>>951 You insist those words are preposition, and I think they are adverb. I can't show the reason of which is correct. So, I hope you show me the clue indicating that what you insist is right.
By the way, I looked for the word cybersex on the google, to find a Japanese girl trying to have it with a person on abroad. In the end, she couldn't have it, as the man who called her for a cybersex was just kidding others. But, from this case, I thought even a clever person who can use English fluently enough to attend a Chat site with her good English wanted to have a cybersex, if it was a dating site for foreigners.
Are there someone who have an their own opinion about this writing of mine.
He volunteered to be the last man rescued so he could confirm that all the others had made it out safely. この場合なぜrescuedがmanの後についたんでしょうか? 過去分詞1語で修飾する場合は名詞の前につくと習ったんですが、他にルールがあるんでしょうか?
受験生なのですが、WritingでA of B と書く時 (無論この書き方は極力避けていますが)いつも冠詞の付け方で戸惑います。 とくに自由英作文答案においてです。 コロケーションといった問題もあるのは重々承知ですが、この際の冠詞の付け方について一定のルール等ありましたらどなたかアドバイスください! 一応aとtheについて基本理解はあるつもりですが、Speakingのときにも迷ってしまいます・・・ よろしくおねがいします。
Which do you think is right? If you add "generally" in front of cookies, you should not use "the". As "I like generally cookies" is what you want to say, you express this as "I like cookies"
b[発言の理由]…なので言うが ▶“How often do you meet him a month?” “Well, since you asked [ask], I don’t have enough time to spend with him.” 「彼とは1か月にどのくらい会うのですか」「そうですね, お尋ねですのでお答えしますが, 一緒に過ごす十分な時間がないのです」
>>944 動詞と前置詞の結びつきが強いかどうか。 前置詞と名詞の結びつきが強いかどうか。 英作文であれば関係副詞、疑問副詞を使う事を勧める。 1、This is the house which I lived in. 2、This is the house in which I lived. 3、This is the house where I lived.
4、*This is the gym which I often play tennis in.→不可 5、This is the gym in which I often play tennis. 6、This is the gym where I often play tennis.
live inの結びつきは強いですね。だからどちらでもOK。 でもplayとinの結びつきは弱い。 逆に上記の例文の場合、inとgymの結びつきが強く、離すと意味が伝わらなくなるんです。
そしてas節は、省略がかなり頻繁に起こる性質がある。 上の例だと、He is as tall as I am (tall).と、tallが省略。 別の例を出すと、With her glasses off, she looks much prettier than she otherwise would (look pretty).はlook prettyが省略。 さらにthanという接続詞を使った例The book was more expensive than I thought (it(=the book) was expensive).はit was expensiveが省略。