I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
「人生の価値は長さではなく、どう生きるかだ。」ということを彼女から学びました。 Life is not how many breaths you take, but how many moments take your breathe away. That's what I learned from her.
つぎは>>74 I haven't long been able to check e-mail messages because my PC (personal computer) was out of order. But finally, I can see them! I'm really sorry for the late reply.(この表現は聞いたところではOKらしい) How have you been lately? ( How are you getting along these days? など他にもいろいろ)
83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/08/26(水) 00:42:33 >>73私の家族四人の中で、選挙についての世論 調査を受けたことがあるのは私だけです は三流英語の俺にはすこし難しい Among four members in my family I am the only one who has taken a opinion servey regarding election so far.
>>102 We have different opinions on things and therefore need to make efforts to respect each other. Yet, I've just wanted you to understand me, depended easily on your understanding and made no effort at all on my side.
>>102 We have a lot of differences on concepts of values, so we must work hard to get solutions acceptable to other people. I have been lazy and perfectly dependent upon you, with the hope that everybody will understand me.
>>109 We are grateful to you for viewing our advertisement and coming to our booth. Our company is now displaying the product by the name of A at the booth. We hope you watch and examine fully our next generation machine A at the booth.
I pushed the button, but am not sure whether the camera has worked or not. I won't push so strongly lest I should destroy the mechanism of this camera.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>132 Don't you have any sweet guy to hang around with in your office? I guess you can have many. Or do you want to stay away from marriage to focus on yor job?
>>126 Not only does he look good, he has a good personality. >>128 I have a good time when I'm with you. >>129 She's working at a real estate agency for foreigners. >>131 Help yourself to ones baked.
写真を撮ったらフラッシュで赤目になり地の色とミックスされて黒く写り 「i didn't even know that my eyeballs are able to perform like that」 と、コメントしてきた友人に 「目の色とフラッシュでの赤目が混ざったからよ」 と、言う事をコメントしたいのでよろしくお願いします。
Please don't forget the time we spent together in ○○. Not knowing what kind of person you are, I felt anxious at first. But once we started talking, and we talked a lot, I soon realized we didn't have enough time. And I miss you now. I hope you feel the same way. Next time you come to Japan, or I come to France, let's meet up and talk a lot like we just did. Thank you very much for showing me ○○.
>>183 Cold got worse due to improper treatment and I has been in bed for a week . I will sleep early tonight after taking a pill for cold. I am sorry for not being able to go to the party.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>194 Oh, my God! Help him, please. Whatever happens, please let nothing discourage him. However many times he cries and is beaten, please give him strength to stand up again. Those were my prayers. He was then only 15 years old, he might be seeking only one dream. Since he was 15 , the day which will not return, he was running behind, rejected, and stood up again. He is now 17 and still believes it. However he will be 18 and lonely. The reality he must hold was always bigger than his body. I will be 21 this year and am looking at the dream which will not come true. It is a dream that he will come to abduct me.
>>205間違えた。 >>202 You held me tight, kissed me And said "Thank you" waving your hand. However I couldn't move because you were right in front of my eyes And staring me. なんか日本語の時制が最後だけ過去形になっているので時系列がよくわからず、英文は全部過去にしてみた。
Prices in Canada are lower than in Japan. Would you recommend of what kind of souvenir for us? Winter is the season I hate the most. I've been already * years old. I wish I could go back to 10 years ago.
>>220 It is cold in winter, but we have a lot of events such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day etc. When it snows, children are delighted. We watch Red and White Singing Contest on New Year's Eve. We visit shrines on New Years' Day. We are busy.
>>186 I saw the album. It's amazing because you in the first grade of high school was very young! I can't understand the Japanese you tell me. What stuff should I prepare for you?
As it becomes winter, various kinds of tree have turned red and forest gets brilliantly colored. In this season, it is getting comfortably cool and we will enjoy favorable climate everyday.
>>232 A sunflower is a representative flower of Summer. Summer of Japan is very hot. There are feasts and fire work exhibitions in many area at night everyday.
My English becomes incomprehensible, because my vocabularies are unsatisfactory. Some viewers of my sentences might feel uncomfortable, but I beg you to translate mine into English. If possible, please give a translations full of vagal expression and strong dirty tone such as Fuck.
>>237 At the age of 19, she decided to get away from the show-business, leaving her agent office. Then suddenly with the offer from a man by the name of XXX, she changed her mind and made up her mind to restart the band activity that she had been doing.
There are more teams with two alternate riders than those with three. The reason is that two riders system are more flexible with easiness of balance of the best rap times than three riders system, due to the differences of machine setting and riding positions.
>>244 Wifebeater had decided to quit the job as soon as he hit 30. That's why the company, not wanting to let him go, started a new magazine, Zandig. According to a staff of the company, the exectives knew well that Wifebeater is not good at refusing, and tried to make this magazine's publication a 'fait accompli'. It was Wifebeater himself that's on the front cover of the first issue of this magazine.
Wifebeater had intended to resign the company at 30. So they created a magazine, Zandig, to keep him. According to an official from the company, their senior employees who knew his submissive character planed to make an accomplished fact on him by it. He had appeared on its first issue covers.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>262 ひっかかりましたね。よくやるミスですそれ。 carved letters are left on the wall なら 「on the wall」でOKです。しかし carved on the wall とするなら間違いです。正しくはcarved in the wallでなければなりません。
The Democratic Party of Japan has won a crushing vitory in this election. I am now filled with anticipation and anxiety about how Japan will change as a result of this.
>>257 For us Japanese, those colors are just grotesque and we don't want to eat those foods because they are obviously bad for health. In addition, those artificial colors may stay on the tongue after eating.
People here in Japan are not fond of artificially colored food because they generally find those garish colors rather untasteful and some coloring agents have been linked to cancer. Besides, the colors can stay on the tongue long after eating and that's not esthetic either.
文章の善し悪しはあくまで主観だけど、ぼくとしては、 for us japaneseっていうのは何となく、。。正しいけどちょっと感じが悪いとおもう。 この表現は日本人が書く英語によく見つけるし、特に悪いつもりはないんだと思う けど、強くて排他的に聞こえると思う。そして主語にweが多すぎる。 うまく説明できないけど、例えば2chでよく見る例で言えば、たぶん、日本人に とって「われわれ朝鮮民族は・・・」ってきくと嫌な感じがするでしょ。おいおい、そこまで団結 して他者と差別しなくても言いじゃん、みたいな。なんかそんなニュアンスをうける。
because they are obviously bad for healthは、見るからに悪「そう」とちょっと違うんじゃない かな。オリジナルはあくまで主観的な発言だから。ぼくの翻訳も客観的に書き換えているから その点同じだけど、説明がいるからちょっと科学的に書いてみたつもり。一方、感覚的な部分は findをつかってて、あくまで日本人が気持ち悪いと考えていると述べただけで、その価値観 は他人に押しつけてないでしょ。人が感じることをA is Bじゃなくて、he finds A Bってかくと ジャッジメンタルじゃなくていいとおもう。間違ってはないんだけど、大人っぽくない。 (ただ、今読み返すと元の日本語もかなり幼稚なかんじだから、274のほうが『やり過ぎ」かも しれない。)
横レス 辞書ひくなり文例を検索するなりすれば carved on the wall で良いのが分かる。 例えばLDOCEには carve 2 [T] to cut a pattern or letter on the surface of something <carve sth on/in/into sth> - Someone had carved their initials on the tree. と出てる。
>>285-288 いや on the tree は initials にかかってるわけじゃないから、 carve their initials on the tree を受け身にすれば initials carved on the tree みたいになるわけで、まさにそれが元の文>>264の形でしょ。 挙げた辞書に書いてある通り on/in/into が使われるわけだから U2の歌詞で into 使ってるのががあっても不思議はないし、それでonを使わないってことにはならないよ。 "carved on the wall" で検索してみたら?
>>331 Looking forward to talking to you soon.(笑)←(笑) >>339 Are the domestic airport and the international airport situated on the same premises?(笑) ←(笑)
>>342 You are jeered at your poor English or low intelligence, but it is not the problem. I have some sympathy with you in mental difficulty, but it will not cure you. I really recommend you to go to hospital for diagnosis of your brain. I am serious.
>>336 I have an impression that Japanese sentences like >>333 expecting to be translated in English are clusy. They are not natural as Japanese. They are some translated product from Japanese into Western languages.
>>333 Are the airport buildings are same for local and international airlines? If so, we may have some time to meet there. However even if we can’t meet, I believe we will keep our friendship and expectations and pleasure to meet in future. Anyway, I will wait for your contact.
>>364 I want to buy the pink. But I tend to tender a bid after confirming the Global Priority Mail delivery charge to hold down the cost within acceptable limits. I can't know the amount, so please tell me it.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>388 (In the restaurant with a friend, while looking at the menu) Me: Did you decide? What will you have? Hsan: I will have Gyuudon. (rice with beef and vegetables)
>>406 With Code Behind, you can completely separate UI elements (HTML tag) from logic elements (Script Code). They are stored in separate files, which increases readability.
While ASP which uses interpreter to interpret and execute pages written in VBScript, in ASP.NET, all the codes are compiled into executable binary files, thus significantly improving performance. In ASP.NET, page elements such as buttons are implemented as controls, not HTML Tags.
business counterpart(native american)が、 よく、recreate the wheel という表現を使うのですが、 いまいち意味がはっきりしません。 例えば、I chose to send you this so I did not have to recreate the wheel.といった使い方です。 どなたかわかる方、お願いします。 自分なりにいろいろ調べたんですが、どうもピンときません。
>>410 Either “send” or “send out” is grammatically possible but here’s the thing. The phrasal verb “send out” is often used to indicate that someone is sending something such as a newsletter or a bill to a lot of people at the same time. A good example would be a company that sends out a weekly ezine to a group of customers. So in this case, without further context, I would leave out the “out,” unless you are asking them to send a bunch of packages of the same type to a lot of places. hope this helps
aw.. sorry, the quoation marks came out a little funny. guess i need to get used to this forum.
> Either "send" or "send out" is grammatically possible but here's the thing. The phrasal > verb "send out" is often used to indicate that someone is sending something such as a > newsletter or a bill to a lot of people at the same time. A good example would be a > company that sends out a weekly ezine to a group of customers. So in this case, > without further context, I would leave out the "out," unless you are asking them to > send a bunch of packages of the same type to a lot of places. hope this helps
>>423 英語的な表現ですね。今度は日本語で挑戦・・・ I chose to send you this so I did not have to recreate the wheel. は、うまく訳せませんが、あえてニュアンスまで伝わるように説明すると 「あなたならもう既にこの件に関して答えを知っているだろうし、きっと それは驚くような解決方法ではないんだろうけど、だからといって一から こちら側で全て工夫してやるのは大変で、それは避けたい。だから、 このメールを送っています」 ですね。こんな簡単な表現で、こういうニュアンスまで伝わります。
>>462 It seems to me that the temperature of the emotion of sadness remains constant without any breaks or jumps, just anticipating its future growth sure to come.
All these commentators are blind. Punching on the guard is just meaningless. Review 1R and 2R carefully and you'll see none of アーツ's punches didn't make it to the head. ホースト knocked down アーツ in 1R, giving the score of 10-8. In 2R, アーツ made many blows but no telling blow. Any damage to ホースト is caused by knee-strikes and low-kicks. I'm not surprised if ホースト won this round. In 3R, アーツ won the round, resulting in the total score of 29-28. Take this game as an example and study why this game went to extra rounds.
>>473 I'm sorry to bother you when you're busy. I would wait for your reply, so it would be appreciated if you could send me an answer as soon as possible.
>>478 You are the notorious no-brain kid, aren't you? Can you say you have advance a little? Show me your work. Your poor English composition! I will let you know how poor you brain is.>>471
An astronomer found that Sirius's motion is irregular, and he thought that this can only be explained by existence of a companion star which can not be seen in the eye but have Sirius felt its gravity.
>>480 >You are the notorious no-brain kid, aren't you? >Can you say you have advance a little? >Show me your work. Your poor English composition! >I will let you know how poor you brain is.>>471
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>504 Stars move in oval shaped orbits. >>506 Thank you for your mail to let me know about the bug. I'll correct it in the next version release. Thank you again and hope you continue to enjoy my page. >>507 I have to stay at home tonight in order to receive a parcel.
>>510 The following mail is the last one I've got from you. I've got no confirmation mail and I haven't received what I bought either. Please check and write back.
>>515 Like Pika-chu, well, you know, words like "you're cute!" won't annoy me much. Like Pika-chu, well, you know, held by a girl won't bother me much.
>>516 We don't need Japanese English teachers in our public education system. More to be precise they do more harm than benefit to the public.
Please!! Some japanese person that can translate this lyrics to English!!! I love this song and I would like (and many people here) to know what the song is about!!
>>534 「一緒に写真を撮って下さい」 Could you pose with me, please? 「あなたの写真を撮らせて下さい」 May I take your picture? 「ずっと会いたかったです」 I've been wanting to see you. 「サインしてもらえますか?」 May I have your autograph? 「また会いに来ます」 I'll come see you again.
Noriko is always a generous benefactor of drug to anybody.(笑) I am sacred of the idea that I must go to Canada alone.(笑) That is because you will not be with me who is poor in English.(笑) Noriko always had drugs ready to treat.(笑)
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
【英作/自分にできる範囲でやってみました。】 I got injured when I did bad ukemi. I bruised and swift my left foot! It takes 2 weeks to recover. So I can't practice for 2 weeks. When will John leave from Tokyo?
>>562 I got injured when I was thrown over. As I tried to do the ukemi, the upper part of my foot hit the floor instead of the tatami mat. As it got bruised and swollen, I couldn't walk nor practice for 2 weeks until it got better. By the way, when will John be leaving Tokyo?
>>567 I have to give my staying address in the States both in ESTA and at the automatic check-in counter in Narita airport. If you don't contact me by OO o'clock, due to procedural reasons I will have to cancel the visit.
>>573 The medical check report is now available. It says the inspection results are quite okay at every check point. My brother has no dependable acquaintances except you, so I can't relieve myself from misgiving because I have had no contact from him.
>>578 I will be visiting Las Vegas this October. Would you be able to send the items to the hotel I will be staying, or your shop at Las Vegas, if I order today?
Chikuwa-furai-kun is SOOOOOO cute!!! Chikuwa-furai(a hollow cylinder of fried fish paste) is in the 2nd year student at junior high school and is one of the deejays who comes on an internet radio "Skypeで知らない人・国に安価で突撃リレーラジオ417". I LOOOOVE his cute voice. He is likely to be said kawaii from classmate guys XD
>>610 10月12日以降ラスベガスの店舗で8個35ドルなどのセールの予定はありますか? Is there any chance of a sale being held at your Las Vegas store after October 12? Something like a '8 for 35 dollars' sale?
>>606 なぜ私がこのtopicを選んだのかというと、DISNEYはあなたが嫌な事があったり、 困難にぶつかった時に、きっとあなたを助けてくれると思ったからです。 Why did I choose this topic? That is because I believe Disney will surely help you whenever you are trapped in unfavorable situations or difficulties.
>>606 I was very much moved when I watched Cinderella of Disney move. She worked very hard and finally married to a wonderful prince with the help of tender fairy godmother, while teasing by sinuous step-mother or her daughters. She is always positive, tender, determined and fascinating. I learned from this story a lesson that one who keeps working will be rewarded in the end.
私はDisneyの音楽が大好きです。 毎年、コンサートに行く程で、家にはDisneyのCDが溢れています。 Disneyの音楽を聴くと、自然と落ち着いて、心がやさしくなれるように思います。そして、Disney landにいる気分にもなれて、楽しくなってきますよ。 中でも私はLittle Marmeid の Part of your worldとSplash mountainで使われている Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dahが大好きです。是非聞いてみて下さい。
グループに別れて英語で短い劇?をすることになったんですがダブルエンジンの「惚れてまうやろー」ってどう訳したら良いですか? 別スレで I shall fall in love with you!!!!!! Don't be sooooooooooooo attractive! と訳してもらったんですが、揉めてる?みたいで確信がもてません。 お願いします。
>>625 私はDisneyの音楽が大好きです。 毎年、コンサートに行く程で、家にはDisneyのCDが溢れています。 Disneyの音楽を聴くと、自然と落ち着いて、心がやさしくなれるように思います。そして、Disney landにいる気分にもなれて、楽しくなってきますよ。 中でも私はLittle Marmeid の Part of your worldとSplash mountainで使われている Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dahが大好きです。是非聞いてみて下さい。
I like Disney music very much. I attend concerts every year, so I have many CD of Disney in my house. Hearing Disney music spontaneously make me calm and tender. And I feel happy as if I lived in Dislney land. Especially I like best Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah appearing in "Part of your world and Spanish moutain" of Little marmeid. I sincerely recommend you to listen to them.
>>628 The foreigner looked in trouble so I decided to talk to him. And hey presto, he understood my English! That was my most thrilling and delightful experience I've ever had in my life.
>I like Disney music very much. >I attend concerts every year, so I have many CD of Disney in my house. >Hearing Disney music spontaneously make me calm and tender. And I feel happy as if I lived in Dislney land. >Especially I like best Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah appearing in "Part of your world and Spanish moutain" of Little marmeid. >I sincerely recommend you to listen to them.>>625
>Are you exultingly ejaculating with this kind of foolish translated trance? >Your youth of manhood is finished. WWWW>>635
>I have developed a sympathy percolated through sorrow in my mind.>>636
>>675 PostBack is the bringing back of the process to the server due to an event in the web form (Submit in the Form). Such an event is raised mainly by the user's operation on the page, like clicking on a button or selecting an item from a list. Although the page is reloaded on PostBack, the ViewState mechanism make it possible to keep the states of the controls on the page. (Note that HTTP is a stateless protocol. On each page request, all the information is discarded and an entirely new page is created.)
I am writing regarding my remote controller for a car-park gate. I experienced the following problem in my remote. It didn't work properly when I tried opening a gate. I had to push a switch again and again to open it. In addition, the other day, a car-park gate system in our apartment broke down. And technicians came to fix the system. They tried re-programing my remote but it didn't work out. They told me my remote seemed to have a problem. I believe the best solution to resolve this problem is to repair my remote or replace it with a new one. I would appreciate it if you would take care o my problem.
>>700 先人たちが滅茶苦茶に傷つきながら築き上げた平和の中で 魂を汚さぬように鍛えながらロマンチックな大人になる。 Going to be a matured individual with a romantic mind by disciplining myself not to dishonor myself in peace time which our forefathers earned with a terrible sacrifice.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
X Going to be a matured individual with a romantic mind X by disciplining myself not to dishonor myself X in peace time which our forefathers earned with a terrible sacrifice.
>X Going to be a matured individual with a romantic mind >X by disciplining myself not to dishonor myself >X in peace time which our forefathers earned with a terrible sacrifice.
Living in the peace that our predecessors have built with an incredible amount of pain and sacrifice, I want to train myself and polish my mind to become a down-to-earth adult who has a romantic heart.
>>747 He told me that his mother kindly forwarded to his address the card that I had sent to him. I am very thankful for that. Please give my best regards to his mother.
>>773 A week ago, the general election was held, and the Democratic Party made an overwhelming victory as I expected. Japanese people are all looking foward to the future of the politics of our country. However, there is an anxiety over a question whether the Prime Minister Hatoyama can endure the hard work of staying in the leadership, since he is a fairly innocent man from a good family.
>>800 Either annual school festival or sport festival will be held. We have no idea which one will be held, but in either case, we are looking forward to joining festival.
Okay, OK! You are surely excellent in English, maybe better than native speaker. However I hope you know we are supposed to be excellent in English and evaluated to be best. So would you mind getting away from here.
>>856 sorry to bother you, but could you change the black part shown in the picture? If impossible due to the restriction of the part, I will give up my request.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>868 Japan was cautious about the prevalence of communism then, and was also fearing that Russia would go down southward. China was already weakened at that time and it was only a matter of time that the whole country would be devoured. So therefore, the Japanese-Sino War took place to establish the independence of Korea, which was China's tributary nation. From Russia's standpoint too, getting an ice-free harbor, which never gets frozen throughout the year, was needed. Every country has its own unavoidable circumstances.
>>891 I went to the Summer Sonic Festival with a friend in my summer vacation. It's a large rock festival that lots of famous artists get together from overseas.
>>899 hearを使う対象であればunheardで良いかもしれない。こういう例文がネットにあった↓ >And it will freeze up if I try and move it back to the end of the podcast to try and >avoid the issue where a podcast will get marked as unheard all over again.
>>897 I am sorry, but I would like to cancel the order because the shipping cost is more expensive than expected. I hope this is not trouble. Thank you.
>>898 Please issue an invoice of the total amount of A and B.
>>915 I'm learning English so I'm looking for someone who could have language exchange with me. >>916 Some of my family have gotten the swine flu. I'm seriously worried about their health conditions. For now, I will pay attention not to get myself infected wearing a mask.
>>917 You're right. Cabuki-cho is a red-light district. Many drug dealers and Korean and Chinese mafia groups are lurking there. It's too dangerous a place to hang around alone even for a man. I also think that Caucasian people would rather stand out. And yet, Cabuki-cho can be much safer compared to other similar towns in foreign countries. >>919 可笑しいと思うなら、何が違うのか指摘してみな。
>>915 I'm studying English now, so I'd love to teach each other English and Japanese. >>916 My family members have been infected with the flu. I'm quite worried and wondering if I will catch it from them too. I will make it a habit to wear a musk from tommorow.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
「ごめんなさい。喋れないの」 I cannot speak well. ごめんなさい(残念だ)と言ってから英語をしゃべると皮肉に聞こえる。
「英語が喋れるようになりたいから、勉強するつもり」 I wish I could speak well. So, I want to learn it. 相手が異性の場合、じゃ私が教えてあげようかとなる恐れがある。 本当に学ぶつもりがないなら言わないこと。しばらく経っても上達していないと口だけの人かと思われる。
マニュアル的な事は覚えて喋るつもりなので、英語少しは出来るのでは?と聞かれた時に 「喋れないけど、簡単な言葉だけは覚えているだけよ^^」 I know only a couple of easy phrases.
「喋れなくてごめんね」 I wish I could speak English. 英語が話せたらなあという意味。謝る必要はない。
「英語が使えないから言葉が上手く伝わらないかも…」 I'm afraid that my poor English may confuse you.