前スレから誘導されてきました。お願いします。 (1) My father had his computer [repair] last week. (2) The boy [play] tennis in the park is my brother. (3) They found a man [sleep] under the table. (4) I saw my sister [scold] by her teacher. (5) His idea sounded really [excite]. (6) I found her [try] to remove a stain from her dress. (7) Now wisely [use], television can do us harm. (8) [lose] in thought, she didn't notice she was being followed. (9) From space the seven continents look like little islands [float] in a giant sea. (10) Please keep me [inform] of any developments in the situation.
>>5 この通りをまっすぐ行けば,公園に着きます. [ Going straight along this street ], you'll get to the park. ここから見ると,富士山はとても美しい. [ Seen from here ], Mt.Fuji is very beautiful. Ken was walking with [ a book under his arm ]. It costs about ninety dollars [ to have [ a tooth filled ] ]. *There seemed [ to be something [ he wanted done ] ]. He had [ his bike stolen ].
No lover of poetry can read these verse but he feels sympathy toward them. を単文にせよ、という問題で、私は Lover of poetry can read these verse, feeling sympathy toward them. としたのですが、間違いでしょうか?解答はNo〜without...の二重否定構文を用いていました。
1.Suppose I (were) you, I would start at once. 2.(Had) you invited her, she would have come. 3.It isn't fine today. I (wish) it (was) fine. 4.He acts (as) (if) he were a leader. 5.() we fail, what would happen?
単語を並べ替えて文章を完成させなさいという問題です。 自分で考えてみて並べ替えたのですが間違えているところの指摘をお願いします。 1) 物価は、この国ではだんだん下がりつつある。Prices are falling gradually in this country. 2)ものすごい台風が、ゆっくりと日本に近づいている。 A terrible tyhoon is approaching slowly Japan. 3)私は今、アメリカにいるガールフレンドに手紙を書いている。 I am writing now in my girlfriend to America. 4)ジムは、いつも自分の部屋でひとりで音楽を聴いている。 Jim is in his room alone always listening to music. 5)私は、今年の夏に独力で自転車で北海道を一周するつもりです。 I am travelling this summer around by bike myself by Hokkaido. 6)彼らは、夏に約3週間ハワイに滞在するつもりです。 They are staying for the in summer about three weeks in Hawaii. 7)私は、子供の頃、いつも友達と野球ばかりしていた。 I was playing baseball my childhood with always in my friends. 8)私たちは、毎日放課後図書館で数学を勉強していた。 We were studying the math every day after school in library. 9)私が今朝 目を覚ましたとき、雨がひじょうに激しく降っていた。 I was woke up morning when this hard very raining it. 10)私が家に帰ったとか、私の姉は部屋で勉強していた。 I was returned home when my sister studying her elder room.
>>57 の続きです。 11)私たちは、約二時間前には、その道のそばの川で泳いでいた。 We were swimming the about two hours ago in the river by road. 12)彼は、今朝の6時頃、海岸に沿って自分の車を運転していた。 He was driving the coasu about at this six morning along his car.
>>57 1) 物価は、この国ではだんだん下がりつつある。Prices are gradually falling in this country. 2)ものすごい台風が、ゆっくりと日本に近づいている。 A terrible tyhoon is approaching Japan slowly. 3)私は今、アメリカにいるガールフレンドに手紙を書いている。 I am writing to my girlfriend in America now. 4)ジムは、いつも自分の部屋でひとりで音楽を聴いている。 Jim is always listening to music alone in his room. 5)私は、今年の夏に独力で自転車で北海道を一周するつもりです。 I am travelling around Hokkaido this summer by bike by myself. 6)彼らは、夏に約3週間ハワイに滞在するつもりです。 They are staying in Hawaii for about three weeks in the summer. 7)私は、子供の頃、いつも友達と野球ばかりしていた。 I was always playing baseball with my friends in my childhood. 8)私たちは、毎日放課後図書館で数学を勉強していた。 We were studying math in the library after school every day. 9)私が今朝 目を覚ましたとき、雨がひじょうに激しく降っていた。 It was raining very hard when I woke up this morning. 10)私が家に帰ったとき、私の姉は部屋で勉強していた。 My elder sister was studying in her room when I returned home.
>>59 11)私たちは、約二時間前には、その道のそばの川で泳いでいた。 We were swimming in the river by the road about two hours ago. 12)彼は、今朝の6時頃、海岸に沿って自分の車を運転していた。 He was driving his car along the coast about at six this morning.
Should one ask what she reasonably understood his letter to mean?
という意味になるらしいんですが,和訳的には,understood his letter to meanの部分がSVO+to不定詞の形で,Oが不定詞の主語の働きになる構文のように訳されていますが,understandもaskやtellのように,この構文をとる動詞なのでしょうか? それとも別の解釈なのでしょうか?
In 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down, there were 12 menbers of the European Community, as the E.U. was then known. Now there are 27. Inevitably, institutional reform of this metastasizing body has dominated debate for years, as its members have tried to figure how to make the damn thing work. 和訳お願いします。とくに二つのasがよくわかりません。
>>9 > It seems this way.この様なことであるようだ > There is something.何かがある > He wanted **[ it done ].彼はそれが為されることを望む > > There seemed [ to be something [ [ *(which) ] he wanted *[ done ] ] ]. > > やっと完全にすっきりしたね。 > 僕自身が10公式を手がかりに完全な解明に到達できたのですよね。 >
>>73 In 1989, [ when the Berlin Wall came down ], there were 12 menbers of the European Community, [ as the E.U. was then known ]. その時はEUとして知られていたが
Now there are 27. Inevitably, institutional reform of this [ metastasizing ] body has dominated debate for years, [ as its members have tried to figure [ how to make [ the damn thing work ] ]. やっかいな物がどうすればよく機能するかを探ろうとしてきた中で
In 1989, [ when the Berlin Wall came down ], there were 12 menbers of the European Community, [ as the E.U. was then known ]. その時にはEUはその様な名前で知られていたが
Now there are 27. Inevitably, institutional reform of this [ metastasizing ] body has dominated debate for years, [ as its members have tried to figure [ how to make [ the damn thing work ] ]. やっかいな物がどうすればよく機能するかを探ろうとしてきた中で
diet interacts with lifestyle and other environmental chemicals in complex ways the studies could not reveal. 食事は、ライフスタイルと他の周囲にある化学物質とが、研究が明かすことのできない複雑な方法で 相互しあっている。
Only diet early in life has a significant effect, ~ 人生の初期の食事のみが多大な影響を与える〜
>>117 日本語になっていない diet interacts with lifestyle and other environmental chemicals in complex ways the studies could not reveal. 食事は、生活様式や他の周囲にある化学物質と、そうした研究では明きらかにならないような複雑な方法で 影響しあっている。
Only diet early in life has a significant effect, ~ 人生の初期の食事のみが重大な影響を与え〜
分詞についての質問です。 Many people visited the restoring Edo village. という文章は、それ自体がrestoreするのではなくて、restoreされたのだから restored Edo village と、過去分詞なのではないかと思ってしまうのですが、この場合はなぜ現在分詞 なのでしょうか。 どうか解説お願いします。
1)「1970年4月21日火曜日に」はon Tuesday, April the 21st, 1970で合っていますか?
2)A is to B what C is to Dはどうして「AとBの関係はCとDの関係と同じだ」という意味になるんですか? 文法的に解説して下さい。
3)We know that the museum open at nine o'clock, but we don't know(how late)it is open. how lateをup to whenにしたら間違いですか? up to〜で「〜まで」という意味はありませんか?
4)My uncle broke his promise to take us to the beach. (If)my sister was disappointed, her face didn't show it. IfをEvenにしたら間違いでしょうか? IfだけでEven ifの意味を表せても、EvenだけでEven ifの意味を表すことは出来ないのでしょうか?
5)As soon as you(get)the wall painted, you can go hom. getをmakeにしたら間違いでしょうか? make O Cで「OをCにする」という意味がありますよね?
6)You can use a large plastic bottle,(with its top)cut off, as a pot to grow young plants in. with its top cut offをthe top of whichにしたら間違いですか? the top of which being cut offという分詞構文のbeingが省略されたとも考えられませんか?
7)The man decided to wait at the station untill his wife(came). cameをhad comeにしたら間違いですか?
1)on Tuesday, April the 21st, 1970 2)A is to B, [ what C is to D ]. CがDに対するように、AはBに対する 3)We know [ that the museum open at nine o'clock ], but we don't know [ how late it is open ]. A: How late is the museum open? B: It is open until 5 o'clock. 4)My uncle broke his promise [ to take us to the beach ]. [ (Even) if my sister was disappointed ], her face didn't show it. 5)[ As soon as you get [ the wall painted ] ], you can go home. 壁をペンキ塗りしてしまったらすぐ 6)You can use a large plastic bottle, with [ its top cut off ], as a pot [ to grow young plants in ]. You can use a large plastic bottle as a pot [ to grow young plants in ] [ as its top is cut off ]. 7)The man *decided [ to wait at the station ] [ until his wife *came ].
Proessor Katoka, I have many time tried to find you on the Sunshine 60 Avenue, but I have never recognized you. Where exactly on the Avenue yourself&your office stand?
[ When I go onto the Sunshine Street ], first I hang the light advertisement board on two trees near the Brand House. Then I sit on a low defense pole and rest, [ sometimes getting a piece of Kentucky [ fried ] chickin and eating ]. Often I stand up and read the English sentences [ which are written on the board ]. Sometimes I sing songs like Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art and others. People listen to me interestedly.
Mostly I am on the street for 2 hours between 4 pm and 9 pm. Say hello to me [ when you see me ].
質問が二つあります。 まず Complete the following conversation using no more than 10 words. Andy: I understand that Harry gave up teaching and became a freelance artist. How's he getting on? Barbara: The less said about that, the better! Andy: What do you mean? Barbara: Well,( )?
という問題なのですが、模範解答が(I'm afraid he is having a very hard time)で 自分の答が(So to speak he isn't getting on at least)ですが、この答で○はもらえるのでしょうか?
それと似たような問題ですが Complete the following conversation by filling in blank space. Tom: That was fantastic! I've never such a funny film. Lynn: Haven't you? Tom: No. Have you? Lynn:Yes,lots. Actually, I thought it was rather stupid. sick,even! Tom: Come on,Lynn. It wasn't ( )( ). 模範解答が(that) (bad)で自分のが(very)(boring)です。
>>193 Complete the [ following ] conversation [ using no more than 10 words ].
Andy: I understand [ that Harry gave up [ teaching ] and became a freelance artist ]. How's he getting on? Barbara: [ The less (being) said about that ], the better! Andy: What do you mean? Barbara: Well, I'm afraid [ he is having a very hard time ]. Well, [ so to say ], he isn't getting along well at all.
Complete the [ following ] conversation by [ filling in blank space ].
Tom: That was fantastic! I've never *seen such a funny film. Lynn: Haven't you? Tom: No. Have you? Lynn: Yes, lots. Actually, I thought [ it was rather stupid, sick even ]! Tom: Come on, Lynn. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't so boring.
Complete the [ following ] conversation by [ filling in blank space ].
Tom: That was fantastic! I've never *seen such a funny film. Lynn: Haven't you? Tom: No. Have you? Lynn: Yes, lots. Actually, I thought [ it was rather stupid, sick even ]! Tom: Come on, Lynn. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't so boring.
>>193 模範解答も君の答えも間違い。なぜなら using more than 10 words (11語以上を使って) という指定された条件を満たしていないから。
そりゃ人間同士の会話だから少々ピントがはずれてても会話は成り立つさ。独りよがりな やつはどこにでもいるからな。 でも模範解答のほうが相手の意見に耳を傾けていて俺は人間的に君より好感が持てる。 なぜならLynn はその映画のことをstupid,(ばかげている)と批判している。 それに対しての反論としては君のnot boring (つまらなくなかった)より it wasn't that bad (そんなに 悪くなかったよ)のほうが的を射た発言に思える。
Complete the [ following ] conversation by [ filling in blank space ].
Tom: That was fantastic! I've never *seen such a funny film. Lynn: Haven't you? Tom: No. Have you? Lynn: Yes, lots. Actually, I thought [ it was rather stupid, sick even ]! Tom: Come on, Lynn. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't so boring.
(1) No matter how often we ask Suekittie not to come here, he will. → ( ) is sticky and crazy.
(2) Never does he admit his mistakes even when pointed out cleary. → ( ) used to disclose his sex with his boyfriend. We can't help saying ( ) is a kind of kittie; please note that kittie is no kitty.
>>209 Modern science tries to answer questions about origins [ using carefully [ tested ] data and rigorous logic ]. [ Though many [ pioneering ] scientists, like Newton, were Christians [ who believed deeply in the existence of a deity ] ], they also felt [ the Deity was rational ], so their task was [ to uncover the [ underlying ] laws [ by which the Deity had created the world ] ]. 彼らの仕事は神が世界を造った根底にある法則をつきとめることであった
*The laws underly in things. *They would uncover the laws. *The Deity had created the world by the laws.
***Their task was [ to uncover the [ underlying ] laws [ by which the Deity had created the world ] ]. *の3つを合わせた物が***です。 [ ]は10公式のGHIです。 I公式によって構造が完璧になるでしょう?
>>228 I would go to see the movie with you. I would have gone to see the movie with you then. 「〜するだろう/だったろう」 I could have lunch with upu at an expensive reatsurant. I could have had lunch with you at an expensive restaurant. 「〜できるだろう/できただろう」 I should pay for all the dating. I should have paid for all the dating. デートの費用全部僕が出すもんだよ(出すべきだよ)! デートの費用全部僕が出すべきだったのに〜 (いきなり君が自分のカードで支払っちゃって、頭にくる〜!)
I would go to see the movie with you. I would have gone to see the movie with you then. 「〜するだろう/だったろう」 I could have lunch with upu at an expensive reatsurant. I could have had lunch with you at an expensive restaurant. 「〜できるだろう/できただろう」 I should pay for all the dating. I should have paid for all the dating. デートの費用全部僕が出すもんだよ(出すべきだよ)! デートの費用全部僕が出すべきだったのに〜 (いきなり君が自分のカードで支払っちゃって、頭にくる〜!)
I will go to see the movie alone.もう〜、一人で行っちゃうわよぉ〜 I would go to see the movie alone.一人で行こうとしたわよぅ〜 I can have lunch alone at a cheap reatsurant.安いレストランで食べればいいのぉ I could have lunch at a cheap restaurant.安いレストランで食べてしまっちゃったわよぉ I shall pay only a little money.ほんのちょっぴりだけ払うことになっちゃうでしょうぅ I should pay only 400 yen.400円だけ払うことになっちゃたのぉ
I will go to see the movie alone.もう〜、一人で行っちゃうわよぉ〜 I would go to see the movie alone.一人で行こうとしたわよぅ〜 I can have lunch alone at a cheap reatsurant.安いレストランで食べればいいのぉ I could have lunch at a cheap restaurant.安いレストランで食べてしまっちゃったわよぉ I shall pay only a little money.ほんのちょっぴりだけ払うことになっちゃうでしょうぅ I should pay only 400 yen.400円だけ払うことになっちゃたのぉ
In addition to displaying animals and providing a place for scientists to study them , 〜 の日本語訳は、 @それらを研究する科学者のために動物を見せることや場所を与えることに加えて、〜 A科学者のために動物を見せることやそれらを研究する場所を与えることに加えて、〜 B動物を見せることや科学者のためにそれらを研究する場所を与えることに加えて、〜 C動物を見せることやそれらを研究する科学者のために場所を与えることに加えて、〜 のどれが正しいのでしょうか? 微妙な差ではありますが、そこがわからないのです よろしくお願い致します
文法的な説明の仕方をとると、to study them を不定詞の形容詞的用法と とらえて、つまりscientistsを修飾するものと解釈すればCになるし、 副詞的用法でprovidingを修飾するものと解釈すればBになります。
でも副詞的用法とすると、意味的におかしい気がします。 to study them じゃなくて to let them study them(最初のthemはscientistsね) にすべきだと思うのですが、でもどうでしょうか。 口語レベルでは普通にto study themとか言ってそうな気もします。
>>240 for scientists to study themのforは意味上の主語。 (だからlet them study themはおかしいw) [displaying animals and providing a place]for scientists to study themなのか displaying animals and [providing a place for scientists to study them]なのか 文脈によるが常識的に考えれば下。
和訳で分からないところがあったので添削してください Next,you must keep the creativity flowing;time should be set aside for coming up with new idea and approaches in an unstructured way,an activity known as brainstorming. →次に、君はあたらしい考えを思いついたり、組織化されていない方法に取り組むための時間を取っておくべきであり、 よく知られているブレインストーミングのように流れるような創造性を持ち続けなければならない
The United Nations declared water as a human right and demanded that govern ments work out a method to increase access to sufficient,safe supplies and clean semoval of waste for all citizen.
1.少々やせるために、彼女は食事の量を減らそうと決心した。 She decided to cut down a little on [she ate/food/in order to/the amount/of] 2.空中に放出される二酸化炭素が温室効果を引き起こす原因となる。 Carbon dioxide [responsible/the greenhouse effect/is/for/emitted into the air] 3.時間もなくなってきましたので、最後に何か言わなければならないと思うのですが。 As [running/we/out of/are/time], I think I should make some closing comments. 4.あなたが消耗しているのも無理は無い。何時間も勉強しているのだから。 [are/wonder/you/exhausted/no], you have been studying for hours. 5.彼は仕事も兼ねてパリに遊びに行った。 He went to Paris [as/pleasure/as well/business/for] 6.彼の提案には、多くの関心が寄せられた。 His [interest/generated/has/proposal/a lot of].
例えば、 There is no doubt that Japan is a fuckin' country. For〜(理由説明) みたいな文章があるとしますよね。 こういうときの訳は 「確かに日本はfuckin countryだ。なぜなら〜」 という訳でよいのでしょうか?それとも、 「疑いなく日本は〜だ。なぜなら〜」 とするほうがよいでのしょうか?
>>356 There is not yet a certification process, however, so consumers cannot tell [ whether the seafood products [ they buy ] have been obtained in an ecologically sound manner ].
>>340 I was learning what(the thing which) is felt like to be black. →I was learning what I feel like ■ to be black. →I was learning something I feel like black. ブラックだって感じのものを学んでいた。 要するに黒人カルチャーにハマってたってこと。
形+as+SVと同じだよ。asが抜けるかどうかなだけだ。 一種の倒置で感情の起伏を作ってる。 As silly or meaningless as sports can seem in certain lights, =Silly or meaningless as sports can seem in certain lights, ただ今回のように2語以上に分かれてるからどこが固まりかわかりやすいようにas〜asの語法でasを残してあるだけだと思うが。
文頭にasがある形が基本なんじゃないかな。 asというのは基本的に前の文、語句とas以下の文、語句を=の意味でつなげる接続詞でしょ? As silly or meaningless as sports can seem in certain lights, 〜 の構造は、As [silly or meaningless as sports can seem in certain lights,]。
2番目のasは一番目とは別に<silly or meaningless>と<sports can seem in certain lights>をasでつなげたもの。 つまり2番目のas以下でひとかたまりになって(スポーツがある面で馬鹿馬鹿しく意味ないと思える事)という意味をもつことになる。 そしてそのひとかたまりに文頭のAsをくっつけることによって、その(スポーツが〜と思える事)が同じなのは…となって、 それがかかるのはカンマ以降の次の文節であるわけだ。 文頭ゆえに、前に何にも語句がないからそういう働きになるわけだね。 接続詞ってそういうものでしょう?
アメリカ人の友達とメッセで会話してたら、英語の暴言集の音声ファイルを送ってきました。それで If I say this text in USA, I will be shot. って返事をしたら尋常じゃないウケ方をしてた(I will be shotに対して笑ってた)んですが、なぜウケてたのかは結局わかりませんでした 相手も「この意味を説明するのは難しい。文化の違いだね」って言ってたんですが、一体どういう事だったんでしょう?
I will be shotは決まり文句的なジョークなのか、それとも日本人がこういう事を言ったからおもしろかったってだけなのか…
[ As silly or meaningless as sports can seem in certain lights ], there's no question [ that they can also be singularly expressive of the cultural moment ].
分解すると Sports can seem silly or meaningless in certain lights. Sports can also be singularly expressive of the cultural moment. There's no question about this.
言い換えると [ Though Sports can seem silly or meaningless in certain lights ], There's no question [ sports can also be singularly expressive of the cultural moment ].
>>390 I cannot help [ believing [ what she says ]. は I cannot help [ believing the thing [ which she says ]. の意味。 僕は彼女が言うことを信じざるを得ない。 help〜=〜するのをどうしようもない。どうしても〜してしまう。
>>397 I don't like cookies ここまで発話した時点でcookiesと無冠詞になってるのは後続の we can get at that store とうまくいかないね。
無冠詞は限定なしのクッキー全般だから。 I don't like cookies. なら私はクッキー(全般)が好きじゃないよ。ってこと。 なのにwe can get at that storeと後ろで指定が入ってるね・・。
I don't like the cookies 発話者はcookiesの範囲をtheの中に発話上限定している、 相手にもそれと解るクッキーってね。 その説明がwe can get at that storeってだけだね。 ちょっと相手に解らないかもとだめ押しで補足説明したのか、 発話者の考え方はこの単文では解らないけども・・。
と >I don't remember what he said. をどう訳す? >彼が言ったこと」 = what he said >つまり、「彼が何と言ったか、私は覚えてない」と訳すでしょ?
をあわせて考えると、彼女がなんというかを信じざるおえない だけど意味がおかしいので、なにを言おうが、の表現としてwhat she saysを 使っていると考えてもいいんじゃない? つまり I can't believe what she says= I can't believe whatever she says. ということなんだけど。日本語でも似たような表現の崩れはあるとおもう。 似たようなものなんじゃないの?
Children who are allergic to peanuts shouldn't eat cookies. 変な英文ができたけど、ピーナッツにアレルギーを持っている子供達は クッキー(全般、全種類)が食べられないって意味になるよ。 these cookiesって限定が入ってるから、ちゃんとした意味になってる。
男:"Wanna have some cookies?" 「クッキーでも食べないか?」 女:"I don't eat cookies." 「あたしクッキー嫌いなの。」 男:"Oh, these are very good."「このクッキー、すんげぇ美味いんだぜ。」 "These are from WUTAB's."「WUTABんとこのクッキーだ。」 女:"I hate cookies at WUTAB's."「あたし、WUTABんとこのクッキー、大嫌いなの。」 男:"Alright then. Suit yourself."「ああそうかい。勝手にしな。」 "Oh, I love cookies!"「俺、クッキー大好き!」
1.アメリカ人はたとえ地位が上の人であっても、その人の考えに反論するのが礼儀に反することだとは思っていない。 Americans don't think [to,if,it is,challenge,impolite,someone's ideas,even] he or she has a higher status.
2.彼らが罪を犯したということは否定できません [no,is,denying,there,that] they are guilty. ->[There is no denying that]
3.私は騒々しい街中にこんな静かな場所があるとは夢にも思わなかった。 I never breamed [there,in,a,quiet,of,place,such,being] 4.この写真を見るといつも、あなたと過ごした幸せな日々を思い出します。 This picture [fails,of,remind,never,me,to] the happy days I spent with you. 5.ジャックとベティーは会えば必ずケンカをすることを誰でも知っている。 Everybody knows that [meet,quarreling,Betty,without,Jack,never,and] 6.早起きに慣れるのにしばらくかかった。 It [me,to,used,some time,get,took,to] getting up early. 7.彼女はテレビをつけたまま眠ってしまった She [asleep,on,television,turned,with,the,fell] 8.急いで帰宅しましたが、家にはだれもいませんでした。 I hurried [find,to,house,that,my,home,only] was empty. 9.彼女は片手で口を覆いながら話をしていた。 She was talking [over,a hand,mouth,with,her] 10.こう物価が高くては、今年は海外旅行は取り止めにしなければならない。 With [we,up,high,have to,so,give,prices, ,] an overseas trip this year.
while the values and meanings attached to place remain significant, we are increasingly involved in networks which extend far beyond our immediate physical locations. 和訳お願いします
there is one important asset that is necessary for a stronger team;that is, a coach who encourages every team member to aim for a higher level of performance. の和訳を 強いチームにとって必要なのは一つの重要な強味である つまり、チームのメンバー皆を実技の高いレベルを目指すために勇気づけるコーチがいることだ と訳したのですが、いまいち分りません どなたか教えてください
>>435>>333 1.少々やせるために、彼女は食事の量を減らそうと決心した。 She decided to cut down a little on the amount of food she ate in order to ... 2.空中に放出される二酸化炭素が温室効果を引き起こす原因となる。 Carbon dioxide emitted into the air is responsible for the greenhouse effect. →be responsible for ...「〜に(対して)責任がある」 3.時間もなくなってきましたので、最後に何か言わなければならないと思うのですが。 As we are running out of time, I think I should make some closing comments. →run out of ...「〜を使い果たす(=exhaust)」 4.あなたが消耗しているのも無理は無い。何時間も勉強しているのだから。 No wonder you are exhausted, you have been studying for hours. →(It is) No wonder (that) ...「〜なのは当然だ」 5.彼は仕事も兼ねてパリに遊びに行った。 He went to Paris for business as well as pleasure. →B as well as A = not only A but (also) B「AだけでなくBも」 6.彼の提案には、多くの関心が寄せられた。 His proposal has generated a lot of interest.
1.アメリカ人はたとえ地位が上の人であっても、その人の考えに反論するのが礼儀に反することだとは思っていない。 Americans don't think [to/if/it is/challenge/impolite/someone's ideas/even] he or she has a higher status.
2.彼らが罪を犯したということは否定できません [no/is/denying/there/that] they are guilty.
3.私は騒々しい街中にこんな静かな場所があるとは夢にも思わなかった。 I never breamed [there/in/a/quiet/of/place/such/being]
4.この写真を見るといつも、あなたと過ごした幸せな日々を思い出します。 This picture [fails/of/remind/never/me/to] the happy days I spent with you.
5.ジャックとベティーは会えば必ずケンカをすることを誰でも知っている。 Everybody knows that [meet/quarreling/Betty/without/Jack/never/and]
6.早起きに慣れるのにしばらくかかった。 It [me/to/used/some time/get/took/to] getting up early.
7.彼女はテレビをつけたまま眠ってしまった She [asleep/on/television/turned/with/the/fell]
8.急いで帰宅しましたが、家にはだれもいませんでした。 I hurried [find/to/house/that/my/home/only] was empty.
9.彼女は片手で口を覆いながら話をしていた。 She was talking [over/a hand/mouth/with/her]
10.こう物価が高くては、今年は海外旅行は取り止めにしなければならない。 With [we/up/high/have to/so/give/prices/,] an overseas trip this year.
it is impolite to challenge someone's ideas even if There is no denying that [「騒々しい街中」に該当する語もないし、なんか問題が変] never fails to remind me of Jack and Betty never meet without quarreling took me some time to get used to fell asleep with the television turned on home only to find that my house with a hand over her mouth prices so high, we have to give up
1.Americans don't think it is impolite to challenge someone's ideas even if he or she has a higher status. 2.There's no denying that they're guilty, 3.I've never dreamed of there being such a quiet place in the noisy street. 4.This picture never fails to remind me of the happy days I spent with you. 5.Everybody knoes that Jack & Betty never meet without quarrelling. 6.It took me some time to get used to getting up early. 7.She fell asleep with the television (turned) on. 8.I hurried only to find that my house was empty. ※only to find 〜したばかりのところで〜に気が付く ・We wasted time and money fixing a problem only to find we have been working on the wrong equipment. : 問題を解決するために時間とお金をかけたばかりのところで 間違った装置を修理していたのに気がついた。
9.She was talking with her mouth over a hand. 10.With so high prices, we have to give up an overseas trip this year.
>>333 1.少々やせるために、彼女は食事の量を減らそうと決心した。 She decided to cut down a little on the amount of food she ate in order to loose her weight. 2.空中に放出される二酸化炭素が温室効果を引き起こす原因となる。 Carbon dioxide emitted into air is responsible for the greenhouse effect. 3.時間もなくなってきましたので、最後に何か言わなければならないと思うのですが。 As we're running out of time, I think I should make some closing comments. 4.あなたが消耗しているのも無理は無い。何時間も勉強しているのだから。 No wonder you're exhausted, you have been studying for hours. 5.彼は仕事も兼ねてパリに遊びに行った。 He went to Paris for plesure as well as business. 6.彼の提案には、多くの関心が寄せられた。 His proposal has generated a lot of interest.
おはようございます。 He ( )many letters recently,( ) he? has writtenとhasn't heだと思うのですが、has been writting ですか?recently、この最近は過去の事で言ってるのか、今も続いて るのかがよくわかりません・・・よろしくお願いします。
asの基本イメージは非常に幅広いから「同じ」だけでは済まない。 OALD as prep. 1used to describe sb/sth appearing to be sb/sth else:They were all dressed as clowns.The bomb was disguised as a package. 2used to describe the fact that sb/sth has a particular job or function:She works as a courier.Treat me as a friend. I respect him as a doctor.You can use that glass as a vase.The news came as a shock.She had been there often as a child (= when she was a child). conj. 1while sth else is happening:He sat watching her as she got ready.As she grew older she gained in confidence. 2in the way in which:They did as I had asked.Leave the papers as they are.She lost it, just as I said she would. 3used to state the reason for sth:As you were out, I left a message.She may need some help as she’s new. 4used to make a comment or to add information about what you have just said:As you know, Julia is leaving soon.She’s very tall, as is her mother. 5used to say that in spite of sth being true, what follows is also true 全然「同じ」という概念には収まらないね
Out of the need to prepare students for the tests, teachers may sacrifice part of the regular classes. (生徒をテストに向けて準備させる必要性から、教師は通常の授業の一部を犠牲にする場合もある。) という文で、どこにout ofの訳があるんでしょうか?辞書で調べてもわかりませんでした
Our egotisms are incessantly fighting to preserve themselves, not only from external enemies, but also from the assaults of the other and better self with which they are so uncomfortably associated.
二人ここで初めて会ったのが 二月前の今日だね it is today 2 month ago to meet us first time. キスの仕方さえ まだ知らなかった 僕の最初の sweet girl friend We did not know how to kiss. My first sweet girl friend. 他愛も無い細やかな記念日 暦にそっと記してた Nomary anniversary day you write down in the crender. 「今日何の日だっけ?」って尋ねると 少し戸惑って答えた What is today? I asked you. You answer in being at a loss. 「前の彼氏の誕生日だ。」と笑って答える 笑顔 歯がゆい "It is my old lover's birthday"in smiling,you answered. I was complicated to its smile. そんな話は耳を塞ぎたくなるんだよ・・ I want to close my ears such story. 確かに 君が彼といた3年の思い出にはまだ敵わな To be sure , our memories are equal to your one with old your lover. それでもこんなに好きなのに すれ違いの数が多すぎて And yet,I love you this much but to pass each other is lots.
心の通わぬやりとりばかり これ以上繰り返すよりも No more than the relation not to be understood we repeat, あなたの心が答え出すまで このまま2人会わないほうが untill your heart will answer,as it is, we should not meet each other. それが明日でも5年先でも いつでもここで待ってるから the day may be tommorow or 5 years later but I 'm wating for you all time. 約束しようよ そして2人 心に赤い糸をしっかり結んで Let's promise. and we tied red line to our hearts tightly. 「会ってくれますか?」とあなたの手紙 偽りの無い言葉達が your latter writed "Could you meet me?" No lie words 溢れた涙で滲んでゆくよ あの場所へ迎えにいくから are runed by my running over tears.I will meet you to that place. 泣かないでおくれ 今日は2人の1年目の記念日だから Dont cry. Today is 1th annyversary of us. お祝いしようよ 強く結んだ糸が解けずにいたことも Lets celebrate not to get untied our line tightly as well. 愛される事を望むばかりで 信じることを忘れないで To be lobed you just hope, but dont foget to bilieve someone. ゴールの見えない旅でも良い the trip can't see a goal is good 愛する人と信じる道を さぁ ゆっくりと歩こう Let's go to biliving way with your lover slowly.
二人ここで初めて会ったのが 二月前の今日だね 2 month ago on this day I met her for the first time. キスの仕方さえ まだ知らなかった 僕の最初の sweet girl friend Strange I shouldn't have known how to kiss her - My first sweet girl friend. 他愛も無い細やかな記念日 暦にそっと記してた It's my silly little aniversary marked in the calendar. 「今日何の日だっけ?」って尋ねると 少し戸惑って答えた What is today? I ask you and you tell me at a little loss. 「前の彼氏の誕生日だ。」と笑って答える 笑顔 歯がゆい It's birthday of my extra boyfriend, you answer with a smile - that makes me grind my teeth. そんな話は耳を塞ぎたくなるんだよ・・ Sach a tough story that I'd wanna stop my ear 確かに 君が彼といた3年の思い出にはまだ敵わない A memory you'd been with him for 3 years ain't nothing compared to ours. それでもこんなに好きなのに すれ違いの数が多すぎて Now I love you so much and there's so many problems and points for us.
ありがとうございます。 ちょっとわからないところが・・・ Strange I shouldn't have known how to kiss her strangeの用法がわかりません。 その後の文はキスのしかたを知るべきじゃなかったになるのではないでしょうか。 Sach a tough story that I'd wanna stop my ear ここは「耳をふさぎたくなるそんなつらい話」とい関係代名詞の名詞句でいいのでしょうか? A memory you'd been with him for 3 years ain't nothing compared to ours. ain'tの主語に当たるIがみつかりません(><) あとnothingの働きもおしえてほしいです。 Now I love you so much and there's so many problems and points for us points for us の主語がわかりません。 あと訳としては、問題がありすぎてお互い指摘しちゃうといった感じになるのでしょうか?
心の通わぬやりとりばかり これ以上繰り返すよりも No more meaningless talk with our emotional access あなたの心が答え出すまで このまま2人会わないほうが I wouldn't see you if you didn't give a clear answer それが明日でも5年先でも いつでもここで待ってるから But I've been waiting here with every single minite if it may be tomorrow or 5 years from now 約束しようよ そして2人 心に赤い糸をしっかり結んで Shall I promise you and you and I - with our destinies linking 「会ってくれますか?」とあなたの手紙 偽りの無い言葉達が Your letter told me to see me again with your real words 溢れた涙で滲んでゆくよ あの場所へ迎えにいくから I can't see through my tears and I will come and get you there at the place 泣かないでおくれ 今日は2人の1年目の記念日だから Dont cry. It's the first annyversary on two of us. お祝いしようよ 強く結んだ糸が解けずにいたことも Celebrate and we're happy with my destinies keeping fold strongly 愛される事を望むばかりで 信じることを忘れないで Don't want me to love you too much and keep believing our loves ゴールの見えない旅でも良い It's not bad to seek for our goal with no end in sight 愛する人と信じる道を さぁ ゆっくりと歩こう I will be walking with my lover on the way we believe in -with our feet firmly fixed
>>561 It's strange that I shouldn't have...だと冗長だから。 歌詞なんだから文にしてないよ。端折るところは端折る。 感情のshouldな。 キスの仕方を知らなかったこと自体驚きだって感じ。
A memory ain't nothing nothing compare to 〜に敵わない。ain'tは俗用の2重否定の方でただの強調。 ってか逆かスマソ Our memories ain't nothing to a memory you'd been with him for 3 years
でもあとの翻訳はめっちゃよいです。 Your letter told me to see me again with your real words これとか Dont cry. It's the first annyversary on two of us. これなど歌詞の情景にぴったりです。 非常に満足です。 どうもありがとうございます。
>>569 He said he was poor, which was a lie. It was he who was listing to the radio.←そんな大げさなw I walked to the post office where I took the bus for Tokyo Station. The day will surely come when you will regret it. You can call me whenever you want.
強調構文の質問です。 Tom got food and drinks for the party.という文の強調文をいくつか作ることができます。
It was Tom that[who] got food and drinks for the party. It was for the party that Tom got food and drinks. などです。質問はfood and drinks という複数扱いのものを強調したい場合でも It was food and drinks that Tom gotfor the party. こんなかんじでいいんでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
>>550 二人ここで初めて会ったのが 二月前の今日だね it was this day 2 month ago [ that we met for the first time ]. キスの仕方さえ まだ知らなかった 僕の最初の sweet girl friend We did not know [ how to kiss ], my first sweet girl friend. 他愛も無い細やかな記念日 暦にそっと記してた The normal anniversary day you wrote in the crender. 「今日何の日だっけ?」って尋ねると 少し戸惑って答えた What day is today? I asked you. You answered with a little hesitation. 「前の彼氏の誕生日だ。」と笑って答える 笑顔 歯がゆい "It is my previous lover's birthday," you answered [ smiling ]. I felt complicated at your smile. そんな話は耳を塞ぎたくなるんだよ・・ I wanted to shut my ears against such a story. 確かに 君が彼といた3年の思い出にはまだ敵わな Our memories are not equal to your memories with your old lover. それでもこんなに好きなのに すれ違いの数が多すぎて Yet I love you so much. But we pass by with each other so often [ rarely coming across ].
It was Tom [ that got food and drinks for the party ]. It was for the party [ that Tom got food and drinks ]. It was food and drinks *[ that Tom got for the party ].
1,would you be ( ) enough to post this letter ? Questions of this ( ) are very hard to answer. 2,You shouldn't ( ) such a wasteful life . This street will ( ) you to the center of town. The sky was as dull as ( ) 3,If We run ,We will able to ( ) it before the train leave. ( ) sure you have enough money for the trip. 4, He came ( ) at the beginning of the game. He claimed a ( ) to the property. He is the ( ) man for the Job. それぞれの各組の空所には同じ綴りの語がはいる。という問題ですがわからないのでよろしくお願いします
>>569 (1)He said he was poor, which was a lie. (2)It was he who was listening to the radio. (3)I walked to the post office where I took the bus for Tokyo station. (4)The day will surely come when you will regret it. (5)you can call me whenever you want.
>>630 He said "You don't by any chance know prince Hashi-Kuzu, do you." "Oh! ????" "I was at Cambridge with him." And they were so charmed this officer said "I'm very sorry I don't have any whisky to give you. And they didn't bind his hands because he was so gentleman and lovely. They just allowed him to get sleep. And of course he escaped.
誤文訂正問題です。 1.a(Be it) order b(or) request, I will accept it c(in) pleasure. 2.The elderly will comprise an (estimate) 26 percent of the population c(by)2025.
>>697 それはどういう意味? それらの動詞の時は必ずcanを使っているということ? もしそうだと認識しているのだったらそれは間違い。 その他もろもろの動詞となんら変わりないよ。 can (可能)の意味を含ませたい場合に 使うだけ。 you can count on me. あなたは私を頼りに「できる」
That does not alter the fact that the main function of his work, his main preoccupation, the point from which he views everything connected with his work is that of a work.
the main function of his work, his main preoccupation の使われ方が分からないのですがどういう構造になっているのですか?
>>702 That does not alter the fact [ that the main function of his work, his main preoccupation, the point [ from which he views everything [ connected with his work ] ] ] is that of a work ].
He saw someone being bullied という例文があったのですが、これのsomeone being bulliedこれは bullimying someoneの受動態バージョンということですか? Forestを探して見てもこの用法が載ってないのですがどこを探せばこれについて書いてあるのでしょうか?何という用法ですか?
あと、いじめられていた誰か、だとどういう文章になるのでしょうか? Someone been buliedでしょうか?
The modern American schools provide the young of all classes with the common background that in an old,rural society is provided by tradition,by the daily life in each community.
>>726 母が帰るまでには、夕食の用意はできているだろう Dinner will have been prepared by the time [ my mother comes home ].
彼女は1時間待たされたにもかかわらず、笑顔のままだった She ***remained smiling **[ although she *had *been kept [ waiting for an hour ] ]. ***笑顔を崩さない。 **は従属節。接続詞を使う。 その時まで待たされた、だから、*の様に過去完了形。 He had kept [ her waiting ] を受身形にして She had been kept waiting となる。
「昨日と同じぐらい今日も道が混んでいる」の英作なのですが 解答が The road is as crowded today as it was yesterday なのですが、 The road is as much crowded today as it was yesterday の間違いなのではないんでしょうか?asはcrowdedを修飾できるのですか? 僕の解答の正誤もお願いします。
A great book,rich in ideas and beuty,a book tha raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions,demands the most active reading of which you are capable. 最初の方にある「,rich in ideas and beuty」 は分詞構文ですか、それとも 単なる形容詞が後ろに置かれたものでしょうか。 あと「…and beauty,a book…」ですが、この後ろの「a book」は 同格と思ったのですが、あっていますか。
中学校の定期試験問題。 長文に対する質問 How many shops did Ken and Mary go? に対して (They) (went) (three). を要求する問題なのですが Q1.質問文にtoは不要か(how manyは疑問副詞になりえるのか) Q2.went to three shopsをそもそもwent threeなどと言えるのか (I have three.の場合とは話が違うと思う) どうしても納得いきません。 よろしくお願いします。
I ( ) the movie,but I don't remember whether I have. 空欄補充の問題です。 選択肢にought to have seen とmay have seenがあるのですが、 前者なら「見たはずだけど、見たかどうか覚えてない」 後者なら「見たかもしれないけど、見たかどうか覚えてない」 で、どちらも大丈夫な気がするのですがどうでしょう。 前者の用法はought toよりshouldが使われるのが一般的のようですが。
>>748 A great book, [ (which is) rich in ideas and beauty ], a book [ that raises and tries [ to answer great fundamental questions ] ], demands the most active reading [ of which you are capable ].
rich in ideas and beutyは形容詞が後ろに置かれたもの 「…and beauty, a book…」は同格
>>777 声に出して読むときは is にストレス置くんだよ。 They lived in the Middle east,and there Iraq is today. 彼らは中東に住んでいました そして 現在ではそこにイラクがあります。 彼らが住んでいた頃はその場所をイラクと呼ばなかったことを言外に言ってる。
以前、前スレで質問したのですが、回答いただけなかったので再度書き込みします。 if〜またはI wish〜の文に書きかえる問題なのですが、合っていますか? 修正をお願いします。 1.As I don't know her telephone number, I can't call her. →If I knew her telephone number, I could call her.
2.Had I been free, I would have gone shopping. →If I had been free, I would have gone shopping.
3.Having more practice, you might speak English better. →If you had more practice, you might speak English better.
4.Attend the party, or you will be spoken ill of. →If you didn't attend the party, you would be spoken ill of.
5.He didn't work hard in his youth, so he is not living a happy life now. →If he had worked hard in his youth, he would live a happy life now.
She left Tokyo last night, so she is now in Sapporo. [ If she hadn't left Tokyo last night ], she wouldn't be now in Sapporo.
With a little more care, he could have done his work properly. [ If he had *taken a little more care ], he could have done his work properly. take care=気をつける、注意する
I'm sorry [ that I'm not so strong [ as you (are) ] ]. I wish [ I were as strong as you (are) ].
I'm sorry [ I couldn't attend the meeting ]. I wish [ I could have attended the meeting ].
I got up at five; otherwise, I should have been late for the train. [ If I hadn't gotten up at five ], I should have been late for the train.
>>825 おれより君のほうが英語できそうだから聞くんだけど一箇所だけ気になるところがあった。 I wish I were so strong as you についてだけど同等比較の肯定文の場合 as~as なんじゃない? まえにso が使えるのは否定文(not so A as B ) だけだったような...
You are not a person who is worried about the past. と作ってみたんですが、 模範解答は You are not a person who worry about the past. となっていました。 この場合、worryを他動詞で使っては間違えなんでしょうか?自動詞と他動詞の両方がある語の使い分けがどうもわからなくて、混乱しています。どなたかお願いします。
◆2文が同じ意味になるように( )に適語を ・A:She need not practice the piano. B:She ( )have to practice the piano. ・A:He opened his eyes and found that she was standing beside him. B:He opened his eyes to ( )( ) standing beside him. ・A:I’ve heard of his failure. I’m very sorry for that. B:I’m very sorry ( )( ) of his failure. ・A:He visited his aunt’s house, but she was away. B:He visited his aunt’s house ( )( ) find she was away. ◆対話文を完成させる ・A:I hear Mary will get married to John next month. can it be ture? B:It ( ) . She ‘s been going out with Bill. ・A:( )go shopping. B:No,you don’t have to . I’ve bought all the things we need. Let’s make sushi! ◆受け身に直す ・They speak Portuguese in Brazil. ・People elected Kennedy the thirty-fifth President. ◆( )内を正しく並べ替え ・The landing of the space shuttle (the world / televised / all / being / is / over). ・彼は1956年に宮城県の気仙沼で生まれました。(in Kesennuma / Miyagi / born / he / in 1956 / was / ,). ・We come to school (not / but / to play / to study) ・Be (not / to / but / to play / to study). ・I ran very fast (only / to the station / to / miss / the last train). ・The young couple (buy / money / order / saving / in / to / are / a house). ・He is studying hard (pass / as / so / the exam / to). ◆( )内の正しい方を選ぶ ・There is a station (close / closely) to the university.
>>863 ◆2文が同じ意味になるように( )に適語を ・A:She need not practice the piano. B:She (doesn't) have to practice the piano. ・A:He opened his eyes and found that she was standing beside him. B:He opened his eyes to (find) (her) standing beside him. ・A:I've heard of his failure. I’m very sorry for that. B:I’m very sorry (to )(hear ) of his failure. ・A:He visited his aunt's house, but she was away. B:He visited his aunt's house (only )(to ) find she was away. ◆対話文を完成させる ・A:I hear Mary will get married to John next month. Can it be ture? B:It (can't ) . She's been going out with Bill. ・A:(Let's ) go shopping. B:No, you don't have to. I've bought all the things we need. Let’s make sushi! ◆受け身に直す ・Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. ・Kennedy was elected the thirty-fifth President. ◆( )内を正しく並べ替え ・The landing of the space shuttle is being televised all over the world. ・彼は1956年に宮城県の気仙沼で生まれました。He was born in Kesennuma, Miyagi in 1956.
>>873 >>863 She need not practice the piano. She doesn't have [ to practice the piano ]. He opened his eyes and found [ that she was standing beside him ]. He opened his eyes [ to find [ her standing beside him ]. I've heard of his failure. I’m very sorry for that. I’m very sorry [ to hear of his failure ]. He visited his aunt's house, but she was away. He visited his aunt's house [ only to find [ she was away ] ].
A:I hear [ Mary will get married to John next month ]. Can it be ture? B:It can't. She's been going out with Bill. A:Let's go [ shopping ]. B:No, you don't have [ to (go) ]. I've bought all the things [ we need ]. Let’s make sushi!
[ The landing of the space shuttle ] is being televised all over the world. He was born in Kesennuma, Miyagi in 1956.
完了不定詞ってありますよね。 未来不定詞っないんですか? あと I had my car repaired by him. のようなhave〔get〕+O+p.p.の形の構文には名前はないんですか? もし無い場合は名前をつけていただけませんか。よろしくお願いします。 (*私はとりあえず遠隔受動remote passiveとつけて見ましたが如何)
(文の途中からですが)children,who may well be sucked into a program almost by hypnosis when they would have been very happy to undertake constructive play. このalmostは訳だとby hypnosisにかかるように訳してあるのですが 前置詞+名詞の副詞句にも修飾することがあるんですか? あと、基本的な質問なんですが、whoからの関係詞節は hypnosisまでで、when…の副詞節が後ろから修飾しているのか それとも文末のplayまで内包していて、その中にwhenの副詞節がある と考えるのがいいのか教えて下さい。
>>945 迂言的使役構文、この名称は全然良くないね。 だってI had my purse stolen. とかに使役性は全く無いじゃないか。 日本語学のほうに間接受動というtermがあるそうだから拝借すればいいだろ。 英語学者は怠けてんじゃない!それとも他の言語の専門家に比べて能力低いの? Eorum pigritia deponenda est!
英作文のチェックをお願いします 「私たちは自分に身近な人々をあるがままの姿でながめることはめったにない これらの人々の短所はあまり気にせず、長所のみを見る傾向があるからだ」 →We seldom see the familiar person on plain. Because we always ignore their weak point and only see their good point.
they were contemptuous of the manners of the time. に続けて「そのようなエチケットの背景に実は私利私欲と不誠実な態度があるのです」と続けるにはどちらが正しいのでしょうか? 1:Only self-interest and dishonesty is behind all the politeness.
2:Behind all the politeness is only self-interest and dishonesty.
>>947 Children, [ who may well be sucked into a program almost by hypnosis [ when they would have been very happy [ to undertake constructive play ] ].
<1>We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and (when/even brighter/than/we shine/that's)usual.
<2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your (as a/stay/happy memory/with you/experience will)of the summer.
<3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class (I'd/what/ask/missed/to).
>>979 <1>We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and (2when/4even brighter/5than/3we shine/1that's)usual.
<2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your (4as a/2stay/5happy memory/3with you/1experience will)of the summer.
<3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class (4I'd/3what/2ask/5missed/1to).
>>979>>981 We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and that's when we shine even brigher than usual 注文と製品全部2度確認しています。でも時々なんかおかしくなって、そんなときに限って 私達はいつも以上に輝いたりするんです。 cf. that's when I love you.そんな時のあなたが好き。 than usualいつもより <2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your experience will stay with you as a happy memory of the summer. わが国で一番高い山へようこそ。この経験が夏のいい思い出としておつきあいいただくように安全にのぼってください。 cf. Stay with meついてこい。最後までお付き合いくださいませ。 Are you with me?おい、聞いてたか?(ちょっと答えてみろ) SV so that S will V 結果として[後ろの文]のとうになるように〜だ。 <3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class to ask what I'd(had) missed. 英語の授業初日に酷い熱で家にいなきゃなんなかった。夜にクラスの友達にメールして自分が聞き逃した事を尋ねた。
>>964the familiar person身近な人は1人なのかここは複数。peopleだと個々がぼやけるからpersonはいい選択。 あるがままは as they areとかにしたほうがいい。 becauseは文と文をつなげる接続詞、ピリオドじゃなくコンマ。 ignoreは無視する。気にしないと違う。don't mind
We seldom see our familiar persons as they are, because we tend not to mind what's their disadvantages and only to look at their advantages when we know them. とか?