大学院生の研究がどういうものか、片岡は全然知らない。 言語の起源や進化を研究したいなら、F. de SaussureのCourse in General Linguistics あたりを読んでおくのは必須。 当然英語を中心にするんだろうから、C.T.OnionsやQuirk et al.やJ.L.Austin、 D.L.Bolinger、G.Curme、など、読んでおくべき本は山ほどあり、そうした既存の 様々な研究成果を検討した上でなければ新たな論など展開できないのは常識。 片岡が言ってる程度の内容は既に数えきれないほどの研究者が発表している。 ならば、先行研究の知識を持っていない学生は受け入れるに値しないと判断される。 片岡は恐るべき馬鹿。言語の起源は相当研究しつくされていて、片岡の入る余地などない。
To Seneca we are referred for advice on coping with setbacks, and indeed he has much to say of relevance to such contemporary inanities as football hooliganism and road rage. Anger he sees as a kind of madness, given that what makes us angry tends to be the frustration of dangerously optimistic ideas about the world and other people. In this modern world of affluence and plenty, effective medicine, and a political system devoted to shepherding us safely from the cradle to the grave, we do not anticipate evils before they arrive. We are, like the passengers on the Titanic, expecting that things will turn out the way we believe they should. Yet since so many funerals pass our door, should we not be better prepared for our own? The wise man always considers what can happen and because we are injured most by what we do not expect we must expect everything to happen. Shades here of the latest thinking in post-traumatic stress disorder theory, which suggests that the attitude of those who cope best after trauma is not infused with personal resentment or frustration, but with acceptance and relief that they have survived and even prospered.
There is much in Socratic philosophy to give contemporary cognitive therapists encouragement, not least the advice that ‘If you wish to put off all worry, assume that what you fear may happen is certainly going to happen.’ At times, he sounds like one of those bearded, rangy self-actualising Californian psychotherapy gurus who declare that the wise man can lose nothing if he has invested everything in himself, and progress consists in, among other things, making a friend of yourself.
和訳お願いします。1. A Jesus makes a Kazuyoshi inevitable. 2. Kazuyoshi was counted worthy of more glory than Moses. 3. Kazuyoshi performed black magic to sell his soul to the Devil.
>>983 和訳お願いします。 1. Jesus makes Kazuyoshi inevitable. 2. Kazuyoshi was counted as much worthy as Moses in glory. 3. Kazuyoshi performed a holy miracle when he rendered his soul to Jesus the Savior.