前スレより再掲 982 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 投稿日:2011/06/08(水) 16:52:13.50 she would start to read a poem, only to hear him finish it for her, from memory. 和訳お願いします は次の文の一部と思われる。 Miss Katherine usually stayed in the schoolhouse, grading papers and such, while Sam worked on the roof. She enjoyed what little conversation they were able to have, shouting up and down to each other. She was surprise by his interest in poetry. When he took a break, she would sometimes read a poem to him. On more than one occasion, she would start to read a poem by Poe or Longfellow, only to hear him finish it for her, from memory. She was sad when the roof was finished.
On more than one occasion, she would start to read a poem by Poe or Longfellow, only to hear him finish it for her, from memory. 彼女が朗読し始めたPoeやLongfellowの詩を、彼女に代わって彼が(記憶をもとに)最後まで暗唱する という事が何度もあった。
She was surprise by his interest in poetry. When he took a break, she would sometimes read a poem to him. On more than one occasion, she would start to read a poem by Poe or Longfellow, only to hear him finish it for her, from memory. She was sad when the roof was finished. 彼が詩に興味を持っていた事は先生を驚かせた。 彼が休憩のとき先生は彼に詩を読んでやったことが何回もあった。 一回以上何度も先生がポーやロングフェローの詩を読み始めることがあったが それはただ彼が暗記で先生に詩を読んでしまうことを知るためだけであった。 先生が詩を読み始めると彼はすぐ続きを暗記で完全に言ってしまった。 先生は屋根修理が終わってしまうことが悲しかった。
Hi ,Friend ,thanks for your information ,That is we never meet befor.Our products all checked befor sent out . Pls get out the cable ,then conenect again to try if it can solve the problem ? Any question or need pls feel free to contact me .I will here do my best to help you . お願いします。
豪州出身の友人からのメールがスラングだらけで意味が取れません。助けてください。ちなみに一括送信で他の方にも送られているようです。 a rare foward but you deserve it! Today someome asked me if I liked you. I laughed and said,"Ha! That's funny!! I freakin' LOVE that chick! She is funny , beautiful , crazy as heck , she is reading this e-mail right now and I LOVE HER!" Be kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
My beloved mother fell ill in March and passed away in May. During that time I relocated to Florida to be with her and to help care for her. I do not know if you are blessed enough to have living parents but the loss is immeasurable.
全文読もう。 At the same time we were looking at images for the artist Chris Koelle to consider for his illustration, we sent him a whole combination of images from old mythological illustrations to photos from cult ceremonies and a few photos by Barbara and Michael Leisgen … Chris’s own interpretation of our records as well as some of the ideas and concepts from those images resulted in the album artwork. Two hands in ritual, holding the sky.
同じ時に僕らは画家のChris Koelleがイラストにする材料の絵や写真の数々を見てたのさ 僕らは彼に十分すぎるほどの材料の絵や写真を送ったんだ 古い神話風のイラストからカルト儀式の写真まで、それからBarbara and Michael Leisgen が撮った写真もね・・・Chris自身の僕らの楽曲に対する解釈は、僕らが送った絵や写真の コンセプトやアイデアと同様に、アルバムジャケットに反映してるんだ。空をつかんだ 礼拝における2つの手だね。
On the diplomatic front, the United States joined Australia and Spain in recognising the NTC as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people, with pressure mounting on the veteran leader to step down.
The United States and Australia joined Britain and other countries in recognizing Libya’s opposition as the legitimate representative of the country, a step closer to diplomatic recognition.
>>80 with pressure mounting on the veteran leader to step down. the veteran leader(カダフィ大佐)を引きずり下ろす圧力をかけて veteran 退役軍人 外交面では合衆国はオーストラリア、スペインも巻き込んで退役軍人のリーダーカダフィ大佐を引きずり下ろす圧力をかけて the NTCをリビア人の正当な代表として認証した。
Since he was a police officer, he planned to pretend to rescue his daughter in hopes of also rescuing his marriage. 彼は警官になってから、計画していた、娘を救出するふり(ごっこ?)をする、彼の結婚生活も救うことを期待して。 いまいちよくわかりません。正しい訳をお願いします。
>>80について別ソースで新しく記事が出て"recognizing"について 承認ほど踏みこまないで訳す感じがよいのかなと改めて思いました。 But she (Hillary Clinton) and Rudd announced that the U.S. and Australia now recognized the council as "the legitimate interlocutor" for the Libyan people, moving a shade closer to conferring formal recognition on the body that could lift hurdles to additional money. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/06/09/clinton-qaddafi-associates-seeking-to-negotiate-transition-power/
Little Arthur loves numbers and 9 is his most favorite. When encountering a number, he always calculates its lucky remainder - the remainder after division by 9. Calculating super(X) is very difficult for Arthur. However, before getting to work he is wondering if it is possible to quickly tell what the lucky reminder of the supersum of X is. この最後の文のwonderingとif以下をどう訳せば良いのか分かりません。(what〜)はtellの対象ですよね。
However, (before getting to work) he is wondering if it is possible to quickly tell (what the lucky reminder of the supersum of X is). けれども、作業に取り掛かる前に、彼は不思議がっていた。もしそれがさっと出来るならリマインダを教えてくれ。 wondering と if の所はどう繋げて訳せば良いのかお教えください。
What I said is that "'ve ['s] got" is equal to "have [has]" in meaning, NOT that "have [has] got" is identical to "have [has]"; In fact "have got" is DIFFERENT from "have" in meaning.
お願いします。 So when, in 1928, a British physicist called Paul Dirac solved such an equation relating to the electron, the fact that one answer described the opposite of that particle might have been brushed aside as a curiosity.
Haha Toshi's English pronounciation is pretty bad. When I first started listening to X I couldn't tell the difference when he would switch between English and Japanese. お願いします
How did the relationship with Desire Path develop?
I think it all started with an email from Michael Vitrano to our MySpace expressing interest in us releasing on his proposed label exclusively to vinyl. We had yet to release anything on vinyl, which had always been a secret dream of ours… so it was a no brainer. Plus he was super easy to work with and had excellent choices in labels as his reference points to what he wanted to establish Desire Pathレーベルとは関わるようになったきっかけは何でしょうか?
Solo AndataのMyspaceで、レコードのみをリリースするDesire Pathから自分たちの作品をリリース出来たら、 なんて書いていたんだけど、それに対してMichael Vitrano本人からメールが来たんだ。 僕たちはこれまで、レコードでのリリースは経験した事がなかった。密かな夢だったんだよね。もう言うまでもなく。 プラス、
choiceとは彼が今まで自分で決めて選択してしてきた事でしょ。 そのchoiceがエクセレントexcellent最良であった。いままでしてきた事は最良だった。 Plus he was super easy to work with それに彼は一緒に仕事をするにはとてもやりやすかった人だ そして彼は自分が作りたいレーベル作りについて最良の選択をした。
Hey you need to order 5 items for £500 which will cover the shipping to you and i will send you a total of 15 items and the tool. The extra items are for all you have done for me, and so that you can make some cost for relief efforts.
Dear value customer ,wish you havea nice weekend ! ,Can you sent the picture about our goods .Then I can apply to our company to sent another goods to you .This is the rule of the company .Sorry ! Any question or need pls feel free to contact me ! お願い致します。
I see, you changed the titanium plates from Merlin to tf10x8, good choice!~ I edited some tiny details on your order form and attached in the email the final version. Please print it out and send it together with your package to UM lab. Shipping instructions are on the bottom of the order form.The total amount is still the same. Do you want any of our Beat Audio cables? ~
I have a dream. In order to achieve this target some day. There is only one thing I can be interested in. calculus. Apart from that, nothing can attract even one little bit of my interest. Moreover, I don't actually have any time to look after other people's lives!
>>159 guessはguess what. what?のguessだから、当てる/推測するという意味だ ほんとにsaving meするつもりだったのかどうか、 なりゆきで助けることになってしまっただけなのかに確信が持てないんだろう Thanks for saving me. I guess you were (saving me), right? の略だと思う
>>159>>161-162 うーん、俺はちょっと違う考えを持つなぁ。 いろいろ英語に接してると、ネイティブが I think とか I guess とか I mean とかを言葉の中に 混ぜてくるよな。でもそれって、文字どおり「私は考える」「私は推測する」「私は意味する」 っていう感じで使ってるのか怪しいと思うんだ。どっちかっていうと、日本語なら「なんていうか・・」 とか「だからまぁ・・」みたいなすごく曖昧なニュアンスを持たせるときとかに使ってないか? いちばんわかりやすいので言うと I think にはそういうパターンあるよな。
さらにもっとはっきりした例は you knowってやつ。これを「あなたは知る」って意味で使ってるかね? むしろ口癖としての側面が強いよな。 (つづく)
I guess の別の例、有名なマイケルのBADのプロモビデオ。冒頭でどうやらマイケル(劇中では ダリルという名)に成績で抜かれちゃったらしい白人の優等生が冬休み(?)で帰郷する際にマイケルを 褒めるセリフがある。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeaBYEzsZfg これ言ってる青年は白人で、この学校は99%の生徒が白人のプレップスクール。そこで黒人に負けた 情景と想像される。男らしく相手を称えてるんだけど、ものすごく言いづらそうに言ってるよな。 そこで出てきてるのが I guess I'm just proud of you
Daryl. Listen, I want to say before you go, you know... You did a real good job this term and um... I guess I'm just proud of you, you know. I see how hard you're woking.
I guess を「私は推測する」っていう意味にとったら変じゃないか? だって自分の感情だぜ。 ここはやっぱり、「なんつーか、その・・・」みたいな「自分は本当は言いたくないんだけど」的な ニュアンスのため(言葉をにごすために)I guess 使ってるんじゃないか。
>>159 の I guess もそんな感じじゃないの? 普通に thank you ってちょっと言いにくい何かがあった。 相手に助ける気持ちがあったかどうかを推測ってのは考えすぎだろ。いずれにせよ助けてもらったんだから
素直に辞書を引こう。 研究社英和中辞典より引用 想像する 《★【類語】 imagine はある状況や考えなどを心に思い浮かべる; suppose は推測して思う; guess は suppose とだいたい同じ意味だがより口語的な語》: 引用終わり I guess I'm just proud of you, you know. I see how hard you're woking. 私は推測して、考えた上でただ君を誇りに思うよ。君がどんなに勉強したかわかる。
As the fair Sex very much recommend the Cause they are engaged in, it would be no small Misfortune to a Sovereign, though he had all the male Part of the Nation on his Side, if he did noto find himself King of the most beautiful Half of his Subjects.
ところが>>159のThanks for saving me. I guess. の文章は、 I guessの対象になっている直前の文章の「感謝をした」部分に関しては、 >>164のような”傍目には見えない”個人の内面の思いなどではなくて、 「感謝の言葉(を述べた)」という、両者間で共有される「既成の事象(発せられた名詞句)」であるので、 そこには「推測」の対象になる余地が存在しない だから「感謝(をした)」こと自体を「推測する」という言葉の対象にするのはナンセンスになる
仮に(I) thank you for saving me. I guess. だったとしても、 Thank youは感謝するという行為自体、もしくはその意思を「表明」する言葉だから、 やはり推測の対象にはなりえなくて、それ自体をguessするのはおかしい I feel thankful to youならfeelは目に見えない内面の思いを示するからguessの対象になるけどね
お願いします many ex.members of the soviet -or russian- armed forces and security forces now work in the police, in fact, in russia, you can find ex kgb agents driving taxis !!
正直に言って、言葉の正しい意味を知らずに、用例だけ見て適当に 「「言いにくい時に使う」って意味があるんだろうな」と勝手に思いこんでただけじゃないのか? I thinkやI meanもそうだが元の意味がなくなる用例なんてないぞ
ちなみにyou knowはyou know what I mean/am sayin「俺の言いたいこと分かるよね」とか you know what that isとかyou know how it/he/she goes likeとかの略なんだぜ 別に本来のyou knowという意味がなくなって、意味を持たない、 もしくは別の意味に変質してしまった間投詞なんかでは全然ない 口癖にはなるけどなw
>>164が言ってる意味ならI guess that's what I should have to say here.とかの略だと考えることも出来なくはないが、 それだとちょっと省略が多すぎる気がする
>>183 ttp://www.phantasy-star.net/psi/psitalk.html からの引用とすればI guess以下全文を書こう。 Thanks for saving me. I guess if Medusa can stop me, I don't have much hope of killing Lassic, do I? Thanks for saving me. と I guessは関係ない。
>>172 the fair Sex 女性 though he had all the male Part of the Nation on his Side, 彼kingが国民の男全部を自分の味方にしても King of the most beautiful Half of his Subjects 最も美しい半分の臣民(女)の王king
>>186は全く無関係だろうw >>193を見る限り突然髪の毛掴まれて車に押し込まれて何かと思ったら CIAの作戦の一環で保護されたのだと後で分かったみたいな感じかね None of our dreams come true so farてのが面白いな コミカルなシーンだよな スクリプト読んでるだけでも結構楽しいもんだね
Although these studies have demonstrated substantial heterogeneity among cancer types, individual tumours and subclones of cells present within a cancer, recurrent changes and pathways are also emerging. As our knowledge of how these alterations promote tumorigenesis grows, so does the appreciation that the specific molecular make-up of each cancer can determine which drugs it might respond to and allow us to anticipate possible mechanisms of drug resistance, thereby bringing closer the goal of personalized cancer medicine.
But a major explanation is that government social spending on health, education, pensions, unemployment benefits, and other transfers are going to the well-off, frequently to those in the top 20% of income distribution. 誰かお願いします
I am emailing in regards to the replacement parts requested. I can send materials however the ones specified in the photo require our special machines to fix. We can fix them here at the warehouse.
These advances are accompanied by the discovery of new drug candidates, including those that target molecules previously thought too difficult to tackle or that have acquired mutations that render them resistant to available compounds.
Cycling through congested traffic exposes the cyclist to high levels of air pollution , especially as the exercise of cycling increases breathing and the individual's exposure . よろしくお願いします
>>213 楽しんでる気分でいるなら,あなたのヘアスタイルについて知りたい。 男のヘアスタイルについて話をしましょう。どうしてそのヘアスタイルをしているの? 答は↓ [Laughs] I’d love to be able to say it was complicated, but I’m just chilling. My hair takes five minutes to do in the morning. I shower and as soon as I get out I just shake it and it just does that. For real.
Our studies range across all fields of biology, from a genome-wide scale to structure-function analyses of individual proteins, from transcriptional control to the role of small RNAs and genome conformation, from the activation and inactivation of genes to the development of organs such as the heart, blood vessels, bone, the intestine and the brain.
Our studies 主語 range の範囲にわたる across all fields of biology, 生物学の全分野にわたって from a genome-wide scale to structure-function analyses of individual proteins, from transcriptional control to the role of small RNAs and genome conformation, from the activation and inactivation of genes to the development of organs (organs)such as the heart, blood vessels, bone, the intestine and the brain.
Bohman: “It is high-quality mink, sable would be much more expensive. Interviewer: "I know, darling I know!" Bohman: "I’m not doing that because of economic reasons so my clients are enjoying very high quality of fur and the rest of my line." Interviewer: "Your fur is magnificent; you’re not just about furs, are you?" Bohman: "Exactly."
お願いいたします。 I do not undertstand how it can take so long for our parcels to reach you when your parcels only take 3-4 days usually. No problem waiting tho,
In Japan, Web-connected smartphones became widely available about a decade earlier than they did in the United States, and girls quickly became the most incessant and creative users, driving the ways phones are designed and the extras they come loaded with today.
girls quickly became the most incessant and creative users, driving the ways phones are designed and the extras they come loaded with today 少女たちは スマートフォンの機能と今日搭載されるようになった数あるアプリを運転して、うまく運転して、使いこなして すぐ最も良く使う、最もクリエーティブユーザになった。
元記事によると少女たちは会話用の携帯とネット用のスマートフォンを使い分けてると書いてるから the ways phones are designed スマートフォンが当初から持ってる機能、使い方 the extras(the extra ways) they come loaded with today 続々追加される使い方 追加アプリ drive 〈馬車・馬車馬・荷馬[牛]などを〉駆る,御する. 〈蒸気・電気などが〉〈機械を〉動かす,駆動する. スマートフォンをdriveする。日本語だとなんて言うんだろ?
現実のスマートフォンの使い方を見れば driving the ways phones are designed and the extras phones come loaded with はスマートフォンのいろいろの機能を使いこなして girls quickly became the most incessant and creative users
Many of the same questions initially arose in the context of cloning by the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer, which involves replacing an egg-cell nucleus with that of a differentiated adult cell.
お願いいたします。 I do not undertstand how it can take so long for our parcels to reach you when your parcels only take 3-4 days usually. No problem waiting tho,
They look great, a bit expensive but considering freight cost and other fees i guess its a good deal. I am free to purchase other pairs from you after this transaction , right? I will send money.
Other questions remain. How do the differentiated state of the target cell, its cell-cycle status and its genetic background influence the efficiency of its reprogramming? And are human iPS cells truly equivalent to embryonic stem cells? Many of the same questions initially arose in the context of cloning by the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer, which involves replacing an egg-cell nucleus with that of a differentiated adult cell.
The riot left 150 injured and hundreds arrested. But both the Canucks and the couple weren't the only ones skating on thin ice. The Vancouver Sun interviewed the man behind the camera -- who’s gotten some attention too.
この2行目の意味がよくわかりません。 この暴動は150人ものけが人と、数百人の逮捕者を出した。 But both the Canucks and the couple weren't the only ones skating on thin ice. バンクーバーサンはこのカメラマンに取材をした。
fucking japs should try to be efforts to build up stability? and trust is needed about nuclear power plants before the earthquake. but you have long kept it to yourself that the nuclear power plants had problem. don`t you? but you do same thing which is hiding somting to all aroud the world. I KNOW fucking japs are incompetence rightnow. This is evidenced by the worsening progress outlook and the fucking japs`s inability to improve it. we have to criticize japs for incompetence .
Lol, if Broner had trouble with (and should have lost to) Daniel Ponce De Leon, then Uchiyama is going to utterly annihilate him seeing as he has more power and is physically stronger. Also, Aoh would school him and probably knock him out if they fought.
Many of the Japanese people, especially those reading detective or spy novels such as Hayakawa Misteries, believe it called "Langley" after the location its hq stands, but it is more commonly called as "Company".
Langley is often used as a metonym in U.S. government and military parlance to refer to the Central Intelligence Agency, whose headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia. CIA本部の所在地がランクレー。 ラングレーと呼ばれると信じているが しかし会社と呼ばれる事が多い。
It is only the Japanese language or Japanese culture in the world where someone may call to their friend or familiar person with his family name or like, like "Hey, Tanaka!"
転載元はonlyとmayが斜体になっています。 like likeは写しミスではありません。 お願いします。
>>443 日本人全部があらゆる場面で苗字で呼ぶのなら japanese call to their friend or familiar person with his family name or like, like "Hey, Tanaka!" 日本人は友達や親しい人に呼びかけるのに苗字を使う。 「田中さんっ!」 みたいに。 japanese may call to their friend or familiar person with his family name or like, like "Hey, Tanaka!" 日本人は・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・苗字を使う事がある。
To stress, none of the passwords obtained were stored in plain text. これは、まずto stressというのは「くれぐれも言っておきますが」みたいな 強調する意味で言ってるんですよね。 で、我々が(ユーザーから)頂いたパスワードをそのままの状態で保存しているなんて事はありませんでした。という意味で合ってますか?
Who’ll claim this one we wonder? … Is someone new striking while the iron’s hot? Or more aptly ? while the games industry is panicking...”
It’s almost more worrisome the hack wasn’t the work of known hacker collectives.
These researchers found that rather than being reset to an embryo-like state, methylation patterns near the tips and centres of chromosomes in the iPS cells resembled those in the adult tissues from which the iPS cells had been derived.
英単語イメージブックより It is so vital the emergency supplies get throw この構文は強調構文のthatの省略?もしくはso〜that構文のthatの省略でしょうか?強調構文でないならこのitは状況のitでしょうか? この文構造を教えてください。お願いします
>>482 有難うございます。 文脈で”彼ら”というのがちょっと当てはまらないのですが↓them以外に置き換え可能ですか? 何度もすみません。 You know i am reputable and we have had a long standing relationship. Please let them know if that is ok and i will send the money out.
I'm just checking to see how you are doing with your sample and order in general. If you have anymore questions or concerns, please email me. ↑ すみませんが、和訳をお願いします。
インターネット上の英文ではアポストロフィ( ’ )を使わない奴らが非常に多くなってる今日この頃だ。 dont とか Im (さらにIを大文字にしないで im ) なんてのは珍しくない。 もっとやっかいなのは he is を hes ともしないで his と書いたり you are が your になったりも流行してる。 だからって、英語をまだまだキチンとできない俺らがそれを猿真似するのは恥ずかしい行為だけどな。
で、Please let em know に関しては、やっぱり let them know だろう。 them が誰かというのは 広く一般の人ってつもりなんじゃないの? オークションかなんかで取引したんだろ? 俺はヤフオク とかやったことないけど、バイヤーの評判とかの項目があるんじゃないの? あるいは「お前の仲間にも 宣伝してくれや」ぐらいの気持ちかと。 アメリカ人の教養程度は平均すると日本人よりも劣るので 一見つじつまの合わないメチャメチャな文章を書く人間がいても、それで普通。あっちじゃ3歳児でも 英語使うんだから。
「only more so」は,直前の説明内容よりもさらに程度が甚だしいことを表すものとして, ほぼ成句化しているフレーズだそうですが,この中の「only」って辞書的にはどういう意味ですか?
例えば, These days an unknown cold is prevalent as many of them catch influenza in winter, only more so. この頃正体不明の風邪が流行っている。それは冬にインフルエンザが流行るように,いやそれ以上にである。
One mother is concerned, but not with the vulgarity of the book -- more that she thinks she couldn't have written the book herself.
“What if a mom had beaten a dad to the punchline and published a book called Go the F*** to Sleep? As much as I want to believe that ‘funny is funny...’ I can't help but think that things might have gone down differently. While a mom who even thinks, "Go the f*** to sleep" is seen as morally lacking, unfit, unhinged, deranged, and hostile, a dad who thinks it is someone we want to have a beer with.”
ある母親からも心配の声が上がっているが、それはこの本の暴力性についてではない。 この次の more that〜がわかりません。 その次の4行もわからない・・・。わからなすぎて情けない…・・・・。無理矢理訳すと、 「もしある母親が父親に、これはジョークだとたたき込んで、“Go the fuck to sleep?”を出版したらどうなるのだろう? 私は、“おかしいものはおかしい”と出来るだけ信じたい。私はどうする事も出来ないが、物事は違った展開を見せていたかもしれない。 母親がこう考えてすらいる一方で、“Go the fuck to sleep?”はモラルの欠如して、不適切で悪意のある本として見られている。 ある父親はこう考える、私たちは誰かとビールを飲みたいのだと」
>>517 訳す時間がないので、背景説明だけ。Go the fuck to sleep は普通、go to sleep(寝ろ、眠れ) だけど、子供を夜寝かしつける立場の親としては、なかなか寝てくれないと ストレスがたまりまくって、イライラする、それで、the fuckを挟んでいる。 あまり品のいい言葉じゃないけど、いらだちがよく出ている。いい加減に寝てくれよみたいな感じ
毎晩子供を寝かしつけなきゃならない親なら、そんな気持ちになるもんだ。小さい子を持つ親なら共感が持てるだろう。 Go the F*** to Sleepと心の中で思う父親だったら、一緒にビールでも飲みたいと(わかるよ、わかる 子供が寝てくれないのはねえ)って感じだけど、母親が"Go the f*** to sleep"と 考えているとしたら、マイナスイメージ(morally lacking, unfit, unhinged, deranged, and hostile)で見られる。 その言い方、母親としてアリなのか?って感じで。
もしある母親が父親を出し抜いて Go the F*** to Sleep? という本を出版したらど うなっていたでしょう。「おかしいものはおかしい」と信じたいとは思いますが、違 う展開になっていたのではと思わざるを得ません。母親だったら「とっとと眠りやが れこん畜生」と考えるだけでモラルに欠け不適切で抑制が利かず錯乱して攻撃的とみ なされるのに対して、そう考える父親は一緒にビールを飲みたいような人物である、 というわけです。
beaten a dad to the punchline:beat O to the punch 機先を制する、出し抜く、という 成句を変形して使っている。 As much as:ここでは譲歩節を導く=though I can't help but think that:考えざるを得ない=cannot help thinking
もし、ストーリーの山場で母親が父親を殴ったり、“Go the fuck to sleep”というタイトルの 本を(女性が)出版したら、どうなるでしょう? 「冗談は冗談」として受け止められると私も信じたいですが、そうはならないと思わざるを得ません。 母親は、ちょっと“Go the fuck to sleep”と思うだけで、道徳的欠如、不適切、錯乱、気違い、敵対的と 思われる一方、“Go the fuck to sleep”なんてことを思いつく父親は、一緒にビールを飲みたい奴に なっちゃうんですから。
「もし母親が父親よりも先に“Go the fuck to sleep?”を出版したらどうだろうか? “funny is funny(つまり、内容は面白いという事)”と信じたい所ではあるが、結果は違っていたかもしれない。 “Go the fuck to sleep?”はモラルの欠如して、不適切で悪意のある本として見られている、と母親ですら考えている一方で 父親は、オレ達は誰かとビールを飲みたいんだと考えている」
beat Somebody to the punch lineで 先にやるとか機先を制するとかそんな意味なんですね。 Go the fuck to sleep?は絵本の題名で、ようは両親側からの視点で書かれた絵本でいい加減に寝てくれよという内容 といったところでしょうか。 文頭のAs much asは〜ではあるのだが、 という意味で、can't help but〜で〜せずにはいられない。 ここまではわかったのですが・・・。
まず、more that〜はそういう含みがあったのですね・・・。 「母親にはこの本を書く事が出来なかっただろう。という点が気になっているのである」 それを次の行から説明しているのですね。 「母親がGo the fuck to sleep?なんて考えてしまっただけで、道徳的欠如、不適切、錯乱、気違い、敵対的と 思われる一方、Go the fuck to sleep?と考える父親は、一緒にビールを飲みたい人になる。」
自分の訳を見直すと、more that〜が読み解けてないので、見事にWhile a mom who even thinks,〜の まとめの部分を読み解けていなかったですね・・・。evenに振り回されたというのもあります。 いや・・・more that〜がわかっていればevenに振り回される事も無かったでしょう・・・。
おはようございます。 I awoke to find myself on a bench in a strange park. これを訳すと目覚めると見知らぬ公園のベンチにいた。というのがなるようなのですがどうしてこうなるのでしょうか? 私が訳したところこうなりました。公園の中にあるベンチの上にいる自分自身を探す為に目覚めた。 to find myselfは私自身を探すために ではなくどういう意味になるのでしょうか。
>>517 While a mom who even thinks, "Go the f*** to sleep" is seen as morally lacking, unfit, unhinged, deranged, and hostile, 母親という者、世間で母親と呼ぶ者は"Go the f*** to sleep"をことさわ下品と感じ a dad who thinks it is someone we want to have a beer with.” 父親という者 世間で父親と呼ぶ者 "Go the f*** to sleep"を肯定する父親は一緒にビールを飲みたい良い奴だ。
While a mom who even thinks, "Go the f*** to sleep" is seen as morally lacking, unfit, unhinged, deranged, and hostile, 母親はまだまだ(そんな表現は)下品と考え a dad who thinks it ="Go the f*** to sleep" is someone we want to have a beer with.” そう思う父親は一杯飲みたいような良い香具師だ。 >>535 正しい訳をつけよて。
よろしくお願いします A snorkeling trip into the reef, where the blue coral has grown to 2 or 3 meters high in places, may be a dreamlike experience, but the ecosystem also has tremendous scientific importance.
続きです For example, there are classes of marine life there that have not yet been studied at all, and growth rings on the blue coral can be examined to measure environmental changes in the last millennium.
最後です A lot of young people just think about money. The sea is something they see every day and take for granted. We have to renew an appreciation among them about what a wonderful natural asset we all have
Generalized anxiety is thought to result, in part, from impairments in contingency awareness during conditioning to cues that predict aversive or fearful outcomes.
“...told the media that she just had a difficulty staying grounded after being branded the sexiest woman in America from the utter nobody she was before.”
「アメリカで最もセクシーな女優というレッテルを貼られて以降、彼女は内に籠もる(つまり自分を見つめる事)がただただ困難な状態だった。」ここまでは訳せますが、 この後の、from the utter nobody she was before.がどういう意味かわかりません。
The box office numbers are in for Warner Bros.’ Green Lantern and critics are not impressed ワーナーのグリーンランタンの映画興行売り上げの数字が出たが、批評家たちは余り強い印象を受けていない( あまり凄いと思っていない) Numbers are in はin number(数えてみると)みたいな 言い方をひっくりかえしたんじゃないのかな…?数え終わって報告が来たって感じかも? 映画チケットの売り上げ自体はよい(第一位になっている)といっているのだから 「興行収入が不味い結果になりそうだ」なんていっていないと思うけど
638 だってその部分の前の部分をみてごらんよ、莫大な制作費はかかったが、 ワーナーの幹部たちはその映画にこだわって(賭けて)いる、 ワーナーの国内配給会社の社長がMoney can be made upといってる、っていってるよ そして「any dollars that we left on the table can be..」のWeはこのワーナーの幹部がいった「We」だにょ
..But Warner Brothers executives are sticking by the film. Dan Fellman, president of domestic distribution for the studio says, the money can be made up.
“'Nobody here is upset. It's within the range of where we were looking … The question is now where we go. Any dollars that we left on the table over the weekend can certainly be made up mid-week, as all schools are out.'" (Los Angeles Times)
Another influential rhythm and blues artist is Bo Didley. He has been playing music since the late 1940s. Diddley is famous for highly original performances, in which he uses electronic gadgets, custombuilt guitars, and pounding rhythms. Bo Diddley is one of the few performers who has a unique rhythm named after him! The rhythm is based on the hambone rhythm.
Rhythm and blues has been at the center of popular music for decades. Many performers credit the rhythm and blues style as their inspiration. Rhythm and blues was first named in 1949 to describe music that was made by and for African Americans. It had the energetic rhythm of jazz and the emotional lyrics of the blues. Johnny Otis was one of the bestknown early rhythm and blues artists.
An organism is defined internationally and biologically as an organic entity which has a cell(s) and/or can duplicate itself (meaning creating its entire copies) without parasiting another organism even during part of its whole
lifetime. This indicates that a bacterium is an organism but a virus is not. It is also a misconception that a virus is at an intermediate position between an organism and a chemical substance. It is solely a complex of chemical entities such as nucleic acids and proteins. Again, whether a virus is an organism or not does not vary with individual points of view. A description
like "death of a virus" is no good except for in a figurative sense because it may raise a misunderstanding that a virus is an organism. You can use "inactivation of a virus", instead. Inactivation or complete unfunctionality of a virus is caused by denaturation of a constituting protein(s), collapse of the complex formation, etc.
.But Warner Brothers executives are sticking by the film. Dan Fellman, president of domestic distribution for the studio says, the money can be made up.
“'Nobody here is upset. It's within the range of where we were looking … The question is now where we go. Any dollars that we left on the table over the weekend can certainly be made up mid-week, as all schools are out.'" (Los Angeles Times)
>>669 上のほうで同じようなことを書いていた人がいたかもだが、最初の週末の興行成績が 期待ほどではなかったという話がまずニュースの最初に出てくる。だから "we left on the table over the weekend 我々が週末の間にテーブルに置き忘れた金"という のは、「最初の週末に稼げなかった分の金、目標に届かなかった積み残しの金額」 くらいのところではないかと私は解釈する。
ORGANISMS: An organism is defined internationally and biologically as an organic entity which has a cell(s) and/or can duplicate itself (meaning creating its entire copies) without parasiting another organism even during part of its whole lifetime. This indicates that a bacterium is an organism but a virus is not. It is also a misconception that a virus is at an intermediate position between an organism and a chemical substance. It is solely a complex of chemical entities such as nucleic acids and proteins. Again, whether a virus is an organism or not does not vary with individual points of view. A description like "death of a virus" is no good except for in a figurative sense because it may raise a misunderstanding that a virus is an organism. You can use "inactivation of a virus", instead. Inactivation or complete unfunctionality of a virus is caused by denaturation of a constituting protein(s), collapse of the complex formation, etc.
>>619 今動画見て分かったが、She wishes〜はミーガン本人の発言じゃなくてマネージャーの発言だな 「別にマイケルベイにクビにされたんじゃなくて自分から辞めたんであって、 シリーズに対して悪い感情は持って無いよ」とマネージャーは訴えてる had a difficulty〜は、恐らくトランスフォーマーで有名になったあとも、 映画のキャラクターのイメージを維持するために、 ベイはミーガン側にセレブのような派手な行動は慎む(stay grounded)ように求めてたんだが、 ミーガンはセレブになった嬉しさのあまり、それが出来なかった(Had a difficulty〜)ということだろう
>>669 where we goはどう進むべきかじゃなくて、今後興行成績がどう転じていくか、 つまり、「問題は今後どうなっていくかなんだよ」と言うことで、相対的に初週の低成績の事実を矮小化したいんだろう テーブルに残した金というのは、今年の他のヒーロー映画に比べて少なかった分の初週の売り上げのことで、 「その金もすぐに取れる金なんだよ」と訴えたいが為に、こういう言い方にしてるんだと思う 来週は学校が休みになるから、その分の埋め合わせは出来るので、 今後を見れば、最終的には他のヒーロー映画に比べても遜色の無い売り上げになるよ、と言いたいんだろうな
ORGANISMS: An organism is defined internationally and biologically as an organic entity which has a cell(s) and/or can duplicate itself (meaning creating its entire copies) without parasiting another organism even during part of its whole lifetime. This indicates that a bacterium is an organism but a virus is not. It is also a misconception that a virus is at an intermediate position between an organism and a chemical substance. It is solely a complex of chemical entities such as nucleic acids and proteins. Again, whether a virus is an organism or not does not vary with individual points of view. A description like "death of a virus" is no good except for in a figurative sense because it may raise a misunderstanding that a virus is an organism. You can use "inactivation of a virus", instead. Inactivation or complete unfunctionality of a virus is caused by denaturation of a constituting protein(s), collapse of the complex formation, etc.
>>699 Viruses are not typically considered to be organisms because they are incapable of "independent" or autonomous reproduction or metabolism. This controversy is problematic because some cellular organisms are also incapable of independent survival (but not of independent metabolism and procreation) and live as obligatory intracellular parasites
>>673 この文章は一般向けに専門的知見を述べているのでしょうから Again, whether a virus is an organism or not does not vary with individual points of view. という部分は次の訳のほうがいいのでは? (もうどうでもいいかもしれませんが、とりあえず)
I will let you know how many i can offer once i get more, only have 7 on hand right now. I appreciate your time and will make a good deal for you, like the other order.
例えば写真に写っているものは私はオオカミだといい。 相手はあるある犬かもしれないから写真を見せてくれといわれメールに添付しておくりました I am sorry but I received text from you only- no some picture. But I must say that i am not good in determination. なんといっているのでしょうか?
They arrived late yesterday, 1 dead on its back but the rest are doing good. Thank you. I will keep you posted on the total amount of fish i can provide. How are the other fish doing? You can keep them in your fridge to keep them longer.
その(魚たち)は昨日、届いた。一匹だけ死んで(腹を上にして浮かんでいた?)が 残りの魚たちは元気だった。ありがとう。 あなたにあげられる魚の総数をこれからもネットに表示し続けます (→I will keep you posted on the total amount of fish YOU can provideあなたが提供可能な魚の数を表示し続けてください、の間違い?) 他の魚たちはどうしてますか?より、長生きさせるには冷蔵庫に入れてあげるといいよ
because traditional music, by definition, is passed down from generation to generation over hundreds of years, we have lost who the original author is.
After politely explaining the above requirements to me over the phone, the official added"Of course, you'll have to take on a Japanese name." This gave me a start.
Hi it is not a problem as I have family and friends in japan Please send the money towards my paypal account : xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx I will send out the item tomorrow You may have to round the cost to 31,505 yen as paypal doesn't seem to like the decimal point
In later life , he looks back on the world in which he grew up as best of all possible worlds , and describes his youth with discriminating forgetfulness as the “good old days”.
you kept calling me busy little nanpa boy, it made me sad so i thought you where just playing with me for your vacation time, like all the other girls... i was heart broken, but tryed to be happy because i enjoyed you time with me. I wish you would have told me you felt love for me back then
if you are going to wait that long to tell him,you might as well as be daring enough to draft someone else. maybe when i am 60 i will tell him i got one on him. この2つお願いします!
Let wealth come in by comely thrift,And not by any foolish shift: Tis haste Makes waste: Who gripes too hard the dry and slippery sand Holds none at all, or little, in his hand.
上でスルーされてしまったので、再度伺うことをお許し下さい I see the payment but I still your address location in english to send this item out Many Thanks Nick という文なのですが、相手は私に住所を問うていると考えていいのでしょうか?
My first offer: You get always 30% arriving the money ? 920 for the Item and no shipping back the Item (sorry for my poor english, but I hope you understand.
My second offer: Please send me the Item back and I send you the ? 920,- back.
Jim Okay, so for this what we can do is really need for the item to arrive and if the case will be close and it was resolve then it will not mark against your account. 「オーケー、ならば、我々のできることは、really need 商品が到着、もし審査が終了し、それが解決し、 それはあなたのアカウントを mark しないであろう」
You can also try to have an agreement with buyer's if you want that they will agree to wait if they want to purchase an item from you. 「あなたはまた、あなたが欲するなら buyer's (なんで所有?) との合意成立を試み、 もし彼らがある商品をあなたから買いたいなら彼らは待つことに同意するだろう」
※ Jim イーベイのサポート case 運営に対する、不着の苦情による申立審査。 苦情が出ると自動でおいらのaccountのレートが「苦情多い販売者」になる
お願いします。 That is exactly what happened to Latin some 1,500 years ago , when Italian , Spanish , French , Portuguese , Romanian , and other Romance languages began to develop out of local dialects of Latin .
The willingness of graduate students to embrace the role of obliging guinea-pigs, to take part in all manner of intrusive, humiliating and bizarre experiments is nothing short of incredible.
But such is the respect with which this former lawyer is held internationally it has come as little surprise. She's been the point on many European financial issues in recent years, she is a fluent English speaker and once she had picked up the endorsements of India and China, her confirmation as the new IMF chief was a formality. such は2行目以下だな。
the respect の内容は後に書いてある She's been the point on many European financial issues in recent years, she is a fluent English speaker and once she had picked up the endorsements of India and China, なんでしょ?