えていました(そう、何が そんな振る舞いを駄目にするのか?が分かるまで)(= A while ago, it began to look as if you were getting perilously close to acting in a very sensible, grown-up way until, well, you know what happened to scupper that:?)。しかしながら、別の" 混沌の波"が舞い込んで来ました。それら奇妙な進展の原因は何なの でしょうか? 無意識のうちにあなたが作り出していた、なんて事 ではありませんよね? これについては、答えを出さずにおきまし ょう。「あなたは今、ポイントを明確にし、障害物を克服し、長ら く続いている紛争の原因を洗い出す事を義務づけられているようだ」 と言うに留めておきましょう。これは賢明な事でしょうか? たぶ ん、そうではありません。これはうまく行くでしょうか? そうで すね...きっとうまく行くでしょう。 ※ 全般的に何が言いたいのかよく分かりませんでした...(__;)。
天秤座(9月7日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Once again, you suspect that you are short of resources. There's something you need but which you have not got enough of. Which is ironic really, considering how well off others seem to be with regard to this commodity - and how much of it you could have, if only you were willing to make certain unattractive sacrifices. Maybe one day, you will have to make those moves. And maybe when you do, you won't find them as bad as you fear. But you don't have to now. It's going to be a struggle... but you've got just enough to solve your current problem. So relax, please!
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) あなたは再度「リソースが足りないのではないか?」と疑ってお られます。必要なものがあるにはあっても、その量が十分ではあり ません。さて「あるモノを持っているかどうかで、他人の裕福さを 推し量る」のと――「大して惜しくもない犠牲を払うだけで、どれ くらい多くのモノを手に入れる事ができるか?によって、自分の裕 福さを推し量る」のと、どちらが本当に皮肉な事でしょうか?(= Which is ironic really, considering how well off others seem to be with regard to this commodity - and how much of it you could have, if only you were willing to make certain unattractive sacrifices:?) 恐らくある時、あなたはそういう 行動を起こさねばならないでしょう。そして、実際にやってみれば、 ご自分が心配なさっていたほど悪い事ではない、という事に気付か れるでしょう。しかし、今はそれを実行するべきではありません。 もし実行すれば、それは大変な苦闘となるでしょう...しかし、現在 の問題を解決するのに十分なだけのモノを、あなたは手にしておら れます。ですから、どうかリラックスなさって下さい!
牡羊座(9月7日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Life rarely gives us exactly what we want. Thank goodness. We have, after all, a tendency to want the silliest, most self-defeating things. We get ourselves hopelessly wound up about desires and aspirations which, we imagine, could make us feel totally content. When we are unlucky enough to have our wishes granted, we soon discover the reality is wildly different to the theory. There's something that you think you want now. Fortunately, you are not likely to get it now. Instead, as your ruler now forms a rare right angle to Pluto, you can expect something far, far better.
Mysteries and paradoxes abound on this earth. Scientists struggle to fathom an illogical universe. Philosophers grapple with insoluble problems. We all strive to make sense of a baffling world. We try very hard to invent hard and fast rules. We are deeply attracted to rights and wrongs. They make us feel safe. You want now, to take an easy option. You want to feel that one option is 'good' and another is 'bad'. Yet you know it is not so simple. In acknowledging the existence of a grey area, you may be getting confused but you are also being very wise.
天秤座(9月9日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) It certainly sounds like the howling of a wolf. And it does appear to be coming from just outside the door. But maybe you are listening to a recording. Maybe there is no creature there. Just a hi-fi, playing a CD through very some big speakers. And as for that broken heart you can see... well, maybe all those bandages are just for show. Try taking them off and inspect the true extent of the damage. Your life, now, is full of things which look, sound and seem much more threatening or impossible than they actually are. And also full of hope that means more than you yet realise.
牡羊座(9月8日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you a real magician, blessed with genuine skills of manifestation? Or are you an illusionist, well versed in the art of using sleight of hand? Illusionists only perform tricks that they have carefully rehearsed. They don't attempt the impossible, they just do things which look impossible to others. Real magicians are much more erratic. They aim for big, ambitious targets even if they are not sure how to reach them. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. You may fail in your current undertaking. It's possible. But there IS magic in the air around you now. And you may just win.
牡羊座(9月9日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The heat is on, the pressure is building, the sense of expectation is rising. You've got a big issue to face, a fear to conquer and a problem to solve. You've also, though, got a reason to feel confident about your ability to cope. After all, there's something poetic, appropriate and touching about the situation you now face. You may be getting challenged but it is by someone or something that you can only benefit from engaging with. Mars and Pluto are forming a rare right-angle. These times are intense. But they may yet be ones you look back on with immense gratitude.
9/9 水瓶座 別訳 Let it go. Put it down. Fold it up. Tidy it away. Leave it alone. Forget about it. Do something else instead. Focus your attention elsewhere. Anywhere. It hardly matters. But allow some kind of a distraction to enter your life. This is the only way in which you are going to attain a sense of perspective. Right now, that's what you need more than anything else. You are far too close to a certain situation. Because you don't have precious perspective and objectivity, you are thinking too hard and dwelling on details which are confusing. Have a break. And then, have a real victory!
Be kind. Be wise. Be big. And, of course, be happy. All these tasks are easier advised than accomplished. When things are seemingly going our way, we can easily dispense generosity or give good advice or see the broader picture or smile. It's not so simple though, when someone or something is driving us crazy. But then, what's the alternative? To be mean, stupid, small-minded and miserable? Nothing in this world can ever justify anyone ending up in a state like that. Rise above whatever's getting to you this weekend. It's the best way, the right way and ultimately... the only way.
牡羊座(9月10日(金)-12日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Is it possible to improve on perfection? Of course not. That, though, doesn't stop millions of people from trying to do just that, every day. The reason why they try is, of course, because they do not recognise perfection when they see it. They either grow so familiar with a beautiful rose that they feel it would be more interesting if it had different shaped petals... or they notice only the thorns and feel that somehow, these must be wrong. Something in your life now is just right, just the way it is. This weekend, once you've stopped recognising what's wrong, you' ll be able to see what's so gloriously right.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 「完璧なものの上を行く」事は可能でしょうか? 勿論、不可能 です。しかしながら、それでも何百万という人々が日々「完璧の上 を行く」べく努力しています。彼らが何故努力するか?というと、 勿論、彼らがそれを見て「完璧」だとは思わないからです。彼らは 美しい薔薇を見て、「花びらの形が違っていればもっと面白いだろ うに」と思ったり...あるいは「トゲがあるなんて間違ってる」と思 ったりして、薔薇に精通していくのです。今、あなたの人生におけ る何事かは、正しく、そしてあるがままの状態です(= Something in your life now is just right, just the way it is:?)。今週 末は、一旦「何が間違っているのか?」を見分けようとするのをや めると、「とても素晴らしく正しい事」が見えてくるでしょう。
天秤座(9月13日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) "Hope," they say, "springs eternal(*)". And why not? Despair is produced in a factory that spews forth gloom, day and night. It is only appropriate that faith, too, should be endlessly available. You now have a nice simple choice. You can subscribe to the information service provided by "Dismal Deliveries" Or you can elect, instead, for frequent updates from "Happy Packages". These bulletins don't arrive at your door, they broadcast through a radio receiver in your own heart - provided you tune it to the right frequency. There IS nothing in store now that you can't handle as long as you enter the right frame of mind. (*) Hope springs eternal in the human breast.:「希望という 泉は永遠に人の心に湧く」という諺があるそうです。
牡羊座(9月13日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you strike while the iron is too hot, you may scorch the very fabric that you are trying to render smooth. Then again, if you wait too long, you may lose your chance. You either have to bring about a major permanent change soon - or leave it for a good while. By then, other circumstances may have altered. Yet if you act now, you may spoil what you are trying to get in the act of trying to get it too fast. My advice (not that you will necessarily want to take it) is to relax and wait. Mars and Saturn are about to form a harmonious alignment. They'll bring you a perfect moment and a perfect chance.
天秤座(9月14日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Smile. You are, to some extent at least, in a tricky situation. You need, therefore, access to the sunniest part of your personality. It is a perfect resource to draw on. The more you allow yourself to take a serious stance, the more a problem will deepen and complicate itself now. You will end up going round in circles, only to discover that you didn't really need to worry so much. So now you know how to avoid that unnecessary process. Be bright, light and cheerful now. Despite your concern to the contrary, you really can afford to bring forth levity and humour. It's the quickest way to obtain a precious sense of perspective.
天秤座(9月15日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) People like laws. Wherever rules exist, wherever regulations are laid down, wherever powerful precedents have been ceremoniously set, we can afford to switch-off our brains. We can just do things the way they have always been done. We don't have to worry about the rights and the wrongs. Someone else has done that for us, and it can, surely, only be correct to comply. Er... can't it? A certain situation is now confusing you. There are several options and possibilities. Don't just do whatever is most obviously expected of you. Do what inspires you most, even if it breaks new ground.
牡羊座(9月14日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Inspiration is rather like food. We all need a fresh supply each day. We can't fill our stomachs by remembering yesterday's meal. We can't always chase away the blues by recalling some past happy time. Something real and new has to be experienced. Something positive has to be done. It seems though, that you are grappling with circumstances beyond your control. Someone is telling you that your hope is unfulfillable. That simply can't be the case. You have to try, as hard as you can, to reach for that elusive goal. With enough effort and inspiration now, you'll reach it! Just don't rest on your laurels.
牡羊座(9月15日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) We all have responsibilities. Some of these we feel happy to take care of, others we resent. We all know that there's no point in feeling defeated or depressed about situations that are inescapable or unavoidable. Yet we all can't help but wish wistfully. If you don't already know how lucky you are to face a particular problem, you will soon find out. Then you'll feel very differently about what currently seems like a burden. If you want to discover why an apparent enemy is actually a most wonderful friend, just prepare to embrace whatever you are currently striving to repel.
天秤座(9月16日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) I may be showing my age here, but I recall a time when life was much easier. If the phone rang you knew where it was. In the hallway, on the little table. You didn't have to go ferreting through coats, bags and jackets, wondering where you had left it. Likewise, if you needed to change channels on the TV, you just got up and walked over to the set and pushed a button. None of this rummaging down the back of the sofa looking for the remote control. Something is now being proposed 'in the name of progress.' You may yet find, though, that life is easier without it.
牡羊座(9月16日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) They say that we can work miracles with the power of our minds. It's true. Sometimes, we can. But with our hearts, we can achieve even more. Deep down within, you know what's right. You feel a passionate sense of involvement and commitment. This may or may not be sensible. It may or may not be winning you approval from others. What has that to do with anything? The planets are now urging you to pursue your dearest dream. Stop criticising or doubting yourself. Just keep your eyes open for an amazing opportunity to make this happen.
Be strong. Be wise. Be reasonable. As you move towards a new phase during which Jupiter enters your sign for the first time since 1993, you are bound to experience teething trouble. Something is now giving you a sense of sadness. You wish that you could get something over and done with. You are almost tempted to betray a principle or to make a regrettable compromise - just to get instant relief from pressure. Hold tight to your faith and remember what you believe in. The right solution is not far away.
天秤座(9月17日(金)-19日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Be strong. Be wise. Be reasonable. As you move towards a new phase during which Jupiter enters your sign for the first time since 1993, you are bound to experience teething trouble. Something is now giving you a sense of sadness. You wish that you could get something over and done with. You are almost tempted to betray a principle or to make a regrettable compromise - just to get instant relief from pressure. Hold tight to your faith and remember what you believe in. The right solution is not far away. Next week brings an exceptionally fortuitous alignment.
牡羊座(9月17日(金)-19日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) A series of aggravations is beginning to get to you. They are all, apparently, unrelated. Yet there must be some kind of linking principle. Look harder at what the cause could be. Look especially hard at the possibility that there is now, somewhere in your world, an important issue you need to tackle. Maybe, in forcing your subconscious mind to ignore this, you are blanking out other important signs and signals. Be more willing to receive and deal with these and a host of problems should clear themselves up.
天秤座(9月20日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Something has shifted. Recent celestial events have moved the last little piece of a jigsaw into place. One picture has been completed - and a new puzzle has been placed on the table. You are about to be presented with a fresh set of questions. They will cause you to think hard about where you are heading and why. They will also, though, cause you to feel more inspired and excited about your prospects than you have felt in a long time. Whatever else you encounter now, you won't experience boredom! Nor, for that matter, will you meet much by way of disappointment.
牡羊座(9月18日(土)-9月24日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) People like answers, much more than questions. Answers are reassuring, comforting and clear. Even if we disagree with them, we have something to react to. Questions, by contrast, are aggravating and exasperating. They hang around, making everything uncertain and unsettled. Even if you clear up one, you'll probably just end up wrestling with another. Which is all fine, apart from one thing. Answers, too easily arrived at, produce problems in the end. This week, it's tempting to pretend that a certain situation is all sussed and sorted. But it isn't. Yet. Keep on questioning a complicated situation. You don't just want the most convenient answer, you want the right one.
天秤座(9月21日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Pluto's alignment to Venus is encouraging. There's a chance to understand something that has long baffled you. Something complicated can become simple, something off-putting can begin to seem appealing. At all levels of life, there's now a chance to go a little deeper, to gain greater knowledge, to attain a sense of empowerment and to leave behind an exhausting, draining sense of doubt or confusion. If you aren't sure how to proceed towards your next big victory, events over the next few days will be a revelation and an inspiring new way to look at what's possible.
牡羊座(9月21日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) 'To assume,' they say, 'is to make an ASS out of U and ME. ' It sounds very clever. The trouble is, we can't always be sure when or whether we are actually making an assumption. Sometimes, we feel completely confident, even though we have not fully checked our facts. Sometimes, we really doubt ourselves when we have no need to. We mistrust our grasp of the truth and assume that we are assuming! Today you have to rethink your relationship to a particular situation. Once you know what's real and what you are just imagining, you'll know all you need to know.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 「仮定する(assume = ASS・U・ME)事は、"あなたと私自身を小馬 鹿にする事(= make an ASS out of U and ME)"である」と言われま す。これは非常に気の利いた言い回しです。しかしながら問題は、 「私たちが実際に何事かを仮定しようとする時に、必ずしも確信が 持ていてる訳ではない」という事です。時に私たちは、事実の一つ 一つを十分に確認していなくても確信を抱いたりします。また時に は、その必要もないのに自分自身を疑ったりします。私たちは、自 らが掴んだ真実に対して疑いを抱き、「自分がそう仮定したがって いるだけだけだ」と思い込むのです! 本日、あなたはご自分の人 間関係とある状況について、再考する必要があります。「何が現実 で、何が想像上の産物なのか?」を知る事が出来れば、あなたが今 日知るべき全ての事を知った事になります。
Some people believe there is a sign, a signal, a message of some kind contained in every event. That implies a somewhat hyperactive guardian angel, urgently engineering events in order to drop heavy hints. We have to ask why, if something so powerful is observing us this intently, it can't just cut out the guessing games and tell us what we need to know. You can read whatever you like into today's development, as long as you see something positive and inspiring. If you think you're being sent discouraging news, you're not.
天秤座(9月22日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some people believe there is a sign, a signal, a message of some kind contained in every event. That implies a somewhat hyperactive guardian angel, urgently engineering events in order to drop heavy hints. We have to ask why, if something so powerful is observing us this intently, it can' t just cut out the guessing games and tell us what we need to know. You can read whatever you like into today's development, as long as you see something positive and inspiring. If you think you're being sent discouraging news, you're not.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 「全ての出来事には、兆候や、虫の知らせや、ある種のメッセー ジがある」と信じている人たちが居ます。これはつまり「どこかに 非常に活動的な守護天使が居て、重大なヒントを出すべく大急ぎで 出来事を処理している」という事になります。「もしそんなに強力 な"何か"が私たちを熱心に見張ってくれて居るのなら、一体どうし て、こんな推理ゲームみたいな事はやめて知るべき内容をそのまま 教えてくれないのだろう?」と質問してみてください(= We have to ask why:?)。あなたがポジティブかつ活性化するような"何か "を見いだす限り、今日の進展の中から何を読み取ってもかまいませ ん。もしあなたが「ガッカリするようなニュースが送られてきてい る」と思っているのなら、それはそうではありません。
牡羊座(9月22日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sometimes, we conveniently forget what it pains us to remember. We persuade ourselves to accept what we would really rather reject. Sometimes, other people save us the effort of becoming self-deluded by putting on the pressure for us. They push, pull, wheedle and whine, lecture or plead to the point where we end up believing whatever they want us to. If we are really sharp and determined enough, we can withstand all of this. But what if the lie is something we desperately wish were true? Just watch out for that possibility today.
天秤座(9月23日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Librans are often unfairly accused of being poor decision makers. Actually, though, only those born under your sign have the ability to weigh things up with sufficient discrimination. Others see only light and shade. Their minds are like TV screens on which the contrast has been turned up far too high. Subtle nuances elude them. Shades of grey escape them. They reach far too swiftly, conclusions that deserve a lot of consideration. You can't always trust their choices, but you can trust your own. Have faith in what you now feel sure of.
牡羊座(9月23日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) People are a bit like sheep. But only a bit. They are a lot more like lemmings. They copy each other. They follow each other. They get daft ideas into their heads and they pursue them regardless of all logic, common sense or even, often, simple human decency. It's amazing how pathetic people can be. I refer here, of course, to other people. You and I are not like this, are we? Watch out, today, for ' kings-new-clothes-itis.' It's infectious, and there's a lot of it about. Double-check what you are doing.
天秤座(9月24日(金)-26(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Superman can see through walls. We mere mortals posses no such power. Does this make us (or our lives) any less 'super '? Interesting though it might be at first to have such an ability, we'd be constantly conscious of events in other people's lives. We'd also be deeply self-conscious, knowing that others were watching our every move. There's a lot to be said for privacy. Sometimes, too, even for ignorance! Ignore as much as you can of what you can see this weekend. Then act decisively on whatever it is that you simply cannot turn a blind eye to.
牡羊座(9月24日(金)-26(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) They say, 'It's not the winning that counts, it's the taking part.' But it's the losing that really matters. Taking part, on its own, is a bit of a bore. It must be - or they wouldn't have to bother with all that winning and losing stuff. Winning, though, is even more dull. You get a brief moment of euphoria followed by anti-climax. From this high up, the only options are an even more exhausting ascent or a decline. (Standing still counts as going down.) Besides which, people praise winners to their face, and envy them behind their backs. You are due to be a winner this week. Watch out!
天秤座(9月27日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Every week is a special week. Every day is special, too. Every hour, every minute, every second, is a gift from the cosmos. If we don't enjoy and appreciate it, we waste it. If we are too upset, too sad, too angry, too caught up in a drama, we may fail to notice just how magical our gift of life truly is. It remains magical though, whether we notice or not. This week, though, somehow, it will be easier for you to notice. This week is extra special. A historic alignment involving Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, is taking place in your sign. You have every reason to feel inspired.
牡羊座(9月27日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Today is the second day of the rest of your life. What happened to the first? Oh, that was yesterday, didn't you notice? You have already set off down the road to a new future. Recent decisions have been brave and far-reaching. This next phase of the adventure is due to be exceptionally memorable. It will soon seem as if you are viewing, in Technicolor, a scene that you had previously witnessed only in monochrome. Or as if a narrow window has been replaced with a panoramic vista. Mars and Jupiter are forming one of their rare conjunctions. Anything is possible now.
[天秤座(9月28日(火)の運勢)] Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Jupiter last passed through your sign back in 1993. Think back to that year, and the one before it, and you may yet get some flavour of the change that is now starting to come to your life. A very special phase has begun. To ensure the astrological influence has maximum impact on you, in the shortest possible time, Mars and Mercury are adding their weight to the planetary picture. You'd better forget all your ideas about what can't be done. Ignore too, whatever you think you know about your problems and your difficulties. This really is the start of a new chapter. A surprising story is about to be told.
[牡羊座(9月28日(火)の運勢)] Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Every so often scientists set out to prove that psychic powers don't really exist. They round up mediums and clairvoyants and stick them in nasty laboratories. There, under the flicker of fluorescent lights and the constant suspicious gaze of these prejudiced academics, they try to make them summon their spontaneous insight. If you now seek a full explanation for a powerful impulse, you won't find it. Indeed, you will squash an inspired, instinctive idea if you subject it to too much analysis. But if you just trust it and act on it, you will yet work wonders.
The Moon is no longer, precisely, completely, officially full. You can't tell that from looking at it, though. Nor can you see, just by looking, quite how four strong celestial bodies closely aligned in Libra are offering you so much opportunity. Nor can you now witness the asteroid that is making an intriguingly close flypast of the Earth today. There are many things you cannot see. But there is one thing you can most definitely recognise. Shut your eyes and pay attention to what your feelings are telling you. You are loved. You are protected. And you are about to do very well.
天秤座(9月29日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The Moon is no longer, precisely, completely, officially full. You can't tell that from looking at it, though. Nor can you see, just by looking, quite how four strong celestial bodies closely aligned in Libra are offering you so much opportunity. Nor can you now witness the asteroid that is making an intriguingly close flypast of the Earth today. There are many things you cannot see. But there is one thing you can most definitely recognise. Shut your eyes and pay attention to what your feelings are telling you. You are loved. You are protected. And you are about to do very well.
牡羊座(9月29日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There are some who expect an asteroid to crash into Earth within the next day or so. Others take a longer view and suspect that global warming will do for us all, more slowly, over the next fifty years. More moderate pessimists are prepared to compromise. They perceive 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, as being the most likely date for Doomsday. There actually is a celestial event that is due to have a big impact on us all today. But the drama it creates will be psychic, not physical. You are about to have many of your fears and a great deal of your negativity decisively swept away.
天秤座(9月30日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) When we see some speeded-up film of a flower opening or the sun rising, we form the idea that this kind of thing happens in an instant. Then when faced with a real-time experience, we become doubtful and impatient. It all seems to be taking too long. Let us fast-forward the story of your life by a few weeks. Are you ready? Here we go. Whizz. OK. Here we are in the future. Look around. Can you see how much you have achieved? Aren't you proud? Right. Now let's zoom back to the present. But remember that, please, next time you feel inclined to fret.
牡羊座(9月30日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You can't win. You are stuck, stumped, stymied. There's something awkward, unexpected or just plain baffling everywhere you turn. Now, would you like the good news? You can't lose, either. Unless, that is, you keep on trying to be a winner. Drop the whole idea. Let go of whatever you are trying to cling on to - especially if you are clinging on to the desire to let go! Accept that, maybe, you'll be stuck forever with what it seems you can't escape from and, the moment you do, you'll see how you can be free of it. Whatever it is, take it less seriously.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) あなたは勝つ事が出来ません。あなたは困窮し、当惑し、そして 邪魔されています。何か予期せぬ厄介な障害物が、あるいは単なる 障害物が、あなたの向かおうとするあらゆる所に存在します。では、 良いニュースはいかがですか? あなたが敗北する事はあり得ませ ん。即ち、もしあなたが勝者であるべく努力し続けなければ(= Unless, that is, you keep on trying to be a winner:?)。あら ゆるアイデアを放り出して下さい。あなたがしがみつこうとしてい る全てのものを捨て去って下さい。特に、「捨て去ってしまいたい」 という欲求にしがみついておられるのならば! 「恐らく自分は、 "逃げ出すことが出来なさそうなモノ"と永遠に付き合い続ける事に なるだろう」という事を受け入れてみて下さい。その瞬間あなたは、 ソレから自由になる方法を理解なさるでしょう。ソレが何であれ、 深刻に受け止めすぎないで下さい。
Imagine being on a train in such a hurry to reach your destination that you run from the rear carriage to the front one. Will this get you there any faster? Marginally. Imperceptibly. It will though, use up a lot of energy. We all spend a lot of time engaged in such unnecessary activity. We shout encouragement at our sporting heroes and heroines when we see them competing on TV. They can't hear us - and we know it. But we feel the urge to express our sense of urgency. If today you are enjoying the sense of urgency, that's fine. If not, just relax. It will make no difference! To hear more for your sign click here for a month's free trial of the weekly in-depth audio service.
Maybe you now need to put down more roots. put downは前後の文節に因ってニュアンス変わるので難すい〜ですよね。 Rootsも根をはる、という意味もあるし、根本という意味もあるし。 前の木々に対する記述を見ると、木々の様に自らの有様を肯定して生きることを 讃歌しています。 だからその肯定した部分に習う形の意味になるんでしょう。
Is life short or is it long? Some breaths can be over in an instant, others can take an eternity. おはようございます。10月ですね。 天秤座週末です。どうぞよろしくおねがいいたします。
Our perception of the passage of time is extremely subjective. Our perception of value is equally dependent on our perspective. You can't expect to see eye-to-eye with someone about everything this weekend. But you can, at least, look forward to a convenient coincidence that allows two different needs to be met in one process, at one mutually-pleasing pace. Exactly the right amount of time is being taken, and exactly the right result is about to be attained.
天秤座(10月1日(金)-3日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Is life short or is it long? Some breaths can be over in an instant, others can take an eternity. Our perception of the passage of time is extremely subjective. Our perception of value is equally dependent on our perspective. You can't expect to see eye-to-eye with someone about everything this weekend. But you can, at least, look forward to a convenient coincidence that allows two different needs to be met in one process, at one mutually-pleasing pace. Exactly the right amount of time is being taken, and exactly the right result is about to be attained.
牡羊座(10月1日(金)-3日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The Harmonic Concordance has begun. A series of powerful planetary alignments, all due to occur between now and the end of October, involve your ruler, Mars, and imply an exceedingly auspicious outlook. None of this, though, will stop you from having an exasperating weekend. You are now tantalisingly close to the solution to a problem. Or nerve-rackingly near to the fulfilment of a deep desire. It seems you can get so far and then no further. Telling someone born under your sign to have patience is like telling the ocean not to be so wet. Nonetheless, you need only a little patience now.
■ 天秤座(2004年10月の運勢) - 4 オーストラリア人のベルナデット・ブレイディは、"蝕"に関する研 究でよく知られています。優れた著作である「鷲とヒバリ」(研究 熱心な占星術師なら大抵この本を持っています)の中で、彼女は"蝕 "の一つ一つに対してその"蝕"の持つ傾向の概略を書いてくれていま す。以下は、今月の10月14日に起きる日蝕に関する彼女の記述です : 「この"蝕"は、『力強さ』と『力を得る事』に関係します。『偉大 なる力』もしくは『偉大なる強さ』が、人間関係のエリアにおいて、 強烈な風味を与えるような形で明らかになります(= It has a manic flavour about it, with great force or strength, manifesting in the relationship area:?)。この"蝕"の時期を経 験する人物は、突発的な出来事を経験するかもしれません。例えば、 急に恋に落ちたり、いきなり恋が冷めたり、あるいは突然の性的な 出会いがあったりする可能性もあります。またその人物は、あるグ ループ活動の中で莫大な努力を発揮する事もあり得ます」。 ああ、実に素晴らしき哉! 10月28日には月蝕が起きます。牡牛座・ 蠍座・獅子座・水瓶座の中の惑星、あるいはその周囲の惑星を持つ 人々は、月蝕の影響を最も強く感じるでしょう。 あなたにとって素敵な"蝕"期間が訪れたらいいな、と思います。も しあなたがこの1か月を力強く感じる事が出来たなら、ご自分が正 しい時に正しい場所に居るのだ、という感覚を感じる事が出来ます。 喩えそれが少しばかり困難な場所であったとしても。
とは言うものの、全ての"蝕"が全ての人々に影響を与える訳ではあ りません。もしあなたが、天秤座、牡羊座、蟹座もしくは山羊座の 約21度の中に、惑星もしくは特定の角度を持っておられるのなら、 あなたは今回の"蝕"を最も強く実感する事になるでしょう(= If you have planets or angles in your chart around 21 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn, you'll feel this eclipse most strongly:?)。では、もし感じなかったら? そう いう時は、じっくりと成り行きを見守りつつ、確認の為に天秤座の 親友に声をかけてみて下さい。そうすれば、彼らが困難を乗り切り つつある事が分かるでしょう。
蟹座30日 (参照元:ttp:// ) あなたは、間違ったプロジェクトに力を注いでいるかもと心配しています。 まるで遥かに高い山を登ろうとしているように感じるので、心配です。 たとえ全力をもって戦ったとしても、けっしてその頂上を極められないのではと疑っています。 あなた自身の動悸をよく考える必要があります。 もし行動を取る理由に嘘偽りがないのなら−あなたの努力は実を結ぶでしょう。 また、たとえあなたが、自分が噛める以上に噛んだとしても (bite off more than you can chew = 自分の能力以上のことをしようする) 自動的に消化作用の助けを受けるでしょう。−いつであろうと、あなたが最も必要なときに。
天秤座(10月4日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There are lots of angles, aspects, views and perspectives from which you can see what's going on at the moment. All are valid in one way - yet none is affording you the insight and understanding you require. You need to see it all from yet another vantage point. Soon, you will be enabled to do so. There's one more thing to take into account. A part of you knows this yet another part of you is reluctant to explore a different area for fear of what you might find out. Have no fear. The only discovery you are near to is a positive one.
牡羊座(10月4日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) When the going gets tough... the tough go to the movies. Or they watch TV. Or they sit around and play Scrabble! They do what they have to do, of course. But they don't worry about it. They don't stay up all night, fretting about how things will turn out. They just get on with their lives. They allow themselves to relax and feel confident about the judgements they are making. You are not indulging in escapism or avoiding the issue by taking a break from a silly situation. You are helping yourself to get it in perspective.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 物事が困難な様相を呈してきた(= get tough)時...タフな人物(= the tough)は映画を観に行ったりします。あるいは、テレビを観た りします。さもなくば、ぼんやり座ってクロスワードパズルを解い てみたりします! タフな人物は勿論、自分がやるべき事をやりま す。しかし、その事について気に病んだりはしません。「どういう 結果になるだろう?」とヤキモキしながら、一晩中起きていたりす る事もありません。タフな人物は、自分の人生と上手く折り合いを つけます。自らをリラックスさせて、自分が下しつつある判断に対 して信頼を起きます。あなたが、馬鹿馬鹿しい状況から距離を置い て一息ついたとしても、それは現実逃避に耽る事ではありませんし、 問題から逃げ出す事でもないのです。あなたは、物事全体に対する 展望を手に入れるべく、自助努力を行っているのです。
天秤座(10月5日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Back in the 20th century, we didn't bother very much with shades of grey. Public figures were either heroic or villainous. Statements were either true or false. Situations were either good or bad. Even now, in this more enlightened age, some people still manage to make such distinctions without much thought. Most of us, though, now recognise that there are several sides to every story - and that it is rarely wise to form a final opinion too swiftly. Or, to put it another way, don't be too hasty to judge today's scenario. There's more to it than meets the eye.
牡羊座(10月5日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Your agenda, now, is setting itself. The sky knows what it wants from you. So too, it would seem, does the earth. People are making very specific requests. Situations are making obvious demands. There cannot be too much doubt about what's appropriate. Lines are being drawn, options are being ruled out and priorities are becoming very clear. Unless you really want to spend your day trying to hold back a tide, you can do only one thing; recognise the direction things are going in and go along with it. That will prove less problematic than you fear.
5日 水瓶座 Be more relaxed about your sources of stress! Ask yourself why you haven't got what you want. Is it because, for all that you claim to want it, a part of you knows better? Might your guardian angel be working in the best interests of your highest, most noble self? Maybe, in keeping you away from something or preventing you from getting somewhere, the fates are not conspiring against you, but working overtime to save you from the consequences of a dire desire. Given the current cosmic climate, if you can't get what you seek now, that has to be the reason.
天秤座(10月6日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) 24 hours from now, you will be a lot wiser. Wisdom, of course, is a commodity more precious than platinum. But, of course, only the wise understand this. They are mildly amused to watch other people pursuing more materialistic targets. But then, you see, the trouble with wisdom is, you really don't appreciate it unless you've got it. And even if you have, you don't want to go around saying as much. That would be distinctly unwise! The experience you're about to gain will help you in every way, at every level. Don't be afraid of a surprise.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 今から24時間の間、あなたはより智恵深くなります。智恵は、言 うまでもなく、プラチナよりも貴重なものです。しかし、当然のこ とながら、智恵の大切さを知っているのは"智恵深き者"のみです。 彼らは、他の人々が物質的な目標を追い求めているのを、おもしろ がりつつ優しく見守ります。さて、既にお分かりのように、"智恵" が持っている問題は、「智恵を持たない限り、智恵の大切さを本当 に理解する事は出来ない」という事です。また、喩えあなたが智恵 を手に入れたとしても、あなたはその事について余り重要視したい とは思わないかもしれません(= you don't want to go around saying as much:?)。これは明らかに、智恵深い態度ではありませ ん! あなたが今手に入れようとしている経験は、あらゆる分野の あらゆるレベルに於いて、あなたの助けとなるものです。思いがけ ない贈り物を受け取るのを、怖れないで下さい。
牡羊座(10月6日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Witnesses, in courts, are sworn in. Then they have to promise solemnly to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It's amazing, how something that has eluded philosophers for thousands of years, should seem so simple to the judiciary. Truths, by and large, are relative and temporary. They seem true until we discover some other way to look at a situation. A truth is being revealed to you now. There may yet, though, be more to the story. Open your eyes, but don't yet close off your mind.
The question is not, 'How did it go wrong?' It is, 'How can we put it right?' It may be necessary to understand the circumstances which led up to the emergence of a particular problem. It, most certainly, is not advisable to dwell on this. Recriminations will only contribute to a climate of conflict. What's urgently required though, is concord and co-operation. That's now more easily attained than you might imagine. But only as long as the temptation to attribute blame is steadfastly avoided. Look forward, not back.
天秤座(10月7日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Baffled? Bewildered? Bemused? Your exasperation is understandable. You are beginning to wonder if you are the victim of some cosmic conspiracy. Perhaps something - or someone - 'had it in for you.' If not, why does everything keep changing? Why can't you make consistent progress? Why do so many ridiculous things keep happening? Honestly, though, there is no malevolent influence at work. You just need to remember what planet you are on. This is Earth. It's a crazy place. But it is also, every so often, a truly magical one - as you are about to discover.
牡羊座(10月7日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) A lot of people like plenty of choice. A lot of other people find alternatives overwhelming. They like everything narrowed down. The less they have to think, the happier they feel. Life would be simple if only folk fell into one of these categories, or the other. The trouble is, most of us want it both ways. In some areas of our life we demand freedom, in others we yearn to be spoon-fed. Right now, it is clear you can take only one path. Whether this makes you feel glad or mad, you'll soon come to see you are in a perfect position.
07/Oct/2004 For those of you Virgos who work with the practical application of information, あなた方にとって乙女座は情報の現実的な効果と共に動きます。 it may be somewhat difficult to stay as focused as you usually can. もしかしたらいつもと同じように集中するのは少々難しいかもしれません。 You may find yourself drifting off into fantasies -- and there's nothing wrong with that at all. 理想に流される自分自身に気付く事になるかも・・・別にそれらは悪い事じゃないんですよ。 Just make sure that you maintain a healthy balance between your dreams ただ夢と現実の細かな部分の健康的なバランスを維持するようしっかり確認して下さいね。 and the details of the real world.
天秤座(10月8日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You were born blessed with exceptional talents and abilities. Some of these have come naturally to you ever since you were a child. Others you had to carefully nurture. Not all your gifts have been fully exploited. Nor, indeed, are you fully aware of the extent of your own potential. No matter what has stopped you in the past, no matter how much you may feel you know about your own limits, you have discoveries in store. Pleasant ones. Inspiring ones. Right now, an exciting possibility is waving outside your window, hoping you will invite it in. Draw back the curtain and take a look this weekend.
牡羊座(10月8日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you doing the right thing? Well, you are most certainly not doing the wrong thing. Right, though, is a much harder concept to define than wrong. Many people, for example, feel sure they are doing the right thing, when it is obvious to others that they are terribly wrong. Only rarely, though, do people who suspect they are terribly wrong turn out to be wonderfully right. Or, to put it another way, if you feel sure you are wrong, you are probably right about this. If you feel sure you are right, you may very well be wrong. This weekend, you are doing about the only thing you can. It's right. Really!
天秤座(10月11日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) What's your deepest, darkest dread? Pardon me for asking. I know that these are imposing and impertinent questions to throw at you - especially on a Monday. I want to encourage you to explore the most unattractive notion you can dream up. Imagine, for one moment, that it is likely to become a reality. It isn't... but pretend, please, that it is. Dwell on that possibility until you have accepted every implication. That's the only way to conquer your anxiety. And you need to do that, because once you are no longer afraid of anything... you will see just how powerful (and unassailable) you actually are.
牡羊座(10月11日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You don't have to play by a certain set of rules at the moment. Those rules were laid down, a long time ago, by people who no longer have authority and influence. Just to be clear here, we are not talking about legalities or points of honour. How can you ever possibly contemplate contravening these? There are, though, certain unspoken agreements which were reached over time and which have been upheld religiously, ever since - yet which are no longer so relevant or fair. As we move towards an eclipse of the Sun in your opposite sign, it's time to reconsider what binds you to whom - and why.
天秤座(10月12日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The imminent eclipse of the Sun in your sign is wonderful news. It implies the start of a brand new era. You have done reasonably well recently but you have had many obstacles to overcome. Those difficulties are about to start diminishing, dramatically. They will not entirely vanish but they will prove much easier to conquer. In order to benefit from your new set of celestial circumstances, all you have to do is relax and allow a little bit of natural magic to unfold. After just a few more awkward moments, it will do so sweetly... and automatically. It's just that, first, you have a leap of faith to take.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) あなたの宮における日蝕が差し迫っている、というのは素晴らし いニュースです。これは「真新しい時代の始まり」を意味していま す。最近のあなたは、分別を弁えつつ良くやってこられました。と はいえ、乗り越えるべき障害物も沢山あります。これらの障害物は、 今まさに劇的に縮小し始めている所です。「完全に消滅する」とい う事はないでしょうが、「実はもっと簡単に克服できるものなのだ」 という事が明らかになるでしょう。一連の新たな天空の状況を活か す為に、あなたの為すべき事は、「リラックスして、ちょっとした 自然のマジックが自ら繰り広げられるに任せる」という事です。幾 つかの厄介な瞬間を超えれば、そのマジックが非常に快適に...しか も自動的に働き始めるでしょう。但し、あなたがそのマジックを手 に入れるには、最初に「見る前に飛ぶ」事が必要です(= It's just that, first, you have a leap of faith to take:?)。
牡羊座(10月12日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Be careful, please. You have recently redefined a boundary. You now feel able to go further and accomplish more than previously seemed possible. You are not mistaken about any of this. It's perfectly fine to feel excited and inspired. You must though, remain aware of some practical factors. You have to walk before you can run. Yet it seems that you now have a chance to make a rapid, dramatic move. Whether or not you feel ready to do this, you should hold back till the eclipse of the Sun in your opposite sign is over at the end of the week. Your opportunities will be better then.
牡羊座(10月13日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sometimes, all the edges are fuzzy and all the shades are grey. Sometimes, it doesn't much matter what you do, where you go or how you prioritise your activities, there's plenty of leeway at such times. Not so, though, at times like this. Now, you are walking a tightrope. One slip and you'll fall. Life is intense, but all is fine as long as you do what you know you must. Then you are like someone trudging across an Arctic waste wrapped in a warm snowsuit. Lose your faith, though, and you'll soon start to freeze.
天秤座(10月13日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some people are happy only when they are unhappy. Some things only seem right when they are wrong. We all like fairy tales and all dream of living perfect lives with stress-free futures. In reality, though, what we mean by this is that we want to strike a balance that we find enjoyably acceptable. Look again at a factor which has lately caused you a lot of tension and discomfort. You don't want to be free of it completely. You just want to adjust the amount to which you are being exposed. Today's alignment offers you exactly that chance.
天秤座(10月14日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The world is full of people who feel that they have something to prove. It is hard, when you find yourself in such an environment, not to let it influence you. If, though, you now set out to make a point or force an issue, you will create unnecessary tension. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Nor do you need to judge your progress by your ability to make material gains. You are essentially a spiritual being. It's your ability to inspire and uplift others that matters, not your ability to outdo them!
牡羊座(10月14日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are about to cross a threshold. You are nervous. There is no option other than to move forward. Yet what if you have made a mistake? You crave the secure familiarity of an old arrangement, even though you know how unsatisfactory it was. But you are only just starting out in a new direction. You have not yet given it a chance. Nor will you ever do, unless you summon the courage to persevere. As we approach the solar eclipse in your opposite sign, don't question yourself, try to support yourself.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) あなたは今まさに限界点を超えようとしている所です。あなたは ナーバスになっておられます。前進する以外の選択肢はありません。 とはいえ、万が一あなたが誤りを犯しているのだとしたらどうでし ょう?(= Yet what if you have made a mistake?:?) あなたは、 それが如何に不満の残るものであるか?をよく知っていても、古い 取り決めに基づく安全確実な気安さ(= secure familiarity of an old arrangement:?)を熱望なさっています。しかし、あなたは今、 新しい方角へと旅立とうとしておられます。ただ、あなたは未だそ のチャンスを活かしておられません。初志貫徹の勇気を奮い起こさ ない限り、今後もチャンスを活かす事はないでしょう。反対側の宮 における日蝕が近づいています。ですから、ご自分に疑問を抱くの ではなく、自分自身を援助するべく努力なさってみてください。
牡羊座(10月15日(金)-17(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There really ought to be a better arrangement. You ought to be able to put out a note each night, informing the wider world of your intentions and instructions. When you wake up in the morning, there should surely be a report back from the universe, confirming that all your requests have been honoured. Surely, that's not asking too much, is it? Of late, the cosmos has been less than co-operative. But you may yet find, this weekend, that the universe is more willing to do your bidding than you previously thought.
天秤座(10月15日(金)-17(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) At times, your behaviour borders on the saintly. And at other times? Well, they say the brighter the light the darker the shadow! But there is nothing wrong with thinking dark thoughts. We can't help it. We can't control them. We can, though, decide whether to transform them into dark deeds. What's passing through your head is private. What passes from your mouth, matters more. But what matters more than anything, is what you actually do. Regardless of the reasons, take the saintly course of action this weekend.
天秤座(10月18日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some astrological alignments are open to interpretation, others can really only mean one thing. Your current cosmic outlook is as close as you can get to a cast-iron promise of help. Something will go in your favour soon. A change for the better will come. You'll have reason to feel more optimistic about your prospects in every area of life. If you take wild risks, you will squander your advantage. But calculated, careful, clever moves should pay off handsomely. And small leaps of faith are definitely worth a try.
牡羊座(10月18日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You have found your way round a problem - after a fashion. Now, though, you are not sure what to do. How much has your recent progress really cost? What implications will there be for the future? Ought you to have thought longer and harder? Should you have been more willing to accept a restriction and learn to live with it. Or is all this doubt just a sign of how drained you have become? Give yourself a few days to get used to what's now happening and don't worry too much about what you don't yet understand.
Librans are naturally shy. That's why they often project such an affable air, why they have so much 'front' and why they put on such a show. It's a way of ensuring that the world gets so close and no closer. It helps to cover up a sense of inner vulnerability and tenderness. Something is now making you feel more inclined to retreat than advance. You're worried that you will be seen through or that your facade may crumble. Let it. Just be honest and be real. That's the only way a crucial communication process can take place.
牡羊座(10月19日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Shall we discuss the weather? Have you tried the new store that opened up in town last month? What do you think of the latest album by... yes, I do know what we are SUPPOSED to be talking about now. I know, too, how much it means to you - and how much it matters. But I can't quite see how talking about it is going to make a difference to anything. How can you constructively do any more than you are already doing? Till there's a chance to make an impact (which won't be too long) you may as well keep your mind elsewhere.
天秤座(10月19日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Librans are naturally shy. That's why they often project such an affable air, why they have so much 'front' and why they put on such a show. It's a way of ensuring that the world gets so close and no closer. It helps to cover up a sense of inner vulnerability and tenderness. Something is now making you feel more inclined to retreat than advance. You're worried that you will be seen through or that your facade may crumble. Let it. Just be honest and be real. That 's the only way a crucial communication process can take place.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 天秤座生まれの方は、生来のはにかみ屋さんです。だからこそ彼 らは、気のおけない雰囲気を醸し出したり、たくさんの"顔"を持っ ていたり、様々な"フリ"をしたりするのです。そうしておけば、世 界と或る程度の距離を確実に維持できるという訳です(= It's a way of ensuring that the world gets so close and no closer:?)。 また、そうする事は、内面的な傷つきやすさや優しさを覆い隠す一 助にもなります。今のあなたは、何らかの理由で「前進」よりも 「退却」したい気分になっておられます。自分の気持ちが見透かさ れるのではないか、人に見せている仮面が崩れるのではないか、と 心配なさっています。だったら、そうなるに任せて下さい。ありの ままに、正直になって下さい。それこそが、重大なコミュニケーシ ョンのプロセスを引き起こす唯一の方法です。
There is now a chance to make something exceptionally constructive happen. You can soon expect the arrival of an opportunity which leads, almost immediately, to a tangible result. Prepare to have a great idea, to hold a vital conversation, to go through a healing process of some kind and then, thanks to Saturn's link to Uranus, to encounter a sudden change. This will be a new factor, one you were not expecting and which, at first, seems worrying. But actually, it is this which will give you the greatest reason to celebrate. You have nothing to fear.
You are not in the mood for small talk. You either want to hold a very meaningful conversation or you want no dialogue at all. Better yet, you want no verbal exchange at all; merely to see some action. You want to make something happen. And, more pointedly, you want to stop something else from happening. There's a crazy, chaotic situation that makes you feel upset and angry, every time you turn to look at it. You would dearly love the ability to take the sting out of this scenario. If you are patient, you can. Your in-depth guide to this week reveals how you can be sure of making the perfect choice.
天秤座(10月20日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are not in the mood for small talk. You either want to hold a very meaningful conversation or you want no dialogue at all. Better yet, you want no verbal exchange at all; merely to see some action. You want to make something happen. And, more pointedly, you want to stop something else from happening. There's a crazy, chaotic situation that makes you feel upset and angry, every time you turn to look at it. You would dearly love the ability to take the sting out of this scenario. If you are patient, you can. Your in-depth guide to this week reveals how you can be sure of making the perfect choice.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) あなたは今、雑談をするような気分ではありません。非常に意義 深い会話が出来ないくらいなら、意見の交換なんてしない方がマシ だ、という気分です。ただ口を動かす為だけならば(= merely to see some action:?)、いっそのこと口も開きたくないくらいです。 あなたは何事かを起こしたいと思っています。そして更に重要な事 に、何かを起こしたくない、と思っておられます。狂ったように混 沌とした状況があります。その状況の事を振り返るたびに、あなた は心を掻き乱され、腹立たしい気分になります。この筋書きの厳し さを和らげる事の出来る能力を、あなたは心から求めておられます。 もしあなたが忍耐強ければ、それを手にする事が可能です。あなた の中の奥深くにいるガイドは、今週、どうすればあなたが「完璧な 選択をする」という自信を持つ事が出来るか?を明らかにするでし ょう。
牡羊座(10月20日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you want to make your enemies happy, show them that they have got you rattled. If you want to make your critics even more smug, start taking their advice. None of this will improve your position. But watch out or your critics, acknowledging that you listen when they speak, will speak out even more loudly and disdainfully on a wider range of topics. Be your own best friend now. Congratulate yourself on all that you are doing well. And just shrug your shoulders with regard to all that's currently less than ideal.
天秤座(10月21日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Calm down and cheer up. Aggravated though you may be by a certain situation, you are not dealing with something hopeless. There's plenty to feel inspired about. It's just that you can't help but feel wound up, every time you think about a certain person - or you consider certain circumstances. Remind yourself that such things are sent to try us. If we let them get the better of us, we lose far more than our cool. We lose our only chance of bringing about an improvement in the scenario which is driving us crazy!
牡羊座(10月21日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) 'Le Plus ca change, le plus c'est la meme chose.' As they say in France and Algeria, and parts of Canada. This means, the more things change the more they stay the same. Which is slightly confusing. But surely, if that is correct the opposite must also apply: The more things stay the same, the more they change. Can that be correct? If so, all we ever have to do to bring about radical transformation... is nothing! Right now, it's all a bit academic. Rapid change is happening in your world now, and it is all for the good.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 「Le Plus ca change, le plus c'est la meme chose」。これは、 フランスとアルジェリア、及びカナダの一部にある諺です。その意 味は「変化するものほど、変わらない」というものです。これはち ょっとややこしい話です。しかし、もしこの諺が本当なら、その逆 もまた真なり、という事になるでしょう:「変わらないものほど変 化する」。これは正しいでしょうか? もしそうなら、私たちが根 本的な変革を起こす為にやるべき事は...「何もしない事」です! たった今、これはちょっとばかり空論じみているかもしれません(= Right now, it's all a bit academic:?)。急激な変化が、あなた の世界の中で起きています。そしてそれは、全て良い方向の変化で す。
天秤座(10月22日(金)-24(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Readers of a sensitive disposition are hereby advised to turn the page. This horoscope contains material that may upset the easily shocked. ... ... ... BOO! That scared you, didn't it? Oh well, try this then. ... ... ... BANG! Hmmm. You seem to be handling this pretty well. Perhaps you are not so vulnerable after all. In which case, I really don't know what else I can say to scare you. For despite your numerous current fears, there is nothing in your outlook over the weekend that's any more serious than the above!
牡羊座(10月22日(金)-24(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) Step over the boundary. Break the habit. Abandon the routine. You can. And you will soon, whether you feel ready or not. For even if your own reservations hold you back, your desire to protect someone or something will lead you into territory you normally keep away from. You are soon going to take what others may view as a small step. To you, though, it will symbolise a lot. It will bring a greater sense of freedom plus a change in your material situation. Oh, and it should also be good for your love life!
What will come of your current adventure? Where will it lead? What lasting benefit will it bring? There is a sense in which these are all inappropriate questions. You don't ask such things when you decide to go to a movie . You simply feel attracted to an experience, so you go off and allow yourself to have it. As long as it is a good movie, you feel glad you went. Maybe what's happening now is a similar "intense but irrelevent distraction" or maybe it is something more. Either way, it should be enjoyed, not analysed, this week.
牡羊座(10月25日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) Have you leaped over any tall buildings this weekend? Overtaken any bullets? Stopped any speeding locomotives? Oh well, never mind. If you had recently displayed some superhuman tendencies, you would probably have been able to summon sufficient inner strength to ignore your current highly irritating development. What you face now is a situation best left alone for a while. You don't, though, feel inclined to take that advice. And you are being goaded into giving a response. Be as restrained (and wise) as you can.
天秤座(10月26日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Or so, at least, the inmates think. People who act with courage, clarity and confidence become instant targets for criticism. If they fail to allow for this, they soon wind up in trouble. If, on the other hand, they grow overly careful, their authority is soon undermined. Right now, circumstances are obliging you to become the only voice of sense in a crazy situation. Are you mad to see yourself as sane? Not at all. Do not, repeat not, waiver from the wise choice you are now starting to make.
牡羊座(10月26日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) The countdown has commenced. It can only, now, be a matter of time, before you get where you want to be. Control your impatience. Overcome your desire to see everything happen right here, right now. You may be able to push a few factors if you use all your might and muscle, but you risk a lot if you do. There is even a danger that you will inadvertently delay what might otherwise be a surprisingly swift process. Accept whatever it is that you cannot yet escape and give your natural good luck a chance to prove itself.
牡羊座(10月27日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) 'Cleanliness,' so they tell us, 'is next to godliness.' But it is perfectly possible to go through a kind of hell in a hygienic environment. It is possible too, to experience heaven in the midst of a mess. Cleanliness is an aid to inspiration but it is not, on its own, a guarantee of it. Your life right now is full of things that look as if they ought to be providing much pleasure and fulfilment. Somehow, though, a certain situation keeps missing its mark. The eclipse is about to show you what the real missing ingredient is.
天秤座(10月27日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) How much does money matter? A question like that is never easy to answer. In theory, it is irrelevant. In practice, it is always hard to assess a situation without thinking, at least briefly, of a financial impact it may have. You are now understandably concerned about an awkward economic issue. You'd like to ignore it and just follow your heart, but isn' t that irresponsible? The eclipse insists that this is a time when, regardless of what you may owe to others, you owe it to yourself to be true to your deepest belief.
天秤座(10月28日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) A lifetime is not a long time. There may be days when it can seem as if each second lasts an hour. Even if we perfect the art of making the most of every moment, we will always wish for more. Indeed, ironically, time passes more quickly for those who are really enjoying themselves, than it does for those who are wondering whether they really want to be here. The eclipse is about to speed up your experience. The bad news? You feel you are running out of time. The good news? You will also feel as if you are having a wonderful time.
牡羊座(10月28日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) Mars does not form a part of today's powerful pentagram in the sky. Nor did its position directly align with the eclipse. We cannot conclude from this, though, that your life is likely to be untouched by the big event. Something is definitely changing. You are starting to tackle a challenge you have found yourself confronted by quite often in the past. This time, though, you are ready to do things differently. Whatever it takes, you are going to beat your fear, break a bad habit and find some way to replace a weakness with a strength.
You can only do so much alone. You have to be part of a team. You have to work for those you love and respect and with those you can't relate to as well. You have to find a way to negotiate, compromise, accept. You may also have to learn how to do the two most difficult things. Weirdly, they both involve forgiveness. The second hardest thing is to forgive another person for something seemingly unforgivable. The only thing harder is to request that forgiveness for yourself! Here comes your chance to start leading a legendary life.
牡羊座(10月29日(金)-31日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 21) It is amazing what you can do if you try. You have proven this many times yet still you doubt yourself. You wonder if, this weekend, you will really be able to meet a target you have set yourself. Or you fear that something will go horribly wrong, any moment now. Yet you are not going to give up on your dream. You have to pursue it, regardless of what happens. Don't you? Well then, stop worrying. Just remember what you have accomplished in the past and prepare to put yet another triumph in your portfolio.
天秤座(10月29日(金)-31日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Someone owes you an explanation. You'll get it one day - but probably not now. First, a certain person needs to understand their own behaviour. Meanwhile, you'll have to create an explanation of your own. Keep in mind the fact that you don't yet know the real story for sure. You are jumping to a conclusion. So you may as well jump to an encouraging one. Put the best possible 'spin' on the situation. Decide that, despite the strangeness of what's happening, the overall news must be good. Because it is.
けっして消えることのない夢、というのもあるのです。わたし達が、どんなに経験を積むように なろうと、どんなに自らの流儀に凝り固まってしまおうとも、世の中がどんなに懸命にわたし達の 想像力を何かもっとありきたりな形に押し込めようとしようとも、関係ありません。 秘めた野望を全うする手段を手にすることなんてけっしてないだろう、と何となく感じることも あるかも知れません -- でも、そのことで夢がすっかり消え去ってしまうわけではありません。わ たし達の心の中のどこか静かな片隅で、その時が来るのを待ちながら、ただ身を縮めて隠れている だけなのです。 あなたが、長い長い間、したいと思っていた何かがありますね。もしつかみたいと思うのなら、 今、チャンスはあります。 ---------- # 最後の一文、There's a chance now, if you want to take it. はとりあえず上のように # 訳してみましたが、take a chance はただ「チャンスをつかむ」という意味よりも # 「一か八か思い切ってやってみる」というニュアンスの方が強い言葉のようでつ…。 # けして消えないほどの強い想いを持っているのなら、時に思い切りも必要だ、ということなのかも # 知れませんね…。
Sometimes, we just don't realise how much we are holding together till we take our attention away from a certain situation. Then we find out if it really has a life of its own - or if it exists only because we are giving so much to it. You have turned your back, just for a moment, on a set of arrangements. They now seem to be falling apart. You can't live comfortably under a roof that only stays in position when you personally, physically hold up the walls. Try this weekend, to put down something you have been clinging to.
天秤座(11月1日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) It's going to be a fascinating week. The truth about a certain matter will soon come to light. Don't worry. We're not talking about a secret you are keen to keep under wraps. We're talking about someone else's secret - and the web of misinformation they have created to protect it. Because you have been caught in this web, your own ideas will alter in the light of what you learn. Ultimately, though, you gain from all this. You will gain even more if you forgive and understand the deception.
牡羊座(11月1日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you your own boss? In some ways, no. And that's very irritating. But in other ways, you most certainly are. And that's even more exasperating. You can't blame someone else for the pickle you find yourself in now. It has come about largely because of your decisions and your desire to push yourself so hard. You can make a certain situation much easier just by relaxing some of the rules that you have created - and that you now feel obliged to follow. But are you willing to be this kind to yourself?
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) あなたは、自分自身のボスですか? ある見方をすれば、その答 えは「NO」です。そして、これは非常にイライラさせられる事です。 しかし、別の見方をすれば、あなたはほぼ間違いなく「自分自身の ボス」です。そして、これは更に腹に据えかねる事です。あなたは、 今ご自分が陥っている窮地を他人のせいにする事が出来ません。そ の窮地は、あなたご自身の裁断、及び自分自身を強く押し出したい という欲求によってもたらされたものです。あなたが自分で作り出 した――そして従わねばならないと思っている規則を緩める事によ って、ある状況を今よりもずっと容易なものに変化させる事が出来 ます。ところで、あなたは自分自身に対してそういう風にしたいと 思われますか?(= But are you willing to be this kind to yourself?)
When they taught us to do sums at school, they forced us to make a big leap. They said we must accept that 'two and two is four' regardless of whether we are combining two carrots with two more carrots - or joining two carrots to two diamond rings. No wonder then, that as adults we are all good at maths... but have big trouble making meaningful value judgements! Something in your world now just does not 'add up'. That's because the numbers don't accurately reflect the truth of a situation.
What will happen if you wait to see what happens? It depends, to some extent on how passively you wait. Most people, when they claim to be allowing nature to take its course are doing no such thing. They are secretly shaping the situation with their wishes and actions. They are abdicating responsibility for their desires in the hope that they can feign innocent surprise when they get what they are after. Unless you truly don't care how things transpire, take the reins today. And hold them proudly.
牡羊座(11月2日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The sky brings you very pleasing news soon. Unfortunately, it does not resolve the dilemma you are now wrestling with. Indeed, if anything, it makes it more intense. You were on the verge of dropping some plan or policy. It now seems clear that you ought to keep pursuing this. Yet that leaves you feeling more stretched. Fear not. There is a way to reconcile the conflicting urges you now feel. It involves making peace with your past and then deciding that what was once right, is no longer so appropriate.
天秤座(11月2日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Where do you come from? Try again. The answer you have just given is interesting and true, as far as it goes, but that's not where you come from. It's just a place where you previously found yourself. Where were you before that? And what were you? The fact that it is impossible to answer such a profound, cosmic question doesn't detract from the need to ask. Indeed, it makes it all the more vital. As too, does the growing realisation that you are perhaps identifying too narrowly, with something too restricting.
[概要] 「自分は幸運を享受するに値する」と思われませんか? 今月の あなたは、まさに幸運を手にする事が出来るでしょう。天秤座に入 っている金星と木星は、より多くの金運と恋愛運、もしくは魔法の ような魅力を(もしそれが可能なら!)...あなたにもたらそうとし ているようです。あなたに対する星占いは、このところずっと「今、 一生懸命働きなさい。そうすれば後で報償を得るでしょう」という ものでした。そして、ここがその「後」のスタート地点です。しか し、あなたはまず「どうしても苦労が必要だ」という考え方を手放 して(= you'll have to let go of one idea you know needs the bin:???)、「自分が(※幸運を)期待するのは理に適っている」 という事を確認する必要があります。
■ 牡羊座(2004年11月の運勢) - 4/4 [生活と学習] 「学ぶ事」についても、強いフォーカスが当たっています。もし あなたが「更に多くの現金を稼ぐ為の技術を身につける事が出来る」 と思われるのであれば、必要なクラスや講座の参加手続きをすぐさ まとって下さい。より高度な教育は、たった今あなたに向けて開か れているチャンスの内の一つなのです。旅行やある種の冒険もまた、 今可能な事の一つです。もしあなたが愛情に関して十分に幸運な牡 羊座生まれであるならば、今は恋人と共に旅立つのに絶好の機会で す。 家庭内の事について言えば、宇宙からあなたに向けて「何かを再 建する(より良い秩序を形成したり、より良い構築を行う)為の最 後のチャンス」が提供されています。もしあなたが一人暮らしであ れば、それは単純に「家の中を整理整頓する事」あるいはもしかす ると「家を買う為の資金計画を立てる」チャンスを手に入れる事、 などを表すのかもしれません。それ以外の人々について言えば、自 分の住み家を再編成するチャンスがあるでしょう。自分の立ってい る場所がもっとも安全だ、と感じる為の方法を考え出すにあたって、 数ヶ月の猶予があります(= You have several months to work out where you feel the ground is safest under your feet:?)。
[ The World Clock - Time Zone Converter - results ]
At the specified time, local time in Tokyo is 9 hours ahead of London LocationLocal timeTime zone (東京時間の所定の時刻は、英国LONDONから9時間進んだタイムゾーンになります) __________________________________________________________________ London (U.K. - England)Friday, 12 November 2004, 14:25:00UTC GMT ↓ Tokyo (Japan)Friday, 12 November 2004, 23:25:00UTC+9 hours __________________________________________________________________
牡羊座(11月3日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Our friends rarely teach us as much as our enemies. Our admirers challenge us far less than our critics. Our easy days deprive us of the opportunities to evolve. There. Have I convinced you yet? I thought not. I suppose I could try harder. But on balance, I think I shall just commiserate with you. You are up against something phenomenally frustrating. Like a fly caught in a web, the more you struggle the worse it gets. Think philosophical thoughts. And trust. By the weekend, all will seem much better.
天秤座(11月3日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some people think that astrology is just bunkum. 'If it works at all,' they insist, 'it's because people are open to suggestions.' Prophesies, if they sound convincing enough become self-fulfilling. The current cosmic climate offers us a wonderful opportunity to prove them wrong. So powerful is the helpful, happy conjunction between your ruler and Jupiter, that I can safely tell you you have a rotten, stinker of a day in store. There. Now go and see if you can make that come true! You won't find it easy.
You are not indispensable. I mention this, not to alarm you, nor to render you insecure but to inspire and reassure you. It means that the world does not need to rest entirely on your shoulders. It means that, despite your current enormous sense of concern and responsibility, it is not up to you to take care of everything and everyone. You are scared of two contradictory things: 1. That someone will discover they can cope without you; 2. That nobody can manage without you and that you will, thus, never be free.
天秤座(11月4日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) To a business person, there's nothing more important than profit. To a concert pianist there's nothing more important than quality. And to you? There's nothing more important than the need to remember that 'importance' is relative. Your sense of perspective is precious. Your ability to see things from several angles is a rare gift. So too, is your versatility, your imagination and your refusal to be forced into taking a narrow view. It doesn't always pay off for you in a worldly sense. But this time, it will!
牡羊座(11月4日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It is all very simple really. You are stuck somehow. There 's a situation that you are tired of; an arrangement that you don't seem to be able to get out of; a commitment you have to maintain. Yet there's also a burning urge to free yourself. Hence the restlessness you feel. Hence too, the various ways in which you are seeking out wild avenues of escape. You know you can't... yet you feel obliged to keep trying. The irony is, if you can only manage to give more to the thing you want to get away from, you can enjoy it.
We all want to be wanted. Unless we feel that too many people want things from us. Then we want not to be wanted. Maybe, too, if this is the case, we realise that it was our own need to be needed that got us into the situation in the first place. So, now we want... not to want to be wanted. But, of course, we don't want to be not wanted. We want... not to be not wanted, but not to be not wanted. Are you following? Well, take the weekend to chew it over. Meanwhile, you can expect, this weekend, to get what you want.
牡羊座(11月5日(金)-7日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It is bound to be a challenge at the weekend. There is something you want to be free from, something you just can't stand. Something, or someone, that is starting to make you feel extremely frustrated. Of course, you can't work out how to deal with this until you first understand almost everything about it. That is why your current, uncomfortably close encounter with this awkward factor, is ultimately so constructive. Learn the lesson properly. Then you will find it easy to beat the enemy.
天秤座(11月5日(金)-7日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You have long since learned to take the rough with the smooth. You understand life will always have its ups and downs. And that it is unrealistic to expect perfection. Yet somewhere in the process of reaching this conclusion, you have begun to expect more than your fair share of doom and gloom; you are suspicious of good news when you hear it. Venus and Jupiter form a conjunction this weekend. Some rather wonderful things are about to happen. Don't waste time wondering whether they are for real.
Do you know what you need? Or are you simply telling yourself a story? Those are the questions. Read on - and you will NOT get any answers! My job is not to act as guardian of your morality... it is merely to alert you to prevalent planetary trends so you can draw your own conclusions about what is appropriate. Current astrological influences suggest a time during which certain personal wishes can be granted. All that means, is that you probably need to be rather careful about exactly what you go ahead and wish for!
天秤座(11月8日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) HG Wells was not a scientist. But his stories, inspired a thousand physicists. As children, they read about rockets that might go to the Moon and then, as adults, they reached out to make it a reality. I make this point, because it illustrates the importance of imagination. In order to make a dream come true you first have to have a dream. Neptune's current alignment to your ruler, says that you have a dream now. You suspect it is wildly unrealistic. Pursue it anyhow. It could yet lead to something of great value.
牡羊座(11月8日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Hurry up and slow down. Relax, so you can worry more. Wake up, it's time to go to sleep. Etc. We live in a world of crazy contradictions. Most are disguised a little more discreetly than these examples. Still, though, you only have to scratch a sensible surface. You have spent much of the weekend wrestling with a dilemma. It's not worth thinking about anymore. The way forward, this week, involves accepting things that can't be done just yet, and then focusing on targets you do stand a chance of reaching.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 素早くゆっくりして下さい。リラックスして下さい、そうすれば 思う存分不安になる事が出来ます。さあ起きて、もう寝る時間です よ。などなど。私たちは、気違いじみた矛盾の世界に住んでいます。 大部分は、上記の例よりもちょっとばかり控えめな矛盾であるかの ようなフリをしています。しかし、それでもあなたは、そのような 矛盾が表層的まとっている"良識"を、引っ掻いてはがす必要があり ます(= Still, though, you only have to scratch a sensible surface:?)。先週末のあなたは、ジレンマと格闘する事に多くの 時間を費やしました。そんな事に、これ以上の時間を費やす価値な どありません。今週、前進する為には「未だ物事が終わった訳では ない」という事を受け入れた上で、「あなたが到達しうる目標」に 焦点を当てて下さい。
You cannot turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. But with a little clever leather work, you can probably create a very unusual pigskin wallet. It is entirely possible that this may then be traded for a silk purse. You have to proceed, this week, in sensible stages. You have to work with what you've got and stop wishing that you had more resources available. Use your energy to maximise your actual advantages and you will discover that these have far more potential, value and usefulness to you than you now seem to think.
It’s unlike you to remain silent about issues that you feel need to be discussed. However, over the past few weeks, something’s kept you from raising certain potentially contentious matters. Now that the communicative Mercury has moved into Sagittarius, improvements in both your confidence and circumstances should enable you to put these to rest easily.
Other people have time to dwell on details. You don't. Not if you want to keep your eye on that much more important big picture. Those who are so caught up in the small matters find it hard to see your point of view. They think you are being wildly optimistic or wasteful. But you are watching a certain set of circumstances from a different point of view. Trust your perspective. Believe in what you are doing. And don't suddenly try to honour a set of priorities which are not so important to you. There isn't time!
牡羊座(11月9日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You may go down from time to time, but you are never out. You may be beaten in the occasional battle, but you are in no danger of losing the war. You may encounter more than your fair share of obstacles, but somewhere in your heart there is a psychic helicopter that can lift you up and over all of these. You are a fighter, a survivor, a struggler, an achiever and an innovator. If it seems as if there are no answers, you just start asking different questions. That's what is happening now. You are trying a new tack. If it isn' t working already, give it a bit more time.
天秤座(11月9日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Rules and regulations have a way of wearing down our resistance. No matter how free-spirited we may be, our enthusiasm wanes when we are constantly battling against red tape. On top of the actual laws by which you are now tightly bound, there are inner restrictions in force. You will not allow yourself to think a certain thought or indulge a particular emotion. If you let these conventions constrict you, your ability to be independent will diminish still further. It is important now, to challenge an assumption.
The question is not, 'What are you trying to achieve?' The question is, 'What are you actually achieving?' You may, it's true, end up accomplishing something that's different again. Until a process is complete, you can't ever be sure how it will turn out. Still, though, there are side-effects taking place right now. Some of these are relatively dramatic. Unless they subside, they will end up having such a lasting impact that they will overshadow other benefits you eventually get from pursuing a particular action.
When you are in a hole, stop digging. But what if you don't realise you are in a hole? What if you can't even be sure which way is up? Sometimes, in our efforts to attain clarity, we create even more confusion. Sometimes, too, in our efforts to do the right thing, we become so full of false certainty that we end up doing the wrong thing. Someone in your world now, has good intentions but they are mishandling a sensitive situation. You can help by encouraging as much flexibility as you can, and by fostering tolerance.
天秤座(11月10日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) When you are in a hole, stop digging. But what if you don' t realise you are in a hole? What if you can't even be sure which way is up? Sometimes, in our efforts to attain clarity, we create even more confusion. Sometimes, too, in our efforts to do the right thing, we become so full of false certainty that we end up doing the wrong thing. Someone in your world now, has good intentions but they are mishandling a sensitive situation. You can help by encouraging as much flexibility as you can, and by fostering tolerance.
牡羊座(11月10日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Some people love to criticise. There's no law against that - although, probably, there should be. It seems a strange way to gain a perverse pleasure. And it is certainly not a harmless activity. Those on the receiving end can be hurt. Those who dole it out can do themselves more damage than they realise. People like you, who far prefer to get on and do things rather than sit around picking holes in other people's efforts, have a responsibility. You owe it to yourself - and to everyone else - not to listen now to a carping, trivial complaint.
'Ignorance is bliss.' That's what they tell us. But how do they know? And if they do really know, they are not ignorant, are they? So, presumably, they are not blissful either. Unless, of course, the power that knowledge gives them is so pleasing that they want to keep it to themselves. So they perpetrate that myth. Pluto is alleviating you of your ignorance of a certain matter. You know more than you did. You will soon make another discovery. Fear not. You may not like what you are learning, but you will love what it leads to.
It isn't easy to think clearly when your head seems to be full of cotton wool. Then again, when you feel this way, you don't actually need to think long and hard. You merely need to work out why so much is vague or so confused. As long as you can identify the reason and then set out to do something constructive about it, you can confidently expect the fuzziness to depart. Once it does, you'll have your concentration back - at which point, you'll be able to make a success of many tasks that currently seem impossible.
牡羊座(11月11日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Don't think any thoughts at all now that centre on the notion of preventing some essential, natural process from taking place. Think, instead, about accepting that some things need to happen. Maybe it's not so great - but it's the way the world is. Someone is now doing something you disapprove of. An event which, in your view, is quite crazy and unnecessary is going on. If you are right, you'll be proven right in time. If you are wrong, you need to know why you are wrong. Either way, relax and trust.
天秤座(11月11日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) If you look at your situation though rose-tinted glasses, it all seems fine. But then, what doesn't look good when viewed in this way? If you wear your X-ray specs, you can see some worrying cracks and flaws in the structure of things. But then what doesn't start to fall apart when you subject it to that much scrutiny? If you put one pair of optical aids on top of the other, what can you see then? Nothing, of course! So... er, what choice is there other than to wait for a decisive piece of evidence which you do not yet have.
What will you cook up, what will you play down, what will you sweep aside and what will you bring to the surface? Hopefully, you have a plan. If you stick with it, you will make progress. If, though, you are drifting through one of your periodic hazes of uncertainty, you should prepare to come out of it. As your ruler, Uranus, now changes direction it is forming a rare, encouraging aspect to Pluto. That strongly suggests you want something big to occur. Deliberately or unconsciously, you are drawing that event nearer.
Why did the chicken cross the road? We will never know. Nor will we ever tire of speculating. And did it come first? Or was it the egg? Here too, we are in the lofty realm of conjecture - and we can remain there as long as we choose without ever reaching a conclusion. There is much in your life at the moment, that cannot be explained or encapsulated in some convenient formula. Don't waste time making sense of what won't ever make sense. This weekend, just count the chickens that have actually started to hatch!
Life will soon get back, if not to 'normal' at least to a pace that you can more easily relate to. Right now, it seems as if you are caught up in a situation that you can't see the point of. You are tempted to extricate yourself from it before it gives you an even greater headache. But actually, a constructive process has been taking place. Things are about to change and improve, naturally. So relax, as best you can. And let time pass. Once your ruling planet gains momentum in its new direction, everything will feel much better.
天秤座(11月12日(金)-14日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) A solution exists. It is not a bad one. You are, though, right to suspect you will have a new problem once you start to apply it. But then, that's life on planet earth for you, isn't it? We none of us ever manage to create a perfect environment. We simply get some say, if we are lucky, in where the area of imperfection is to be situated. In shifting the emphasis now or in following a route which is likely to lead to a different kind of difficulty, you are making all the progress you can. That's more than enough to be going on with this weekend.
牡羊座(11月12日(金)-14日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You feel as if you are only just coping. There is, though, all the difference in the world between "only just" and "not at all". Beethoven "only just" completed his ninth symphony. The allied forces "only just" managed to win World War Two. A success is a success no matter how narrow the margin. You may be tired, you may be struggling but you are on the right path. You are doing what needs to be done. And if you keep on going, you will reach your goal. That's all you need to remember this weekend.
Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts.
'Risky' is not a word Cancerians generally find attractive, but always taking the safe option can make things dreadfully dull. Does it always have to be one or the other? Not at all. Imagine a child who knows where his Christmas presents have been hidden. Every day he has a little peek. It's exciting, because he knows he's not supposed to look - but he also knows that on the day itself, opening them will still be a thrill. This is a win-win situation, and so is yours, right now. Go on, have a little fun.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If something is offered to you, something else is expected in return. It's easy to forget this simple fact, especially when you're thinking about how much money is involved and what you could spend it on. The temptation is to think that you wouldn't have to do anything in return, but of course you would. What's being asked of you is not just to fill a role, but to add something extra, to put your own stamp on it and make it different. Can you do that?
天秤座(11月15日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts. Some moments are memorable for all the right reasons; some are memorable for all the wrong ones. It seems that the unusual planetary combinations of today might give you both at once - an exquisitely embarrassing moment which you wish you could just rewind and erase, but unfortunately you can't. The good side is that you will have made an indelible impression, and at least you'll have something to talk about next time you meet. It works for Bridget Jones: it might work for you, too.