みなさんありがとうございます。 False Profits, by Robert L. FitzPatrick and Joyce K. Reynolds, is an exposé and analysis of the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry, (Amway, Nu Skin, Herbalife and companies of that sort) and an analysis of illegal pyramid schemes and their relationship to MLM. But it is also much more. It is about the challenges facing all of us to find meaning in our work and to remain true to our values in the workplace. It is about defining for ourselves the meaning of 'success.' It is about maintaining the integrity of personal and family relationships and guarding against converting and destroying them for commercial purposes. False Profits offers facts, insight and economic analysis for those seeking the truth about the multi-level marketing business. If the topics of this book interest you, we invite you to send for one. 意味は判るんですがピッタリした訳が、、、、、、
It isn't always true that one man's word is as good as another's. It depends on the man. And strangely enough,an evil man's word might sometimes be better than a good man's - a paradox suggested by the CASE OF THE PERPLEXED POLICE CHIEF
CLICK HERE to listen to a radio interview with Roger in which he further confirms a Who tour of Europe (with charity shows as early as September) and he says the band will be going into the studio (which we've been hearing for a year and a half now).
LA JOLLA SHOW INFO For those of you going to Pete's solo shows at the La Jolla Playhouse, CLICK HERE for info about the show. They are also auctioning off a guitar signed by Pete. Broadway Online also has an article about the event.
ENTWISTLE ON ABBEY ROAD CLICK HERE for a new interview with John from the San Jose Mercury. There are new pictures from the Abbey Road tour at a Todd Rundgren fan site .
Furthermore,control engineering must often consider the control of poorly understood systems such as chemical process systems.の和訳をできる人いませんか?高校の授業で出たのですが、わかりません。教えてください。
In addition, we are witnessing a general market move toward higher credit quality. We expect Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities, and agencies to be primary beneficiaries of this trend.
Our stance on investment-grade corporates remain neutral. The inverted yield curve, lackluster market demand, slowing corporate profitability, and widened swap spreads − all negative factors for the sector, are offset by slightly weakened but still sound fundamentals.
>>84 Wander around the theme park by myself. →テーマパークを一人で歩き回る。 Have fun at the theme park by myself. Enjoy the theme park by myself. →テーマパークを一人で楽しむ。 Alone in the theme park. →テーマパークで一人ぼっち。 Try all the rides in the theme park by myself. →一人でテーマパークの乗り物を全部試した。
>>86 the をとるわけにはいかないみたい。 どうも、固有名詞で"The Disneyland"みたいです。 The Sakura Bank, Ltd.みたいなもんですかね。 これが、一般的なamusement parkで、あった場合、話してる相手も 暗黙の内に想定しているのと同じamusement parkであれば 当然、"the"が必要になるし、そうでなければ、不定冠詞がつくんでしょうけど、 そういう例はあまりなさそう。
South Korean officials Tuesday dashed government hopes that revisions to a contentious junior high textbook would mollify Seoul and Beijing.を和訳してください。おねがいします。
We remain moderately underweight high-yield bonds in the short term on c oncerns about this market's technical and liquidity conditions. As discussed earlier, valuations are attractive and we believe the m arket's long-term prospects are good. We believe that the first quarter of 2001 may prove to be a favorable point of entry for investors.
We continue to underweight non-U.S. bonds over the medium term. European bonds are among our least favorite sectors.
That and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's avowed intention of visiting Yasukuni Shrine on August 15, the anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War 2 have rankled both China and South Korea. の和訳を教えてください。おねがいします。
>>116 >That and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's avowed intention of visiting Yasukuni Shrine on August 15, the anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War 2 have rankled both China and South Korea.
The euro's weakness has spurred fears of inflation in already overvalued bond markets. Once the euro finally stabilizes, these markets will become much more attractive. We already favor many peripheral non-euro markets as we expect they will eventually to benefit from EMU convergence.
We have moved from a slight underweight to neutrality on Japan on weakness in its equity market and signs that economic recovery is stalling, which should be favorable for its bond market in the short to medium term.
Who would be least able to beat it? And win, lose, or draw, who would pay the biggest price for the show? An old man who had loved not wisely, but too well.
このan old manって誰なのでしょうか? で、なんでVelma=Mrs.Grayleは最後に自殺したんですか? 誰か読んだことある人お願いします。
>>172 163のカキコをしたのは私です。 172さん、間違えないでね。(^_^) I'll で、ずいぶん盛り上がってるみたいですけど、 I'll get better soon. は、自然な英語です。 気になったので、Altavistaでチェックしてみましたが、くさるほど 使われていました。 例えば、以下の通り、 I am always on the improve and know that I will get better.
I try my best with the HTML and spelling, but, since I build and learn everything online, you have to wait when I will get better.
My buddy says that I won't be happy with the towing capacity of the 308, but my mechanic seems to think that I will get better mileage and won't notice the towing difference when I'm in towing gear.
海外旅行とかいくと、よく"How're you doing?" って、見知らぬ道行く人に声掛けられるんだけど、みなさんなんて答えます? 日本じゃ知らない人に挨拶する、されるなんて登山のときくらいだし、 学校じゃ"How are you?""Fine,Thank you.And you?"しか教えてくれないし。
Longer-term, this market's prospects are still shadowed by prospects of rising rates and oversupply. Prices of emerging-markets bonds have fallen modestly in recent months but retain generally impressive year-to-date returns. Our view of this sector over the next few months is neutral in light of unbalanced global growth, an apparent end to global monetary tightening (except by the ECB), and uneven commodity prices. Technical factors are supportive, while valuations appear to be at fair-value levels.
Some policies contain a violation of law clause to cover things like this. But Mrs Glenda's policy did not. Nor does it appear the policy was taken out in contemplation of any crime.
最初の文の violation of law clause は免責約款という意味 みたいです。よろしくお願いします
Get out of town, Before it's too late, my love; Get out of town, Be good to me, please Why wish me harm? Why not retire to a farm And be contented to charm The birds off the trees? Just disappear, I care for you much too much, And when you are near, Close to me, dear We touch too much. The thrill when we meet Is so bitter sweet that, Darling, It's getting me down. So on your mark, get set, Get out of town.
>>233 >>238 I don't want to translate this, but I want to comment. This song is telling someone to go away. It is not saying, let's go to a farm together. It is very much a "break up" song.
The meaning is very subtle, though. Probably what is confusing is the kindness of its sentiment. It is not saying, get the hell away from me, or I hate you.
The speaker still loves this person, but being together is painful and "bittersweet." He/she is telling someone to go away before the relationship turns ugly.
ということで、 I'm a little bit dissapointed with you. WHY didn't you come Thursday? I was waiting at the library at eight fifty last Thursday, but no one came even at ten a.m. You did told me that Groupmeeting to be held Thursday, is that right?
It is unfair that you don't give me the chance as equally as you do to others. If you insist that every member of the Workgroup should do one's asignment, you should always be fair to everybody.
When I talk about being "controlling,"I'm reffering to unhealthy attempts to manipulate the behavior of others, having the need to control your environment, insisting on having things be "just so" in order to feel secure, and becoming immobilized, defensive or anxious when other people don't behave to your specifications―the way you think they shuold be. To be controlling means you are preoccupied with the actions of others and how those actions affect you. To put it in the context of this book, people who are controlling "sweat the behavior" of others when it doesn't match their own expectations.
Other patterns that are also worth mentioning here concern risk avoidance and communication context. Japanesse children hear the word abunai (dangerous) daily, which is one example showing that Japanese try to avoid risk. North Americans, who worry less about risk, give their children more freedom. As for communication, Japanese is said to be a high-context language. This means Japanese people can communicate many of their ideas without using words, which is similar to people in many other group-oriented cultures.
>>296の続き North Americans speak English, which tends to be a low-context language. This means that words are needed to communicate. The idea of ishindenshin, or heart-to-heart communication, is quite strange to English speakers. In individual-oriented cultures, communication is lower context due to historical reasons. There has always been more mixing of people in Europe and Norht America and therefore, high-context communication, typical of group-oriented cultures, is less developed. In the following chapters, the patterns mentioned here will be further discussed and applied to various aspects of society.
>>319 Fuck! は、ののしりなので、「がっかり」とはあわないような.... You を主語に使っちゃうと、汎用性に乏しいと思います。 で、 What a disappointment! What a bummer! が、俺的には、「がっかり」に、イメージが近いです。 後、皮肉をこめた言い方の系列に、 How encouraging! だとか、 Great! があります。 Greatは、319さんの言うとおりの意味もありますが、 やっぱり、「がっかり」もあると思いますよ。 映画でも聴いたことがありますが、こいつは、イントネーションの 違いによって、本来の意味の反対になっちまうんです。
The U.S. dollar continues to be buoyed by strong capital inflows from non-US. investors. However, we view the dollar as overvalued on a trade-weighted basis and expect it to weaken over time as non-U.S. interest rates rise and U.S. rates tend to hold steady. Another negative for the dollar is the continued dramatic deterioration in the U.S. current account deficit. Balancing short-term positive and longer-term negatives, our portfolios remain neutral the dollar.
How important this revolution will eventually turn out to be is as yet impossible to say. A reasonable guess might put it ahead of the telephone and television but behind the printing press and the motor car.
It is one of the enduring ironies of history that established systems of hierarchy rarely find it necessary to rely on sensible defenses as an essential means of maintaining power. Police or other modes of social authority are sometimes necessary, but logic rarely is. Indeed, throughout recorded history, the presence in all human societies of jerry-built modes of thought, behavior, and racial and religious memories have served to protect traditional elites by strewing complicated psychological and emotional roadblocks in the path of those with unsanctioned but relatively thoughtful innovations. So pervasive have been these habits of thought that established hierarchies have tended to be defended as venerable repositories of good sense when they are, in fact, merely powerful and orderly.
Love it or Leave it When I was a kid, like a lot of little sisters everywhere, I didn’t get new clothes very often. Instead I got my big sister’s old stuff, her hand-me-downs. I wasn’t too happy, but if I complained, my mother inevitably said, “Well, you can take it or leave it.” This means I could accept my sister’s old clothes or throw them away, but either way, that was all I was going to get. I should be grateful for what I had and stop complaining. When she said this, I knew the discussion was over. If you want to use this expression “take it or leave it,” just keep in mind it’s not very polite. It’s used to express impatience or anger toward someone who’s complaining about something that you think is good. There are lots of variations. Imagine this scene between a young couple. They’re going out to dinner. She doesn’t like what he’s wearing. “Couldn’t you wear your blue sweater?” she asks. “What’s wrong with this one?” he says defensively. “Oh, never mind,” she answers. Then they got to the restaurant. She doesn’t like his table manners, so she says, “Honey, I really wish you wouldn’t talk with food in your mouth.” He loses his temper and yells, ”Hey, this is me. This is how I dress, and this is how I eat. So take me or leave me!” If she likes this guy, she’ll change the subject.
The euro's fundamentals are improving as prospective interest-rate differentials have become more supportive. And the currency has long been attractive from a valuation perspective. However, the major negative apparently driving the euro's poor performance versus the dollar - a drainage of capital to the United States - persists. We remain modestly positive on the euro's medium-term outlook and are closely monitoring capital flows for changes that could moderate or even reverse the currency's current undervaluation.
大学1年=freshman, 2年=Sophomore (sopho=wise, more=foolish : 専門が中途半端なので 利口と馬鹿の中間という意味)、 3年=Junior, 4年=Senior 目頭あつい=I am moved to tears むきになるなよ=Calm down, Take it easy さすがだね=Well done ! しょうこりもなく来やがった=Oops, he came again.
おはよう日本G' Morning Japan 身の程知らずYou should know better. かしまし娘 Noisy Ladies 金策に東奔西走する He is busy negotiating a loan. 土踏まずをくすぐられてこそばゆい He feels a bit tickle being tickled on his arch of the foot. 最近抜け毛がはげしい My nose hairs are falling a lot recently. 歯茎から血が出る Blood is running from the gums 頭金なしの24回払い twenty four times payment without a deposit 滑舌がわるい unable to speak clearly 紙を折れ線で谷折りにする fold a piece of paper in accordance with the line so that the line will be folded inside. 好事魔多しLights are usually followed by shadows. ホッケの塩焼きatka mackerel grilled with salt
こんなのまともにチャレンジしようとするなんて、なんてすばらしい方なんだ。 かしまし娘=Jibber-jabber 金策に東 西走する=go around raising money 頭金なしの24回払い=24 instllments without down payment 滑舌がわるい=Slur his words 好事魔多し=日本語分からん
>>387 肩が凝る=have a stiff neck >>395 談合体質=[group/collusive] monopolizing tendency ナアナア精神=a. collusive stratagem (「適当にやる」作戦) b. lazy spilit (怠け心) >>396 故郷に錦を飾る=return home with flying colors >>397 足がつった=my legs got stiffend >>398 魚を3枚におろす=cut a fish and divide the bone away >>399 世知辛い世の中=a heartless [world/ times/ age] >>400 しこしことした歯ざわり=the chewiness of 〜 >>401 晒し上げ=disgracing this Kitty guy with lift up writing 自信無いけどね。
紙を折れ線で谷折りにする。 Fold a piece of paper along the line in valley folds. 好事魔多し 辞書には Happy events tend to be accompanied by problems と、諺としてのってましたが、俺としては、 Good luck loves bad luck. とでも言いたいです。 足がつった have a leg cramps 魚を三枚におろす fillet a fish 世知辛い世の中 the world that has no sympathy. hard world さらしあげ hang up to the shame and disgrace. これは、自信がない。
427 :show me your translation work:2001/07/17(火) 11:34
A guy dials his home and a strange woman answers. The guy says, "Who is this?" "This is the maid," answers the woman "We don't have a maid," says the man. The woman says, "I was hired this morning by the lady of the house." The man says, "Well, this is her husband. Is she there?" She woman replies, "She is upstairs in bed with someone who I figured was her husband." The guy is fuming. He says to the maid, "Listen, would you like to make $50,000 ?" The maid says, "What will I have to do?" The man tells her, "I want you to get my gun from the desk,and shoot her and the jerk she's with." The maid puts the phone down; the man hears footsteps and then 2 gun shots. The maid comes back to the phone, "What do I do with the bodies?" The man says, "Throw them in the swimming pool." Puzzled, the maid answers, "But you don't have a pool." After a long pause the man says, "Is this 832-4821?"
On May 23rd,it was scattered all over the world. "CHAOS STEP" soonly brainwashed the civilians successfully. Since MAD COM took it as serious invasion, they sneaked into J.H.C's base to regain the stolen "CHAOS STEP". Although MAD COM was captured in the stronghold within a radius of 2m, 2-step walking robot named "White Destroyder (code name 010)",which was created secretly by Port. POSITRON and Mr. Haunted,saved Dr.OCA and recover "CHAOS STEP",and after all chop up the J.H.C's base. On June 13 th , MAD COM started world peace mission by broadcasting the WHITE CRUSHER on the earth. Throughout this mission , cvilians seemed to recover their own peace in life , but J.H.C still resisted against MAD COM and its overwhelming military power by developing the white sphere-shaped spices known as “MAD-MAN” . The time of war is coming again・・・ With “White Destroyder (010)” and machine gun(010) loaded with 14 devices, MAD COM’s back to the line on July・・・ < After the of “CHAOS STEP” MAD COM made a counterplan against J.H.C’s thread to the earth. Dr.OCA developed 1/40 scale WHITE CRUSHER loaded with “GAGA LIFE” produced by Dr. Kurid. On June 13 th, MAD COM started world peace mission by broadcasting the WHITE CRUSHER on the earth. Thoughout this mission, civilians seemed to recover their own peace in life, but J.H.C still resisted against MAD COM and its overwhelming military power by developing the white sphere-shaped spices known as “MAD-MAN”
お忙しいところ、ありがとうございました。 訳例を見て、良くわかりました。 「Secrets」という題名の歌なので、 I want to be in on your (secrets)ってことだと思います。 ということでバッチリ納得がいきました。 お手数おかけしました。 お昼御飯、いってらっしゃいまし〜。
>>442 日本語の「学年」という概念はないと思う。どちらかというと、 Freshmanなどの名称ははどれだけの単位を終了したかということ。 また、人にによって9月から始めたり、1月に始めたりなどばらばら なので学年でまとめることの意味はあまりないと思われ。 普通、「あなた何年」と聞く時は "Are you a freshman?"のように聞くのが普通。
度々すみません。どなたか和訳してください。 A feedback control system often uses a function of a prescribed relationship between the output and reference input to control the process. Often the difference between the output of the process under control and the reference input is amplified and used to control the process so that the difference is continually reduced. The feedback concept has been the foundation for control system analysis and design.
A closed-loop control system uses a measurement of the output and feedback of this signal to compare it with the desired input(reference or command). Due to the increasing complexity of the system under control and the interest in achieving optimum performance,the importance of control system engineering has grown in the past decade. Furthermore, as the systems become more complex, the interrelationship of many controlled variables must be considered in the control scheme. A block diagram depicting a multivariable control system is shown in Fig. 1.4.
Israel sent tanks and troops into the West Bank on Tuesday after mortar attacks just outside Jerusalem. The move followed an Israeli helicopter in Bethlehem that killed at least four Palestinians, and came a day after a suicide bombing killed two Israeli soldiers.
Are you sleepin' どーれーみーど Are you sleepin' どーれーみーど Brother John みーふぁーそー Brother John みーふぁーそー morning bells are ringingそらそふぁみーど morning bell are ringingそらそふぁみーど ding ding dong... どーそーどー ding ding dong...どーそーどー (曲名ご存知の方教えて!)
>>497 英文チャットモード? I'm still single so I don't know really but, for most of us, Japanese guy, it's a little hard to change one's job but um, you can change your wife fairly eazy. But, for me, if I could get marry with someone, I'll try to treat her as my good pertner as long as I could. It would be important than job, ofcouse. You want to say you dislike both of them? In that case, I don't have good answer. Aren't there any one who already have a pertner?
>>514 白状しますと、俺も、人の足を踏むのは step on one's foot (toe) と思ってました。 で、気になったんで、Altavistaで検索してみました。 使用例は下記の通り。
If you are walking by me and accidentally step on my foot, there's very little I can do. It was, after all, an accident. You are a big, clumsy oaf. I might be able to say, "Hey, watch it."
"As we dance through life together, should you step on my foot, it's okay. I have another one." --Eva
Bernard Barmasai: I had someone step on my foot. I don't know who it was, but I lost my rhythm.
"I like the sheep, except when they step on my foot."
How about an autographed picture of you? というメールがいきなり来ました。 当方イラストサイト。 どういう意味でしょうか。 どういう写真ですか、とだけ聞かれてるのでしょうか。 またこう返事をしたいのですが、 「ご質問の意味がわかりませんので、 お答えできません」 というのは、どういう言い回しが適切でしょうか。 御助けいただけると幸いです。
The Yen has been trading within a narrow range but trading downward since late last year. Market participants are increasingly concerned by weakness in domestic demand, the shakiness of the Mori government adds an element of political uncertainty, and interest-rate differentials favoring the dollar remain near historically high levels. These trends lead our currency analysts to recommend a modest yen underweight.
has been trading とうい現在完了体進行形が訳出されていない。 trade downward は、この場合、ボリュームではなく、価格が下値方向という意味だと思います。 Market partcipants 以下の文章の構造は、A, B, and C で、 A,B,Cの三つはそれぞれ、文章として成立しているものを 単にカンマとandでつないでいるだけで、この三要素は並列で等価のものとなると思います。 (うまく説明できなくてすみません。) recommend a modest yen underweight 円の持分をやや少なめにすることを推奨だと思います。 (ポートフォリオ設計の際、円の組み入れ比率を少なくすることと想像しています。)
>>507,=>>538 レス遅くなりました。 文頭の Here は相手の注意を引きつける為のものです。 相手がずっとこちらを注視している場合は不用になります。 This is for you. と単に言った場合は私的にぞんざいな感じを覚えてます。 最後に 〜, please. として置けば問題ありません。
>>539 おまけ この場合の have been 〜ing は、その時点までずっと〜だった という意味を加えたい場合に使います。 I was looking forward to this day. とすると相手と会った瞬間には 嫌に成ってたかもしれないという感じがします。 (相手が待ち合わせの時間に遅れたとか,その他の理由で) I am looking forward to today. これは、既にその日になっている筈なので、意味が通らなくなります。 >>537やられた皆さん 私がいても諦めてたと思います。いつもながら凄いですね。
お願いします!誰か訳してください! Build a simple engine that converts potential energy into kinetic energy. Obtain a rectangurar or square-shaped plastic bottle. Drill or punch two holes in opposite sides near the right-hand bottom corners. Attach a string to the top center of the bottle and take it outside. While suspending the bottle with the string,fill the bottle with water. As the water pours ont through the holes,the bottle will spin. Experiment with different hole sizes. What hole size produces the greatest number of rotations in one minute? Write a short report to explain the results.
>>554 potential energy = 位置エネルギー kinetic energy = 運動エネルギー plastic bottle = ペットボトル
>Drill or punch two holes in opposite sides > near the right-hand bottom corners. 原文を読んでも、>>554の訳を読んでも いまいちイメージがわかなかったけど、 向かい合う2面の右下角に穴を空ける、 つまり、対角線上に穴を空けるってことかぁ。
>>556 >>539は<今日を楽しみに待っていた> 過去形だよ? 「今日を」だよ? >今日の(試合なりゲームなりパーティーなりを)楽しみにしています なんだったら、 I am looking forward to today's (game or party). とでもすべきでしょ。 つか、なぜそんなに喧嘩ごしか? 小魚食え。
Though I couldn't send e-mail to a proper department at Louvre Museum, I received the message below.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for your message, which I will transmit to the appropriate persons. This site has nothing in common with the Louvre museum. The real address is www.louvre.fr. Thank you again for the interest you show for the Louvre museum. Yours sincerely,
So, when I get a message again, I will put the second reply on the top board.
As reference materials, my sending message is also posted.
I am xxxxx, xxxxxx and a Japanese. I am pretty interested in your museum, and I found a web page below while seeking a source of Louvre Museum on the web. In order to inquire a relationship between Louvre Museum and Louvre Scluptere Museum located in Japan with the web site is http://www.louvre-m.com/ is a main theme of this e-mail. I wonder the scluptere museum must have been self-styled that the two museum have had a close concern. Giving me some information whether you really remains a connection with the museum in Japan or not appriciates my interest. If your museum has contained relations with the scluptere museum, I might go to the museum some day.
>>586 面白そうなので、ネットで検索かけてみました。 五行陰陽説は Theory of Ying Yang Five Elements Basic Relationship でいいかんじ。 四柱推命については、英語圏ではあまり知られてないようで、 内容を説明的に訳すしかないみたい。 ちょっと内容を勉強しないと、俺の知識では訳せないです。
どなたか和訳をできる人いませんか?おねがいします。There was a baby-grand piano and a big sofa and several plump armchairs;and in one corner he spotted a large parrot in a cage. Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself;and all in all, it looked to him as though it would be a pretty decent house to stay in. Certainly it would be more comfortable than the Bell and Dragon. On the other hand, a pub would be more congenial than a boarding-house. There would be beer and darts in the evenings, and lots of people to talk to, and it would probably be a good bit cheaper, too. He had stayed a couple of nights in a pub once before and he had liked it. He had never stayed in any boarding-houses, and, to be perfectly honest,he was a tiny bit frightened of them. The name itself conjured up images of watery cabbage, rapacious landladies, and a powerful smell of kippers in the living-room. After dithering about like this in the cold for two or three minutes, Billy decided that he would walk on and take a look at the Bell and Dragon before making up his mind. He turned to go.
続きもおねがいします。 And now a queer thing happened to him. He was in the act of stepping back and turning away from the window when all at once his eye was caught and held in the most peculiar manner by the small notice that was there. BED AND BREAKFAST,it said. BED AND BREAKFAST,BED AND BREAKFAST,BED AND BREAKFAST. Each word was like a large black eye staring at him through the glass,holding him,forcing him to stay where he was and not to walk away from that house,and the next thing he knew,he was actually moving across from the window to the front door of the house,climbing the steps that led up to it,and reaching for the bell. He pressed the bell. Far away in a back room he heard it ringing,and then at once it must have been at once because he hadn't even had time to take his finger from the bell-button the door swung open and a woman was standing there. Normally you ring the bell and you have at least a half-minute's wait before the door opens. But this dame was like a jack-in-the-box. He pressed the bell and out she popped! It made him jump.
>>598へたれ様、私もやってました。 He had never stayed in any boarding-houses, and, to be perfectly honest, っていうところから boarding-housesは売春宿かと。 やり手婆のいる。 B&Bは私はそのままにしました。
eigo wakaru hito onegai shimasu. gakkou kara kita email desu.
I suggest that perhaps taking some certificates but not the diploma might be the appropriate course of action for you. This would give you more flexibility in course selection and would mean that you did not have to take French in the coming year.
I reflected on having been idle student life.I want to grow up like the gear change of life and progresses little by little steadily, utilize what has been obtained until now to go by fresh spirit by the instruction as a first grader. I thinks that Man is the animal of communication, I want to play the role which catches and transmits the information on external. I feel charm for the atmosphere and the contents of business of your company in the meaning.
If I look back at my student days, I cannot say that I don't have any regrets as there are so many things that I could not accomplish. Now I'm going to be a full member of society, I'm firmly determined to gear up myself to a real challenge, and give my very best. Opening eyes wide, and paying keen attention to the work of the people around me, I want to learn and catch up with everybody so that I can be a valuable player for your company. I think a key to success is to have a good communication as I believe, our society is, after all, nothing if not good communication. I want to play a role of sensitive antenna to catch a slightest signal that is valuable to the company, send the message, maintaining good communication, and lead the appropriate action. I'm realy charmed with your company atmosphere and thrilled with your business actibity.
>>622 Moreover, many smokers throw away cigarette ends in tracks at stations. Therefore, you will find out many cigarette ends if you take a look at the tracks from a platform.
throw away以外よく知りません。
>>624 Tachibana and the Takeda gained the first gold medal in a Japanese synchronized swimming community.
ヘタレの物好きさん、ありがとうございました。また訳して欲しいのですが、どなたかおねがいします。 Billy Weaver had travelled down from London on the slow afternoon train,with a change at Swindon on the way,and by the time he got to Bath it was about nine o'clock in the evening and the moon was coming up out of a clear starry sky over the houses opposite the station entrance. But the air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks. 'Excuse me,' he said, 'but is there a fairly cheap hotel not too far away from here?' 'Try the Bell and Dragon,' the porter answered,pointing down the road. 'They might take you in. It's about a quarter of a mile along on the other side.' Billy thanked him and picked up his suitcase and set out to walk the quarter-mile to the Bell and Dragon. He had never been to Bath before. He didn't know anyone who lived there. But Mr Greenslade at the Head Office in London had told him it was a splendid city. 'Find your own lodgings,' he had said, 'and then go along and report to the Branch Manager as soon as you've got yourself settled.' Billy was seventeen years old. He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat,a new brown trilby hat,and a new brown suit,and he was feeling fine. He walked briskly down the street. He was trying to do everything briskly these days.
続きもおねがいします。 Briskness,he had decided,was the one common characteristic of all successful businessmen. The big shots up at Head Office were absolutely fantastically brisk all the time. They were amazing. There were no shops on this wide street that he was walking along,only a line of tall houses on each side,all of them identical. They had porches and pillars and four or five steps going up to their front doors,and it was obvious that once upon a time they had been very swanky residences. But now,even in the darkness,he could see that the paint was peeling from the woodwork on their doors and windows,and that the handsome white facades were cracked and blotchy from neglect. Suddenly,in a downstairs window that was brilliantly illuminated by a street-lamp not six yards away,Billy caught sight of a printed notice propped up against the glass in one of the upper panes. It said BED AND BREAKFAST. There was a vase of pussy-willows,tall and beautiful,standing just underneath the notice. He stopped walking. He moved a bit closer. Green curtains(some sort of velvety material) were hanging down on either side of the window. The pussy-willows looked wonderful beside them. He went right up and peered through the glass into the room,and the first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the hearth. On the carpet in front of the fire,a pretty little dachs-hund was curled up asleep with its nose tucked into its belly. The room itself,so far as he could see in the half-darkness,was filled with pleasant furniture.
>>622 A lot of smokers in a station trash their cigarette butts by throwing them unto the train track. That's why you see them scattered all over down there.
>>623 Most colleges seem interested only in how thier students are successful in their professional careers. But the most important thing is, I think, they teach students first of all the very basic do's and don't's in the real world.
>>624 Tachibana-Takeda team won a gold medal for synchronized swimming, which is the first one ever obtained by japanese swimmers.
「身の程知らず」はrecklessとばかり思っていました、ありがとう。 「むきになるなよ」はdon't lose your temperとばかり思っていました、ありがとう。 「しょうこりもなく」はnever learn a lessonとばかり思っていました、ありがとう。 「ナアナア精神」はmutual indulgenceとばかり思っていました、ありがとう。 「最近抜け毛がはげしい」はsee a lot of hair falling out these days(以下略 「歯茎から血が出る」はthey have bleeding gums とばかり(以下略 「滑舌がわるい」はinarticurateとばかり思っていました、ありがとう。
>>638 いやー、俺も誤解してました。 短い文句の訳は、状況しだいで変わることが多いので 難しいです。 それに、表現方法も、好みによって千差万別。 身の程しらず一つとってみても、 He doesn't know his own size. でいいかもしれないし、 He can't size up himself でもよい。 むきになるなよも、 Hey, keep it cool! とか、 We do it real cool, Okay? (ちょっとニュアンスが かわるかもしれないが...) さらに、Don't loose yourself とか.... いろんな表現があって、それで個性を表現できるから 英語は生きた言葉なんだと、俺は思います。 それが、すこしでもわかると楽しいですよね。
Although the U.K.pound has been gradually weakening against the dollar over the past year, we are positive on this currency in the short-to medium-term as we believe it will be supported in coming months by capital inflows from cross-border mergers and acquisition. In the longer term, however, a deteriorating current account balance and an increasingly possibility of monetary easing are of concern.
We are currently negative on the Canadian dollar due to declining prices for commodities (expect for oil) and tech-related weakness in the Canadian stock market.
>>645 「すいません、人違いでした」→ Sorry, I took you for the wrong person. >>646 「もうお腹いっぱい」 → I cannot take it any more. >>647 たいへーん!「トイレが詰まった」 → Gee! The toilet is blocked. >>648 「放火魔はバラバラ殺人犯だった」→ The arsonist turned out to be also a mutilation murderer.
>>649 「勝ち馬にのる」→ bet on the promised horse >>650 「肝をひやしたよ」→ I'm terribly scared (好みに応じて、to shits) >>651 「この陶磁器を鑑定士軍団のいるスタジオへ」 Now we put the chinaware away to the studio to show it to the bunch of appraisers. >>652 またでたな。 → Ooops, He comes again. >>653 「舌足らずで喋る」 → speaks with a lisp >>654 「24枚どりの使いすてカメラ」 → a disposable camera with 24 shots >>655 「階段を1段ぬかして上がる」→ run up the steps two at a time
Hi. my name is ****, one japanese man. Today, I found realy dangerous cyber terrorism from South Korean Goverment to Japanese people. And so many people are dameged already. Following site is official site of South Korean Independenst Musiam. http://independence.or.kr/japan/vr_gallery/vr_gallery.htm (Japanese edition) http://independence.or.kr/english/vr_gallery/vr_gallery.htm (English edition) And we need a plug-in to see this site. But, that plug in contain [W95.CIH] VIRUS !!!! and that happening only in Japanese and English edition, not in Korean edition. That mean all japanese people who went that site and want see the content, transmission by VIRUS!! And most important thing is, that site is offcial site from South Korean Gov. That mean South Korean Gov doing Cyber Terrorism to Japanese..... In these days, Korean Goverment doing realy hard interfere to Jpanase administration. And Japanse Goverment denied. So I think it is one of retaliation from South Korean Goverment. But, It realy to much !!! oh...my......
"toilet is blocked"で、検索かけてたら、面白いページを みつけました。 息抜きにどうぞ。 スレとは関係ないのでsage.
Excerpts from (Supposedly) Actual Letters Sent to Landlords 1. "The toilet is blocked and we cannot bathe the children until it is cleared."
2. "I want some repairs done to my stove as it has backfired and burnt my knob off."
3. "This is to let you know that there is a smell coming from the man next door."
4. "I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is running away from the wall."
5. "I request your permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen."
6. "Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces."
7. "Will you please send someone to mend our cracked sidewalk. Yesterday my wife tripped on it and is now pregnant."
8. "Will you please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny color and not fit to drink."
9. "Would you please send a man to repair my downspout. I am an old page pension er and need it straight away."
10. "When the workmen were here they put their tools in my wife's new drawers and made a mess. Please send men with clean tools to finish the job and keep my wife happy."
Here comes jonny with his pecker in his hand, hes a one ball man and hes off to the rodeo...... this is a preview of a funny song download it from me its called the rodeo song.. forward this message to everyone in your hotlist
The glib answer would be 'Why not?' but seeing as you got this far... there comes a point in your life when you have to accept that this thing that you've carried around for most of your life actually isn't going to go away. That it's part of you, like it or not. And then you can either embrace it, or you can cut it out and pretend it never existed. I'm not much into pain, so I embraced; and here I am, having a good time, at least most of the time.
>>692 前後の文章と背景説明がないため、 Why are you doing this の"This"が何なのかわからず、訳しずらい。 seeing as you got this far は、直訳に近い形では、この距離まで、君がきた のを目にしてとなるけど、 この"got this far"が、俺には二通りの解釈ができるような気がしてしまう。 1. 今まで、あれこれ質問をしてきて、そこまでいうんだったら。 2. 質問をする人の人生経験が回答をする人の人生経験と同じように (got this far) みえるので、だったら、わかると思うので、 回答してやろうかなといった気持ち。
Our outlook for the Australian dollar remains modestly bullish. Market sentiment appears to have weakened this currency to an undervalued level. Signs of strong economic growth and the likelihood of interest-rate increases by the Australian central bank should support the currency in the coming months.
Portfolio Recommendations With valuations at attractive levels for major segments of the equity markets, we advocate overweighting overall equity exposure.
>>707 私は違う所に違和感を感じるな。overseas come to という言葉の続き方からすると、「海外から(物理的に) やってくる」という想像を読者に与えてしまう。私なら、 It's very happy for me that many people abroad are becoming Japanimation fans.
ジーニアス英和辞典のhappyの例文: She was happy to pass the exam. = she was happy that she passed the exam. (It was happy for her to pass....../ It was happy that she passed.......とはいわない)
形容詞には主語が人しかこないものと物や状況しかこないものなどがあります。Happyは主語は人や感情を持つと思われるものになるのが普通ですよね。 I am very glad とか I am pleased とかで始めるのが普通です。 Japanimationという言い方もちょっと古いような気がします。10年前の表現じゃないでしょうか? あと、語感として自分だったらこれは書かないという表現があります。しかし、文法上間違いと断定もできないような… 本当は、しっかり英語力ある人が、からかっているんじゃないかという気がしてなりません。
コピペです。 In certain classes of Christians, it is common for the religious teacher to delineate the bleeding, dying Saviour, and to detail his agonies, until men's natural sympathy is awakened; and when assured that this deep woe was borne for themselves, they almost necessarily yield to the softer feelings of their nature. I mean not to find fault with this sensibility. It is happy for us that we are made to be touched by others' pains.
Within equity, we have a bias toward U.S. small-cap growth, certain European markets, and certain global sectors (e.g., pharmaceuticals, financials). Within fixed income, we prefer the U.S. market with a bias toward higher-quality sectors including mortgage-backed securities.
Note: you can view the most recent version of Capital Markets Outlook at www.putnaminstitutional.com.
The views expressed herein are exclusively those of Putnam Investments as of November 28, 2000..
The initial step in the preparation of our powder involved evaporating metallic iron over a period of 45 min into a 10% solution of toluene in methylcyclohexane at 150K and 10-2 Pa within a metal vapor rotary solution reactor. 訳して下さい。
A Big Bear woman has filed a complaint against Mike Tyson alleging that she was sexually assaulted by the former champion on July 16 in a home Tyson was staying in while training in Big Bear. Both Tyson and his attorney have denied the allegation and no charges have been filed, however San Bernardino County authorities have begun an investigation. Tyson, who has since moved his camp to Phoenix,is training for a likely September 8 bout with Brian Nielsen.
U.S.investment-grade-bond markets posted solid results for the second straight month. Investors continued to balance their fears over the degree of the slowdown in the U.S. economy, with new evidence of continued economic strength. Comments made during the month by Fed Chairman Greenspan signaled that we may be near the end of the current rate hiking campaign. All sectors posted positive absolute returns, with corporate bonds and Treasuries performing the best (+ 1.21% and +1.03% respectively).
スポーツドリンク sports drinks でかまいません。 ちくびくりくり play with her nipples finger/rub/brush her nipples run his finger on her nipples A.I.は前評判が高い割りにはいまいちヒットしていません。 With all its advanced publicity, A.I. has been a box office disappointment.
専門分野で申し訳ないのですがまた、訳お願いします。 From Figure 1 (b) and (c) it can be seen that decreasing the metal loading leads to a higher initial rate of reaction, which would be consistent with greater dispersion of the iron on the TiO2. However, at longer iradiaton times the rate of ammonia formation decreases as a function of time [note Figure 1 (c)]. This observation could be explained by loss of activity due to poisoning of an Fe/TiO2 catalyst. Equation (1) indicates that, in addition to ammonia, oxygen will be evolved which may interact with the iron active site resulting in deactivation of the catalyst. Alternatively, if the reaction merely involves surface hydroxy groups, the decrease may arise because a stoicheiometric reaction is approaching completion. It is unknown at this time whether the iron is directly involved in the photoactive step. It has been suggested that elemental iron may be involved as an intermediate in the photoreduction of nitrogen involving colloidal Fe(OH)2. The results from the present study, however, by far exceed the yields anticipated if the iron were solely the active surface species.
It is the summer of 1935, and there are two people sitting at the end of the porch. The house is in Maine, at the edge of a high bluff that overlooks a large and for the moment peaceful lake. Tom Todd and Barbara Rutherford. They have recently met (she and her husband are houseguests of the Todds). They laugh a lot, they are excited about each other, and they have no idea what to do with what they feel.
これをお願いします。 あと、最初の文のpeopleは、皆さんどう訳しますか? それと、they have no idea what to do with what they feel.が特に分からないです。
The guy who posted >>645-655 is back. Thanx >>658-659,>>676-679. >>663-664 asked me to write my way of expressions of >>645-655 in English and here it is.
Sorry, I thought you were a someone else. I'm full already. The toilet is clogged. That pyromania was a torso murderer. jump on the bandwagon It curdles my blood. Bring this china on the studio our team of connoisseurs are waiting upon. speak with a lisp a disposable camera loaded with 24 exposure take the stairs two at a time upward
>>660 No citation at all. I must admit that I've heard those expressions someone used before in real life situations. I don't rememba who said what! Some of them such as "mutual indulgence" are what I made up(haha. If I compile these kind of stuff and publish it over the net, would you like to throw up some money? I don't think you do.
Some imitators seem to have showed up here and there throughout this board since I started to ask questions in my previous fashion. Interesting. It could be time for me to call my series of questions off? Maybe so. One thing never change. After Hetare gets his job done, the discussion is pretty much over. Splendid. Well, I doubt anybody read this anyway, unless you're looking desperately for something you haven't read. Ok, I'm done.
However, sector returns were mixed versus Treasuries on a duration-adjusted basis during the month, as corporate bonds and ABS showed gains, while MBS, CMBS and agencies lost ground. High yield bonds also posted positive absolute results during July (Chase HY index returned +0.08%), and slightly outperformed Treasuries on a duration-adjusted basis (+0.01%).
Economic data was mixed during the month, as several reports suggested growing data releases that suggested growing inflationary pressures while others suggested a slowdown in economic growth.
結論を間違って訳したくないのでよろしくお願いします。 In conclusion, the preparation of iron clusters via the metal vapour synthesis of a thermally unstable organometallic complex appears to provide a facile new route for doping titanium dioxide to produced photoactive materials for nitrogen reduction. Clearly, this technique is not limited to iron and can easily be extended to other metals provided that a complex can be prepared which is relatively unstable. Although we have focused on Fe/TiO2 systems the method in principle is applicable to a wide range of other photoactive oxides and photoassisted processes.
preparation of heart muscles.心筋のサンプルを作成すること preparation of physiological saline 生理食塩水の調整 To prepare phosphate buffer, dissolve the prepared mixture into 1,000 ml of distilled water 燐酸緩衝溶液の作成は、これまでに調整した混合物を1,000 mlnの蒸留水に溶解する。
It is especially famous for its beautiful coral reefs. It is over 2,000km long and covers 350 thousand square kilometers. Isn't it amazing to think that most of Japan could be contained in the same area?
Do you think coral is a plant or an animal? Although it looks like a plant,it is actually a simple water animal. Coral eats plankton in the sea. However,thewater of the coral reef sea is crystal clear, which means it is not rich in plankton. For a long time it was a great mystery how coral and other colorful animals could live there.
The coral reef is actually a very efficient ecosystem. It has a natural system of recycling resources so that no‘garbage'is left over. It has been found that thousands of tiny plants live within a coral polyp. Like other plants, they photosynthesize and produce nutrients from CO2 contained in the water, using the sun's energy. Most of the nutrients are used by the coral. This is why coral needs sunlight and cannot live in very deep water.
>>990 potatos より the potato の方が面白いかも知れません 理由はお分かりですよね また they have been coming up everyday と限定するより if they come up everydayのほうが訳に広がりがでます on my table は on the の方がよいでしょう
the potatoとする感覚が逆にわからないな。 the potatoとする感覚が逆にわからないな。 I love any style of potato dishes, mashed potato, fried potato, baked potato, I love all kinds of potato dishes. でなくて、生のポテトといった感じになるけど。 on the tableとしたりするのは、in the frigと似た感覚を考えてるのかな? 自分の前の皿にだけ、いつもいつも出てくるなんてよう。ほかの奴の皿にはでてこないのに。 だったら、やはりmyをつけるけど。