>>1乙 前スレ>>999 They had to keep standing all the way to their destination. I am looking (for someone to share the room with. He saw his son sneaking out of the house. That's why she would like to study abroad.
Doesという3単現のSの使い方について質問です。 My friends do not play tennis 三人称に使うということなのですが、なぜこの文はdoなのでしょうか? 「私の友達」というのは自分でもないし話し相手でもないから三人称にははいらないのでしょうか?使い方がよく分からなくなってしまいました。 だれか英語に詳しい方教えて下さい!よろしくお願いします。
従属的主語述語の括り。従属的主語と述語の把握。簡単な英語。 Silent Spring, however, tells about the other side of DDT and similar chemicals. [ Using carefully [ collected ] scientific evidence ], Rachel Carson showed [ that they have at least two dangerous side effects ].
One of these is the tendency [ to kill all of the insects in the location [ where they are used ] ].
Not all the insects are harmful, however. Many bees, for example, perform necessary functions, such as [ pollinating plants ] and [ controlling the numbers of other harmful insects ].
[ When useful insects have been eliminated ], the result has often produced greater problems [ than (problems were) [ before the pesticide was used ] ].
Another problem is [ that these chemicals do not disappear quickly ]. They accumulate in the bodies of insects, and the birds and animals [ that eat them ].
Birds are especially affected, and frequently die [ when the chemicals from the insects collect in their body ].
Silent Spring demonstrated [ that the disappearance of many kinds of birds was due to the presence of pesticides in their food ].
Most importantly, Silent Spring brought the [ beginning ] of an [ understanding ] of modern ecology to the world. We began [ to see [ that the natural world [ we live in ] is made up of a number of plants, insects, and animals ] ].
1. **Rachel Carson used scientific evidence.分詞で繋ぐと ***The scientic evidence was carefully collected.分詞で繋ぐと Rachel Carson showed (*this). *Chemicals have at least two dangerous side-effects.従属節で繋ぐと
2. One of these is *a tendency. *The chemicals kill all of the insects in a location.不定詞で繋ぐと **The chemicals are used in the location.従属節で繋ぐと
3. Many bees perform *necessary functions. *The bees pollinate plants.動名詞で繋ぐと *The bees controll the numbers of other harmful insects.動名詞で繋ぐと
4. *Useful insects have been eliminated.従属節で繋ぐと And the result has often produced greater problems. **The pesticide was not used before, and problems were not great.従属節で繋ぐと
5. Another problem is (*this). *These chemicals do not disappear quickly.従属節で繋ぐと6. They accumulate in the bodies of insects, and *birds and animals. *The birds and animals eat the insects.従属節で繋ぐと
7. Birds are especially affected, and frequently die. *The chemicals from the insects collect in the birds' bodies.従属節で繋ぐと
8. Silent Spring demonstrated (*this). *The disappearance of many kinds of birds was due to the presence of pesticides in their food.従属節で繋ぐと
9. Silent Spring brought (*this) to the world. *People began (this).動名詞で繋ぐと **People understood modern ecology.動名詞で繋ぐと
10. We began [ to see (*this) ]. *The natural world is made up of a number of plants, insects, and animals.従属節で繋ぐと **We live in the natural world.従属節で繋ぐと
11. We cannot encourage or eliminate some (without *this). *We produce effects in many others, and even in ourselves.動名詞で繋ぐと
12. Silent Spring is a powerful book. *The book was written beautifully and sensitively.分詞で繋ぐと
13. The book cares (about things).性質を表す言い方にすると 14. The book is an argument for a new and different way. *We can look at nature and our relationship with it in that way.動名詞を使って繋ぐと 15. The book convinced many people (with *this). **We would controll nature.動名詞を使って言うと *It was not always possible.従属節を使って言うと *It was certainly not always a good idea.従属節を使って言うと Silent Spring tells about the other side of DDT.
I want to ask him why he didn't study when he was younger. これが、 [I] [wantto ask] [him] [why he didn't study] [when he was younger]. と分割されていて、SVOCMを割り振れ、 という問題なのですが解答が、SVOOMなんだけどなっとくが行きません。 これは、 [I] [want] [to ask him why he didn't study when he was younger] で、SVOだと思うのですが。 [to ask him why he didn't study when he was younger]は「彼に聞く事」という名詞句で、 その名詞句の中の[ask]の目的語が、[him]と[why,,,]で、 その名詞節のなかの副詞節として[when he was younger]があると思うのですが。 [when he was younger]が、文の副詞節となると、「彼がもっと若かった時に、私は彼に聞きたい」となると思うのですが。
For some hours I walked across fields and wood, until i could go no father. これの後半を until no father could I go としたらおかしいでしょうか? 倒置しても文法的には間違っていなさそうだと思ったのですが
お時間があれば答えていただきたいのですが、 意味上の主語 for him の for の部分に感情が込められているが故に have to が使われていて、動詞needの方は単に事実を述べているだけ ということでしょうか? have to の意味は「(客観的な要因から)〜しなければならない」 となっているのですが、for him に客観的な意味合いが含まれていると考えていいのでしょうか?
it is a pity that young people don't read many books the trouble is that i have lost the key the problem is whether he will agree to it or not we will come to see you on sunday whether it rains or not
すいません、初歩的な質問ですが 山に行くって英語は、基本的には go to the mountanですが これはまだ特定の山が決まっていなく、どっかの山にいこっかなの段階でも 上記の文でよろしいのでしょうか? 不特定の山々の中のどれか一つなら個人的にgo to a mountanと思うのですが 特定の山でも不特定の山々のどれかの山でも 英文法の形式的にどちらもtheで通すのでしょうか?はたまた、どちらも付けても付けなくてもいいのでしょうか どうかよろしくお願いします。
>>107 A : I don't believe it! Somehow Frances found out I wasn't going. 信じらんない。どういうわけかフランセスが私が行かないってこと知ってんのよ。 B : I'm sorry , that was me . I told her. ごめんなさい、それ、私だわ。私が言ってしまったの。 A : You told her? Why? あなたが?なんで?
B : ( ) She asked me directly. ( )彼女の方から直接聞いてきたんだもん。 1. I didn't tell her. 私は言ってはいないわ 2. I couldn't help it. 仕方なかったのよ 3. You must've known. あなた知ってたはずよ 4. She guessed it was me. 私だと彼女は思ったのよ
>>113 A: You're not American, are you ? B: Yes, I am an American. A: Oh, I thought [ you were Canadian ]. B: It's somewhat difficult [ to hear the difference in accent ].
11問ある並べ替えで自分でやってみたのですが間違っていましたらご指摘お願い致します。 1)リッグス氏が先日私達に提案したことは、実行不可能であると思われた。My Riggs be seemed to impractical to us what suggested the other day. 2)去年明石海峡に建設された吊り橋は、長さが世界で一番長い。 The Akash bridge was constructed the suspension which Strait is the over the longest world in last year. 3)ロックウッド氏は、父親が世界的に有名な物理学者であった、実業家です。 Mr. Lockwood is physicsist father was world-famous whose a businessman. 4)その国が多くの外国から大量の米を輸入している理由は、明らかでない。 The country is importing foreign countries many large rice of reason why the amount a isn't. 5)スペースシャトルがその基地から発射される時刻は、まだ発表されていない。 The space shuttle has been the be announced will launched from base when not time the yet. 6)その数学の計算は非常に複雑なので、誰も実際にコンピュータなしではそれを解くことはできない。 The mathematical solve actually is complicated that one a computer in no can without so problem. 6)ジョンが言ったことは、彼の知識にではなくて、単なる推測に基づいていた。 John was said but knowledge not on what supposition was based mere on. 7)私の日課の一つは、寝る前に日記をつけることです。 My routines of one is going to my bed before diary keeping daily. 文字数足りないので二つに分けます。
続きです。 8)私達は今年、その会議を開催することを延期しなければならないだろう。 We have this year to holding will the meeting put off. 9)The factory has in that machine broken for more than remained a month. 10)この湖にやってくる渡り鳥は、年々数が減少している。 This lake are coming birds decreasing by migratory number to year in year. 11)彼らは、昨日の放課後パーティーのための新鮮な魚をいくらか買うために、市場へ買い物に出かけた。 They went some buy for the fresh fish after school party to their shopping market at yesterday . お願いします。
>>129 1コだけやってみた。 My Riggs be seemed to impractical to us what suggested the other day. What Mr Riggs suggested to us the other day seemed to be impractical.
なんか物凄く初期の質問なんだけど・・・ 「私は彼のようなプレイヤーになりたかった」って、英語に直すと I wanted to become a player like him. でいいのかな?エキサイト使って確かめてみたら、「私は彼のようにプレーヤーになりたかったです。」ってなっちゃって。 「に」が付いちゃった・・・。
>>140 What Mr Riggs suggested to us the other day seemed to be impractical. The suspension bridge which was constructed over the Akashi Strait last year is the longest in the world. Mr. Lockwood is a businessman whose father was a world-famous physicist. The reason why the country is importing a large amount of rice from many foreign countries is not obvious. The time when the space shuttle will be launched from the base has not yet been announced. The calculus is so complicated that no one can actually solve it without a computer. What John said yesterday was based not on knowledge but on mere supposition. One of my daily routines is keeping diary before going to bed. We will have to put off holding the meeting this year. That machine in the factory has remained broken for more than a month. The number of migratory birds coming to this lake is decreasing year by year. They went shopping at the market after school yesterday to buy some fresh fish for their party.
会話ではtheは省略されることがある ということだろ。 the をつけるとお堅くなるんだろうな。よくわからないけど。 I took the Shinkansen to Tokyo Station. 東京まで新幹線で行った。 I took the Shinkansen to the Tokyo Station. 東京駅まで新幹線で行った。 日本語でも東京駅まで新幹線で行くとは、普通には、いわないと思う。 "the Tokyo station" あたりで検索すると面白いかも。
質問なんですが 疑問詞のある疑問文が文の間に入っている文、例えば He described how he survived for 20 days. のようにhowの後ろの主語、動詞が転換するじゃないですか。 しかし、ある文では Ken would think about how would have his life been different. のように転換してない文がありました(;_;) どうしてですか? どなたか教えて下さい。
it will only collect dust with me←これが主節 that is why i send it to you.←これが従属節
thatは何っていうより、that is whyの一塊で接続詞として覚えて下さい。 that is whyは、「だからSVだ」という意味で、 that is whyより前の文(主節)が原因、that is why以下の文を結果と考える。 原因 that is why 結果 ね。
これは自分にとってタンスのこやしにしかならない(原因) だから あなたにあげるよ(原因)
わかるかな? 簡単に言っちゃえば、that is whyを右向きの矢印に置き換えて考えるといい。 なんで右向きの矢印かっていうと、原因がないと結果が生まれないから。 例えば、いい大学に受かる(結果)には勉強しなければいけない(原因)。 勉強しないでいい大学には行けないよね? 原因ありきの結果だから右向きの矢印で表せる。
it will only collect dust with me ⇒ i send it to you.
ちなみに、that is whyとよく似たもので、this is because SVというものがある。 この、this is becauseも一塊で接続詞と見て、「これはSVだからだ」という意味になる。 これは、さっきのthat is whyと違って、原因と結果が逆の位置になる。 つまり、結果 this is because 原因 ね。 だからこれは左向きの矢印になる。 it will only collect dust with me that is why i send it to you. これで言えば、 i send it to you this is because it will only collect dust with me. になるってことね!
誤りを指摘する問題です。 Some people are pessimistic, for fear that the talks may even turn out to be disadvantageous to japan, what others are doubtful that his visit will even materialize.
Mary tried to tell me what all the things Bob said were true. I believe you know whom was responsible for the accident that occurred yesterday.
As soon as the concert started, almost audience stood up and began to sing together.
He is stil taking a fighting stance, but the probability is steady growing that his coming visit to the U.S. will be his last.
失礼しました。 1Some people are pessimistic, for fear that the talks may even turn out to be disadvantageous to japan, what others are doubtful that his visit will even materialize.
2Mary tried to tell me what all the things Bob said were true. I believe you know whom was responsible for the accident that occurred yesterday.
3As soon as the concert started, almost audience stood up and began to sing together.
4He is stil taking a fighting stance, but the probability is steady growing that his coming visit to the U.S. will be his last.
>>180 Some people are pessimistic, for fear that the talks may even turn out to be disadvantageous to japan, what others are doubtful that his visit will even materialize. for fear -> from fear doubtful that -> doubting
Mary tried to tell me what all the things Bob said were true. what -> if
I believe you know whom was responsible for the accident that occurred yesterday. whom -> who
As soon as the concert started, almost audience stood up and began to sing together. almost -> most of the / almost all of the
He is stil taking a fighting stance, but the probability is steady growing that his coming visit to the U.S. will be his last. stil -> still steady -> steadily
1の文を参考に2の( ) を埋めなさい。 1 As I didn’t know his address, I couldn’t write to him. 2 If I (had) (known) his address, I could (have) (written) to him. 1 As it rained yesterday, we couldn’t play baseball. 2 If it ( ) ( ) ( ) yesterday, we (could) (have) (played) baseball. 1 Ms. Yamada has not met the famous soccer player. 2 But she talks ( ) ( ) she ( ) ( ) him.
Nonsmokers are (as,as,times,cancer,three,get,lung,to,likely)smkokers. 並び替えなのですが、three times to get lung cancer as likely asで合ってますか。 これだと意味が逆になると思うんですがどうでしょうか。
if you want a whimsical, visually stunning action adventure where the dialogue rises above “Outstanding, Marine!”, rent the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy.
>>170 どういう意味を持たせたいの? I decided to write an entry for every day of the month. なら その月の毎日開催されるイベント、会に申し込むことを決めた。 と訳せると思うけど I decided to write a entry every day this month.だと 今月は毎日申込書を書くことに決めた。 ぐらいにしか訳せない。 毎日何かの申込書を書くの?
One good woman is ( ) more than any number of untalented men. この括弧について、解答には"worth"が入るとありましたが、 moreが副詞だとしたら、worthを単独で用いていることになりますが、 それは文法上正しいことなのでしょうか? それとも、moreは副詞ではないのでしょうか?
He said Taiwanese food is not so bad,but he is bored by eating Taiwanese food. He is living one-third of the year in Taiwan one-third in China one-third in Japan. So,I felt empathy. I think the state of the Japaneas economy owed to him. I probably go to Taiwan this year.
>>244 [ Whatever suggestions might be offered for [ changing social systems or our [ widespread ] tendency [ to hide or cover up ] ], reform is easier said [ than (it is) done ].
>>262 何の話だ?>>261に言ってんのか? 片岡の英語を見ろ。easyは形容詞として存在できてない。 reform is easier said [ than (it is) done ]. Reform is more easily said [ than it is actually done ],
模範解答 The lead character was an ordinary dog. It wandered from town to town,and each town,it helped people solve a mystery that had occurred there,disappearing before it 「could」 be praised by the humans and continuing its journey to another town.
943 :ロン:2009/08/01(土) 11:28:52 >>941簡単だよ Yet against the existence,and possible growth, of economic and social inequality in Britain must be set the growth of parliamentary democracyand the gradual, but almost continuous, growth of civic and political rights. だが現在英国に存在し今後も増大する可能性がある社会的・経済的不平等に対抗して 議会制民主主義の拡充と、市民権予備及び参政権の 漸進的な - しかしながらほとんど間断無き - 拡充がはかられねばならない。
自演認定厨で無職のロンドンさんによる恥ずかしい誤訳。 残念ながら、set A against Bの意味が理解できていません。 「実は知らない英文誤読の真相88」のNo25を読んで勉強し直すべきでしょう。
Distillation then separates the alcohol from the remaining mixture, which can be sold as animal feed. このwhich の先行詞ってremaining mixture ですか? つまり、 蒸留作用で残りの混合物からアルコールが分離されるが、その混合物は、家庭用のでんぷんとして 売ることができるのだ。
it is most likely the thoroughness with whici steam engines disappeared that gives them a prominence among all those nostalgic objects. これの訳お願いしていいですか?
my sisters treated him respectfully,though,trying to get the point across. in fact,they used to employ a strategy of keeping quiet. この前の文は「父を病院に行かせる様々な手段を試みた」 なんですがそのあとがわかりません お願いします
NHK envisions television as a total information gateway and to this end is a leader in broadcasting technology.
to this end 以下からどのように訳せばいいのかわかりません。
This kind of technology cannot only connect the world to your television , but can also connect the appliances in you home to the world. これもどのように訳せば自然な日本語訳になるのかわかりません。
>>300 NHK envisions television as a total information gateway and to this end, (NHK) is a leader in [ broadcasting ] technology.
This kind of technology cannot only connect the world to your television, but can also connect the appliances in you home to the world. この様な技術は、あなたの家の放送器具が世界に繋がるようにもしてくれる。
[ Whatever suggestions might be offered for [ changing social systems or our [ widespread ] tendency [ to hide or cover up ] ], reform is easier said [ than (it is) done ].
[ Whatever suggestions might be offered for [ changing social systems or our [ widespread ] tendency [ to hide or cover up ] ], reform is more easily said [ than (it is) done ].
I have caught a cold. Why? I was in a closed space. Many people were in there. My cold was bad. I had yellow sticky water from my nose. I coughed often. Usually, I let my body kick the cold. Usually, I wait. Because my body cures the cold naturally. But this time, I bought Pavlon. Pavlon is a chemical. Chemicals are powerful. They kill harmful things. They help you to recover from illnesses. They help your body fight against illnesses. But you must not use chemicals easily. Chemicals will make your body lazy. Your body has power to fight against diseases. You must believe in the power of your body. God has given us power to live our life. God gives us water, air, light, vegetables, fruit, grains. These good things are free of charge or very cheap. Chemicals are very helpful. But you must not depend only upon chemicals. You must depend upon the power from nature or God, too.
They help you to recover from illnesses. They help your body fight against illnesses. But you must not use chemicals easily. Chemicals will make your body lazy. Your body has power to fight against diseases. You must believe in the power of your body. God has given us power to live our life. God gives us water, air, light, vegetables, fruit, grains. These good things are free of charge or very cheap. Chemicals are very helpful. But you must not depend only upon chemicals. You must depend upon the power from nature or God, too.
質問です。 彼らは私の好きな絵柄のイラストレーター、絵描き、アーティストらです。 を英訳する場合 They are having the design as my favorites illustrators, painters and artists. で良いのでしょうか。 ~~ 各種サイトで調べたところasかforかofかで悩んだのですが、asにしてみました。 正しいでしょうか。アドバイスや指摘があればお願いします。
NHK envisions television as a total information gateway and to this end of [ being a total information gateway ], (NHK) is a leader in [ broadcasting ] technology.
"easier said than done" Also, "more easily said than done". Describing something more readily talked about than accomplished, as in "Keeping the cats off the sofa is easier said than done". This expression also was put as "sooner or better said than done". Today, the variant (more easily) is still heard less often than the original. [c. 1450]
American Heritage Dictionary of Idiomsでは、 easierが原型で、more easilyが変異形となっています。 従って、easierの方が古いと解するのが妥当です。
文法的には、easier said than doneのsaid、及びdoneは、 Otto Jespersenの言うquasi-predicative(擬似述詞)です。
They look even more fantastic naked. [Huddleston&Pullum(2002)] He said things that would have been better unsaid. [Nineteen Eighty-Four]
Naturally a view of animals peculiar to a certain culture and a certain nation is not firm or definite; neither are its origins simple and self-evident. One of the reasons the English know how to train dogs almost perfectly might be that they have done a good deal of dairy farming for a long time and thus are used to handling domestic animals. Another reason could be that since the climate caused the need for the cohabitation of pets and people under the same roof in closed living quarters, dogs had to be strictly trained to preserve domestic peace. By contrast, the Japanese civilization was never significantly dependent on domestic animals.
The new constitution would not have been written the way it was had MacArther and his staff allowed Japanese politicians and constitutional experts to resolve the issue as they wished. という文ですが、「it was had」の部分が文法的にどうなっているのか分かりません。 the way it was ってどういう用法でしたっけ…。なぜその後にhadがきてるのかも 文法的に分かりません。これって仮定法でしょうか。
Children are unpredictable. Where should they be patted? On the head, perhaps: 'Well, well,my little man,and what do you want to be when you grow up?' The implication of the question is clear.
When you go up and like try to chase him, 〜 こういう英文があったんですが、これは文法的にどう説明されるものなんでしょうか? like try to 〜の部分なんですが… 動詞原型 + 動詞原型 のような気がするんですが…こういうのってあるんですか?? これでそういう意味になるのかもいまいちわからないんですが…
We can learn something about the meaning of ''good'' and ''bad'' as moral concepts from this kind of exercise in analogy. 我々はこのような類推から善と悪の道徳的概念について何かを知ることは出来る。
>>365 Everything was as it had been when she left there.
甲、Everything was so. 乙、It has been so when she left there.
@甲乙それぞれのsoをasに変える。 (Everything was as.) (It had been as when she left there.) A乙のasを文頭に出す。 (as it had been when she left there.) B甲のasと乙のasを合体させる。 (Everything was as it had been when she left there.)
文章を書く時の心得について、みたいな文で、ある小説家が言ったことに対し、 I respect that kind of care for what is being done. That's all we have, finally, the words, and they had better be the right ones, with the punctuation in the right places so that they can best say what they are [mean] to say. とあります。
すみません、よかったら後一つお願いします。同じ文章です。 友達のnovelistが言ったとんでもないことに対し、 I was dumbfounded when I heard a novelist friend say this. I still am, if I think about it, which I don't. とあります。 2行目のwhichの働き、don'tの後に何が省略されているのか分かりません。 もしかしたら省略された語は書いた範囲にないかも知れませんが。。。
英訳 彼らは野球が得意ではない 彼らは昨晩の試合に負けました あなたは今日いいホテルを選んだ 君はその本を読みましたか 彼女たちは服を買いましたか 彼は少年の名前を覚えていましたか お父様はその学校で教えていらっしゃいましたか あなたはそこにタクシーで行かれましたか 彼は電話を使いましたか 子供ははやく寝なければならない マリはすぐにドイツ語が話せるようになるだろう まさお君はもっと多くの本をよまなければいけないようになるだろう 私たちは正直でないといけない このペンを使ってもいいですか? テッドはもっと勉強すべきだ 歌を歌いましょうか? 次の停留所で乗り換えです バスがきましたよ 和訳 Raku Bus will take you to kinkakuji ; it is very convenient. Is there any difference between Raku Bus and ordinary buses?
>>351 The new constitution would not have been written the way [ (how) it was ], [ had MacArther and his staff allowed [ Japanese politicians and constitutional experts to resolve the issue [ as they wished (to resolve it).
>>373 I respect that kind of care for [ what is being done ]. That's all [ (that) we have ], finally, the words, and they had better be the right ones, with the punctuation in the right places [ so that they can best say [ what they are meant [ to say ] ].
Rich as he is,he is not happy. これ分詞構文らしいんですが、おかしいですよね? 分詞構文なのに接続詞と主語を残してるし・・・ 元の文はthough he is rich, he is not happy.ですよね? だから分詞構文にすると(Being)rich,he is not happy.になると思うんですが・・・ 誰か親切な方教えてください お願いします
>>398 ロイヤル英文法は、 元々は分詞構文だった、という説明をしています。 つまり、Being as rich as he is, he is not happy.という「比較の分詞構文」から、 Being asが脱落して、Rich as he is, he is not happy.になったという説明です。 「譲歩」か「順接」かは分詞構文と主節の意味関係で決まります。
新英和大辞典は、 (As) rich as he isの形は、元来主節の主語に対する「同格的叙述語」だった、 という立場を取っています。「同格的叙述語」というのは、supplement(補充節) に相当し、学校英語で言う「分詞構文」と実質的に同じです。 (形容詞・過去分詞や名詞の「補充節」をbeingが省略された、とするのは 余り好ましくないようですが。)
新グローバル英和辞典は、 ■Loving conviviality as I do, it will be trying to continue this lonely life. という「様態のas」で分詞を強調する用例の説明のところで、 ■Michael, fool as he was, flatly refused the kind offer.(順接) ■Sleepy as I was, I worked on at my homework.(譲歩) におけるasは元々は「様態のas」だった、としています。
しかし、「様態のas」では、 Rotten a player as I am, you know I'll beat you. (John Updike、 三省堂現代英文法辞典より) のような形が説明できないので、「比較構文」の方が妥当でしょう。 もっとも、「様態のas」は「as ... as」の後のasが単独で生起したものだ、 とする人もいますが。 (因みに、三省堂現代英文法辞典では「順接」の場合に限り 「分詞構文」を認めています。)
>>398 一方で、 Practical English Usage(M. Swan)は「特別な語順」と説明し、 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language(Huddleston&Pullum)は preposing(前置)という立場を取っています。
また、Huddleston&Pullumは、 ■As bad as last week was φ , this week promises little respite for the premier. ■As big a hit as it is φ in Europe, Timotei never made it out of the test market in the US. のような例も、見た目は同等比較に見えるが、同等比較とは解釈されない、 としています。
最後に"much as"の並びの場合、 「譲歩 or 順接のas」と「nearly, almostの意味のmuch+様態のas」という 二つの解釈の仕方がありますので、文意を良く考えて判断して下さい。
【譲歩】 Before Brick can protest that much as i'd like to get moving, he's in no position to do anything of the sort, the man's face disappears. [Paul Auster / Man in the Dark]
【様態】 Now as I write about it again the blanket story gains significance and structure, becomes a private myth in my scripted childhood, overwhelming everything else, much as the hole consumed the blanket. [京都大学1996年前期@の下線部(2)]
1.The tournament at Wimbledon is [the one] all tennis playerys dream of winning. このthe oneはthatに置き換えられますか?
2.トムはその時まで計画の重要性について考えていなかったとわかって驚いた。 It surprised Tom to realize that he had not thought about the importance of the plan until then. という文で、 これはトムが計画の重要性について考えていなかったのではなく、 トムではない「彼」が計画の重要性について考えていなかったのに対して トムが驚いているんですよね?
●The Nazi regime orcherestrated a system of confiscation, coercive transfer,looting, and destruction of objects of art and other cultural property in Europe on an unprecedented scale. これのon an unprecedented scaleのonってどういう用法ですか?
●College campuses are filled with temptations for youngsters away from home for the first time, but many students manage to withstand these temptations without greatly damaging their future prospects. という文なんですがfor youngsters away のawayってなんなんでしょうか。 youngstersを修飾してる感じでしょうか。
>>429 1)ナチは前例のないスケールで〜といったシステムを構築した。 orchestratedにかかる副詞句を作る前置詞です。 2)youngsters away from home for the first time away〜timeがyoungstersにかかる形容詞句で「初めて家を離れた若者たち」です。 youngsters away from homeで「家を離れた若者たち」という後置修飾になります。
Rich as he is,he is not happy. これ分詞構文らしいんですが、おかしいですよね? 分詞構文なのに接続詞と主語を残してるし・・・ 元の文はthough he is rich, he is not happy.ですよね? だから分詞構文にすると(Being)rich,he is not happy.になると思うんですが・・・ 片岡さん教えてください お願いします
こんばんわ 1 He was the first man to contrive the device. (彼はその装置を考案した最初の人だ。) 2 I rent a place to start a new business. (私は新しい仕事を始めるため場所を借りた。)
この例文について、書中では2.の文はto contrive the deviceがthe first manを修飾していて、 不定詞の形容詞的用法だと説明しています。 3.の文は、to start a new businessがrentを修飾している副詞的用法だと説明しています。 しかし、a placeを修飾している形容詞的用法だとも取れるのでは? つまり、「私は新しい仕事を始めるための場所を借りた。」とも訳せるのではと。 なぜ副詞的用法だと判断できるのかよく分かりません。
>>446 to不定詞の形容詞的用法は3種類ある。 @修飾される名詞が意味上の主語 例が1の<the first man to contrive the device>にあたる。 A修飾される名詞が意味上の目的語 例<the house to live in> B名詞とTO不定詞が同格関係 例<the way to solve the questin> >I rent a place to start a new business <a place ><to start a new business> この場合@Bではないのはすぐ分かると思う。 Aの場合だと考えても<start> の目的語は<a new business> だから、to不定詞の形容詞的用法にはならない。 よってto start a new businessがrentを修飾している副詞的用法になる。
>>377 meantですか。。。実は先日受けた大学入試の問題なので解答はないんですよね。 That=the wordsなんですか。That=前文のthat kind of care for what is being done だと思ってました。複数形のthe wordsをThatで受けていいんですか? すると和訳は、 結局、言葉、それは私達が持つ全てであり、込められた意味が出来る限り伝わるよう、 正しい場所に句読点を打つとともに、それ自身正しいものであるのがよい。 といった感じでいいんですかね?
>>458 前文のthat kind of care for what is being done=that=the wordsなんですか? that kind of care for what is being done≠the wordsだと思うんですけど。。。 , finally, the words,は文頭に持ってきても意味は変わらず、「Thatをthe wordsで」 ではなく、the wordsをThatで言い換えてるんだと思ったのですが。 (Thatは前文の内容は受けていない。)
You will find this book easy. という文なんですが、 easyを副詞ととると、「あなたはこの本を簡単に見つけることができるだろう」 easyを形容詞ととると「あなたはこの本が簡単だとわかるだろう」 と全然違う意味になってしまうと思うのですが、文脈や状況でどっちかみきわめる ということでしょうか?
These animals rarely thrive in captivity. の意味がわかりません。 英英だとthriveは to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc. ってあるから、繁栄じゃなくて健康を維持するになるのかな。 飼育するのは難しいってことかしら。
たぶんネイティブに聞いても 副詞か形容詞かなんてすぐに答えられないよ。 そんなこと意識してないから。 TO 以下は足りない情報を埋めるためにどんな用法にもなるよ。 I rent a place. どんな場所?何をする場所?ってのが足りないから to start a new business って感じで補ってる。 ただそれだけなのにどうして副詞とか形容詞とかこだわるの?日本人は。
>>466 お前完全に意味不明。アホなこと言って中高生を混乱させるな。 rentの意味なんか関係ない。 お前の間違いを証明するロイヤル英文法の例文を挙げておく。 当然形容詞的用法の例文だ。 We must make the Earth a healthier place to live. 我々は地球をもっと健康的な住みかにしなければならない
My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings which are interrupted only by an occasional visit to the local conema ―virtually the only form of entertainment.
>>480 I was born in a small town. The name of the town is not known to other people. I was brought up there. I was five years old. ------------------------------------------------- I was born in a small town [ whose name was not known to others ]. I had been brought up there [ until I was five years old ]. ----------------------------------------------------- Born in an [ unknown ] small town, I had been brought up there [ until I was five years old ].
>>478 My friend fails [ to mention the long and friendless winter evenings [ which are interrupted only by an occasional visit to the local cinema ―virtually the only form of entertainment ]. 映画館に行くことしか娯楽のない友だちのいない田舎の長い冬の夜のことを、友達は口にしなかった。
That said, while it is good for us to convey who we are to others in a straightforward way, the cardinal rule of diplomacy is that diplomacy can go nowhere without an understanding of the other party.
That saidのthatって文法的にいうと何なんでしょうか。 それから、who we areもどうなっているのかよくわかりません。
>>491 [ That (being) said ], [ while it is good [ for us to convey [ who we are to others in a straightforward way ] ] ], the cardinal rule of diplomacy is [ that diplomacy can go nowhere without an [ understanding ] of the other party ].
The difference between these expressions is interesting in a number of ways, but the most obvious is that the Japanese does not say very much at all overtly.
139 :片岡数吉 ◆arkg2VoR.2 :2008/09/13(土) 15:14:41 >>135 "Equal pay for equal work "is a phrase 「同量の仕事に同量の報酬を」は、フレーズである [ used by the American women アメリカの女性たちによって使われた [ who complain about [ [ what they feel ] is unjust treatment by the society ]. [[[自分たちが感じているものが]社会による不公平な扱いであることについて]不平を言う] ---------------------------------------------------- [ what they feel ] is unjust treatment の部分は、SVCです。 What they feel の部分は、OSVです。
A: May I ask a favor of you? B: Yes, you can ask anything of me. What would you want? A: I would want [ you to love meboth spiritually and physically ].
Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, as sensitive as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pettern as it was doomed to receive ; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order.
学校の宿題です。日本のネット中毒患者についてです anyway I want to be able to speak English pretending to be mad and a pervert asd asking comments like a shabby beggar , spending my time being taken by people on 2channel everyday, I found it has passed more than 10 hours ,when I came to myself.
I have no opportunity which I speak to people except 2channel I have been to go out more than 5 years from my own room 2channel is very terrible !!
The specific moral issues come into play with Tess’s pregnancy by Alec. In the scene of Tess’s seduction Hardy avoids examining to what extent she was compliant, though by reference to the ‘primeval yews’, ‘roosting birds’, and ‘hopping rabbits’ he stresses the naturalness of the event. With respect to its wider significance, in and authorial comments, he indicates one of his main themes, the inexplicable injustice and cruelty of fate:
[ that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, [ as sensitive [ as gossamer (is) ], and practically blank as snow [ as yet ], there should have been traced such a coarse pettern [ as it was doomed [ to receive ]; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man,
many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed [ to explain to our sense of order ].
Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep. Go and announce to them [ that the Kingdom of Heaven is near ]. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely [ as you have received ]! “Don’t take any money in your money belts—no gold, silver, or even copper coins. Don’t carry a traveler’s bag with a change of clothes and sandals or even a [ walking ] stick. Don’t hesitate [ to accept hospitality ], [ because those [ who work ] deserve [ to be fed ] ]. “[ Whenever you enter a city or village ], search for a worthy person and stay in his home [ until you leave town ]. [ When you enter the home ], give it your [ blessing ]. [ If it turns out to be a worthy home ], let [ your blessing stand ]; [ if it is not ], take back the blessing.
[ If any household or town refuses [ to welcome you or listen to your message ], shake its dust from your feet [ as you leave ]. I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judgment day. “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd [ as snakes (are) ] and harmless [ as doves (are) ]. But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with whips in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings [ because you are my followers ]. But this will be your opportunity [ to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me ]. [ When you are arrested ], don’t worry about [ how to respond ] or [ what to say ]. God will give you the right words at the right time. For it is not you [ who will be speaking ]— it will be [ the Spirit of your Father speaking through you ].
>713 wishなら「今思い出して」〜だったらよかったのになぁと思う。 wishedは「そのとき」〜だったらよかったんおになぁと思った。 I wished I had studied harder when I knew the result of the entrance exam. みたいな。・・・この時期に不謹慎かな、この例文(爆
The____proposal for Central Station has benn apporved by the city council, 選択:expansion,expanding 回答:expansion なぜexpandingはだめなのでしょうか? またもし選択肢に expandedがあれば、それは選べますか? どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
1,I do not want to live in the mountain so much as in a city. 2,I want to live not so much in the mountain as in a city. 3,I want to live not in the mountain so much as in a city.
not so much A as B/not A so much as Bの例文がbe動詞のものばかりで、用法がいまいち掴めてません。 どれが正しいのですか?
>>751 早急なレス有り難うございます。 1が違うということは「not so much A as B」=「not A so much as B」なので 3,I want to live not in the mountain so much as in a city. も正しいと解釈しても良いのでしょうか?
>>679 Anyway, I want to be able to speak English. [ Pretending [ to be mad and a pervert and asking comments like a shabby beggar ] ], [ spending my time [ being taken by people on 2channel everyday ] ], I found [ it has passed more than 10 hours ], [ when I came to myself ].
I have no opportunity [ in which I speak to people other on than 2channel ]. I have not been out for more than 5 years from my own room. 2 channel is very terrible !!
A: Today, I was at Suehirotei from 12 noon to 9 at night. B: What's Suehirotei? A: It's a comic talk house. B: Did you enjoy? A: Yes, I laughed a lot all the time. B: I want to laugh, too. A: Let's laugh a lot! B: Make [ me laugh ], please! A: Look at me! B: Hee, hee, heeeeeee A: You are funny! Heeeeee, heeeeeee
“[ When you pray ], don’t babble on and on [ as people of other religions do ]. They think [ their prayers are answered merely by [ repeating their words again and again ] ]. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly [ what you need [ even before you ask him ] ]! Pray like this:
Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, [ as it is in heaven ]. Give us today the food [ we need ], and forgive us our sins, [ as we have forgiven those [ who sin against us ]. And don’t let [ us yield to temptation ], but rescue us from the evil one.
“[ If you forgive those [ who sin against you ] ], your heavenly Father will forgive you. But [ if you refuse [ to forgive others ] ], your Father will not forgive your sins.
Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, [ as it is in heaven ]. Give us today the food [ we need ], and forgive us our sins, [ as we have forgiven those [ who sin against us ]. And don’t let [ us yield to temptation ], but rescue us from the evil one.
“[ If you forgive those [ who sin against you ] ], your heavenly Father will forgive you. But [ if you refuse [ to forgive others ] ], your Father will not forgive your sins.
A: Will it snow tomorrow morning? B: I don't know. Do you want [ it to snow ]? A: I don't want [ it to rain ] [ because I don't get wet ]. B: You won't get wet in [ snowing ]. A: I won't. So I like [ snowing ] better than [ raining ]. B: It'll be slippery on snow. You won't slip in rain. A: Still, I don't want [ to get wet in [ raining ] ].
実はチョムスキーの生成文法より片岡の10公式の方が優れているのではないかと思う。 see that SV=see O Cが成り立たないのは、現代英語ではたまたまそうなってるだけで、 理論的にはイコールである。また、人間の言語に品詞などというものは存在しない。 あるのはカタマリだけである。そのカタマリは括弧で表示される。品詞などというのは 伝統文法の虚構。実体としては存在しない。しかりカタマリは息継ぎなどの物理的特性 を持つ。
>>812 それは自作の文?いくつか問題があるね。 なんか釣り質問に見えるけど…何年生の英語にすればいい?stationにはtheが必要。 単に駅と言う場合は聞き手に分かる駅だから。違う場合は普通は駅名を言う。 とりあえず Our school has about six hundred students. It is near the station. It is twenty years old.
長文の中に出てくる一文が解説読んでもよくわからないので 教えて下さい you will find this much in common with not many people on this earth. この中にでてくるfindの意味は「気付く」でいいんでしょうか? そうだとしたらどういう風に訳せばいいんでしょうか? ちなみに本文ではwith~earthまでが前にきてて倒置になってて 「これだけのものを共有できる相手はこの地球上に多くはいないだろう」と なっているんですがいまいちピンときません 直訳から詳しめに説明して頂けると嬉しいんですが・・・
>>818 ムズイね。 You(S) will find(V) this(O) much in common(C) with not many people on this earth.(付帯) あなたは(S)これ(O)が、この世界に多くいない状態での(付帯)共有物(C)だということに気づく(V)でしょう。 じゃないかな?解釈間違ってたらごめん。
>>88 文は面倒だから句だけな until recently、from abroad、since then(このthenは副詞だが、 前置詞の目的語として使われることから名詞として扱われることが増えた) from behind the door、from over the sea far from satisfactory、from bad to worse いろいろあるよ
>827 何を聞いてるのかわかりにくい。 thatとwhoの違いで一番大きいのはthatの場合は前置詞を前に持ってこれない。 ○ That is the house in which he lives. ○ That is the house which he lives in. × That is the house in that he lives. ○ That is the house that he lives in. これ以上詳しい事が知りたければ文法の教科書を見た方がいい。
The teacher thought of an excellent solution to the problem =the teacher () with an excellent solution to the problem 1 took up 2 considered on 3 viewed over 4 came to
あ、すいません the total effort that would occupy a busy man for three minites all told may in this fashion leave another person prostrate after a day of doubt, anxiety , and toil.
The Rich Man [ As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem ], a man came [ running up to him ], knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. But [ to answer your question ], you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’” “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” [ Looking at the man ], Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is [ for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God ]!” This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard [ to enter the Kingdom of God ]. In fact, it is easier [ for a camel to go through the eye of a needle [ than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God ] ]!” The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “[ Humanly speaking ], it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Then Peter began to speak up. “We’ve given up everything [ to follow you ],” he said. “Yes,” Jesus replied, “ and I assure you [ that everyone [ who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News ], will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world [ to come ] that person will have eternal life. But many [ who are the greatest now ] will be least important then, and those [ who seem least important now ] will be the greatest then.”
>>847 The total effort [ that would occupy a busy man [ for three minites all told ] may in this fashion leave [ another person prostrate after a day of doubt, anxiety , and toil ].
The total effort [ that would occupy a busy man for three minites [ all told ] ] may in this fashion leave [ another person prostrate after a day of doubt, anxiety , and toil ].
The total effort 主節の主語 [ that would occupy a busy man for three minites 従属節 [ all told ] 分詞 ] may in this fashion leave 主節の述語動詞 [ another person prostrate after a day of doubt, anxiety , and toil ] 原形不定詞.
長くて負担をお掛けしますがよろしくお願いします。 I can’t tell what will happen in the 21st century, but I think there will be no West and East and no countries. Even though there will be different faces and hair colors, many things will be mixed up. If cultures mix, what remains is the individual. What you like, what you think and what you do become very important. Countries lose importance. There will be no West and East. The Yamada born in China, raised in Japan with Japanese citizenship, is no longer important. What matters is myself as an individual. When I go to foreign countries or teach in Japan, I always say that music is the international language.
yahoo.com 国母snowboarderに対する意見、終段。 The anti-authority stance permeates snowboarding, but there are certain times when you have to play nice. One of those times is the Olympics. Your country is paying for you to represent them. You get the chance of a lifetime to do something hardly anyone else gets to do. And it's all free. Pretty sweet deal. So just go with the flow.
Plus, if you're wearing a suit, wear it like a suit. It's basically the easiest way to look good.
>>929 形容詞はたくさん並べられる。 both the two lovely little oval brilliant new purple Chinese wooden jewel boxes その2つの小さな卵形のきらきらした新品の紫色の中国製の 木製の宝石箱の両方 完全な名詞は最後のboxesだけ。
>>930 つまり、元にはI like English very much. があってね。そのmuchが比較級になるわけ。 だからmoreが基本なんだけど、口語では betterも多く使われたりするもんで、 そのズレが昔の教師たちの興味を引いたらしく、 likeならbetterだ、なんて日本では広まって しまったんだね。
>>927 The anti-authority stance permeates [ snowboarding ], but there are certain times [ when you have to play nice ]. One of those times is the Olympics. Your country is paying [ for you to represent them ]. You get the chance of a lifetime [ to do something hardly [ anyone else gets to do ] ]. And it's all free. Pretty sweet deal. So just go with the flow. Plus, [ if you're wearing a suit ], wear it like a suit. It's basically the easiest way [ to look good ].
John 17 Jesus Prays for Himself [ After Jesus said this ], he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, [ that your Son may glorify you ]. For you granted him authority over all people [ that he might give eternal life to all those [ you have given him ] ] ]. Now this is eternal life: [ that they may know you ], the only true God, and Jesus Christ, [ whom you have sent ]. I have brought you glory on earth by [ completing the work [ you gave me to do ] ] ]. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory [ I had with you [ before the world began ] ].
And { 1 } ,our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one. Here is a great argument { 2 } foreign travel and learning foreign languages.It is only by travelling in, or living in, a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language, that one can find out what a country and its people are really like.And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the { 3 } information gathered from other sources. Differencws between { 4 } do, of course, exist and,one hopes, will always continue to do so.But at least the opportunities for travel today have revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German or American is not some different kind of animal from themselves.
1 (i)unfortunately 2 (h)in favour of 3 (c)secondhand 4 (a)peoples 出典 Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one. Here is a great argument in favor of traveling abroad and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling or living in the country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what the country and its people are like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different after all! Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to exist. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With almost the whole of Western Europe belonging to the European Economic Community (EEC) and the increasing standardization this