> At first, I would like to tell you about my job. Moscow is known as a > "Port of Five Seas", but we really have no sea nearby =) So we sell > river cruises by Russian and Ukraine rivers(some of these cruises are > mixed river-sea cruises like Kiev-Odessa-Istanbul). It's our company > basic activity(we have 7 ships in freight). But some clients are > interested in sea cruises(Mediterranean and Southeastern Asia are > the most popular), so we have some experts in this field. Well, I > really like my job but some clients are so... All people are > different, but sometimes they pass all the bounds.
Sorry to hear that, それを聞いて残念 as for 3 pieces of retransmission 3個の再発送に関しては、3個送れとあなたが言うことに対しては without being included as you said, あなたが言うところでは入っていなかった could you offer order number? 注文番号を教えていただけませんか?
The battle for Normandy is drawing on slowly as with every major operation the Allies advance only a few kilometres at a time. ノルマンディの戦いは、連合軍が全ての大規模作戦で一度に数キロしか前進できないのと同様に、ゆっくりと迫っている。
直訳するとこんな感じで正解でしょうか as with以降をどうすりゃいいのか小一時間悩んでますorz
Dディ(6月6日)から日が経ち、この作戦時は7月18日で 連合軍は海岸からだいぶ内陸へ進出していて、カーン市の一部を制圧してます なもんで、The battle for NormandyはDディのことではないんです
リンク先では The battle for Normandy is drawing on slowly as with every major operation the Allies advance only a few kilometres at a time. ノルマンディー開放はあらゆる主要な作戦によって連合軍が一度に数キロ進むごとにゆっくり近づいてくる。
として、The battle for Normnadyをノルマンディ開放としちまってますが、 考え直してみたら>15のほうが、英語の本意に近いんじゃなかろうか、と思った次第でして。
これわかる方お願いします。 Thank you, it sure does turn a lot of heads and gets a lot of attention. This $32,000 Jeep, turns more heads then my $49,000 Land Rover did, lol.
>>31 ありがとうございます。 あとこれもわかったらお願いしますm(__)m This is a great automobile. You should buy it now while prices are low. It will continue to go up in value. There are very few convertibles left and this one is better than it was new. There is more invested in the restoration than the asking price.
よろしくお願いします。 In particular, the new "Format" lines allow SSA to read only the information it recognises and discard any new information that is added in future scripts.
A man who gave his friend a hammer,saying,”there is a nail. When I nod my head ,hit it",would be shocked to receive on the head , but his friend could justify by arguing that only doing as he had been told 訳をお願いします。どうやら変な文のようです
A man who gave his friend a hammer, saying, "there is a nail. When I nod my head, hit it", would be shocked to receive on the head, but his friend could justify by arguing that only doing as he had been told
知ってるつもりの単語でも辞書を引け ということか。 研究社英和中辞典より引用 hit the nail on the head 物事の核心をつく 図星を指す 引用終わり それやこれやに掛けてあるんだ。 他人様にトンカチを渡すのは思わぬ危険があるということだ。 つまんない冗談言う香具師の頭かち割るのが社会的には正解かもしれないし・・・。 んなことないか。ないよね。
I am a huge fan of Monty Python. But I can not enjoy their works without subtitle yet. I really want to enjoy those by all myself someday.
Sometimes, especially after enjoy their work fully, they appear and play some sketch in my dream. But they never speak. Even when they should sing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", they are quiet. Though I can sing the song slowly. Every time I have this sort of dream, I feel a little sad. If my English was better, they might speak and sing in front of me...
時々、彼らの作品を楽しんだ後は特に、彼らは私の夢に現れて演奏する でも何も言わない、彼らが"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"を歌うべき時でさえ 彼らは静かです。私はゆっくりなら歌えるけど。この夢を見るといつもちょっと悲しくなる。 私の英語がましだったら、彼らは私の前で話して歌ってくれるかもしれないと。。。
なんで最後源氏が出てくるのかが分かりません。御願します。 Genji-pie is made from the finest ingredients of wheat flour, margarine, sugar and more. This heart-shaped pie has been enjoyed since 1965. Why not make your teatime more delightful with Genji?
機械翻訳じゃワカワカメなんで教えてください。 We can also be happy times with myspace in chat talk. Is wonderful that you care for Germany. What do you want because all the knowledge? I saw you in Osaka live. Did you know it until after Tokyo?
What became of everyone I used to know? Where did our respectable convictions go? Your words don’t match the story that your actions show, What do I know?
I’m sure you can’t help but remembering I thought that you’d be one not to forget, Remembering’s not helping you yet.
While we are unable to offer feedback on individual applications, if you would like to discuss your work further please schedule a portfolio review by e-mailing [email protected]
Most of those who are in the habit of reading books in a foreign language will have experienced a much greater average difficulty in books written by male than by female authors, because they contain many more rare words, dialect words, technical terms, etc.
Most of those who are in the habit of reading books in a foreign language will have experienced a much greater average difficulty in books written by male than by female authors, because they contain many more rare words, dialect words, technical terms, etc.
Be careful about those who deliberately use aspects of the truth to deceive you and others. When someone tells you something that is true, but intentionally leaves out important information that should be included for full comprehension on your part to take place, they can create a false impression. For example, an acquaintance might tell you, "I just won a hundred dollars in the lottery. It was really exciting when I took that one-dollar ticket back to the store and got in cashed!" This woman's a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. In fact, you later learn that she had bought not one ticket but instead two hundred for this lottery ― and only one of these a winning ticket! Eventually, you realize this woman, who you thought was 'lucky' is, in fact, a big loser. Although she didn't say anything false, she clearly left out important information and likely did so on purpose. That is called a half-truth which is not technically a lie, but it is just as dishonest. >>154に続く
>>153から Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use such deceptive communication strategies to trick voters into supporting them. Let's say that during Governor Smith's last term, her state lost one million jobs but gained three million new ones. Then she seeks another term in office and enters the election race. One of her opponents in that race subsequently begins an advertising campaign saying, "During Governor Smith's term, the state lost one million jobs!" That is indeed true but, at the same time, it is intentionally deceptive. A more honest statement from her opponent would have been, "During Governor Smith's term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs." Advertisers sometimes use half-truths as well. Because it's illegal in many countries to openly make false claims about a product or service, some advertisers try to mislead you with the truth. An ad might, therefore, claim, "Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples." This is also a factual statement but one which deliberately fails to mention that only ten doctors were asked about Yucky Pills and nine of these actually work for the Yucky Corporation. This kind of deception happens too often. It's a sad fact of life: lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.
The model for historical explanation is thus the logic of stories: the way a story shows how something came to happen, connecting the initialsituation, the development, and the outcome in a way that makes sense.
The model for historical explanation is thus the logic of stories 史実に基づく説明のひな形はこのように物語の論理である :すなわち the way a story shows物語を示す方法 how something came to happen, どのようにその事は起こったか connecting the initialsituation, 最初の状況を結合し the development,発展 and the outcome 結論 in a way that makes sense. 意味のあるわかるような方法で 起承転結だな。4コマ漫画。
historical explanation 過去にあった説明 thus 例えば、例として the way a story shows how something came to happen, 起 どのように(面白い)物語が起きたかを示す方法 connecting the initialsituation, 承 connecting the development, 転 and connecting the outcome 結 in a way that makes sense. 意味が通るような方法で 起承転結を書くのがthe logic of storiesである。 historical explanation 過去にあった説明 ではそういうことになっている。 historical は辞書にある 史実に基づく,歴史上に実在する. をくだいて表現すべき。
The measures needed to reduce undeserved inequalities arising from differences in class background and natual talent will involve interference with peple's economic activities, mainly through taxation : the government takes money from some people and uses it to help others.
the measures 方法、処置needed過去分詞形容詞 to reduce減らすため undeserved不当な inequalities不公平 arising起因する from differences in class background階級 and natual talent個人の才能能力 someの意味は 3 [複数形の 可算名詞または 不可算名詞 の名詞を伴い,全体のうちの一部を表わして] 人[もの]によると…(もある), 中には… 《★【用法】 しばしば後に対照的に (the) other(s), the rest または some を従えて用いる》.
ニュースからです。よろしくお願いいたします The banks argued that the faster system, rather than being more efficient and saving them money, actually meant that they had to release funds to customers more quickly, and therefore could not make as much money in interest payments themselves while waiting for the cheques to clear.
NYTコラムです More on the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands By NICHOLAS KRISTOF
I blogged recently about the dust-up in Asia between China and Japan over the uninhabited islands known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyu islands in China. Both claim them, as does Taiwan for good measure. I argued that China appeared to have a slightly better claim to them, although they might also plausibly be terra nullis, not belonging to any nation. Here’s the latest on the tiff.
Japan, which doesn’t even acknowledge that there is a territorial dispute, protested my blog post and wrote me a letter outlining some of its arguments. I’m not persuaded ― it seems silly to say that China didn’t protest the seizure of a few barren rocks, when it was so weak that it had lost the entire province of Taiwan ― but Japan does have valid points to make. I wish it would seek referral of the issue to the International Court of Justice, setting a precedent for legal judgments rather than brute force to settle conflicting claims. 続きます
NYTコラム 続き I’ve been following the ups and downs on the islands since the 1980’s and wrote about them with my wife in our 2000 book about Asia, “Thunder from the East.” Alas, I’ve never found a way to land on them, and I do worry that the U.S. could be drawn into the dispute. As I noted in my previous item, the U.S. in theory is required to defend Japan’s claim to the islands, based on the wording of the U.S./Japan Security Treaty. In practice, we wouldn’t, but our failure to do so would cause reverberations all over Asia. In any case, here are excerpts from the Japanese letter of protest, apparently written at the request of the Japanese Foreign Minister (who knows who reads this blog?). Since I suggested that the islands were more likely China’s, I want to give them a chance to respond: 続きます
NYTコラム 続き 1) Since 1885, surveys of the Senkaku Islands had thoroughly been made by the Government of Japan through the agencies of Okinawa Prefecture and by way of other methods. Through these surveys, it was confirmed that the Senkaku Islands had been uninhabited and showed no trace of having been under the control of China. Based on this confirmation, the Government of Japan made a Cabinet Decision on 14 January 1895 to erect a marker on the Islands to formally incorporate the Senkaku Islands into the territory of Japan.
2) Since then, the Senkaku Islands have continuously remained as an integral part of the Nansei Shoto Islands, which are the territory of Japan. These islands were neither part of Taiwan nor part of the Pescadores Islands which were ceded to Japan from the Qing Dynasty of China in accordance with Article II of the Treaty of Shimonoseki which came into effect in May of 1895. 続きます
NYTコラム 続き 3) Accordingly, the Senkaku Islands are not included in the territory which Japan renounced under Article II of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. The Senkaku Islands have been placed under the administration of the United States of America as part of the Nansei Shoto Islands, in accordance with Article III of the said treaty, and are included in the area, the administrative rights over which were reverted to Japan in accordance with the Agreement Between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands signed on 17 June 1971. The facts outlined herein clearly indicate the status of the Senkaku Islands being part of the territory of Japan.
4) The fact that China expressed no objection to the status of the Islands being under the administration of the United States under Article III of the San Francisco Peace Treaty clearly indicates that China did not consider the Senkaku Islands as part of Taiwan. It was not until the latter half of 1970, when the question of the development of petroleum resources on the continental shelf of the East China Sea came to the surface, that the Government of China and Taiwan authorities began to raise questions regarding the Senkaku Islands. 続きます
NYTコラム 続き 4) The fact that China expressed no objection to the status of the Islands being under the administration of the United States under Article III of the San Francisco Peace Treaty clearly indicates that China did not consider the Senkaku Islands as part of Taiwan. It was not until the latter half of 1970, when the question of the development of petroleum resources on the continental shelf of the East China Sea came to the surface, that the Government of China and Taiwan authorities began to raise questions regarding the Senkaku Islands.
5) Your column focuses on historical manuscripts such as “Chinese navigational records” and “a 1783 Japanese map” to make the point that China has a better claim to the Senkaku Islands. However, please note that none of the points raised by the Government of China as “historic, geographic or geological” evidence provide valid grounds, in light of international law, to support China’s arguments regarding the Senkaku Islands.
“What happened to those 4,000 workers when my factory closed for good? How does the roundabout way to wealth explain the poverty that must have followed? You can tell me that Merck is really a television company. And now that we've talked a little bit about the labor market, I understand what you were driving at. You were trying to ten me that the television jobs became higher-paying pharmaceutical jobs. But what about the transition? My assembly-line workers aren't chemists. When they lost their jobs,they'd need new skills and training. some of them wouldn't be smart enough, or patient enough,to learn at their age. what happened to them?” “some retired. some started their own businesses using the profitsharing plan stellar had in place. some of those businesses thrived,and some failed. some of your workers went to night school and acquired new skills. About a year after your plant closed, a couple of other factories opened in star because companies knew of your workers' skills. some of your workers found jobs there.”
But the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Tuesday it was allowing snapper fishing over eight three-day weekends beginning Oct. 1.
What an idiot comment Tara. Mao was? under NO ONE'S radar. When Mao is on the ice, everyone pays? attention. That's not me propping Mao, that's just a fact. Japanese figure skaters in Japan have more paparazzi than Brad and Angelina in L.A. so don't get it twisted.
Quoting an executive of a rare earth consulting company in Australia, the New York Times said several executives in the industry "have been told that the initial ban will last through the end of the month, and the Chinese government will reassess then whether to extend the ban if the fishing captain still has not been released."
whether to extend the ban if the fishing captain still has not been released." もし船長が釈放されなければ 禁止し続けるか禁止を解除するか whetherにor notが付いてないのは禁止解除が望み薄なのを見込んでるんだろ。
The British are well known throughout the world for their love of sports and gambling.
A wide range of sports that are now played on the international level, such as golf, football, rugby and table tennis, have their origins in the British Isles.
The simplicity of sports has fascinated the British for many centuries.
The concept of one person or team competing against another in order to decide a winner and a loser could not be easier to understand, and it also provides spectators with the opportunity to make a little money in the process.
Spectator sports are not a modern invention, and betting on the outcome of sporting events is as old as sport itself.
Of course, a lot of people simply enjoy the sportsmanship and fair play and do not bother with the monetary side of affairs, but for many, the idea of placing a small bet on the outcome of a tournament remains as popular as ever.
But, despite the fact that the words “gambling” and “betting” appear to share exactly the same meaning, there is a slight difference in nuance from the British point of view.
Although the dictionary definition of the word gambling covers the act of betting, it somehow manages to contain a slightly darker and unhealthy nuance.
A “gambler” is somebody who bets money on his own ability to win at indoor games, not sports―cards, roulette or even not machines, for example.
From this point of view, a person who regularly bets on sports in which other people compete against each other is not considered to be a gambler but is said to enjoy a “flutter.”
Betting offices are common sights in Britain, and most will accept bets on any sport taking place in any country.
Bets are even regularly accepted in Britain on the outcome of sumo tournaments that are held in Japan.
It is also possible to bet on results that do not concern sports, such as the gender and names of the unborn children of royalty and celebrities.
As mentioned earlier, many people in Britain simply enjoy the sense of fair play and chivalry that go with sports.
Sportsmen are seen as warriors who have a fair sense of justice and mercy.
They are also thought to be ambassadors for their country, and any sportsman who displays selfish or unjust behavior on the field will soon lose his popularity.
Obtain a photo of the victim-to-be. If no photo is available, get some hair or finger-nail clippings. Get anything that fits into whatever model of magick you hold and combine this with a sigil (a pictorial glyph) of the guy of your own design. Sit in a still clean place (Your Temple) and declare the circle to be cast, through a banishing ritual or reciting a poem and waving your arms around, etc. Put the likeness of the guy onto your altar (or similar) and channel energy up through your legs, torso, arms and into the likeness. Keep doing so as you pick the object up (both hands) and hold it tight, (because you love his impression). Tell him over and over that you love him absolutely and that he loves you dearly. Tell him that he loves you and that you love him and that you were meant to be together, repeatedly. When satisfied, close the circle and declare the ritual over.
Take the object and wrap it up, to 'bind it' and store it in a clean, safe place such as strapped to the bottom of her bed or buried in her lawn, etc. Usually I would have some purple candles on the altar. You specified 'white magic' so use white candles.
The dip the picture in a solution of balchad and keep it for 15 days, after 15 days are over you may put the picture in the sea and while throwing the picture in the see chant these prays Nau Sau Ser Bil Uma Rah Rab 21 time You will experience great wonders soon.
In the 2004?2005 season, Asada was internationally Junior age eligible. She competed in the ISU Junior Grand Prix, which is the Junior complement to the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating. She won both of her events. She, then, won the Junior Grand Prix Final with an overall score 35. 08 points ahead of the silver medalist, Kim Yu-Na. Asada won the Japanese Junior National championships and qualified for the team of the 2005 World Junior Figure Skating Championships. The Junior National silver medalist that year was her sister, Mai Asada. Mai had placed ahead of Mao Asada in the two previous years.
Some types of depression run in families, indicating that a biological vulnerability to depression can be inherited. This seems to be the case, especially with bipolar disorder. Families in which members of each generation develop bipolar disorder have been studied. The investigators found that those with the illness have a somewhat different genetic makeup than those who do not become ill. However, the reverse is not true. That is, not everybody with the genetic makeup that causes vulnerability to bipolar disorder will develop the illness.
Apparently, additional factors, possibly a stressful environment, are involved in its onset and protective factors are involved in its prevention.
The daily events are not rated Low to High but are all time based. If you wanted to do what you want you could instead of creating events create Tasks and then you could rate them from Low to High but Tasks will appear After EVENTS We appreciate having the opportunity to help and serve you. Please let us know if there is anything more we can do.
iPhoneのスケジュールアプリを作ってる会社に、 「daily calendar(A)とhigh important calendar(B)の2つのカレンダーがあると仮定する。 ある日、(A)のスケジュールが複数あって(B)のスケジュールが1~2個あるような場合、 月表示では画面の大きさから、表示できるスケジュール数が少ないため、(A)が表示されてても、(B)が隠れてしまうことがあって不便だ。 たがら、カレンダーごとに、表示、非表示を選べるようにしてくれ」 って趣旨を伝えた際の返信。
I no we did made a beautiful couple, but nothing last long, everything got ah end to it, even this song, the love i had for you was always right, an never wrong, you told me you love me, an i think our love was strong, my mother always told me never to trust ah pretty lady, an papa always say i was to young to have a baby, but i never listen i just made you my lady, when i found out everything you told me was a lie, it almost drive me crazy!!!!!!!!! (BITCH)
Why is the supply chain so overstuffed? Because demand for flat-screen TVs has been sluggish this year, thanks in part to manufacturers' decision to hold back on price chops.
流通在庫が増えすぎたのはなぜか? 今年は薄型テレビが売れないから、おかげさまでメーカーは値下げを続けることを決めた。 thanks in part to manufacturers' decision to hold back on price chops. メーカーが値下げせざるを得ないことを皮肉ってる。
It is very sad what happened in your family, I am very sad about this hurt situation. Offer my deeply sympathy. I hope that the next year will be better for you and brings to your life more and more presure. I think that you should be standby for your sisiter.
On checking our records it has come to our notice that your account is a little overdue. I am sure that this is an oversight on your part and would be most grateful if you could forward the outstanding amount shown on the attached statement at your earliest convenience.
Please contact me if you believe that any of the amounts are incorrect or if you require any further information.
>>247 It is very sad what happened in your family, 貴方の家族で起こった事に悲しみを感じます。
I am very sad about this hurt situation. この心痛む状態にとても悲しみを感ずます。
Offer my deeply sympathy. 深いお悔やみを申し上げます。
I hope that the next year will be better for you and brings to your life more and more presure. 来年は貴方にとってよい年となりますようにそしてもっともっと満足な年(pleasure)で ありますようにと思っております。
I think that you should be standby for your sisiter.
It's true Kukai was half Korean or full, but Koreans don't know shit about him, neither does Chinese. The same for Shotoku Taishi, ,some books say he was Korean, I think he was half since Soga clan originated from Baekje. ^_^
I work hard, I dedicate myself to the game and sacrifice a lot of things at a young age, and I know, if I continue to do good what I can get out of it. If that's me going out and doing whatever, I'm willing to do it because in the long run I know it's gonna help me
>>277 原文には , が入ってる。 I know, if I continue to do good , what I can get out of it. I know what I can get out of it. それから何を得られるか知っている。 良いと信じることを続ければ、 if I continue to do good 一生懸命練習すればプレーすればバスケットから何を得られるか知ってる。
, ,でくくってあるのは文を入れ込んであるだけ。 , ,内を外しても元の文に影響しない。 I know what i can get out of it. 私はバスケットから何を得られるか知っている。 , If i continue to do good, この場合 to do good はバスケットに打ち込むことあたり。 it はバスケット、バスケットに精進すること などだろ。 つまり一所懸命バスケットをしてれば金も稼げるし名声も得られる。
状況・すけべなおっさんに尻をさわられた女の子がぶん殴って 「don`t you make me do that again!」のセリフの後に
おっさん「noteven if I ask real nice?」 おっさん「maybe next time you can tie me up first and then start throwin` me around!」 おっさん「unless, of course, you`d like me to do it T`you…」
Thank you for your interest in the tickets. I would be more than happy to send them to Japan and would have to charge £8 in total, so thats £5 more than the current P & P price. Let me know if you are happy with this and if you want the tickets now, if so then we can agree a price (taking into account the P & P to Japan) and I will remove them from ebay and you can make your payment.
翻訳をお願いします。 There was widespread amusement in 1980, when Ronald Reagan famously declared that most air pollution was caused by plants, however, scientists have since learned that some flora do contribute to smog.
>>286 一番目のセリフがなんかっかかるので考えてみたんだけど、 noteven ifは再叙否定で前の否定文をさらに否定を追加する接続詞なので おっさんの「noteven if I ask real nice?」 は女の子の「don`t you make me do that again!」を揶揄してるのだと思う。
映画ソーシャルネットワークに付いて語ってる文章なんですけど we had some then 〜辺りの訳が???って感じなので どなたかお願いいたします。 “In many ways, I look back to the mid-90’s, when we had some then landmark movies like ‘The Net’ and ‘You’ve Got Mail’ kind of coming out and capturing the zeitgeist of that moment. And you’re seeing that now.”
Why,then,are 90 million primary school-age girls around the world not in school? For the same reason that when Charles Dickens was writing David Copperfield 150 years ago gilrs were absent from the British education system:Men in power mostly prefer it that way ,or are not interested enough in changing the situation to commit energy and money to doing so. Or perhaps they do not quite believe the mountains of studies that have established beyond question the link between the education of poverty and those years in a school-room by ranks of girls.
難しいかもしれませんが、お願いします! She got up, and, brushing past the waiter with the drink, crossed the room. She might have been greeting the loved friends of years. He watched her bend over the table and shake them both by the hand, and because there was a vacant chair at their table she drew it up and sat down, talking, smiling. Nor did the sisters seemed surprised, at least not the one she knew, who nodded and talked back, while the blind sister remained impassive.
A constructive market model would require that resources are not blindly allocated in favour of private goods at the expense of public goods in ways which undermines social justice, urged Stiglitz. For instance, he criticized aggressive lobbying by Wall Street banks which, in 1999,led to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. This legisilation from the Depression Era had separated investment banking from commercial banking and aimed to protect taxpayers from precisely the kind of expensive public bailouts which happened in 2008.
Instant ramen is very popular in Japan because it is easy to prepare and inexpensive.
Many instant ramen products come in cups. To prepare it, all you have to do is fill the cup with tot water, cover it, wait for two or three minutes and, presto, a delicious instant meal is waiting for you. Other products are sold in bags. You empty the contents of the bag into boiling water, wait a couple of minutes and then put the noodles in a bowl to eat.
More than 45 billion cups or bags of instant ramen are eaten each year in over 80 countries around the world. China is the biggest consummer, with the Chinese eating 16 billion packs a year. Next comes Indonesia at 9 billion, followed by Japan at about billion packs. Ramen is popular outside of Asia. In America, nearly 3 billion serving are consumed annually.
Since the world's first instant ramen went on sale in Japan in 1958, both the taste and the production methods have continued to improve. It now comes in a variety of flavors from chiken to seafood to curry.
For many busy people and for people who just do'nt like to cook, instant ramen just may be the answer.
Inflation Reports are far more user-friendly than previous central bank documents and clearly explain the goals and limitations of monetary policy, including the rationale for inflation targets : the numerical values of the inflation targets and how these were determined ; how the inflation targets are to be achieved, given current economic condition ; and the reasons for any deviations from targets.
Almost all Inflation Reports also provide inflation forecasts, while the majority provide output forecasts, and some provide a projection of the policy path for interest rates (see table 5.1 in chapter 5).
These communication efforts have improved private-sector planning by reducing uncertainty about monetary policy, interest rates, and inflation; these reports have promoted public debate of monetary policy, in part by educating the public about what a central bank can and cannot achieve; and these have helped clarify the responsibilities of the central bank and of politicians in the conduct of monetary policy.
We are pleased to offer from important private collection this absolutely amazing antique WWI era Bulgarian Royal officer's military award cufflinks set.Made of vermeil silver,decorated with enamel. In the center is the Bulgarian military coat of arms-the crowned lion.Original presentation box.the set comes with the original cabinet photo of the owner- captain 1st rnak Andrey Ivanchevsky in hes parade uniform!
We promise 100% buyers satisfaction,or MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!!!
・But since time-inconsistency is more likely to come from political pressures on the central bank to engage in overly expansionary monetary policy, a key advantage of inflation targeting is that it is better able to focus the political debate on what a central bank can do best in the long-run control inflation rather than what it cannot do: raise economic growth and the number of jobs permanently through expansionary monetary policy.
・(A remarkable example of raising the level of public discussion, as recounted in chapter 10, occurred in Canada in 1996 when a public debate ensued over a speech by the president of the Canadian Economic Association criticizing the Bank of Canada.) Thus, inflation targeting appears to reduce political pressures on the central bank to pursue inflationary monetary policy and thereby reduces the likelihood of time inconsistent policymaking.
・Although inflation targeting has the ability to limit the time-inconsistency problem, it does not do this by adopting a rigid rule, and thus has much in common with the flexibility of earlier monetary-targeting regimes.
"Terrorism" - the word and the concept both originated in the Terror of the French Revolution. They had been taken up by Fichte and later by such Young Hegelian revolutionists as Bruno Bauer, who had exclaimed in 1841 that "the terrorism of pure theory must clear the field!" Its proponents were always aware of its application to the Jewish Question: Berthold Auerbach was deeply troubled by "Fichte's terrorism, especially concerning the Jews". Of course, advocates of terror were inclined to assert that they had in mind only terror of a metaphorical nature - philosophical terror, or artistic terror. What is significant here, however, is not the formal definition of terror, but rather the mood and mentality of such intellectual terrorists as Fichte and Fries, Bauer and Wagner, who are case studies of mental violence. When such a mentality spills over into the political arena, it is disingenuous to claim that one really had no premonition of what would happen to these interesting ideas.
Face to face I'm looking at you in a secret place Undress the words so we say nothing fake It's so much better when our words are naked We don't need space I wanna hold you tight again For us to feel each other's hearts at the "right place" I guess this is why god made us like this Songs sound amazing with you Views lose their beauty with out you It feels I don't exist with out you baby, out you baby, out you baby I said I love you said I love you said I love you I still can't find any other words than "I Love You", let our bodies do the talking I said I love you said I love you said I love you, love you I said I love you said I love you said I love you I still can't find any other words than "I Love You", let our bodies do the talking I said I love you said I love you said I love you, love you My body's talking to you ya Touch your hair You're always ___ in my favorite chair Do you still wait for moments When I’m there Myself tonight we wanna ___To mark the time Missing your caress It makes me feel high again You got me addicted to you Your head/breath's inside my heart And this is what I make ___ Every time I’m calling you up Girl, to see ___ Cause know I’m dreaming about you baby Don't you baby Don't you baby Don't you baby I said I love you Said I love you Said I love you I said I love you Said I love you Said I love you Girl I love you I said I love you Said I love you Said I love you Love you girl Said I love you Said I love you But still can't find the perfect words to love you with I love you Said I love you My body's talking to ya(Talking to ya...) I’m losing my mind on this I wish I could rewind this song rewind our memories forever ___ Uuuuh Listen to ___you’re the one Anybody’s talking to you My body's talking to you
Of all the human emotions, none seems more pure than love. Sometimes people will even give up their own lives for love. But is love really such an unselfish emotion? Probably not, says one biologist.
This may sound strange, but according to his theory,love is just a feeling created by the genes inside of us. He says that our genes tell us when to fall in love. A gene is a very selfish thing that wants to multiply and continue to exist from generation to generation. This he calls the "selfish gene"
Look at this example. A man and a woman become attracted to each other -he thinks she is beautiful; she thinks he is handsome. They both think that this attraction is their own wish. Yet, in fact, this is again the work of their genes. The gene "thinks" like this:"If I can make this couple have a baby together, the baby will have a good chance of becoming attractive. Thus, he or she will also be attractive to members of the opposite sex." In this way, the genes will multiply and survive.
For a long time, it has been said that love is blind. That is to say, people naturally fall in love with the opposite sex. However, this really means that it is natural for us to survive past our own generation.
>>370 long-run control inflation の部分が文法的におかしいので検索してみたら、 原文は以下のようにカッコがついているようだ。↓
SSRN-From Monetary Targeting to Inflation Targeting: Lessons from ... - [ このページを訳す ] FS Mishkin 著 - 2001 - 引用元 30 - 関連記事 A key advantage of inflation targeting is that it helps focus the political debate on what a central bank can do in the long run (control inflation) rather than what it cannot do (raise economic growth and the number of jobs permanently ... papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=632752
An encyclopedia of macroeconomics - Google ブック検索結果 Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane - 2002 - Business & Economics - 721 ページ ... of focusing the political debate on what a central bank can do in the long run (control inflation) rather than what it cannot do (raise output growth, lower unemployment, increase external competitiveness) through monetary policy. ... books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=1845421809...
In this whole inflation and deflation debate investors have to realize that in a system ―say you have a room like this and then the money is dropped from helicopters into this room, it can flow into real estate; it can flow into equities; it can flow into precious metals; it can flow into the art market or it can flow out into other currencies or into commodities that the Federal Reserve doesn’t control. They only control essentially how much money they will drop from the helicopters.
yes please let us know, as the picture you sent this morning show that you have received all the product as ordered. The 2 item we have sent are the same as already shown on your picture. Let us know when ready to return them, we will get you a RMA or we will need to bill you for them.
Acceptance eventually comes to most patients. When told "This disorder never causes total blindness"、 the patient with macular direase and a recent history of progressive deterioration prefers to believe the evidence of her own eyes than the assurances of the professionals.
The patient eventually finds that the vision is indeed stable、begins to discover that they have abilities as well as disabilities、 and starts seeking ways to enhance them.
>>370 ・(A remarkable example of raising the level of public discussion, as recounted in chapter 10, occurred in Canada in 1996 when a public debate ensued over a speech by the president of the Canadian Economic Association criticizing the Bank of Canada.) Thus, inflation targeting appears to reduce political pressures on the central bank to pursue inflationary monetary policy and thereby reduces the likelihood of time inconsistent policymaking.
・Although inflation targeting has the ability to limit the time-inconsistency problem, it does not do this by adopting a rigid rule, and thus has much in common with the flexibility of earlier monetary-targeting regimes.
Who gave Japan... Rice cultivation? Metal technology? Palace and even castle architecture? Buddha & Shinto introduction, The Kanj and even the Kana? How about Bushi ways? How about Imperial bloodlines even? These to mention a few?
A touch of impatience can be discerned amongst realistically oriented colleagues in this series of essays: formal philosophers and economists have injected a certain a priori and deductive element into the discussion of trust. The description of the manner in which trust and hence economic vitality were deliberately destroyed by Neapolitan political authority is a welcome corrective (Pagden, this volume). I hope to continue in the same direction, by crossing the Mediterranean and attempting a similarly realistic analysis of a concrete society. I shall look at the way in which trust functions or fails to function in traditional Muslim society. I shall be leaning very heavily, as usual, on Ibn Khaldun (1958).
お願いします! Nadal defeated Novak Djokovic, 6-4,5-7,6-4,6-2, who had beaten him in their last three mutches. He did so by wearing down the third-seeded Djokovic with his phenomenal court coverage, consistent returns and improved serve, particularly the sliced serve to the ad court that forced Djokovic to release the second hand from his backhand and lunge in desperation on multiple occasions. Nadal has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there are no limits to his range or appetite.
He's the kind of guy Who's always passin' by Who never has time to spend And he'll take you for a spin And won't look within To find out who you are And he numbs himself with weed He's from the coldest breed Who judge by what they see And I thought he was Smart enough to know That the girl on his arm Will never calm his storms Watch out, he'll charm you
Smoother than the L.A. weather That's how he holds himself together He is colder than the winter I wrap my coat around to better Counteract his charm attack That leaves me hungry Well, I'm no savior But I tried to save you With all my love that rages high inside
「Hello Seller, my name is Okinawa Kazuhiro from Scotland i need your Item Paste on Yahoo auction to my daughter i want to know How many sets you have? i will like to offer you $1,000:00USDollar including the shipment Cost to my Daughter by EMS SERVICE to Nigeria i want you to E-mail me to ([email protected]) and i will paid through bank to bank Transfer , I'm waiting for your reply soon Thanks. 」
Deep water oil drills quieted by a six-month moratorium will again hum off the Gulf Coast, helping an industry that, despite its dangers, puts needed money in the pockets of thousands along the Gulf Coast. What's less certain is just how soon the jobs on hold because of the six-month an will come back to a region trying to recover.
I reviewed the emails from before to try and better understand your whole business plan. When last we talked before summer heat, you were asking of a chiller unit to maintain cool water like the ones I use. Did you add the chiller asked before or did you leave this unit out of the plan?
I would also ask if you have a store to do a large volume of business or only a small space for limited sales?
I would ask are you getting commodity for business purpose to make profit or for hobby?
Please understand, it does not matter to me what you choose to have commodity for selling / keeping / eating :) I am only ask to better understand and possibly help you if I can.
I have collectors / keepers and retail sellers both small and large wholesale buyers here in the usa and overseas in other countries that I have helped to design a system of keeping commodity with pump, filter, and chiller. The large resellers I have worked with to buy in bulk quantity to get wholesale pricing, so they make better profit being able to keep and sell large quantity's. The sellers buy a large quantity of each type of commodity remodeling for a wholesale (lower) price.
I realized I did not know much of what you wish to accomplish with the commodity and that I did not have the information needed to help, I only know you said you "had failures".
It does not matter if you order or not, it does matter that you are able to keep the commodity you are investing your time and money to get and to do with them the intended purpose.
If you could explain your situation with the commodity and what you are trying to do, I may be able to help or at least advise in what to do.
I have helped many people and I had many problems the first few years when beginning that I learned from. It may be that it is something that happened to me in the past and I have the answer.
If I am feeling better, I will shoot a rifle soon and watch a movie with a friend. I really want to talk with a girl I met at a party. She is interesting because she is from Hokkaido, and her voice is similar to the girl I miss, lol. I wish that I could drive a car or motorcycle around all day and think about life, but part of the time I would be sad because I still cannot forget the girl I miss who will not be my friend. I like driving, it's fun :)
I just contacted the post office they said that it is still in route for delivery and you will get a notice on your door to pick up a package if you're not home to sign for it. I am very sorry it is taking so long. thanks
I read about the afterlife But I never really lived more than an hour When I say Two more weeks My foot is in the door I can't sleep In the wake of Saturday Saturday When these open doors were open-ended
フェイスブックに初めて写真を載せたところ、スイス人の友人からコメントが来ました。 「Yay, now I finally know how you look! Well, not so good, but I saw you once (^.^) yay」 …との事なのですが、not so goodというのは私の写真に向けて言っているのでしょうか; 英語が苦手なもので、よく分かりません… 簡単に和訳すると、どうなりますか?? 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m
There are often benefits to consumers and to firms from standardization of a product. We examine whether these standardization benefits can "trap" an industry in an obsolete or inferior standard when there is a better alternative available. With complete information and identical preferences among firms the answer is no; but when information is incomplete this "excess inertia" can occur. We also discuss the extent to which the problem can be overcome by communication.
この分の和訳がどうしてもできないので出来る方いらっしゃったらお願いします。 A dialectical synthesis integrates the two basic needs for autonomy and relatedness through child socialization, which is a recognition of the coexistence of these two basic conflicting needs everywhere.
A good citizen does not mean a high-tax payer, nor the shrewd politician, nor the learned man, nor does it mean an excellent artist. It does mean a common man who does his duty conscientiously to his utmost.
step 1 always have your fist close to your face step to try t ocounter atack dont go all out when they punch grab there fist and punch them in the face with all youu got reapeat then theyll get knocked out
step 1 always have your fist close to your face いつでも拳を顔に近づけておけ step to 2 try to counter atack カウンターを狙え don't go all out when they punch パンチするときに腕を全部伸ばすな grab there fist 拳をしっかり握れ and punch them in the face with all youu got 顔を全力で打て reapeat then theyll get knocked out 敵をノックアウトするまで繰り返し打て
Wagner soon left Paris for Zurich, but by the end of January 1850 he wasback. His resentment of Meyerbeer now rose to such a pitch that he stormed out of a performance of his rival's new opera Le Prophete in February. At precisely this time Wagner chose further to complicate his life by having an affair with Jessie Laussot. The conjuncture of a personal emotional crisis with the constant reminder Paris gave him, both of his own artistic failings and of the power of Meyerbeer, drove him to a state of hysteria which produced a long recriminatory letter to Minna on 16 April 1850. It was his recollection in this of how "all my views and ideas remained anabomination to you - you detested my writings", that provoked his wife's response of 8 May - the letter referring to Wagner's first antisemitic essay of "two years ago".
Q1) Block most ads from even being downloaded, instead of just hiding them. Beta Note that Chrome doesn't fully support this, so a few resources might still be downloaded and hidden if you're on a fast computer. AdBlockをインストールした直後に表示される画面でクイック設定ができるのですが、上記の文にチェックマークが付けられるようになっています。 2行目は高性能なマシンであれば大丈夫ですよ的な意味だと思うのですが、、、
Q3)The defaults are great for English-speaking users in the US. Others may wish to subscribe to more lists. ”以下のリストは英語圏ユーザーによって作成されました。非英語圏の方も、このリストを充実させてください。” この訳文であっていますか?
返事がきたんでお願いします Hey thanks for watching the game and to answer your question to be the strongest fighter is how is your motivation is. Jump in the game and just
>>537 長かったので分けました。お願いします see how your fighting style is with these guys its not about winning or loosing its about how down you are to fight even he's bigger or faster or even more skilled then you you push yourself more to fight others
It's not the greatest picture ever taken in the history of man-kind, but that blurry thing inside the plastic container is a small cute bat being very angry at being caught. The rock face is the fireplace in the kids playroom. You can kind of see the mouth and the three-inch-long fangs bared, ready to spill the blood of its captors. What you cannot hear is the furious roaring of its mighty mouth, but if you mentally visualize the old MGM Lion, you can kind of imagine what it didn't sound like. I have no idea how it actually got into our house, but with a graceful flick of the red construction paper, I got it just barely out the door, and it flew away. Bye bye, little bat.
>誰か訳してください。お願いします(>_<) >Ican't because some people are clawing me. > >"I know you're doctor. I'm a doctor too. > >I'm a doctor who takes care of the Earth.
if you want to be an active member (example moderator or global mod) please tell me.. i need one to help me in the future to organize forum and if have any suggest to indicate me example new sections , graphic. please tell me.
No wonder, then, that when the opportunity eventually presented itself to attack Meyerbeer in the summer of 1850 in the framework of a musical controversy about 'Jewish' musical style, Wagner seized his chance. This may have been prearranged with Uhlig, who employed the phrase 'Hebraic art-taste' in an article in the Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik of 23 April 1850, which tore Meyerbeer and Le Proplete to shreds. Wagner innocently affected Uhlig's article to have been a purely accidental trigger that fired his own eruption in 'Judaism in Music'. Even if that were so, the gun had been loaded long before. As he later explained in a crucial letter to Liszt, the essay was actually giving vent to a longstanding hatred of the 'Jewish money-world':
No wonder, then, that when the opportunity eventually presented itself to attack Meyerbeer in the summer of 1850 in the framework of a musical controversy about 'Jewish' musical style, Wagner seized his chance. 1850年の夏にマイヤーベール、作曲家とユダヤ流ミュージカル論争する機会がついに来て ワグナーがチャンスをつかんだのはなんの不思議もない。 ワグナーはユダヤを嫌いなの。ナチスもユダヤ嫌い。
This may have been prearranged with Uhlig, who employed the phrase 'Hebraic art-taste' in an article in the Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik of 23 April 1850, which tore Meyerbeer and Le Proplete to shreds. このことはUhligが道をつけていたのかもしれない、Uhligはthe Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik of 23 April 1850,で Hebraic art-taste'ヘブライ風芸術 という言葉を使ってMeyerbeer and Le Proplete を叩いた。 ユダヤ蔑視。 ヘブライとは他民族がイスラエル、ユダヤを呼ぶ言葉。
Wagner innocently affected Uhlig's article to have been a purely accidental trigger that fired his own eruption in 'Judaism in Music'. ワグナーは悪意はないがUhlig's articleに悪影響を与えてしまった。 Uhlig's article は単純にワグナーの音楽のユダヤ主義反対が爆発するきっかけを作っただけだ。
Even if that were so, the gun had been loaded long before. As he later explained in a crucial letter to Liszt, the essay was actually giving vent to a longstanding hatred of the 'Jewish money-world': 例えそうだったとしても鉄砲の弾はずっと前から装填されていたのだ。その気持ちはあったのだ。 リストに当てた重要な手紙の中でワグナーは評論している、 それは長年のユダヤの金儲け主義に対する憎しみをぶちまけたのだ。 ワグナーはユダヤの金儲け主義を嫌ったのだろう。 ナチスもユダヤを嫌った。
It can furthermore be indicated to survey the movement lines of people, animals, feedstuffs, vehicles to find out where the ‘hottest spots of crossings’ are on the farm.
@No matter how well one theory explains a set of observations,it is possible that another theory may fit just as well or better,or may fit a still wider range of observations. ANevertheless,scientists differ greatly from one another in what phenomena they investigate and in how they go about their work.
No matter how well one theory explains a set of observations, 観察結果を一つの理論がどんなに良く説明できても it is possible that another theory may fit just as well or better, 他の理論で同等かその理論以上に説明できる可能性はあるし or may fit a still wider range of observations. 又はもっと広い範囲の観察結果に適合する可能性もある。 No matter how well one theory explains a set of observations, it is possible that another theory may fit just as well or better, or may fit a still wider range of observations.
Our credit card authorization system indicated that the address that you keyed for the "Bill to:" did not exactly match the address per your card issuing company.
The way our system works is that when an order is placed we obtain a credit card / debit card authorization. As part of the authorization process our card authorizing system contacts the bank that issued the card to verify that there is sufficient credit on the account to cover the purchase and the address that the customer keyed into our system as the "Bill to" for the credit card matches the "Bill to" per the issuing bank's records. A note to our international customers; all international orders over a certain dollar amount are flagged for further verification.
Unfortunately, the issuing bank for your card is telling us that the "Bill to" address doesn't exactly match the "Bill to" on the account.
Jet turbines operate by using thin blades whirling at high speeds to compress incoming air, which is burned with jet fuel in a central combustion area.
"Money & Politics" has essentially highlighted once again in the midterm elections. If a few people seize the control of media, noted some media reports, they can quickly inject their stances into public opinions. Of late, media have also disclosed that some interest groups incline to finance their political representatives for campaign commercials and other related activities.
Who speaks for Islam?:"What a Billion Muslims Really Think" is about this "silenced" majority. This book is the product of a mammoth, multiyear Gallup research study.Between 2001 and 2007.Gallup conducted tens of thousands of hour-long, face-to-face interviews with residents of more than 35 nations that are predominantly Muslim or have substantial Muslim populations. The sample represents residents young and old, educated and illiterate, female and male, and from urban and rural settings. With the random sampling method that Gallup used, results are statistically vaild within a plus or minus 3-point margin of error. In totality, we surveyed a samplye representing more than 90% of the world`s 1.3 billion Muslims, making this the largest, most comprehensive study of contemporary Muslims ever done.
While Africa and its partners have made a number of commitments to attain those goals, [noted the Secretary-General], those commitments "remain only partially realized."
>>さらにIf節はseizeで現在形になってる ・a few people は複数動詞で受けるから三単現の s はいらない。 ・現在形なのは、時制の一致を外しているから。なぜ外すか?現在でも通用する話だから。
Each morning I wake up open my eyes. Each night I sleep. I do the same again. (毎朝起きて、毎晩眠るということの繰り返しであるというニュアンス) Tell me, (今の自分の状況が嫌なので、教えて、誰か助けてという感じ) I wont do the same again.
the HERRZ,group,whose name corresponds to the first letters of the participating companies names was founded on a mutual wish to maintain as far as possible existing market structures.
I'm 名前 in Canada.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $1,000.00USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST . Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer Or PayPal into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English. Reply back to (メアド@gmail.com)Hoping to read from you fast,Thanks.
Please let us know when your order arrives as it brings us joy knowing you have received your essences.
It is unusual for us to receive an order from one person of so many kits of one kind. Would you mind sharing how you plan on using them? My thoughts go to possibly gifts or for a class. I would love to know.
I would also appreciate hearing of your experiences with our essences and invite you to send us any questions you may have.
(3) Launching the report, Transparency International's chairwoman said the vital issue was enforcement, without which all laws around the world are of little value.
>>661 When Transparency International's chairwoman Launched the report,she said. " The vital issue was enforcement. If there is no enforcement,all laws around the world are of little value." だとどうだ?
issue×発行物〇問題点 enforcement×強制 〇強制力、施行力 of little value〇価値が無い
His companion, Mr. Shelby, had the appearance of a gentleman; and the arrrangements of the house, and the general air of the housekeeping, indicated easy, and even opulent circumstances. As we before stated, the two were in the midst of an earnest conversation. "That is the way I should arrange the matter," said Mr. Shelby. "I can't make trade that way—I positively can't, Mr. Shelby," said the other, holding up a glass of wine between his eye and the light. "Why, the fact is, Haley, Tom is an uncommon fellow; he is certainly worth that sum anywhere,—steady, honest, capable, manages my whole farm like a clock."
"You mean honest, as niggers go," said Haley, helping himself to a glass of brandy.
Hi I ahve had a query from overseas prior to this and the bidder could not bid because he was out of the Uk, I have tried to ammend the lsiting but I cannot see how I can do it> I will keep trying but I can't promise as I am in work. I don't know how much it would cost and I doubt if I can find out this afternoon as I am working, Sorry I can't be more psoitive but I will do my best to adjsut the listing but can't promise.
The next step for the researchers is to see whether they can make sense of the brain waves of sleeping volunteers and if so, whether they correlate with the accounts of the volunteers' actual dreams.
夢判断だな。 The next step for the researchers is to see whether they can make sense of the brain waves of sleeping volunteers 研究社は次ぎに睡眠中夢見るボランティアの脳波の動きを意味づけることができるかどうかだ。 and if so, whether they correlate with the accounts of the volunteers' actual dreams. それが出来たとしてその睡眠ボランティアの実際の夢と相互に関連づけ出来るかどうかだ。
>Launching the report, Transparency International's chairwoman said the vital issue was enforcement, >without which all laws around the world are of little value. >※最後の所、enforcementは施行、執行、強制という意味だから、 >「実際に法律を執行し守らせなければ法律はあっても意味がない」というような意味だと思うよ。
私の場合、The vital issue was enforcement.と単体の文章にしても意味が分かりません。 せいぜい「重要な問題は強制であった」程度のことしか思いつきません。 この状態でVocabularyを読んでも"making people obey the law"(人々を法に従わせる)を読むと余計に翻訳に悩みます。
その後ろのwithoutの使い方はさらに分からないですね whichが"the vital issue was enforcement"を指しているのかな?
>>710 without which は、whichがenforcementにかかる関係代名詞文です。 訳は 「報告書の発表に際し、TIのトップは、 欠かすことのできないのは、法の履行であり、 それなしには、どんな法律も価値を持たない」、と述べた。
ちゃんと訳せるかどうかは結局のところ英文をどれだけ読んだかじゃないでしょうか。 例えば、enforcement of a sanctionという文章だと、 「何らかの制裁を課す際に、それをどう執行するか」、という文脈でしか捉えられないので、 強制という訳は出てこないわけです。それを知っていれば、 今回の文章でも「enforcement=強制」だとは思わないでしょう。
英語で読めればなお良いけど日本語での世界情勢を適確につかんでいれば 英文ニュースを読むときにとても役に立つ。 the vital issue was enforcement, without which all laws around the world are of little value. きわめて重要な(あたかも命にかかわるような重大な)問題は法の執行である、 法の執行無しにはwithout無しでは which法の執行 世界中の法律には価値がない。
>>710 the vital issue was enforcement, without which all laws around the world are of little value
これの元の形は、all laws around the world are of little value without enforcement これが、enforcementを強調したいがために前に出されてwithoutも一緒に前に出た。 これが見抜ければ、enforcementはただの強制ではなく法律の強制のことを言ってるんだな、と分かるでしょう。 この構文は高校でやる文法の教科書に書かれていることで、決して高度な解釈じゃない。 その辺をまず勉強することが必要なのでは?
We'll put it, for argument like,that your captain has a cut on one cheek-and we'll put it,if you like,that that cheek's the right one. なんとなく分かるんですが文法的に解説していただけないでしょうか Treasure Islandです
「私の場合、The vital issue was enforcement.と単体の文章にしても意味が分かりません。 せいぜい「重要な問題は強制であった」程度のことしか思いつきません。 この状態でVocabularyを読んでも"making people obey the law"(人々を法に従わせる)を読むと余計に翻訳に悩みます。 」
Your castles in the air are the best castles to possess,and keep a quiet mind. In them no taxes, no housemaids, no men-at-arms bother, and no slavery of property exists. Their architecture is always perfect, the prospect of and from them is always delightful, and, in fact, without them the greater part of humanity would have no house in which to shield their souls against the storms of life. It is prudent,therefore, to keep these aerial fortresses in good repair, not letting them too long out of our mind's eye, in case they vanish altogether into the air. これをお願いします。
Wagner has seized on the bitter point that had poisoned all the liberalhopes of an effortless civil emancipation of the Jews in Germany, that is, the involuntary repellence, as he underlines it, of German towards Jews. Gunzkow had already seen this as a sort of innate aversion, such as somepeople have towards blood or insects. Moses Hess in 1862 also found himself obliged to confess that this aversion was real enough to prevent a liberal solution of the Jewish Question in Germany. But for Wagner and the revolutionaries the instinctive repugnance isnothing to be ashamed of. It is real, it is moral, and it is rational. It is the liberal emancipationists who are being irrational in refusing to admit this is the truth of the matter.
Eliza had been brought up by her mistress, from girlhood, as a petted and indulged favorite. The traveller in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quadroon and mulatto women. These natural graces in the quadroon are often united with beauty of the most dazzling kind, and in almost every case with a personal appearance prepossessing and agreeable. Eliza, such as we have described her, is not a fancy sketch, but taken from remembrance, as we saw her, years ago, in Kentucky. Safe under the protecting care of her mistress, Eliza had reached maturity without those temptations which make beauty so fatal an inheritance to a slave. She had been married to a bright and talented young mulatto man, who was a slave on a neighboring estate, and bore the name of George Harris.
今ちょっと訳してみたんだけど、一箇所だけどうしても意味が分からない所がある。 Eliza had reached maturity without those temptations which make beauty so fatal an inheritance to a slave これってどういう意味なんだろう?文庫本の中から教えてほしいです。
From the outset,Christians were divided in their attitudes towards Greek philosophy, with its sweeping claims about the powers of the human reason;and this division of opinion is particularly clear in their attitudes towards history.
Aさんのコメント. During WWII... A "great" admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy who defeated the Russian Navy badly was known to give tributes to another poor admiral. Guess who taught him his fighting tactics and gave Japan a glorious moment during Japan's naval history.... The "poor nationalist" Admiral Yi Soon Shin. What were his victories compared to loses by the way? Please educate me my PhD Bafoon aka the original scholar?
Bさんのコメント @A >During WWII...A "great" admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy who defeated the Russian Navy
That's WWI. You can't even distinguish WWI and II.
因みにこのAさんの別のコメントはこんな調子です。 You using my video for your racist ways is what you call removing the truth? Let me ask you again then since your so honest.
Who gave Japan... Rice cultivation? Metal technology? Palace and even castle architecture? Buddha & Shinto introduction, The Kanj and even the Kana? How about Bushi ways? How about Imperial bloodlines even? These to mention a few?
Show me your not Nationalist and actually a honest person. These will not be censored even if your racist...no worries.
Phosphorus ylides are very useful source of nucleophilic carbon for addition to carbonyl group.
The ylide is prepared by reaction of a tertiary phosphine with an alkyl halide, followed by treatment with a strong base.
The Wittiig reaction is compatible with a number of other functional group in the same molecule and thus provides advantages over most of the other methods of alkene formation.
Sometimes mixtures of E-and Z-alkenes are formed, but many modefications of the basic Wittig reaction have been reported to control the ratio of the stereoisomers formed.
神様お願いいたします・・・ In a 100mL Erlenmeyer flask, add potassium tert-butoxide(2.3mmol) into a suspension of benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride(1.3mmol) in tetrahydorofuran(THF,10mL) with stirring at room temperature.
The color of the reaction mixture turns red-orange. While vigorously stirring the reaction mixture, add para-substituted benzaldehyde(1.2mmol) and stir the mixture at room temperature until the aldehyde is consumed.
It can be monitored by thin-layer chromatography(TLC; silica gel / ethyl acetate:hexane=1:5)
Do you know what it's like when You're scared to see yourself? Do you know what it's like when You wish you were someone else Who didn't need your help to get by? Do you know what it's like To wanna surrender? I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow I don't wanna live like this today Make me feel better, I wanna feel better Stay with me here now and never surrender
これをお願いしますm(__)m Never surrenderとは、決して降伏しないって意味ですか? 無知ですみません。。
Yet, crop species including their weedy progenitors existed within centres of origin for thousands of years before man developed agriculture and directed crop improvement toward his ends.
To reduce these problems, and have the germplasm available to do this, it is preferable to locate world research centres in the area where most of the technical problems are found, that is the centre of origin.
Of course Wagner is not yet applying a biological definition of race. He is still in the Herderian conceptual stage of thinking about Volk or race as a well-defined ethnic group, cemented by bonds of tradition,speech, religion and history. It is this conceptualization that controlled most German thinking about race in the period before about 1860, the period when race is usually defined as cultural rather than biological. Nevertheless, one should beware of assuming that Wagner's idea of race even at this period is wholly lacking in what might be called a 'genetic'element.
Whenever I have been asked whether I would experiment on myself, I have had to explain how, even if the many technical obstacles could be overcome, and a mini-me could be born without risk, the answer would be the same.
English must be currently the world's most broadly studied language,as befits,perhaps,a language which is not only one of the most widely spoken in the world but also the main medium of international communication. As a result we now know a great deal about both the form and the function of English in the many countries of the world in which it is used. Less broadly studied,however has been the way in which English sometimes functions as a cultual symbol-in other words,not as a system of signs,but as a sign in itself. One of the few scholars who has focused on this aspect of English is Haarmann:his research in Japan shows how English is used symbolically in Japanese television advertisements,with no expectation that viewers will understand what they see or hear.
The catastrophic events of 9/11 and continued terrorist attacks in Muslim countries and in Madrid and London have exacerbated the growth of Islamophobia almost exponentially.Islam and Muslims have become guilty until proven innocent. The religion of Islam is regarded as the cause, rather than the context, for radicalism, extremism, and terrorism.
Thank you for your letter. It is really my honor to serve for you.
I am very sorry to hear that you still haven't received the item. You have bought 6 of this item#220653466708.You received nothing order only a part of them? We sent the items separately to you on 14 October and 15 October. For the freight, it always needs 7-20 work days. But sometimes goes to 20-30 days or more because there maybe a delay in transport. It depends on the freight in different countries. So could you pls wait about 7 days more?
Thank you for your understanding. Best regards Eva
>>846 So could you pls wait about 7 days more? なのでどうぞ、あと7日ほどお待ちください。
まだ届いていないと連絡受けて残念に思います。 あなたは6個買いました。 You received nothing order→or only a part of them? 全部届かないのですか?或いは一部が届かないのですか? 品物は10月14日、15日に別々に送りました。 普通は7日から20日ぐらいかかります。週末、休日を除いて。 しかし20日から30日ぐらいかかることがあります配送が遅れるとです。 様々な国の国内事情によります。 So could you pls wait about 7 days more? なのでどうぞ、あと7日ほどお待ちください。
>>845 911の破滅的事件、それに続くムスリム諸国、マドリッド、ロンドンでのテロリスト攻撃は イスラム恐怖症を急激に増やした。イスラムとムスリムは無実を証明されるまで犯罪者になってしまった。 イスラム教は宗教としてよりもラジカリズム急進主義、過激主義、テロリズムの原因と見なされている。 rather than the context of religions
お願いします! I don't mean for what she would do to me if I got in her way, or to Josias, but for what might happen to her: something like taking a fit of screaming that none of us would be able to forget. I don't think Josias was sure about doing the job before but he wanted to do it now.
"Japan's Fisheries Agency announced on 4/12/2010 that the whaling fleet had caught about half of the 985 whales it had hoped to catch during the 2009/2010 whaling season. As a result of obstruction by Sea Shepherd protest operations, the whalers harvested 506 southern? Minke whales and one Fin whale." Noted: Wikipedia. org They TRIED to fill that quota and in doing so, they spent the costs of fuel, salaries for their men, whatever licenses, supplies & food, and bribes. But fell WAY short. HA!
>>859 they spent the costs of fuel, salaries for their men, whatever licenses, supplies & food, and bribes. But fell WAY short. HA! 彼らは(日本の鯨取り)は燃料、社員の給料、各種免許料、消耗品、食糧と賄賂(複数)を使いながら 割当量、予定量の鯨を捕れなかった。ハア! 日本を完全におちょくってる。
I notice that you want to pay via PayPal and that you like to place this order. Thank you very much for the order.
But please wait with the payment, until I contact you and told you the complete amount of money you have to pay. Because the value given in the pro forma, is not fix, the freight cost is approx. Thanks.
Hi man, I have already deleted the manga, the rapidshare links you posted reached a quota and now i got a pm from a guy that he might be interested in translating it.. For the sake of having it translated could you pls reupload the books if you still have them, possibly on mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/ you don't even need to register there and the links will stay active for a month or 2. Thanks
37. What remains is a portrait of a man in the background who through his industry, his great knowledge of the files and the wide-ranging diplomatic correspondence in which he instructed German ambassadors, but also through his shyness, frustrated nature, distrust and mild inferiority complex, tried to introduce a policy of the ‘free hand ‘to gain for Germany, with the help of England, freedom of movement with regard to Russia and France
>>873 わかりやすくなったでしょ。 What remains is a portrait of a man in the background who tried to introduce a policy of the ‘free hand ‘to gain for Germany, with the help of England, freedom of movement with regard to Russia and France
through his industry, (through)his great knowledge of the files and the wide-ranging diplomatic correspondence in which he instructed German ambassadors, but also through his shyness, frustrated nature, distrust and mild inferiority complex,
I always thought that little tumber in his shirt-sleeve, parpetually swarming up one side of wooden frame, and coming down, head foremost, on the other, rather a weak-minded person ― though good-natured; but the Jaob's Ladder, next him, made of little squares of red wood, that went flapping and lattering over one another, eah developing a different picture, and the whole enlived by small bells, was a mighty marvel and a great delight.
Preparations,to make use of theatrical phraseology, "on a scale of magnitude never before attempted," were incessantly made at Minerva House to give every effect to the forthcoming ball.
>>882 Preparations,to make use of theatrical phraseology, 芝居じみた言葉遣いをするための準備、教育は "on a scale of magnitude never before attempted," 過去にされたことのないほどの量で were incessantly made at Minerva House to give every effect to the forthcoming ball. 絶え間なく来たるべき舞踏会で成功するためにミネルバ家で行われた。
I see a lot of people looking for someone who speaks and teaches Japanese, each of them individually creating new topics here. I think it's quite time-absorbing and inefficientto check each one of those topics to find someone looking for counterpart recently.
tried to introduce a policy of the ‘free hand ‘to gain for Germany, with the help of England, freedom of movement with regard to Russia and France イギリスの理解、助けを得てロシアとフランスを刺激しないようにしてドイツ外交にフリーハンド、自由に外交方針を決められる、 外交活動の自由freedom of movementをもたらそうとした。
1)NTT Corp. said Tuesday it logged a group net profit of \315.24 billion in the first half of fiscal 2010, up 11.7 percent from a year earlier, due in part to more customers for its Internet services.
2)TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. reported Tuesday a group net profit of 315.24 billion yen for the first half of fiscal 2010, up 11.7 percent from a year earlier, due partly to more customers for its Internet services and cost reductions at group companies such as NTT Docomo Inc.
OSAKA (Kyodo) -- Panasonic Corp. said Monday it will start construction next spring on new manufacturing plants for home appliances in India and Brazil as part of its plan to boost operations in emerging economies.
Panasonic Corp. says it will strengthen its research, design and production capacity in key growth markets like Brazil and India so it can respond more effectively to the preferences of local consumers.
Wonder if any of these folks would be up for shots of courage - and a wager.
Be *really* careful what you say here. Should have heard stories of the Khans years ago - they were one tough bunch, now... Khans lost their strength after Bitter Springs, came here to lick their wounds. Let's not split up here, all right? Don't take any chems here - hell knows what they're laced with.
Data can be saved when either C_WE is active AND the pixels are within the internal frame when either the C_WE signal is active; or data can be save only when C_WE is active OR the pixels are within the internal frame.
Scientists and animal trainers have devoted their lives to trying to understand what the world looks like to animals. After all, the planet is full of perceptive creatures - of whom we are a small minority - and it's more than a matter of idle curiosity to consider how life appears to them. Humans can't help approaching this problem from a human perspective.
ebayで取引中なのですが、取引相手からのメールの内容がイマイチ理解できません Hi Sorry, at the moment I only have 3 masks available, the one in this listing, the one in the link I sent you and an albino. My e-mail is xxxx If you like, I can make you one to your requirements. It will cost the same but I will need a £150 non refundable deposit which will be deducted from the final balance which will be due when the mask is ready to ship. They take approx 5-6 weeks to make. Just let me know if you are interested. Many thanks once again Lee
Socer is plyaed by more people than any other team sport in the world. It is also the most popular spectator sport, followe closely by hundreds of millions of fans.
Like many other sports, the origin of soccer is not clear. Some believe it started with the Chinese game of zuqiu. Other say soccer has its roots in the Roman game of harspatum. Both games probably began about 2,000 years ago. Some people believe soccer stemmed from the ancient bloody ritual of kicking the "Dane's Head" in England, but it is quite unlikely.
Modern soccer began in England in the mid-19th century, mostly in the private schools. Soccer clubs, of football clubs as they are known in England, were began in 1855, and the Football Association was established in London in 1863. At first all of the teams were amateur, but by the mid-1880s the game was dominated by professional clubs.
In the 1870s, soccer began to spread internationally and soon became very popular in Europe. South Americans were introduced to soccer by English emigrants in the late 19th century, and by the mid-1900s the game had reached a very high level of play. After World war U, soccer was being played in Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
The World Cup has been played every four years since 1930. More people watch World Cup soccer on TV than any other event. In 2002, the World Cup was co-hosted by Japan and South Korea and attracted nearly three billion viewers!
Justin Wong: I travel a lot more because of Street Fighter IV. I get more income because there are more tournaments now and sponsors are putting in more prize money. There'll be guaranteed $5,000 or guaranteed $4,000 for a tournament. That helps me to not need to have a regular day job. I just travel around the country and people pay for my ticket and I just play Street Fighter. So Street Fighter is a big part of my life.
The price will depend on the finish, I make different size dreads, longer dreads means more dread rings = more money. If you would like a mask with short dreads (18") with dread rings the price is £750 gbp plus shipping, or without dread rings will be £650 gbp plus shipping. If you want a mask with long dreads (24") with dread rings then the price is £850 gbp plus shipping or without dread rings will be £750 gbp plus shipping. I would need a deposit of £150 gbp before I start work on it which will be deducted from the final balance which will be due when the mask is ready for dispatch, If you are interested and you wish to proceed, just let me know and I can send you a paypal invoice. If you have some pictures of exactly how you would like the paint, send them to me via e-mail and I will do my best to replicate them. Many thanks
How come ya asshole split each file into 100-MB aliquots for uploading though almost ANY uploader offer even for free users with a space up to 300 MB per file?
Through all these years, the Jews remained fixes on the idea that day, they would go back to Israel, the land that was given them by god. 近年ずっと、ユダヤ人たちは神に与えられたイスラエルの血に戻るという目的を見据えたままだった。 This has been the root of their problem. これが彼らの問題の根本であった。 As you saw in the first few lines, other people also claim this land, and as long as it is claimed by other people there will be conflict. 最初の数行で見たように、他の人々もこの土地を求めており、求められる限りは紛争になるだろう。 Another interesting thing is that although the Jews never lost their identity, they contributed enormously to the knowledge of the countries they inhabited, and also to world knowledge. もう一つ面白いことは、ユダヤ人たちは彼らのアイデンティティを決してなくさなかったが、彼らの居住していた国の学識、そのうえ世界認識について非常に貢献していたことである。
It is thanks to the Jews that many works in the middle ages in such countries as Spain and Italy were translated into Hebrew and then into Latin. スペインやイタリアの中世の作品をヘブライ語やラテン語に翻訳したことはユダヤ陣たちのおかげである。
We mentioned philosophers and doctors, but in addition Jews produced great people in almost every human endeavor. 私たちは哲学者らや医者らに言及したが、ユダヤ人はそのうえ、ほとんどすべての人類の努力において偉大な人々を生み出した。 Mathematicians, such as Einstein, famous bankers such as Rothschild, great statesmen, such as Disraeli, prime minister of England. 数学者たち、たとえばアインシュタイン。有名な銀行家であるロスチャイルド、偉大な政治家ディズレーリ英国首相である。 Some of the world’s greatest musicians are Jewish, the violinists Jehudi Menuhin and Heifetz, and pianists such as Rubenstein and Horowitz, and even revolutionary thinkers such as Karl Marx, and Trotsky. 世界の最も偉大な音楽家の何人かもユダヤ人で、バイオリニストのメニューインやハイフェッツ、ピアニストのルビンシュタインとホロウィッツ、それどころか革命的な思想家マルクスとトロツキーもユダヤ人である。 This list could go on and on. このリストはまだ続く。 What is especially amazing is that Jews form a very small proportion of the world’s population. 特に素晴らしいことは、ユダヤ人は世界ではとても小さな割合の人口であるということだ。 If you are curious, you could check out the number, and we feel that is say to say that nobody has contributed as much as the Jew has to human culture, religion, philosophy and science. 興味があれば、あなたはその人数を調べることができる。そして我々は人間の文化、宗教、哲学そして科学においてユダヤ人と同じくらい貢献していた者は誰もいないといって間違いないと考えるだろう。
The createX3DNodeFromString function returns the reference to the top Group node, which we store in the variable root and a dictionary of all the DEF-ed nodes in string, that we store in the variable d. The dictionary returned uses the DEF value as its key. Thus d['M'] and Template:D give us the Material node and MouseSensor node respectively.
We then add root to the scene graph by appending it to the Group node that we have passed into the script as reference. We also get the transparency and diffuseColor fields and store them in trans and color, and define mouse to refer to the MouseSensor.