■ガイドライン検討/1. 個人の取り扱い■

161Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
That is more than one question.
I have opinions on these subjects, and I would like to hear other opinions too.

I don't think a victim of HIV is going to know they got it from a particular girl
in a sexual service shop. I think these are almost always slander comments.
Slander is fun, unless you are the one being slandered.
Only lab testing is the way to find out if you have HIV, or other STD/VD. Unless
the person you are having sex with is showing the symptoms. If they are showing them
they are already very sick. I don't think I am going to put my big dick into or onto
anything that looks like an open sore or wart. Are you?
If the post is from the lab, then it is not slander it is documented, but I think
that it is against the law in both Japan and the United States for labs to release
private information about people without their permission.
So posts saying certain girls have a STD, should be deleted, unless they can be proved
to be true.

Please explain what the 7 day rule is.

XXX sexual service shop has real intercourse. Hmm sounds like a commercial advertisement...;)
Please let me here other peoples opinion on that.