The Dreamer A Dreamer thinks there is a "right" way to do things. This person wants to live in the "perfect world." A Dreamer is often hardworking and organized. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, lawyers, and in leadership roles. Famous Dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi
The Partner A Partner wants to be in a group. For this person, rules and group harmony are important. These rules keep peace in the group. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers, police officers, and politicians. Famous Partners: Queen Elizabeth ll, Mother Teresa
The Thinker For Thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to solve problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be competitive. They like to win. They are independent and often have very strong opinions. Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors, poloticians, and engineers. Famous Thinkers: Bill Gates, Socrates, Albert Einstein
The Artist Artists want to be free. They don't want to follow the rules all the time. Artists like action and are often impulsive. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. Many Artists are creative and do well as musicians, actors, fashion designers, and athletes. Famous Artists: Russell Crowe, Madonna, Lance Armstrong
>>3 The Dreamer A dreamer thinks [ there is a "right" way [ to do things ] ]. This person wants [ to live in the "perfect world ]." A dreamer is often [ hardworking ] and [ organized ]. Many are good listeners and like [ to help others ]. Many dreamers work as teachers, lawyers, and in leadership roles. Famous dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi The Partner A Partner wants [ to be in a group ]. For this person, rules and group harmony are important. These rules keep peace in the group. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers, police officers, and politicians. Famous Partners: Queen Elizabeth ll, Mother Teresa
1. Not by car but on a train could you go there faster. 2. Hadn't we had a quarrel on such a trivial matter, we would now be lving a happy life as a married couple. 3. Were it not for transitions from season to season, our life would be monotonous.
The fact that animals lose their knowledge of things as time goes by, and consequently their interest in them, accounts for their absurd behavior in many situations. They constantly interrupt one line of action to do something else, and they may come back to the first activity or forget it altogether. Human beings, on the other hand, thanks to language, are able to pursue one purpose or to act in relation to a principle or to an ideal over long periods of time.
In arguing for a conception of justice we must be sure that it is among the permitted alternatives and satisfies the stipulated formal constraints. No considerations can be advanced in its favor unless they would be rational ones for us to urge were we to lack the kind of knowledge that is excluded.
1.She is (laying,lying) a new carpet in her room. 2.I have (raised,risen) kiwi fruit for five years. 3.The noise from the snack ber (effected,affected) my work. 4.Someone (painted,wrote,drew) my face on the blackboard. 5.You had better not (tell,say,speak) ill of Ken.
He (attends, attends in, attends to) school regularly.→attends Taro will (marry, marry with, marry to) Hanako.→marry She (took, brought) her sister to my birthday party.→brought I shall have to (hire, borrow, rent) a new house next Marth.→rent
As suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. これらの数字によって示されるように、先進国と途上国の間に自動車の所有状況に大きな差がある。
ということなのですね。ありがとうございました。 As it is suggested by these figures, と考えて、asは仮主語itに掛かるのかと思いまして、自分は最終的に 「これらの数字によってitのような事が示される」 「これらの数字によって例えばitのような事が示される」 などかと思いました。
@「Queen Gets Tour of Google」 ANow, if you've googled something in the UK today, you've probably noticed a new addition. BThe Google doodle has been crowned with an image of Queen Elizabeth. CIt's to mark today's visit from the British monarch to Google's London offices. DNow, the Queen is no stranger to technology. ELast Christmas, Her Magesty launched the Royal Channel on the Google-owned video site,youtube. FAnd if you head over there a little later today, you'll be able to see more of the Queen's Google tour.
1.I [feel] it my duty to tell you the truth.不完全他動詞 2.I [think] it a great pity that he couldn't win the race.不完全他動詞 3.I forgot to [send] him a Christmas card this year.完全他動詞 4.He [seemed] happy when I last met him.不完全自動詞 5.This letter will [arrive] in Canada by this day next month.完全自動詞 6.All the students in this college are [working] hard.完全自動詞 7.I [believe] Ken will make Yumi happy.完全他動詞 8.When she saw him, she [smiled] a strange smile.??? 9.As I was tired out, I [seated] myself on the bench.完全他動詞
7.I [believe] Ken will make Yumi happy.・・・不完全他動詞 8.When she saw him, she [smiled] a strange smile.・・・不完全他動詞 9.As I was tired out, I [seated] myself on the bench.・・・不完全他動詞
>>84 エリザベス女王がgoogle.ukのオフィスを訪問したって内容でしょ。 Queen Gets Tour of Google ってのは会社見学のツアーに行ったみたいな意味だよ。 markはその見学に際してGoogle doodleが女王の王冠のデザインに変わったこと。 Her Majestyは女王陛下だよ。
>>85 1.I [feel] it my duty to tell you the truth.不完全他動詞 ○ 2.I [think] it a great pity that he couldn't win the race.不完全他動詞 ○ 3.I forgot to [send] him a Christmas card this year.完全他動詞 ○ 4.He [seemed] happy when I last met him.不完全自動詞 ○ 5.This letter will [arrive] in Canada by this day next month.完全自動詞 ○ 6.All the students in this college are [working] hard.完全自動詞 ×→不不完全自動詞 7.I [believe] Ken will make Yumi happy.完全他動詞 ○ 8.When she saw him, she [smiled] a strange smile.→完全他動詞 9.As I was tired out, I [seated] myself on the bench.完全他動詞 ○ 8は同族目的語をとる完全他動詞、9は再帰代名詞をとる完全他動詞なので 形式的には完全他動詞だが、目的語まで含めて考えると自動詞的意味合いになる。
>>87訂正 7.I [believe] Ken will make Yumi happy.・・・完全他動詞 8.When she saw him, she [smiled] a strange smile.・・・完全他動詞 9.As I was tired out, I [seated] myself on the bench.・・・完全他動詞
By resorting to repression, Beijing can easily contain the disruption in Xinjiang. Despite its xenophobic propaganda, the integrity of the People’s Republic’s territory is not under threat. But something just as important is: the harmony which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value, and without which the regime will find it harder to survive.
Philip had not been to the library before. The shelves were filled with thick books. He found nothing (was/to/likely/that/interest)him, until he came to a small section on photography.
He devotesとなって、He devotes himself to- まで出来上がり toのあとは名詞相当語句がくるから he dovotes himself to any workとなり残りはgivenだから He dovotes himself to any work given to him で意味は彼に与えられた仕事に専念するてきな感じかな?
Thomas A Edison is supposed to have parried the question of a skeptic who wanted to know what one of his fledgling inventions was good for by asking “What good is a baby?” Appearences suggest that a baby is good for very little,least of all itself. Completely helpless,absolutely dependent on the adults around it,seemingly unable to do much than kick and crawl for the greater part of nine or ten months, it would seem better off in the womb a little longer until ready a respectable debut and stretch for himself.Yet if the premature birth of human young is an accident,it is a fortunate one.No other living form has so much to learn about the external world and so little chance of preparing for it in advance. An eaglet has the pattern of its life laid out before it hatched the egg. Its long evolution has equipped it to contend with definite foes,search for definite foods,mate,and rear its young according to a definite ritual. The evolution is predictable enough to make the responses predictable too, and they are built into the genetic design. With human beings this is impossible. The main reason for its impossibility is language.
モーツァルトの話で Papa Leopold saw a sheet of “music” that the boy had been working on. という文があるのですが、この had been working on の work onの正確な意味はなんでしょうか? 辞書では、製作するor取り組む というのが近い気がするのですが、よくわかりません
All tourists cherish an illusion,of which no amount of experience can ever completely cure them;they image that they will find time,in the course of their travels,to do a lot of reading. 学校のテキストには「of+whichは文を2つに分けると良い」と書いてあるのですが、2つに分けるとどのようになりますか? また、最後の「,to do a lot of reading」の部分で (1)doは何を指すか (2)いったい,toがどこにつながってるのか がわかりません。
It is not only lovers of classical music who should worry about this trend ,however,for what's happening on the radio only mirrors what's happening in society at large
>>129 All tourists cherish an illusion.とNo amount of experience can ever completely cure them of the illusion. すべての旅人は幻想を抱いており、どれほどの旅の経験をしても完全に取り除くことはできない。 (直訳:どれほどの経験も旅人から幻想を完全に取り除くことはできない) they image that they will find time, in the course of their travels, to do a lot of reading. ペアコンマがあれば挿入。つまりin the course of their travelsが挿入。 だからto doは不定詞の形容詞用法でtimeにかかる。 >そして彼らは、旅程の中で読書をたっぷりする時間をとれるような想像をする doの目的語がa lot of reading
>>132 It is not only lovers of classical music who should worry about this trend ,however,for what's happening on the radio only mirrors what's happening in society at large しかしながらこの風潮を心配しているのはクラシック音楽の愛好者だけではない。 というのは、ラジオで起こっていることは社会一般で起こっていることを鏡のように 映し出しているにすぎないのだから。
Whatever the learned say about a book,however unanimous they are in their praise of it,unless it interests you it is no business of you. (自分の訳)学者達が、ある本に関することについて何と言おうと、(however節がよく分かりません)、あなたがおもしろいと思わない限り、それはあなたに意味のない本だ。
>>152 Whatever the learned say about a book→修飾節 however unanimous they are in their praise of it→修飾節 unless it interests you→修飾節 it(S) is(V) no business of you(C). →主節
that day,the gate,closed,remained その日は門は閉まったままでした foreign,people,some,looked, disapponted 数人の外国人ががっかりしているようすでした I spoke to them in English, and I was able to(understood,myself,make) 私が彼らに英語で話しかけたところ、英語が通じた
宿題で分からない問題があったのでよろしくお願いします 各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように()に適語をいれなさい 1)A) I said to the boy, "What are you looking for?" B) I ( ) the boy what ( ) ( ) looking for 2)A) Mr.Johnson said to the students, "Do you remember my promise?" B) Mr.Johnson ( ) the students ( ) ( ) ( ) his promise
>>179 1)A) I said to the boy, "What are you looking for?" B) I (asked) the boy what (he) (was) looking for 2)A) Mr.Johnson said to the students, "Do you remember my promise?" B) Mr.Johnson (asked) the students (whether) (they) (remembered) his promise
・A great many Americans, who had never paid much attention to Japan, were required to take notice when the war came.
・Violation of the rights of others was the last thing he would do.
・A brave man is not the man who never fears,for there is no such a man;he is the man who reacts against fear. And the difference between braveman and a coward is simply this, that the one does, and the other does not, react.
It was Schopenhauer who first said that all arts aspire to the condition of music; that remark has often been repeated, and has been the cause of a good deal of misunderstanding, but it does express an important truth. 翻訳お願いします。
>>215 間違ってるかもしれないけど、感じることを書いてみる。 after I graduate from college, i will study english in canada. なら現在形じゃないか、といってもこの現在形は未来のこと言ってるけど・・。 事実としてそうなるって事じゃないかな。決まり事。 i will study english in canada after I graduated from college. なら過去形じゃないか。
>>227 俺はハートで感じる英文法シリーズで勉強したけど 中高生の受験英語用だと微妙かもしれない。 要は話し手の視点が発話したとき何処にあるのかそこから見て過去なのかって事だけど、 日本語でも普通に"君はした方がよかったと思うだろうよ。"みたいに 未来のことだけど過去形使ってるんだよ・・。 you will be glad you did 大西先生が大学受験用の本書いてるらしいからそれに期待してもいいかもね。 まぁ参考程度に・・。
>>231 これは時云々の副詞節じゃないだろ・・。 あれもただ単にその場(時)に意識が飛んでる、だからその場の現在形が使われる。 意識の上ではそうとしか使われていないよ。 call me as soon as you get the newsとかでしょ。 しかもその副詞節でwillやbe going toだってその ニュアンスを加えたければ使うことが出来る。 まぁこれは学校英文法では範囲外かも知れないけど・・。 if you are not going to eat that cake,i will have it!
>>227 >>230の補足になるけど、例えば ・Can you help me? ・Could you help me? 違いは丁寧さなのはわかるかな? それは、過去形にすることによって距離感を出してるの。
同じように ・If you are more honest, she will be happy. (もしあなたがもっと親切なら、彼女は幸せになるでしょう。) ・If you were more honest, she would be happy. (もしあなたがもっと親切だったら、彼女はしあわせだっただろうに。) と、なります。 この2つの文は共に現在の事をいってるけど、内容が違います。距離感の違いわかるかな? 上の文のようにこれから現実に起こることは現在形となってます。 下の文は現在についてだけど、過去を振り返りながら言っているので過去形が使われています。
だからafter I graduate from collegeは、現実に起こりえることを言ってるので現在形を使用します。
The truth is politicians are not all that different from the rest of us.
The truth is that の"that"は同格接続詞なんで省略不可ですよね だとすると The truth that の間に politicians are not が入った文になると思うんですけど これはなぜなんでしょう? >>220さんの説明だと "that"は different をうけれる指示代名詞ってことですよね?
>The truth that 〜 の同格のthat省略できますか? 言っている意味がよくわかりませんが、 The truth is that〜のthatなら省略可能です。
>あとall thatのthatは代名詞ということですか? ここでは代名詞ではなく副詞として使われています。ほとんどsoと同じと考えてください。 all は副次的(多分、強調の働き)についているだけで、省略できます。 he is not that stupid. 彼はそれほど馬鹿ではない。 is he that desperate for money. 彼はそんなに金に困っているの? thatをsoに置き換えれば理解できると思います。
・The dog's attempts to climb the tree after the cat came to nothing.
・Children frequently refuese to follow instructions for no other reason than that they have been told to do a certain thing. It is one way for a child to prove to himself that he is somewhat independent.
・You never disclose your own character so distinctly as when you discribe others'.
・Tom must be looking forward as much to Mary's return as she is herself to his.
・The dog's attempts to climb the tree after the cat came to nothing. 猫に続いて樹に登ろうとした犬の試みは無駄だった。 ・Children frequently refuese to follow instructions for no other reason than that they have been told to do a certain thing. It is one way for a child to prove to himself that he is somewhat independent. 子供たちはしばしば、そうしろと言われた、というまさにそれゆえに指示に従うことを拒むことがある。 これは子供達が自分はある程度は独立しているんだ、ということを自分自身に対して証明するための方法の一つである。 ・You never disclose your own character so distinctly as when you discribe others'. あなたは他人を描写(説明)しているときほどあなた自身の正確ををはっきりと明かしてしまっていることはない。 ・Tom must be looking forward as much to Mary's return as she is herself to his. トムはマリーの帰りを、マリーが彼の帰りを待ってるのと同じくらいに楽しみに待っている。
>>257 どこで文章切れるかわかってないんじゃないの? それがわかったら、とても簡単。 Children frequently refuese to follow instruction(子供達はしばしば指示に従うことを拒否する) /for no other reason than that(that以下の理由以外のなにものでもなく) /they have been told to do a certain thing(そうしろと言われた)
The term "artifitial selection" is often used to describe the domestication process whereby humans select certain individuals for breeding and not otheres based on the presence of desired traits.
The term "artifitial selection" is often used [ to describe the domestication process [ whereby humans select certain individuals for [ breeding ] ] 人為的選択という用語は、 人間が一定の個体を繁殖のために選ぶという家畜化を進めることを指してよく使われます。
and not others [ based on the presence of [ desired ] traits ]. 望ましい特徴を持っていることに基づいて他の物を選ぶのではなく、
>>255 The dog's attempts [ to climb the tree after the cat ] came to nothing.
Children frequently refuse [ to follow instructions for no other reason [ than (the reason) [ that they have been told [ to do a certain thing ] ] ]. 子供達は、あることをやるように言われているというだけの理由で 指示に従うことを拒むことをよくやる
It is one way [ for a child to prove to himself [ that he is somewhat independent ] ]. それは、子供が自分は自立しているんだと自分に言い聞かせる1つのやり方である。
You never disclose your own character so distinctly [ as (you do) [ when you discribe others' ]. あなたは他人を性格を言って暴いているいる時ほどに 自分自身の性格をはっきりと暴くことはない。
Tom must be looking forward as much to Mary's return [ as she is herself to his ]. トムは、メアリがトムの帰りを待ち望んでいるのと同じくらいに、メアリの帰りを待ち望んでいるに違いない。
Regardless of its length, the symphony was meant to be heard as a unified piece of music, not sliced into small portions and served as party food. →その長さにもかかわらず、その交響曲は短く区切られず、統一された音楽の一部として、そして会合の食べ物として聴かれるつもりであった
Since life is a constant rush these days, maybe the radio stations are right to take a work of 40 minutes and cut it to 10, fiving you time to catch a quick listen before moving on to the next big thing in your day. →この頃、わたしたちの生活は絶え間なく続いているので、ラジオ局は・・・
"Speed kills." That used to refer to the dangers of driving too fast. Now it refer to the unhealthy pace at which we live our lives, compelled by modern technology into filling out waking hours with as much as we can. →「スピードは命取り」これはものすごい速さで運転することの危険性を言及するために使われている。 今では、この言葉は私たちの生活面での不健康な状態を言及し、最近の科学技術が無理やり労働時間の〜 私たちができる限り(?)
It concluded that technology is speeding things up to the point where, paradocically, everything is slowing down. →それは科学技術が、あらゆるものが減速していく地点にまで速度を上げている意味を含む
>>283 [ If all other industries can follow this example and make [ their activities more sustainable ] ], 他の産業がみんなこの例にならって、自分達の取り組みをもっと持続させるならば、 we can preserve the environment for future generations. 私達は未来の世代達のために環境を守り続けることが出来る。
>>286 The company has raised the target to 300,000 hectares along with expansion in Brazil and efforts [ to explore new project opportunities ]. その会社は、ブラジルでの事業の拡張と新事業の探索の努力に合わせて、 目標を30万ヘクタールにまで上げている。
[ Once this project is completed ], the company will only use trees [ planted specifically for paper [ manufacturing ] ]. いったんこのプロジェクトが完成されれば、 その会社は、紙の製造のために植えられた木だけを使うようになるだろう。
>>290 Regardless of its length, the symphony was meant [ to be heard as a [ unified ] piece of music, [ not sliced into small portions ] and served as party food.
[ Since life is a constant rush these days ], maybe the radio stations are right [ to take a work of 40 minutes and cut it to 10, [ giving you time [ to catch a quick listen before [ moving on to the next big thing in your day ] ] ] ].
"Speed kills." That used [ to refer to the dangers of [ driving too fast ] ]. Now, it refer to the unhealthy pace [ at which we live our lives, [ compelled by modern technology into [ filling out [ waking ] hours with as much [ as we can (fill out) ].
It concluded [ that technology is [ speeding things up to the point [ where, paradocically, everything is slowing down ] ].
>>286 The company has raised the target to 300,000 hectares along with expansion in Brazil and efforts to explore new project opportunities.
その会社は、ブラジルでの事業拡大し、更に新規事業の機会を切り開くとともに、30万ヘクタールまで標的の範囲を広げた Once this project is completed , the company will only use trees planted specifically for paper manufacturing.
>>290 Regardless of its length, the symphony was meant to be heard as a unified piece of music, not sliced into small portions and served as party food. →その長さに関係なく、交響曲というものは短く区切られず、一体化された音楽として聞くよう意図して作られている。 一人前ずつ切り分けてパーティー料理として振る舞われるのとは異なる。 Since life is a constant rush these days, maybe the radio stations are right to take a work of 40 minutes and cut it to 10, giving you time to catch a quick listen before moving on to the next big thing in your day. →この頃、わたしたちの生活は絶え間なく急かされ続いているので、ラジオ局は40分の作品を録って10分にカットするのが適切かもしれない。 一日の中であなたが次の大仕事をする前にさっと聞く時間を見出だせるから。
>>290 "Speed kills." That used to refer to the dangers of driving too fast. Now it refers to the unhealthy pace at which we live our lives, compelled by modern technology into filling out waking hours with as much as we can. →「スピードは命取り」この言葉は以前は、ものすごい速さで運転することの危険性に言及するものであった。 今では、この言葉は私たちのが送る生活の不健康なペース、現代の科学技術のせいで起きている 時間をできる限り埋めていくことを強いられる不健康なペースに言及するものとなっている。
It concluded that technology is speeding things up to the point where, paradoxically, everything is slowing down. →それは逆説的に言えばすべてのものが低速化していく段階にまで、科学技術がいく地点にまで 物の速度を上げているという結論になる。 It is concludedではないかな?
>>95 By [ resorting to repression ], Beijing can easily contain the disruption in Xinjiang. 抑圧によって、北京政府はシンジャンの混乱を簡単に封じ込めている。
Despite its xenophobic propaganda, the integrity of the People’s Republic’s territory is not under threat. 外国を嫌ってやかましく宣伝している、人民共和国の体制は脅威にはさらされていない。
But something just as important is: the harmony [ which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value ], けれど同様に大事な物は、政府が中国の最大の国としての価値として守ろうとする調和であり、
and [ without which the regime will find [ it harder [ to survive ] ]. それなくしては、現支配達は自らが生き残ることが更に困難になることを知るであろう。
>>95 By resorting to repression, Beijing can easily contain the disruption in Xinjiang. 鎮圧力に訴えることによって、北京は容易にシンチアン自治区の崩壊を抑えることができる。 Despite its xenophobic propaganda, the integrity of the People’s Republic’s territory is not under threat. 外国人嫌いと宣伝されてはいるが、人民共和国の領土の保全は脅かされていない。 But something just as important is: the harmony which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value, and without which the regime will find it harder to survive. しかし同等に重要なのは、政府が、中国の偉大な国家価値として取り上げている、そしてそれが 無ければ政府は自らを維持できないと分かる、そういう調和である。
>>322 疲れからか最後日本語になってなかった、ゴメン It concluded that technology is speeding things up to the point where, paradoxically, everything is slowing down. →それは逆説的に言えばすべてのものが低速化していく段階にまで、科学技術が物の速度を上げているという結論になる。
>>327 We are(to/happy/you/on this show/have). 並び替えはまず動詞に着目。 areが中心になっているから、後ろに来る可能性が高いのは名詞、形容詞の補語かto不定詞(be to)、 あるいはbe able toやbe going toなど、または進行形や受動態。 そこで選択肢を見ると、補語候補はhappy、選択肢の中の動詞はhaveだけで原形(現在形の可能性 もあり)だけだから、to不定詞の可能性が高い。 そうすると、to haveが目的語を要求する。 We are happy to have you on this show. あなたをこのショーにお招きできて嬉しく思います
But something just as important is: the harmony [ which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value ], けれど同様に大事な物は、政府が中国の最大の国としての価値として守ろうとする調和であり、 and [ without which the regime will find [ it harder [ to survive ] ]. それなくしては、現支配達は自らが生き残ることが更に困難になることを知るであろう。 -----------------------------------------
By [ resorting to repression ], Beijing can easily contain the disruption in Xinjiang. 鎮圧力に訴えることによって、北京は容易にシンチアン自治区の崩壊を抑えることができる。 Despite its xenophobic propaganda, the integrity of the People’s Republic’s territory is not under threat. 外国人嫌いと宣伝されてはいるが、人民共和国の領土の保全は脅かされていない。 But something just as important is: the harmony [ which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value ], and [ without which the regime will find [ it harder [ to survive ] ] ]. しかし同等に重要なのは、 政府が、中国の偉大な国家価値として取り上げている、 そしてそれが無ければ政府は自らを維持できないと分かる、 そういう調和である。
But something just as important is: the harmony [ which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value ], けれど同様に大事な物は、政府が中国の最大の国としての価値として守ろうとする調和であり、 and [ without which the regime will find [ it harder [ to survive ] ]. それなくしては、現支配達は自らが生き残ることが更に困難になることを知るであろう。 -----------------------------------------
But something just as important is: the harmony [ which the government espouses as China’s greatest national value ], and [ without which the regime will find [ it harder [ to survive ] ] ]. しかし同等に重要なのは、 政府が、中国の偉大な国家価値として取り上げている、 そしてそれが無ければ政府は自らを維持できないと分かる、 そういう調和である。
Without language, man would communicate only simple thoughts, ideas, and experiences. But with language, he can talk to other men and he can put his talk into writing for other men to read. By these means he can make known to others all of his thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
>>361 Without language, man would communicate only simple thoughts, ideas, and experiences. 言葉がなかったなら、簡単な考えや体験だけを人に伝えるだろう But with language, he can talk to other men and he can put his talk into [ writing ] [ for other men to read ]. けれど人は言葉を使って、自分の話を他の者が読むように書いた物に変えていくことが出来ます By these means he can make [ known to others all of his thoughts, ideas, [ feelings ], and experiences ]. これらの手段で、人は自分の考えや感じることや体験が他の人に知られるようにすることができます
>>380 添削 In the document of A, my address is mentioned as B city, but that's an error and the correct is C city. 書き換え >>380 In the document of A, my address is mistaken for B city, and the correct is C city.
あなたが望むことは何でもやります (do/want/I/whatever/will/you/me/to) →I will do whatever you want to me.
屋根があるので、選手たちは天気のことを全然気にしかなかった This stadium has a dome,and that (about/is/were not/the player/worried/why) the weather. →〜、and that is why the players were not worried about〜
お金をいくらか貸してもらえないでしょうか We (if/wondering/you/were/had) some money we could borrow. →わかりませんでした
ミュージシャンでは誰が一番好きなのと彼は彼女にたずねた He (her/of/she/loved/asked/musicians/the/which) the best. →He asked her which she loved the musicians of 〜
彼が成功するかしないかは彼の決心次第だ It (whether/not/on/or/his/depends/determination/he/succeeds) →It depends his determination whether he succeeds on or not.
>>390 彼がいつ静岡に来るか知っていますか。 →Do you know [ when he will come back to Fukuoka? ここが、私の父と母が初めてであったところです →This is the place [ where my parents met each other for the first time ]. 北海道に行ったことがあるかどうか、彼女にたずねた →I asked her [ if she had been to Hokkaido ]. 彼女は、私にその生徒たちをどこに連れていくべきか教えてくれなかった →She didn't tell me [ where I should take the students ]. *tell〜=〜を知らせる、話して聞かせる *take=連れて行く bring=持って行く 私は、彼はこれからどうなるんだろうと思った →I wondered [ what will become of him ]. *疑問の時はwonder
広義のcomplementは例えば John put his records on the shelf. のon the shelfや John treated me kindly.のkindlyも補語だからなあ。 埋め込み文を補文と呼ぶRosenbaumの分類はわかりやすいけどね。 I know that the meeting was canceled.のthat節もembedded sentenceでcomplement。
すいません助けてください 宿題で問題が100問出たのですが分からないのがあったのでお願いします 各組の文が同じ意味になるように()に適語を入れなさい 1 Kate is a very beautiful girl. She lives next door to us. Kate, ( ) ( ) next door to us, is a very beautiful girl. 2 She expects me to clean the house in half an hour, but it is impossible She expects me to clean the house in half an hour, ( ) ( ) impossible 3 Some people like baseball, but others don’t ( ) ( ) people like baseball 日本語の意味になるように( )を補いなさい 私の叔父はヨットを持っているのですが、先日私を海に連れて行ってくれました My uncle, ( ) , took me out on the sea the other day 彼のヨットはほんの半年前に買ったものですが、大きくて早く進みました His yacht, ( ) , was large and fast 航海はずっと順調だったわけではありません。2、3時間は風がやんでしまいました The sailing ( ) ; we had a few windless hours 私は海に太陽が沈んでいくのを見ましたが、本当に美しいものでした I saw the sun going down below the horizon, ( )
>>436 > 各組の文が同じ意味になるように()に適語を入れなさい 1 Kate is a very beautiful girl. She lives next door to us. Kate, (who) (lives) next door to us, is a very beautiful girl. 2 She expects me to clean the house in half an hour, but it is impossible She expects me to clean the house in half an hour, (which) (is) impossible 3 Some people like baseball, but others don't (Part) (of) people like baseball > 日本語の意味になるように( )を補いなさい 私の叔父はヨットを持っているのですが、先日私を海に連れて行ってくれました My uncle, (who has a yacht), took me out on the sea the other day 彼のヨットはほんの半年前に買ったものですが、大きくて早く進みました His yacht, (which he bought only a half year ago), was large and fast 航海はずっと順調だったわけではありません。2、3時間は風がやんでしまいました The sailing (was not smooth all the way) ; we had a few windless hours 私は海に太陽が沈んでいくのを見ましたが、本当に美しいものでした I saw the sun going down below the horizon, (which was really beautiful)
>>441 外国人からもらったe-mailにそう書いてあったんです。 今度遊びに行くのですが、あまり高くない所に泊まるつもりであればホテル代を出してあげても良いですよ、 と言われ、そのあとに 「If you prefer to cover your hotel expenses yourself, please, tell me the price brace in which we should be searching.」 と書いてありました。
次のa,bの文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適語を入れなさい 1 a) He was not only a singer, but also a weiter. b) Besides ( ) a singer, he was a weiter.
2 a) She requested them politely to start at once. b) She said to them, "Would you mind ( ) at once?"
3 a) Whenever I read this book, I think of my native place. b) I cannot read this book without ( ) of my native place.
4 a) Our teacher did not approve that we read comic books in the classroom. b) Our teacher did not approve of ( ) reading comic books in the classroom.
Sometimes this opinion may be wrong, but rigat or wrong is not here the question. It is the power that decides for or against war; it is the power that decides for or against reform; it is the power that to a very great degree influences English foreign policy. Science is the attempt to discover, by means of observation, and reasoning based upon it, first, particular fact about the world, and then laws connecting facts with one another and in fortunate cases making it possible to foretell future occurrences. 時に、この考えは間違っているかもしれないが、正しいか間違っているかはここでは問題 ではない。戦争に賛成するか反対するかを決めるのは力である。改革に賛成す るか反対するかを決めるのは力である。英国の外交政策に大きく影響を与えるのは力である。 科学とは、観察し、そしてそれに基づいて推論するという手段によって、まず世界につい ての特定の事実を見つけ、そして次に事実を相互に関連付け、そして幸運な場合には将来の出 来事を予言できるような、法則を見つけようとする試みである。 この訳でいい?
初歩的な質問なんですが・・・ コンビニは利点がたくさんあるという時に I think convenience store has many advantages I think a convenience store has many advantages I think convenience stores have many advantages どれが一番妥当な文章でしょうか?
海外の友達からメール北のですが翻訳できません・・。宜しくお願いします。 didi wat's up ani k wat r u doing? Miss u alot n love u so much...didi malai tapaiko photo send gardinu na...i'm waiting u'r replay or kal...hav a nice day..
>>469 Sometimes this opinion may be wrong, but right or wrong is not here the question.
It is the power [ that decides for or against war ]; it is the power [ that decides for or against reform ]; it is the power [ that ,to a very great degree, influences English foreign policy ].
Science is the attempt [ to discover, by means of observation, and reasoning [ based upon it ], first, particular fact about the world, and then laws [ connecting facts with one another and in fortunate cases [ making [ it possible [ to foretell future occurrences ] ] ].
The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, its outer sheath a persuasive rendering of striated bark, its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars―the little knobs and notches that make a twig look twiggy.
>>503 The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, its outer sheath a persuasive [ rendering ] of [ striated ] bark, [ its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars― the little knobs and notches [ that make [ a twig look twiggy ] ].
The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, @ツウィッグ?尺取り虫?は、C擬態種?の凄い見本だ its outer sheath a persuasive [ rendering ] of [ striated ] bark, Aその外見の姿が幅の小さい木の皮であるように見えさ [ its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars― the little knobs and notches [ that make [ a twig look twiggy ] ]. Bその管のような体と頭は、尺取り虫を小枝のように見せる 偽物の蕾や葉っぱの傷や小さなこぶや切り込みで変化を付けていて
それなら僕が添削して差し上げます The "twig" is a stick insect, a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan, twigとは、ナナフシという昆虫で、ナナフシ目の代表的な標本であるが its outer sheath a persuasive rendering of striated bark, その翅鞘(ししょう)はあたかも縞のある木の皮のように見せ its tubular body and head punctuated by fake axillary buds and leaf scars― the little knobs and notches that make a twig look twiggy. その管のような体と頭は、擬態によって葉腋の芽や葉の跡を強調し、 ナナフシを小枝らしく見せるのである。
一応文構造も説明しておきますね。ご理解なさっていないようなので。 The "twig"(S) is(V) a stick insect(C), a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan(同格), its outer sheath(分詞構文の意味上の主語)(beingの省略) a persuasive rendering(名詞的動名詞で分詞構文のbeingのC) of striated bark, its tubular body and head(二つ目の分詞構文の意味上の主語)(beingの省略) punctuated (by fake axillary buds and leaf scars)―同格のダッシュ the little knobs and notches that関係代名詞 make a twig look twiggy.
>>527 The "twig" is a stick insect, (a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan), [its outer sheath / a persuasive rendering of striated bark,] [its tubular body and head / punctuated (by fake axillary buds and leaf scars― the little knobs and notches) (that make a twig look twiggy)]. どうしてもカッコで括りたいなら、このように括るのが論理的ですが、 あなたには永遠に理解できないでしょう。
The "twig" is a stick insect, (a magnificent specimen of the Phasmatodea clan), [its outer sheath / a persuasive rendering of striated bark,] [its tubular body and head / punctuated (by fake axillary buds and leaf scars― the little knobs and notches [ that make a twig look twiggy ] ). ね。よくできました! ナナフシは尺取り虫ですか?
She said she was 10 minutes' pregnant. I knew why she had wished to lock the door.
1. She had finished her lunch ten minutes before. 2. She had been in the bath room for ten minutes. 3. She had made sex with her partner ten minutes before.
>>562 そうじゃない。 If only I had more time 仮定節(副詞節の一種) I'd take you 結果節(この文における主節) where you wanted to go. (上の主節に対する従属節) 上の第3行目の動詞の過去形は第2行目のwouldにあわせた過去形になってるんです。 というよりも主節全体の非現実性≠過去時制が担保しているのであり、 それゆえ主節がまるごと過去形に置かれている、と考えるのが適切なのです。
中高生スレなんだから中高生用英文法でいいじゃん。 ロイヤル英文法だと If you had asked me at that time, I could have told you what happened. あの時君が私に聞いてくれたら、何が起きたのか話してあげられたのに 仮定法と時制を揃えたりしてないよ。
This success follows the 2001 isolation by the same team of a semi-dwarfing gene that results in shoter, sturdier plants that are more resistant to falling over.
1・Now,using both genes , the team has cultivated Koshihikari , the most popular type of rise in Japan, producing a more robust rice plant with a 23% greater yield than regular strains. 今、両方の遺伝子を使って、日本で一番人気の品種のお米、こしひかりを栽培しており、 従来の品種より23%収穫量が多いもっとたくましいお米を作り出している。
2・It should now be possible to utilize the same genes on other breeds of rice plants cultivated around the world. 世界中で収穫されたほかの品種のお米の同じ遺伝子を利用することができるに 違いない。
3.With rice serving as the staple food for approximately half of the world's population, this new development promises to have a significant positive effect on the environment. 世界の人口の約半分を主食としてまかなえるお米によって、この新しい開発は、環境に 大変良い影響を与えることを約束している。
4.Improved yields mean , among other things , that less forest area has to be cleared to support increasing populations. 改良された収穫量は、とりわけ、増える人口を支える、伐採されなければならない 森林の面積が少なくなることを意味している。
5.The researchers hope that the genes may also be applicable to other major cereal crops with similar genetic structures to that of rice, such as corn and sheat. これはどう訳したらよいか分かりません。
1・Now,using both genes , the team has cultivated Koshihikari , the most popular type of rise in Japan, producing a more robust rice plant with a 23% greater yield than regular strains. 今、両方の遺伝子を使って、日本で一番人気の品種のお米、こしひかりを栽培しており、 従来の品種よりも23%収穫量が多いもっとたくましい稲を作り出している。
2・It should now be possible to utilize the same genes on other breeds of rice plants cultivated around the world. 世界中で栽培されている他の品種の稲にも同じ遺伝子を利用することができるに 違いない。
3.With rice serving as the staple food for approximately half of the world's population, this new development promises to have a significant positive effect on the environment. 世界の人口の約半分の主食となるお米についての、この新しい開発は、環境に 大変良い影響を与えることを約束している。
4.Improved yields mean , among other things , that less forest area has to be cleared to support increasing populations. 改良された収穫量は、とりわけ、増える人口を支えるために伐採しなければならない 森林の面積が少なくてすむことを意味している。
5.The researchers hope that the genes may also be applicable to other major cereal crops with similar genetic structures to that of rice, such as corn and sheat. 研究者は、この遺伝子が遺伝子構造が似ているトウモロコシや小麦といった他の主要な穀物にも 適用できることを期待している。
The division between the two worlds has always been clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other , and never more so than today , when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste , it is fairly based on economic considerations.
1.and never more so than today の訳 がわかりません 特にsoの部分が。 2.and never more so than today のand何と何と接続しているか
3. instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste beingはどういう役割でしょうか? beingの有無で意味は変わりますか?
>>617 訳したので構造を読み取って下さい。The division between the two worlds has always been clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other , and never more so than today , when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste , it is fairly based on economic considerations.
The division between the two worlds has always been clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other , and never more so than today , when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste , it is fairly based on economic considerations.
3.With rice serving as the staple food for approximately half of the world's population, this new development promises to have a significant positive effect on the environment. 世界の人口の約半分の主食となるお米についての、この新しい開発は、環境に 大変良い影響を与えることを約束している。
>>626 With rice serving as the staple food for approximately half of the world's population, this new development promises to have a significant positive effect on the environment.
It has occurred to me that one might define art as : an expression, satisfying and abiding, of the zest of life. This is applicable to every form of art devised by man, for, in his creative moment, whether he produce a great drama or carve a piece of foliage in wood, the artist is moved and inspired by supreme enjoyment of some aspect of the world about him, an enjoyment in itself keener than that experienced by another man and intensified, prolonged, by the power -which comes to him we know not how- of recording in visible or audible form that emotion of rare vitality.
>>640試訳 It has occurred to me that one might define art as : an expression, satisfying and abiding, of the zest of life. This is applicable to every form of art devised by man, for, in his creative moment, whether he produce a great drama or carve a piece of foliage in wood, the artist is moved and inspired by supreme enjoyment of some aspect of the world about him, an enjoyment in itself keener than that experienced by another man and intensified, prolonged, by the power -which comes to him we know not how- of recording in visible or audible form that emotion of rare vitality. こんなことを思いついた。芸術というものは生命の歓びの、満足を与え永続的な表現のではないか、と。 このことは人間によって創られたあらゆる形態の芸術に当てはまる。 というのも、芸術創造の習慣においては、芸術家が偉大なる悲劇を書くにせよ一片の森の葉飾りを彫るにせよ 彼は彼を取り囲む世界の或る一側面についての至高の楽しみ ---それじたいが、他の人によって経験される楽しみよりも鋭く、 稀有の生命の感情を目に見える或いは耳に聞こえる形態に記録する(なぜかは知らないがが、彼にやってくる)力 によって強められ、引き伸ばされる楽しみ--によって動かされ,啓発されるのである。
he came to tokyo to be an actor. my grabdfather wants to visit cuba i like to stay at home on weekends my father got up early to catch the train is there something to eat?
The division between the two worlds has always been clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other , and never more so than today , when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste , it is fairly based on economic considerations.
1.and never more so than today の訳 がわかりません
2.and never more so than today のand何と何と接続しているか
The division between the two worlds has always been clearly defined, with 〜 と (the division) is never more so than today だと確かにわかりやすいいですが、 SVを省略してもいいのでしょうか?
3. instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic taste
beingが動名詞の意味上の主語であることはわかりましたが、 beingの有無で意味はどのように変わりますか? instead of the distinction based on fluctuating artistic taste の方がよく見る形で自然な気がします
>>665 being は 前置詞 of の目的語だよ。 the distinction が動名詞の意味上の主語。 意味上の主語というからには訳すときに the distinction が 主語であるような 訳し方をするべきだと思う。 「 その相違が移ろい易い美的センスに基づいているというよりは」 being がないと based on (過去分詞)が the distinction を後置修飾していることになるから 「移ろい易い美的センスに基づいたその相違というよりは」という具合に後ろから 訳し上げることになるんじゃないかな。 文法的には the distinction が 前置詞の目的語となりそう。
Gesture must have even pre-existed humanity, and from the first time we kick our mothers until the last human notice is taken of us, we are compelled to gesture and to communicate nonverbally as long as we are observed.
>>646には誤訳がある。添削して差し上げます。 It has occurred to me that one might define art as : an expression, satisfying and abiding, of the zest of life. This is applicable to every form of art devised by man, for, in his creative moment, whether he produce a great drama or carve a piece of foliage in wood, the artist is moved and inspired by supreme enjoyment of some aspect of the world about him, an enjoyment in itself keener than that experienced by another man and intensified, prolonged, by the power -which comes to him we know not how- of recording in visible or audible form that emotion of rare vitality. こんなことを思いついた。芸術というものは生命の歓びの、満足を得られる永続的な表現として定義し得るのではないか、と。 このことは人間によって創られたあらゆる形態の芸術に当てはまる。 というのも、芸術創造の瞬間においては、芸術家が偉大なる一遍の戯曲を書くにせよ一ひらの葉の木彫りを創るにせよ 彼は自らを取り囲む世界の一側面を最大限楽しむことによって----それ自体が他の人によって経験される楽しみよりも鋭いのだが----、 また、類い稀なる生命力から生まれる感情を目に見える或いは耳に聞こえる形態に記録する(どうやってかは我々にはわからないが、ともかくも彼にやってくる)力によってつき動かされ,鼓舞されるのである。
>>675と>>690 >>676はあってるけど、last humanとか言ってるので誤解を解くために解説。 from the first time until the last (time) でセット。 それぞれ同格節が続いて we kick our mothers = the first time human notice is taken of us = the last (time)
>>675 Gesture must have even pre-existed humanity, and from the first time [ we kick our mothers ] until the last [ human notice is taken of us ], we are compelled [ to gesture and to communicate nonverbally ] [ as long as we are observed ].
It has occurred to me that one might define art as : an expression, satisfying and abiding, of the zest of life. This is applicable to every form of art devised by man, for, in his creative moment, whether he produce a great drama or carve a piece of foliage in wood, the artist is moved and inspired by supreme enjoyment of some aspect of the world about him, an enjoyment in itself keener than that experienced by another man and intensified, prolonged, by the power -which comes to him we know not how- of recording in visible or audible form that emotion of rare vitality.
It has occurred to me that one might define art as : an expression, satisfying and abiding, of the zest of life. This is applicable to every form of art devised by man, for, in his creative moment, whether he produce a great drama or carve a piece of foliage in wood, the artist is moved and inspired by supreme enjoyment of some aspect of the world about him, an enjoyment in itself keener than that experienced by another man and intensified, prolonged, by the power -which comes to him we know not how- of recording in visible or audible form that emotion of rare vitality.
1. Japan is famous for many manga characters. 日本は多くのマンガのキャラで有名だ 2. I'm very happy to see many cosplayers in Japan. 私は日本で多くのコスプレイヤーを見れて幸せだ 3. I'm very excited because a cosplay contest is coming soon. コスプレコンテストがもうすぐ開催されるので、私は興奮している 4. It is easy to take part in the contest. コンテストに参加するのは簡単だ 5. I will join the contest and hope to win a prize.
>>778 6 ((名詞を限定する節を導いて))…したとき[場合, 際]の the American way of life as I know it 私の知っているアメリカふうの生き方 the English language as (it is) spoken in America アメリカで話されている英語(▼it isは慣用的に略され, 節か過去分詞・形容詞のくることが多い).
Feeling nervous is a little bit like feeling excited, but it is the negative side of excitement. a little bitは名詞句だと思うんですが、 a little bit like feeling excited のどちらがCですか? be like doing で〜することに似ていると解説にありました
ほんとにお前らは馬鹿なんだね。 a little bitがlike以下を修飾する副詞節だ、との私の指摘を誤答と思うなんて。 お前らのことがやっと解かったよ。 馬鹿だから頭のいい人に来て欲しくないんだろ? 間違いを指定されるのが嫌なんだろ? そういうくだらない人間が今まで周りにいたことがなかったので気が付かなかったよ。 チンピラだね、とくに>>799あたりは。中高の教師にでもなりな。
>>828 Change have taken place in many area, especially in those related to employment. whichじゃ代用効かないよ。意味は 多くの分野で変化が生じてきた、 特に環境に関する諸分野で。 those=the areas
You can’t have either of these two books ‐not this one , nor that one. の not this one , nor that one.は You can’t have this one , or You can’t have that oneの省略ですか?
Study is necessary , and so is practice. The combination will give one the ability to communicate in a foreign language, but ( ) will result in slow , incorrect speech.
1 either of them alone 2 neither of them 答えは1です。
なぜ、2がいけないのでしょうか? neither of them でnecessary とpracticeの両方がなくても の場合も通じる気がします。
>>862 They love each other, because they believe they do love each other. Love is only a sort of illusion, having no solid foundation. In this respect, love resembles money, for money is valuable only because people belive they are valuable. The value of money depends on mutual trust, and so do love.
>>862 修正。 They love each other, because they believe they do love each other. Love is only a sort of illusion, having no solid foundation. In this respect, love resembles money, since money is valuable only because people believe they are valuable. The value of money depends on mutual trust. So do love.
>>862 再修正 They love each other, because they believe they love each other. Love is only a sort of illusion, having no solid foundation. In this respect, love resembles money, for money is valuable only because people belive they are valuable. The value of money depends on mutual trust. So does love.
>>862 再々修正。決定版。 People love each other, because they believe they love each other. Love is only a sort of illusion, having no solid foundation. In this respect, love resembles money, for money is valuable only because people believe they are valuable. The value of money depends on mutual trust, So does love.
>>848 人は何故愛し合うのだろうか I love others [ because they are humans [ just as I am a human ] ]. We love each other [ because others are as precious [ as we are ] ].
They are endowed by nature with a measure of sympathy and consideration for their kind, the breadth of which may be extended by an astute social pedagogy.
>>883 ごみは、大きな長方形の半透明のビニール袋にいれなければならない。 Garbage must be put into larrge semi-transparent plastic bags. 日本では、ふたまたのコンセント、イギリスでは、みつまたのコンセントが主に使用されています。 In Japan, they use two-way electricl sockets, in England, the three-ways are mainly used.
It rains lot here in June. この文の構造がよくわかりません。 意味は、「6月にここは多くの雨が降る」だと思うのですが。 自動詞のrainのあとに名詞のlotがきてもいいのでしょうか。 この場合、lotは名詞の扱いではないのでしょうか。辞書で調べてもlot単体だと名詞で「たくさん」という意味しか出 てきません。それとも、これはそういうものだと思って、憶えてしまえばよいのでしょうか。 誰かよろしくお願いします。
>>919 彼は、冬の沖縄がどんなふうか私たちに語ってくれた →He told us what Okinawa in winter was like. 私は、一生懸命仕事をしている人なら誰でも喜んで助けますよ →I am willing to help whoever is working hard.
誰かがドアをノックしている。誰なのか行って確かめてきて →Somebody knocked on the door. Go and see who it is.
このことについて相談したいのであとで私に電話してくれ、と彼に伝えてください →Please tell him to call me later since I want to consult about this.
我々は生活と社会を守るために、何が安全であり、何が危険であるのかを知らなければならない →In order to protect our lives and societies we must know what is safe and what is dangerous.
>>920 誰かがドアをノックしている。誰なのか行って確かめてきて →Somebody is knocking on the door. Go and see who it is. このことについて相談したいのであとで私に電話してくれ、と彼に伝えてください →Please tell him to call me later since I want to talk to him about this.
我々は生活と社会を守るために、何が安全であり、何が危険であるのかを知らなければならない →In order to protect our lives and our society we must know what is safe and what is dangerous.
>>933 >そのクラスを取ったのは、私が中学生の時だった。 この日本語に対して、 >It was when I was a junior high school student that I took the class. この英語が適切だと貴様は思わないのか。 なに他人をキチガイ扱いしてんだよ、白痴。
>899 「佐々木は当時TAIYO WHALESに所属していました。TAIYO WHALESは1993年にYokohama BayStarsと名前を変えました。」 ↓ Sasaki was a member of TAIYO WHALES back then.TAIYO WHALES changed its name to Yokohama Baystars in 1993. もしくは Back then, Sasaki was a member of TAIYO WHALES.TAIYO WHALES changed its name to Yokohama Baystars in 1993. 毎回人に聞いていると成長しないので、自分でできるために、どうやったらいいか一例を示してみる。 手順@ まずは見当をつけるために精度が高いと言われるGoogle翻訳。TAIYO WHALESやYokohama Baystarsは複数の語だったり、既存の単語だったりするので 機械翻訳を混乱させないために、適当に一語で無意味な文字列(AAAとかBBB)に名前を変える。 手順A 次に「〜と名前を」の「と」は多義(〜にとか、〜と一緒に)なので、文脈上混乱が無さそうな「に」に変更。 Sasaki was then a member of the AAA.AAA in 1993 changed its name to the BBB. と出てくる。これで大分直しやすくなったと思う。 手順B thenに違和感があるので、位置を変えて当時という意味合いが出やすそうなback thenとかにしてみる。(和英辞典で「当時」と引いてみよう。もしくは「振り返る」意味が出やすそうな単語を考えよう。) in 1993も位置的に違和感があるので、最後に持ってくる。固有名詞(AAA, BBB)の前にtheは要らないので消す。 手順C AAAとBBBを直す。
Folklore is the flow of cultural habits, beliefs, ways of expression that a people who can't or don't or won't write use to perpetuate their manner of civilization from generation to generation. It's not much different from the more formal, more highly technological matter that people who write use, except that it is not printed and thus is subject to the laws of oral tradition. That is, it will vary and change as it passes from mouth to mouth, ear to ear, and will not become standardized the way written and printed matter will.
という文の"It's not much different 〜 the laws of oral tradition."の部分の和訳なんですが、教えて貰えないでしょうか?
>>959 It's not much different from the more formal, more highly technological matter that people who write use, except that it is not printed and thus is subject to the laws of oral tradition. それ(=民話)は文字を使用する人々が用いる、もっと高度に技術てきな事物と、そうは違わない。 それ(=民話)が印刷されず、それゆえ口承による伝承の法則に従う、という点を除いては。
While it is perhaps only natural that agricultural technologies like genetic engeneering can improve crop yields , it may be something of a surprise to learn that other assistance can come from seemingly unrelated technologies. For example, orbiting satellites are increasingly being used as toolsto help the agricultural sector.Pictures taken from space can enable farmers to more accurately estimate yield before havesting their crops. They can also indicate degrees of maturity from field to field, helping growers to decide the harvesting order.Many satellites can sense color in a wider spectrum that the human eye , giving farmers an infrared ray or radar view of their farms. This special sensitivity allows satellites to identify rice tastiness ,assess damage to leaves due to weather or disease, and identify features of the soil not visible to regular inspection.
>>973 英訳の答えということならば My biggest concern is if my English is good enough to communicate in the United States. かなぁ 英訳というのは意味が同じということだけでは正解にならないので 出題されたときの英語の授業が分からないと・・・