Yet against the existence,and possible growth, of economic and social inequality in Britain must be set the growth of parliamentary democracy and the gradual, but almost continuous,growth of civic and political rights.
Yet against the existence,and possible growth, of economic and social inequality in Britain must be set the growth of parliamentary democracy and the gradual, but almost continuous,growth of civic and political rights.
set A against B はagainstに 1 対抗の意味合いを持たせるか、 2 単に比較の対象をあらわすか によって以下の2つの解釈が可能。 1 AをBに対抗させる 2 AをBの歩調に合わせる よって1・2の各々に沿った和訳をした。 (1)英国において現に存在し将来増大するかもしれない経済的・社会的不平等に対抗して 市民生活及び政治活動に関する権利の漸進的 - しかしながらほぼ間断無き - 拡充がなされねばならない。 (2)英国において現に存在し将来増大するかもしれない経済的・社会的不平等に歩調を合わせて 市民生活及び政治活動に関する権利の漸進的 - しかしながらほぼ間断無き - 拡充がなされねばならない。
>>65 OALD day 2[U]the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening :The sun was shining all day.I could sit and watch the river all day long. He works at night and sleeps during the day.Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.
>>91 We've seen enough of your musturbations, you moron! Haven't gone out for a while, have you? Go to a lunatic asylum AT ONCE, and don't come back. The doctors wouldn't let you, anyway. You're hopeless. That rotten poopish stuff in your skull is not fit enough for a normal social life!
しかしif not lessでたたかれたの、よっぽど悔しかったんだろうな、こっちはすっかり忘れていたよ。 このスレで間抜けなコメント出すのだけが生き甲斐なのにあそこまでやられてはな。
>>111 その文は I received a letter. + A letter was written in English. という形で出来上がってる。 A letter was wrote in English.という文は be動詞+過去形となっているので、 文法上あり得ないのは分かりますよね。
>>128 Hmm...There seems to me something that make me hesitate to answer you at once, - whethet this feeling come from the bottom of human existence or from something celestrial -, but I would like to try to indicate what you struggle to know; just around the corner.
For a small speech community, the Internet therefore offers a linguistic lifeline, which makes it possible for distant members to keep in touch with each other through e-mails and chat-rooms, and through websites giving their language a world presence which it would have been impossible to achieve using traditional media, such as broadcasting or the press.
>>132 少数言語のsurvivalについて書いてあります。 For a small speech community, the Internet therefore offers a linguistic lifeline, which makes it possible for distant members to keep in touch with each other through e-mails and chat-rooms, and through websites giving their language a world presence which it would have been impossible to achieve using traditional media, such as broadcasting or the press. それゆえインターネットは、少数言語集団(その言語の話し手が少数の集団)に言語的なライフラインを提供するのである。 そのライフラインは(その言語集団の)離れて暮らす成員がe-mailやチャットルームを通して、 また、彼らのの言語に全世界的な存在感を与えることにとって相互に連絡を取り合うことを可能にする。 このようなことは放送や出版のような伝統的なメディアを用いては達成不可能であっただろう。
>>132 For a small speech community, the Internet therefore offers a linguistic lifeline, which makes it possible for distant members to keep in touch with each other through e-mails and chat-rooms, and through websites giving their language a world presence which it would have been impossible to achieve using traditional media, such as broadcasting or the press. それゆえインターネットは、少数言語集団(その言語の話し手が少数の集団)に言語的なライフラインを提供するのであり、 そのライフラインは(その言語集団の)離れて暮らす成員がe-mailやチャットルーム、そしてウエブサイト を通して、相互に連絡を取り合うことを可能にし、そのことによって放送や出版のような伝統的なメディアを用いては 達成不可能と思われる世界的な存在感をその言語にもたらすのである。
>>135の修正案 >>132 For a small speech community, the Internet therefore offers a linguistic lifeline, which makes it possible for distant members to keep in touch with each other through e-mails and chat-rooms, and through websites giving their language a world presence which it would have been impossible to achieve using traditional media, such as broadcasting or the press. それゆえインターネットは、小さな言語共同体に言語的な生命線を提供するのである。 それによって離れて暮らす成員がe-mailやチャットルームを通して、 また、放送や出版のような伝統的な媒体では達成できなかったような 全世界的な存在感を彼らの言語に与えるようなウェブサイトを通じて 相互に連絡を取り合うことが可能になるのである。
any activity, if done in a concentrated manner makes us more awake, while every unconcentrated activity makes us more sleepy and, at the same time, makes it difficult to fall asleep at the end of the day.
>>161 if done=if it is done any activity, if done in a concentrated manner makes us more awake, while every unconcentrated activity makes us more sleepy and, at the same time, makes it difficult to fall asleep at the end of the day. どんな活動でも、集中した仕方で(=精神集中して)なされたならば我々の覚醒感を増す(=気持ちが通常よりしゃきっとする)。 いっぽう、いかなる活動も散漫な仕方でなされれば我々の眠気を増し、 それと同時に、一日の終わりには眠りにつくことを困難にさせる。
Some of us, at least, have often wished that it were possible to live for a season in the beautiful vanished world or Greek culture.
Inspired by our first acquaintance with the charm of Greek art and thought,
this wish comes to us even before we are capable of imagining the true conditions of the antique civilization.
If the wish could be realized, we should certainly find it impossible to accommodate ourselves to those conditions ―
not so much because of the difficuljy of learning the environment, as because of the much greater difficulty of feeling just as people used to feel some thirty centuries ago.
>>171 他の文法書にも明記してあるが、ロイヤルから引用しておく。 whichの用法 人にも物にも用いる。whoやwhatと違って、はっきりと決まった範囲から「どちら」「どれ」 と尋ねるのに用いる。 Which is younger, Bill or John?(ビルとジョンとどっちが若いの?) *このような場合、「人」をさしているためにwhoを用いることもある。
「こともある」だからね。Which of the three girls 〜みたいな例はwhoは使えないしね。
because of the difficuljy of learning the environment, as because of the much greater difficulty of feeling just as people used to feel some thirty centuries ago.
because feeling just as people used to feel some thirty centuries ago ( ) much ( )( )
>>188 I ( can)(not )( figure)(out )(any )(of ) those directions. I (can )(not )(understand )(a )(fraction)(of ) those directions. I (am)( not)(clever )(enough )(to )(understand ) those directions. その説明書の意味がさっぱりわかりません。
As the escalator passenger ascends, nearing the ceiling, each passing floor takes on the appearance of a city observed from the air, or represented by a map. という文の日本語訳なんですが、構造がさっぱりです 前文は、 エスカレーターよりエレベーターのほうが早くいいんじゃね? →けどエスカレーターの目的は物語的なことで、小説の筋をだんだんと発展させていくように?現れる(この辺もややイミフ) 小さなヒントでもいいので教えてはもらえないでしょうか
>>228 ( In the ) 16th century, ( it was thought ) that a compass needle ( pointed ) north ( because→because of ) sine mysterious influence of the stars.
Tom ( had ) ( scarcely ) got home ( since→before ) ( it began ) to rain.
( Take ) approximately 60 mg ( up to ) four times a day, unless ( not→× ) advised ( otherwise ) by a doctor.
( She sat by the fire ) ( drinking a cup of coffee ) ( during the children→while the children ) ( watched a program about elephants ) ( on the television ).
There was hardly ever any real fulfillment of hopes but at least the act of going out brought with it a possibility and that was something to fight for.
>>252 There was hardly ever any real fulfillment of hopes but at least the act of going out brought with it a possibility and that was something to fight for. 希望が実現することは今までほどんど無かった、しかし少なくとも外に打って出れば それにともなって(なんらかの)可能性が生じたし、可能性というものは、そのために戦う価値があるものだ。
>>252 There was hardly ever any real fulfillment of hopes but at least, the act of [ going out ] brought with it a possibility and that was something [ to fight for ].
Politics was obliged to respond to urban growth, changing patterns of population and the appearance of a large middle class and an even larger working class. Britain's superior position lasted until other countries, with larger populations and resources, became industrialized.
We learn the names <for things> <in our world of experience >, the words (that help us think and communicate those thoughts) , <from others around us>. 私たちは私たちの世界における経験から事物に対する名前を学び、また私たちのまわりにいる第3者から、ものを考えたりまたそれを伝達することを助けてくれる言語を学ぶ
これの訳教えてくれませんか?教科書のなんですが、テストに出るらしいです Having become accstomed to the convenience of the media, we often fail to check the truth of what we see or read. However,we need to remember that the information we receive is controlled. Suppose you made a report on a soccer game in which your school team would probably focus on your team, even if they lost the game. In this way you would be controlling and presenting information based on your viewpoint. Similarly,the news you read or watch is carefully contolled by the editors.Compare the same piece of news in three or four major newspapers. You will often find that the same story is reported differently in each one.Among the information in news reports,pictures have an import role. We tend to believe that what is presented in a photo is real.However,photos can be edited depending on the intention of the editor.
[ Having become accstomed to the convenience of the media ], we often fail [ to check the truth of [ what we see or read ] ]. However, we need to remember [ that the information [ we receive ] is controlled ]. Suppose [ you made a report on a soccer game [ in which your school team played ] ]. You would probably focus on your team, [ even if they lost the game ]. In this way, you would be controlling and presenting information [ based on your viewpoint ]. Similarly,the news [ you read or watch ] is carefully contolled by the editors. Compare the same piece of news in three or four major newspapers. You will often find [ that the same story is reported differently in each one ]. Among the information in news reports, pictures have an import role. We tend [ to believe [ that [ what is presented in a photo ] is real ] ]. However, photos can be edited [ depending on the intention of the editor ].
The Work of the Holy Spirit 5 “But now I am going away to the One [ who sent me ], and not one of you is asking [ where I am going ]. 6 Instead, you grieve because of [ what I’ve told you ]. 7 But in fact, it is best for you [ that I go away ], [ because [ if I don’t ], the Advocate won’t come ]. [ If I do go away ], then I will send him to you. 8 And [ when he comes ], he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the [ coming ] judgment. 9 The world’s sin is [ that it refuses [ to believe in me ] ]. 10 Righteousness is available [ because I go to the Father], and you will see me no more. 11 Judgment will come [ because the ruler of this world has already been judged ]. 12 “There is so much more [ I want to tell you ], but you can’t bear it now. 13 [ When the Spirit of truth comes ], he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you [ what he has heard ]. He will tell you about the future. 14 He will bring me glory by [ telling you [ whatever he receives from me ] ]. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is [ why I said ], ‘The Spirit will tell you [ whatever he receives from me].’
9 The world’s sin is [ that it refuses [ to believe in me ] ]. 10 Righteousness is available [ because I go to the Father], and you will see me no more. 11 Judgment will come [ because the ruler of this world has already been judged ]. 12 “There is so much more [ I want to tell you ], but you can’t bear it now. 13 [ When the Spirit of truth comes ], he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you [ what he has heard ]. He will tell you about the future. 14 He will bring me glory by [ telling you [ whatever he receives from me ] ]. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is [ why I said ], ‘The Spirit will tell you [ whatever he receives from me].’
To the Japanese, a "foreign culture" has always represented something elegant and superior to their own, a pleasant ornament to wear, a useful accessory to adopt. Since it was never forced on them by foreign invaders, they felt that they could choose to accept or reject as they pleased. As a result, they have developed a certain attitude toward things foreign, an attitude that gives varying impressions to outsiders. The ease with which they adopt foreign customs while abandoning their own, irrespective of whetherwhat is abandon is worth preserving, gives the impression that they are terribly naive and careless about their destiny. The rapidity with which they can give up what was recently adopted suggests their coolness in dealing with foreign cultures ―――a coolness that seems to hide beneath the exterior of change the constancy of their own culture.
何よりもうれしかったのは この人たちが健康そうで思いのほかほがらかだったことだ。 What pleased me most was the fact that these peeple were healthy and more laughing than I had expected (them to be).
An investigation would disrupt the intelligence services━but less than lengthy court battles, which would fail to stop revelations yet still leave a suspiction that wrongdoing remains hidden.
>>405 あの人は見かけほど年をとってません He/Sheis not so old as he/she looks. テレビが出始めたころ今より品も悪く値段も高かった When televisions appeared for the first time, they were of lower quality and more expensive than (they are) today.
>>407 An investigation would disrupt the intelligence services━ but (would disrupt) less than lengthy court battles, [ which would fail [ to stop revelations
yet would still leave a suspiction [ that wrong-doing remains hidden ] ] ].
>>440 He played [ what most people would think was a difficult role ]. は He played. Most people would think. It was a difficult role. の3つの文をを1つにした物と考えるということだと思います。
In point of historical fact,however,the notion of human equality is of recent growth,and so far from being a directly apprehended and necessary truth,is a conclusion logically drawn from pre-existing metaphysical assumptions.
>>450 In point of historical fact, however, the notion of human equality is of recent growth,
and so far from [ being a directly [ apprehended ] and necessary truth ], is a conclusion [ logically drawn from pre-[ existing ] metaphysical assumptions ].
All human communities have involved animals. Those present in them always include some dogs, with which our association seems to be an incredibly ancient one.
The transportation cost to site as well as the customs duties and taxes at the entry in the country of final destination will be paid by the final customer but only once for one complete shipment of all equipment.
原文は All human communities have involved animals. Those present in them alway include, for a start, some dogs, with whom our association seems to be an incredibly ancinet one. Eugene C. Hargroveの"The Animal rights, environmental ethics debate"
>>494 do the crap out of で、ウンコ漏らすくらい〜する、という強調の熟語。 は知ってるんですが この熟語はどうしてこういう意味になるのでしょうか beat the crap out of me scare the crap out of me のthe crap out ofの部分を大いに、非常にと訳すということですよね? しかし、直訳すると 私から出た糞をぶったたく 私から出た糞をびびらせる とならないのでしょうか? 何故大いに、非常にといった訳に跳躍するのかわかりません。 なのでその辺りをわかる方お願いします。
>>471 All human communities have involved animals. Those (=the animals) present in them (=human communities) always include some dogs, with which our association seems to be an incredibly ancient one. 全ての人間の共同体(or人間社会)は(その中に)動物を包み込んできた(=動物を飼って共に暮らしてきた)。 人間社会の中にいる動物達の中には常に幾匹かの犬がおり それらの犬との我々(人類の)付き合いは驚くほど古くからのものと思われる。
283 :280:2009/08/07(金) 22:22:18 >>279 In large urban centers the sense of community,if it ever existed at all, has deteriorated to such an extent that many people don't konw their neighbors'names. 大都市中心部における共同体感覚(=連帯感)は、そんなものがかつてあったとしてのの話だが、 いまや非常に劣化したので多くの人々が隣人の名すら知らぬ。 「秋深し隣は何をする人ぞ」芭蕉翁
This means that all such costs due to the separate shipments of forgotten or replacement material or equipment will be charged to the vendors account independently of the shipping tern of order(DDP).
>>534 This means that all such costs due to the separate shipments of forgotten or replacement material or equipment will be charged to the vendors account independently of the shipping tern of order(DDP). このことは次のことを意味する。 出し忘れ/修理用の原料〔材料〕 / 機材の(本便とは)別個の郵送等による費用は 注文表とは別に売り手の口座に振り込まれなくてはならない。
>>552 解釈 Naturally, it has a furlined interior(interiorにaがついているので、upholstery込みで一つのまとまりと捉えている。 だから、interior全体がfurlinedであることが分かる) with luxurious upholstery that(先行詞は やはり直近のupholstery) matches the gingerstripe(gingerは色のことだから赤毛) exterior.
>>473 The transportation cost to site as well as the customs duties and taxes at the entry in the country of final destination will be paid by the final customer but only once for one complete shipment of all equipment. cost to 〜は「〜が支払わなければならない費用」 最終目的地の国への入国でかかる関税、租税などの税金だけでなくサイトが負担した送料も 最終消費者(購入者)が支払うこととなりますが、全部の装置を完全に一度で船積みしますので、 一度だけの支払いとなります。
父は私に夜間外出をさせてくれない という英作の問題で、私は My father doesn't allowed me to go out at night. としたのですが、解答は My father doesn't let me go out at night. となっています。 解答を見てははーっと納得はしたのですが、私の回答だとだめでしょうか
<<615これ訳してみ。 Cleopatra Ptolomaei regis Aegyptiorum filia, a fratre suo Ptolomaeo eodemque marito, quem fraudare regno uoluerat, pulsa ad Caesarem bello ciuili in Alexandriam uenit
>>623簡単。 What beverages is so common that it is almost always for granted, yet so special that some cultures believe it has mystical qualities? ほとんどいつも当たり前の存在とみなされていて だがいっぽう、幾つかの文化(圏)に於いて、 神秘的な性質があると信じられているほどに特別な飲み物はなにか?
修正 What beverages is so common that it is almost always for granted, yet so special that some cultures believe it has mystical qualities? ほとんどいつも当たり前の存在とみなされるほどにありふれていて だが同時に非常に特別なので、幾つかの文化圏では それが神秘的な性質を持つと信じられている飲み物は何か?
5.1 Data collation Current market prices of major components of a 600 kW wind turbine, including 【transportation cost to site】, were obtained from manufacturers. Labour requirements for replacements of these components as well as the access costs were obtained from the collaborating wind farm operator (see table 3).
>>534 This means that all such costs due to the separate shipments of forgotten or replacement material or equipment will be charged to the vendors account independently of the shipping term of order(DDP).
>>680 @Violence is one thing [ that people feel the need of ]. 暴力は人間が必要と感じるもののひとつである AViolence is one thing [ which people feel the need of ]. BViolence is one thing. CPeople feel the need of a thing. DViolence is one thing [ people feel the need of which ]. 始めにBとCの文があります。CをBのone thingに繋ぎます。 CをBのone thingのすぐ後ろに置きます。 Cの中でone thingと同じ物を指す言葉を関係代名詞に変えてDにします。 関係代名詞を従属節の先頭に出してAにします。 関係代名詞の代わりに@のようにthatでも構いません。 この関係代名詞は主語でないので省略することも出来ます。
どちらも全然間違いではない。聞き手のイメージが、相手の好きな動物が 単数になっているか複数になっているかの違いがあるだけ。 ただ、普通は好きな動物は複数種類いるという感覚が一般的だろうから 複数が自然な感じはある。 ただし、好きと言っても、めっちゃ好きからちょっと好きまで色々ある。 だから、一番答えやすいのは、 What animal do you like the most? どの形でも間違いではないよ。だけど親切なのはこの形。
In countries such as France and the Philippines the jury system is considered necessary for ( ).It enables ordinary citizens to take part in the legal system and ensures that trials are fair and open.But there are several countries with democratic government and a free ( ) where only judges are used.In Japan and Spain, for example, it is thought that trial ( ) are too difficult and too important to be left to people without ( ) training. In answer to this ( ) of the jury system explain that jurors are asked to make decision not about law but about ( ). Their job is to decide whether each ( ) is telling the truth.To do this you don’t need legal training, just ( ). Nevertheless juries sometimes give verdicts which surprise us when we read about them in the newspapers. We wonder whether were ( ) instead of making an honest decision based on everything they heard. But we cannot know just how they decided.
1 democracy 2 fact 3 prejudiced 4 press 5 legal 6 witness 7 common sense 8 supporters 9 verdicts
Furthermore when Joe asked prison guards to move him to a cell on his own or one with only non-smokers they didn’t take him seriously either. 「そのうえ、ジョーが部屋を一人部屋もしくは喫煙しない囚人だけの部屋へ移動するように看守達に頼んだときとき、 彼等もまた彼を真剣に受け止めなかった。」 という訳でいいのでしょうか?
>>760 Furthermore [ when Joe asked prison guards [ to move him to a cell on his own or one with only non-smokers ] ], they didn’t take him seriously either. 更に、ジョーが部屋を一人部屋もしくは喫煙しない囚人だけの部屋へ移動するように看守達に頼んだときとき、 彼等もまた彼の言うことを真剣に受け止めなかった。
>>742 @We are not students [ who are in this school ]. この学校の中にいる生徒ではない AWe are not students [ who study at this school ]. この学校で勉強する生徒ではない
BWe are not students [ who belong to this school ]. この学校に所属する生徒ではない Bの意味を出すなら We are not students [ who are of this school ]. We are not students [ of this school ]. となります。
If anything of that degree of complexity were found on a planet, we would have no hesitation in concluding that life existed, or had once existed, on that planet.
英作文の問題です。 メアリーが誰を愛しているという噂をあなたは信じますか? という日本語で、 Do you believe the rumor that Mary loves who? なのか、 Who do you believe the rumor that Mary loves? なのか、それとも両方違うのか、違うとしたら正しいのはどう作るのか、教えてください。 お願いしますm(._.)m
The number of non-smokers in developed countries has (increased) sharply over the last 15 years, as have legal (measures) to protect them from smoke. The US leads the trend. Back in 1980 the city of San Luis Obispo (prohibited) smoking in all public indoor areas. Most American cities ban smoking in public place, although many make (courts) for small businesses which cannot afford to build non-smoking area. There have been several suits against tobacco companies for (encouraging) a practice which harms people, but none have (succeeded) so far. In 1994 a New Jersey (divorcee) was told that her children could continue to live with her only if she limited her smoking to her bedroom. Smokers have been turning the (exceptions) too. In 1989 some prisoners in Colorado tried to argue it was cruel not to allow them to smoke. Such cases are reassuring to smokers in Japan, who still enjoy the fewest restrictions and most (smoker-friendly) government in the industrialised world.
わからないのでおねがいします according to the sample which sent in advance of the shipping. If the goods are packed,one exemplar of the packing list shall be put inside and one outside the package under plastic or metallic cover.If the goods are not packed,the packing list shall be handed over with the goods. The packing list shall be typed in English or Japanese and one original authenticated on the backside with the stamp of your Company shall anyway be sent by separate mail to EJ. EJ will give the shipping instruction before the contractual delivery date as far as preliminary packing lists are issued by supplier in conformity with instruction.
780ですが The number of non-smokers in developed countries has (increased) sharply over the last 15 years, as have legal (measures) to protect them from smoke. の部分のasの後いきなりhaveが来る理由を教えてください。お願いします
whichever you like とか、 whichever comes first とかのように すでに選択肢が提示されているときに、どちらかの選択肢を限定する文章をwhicheverのあとにつける。 そうすると、whichever I haveっていうのでは、選択肢の提示がない上に何も限定されてないから×
もし、自然な流れを考えるとすれば、 I don't remember, but I have either this book or that one. I'll give you whichever I have. という文章なら、「自分が持っている」ということで選択肢が限定されるから○
>>892 Dad was just, well, there. 父はただそこにいた。 More imposing than furniture, but almost as silent. 立派な家具よりも堂々としていたが、また家具と同じほども無口だった。 If we ever did end up getting a good scolding from him, we turned to her for comfort. 私たちがこれまで最後には父にひどく叱られることになったら、 慰めてもらうために彼女の元に向かっていた。 He would figure that out all by himself. 父はまったくの一人ぼっちでそのことを理解していたものであった。
>>883 The number of non-smokers in [ developed ] countries has increased sharply over the last 15 years, [ as legal measures [ to protect them from smoke ] have *increased ]. *を省略すると The number of non-smokers in [ developed ] countries has increased sharply over the last 15 years, [ as legal measures [ to protect them from smoke ] **have ]. **という述語が1語なので先に言ってしまって The number of non-smokers in [ developed ] countries has increased sharply over the last 15 years, [ as have legal measures [ to protect them from smoke ] ]. となったのです。 分かりやすいでしょう? すっきりするでしょう?
Many strange things are happened because of enthusiasm for sport. If the court begin to accept frivolous claims the system breaks down. The judge doubted the plaintiff would be success.
Many strange things happen because of enthusiasm for sport. If the court is to accept frivolous claims the system will break down. The judge doubted the plaintiff would win a suit. この曲の歌詞に No more sadness no more pain No more anger to more hate という歌詞があるのですが(およそ0:26・2:13・3:08付近)、 歌で聞くと私の耳ではto more hateのtoはnoにしか聞こえません おそらく文法的にもnoはありえないだろうとは思うのですが、 皆さんはどう聞こえますか?
>>925 Want to spread my wings and fly Away into the sky How I dream to be so free No more sadness no more pain No more anger no more hate How I dream to have those wings and fly into the sky If now, I could grant my wish I'd wish to have those wings Those wings just like the birds That fly up in the air So high up in the air With feathers bright and fair Nor wealth nor power can make My heart filled with such joy Want to spread my wings and fly Away into the sky How I dream to be so free No more sadness no more pain No more anger no more hate How I dream to have those wings and fly into the sky Want to spread my wings and fly Away into the sky How I dream to be so free No more sadness no more pain No more anger no more hate How I dream to have those wings and fly into the sky The sky・・・
And they have numerous allies, including farmers who want sustainable land, public health officials concerned about toxins and antibiotics in food, environmentalists who want accurate labeling of food sources on food packaging, and union leaders who safe working conditions for their members who are exposed to pesticides and chemical fertilizes. 訳せないorz お願いします。
1 farmers who want sustainable land, 2 public health officials (who)concerned about toxins and antibiotics in food, 3 environmentalists who want accurate labeling of food sources on food packaging, and 4 union leaders who (want to) safe working conditions for their members who are exposed to pesticides and chemical fertilizes.
>>902の例文自体がかなり変だが、「私はいつも自分の行きたい場所に行っています」 「私はいつも自分の行きたい場所はどこにでも行っています」 英文としてどちらの意味が自然か、現在形の習慣性を考えれば上の方の意味になりそう。 to抜きでも文法的には成り立ちそうだけど、意味的にかなり無理がある。 まあ、変な例文だから深く詮索するのも馬鹿らしいが、例えばジーニアスの例文では Come to where I stand. Go where you like. それぞれの用法で載ってるが、現在形では載っていない。 質問者がどういう意図であんな妙な例文を出したのかはわからないが、 whereverの意味でtoを取り去ると、現在形を近未来の意味に取ったとしても すごい金持ち限定の話になる。 まあ、これ以上の詮索は止めた方が良さそうだ。