>>282 If bbspink was that important, you would not use p2 on it. You would use Maru, and the vpn if necessary. Maru and the vpn support bbspink. p2 does not.
>>281 Ok, I will do that. I didn't actually expect the server to crash from what I did, but it did. There were some security problems that needed to be fixed, and there are still more. I will work on them tomorrow from my office, after the eye doctor. When I start I will announce it, but I don't expect anyone to be affected.
Is there anything that is written on the Pink channel important? I wonder if there is anything worth saving and archiving. Of course there are a few things here and there that might be cute or interesting, but is there anything that is really important? I wonder if guys really read the mcheck board when they get a funny feeling during urination, or a putrid puss is leaking from their penis. Are the ascii art that are archived really art? Does anyone look at them and say "ahhh, what an amazing representation of the human form all in Greek Russian and Japanese characters."? Or maybe they are just simple doodles that should have been tossed in the trash like the doodles from your elementary school days. Are the words that are left worth anything after the fleeting images that are seen and then dissolved, deleted minutes later stored only in your mind. Did those ladies grasp their chance at being an angelic creature, and lose it completely by morning when they are on their train to work. Should the memory of what the lustful males said of them be lost? I don't really know what is important about Pink Channel to Japanese. I think it might be more than just some links to horny pictures, and make believe role playing chat. I believe there are important works going on inside the threads of Pink Channel. I know that there are great volunteers that dedicate their free time to protect these things. Shared memories of the famous Casanova from the best host club. Laughable memories of the worst. What is important about Pink Channel to you? I really would like to hear.
Personally I don't think there's so much important and critical in, say, xkcd or slashdot.org. But I would feel very sad if they suddenly go offline and lost forever. I may start to consider them as some important parts of computer history.......Pink covers really wide range of (pornographic) topics, with great quantity of users.
http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1256294357/315 > out > ok > ok この報告では、新規&再登録ユーザーだけ書き込めているようです 新規さんに荒らしが多いという意味ではないですよ PINKのP2規制をw2サーバ規制に範囲を絞込んで様子見してください よろしくおねがいします 説明間違いてたらごめんね
>>290 Actually I think it is much more than that. The topics are adult topics written and discussed by adults. Some of those topics are pornographic..:) Most that I see are not though. There is a big difference in the level of discussion when children are not allowed to interrupt. It raises the level a bit higher.
It is called cannibalism, it is not innovation. p2 is not banned currently, except for venus server which is no p2 super vip zone. However the proxy system does block to many access from one proxy. That is only temporary, and after a certain amount of time it is freed automatically. Some of the things I have been reading lately, shameless things. Good night friends.
アメリカには自由があります。 PINKにも自由があります。 そこには様々な目的で多くの人々が集います。 その理由は自由だからです。 そして、自由のために作業が行われるのです。 ------------------------------------------------------------ There is freedom in the United States. There is freedom in PINK. too. A lot of people gather there by various purposes. The reason is that it is freedom. And, work is done for freedom.
I have to sleep now. It has been a long day. There are very few complaints today, that is a good thing. I appreciate the help that I have received, it is precious to me. Good night friends
>>436 It works well on my iphone and ipad. We should have the beta for mobile service available next week. It is already working in our office. We can support all the protocols that are popular then, like ipsec and others. That should work very well with 3G.
I think allowing p2 is going backwards. It is already obsolete. I am sure there are some payment problems that I can work on addressing, but still most people can access for free. We are actually talking about a small minority of people that can not access without using these tools.
>>440 I think that it is difficult to exclude only ARASHI. And, I think that p2 is more imperfect. However, there is no substitution now. I hope for possible POST with p2. (Excluding the MEGAMI board. )
>>442 I am so sorry my friend. At this time I can not lift the blocks I have put. I have problems with this p2. 1. Brazil never discussed this with me before they made it. 2. It seems that the p2 people are still able to post. I am getting their complaints. I see them, and understand them. 3. I have made a better system than p2. It will be fully available for mobile soon as well. It currently works on many mobile phones though. 4. The people that are using the vpn are not complaining at all. I am actually surprised at that. Usually everyone complains so hard when I make something. Hmm. It must be good. 5. I am trying to find the servers that are allowing the unauthorized reproduction of Pink Channel. Some of these are on the same ip blocks that p2 is on. One of them is on the original p2 server. The reason for this is they are doing SEO, and it is hurting the advertisers that are on Pink Channel. 6. I can only be pushed so far. I am a nice and friendly man, but at this time, I have been pushed into the corner. Half of my staff has been laid off, and 70% of the advertisers have gone to the SEO sites. Another of these SEO sites is directly on an Amazon.com server. I will be sending them legal paperwork about that next week. 7. My feelings are hurt over this, and I am feeling like I am out of bullets. 8. Some of the posts that the Brazil people made were absolutely rude.
>>453 Right now, any mobile phone that can use pptp protocol. Our ipsec, and I think it is called ltpt<- I may be wrong, I am not the engineer, is working in the office on our test servers. Next week it should be ready for beta testing.
>>453 I think that Apple understands how important it is to use a VPN, it is the second setting on the main setting menu. It works out of the box with both iPhone and IPad. There is no APP necessary to download.
>>459 Most importantly we are working on incorporating ipv6 natively and ipv6 to ipv4 tunnel. IPV4 are running out. When that goes live, it will be a successful platform for the future.
>>491-493 The iPad has the VPN application built into the OS. It is the second setting on the list, so it is very important to use. Since the iPad requires a wireless connection, your connection might not always be from a nice or friendly IP.
Here are some snapshots showing how simple it is to use the VPN.
>>511 I love 2ch, this is not about 2ch, this is about interlopers causing trouble. Thank you for your incite, but it is off the mark. ↓ ええ、私も2ch好きですよ。でも一部の方々が問題を引き起こすのです...励ましは嬉しいんだけど、ちょっとそれは的違いかなw
//なにが的違い(≒見当違い、思ってることとの食い違いetc.)なのか分からないけど、そういう文章に読める。俺の英語力が低いからかも //p2で読む→IE立ち上げる→IEから書込み→p2で確認の作業が面倒だorz // read this thread by p2 -> I want to write -> start IE -> write by IE -> Check it by p2....This is troublesome process for me.
Thank you all. Yes those are some of the trouble sites. One of those is on Amazon.com servers, and the other is on p2 server. The official cellphone site for bbspink is on ula.cc I think the kakiko is nothing, but a test. There are more, and there were many more. I have already had several shut down by their isp.
It was selling "favolite thread and log are saved to server and share mobile phone,workplace,home PC,...and so on."(do you want Screnshot?Very useful;) ) However, p2 user is not increasing as much as expected.So p2 start through write control system (BBQ?sorry i forget that systems name.) Thereafter, an outbreak of "harmful insects" on p2.so p2 was bannd on BBSPINK.
I think that bann is the way it goes.and bad user must say "sorry" for goodnes user or don't use p2 system..
I want to say aki."do you forget original favolite and log sharing plan? Now a days the mos of user are using p2 to use through write control system. Are money and justice, which important?"
Although I know you are really busy about tracking unauthorized copy site and p2 matter, please consider recruiting new deleters(both threads & response) asap. Since most active みかん★-san went into the hospital now and 削魔除★-san is on probation, almost all deleting is done by さくっちょ★-san only on weekends right now. I think it is too much load for him and its monopolistic situation is not good for pink's health.
>>558 The deeper I go down the rabbit hole the more I don't want it on. The vpn service we made is better, and offers more. It is an actual ISP type service, that you can access other sites with as well. It uses bandwidth, so it has to cost a bit more.
There is another round of murders going on in Manila. Foreigners beware please. I will just stay home for a few days. That leaves me with just my iPad. I will have to find a way to use it as a real computer.
ttp://corp.bitcash.co.jp/guide/shipping/ (For Shopping site operator) Initial cost:52500 yen(tax in) Monthly sum cost:none Settlement commission:Consultation of respondent Payment site:Tightening at the end of the month The transfer on the fifth next month of the next day
http://corp.bitcash.co.jp/guide/ex/ (For Operator on site where adult attestation is necessary) Initial cost:157500 yen(tax in) Monthly sum cost:none Settlement commission:Under 12%(Consultation of respondent) Payment site:Tightening at the end of the month It is a transfer at the end on next month of the next day.
(Sorry,I don't speak English well,so I use Translation)
I have been asked to release the restrictions on the set server. I have done that. p2 should work, then there is an ability for the p2 to discuss what they need to say. It is not a permanent release. It is sort of like a stay.
----- As one idea. I think it is very convenient when bitcash or webmoney can be used to settle VPN though the introduction seems to be difficult. It is not possible to buy it at less than age of 20 if it is bitcashEX (It has the deterrent even if it is on the polite fiction) Netridecash cannot be bought at less than age of 20. If a young person is ruining it, ruining might be decreased in some measure.
I have been having terrible luck in connecting to the internet it is like using a 2400 baud modem with a lot of packet loss. Most of the posts I have made did not even get through. I am trying again now.
重要なので訳と補足を入れておきます。 Jim-san, A rocker (A person in charge of Rock54 system - which register spam advertisements words & URL to Rock system for 2ch/bbspink) posted >>612 for your information. (Please understand that it is information purpose only from the rocker's standpoint - no misunderstanding please. I think he posted it because that Jim-san is fighting against the Brazil)
--------------------------- >>612 translation If the Brazil (Future Search Brazil, inc. which runs p2 & find.2ch.net) ever excludes bbspink posting from their find.2ch.net posting search system, it will impact and make Rock registration(spam advertisement registration) extremely difficult. It also will impact spam advertiser report and regulation for bbspink. Please notify the above fact to Jim-san. ---------------------------
Additional info: Rock54 step. - Whoever find spam advertisement would report to 2ch "Spam ad report thread" - Rocker checks if it is spam ad, and searches the reported words or URL with find.2ch.net database to see how many same spams are posted.(Posting search fee is paid by 2ch here) - Register the words or URL to Rock54 system, if it is not registered already. - Registered words or URL cannot be posted more than 3 times in a day from same IP address.
Spam advertiser report and regulation: Some spammer avoid rock54 by changing IP address after 2-3 postings or keep getting rock54 unregistered domain every time the URL is registered. In that case, the rocker collects posted spam advertisement URL address from find.2ch.net and make report thread for spammer's ISP regulation. (There are much more spam ads to bbspink than to 2ch, hench the report & regulation benefits bbspink more)
It seems I can finally post again. It is hit and miss. I have been spending most of tthe day, downloading and reading threads. It is slow, but that is ok. I read slow. There is much packet loss from my area right now. I am reading all of these posts. Some of them are difficult to understand, even with translation software.
>>635 I have read >>627 and I understand it is an important matter. It is a problem, that I understand, and do not like to think about. I have been thinking about it though. I should here these words. すっかり散財をおかけしてしまってすみません。 When find.2ch was made. I was asked if I wanted bbspink included in it. That was before there was a p2. That was when I was still optimistic that the substantial money that I paid to keep 2ch going was going to be a good investment someday. Actually I feel threatened by >>627 I remember a Christmas season when Pink Channel was removed from the regulations. My staff built Pasegueno after that. I should not have to do that. My company is the origninal benefactor of 2ch.net. Without me it would have died many years ago. Rock54 is how old? p2 is how old? find.2ch is how old? Who is responsible for tying the three together? I do not think my friends did that. I think that an interloper has taken control of things. How many changes to read.cgi have there been? In order for me to replace rock54 I will have to replace read.cgi. That will be trial and error, that will cause much trouble and heartache. What is the root of all of this evil? It is not me. I can not give you a wise judgement at this time. I need to see more how this path unfolds. How deep will this rabbit hole go?
As a innocent braindead user I demand all the cgis to be lisenced and distributed under terms of GNU General Public License Version 3 or above. As a thoughtless user I would obtain a set of copy of that and keep them in my harddrive for undefined period of time without ever attempt to deflate it. no, that's a joke.
so jim-san want return from investment, and complete pink seperation from 2ch?
Pride is important. As for it, it is worth staking the life. However, it becomes obstructive at times. We should not put out the conclusion soon. We should think long.
はいわかりまして かんぺきです。 Putting aside pride is very important. Pride is a two edged sword. It has a close connection to honor. Proud men do stupid things to defend ttheir honor. Let's take time to think of a good solution. There is no replacement for rock54. That is the latest shot fired across our bow. Self defense and pride are not the same thing.
If it is because of my translations and the info, I'm sorry. I cannot read what's on the rocker's mind, but I think that the rocker might have thought that Jim-san may deny p2 address altogether including crawlers that collects data for find.2ch.net resulting pink data exclusion. Or he might thought the relationship between Jim-san and the Brazil would get worse and Jim-san may demands withdrawal of pink data from find.2ch.net. I can swear you that the rocker does not mean to threat you in any way.
Though the menu of PINK disappeared from p2 It is possible to see by specifying URL directly. Therefore, please do not release the restriction. It can be written that it releases it.
This seems to work very well. It will take some time to get used to the keyboard on this Compaq. Compaq 510 is the least expensive branded computer I could find. The keypitch is different than I am used to.
>>682 I still have hopes for the iPad to become a better computer platform. In my daily work I need to use Internet Explorer, and a terminal emulator(command prompt). So I bought a cheap laptop.
Really there is trouble? Maybe he can fix the idol trouble as well? The password has been changed on that machine. I can not access it either. I will submit a work order to PIE.
>>708 I have not taken any action though. I have just sent him email. I do not know which server he is having a problem with. I read the page that is posted, of course I don't really understand. Sometimes I feel so stupid. Does anyone ever really become fluent in Japanese?
>>725 Ok, I will fix that. When they make changes, let me know and I will update it. Unfortunately I can not do it immediately, because I only have the iPad here. I will get my laptop this afternoon, and edit the menu.
>>730 Had not Jim-san had laptop PC before? Jimさんは以前にラップトップPCを持っていませんでしたか?
The Japanese doesn't say the laptop computer. It is expressed as the notebook computer. A lot of Japanese people say, "ノートパソコン" or "ノートPC". 日本ではラップトップコンピューターとは言いません。 それはノートパソコンと表現します。 日本人の多くはノートパソコンとかノートPCと言います。
>>731 I had a laptop computer. It was a Macbook pro aluminum, but it has expired. I have just bought a Compaq laptop, and will go pick it up this afternoon.
>>733 It is a new laptop pc. I purchased it for 17,000 pesos. It is very low end. It is not for gaming, there is no special video card. It does have a dual core processor though.
This is not going to work. I am using Windows 7 starter. It seems to only support unicode. If I update the menu, then it will be broken. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are building a new tower of Babel. I really hate their guts. I have not been using windows for a few years now, can anyone tell me how to add more character sets to Notepad?
>>742 There are a lot of applications that move by Windows. And, those applications are very convenient. I hate Microsoft. However, the application to be used moves by Windows.
>>748 Don't be jealous, they are relatives that don't have anywhere to live. They live here, and do some of the chores. It is good for them, and just torments me a little. Having cute 18 year old girls running around the house all the time, can be distracting..;)
There is good news, and there is bad news. The good news is the Paypal signup works. The bad news is the account is not verified, so it will be Monday or Tuesday before it works. Sorry, that is my fault. I did not see the verify button inside the paypal system.
Fedora 12 is a very easy to set up version of Linux. The package manager works well by default. Simply insert the disc and follow the directions in your language.
This is a content that they are writing. It is necessary to update "offlaw.cgi" of the server. The server is banana3222 and banana3001. MUMUMU-san works. I think that MUMUMU-san can solve it.
I think that we request for MUMUMU-san with the solution.
>>839 The power and telephone was out yesterday. My location did not receive flooding..:) Just a lot of wind damage. My house is not damaged at all. I am very relieved by this. There were twenty deaths. I am sorry to hear that, but my house and family are ok.
>>841 It is really unfortunate. We need the typhoons and monsoon rains for the hydro electric power and water. Some people live in dangerous locations, and in weak structures, and they are easily hurt because of it.
I am reading the p2 threads, and I am hoping people understand my position. It is not terrible what I want, I just want things to be peaceful. It seems like a lot of options are being bounced about.
>>856 He seems to be a good guy. He is not living in a tourist destination. I have heard that he set up a medical clinic here in a dangerous zone. It is a place that medical clinics are needed.
>>857 I heard it for the first time. Moreover, the news is not popular. I do not think that the Japanese is so interested in the matter of the foreign country. I think that it is a little unhappy.
>>858 There are more important things in the news. I think this Doctor has a good chance of being rescued though. There was a Chinese that was rescued recently.
>>854 There is an update to the kidnapping. The news has listed the wrong man. The correct identity is Toshio Ito from Hiroshima. That is a big oops I think.
This is what I am working on. It is kind of fun. http://mamemaki.bbspink.com/post-notify2/ It is not 100% finished, but if you secret base users want to try it and let me know if you see something I should fix. It is still Top Secret, so don't tell anyone.
>>880 >>885 >>888 http://mamemaki.bbspink.com/post-notify2/revision.php * Fixed historic emails from being sent *送られることからの固定された歴史的な電子メール * Fixed the mime header *パントマイムヘッダを用意されます * Fixed allow all and reject all function *固定しますすべて許す、そして、すべての機能拒絶する‖ * Removed English language >>883 *削除された英語 あした選択text/html
>>897 >http://mamemaki.bbspink.com/post-notify2/revision.php >* Fixed historic emails from being sent 古い履歴のメールが送信される問題を解決 >* Fixed the mime header MIME ヘッダを修正 >* Fixed allow all and reject all function "すべて許可"と"すべて拒否"機能を修正 >* Removed English language 英語を削除
it's been awhile,how are you doing jim-san!? it's sooooooo humid around here. the temperature is 87-97 high,76-77 low. my iphone forecast says all next week is going to be thunder storm!!!ガクブル((((;゚Д゚))))←shibering… ttyl!!
The Trip bug is fixed. I think. It is working for me. http://mamemaki.bbspink.com/post-notify2/revision.php Tomorrow we will work on cleaning up the text email for the text email users. Please let me know if the trip is working for you.
I have politely made a statement about how it will be possible to have p2 on bbspink. I will give them time to consider it. I have listened intently to all the talk about keeping p2 on. I think the only loss is the bookmark system which sounds like a decent ok thing. If they listen to me, then it will be allowed to be used. Now I will just wait.
The thread title now displays in the email. http://mamemaki.bbspink.com/post-notify2/ It is displayed above the thread url. Please give it a try, it is starting to work well.
Jim-san I've used to try www.emailgenki.com. Upload was successful, but could not erase the image out error "Could not confirm your email address" Please check the time Aug 4, 2010 around 21:40(GMT+9) I am using Gmail.
Guys, I am very busy for the next few days. I am doing offline things inside the data center. I watch about 20 different threads a day, but for the next few days I am just going to be watching this thread. If there is emergency, please post it here.
>>944 Thank you for your reply and deleted the image.
But again failed to erase the image out error "Could not confirm your email address" The first sent using gmail Aug 5, 2010 around 23:11(GMT+9) The second sent using excitemail Aug 5, 2010 around 23:25(GMT+9) Of course, I don't mistake the email address.
There will be some network work tomorrow at 3PM Pacific Daylight Time. The network should not go offline, but just in case I need to make a notification. Would someone be so kind, and put this in the appropriate Japanese language thread?
We are adding another peer to our network, and it should double our current capacity. I am rushing to get this done before this week end. I am thinking this week-end might be very busy.
>>Jim-san Tomorrow is August 13. The following events were May 15. That is problem about Witch-san. Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1258078028/965 > Do this. > 90 days no posting with cap > 90 days no deletion > After 90 days ask for permission > After 90 days explain why this penalty was imposed > > If you complete this you can come back in the group The 90days passes.
I want to act about this matter. And, I want to solve the problem. I hope for Jim-san's permission. おねがいします。
Naturally, it is not convincing though seems to change an electronic alias of a lot of situations that are to ";The Jack ★; by the criticism loess overwhelmingly and to have assumed the position of the volunteer leader.