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According to the report of the damage caused by computer virus announced on April 3rd, the amount of damage of companies by virus infection was about 4billion 4hundred million yen.
Today, I had ecology and molecular biology classes. In molecure biology class, the teacher asked a question, but I couldn't asked well because of tension. And I went to the laboratory in order to experiment on sex determination, although I don't make an experiment, so it was fulled. This was a luckness day.
原文:予期せぬ出会いで、良くも悪くも考え方や生き方が変わってしまうことがある。 答案:The way of thinking or life is often change, whichever good or bad, by unpredicted seeing. 模解:Meeting someone unexpectedly may change your way of thinking or life for better or worse.
I do not agree with the idea that the prevention of crime is more important than the protection of privacy. Needless to say, I am certain of the significance of preventing crime. However, if it erodes the right of privacy, it should be wrong. The ultimate purpose of preventing crime is to make our society more comfortable to live in. Being put under the surveillance of the power, letting it install the cameras around the corners of the cities, must annoy and disgust most of us. At least, I would feel tired. If the crime was so rampant and prevalent that we could not do without it, we should accept the disgust as a price for suppressing crime. At present, there is no need to do so. In addition, putting all the privacy data under the control of the state causes the possibility that the privacy data is stolen and used malignantly by the crime groups.This is very terrible imagination, but we should not ignore the possibility. If it happened, the crime groups would take advantage of it and use it in a lot of malignant way such as identifying the position of the crime target. Consequently, letting the state correct privacy data does not diminish the menace of the crime but may increase it. For these reasons I stated above, I think the protection of privacy should be preferred to the prevention of crime.
>>24 大学受験レベルだろうから、ついでにアドバイスしておきます なんとなく不自然な文章に感じるけど、とりあえず文法的に間違ってる箇所から指摘するね life は、thinking と等地関係にあって、生きるという意味を表したいなら、living is change はおかしいから、changes あるいは is changed whichever とは随分難しい単語使うね けどその使い方はあってるのかな?あんまり確信はないから一応自分で調べて欲しい 俺だったら either を使うかな
Why has ROC allowed US navy to utilize the Senkakus as a shooting range and to pay the rent of USD11,000 per year to Koga family, a Japanese owner of the Senkakus, between 1951 and 1972?
Chiang Kai-shek should not let US utilized his territory and paid any rent to Japanese people since the fact paying rent to Japanese during occupation period consitiutes clearly the fact that the Senkakus belong to Japan.
These facts clearly prove US had considered the Senkakus were part of Okinawa and Chiang Kai-shek never considered the Senkakus were part of Taiwan untill 1971 when he claimed the Senkakus for the first time.
The Japanese government announced the death toll from the atomic bomb as hundreds of thousands of people a long time ago. The Japanese government announced the death toll on the atomic bomb as hundreds of thousands of people a long time ago. The Japanese government announced the death toll by the atomic bomb as hundreds of thousands of people a long time ago. The Japanese government announced the death toll of the atomic bomb as hundreds of thousands of people a long time ago.
There are fewer death toll in the war of the Chinese forces vs the Japanese forces. There are fewer death toll by the war of the Chinese forces vs the Japanese forces. There are fewer death toll from the war of the Chinese forces vs the Japanese forces.
Why did the Taiwan government or Republic of China allow or ignore US navy to utilize the controversial Senkaku islands in the East China Sea as a maneuvering ground during 1951 to 1972, and pay 11,000 dollars every year to Koga, a Japanese family which was the owner of the islands according to Japanese law?
Chiang Kai-shek,then president of Taiwan, should not had forgiven the US utilize the Senkaku islands and pay the rent if he insisted the islands belong to Taiwan,because the payment during the era when the U.S occupied Okinawa shows clearly that the U.S recognized the islands belong to Japan.
The U.S had considered the Senkaku islands were part of Okinawa and Chiang Kai-shek had never considered them belong to Taiwan untill 1971 when he claimed the territory issue about Senkaku for the first time.
私の答え) They commonly pointed out that teachers teach students too many things. It is easy for teachers to teach students answers, but it robs students of occasions of thinking by themselves or discussing with their friends.
(自分の英文) I can understand when I listen to onle few sentences. But I usually can't understand outline of the story when they speak over 5 sentences continuously. Of course, I can understand that in my native language.
問.何歳まで生きたいですか?80歳、150歳、永遠の中から選び理由を述べなさい。(12点) I want to live 80 years. This is because I don't think that the longer I live, the better my life becomes. Furthermore, if people became to live over 150 years, there would be too many people on the earth.
>>65 I can understand when only a few sentences are spoken, but I usually don't understand when more than 4 are spoken at a time. I have no problem when it's in Japanese, of course.
別解 I want to live until 80. because I don't think a longer I life does not mean a better life. What's more, should people lived more than 150 years, that means the population grows and grows, until there will be no place to live in on the earth.
>>73 This is a persimmon tree, and it stands in my backyard. My uncle told me that it was planted before I was born. I don't know much about the tree, though.
添削お願いします。 While I was staying in India for three years, I was often traveling but I had never have a timelist of trains. I made a rule to catch a train at the time in India because it was common in India for hurry trains to be late for ten hours. When I arrived at the station thinking that I was late for the time, Indian trains were waiting for me absolutely. 自分で見てもひっどい文章ですが50点満点で採点お願いします。
>>75 While I was staying in India for three years, I often traveled, intentionally without a train timetabele. This is[was] my own rule because it is common in india that a rapid train is about ten minutes behind time. Every time I thought that I had missed the train, I caught it usually in plenty of time.
ありがとうございます。 すいません、 Don't you worry about her と Aren't you worried about her でどういう意味の違いになるんでしょう? あと、 Don't you worry about her being away from you, では通じますか?
Please!! I standed for a buyer around the world. The company has an election to choose 1 for the buyer. I need to come in 20 twentieth to go to second stage. Please vote me! Just click ↓here and then click a button under my phote. Click here! Thanks
1)The Obama administration has said North Korea is still years away from having the capacity to launch a nuclear-armed missile strike against the continental United States.
僕の日記です。 添削お願いします。 i woke up nine this morning. As soon as I finish pissing, I went to living room to have three shots of vodka, then i went into my room to make the cover page for a magazine. with my Illustorater and Mac. I finished the job around noon and sent it to the company via Firestorage. I had spaghetti for my lunch then i had 3 shots of Tequira, gave me a nice buzz. I went back my Mac around one. started writing new commercial song for some snack. my neighbor singer came to my place around 6 then she laid her vocal track. I hope I can get my hand in her skirt one day.
This morning I saw my dick getting hard. I had my boyfriend sleeping right beside me, so I put olive oil on mine and put it in his hairy ass. but I had to quit before I cum, because I smelled shit all over my dick.
私の答案 ↓ Now that there are quite a few books in the world,it become certainly more and more difficult to encounter the book,which is really worth reading.
Hi there ! This is teacher Wena. I just want to inform you that I am an English writing partner for students who are interested in speaking English fluently.
I strongly believe that writing your thoughts in English on a daily basis complements your study in online speaking classes. I can be your email exchange partner everyday to help you PRACTICE CONSTRUCTING CORRECT ENGLISH SENTENCES which is proven to improve your confidence and fluency in speaking English.
I'm really hoping to be of great help in your pursuit to be a good English speaker.
I've been doing this email exchange professionally for some time now with regular Korean students.
Please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] for your questions and for more information about this email exchange program.
Recently, The number of people who travels abroad is increasing in our country. It is very good because traveling abroad not only deepening your understanding against foreign countries but also clearing defects of your country, not to mention a strong point of that.
>>150 Recently, the number of people who travels abroad is increasing in our country. It is very good because traveling abroad not only deepens our understanding of foreign countries but also reveals both positive and negative sides of our own country.
Today, the earth is facing the most serious environmental crisises . If creatures in the earth want to survive , human beings actively have to wrestle with a problem of environmental protection.
>>159 >> 携帯電話は、ここ数年、目覚ましい勢いで普及している。 >> Cell phones have become a common remarkably for few years. ============ (1) "become a common" などという表現はないと思う。"have been spreading" あたりで どうだろうか? (2) "for few years" だったら、"a few" ではなく "few" なので、「少ししかない年数」 つまり「わずかな年数のあいだ」ということになってしまう。年数の少なさを強調した言い方が "few years"。そして、"a few years" というふうに a をつけると、「少しの年数」つまり 「数年」という感じ。"few" と "a few" はまるで意味が違う。"a little" と "little" が 丸で意味が違うのと同じ。 「ここ数年」と言うなら、"for the past few (または several) years" とでもすればいいと 思う。
解答例 Cell phones have been spreading remarkably for the past few years.
>>158 >>Today, the earth is facing the most serious environmental crisises . If creatures in the earth want to survive , human beings actively have to wrestle with a problem of environmental protection. ============== (1) "is facing" となると、「直面しかかっている」というわけで、「まだ完全には直面していない けど、これから直面しそう」という感じになる。むしろ "we are faced with" にした方がいい。 (2) "crisises" は綴りの間違い。"a crisis" ---> "crises"。しかしここでは複数形に しなくても、crisis という単数でいいと思う。 (3) "in the earth" は間違い。"on the earth" にすべし。 (4) "a problem of 〜" ではなく、"the problem of 〜" とする。of のあとの語句が "problem" を限定しているので the がつく。
解答例 Today, the earth is faced with the most serious environmental crisis. For creatures to survive, we must work actively to protect the environment.
>>157 >>最近の科学技術の進歩は目覚ましく、ほんの十年前には不可能であると考えられていた ことが可能になった >>The latest remarkable advance of technology has enabled what nobody think possible ten years ago . ============== (1) 「技術」だけじゃなく「科学技術」と書いてあるなら、"science and technology"。 (2) "ten years ago" と過去を表す副詞節があるんだから、think と現在形にするのは おかしい。
解答例 The recent advances in science and technology have been so eye-catching that what we thought impossible only ten years ago has become a possibility.
>>141 ネイティブスピーカーに話しかけれれたことあります? have you ever been spoken by a native speaker? あってますか? ========== 間違いです。"spoken to" というふうに、to をつける必要がある。これを能動態にしてみよう。
Has any native speaker spoken to you before? ===> Have you been spoken to by a native speaker before? あるいは Have you ever been spoken to by a native speaker?
"Indians" というふうに複数形にしてくださいね。さらに、both は文中にあるので both と 小文字にしてください。
Tom :Indian!?And Both? you have two?
ここも、Indians と複数にします。それから、"You have two." とは言わないで、 "You have two of them." と言うのが英語らしいと思います。 たとえば、"Do you have a sister?" と尋ねられて、 "Yes, I have two of them." という言い方をします。"I have two." よりも "I have two of them." と言った方が自然だと思います。その方が口語的なのかな? その点については、今の私にははっきりとしたことはわかりません。
>>181 "I've remembered" とかいうふうに remember を「現在完了」で言っている例は、 少なくとも私は見たり聞いたりしたことはありません。「おっと、そうそう、思い出したぞ」と 言うとき、これを現在完了で言いたくなりますよね。でも、英語ではこういうときに(すでに言いましたが) "Oh, now I remember!" と言います。さっきまでは "I didn't remember"(覚えていなかった) けれども、今は「覚えている」(I remember) だから "Oh, now I remember!" という わけです。
remember を現在完了で使っているところは見たことがないけど、"should have remembered" 7 (思い出すべきだった)とか "would have remembered"(そんなことがなくても、思い出しただろう) という言い方はすることが、今、検索してみて、わかりました。
>>186 Tom :six⁉Are you sure?You like such a little child...
Six は、大文字で始める。Six のあとの文字が見えにくいのですが、!? と書いてあるのですか? それなら正しいです。"You like such a little child" というふうに単数で言うよりも、 ここでは「小さな子供」一人だけじゃなくて他の小さな子供が好きだということも大いに考えられる ので "You like such little children, don't you?" とでも言えば自然なんじゃないかと 思います。
John:Ofcource! コロン(:)のあとにスペースを入れて、Of のあとにもスペースを入れて下さいね。 John: Of course! というふうにします。全般的に、あなたはまだタイプすることに慣れておらず、 スペースの開け方がまだ無茶苦茶です。すぐにでなくていいから、少しずつ正しいスペースを 開けられるようになってほしいです。そのためには、普段から、英文を読むときに、どのように スペースを空けているのかを、きちんと観察する必要があります。
>>188 John: I love both ,and both of them are very good friend.
タイプの打ち方ですが、both のあとにすぐにコンマをつけないといけません。つまり、 "both , and" は間違いで、"both, and" としないといけません。 最後の friend は複数にして、friends とします。そして、"are very good friends with me" というふうに with me を付けた方がいいと思います。なぜなら、with me を つけなかったら、「その子たち二人が互いに仲がいい」つまり私は関係なく、その二人が互いに 仲良しだという意味にもなりうるからです。そこらへんが紛らわしくなるので、その二人が 私と仲がいいと言いたいのなら、"are very good friends with me" とした方がいいです。
さらに、後半の both of them は単に they とすればいいと思います。つまり、 "I love both, and they are very good friends with me." とすれば足りるのです。 なぜかというと、すでに I love both と言っているのだから、そのあとの they は "both of them" に決まっています。
Tom: Is that ok ? I think it’s a little bad.
ok のあとには、スペースは不要です。"Is that ok?" とします。 "Is that ok?" は物足りなく思います。"Is that ok with you?" でないと、 この文脈では何となく舌足らずだと私は思います。
(ただし、この点については、単なる 私の思い過ごしかもしれず、このままでもいいのかもしれませんが、一応、今回は 私の「感覚」を信じて頂いて、"Is that ok with you?" にしておいてくださいますか?) (その2に続く)
John: What? Where is bad ? It's a good thing ,isn’t it ? I’ve taken a bath with all of us.
"Where is bad?" は、おかしいです。"Where is" とするなら、そのあとは形容詞だけではなく きちんと名詞を持ってこないといけません。"What is bad?" ならわかります。しかし、この 文脈で "What is bad?" というのは自然ではありません。"What's wrong about that?" と言えば自然に聞こえます。
"I've taken a bath with all of us." はおかしい。"with all of them" なら わからなくもない。それから、彼女ら二人と一緒に私が風呂に入ったのですね。それなら、 二人を all of them というのは大げさなので、"with both of them" とでもします。 したがって、"I've even taken a bath with both of them." となります。 even をつけたのは、単に僕は彼女らと仲良しという程度のものじゃなく、 「風呂に一緒にはいること "さえ" やったくらいにすごく仲良しなのだ」という意味だからです。 (その3に続く)
Tom: You took a bath !? Bisides together with three ? Unbilievable !!
bath !? は間違いで、bath!? というふうにスペースなしでタイプします。Bisides は 綴りが間違いで、Besides とします。"together with three" はおかしい。 "You took a bath together with three" という意味になってしまって、あなたが 別の三人と一緒に風呂に入ったことになってしまって、合計で4人が一緒に入ったことになってしまい ます。こういうときは、"together with the two of them" というふうに "the two of them" にします。two の前には,この場合には the をつけます。どの二人かがはっきりしている から the をつけるのです。
>>196 >自由英作文の添削お願いします。 > >「今あなたが勉強していることが10年後どのように役立っていると思いますか。」 > 一段落目: I think that studying English now will turn out to be very useful for me in the future, because English will be more international than now. (具体例をあげる。わたしは教授からよく具体例がたりないことを論文で指摘されたよ。want to work abroadは、一貫性がなくなるのではぶいたほうがいいかも。) In ten years, English will be used in more and more workplaces as common language all over the world. Even in Japan, Some companies such as rakuten or uniqlo has made it mandatory to speak English at work. It would make a big difference if I can speak English when I look for jobs; I would be able to choose from more variety of jobs and get a better position. (適当です。真偽はともかく、それらしくきこえればよしw) . So if I become a business person ten years later, whether I can speak English or not will be very important. > >Therefore I believe it is very useful to study English for my future.
(私の英訳) iPhone 5s on sale September 20th in Japan. It is so hard to get it on 20th. If we want to get it,we must be at mobile shop in early morning. I heard that some people has already lined in front of Apple Shop in Tokyo.
続きです。 I am against for increasing the number of immigrants to come to Japan and I have three reasons.
First, it would lose chances for Japanese being employed. For raising children, I will need a lot of money. If I had no job, I couldn't bear a child. It would causes more declining birthrate and aging populations.
Second, accepting immigrants would not match most Japanese people. Japan is a mono tribe country. We have no history that live with many foreign people. So we would not feel good for immigrants.
続きです。 Third, accepting could not improve declining birthrate and aging population. To cope with it, our society have to change the way to go. Accepting is not changing but making us misunderstanding. It would improve this circumstances.
続きです。 You may say we would not take pension. It is true that pension's system is breaking down. If you want to repair this system, I have an idea. It is that we make a rule that we have to quit a job when we are 65. Japanese most richest people are mainly over 65. If they quit a job, don't take a salary and take a pension, these large salary would be paid for younger genelation. So they can support this system.
>>216 "the hear loving flowers" というような言い方は、英語では不自然なはずです。そんな 表現は見たことがありません。そういうときには"love+of+flowers"&btnG=Search+Books&tbm=bks&tbo=1#q=%22a+love+of+flowers+is%22&tbm=bks
このリンク先にずらずらと並んでいるような例文を見たらわかるように、 a love of lowers と言えば自然です。このように、まずは自分で英文を作ってみて、それに似た言い回しが corpus 上に頻繁に出てくるかどうかを見ればいいのです。corpus 上にまるで見つからなかったら あなたの表現は自然ではないかもしれません。
>>211 I am against for increasing the number of immigrants to Japan. I have three reasons for that.
First, it would lessen chances for Japanese to be employed. You need a lot of money to raise children in Japan, so if you lose your job you won't be able to bear a child. It will lead Japan to become even more aged society.
Second, この理由は駄目。×we would not feel good for immigrants.
>>211 You may say we would not take pension, because the Japanese pension system will break down. However, if you want to have it repaired, I have an idea: making a rule that we have to quit a job when we reach 65. Most rich people in Japan are mainly over 65. If they quit a job now, their salary would be paid for younger genelation. So they can support this system.
このアプリはいいですね! このアプリはブルートゥースのボタンをPTTスイッチに割り当てることができますか? もし割り当てができないなら、その割り当て機能を追加して欲しいです。 This app is great! Is this capable assigning the button on the Bluetooth headphones to the PTT switch? If not support the assigning, please add the assigning function.
このアプリはいいですね! これはブルートゥースヘッドセットのボタンをPTTスイッチに割り当てることができますか? もしできないなら、割り当て機能を追加して欲しいです。 This app is great! Is this capable assigning the button on Bluetooth headsets to the PTT switch? If not, please add the assigning function.
1 ネプリーグという番組のHYPER ENGLISH コーナーにおいて、輪の円を表す絵が背景に描かれているにもかかわらず、Newsの小山慶一郎が円紙幣のYENやドルと誤答した。 わざとじゃないのか?
mr.nakamaru ,a memmber of news mistook the japanese monetary unit“yen” for a circle “en” in hyper english division on tv titled“nepleague”,in spite of a circle's picture behind him.
i have a suspicion that he made his mistake on purpose.
ms.hirata rina, a memmber of team b akb48, mistook “saigono denaー”, the last dinner for“ saigono bannsan”, the last supper, although she had come back from u.s. to japan.
i have a suspicion that she made her mistake on purpose.
疑問点1 私のカンマを入れたことで英語理解者は、英語の1の文が意味不明になっていないか? 2 円あるいは圓という漢字を知らない人には英語の1の文が意味不明では? 3 in spite of a circle’s picture behind him の部分は、althouh there was a circle's picture behind him にする必要は? 以上です。
In Hyper English, one of the segments for a TV progam titled Nepleague, Mr Koyama, a staff member of News, mistook "en" a Japanese word for circle for "yen", the monetary unit in Japan, although there was a picture which a circle was drawn in behind him. I have a doubt that he did it on purpose.
では、甘えついでにもうひとつ 大川高弘と藤崎謙さんはNHKBS笑う洋楽展の制作統括者です。安齋肇は司会者の内の一人です。 ひげひげ団の回でロシア人のYana G.は、ZZ Topのかっこうをして後ろに立っていた。 しかし安齋らはZZ Topの曲‘Sharp Dressed Man’を一番に選びませんでした。 同様に口パク王の回で、Bonnie Tylerの曲‘Total Eclipse Of The Heart’を選びませんでした。 それで主に笑いの仕事をしているさんまは、落ちは違うとテレビでつぶやきました。
Mr.Ookawa & Mr.Fujisaki is General managers of NHKBS TV Twitter of Western Musics. Mr.Anzai is one of the hosts. In Heavy Beard Yana G.,a Russian,had been standing beyond him dressing up as ZZTop. However he didn't select their music‘Sharp Dressed Man’best. In Queen Of Pretenders neither was ‘Total Eclipse Of The Heart’performed by Bonnie Tyler. Then Mr.Sanma,mainly a comedian,twittered the extra‐ordinality of conclusion on TV.
いまいち自信がないので添削お願いしますm(_ _)m (1/3) ------------------------------------------------------ The exceptional writing theory: Non phonetic spellings in Japanese
There are two non phonetic particles in Japanese writing. *「は」pronounce 'WA' ;わたしは、あなたは、それは、いまは...etc. *「へ」pronounce 'E' ;こちらへ、先生へ、東京へ、学校へ...etc. We use these particles very often in Japanese. Do you know why are they written in these way?
Actually, these two particles are still ruled by old Japanese notation “HISTORICAL KANA USAGE”. Many years ago, Japanese people pronounced the former 'HA' (or 'PA' ), and the latter 'HE' (or 'PE' ). Over the years, they gradually changed easy to talk more and more, and then finally they have got current pronunciation. Moreover, not only these two words but also so many other words have HISTORICAL KANA USAGE, being faithful to ancient pronunciation. So, why we should still obey old notation only these two particles in present-days Japan?
いまいち自信がないので添削お願いしますm(_ _)m (2/3) ------------------------------------------------------ Before the World War II, Japanese people still obeyed HISTORICAL KANA USAGE as if ancient pronunciation was still alive. Though, the war was over, most of all Japanese people thought that everyone must restart as a citizen of the world. As a first step, Japanese government decided to change Japanese writing rules to set KANA notation for their pronunciation. Politicians expect that would bring about great benefit to foreigners who wanted to learn Japanese... However, there was a big problem.
いまいち自信がないので添削お願いしますm(_ _)m (3/3) ------------------------------------------------------ As for many Japanese words except particles, it wasn't very important if the rules might have changed. Because they are usually covered with KANJI characters, do not standing out so much. In contrast, particles have no KANJI characters and they are very often used in Japanese sentences. Therefore, in those days, politicians worried about what people's sense of incongruity might be too big to change the rules.
Furthermore, the modification of the particles which have no KANJI characters might confuse people too much because English has leaving a space between words, but Japanese has not. So, if the rules were changed forcibly, there was some fear for Japanese people whose literacy starting to slip.
Then, in 1946, Japanese Ministry of Education finally decided to change the rules of phonetic KANA orthography except both of two : 「は」「へ」. And now, this makeshift solution is a big hindrance for foreigners to learn Japanese!
自分の回答: Certainly, A is a great composer, but this tune is arranged by B. He played all the piano songs as C.
A said "I don't know how to enjoy jazz.", and she was not going to arrange a standard in this anime. But she arranged "a" and "b" and so on, after all.?
>>250 (1) this tune is arranged by B. is ではなく、was にすべきでしょう。
(2) He played all the piano songs as C. 日本語の「ピアノ曲」という言葉を僕のような素人が聞くと、「ピアノの演奏だけで 成り立つ曲」を連想してしまいます。さらに、"piano songs" などという言葉が 成り立つのかどうか僕にはわかりません。無難なのは、 "piano-acccompanied songs"(ピアノの伴奏つきの曲)だろうと思います。
さらに、文頭の He は、その前の文の主語である A さんのことだと考えて しまうのが普通だと思います。B さんを意味したいのなら、B という固有名詞を 使うか、あるいは(少し堅いけど) "the latter" にしないといけないと思います。
(3) "I don't know how to enjoy jazz.", このような言い回しは、おそらく不自然だろうと思います。通常に使われる 英文は、たぶん、次のようなものだと思います。 (3-1) I don't understand jazz. (3-2) I don't appreciate jazz. (3-3) I'm not jazz-literate.
さらに、"A said" は "A had said" にすべきじゃないかと思います。
(4) she was not going to arrange a standard in this anime. これも過去完了にすべきだと思います。僕ならば少し変えて、 "she had not intended to" にします。
(5) But she arranged "a" and "b" and so on, after all.? 一つ目の and と、最後の ? は不要ですね。
Although action movies have the lack of being able to expect the story easily because of their simple contents, it is made well and give us a satisfactory amusement.