He is not happy now. [ If he goes to church ], he would be happy. I might be even happier the day after. I should be even more happier with every day ever after.
>>27 You need not have come. あなたは来る必要はなかったのに(実際は来てしまった) You didn't need to come. あなたは来る必要はなかった。(実際に来たかどうかわからない) 助動詞は話者の心的態度を表している。 つまり上は現在の時点で必要だろ感じているが、行為を表す主動詞 は完了だから過去を表し、過去の行為に対して現在必要だと感じて いることになるから和訳のような意味になる。 下はもちろん過去の心的態度だから、必要なかったと過去に感じた わけで、だからそういう意味になる。
Still, the house seems important to me, if only to the extent that it was neglected-symptomatic of a state of mind that, otherwise inaccessible, manifested itself in the concrete images of unconscious behavior. The house became the metaphor of my father's life, the exact and faithful representation of his inner world.
177 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2010/05/07(金) 02:15:26 Still, the house seems important to me, if only to the extent that it was neglected-symptomatic of a state of mind that, otherwise inaccessible, manifested itself in the concrete images of unconscious behavior. The house became the metaphor of my father's life, the exact and faithful representation of his inner world.
It is often said that television keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments and politics, and offers an endless series of progrems which are both instructive and stimulating.
…例、米国人等がよく誰か知合いと電話をしてるのを聞く… City hallのすぐ近くで…「I'm going to the city hall right now!」とかいってたとする、 でも彼の状況をみて明らかにこの人は… going to..というよりもapproaching to.. とかaccessing toといいたい、 という気持ちが容易く見て取れたりもする (今その目の前に来てるということを相手に伝えたい雰囲気だと) それでも、そういうスタンダードな表現going to..で言っている 確かに曖昧だから多少はもどかしいかも知れない 言葉とはそういうものだから だから、もっと誰かに接近中の情報を伝えたいならば I'm approaching と言い直したり してる
91 XXXに成功する = succeed in (...)ing というのは試験に超出る問題だな succeedのあとはinが慣例ってことで それからstraitsがなぜ複数なのか判りませんが… no one has ever succeeded in swimming across the strait (of Dover) (海峡を泳いで渡る) no one has ever suceeded in swimming the (300km) strait of Gibraltal (海峡を泳ぐ) とかいうときにはthroughは使わないみたい どちら方向に泳ぐのかにも寄る
いつもお世話になっております。 次の文には間違いがあるのですが、どこかわかりません。。。 1) I would often dream to become a great composer like Mozart. 2) She went to Milan with a view to become a desigher. 3) This map is convenient to carry in the pocket. 4) Is this elevator capable to carry 20 persons at a time? お願いします。
自分はリスニングが苦手なのですが、海外のニュースとかyoutubeとかを楽しみたいんです。 読めば結構わかるのに、リスニングだと全然わかりません。なんか英語を認識して、勝手に 英字に変換してくれるソフトありませんか? たとえば I have a dream と聞かせたら、 I have a dream という文字がでるみたいな。
At least that's how students facing high school and university entrance examinations feel around this time of year as they prepare for tests that could set the course of their lives.
>>111 At least/ that's how students[ facing high school and university entrance examinations] feel* around this time of year[ as they prepare for tests (that could set the course of their lives.)]
>>82 Still, the house seems important to me, 依然として、その家は私にとって大切なようだ。 if only to the extent[ that it was neglected-symptomatic of a state of mind that,] 無視された徴候の状態の範囲においては。 otherwise inaccessible, 近づきがたいにもかかわらず、 manifested itself[ in the concrete images of unconscious behavior.] 無意識のふるまいのその具体的イメージの中で、それ自体を明らかにされた。
The house became the metaphor of my father's life, the exact and faithful representation of his inner world. その家は私の父の人生のメタファーとなった。 彼の正確さと、彼の精神世界の忠実な代表として。
At least that's how students [facing high school and university entrance examinations] feel[ around this time of year as they prepare for tests that could set the course of their lives.]
At least that's how students feel.になるよね。 「少なくとも、それが生徒たちの感じ方だ。」 あとは、それぞれを修飾してやればよい。
students facing high school and university entrance examinations 高校・大学受験に直面した生徒たち around this time of year as they prepare for tests[ that could set the course of their lives. ] 人生を左右するテストのための準備をする年のあたりに。
ちなみにこのasは関係代名詞thatと同じ役割。 around this time of year that they prepare for tests~~ のように、yearを先行詞としてるよね。
>>107 ありがとうございます。 あと、 2)はShe went to Milan with a view to becoming a desigher. 4)はIs this elevator capable of carrying 20 persons at a time? でしょうか? 3)はどうしてもわからなかったので教えていただけないでしょうか…
Do you think what baseball team wins this year?「あなたは今年どこの球団が勝つと思いますか?」 これが間違いで、Do you think that what baseball team wins this year?が正解でした。 thatがあるという事はthinkが先行詞って事ですよね?従属する後ろの文の何処に掛かっているんでしょうか?
>>111 At least that'**s 文の中心の動詞 [ how students 従属節の始まり [ *facing high school and university entrance examinations ] 現在分詞 *feel around this time of year 従属節の動詞 [ as they *prepare for tests 従属節内の従属節、彼らが試験の準備をするに当たって [ that could *set the course of their lives ] ] ]. 更なる従属節
>>105 I would often dream of [ becoming a great composer like Mozart ]. She went to Milan with a view of [ becoming a designer ]. This map is convenient [ for us to carry in the pocket ]. Is this elevator capable of [ carrying 20 persons at a time ]?
>>68 **Turn in the paper of [ your own *writing ]. **Turn in the paper [ which you *wrote yourself ].
I'**m very glad [ to *hear of [ your brother having *come back safely ] ]. 動名詞では時制が古いことを表すために完了形を使う I'**m very glad [ to *hear [ that your brother *came back safely ] ]. ただの過去形
We **started for Tokyo [ as soon as we *received the news ]. We **started for Tokyo on [ *receiving the news ].
I'**m sure [ that she will *marry Taro ]. I'**m sure of [ her *marrying Taro ]. 動名詞の主語は所有格
I **think [ that I will *go to Hokkaido next summer ]. I **think of [ *going to Hokkaido next summer ]. 分詞、動名詞では動詞を主に捉えて言う
分詞を使って単文にしたいのですが、これで合っていますか?ご教授お願いします。 (1)As his pronunciation was unclear, I could not understand him. →His pronunciation being unclear, I could not understand him.
(2)Though I admit what you say, I think that you should ask her perdon. →Admiting what you say, I think that you should ask her perdon.
(3)As I had finished my home work, I began to paint a picture. →Having finished my home work, I began to paint a picture.
(4)The train left Nagoya at seven, and arrived at Nagano at ten. →The train left Nagoya at seven, arriving at Nagano at ten.
(5)I know the boy who is playing tennis over there. →I know the boy playing tennis over there.(?)
>>162 The reason why he [is] late is unknown.だと「彼が遅れる理由が分らない」で、 The reason why he [was] late is unknown.だと「彼が遅れた理由が分らない」だから、 前者が「遅れる」で現在形、後者が「遅れた」で過去形ってだけですよね?
>>158 [ As his pronunciation was unclear ], I could not understand him. [ His pronunciation being unclear ], I could not understand him. 分詞の副詞的用法
[ Though I admit [ what you say ], I think [ that you should ask her pardon ]. [ Admitting [ what you say ] ], I think [ that you should ask her pardon ].
[ As I had finished my home work ], I began [ to paint a picture ]. [ Having finished my home work ], I began [ to paint a picture ].
The train left Nagoya at seven, and arrived at Nagano at ten. The train left Nagoya at seven, [ arriving at Nagano at ten ]. [ Leaving Nagoya at seven ], The train arrived at Nagano at ten.
I know the boy [ who is playing tennis over there ]. I know the boy [ playing tennis over there ]. 分詞の形容詞的用法
An alcoholic (person) **has no more control over アルコール中毒の人はコントロールできない [ his *drinking ] 自分が飲むことを [ than he would (*have a control) over a wild bear ]. 野生の熊をコントロールする以上に
再び申し訳ないのですが、またご教授お願いします。 今度は複文または重文にしたいのですが、よくわからなくて…まず考え方が間違っているかもしれません。。 1.You must be sleepy, not having a good sleep last night. →You must be sleepy, because you had not a good sleep last night.
2.Brought up in a better family, he would have become more thoughtful. →If he had been brought up in a better family he would have become more thoughtful.
3.His son, having failed in the exam, had to try again. →His son who had failed in the exam had to try again.(?)
4.His mother, informed that he had arrived there safely, felt relieved. →His mother who was informed that he had arrived there safely felt relieved.(?)
5.Not having taken a taxi, I might have been late for the concert. →If I had not taken a taxi, I might have been late for the concert.
>>192 You must be sleepy, [ not having a good sleep last night ]. You must be sleepy, [ because you did not have a good sleep last night ].
[ Brought up in a better family ], he would have become more thoughtful. [ If he had been brought up in a better family ], he would have become more thoughtful.
His son, [ having failed in the exam ], had to try again. His son, [ who had failed in the exam ], had to try again.
His mother, [ informed [ that he had arrived there safely ] ], felt [ relieved ]. His mother, [ who was informed [ that he had arrived there safely ] ] felt [ relieved ].
[ Not having taken a taxi ], I might have been late for the concert. [ If I had not taken a taxi ], I might have been late for the concert.
>>80 the last decadeは「この10年間」という名詞でlast yearは「昨年に」という副詞。 last decadeで「この10年間に」という副詞にはならない。 質問内容自体が間違い。一緒にしてはいけない。 「過去10年間に」ならin the last decade、「この10年間ずっと」なら現在完了+for a decade。 だから、「この一年間に」ならin the last yearだし、「この一年間ずっと」なら 現在完了+for a year。
関係代名詞のwhatって、それ自体に先行詞の意味を含んでると習いました。 訳をする時の意味は「〜こと」「〜もの」 What I want is a new pen.「私の欲しいものは新しいペンです」 This is what I am looking for.「これが私の探しているものです」とかの用法しか知りません。
What he said is true,「彼が言った事は本当だ。」 これが主語の用法 I do not know what he bought,「私は彼が何を買ったのか知りません。」 これが補語の用法?ちょっと自信ないですけど。 目的語の用法はよくわかりません。 よろしければ例文を書いていただけませんか?
自分はリスニングが苦手なのですが、海外のニュースとかyoutubeとかを楽しみたいんです。 読めば結構わかるのに、リスニングだと全然わかりません。なんか英語を認識して、勝手に 英字に変換してくれるソフトありませんか? たとえば I have a dream と聞かせたら、 I have a dream という文字がでるみたいな。
Of the disaster and of his own exploits he would say not a word--- a pathetically understandable attitude in a man in whom modesty and horror were doubtless equally profound.
A year before the Plessy decision,Booker T.Washington, the former slave who built Alabama's Tuskegee Institute into an institution of national renown, delivered his highly controversial address known as the Atlanta Compromise at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta on September 18 1895.
A year before the Plessy decision, 「プレッシー裁判の判決の1年前に、」 (*Plessyの判決:1896年に、コロラド州の靴職人のHomer Plessy(1/8黒人、7/8白人の混血だった人物)がルイジアナ州を相手取り「白人専用バス」から 降りるよう強制されたことに関し告訴したが2度にわたり敗訴した。人種差別法時代の裁判の判例みたいなので、ググッて見てください)
..Booker T.Washington, the former slave who built Alabama's Tuskegee Institute into an institution of national renown, 「ブッカー・T・ワシントン─ もと奴隷で、アラバマのTuskegee Instituteを全米で名高い(教育)機関へと高めた(人物)─が、」
..delivered his highly controversial address known as the Atlanta Compromise at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta on September 18 1895. 「…彼の、大きな論争を巻き起こした演説…the Atlanta Compromise(アトランタの妥協)として知られる…を、 Cotton States(アラバマ州の俗称)およびアトランタの国際見本市で、1895年の9月18日に行った。」
Of the disaster and of his own exploits he would say not a word--- a pathetically understandable attitude in a man [ in whom modesty and horror were doubtless equally profound ].
He would say not a word of the disaster and of his own exploits---- 災難と収益について何も言わない (which is) a pathetically understandable attitude in a man 人間における心情的な姿勢 [ in whom modesty and horror were doubtless equally profound ]. 謙譲と恐怖が深い
Booker T.Washington, the former slave [ who built Alabama's Tuskegee Institute into an institution of national renown ],
delivered his highly controversial address [ known as the Atlanta Compromise at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta on September 18 1895 ].
>>233 ・彼の答えは間違っている(wrong)ことがわかった。 His answer proved [ to be wrong ] to our eye. ・彼らはその事故がどのようにして起きた(happen)かを探り出した。 They found out [ how the accident had happened ]. ・メアリーがピアノを弾いている間、皆静かにしていた。 Everyone kept silent [ while Mary was playing the piano ]. ・アンがトムと結婚することを知っていますか? Do you know [ that Ann is getting married to Tom ]?
Of the disaster and of his own exploits he would say not a word--- a pathetically understandable attitude in a man [ in whom modesty and horror were doubtless equally profound ].
He would say not a word of the disaster and of his own exploits---- 災難と手柄について何も言わない (which is) a pathetically understandable attitude in a man 人間における心情的な姿勢 [ in whom modesty and horror were doubtless equally profound ]. 謙譲と恐怖が深い
Who…はWhoが3人称と思われるならそういう風に動詞を活用させるよね… (そのWhoが代名詞として表してると思われるものの人称にあわせて動詞活用させればいいのでは) 例えば Who are you?(貴方は誰?)*2人称 Who is it?(そちらは、どなたですか)*3人称 Who knows!(誰が知るか)*3人称単数 Who did it? 誰がやったの? Who buys dear and takes up on credit, shall ever sell to his loss. 割高な物をしかも掛けで仕入れる者は、品を売っても損をするだけ。 Who built the pyramid..? Who can sing? Who asked you?
↑でもWhoで始まってもWho can we trust?みたいなのはWhoが目的語だから要注意だけど
>>276 @I have a lot of friends [ whom I can consult with ] AI have a lot of friends [ I can consult with ]. BI have a lot of friends [ to consult with ]. 全く問題ありませんよ。 むしろ I have a lot of friends [ with whom to consult ]. は全く変ですねえ。
Hello, friends in New York! I am a Japanese [ who have taught English in Japan, yet have never lived in any foregin countries , but yet is able to speak English freely and with sounds [ as good as TV anouncers do ] ]. I've come to America [ to show a revolutionary grammar of English language [ which I saught and found [ studying and meditating of human language ] ] ].
Name some good features or customs about the Japanese culture or lifestyle that could benefit foreigners (living in Japan or abroad) by improving the quality of their lives.
>>303 **Name some good features or customs about the Japanese culture or lifestyle [ that could *benefit foreigners (*living in Japan or abroad) by [ *improving the quality of their lives ] ].
>>308 You must *Name some good features or customs about the Japanese culture or lifestyle. Those features or customs could *benefit foreigners. They *live in Japan or abroad. Those customsor features can *improve the quality of the foreigners' lives.
it was really embarrassing to be looked by such a big audience when i slipped on the stage この文で誤っている箇所を指摘し正しい形に直す問題です 選択肢は @really embarrassing Ato be looked by Bsuch a big audience Cwhen i slipped よろしくお願いします。
「私がその手紙を受け取ったのは其の朝食を食べているときだった」 なんですが 1 I was eating breakfast when I received the letter 2 When I was eating breakfast, I received the letter. どちらでもいいんでしょうか?
Hello, friends in New York! I am a Japanese [ who have taught English in Japan, yet have never lived in any foregin countries , but yet is able to speak English freely and with sounds [ as good as TV anouncers do ] ]. I've come to America [ to show a revolutionary grammar of English language [ which I saught and found [ studying and meditating of human language ] ] ].
Phoneticians and sociolinguists have some way to go in characterising prosodic variation systematically, though new computer-based techniques make this more and more feasible.
>343「私がその手紙を受け取ったのは其の朝食を食べているときだった」 1 I was eating breakfast when I received the letter 2 When I was eating breakfast, I received the letter. ↑ どちらでもいいと思いますけど(この 1,2は言ってみれば全く同一です) …でも、日本語の原文のニュアンスに一番近づけるといったら寧ろ I received the letter when I was eating the breakfast..が一番かな?とか… (I received the letter when eating the breakfast でも…)
Last year, two researchers at Montreals McGill University published a paper in the journal Science showing how they genetically altered worms to live almost seven times as long as is normal. Kenyon showed me one of her mutant worms moving across a microscope slide as gracefully and vigorously at 8 weeks as a normal worm moves at 2 weeks. Over the past 5 years, an entirely separate field has arisen that analyzes aging at the cellular level and looks to treat and possibly cure many of the conditions and diseases of old age by focussing on the mysterious role played by the DNA 和訳問題です よろしくお願いします
友達のネイティブの人が書いてた文では dust offをもっと比喩的表現にも使ってたな─ 古い自分の持ち物を久しぶりに出してみる(使ってみる)感じとか… 「私は今日、私の古いギターを(辞書を)久々に出してみたい という気がする…」 I'm going to dust off my old guitar <old dictionary> today..) それから考えても床掃除のことを言うとしたらSweepingとか、Broomとか つけないと足りないんじゃ…
>399 先日本当にある電機メーカーの技術文書の翻訳をやったんだけど その際によく出てきた言葉なんでそう思ってしまった‥ produce the many possible joints これがもしもその時の、その会社の文書にあったなら(電気製品製造)で中国や台湾との 可能性のある全ての合弁チャネルで(自社の電気製品を)合弁で(ジョイントで)製造する、という意味になりそうだった からさ…考えすぎかな
>>390 Last year, two researchers at Montreals McGill University published a paper in the journal Science [ showing [ how they genetically altered [ worms to live almost seven times as long [ as (it) is normal ] ] ].
Kenyon showed me one of her mutant worms [ moving across a microscope slide as gracefully and vigorously at 8 weeks [ as a normal worm moves at 2 weeks ] ].
Over the past 5 years, an entirely separate field has arisen [ that analyzes aging at the cellular level and looks [ to treat and possibly cure many of the conditions and diseases of old age by [ focussing on the mysterious role [ played by the DNA ] ] ].
Last year, two researchers at Montreals McGill University published a paper in the journal Science The paper showed. How did they genetically alter. Worms lived almost seven times as long [ as (it) is normal ].
Kenyon showed me one of her mutant worms. It moved across a microscope slide as gracefully and vigorously at 8 weeks A normal worm moves at 2 weeks.
Over the past 5 years, an entirely separate field has arisen The field analyzes [ aging ] at the cellular level and looks [ to treat and possibly cure many of the conditions and diseases of old age ]. It focusses on the mysterious role. The role is played by the DNA.
>423 …Sweeping dust off the floorの場合は dustという名詞はSweepの目的語っぽい(off the floorが床から<剥がして>、という副詞節的な意味にもなる) 同時に、dust offというイディオム(埃を払う)とsweepという同じような意味の動作を表す言葉を重複させているようでもある… 時々こういう表現って、ある気がする
─単にdust offというイディオム の場合は(dust:他動詞+ off:副詞)から成る…と辞書に書いてある (用例:I will dust off my book…)
>>432 >>433 The paper showed. ← showedの目的語が無いので文として成立しない。 How did they genetically alter? ← これでは研究者が遺伝的に変わったことになる。 Worms lived almost seven times longer. ← to不定詞の様相と相容れない。
>... genetically altered worms [ so that they would live ... ] >の[ ]を主節と勘違いしている文法知識理解無い惨めな人 so thatはどう見ても従属節だろw to不定詞句を主節と勘違いしているのは、to不定詞句を独立させているお前の方だろw
When President Barack obama was sworn in Tuesday, he was surrounded by an extended clan that would have shocked past generations of Americans and has redrawn the image of a first family for future ones. この文章の二行目のwould have shocked主語はan extended clanですが、 三行目のhas redrawn の主語ってなんですか? 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。
We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. この最後のHe was made toのtoはどこにつながるのでしょう そもそもmadeは使役動詞ですか?
If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. 自分の訳 もしそれが正しい答えの問題なら、数学や科学ならあるかもしれないので、回答冊子を渡しましょう。
If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. 自分の訳 もしそれが正しい答えの問題なら、数学や科学ならあるかもしれないので、回答を渡しましょう。
>>456 [ When President Barack obama was *sworn in Tuesday ], he was **surrounded by an [ *extended ] clan [ that would have *shocked past generations of Americans ] and (he) has **redrawn the image of a first family for future ones.
>>465 We **act [ as if we *thought [ that he would never *notice a mistake [ unless it was *pointed out to him ] ], or (we) **correct it [ unless he was *made to (*notice a mistake) ].
We **act [ as if we *thought [ that he would never *notice a mistake [ unless it was *pointed out to him ] ], or (we) **correct it [ unless he was *made to (*correct it) ].
Now, as we are about to set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation of which the conscience is the sole judge, they must allow us to make them fully acquainted with him whom kings regarded as an assassin, judges as a fanatic, and the youth of Germany as a hero.
>>517 Now, [ as we *are [ about to *set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation [ of which the conscience *is the sole judge ] ], they must **allow [ us to *make [ them fully *acquainted with him [ whom kings *regarded as an assassin, judges as a fanatic, and the youth of Germany as a hero ] ] ].
Now, [ as we *are [ about to *set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation [ of which(=those terrible actions) the conscience *is the sole judge ] ], they must **allow [ us to *make [ them fully *acquainted with him [ whom kings *regarded as an assassin, judges as a fanatic, and the youth of Germany as a hero ] ] ].
We are. We set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation. Of those terrible actions, the conscience *is the sole judge. they must allow. We make. They are fully acquainted with him. Kings regarded him as an assassin, judges as a fanatic, and the youth of Germany as a hero.
>[ as we *are >[ about to *set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation >[ of which(=those terrible actions) the conscience *is the sole judge ] ]
>We set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation. >Of those terrible actions, the conscience *is the sole judge.
アップロードしたユーザーのコメント (kinotori) kinotori 5 か月前 Yes, the singer, Ko Biho died recently. But now she's alive in Heaven. And where you and I will be someday, with Jesus, son of man, Son of God. And the song in English could well be "I'd rather have Jesus" but in Japanese it is that He never changes. Both are True, ne! Thanks for watching. To God be The Glory. 最新のコメント KEN58FUKUIN 3 か月前 当方は、神様を受け入れて23年になります。 胡美芳さんが天に召されたことを存じております。 此の曲は当方が好きな曲の一つです。 KEN58FUKUIN 3 か月前 engeki2009
6 か月前 correct title is "I'd rather have Jesus", isn't it? 追加済み森山良子 "シャロンの花 " Ryoko Moriyama再生回数 8,012 回 みきみは愛されるため生まれた (You Were Born to be Loved) - 松本優香再生回数 126,422 回 追加済みきみは愛されるため生まれた再生回数 34,336 回 追加済みアカペラ4声 賛美歌2編195番キリストにはかえられません I'd rather have J...再生回数 8,749 回
Yes, the singer, Ko Biho died recently. But now she's alive in Heaven. And [ where you and I will be someday, with Jesus, son of man, Son of God ]. And the song in English could well be "I'd rather have Jesus" but in Japanese it is [ that He never changes ]. Both are True, ne! Thanks for [ watching ]. To God be The Glory.
>>548 517 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/05/16(日) 21:42:38 Now, as we are about to set before our readers one of those terrible actions for the true appreciation of which the conscience is the sole judge, they must allow us to make them fully acquainted with him whom kings regarded as an assassin, judges as a fanatic, and the youth of Germany as a hero.
@Greece has become a symbol of government indebtedness. AThis crisis began last October when its new government admitted that its predecessor had falsified the national accounts. BIt is labouring under a budget deficit of 13.6% and a stock of debt equal to 115% of GDP. CIt cannot grow out of trouble because of fiscal retrenchment and its lack of export prowess. DIt cannot devalue, because it is in the euro zone. EAnd yet its people seem unwilling to endure the cuts in wages and services needed to make the economy competitive. FIn short, Greece looks bust.
>>560 Greece has become a symbol of government indebtedness. This crisis began last October [ when its new government admitted [ that its predecessor had falsified the national accounts. It is labouring under a budget deficit of 13.6% and a stock of debt [ equal to 115% of GDP ]. It cannot grow out of trouble because of fiscal retrenchment and its lack of export prowess. It cannot devalue, [ because it is in the euro zone. And yet its people seem [ unwilling [ to endure the cuts in wages and services [ needed [ to make the economy competitive ] ] ] ]. In short, Greece looks bust.
という文の訳は、「その制服はまさに彼が考えて(思って)いた"もの"でした」で良いですか? have in mind を基準にして馬鹿正直に訳してしまうと、考えていた "もの" というより 考えていた "こと" に なってしまい、日本語訳にしたときにそれぞれニュアンスと意味が変わってくるので悩んでしまいます
John 17:20-26 17:20 "I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those [ who will believe in me through their word ], 17:21 [ that they may all be one ]. [ As you, Father, are in me and I am in you ], may they also be in us, [ so that the world may believe [ that you have sent me ] ]. 17:22 The glory [ that you have given me ] I have given them, [ so that they may be one, [ as we are one ] ], 17:23 I in them and you in me, [ that they may become completely one, [ so that the world may know [ that you have sent me and have loved them even [ as you have loved me ]. 17:24 Father, I desire [ that those also, [ whom you have given me ], may be with me [ where I am ], [ to see my glory, [ which you have given me [ because you loved me before the foundation of the world ] ] ]. 17:25 "Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know [ that you have sent me ]. 17:26 I made [ your name known to them ], and I will make [ it known ], [ so that the love [ with which you have loved me ] may be in them, and I in them."
17:25 "Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know [ that you have sent me ]. 17:26 I made [ your name known to them ], and I will make [ it known ], [ so that the love [ with which you have loved me ] may be in them, and I in them."
Lesson 4 Me, Quit? Never Part 1 It came, literally, out of the blue. It was on Friday morning, Halloween. There was no sign at all. The water was clear and calm. I was feeling quite relaxed. The waves were small, and I was rolling along with them, with [ my right hand on the nose of the board ] and [ my left arm in the cool water ]. I **remember [ *thinking, “I **hope [ the surf *picks up soon … ] ],” when suddenly there was a flash of gray. It was over in a few seconds. I **remember [ *seeing [ the water around me *turn bright red with my blood ]. Then I **saw [ that my arm was *gone almost to the shoulder ]. My reaction, my friend Alana has **told me, **was quite matter-of-fact and in control. I just **said in a kind of loud yet not [ *panicked ] voice, “I just **got [ attacked by a shark ],” and **started [ to *paddle away with one arm ]. I **knew [ the shore *was far away ], but one thought **kept [ *repeating itself over and over in my head ]: “**Get to the beach. **Get to the beach.”
Part 4 The day before Thanksgiving, I **decided [ I would *go down to the beach and just watch ] ... but of course, I couldn’t **stand [ to *do just that ]. The water, the wind, ... it **was all too beautiful. My first couple of tries didn’t **work. I couldn’t **get up. My dad, [ who *was in the water with me ], **kept [ *shouting ], “Bethany, **try it one more time. This one will **be it!” So I **tried again and again. Then it **happened. A wave **rolled through, I **caught it, **put my hand on the board [ to *push up ], and I was **standing. It’**s hard [ for me to *describe the joy [ I *felt [ after I *stood up and *rode a wave for the first time after the attack ]. [ What I don’t *want ] **is [ for people to *pity me ]. My mom is always **saying, “[ If life *hands you lemons ], **make lemonade.” This **is a great outlook on life. I often **wish [ the whole shark business had just *been a bad dream ]. But it **wasn’t. It’**s my reality now, and I’ve **learned [ to *accept it ]. I’ve **moved on!
The Ptolemaic system of astronomy ,which had the full possesion of the minds of men ,contemplated the whole visible universe from the earth as the immovable centre of things.
Contemporary accounts describe the way in which the Japanese officials arranged for a sumo contest to be staged for the American officers, presumably in an attempt to intimidate the foreigners with the power and martial spirit of the Japanese. However, the US delegation is reported to have been singularly unimpressed by the spectacle, finding the performance laughable.
>>628 Contemporary accounts **describe the way [ in which the Japanese officials *arranged [ for a sumo contest to be *staged for the American officers ], presumably in an attempt [ to *intimidate the foreigners with the power and martial spirit of the Japanese (people) ]. However, the US delegation is **reported [ to have been singularly *unimpressed by the spectacle, [ *finding [ the performance laughable ] ] ].
>>624 The Ptolemaic system of astronomy, [ which *had the full possesion of the minds of men ], **contemplated the whole visible universe from the earth as the immovable centre of things.
"Five years ago we were essentially a domestic company. Today about 40 percent of our revenues are overseas, and by the latter part of this decode, a majority will be."
by the latter〜以降の訳がどうもわかりません。 どう訳しても意味がとれないのですが、何か専門用語的なものなんでしょうか。
>>653 "Five years ago, we were essentially a domestic company. Today, about 40 percent of our revenues are overseas, and by the latter part of this decade, a majority (of our revenue) will be (overseas)."
Those boys try their best. この文を疑問文に直すとき Do those boys try their best. になると解答にあるのですが、 Those Boys は三人称だと思っていたので 何故Doを使うのかよく分からなくなりました。 教えて頂けると助かります。お願いします。
I had been living [ basing [ my living ] on Church ] until 9 years ago. But for 8 years after that, I was forced [ to live without church ] until March last year [ though I had one more year till retirement ]. So I quit [ working as a Miyazaki prefectural English teacher ]. Miyazaki prefecture education committee had been forcing some teachers into hardship and had been killng them by [ suiciding ]. And I was one of the victims [ being made unable to go to church on Sundays [ when I had to work for corresspondence system [ learnig ] senior high [ schooling ]. So I quit and came to Tokyo on April 1st last year. Since then I haven't missed a single Sunday church prayer service. On Sundays I pray in an English Sunday worship service and Japanese Sunday service, and sometimes even in evening English service. Besides Sunday services, I attend one or two English Bible classes in a week. Jesus is everything to me [ because He saved me [ when I was trying to suicide in dark dark dispar [ when I was about 35 years of age ], [ for which I am 60 years of age now ].
>>516 It should change [ because it has been changing in th USA, in Japan, in China ]. I wish [ Kim Jonwil will die very soon [ so it can change in Korea too ] ].
Such being our criterion of mind , it admits of being otherwise stated, and in a more practically applicable manner, in the following words which I quote from Animal Intelligence
>>722 Such *being our criterion of mind , it *admits of *being otherwise *stated, in the following words [which I *quote from Animal Intelligence] and in a more practically applicable manner, そのような心理的理由から、そのように言われることを許す、 以下のような言葉で、また、より実践的で適当なマナーで。 (その言葉は)私が「動物の知性」から引用したもの。
>>721 [ Such *being our criterion of mind ], it **admits of [ being otherwise *stated, and in a more practically applicable manner, in the [ *following ] words [ which I *quote from Animal Intelligence ].
[ As our criterion of mind *is such ], it **admits of [ being otherwise *stated, and in a more practically applicable manner, in the [ *following ] words [ which I *quote from Animal Intelligence ].
[ As such *is our criterion of mind ], it **admits of [ being otherwise *stated, and in a more practically applicable manner, in the [ *following ] words [ which I *quote from Animal Intelligence ].
545 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2010/05/20(木) 13:01:57 What do you want from government in Japan? I want [ all poor people (to) become not poor ]. I want [ the government (to) reduce the number of suicide to a half of [ what (the number) is now ] ].
546 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2010/05/20(木) 13:04:14 Then people will buy more goods, and it will let [ people make things more ] and let [ more people have jobs ]. This is [ what I want ].
It is seldom that I laugh at an animal,and when I do, I usually find out that it was at myself, at the human beings whom the animal has portrayed in a more or less pitiless caricature, that I have laughed. We stand before the monkey house and laugh,but we do not laugh at the sight of a caterpiller.
The doctor`s legal responsibility to warn the dying person appears to be a matter of debate. Most doctors however will bear in mind how far a person needs to set his affairs in order, when considering what they should tell a dying patient. Imparting advice to a man that it might be a wise precaution to tidy up busibess arrangements serves more than that single function. Conveyed with tact,it is hint that an ill man can discuss anything with his doctor if he is of a mind to know more, or it is advice he can just accept at its face value.
>>812 It is seldom [ that I laugh at an animal ], and [ when I do ], I usually find out [ that it was at myself, at the human beings [ whom the animal has portrayed in a more or less pitiless caricature, [ that I have laughed ] ].
We stand before the monkey house and laugh, but we do not laugh at the sight of a caterpiller.
The doctor`s legal responsibility [ to warn the [ dying ] person ] appears [ to be a matter of debate ]. Most doctors, however, will bear in mind [ how far a person needs [ to set his affairs in order ] ], [ when considering [ what they should tell a [ dying ] patient ] ]. [ Imparting advice to a man [ that it might be a wise precaution [ to tidy up business arrangements ] ] serves more than that single function. [ Conveyed with tact ], it is hint [ that an ill man can discuss anything with his doctor [ if he is of a mind [ to know more ] ] ], or it is advice [ he can just accept at its face value ].
Most doctors, however, will bear in mind [ how far a person needs [ to set his affairs in order ] ], [ when considering [ what they should tell a [ dying ] patient ] ]. [ Imparting advice to a man [ that it might be a wise precaution [ to tidy up business arrangements ] ] serves more than that single function. [ Conveyed with tact ], it is hint [ that an ill man can discuss anything with his doctor [ if he is of a mind [ to know more ] ] ], or it is advice [ he can just accept at its face value ].
It **is seldom [ that I *laugh at an animal ], and [ when I *do(=laugh) ], I usually **find out [ that it *was at myself, at the human beings [ whom the animal has *portrayed in a more or less pitiless caricature, [ that I have *laughed ] ] ]. 僕が笑った風刺画で風刺された人間のことを僕は笑うんです。 We **stand before the monkey house and **laugh, but we do not **laugh at the sight of a caterpiller. The doctor`s legal responsibility [ to *warn the [ *dying ] person ] **appears [ to *be a matter of debate ]. Most doctors, however, will **bear in mind [ how far a person *needs [ to *set his affairs in order ] ], [ when *considering [ what they should *tell a [ *dying ] patient ] ]. [ *Imparting advice to a man [ (so) that it might *be a wise precaution [ to *tidy up business arrangements ] ] **serves more [ than that single function ]. [ *Conveyed with tact ], it **is hint [ that an ill man can *discuss anything with his doctor [ if he *is of a mind [ to *know more ] ] ], or it *is advice [ he can just *accept at its face value ]. 患者が知る心を持てば医者に何でも相談できる
[ *Imparting advice to a man [ (so) that it might *be a wise precaution [ to *tidy up business arrangements ] ] **serves more [ than that single function ]. [ *Conveyed with tact ], it **is hint [ that an ill man can *discuss anything with his doctor [ if he *is of a mind [ to *know more ] ] ], or it *is advice [ he can just *accept at its face value ]. 患者が知る心を持てば医者に何でも相談できる
>>823 >[ that it *was at myself, at the human beings >[ whom the animal has *portrayed in a more or less pitiless caricature, >[ that I have *laughed ] ] ]. >僕が笑った風刺画で風刺された人間のことを僕は笑うんです。
It is seldom. Do I laugh at an animal? I laugh. but I usually find out It was at myself, at the human beings. The animal has portrayed in a more or less pitiless caricature. I have laughed.僕が笑った風刺画で風刺された人間のことを僕は笑うんです。 We stand before the monkey house and laugh,人間に似ているから but we do not laugh at the sight of a caterpiller. The doctor's legal responsibility appears. The doctor warns the person. He is dying. The responsibility is a matter of debate. Most doctors, however, will bear in mind. How far does a person need? The person sets his affairs in order. We consider. what should doctors tell the patient? Doctors impart advice to a man. The advice might be a wise precaution. The patient tidies up business arrangements. The advice serves more than that single function. The advice is conveyed with tact. The advice is hint. The ill man can discuss anything with his doctor. The patient is of a mind. He will know more. Or it is advice. He can just accept at its face value.患者が知る心を持てば医者に何でも相談できる
We consider. what should doctors tell the patient? Doctors impart advice to a man. The advice might be a wise precaution. The patient tidies up business arrangements. The advice serves more than that single function. The advice is conveyed with tact. The advice is hint. The ill man can discuss anything with his doctor. The patient is of a mind. He will know more. Or it is advice. He can just accept at its face value.患者が知る心を持てば医者に何でも相談できる
[ *Imparting advice to a man [ (so) that it might *be a wise precaution [ to *tidy up business arrangements ] ] **serves more [ than that single function ].
Doctors impart advice to a man. The advice might be a wise precaution. The patient tidies up business arrangements. The advice serves more than that single function.
positive , improve , adopt , practice , family , disrace , emulate 上の語群を 1,He has been ( ) medicine for 34 years 2,Always behave in a way that is worthy of ( ) by children 3,If you can't have a child of your own , try ( ) one 4,You need to be ( ) to play most TV game . 5,The patient is ( ) day by day 6,Such ( ) behavior should be punished 7,I ( ) agree with you said 上記の括弧に、それぞれ適した形に変えて入れるという問題です たぶん、1はimproving 3はemulate 6はdisgracefulだと思うのですが、他がわかりません
familiarではないんです. 説明が足りなかったのですが、単語の意味を英文で書いてあって、それを長文の何行目から選ぶといった形式でした physical coordinationという説明だったので身体的協調かと思い家族のfamilyを選びました。他にはDexterity health general がありました
positiveはhaving a good resultという説明だったので その行にあったchange、 bring のどちらかかもしれません
3. Originally the word mottainai **meant [ that an object had been *lost ].
So mottainai was ‘the thing does not not exist any longer.: The thing has been lost’. In the old days, someone lost something. Then he said “Mottainai.”
4. Mottai also **means something great or important.
5. Therefore, #mottainai **is an act of [ *losing something important ], and the word is **used [ when we cannot *make the best use of something ].
They lost something very important, then they said mottainai. When they lost something important, they said “Motainai.” Mottainai is an act of losing something important. Losing something important, they said “Mottainai”.
and the word is **used 主節ですね。主節の動詞は文の中心であることを示す重要な言葉です。 故に、2重のチェックマーク又は2重のアスタリックを付けると文の構造を図示するのに役に立ちます。 基本的に動詞とは主語に対してそれの行為又は存在を表すために使われる語であり、動詞があるところには必ず主語が存在します。
[ when we cannot *make the best use of something ]. 従属節です。ある主語と述語を、主語と述語の形のままに主節に繋ごうとするときの形を従属節と呼びます。 従属節の頭には従属節であることを示す言葉(接続詞)又は形(疑問詞)又は形と言葉(関係代名詞、関係副詞)を使います。 従属節であることが混乱無く分かるときは接続詞や関係代名詞や関係副詞を省略することが出来ます。 ここのwhenは「〜するときに」と言う意味の接続詞です。
553 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2010/05/22(土) 08:31:10 Hatoyama is ill mentally or spiritually, is he not?
554 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2010/05/22(土) 08:37:46 Hatoyama ia ill. Hatoyama should ask Kan [ to succeed the Prime Ministry ], shouldn't he?
555 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2010/05/22(土) 08:42:51 Yesterday, I **delivered Japan Communist Party handbills in front of Myogadani Station, [ where I *looked eyes of the [ *walking ] people and *greeted [ *smiling ]. They also **smiled at me, and many of them **took handbills from my hand.
In planning your personal finances you must make the total at the bottom the end of the expenditure column match meet the total at the end of the income column.
>>870 He has been ptacticing medicine for 34 years. Always behave in a way [ that is worthy of [ ( ) by children ] ]. [ If you can't have a child of your own ], try [ adopting one ]. You need [ to be positive [ to play most TV game ] ]. The patient is improving day by day. Such [ disgracing ] behavior should be punished. I firmly agree with [ what you said ].
>>872 Last night a little boy asked me the way to the park, so I told him the way to the park. Was he sitting on a bench [ when you saw him at the station yesterday ]? Shall we go [ swimming in the river ]? - No,let's not. It'll be rainy this afternoon.
あなたの弟の趣味はなんですか。−彼の趣味は写真を撮る事です。 What is your brother's hobby? --It's [ taking pictures ]. ユミの息子が大阪に着いたとき、雪が降っていましたか?−はい、降っていました。 Was it raining [ when Yumi's son arrived inOsaka? --Yes, it was. あなたはいつ中国語を勉強し始めたのですか?−私は今から2年前にそれを勉強し始めました。(7語以上での回答指定) Wheb did you start [ learning Chinese ]? --I started ittwo years ago. ユキの娘は医者になるためにとても一生懸命勉強しました。−おや、そうなんですか。(ohで初めて3語指定) Yuki's daughter studied very hard [ to become a doctor ]. --Oh, did she? あなたはケンと話すことがたくさんありましたか?−はい、ありました。 Did you have a lot of chances [ to talk with Ken ]? --Yes, I did.
>>934 What(i) [do you think ___(i) will happen to John tomorrow]? 明日ジョンに何が起こると思いますか?
「疑問詞」 What(i) [does he want ___(i)]? What(i) [do you think he wants ___(i)]? What(i) [do you think she said he wants ___(i)]?
「関係詞」 This is the book(i) [which [she recommended ___(i)]]. This is the book(i) [which [I think she recommended ___(i)]]. This is the book(i) [which [I think you said she recommended ___(i)]].
In many cases, a wh-word can occur at the front of a sentence, regardless of how far away its canonical location is. In more technical terms, we can say that the dependency relation between the gap and its filler is unbounded in the sense that there is no upper bound on how deeply embedded within the given sentence the gap may appear. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wh-movement
それは確か関節疑問文とかいうやつだよ。 do you think のように質問の答えがyes,no 答えられないのは疑問視より後におき do you know などのようにyes, noで答えられるやつはそれが文頭に来て Do you know what will happen to John tomorrow? とかになると習ったような....
What do you think will happen to John tomorrow? whatは先行詞を含む関係代名詞。What do you thinkが名詞節で主語。それだけだよ。 What do you think that it will happen to John tomorrow? と書き換えは出来ない。
この際難しい文法用語は関係ないよ。 What will happen to John tomorrow? に オマイはどう思うかdo you thinkを挟み込んだだけ。 What do you think will happen to John tomorrow? What you think will happen to John tomorrow. なら疑問文ではないしWhat you thinkが名詞節で主語。
穴埋め問題が分からないので助けて頂きたいです 1、Wait right here ( ) I come back for you. 2、I would like you to learn ( ) to fly an airplain someday 3、You can't lose weight ( ) exercising only. 4、 ( ) to Jack , Mika is a much faster reader 5、I , on the other ( ) , prefer Indian cooking 6、They live in an area ( ) homes are still cheep
>>953 1、Wait right here (when) I come back for you. 2、I would like you to learn (how) to fly an airplain someday 3、You can't lose weight (without ) exercising only. 4、 (Compared) to Jack , Mika is a much faster reader 5、I , on the other (hand) , prefer Indian cooking 6、They live in an area (which) homes are still cheep
>>934 A: [ What ] do you think [ will happen to John tomorrow ]? 彼に何が起こると考えますか。起こることを言って。 B: I think [ that something good will happen to Jon tomorrow ]. 従属節の頭は接続詞 C: I think [ that a letter will come from his boyfriend ].
A: Do you know [ who is Jon's boyfrien ]? 従属節の頭は疑問詞でよい B: Yes, I do. I know [ that a very handsome man is his boyfriend ]. 従属節の頭は接続詞 C: I know [ that Tomis his boyfriend ].
A: Do you think [ what will happen to John tomorrow ]? かれになにがおこるかってこと考えますか? 従属節の頭は疑問詞でよい B: Yes, I do. I think [ what will happen to him tomorrow ]. 従属節の頭は接続詞 C: I don't. I don't think [ what will happen to him ]. Whatever may happen! I don't care about him.
>>953 Wait right here [ until I come back to you ]. I would like you to learn [ how to fly an airplain ] someday. You can't lose weight with only [ exercising ]. [ Compared to Jack ], Mika is a much faster reader. I , on the other hand, prefer Indian [ cookings ] They live in an area [ where homes are still cheep ].
>A: Do you think [ what will happen to John tomorrow ]? かれになにがおこるかってこと考えますか? 従属節の頭は疑問詞でよい >B: Yes, I do. I think [ what will happen to him tomorrow ]. 従属節の頭は接続詞 >C: I don't. I don't think [ what will happen to him ]. Whatever may happen! I don't care about him.
>Do you think [ what will happen to John tomorrow ]? >かれになにがおこるかってこと考えますか?