Hey!!! you NEETS, nerds, Youtube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers, Diplomats' spoiled sons, Losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often. And Let's pray for the rehabilitation of the Internet-addicted housewife.
Using G-D for a handle is not very different from committing blasphemy. The user is advaised to stop using that handle immediately if you don't want to swim in the lake of fire.
It's very funny to see someone who does not belong to the Judeo-Christian culture uses the name of Somebody up there without knowing exactly what It means.
>>21 Oh, you are serious. Bill White(true white man in US) accuses Judeo-Christianity and calls it fake christianity. So You are also the one who doesn't really undestand real Christianity.
>>22>>33 Jesus will forgive you if you repent your sin because He is sweet. Remember this. His Father is not that sweet. You will be sorry for what you have just done forever in the rather hot place.
Why woud some almighty existense desperately seek our admiration? It's really laughable. It's like "You must love me!! Or you will go burned all eternity!!"
>>37 You are a serious man. But Why do you use words like fuck. Its as vulgar as blasphemy. It's also blasphemous to God. You would be punished in middle age. You can only fuck with your wife whole life long and you are not allowed to describe fuck with the word, fuck.
>>39 Why can it be laughable? He has been very lonely. He just wants to have good companies. On the top of that, it's not His fault that we have been separated from Him. It's our problem. Not His.
>>52 I eat it with my sperm sprinkled on it. You should really try it. You probably don't think it's a good idea, but you never can appriciate what you don't try.
>>47 I just can't associate religious, devoted person with the person using F-words. Sex is a divine(holy?) act, isn't it? It must be the thing to bear children and must be done only for this. So real religous person, who wants to follow the scripture to a T, can't use words like fuck. It must be very shamful and sin.
Honestly Titanic is the best movie ever made in human history. All the statistics show that. The divinity of Kate and Leo alone could stand the test of anything and will be the best ever for ever.
>>61 I watched it. And tears fill up my eyes and I almost cried at the ending. I am man so I holded cring. But I don't want to watch the movie through. I got full!
soka belivers are more fanatic and creepy. look at their set eyes. lol They speak with enthusiasm. It's okay. But they want to force others to accept it. Just because they think it's absolute truth.
I've read that in ancient England, only Royal Family were privileged to fuck, and ordinary people needed a permission sign issued by the King saying "F.U.C.K"(Fornication Under Consent of the King) and put it on the door while having sex outside of marriage. That must've been really embarrassing.
>>93 "I love it." - a simple statement. You either love something, or you don't. "I'm loving it." - you're loving it right now. There's a feeling of progression, action, "active" loving that's happening right now, as opposed to an abstract statement of fact.
>>89 When I was 14, I got braces fitted two days before Christmas. Needless to say, my entire mouth was in quite a bit of pain by Christmas Day. When it came to the festive family lunch, I was unable to eat the delicious chicken, Yorkshire puddings, sausages, cabbage and roast potatoes. My uncle decided it would be a great idea to stick it all in the blender.
That was the first and last time I drank chicken through a straw.
>>95 Woo. I remember when I first got braces in. Not fun, not fun at all. Finally getting those off was one of the happiest days of my life. What a sad time to get braces though. I would have been depressed as hell if I'd missed out on tasty food like that. Eating it through a straw definitely doesn't sound appetizing.
Niggers have religion : big cock religion. Niggers know it's over Christianity. Big cock is almighty. Whites are so afraid of nigger's big cock. So whites tried to take controle of niggers. Whites made up system and religion to justify discrimination against niggers. They all turned out to be scientifically false. White made up illusion to fight the fear of big cock.
Why not make a huge crotch bulge on Jesus Christ. Whites made Non white-sandnigger-Jesus Christ look like Nordic. Then It's time for Jesus to have a huge cock like niggers. Is this Super Man?
Is having braces in youth customary in western world?
As long as I remember, I know only one man who had braces in my junior and high school days. He was rather good-looking and I didn't think his teeth was prominet. just average. What an greedy prock he was and I couldn't notice difference between before and after.
>>106 Jesus that's ugly, especially that first one. Yeah, that would *never* fly in America. You'd have some trouble making friends at school with shitty teeth like that.
In japan trend seems to be changing a bit. America instructs japan this and that from privatazation of postal services to correcting double theeth.
Some talents these days seem to be correcting doble teeth.
http://idolsexy.sakura.ne.jp/kazuki.html You can clear see pretty irregular teeth at one time in a couple of pictures. And In this case I think she gets way better. Her alighment of teeth were so ugly.
Anyway, she was elected as Miss.Magazine(Syonen Magazine) by readers when her theeth were irregular. Kazuki Saya is not popular here. But her speaking style is pretty much the same as yukolin. Slow and lispy.
>>108 No, the ugly teeth just weren't as obvious in that picture. And she's not gorgeous at all, IMO.
As for the second one, sure if she kept her mouth shut she'd be a typical cute Asian girl. Considering that she wouldn't be popular at all in America with those teeth, then yes, an uglier girl with nice teeth would definitely be more popular.
http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~tonden/Actress01/movie/pages/kawai40.html It doesn't turn you on at all? kawai naoko is rather (I mean rather) westernized faced. So she might be mediocre from westerners. http://www.sayumin.tv/img/link/yoshizawa1.jpg She was at the lowest among morning musume in the poll by foreigners. Don't get me wrong. I'm not morning musume fan. I just happned to see the program. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/images/diary/k/koha_0_nono/titleimg.jpg She may be not popular in US either. You can find a girl like her everywhere in US. And how about her. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=6XnrFvwU_Xk She is beyond morning musume level. not comparable. She was awarded a grand prize in Japan Bishojo(nymph?) Contest. I think she must look occidental even from westerner's eyes. She was once said to look like Martina Hingis. Even Oda Akane lose her shine in America?
>>112 I'm a girl, so no, it doesn't turn me on at all. I don't find any of those girls to be anything special. They all look like cute Asian girls, and I don't personally find the "cutesy" look very attractive. There are American guys who really like it, though.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=rnlEMIgiFW4&feature=related This one is the best feed for him. Hirosue? She looks a bit better than average.. Is her jaw a bit too long? Maybe イギリス人 loves boyish, resilent girls with healthy good body.
But look at the icon of poster, Anshar5. The picture of oda akane. For him odaaka akane is Godess. Not hirosue.
What I like about hirosue is that She is not ashamed of her hometown, kouchi. She doesn't hide it. Many talents hide their hometown or try to talk less about it.
Hirosue joined yosakoi matsuri(festival) and took part in dancing with common people. lol She didn't care about media coverage and She was smiling happily.
>>119 That's so fuckin stupid. Japanese study English for 3 years in junior high and another 3 years in regular high, Why the hell they can't speak English?
You can. Because just writinig something in English improve your English. We Japanese don't have many occasions to write English so the most imortant thing is wirte, wirte, and write. It doesn't matter at all what you write is grammatically correct or not. The most imprtant thing is to organize your thoughts and write.
They just invited her to be on one of the Gyao's program, right? It is diferent from working for Gyao. It's amazing she is making her dream come true. Without Internet, this wouldn't have been happened in the first place. Just a country girl of population of 3000 or so who admires Japanese pop culture is making a big turnaround of her life using Internet.
Just making less-than-nothing videos on youtube is paving the way for her new life. What amazed me is she is persuing her dream steadily though. 2ch's thread for her in youtube board has played a big role for her but she just stopped posting there. Maybe that's Gyao's instruction but without the thread, her coming to Japan wouldn't have been possible so she should thank people there instead of disappering without saying goodbye.
>>149 Emily was on TV? Tell me more. What kind of TV program was she on? Can I watch the program on youtube? What's she doing now? I heard she has video chatted with people on Stikcam recently.
I watched the show Carolyn was on on Youtube. She sang a Japanese song in the show. If I'm not wrong, some magazines covered her.
For decades, the Jewish media has struggled to cover up King's whoring, his abuse of prostitutes, his plagiarism, his intellectual shallowness and his small minded mean Negro personality
>>156 When her view counts of her videos were very small, the thread of her in 2ch motivated her to make new videos. Without the encouragement of people in the thread, magibon could have never gotten that wider audience.
I took a look at Magibon's thread just now, only to find KGKGKG was trolling there yesterday. Not again... As far as I can remember, he said again and again and again that he left the thread for ever. Why does he keep posting there? Just gross.
>>155 He is said to have asked a sniper to kill his wife. In 1980's he and his then wife was shot by someone in LA. She died but he survived. He was shot in his leg. The assasination happened in a car.
His aim was to get life insurance payment for his wife. He all plotted the story and acted in front of media that he was a victim of the tragedy and pretended like a grieving husband who lost his loving wife.
There was a witness in the crime scene who saw Mr. Miura giving a cue for the sniper to shoot. In Japaese court, he wasn't sentenced guilty because of lack of evidence but the other day it's said that LAPD found a new evidence that can make him guilty of the shooting incident.
>>163 I don't understand your logic. I think only spoiled kids can understand your logic. You'd better ask your mom to breast feed your dinner instead of asking 2channelers to cover the cost to Japan.
>>169 What are you talking about? lol What gives you the idea? She's a professional tennis player, isn't she? That's what made her famous. There was nothing to do with 2ch about that.
The hardest thing [ I've ever done ] is keep [ believing [ there's someone in this crazy world for me ] ].
( In ) the way [ that people come and go through temporary lives ], My chance could come and I might never know
I used to say "No promises, let's keep [ it simple ]", but freedom only helps [ you say goodbye ] It took a while [ for me to learn [ that nothing comes for free ] ]. The price [ I paid ] is high enough for me
I know [ I need [ to be in love ] ]. I know [ I've wasted too much time ]. I know [ I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world ]. And (it is) fool enough [ to think [ that's what I'll find ] ].
Hi there! Sorry for lurking so long. >_>; Just wondering, is their a japanese equivalent to the game "Guitar Hero" that's so popular over here in the US?
>>175 Guitar Hero. Hmm, haven't heard about it before. Guess it's kind of like Dance Dance revolution? I mean, like you play the guitar along with a music note flowing on the screen?
>>177 that's exactly how it is. xD There's probably videos of people playing on youtune if you're curious. xD So is there any game similar- instrument wise? I know that there are dancing and drum games in japan, but any guitar games?
>>175>>177 I'm old so never heard of it. I checked Japanese version of wikipedia. Let me try translating part of what's written there.
"In Japan, it's sold for Playstation3 and Playstation2. It is expected that Wii and Xbox 360 version is coming to the market soon. In Europe and USA, Mac version is released but no announcement is made for Mac version's entry to Japanese market."
Accroding to a chart on the left of the page, Play station versions were released March 6th 2008 so it's not long after it was released. Wii version is expected to be released in May 22th.
>>180 Oh, so Guitar hero is coming to japan? xD Pretty cool!
>>181 No, i haven't forgotten. Actually I bought a new webcam yesterday and have to set it up. I'm kind of nervous though. Camera-shy is the word. >_>;;
you guys are all so fool keira is a 20 yo chinese canadian guy he is a freak. you want to see his face? he wears glasses, tall, a typical cbc computer geek guy.
Toshi has had a complex about long jaw for a long time. But look at mika saro's wife, noriko. She is also bakemonoago(monster jaw) woman. And she is distaining finnish racial purity. It's more sin! She deserves death. Why is mika saro married to cheap japanese slut. Mika can find everywhere woman as gorgeous as a japanese whore in Europe. Does he have illusion about japan, which defeated Russia?
PEEEEOPLE, World War 3 is COMING!!!!! America and China will Crush Japan soon you gotta do somethinfg or there will be no more FF or MGS but it'S too late I hope anime nerds and FF fanboys will avenge us. RIP JAPAN
That Mayan Prophecy, I think it's true. In 2012 somethinf will happen and the World will be crushed and then a new era or something will begin... THAT MUST BE WW3 A lot of PEOPLE will die in the war and the survivors will build the new World. Mayans knew it. Only 4 years left, enjoy your life until then...
>>220 If the Mayans were so smart and good at prediciting the future, why didn't they foretell the coming of the Spanish and the subsequent ass-kicking they recieved?
>>237 When I was a university student, I went to a Peeping Room in Shinjuku kabuki-cho with my friends. That's a service in which each customer are put in small room divided by a thin veneer walls and peep a girl doing a strip tease and masterbate through a glass window.
The girl seems like Philippino. In each of the space assgined for each cutomers, there was a box of Clinex tissue. Of course I was masturbating seeing the girl fingering her clitlis and vagina. That's when there was knocks on my door and suddenly another much older Philippino woman poped up her head before I answer "Yes?"
She said to me in English, "Finger service?" or something like that, which I thought she meant she would help me masterbate. I was rubbing my cock at a lightning speed and it was a shame to be seen masterbating by her. She giggled whe she saw me rubbing my dick. I said "No, thank you." in English. She repeated my answer "no thank you," while she kept giggling. Maybe she wasn't expecting English words come out of my mouth.
So, the reason I rejected her offer was first, she looked a lot older than the girl doing masterbation performance through glass window.
Second, I was really surprised by her visit that I instinctively answered "No thank you" to her. So, my conclusion is that if I'm in normal state of mind and a girl who offer helping my masterbation is cute, I'd deffinately accept such an offer. Oh, I forgot the most important thing...That's "As long as the service is Free!" By the way, the finger service was 2000 yen.
>>243 Gross? You don't know anything abuot what men are like. Some men don't go such placews but look at the reality that that kind of sex business is prosperous throughout Japan.
In some sex services, girls don't let men insert their pennis and just they "massage" their pennis, in some, they actually have sex. In some, girls do a costume play and let men caress thier boobs. In others, half naked girls dance on your lap shaking their hips.
Lots of sexula serivices beyond your imagination exists. You can't blame only men. Some women go to what's called host club to enjoy drinking with good loooking men in business.
It's said that kgkgkg is trying to hook up any white girl by randomly sending messages to them.
It's OK as long as he shoots and uplaoads his nonsense videos but he tries to contact white female youtubers so you have to be cautious not to fall prey to him.
>>248 Thank you for your comment. One blogger wrote in her blog that the publisher decided to publish her book and she is very excited. No wonder she was is so happy. I wrote things like, just three out of 10000 cnadidates can be published and one out of ten published book can make a profit. I thought if it's a major publisher, the possibility that her novel sells will be high.
>>261 Do you have a fav pornstar? Evelyn Lin? Lexi Belle? Just type your pornstar's name in the search box and click on the search button. You'll get a full version. Or just go to /rs/ and look for your lovely pornstars. Have your pleasure.
Man I did a quick google image search and found out that Lexi Belle has nice black hair. I think I'M interested in her. Maybe I'll try watching her video. She doesn't look like a pro. You know, there are some typical porn actors look. She doesn't seem to make such a typical facial expression.
>>269 I searched her and seems like a typical one. I don't like nude models like who are on the cover of Playboy or Penthouse.
I don't like porn stars who act in their videos with too much exaggeration. I want to watch a video in which a girl respond with natural reactions to male actor's caress or insert. Being natural is the key.
Most of them got plastic surgery. I don't like them either. Jenna Jameson is pretty famous and I think many americans know her. Even I japanese know her. I couldn't cite many. Raquel darrian, celeste, sabanna, and .... They are pretty old... lol I have not seen many american porn. Just several times.
To be honest with you, I became also the one who can dispense with american major porn. Euro (especially eastern) Ameteur models are more cute and gorgeous than american pros. And act is more natural and arousing.
>>272 That many. All I know is Pamera Anderson and I don't know if she is a nude model just on porn magazines or she fucks in a porn video. I have seen a video leaked by a virus of winny. In that video, a coulple was making love. They are so natural, which is of course. I love that kind of natural video. Mind you, though. I haven't installed Winny. I just downloaded the video which was uploaded by someone who uses Winny.
>>273 Basically I don't care the size of a cock but seeing an actor in a porn video makes me feel confident of my size.
>>274 Yeah. There are some websites that feature Eastern Europe model. And models on the sites are breathtaking. But maybe because I'm getting old, I feel sorry about them. Because there are reasons they have to show her nudes on such websites. Maybe poverty or some girls might have serious family problems. Addiiction or drugs or things like that. So once I got to imagine the backgrounds of their nudity, I haven't gotten turned on by them as much as before.
Investment from the US has fallen for 5 consecutive years and that from South Korea has declined for 3 straight years.
This marks the 5th straight monthly rise ------------------------------------------------- I have a question. Why 5 consecutive years, not 5 consecutive year? Or Why not 5th straight monthly rises instead of 5th straight rise?
Is Ordinal number(th) relevant to the formula? With th, singular form is used and without th, plural form is used?
If so, What's the difference between 5th straight monthly rise and 5 straight monthly rises....?
I found out really rich and cute girls won't do hardcore. or don't have to do hardcore. They usually show their nude and live on it. I want to see their porn. But their body is enough for satisfaction as well as for their salary.
Morrissey, an ugly man so in love with himself. Toshi should learn from him. Morrissey's mentall illness is cured now? don't know but Morrissey was a man who loves his eccentricity, queerness and loneliness. Maybe He wants to stay as he was.
Why does Morrissey mist his sexuality and personal life? Just one pervert who should be incarcerated or hetero sexual who jerk off at woman? Either way, it doesn't matter.
>>280 Investment from the US has fallen for 5 consecutive years...
This means investment has fallen for five years in a row. The word "consecutive" is just an adjective. You can leave it out. Obviously "...fallen for 5 year." is wrong.
>This marks the 5th straight monthly rise
There have been five monthly rises. *THIS* particular one is the fifth one. There are five rises altogether, but there is exactly one fifth one.
>>292 >Also, Robert Mugabe banned April Fools in Zimbabwe as of yesterday, >saying he won't be influenced by British imperialism. That was an April fool thing.
>>293 Mugabe's prank would be to offer food and jobs to the population of Zimbabwe, or to blindfold people and set off firecrackers before their real executions.
They say the president of the agency went to America to check how big Magibon's boobs because his people should have big boobs to satisfy Japanese males.
Really? Magibon is going to debut as a bikini model with huge boobs? That's delifinetly gonna be fun! If things go well, she could debut as a singer, and then an actor. It's gonna be great!
all you want to talk is about Magibon? I swept away rubbish in this thread so now is the time we can talk about politics, culture, or Heather Mills. and 米人さんshould come back. I will welcome her with the chiaki naomi's song ♪
I don't think Magibon can live up to the hype that has been created on the internet. I bet all we will get from this is disappointment. I just don't think her boobage is as major as you guys think.
I'm not sure if it would be allowed in Japan now cos Japan has so succumbed to hypocritic US standard and order from them.
However a notable white supremacist and pedophile, Kevin Alfred Strom would praise this video and acclaim but he would also point out that she is a white nymph, Japanese(he don't use racial slurs becuase he is intelligent) is not allowed to draw a white woman, it's unforgivable for japanese to sexually fantasize about white women and like that..
Yes, Kevin, You are right. Then why not masturbate in front of this fairy again? Then attacked by your wife with a phone handle.
I would say Hinotori by Tezuka or Umezu's horrors. I also like Slum Dunk, Hunter x Hunter...but the classics are better in quality.
I also love Yamagami Tatsuhiko's nonsense shtick. Komawarikun series started again from 2004 on Big Comic and it is awesome. you know the author was hospitalized in an asylum? if you'd read his works, you would tell he is not a normal guy. lol but I really like his works. if you go to a book store, take a look at Big Comic's "Chushun Komawari kun" it is really hilarious. lol
The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing economic problem manifesting itself through liquidity issues in the banking system owing to foreclosures which accelerated in the United States in late 2006 and triggered a global financial crisis during 2007 and 2008. The crisis began with the bursting of the US housing bubble[2][3] and high default rates on "subprime" and other adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) made to higher-risk borrowers with lower income or lesser credit history than "prime" borrowers. Loan incentives and a long-term trend of rising housing prices encouraged borrowers to assume mortgages, believing they would be able to refinance at more favorable terms later.
Hello! I am happy to see you are all trying your best to be Americans. 2channel will be the greatest American messageboard one day. Remember! Vote Republicans, because we hate democracy! Enjoy your oil.
Since I don't have anyone around to tell a lie, I told a lie to myself. But obviously, I failed to fool myself. If I successfully was able to fool myself with my own lie, then I think it would be about time for me to go to see a doctor.
345 :George Lincoln Rockwell:2008/04/03(木) 01:20:49
How did I know this video? Just stumbled on it through a couple of youtube links. Yes, I watched the same genre, animation and then clicked the links and got in there. I knew it before. But alomost forgotten. Dunbain is too difficult anime for me at that time. And I don't like its overly serious manner for anime. But I like its designs from robots to flying vehicles. They were really cool.
And wait. I was a pilot of dunbain! I totally recalled! And a cute skinny fairy used to fly around me. And she is comming to me now! Uwahahahahahahaha.
>>356 My profiling of Nanako SOS guy is that he writes very good English. When he is not acting like a stupid man without claiming nanako is the cutest girl or just repeating her name, his tone of post is pretty serious.
Although the topic of >>353 is not so serious, it is about anime.
The nanako sos guy and the noriaki guy should get married on a deserted island and spend the rest fo their life together happily. Everybody deserves happiness.
I think what's called "Yamagata Cherry Style" will be the standard of the next generations of Japanese Hiphop.
Have you noticed that his Yamagata Cherry style has double meanings? One is he is still vergin and the other is that Yamgata prefecture where he was born and raised are famouse for production of Cherry.
Maybe my guess is wrong but if that's the case, you can tell how his lyrics are deep in meanings and that explains how gifted he is.
I think akiyama rina is cuter than yukolin. And she is natural cutie. Why isn't she popular? Some Girls with long hair, showing their ears are cute. And akiyama exactly fits the profile.
>>362 I googled and watched her video on yutube. I suspect she had a cosmetic surgery. Look at her nose. It looks strange. Too straight and unnatural in my humble opinion.
Out of curiosity would any of you be friends with an American in real life? Or is it too much of an annoyance being with someone who doesn't fully understand the culture?
>>371 >Or is it too much of an annoyance being with someone who doesn't fully understand the culture? What a sad point of view, if anyone actually does feel like that.
588 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/03(木) 00:28:51 ID:RJc5pNvB0 >>395 I guess Jr high students tend to consider things too much. Don't stay up this late. You'll be in trouble when the spring break's over.
You can't tell how human minds move by posts on the net. Posts only mirror a certain aspect of their minds.
590 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/03(木) 00:31:51 ID:RJc5pNvB0 >>398 I thought responses were meant to someone, but you talked to yourself.
I think Magichan is cute, but she's not my type now. I want her to grow up. But I can't force her to, since it's anybody's guess whether or not people would like her that way. Japanese people prefer something loli, and I know she knows that.
225 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 08:39:46 ID:p1iecJY70 >>392 Don't get so jealous of us showing our faces merrily. LOL You can speak to the world with a 10 dollar webcam.
237 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 12:09:45 ID:p1iecJY70 >>375 You are saying that just because I have been to Thai, Vetnam, Cambodia? Basically, I'm interested in minors about 14 years of age. I've never experienced sleeping with a prostitute. I'm virgin.
Who is this guy? He's been to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, admits he's interested in 14 year old girls and he says he's never been with a prostitute or virgin. lol yeh right and I'm a decent upstanding morally correct citizen.
He needs to go back to his lair in his parents' basement.
KGKGKG (2 日前) 表示 非表示 スパムとしてマーク 返信 Money seems to have been insufficient. She has received only 110 dollars in my guess. 2chers doesn't know the usage of PAYPAL.
Because 2chers bullies others and plays, I am not possible to trust them.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=p8diDrQoZcQ&feature=related I think kgkkgk belives he is be handsome. Many people disaree with this. But if he was yoshimoto comedian and something like that, Media would label him ikemen(handsome) comedian. That only shows How ikemen talents are not as ikemen as they are described though.
I think anime characters are depicted far from japanese standard physique. and they are more close to caucasian girls in physique. So it's natural girls like magibon more fit anime character in cosplay.
>>423 You hate him so much that you can't value his face correctly. He is far better than average yoshimoto comedians. So you can say he is queer for his nice face and london boots 2 is trying to be pretentious as for his ugly face.
I really don't like KGKGKG, either. Well, hate to say this, but non-native speakers of Japanese might not understand his language, the way he talks, and how he sounds to native Japanese speakers. But believe me. He's gross. That's for sure. He bothers to post in 2ch to troll lots of people, while he says 2ch is useless. What a contradiction! He's a 2cher himself, and enjoys it to his heart's content. Just gross and creepy.
Not many people bother to show their face and act like fool. KGK can do it. That makes difference. Sometimes caring about other's glance deprive you of chance to succeed. It's a japanese weak point. KGK is like westeners. He is what he is. And He do anything, even shameful things to get attentions.
Negro tries to be crazy to escape conviction. But don't worry. Negros are made to be crazy, it's normal for negroes so they will be acquited of all charges based on standard of human behavior.
It's just me but I have an impression that I have seen less foreign posters here these days. This thread is unique in that we Japanese people can interact with foreigners so I'd like foreign people to post more often.
In most cases other threads are places to discuss what study materials are good to improve your English and they are not the place we Japanese read and write in English.
No matter how much they discuss how to study English doesn't lead to better English because what they like most is just to discuss in Japanese and they don't write and read English. It's like to discuss how to swim better without even dipping your toe in water.
Anyway I want this place more full of life and energy. If you are lurking foreigners, don't hesitate to post. If you have anything to ask us Japanese rainging from questions about the language of Japanese or cultures or whatever, don't hesitate to do that.
If you don't have any questions, just post something you are interested in or what happened in your daily life. As the title of this thread shows, this is the place for chatting in English.
Recently this thread has just been full of shit. Been waiting for some serious discussion to start but that hasn't happened. Maybe I'll ramble about something if no one else does.
>>453 I was away for a while (not that anyone should care). Just lurking and waiting for something to talk about now.
>>462 Not exactly a complaint about society in general, but why are there so many racists around here? People seem to be tossing around racial slurs like it's perfectly normal.
I suspect posts about racial things here are done by only one person or just by a few people at the most. An Internet forum tends to be a place for vent of frustration in a daily life so that can't be helped in a way.
When you meet the person in person, he might be a nice guy. It's possible that they act like a racist just to get attentions.
>>457 Haven't really gone. Just been doing the same as スウェーデン人, really, because the thread so far has only been about Magibon, KG³, porn, and a bit of religious and racist trolling.
Still quite busy filling out forms and reading up on tax requirements in order to register a business, also. Another week or so and it should be ready to go. Then there'll be the whole problem of advertising...
>>467 Was doing a bit of domain-searching earlier, and nobody has taken the Irish domain http://www.comm.ie yet.
220 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/29(土) 23:47:50 ID:6V6kfx0y0 Why don't you show your face and look directly in the cam. lol After all, language without soul is just a code. It's supposed to disapper into the space. I guess Magichan's "nothingness" means something like that.
208 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/29(土) 22:07:01 ID:6V6kfx0y0 I couldn't careless about motivations. All is well that ends well. I'm not justice. It's more influencial to say something on cam. Daniel proved it.
210 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/29(土) 22:13:43 ID:6V6kfx0y0 >>209 I didn't mean here. I meant on Youtube. This thread isn't influential at all already. If anything, only a bad influence.
>>482 I'd be more worried if it were a proper company, such as a limited liability company, or a partnership, because they're a lot more complicated. My case is just a sole tradership.
>>485 Well... discussions about porn, I guess. And a guy who visited a voyeur bar or something. No idea what they're called.
>>487 There's no way I'd sell my hats. Even if I was falling on hard times, my hats would stay. Then when I'm homeless, people would call me the Crazy Hat Man and make fun of me.
Another American taxi burglar case..(I don't mean the murder case that happened a few weeks ago.) How many times do US marines commit crimes just within a few weeks?
>>492 Remember, the quality of American stationed here are low. Of course not all of them but in general, low ranking soldiers have problems with anything in them. They applied to become a soldier just to make a living. They are from poor family background and their education level are low. They had nothing to do other than becoming a US soldier.
US government are eager to get new recruits because of the lack of soldiers and they welcome everybody even they have problems in personality. The most important things is the head counts. Their qualities are bottom of the list.
>>493 I understand. But do you know a huge amount of the Japanese tax money is used to support the US bases for their amusement activities like golfing, bars, pachinco, etc. That's ridiculous. They shouldn't go out from their base. I'm sick of those horrible murder cases.
>>495 I know about the budget dedicated solely for US armies stationed in Japan. It's called 思いやり予算, right? But I didn't know our tax is used for their amusument such as golfing, pachinco and all. That's disgusting.
Most of people here are interested in either Great Britain or USA over other european countries. So constant trip-code poster from these countries, like イギリス人 is precious for us.
In regards to US soldiers, please don't judge America based off of what crimes the US soldiers have done in Japan. A good amount of people who serve in the army here was very uneducated, ignorant, poor and aggressive. All of these things lead to the outbursts and criminal activities you see.
>>515 Those who live near the American bases such as Okinawa and Yokosuka are scared of American soldiers walking down the street. It's not your fault. It's the Japanese government's fault. Japan should get rid of the unfair agreement that the J-government didn't do anything about. And most of us are angry about its giving a liberal amount of money to them without any consideration. Giving tons of money, offering places to live, and letting them kill its own people are because of all their lack of willpower. Japanese politicians are all morons. They can't do anything against America.
>>518 I am not sure if relationships in Japan are similar but friends becoming girlfriend and boyfriend happens somewhat often. If you need any specific advice I would be glad to help! Maybe ask her to meet you at a place that is meaningful to both of you and confess there?
>>520 Both America and Japan are at fault. America should withdraw the soldiers because it is obvious now that Japan will not try to harm us in any way. I blame this on politics in general. Other agendas are always prioritized before something like this even though withdrawal is long overdue.
>>500-501 A descendant, perhaps. My great-grandfather was supposed to have been somewhat eccentric. And a ginger. But anyway... the next hat on my list to get is still a Fidel Castro hat. Fidel Castro's own hat would be preferable, but a copy would also be okay.
>>507-508 Jordan isn't my taste at all, and I have no idea who Malene Espensen is. After a minute of research (Google), it seems that Espensen is a blonde. And without needing any further research, Jordan is a chav. Can't win.
I am an American and I have some general questions for the Japanese here.
1) Japan has an impressively low drug-use rate. Do you have any personal experience with drug use or know anyone with such experience? What are your thoughts on drugs? 2) Japan also has a very low crime rate. What factors do you think contribute to this? Do you think that your lower rates with crime and drugs are a result of cultural difference, differences in government policy, or other factors?
I came to this thread around >>200. This is my first time visiting this board. I used to post on world2ch and then 4chan (until it became terrible around 2006). I have been visiting 2ch and futaba for a few years now and even with my limited knowledge of Japanese both sites are very entertaining. I feel that anonymous board humor is the best. Please don't associate me with the common 4channer though, 4chan is a TERRIBLE site now.
Vegeta's strength far surpassed Goku's expectations. Not even doubling his strength through the kaio ken was enough to stop the saiyan. Now what will he do?!
1.) Only drugs I have used are something I took when I was ill. I know you are not talking about this type of drug. Seriously, I've never heard of anyone who use drug around me. But I heard it's easier to get drug in Tokyo than other parts of Japan. But still, it's difficult for general public to get access to drug. I heard in some clubs, where young people dance some people sell drugs. More often than not, drug peddling has something to do with Japan's criminal syndicate. When actors or musicians are arrested of drug use, they say that they were in something like writer's-block. And they say they get drug from a man on the street. Young Japanese don't hold a party at home like Americans do. Even if they did, I don't think they could get easy access to drugs. I can't imagine they have a drug party.
I have a impression that drug is something to forget your sour reality. You have to face reality no matter how hard it is so I'm against drugs.
2.) Japan is not safer than before anymore with more and more felonies and serious crimes commited by teenage delinquents and all. But as you say, still safer than other parts of the world. The following is just my opinion. Now things are changing but Japan hasn't have much financial gap incomel-wise among its citizens so people can get income the amount they think they deserve. Now Japan's society is said to be parting into two parts, which are winners group and losers' group and that has caused social unstability. But still, it's safer than the rest of the world.
Basically it's not permitted to own a gun so as media often reports, that's one of the reasons of low crime rate. Another thing I come up with is high standard of moral or ethic of Japanese people. Maybe Japanese police is excellent and arrest rate is high so that prevents people from commiting a crime.
>Japanese police is excellent and arrest rate is high so that prevents people >from commiting a crime. You've gotta be kidding. There are fucking many murder cases to be solved.
>>536 I have no clue. When I see the videos of it I get embarrassed and slightly angry. How can Americans in Japan expect to not be discriminated against if they do rude and obnoxious things like this. Japanese people find it disruptive and annoying too right?
>>537 I just wonder, do American people in America usually party on the train on Halloween, don't they? I guess that's why they do the same thing here in Japan.
>>539 No they don't, there aren't many train systems in America. Even in places with trains these kinds of parties don't happen. Usually on Halloween adults have parties at their house or maybe at work. Children go Trick-or-Treating where they ring people's doors dressed up and receive candy from the owner of the house.
>>526 Although I like to look at hats, I don't necessarily like to wear them, because after taking it off, my hair becomes totally flat and looking stupid, and I have to spend the rest of the day looking like that..... I'll probably wait until I become bald, lol~~
>>541 That happens to me a lot, too. If you use styling wax in your hair, though, you can run your fingers through your hair and make it... well... it won't exactly be neat, but at least it won't be flat anymore.
>>542 /b/ is the most popular and most of the users who use the other boards are also from /b/. /b/ used to be very funny (a long time ago) but slowly more and more new users have come to the site and turned it into something completely not funny and bad. Unfortunately, most other boards have suffered as well. Almost all boards reuse the same bad jokes that are part of the new /b/. /v/ (a board about video games) is pretty good but most of the others are quite annoying. The text boards (News4VIP among others) aren't quite as bad but still are not particularly good. A lot of users on 4chan have forgotten the purpose of an anonymous board and do anything they can to get attention or boost their ego.
>>536 I feel really ashamed of the Japanese police doing nothing to stop them causing a commotion like that. They know they can get away with it, with all those people together. I think if a bunch of Japanese people made scene on the train, they'd sure be arrested. Again it reveals how lazy the Japanese police are against Americans. Hahaha...
>>544 In addition to this, a lot of people take things a bit too far with their obsessions. This can both alienate people and creep people out. Almst every board is now either full of trolls, or full of non-anonymous who mostly believe that their knowledge is greater than that of everyone else, which leads to endless flaming.
From when I was moderating, though, the creepiest boards had to be /a/ and /l/. /l/ was full of people who obsessed over drawings of little girls, while /a/ was full of people who preferred fake, animated people over their real life counterparts. I remember one thread in particular where the posters were becoming upset that they were attracted only to animated females, and that they fould real human women "disgusting".
>>544 Topics in 4chan are fewer than those of 2ch. That's probably because the whole boards become chaiotic, I guess.
We also have the worst board of 2ch, I mean, the VIP board is infamous. But those people are confined there. So the other boards are somewhat peaceful, all because people can choose any board they like according to their own preferences. Say, this is the English board, so people here are generally interested in English. If you specifically are interested in talking about sports, then you can go there. It's quite fun to talk with people who have the same interest, well, especially anonymously. lol
>>549 Yes I think that's the big difference. Boards on 2ch actually have discussion and are separated. Boards on 4chan are mainly trolls/obsession posts with no real content on the subject. If you can imagine, I think the VIP board is better than /b/. That's how bad /b/ is. lol But yes, chatting anonymously about something you are interested in is great! Thank you 2ch~
>>551 I don't use the VIP board and I don't say it's a good board of course, but oddly, some of the people posting in the VIP board are ridiculously talented. I didn't know that quite recently, though. Some of them can sing. Some of them can creat funny stuff...
Most of them are not, though, from what I understand. lol They raids somewhere on the net and enjoy themselves. Just crap.
>>552 Not really, there are some people who try to fight against /b/'s raids and such but usually they make videos complaining about /b/ and do not realize they are being trolled.
>>553 Yes, 4chan's /b/ also participates in raids (that's when it started to get bad). They started a real life protest against Church of Scientology for some silly reason and now they all show up and protest every so often, it's really embarrassing and stupid to me. I am guessing they do these things because it gets media attention and makes them feel powerful. Here is an example video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1LozD5Stc9U
Remember, the English board is more peaceful than other boards, mainly bacause people in here tend to be kind of "serious"... Plus this board isn't active compared to others as well.
724 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 09:38:41 ID:x6YGwldB0 You put a link to my video again without my permission. Thank you for the cooperation. The reason why I don't tag anyone is because I try not to force them to respond. I wouldn't complain to anyone explicitly in mixi as well. Just so you know, Magichan's teeth isn't vampire teeth, they are rather sharp canine teeth.
Meh. Seems like y'all take shit a little too seriously. Most of the time /b/'s funny. Raids are funny. VIP seems funny but I don't go there very often. As long as people aren't being harassed in real life, I say anything goes. If you personally don't find it funny, that's fine. I don't think that makes anyone else stupid though.
I once heard that there was no or few anonymous mega message board like 2ch in US. Because talking behind anonymity is not american taste. They are more aggressive and prefer talking in person. But There is 4chan now and some specific people seem to gather there. 4chan is obviously a derivative of 2ch and I am kind of proud of this fact as japanese. But I feel that while 2ch has a wide range of people in amount and quality from neat to maybe university professor(2ch is usually labeled marginal and dangerous place but not true in many case), 4chan is confined to small and specific people like nerds and super-liberals. just my intuition and I don't know much about 4chan though.
With that said, political rally called for by the net is interesting. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=1LozD5Stc9U The same phenomena is happening in japan. The same mentality of 2channeler. They are aiming at prank as well as serious and angry. They want to be recognized through rally and think they do something meaningful to life.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=1LozD5Stc9U Wrapping around mouth with handkerchief is insinuating left wing terrorist(soldier) or something? At least it seems to be symbol of anti-authority. I once saw a neo-nazi rally and it'was odd that many protesters were hiding their face and kept yelling the same slogans. Maybe, They want to look like hiding revolutionists while they don't have to hide their identity.
Here's a story for you guys. I ran into this totally creepy guy today. I'm on my way back from Jamba Juice (an American smoothie shop), walking across campus back to my dorm room. This skinny Chinese-looking guy, probably in his 40s, is walking the opposite way. Just as he passes me, he asks, "Excuse me, do you know where the main library is?" We happened to be standing right next to it, so I pointed it out to him. He asked if there were any other libraries, I explained to him there were two other ones. He asked what each one was for, I told him. I had a sneaking suspicion at this point that this guy was just trying to make conversation with me. Next he asks me what my major is. Now I'm a nice person with strangers, I'm not the kind of person who can just say, "Sorry,I don't want to talk to you." So I smile and tell him I'm CS. He asks if I'm a grad student, I tell him no, I'm a senior undergrad. He asks what I'm doing after I graduate, I tell him the company I'll be working for. But he won't fucking shut up. He starts babbling about programming and Windows/Linux, and he asks what languages I like to code in and what kinds of programs I like writing. He talks for like 20 god-damn minutes. Eventually he starts hinting that he has some start-up ideas and he needs people to work for him. I'm like, sorry, I have a job already. The conversation then goes like this:
Him: "Well, what about after that?" Me: "Uh, sure, like 10 years later." Him: "No, what about 2-3 years?" Me: "No, I'm not going to be switching jobs in 2-3 years." Him: "Okay, 5 years?" Me: "...um, maybe? I don't know."
I read my post again and found it awkawrd as somebody mentioned. Maybe I was sleepy and exhausted at that time. So I'll try my best this time.
A negro pretends to be crazy to escape conviction. But don't worry. Negroes are essentially crazy, it's normal for negroes to be insane so they will be acquited of all charges. Law is based on the standard of human behavior. But negroes are not human-beings. So we can't apply human law to negroes.
He asks for my email address, so I give him my school one which will be inactivated soon after I graduate anyway. The creepy motherfucker asks for my AIM. I try lying and saying I never use it, but he says, "Well give it to me anyway, just in case you do!" What a pushy asshole. I gave him my old screenname that I never use anymore. Then he asks if I have MSN! I'm like, no, I don't. Thank God he didn't ask for my phone number or I would have had to just say flat-out no to his face. I try to be nice and tell him if he's looking for programmers to help with this start-up, he can post ads on our bulletin boards. He's like, "Oh, I don't know where they are! Show me show me!" It's like a 2-3 minute walk, so I point out the main two bulletin boards, and the main CS building and tell him he can try taping flyers up over there. Then as I turn to go, he starts talking to me again:
Him: "So you're going to Seattle in September?" Me: "Yeah." Him: "Do you live around here?" Me: "Well, I live in _____, so it's kind of close. But I'm leaving in June when I graduate, going to be traveling so I won't be around here." Him: "Oh! Where are you going?" Me: "Japan and some other places." Him: "Oh, okay. Well I'll be around here, so I can come back. I'll email you some time and we can meet up on the weekend or something."
>>584 (the end!) I gave him my look of incredulous no-fucking-way. I hope he got the message. And I just said, "Uh, yeah... sure, if you want." No fucking way I'm meeting up with Mr. Creepy Douchebag. >_> Why do these losers have to come up and bother *me*. If I'd left Jamba Juice just a minute later, if I'd walked a little bit faster/slower and gotten back on campus just a little earlier/later, if I'd fucking taken a different route to my room, I never would have ran into him. I should've just told him straight-up, you know what, sorry, I'm not interested, and I don't want you to email me. But you know, when it happens all of a sudden and BAM, you're talking to a random stranger, I just can't do it. I'm just inclined to be polite. I can't stop myself. Then after the fact I feel like an idiot for not just telling him to leave me the fuck alone. God damnit.
left or right, americans really love to carry handycam and shoot their enemy. Also they love to expose enemy's email and home address and phone number. psycho!
>>544 /b/ was never good. It used to be better sure but it was never anything good. Really 4chan killed its self with all the raids against gaia and habbo. They went around using their e-peens to rape a bunch of AIDS filled sites and then wonder why they all of a sudden have HIV.
Though they still have some good boards. They're just the smaller ones that the gaiafags never go too.
>>585 If you and he had gone into details and you had become the first employee of his start-up, then you might be on the cover of the TIME magazine with him, a few years later as a CTO of his company.
>>601 There are many girls who go on camera like that, they are usually named with "___"-chan. The most popular ever is probably Cracky-chan: http://nerds.love.marisa.se/images/2/28/Cracky-chan.jpg Cracky-chan was the only girl who really obtained popular status, the rest of the girls have arrived and then slowly faded away with only a few fans left. The story of Cracky-chan is sort of hard to explain but more or less after her first (and only) posts she was so popular that people quickly found other pictures of her on the net and she became an obsession for many stalkers and users.
What does lulz mean? Is that something to do with lol? I sometimes see the word used among American people probably when they make fun of someone worth "lulz". But what does it mean exactly?
968 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/05(土) 17:00:07 ID:EIsmKL7z0 What do you want, KGKGKG?
969 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 17:07:18 ID:x6YGwldB0 I won't tell you. Save the best for last. For your information, this is a thread for supporting Emily. You didn't know that? Nevertheless, you guys are speaking badly about her. This gives light on how bad 2ch is, I mean, the evidence.
975 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 17:20:13 ID:x6YGwldB0 Say that clearly to her. Emily chan might not be the kind of person who's so cheerful, but I guess it's ok to speak to her that way. She doesn't need to play cute when in Japanese. I'd rather her speak harsh words no different than when she speaks English.
977 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 17:28:31 ID:x6YGwldB0 I don't want you to ask that. It's because there's no way I can tell what's on your mind.
I majored in economics at uni. But I am working in the pharmaceutical industry. There is no reveleance between my expertise in finance and the everyday work I'm doing now. In japan, what we study at uni is almost nothing to do with our jobs. Don't you think it is peculiar?
>>560 Britain's history is full of invasions, not having just been ruled over by Anglo-Saxons. Before them were the Romans, after them were the Normans, and even during the Anglo-Saxon tribal monarchies, the Vikings invaded. The region in which I live is largely founded on Viking settlements (my town included), the biggest being built over the remains of the former Roman settlement Eboracum, which was then named Jorvik, and is now modern-day York.
This post has kind of gone off topic... oh well.
>>577 After advertisement schemes were added to 4chan, there were some issues with the advertisers not wanting to be affiliated with 4chan, mainly because of /l/ (not really much surprise there), so they were forced to get rid of it if they wanted advertising revenue.
KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05 >>61458988 KGKGKG: ポケモンは実は日本では大人は見ないよ Emily seems jealous of me and Magibon. She asked if I'm interested in her. lol I hasitated a little to speak honestly, but I said like "so and so" to her.
KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05 >>61459266 KGKGKG: I like creatures and animals KGKGKG: I saw Sponge Bob with my frriends daughter on NHK 教育 KGKGKG: Oh really?Thats starange charactorsw
>>612 Jorvik? Wow, that's brilliant. Almost sounds like it could be a town around here somewhere. (Almost. But if someone told me it was a place in Norway I wouldn't doubt it for a second.)
>633>>628>>601 You think we look pretty good together You think my shoes are made of leather But im a substitute for another guy I look pretty tall but my heels are high Simple things you see are all complicated I look pretty young but Im just back dated yeah
>>611 Really? That's not that surprising actually. In America most people study business or something like that and go into a business job even though the job requires no real "business" expertise. Do you guys have the same majors available that we do in America? I'm especially interested in whether or not you guys have different engineering majors and science majors.
>>613 It is just a catchy and somewhat funny song (because of how old it seems). Originally people would say "hey have you seen this new video? http://ime.nu/jp.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0" and trick people into watching it. It's still used for the same purpose but because so many people outside of /b/ have been tricked by it now it's really popular on the net in America, almost everyone knows about rickroll.
>>635 The study at university is not that different, I think, between Japan and the U.S.. But corporate customs, or business practice in general are very different in between. Rigidity in Japanese labor market and cozy relations between a parent compamy and its subsidiaries are examples which are often mentioned by foreign media such as The Economist magazine. In my opinion, Corporate Japan will fall into zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>>642 We are definitely in a recession right now. This year the unemployment rate went up to 5% and the economy hasn't been as bad as it is right now since 2001 (because of 9/11). So yeah people are definitely cutting back as pay for many jobs is being cut.
>>644 Are you really American? Living in the U.S.? Anyway, like many economists, I think the economy is in one. The jobless rate out two days ago or so is weaker than most experts expected. I think the presumed recession wouldn't develop into a depression and the economy would pick up in the latter half of the year.
>>643 Maybe 4-5 times a day. For most people it's probably 0-3 a day. >>645 Oh, yes the housing market has plummeted. I read that it hasn't been this bad in the housing market since the Great Depression.
>>648 Yes I am American, living in the US right now. Yeah, I would agree with you in saying that America will probably get out the recession fairly soon. I am not an economist or anything but I watch a fair amount of CNBC. lol
>>612 In a nutshell do you think name, Espensen is likely to be vikings' nam? I googled espensen and they are most likely to be british, not scandinavian. espenson is also scandinavian name for me.
Name that ends sen or son sounds noridic for me. Like Scarlette Johansson. She is danish american.
Come to think of it, anglo-saxon and vikings originally lived together in scandinavian pennisula. anglo-saxon went south and settled in the place around today's northern germany and holland, then sailed to Britan. So it's no wonder if they share the same name.
I'm watching a baseball game between the Yankees and the Devil Rays with TVants. I think Johnny Damon is rapidly declining due to his age. What do you think?
>>652 I actually don't keep up with baseball but a friend of mine said that Damon hasn't been playing as well as he did on the Red Sox. >>653 I don't have much expertise in the realm of economics but I would guess around a year. It definitely doesn't seem like it will last longer than two or three years.
>>637 I'm not british, even westener. But as long as I remember, Rick Astley was old even at that time. He was selling cheep old sytle music of electric pop version at that time I guess. It was already corny in the 80s.
>>650 I see. Ever been to Japan? I , too, watch the CNBC Web site meaninglessly with drinking beer.lol I envy you because the labor market there or life style in general are quite flexible. Anyway, I'm so drunken that I can't recognize what I am saying. I hope these sentences getting will get across.
Why is American football so popular in the U.S? I find it pretty boring. Granted I don't know the rules at all, but from the looks of it, even rugbly is better.
>>661 I find rugby more interesting than American football. Because rugby players run more often than Football players. In football, players who run are limited plus, each play is stopped at once and in all in all football doen't have more moves than Rugby. When a jusdge blow a whistle then, play stopps at once so it looks boring.
Woops, >>655 was me. >>656 It was just a mistake, should I fix it to アメリカ人? Or does the space give me some extra flare? lol
>>657 I am an atheist. I try to come to logical conclusions about life instead of following some book that tells a story that makes the universe easy to understand.
>>660 You make perfect sense actually! Yes I've been to Japan a few times on internships, I enjoyed it a lot. I see what you mean though I would agree that life here is a lot more flexible. I am curious, would it be impossible for you to participate in society in Japan if you decided to live more freely etc.?
>>661 It is a mystery even to me. I don't really follow sports. I'm guessing it's partially because they grew up on it, their family, friends and school all liked it and so they like it too.
Rugby players have no armor so they are easier to identify. I think this gives a sense of more personality. American Football players all have similar shape of armor and wear same helmets.
No. I was just curious. It's not that there's nothing between アメリカ and 人、but it's that there IS a space between them. So space insists its existance. Gotta accepat its claim.
>>672 Ahaha you flatter me. I honestly feel like even though English is my first language I still am not nearly close to perfect at it. I suppose it's like that with all languages right?
>>667 Actually we can take part in society even if we live freely. But the problem is the labor market here is so sticky that onece you drop out of the system established, it is difficult to find, if not a good-paying, a decent job. So we tend to self-restrict our life style. But that is why Japanese are often referred as a deiigent people, anyway. You are a nice dude who could be a "bride" in between. Thank you for the conversation. I'm going to bed. See you!
>>681 Yes, it is a valid. Since we never get negation of "I go to futon".(i.e. I do not go to futon) so we never ger contradiction if premises are true (we can deduct the conclusion)
You have to distinguish between "sleep in a bed " and "sleep in bed", or "sleep on a bed" and " sleep on bed". Is it like the difference between "go to school" and "go to a school"?
>>694 But I learned from english studying site that sleep in bed is rather correct. So joking aside, I want to know the reason. My reasoning is that "in" is grasped not cubic but area. You sleep in the area of bed.
>>698 I don't understand your point. You're saying those two expressions are incorrect or unnatural in any case? I want to hear your opinion about this.
"go to church" means custom and implies you pray in the church? go to a church just means you go to an object called church? then What about 'go to the church"? "The" means specific church?
>>700 an English studying Web site? To be blunt, you should study prepositions onece again. And your claim is half-right nad half-wrong. The language is not rigid but flexible. The "in" can mean an area.
>>717 Read my post again. My assumption is that in is recognized not as cube but as area in that case. I am right after all, right? Yes, I thought before in means material in cube. But my english improved anyway. I didn't say I knew English better than anybody. I just wanted to know and asked humbly. I have no reason to be ridiculed at my arrogance or pride. I know my English is not good. That's the one of the reasons I keep practicing english here. And this time is very helpful experience too, thanks to you guys.
Even ohnishi or tanaka explain in first with material in space or cube. So it's no wonder many japanese english learnes find "sleep in bed" is strange.
...What discussion? ^-^;; Sorry, I'm not very familiar with 2ch yet so I don't know how things work around here. And would those two who keep calling me a guy stop it please? I'm a chick, and I would rather not have strangers assume otherwise, are all the other people on this thread male too or something??
Really? I'd always assumed there were just as many female users as there were male here. How can you expect females to just flaunt around their femininity? There's no way it's possible over the net. I just don't think it's very polite to immediately assume that everybody is male.
>>747 Everything goes in 2ch, including in this thread. It's like lawless town. So It's better not to take each harsh comment personally and seriously.
In 2ch or maybe other forums, too, if you say you are female then some people get vulgar, like asking about your boobs and such, so in 2ch, some female pretend to be a man to avoild such offensive acts from men.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy 2ch and this thread. Here sometimes interesting duscussions are made but sometimes all nonsense are talked about such as porn or pervert things.
>>757 People here are interested in English and some have chatted with people from English-speaking countries or have e-mail friends. So it's quite natural that we pick up those internet peculiar abbreiviation and stuff.
Plus, cuss words are first thing you learn when you learn foreign languages, right? Some English learners in Japan (often the case with people of entry level of English skills) think saying cuss words like fu*k or shi*t is cool.
It's like teen age delinquent in English speaking countries think it's cool to use those cuss words pretending to be a rebel.
That's the first time I've heard of KGKGKG, I just looked a few of his videos on youtube. Personally, I appraise him for his self-confidence... The dancing is a little weird. In general, I just think his a little weird but nothing negative. ^-^;;
>>757 How was your life in Japan? How do you like Japanese men? Did you go out with a Japanese man? Have you seen in person aboligini(spelling must be wrong) the native australian?
That is true, and I think it applies to any learners of a new language. Personally, I also memorized a few swear words first but in a polite country such as Japan I would never use them.
I really enjoyed my year in Japan! It was very fun and I met a lot of new friends there too. Many of which I still email with. Japanese men seemed very shy to me, nice but too shy at times and no I didn't go out with anyone. ^-^;;
Yes, aboriginal people are in every city, but they live mostly in the country areas rather than the in the city where I live.
With aboriginals, there are some people that discriminate against them because they don't think they are 'civilized'. But the fact is that, their culture is different as is their style of living, some people just can't accept that for some reason. It's kind of like racism.
I've never really thought to make videos of myself, I enjoy programming and designing websites and graphics more. ^-^;;
Read >>765 carefully. That's what only KG himself think of himself as. He is jus tnuisance in 2ch. He claims 2ch is nothing but meaningless and bad place but he is the one who comes frequently to 2ch to post nonsense.
I went there as a student and attended the second year of senior high school there. The reason I wanted to study there for a year was just to experience Japanese culture because I am very interested in technology and plan to work there after university. Not to mention all the traditional building and natural scenery are just breathtaking. You have a very beautiful country. ^-^
>>778 That is a generalization, there are many influential aboriginal people in Australian history. They are not uncivilized. There are many homeless aboriginals and they act just as white Australian homeless people would. It is unfair to judge them all without knowing all the facts.
>>775 Sounds like you had a lot of fun here. Hokkaido is among other parts of Japan, is rich in nature. Some people who live in Honshu, mainland Japan go there in summer for motor bike touring or camping.
So you wore school uniform. What do you think about English teachers at your school in Hokkaido? Honesty you didn't think they are good, right?
>>781 You mean to type 'live in it'? The term 'it' refers to objects, you cannot usually use it for area names unless you're describing the place. eg. What do you think of Tokyo? It's very crowded.
>>783 What's wrong with generalization? They are uncivilized people. That is a fact. It's a maybe politically incorrect thing to say, but that shouldn't prevent us from pursuing the truth.
>>784 Haha, well, I couldn't blame the teachers though. There was one teacher who was very fluent in English in terms of speaking, but you cannot expect to excel in it if there's nobody for you to practise and improve your english with.
So you're still in highschool. You know what, I have a feeling that you'll be the next goddess of this thread, only if you can tolerate those continuing trolling and harrassment here. Are you up for that?
You said you are interested in Japanese technology. What about anime or Jpopor J-drama. Some foreign people people get to interested in Japan through that kind of pop cultures. That's not the case with you?
>>783 They're not, most are actually very nature-conscious people who believe in their own traditions and that they should never take more than they need from nature. They are not uncivilized, I urge you to study more about them and their culture and history before making a conclusion about them.
>>789 No, a few of the males in my school talked with me every now and then and a few of them became good friends to me too. I actually wrote my email on the blackboard on the last day of school and a few of the male students have mailed me too.
I came to understand? Untill you don't specify what "it" is, You can't use it suddenly? --------------------------------------------------------- Come to think of it, we daily see the sentence like I live "in" tokyo. The usage of it is no problem for me this time. We don't stumble over "it" in this case. ---------------------------------------- How about this?
I'm going to bed now. Come and visit here every now and then. Hopefully I would like you to write オーストラリア人in the name field to tell if you are a native speaker.
But then why the australian goverment think it is appropriate to take their children away from their parents and culture? It is because they are uncivilized people unworthy of existense in this world. Saying otherwise doesn't make any sense.
>>795 Haha, it's only because I don't see a reason to get truly mad at someone because it's just their freedom of speech. I have no right to tell them to shut up or else wise. Thank you, but I don't think being a 'goddess' is much use, I'm just here because I thought I could maybe help some people with their English if they needed help.
>>796 That sentence is correct, but only because it'd already mentioned what 'it' was beforehand, and also you were describing 'it'. Area names just means town/city/country/etc. names. ^-^ So names of areas/places.
>>797 To be fully honest, I am also interested in that, but not to an excessive extent and it was Japanese technology that interested me first.
I hate people who hide behind "it's their freedom of speech" and do nothing. That kind of inaction is something we must fight against to make this world a better place.
>>802 No, it was just the English government's opinion that they were uncivilized. Just because aboriginals did not have materialistic needs such as fancy food/clothing and did not 'own' land because they believe that only mother nature is allowed to 'own' then land. It's their belief and traditions, and they have lived much longer than western society has.
It's just like how some foreigners may think Japanese traditions or beliefs are pointless, but to Japanese people there are meanings to their cultural beliefs and such.
>>808 Thank you for thinking so highly of me, but please don't have such high expectations of me. ^-^ I really appreciate your comments though.
>>810 Doesn't meaning I won't argue or comment about those kind of posts, I just won't resort to anger in order to retaliate. Just like how I'm trying to convince about this aboriginal issue because I can't believe someone would assume something like that about another culture of people just by hearing about it.
Lol, I am not saying I dislike the English government. Australia is part of England after all and I adore English culture as much as another other. I'm simply saying that the decision that resulted in the Stolen Generation was a brash and illogical one that resulted in much grief and became a sad time in Australian history, one that not even the government themselves speak proudly of now a days. Just a few months ago, the Australian prime minister actually apologized in front of a huge crowd on live television to all the aboriginal people that were affected due to the Stolen Generation.
But how can the government pay compensation when they don't even know who was really affected by the event, or just wants to get some free money? ^-^ Lol. It'd be too risky.
>>824 What if they're lives are almost perfectly balance the way it is. There's no need to westernize every cultural, it's because our cultures are different that makes each of them unique.
>>823 It is shameful, and I know the Australian government is amateur compared to others, but I think it's improving with the new prime minister. I don't agree with them, honestly, though I've grown up in Australia, I consider myself more of a Hong Kong person as my parents are and having been born there. Australian government is relatively new compared to other countries and so they're no very experienced in anything, I can only hope they're improving and not be too harsh to judge them.
>>833 Thank you too, for your mature response. ^-^
>>835 Yes, because really, the Queen owns Australia and she has the supreme say over everything and anyone. This is why the England flag is part of the Australian flag.
But it's your westernized standards that decided to bring democracy to the Islam world. Why is it ok to decide democracy should be the way to go, when people there don't?
>>839 Haha, yes, really. ^-^;; Depends on the way you phrase it though.
>>840 That was simply the USA government's choice, there have been many protests about the war in Iraq but the USA government won't listen to its people for some reason.
>>849 I know that's how it sounds, but it's a generally well-known fact we don't support the war. However, our last prime minister was spineless and wanted to be in favor with the US despite heaving protests.
I've been thinking /b/ and 2ch is shit like american culture. And those posting in such shitty BBS are also craps. That's why I started the war. I promise I'll get back peaceful Internet life to anyone who supports me.
I should go now, it's 8:14am and I haven't slept a wink, lol. ^-^;; Maybe I'll pop by again sometime, thank you for the very engaging conversations and wish you all the best for your English studying (even though it's to a very impressive standard already). ^-^ Bye!
Foreigners should stop coming to this shitty BBS. For starters, I'll destroy 2ch so please keep confined in your smelly /b/ for now. Ok? After I've achieved the destruction of 2ch, I'll save you foreigners by flooding /b/ with benine and positive messages in 4chan.
Speaking of English, most Japanese people don't/can't speak the language because they don't have the chance to actually use it. So I strongly recommend that you try to do vlogging on Youtube. I speak English in this video in order to stop Daniel, or a shitty half ausie, from defaming Magichan. And I succeeded in silence him.
Just watch it, and learn how to use English effectively.
Many English speakers answered to my question. That proves they perfectly understand me. Again, let me repeat myself. The key to improving your English is do vlogging. Speak to the world, don't you? Give it a try.
I strongly suggest you 2channelers make videos and post them on Youtube. You are here taking your anger out on somebody else in vain. That's not healthy at all. Buy a webcam and speak to the world! Do vlogging.
811 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 21:40:28 ID:x6YGwldB0 >>809 I really like to see how successful Magichan will be in the showbiz world, and it seems to me that she wants to give it a try herself. Anyway, "nothingness" until now won't work any more, so hopefully she'll get more serious.
812 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 21:41:47 ID:x6YGwldB0 >>810 Trolling? No, I didn't do it. There's no way I don't want her to come to Japan, you know. She was so happy to finally come that she cried. See?
Since we seem to be stuck talking about KGKGKG, let's turn it into a way to practice our English. Everyone post a long angry rant in English that you would like to say to KGKGKG. Feel free to make it irrational and harsh. These will end up being funny.
I wrote one real quick, please enjoy: Hey KGKGKG, I noticed you have a lot of videos. I wonder what that means. You know at the beginning I thought you were just trolling but I think you actually like 2ch. Secretly you want to be accepted by 2ch but every time you try everyone just ends up hating you more. Slowly you've become hated by every user on the net. I'm sure you were planning on the internet being the one place where someone gives a shit about you but sadly you've failed at even having a single person like you, just like your real life. I guess that'll give you time to obsess on ugly American girls who want to be Japanese. Who do you think you're trolling kid? You're only trolling yourself. By the way, your videos suck and you aren't funny. I tried to find one good one but gave up after three hours of searching.
815 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 21:45:33 ID:x6YGwldB0 >>813 I don't see your point. What should I do?
Some say those who type "GyaO" must be from GyaO, but I don't care about it one bit. That's a defective point of the system here. Anonymous posting system ends up in failure like this.
819 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 21:49:12 ID:x6YGwldB0 >>816 By 2chaneller, I mean, those who don't use a particular user name and get away with speaking badly about someone. If you have something to say to me, why don't you use a name? I can't talk with you because I don't trust in you.
821 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/05(土) 21:51:14 ID:x6YGwldB0 >>817 I cut it. This'll continue until the day when 2ch is eliminated.
>>877 I already have many people backing me up. It's all because of my personality. They like me. They say I'm funny and talented. My videos entertain people all around the world, not people here in 2ch, but people in youtube. Don't waste your precious time on flaming each other. Just be positive.
>>879 What's the matter, don't want to tell me that everything I've said is true? That you get no attention or recognition in real life and you desperately cling to four comments by people on youtube who don't give a fuck about you. Yeah sure, you're really liked bro, oops. They aren't laughing with you; they're laughing at you. Don't kid yourself. I can see in your mind and I know for a fact every day of your life is a living hell. I can continue posting with satisfaction knowing that every day you wake up hating yourself.
This is entertaining even though >>879 isn't KGKGKG. Let's all enjoy arguing with fake KGKGKG together!
KGKGKG is real, even fake ones! Cut out your bullshit. He's the bomb. You're jealous because he's one damn good looking sexy motherfucker. Just by looking at any one of his videos, you can't help but feeling some irresitable sensation coming up down there. Just face it.
926 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/06(日) 09:38:57 ID:UpC/whg80 This war will never end until 2ch stop using the anonymous posting system. Everyone will be posting under the user name they choose.
To begin with, this thread is history.
19 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/06(日) 09:51:06 ID:UpC/whg80 >>18 I like it here when lies and the truth is mixed together, but there's something I can't forgive you guys for. I don't like talking about people behind thier back, such as Emily. Of course, about me, neither. Show your face and speak if you please.
Don't talk about KG ! I don't like him because the way he speaks English is so creepy. he seems like he's never realized the fact and have posted a lot, though.
Good morning, Sweden man. I wake up just now as if I was in the Sweden's time zone. ^^v Anyway, what kind of weirdness a sweden person like you eat for breakfast?
Usually it's just tea and some sandwiches. Whole grain ("brown") bread, for the most part, sometimes white bread in the weekends. (It is the only kind you can get fresh.)
Actually, I slept almost on a Japan time zone schedule for most of last week, so I'm just as bad...
Then you might as well eat like you are in Japan and go with rice and natto and miso soup, which is universally recognized as the best breakfast in this world.
>>904 Oh, no good reason. I don't have any classes, and the waking hours tend to drift. Staying up an hour or two longer every day, and after a while you're up when everyone else is asleep.
>>908 That's a sure sign of turing into NEET or hikikomori. Emigrationto Mars a choice but coming to Japan to become a Neet is another choice. Welocome to a Neet club.
>>909 I think the more natural thing to say would be "Welcome to the club".
Unless there are actual neet clubs... Anyway, NEET would not really be true, but I can definitely relate to the hikikomori lifestyle. Most people I know are a bit like that, actually.
>>912 Thanks for the correction. So most of your friends are like hikikomori? Or socially reclusive people, just living in cyberspace?
I hope you won't be hikikomori or NEET after you graduate from university. If I remeber correctly, you were thinking abuot studying in Japan as an exchange student, right? How is the plan going on?
>>913 My friends aren't really hikikomori, but most of them tend to be a little bit like that. So there are people having their own companies, working from home, night workers, people living alone, etc...
You remember correctly, I was planning on going as an exchange student. Unfortunately for me, I was not chosen to go this year. I don't really know what will happen next. And someone recently mentioned that there is a job opening that might be suitable, so perhaps that is the way to go for now.
Basically, I am still trying to figure out what to do.
It's a cherry blossom vewing season. No one to go to see and drink with under cherry blossoms tree.
So I stay home and do 2ch. Miserable life you can expect it worse than. That can't be helped. Oh boy but it looks like abeautiful day and staying at home is a shame. But I won't go out. Tapping a key board and talking nonsense in 2ch is easier for me. People would call me a loser. Thank you very much.
Greek person here. I have posted before, but I do not have IME on this computer.
I tried to install it, but I do not have the Windows XP CD.
I hope everyone is doing well in their English studies.
I have examinations coming up in 2 months! I have started to learn Japanese too, I am going through the Hiragana alphabet and learning small phrases so far.
Today I watched the film 'The Bird People in China', it was very good.
Oh you are hikikomori? Don't worry, I have no prejudice to Hikikomori or NEET.
It is a tough situation to be in. I feel sorry for hikikomori and NEET because they are scorned at by society and this only makes them feel worse and perpetuates the problem. Just remember to stay healthy, that is the most important thing. Having a hobby is good too. Whenever I feel like I want to be on my own I go into my room and read a book. Sometimes for many hours.
>>926 I hope you will be out from the diamal situation. I began to work this April after graduated. I'm feeling a pressure from society to be a established adult. It's a fictional feeling that is not clear whether or not there is. Anyway, I earn money and live in a world of the establishment.
Read Holy Bible. The Widow’s Offering Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched [ as the crowds dropped in their money ]. Many rich people put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others [ who are making contributions ]. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, [ poor as she is ], has given everything [ she had [ to live on ].”
Kgk must be living in a huge house with high walls like fortress. He is another spoiled millionare son. I don't have a nerve to show my face and say provacative things on youtube, living in a hut. I am easily exposed to the society and threatened to be attacked. Kgk is protetced by mansion.
Jweish media is trying to justify and beautify spic illegal alians. spics are more ugly and more unwhite in real life. They are vermin and destroying american culture. Illegal alians are victim? You have to be aware of the ract : they broke the law to enter america. So after sad story does not deserve piting. If spics had not broken the law, sad story would not have occured. spics created their own sadness.
http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1411373574 LOL How can you forget the anime title of this song while you had a zeal to record on tape at that time. me too recorded many animeson including the song above. But I lost the tape without realizing. He kept the tape untill now.
I'm not sure i could remember the anime title if I was made to listen to the song without prior knowledge though.
>>910 I think it's tough to describe it. It's farmented beans, of course. It's sticky. Usually, we put soy sauce on it and stir it. There are many people who like natto, but some don't. So I wouldn't force non-Japanese guys to eat it even if it's a traditional Japanese food.
KGKGKG is something like an internet transmitted disease that you get infected with. You become a KGKGKG and start talking like him if you watch one of his videos. You should do vlogging and show your face.
>>948 I'll try it out sometime. I am pretty open to new foods, even if the taste is quite shocking at first. Taste buds can be changed very easily. You quickly get used to foods you dislike if you eat them a lot so I try to eat all foods.
While we are on the topic of food, what is everyone's favorite food?
I don't have any specific foods I like. All I wat is what my mom makes everyday. As a Neet and sort of hikikomori, I can't complain dish she serves. If I hav eenough money to eat out, then I would like to eat at a fancy Italian restraunt with a beautiful woman. I'd order see ood pizza or nice pasta. If she wants to drink a glas of wine with that, then that can be a good choice. But that's just a pipedream.
>>958 I don't mean to stick to Natto, but I like Natto maki, or Natto roll (sushi). It's tasty, but I don't recommend it if you don't like sushi or natto.
And there are too many foods i like other than that.
>>961 I was wondering, why is curry so popular in Japan? Indian food isn't all that popular here in America although I do enjoy curry as well. >>962 Hey, don't get your hopes down. Anything can happen you know. I honestly respect your lifestyle, I don't see why there is anything wrong with isolation.
Oh and for my favorite food I would have to say salmon. I eat a lot of fish and salmon is probably my favorite.
I heard American don't like to eat raw fish in general. How do you eat salmon? The best way to eat salmon is without cooking just put a dressing on it. like marin.
>>966 Yes. Although I have to say my mindset is way different from most people. I don't really identify myself as American just as a person who happened to be born in America. Where you are born is just chance anyways. Maybe it's my very unusual philosophy of life that makes me not seem American? If it helps to see me as more American, I do have blonde hair and blue eyes. lol >>967 I am visiting this Japan again this summer so I will try some then. Looking forward to it! Any type or place you would recommend? *drooling*
>>968 Actually sushi has become popular recently. I wouldn't say that REAL Japanese food has become popular or anything but a lot of Americans like sushi now; it's a trendy thing to do. I've liked salmon all my life. I usually bake it and prepare it with some sort of glaze or seasoning. However, I do occasionally have it raw. The problem is that where I live it's hard to buy fresh fish at the store so if I want to have fresh raw salmon I have to go to a sushi bar. Raw salmon is so good. What is marin?
One Japanese took his collegue from India to a restrant and ordered curry because he thought his Indian colleague missed his country's specialty.
They had wonderful conversation and enjoyed the dish. When they got out of the restaurant, he asked his Indian collegue how the dish was.
The Indian colleague replied, "That was a really delicious meal. What's the name of the dish?" ---- This is a joke that explains curry served in Japan and curry in India is two different things. Actually, in big cities, there are Indian restaurants which serves real Indian style curry. But It's a bit different if curry is served in places other than real Indian style restaurant. But this joke exaggerates the differences between curry in Japan and India, so in reality the indian colleague could have recognized what he ate was curry.
>>977 Oh I see. I'll try it out, what would be something good to marinate it in? Any recommendations? >>976 Tokyo, I'll be there at the beginning of June for a few weeks.
A lot of 'Indian' curries which are popular in the UK (and West) started off as a mixture of sauces either made from scratch, or adapted from foods originating in India, but changed by British diplomats and soldiers stationed there while it was part of the British Empire to suit a non-native taste.
Anyone who goes to India to try and find their favourite curry will probably have a very hard time actually finding it there.
>>970 If you haven't tried it already, I'd very much recommend uni.
>>980 Ahaha you are spot on. I am not a party animal at all. I tried it out for a short amount of time and quickly realized it's not for me. I am a bit introverted. I enjoy sitting around on the computer surfing the net and such things a lot. Basically I just do whatever I find the most entertaining and for now it's occasionally hanging out with people and spending my time on the net or reading. I'm also really interested in science and philosophy. I am not in college yet so that explains my lackadaisical lifestyle. Once I get into college (in a year) I'll probably start spending more of my time on studying and such.
>>984 hahaha, Chatting here and a real party are different things.
My image toward party in America is upbeat people gather and get wild and have a fun. I think American who come to 2ch is reserved and a bit nerd and geek and thigs like that. No offense meant.
>>982 >the south sucks. It really does. lol Not to mention no good colleges in the south. >>986 Last time I went to Japan I brought home a can of Georgia coffee as a sort of joke. Canned coffee in Japan is actually really good.
>>990 You're right. The only type of American person who would even know about 2ch would probably be someone like me who has spent a lot of time on the internet.
>>995 I disagree with that. You just have to be interested in Japanese culture. I learned about it from Densha Otoko, not from spending a lot of time on the net.