With regards to the 2ch viewer(maru) handled by N.T. Technology, we have noticed that recently, there have been many people obtaining large numbers of IDs fraudulently and misusing them. Please find below the list of IDs which have been invalidated due to inappropriate actions on 2ch using the viewer. http://qb7.2ch.net/_403/xbox.cgi
I believe you know the first 8 digits are the same for the IDs used. These people are using large amounts of IDs (so large an amount it is difficult to believe they paid for them), which they cease using after a while, and are using scripts to fill up threads for hours a day. Perpetrators of such acts are declaring online that they "did not pay but are using large amounts of IDs obtained fraudulently", and we have yet to come up with any solution.
Due to continued spamming,the servers of 2ch have been overloaded. 2ch has adopted several countermeasures but with regards to fraudulent procurement of IDs, there has yet to be any conclusion. Please carry out detailed investigations and put a stop to the fraudulent procurement of IDs.
Regarding the issue of >>743, some information has been provided so it will be reposted after being translated to English.
http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sato/1323543598/785 > There seems to be a problem with credit card payments on the 2ch viewer(maru) as credit card numbers that are not recognized on normal shopping sites are being accepted. > As an example, a one-time debit number should only be allowed to be used once but one-time debit numbers that have been previously used are being accepted. > N.T.Technology's payment site appears to have loopholes in its credit card verification system as on top of one-time debit numbers which have been used multiple times, there are other ways to generate fraudulent card numbers which are being accepted by the system. > The issued ID can be used from the time when the ID is first issued till it is established that the payment has not gone through.
There may be other ways to obtain IDs fraudulently without payment, but would it be possible to disallow the use of the viewer until payment has been verified and cleared? Kindly investigate and provide a solution.
>>773 No, it is not DDOS, there is a loop in the network. It was a very big switch that crashed, wish several hundred servers connected to it. These servers have all been plugged into ports on different switches. This has made a lot of network confusion that has to be addressed individually. The core network is fully redundant, but the edge switches are not.
>>775 So are you going to replace the switch or just have it reconfigured? Rumors are all around so it would be nice to have some more official information to clear things out.
>>784 hi, Jim What does the switch mean? We dunno what it is. I was wondering if you could tell us=noobs what had happned 2ch connection problems for 2 days in detail. Somebody says it is because of DDoS, other says your mum plug off server outlet etc. Regards.
This is what the switch looks like. http://images.yourdictionary.com/images/computer/_L3SWIT.GIF It is a powerful one, but it failed completely. There are many servers connected to it. They are all reconnected but there are some problems that are being worked on even now.
> スイッチとはたぶんネットワークスイッチの事です。 > Maybe, the "switch" means multilayer switch of a network switch :D
>2ch 基幹L3 LANスイッチは二重化(=冗長化)されているが、 その下のスイッチまでは二重化されていない。 今回はL3スイッチが完全にイカれた為、相当接続し直した。 Core L3 switch has fully redundant (doubled). But edge switch (low level) is not redundant. In this time core switch failed completely, Jim-san working reconnected networks for 2ch.
>>791 I think the translation you made is backwards. The edge switch failed. The core switches are genki, and supported. Actually the core switches are Force 10 switches, and the Force 10 company came to our site and helped us, even though the problem was the Black Diamond. We only use the Extreme equipment at the edge level now. Thank you very much for the great support from Force 10 by the way.
The rc.conf files on the servers may be messed up. If they are plugged into another port with different settings, this usually messes up the rc.conf on a freeBSD server. I remember this bug very well. Maybe someone can check that? I don't have access to the machines to check that. They could be set to 1/2 duplex instead of full duplex, or it might have overwritten them to automatic. Automatic usually works bad. I hope this helps. I don't have access to fix it.
The rc.conf files on the servers may be messed up. 鯖にあるrc.confファイルが多分変。
If they are plugged into another port with different settings, this usually messes up the rc.conf on a freeBSD server. 違う設定で他のポートにつながれちゃうとrc.confがおかしくなるのは FreeBSD鯖では良くあること。
I remember this bug very well. Maybe someone can check that? あれは大昔のことじゃった。良く覚えとる。誰かこの辺確認してくんない?
I don't have access to the machines to check that. こっちはマシンの中までチェックする権限が無いんで。
They could be set to 1/2 duplex instead of full duplex, or it might have overwritten them to automatic. 全二重の代わりに半二重を使うか、自動認識で上書きしとくか。
Automatic usually works bad. I hope this helps. I don't have access to fix it. 自動認識は大抵ろくなことにならん。この件頼むよ。直すにも権限が無いんだ。
>>807 I've reprinted >>775 to the thread that guys related with 2ch server settings are watching but it seems that none of them have access to rc.conf on the servers.
NTTec guys may have access for those "non-root" servers, while there seems to be no one that has the access for those "root" servers since Mumumu-san's retirement.
What was going on at 2ch/PINK today? what was the root cause of those server failures? Thanks to Jim-san & his team for the effort and thanks in advance
Volunteer that you have approval, there is a problem. That volunteer was used vulgar language.
In order to maintain the quality of the bbspink, and guidance from you, please. If you do not improve after you are teaching you, beat the dismissal. In order to maintain the quality of the bbspink.
I really don't understand the problem. Vulgar language is allowed on Pink Channel. I do thank you for your wonderful involvment. I am very happy with you. I just always don't understand when we communicate.
>>838 You are eloquent in Japanese. It does not translate well. Not all of the users are so smart, but their intentions are good. We all make mistakes. I have made more than I should ever have gotten away with, but maybe I have the Devil's luck. Pink Channel is just getting by, it needs some controversy. Stirring up, and churning up the scum from the bottom makes the soup more tasty. I do understand there is a problem. I am thinking of a solution.
Volunteer that you have approval, they cause problems only. Do you proper guidance can be? Even if you are teaching, if not improve, it should be fired.
What's the matter? You are the administrator of this Bulletin board. What do you do are you not have permission? Did you mean, do you not have the permission of the delivery?
what I mean is what I say. This is just a game for some people, perhaps a game of chess. I see it is something more important than that. So I will not allow the real arashi any longer.
Thank you for pointing this out. I am currently working on another project. Trying to keep Pink Channel genki. I will look at this when I finish that. I have triage this.
>>870 The image is manipulated on the server for optimization. This removes the EXIF information. It is not an official function, it is just part of the process. I do recommend turning off the EXIF data insertion function on your camera.
You have been delegated to Mr. JACK(ERO/QUEEN), he is busy, and so can not volunteer. Mr.JACK(ERO/QUEEN) is a dismissal, And please select a new leader.
Mr.JACK(ERO/QUEEN) is busy and volunteer activities disruptions are annoying to users.
>>897 Is it also resistant to radiation? I have heard that microwaving your meat is an excellent way to prevent this sickness. However if you do get this sickness, it is a magical way to die.
>>898 Google for "prion". Maybe you could eliminate it by heating it very well so it would become a piece of pure carbon, but that would be far from what you expect meat for food to be like...
>>902-707 Aside from violence which I am very good at delivering. Legal means take time, and they are being used. Violence is not useful in this situation.
>>921 I think this is a very good idea. Gay people can have more serious conversation on an adult board. They won't have to worry about children bothering them.
>>923 I am reading that discussion thread. I will verify the consensus of that discussion. Then, I am going to come to ask permission to this thread to Jim-san. I want that you wait for a while.
So I put a new advertising system on. It is to help the small business and common man. It is very inexpensive. I am hoping many will try it. http://ads.bbspink.com
Mechanism of advertising that you have prepared. Those who wish to advertising is, should use it. But, repeat the multi-post. those who do not use the mechanism of advertising is, but how do you ? Are you induce to the mechanism ?
>>929 I don't have the solution for multi post. Currently I can not even edit the read.cgi. It might be necessary for my office to write a new read.cgi and bbs.cgi to combat this problem. At this time it is necessary for the advertising. I hate the multi post, we have provided a very inexpensive solution. They could even use that, then people would not hate them. I think their time is worth more than the cost of the advertisement. Your time is too. You are tirelessly helping, and I see that. I know I don't comment much, but I see it.
あなたの許可を得たならば、以下のような進行をするとわたしは考えます。 彼女らは2ちゃんねる代理人さんの許可を得るでしょう。 その2人の許可があるならば、作業が出来る人がその板の移動作業をするでしょう。 よろしくです ============================================================ We want permission of BBSPINK manager Jim-san. That is the request of people of the board of the adult game for women of 2ch-BBS. The following is their request.
I read discussion of them of that autonomous thread. The following is the thread which had that discussion. ★板移転議論中★女向ゲーム大人板 自治スレその6 http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gboy/1330156128/ I think about that that they made consensus.
If there is your permission, I will think that it goes on by the following methods. They will get permission of the manager proxy of 2ch. If they get that permission of two persons, those who work will do the move work of that board. よろしくです ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello. I'm writing to ask you if a board in 2ch could be transferred to BBSPINK in accordance with a previous discussion.
2ch's gboy-board is the only board restricted to 18 years and over in 2ch now. It is considered to be a problem that an R-18 board left behind in 2ch, which is for all ages.
As a result of discussion on the board, the participants agreed that GBOY should have been transferred from 2ch to BBSPINK. This is not only to save underage participants from mature contents, but also to protect the R-18 contents from regulation of activities to show the self-regulating attitude.
Previously, the administrators of 2ch agreed with this idea and wrote that it was necessary to ask for permission from you (Jim). We would be grateful if you could grant our request. Thank you in advance.
So I had a meeting with Mitsui Kiyoshi this morning from the Kyodo news. Here is a recording of it. http://bbspink.com/5_25_12_8_37_AM.mp3 I tried to make a video too, but the video cut off after 33 minutes. It will take a little time to upload.
>>944 I think it is not important to listen to. I just want a record if they write something in their newspaper. Last time I was not happy with what Asahi shinbun wrote.
>>956 I agree with that. It has to be done, or all will be lost. When I find the copy sites I have been sending take down requests to their ISP. This has had some success, but I don't know all the copy sites.
If we have abuse posting IP lookup tool, and posting blacklist (BBQ) registration acccount, these probrem will not happen. (Now we rely it on the 2ch staff's.)
>>967 I had this ability before, but with the current servers it was removed. It is one step forward, but two steps backwards. I am completely frustrated by the childish nature of these anonymous 2ch staffs. What is needed will be made, and will never be allowed to be taken care of by anonymous again.
>>969 They are doing it maliciously. I need a list of the things that we need, and their functions. We will remake them. Like the deletion system. We had to build our own. We will do that for all things.
>>977 You know. PINK volunteers (such that Jim, JACK, Misuzuya and I ,etc.) have VPN account. They are static IP address. Maybe, their range is very narrow. I think their range can be defined as following "regluar expression" [vip0\d\d\d.maido3.net]
for example: vip0005.maido3.net ◆EROyVmNwwM vip0225.maido3.net DeleDele ◆orzORZ/1Go
exception: vip40034.maido3.net ◆Momoca3cMo
It is better to allocate for non-volunteer-users with bigger number VPN such that vip[1-9]\d\d\d.maido3.net
>>985 Many deleter's VPN is vip0001...vip0099. maybe, volunteers are less than 100, isn't it?
I think the better way is asking the volunteer-users to change VPN account vip0001...vip0099. if there are available VPN acount in vip0001...vip0099, assign whether we use or not. Then, we ask the 2ch staffs to change the blocking range to "vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net". "vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net" means vip0100...vip9999.
It's a story before we build our own system. after that, let's remove vip\d+ from blocking list.
this is the bolunteer translation. >>980 Trans:>>974_start In Japan, if you speak ill of someone else where the personnel cannot see(=inaccessible), you'll be regarded to as a coward. Therefore, you'd better to discuss somewhere the target personnel accessible. Trans:>>974_end
Trans:>>982_start Now it seems that the time to create next thread; Don't we need to update/correct items in >>1? (translator's addition: the bolunteer translation thread does not exist anymore.) Trans:>>982_end
Trans:>>983_start The pin-point restriction will be the best way. But the bad(=seed of trouble) person will get another accunt to continue it. then it becomes endless game, and the state became as of now. I'm expecting myself to get an idea that offering a better way to prevent the VPN-based trouble never again to the restriction handling personnel. Trans:>>983_end
excuse: I'm not a native english speaker. Therefore the translated matters might contain improper grammer/description. regards. (will be here again)
>>987 I understand. Thank you for the translation. Who spoke bad about who? The endless game is a problem not just for the vpn but for other isp as well. It is unfortunate. I am looking forward to the way, your ideas would be appreciated.
>>986 I will look through the ip blocks next week and see what there is available. Of course it would be nice to have our stars back. That was very nice, but taken away from us as well.
>>989 in >>987, I mentioned malicious user of bbspink as 'bad.' Now i say that you need not doubt any other participants, like you and 2ch volunteers.
To: Japanese > The endless game is a problem not just for the vpn but for other isp as well. > It is unfortunate. > I am looking forward to the way, your ideas would be appreciated. エンドレスゲームの問題はVPNだけでなく、他のISPでも同様だね。望まないことですが。 私はその解決策を探していますし(もちろん)あなた方のアイデアも歓迎です。
>>989 Yes, endless probrem. This case, that attacked thread is related for the sexual service shop. For sexual service shop manager, it is cheap cost for paying a little $5 to disable own shop thread... It is business economic probrem..
>>993 We all make mistakes Don't worry, be happy. If no new thread is made would we all dissapear? We could be lost in the mist, drifting away like Avalon. >>992 It is human nature. When we find the cure, then we can stop going one step forward and two steps backward.
Some user traded a stimulant in 2ch's http://anago.2ch.net/ihou/ (Drugs and Illegal) board, so the police requested the deleteing, but 2ch admin ignores it.
So ZERO inc have been investigated the police. The newspaper says, the police considered ZERO as 2ch server admin.
But ZERO says the newspaper "We have no role server management and posting deletion (in 2ch). We don't have notice this crime ". If you cannot contact 2ch server admin, it sounds better to throw away 2ch servers into a window...
>>999 The press makes stories, and the police are like Keystone cops following them. Sane people know that is not true. I have uploaded a new yoga video finally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RjFoB3vRPQ Take care if we disappear into the mist. I hope to see you there.