However fond you are of others, they’ll still do things that drive you crazy. In fact at the moment you’re wondering how you’ll cope with certain characteristics that you find extremely annoying. Complain if you must. But as others either can’t ? or won’t ? stop, your best bet is simply accepting them.
The time has come to speak frankly to partners, whether at work or at home. For some time now you’ve skirted potentially upsetting issues. While it was probably wise to avoid these then, the mood has improved considerably. This means you’ve run out of excuses for not mentioning the issues in question.
After weeks, if not months, of planning you are at long last in a position to move on to the next stage . As you move ahead, it’s worth keeping in mind that things are in the midst of transition. So much, in fact, that you could need to make substantial revisions to those plans.
While you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected if you take advantage of offers, there’s nothing to be gained by mimicking others’ paranoia. が意味不明でした。
この文は次の二つに大きく分解できます。 1. While you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected if you take advantage of offers 2. there’s nothing to be gained by mimicking others’ paranoia.
【1.について】 if you take advantage of offers は you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected にかかる「条件を表す副詞節」(文法用語あってる?)です。
分解して直訳すると… you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected 「自分に何が期待されているのか尋ねなさいと良い忠告を受けるでしょう」 if you take advantage of offers 「もしあなたが申し出を利用したいなら」
while はこの場合は「その一方」という意味で、 you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected if you take advantage of offers と there’s nothing to be gained by mimicking others’ paranoia. をつなげる接続詞です。Whileがつくことで1. の文は、2. there’s〜を修飾する 「譲歩を表す副詞節」となります。
【2.について】 there’s nothing to be gained by mimicking others’ paranoia.を分解して直訳すると… there’s nothing to be gained 「得られるものは何もありません」 by mimicking others’ paranoia 「ほかの人々の被害妄想狂を模倣することによって」※there’s〜を修飾する副詞句
Under most circumstances you’d be right in saying that nobody understands your needs better than you do. But you sometimes confuse that with simply stubbornness. This means that when certain things aren’t going your way, it’s an indication that you might be better off giving up than persisting out of sheer wilfulness.
As an Aries, when you feel excited about something, you’ve an extraordinary capacity to communicate that enthusiasm to others. Still, not everybody will respond as you hoped. Some are even argumentative. Don’t allow these individuals’ cynicism to overshadow the more positive reactions of others. It’s no reflection on the quality of your commitment.
As an Aries you’re passionate about everything you do in life. It’s just that sometimes you become so absorbed in some activities that you forget about others. That’s certainly the case with pressing family or domestic matters. These can’t wait. In fact you’ll have to hurry if you’re to make up for lost time.
You’ve very much at odds with others over certain decisions. If these involved simple practical matters you could weigh things up, then settle differences easily. What’s tricky is that, because moral conflicts are the issue, you must first analyse your own views, then find a way to express those views to others.
Monday(10/20) Naturally you’d like issues involving matters of the heart settled sooner rather than later. But try to hurry things to a conclusion and you’ll soon regret it. While it’s true that others wouldn’t respond favourably to being rushed, move too swiftly and you’ll miss the thrilling developments promised by Saturday s New Moon.
Tuesday(10/21) Only about two weeks ago you were wrestling with plans for the future. Naturally you’re not going to be happy about potential shifts. Still, your instincts correctly tell you that, however disruptive the changes currently being discussed would be, they’re more than justified by the extraordinary opportunities that you’re now considering.
Wednesday(10/22) Few things are more difficult to watch than those you care about wrestling with difficulties or unhappy about problems. Yet you know that you they must be left to deal with these dilemmas on their own. While giving them a helping hand is out, you can and should declare your belief in them.
At your most courageous, neither your own doubts nor intimidating obstacles can stop you. Yet you’ve been feeling vulnerable, so have been clinging to elements of the past, purely out of sentiment. However intriguing recent developments, they’ve lacked reassurance you seek. Now that comes ? and in spades. The only problem is that you must move swiftly. Do so and by the week’s close your optimism’s returned. And you’re suddenly viewing those people or habits you so cherished in a far less generous light. But now, with so much exciting on your plate, you give them only a moment’s thought ? and you’re off.
This really is your week. True, you’re still wrestling with minor but distracting difficulties. Do what you can to settle these swiftly. That way you’ll be ready to take advantage of the exciting developments triggered by the extraordinary aspect between your ruler the Sun and Uranus, planet of innovation and the unexpected.
For weeks everybody’s been encouraging you to consider changes in your domestic or working life. Needless to say, it’s been the last thing you’ve wanted to think about. Now that persistent dilemmas have finally been dealt with, however, you should be ready to take others’ ideas far more seriously then you did before.
Now that you’ve decided to make changes, you’re eager to proceed. But that would be premature. Only after the events triggered by the combination of this Saturday’s New Moon, coupled with the potent lunar eclipse on November 9th, both of which accent such matters, will you be in a position to make lasting plans.
しし座weekly (10/19-10/25) When business associates or loved ones first started discussing certain ideas earlier in the month you were intrigued but unconvinced. You encouraged them but were soon distracted by other more pressing obligations. Now they return, and their plans aren’t just fleshed out, they’re making you offers that you can’t refuse. This isn’t what you expected. But on the other hand, whatever your other obligations, their enthusiasm is as alluring as what they’re proposing. Your only real problem is that you must move swiftly. This could mean double-booking your diary, if not spreading your affections too thin. Still, you’re unlikely to say no.
Monday (10/20) If you've played your cards wisely over the past few weeks, you've been able to learn a great deal about others' intentions without having to make any commitments whatsoever. Now you have a chance to acquire that one last missing piece of the puzzle, the one that will enable you to proceed with confidence.
Tuesday (10/21) You've amassed vital facts and gathered important confidences from others, yet are still feeling uncertain about the future. This has nothing to do with what you know. You're in the midst of an intense period of reflection. Only once Saturday's Scorpio New Moon has taken place will you be ready for any commitments.
Wednesday (10/22) It hasn't been easy. In fact those you care about have been suspicious. But there's been good reason to keep certain things to yourself. However, with both the Sun and the communication planet Mercury moving into yours sign over the next couple of days, you should finally be able to discuss these matters openly.
蠍座weekly (10/19-10/25) Things are unlikely to make sense to you until after Saturday's pivotal Scorpio New Moon. That knowledge alone makes everything else easier. Regard feelings of dissatisfaction with any element of your life - or individual - as an indication that it might be time for a change. What's tricky is that, however intriguing events are, you still won't necessarily know what form ideas or offers will take until next week. This means making halfway agreements or leaving things to chance, both of which you loathe. But the more flexible your arrangements - and your attitude - now, the wider your options will be when decision time arrives.
You’re convinced that you’ve plenty of time to discuss plans that are dear to your heart. It doesn’t matter whether these involve people you care about or activities that renew your faith in life. What’s important is that you make your intentions clear now, before dramatic developments take decisions out of your hands.
Children or loved ones are really struggling with certain issues. Naturally you’d like to give them a hand. But as much as you’d like to help, you know that in doing so you’d undermine their confidence. While this means you must remain by the sidelines, they’ll benefit enormously from your support and enthusiasm.
While there’s something to be said for making long term plans, you can’t help but feel that in doing so you’re tempting fate. Certainly the current crop of developments is so exciting that you’re bound to regret anything that would keep you from taking advantage of opportunities as rare as they are thrilling.
You’re in an extraordinarily fortunate position at the moment. That doesn’t mean that you’ll achieve your objective without any effort. In fact, things are unlikely to go smoothly. Rather, the individuals you meet and ideas you hear will give you whatever support’s needed to overcome obstacles and turn worthwhile situations to your advantage.
Only a few days ago you thought you were familiar with every option you had available. But surprise encounters and exciting discussions have opened a new world to you. Exploring these may cause delays. But you can’t be expected to make lasting commitments without having considered every single option that’s available to you.
While you were living out the past few weeks, it seemed that you moved from one crisis to the next. But now that you’re in a position to review what you did and deal with, you realise how much you’ve accomplished. This particularly applies to the practical matters that you often complain you can’t handle.
If you’ve already recognised that certain individuals are determined to pursue their objectives, whatever you feel or others advise, then you will have begun disentangling yourself from their dramas. While this has substantially reduced your worries, it’s also left you somewhat adrift. Now unexpected offers and equally surprising encounters fill your life with very different ? and far more rewarding ? activities. True, these are no more in your control than were recent situations. But because you’re not emotionally involved, you’re not as vulnerable to the vagaries of fortune or others’ capriciousness. Keep it that way and you’ll have a grand old time.
For weeks you’ve been championing ideas that you’re convinced others would find fascinating, but with only lukewarm success. Similarly, you’ve invested considerable time in close emotional relationships, whether with children or in a romantic setting, but received only grudging acknowledgement. Now suddenly your efforts come good ? so good in fact that you’re overwhelmed by others’ enthusiasm. Saying yes to everything seems utter insanity until you consider the option; bypassing what you’ve struggled to achieve. Go for it now, even if you’ve no idea how you’ll manage. Just face the fact that, before the month is out, you’ll have some serious rescheduling to do.
As a Capricorn you never take love or life’s pleasures for granted. So you’re likely to be particularly happy about the developments triggered by Venus’s current extraordinary aspect to your ruler Saturn. This solidifies existing relationships or leads to hopes of a creative variety being fulfilled ? and without the least bit of struggle.
Even though your diary is as complex as a delicately worked mosaic, you can usually cope with shifts in your social life. It’s when changes influence your cash flow that you begin to worry. Here you’re less happy adjusting existing arrangements to accommodate others, particularly if those adjustments could cost you money.
It’s not that you’ve been putting off decisions. It’s just that every time you’ve come close to making arrangements, something’s changed. Now you have no choice. If you don’t commit now, then either circumstances or certain individuals will do it for you. However uneasy you are about taking chances, it’s better than doing nothing.
Unsettling as recent changes have been, you’ve recognised the potential behind them. However, your attempts to reorganise your life to go along with these have only lead to frustration. This is because, beneficial as these promise to be in the long run, they’re bound to bring lasting disruption. Temporarily abandon your plans, therefore, and instead concentrate on the intriguing people who are coming your way. You may have no idea how they’ll fit into the bigger picture. At the moment, however, they ideas they expose you to and the fun you have with them should more than justify their presence in your life.
Monday If you’ve managed to play it cool over recent weeks, while others were as undependable as they were temperamental, you’re about to reap your reward. The trick is to allow events to play out over the next seven days. After that you’ll know all you need to about both opportunities and the individuals involved.
Tuesday As an Aquarius you’ve a unique ability to accept others for what they are. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you actually take pleasure in spending time with them. For this reason you’ll be particularly happy to know that circumstances are placing you close to one special individual whose company you particularly enjoy.
Wednesday Love may seem to appear of its own accord. But what you’re now experiencing hasn’t come from out of the blue. Rather it’s the result of having spent time getting to know others, particularly individuals whose company you didn’t enjoy. This has eliminated any questions about what’s important and who holds appeal for you.
It hasn’t been easy. For ages you’ve managed to pursue your own interests, all while supporting friends and loved ones through their various dramas. Consequently when certain much-cherished plans were snatched from you, you felt hard done by. Now you benefit from poetic justice. Either long forgotten plans or discussions spring back to life or surprise offers appear. These don’t just compensate you for recent losses, they remind you that sometimes progress can be made without a struggle. True, going after these could require far-reaching changes. But that’s a small price to pay for the happy new life you’ll get in return.
獅子座 Monday This really is your week. True, you’re still wrestling with minor but distracting difficulties. Do what you can to settle these swiftly. That way you’ll be ready to take advantage of the exciting developments triggered by the extraordinary aspect between your ruler the Sun and Uranus, planet of innovation and the unexpected.
Tuesday For weeks everybody’s been encouraging you to consider changes in your domestic or working life. Needless to say, it’s been the last thing you’ve wanted to think about. Now that persistent dilemmas have finally been dealt with, however, you should be ready to take others’ ideas far more seriously then you did before.
Wednesday Now that you’ve decided to make changes, you’re eager to proceed. But that would be premature. Only after the events triggered by the combination of this Saturday’s New Moon, coupled with the potent lunar eclipse on November 9th, both of which accent such matters, will you be in a position to make lasting plans.
獅子座 When business associates or loved ones first started discussing certain ideas earlier in the month you were intrigued but unconvinced. You encouraged them but were soon distracted by other more pressing obligations. Now they return, and their plans aren’t just fleshed out, they’re making you offers that you can’t refuse. This isn’t what you expected. But on the other hand, whatever your other obligations, their enthusiasm is as alluring as what they’re proposing. Your only real problem is that you must move swiftly. This could mean double-booking your diary, if not spreading your affections too thin. Still, you’re unlikely to say no.
天秤座デイリー前半原文 Monday It may be that others are being overprotective. Or it’s possible that they’re envious. Whatever the case, the plans, ideas or offers you’re now considering really are as good as they seem. In fact, nobody knows that better than you, since you put considerable time and effort into coaxing them into reality.
Tuesday From a logical perspective you’d be right to question the validity of others’sudden enthusiasm, particularly in matters of the heart. But your instincts are telling you something different, and that is that they’re genuine. Still, if you take things slowly you learn more about others’intentions while you discuss the future.
Wednesday While it’s true that, as a Libra, you crave balance and order in your life, you’re also easily bored. This means you’re happier with something new to learn about, whether it’s an intellectual or physical challenge or getting to know somebody. This should cast this week’s sudden developments in a more positive light.
天秤座ウィークリー原文 It’s said that virtue is its own reward. So when you helped others over a tricky period earlier in the month, you’d no thought of compensation. But either the people you contacted or the ideas you pursued on their behalf, or their gratitude, has lead to the most extraordinary opportunities. These aren’t just intriguing, they could do wonders for your position and your finances. If there’s any downside, it’s that these appear just as you were settling into equally intriguing developments in matters of the heart. Since abandoning these is out of the question, you’ll just have to organise your time very carefully.
Monday Others may be convinced that recent disappointing exchanges or obstacles are good reason to give up on certain plans. But you’re not so sure. Refuse to allow either their lack of imagination or various difficulties to intimidate you, and you’ll soon be showing others what can be achieved with a little persistence.
Tuesday Ordinarily you couldn’t rely on luck alone for what you have in mind achieving. But you’ve already laid the groundwork, so only need to wait for others to make up their minds. You won’t even have to wage a campaign to convince them. Well timed changes in circumstances do the job for you.
Wednesday You’re unlikely to have allowed even the bluntest of refusals to stop you. But those closest seem to have taken others’ negative attitude to heart. First, therefore, you’ll have to re-energise their enthusiasm. Once you’re a team, you’ll have very little difficulty persuading doubters to go along with your plans or ideas.
While you haven’t been able to put certain financial or domestic worries out of your mind, you’ve hoped that if you did nothing they’d resolve themselves. Risky as this strategy is, this time it works spectacularly well. This is fortunate, since the exciting encounters and surprise offers that pepper the week are as worthwhile as they are time-consuming. You’re on a steep learning curve, which is fun. Less exhilarating are decisions involving money or business that you’ll have to make by the week’s close. If unsure what’s wise, consult your new pals; somebody’s bound to have the facts you need to hand.
Monday While you couldn’t accurately be termed a control freak, you still don’t particularly like allowing others to make important decisions on your behalf. At the moment, however, you’ve no choice. Judging by the situations involved and your lack of experience, you’re better off relying on them than attempting to do it yourself.
Tuesday While it’s likely to take some time for the ideas you’re now discussing to reach their full potential, you’re already excited. This is as it should be. True, certain rather cautious individuals are insisting that you commit to nothing without checking others’ credentials. You could. But you already know they’re good as gold.
Wednesday You’ve long been a believer in positive thinking. In fact you find little value in dwelling on doubts. While under most circumstances that’s true, what are now minor issues really must be examined. Confront these head on now and you’ll prevent them blossoming into worries that could begin to overshadow your confidence.
You agonised when forced to abandon cherished plans or objectives. But you refuse to cling to the past, so are keeping your eyes firmly focused on the horizon. This positive attitude pays off big time, and before the week is out. First are offers‐possibly from those who had some part in your recent disappointments. As exciting are encounters that could lead to intriguing relationships. While you’re still not sure exactly what these might lead to, you’re now at a loose end, so are free to experiment. Some insist further investigation is vital; tell them that you’re planning on learning from experience.
Thursday When it comes to new ideas or the unexpected, nobody’s more open-minded than you. Unfortunately those closest don’t share your eagerness to explore the current crop of rather intriguing developments. This means it’s up to you to gather facts enough to persuade them that what they consider risky plans are worth pursuing.
Friday Everybody envies your buoyant optimism, and with good reason. You take others as they come and rarely brood over problems. Yet now you’re wrestling with doubts so puzzling that you’d no idea what to do about them. The answer is; confront them. Once you do, certain previously unconquerable fears will simply vanish.
Saturday You are extraordinarily generous by nature, and will do anything for a friend or loved one. Consequently, the manipulative approach that one particular individual has taken is very strange indeed. It’s as if they actually prefer that you act out of guilt than offer to help, as would ordinarily be the case.
Sunday Forcing issues achieves nothing. Others may be in a hurry to make arrangements. Try to get things settled now, and judging by the next few days’ planetary activity, you’ll only want to make changes. Take it slowly and you’ll be able to capitalise on the extraordinary opportunities that are yet to come.
Thursday Earlier in the week, offers seemed too good to be true. But now that you know more about what others are offering, you’re beginning to realise that, if anything, they’re better. However, that doesn’t mean you should accept them. First, consider whether they’re want to want and if so, then bargain hard.
Friday Having waited a very long time to make potentially life-changing decisions, you must now both commit to plans and take action, all within a very brief span of time. Unsettling as this is, it’s probably easier to move swiftly than to have the luxury of time to worry about each and every detail.
Saturday When you first undertook changes in your work or lifestyle, you viewed them as fine-tuning more than anything. Now you’re beginning to realise these involve a far wider scope than you’d anticipated. Unsettling as this is, as you learn more about situations, it soon becomes clear that anything less would be a compromise.
Sunday You can ask as many questions as you like about the changes now being undertaken, but some will always remain unanswered. You could pursue these until you get the information you seek. But it’s far easier simply to proceed with plans and let experience tell you want you want to know.
Thursday This hardly seems the ideal time to conduct a major review of your plans. But by the time that the dramatic changes in circumstances now taking place have been fully played out, they’ll be no choice. That being the case, you may as well begin the process of exploring your options now.
Friday At first others’ ideas are likely to seem nothing but an intriguing distraction. But as you think about them, you’ll realise that they’re on to something important. At minimum you’ll benefit from discussing these with them. Once you do, however, you could decide that it’s worth throwing your lot in with them.
Saturday Nobody would blame you for thinking that others are over-dramatising their problems. But what they’re complaining is as serious as they say. In some cases all you’ll need to do is listen. In others, however, once you’ve heard their dilemmas, you’ll realise they need the sound advice that only you can give.
Sunday Being a logical Capricorn, you can spot problems almost before they appear. Others resist acknowledging that certain plans ? and certain people ? could lead to difficulties. You can tell them. But if they won’t listen, you can still encourage them to keep arrangements flexible enough that, if they must, they can easily extricate themselves.
Good as things are going, you’ve still no choice but to leave certain decisions to others. This would be worrying were it not for the fact that you know they have your best interests at heart. Your only real problem, in fact, is dealing with those who insist that you should trust nobody.
It’s the rare Pisces who’s capable of ignoring others’ problems, however trivial they are. At the moment, however, what seem minor issues could actually obscure rather serious dilemmas. Certainly it’s worth encouraging others to talk over anything that’s worrying, just to ensure that there’s nothing of a sinister nature lurking in the background.
No matter how sure you are of your views, it’s worth discussing situations in depth with those whose opinions you respect. At minimum you’ll have a chance to review your position. But it’s entirely possible that in the process of talking things through, you’ll gain some insights worth reflecting on at length.
Worthwhile as the arrangements now being made seem, your instincts are undoubtedly telling you that something is wrong. You’re right, but the problems you sense are unlikely to surface for a few days yet. Keep things loose and you’ll easily make whatever changes are necessary when more reliable facts come to the surface.
Thursday When you said yes to plans or projects, you had no idea they would be so demanding. Now, between what you've learned and the next few days' developments, you're going to have to review your commitment. While developments are by no means negative, you must think situations through from a practical angle.
Friday It's easy to forget that not everybody has the same honourable approach to relationships that you do. Others will make promises, sometimes seemingly for no more reason than they like the sound of their own voices. For this reason you must double check the sincerity of their commitments before you do another thing.
Saturday The truth isn't always easy to face. It's not that you've been avoiding it, as much as you've been expecting the best of others. Now that you've realised they aren't going to live up to what you'd hoped, the more swiftly you can deal with both various commitments and your feelings of disappointment.
Sunday Unsettling as sudden changes on the financial front may be, these are really an opportunity is disguise. True, they are easily misinterpreted. But not only will they force everybody concerned to review arrangements just when it's necessary, they will also call your attention to worthwhile developments that otherwise, you might have bypassed.
蠍座デイリー後半原文 Thursday From your point of view, you’d rather others said nothing than make promises they can’t keep. Clearly they don’t feel the same way, otherwise they wouldn’t have made commitments that they’re plainly unable to fulfil. Upsetting as this is, it means you’ll be free when sudden and extremely worthwhile offers arise.
Friday The time has come to reflect on certain as yet unresolved issues. Of all the signs you’re best equipped to face these. Yet even you are unsure where to begin. The answer is to set aside time for thought. The feelings triggered by the current Scorpio New Moon will do the rest.
Saturday While there’s no way you can avoid dwelling on certain poignant issues, analysing them is likely to achieve only so much. These are really emotional in nature. Consequently, focusing on whether you trust others and on what your instincts tell you is likely to prove far more illuminating than seeking hard facts.
Sunday If ever there was a time to examine your routine, it’s now. Initially changes in your daily schedule might seem nothing but a nuisance. However, once you begin to realise how much you do merely out of habit versus what’s truly worth your while, you’ll have good reason to make those changes.
Thursday Naturally you find restrictions caused by lack of funds irritating. But they’re also a challenge, enough that you’ll soon be devising ways to bolster your cash flow. Begin now, but let decisions wait until you’ve factored in the intriguing ideas introduced by Saturday’s New Moon, which brings a fresh perspective on such matters.
Friday Certain well-meaning individuals have cautioned you against having frank discussions about worrying issues. They say you’ll upset others. While there’s no way to avoid issues of an emotional nature, the more swiftly they’re exposed to the light of day, the faster everybody ? including you ? will stop worrying about them.
Saturday Over the next couple of days you’re going to do a lot of listening. This won’t be easy. What others say won’t be the problem. It’s just that once everything’s been discussed, you’ll want to take action. But you’ll also need to pay attention to, and consider, various plans before you make a move.
Sunday From your point of view, dwelling on doubts or worries achieves little. You’d rather analyse problems and tackle them all at once. At the moment, however, things are considerably more complex. In fact, the issues that you ignore now are likely to build up, to become problems of a more serious nature later.
Thursday(10/23) An avalanche of changes and obligations has once again prevented you devoting time to certain personal plans or projects. True, you couldn’t have predicted recent obligations. However, when yet more arises this weekend, you can politely but firmly refuse to take on anything more. You’ll have to regard your pursuits as sacred commitments.
Friday(10/24) Having worked long and hard to achieve stability in your closest relationships, sudden changes aren’t exactly welcome. These seem to threaten all that you’ve achieved. But before you begin worrying, consider the possibility that these however disruptive shifts might be, they could also be the beginning of a rewarding new chapter in your relationship.
Saturday(10/25) After nearly five months with the planet of focus and achievement, Saturn, in your sign you’re beginning to recognise some of the benefits of its presence. Now, as it begins its retrograde cycle, it’s time to review what you’ve faced, confronted and dealt with. Then, based on those achievements, you can consider the future.
Sunday(10/26) For some time you’ve avoided potentially upsetting topics, knowing that they’d only upset others. However, you now have no choice but to raise these. Ironically, others have just reached the point at which they’ll can - and should - begin the process of discussing those situations with which they’ve struggled with such courage and persistence.
Thursday You’ve been dreading discussions involving the always tricky combination of family and finances. In the past these have lead to pointless battles. At long last, however, those who were most argumentative have learned from experience. Still, leaving it to them to begin discussions issues ensures they’re in the mood to talk.
Friday Dwelling on the past achieves little. There’s little argument for that. Yet certain as yet unresolved issues must be discussed and settled before they can truly be put to rest. However emotional the actual process of talking these over will be, you’ll have no question that it’s the right thing to do.
Saturday Nobody is more affectionate and caring than a Leo. In fact, you become so absorbed in your obligations that you forget about others’ feelings. Now events give you an opportunity to make up for lost time. Here’s your chance to make sure that those who matter know just how much you care.
Sunday It’s not that you’ve been unwilling to discuss your feelings with others. It’s that you haven’t really taken time to reflect what’s taking place within. Now events force you to consider that nature of your emotions and, more importantly, what the impact of those feelings would be on your plans for the future.
What you intend to do is bound to take time. In fact things are unlikely to be settled before mid-November. However, nobody’s better equipped with the patience necessary to wait things out than a Capricorn. Discuss and organise your plans now and then busy yourself elsewhere, allowing your efforts to turn into reality.
Others may not have intended to mislead you. Whatever the case, their words or actions have given you a false impression. You must now do everything possible to set the record straight. While there’s no guarantee they’ll be speaking the truth now, at least you’re aware that you must check things out carefully.
You agree that delegating tasks is wise. But when it comes to urgent situations or discussions that will require a delicate approach, you dislike leaving things to others. However, you’ve little choice. Ironically, you could well discover that certain individuals do as good a job as you would have, if not better.
いつもいつもボラ様には大感謝です!蠍座前半おねがいします!! Monday On one hand you’ve problems to deal with, on the other, there are intriguing ideas to discuss. However, this can wait. Your first priority must be the insights, changes and opportunities triggered by the recent Scorpio New Moon. Only once you’ve considered these can you make lasting decisions about anything ? or anybody- else. Tuesday The time has come to be frank. It’s not that you’ve been deceptive. You haven’t seen any reason to reveal the full facts, particularly since what you know has given you the advantage. However, now that you need others’ support, it’s in your interests to ensure that they’re up to date on everything. Wednesday At first, you avoided certain topics because they seemed unimportant. Then you realised they’d only upset those closest. Now that things are becoming urgent, you must both bring them up to date on developments and persuade them to support you. It’s a tall order, but if anybody can do it, you can.
Having had a morass of tedious issues and tiresome obligations dumped unceremoniously in your lap, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. Still, your reaction seems surprisingly emotional - at least until you realise these involve either situations you’re anxious about or individuals who upset you. Your first impulse is to develop a kind of temporary amnesia, forgetting it all. Instead, act swiftly. True, this may require every ounce of courage you possess. But the results are so fantastic that you wonder why you even hesitated. In fact, what you discover through the situations or people you so dreaded could prove they were an opportunity in disguise.
Monday Tedious as they are, you’ve finally admitted to yourself that you can no longer put off a serious reorganisation on in your domestic or working life. The most difficult part is starting. Once you begin you’ll be amazed how smoothly things go. In fact, the more you do, the easier it will get.
Tuesday You’ve been avoiding certain people or situations because, whatever you did, you ended up feeling guilty. Now that circumstances have forced you to discuss these issues openly, you’ve a chance to clear these up. True, talking about these won’t be easy, but it’s easier than living with the persistent feelings of guilt.
Wednesday Judging by your ruler Mercury’s clash with the planet of fantasy, Neptune, you would be well advised to review the plans you’re currently considering. While things may be just as worthwhile as you think, the odds are good that once you review your position, you’ll discover that something vital had been neglected.
蠍座週報もあわせてお願い致します。。 Naturally you want the array of perplexing, if not upsetting, dilemmas currently facing you dealt with swiftly. Do what you can? But however important solutions are, probing the source of these problems will prove vastly more beneficial. The combination of the recent Scorpio New Moon and its eclipse of both Mercury and Venus have raised issues that involve feelings as much as fact. Some rouse emotions you’ve struggled to ignore. Discussing these openly make take a supreme act of will. Do so, however, and you both realise how much others already knew and that they’ve been silently supporting you all along.
天秤座よろしくおねがいします。 Monday After weeks of considering your options on the financial front, you thought that everything was settled. But recent events have forced you to look at things from a fresh perspective. More important, these developments could mean making changes. However tedious reorganising things would be, opportunities are far too good to pass up.
Tuesday The last thing youユre in the mood to do is analyse your expenses or find little economies in your daily life. But thereユs a great deal to be learned from conducting such an exercise. This isnユt as much about changes as insights that could result in an impressive reduction in unnecessary costs.
Wednesday Nobody understands better than you the importance of keeping the peace. Yet itユs becoming increasingly clear that the only way that certain individuals are going to pay any attention to the issues youユve been discussing is if you confront them head on. This is no time to be polite. The tougher you are, the better.
続いて天秤座週報です。こちらもよろしくお願いいたします。 Just when you thought youユd sorted out dull but important issues involving business or finances, sudden developments throw you off balance. Events concern you, but even more worrying is how you missed anything so important. You canユt afford to venture into the unknown, particularly where your security is involved. Analysis is useful but can go only so far. Plus, youユll need to take decisive action soon, possibly before youユve understood everything. Risky as this seems, because this is the first of many weeks of unsettling if profitable change, youユll have ample opportunity to improve on whatユs worked and eliminate what doesnユt.
Monday It wasn’t that you were neglecting issues of a domestic nature as much as there wasn’t much you could do or say. But recent developments have changed all that. Not only is it worth discussing even very challenging situations frankly, the more options others are willing to consider, the more can be accomplished.
Tuesday You haven’t exactly been avoiding others. But you have been avoiding topics that you knew would only upset them, if not increase tensions. There was little point in discussing situations that couldn’t be changed. However, now that previously restrictive circumstances seem to be in transition, there will be plenty to talk about.
Wednesday While you haven’t exactly been discussing issues involving a tricky combination of finances and property or your domestic set up with everybody you know, the lack of progress has been a source of persistent concern. Now sudden developments open the door to solutions. These promise to be both lucrative and a great relief.
After weeks of wrangling with partners at home or close associates at work, at long last you’ve made some progress. In fact, they have finally recognised the importance of what you’ve been saying. Naturally you’d like to continue these discussions. Not now. First give them time to think, then talk things over.
Don’t take the past few weeks’ rejections too seriously. True, others spoke with uncompromising passion at the time. But since then both circumstances and their perspective have changed considerably. The trick is to begin without even a word about past clashes. This avoids embarrassment and allows everybody concerned to make a fresh start.
Usually planning is wise; but try it now and you’ll soon find out that even simple plans simply don’t last. In fact things are likely to remain in flux until after the pivotal eclipsed Full Moon on your sign on 9 November. Until then, everything you organise should be regarded as tentative at best.
Being ruled by the peace-loving planet Venus, you’ll always opt for the peaceful life is you can. However, you’ve been hoping that one particular minor misunderstanding would resolve itself. It won’t. In fact, continue to pretend it’s not there and you could find yourself facing a serious conflict, and before you know it.
The Sun’s move into the part of your chart that accents close relationships, personal and business, begins a month long cycle of review ? and change ? that promises to leave things substantially improved. Because the first step involves focusing on what doesn’t work, you currently seem to be at odds with almost everybody. Resist the impulse to gloss over these clashes. Speak frankly about even seemingly insurmountable issues and, at worst, you’ll untangle mix-ups. But in most cases you’ll discover a variety of commitment and depth of understanding that makes you realise how unaware you’ve been of what others actually feel.
No single dilemma that you’re facing could be considered a serious problem. It’s just that they’ve all assembled themselves at the same time, and many involve situations about which you’re feeling both oddly emotional and frustratingly powerless. Worse, the only path to resolving these requires discussing concerns far more openly than you’d like. Do it, however, and you realise that everybody knew about your struggles ? perhaps more than you did. By midweek, your embarrassment quelled and dignity restored, you’re not only discussing these issues frankly, you’re getting amazing guidance from those individuals who, only a few days before, you were scrupulously avoiding.
When developments that could force you to reorganise things in your domestic or working life were first mentioned, you were not pleased. In fact, you actively battled them. However, between recent events and the fresh perspective that accompanied the recent New Moon, you’re beginning to realise just how long overdue these changes are.
Nobody is more conscious than you are of what others care about, from their needs to their enthusiasms. Alas, they’re not always as aware of what’s important to you. Consequently, if you’re to avoid time-consuming mistakes, if not serious conflicts, it’s up to you to make it clear where your interests lie.
Something has gone wrong, and you’re beginning to think that it’s because somebody’s been misinformed. When you discuss previous arrangements or future plans, others look surprised. Check this out. Certainly with Mercury at odds with the sometimes overly imaginative Neptune, which is positioned in your sign, errors aren’t just possible, they’re likely.
Monday Initially you were happy to leave tedious details to others. But now it’s become clear that in doing so, you’ll also have to live with their decisions, however bad they are. Your options are either to find some way to accommodate yourself to what they’ve planned or to take over and arrange things yourself.
Tuesday You’ve no problem with discussing certain potentially upsetting dilemmas frankly. However, every time you’ve raised them, others haven’t been prepared to face facts. Now there’s no choice. They realise this and are aware how uncooperative they’ve been. This time they’re ready to talk and, better yet, eager to make up for lost time.
Wednesday Much as you’d like to discuss and deal with tricky issues involving certain obligations, particularly of an emotional nature, your hands are tied. Others have declared that they’re not ready to talk. Back off. This isn’t easy. However, by allowing them to make the first move, you make them feel more in control.
Monday(10/27) Over the past few weeks a number of situations raised serious doubts about you and your capacity to fulfil certain obligations. While it’s important to take these seriously, the odds are good that the questions you’re facing have more to do with your confidence than your ability to carry out your commitments.
Tuesday(10/28) No matter how pressing the list of things you need to do may be, there’s something else that must come first, and that something is loved ones. Not only do they need your attention. Recent demands have distracted you, enough that it’s becoming increasingly vital that you make up for lost time.
Wednesday(10/29) Things seem straightforward. But don’t make the mistake of assuming that you know what triggered the words or actions of certain individuals. They’re struggling with issues of which you’re unaware. And they’re unlikely even to mention these if you don’t both raise them and make it clear that you’re interested in knowing more.
Usually you’re brilliant at coping with emotional dramas. At the moment, however, either others aren’t talking or something vital is being concealed. This would be upsetting under any circumstances, but is all the more so since situations dear to your heart are involved. Ordinarily you’d retreat, to reflect or let things calm down. This time, however, the faster you raise these matters, the better. True, not everybody will own up to their role in things right away. But with a little understanding and persistence you’ll won’t just clear up problems, you’ll take important projects or relationships to the next stage.
Don't be upset if others seem to be paying no attention to what youユve agreed. It has nothing to do with the relationship between you and everything to do with the fact that they're simply not as conscientious as you are. Remind them of what was agreed and think no more of it.
Tuesday The time has come to speak your mind. Ordinarily you'd worry that if you're too frank you might upset certain individuals. But the fact is that the only way you'll make an impression is by being forthright, abrupt or even rude. This may not be your usual style. Nothing less will work.
Wednesday When you made certain claims or promises, you spoke more out of hope than fact. But things haven't turned out as you hoped they would. This means you must now go back and explain that you can't fulfil your commitments. The only thing more difficult than doing this today would be waiting until tomorrow.
いつもお世話になっています。 魚座の週刊ですが、御願いします You’ve been so involved in certain exciting pursuits that you hadn’t taken much notice of what certain individuals were up to. Now that you have, you’re worried. Either they’ve been manoeuvring behind your back or, alternatively, are heading towards trouble. Whatever the case, you’re not concerned about the difficulties you’d face; it that once things are out, others will be upset. That’s exactly what troublemakers are hoping; you’re being held hostage to your kindness. Consequently, being tough and fast moving are your best defence. Once others know that their antics no longer intimate you, being such a nuisance won’t be nearly as rewarding
It’s not that you’ve put off talking things over with others. It’s that you just haven’t had time to discuss anything, let alone dealing with others’ inevitable objections. However, if they remain unaware of the plans you’ve already organised, they could make serious mistakes without intending to. This means that discussions come first.
The last thing you’re in the mood to do is to talk over the reasons behind recent clashes. As far as you’re concerned, they’re over and done with. But others aren’t about to forget them. Once you begin exploring the issues concerned, you’ll realise just how informative probing the issues involved could be.
The time has come to take a stand. You were hoping that others would see reason. But they haven’t, which means that your only option is to confront differences head on. Think issues through first. Then proceed with conviction, citing each concern individually, and you should have little difficulty winning the day.
Lately your life has resembled a game of Chinese whispers: facts have become increasingly inaccurate as they’ve progressed from one person to another. Consequently you’re now dealing with a range of rumours and uncertainties that left you wondering what to do. For now, the answer is nothing. Getting to the bottom of things is bound to take until well into next week. Others insist that you’ll learn more from action. But unwise manoeuvres could cost you dear. Instead, invest your time in conducting a serious inquisition, focusing particularly on those who’ve avoided you. The resulting revelations will put you on the right track.
It’s difficult for you to believe that there isn’t something you can do to remedy the unsettling dilemmas you face. But your range of options is severely limited. However, you can discuss both the source of problems and potential remedies with those you respect. Talking seems futile until you gradually realise how impressive their knowledge is. More important, these exchanges broaden your perspective. Suddenly you find yourself with options that you never even knew existed. Armed with these insights, you soon find yourself considering the possibility of tackling other equally perplexing problems, issues you thought you’d just have to live with.
Lately certain individuals who you’re close to at home or at work have been obsessed about business, money or budgeting. Initially this irritated you. But gradually you’ve realised that they’ve good reason to be enthusiastic. Either somebody’s come up with a brilliant idea or fortune’s delivered a prize opportunity. However thrilling, capitalising on this requires practical effort. For once, everybody’s eager to proceed: prepared to talk, take action and tackle problems. If there’s any downside, it’s that with things moving so swiftly, you could easily ignore details that seem minor now but, if left to chance, would cost you dear.
You were only trying to keep things simple. The less you revealed, the less upset those on the family or domestic front would be. Judging by recent changes, this approach could backfire on you. However dramatic the reaction of others is likely to be, you’ve no choice but to explain the situation in full.
There are all sorts of excuses for ignoring the current avalanche of tedious details that’s come your way. But deep down you know that what seems least important now could become of pivotal significance later. Deal with these one by one, and you can rest assured you’ve prevented unwelcome surprises down the road.
You thought you knew what you could expect from those closest. But now somebody you’ve relied on in the past has both surprised you and undermined your confidence in them. Once you’re over your initial shock, and can see things in a clearer perspective, you’ll realise that unexpected developments gave them little choice.
You may think that those you care about most know both the extent and depth of your feelings. However, if you asked them, they’d probably say that you really haven’t told them. That’s true. Difficult as finding a way of putting these feelings into words may be, they need to be said.
Thursday(10/30) Good as things are going, they could be better. However, it’s only now becoming clear just how these improvements might arise. Still, ideas or suggestions may seem so far out that initially you don’t even take them seriously. Consequently, you owe it to yourself to explore every option that comes your way.
Friday(10/31) For some time you’ve been trying to achieve a solution to conflicts involving loved ones or children, but with little success. It’s now becoming increasingly apparent, therefore, that the only way differences will be settled is by a head on confrontation. While unsettling, this is what it will take to clear the air.
Saturday(11/1) Nobody would deny the powerful and positive influence that you’ve had on friends, family and loved ones. Supporting them is one thing, allowing them to convince you that you’re responsible for keeping them happy is quite another. Deep down you know they’re being lazy. You can and must draw the line now.
Sunday(11/2) Certain individuals may insist that they’ve reason on their side. However, you must take their words with a grain of salt. The current eclipsed Full Moon has heightened everybody’s sensitivities. They’re now insisting situations are urgent. But by as early as tomorrow they could be seeing things from an entirely different perspective.
You don’t really think about the time or effort you spend on close relationships. When it comes to money, however, you’re beginning to realise that if you don’t keep an eye on things, you could be seriously out of pocket. Worse, those individuals who are the most demanding are the least grateful.
You can tolerate almost anything as long as you know that you can be sure that close friends or family will be there with you. However, unsettling circumstances mean that they’ll be unreliable, if not somewhat distant. Don’t take this personally. In fact, now they need you to be supportive, understanding and patient.
Even the most solid of relationships have their ups and downs. At the moment one particularly important relationship seems to be having a serious dip. Difficult as this is, there’s something to be gained. In fact, you’ve an opportunity to clear up issues between you that, in happier times, you haven’t wanted to discuss.
Nothing causes more heartache than realising that somebody you’ve cared about just isn’t who you thought they were. Painful as this variety of disillusionment is at the time, consider this: there’s little point in invested your time, energy or affection in what amounts to nothing more than a self-created façade.
Thursday You’re tough with yourself, sometimes excessively so. But when it comes to children or loved ones, you can be excessively forgiving. This could lead to problems. In fact if you don’t draw the line in certain tricky situations, particularly those that involve money matters, your easy-going attitude could end up costing you dearly.
Friday While usually things can be discussed and dealt with all at once, at the moment you’re better off taking things slowly. Instead of highlighting what needs to be covered, allow the conversation to drift towards the topics you have in mind. In fact, ideally, you’ll engineer it so it’s others who raise issues, not you.
山羊座ウィークリー後半 続き Saturday Just when you thought that everything was settled, suddenly friends or colleagues want to make changes. Inconvenient as this is, you really can’t say no. Don’t just go along with what they request, ask why. What you learn, both about their interests and the situations in question will prove to be amazingly enlightening.
Sunday After months of hard work and weeks of patience, you’re beginning to feel like you deserve a break. It’s coming. In fact between now and mid-November a happy combination of unexpected surprises and your own efforts will begin to come back to you in ways as welcome as they are worthwhile.
獅子座 Thursday When you care about somebody, you’re by no means secretive about your feelings. Yet certain individuals have been complaining that you don’t tell them that you are. While this is their problem, not yours, it’s worth talking things over. What comes to light could enable you to substantially improve the communication between you.
Friday Instinctively you know that it’s time to reorganise elements of your life, both at home and out in the world. While you’ve discussed some intriguing ideas, nothing has clicked. While you’d rather get things settled swiftly, all important decisions should wait until you see what the lunar eclipse on the 9th brings.
Saturday After weeks of discussion and days of serious debate, you’re no closer to reaching an accord with certain rather difficult individuals. You’re beginning to notice that they’re not making an effort; in fact, they seem to be enjoying all this disruption. Waste no more time on them. Instead, simply agree to disagree.
Sunday Difficult as it is watching loved ones at odds with each other, their differences are theirs to resolve. In some cases, what seem to be misunderstandings are really a way of exploring issues they don’t want to discuss openly. In any case, they won’t appreciate any attempts on your part to play peacemaker.
Thursday Few things are more exasperating than, having struggled to organise plans that make everybody happy, be faced with sudden changes in circumstances. But that’s exactly what you’re about to deal with. In fact by this weekend things will be very different. View all arrangements from now as tentative and you’ll avoid unnecessary frustration.
Friday You think things through carefully before you make even the most minor of commitments, so are unlikely to make alterations later. However, with your ruler Venus at odds with the unpredictable Uranus this weekend, you’re not only likely to make changes, many will be as surprising to you as they are to others.
Saturday Initially you weren’t happy about certain arrangements on the romantic front. But they were important to others, so you gave way. Now you’re starting to realise that they didn’t care as much as they said. And you’re also beginning to appreciate that, if they’re unwilling to change, there’s a big blow up on the way.
Sunday Sudden as the changes now taking place may be, you already know that they’re long overdue. You can’t control events. The trick, therefore, is to take things in stages, retaining as much control for yourself as you can. That and frank discussions could turn this otherwise challenging series of developments to your advantage.
Others are putting you under pressure to make agreements. But every time you try, the circumstances on which they’re based are pulled out from under you. This unsettled pattern continues well into November. Consequently, while you’ll make whatever plans you must, simply ensure that everybody knows these arrangements are subject to change.
Nobody would blame you for being disappointed with sudden changes in plan. After all, you worked long and hard to organise these. While things are unlikely to proceed according to schedule, what you learned in the process will come in handy when you’re finally able to take things to the next stage.
What begin as unimportant exchanges are likely to turn into discussions of far greater significance than you’d have imagined possible. For this reason you’d be well advised to avoid making promises out of enthusiasm. Similarly, if others make offers or proposals, do you best to determine exactly how serious their intentions are.
The time has come to be tough. You’ve been hoping that others would realise the impact that their lack of enthusiasm has had on others. They, on the other hand, are convinced that they’re getting away with doing nothing. Only when confronted directly are they likely to show interest, much less take action.
>>408 お魚デイリィ 後半シェリィ女史の原文 Thursday As much as you hate disappointing others, you really have no choice. What's more, it's vital that you let them know that things can't proceed as planned right away. Still, you're worried they'll be hurt. Ironically, once you discuss this with them, you'll realise that they aren't that disappointed after all.
Friday Sometimes it's life's most difficult conversations that lead to its most touching moments. It may be that others' guard is down. Or perhaps you're already feeling close enough to take chances. Whatever the case, there's no better time than now to explore hopes and feelings that are dear to your heart.
Saturday You'd think that, after having discussed plans at length, others would have little difficulty carrying things out as agreed. But they're going to need reminding, probably several times before all is said and done. Simply accept this fact, and you'll waste no time wondering why they always seem to be forgetting things.
Sunday Certain individuals seem to think that, by being disagreeable, they'll get their way. This may have worked in the past. But you've finally realised how manipulative they are, and more important, know the best remedy is to take a tough line. Things might get worse before they get better. Ultimately, however, you'll win.
Thursday You can afford to be easy going when it comes to ideas. But finances are quite another matter, and judging by the planetary set up, misunderstandings could lead to costly mistakes. Tedious as reviewing plans in detail would be, discuss arrangements with others and you’ll both discover potential problems and put them right.
Friday Initially it may seem that others are interfering. But not only are their ideas worth considering, they have your best interests at heart. If still can’t help but regard their desire to help you intrusive, think about all the times in the past when they’ve been there for you, just when you needed them.
Saturday It’s not that you’re stubborn. It’s just that you know that what you intend to do would work better than anything others have in mind. But you’ve lost track of the big picture. In fact, things are moving so swiftly that if you don’t achieve some kind of compromise now, opportunities will vanish.
Sunday Few things are more difficult to witness than situations in which others are making the wrong decision. Naturally you’ll express your concerns. After that, however, you really must back off. From your perspective this seems both unwise and uncaring. But the only way they’ll learn anything is by making their own mistakes.
Thursday In most situations you’re perfectly able to speak for yourself. However, matters involving property or your domestic security leave you no choice but to rely on others, particularly experts. Ordinarily you’d consider this an unnecessary expense. However, you’ll need their help finding ways around potentially time-consuming, troublesome and costly rules and regulations.
Friday You’re by no means secretive. Yet there’s plenty you don’t say, primarily because you don’t want to waste time on lengthy explanations when a few words would do. Now, however, circumstances give you no choice but to cover everything you left out. Bring others up to date and ensure they’re kept that way.
Saturday You’d probably rather go directly to the point, talking over issues frankly and openly. But you’ll accomplish far more if you take a more easygoing approach, allowing discussions to wander where they will. Others are as conscious as you are of what needs to be said, and will ensure that everything’s dealt with.
Sunday From your viewpoint, it’s life’s surprises that make things interesting. Others, however, are likely to regard the current crop of unexpected events as reason to worry. Keep this in mind as you discuss them, taking it slowly enough that they’ll have a chance to replace their initial with something closer to enthusiasm.
Upsetting as the antics of loved ones are, things aren’t what they seem. However convinced you are that you’ve all the facts, you’d be well advised to suspend all judgement for a few days. Once you learn about the pressures they’ve been facing, you’ll exchange your irritation with them for feelings of compassion.
You’ve long since learned that others will take advice only when they as for it. Still, you’re always vigilant when you know that what friends, close colleagues or loved ones are undertaking is unwise. However, now that finances are involved, if you don’t draw the line, their experiments could cost you dear.
Others say it’s luck. But they don’t know how long and hard you’ve worked on both exploring various options and developing potentially worthwhile relationships. Now these efforts have paid off in the form of thrilling offers or opportunities. Still, knowing your secretive streak, you’re likely to allow others to continue thinking it’s luck.
It’s been an awkward past few days. Either others were in a difficult mood or circumstances caused serious problems. In any case, they’ve blamed you for everything. This isn’t fair, but there’s little point arguing. Apologise now. Then when others are viewing things more rationally, it’s them who’ll be doing the apologising.
The time has come to demand what you deserve. For ages others have been praising your efforts and abilities while promising you that they’d do something about it. Good as their intentions are, nothing has been forthcoming. They only need reminding. And there is no better time than now to do it.
Change is in the air, and you’re not entirely sure that you’re happy about it. And there’s very little you can do to slow down developments, which seem to be moving faster with every passing day. What you can do, however, is involve yourself in plans; what you learn might improve your attitude considerably.
Once you understand that, whatever you do, November’s going to be a juggling act, then everything is easier. It’s the two eclipses that bring change in your own life, in close partnerships and with practicalities. Dramatic developments are a regular occurrence. Resist these and you struggle. Keep an open mind, even when dealing with finances or business, and you’ll turn even unsettling situations to your advantage. You soon realise that a creative approach isn’t just wise, you’re able to regard even tricky situations as a puzzle rather than a problem.
While you weren’t exactly hostile when changes were first discussed earlier this year, you’ve always thought they’d be more effort than they were worth. By now it’s becoming increasingly clear that they’re going to take place anyway. The question is how much of your work or lifestyle will be disrupted and whether you’ll go along with them willingly. But you’re also facing complex, and quite separate, issues. These would require deft handling whether changes proceeded or not. Unlikely as it seems now, once the events that accompany next Sunday’s potent eclipse have taken place, what you least welcome could prove most beneficial.
MONDAY By now you’ve probably realised that, whatever you do, somebody’s going to object. But others insist that you ensure that your support is solid before taking things to the next stage. However, that would mean wasting a lot of time with uncooperative individuals. Move swiftly now and deal with any objections later.
You haven’t much to complain about at the moment, except that others are in charge of most of the decisions in your life. However, because both their judgement and experience is superior to yours, you’ve graciously relinquished your much-valued independence. Their efforts are especially focused on matters involving everything from finances to family and they’re organising things more sensibly than you’d ever dream of. It won’t be easy, but if you can sustain this same open-minded attitude about everything else until the life-changing Sagittarius eclipsed New Moon on the 23rd, and you’ll be ready to take advantage of the accompanying breakthroughs.
>>466 山羊っ子ウィクリィ 原文 You could overcome the problems caused by a combination of friends' or colleague' indecisiveness and tricky issues by taking over, as you so often must. But that would only upset exactly those individuals whose support you'll soon be needing. Instead, make it clear that you're relying on others, then busy yourself elsewhere. This gets the message across to them, while enabling you to focus on subtle but persistent issues involving those closest. Combine this easy-going approach with patience and by midmonth you'll have forged a bond between you and begin future discussions. Meanwhile, forced to be responsible, others will have accomplished wonders.
You've probably already figured out that others' current difficult mood has nothing to do with people or practical matters. On the contrary, they're angry with themselves, and are looking for somebody else to blame. If you're feeling you must be helpful and get in their way, the person being blamed could be you.
Nobody would blame you for complaining about being trapped in a morass of tedious issues and unrewarding obligations. But you’ve been aware that many of these would have to be dealt with sooner or later. In fact, you’d already begun sorting out some and had others on your mind. The real problem is that they’ve all come at once. Conventional wisdom would say the faster you can put these worries behind you, the better, but that’s not true. Only after next Sunday’s lunar eclipse, when facts are exposed and sudden changes revolutionise circumstances, can you make plans that are both lasting and realistic.
Monday You’ve been avoiding potentially contentious issues for fear of upsetting the hard won equilibrium with loved ones. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that these will need to be reviewed in depth. Your choice, therefore, is to raise them now, while you’re in control or risk having to tackle them at an awkward moment.
Tuesday There’s a difference between knowing what you want or how you feel and doing something about it. In fact, when it comes to what’s on your mind, it could honestly be said that you care too much. The only trouble is that if you don’t make your intentions clear, things won’t get any further.
Wednesday Every once in a while life presents what could only be termed a golden opportunity. And yours has arrived special delivery. This is so amazing that you’ve overcome any hurdles about taking chances, and are keen to proceed. Your only problem, in fact, is having the courage to ignore others’ over-protective attitude and advice.
Tedious as various details may be, you ignore them at your peril. Previously you’ve found if you left such things until the last minute, it became clear what was important and what wasn’t. With continual changes over the coming weeks, however, you’ll need to keep up to date on a variety of facts.
You seem convinced that you’ve all the time in the world to deal with matters that involve your health and well-being. Certainly you’ve taken that approach, putting them off again and again. However, you’d be wise to have them done and dealt with before your ruler Mercury changes signs early next week.
Initially you did everything possible to avoid tiresome duties. Eventually, however, you realised that you had little choice. You’ve even become accustomed to them. However, coming developments could act in your favour. Be on the alert for the unexpected changes ushered in by Sunday’s lunar eclipse, and you could eliminate these obligations for good.
It’s not that you doubt your recent good fortune. It’s just that you really care about what’s taken place, so hate to think how disappointed you’d be if something went wrong. Whatever the nature of these developments ? purely personal, romantic, creative or involving ventures that are dear to your heart - there are no foreseeable disasters. But with eclipses the 9th and 23rd, unexpected developments are still bound to bring changes. While you can neither plan for nor avoid these, you can keep both arrangements and your attitude flexible enough that, however dramatic events are, you can still turn them to your advantage.
Recent musings about potential changes in both your personal life and in close relationships at work and at home have resulted in noble, if short-lived, resolutions. These have been rehearsals for the shift in both circumstances and your perspective triggered by next Sunday’s pivotal Taurus eclipsed Full Moon. Continue to explore everything, even what seems unrealistic. Equally, reflect on any as yet unrealised goals. Some have lost their lustre, while you’ve become passionate about others. The more aware you are of these, the more likely you are to recognise which of the coming weeks’ developments could lead to fulfilling them.
Being ruled by the instinctively harmonious Venus, you’ve a talent for bringing even the most troublesome of individuals into line. But judging by the current planetary set-up, there’s absolutely nothing you can say to calm certain individuals. Let them rant. In fact, encourage them. The more they say, the sooner they’ll stop.
The time has come to be frank. You’ve been hoping that you could avoid potentially upsetting discussions. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that these issues must be examined and talked over in detail. While you can’t stop others from being disagreeable, you can decide that, whatever they come up with, you won’t be upset.
You know exactly how things need to be accomplished. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that even the most straightforward of arrangements are going to require far more discussion than you’d imagined. Still, it’s better to talk over others’ objections and address their concerns now than when you’ve already put those plans into action.
Few things are more difficult to deal with than tensions with those friends or loved ones on whom you usually depend for support. But, truth be known, these issues have been building for a very long time. Thus, it’s better to clear the air now than pretend things are fine when they really aren’t.
獅子座の前半、御願い板マシ素。 Tuesday Sudden changes in plan are the last thing you want. But judging by the planetary activity of the next few weeks, there’s no avoiding unexpected twists and turns. Disruptive as these are, the intriguing ideas and interesting people they bring are likely to more than justify the time required to deal with them.
Wednesday You’re by no means a control freak. Yet, worthwhile as recent developments are, you’re still uncomfortable that they weren’t yours to make. Accept the fact that others not only have your best interests at heart, but also are better informed about situations than you are, and those anxieties will turn to pure gratitude.
獅子座 The notion of a far-reaching reorganisation on the domestic front isn’t anything new. You’ve been unenthusiastic, primarily because it’s seemed lots of bother for very little result. But recent events have persuaded you changes are wise. Then with this month’s two eclipses ? on next Sunday and on the 23rd - accelerating the process, you realise that you’ve little choice in the matter. Initially you regard some developments as disruptive, if not disastrous. It’s only once you familiarise yourself with their influence on your life and that of others, that you realise that an entirely fresh approach is what’s been needed all along.
Tuesday You can't really understand why others are so passionate about issues that are, in the scheme of things, of so little significance. However, if you give way on these, you'll undermine your position when it comes to more important things. Begin by playing it tough, therefore, then let them have their way.
Wednesday Perhaps the most difficult thing in the world for you to do is to leave things to others. Yet that's exactly what situations are demanding from you. Not only are their intentions good, they're far better positioned to make the best of developments than you are. Overcome your instincts and leave them to it.
Not only are you faced with situations in which you're convinced that others have taken leave of their senses, you can say or do little to stop them. While these dilemmas remain perplexing until midmonth, they're not the disaster they seem. In fact discussions that begin as an exercise in damage limitation soon blossom into far more. Either you make new friends or achieve a deeper accord with old ones. Ultimately, some links prove exciting - if not life-changing. But this is unlikely to be clear until later, which means that even seemingly unimportant exchanges should be regarded as potentially rewarding
As November begins, you’re already aware that you’ve been spoiling others, yet short-changing yourself when it comes to life’s pleasures. Then, suddenly, you’re confronting others. Events around the eclipsed Full Moon on the 9th force everybody to be frank about their feelings. The more you say, the better. True, others won’t necessarily admit their faults. But it’s a beginning. Of greater importance is the fact that you’ve confronted those who you’ve been avoiding upsetting. This makes them respect you, more than you know - or they’ll show.
You’ve been uncharacteristically patient about tricky issues on the domestic front. Within the next few days that patience is pays off in the form of profitable offers or suggestions from others. Take things slowly, however, or next week’s unexpected developments will force you to extricate yourself from the arrangements you’ve only just made.
While you’re capable of amazing courage in any number of situations, there are still a few things you’ll put off until the last minute. One of those involves your health and well-being. This may be because you wait so long and worry so much that things always seem far worse then they are.
All eclipses signal a turning point of some variety. Now, in the run up to next Sunday’s eclipse, unsettling developments pave the way to those changes; because it particularly accents financial and business matters, what seem unwelcome events could eliminate obstacles to potentially profitable arrangements. The trick is to respond swiftly to these - and to surprises in any other area of your life ? to do whatever is necessary, yet refrain from finalising anything, particularly far-reaching plans. That way, when the promised changes arrive, you’ll exactly what needs are dictated by practicalities, yet free to make the best of the unexpected.
<原文> For some time you’ve known that, with an ill wind, certain minor issues you’ve been ignoring could blow up into a storm of some proportion. While you’re not thrilled about having to deal with these, decisions weren’t yours so at least others can’t blame you. Stick to the truth, however unappealing, and by midmonth you’ll have conquered dilemmas. Meanwhile, ensure that you don’t confuse these rather tricky developments with equally demanding but far more favourable events that appear from out of the blue. These aren’t about resolving problems, they’re about acquiring a fresh perspective on your life and what’s possible in your future.
<天秤座原文> Monday While under certain circumstances, surprises can add a little spice to romances, that doesn’t mean you’re happy about what others have been up to. You’re being gracious, but their antics have undermined your trust. This may not be the ideal moment to discuss issues , but sooner or later you’ll have to talk.
Tuesday You’ve already invested considerable time in both investigating the facts and thinking through various options, all before coming to a conclusion about certain plans on the business or financial front. Not surprisingly, changes aren’t exactly welcome. Worse, you’re offended by those who suggest that these unexpected developments constitute an improvement.
Wednesday The time has come to take a tough stance. At one point you would have been happy to take things as they came. But recently you’ve learned that others are doing far better out of certain situations than you are. Consequently, you must assure that you’re looked after just as well.
Tuesday No matter how strong the feelings are, every relationship has its ups and downs. After a rather rough week, suddenly the tide is turning in your favour. In fact, you'll probably find that if you can safely propose certain ideas that, only a few days ago, would have resulted in a totally non-negotiable rejection.
Wednesday You know what you feel and believe. Or you think you do. However, the events of the next few days may well shake up a few of your most solid convictions. Certainly the questions that events raise are worth serious discussion. At minimum you'll learn something. But you might just change your mind.
お手すきの際に、ウィークリーもお願いできるとウレシイです! No matter how obsessively you analyse both this week’s developments and your role in them, the odds are slim that you’ll be able to anticipate their outcome. You’re not losing your touch. It’s just that between this Sunday’s eclipsed Full Moon and the solar eclipse on the 23rd, unexpected changes in circumstances will take things to a whole new level. But you want ? and need ? to make plans now. Do so. But keep arrangements flexible enough that you can easily revise them, particularly when close partners, at work or at home, indicate that they’re finally ready to take your recent discussions seriously.
No matter how obsessively you analyse both this week’s developments and your role in them, the odds are slim that you’ll be able to anticipate their outcome. You’re not losing your touch. It’s just that between this Sunday’s eclipsed Full Moon and the solar eclipse on the 23rd, unexpected changes in circumstances will take things to a whole new level. But you wantーand needーto make plans now. Do so. But keep arrangements flexible enough that you can easily revise them, particularly when close partners, at work or at home, indicate that they’re finally ready to take your recent discussions seriously.
<原文> In a way you’re relieved when circumstances force you to confront others over practical or money matters. They were already becoming urgent. Then events around the lunar eclipse, on the 9th, make it clear that issues must be dealt with. Focus on these exclusively until they’re settled, probably by midmonth. This prepares you to talk over future plans, particularly your desires. Here, too, frequent changes create obstacles to progress. Play it cool, however, and by early December others are making commitments that only recently they wouldn’t even discuss.
Sudden developments have you on edge. Enough that when both personal and partnership matters climax around the Taurus eclipsed Full Moon on the 9th, you’re unsure about taking chances. But events force your hand. Initially you feel these are unfair. But over time you realise you’re going places and meeting people you otherwise wouldn’t have encountered. Soon you develop a taste for these. Thus when yet more events arise, later in the month, you find yourself agreeing to offers that, only weeks before, you wouldn’t even have considered.
Either you’re receiving intriguing invitations or simply feeling restless. But if you don’t put partnership or financial matters first, by the time of the lunar eclipse, on the 9th, you’ll be in difficulties. Similarly, circumstances force you to talk over plans with loved ones, perhaps before you’re ready. In every case these prepare you for offers late in the month. They’re more sudden or more promising than you’d imagined; the more knowledgeable you are about your position, the better advantage you can take of these rare opportunities.
The endless debate and, frequently, arguments about potential shifts in either your domestic set up or working life has exhausted you. Consequently you’re almost relieved when the lunar eclipse, on the 9th, brings enforced changes. This ends quibbles and forces everybody to work together, ultimately achieving wonders. Meanwhile, you’ve exciting developments involving business or finance to think about. You soon realise you can’t please everybody, and so refuse to allow certain individuals to undermine your convictions or commitment. Taking this tough line also achieves wonders on the romantic front.
For some months you’ve been restless. You’ve discussed various ideas and considered changes, but either practical restrictions or lack of enthusiasm stopped you. As November begins you’re forced to focus various obligations ? to yourself, others or involving your work. These are tedious but no surprise. And they’re important, simply because the powerful Sagittarius eclipsed New Moon, on the 23rd, begins a new cycle of your life. The freer you are, both in terms of your feelings and past commitments, the better advantage you’ll take of these extraordinary developments.
Initially you misinterpret the sudden changes involving who and what you love most, triggered by the eclipsed Full Moon on the 9th, as worrying. However, these revitalise close relationships or certain activities you feel passionate about. They also expose issues you were either unaware of or ignoring. Now you ? and everybody else ? must face, discuss and resolve these. This takes until the month’s close and touches areas you haven’t thought about for ages. While challenging, in retrospect you realise you’ve eliminated nagging doubts and your confidence has soared.
New Moon: May 1 at 10 Taurus @ 12.16am GMT Eclipsed Full Moon: May 16 at 24 Scorpio @ 3.37am GMT=5/16 蠍座の満月(食付き) Eclipsed New Moon: May 31 at 9 Gemini @ 4.21am GMT=5/31 双子座の新月(食付き)
獅子座 For months you’ve been thinking about ways you could reorganise your life. So when circumstances force you to make sudden changes, you’re relieved. Plus, you’ve got ideas of what to do. A surprising number of these fit in with what’s taking place, enough that you’re ready to take chances on further ? and less familiar ? offers or ideas. Meanwhile, developments on the romantic front are exciting enough that here, too, you’re thinking in terms of a future that look very different from what you’d imagined possible only recently.
Big decisions are looming. Initially you try to please everybody. But you realise that nothing’s being achieved, so take a rare firm stance, and put yourself first. This provokes considerable discussion. Some try to make you feel guilty. However, by then you’re so determined that their manipulations have no influence. This by the powerful eclipsed New Moon on the 23rd, which ushers in a new cycle in your work or important projects, you’re making decisions based on what you want to achieve, not on what would make them happy.
As a Gemini you’re inquisitive about everything. Consequently, you’re always surprised when others show no interest in intriguing developments. Now, however, you’ll need their support, both in plans you’re making and as the changes now being discussed take place. This could mean you must trick them into keeping up to date on developments.
Naturally you’d have preferred to make alterations without any dramas. But others have been completely unwilling even to discuss other options. Consequently, the dramatic events ushered in by this weekend’s potent lunar eclipse are bound to be a surprise. However unsettling for them, they’ll finally be open to talking over and making changes.
Gradually you’ve realised that the reason you’ve felt so uncomfortable with certain individuals is that they weren’t being entirely honest. In fact, they’ve concealed important facts in hopes of manipulating you into making agreements that, otherwise, you’d never have considered. Now you know. Be thankful you escaped before you’d committed to anything.
There’s no arguing that things are going to be different now. What that means in terms of daily life remains to be seen. You’re perfectly happy to try out various new ideas. But others aren’t nearly as open-minded, which means you may have to wait until they’ve decided they’re ready to take chances.
Nobody works harder than a Capricorn. Whether it’s situations involving others or matters of a purely personal nature, you long ago learned that you regret even the smallest of compromises. Consequently, you tend to doubt things that fall into place too easily. Just this once, however, they really are as good as they seem.
The time has come to consider matters of the heart. You’ve been hoping that you wouldn’t have to think about these but that things would just take their course. However, at a certain point you must declare your feelings or back off. While this isn’t your last chance, you really must say something soon.
You’re in no mood to indulge others’ emotional dramas. This isn’t because you’re unsympathetic. Rather, you’re wrestling with intense feelings of your own and aren’t sure how much help you’d be to anybody else. The fact is, they don’t need your help as much as they need you to listen.
Sometimes the most difficult moments are those that lead to life’s most remarkable turning points. Certainly when it comes to those people or activities you care about, you’ve reached a turning point. Either things gradually begin to fade or, if you’re willing to take chances, there’s an exciting new chapter awaiting you.
11/6 Thursday While Sunday's eclipsed Full Moon signify changes around you, of greater significance will be the shift in your viewpoint that it ushers in. What you once dreaded could soon become a source of interest, if not pride, while people or activities about which you once felt passionate could suddenly seem tired and outdated.
11/7 Friday While you love to explore the new and the unfamiliar, you're very cautious when it comes to making changes in the structure of your daily routine or working life. Consequently you could initially reject certain offers. However, judging by the influence of this Sunday's lunar eclipse, these are offers that you can't refuse.
11/8 Saturday From your point of view, however intriguing an idea may be, it's no good if it causes problems. And from what you can tell, what's now being discussed or changes that are taking place would cause serious problems. While there are remedies, you're unlikely to spot them until those changes have settled in.
11/9 Sunday You're a reasonable person. You thought that others were reasonable, too, but now you're not so sure. Unsettling as the differences between you may be, ultimately they'll prove very revealing. First, in working them out, you'll learn more about situations. Of far greater value, however, will be what you're able to learn about others.
Thursday Unsettling as sudden changes are, sometimes it's the best way to break away from old ways of living or working. The fact is that because Sunday's eclipsed Full Moon accents both your own life and that of those closest, it's time to examine what works and what doesn't and to tackle the latter.
Friday Accept the fact that, whatever you decide, somebody will be unhappy and life's much easier. This allows you to follow your conscience first, then discuss plans with others second. If they disagree, at least you'll feel that you've been true to yourself. And if they go along with you, all the better.
Saturday This won't necessarily be the calmest weekend of your life. But the issues you clear up and what you learn as a result of various confrontations will more than compensate for any temporary wear and tear on your emotions. In fact, the more worked up everybody gets, the more you'll put behind you.
Sunday You've rather hoped that you could skirt issues that would require openly discussing matters you consider to be personal and private. While you can probably avoid mentioning these, they'll only come up later. More important, once they're out in the open, you no longer need worry about anything being revealed.
Thursday(11/6) After having a combination of diligence and discipline, certain long-cherished dreams are about to become reality. Yet you’re still hesitant about celebrating, not to mention exploring further developments. This is because you haven’t really taken credit for efforts and therefore don’t fully recognise just how well deserved your success is.
Friday(11/7) You’ve an instinctive understanding of loved ones, knowing when to force issues or back off. In the run up to this Sunday’s unsettling eclipsed Full Moon, however, you could read them wrong. You could mistake their withdrawn attitude as an indication they want to be alone, when they need your support all the more.
Saturday(11/8) For some time you’ve known that you’d have to approach certain projects that are dear to your heart from a different angle, but haven’t really known what to do. Now circumstances make the decision for you. Go with the flow. What seems worrying initially is doing nothing more than bringing arrangements up to date.
Sunday(11/9) Welcome as changes are, you know that not everybody will be pleased about them. In fact you’re wondering what you’ll need to do to keep others happy. The answer is; make absolutely no concessions. Since certain individuals will complain whatever you do, you may as well arrange things to suit your needs.
獅子座 Thursday A top to bottom reorganisation of your life may not be what you regard as fun. Still, you realise that certain habits are holding you back. Keep this in mind as the unexpected changes triggered by Sunday’s eclipsed Full Moon do their work, and you’ll recognise them for the opportunities that they are.
Friday The average Leo loves being out and about, both pursuing goals and enjoying what the world has to offer. However rewarding these activities, it’s also vital that you spend time close to home, refuelling with in an environment in which you can truly relax and surrounded by people you can really trust.
Saturday It’s not your style to accept what you’re unhappy about. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that, once you know more about them, those changes that you least welcome now could turn into golden opportunities. At least explore them. That assures that you won’t miss out on something that you’d later regret.
Sunday You’re by no means weak. Yet you’ll allow those you care about liberties that you wouldn’t even consider for yourself. However, the time has come to discuss the impact of their attitude or behaviour. Either they’ll realise they’re inconveniencing you and put things right or you’ll have to set clear limits with them.
<天秤座デイリー後半原文> Thursday Much as you hate the idea of upsetting others, you have no choice. You’ve tried your best to make it clear what you’d like dealt with, how and why. But not only have they not taken the hint, they haven’t even responded. This leaves having to address the issues in question head on.
Friday Now that you know more about what others have been dealing with, you’re seeing things in a far more positive light. First, you’re now aware how much they care. Second, you appreciate that they were doing the best they could. Finally, that had you spoken sooner, you wouldn’t have suffered for so long.
Saturday Don’t allow yourself to build big worries out of what are only minor differences. True, at the moment you see no common ground between you, so you may just have to agree to disagree. But as you learn more about both situations and others’ views, you’ll find a way to strike an accord.
Sunday Others seem to be expecting you to make snap judgements about developments that are as sudden as they are complex. Much as you’d like to reassure them now, you can’t investigate the facts instantly. Don’t apologise for it. If they’re relying on you, they’ll have to let you do things in your own time.
魚座の後半を御願いします 木曜日 It’s the rare Pisces who’s aggressive about beliefs. On the contrary, you’ll often skirts issues for fear of offending others. At the moment, however, it’s vital that you let certain individuals know where you stand. Only once you’ve let them know, in uncompromising terms, what you feel will they fully understand you. 金曜日 You can’t have it two ways. You can’t keep everybody happy and, at the same time, state your views with the clarity dictated by circumstances. There’s little point in worrying about whether you’ll upset these individuals. They’re always looking for something to complain about anyway. This week it can be you. 土曜日 Your talents as a diplomat are impressive. But when negotiating, you must sometimes give up ground. Lately you seem to have do that so much that you’ve been left with very little for yourself. Take a break. You need to restore your position. The world and those in it will survive without you. 日曜日 Unsettling as it is to watch others quibbling over what are really minor points, these issues are theirs to deal with, not yours. Tempted as you are to intervene or give advice, you’d regret it. Facts have nothing to do with what’s in dispute; they’re battling over emotional issues that only they can resolve.
Thursday It doesn’t matter whether the issue is large or small. Whatever its nature, it’s important that you be able to speak your mind. That’s what so frustrating about the current state of affairs. You simply can’t say what you feel now, and can’t in good conscience until Mercury moves into Sagittarius next Wednesday.
Friday You tend to discuss what worries you right away. Consequently, the feeling of guilt rarely registers on your emotional radar. Yet that’s exactly what you’re wrestling with. It’s not your problem. In fact, it’s not what you’ve done or haven’t done, but purely due to others’ efforts to make you feel guilty.
Saturday Although you know perfectly well that it’s impossible for everybody to agree on everything, you were still rather hoping to get through the current crop of decisions without any dramas. Now that it’s clear this just isn’t achievable, you’ll then need to face the fact that certain individuals are intent on causing problems.
Sunday While you’ve no objection to sudden changes in plan, that doesn’t mean you welcome them. And these are particularly unsettling. However, once you learn more about the nature of these developments, you’ll realise that as disruptive as they are, they ideas they’re introducing more than justify the chaos they’ll cause.
Thursday There is nothing more tedious than reviewing columns of figures and discussing who owes what to whom. But if you don’t get a clear picture of both the facts and the nature of potentially costly obligations now, you’ll find yourself short of information when decisions are being made within a few days’ time.
Friday You’ve been eager to get away, removing yourself from restrictive situations and dull people. But you simply haven’t been able to find the time. The coming weeks don’t look any less busy, which means you could wait a very long time for that break. Instead, plan something simpler and do it sooner
Saturday It’s not that you don’t trust others. It’s just that when it comes to business, investments or your long term security, you want the facts before you commit. Still, with so much in transition, it’s better to take chances than remain by the sidelines, safe but unable to respond to what’s taking place.
Sunday Nobody would ever call you rigid in your thinking. On the contrary, you’re frequently the first to embrace new ideas. Yet you’re proud, so much that you’ll resist an idea simply because somebody else came up with it. At the moment, however, you’ve no choice but to be open-minded about what’s taking place.