>>34 1. This train is fast, what is more, it is safe. 2. Britain is a country where [or in which] drivers keep to the left (side of the road. 3. I do not believe what you said/something that you said. 4. I would like /want to know how you solved this problem.
>>41 We will be always together like a pair of birds with a wing to wing paralleled on heaven, or like a pair of trees with their branches entangled on earth.
>>41 In the sky, we will be a Hiyok no tori, that is, a pair of birds, one of which has only the right wing, the other of which has only the left wing and which fly together as if they were one bird. On the earth, we will be a renju no eda, that is, a pair of trees, one of which has branches of the other, the other of which has branches of the one and which grow together as if they ware one tree.
>>34 特にここ FEEL CERTAIN to feel certain that sth is true or that sb is telling you the truth : I don’t believe you!
BE SURPRISED/ ANNOYED don’t /can’t ~ sth used to say that you are surprised or annoyed at sth
believe FEEL CERTAIN to feel certain that sth is true or that sb is telling you the truth : I don’t believe you! I believed his lies for years. I find that hard to believe. People used to believe (that) the earth was flat. He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. I do believe you’re right (= I think sth is true, even though it is surprising).
BE SURPRISED/ ANNOYED don’t /can’t ~ sth used to say that you are surprised or annoyed at sth : She couldn’t believe (that) it was all happening again. I don’t believe I’m doing this! I can’t believe how much better I feel.
Those fools with no knowledge of Ancient Chinese poems did translate the ancient Chinese words into the too explicitly grotesque and indecently concrete English.
「Please, The custom art refer to the email from ○○○@yahoo.co.jp.」 [email] 「I ordered your bags a little while ago. 」 「Please make the bag from the art of picture. but interior vinyl color is black.」「let me know if you have any more questions.」
She thinks him to be only a money supplier(fund). は文法的にはありえるが きわめてまれです。(very unusual) このばあいは She thinks that he is .... と表現するのが正常です。 でも He is thought to be a money presenter. は普通に使われます。
Hey you! Is it related to this thread? I think that It is unrelated. How do you think? Then, Why did you make a response like this? Perhaps, Is it because you are foolish? You must consult a physician the psychiatry department.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>85 I am a high school senior/am in the 12th grade. I think that one of my strong points is to do something for other people voluntarily. I would like to become a senior high school teacher in the future. Teachers are required to do everything they can do for their students. I will apply to your university/college to study and become a teacher (whom/that) I think (to be) good/ideal, developing my personal qualities.
>>103 After direct dialing became available nationwide, I sometimes received wrong phone calls from the most unexpected places. I once had persistent ones from a complete stranger (to me) in a Sanin city/in a ciy, the Sanin region. I told him that he had the wrong number but he was not at all convinced, insisting that he was right. The third time (that) he phoned me, he finally accepted the situation. It all came from his carelessness and stubbornness but I was afraid he would have to pay an enormous telephone bill.
>>113 He was told by the owner of a rented house to restore the room as it was, when he was going to leave. So he asked his friend to prepare hundreds cockroaches to keep his promise with the owner.
アナタのほうが上手らしいね He invites a girl friend to his room. He is going to kiss her. He collapses in front of her when he take off her clothe and brasier. She anxiously tells her ' Is this your first experience?' He answers in negative, saying he is easily getting giddy in front of the cleft.
>>113 The man was planning to move from his apartment. Under the terms of the lease that he had signed with the landlord, he had to restore the apartment to the original state when he terminated the lease. He thought that he should faithfully honor this agreement. Then he called a friend of his and said: "Bring me one hundred cockroaches."
cf. terms noun [pl.] the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract : Under the terms of the lease, you have to pay maintenance charges.
lease noun a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent : to take out a lease on a house The lease expires / runs out next year.
>>113 My friend begged me to capture a hundred of live cockroaches. I asked him the reason. He answered, "my landlord requested me to leave the room in the completely same condition as when I moved in."
>>116 The boy took his girlfriend to his room. He was just trying to make it to third base with her. He took off her clothes and then her bra. But he suddenly almost fainted and fell on the floor when he saw her breasts. She was surprised and asked, "Are you alright? Is this your first making love?" Shaking his head, he answered, "No. I have such a fear of height that I just felt so dizzy on the edge of the cliff, although it is in front of me at eye level.
>>115 I haven't heard from her ever since we graduated (from college, high school, etc.). Do you know how she's doing?
Many Japanese (college) students are utilizing their long vacations to travel abroad. Also, more and more young people are visiting Japan from overseas each year.
>>135 What he did first after the defeat of Japan was to knock out a superior officer. He is still twenty years old but he said to the officer.
'You have been arrogantly teasing us. Now with the defeat of Japan, you are no longer my superior.' Officer apologized him, crying and shouting. 'We have no choice except to follow the orders from our superiors. However, The imperial army still exists and you hit your superior. So you must be guilty. You are dishonorably expelled from the Imperial Arm.'
>>135 After hearing that World War U was over, when he had just turned only twenty years old, the first thing that he did was to puch his superior officer. He shouted in disgust to the officer who had fallen back, "You've been throwing your weight around all the time. But you can't any more. The war is over!" The officer applogized in tears, "I just had to do that. The orders came up from above."
>>142 He has an internal beauty and he is a diligent man, hard worker. He is so sincere and decent that everybody in touch with him will instantly become his fan.
>>113 My friend begged me to prepare a hundred of live cockroaches by tonight. I asked him the reason. He answered, "my landlord required me to leave the room in the completely same condition as when I moved in."
I am a beginner of English with poor vocabulary. So there may be probable misunderstanding while I communicate with you. (Of course I will do my best to make myself understood clearly.) If you take account my problem, I can manage to communicate with you. I know I am also expected to make a considerable progress in English study.
>>140,134 「よろしくお願いします」は英語にするのが最も難しい表現の一つ。英語にはないですからね 「何を」利用するのかが分からないと何とも言えませんが、ここは、 This is the first time I use this service [system, program, etc], and I will take this chance to try to get to know more about it. Thank you for your support [offer, etc.]. とか?
>>173 Sorry, I had requested as customized art(→カスタムアートって何かしら?知らんからそのまま直訳ね). I made order with pay pal by mistake. Order number is 1111. I would like to know whether I can change my bag order to customized order or not. If yes, I also would like to know what should I do. Please advise me. Thanks,
ついでに >>134 初めて利用させて頂きますが、此れを機会に今後とも宜しくお願い致します。 This is my first time I use your products. I wish this will be a good opportunity for our future relationship to be. んでよろしくお願いします、の場合自分だとたいてい Thank you in advanced. で代用します。
Next we are introducing the Ryuuan temple, which is famous for the stone garden. >>198 There are many enigmas in the stone garden, whose creator is unknown. And the last is Kinkakuji Temple, which is covered by real gold. We cannot enter in the Temple building, but we can see many creative design. This is the architect representative of Muromachi culture.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>199 >There are many enigmas in the stone garden, whose creator is unknown. enigmasのcreatorがunknownとも読めるね。 >but we can see many creative design. 日本語は見えない中にも工夫がされてる、だけど。 あとmanyのあとは複数形を書く癖をつけるといいね。 >This is the architect representative of Muromachi culture. architectは建築家だから、こういう意味を変えてしまっているタイプミスは直したほうがいいよ
>>213 Tnx. ちょっと直した、こんなところでどう。 Next we are introducing the Ryuuan temple, which is famous for the stone garden. There are many enigmas about the stone garden, one of whcih is its creator, who remains unknown. And the last is Kinkakuji Temple, which is covered with real gold. We cannot enter the Temple building, but there are innovative designs inside as well as the outlook. This is the architecture representative of Muromachi culture. >>198
>>200 Yesterday, I told him my intention to leave him, because I got a new lover. However he begged me to wait until he might be prepared for the break-up. He insists this is the last chance. It is terrible! I regret that I did the same thing as his wife, but I really love xx. I am determined not to meet him until I have perfectly finished the relation with him. I hope him to be a good friend even after our break-up. I know I am an egoist and I feel very sorry for going my way.
When I switched to the speech on Japan, the audience apparently got indifferent. They took up cellphones or left the seats for the bathroom. This is a common phenomena viewed everywhere in Asia.
>>244 When I mentioned Japan, obviously, the audience looked indifferent to it. That made some of them start to take out their cellphones or leave their seats for restrooms. This is what often takes place in Asia these days.
>>248 I will send you a Christmas present. I am afraid it may reach you a few days after Christmas Day. I hope that you will play hard and have a lot of fun as well as study hard next year (, too). I wish you and your family (a merry Christmas and) a happy New Year!
>>204 I sent you the sentence below by E-mail several days ago. But I haven't received any answer from you. Anyway has the order passed? You can see the price on the invoice.
>>251,271 I have not received the item yet. It should have arrived days ago if nothing went wrong. I wonder what happened? I will notify you when it does arrive, though.
例:(↑の最後の文の代わりに) If possible, could you please check on the status of the delivery? I will contact you as soon as possible when it does arrive in the meantime. (もし出来れば、配達の状況を確認していただけないでしょうか?その間に届くことがあれば、すぐにご連絡します。)
282 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/11/23(月) 19:05:51 >>281 I had my ankle twisted during training on last Saturday. I was told I would need one week to be totally ok.
>>296 Usually I have never asked to have a sex with any stranger in a lift. If they want, of course why not! Maybe, they have anxiety on him in a closed box. Most of Japanese don't know how to sex in such closed boxes.
This is a machine translation. Excuse me if something goes wrong.
>>296 Normally, we don't bother to greet strangers in elevators. But if they talk to me first, I think I would go through the motions of greeting anyway. I think he was a bit nervous in a closed room. Besides, not a few Japanese tend to shy away from contacting foreigners.
85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/11/23(月) 19:42:12 彼は男気のある人で、彼のそういうところが好きなんだ。 289 :万草粥 ◆y9FWSyUe8Q :2009/11/23(月) 20:06:47 >>285 He is really macho. That is what I love about him.
282 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/11/23(月) 19:05:51 >>281 I had my ankle twisted during training on last Saturday. I was told I would need one week to be totally ok.
89 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/11/24(火) 02:48:25 万草粥みたいなバカとつきあうやつがいるとはおもえんけどなあ I can't believe the existence of any human being willing to talk with foolish Bansoukou.
>>336 The difference between the /l/ and the /r/ sounds is as big as that between the /l/ and the /p/ sounds. Only Japanese people fail to distinguish this phonetical difference in the world though the other ethnolinguistic groups easily tell the difference.
>>318 There is something I strongly recommend that you (should) try when you visit Osaka. Talk to some strangers on a street in Japanese, saying: "Sumimasen." If they cannot speak English, they probably run away but if they can or they are kind, they will stop (to talk with you). Then shout at them: "Bang!" pointing your forefinger at them like a pistol. Most everyone is likely to behave as if he/she had been really shot with a loud cry regarless of age and sex. This is true. Never fail to thank those with such a sense of humor.
We can't see what you are saying in English of your minimum level. Are you answering to >>313. If so , please speak your understanding in English understandable to everyone.
>>358 Greetings are the customary exchange of gestures and words so that we can confirm our mutual positions or our closeness to each other.
Greeting is the verbal and non-verbal communication that people usually have, confirming (= , which confirms) their mutual positions or their closeness.
>>358"Greetings" suggests conventional acts of exchanging words or gestures, and that represents the social status of each other and the degree of closeness.
>>383 ○○ is my favorite singer for two reasons. One reason is that she is an attractive person herself: just the sight of her makes me full of vim and vigor. Another reason is her beautifull voice. Those are why I'm a fan of her.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>398 "Please let my works exhibit in your gallery. The style of my paint is the extreme thick coating against the thick coating of todays current fashion. I keep to have a dream to give the one-man show in Los Angeles for a long time. Please put my works there. And please confirm my work's images that I attached. Pray reply if you will be pleased with those attached images. "
>>404 There are many mad birds by the foolish handle names such Bansouko or What-Bll-Bird. We must tolerate those noisy dancing marches by those mad birds.
>>408 The instructor said that when we eat spaghetti, we should take three or four strings with the prongs of your fork and wind them around it. He/She added that slurping spaghetti is bad table manners.
I am B who stayed A's home five years ago. A were the host family for my stay in 国名. I live in Japan now. It has been long since I last saw you. How have you been?
Thank you for the paint you gave me. I really love it. I put it on the wall in my room.
I am sending this e-mail to ask the new address of A. I have send several mails to their old address, but gotten them returned every time. I believe that they have moved out. The old phone number seems to be changed, and I cannot make contact with them by phone.
Could you tell me new contact information? I want to send them a Christmas card.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
【状況】英語圏の人間が聞いてしっくりくるような文にしたいのですが、 英語力(日本語も怪しい)が無く相談させて頂きたく 【誰宛】不特定多数のネットユーザー 【用途】ネットコミュニティーの個人プロフィールに表示する画像用ロゴとして 【目的文】1クールのレギュラーよりも、1回の伝説 【備考】翻訳サイトで訳すと Legend of one time from regular of one cool と、なりますが私なりに作ってみると Legend of one time than Regular cast of one season と、なりました。色々な所が間違っていると思うので、御助力お願いいたします。
>>443 I would like to become a legend rather than an object of other people's short-lived attention.
legend [C] a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people: a jazz / tennis, etc. legend She was a legend in her own lifetime. Many of golf’s living legends were playing. a legend in the world of music
>>451 I would like to replace the old cartridge filter of my water purifier with a new one. Could you tell me the telephone number of its manufacturer/maker?
>>465 This French acquaintance of mine is always under stress due to the immigrants. Therefore, his/her opinion might be rather extreme. I agree with your viewpoint. I'm glad to have been able to hear your opinion.
>>486 Despite the fact that I had ordered only one bag, I received the bag twice, on separate days under the same order number. Furthermore, I was awfully surprised to find that my credit card was charged twice as well.
>>493 I can't get through to you on the phone. Is everything alright? I've arranged to borrow an acqaintance's car, so I'd like to go over to collect my belongings.. Please tell me your convenient day and time.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>502 If you are pointed a phallus, what do you do? I will do whatever he says to me. I will try to cut his item. However, I will be panic and be unable to do anything in case of a forced rape.
>>500 It is written at the bottom of the top page on the Microsoft site. >>498 I went see the Karate tournament with my fellows in the gym hall around here last sunday. >>497 I ordered the item( bag) only because it was available and moreover said "Shipping Now" at the time. Despite this, you let my order go with doing nothing more than 1 week since I'd ordered and you only told me it IS out of stock when I called you all the way to ask. You are such a dishonest company that you wrote like "I'll send off immediately" though it was out of stock!
I'm enjoying an orange juice and I'm doing well, but my computer screen broke down. It's been repaired so it's fine now. I bought this computer four years ago and is getting old, so I'm planning on buying a new desktop computer from DELL.
Recently, I often hear that the English level of students entering university have dropped considerably in comparison to the past, that they cannot even comprehend basic English.
However, having experienced student life myself thirty years ago, I cannot help but question the accuracy of the matter.
>>497 I ordered the product (bag) because it was in stock and also indicated to be "Shipping Now", however the order was abandoned for over a whole week, and only finally upon my telephone inquiry, was informed to be out of stock. It was incredibly slack of your company to indicate a product (bag) to be immediately shippable, when you were in actual fact not in stock
>>541 I printed this photo out, so I'll bring it along next time.
>>549 Students today have no problems with English because they have a huge anonymous forum to turn to where they ask for Japanese to English translation.
>>550 Becoming web service literate is crucial because if not, you can't ask anonymous people to do your assignment instead of you. English teachers have to take preventive measures to cope with students who cheat on their assignment.
>>550 I think/believe that we should attach great importance to English teaching because we have the big/great advantage of being able to speak English when the Internet is widespread use and the world is shinking. Still, the current English teaching has many problems. The English teaching intended only to pass entrance examinations doesn't work to develop students' speaking and listening abilities required in daily life.
>>548 We realize how incovenient it is to have no language to express ourselves when we are traveling in foreign countries where we cannot make ourselves in their languages.
make yourself understood to make your meaning clear, especially in another language : He doesn’t speak much Japanese but he can make himself understood
>>549 Students today are better at speaking and listening to English, compared with/to the past. Aren't they less able to fully understand complicated, profound English writings.
compared to/with somethingused when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar
: a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year Compared to our small flat, Bill's house seemed like a palace.
When one or two day have passed after I have gone back to my own country,my spoken language will become opposite language natulally. It is more convenient to speak.
>>561 Only one or two days after returning to my hometown, I always begin to speak the local dialect before I know it. I feel it easy and natural to use the dialect there.
dialect a form of a language which is spoken only in one area, with words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language
The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect. the local dialect
>>581 This is a video of Monster Hunter festa 09. This event was held nationwide and gamers competed with each other in playing Monster Hunter 3. In the first half of the video, you can see how anime otaku TV personality K and a PR person of CAPCOM play the game in preliminary round. In the last half, you can see skilled players play the game in the final round.
>>587 I'm proud to say I'm your biggest fan of your guitar performance. If you don't mind, would you give me one of your guitar picks? I'd like to keep it as my treasure forever.
長文ですいませんが添削お願いしてもいいでしょうか? His cloud, is streaming the blue sky where shines. 彼の雲が、輝く青空を流れていく。 The tree tree will talk to me with the wind that goes it. 往く風で木々が私に話しかけてくる。 Without changing from that day my be from day's. それがあの日から変わらない、私の日々。 I continue to search the recollection with you. 私はあなたとの思い出を探し続けています。
My pain.. that you do not see. Even if someone does not listen to my voice, 貴方が見る事のない私の苦痛... 私の声を、誰かが聴く事がなくても、 I, am so now even for, I the warmth..I recall the person without I being hugged.. 私が、今そうであるとしても、私はその温もりを...私が抱きしめられない者を思い出します...
That follows to this slope and my time with you. それがこの坂道に続く、貴方と私の時間。 You are in a side, my heart right away and felt it that moment あなたがすぐ側、私の心の中にいる、その時それを感じました Please be next to me and please touch and wish so I sing the kindness 私の隣にいてください、そして触れてください、そう望んでいます。私はその好意を歌います... and merely once again,.. ただ再び・・・
To the footstep in the winter that will approach 近づいてくる冬の足音に I am feeling the speed in the time that is passing. 私は過ぎ去っていく時間の速さを感じています。 I was the place always, and continued to wait for you. 私はいつも、その場所で、あなたを待ち続けました。 Even if I know that, you do not come with once again たとえ貴方が二度と来る事がない事を、私が知っているとしても
>>603 Why... have I waited for you for long? なぜ、私は長い間貴方を待ってしまうのでしょうか? Why can not I meet you? なぜ私は、あなたに会うことができないのでしょうか? You tell the lie while laughing, to exist in my heart 私の心の中に存在するために、あなたは微笑みながら嘘をつきます I wish that you do the kiss to me kindly 私はあなたが優しくキスをしてくれる事を願っています。
You are entrusted to the heaven distantly, あなたは遠くで、天上へと委ねられます You leave deep grief for me and have died. あなたは私に深い悲しみを残して去ってしまいました。 You swore that you take the trouble of being on the side of me eternally. 永遠に私の側にいてくれると貴方は誓った。 However, you were a liar... でも、あなたは嘘つきでした。
If the god is to whether where of this world, Please return him to me right away. もし神様がこの世界にいるならば、すぐ私に彼を返してください。 "Even if I am able to cause to reincarnated it I find you. " 「私がたとえ生まれ変わらされるとしても、私はあなたを見つけます。」 I hope believe only the way.. 私はその道だけを信じて願います..。
When a shuttle bus driver asks, "Is there any passengers who get off the next stop?" and the next stop is my stop, what is the proper answer? Is replying "Here" like when responding to roll call in a classroom appropriate or "Yes" is better? Or other possibilities? I know American responds with one word but I'm not sure with what word they respond. There are no buzzers in the bus to let the driver know next stop is mine. Thank you.
>>566 I am wondering if it would be possible for you to delay the shipment of my order. I am hoping to purchase it along with (商品情報) which, I was informed by e-mail, you expect to arrive soon. If it is indeed possible, I will give you the order number that I wish to be placed on hold.
>>590 Would it be possible to purchase ○○ and have it shipped together (with my current order=現在の注文と共に)? If it is, please advise what I should do about the shipping fee that will be charged onto my credit card when ordering from the order form.
>>593 I ordered the items for my hobby, all to be enjoyed as part of my personal collection.
I was aware of the export restriction on part of the items. However, I was totally unaware that it also included A社's accessory items as well. I must, therefore, regrettably cancel my last order. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you, and hope to deal with you next time on exportable items.
>>598 It's been quite a while. How is your familyl? We are doing alright.
>>599 So many things have happened over the last couple of years. I have so many things to talk about, so let's go out for a lunch if you have some time!
>>593 訂正 ×However, I was totally unaware that it also included A社's accessory items as well. ○However, I was totally unaware that it included A社's accessory items as well.
I am wondering if it would be possible for you to addition of my order. I am hoping to purchase it along with 〜〜 If it is indeed possible, please kindly place the following order number on addition : ****
Looking back at the past several years, there were many things happened on me. Let's go for lunch when you have time. I have a lot of things to talk about.
>>630 Upon further consideration, I believe I prefer it in the original condition, without any cancellation or addition. I apologize for all the trouble.
Meat Hope was funded in 1976. Disguise of meat had began soon, and is said to have become its common practice. Meat Hope says, "It's consumer pleased at a half price sale to be blamed for. I had no means but to mingle foreign substances as clients did not accept price increasing bargain," repeating irresponsive statement sifting its responsibility to others. In that meantime, there were no apologies to consumers.
>>640 Meathope Inc. was established in 1967. Soon after that, they alledgedly started to combine their raw meat with impure ingredients in the production process and sell them falsely labelled as pure meat products. Meathope Inc. only kept justifying their actions, saying that they just had done it for consumers who welcomed their half-price sales. They also said that their meat suppliers would not accept their price reduction offers and that they therefore had no choice but to continue processing and selling the impure meat to make profits. Meanwhile, they never apologized to consumers.
>>648 I have to tell you I don't like the way you play the game. You tried to beat all the boss characters on your own. I was very bored playing the game with you.
>>651 My uncle was officially commended for helping a drowning child in a river last year. Also, he was very delighted when he was allowed to see the Emperor at the Imperial Palace.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>664 I am glad to hear that you are well. I got a job in Tokyo after graduating from university and I came up to Tokyo last year. But somehow, I felt my job unsuitable for me so I quit and returned to Aomori, where I was raised.
>>665 原文に多少意味不明の点が……。 Although I had frequently been thinking of moving anywhere else, I still like this place so I have just returned after all.
>>667 Something is wrong with our lighting devices. We checked one and find out some of its light bulbs had burned out. After further checking, there are three more lighting devices with the same kind of trouble. Probably, the batteries are not flat/the batteries are capable of producing sufficient electricity. So could you replace the broken light bulbs with new ones?
>>678 Now, there are some further developments in meat processing company Meat Hope's beef milabelling scandal.
Meat Hope president Minoru Tanaka was arrested at 8:23 a.m. today (October 24).
An impure ingredient was detected in domestic food processor Hokkaido Katokichi's product on June 20, 2007. Their "COOP Beef Croquettes" contained some pork. In the wake of this, further investigations disclosed Hokkaido Katokichi's and their meat supplier Meat Hope's unethical business practices that betrayed people's trust in food safety.
Meat Hope president Minoru Tanaka at first denied his involvement in the mixing of some pork into beef, saying that it was just accidental, not intentional.
But a former Meat Hope employee testified that the company's workers had been inflating their beef by adding impure ingredients under the president's instructions. After that, Minoru Tanaka admitted his involvement in their false continued practice during a press interview.
>>685 「読書」ですよね? Probably, it is no exaggeration that something you read when you are young plays an important part in determining your sense of life and the way you spend the rest of your life.
Today's information revolution enables us to exchange information in a split second. Our life is on the verge of highly significant change.
>>696 だいたいで結構ですので、○○コースの授業のスケジュールを教えて頂けますか? 週に何日学校での授業があるのか、また一日の授業時間はどれくらいなのか 教えて頂ければ助かります。 Please advice apploximate schedules for ** course? It would be helpful to know how many days per week and how many hours for each classes held at school.
Would you please advice apploximate schedules for ** course? It would be helpful to know how many days per week and how many hours for each classes held at school.
>>705 Many people have individual identity even if they are all naked. It is impossible to become a different person by fake makeup. Different identity can not be obtained so easly. Visualkei is an appearently tipical Japanese boring culture
>>697 「お前バカのくせによく高校受かったな」 Wow, there was a high school that would accept a moron like you! Well done, thick head! Born so stupid, you must have studied very hard to pass the entrance exam of that high school
>>696 Could you tell me a rough schedule of the ○○ course? It would be helpful for me to see how many times I should attend a week and how long a day's classes are.
>>696 だいたいで結構ですので、○○コースの授業のスケジュールを教えて頂けますか? 週に何日学校での授業があるのか、また一日の授業時間はどれくらいなのか 教えて頂ければ助かります。 Please let me know the time table of the xx class. I would like to know how many ours a day and how many days a week the classes are held.
>>718 We have very often seen the figure "39 percent" in newspaper articles and televison programs since last year. What do you think this percentage means? It is Japan's food self-sufficiency rate for the past several years.
It was about 50 percent some twenty years ago but it has been declining ever since and it is now under 40 percent. It is the lowest among those of the other developed countries: 120 percent for the United States, 70 percent for the U.K. and 50 percent for South Korea. The main reasons for this are Japanese farmers' greying population, farmland decrease cause by a fewer number of people who take up farming, leading to the weakening agricultural industry, and the changes in Japanese people's eating habits. We eat less rice and vegetales, used for traditional Japanese food, and we consume more meat. Moreover, we eat out more often because imported foodstuffs are offered at low prices outside the homes.
>>719 A television program broadcasted the other day mentioned the materials used for cooking tempura-soba, or buckwheat noodles topped with deep-fried fish, shellfish and vegetables. Surprisingly, the materials necessary for cooking tempura-soba, such as buckwheat flour, prawns, flour used for tempura batter and soybeans for making soysause, are all imported except dried bonito shavings that the soup stock is made from. If the import of those materials should be suspended, we could not eat tempura-soba any more. The recent imported food safety problems created people's concern over our excessive dependency on imported foodstuffs. The Japanese government is planning to raise the current food self-sufficiency rate to 45 percent; however, it is doubtful to what degree this target will be achieved in five years.
batter [U, C] a mixture of eggs, milk and flour used in cooking to cover food such as fish or chicken before you fry it.
>>723 これはごく最近やったと思うんだけど……。 Second, burning cigarette ends can injure other pedestrians. The burning cigarettes that smoking pedestirans hold in their hands are almost at the same level with children's faces so pedestrians' smoking is very dangerous especially for children.
>>726 Daily prayers are at fixed times in Japanese Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Buddhist or shrine parishioners used to join those prayers but nowdays there are few attending them. Sill, there are some kind of regular religious meetings in Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines several times each year. In (actual) fact, the Buddhist temple and the Shinto shrine, I am among their parishioners, have those meetings, which many people attend. Major Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines that tourists often visit have daily prayers at fixed times and they also have some regular religious meetings at other times. But usually, only their parishioners are allowed to attend them.
parishioner noun a person living in a parish, especially one who goes to church regularly
parish noun [C] an area that has its own church and that a priest is responsible for : a parish church / priest He is vicar of a large rural parish.
prayers [plural] a regular religious meeting in a church, school etc, at which people pray together : Prayers are at 8 o'clock.
>>730 Plane tickets to Japan are available at lower prices/less expensive in your country than in Japan. We would appreciate it if you could buy them (by) yourself. (We will reimburse you for travel expenses.)
>it is cheaper
it -> they, cheap -> inexpensive, reasonable, low-priced, economical
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>686 I'd like to go to the USA. One reason is that I want to take a walk around Central Park in New York City. I mean I want to be healed by nature and green of the trees. The second reason is that I'm eager to learn English. This is my dream from my childhood. That's why I'd like to go there.
(このヴィディオを)アップロード(してくれて)ありがとうございます! この映画はおそらく美しい(素晴らしい)映画でしょうが、まだ見たことがありません。 キング・オブ・ポップもこの映画を見て影響を受けており、’You are not alone’という曲も出しています。 この映画を日本語字幕付きで見たいのですが、日本語字幕ヴァージョンは売られていません:(
>>784 Recitals are given to show the parents of our students some live performances by them as the results of their practice so that the parents can see their children's improvement.
recital noun a public performance of music or poetry, usually given by one person or a small group: to give a piano recital
results [pl.] things that are achieved successfully: The project is beginning to show results.
so that ... used to show the result of sth: Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.
>>736 I went to Mt. Rokkou with some members of the gym I go to last Saturday/on Saturday last week to strengthen/build up my stamina by making pracitce runs.
>>765 Thank you for uploading the video. This film is probably beautiful but I have never seen it before. The King of Pop was inspired by it and released a song titled "Your are not alone." I wish I could see the film with Japanese subtitles but (I regret that) it has not yet been released on video subtitled in Japanese.
>>796 We will try to motivate the student to study harder and further through their experience to realize that they have been training for and being rewarded.
>>603 味も素っ気もない翻訳ならこれだが。 Clouds floating in the surrounding sky Wind breezes and woods whispering Every day is the same day when I wake up Searching for your trace
Pain, even I couldn't see you nor hear your voice I can still remember your warmth of your hug until now
Everytime walking on this path I can feel you are so close to me Wanting you to stay by me and touch me
From the footsteps of the approaching winter I sense the speed of the time I am still waiting for you there
Even though I know you won't come anymore Why? I am still waiting Why couldn't I meet you?
I want you to tell me it's not true with a smile, and kiss me gently
(Go on a trip to a far away place You went alone and left me behind) You're a liar who promised to stay by my side
If God does exists, please bring him back "I will search you out even in my next life" This is my only wish...I wanna see you
Everytime walking on this path I can feel you are so close to me Wanting you to stay by me and touch me
(Go on a trip to a far away place You went alone and left me behind) You're a liar who promised to stay by my side
Congratulations on the Chris mass. *** (← daughter's name)I know the mistake that you violated. Therefore, it hesitated whether to deliver the present very much. However, you were reflecting very much. Therefore, the present decided to be delivered specially this time. However, if it is not a good in reality child, the present cannot be gotten. This present is a thing that the god and I give it to *** expecting "Future *** replaces feelings, parents, the teacher at the school, and the friend are not made feel sorry, and [gakkari]ing is made". It understands. If it is possible to enter the present nature, I am glad. Good Christmas. [Ho-ho-ho-].
最後の方の部分"parishioner noun〜"に関して 教えて下さい。 1、4項目に関しての説明英文との解釈で宜しいのですか? 2、parish noun [C]の 「C」はどんな意味ですか? 3、prayers [plural]の [plural]はどんな意味ですか? 4、fixed The classes begin and end at fixed times の意味は?
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>911 It is true that I like girls, but every boy at school talks about girls. I'm tired. I am too honest to tell lies, or cannot pretend I like talking about girls. There is a girl I think is fairly pretty, but I can not go wild and join a conversation like 'Isn't she so hot? She is killing me!' I would rather wish to talk about boys than force myself to do such talks.
But, that's how boys are. I am sure everybody would, toward me, develop a feeling of hatred many times greater than it is now, if I start talking about boys.
But, I really cannot possibly bring myself to join such wild spirit. What would you have done if you felt the same thing? I would not restrict myself but be active as them to try to go deeper and talk about boys wildly, if ショタコン were not abnormal. It's tough.
>>927 You fool! Do you realize that apart from US$129.90, the net price of the commodity, I additionally payed US$9.99 for TRACKING system through paypal to your designated address? You, however, had made shipment without tracking method. How dare could you do that? I, therefore, solemnly demand you to pay me back US$139.89 immediately.
Thank you for your business. Recently you have been sending the account summary everyday. I do not need daily updates and once-a-month summary is enough. Please return to the previous frequency of sending account summary, which was once-a-month.
If it is not possible to change the frequency, I would like to receive the summary at a different e-mail address. Please give me an instruction to change it.
>>946 I guess there is nothing wrong with your sentences, except...
(1) For the first line, "Here are three big cockroaches that I found yesterday." would sound more natural. (2) For the last word of the 2nd sentence, I would replace "these" with "them." (3) For the last, I would say "I appriciate it if you could give me any comment."
But, let me remind you again that your original sentences are as perfect as mine.
I got these three big cockroaches yesterday. or, these are the three big cockroaches that I got yesterday. What would you like to do with them? (Please) give me your opinion.
>>950 I'm afraid I don't see what you mean. If you mean you got them at a shop and you need to specify it, it would be "Here are three big cockroaches that I got at a shop yesterday "
Congratulations on the X'mas. ***! I know the mistake that you violated. Therefore, hesitated whether to deliver the present very much. But, you regretted very much. The present is specially delivered this time. if it is not a good child, the present cannot be gotten. The god and I present for you this present. expects it of you. "You become a good child, not disillusioned for the parents, and the teacher at the school, and the friends". Do you understand? When it likes the present, it is glad. Good Christmas. [Ho-ho-ho-].
>>888 One of the reasons I like Japan is because it has 4 clear seasons. during which we can enjoy each of the 4 periods in its own way. Second, because of Kimono, Japanese traditional clothing. Although we can rarely have opportunities to wear it, it makes such occasions even more special. That's why I love Japan.
>>971 No matter how efficient his leader is, a nation, which keeps accepting lots of immigrants with excessive piety, will fall into decline. I wish your country good luck.
こないだ、初めて自分であなたのCD、『RELAPSE』を買いました。 私のお気に入りは「Hello」、「Must Be The Ganja」、「Deja Vu」です! あなたの曲で最も好きなのは「When I'm Gone」と「Beautiful」です。 まだ英語の歌詞はほとんど分からないけど、英語を勉強して、いつか分かるようになれたら良いと思っています。
>>966 Merry Christmas and Happy New year ***! I know everything about you, including all the bad things you have done. So, I was not sure whether I should bring you a present this year. But you were very sorry for what you did, weren't you? This time, I will exceptionally give you a present. Remember that, usually, it is only nice kids who deserve it. So, this means God and I expect you to change your attitude toward your parents, teachers, and friends, and won't let them sad and down any more. I know you are smart enough to understand what I mean, right? I'm glad if you like my present. Hope you a warm and peaceful Christmas, HO-HO-HO!
>>968(>>888)です。再度書き込みすみません。 >>969さんに英訳して頂いた文章を少し日本語を変えて、(私が日本を好きな理由が2つあります。)1つめは…とする場合は、 One reason is that it has 4 clear seasons. でいいのでしょうか? この後は訳して頂いた通り、特に(字制の問題等)変えなくても大丈夫ですよね? 英語苦手なので馬鹿な質問で申し訳ありません。