日本語訳してもらってすぐに申し訳ありません。最後にこちらの日本語訳もお願いします。m(__)m Do you realize your death? What did the world find? sooty white. act to spread varnish over and over... An image of two giraffes. Metropolis with seven scars.sense of unusual skin. Possibility to reach for the higher...false language.false expression. We need arrange insanity. Is this the most elegant and exciting condition for us? or not? we can't....
The downturn offers some insight into the forces behind the recycling boom of recent years. Environmentally conscious consumers have been able to pat themselves on the back and feel good about sorting their recycling and putting it on the curb. But most recycling programs have been driven as much by raw economics as by activism.
The dog was the first, domesticated animal. Very early in human history, people learned that a dog could help with hunting. Dogs also were good company for early human beings. It can be said that the dog is human's "best and oldest friend".
The first people to see penguins found it difficult to classify them,although their interest in these creatures was only as food. Were they animals or birds? IN fact,the penguin is a swimming and diving bird which lost the power of flight early in its evolution.
Valentine's Day,February 14, is the feast day of St. Valentine. But the saint's life seems to have had noting to do with the present custom of sending valentines. Perhaps the custom goes back to ancient Rome, where young men and women exchanged greeting cards on February 14 in honor of gods and goddesses. Or it may have something to do with the old belief of many people that February 14 was the day when all birds chose their mates.
So long story short, yes I did get married but I do not live with my husband and his son-don't worry I feel gratitude to be able to talk to a friend about it - if that is ok with you- i was about to move to join him in san antonio- and I got , as they say "cold feet" (you know, like i am not ready yet)we have some differences to resolve and I find him unwilling to compromise in short. It amounts to simple things as tidyness, and having a dog inside the house. Maybe I am being too picky, but i sense he is being 'macho' haha.
Communication sent on behalf of Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) Please take note of personal data of the President VAV and cascade in your Federation where applicable
To All, On sunday 16/11/2008, our President, Mr Luc Vermeulen gave notice to the Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) , that he couldn't continue in his function of President and therefore resigned from this function . He is willing to keep working for the Federation but no longer wants to take main responsability ... From the Board of Directors we would like to thank Luc for the efforts made on behalf of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) and in the intrest of all Aikido practitioners in Northern Belgium. The past week has been spent looking for a replacement, internally as well as externally, for this function . After having given priority to all other kandidates , our current secretary-general agreed to step up and assume the function of temporary President until our next General Meeting , where this temporary function will be made eligable to be transferred into a new 4 year mandate . This temporary step was needed to safeguard the continuance within the Federation . According to our statutes , our members can decide otherwise and force an extraordinairy General Meeting if they wish. Personally, I would like to say that taking this step forward was only done with the intrest of the federation in mind , and thereby allowing me to take care of the large short and middle term workload that we face the coming months .
But it has been ruined by this industry, no less surely than other towns have been ruined by industries of a cruder, materialistic kind. Stratford, together with the countryside around Stratford, has been ruined by the “accursed thirst for gold”.
Will the band be just for fun, or do you want to become a professional musician someday? Have you found any other instrument players, or will it just be a duo?
1. Lock-Single Press cuff down on the wrist and rotate jaw until it engages ratchet. Jaw may be tightened as required.
2. Lock-Double With cuff single locked on the wrist, use tip on key handle to depress plunger on top edge of cuff. Jaw is thus locked against travel in either direction.
3. Unlock-Single Rotate key one quarter by turning clockwise. Do not use undue pressure, but be sure to turn the key in the proper direction.
4. Unlock-Double The key must be turned in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions to open double locked handcuffs. Rotate key counterclockwise to release the double lock, and in the opposite direction to disengage the ratchet. Do not apply undue pressure.
最後の意味がよく分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。 I would suggest having this pending payment cancelled and for the funds to be send via bank transfer as once they clear we can send to any address.