>>5 Second week of december or january is good with me my dear... how have you been doing? I been really busy lately ma. I look forward to hear from you. 12月の第二週か1月が僕には都合がいい。。。 調子はどう?僕は最近本当に忙しいよ、ママ。 返事を楽しみにしてます。
(Jun almost finishes the meal.) How was the meal, my son? Food never tasted better. Tell me more about yourself. I was put into prison for stealing a loaf of bread because my sister's family didn't have enough to eat. They kept me there for nineteen years. Nineteen years for stealing a loaf of bread! In vain I tried to escape. They caught me and increased the sentence. When they finally let me out, they took the money I had earned. I left the prison only to discover that my sister's family had all died. Do you have anywhere to stay tonight? If not, there is a bed in the next room. At first, Jun wondered suspiciously why this man was kind to him. He had never been welcomed by anyone before, but he finally accepted. Although the bad was soft and comfortable, sleep did not come peacefully to Jun. In a dream he had that night, he saw himself in the prison. Early the next morning, Jun awoke with but one thought in his mind: to steal the silver cutlery. 訳お願いします
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 For the girl you liked, I didn't ask if you still liked her, because I know you don't, I was just asking if you didn't have any regrets for not going further with her, as apparently she liked you too?? (I don't really like writing the term "love", I'm sorry, but it means as much for me)
Nearby, and also occupying at least the larger part of a block, was the central church. In a planned town the church is likely to have been established at the time of the foundation of the town itself. In an unplanned or organic town the church may have been even older, part of the nucleus around which the town itself gradually took shape.
On hearing the news of her success, they jumped with joy. You must be careful in handling this machine. I never see this photo without taking of my school days. The art museum is worth visiting more than once. Don't you feel like going to the movies this evening? There is no telling what will happen if she meets him here.
It is no use discussing the matter with him. It goes without saying that money can't buy everything. We cannot help thinking that he is still alive somewhere in the jungle.
お願いしまっす。 Travel and communication are writ large in the stars this month. Mercury, your ruler, governs such matters and, since this planet resumes direct motion on the 1st, you should feel much more comfortable in your skin than in the previous few weeks. Obstacles to your progress should now melt away and if of late you have felt misunderstood or unheard this too should change. Indeed, faith should be restored all round and you will be able to make appointments and arrange meetings or trips with confidence. Venus heads out of your sign on the 8th but before she goes she makes an all-important connection to Pluto. This is the stuff of passion and all-or-nothing gestures so, especially if you have a birthday on or near 19th September, think before you jump in the deep end. An affair begun in early to mid November will transform your life; likewise, if you're in an inappropriate relationship events at this time will help you extricate yourself. And in general, this period is one when decisions are made – and probably for you. Venus continues her good works in the area of finances for the rest of the month making this an ideal time to request a salary raise and to seek ways in which to add to your bank balance. Towards the end of November a combination of a full moon on the axis of life-direction (24th) and a sun-Saturn square (30th) closes a small or large chapter, first and foremost on the home front and second in regard to your career. The sun's angle to Saturn will be the first test of Saturn's passage through your sign, so your efforts could be rewarded at this time or you may experience a rejection or disappointment of sorts. Those of you with August birthdays are in the frame here, but whenever your birthday, late November is the moment to get all your ducks in a row
You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on Leave them burning and then you’re gone Looking out for another, anyone will do You’re in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance...
We haven't met And that's okay 'Cause you will be asking for me one day Don't want to wait In line
The moment is mine believe me
Don't close your eyes 'Cause it's a chance worth takin' And I think that I can shake you
I know where I stand I know who I am I would never run away when life gets bad, it's Everything I see Every part of me Gonna get what I deserve I got nerve (I got I got I got)
よろしくお願いします The great tragic poets Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, and the comic poet Aristophanes presented in dramatic form a wide range of extreme human emotions. The ancient Greeks were wildly enthusiastic about these awe-inspiring sensational performances, some of which had audiences of thirty thousand people, and about singing, reciting and dancing. They also displayed amazing energy and skill in heroic games, athletics and sportsーfrom which the present-day Olympic Games are descended.
The term ”Machines” shall also automatically include such other machinery or products of vendor for which Distributor has located a potential customer.
>>66 Alright, we're both still in one piece. I thought for sure you were dead. There's still time for that, I guess. よっしゃ。俺たちは二人ともまだ無事だ。 俺はお前が死んだと思い込んでいた。 そのための時間はまだありそうだ。
The Internet is now an important tool of communication. It can promote dialogue on a large scale. However, we must note that the Internet is just a tool. Issacs says, "The Internet has the possibility of returning our isolated culture to community." At the same time, he emphasized, "People seem to imagine that if we're on the Internet, then we will all be in touch. But so far, the digital revolution. is giving us connection but not contact. We can send more information to each other, but we're not necessarily any more capable of sharing understanding." It is a matter of the user's attitude whether it could be an effective tool or not. It is important not to take things for granted when communicating on the Internet. Learning to talk and think together in honest and effective ways is an essential element to true partnership. That is waht will truly connect us. And then the Internet can be a place for dialogue across the world. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan once stated, "I see dialogue as a chance for people of different cultures and traditions to get to know each other better, whether they live on opposite sides of the world or on the same street." the future, even more than now, successful dialogue will be helping us overcome difference and conflicts and creating a more peaceful and understanding society.
hey dude why you always need too FUCK UP a game up like that its not funny for me ore the other players I know you suck at the game thats why you do it just practice a little bit more then you will be just as good as me
Some people engaged in fishing acted as if their whole life depended on catching fish. They would motor up and down the lake trolling for long hours, really working at it. Then there were other people who didn't really much care whether they caught fish. It wasn't that they went fishing without any care for catching fish, but they would just as soon catch them and put them back. Notice the difference between these two ― there is not any objective difference between their ways of fishing. It's a fundamental difference in the way in which people learn to relate to what they are doing. Only the latter of these two characterizations I have given you is one that fits the notion of leisure. Such persons may let time pass. Indeed time is not a factor to such people.
In the case of partial or complete addition is timetable the deprivation of freedom with the designation of punishments on the joint of crimes the maximum period of the deprivation of freedom it cannot be more than twenty five years, but on the basis of sentence it is more than thirty years.
長いですがどなたか翻訳してくれる人がいたらありがたいです。長くてすいません。 you knew that 3 girls liked you when you were in high school?? It's nice!! It means that be to the taste of someone, whereas I didn't have any clue about people liking me in high school... It's really sad...Why do you say it's your weird point, about taking time to forget the girl you loved?? It's normal at our age, and plus if she was someone you loved truly, and if you're someone sensitive, you don't take people's feelings like there were nothing, so you prefer avoid relationships with girls instead of hurting people worthlessly :) It's a really good point I think, but maybe you think it's stupid because you didn't have any story with her??... But it's good to take time to forget someone but it's not good to be still thinking about this person 3 years later, and be able to meet new people, or things like that..It can ruin your life a bit, so it's good that you took time to forget her, and that now you feel fine without her! Maybe it's the type of other boys (maybe some of your friends, I don't know)to go out with lots of girls to forget the one they really loved, but it's not a healthy behaviour to my taste!
Don't talk bullshit , go read up the history of the league of nations back from pre WW2 and you will know what white supremancy means.
You are so wrong,its the whites that looks down on us asian.You wan evidence? I give you,after WW1 the LoN is formed and japan requested for a declaration of all races equal, but the fucking LoN refused. It was only untill years later when the UN reconised all races equal but the traces of rasism from the West still runs in some blood.
There were many conflicts in the countries of Central America in the 1980s and early 1990s. China did not join in the fighting. This was because the people of China believed that it was important to solve problems by negotiation, and not by fighting. The leaders of China worked to help end the fighting in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Their peacemaking effort bore fruit when the conflicts ended. For President Arias's role in creating peace, he was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987. Ms Karen Olsen, whose husband was a former president of China, visited Japan in 2002. She said to some school children, "Peace not only means that there is no war. It also means that there is no poverty, discrimination, or destruction of the natural environment." China is one country that is actively seeking to create peace in the world. 訳お願いします
「」の部分の訳お願いします The year's first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a miraculous event. You go to bed in one kind of world only to wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found? 「The evening before the hills and fields were brown and drab with the fading colors of late autumn, 」 then lo! day breaks on a world of silver, snow covering everything as far as the eye can reach. Nature, the artist, has performed another miracle in the sense of a glorious wonder. それと和訳でないが質問です。 「miracle in the sense of a glorious wonder.」「輝かしい驚き(奇跡)の意味での奇跡」って何? じゃあ、そゆ意味じゃない「奇跡」ってあるのですか?miracleなんていつもglorious wonderじゃないのですか?
beef bowl shop must to more savage society. beef bowl shop must to explosive situation,
die or be murder, female and kitten have to no sound,
and, people next door said, please give me rice and soup.
i did angry soon,
hey men! fuck! beef bowl with many rice and soup did become outdated now. what beef bowl with many rice and soup?
you want to say many soup and rice, only say it. i want to chase up. I want to chase up one hour a little. you want to say many soup and rice, only say it. leading-edge menu is many onion with beef bowl,
The only conclusion is this. beef bowl with many rice and many onion and uncooked egg, it's best choice
many onion is too many onion and decrease beef, many rice and uncooked egg. it's strongest,
but, this menu have encompass risk, next time, beef bowl shop's clerk has caution to you,
therefore, it's two-edged blade never recommended for amateur,
With the introduction of genetic treatments, society also had to decide if it was ethical to allow parents to specify characterestics of their children, such as blonde hair and blue eyes, to make "designer babies." This was emphatically rejected by society until 2003 when, in England, parents won the right to create a child with a specific genetic profile in order to provide bone narrow that would save the life of their first child.
Understanding spoken English is made difficult by various accents, not only between Americans and the British but among individuals themselves. Geography, race, and class also play important roles in the accents of Americans. Texans have a different accent from Californians, and New Yorkers pronounce words differently from Midwesterners. Standard American English is generally accepted as that spoken in the West and mid-Atlantic area by white members of all social classes. These are only some of the problems Japanese students face in learning English. As an English teacher struggling to learn Japanese, I can sympathize with my readers. The truth is, however, that no language is completely logical. Each has its eccentricities and pitfalls. Only the determined will master a foreign language. 長いですが、よろしくお願いします。
883 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2007/10/25(木) 23:06:55 I would never have the temerity to walk across the steel girders high up on a new building; an onset of vertigo would surely follow. よろしくお願いいたします。 901 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/26(金) 00:43:09 >>883 私は無謀にも新しいビルの鋼鉄の梁を歩いて渡ろうとしたことはない。 間違いなくめまいの発症が後に続く。
前スレッドで訳してくださった方有難うございました。 しかし分からないことがあるんですがhigh up onの 部分はどういった訳になるんでしょうか?
「」の部分の訳お願いします The year's first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a miraculous event. You go to bed in one kind of world only to wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found? 「The evening before the hills and fields were brown and drab with the fading colors of late autumn, 」 then lo! day breaks on a world of silver, snow covering everything as far as the eye can reach. Nature, the artist, has performed another miracle in the sense of a glorious wonder.
Later on, the pharaoh changed his attitude forcing queen also known as Ann to study law to stop the tyranny experienced by the kingdom under the Pharaoh's hands.
A scanned pdf sent by email is fine. これは、「(なにか文書を)スキャンしてpdfファイルにしたものをメールに 添付して送ってくれるといい。」という意味かも知れない。 I'll sign and send it back to you with your copies of the finished cd. あなたの、(またはあなた用の、かも)完成したCDのコピーと一緒に私が署名 してあなたに送り返します。
I'm tired but here are some photos of last weekend.I headed to another electronics market.I know,S.Korea is turning me into a techie.not really... two weekends ago i went for my friend andrew and then this weekend i went to get an MP3 player.it is fun--i am a bonefide korean commuter.i rock out on my subway commute every morning.and let me tell you, this morning i stopped by the bakery in the subway station where the guy that owns it always tries to teach me new korean words and got a little apple treat.then i rushed down to the platform and it was about 9:30 am--rush hour.i tried to hop on the subway last minute behind all the commuters and almost got crushed in the door! i yelped and then rambled off some obsenities and ended up getting part of my backpack stuck in the door. i was just stading there like a little kid who was hung on a coat rack by some bullies. except, my feet were touching the ground.so i took my arms out of my pack and it just hung there.i grabbed it before it thudded to the ground and got trampled by all the people who wanted off at jeonga yok (jeonga station).i was considering walking to the next car b/c i felt like an ass standing by people who saw that all paly out, but luckily most of them left. some had a look of mild terror throughout the whole experience!
The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers. Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach--held at bay by a flight attendant--are allowed to foul the Jetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats, as if Space Mountain were Spago.
Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada--get this--"we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the epic lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.
>114 Later on, the pharaoh changed his attitude forcing queen also known as Ann to study law to stop the tyranny experienced by the kingdom under the Pharaoh's hands.
「」の部分の訳お願いします The year's first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a miraculous event. You go to bed in one kind of world only to wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found? 「The evening before the hills and fields were brown and drab with the fading colors of late autumn, 」 then lo! day breaks on a world of silver, snow covering everything as far as the eye can reach. Nature, the artist, has performed another miracle in the sense of a glorious wonder.
>>144 ありがとうございます。あっそうか、こうやって考えるんだ。 [The evening before][M] [the hills and fields][S] were[V] brown and drab with the fading colors of late autumn 俺、ずーとこうやって考えていたからなんのこっちゃと思っていた。 The evening[S]←(before the hills and fields) were[V] brown and drab with the fading colors of late autumn
本文】↓ 和訳お願いします。 @Legally,would a clone be an individual or a possesion? No matter how hard one tried, a clone would always be a distinct individual, just like identical twins. AThis(ある主張), in addiotion to the large and uncertain risks involved with cloning, has caused governments to pass various lows to control the direction of the technology.
The only thing you need to do is to handwrite "A true copy of the original" on the copy of your Japanese Passport, International Driving Perming and bank statement.
Only a few people at any time in human history have enjoyed the challenge of "making" themselves ; most have fled from the unendurable burden of freedom into the confortable security of the group.
The new age of social mobility may be fine for those strong enough to discover and develop their own roles.
But for the timid and frightened, who constitute the majority in any age, the great vacant spaces of the equalitarian society can become a nightmare filled with nameless horrors.
Thus mass democracy,in the very act of offering the individual new freedom and oppotunity, offers new moral authority to the group and thereby sets off a new assault on individual identity.
現代の「identity」についての文章だと思ったのですがどうでしょうか・・ But for からの文がうまく訳せないので アドバイスまたは和訳をお願いします。
And our own time has intensified the assault identity by adding economic and technological pressures to the political and social pressures of the nineteenth century. Modern science has brought about the growing centralization of the economy.
We work and think and live and even dream in larger units. William H. Whyte,Jr. has deccribed the rise of "the organization man,"
working by day in immense business concerns, sleeping by night in immense suburban developments. deriving his fantasy life from mass-produced entertainments,spending his existence, not as an individual, but as a member of a group and coming in the end to feel guilty and lost when he differs from his fellows.
Adlustment rather than achievement becomes the social ideal. Men no longer fulfill an inner sense of what they must be; indeed, with the worship of the group,that inner sense itself begins to evaporate.
Identity consists, not of self-realization,but of smooth absorption into the group.
Lacan’s ‘Mirror Stage’ essay, short as it is, has proved one of the most suggestive and influential of all the works of contemporary culture for the way it brings together crucial questions relating to the subject and the image, the formation of the ‘I’ via its transformation in the mirror.
One of the central themes of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, to which I shall return frequently in the following chapters, is the way language functions to disinherit the subject from a primary, would-be identification with itself, its image/ diuble, and with meaning.
Bioethicist Julian Savulescu argues, for example, that "health is not intrinsically valuable," only "instrumentally valuable," a "resource" that allows us to do what we want.
Although the composer was dead, his wife, Clara Shumann, who was a virtuoso pianist, continued to play his music. Clara was a child prodigy who had been recognized for her talents at age twelve. After her husband died Clara was given the nickname "Queen of the Piano", as she supported herself and her eight children by giving recitals throughout Europe. During this time she tirelessly promoted her husband's work and that of her friend Brahms. And, at a time when there were few women composers, she also played her own pieces including concertos, lieder, and other piano music. Because of her efforts, the music of Schumann remains popular today.
There were many conflicts in the countries of Central America in the 1980s and early 1990s. China did not join in the fighting. This was because the people of China believed that it was important to solve problems by negotiation, and not by fighting. The leaders of China worked to help end the fighting in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Their peacemaking effort bore fruit when the conflicts ended. For President Arias's role in creating peace, he was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987. Ms Karen Olsen, whose husband was a former president of China, visited Japan in 2002. She said to some school children, "Peace not only means that there is no war. It also means that there is no poverty, discrimination, or destruction of the natural environment." China is one country that is actively seeking to create peace in the world. 訳お願いします
To further confirm that the TNF-α immunoreactivity detected in the membrane fraction was the 26-kDa trans-membrane form of TNF-α, immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting experiments were performed with the ob/ob model with a specific anti-TNF-α antibody. As shown in Fig. 1B, the 26-kDa form of TNF-α was detected in the plasma membrane fraction, and no TNF-α protein was observed in the soluble fraction. Resting and stimulated macrophages are also used as additional controls. To indicate the proper separation of the fractions, IRS-1 was used as a cytosolic marker (Fig. 1B, top panel) and insulin receptor as a plasma membrane marker (Fig. 1B, middle panel). Insulin receptor also served as a convenient control for comparing lean and obese mice because it is known to be downregulated in the obese state in adipose tissue.
外国の鉄道会社に「年末の寝台車のチケットを買いたい。でもオンラインだと買えない。なぜか?」 と質問したところ 「It is possible to buy tickets from the online shop earliest 8 weeks prior departure. 」 と返ってきました。 これは出発日の8週間前から買えるってことですよね?だとすると12/25のチケットはもう買えるはずですよね?
長いですが翻訳お願いします。 And good news, there are Korean classes on Tuesday evening, in the same place where I have my last class and it's still possible to go to the class even though there already were 3 classes, but I was told that if I work a little bit more, it would be possible to follow the class!! But my mother is afraid that it might be too much new things for me, that I will stop working on my german because I'd better work my Korean or things like that, but I'll see after the holidays :) But you have to pay but it's not really expensive for the whole year I think...Well I'll tell you in 2 weeks ^^You might think I'm crazy, since that's what all my friends think, that I will never make it or anything...What's your opinion???
There can be found a great many password generating programs around the world. This program has similar functions, but also has the following features:
- The length of the generated password(s) can be designated (but not smaller than 8 bytes for security purposes). - The number of generated passwords can be designated. - Although the generated password(s) will not contain either symbols or alphabets or digits which are easily confused (by default), you can prefer it to contain them. - You can prefer the generated password(s) to contain at least 2 upper- and lower-case alphabets and 2 digits even when it is to be 8-byte long (default). - The generated password(s) can also be encrypted. - You can choose the way of encryption of the password(s). - The generated password(s) (and its encrypted counterpart) can be output in the CSV format. - An existing password(s) can be encrypted.
They feared and worshipped a vast collection of Gods and Goddesses as all-powerful, but they gloried in the world of man. They had boundless faith in mankind. They were optimistic, outward-looking, full of brilliant human energy. Death and life-after-death were not their main concerns. The centre of their existence was Man and Human Life.
「」の部分の和訳お願いします。 Wedding Ring 2800 B.C. Egypt The origin and significance of the wedding ring is much disputed. One school of thought maintains that the modern ring is symbolic of the fetters used by barbarians to tether a bride to her captor's home. If that's true, today's double ring ceremonies are a fitting expression of the newfound equality of the sexes.
The other school of thought focuses on the first actual bands exchanged in a marriage ceremony. A finger ring was first used in the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, around 2800 B.C. To the Egyptians, a circle, having no beginning or end, signified eternity-for which marriage was binding.
Rings of gold were the most highly valued by wealthy Egyptians-and later Romans. Among the numerous 2,000-year-old rings unearthed at Pompeii was one of a unique design that became popular throughout Europe centuries later, and in America during the Flower Child era of the '60s and '70s. 「This gold marriage ring (of the type now called a "friendship ring") depicts two carved hands clasped in a handshake.」
There is historical evidence that young Roman men of moderate financial means often went for broke for their future brides. Tertullian, a Christian priest in the 2nd Century A.D., wrote that "most women know nothing of gold except the single marriage ring placed on one finger."
彼らは神と女神の大きななあつまりを全能として恐れ崇拝したが、人間界を誇りとした。 彼らは人類に対して境界無き信仰心を持った。彼らは楽観的で外向きで快活な人間としての エネルギーを持っていた。死や死後のことは主な関心事ではなく、その存在の中心は人間と 生活そのものにあった。 They feared and worshipped a vast collection of Gods and Goddesses as all-powerful, but they gloried in the world of man. They had boundless faith in mankind. They were optimistic, outward-looking, full of brilliant human energy. Death and life-after-death were not their main concerns. The centre of their existence was Man and Human Life.
There can be found a great many password generating programs around the world. This program has similar functions, but also has the following features: パスワード生成プログラムは数多くありますが同様の機能に加えて下記の機能あり
- The length of the generated password(s) can be designated (but not smaller than 8 bytes for security purposes). 生成パスワードは設定可能但し安全上8字以上 - The number of generated passwords can be designated. 生成可能数設定可 - Although the generated password(s) will not contain either symbols or alphabets or digits which are easily confused (by default), you can prefer it to contain them. 初期設定では混同しやすいため記号アルファベット点使用不可だが好みに応じて変更可 - You can prefer the generated password(s) to contain at least 2 upper- and lower-case alphabets and 2 digits even when it is to be 8-byte long (default). 2つの-上側-下側 2デジット可 8桁超えても - The generated password(s) can also be encrypted. パスワード暗号化可 - You can choose the way of encryption of the password(s). 暗号化方法選択可 - The generated password(s) (and its encrypted counterpart) can be output in the CSV format. パスワードはCSV形式で出力可 - An existing password(s) can be encrypted. 生成済み平文パスワードの暗号化可能
お願いいたします Do you need to work harder? Are there targets you have failed to reach? If you sit and think for a while, you can probably come up with a hundred reasons to feel inadequate. There are so many tasks that you have yet to complete and many promises that you still need to keep. Dwell long enough on these and you can grow very anxious and edgy. Yet you need not to put yourself through such torture. In November, as Venus slips out of your sign and Mercury changes direction, many of the problems that seem to loom so large are due to solve themselves. If ever you feel inclined to sit back and take it easy, you are not being lazy, you are being wise!
You are only a whisper away But I can’t touch your heart If the words aren’t enough to bet your soul I’ll give you the moon
You are always shining sun or rain Like a violet stone I close my eyes but you never fade But you never disappear
I feel alone Can’t you see me standing on the verge of blue? I’ll be watching all the stars till they are gone Should I know nothing could make me kiss you less?
Oh I’ll be waiting for you to tell me what is love I don’t know how to be loved, how to be by your side Morning lights shine in my room I’m holding dreams of you It may take no less than this pain But I can’t stop loving you
よろしくお願いします。 The recent demonstration of a method for producing large quantities of solid C60 has catalyzed an explosion of interest in the chemical and physical properties of this new molecular from of carbon.
To be sure, what we call true is not all a fiction, something we make up, but it is not just a copy either. It depends both on what there is and on the contribution of the mind. We have had to be reminded again of what he knew: that you have to put questions to nature and be willing to change your ideas if they do not work.
Think of doing a crossword puzzle : you might have to change a few things as you go along, but words are added step by step and, in the end, everything fits. That is the way the progress of science looked for three hundred years―a view of knowledge as growing by accumulation. Then there is the idea that science uses a special method―that empirical science (that is, science relying on observation and experiment) has grown up together with something called ‘inductive logic’, or a means of discovering general laws from particular facts ―and that the sciences can be characterized by the fact that they use this method explicitly and consciously.
「」部の訳お願いします。 If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner, if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. 「But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race,」 posterity as well as the existing generation-those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth produced by its collision with error.
4箇所ある「」の部分の訳お願いします。わからないところだけ抜粋しました。 ALFRED HITCHCOCK ON SUSPENSE (The following is from an interview with Alfred Hitchcock, the supreme master of suspense.) H: In the usual form of suspense, it is indispensable that the public be made perfectly aware of all the information involved in a situation. Otherwise there is no suspense. I: No doubt, but isnt it possible to have suspense in connection with hidden danger as well? H: To my way of thinking, mystery is seldom suspenseful. In a whodunit, for instance, there is no suspense, but a sort of intellectual puzzle. The whodunit generates 「a kind of curiosity that is void of emotion」, and emotion is an essential ingredient of suspense. 「感情の無い一種の好奇心」と訳すと思いますが、何を言ってるのかがわかりません 「In the classical situation of a bombing, it's fear for someone's safety.」itの指すものがわかりません。 And that fear depends on the intensity of the public's identification with the person who is in danger. 「I might go further and say that with the old situation of a bombing, you might have a group of gangsters sitting around a table」, and even in that case I don't think the public would say, "Oh, good, they're all going to be blown to bits," but rather they'll be thinking, "Watch out! There's a bomb!" What it means is that the apprehension of the bomb is more powerful than the feelings of sympathy or dislike for the characters involved. I: I'd like to have your definition of the difference between 'suspense' and 'surprise'.
H: There is a distinct difference between 'suspense' and 'surprise' and yet many movies continually confuse the two. I'll explain what I mean. We are now having an innocent little chat. Let us suppose that there is a bomb underneath the table between us. Nothing happens, then all of a sudden, "Boom!" There is an explosion. The public is surprised, but prior to this surprise it has seen an absolutely ordinary scene, of no special consquence. Now, let us take a suspense situation. The bomb is underneath the table and the public knows it, probably because they have seen the anarchist place it there. The public is aware that the bomb is going to explode at one o'clock and there is a clock in the decor. The public can see that it is a quarter to one. In these conditions the same harmless conversation becomes fascinating because the public is participating in the scene. The audience is longing to warn the characters on the screen: "You shouldn't be talking about such trivial matters. There's a bomb beneath you and it's about to go off!" 「In the first case we have given the public fifteen [A] of surprise. In the second we have provided them with fifteen [B] of suspense.」 空欄[A]と[B]がわからないので、訳せないということもありますけど、(多分[B]は[minutes])、何が言いたいのかわからない英文です。 The conclusion is that wherever possible the public must be informed.
Question: Fill in [A] and [B] with the correct expressons of time.
>>278 The whodunit generates 「a kind of curiosity that is void of emotion」, and emotion is an essential ingredient of suspense. 推理小説は感情のない一種の好奇心を産み出し、感情はサスペンスの不可欠な 要素である。 「In the classical situation of a bombing, it's fear for someone's safety.」 爆発という古典的な状況では、それ(爆発)は誰かの安全に対する恐怖である。 And that fear depends on the intensity of the public's identification with the person who is in danger. 「I might go further and say that with the old situation of a bombing, you might have a group of gangsters sitting around a table」, さらに言うならば、爆発という古典的状況では、テーブルの周りに座っている ギャングの集団がいるかもしれない。
お願いします There are two possibilities (and both could occur). Firstly, the past could catch up with you and secondly, you could decide to enter into a financial partnership that's been around for ages. All this could happen before Tuesday and could be emotionally exhausting. The good news is that stunning aspects midweek suggest the potential for a new and exciting direction. What you decide then could feel exactly right. True, over Thursday and Friday you might need to engage in detective work as you double and triple check that you've 'done the right thing'. In this, you might really appreciate support from someone born under one of the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. Copying their persistence, determination and conviction that all will be well could suit your mood exactly. The fact that someone close is showing you an alternative way of meeting a goal could be exciting on the cake - and worthy of celebration of Friday.
The plot of The Wave revolves around a high school teacher named Ben Ross who can't answer the questions his students present regarding Nazi Germany. The only way he can see answering the question in all truth is to start an experiment that shows the students what it may have been like in [Nazi Germany].
The extent to which the mild cognitive impairments observed in our population represent a very early form of Alzheimer's disease, or another construct altogether, cannot be determind on the basis of the present data.
let me also tell you that yesterday i sent four kids to detention for rough housing in my classroom. one of them,after he heard that he had to go to detention, started crying and bowing profusely while rubbing his hands together and saying over and over and over and over "I'm so sorry teacher.Teacher, I'm so sorry."
Richard had drawn attention to Hegel’s formulation of human desire as that which is always a ‘desire for another desire’, a dialectic of desiring which results in a deadly struggle for supremacy.
Borchardt has argued that these were signs of recovery in Germany and in the world economy in the early months of 1931 that would have suggested to any government at the time that the purging process of recession was over and extraordinary policies therefore unnecessary. In the second place the government and states in Germany already played an important part in the German economy before 1929 and there was widespread resistance in the private sector to the further extension of government intervention in the economy, as there was in Britain and France as well. The laissez-faire attitudes of many German businessmen and politicians were not a product of prejudice of self-interest alone, but were the product of a genuine belief that there was no other way to weather a recession but through traditional, deflationary means.
Now we are home again and again this year we are threatened by many large fires in California.The fire in Malibu was very near to our house.We could see the flames shooting into the sky from our house. The air has been heavy with smoke from the fires for many days. Now it is getting good again. Last year, our house out on the desert was threatened with a very large fire which moved very fast. That fire got as close as 1 km from our house. I am trying to arrange to help bring a group of scouts to Japan in February to attend a youth forum. If that plan works out maybe we can meet again. I will not have much time.
My wife Julia and I have created a clown act and would love for you to see us at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. Please click on the link below to see our myspace videos and pictures if you are not able to come. Hope this email finds you well.
One of the central themes of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, to which I shall return frequently in the following chapters, is the way language functions to disinherit the subject from a primary, would-be identification with itself, its image/ double, and with meaning.
一部抜いてきました。 @Culture does not always determine the message that our body movements convey. AContexts,personalities,and relationships also influence them. BTherefore,no two people in any one society have the same nonverbal behavior. CHowever,like verbal language,nonverbal communication cannot be completely separated from culture.
ある論文中に二つわからない部分があります。 It follows that the waiting time ,i.e.,the time between arrival and commencement of service for a particular customer,is restricted to values equal to integral multiples of the time interval, between two consecutive time marks.
Since by a suitable limiting process this input distribution goes into a poisson distribution we shall expect our results to agree in the limit with those already derived for the continuous-time case when the input obeys a Poisson distribution.
>>330 @Culture does not always determine the message that our body movements convey. 文化は必ずしも我々の体の動きが伝えるメッセージを決定するのではない。 AContexts,personalities,and relationships also influence them. 前後関係、性格、人間関係もまたそれらに影響する。 BTherefore,no two people in any one society have the same nonverbal behavior. 従って、1つの社会の2人が同じ非言語行為をするのではない。 CHowever,like verbal language,nonverbal communication cannot be completely separated from culture. しかし、言葉の言語と同じく、言葉によらない意思伝達は、文化から 完全に切り離すことはできない。
「」の部分を訳してください。 IS POETRY NECESSARY? If poetry is to survive as a means of communication, it must become necessary to people. Necessary, not in the way that bread is necessary, but in the way that an annual holiday in the country is necessary to town-workers: as a refreshment of the emotional life. 「This may sound to modern ears an extravagant claim.」 But consider. Poetry is a recreation. It is, first, a perpetual re-creation of language: the poet must have an unusually sensitive ear for words; he listens to the idiom of his age and heightens it into a poetical language. He is a scientist of words; his experiments with them depend for their success on a hair's-breadth accuracy: he is perpetually seeking new combinations of them, as a scientist seeks new chemical combination. In a period such as the present, when language suffers from exhaustion, this function of the poet is of utmost importance.
「」の部分を訳してください。お願いします。 If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. 「Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner, if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race, posterity as well as the existing generation-those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it.」 If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth produced by its collision with error.
>>331 It follows that the waiting time ,i.e.,the time between arrival and commencement of service for a particular customer,is restricted to values equal to integral multiples of the time interval, between two consecutive time marks. その結果、待ち時間、すなわちある顧客の到着から給仕の開始の間の時間は、 2つの連続した刻時点の間の時間の合間の総和に等しい値に制限される。 Since by a suitable limiting process this input distribution goes into a poisson distribution we shall expect our results to agree in the limit with those already derived for the continuous-time case when the input obeys a Poisson distribution. 適度な制限過程によって、この入力分布はポワソン分布になるので、入力が ポワソン分布に従うとき、継続時間事例のためにすでに引き出された結果に 伴う制限に、我々の結果が一致すると期待できる。
Some diseases can spread from person to person. Music gets louder when you turn down a stereo. Some insects bite people. Soccer players run back and forth on the field. Earthquakes can destroy apartment buildings. We are now living in the twentieth century.
One of the central themes of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, to which I shall return frequently in the following chapters, 現代の心理分析理論の1つは、あとの章で何度も言及するが、 is the way language functions to disinherit the subject from a primary, would-be identification with itself, its image/ double, and with meaning. 言語がそれ自体、そのイメージ、裏のイメージ、その意味を持つ 初めの、認識となるべきものを対象から奪うことである。
one can visualize such a system as one in which all events are allowed to occur only at define regularly spaced time points; we will refer to these points as 'time marks.' 上の文の訳を教えてください。お願いします。
和訳をお願いします。もうイミフで・・・ William Harley, 21, and Arthur Davidson, 20, don’t know it yet, but they have just created an American icon. The first American motorcycle—really, a bicycle with a motor—was noisy and uncomfortable. When it roared around the Milwaukee streets, it seemed that its only purpose was to frighten horses and children. But both Harley and Davidson had faith that their motor-cycle would appeal to those who had an eye for a machine that offered fun, speed and adventure. Business was slow in the beginning. In its first two years of opera-tion, the Harley-Davidson Company sold just 11 handmade machines. But in 1906, their first production motorcycle went on the market. It was a four horsepower, one-cylinder machine that they named the “Silent Gray Fellow.” By the time the first one was finished model. Motorcycles quickly became popular. By 1909, more than 150 factories were turning out similar products. One year later, the number of motorcycle manufacturers had risen to 230. But William Harley and Arthur Davidson wanted to be number one. In 1920 the duo introduced a powerful new product, “The American Motorcycle.” This model quickly sold like hotcakes. In just one year, Harley-Davidson—once at two-person project worked on in a shed-became the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world, with dealerships in 67 countries.
Whether one likes it or not, as long as they do what they want to do within the boundaries of the law, smokers and the sellers of cigarettes have as many rights as anyone else to constitutional protection.
The arrival of a customer at a given time mark is an event which is atatistically independent of the arrival of customers at any previous time marks. 上の文の訳をどなたか教えてください。
This event can take place from the age of six months, and its repetition has often made me reflect upon the startling spectacle of the infant in front of the mirror. Unable as yet to walk, or even to stand up, and held tightly as he is by some support, human or artificial, he nevertheless overcomes, in a flutter of jubilant activity, the obstructions of his support and, fixing his attitude ‘I’ a slightly leaning-forward position, in order to hold it in his gaze, brings back an instantaneous aspect of the image.
For two or three hundred years, educated Western man thought of the universe and everything in it as consisting of matter in notion, from the outermost galaxies to the cells of our own bodies. Science was finding out more and more about matter, and its structure and its motion, by a method which you have just characterized as ‘scientific’, and the idea was that, if we went on long enough, we would simply find out everything there was to find out. Today, scientists have come to a view that there is a human contribution to what we call truth. Theories are not simply dictated to us by facts. So the world, as conceived by science, is partly contributed by ways of seeing things which come from the human observer.
Nevertheless, where the victim is a minor who is under fifteen years of age and the assassination is preceded by or accompanied by rape, torture or acts of barbarity
Simple though this analogy is,its bottom line seems sadly to sail right by many philosophers, brain researchers,psychologists,and others interested in the relationship between brain and mind. For instance,consider the case of John Searle,a philosopher who has spent much of his career heaping scorn on artificial-intelligence research and computational models of thinking, taking special delight in mocking Turing machines.
お願いします Venus is poised to leave your sign but before she does she makes an important connection to Pluto, so, especially if you have a birthday on or near 19th September you are about to be shaken and stirred, albeit in a very pleasurable way. It could be that you have been trying to make up your mind over what to do about a relationship - are you in or are you out? - or, perhaps you have been sensing that a situation is changing direction and you are powerless to intervene. That is, until this week. You probably have more to say in a matter than you believe and by voicing your intent you can move a proverbial mountain.
>>375 この類推は単純ではあるが、その基本は悲しいことに多くの哲学者、脳研究者、 心理学者、その他の脳と心の関係に興味がある人々によって、正しく取り組ま れなかった。たとえばJohn Searleの場合を例にとってみよう。彼は職業人生 のほとんどを人工知能とコンピューターの思考モデルを軽蔑し続けた哲学者で あり、チューリング・マシーンをあざけることをことのほか喜んでいた。 John Searle,a philosopher who has spent much of his career heaping scorn on artificial-intelligence research and computational models of thinking, taking special delight in mocking Turing machines.
>>375 >>375 この類推は単純ではあるが、その基本は悲しく出発したようだ。まさに多くの 哲学者、脳研究者、 心理学者、その他の脳と心の関係に興味がある人々によ って。たとえばJohn Searleの場合を例にとってみよう。彼は職業人生のほと んどを人工知能とコンピューターの思考モデルを軽蔑し続けた哲学者で あり、チューリング・マシーンをあざけることをことのほか喜んでいた。 John Searle,a philosopher who has spent much of his career heaping scorn on artificial-intelligence research and computational models of thinking, taking special delight in mocking Turing machines.
Agriculture in developed countries is characterized by certain common trends and problems. With increasing affluence, a diminishing proportion of national expenditure is spent on food, and as more of this expenditure is absorbed in marketing and processing, the farmers' share declines even more. おねがいします。
Jannie was of course unable to eat her dinner, although she had chosen the menu. She nibble at a piece of lamb, rearranged her mashed potatoes, and told her father and me that she could not understand how we had endured as many birthdays as we had. Her father said that he personally had gotten kind of used to them, and that as a matter of fact a certain quality of excitement did seem to go out of them after-say-thirty, and Jannie sighed unbelievingly. ‘One more birthday like this would kill her,' Laurie said. He groaned. ‘Carole.’ He said, as one telling over a fearful list, ‘Kate. Laura. Linda, Jannie. You must be crazy,’He said to me. ‘I suppose your friends are so much?’ Jannie said, ‘I suppose Ernie didn’t get sent down to Miss Cororan’s office six times today for throwing paper wads? I suppose Charlie-’ ‘You didn’t seem to think Charlie was so bad walking home from school,’ Laurie said, ‘I guess that wasn’t you walking with-’
Jannie was of course unable to eat her dinner, although she had chosen the menu. She nibble at a piece of lamb, rearranged her mashed potatoes, and told her father and me that she could not understand how we had endured as many birthdays as we had. Her father said that he personally had gotten kind of used to them, and that as a matter of fact a certain quality of excitement did seem to go out of them after-say-thirty, and Jannie sighed unbelievingly. ‘One more birthday like this would kill her,' Laurie said. He groaned. ‘Carole.’ He said, as one telling over a fearful list, ‘Kate. Laura. Linda, Jannie. You must be crazy,’He said to me. ‘I suppose your friends are so much?’ Jannie said, ‘I suppose Ernie didn’t get sent down to Miss Cororan’s office six times today for throwing paper wads? I suppose Charlie-’ ‘You didn’t seem to think Charlie was so bad walking home from school,’ Laurie said, ‘I guess that wasn’t you walking with-’
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 Well I hope you had my last email even though it took me longer to answer it than usual but I had good reasons this time! Well, I enjoyed a lot my holidays, and I'll have other holidays in a bit more than a month!I'm so lazy !!!
What made you think that?? I never said anything like that, you have to stop being paranoid !! Don't make conclusions like that whereas you didn't do anything wrong, well for me...My email was normal, I thought that any length was good for you?? Don't take the virtual things too seriously, I told it to you before. And I also told you that I don't want you to be afraid of me like that, or anything...I really don't know why you felt this way, I sent an email as usual? It makes me feel weird...
To have done otherwise would have been to fly in the face of prevailing economic theory and political inclination. Given these circumstances it is by no means clear that historians's remedies for the problems of the depression in Germany would have been recognised as necessary by contemporaries or would even have worked. Low interest rates were unlikely to have had the necessary effect since there were many other factors affecting entrepreneurial decisions in 1930-2. Moreover high interest rates were deemed necessary in a situation where German creditworthiness and international liquidity were high priorities. A higher level of government spending by itself would have alleviated some of the unemployment, but would have produced consternation among the combined with devaluation of the mark, would have been regarded at the time as inflationary.
Just a few days ago , I found myself at the other end of the stick. On the Coming-of-Age Day in Japan , I lost my wallet. The realization made me sick. I never carry cash , but that day my wallet was full. It also contained my passport and insurance card but no phone number or address to contact me.
Systems of words have been established in societies throughout the world, all of them infinitely complex even when seemingly simple. No tribe, however primitive in its social arrangements, lacks a distinct and distinguishable language of great complexity and subtlety. Some of these systems of words can be shown to be closely related, others more distantly, but the great majority stand at such remove, one from another, that it is impossible to establish links.
All day and every day we are receiving information through our sense organs. Some of it is immediately useful and we act on it,as when we stop to avoid crashing into a car, pick up a piece of food to put it in our mouth, or lift the telephone receiver when the bell rings. Much of it is not immediately useful;we are aware of receiving it but we do nothing about it, as when we reftain from answering somebody else's telephone, or take notice that it is raining or fine although we are not going out.
精神薬のdigitalis(ジギリタス製材)を服用しているゴッホが受ける影響について Digitalis causes a person to see everything as if he is looking through yellow glass and to see circles of light suddenly appear and disappear. 和訳お願いします。
The fact that Finland was a comparatively poor country might be one reason for its IT success. The rapid revolution has made this once poor country into an advanced one. To develop the nation's IT capability even further, the goverment provides old people with PC lessons by coverting used buses into PC lesson classrooms and sending those buses all over the country.
お願いします As Saturn makes his way through your sign, you’re realizing the importance of taking care of the little details that you’re always aware of, but not always inclined to tend to. There’s no getting away with procrastination or avoidance now. The New Moon in your house of communication offers you the chance to break into new territory with just a word or the smallest gesture to reach out to someone who can help you. The Grand trine to Mars and Uranus promises that someone will be there. In fact, Mars’ upcoming retrograde cycle promises that a friend who has recently returned to your life has a vital role to play in your future. Keep talking and sharing and soon all the facts you need to get yourself going again will reveal themselves. Venus moves into your money house and abundance becomes a tangible possibility
hey !!! hello !!!! i have to tell you that my sister took a look to your pictures and told me that they look quite like mine... hihihiihi so great !!! are we in the same world ??? yeah sure !!!
The main problem with such an argument is that it takes little account of the historical circumstances with which the German government was faced. In the first place it was by no means clear until the sharp financial crisis of 1931 that the depression was any different from earlier depressions. The short downswing in 1926 had produced a level of industrial production and employment lower than that in Germany at the end of 1930.
For many centuries, a people known as the Khmers lived around the great lake of Tonle Sap, in the center of Cambodia. Between 9th and 14th centuries, they developed one of the richest and most important cultures in the history of Southeast Asia. Their great capital, Angkor, had a population of one million people-more than any city in Europe at that time. However, in the 15th century, the Khmers began to lose power, and finally, in 1431, Angkor was attacked by the Thais. The Khmers were forced out, and the great city was left to the jungle. Angkor lay almost forgotten until, in the middle of the 19th century, a Frenchman named Henry Mouhot started to study the area. In his diary he wrote that Angkor Wat-the lost city’s greatest building-“is grander than anything left by the ancient Greeks and Romans.”
In his vivid writings,Searle gives the appearance of tossing off these humorous images light-heartedly and spontaneously,but in fact he is carefully and premeditatedly instilling in his readers a profound prejudice,or perhaps merely profiting from a preexistent prejudice.
As you know (or don't...)I've been back to Finland from Brussels (and back from Michigan and back from Florida) already since the mid of August. My helsinki.AA-email address hasn't been in use since the end of September, and I do apologise if somebody has been trying to reach me through it... Please use this email address from now on! I got a job (one-year-contract) at the communication and marketing department of Helsinki School of Economics.The job is ok,interesting, but very busy at the moment, so it's getting a bit wearing as I must work some week-ends too.I managed to rent a flat in the area in Helsinki (Kumpula) I used to live before leaving to the U.S. The flat is nice now, after painting all the walls (apart from the bathroom - some of you have heard enough my moaning about it...). For those information who aren't experiencing the Finnish autumn, it been relatively "warm" (around 8C, 46F), but it looks it's starting to get colder. It snowed yesterday a little, the temperature is now about - 1C, 30F, and the sun is shining.I'm not a big fan of cold and I agree with my Dutch bother-in-law who dislikes"the whole concept of winter", but must admit it does look beautiful this morning!
I just came across this video online and thought'I have to share this with Aunt Ellen.' I don't think anyone else will feel as creeped out by it as I am save for you. I read some people's responses to this video and it pretty much is the worst you can imagine: everyone wants it.I think the creator of the video had an opposite intention, one to scare us into seeing where the internet is going to take us in the future. And I think this is pretty accurate except for the part where the only organization with brains is the New York Times; that part makes no sense. Call me when you finish watching it and maybe we could talk about it.
For years, it had been believed that residents in Tokashikijima and Zamamijima committed mass suicide under orders issued by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Battle of Okinawa. Since the 1970s, however, a number of people have testified against that view.
Wall Street's flirtation with Hollywood is showing signs of strain as the credit squeeze dents already waning enthusiasm for so-called slate-financing deals. Several funds set up to provide financing for movie studios are facing uncertainty, both in terms of underwriting existing deals and closing new ones.
>>478 (I hope this will not be one too many and incorrect this time.)
よくはわかりませんが、slate は映画製作予定表のことではないでしょうか。 単発の映画への融資ではなく、大手の映画会社が企画している製作予定の映画を ある程度まとめてファイナンスするという意味では? http://www.skillset.org/film/knowledge/article_5106_1.asp に下記のような記述がありました。 Multi-picture slate financing: is usually provided to the US majors and large multinational media companies, but would be considered for smaller companies wanting to finance a slate of films (usually a minimum of six), subject to certain criteria.
Slate financing is basically an investment in a film portfolio, rather than a single film, in order to spread out the risk that comes in placing all the eggs in a single basket. In this case, the dollars will cover between 20-25 upcoming films, which include the next projects from David Cronenberg ("Eastern Promises") and Ang Lee ("Se jie" aka "Lust, Caution").
Please be informed that the order #123456 has been cancelled on time. Would you mind us to refund you the payment, in the form of store credit, for your future purchase from us?
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
>>485 PLAY ASIA COMに連絡いただきまして有難うございます。 注文番号#123456は後払いでキャンセルされたことをお知らせします。 私どもからの将来の購入のための、ストアクレジットの形で返金させていた だいてもよろしいでしょうか? さらにご質問があれば遠慮なくどうぞ。よろしくお願いします。
Even today, people are impressed by the size of Angkor. There are some 1,000 different sites over 400 square kilometers. Of all the sites, however, Angkor Wat is by far the most famous. Today it remains the world’s largest religious building. It has nearly 800 meters of wall reliefs, and the whole temple is surrounded by great areas of water and trees. Its walls are made up of equal-sized stones, with no gap between them. We do not know how the Khmers cut the stones, carried them, and put them together. But it has been estimated that it took 25,000 workers thirty years to build and carve Angkor Wat. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god, Vishnu, and was probably built to receive the remains of Suryavarman U, the king who had built.
It is obvious that, in primitive communities, peasants, left to themselves, would not have parted with the slender surplus upon which the warriors and priests subsisted, but would have either produced less or consumed more. Gradually, however, it was found possible to induce many of them to accept an ethic according to which it was their duty to work hard, although part of their work went to support others in idleness. The conception of duty, speaking historically, has been a means used by the holders of power to induce others to live for the interests of their masters rather than for their own. Of course the holders of power conceal this fact from themselves by managing to believe that their interests are identical with the larger interests of humanity. Sometimes this is true ; Athenian slave-owners, for instance, employed part of their leisure in making a permanent contribution to civilization which would have been impossible under a just economic system. Leisure is essential to civilization, and in former times leisure for the few was only rendered possible by the labours of the many. But their labours were valuable, not because work is good, but because leisure is good.
The rich can buy large quantities of freedom; the poor must do without it even though, by law and theoretically, they have as good a right to just as much of it as have the rich.
There is a familiar trajectory when a political party takes power. At first, it brims with ideals. Then it makes compromises to stay in power. Finally, it becomes devoted simply to staying in office. Can Ms. Pelosi really have compressed this downward spiral into just six months? President Bush had sought to place a ceiling on payments to any farmer of $200,000 per year, but the Democratic leaders have set it at $1 million ($2 million for a couple). Any time the Democrats find themselves fighting on behalf of fat cats, against a Republican White House that says enough is enough, it’s time for the donkey to kick itself in the head.
The rich can buy large quantities of freedom; the poor must do without it even though, by law and theoretically, they have as good a right to just as much of it as have the rich. 金持ちは大量の自由を購入できる、貧乏人は法的理論的には金持ちが持つのど同等量の自由をもつ 権利があるにも関わらずそれなしでやって行かなければならない 負け犬の遠吠え?
friends now I know little japanese, some swedish, like to travel, hope you would with me? maybe we can be friends, meet? 上記の国に友達が少しいる。旅行好きなので一緒に旅しないか?会う? っていう意味であってますか?
お願いします。ペンパルからの私信なので全文はさらせませんが、 ネイティブの人で四苦八苦してます。 ===== 先のmailで教えた私の故郷を相手さんがどうやらネットでリサーチして 観光名所等の写真を見たらしいです。以下続き I love the way the homes are built in Japan they have so much character. And the landscaping is amazing. I really like Cherry blossom trees ...when I lived in Washington state I fell in love with the way the trees bloom before everything else.
"the way the homes"というのがわかりません。最後の文も単純訳では誤訳しそうで。 (中略) Have you heard of Portishead:(?)the album "Dummy" is my favorite or Mazzy Star:the album (中略) However, I do like different kinds of music. I really like music it makes the time go by so much smoother.
"Mazzy"の意味がわかりません。I do likeもどう訳せばいいのか? smootherは、ゆったりとしたとかですか?相手があげている ミュージシャンはヴョークとかPortisheadという感じです。 (中略) I looked into Zebra g-pens, which are awesome looking I'm hoping to find some here in Texas. But, I might have to get them from the internet. 上文訳は「わたしは、ここテキサスでゼブラGペンをめっちゃ探したが やはりネットでしかみつけられなかった」でしょうか? 相手は、この時点でゼブラGペンを入手できる術をしっているのでしょうか? (中略) I hope you find a new job soon ... I know bills can be a pain in the butt. Well, I wish everything works out for you! "bills can be apain in the butt"は慣用表現ですか?よくわかりません。 以上、すみませんがお願いいたします
I looked into Zebra g-pens, which are awesome looking I'm hoping to find some here in Texas. But, I might have to get them from the internet. テキサスで見つかると良いんだけど、 ネットで買わなきゃいけないかも。 (まあ、要は知らない)
I know bills can be a pain in the butt. はたぶん、「いろいろ支払いとか大変だしね」くらいの意味。
"We talk about democracy and human rights. Iraqis talk about justice and honor." That comment from Lt. Col. David Kilcullen, made at a seminar last month on counterinsurgency, is the beginning of wisdom for an America that is trying to repair the damage of recent years. It applies not simply to Iraq but to the range of problems in a world tired of listening to an American megaphone. Dignity is the issue that vexes billions of people around the world, not democracy. Indeed, when people hear President Bush preaching about democratic values, it often comes across as a veiled assertion of American power. The implicit message is that other countries should be more like us -- replacing their institutions, values and traditions with ours. We mean well, but people feel disrespected. The bromides and exhortations are a further assault on their dignity.
There was something else i felt i should tell you but now i am so tired it has escaped me. Ahhh, yes, last night I went running on the river trail that is nearby my house.I had to run off the negativity i gathered from six straight classes (8 hours of teaching, ten hours at the school). we have started the intensive month of our school--some kids elect to come 5 days a week (i'm sure many of the kid's parents elect for them with AA). this means i have to come early to teach more classes in the morning. i was really enjoying working from 3-10. now that i have to wake up at 8 i am a bit more cranky with life. it is probably also just setting into actually working. sooooooo...i was running on this river path and man, it was like a game of dodge the koreans.it was 10pm at night and everyone's grandmother and kids were out on this trail.and the thing is,when ppl walk here,they weave so it was v.difficult and frustrating, but after an hour and half,i was like brand new.
In 2005, a former Imperial Japanese Army commissioned officer and a brother of a deceased former captain filed a defamation suit against writer Kenzaburo Oe, who had published a book describing those soldiers as responsible for issuing mass suicide orders. The ministry's suggested revisions reflected all these developments in recent years.
Scientific truth is not to be gained by observations and logic alone; it is not like a precious mineral which will fall into your hands if you sift away the earth that hides it.
Tables of data to support volumes, processing or input delays, achieving timetable targets and other system needs that have become less effective will be included in any analysis.
The Beatles were one of the most popular music groups in history. In the late 1960s, the "Fab Four" was about to break up. During this time, Jhon Lennon divorced his wife Cynrhia and married Yoko Ono. Jhon's band partner, Paul McCartney, was especially worried about Jhon and Cynthia's only son, Julian. One day, Paul drove to visit Julian and Cynthia to give them support. While driving, a song started to form in his mind. He began to sing, "Hey Jules, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better..." Cheer up, jules. Your parents are going to divorce. I know haw sad you are. But you'll be all right. Later, Julian's nickname "Jules" was changed to "jude" for the song. Thus "Hey Jude" was born and became The Beatles' biggest hit. It moved everybody, and quickly became popular all over the world.
I went to Slovakia in May and I spent there almost 3 months . My Dad was kind of sick for a longer time so I wanted to be with him and my family too. Unfortunately, my Dad passed away one month later after I returned back to Vancouverin August.Life is not easy sometimes.During my vacations there, I just flew to Holland to visit my friend who's living currently in Haag.
Science is destined to be involved in society in our age. Research is for nations and mankind,but not for researchers themselves. Researchers must spur public opinions and governmental policies toward constructing the sustainable society in the 21st century.
>>563 ザ・ビートルズは、歴史上最も人気のあるミュージックグループの一つであった。 1960年代後半、4人のメンバーは解散しようとしていた。この当時、ジョン・レノンは 妻シンシアと離婚して、オノ・ヨーコと再婚した。ジョンのバンドパートナーである ポール・マッカートニーは、ジョンとシンシアの一人息子ジュリアンのことが特に 心配だった。ある日、ポールは二人の力になるためにジュリアンとシンシアを車で 訪ねた。運転中に、曲が彼の頭の中に浮かび始めた。彼は歌い始めた "Hey Jules, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better…" 元気出せ、ジュール。君の両親は離婚するだろう。君がどんなに悲しいか わかってる。でも大丈夫。 その後、ジュリアンのニックネームである「ジュールズ(Jules)」はこの曲のために 「ジュード(jude)」に変更された。こうして、「Hey Jude」が生まれ、ザ・ビートルズの 最大のヒット曲となった。この曲はみんなを感動させ、瞬く間に世界中で人気を 博した。
Crossing the road safely obviously involves selection; we disregard available information about, say, shop window displays and pay attention to traffic. But there is more to it than this:we make guesses about the future from thing we notice in the present. Our decision when to cross the road, though made apparently in an instant, depends on estimates based on past experience of similary situations;about, for instance, the state of the road surface ;and is perhaps also influensced by an article on road accident we have recently read. If we have made a good guess we shall have predicted correctly where we shall be in relation to the approaching traffic during all the time taken to make the crossing and we shall get safely over the road.
Two police officers knocked at the door the next afternoon, and this Ben opened it. Jon stood between the officers. Do you recognize this man? We caught him sneaking out of town this morning. When we opened his bag, we found it packed with silver. Was he here last night? He was. You wouldn't be missing any silver, Ben, would you? He said you gave him this silver. Indeed I did. What? But he is a criminal! (To Jon) I'm very glad to see you again. I don't understand.... This man did stay here as my guest last night. I told him he could take whatever silver cutlery and candlesticks he wanted. But he forgot one silver candlestick. Ms Kana, would you please bring the candlestick for our guest? (The Ben gives him the candlestick. Jon stands silently.) 訳お願いします
Here! roll thee in my maud, lad, and lay thee down on this sheltered side of this bit of rock. Creep close under it, lad, and I'll lie by thee, and strive to keep the warmth in us. Stay! hast gotten aught about thee they'll know at home?
I resell items/ commodity online in UK thru www.edirectory.co.uk Kindly let me have total cost for 4 units with shipping thru FEDEX/ UPS to London, send your account info, so i can pay you thru paypal/ bank transfer.
Sadly, however, the greatness of Cambodia’s past does not always receive as much attention as the troubles of recent times. Many of the buildings in the Angkor area were damaged in a war which began in 1970. The war was followed by a reign of terror in which people were not allowed to know about Cambodian history. One Cambodian archaeologist working to restore Angkor sites grew up in those troubled times. During his childhood, he saw his country damaged by war. Then one day, as he was walking with his family across the land, he saw Angkor Wat rising out of the jungle. At that time, he knew nothing about Cambodian history because of the government’s policy. Yet the great temple remained in his mind. If he had not seen Angkor Wat by chance, he probably would not have become an archaeologist. As it is, he is now helping to preserve the rich culture of his country.
A ministerial ordinance stipulates that revisions to textbooks that have been approved under the screening system should be made possible only if objective facts that have surfaced clearly contradict descriptions given in these publications. Machimura said, "I wonder if it's possible to correct [the rewritten descriptions], respecting the sentiment of people in Okinawa Prefecture."
Why are people so upset by the idea that they might be machines and nothing more? The trouble is in the way we use language. For most people the word "machine" evokes the idea of a material object, made of metal, and full of revolving wheels and electric circuits.
But in my language, the word "machine" means something much more general; it is shorthand for a "structural system which works." From this viewpoint job are the same kind of machine even if they are made of quite different substances and operate in quite different environments. And we can usefully compare one machine with the shape of a whale.
It is undeniable that some very useful analogies can be drawn between the relational systems of computer mechanisms and the relational systems of brain mechanisms. This comparison does not depend upon any close resemblance between the actual mechanical links which occur in brains and in computers -- it depends on what these machins do.
Brains and computers are both machines for processing information which is fed in from outside in accordance with a predetermined program.
Furthermore, brains and computers can both be organized so as to solve problems and to communicate with other similar mechanisms, and the mode of communication is very similar in both cases, so much so that computers can now be designed to generate artificial human speech and even, by accident, to produce sequences of words which human beings recognize as poetry.
The implication of this is not that machines are becoming so like human beings that they will shortly drive us out of business, but simply that there is no sharp break of continuity between what is human and what is mechanical.
Machines are part of ourselves just as our brains and arms are parts of ourselves. Considered simply as a material object, a space vehicle, which can land on the moon and then carry out complicated instructions issued to it from the earth and report back its observations in visual form, has an extension of the human beings who control it. It is as if man had suddenly grown telescopic arms and eyes 240,000 miles long.
a side note--i keep forgetting to say that the first thing i saw when i landed in s.korea...as i was de-planeing. i was walking up the ramp from the plane, and i look down and on the metal ramp i see a little OTIS emblem. i just cannot get away from those guys. additionally:let me tell you about some of the characters i have come into contact with: a) one english teacher asked me, "Have you teached English before?" b) another teacher said,"the thing that gets me is the kid's pronounciation." c) the third teacher said, "you should have came last night (to the dojo)."not that i'm perfect,... b/c i'm sure i use tons of improper grammer both on my blog and everyday life.its just that it's hilarious d) another teacher stayed after class to write 100X "I will not use profanity in class." he said he wants to set a good example for his kids. e) another teacher refuses to eat korean food and is trying to subsist off of mainly McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Sochu (liquor).
So strong is the fear that Dutch values of tolerance are under siege by immigrants that the government two years ago introduced a primer on Dutch values for prospective new comers.
A bestseller compiled from chat room postings giving a young man courtship advice has publishers scrambling to find more Web talent.
It's not an orifinal idea for a story but hey,there's something to be said for sticking to the standards. She disappears into the urban anonymity of・・・・・oh,make it Tokyo.
Our hero pines for the girl, but there's a problem.
Oood and bad writers have been working out what comes next ever since trains were invented. But not until the Internet chat room was invented has anyone chosen to hand off the story line to hundreds of strangers, then collect ther delivered wisdom, as well as their rotten ideas, and publish the lot as a book.
すいません コッチでした Beauty and the nerd: a net tale A bestseller compiled from chat room postings giving a young man courtship advice has publishers scrambling to find more Web talent. It’s not an original idea for a story but, hey, there’s something to be said for sticking to the standards. Boy meets girl. On a train. She disappears into the urban anonymity of . . . oh, make it Tokyo. Our hero pines for the girl, but there’s a problem: He’s a bit of a nerd and she’s a beauty. Besides, he doesn’t even know her name. Good and bad writers have been working out what comes next ever since trains were invented. But not until the Internet chat room was invented has anyone chosen to hand off the story line to hundreds of strangers, then collect their delivered wisdom, as well as their rotten ideas, and publish the lot as a book. Now that’s an original idea. Profitable, too, for the book division of Japan’s Shinchosha, publisher of “Densha Otoko,” or “Trainman.” The book is a front-to-back collection of e-mails from a popular Japanese chat room, where a real (we think) suitor’s attempt to woo a girl known online as “Hermes” was encouraged, derided and ultimately celebrated from March to May of last year.
Shy hero The book’s editor, Hiroko Gunji, says she approached the shy hero of “Trainman” and then downloaded and edited the e-conversations. Published under the pseudonym Hitori Nakano, it has sold more than 550,000 copies and may have spawned a new category of Japanese publishing. “The reason ‘Trainman’ sold so well is that the content was amusing,” Gunji says. His dedication drew readers’ attention, and people just kept encouraging him or advising him on how to approach the girl. “When we approached him, he realised that people were touched by his story. So he agreed to publish it.”
Machines are part of ourselves just as our brains and arms are parts of ourselves. Considered simply as a material object, a space vehicle, which can land on the moon and then carry out complicated instructions issued to it from the earth and report back its observations in visual form, has an extension of the human beings who control it. It is as if man had suddenly grown telescopic arms and eyes 240,000 miles long.
This is the 37th time have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation. Each time I have done soto discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the national interest. In all the decisions I have made in my public life I have aliways tried to do what was best for the nation.
Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persever to make every possible effort to complete te term of office to which you elected me. In the past few days, however, it has become evedent to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base, I felt strongly that it wa necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion; that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process, and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. But with the disappearnce of that base,I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served. And there is no longer aneed for the process to be prolonged
>>610 So strong is the fear that Dutch values of tolerance are under siege by immigrants that the government two years ago introduced a primer on Dutch values for prospective new comers. オランダ人の寛容性の価値観が入国移民たちの包囲攻撃にさらされる恐れが 強いので、2年前に政府は将来の新入りのためのオランダの価値観に関する 入門書を導入した。
和訳、よろしくお願いします。 As many countries, such as the US, India, and Brazil turn to the Internet as a way od attracting more voters and making the process more efficient, many argure that the current security systems are not sufficient.
In the early days of American history, most American-Indian tribes were friendly toward the Europeans who arrived. The first few winters were very difficult for the newcomers, and the Indians helped them to survive by teaching them about local plants and animals for food. In fact, that was the beginning of the national holiday Thanksgiving. The reason for this holiday is to commemorate the help that Indians gave to America's first settlers. In those days in America, there was plenty of land for everyone.
長くてすみません。どなたか和訳お願いします。 So I really don't understand why you were paranoid like that.. You have to trust me, and you have to understand that you can't interfere in my life with internet, so you really don't have to worry, you don't bother me as being you, it's just really bothering when you're paranoid because it means you think a lot about that whereas you shouldn't ruin your weekend because of that and because of what I thinks because you don't know it, and it's only internet! I'm not saying it's not a "real", and I know that you care about me and would like to have met someone that lives nearer, but I can't help it! We're just friends, and we try to give news to each other as much as possible! I know that you like having fast answer and I do too, and I work with that, but I wouldn't care if you answered 1 week later as long as I know you will answer, and as long as we know we didn't do anything wrong. I don't want you to care more about the email than your real life!!!
After all,it does sound preposterous to propose“thinking toilet paper”(no matter how long the roll might be,and regardless of whether pebbles are thrown in for good measure),or“thinking beer cans”,“thinking Tinkertoys”,and so forth. The light-hearted,apparently spontaneous images that Searle puts up for mockery are in reality skillfully calculated to make his readers scoff at such notions without giving them further thought ― and sadly,they often work.
But in my language, the word "machine" means something much more general; it is shorthand for a "structural system which works." From this viewpoint job are the same kind of machine even if they are made of quite different substances and operate in quite different environments. And we can usefully compare one machine with the shape of a whale.
The convicted for one or more second degree crimes cn be conditionally released before the execution of the entire penalty only after the convict executed at least half of the penalty in the case of imprisonment over 10 years at most or at least two thirds of the penalty in the case of imprisonment over more than 10 years, if the other terms provided in article 59 paragraph 1 are accomplished.
The provisions in article 59 paragraph 2 are accordingly applied and the conditioned release cannot be granted before the effective execution of at least one third of the penalty when this penalty does not exceed 10 years and of at least half of the penalty when this penalty exceeds 10 years.
よろしければ The penalty segments provided in paragraph 1 are calculated by considering the segment of the penalty which, in accordance with the law, cn be considered executed on the basis of the work performed. In such a case, however, the conditioned release cannot be provided before the effective execution of at least half of the penalty when this penalty does not exceed 10 years and of at least two thirds when the penalty exceeds 10 years.
Please be advised that we only accept U.S. Based Credit Cards and Wire Transfer payment options for the above-mentioned order. Please let us know how you want to proceed with this order.
Gaz:we've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15000 nukes at stake.
Captain Price:Just another day at the office.
Gaz:khaled AI-Asad.Currently the second most powerful man in the Middle East.Word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.
Captain Price:And the bad news?
Gaz:We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection.His name's Soap.
>>626 HERE'S THE ADDRESS TO THE HOTEL...WE ALSO MAYBE IN L.A. SO I WILL GET YOU AN ADDRESS FOR THAT AS WELL...COOL. IT'S CALL THE HILTON GARDEN INN これがホテルの住所..それから多分自分たちもロスにいるから,住所を送る。これがヒルトン・ガーデン・インの電話番号 (?)何かよくわからない文章だな・・・
>>661 Gaz:Good news first: the world's in great shape. よいニュースから。世界情勢は良好 Gaz:we've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15000 nukes at stake. ロシアで内戦が。政府側と、超国家主義の反乱者の対決。15000発の核が危機に。 Captain Price:Just another day at the office. オフィスでのよくある一日だな。
Gaz:khaled AI-Asad.Currently the second most powerful man in the Middle East.Word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him. khaled AI-Asadっていう現在の中東で第2の権力者。 第1の権力者になるための資源を手に入れたとの情報。 インテルが彼を監視中。
Captain Price:And the bad news? 悪いニュースは?
Gaz:We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection.His name's Soap. セレクションを経て、新しい奴が加わった。名前はSoap.
I'm too forgiving and kind even when someone does nothing but treat you like shit at times [9:52:10] Sean ---の発言: when all someone might do is make u feel shit at times [9:52:42] Sean ---の発言: I can't ever bring myself to attack anyone [9:52:49] Sean ---の発言: no matter what they'd do to me
The Democratic Party of Japan and other opposition parties are considering submitting to the Diet a resolution concerning history textbooks in consideration of the wishes of Okinawan residents.
The Cabinet of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda may want to prevent the dispute from becoming a contentious issue in the current Diet session. However, history textbooks must be written entirely based on historical facts. Their contents should not be rewritten just to avoid hurting people's feelings and smooth out Diet proceedings.
That's the difficulty when the U.S. House of Representatives pressures Turkey to admit that it committed genocide against the Armenians 92 years ago. It's not that this demand is wrong. I'm an Armenian American, and some of my own relatives perished in that genocidal slaughter. I agree with the congressional resolution, but I know that this is a problem that Turks must resolve. They are imprisoned in a past that they have not yet been able to accept. Our hectoring makes it easier for them to retreat deeper into denial. The most articulate champion of what the administration likes to call the "democracy agenda" has been Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. When she talks about the universality of American values, she carries the special resonance of an African American girl from Birmingham, Ala., who witnessed the struggle for democracy in a segregated America. But she also conveys an American arrogance, a message that when it comes to good governance, it's our way or the highway. That's why it's encouraging to hear that Rice is taking policy advice from Kilcullen, a brilliant Australian military officer who helped reshape U.S. strategy in Iraq toward the bottom-up precepts of counterinsurgency. Sources tell me Kilcullen will soon be joining the State Department as a part-time consultant. For a taste of his thinking, check out his Sept. 26 presentation to a Marine Corps seminar.
I'm so sorry about the laughing, but my brother an my cousin were laughing because I couldn't understand anything. the were laughing seeing my face. I'm so sorry.I had good time with you even we couldn't speak a lot.
to tell the truth I wanted to stay with you more, but you know it wasn't easy because we couldn't speak as well and I've finished all the phrases in the book!!! I'm just kidding!
長くてすみません。どなたか和訳お願いします。 So I really don't understand why you were paranoid like that.. You have to trust me, and you have to understand that you can't interfere in my life with internet, so you really don't have to worry, you don't bother me as being you, it's just really bothering when you're paranoid because it means you think a lot about that whereas you shouldn't ruin your weekend because of that and because of what I thinks because you don't know it, and it's only internet! I'm not saying it's not a "real", and I know that you care about me and would like to have met someone that lives nearer, but I can't help it! We're just friends, and we try to give news to each other as much as possible! I know that you like having fast answer and I do too, and I work with that, but I wouldn't care if you answered 1 week later as long as I know you will answer, and as long as we know we didn't do anything wrong. I don't want you to care more about the email than your real life!!!
a student whose Percentile Band spans the 70th percentile performed as well as or better than 70% ofstudents nationally in that subject. どうかよろしくお願いします。
Christianity, on the other hand, offered a very different attitude of mindー almost diametrically opposed, in fact. The basic concern of Christians was, and still is to a lesser extent, the glorification of Godーand only one God, the God of the Jews. This God was the Creator of the world and all that dwelled therein; He was all-powerful, and everything that man possessed he owed to God. Man was taught, therefore, through the teachings of the holy men and prophets, that he must show eternal gratitude to God. よろしくお願いします
I am taking a vacation into my hometown. I love it there. the place was so nice. I plan to stay longer in there but I cannot there's so many things I needed to do. In there you can fine total peace no computers no technology, no cellphone no television. Promise it was so nice in there.
「 you can fine total peace 」がわかりません。 概要としてこの人は「田舎暮らしはいいもんだぜ」といわれているのでしょうか?
お願いします。 Man found out that the noises he makes in his throat when he whishes to express some emotion could be developed into a system which he could use to communicate ideas to his fellows.
your order has been fulfiled and shipped out on 10/○○/2007 11:14:57 AM, there maybe some delay during the delivery process, would you please wait for some days or go your local post to have a check?
Language is a generalized capacity on which speech depends.
The relationship of one to the other may be partially understood by reference to various analogies. Language stands to speech like a pattern in relation to the garments that can be produced from it, like a musical score in relation to the actual performances of the work,like the rules of chess in relation to the playing of specific chess games.
All these analogies emphasize the abstract characteristics of language. But the chess analogy probably best illuminates its rule-governed character.
Just as playing chess depends upon participants sharing the same basic set of rules for the operation of its pieces, so language is conventions for the operation of its symbols. We make sense to each other when we speak, only in so far as we share the same abstract set of underlying conventions.
The head of Iraq's main humanitarian group said an 18-year-old approached him with a baby suffering from leukemia. The desperate mother said she'd do "anything" for treatment for her child --and then offered herself up for sex.
Said Ismail Hakki breaks down in tears as he recalls that story. Leukemia can be treatable to a degree in much of the world, but not in Iraq. The baby died two months later.
"It shook me like hell," said Hakki, the president of the Iraqi Red Crescent. " All my life I've been a surgeon. I've seen blood; I've seen death. That never shook me -- none whatsoever. But when I see the suffering of those people, that really shook me."
The plight of Iraq's children is nearing epidemic proportions, he said, with mothers and fathers abandoning their children "because they're becoming a liability." The parents don't do it out of convenience, they do it out of desperation.
The gurus seek bliss amidst mountaintop solitude and serenity in the meditative trance, but I, grasshopper, have achieved the oneness with the universe that is known as pure externalization.I have melded my mind with the heavens, communed with the universal consciousness, and experienced the inner calm that externalization brings, and it all started because I bought a car with a GPS.Like many men, I quickly established a romantic attachment to my GPS. I found comfort in her tranquil and slightly Anglophilic voice. I felt warm and safe following her thin blue line. More than once I experienced her mercy, for each of my transgressions would be greeted by nothing worse than a gentle, "Make a U-turn if possible."
It is ironic because in your email you mentioned a large earthquake that had happened recently,and here in California we had medium earthquake just a few days ago. It was the strongest about 75 kilometers from my house.This was the first earthquake that I have ever experienced, so when it first started I was confused and didn't know what was happening. The whole house shook back and forth.hough,thankfully,there was no damage to our city and no in the region was hurt.
It was unnerving at first, but then a relief. Since the dawn of humanity, people have had to worry about how to get from here to there. Precious brainpower has been used storing directions, and memorizing turns. I myself have been trapped at dinner parties at which conversation was devoted exclusively to the topic of commuter routes.My GPS goddess liberated me from this drudgery. She enabled me to externalize geographic information from my own brain to a satellite brain, and you know how it felt? It felt like nirvana. Through that experience I discovered the Sacred Order of the External Mind. I realized I could outsource those mental tasks I didn't want to perform. Life is a math problem, and I had a calculator.
He makes notes for a book he is planning to write about one of the team's most exciting batters,Billy Bailey. Bailey is a very interesting player to watch. His hits are incredibly difficult to catch. Some day Yasu wants to meet Billy and tell him about his book project. He hopes Billy will be interested in doing some inteviews. There is a problem, though.
お願いします Life is beginning to resemble a poorly-plumbed shower. One moment, everything is too hot, the next, too cold. Just when you think you have finally got the balance right, someone turns on a tap elsewhere and suddenly you start to scorch - or shiver - once more. There's irony in the extremes you are now going through. Sometimes, though, as every yachtsman knows, the only way to make progress against an opposing wind is to tack from side-to-side; approaching the destination via a series of odd angles. If you want to know more about this and hear me talk about all that's in store for you in the coming week
For a little over a thousand years, the Christian spirit of asceticism and self-abnegation dominated the intellectual and spiritual world of Europe. Knowledge, wisdom and philosophy remained under Christian control; it was the Christians of the churches and monasteries who held the reins of human education and enlightenment. The bright spirit of ancient Greek humanism, with its more ''metallic'' Roman counterparts, sank out of sight into the black forest of the so-called Dark Ages, which lasted from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D. until the first stirrings of the European Renaissance some seven or eight hundred years later.
Until that moment, I had thought that the magic of the information age was that it allowed us to know more, but then I realized the magic of the information age is that it allows us to know less. It provides us with external cognitive servants - silicon memory systems, collaborative online filters, consumer preference algorithms and networked knowledge. We can burden these servants and liberate ourselves.Musical taste? I have externalized it. Now I just log on to iTunes and it tells me what I like.I click on its recommendations, sample 30 seconds of each song, and download the ones that appeal. I look on my iPod playlist and realize I've never heard of most of the artists I listen to. I was once one of those people with developed opinions about the Ramones, but now I've shed all that knowledge and blindly submit to a mishmash of anonymous groups like the Reindeer Section - a disturbing number of which seem to have had their music featured on the soundtrack of "The O.C."
This is the 37th time have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation. Each time I have done soto discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the national interest. In all the decisions I have made in my public life I have aliways tried to do what was best for the nation.
Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persever to make every possible effort to complete te term of office to which you elected me. In the past few days, however, it has become evedent to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base, I felt strongly that it wa necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion; that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process, and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. But with the disappearnce of that base,I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served. And there is no longer aneed for the process to be prolonged
He is very disappointed in his spoken English. He makes sentences in his mind in Japanese first, then he translates them into English, before he finally says what he wants to say. It is very confusing for him. If he could think in English, it might be less confusing. A famous proverb gives Toshi hope:where there is a will, there is a way.
>>802 He is very disappointed in his spoken English. 彼は彼の話す英語に非常に失望した。 He makes sentences in his mind in Japanese first, then he translates them into English, before he finally says what he wants to say. 彼はまず頭の中で文章を作り、それから英語に翻訳し、最後に言いたいことを言う。 It is very confusing for him. それは彼にとって非常に混乱させる。 If he could think in English, it might be less confusing. もし彼が英語で考えることができたなら、混乱は少ないかもしれない。 A famous proverb gives Toshi hope:where there is a will, there is a way. 有名な諺がトシに望みを与える。「意思あるところ、道あり」
A suspension (almost always complete) of the judgment, and an active state of memory, imagination, &c., are the only conditions essential to ordinary dreaming; but along with them there is usually a torpor of the organs of the senses, and of the powers of voluntary motion, the same as in complete sleep.
It is undoubtedly owing to the faculty, sometimes possessed by sleep, of renewing long-forgotten ideas, that persons have had important facts communicated to them in dreams. There have been instances, for example, where valuable documents, sums of money, &c., have been concealed, and where either the person who secreted them, or he who had the place of their concealment communicated to him, may have forgotten everything therewith connected.
I don't like to speak ill of the dead-but there it is. Not the smallest bill but it had all to be gone over -just as though Roger had had a few miserly hundreds a year instead of being one of the wealthiest men in the world.
Memory? I've externalized it. I am one of those baby boomers who are making this the "It's on the Tip of My Tongue Decade." But now I no longer need to have a memory, for I have Google, Yahoo and Wikipedia. Now if I need to know some fact about the world, I tap a few keys and reap the blessings of the external mind. Personal information? I've externalized it. I'm no longer clear on where I end and my BlackBerry begins. When I want to look up my passwords or contact my friends I just hit a name on my directory. I read in a piece by Clive Thompson in Wired that a third of the people under 30 can't remember their own phone number. Their smartphones are smart, so they don't need to be. Today's young people are forgoing memory before they even have a chance to lose it.
本当に長いですが、どなたか翻訳お願いします。 So, for the mail, I'm actually relieved for what you said, because I was worried that you were interprating my feelings or anything based on the length of my mail, or the content, and that it was something for you to justify the fact that I didn't want to mail with you anymore!! So I'm relieved you only didn't want to interfere with my holidays because I appeared busy and feel like someone really persistent, which I can understand, but don't worry about that, you can't interfere with my life by an email!!! Don't hesitate to answer to it, don't be jealous or scared of me, I don't want this kind of friendship, I really don't care!!! But maybe it's my typical french side to don't care, and your typical japanese side to care too much :) And I really feel relieved that you say you're not such a man, because I was a bit afraid of your reactions, or maybe worried, if you understand what I mean!!! So you're just too caring, so I feel ok now ^^ So you're forgiven, and don't hesitate, I won't think you're too persistent, it's not like you were calling me every hour
Now, you may wonder if in the process of outsourcing my thinking I am losing my individuality. Not so. My preferences are more narrow and individualistic than ever. It's merely my autonomy that I'm losing. I have relinquished control over my decisions to the universal mind. I have fused with the knowledge of the cybersphere, and entered the bliss of a higher metaphysic. As John Steinbeck nearly wrote, a fella ain't got a mind of his own, just a little piece of the big mind - one mind that belongs to everybody. Then it don't matter, Ma. I'll be everywhere, around in the dark. Wherever there is a network, I'll be there. Wherever there's a TiVo machine making a sitcom recommendation based on past preferences, I'll be there. Wherever there's a Times reader selecting articles based on the most e-mailed list, I'll be there. I'll be in the way Amazon links purchasing Dostoyevsky to purchasing garden furniture. And when memes are spreading, and humiliation videos are shared on Facebook - I'll be there, too.I am one with the external mind. Om.
お願いします It's not like you to be disorganized or uninformed but there's something about the astrology at the moment that has generated a degree of confusion in your life. This is not a terminal state of affairs, however, and if you take a step back now and refuse to be drawn into a situation which appears rife with contradictions, you will soon be back in the land of reason and common sense. Part of the problem may be that you have been given incorrect data and another reason is that someone is withholding information that would help unravel the plot, so to speak. Wherever you are headed this week, make sure you have a map, a compass and a baloney-meter! Use your head
こちらもお願いします。 Mars is the planet associated with energy and drive. As viewed from Earth, its movements will be barely perceptible this week. Indeed, by Thursday it will seem to stand still. What's especially interesting for you is that Mars is traveling through home-associated Cancer and that property issues could come to the fore in an action-packed way for you. (Yes, the effect will be felt by other signs but, in your case, there could be obvious action). This needn't just affect your home-life. There could be talk of moves at work too. Perhaps significantly, what was discussed a few months back and which perhaps didn't work out quite as well as hoped could be back for renewed attention. This time you might hold an ace. Indeed, it could almost be left to you to have the final word. Then, on Friday, you could do what you do so well: research and check that all bases are covered before moving on
People are doing this in four main ways: destroying wildlife habitats, overhunting, introdcing new species that endanger native wildlife, and polluting the environment.
Is there time to prevent disaster? Just barely, say scientists. Worldwide action will be difficult and costly. But scientists agree that action must be taken―quickly. The clock is ticking…
>>815-816 余計なおせわかもしれないけど、いくつか気になったところを横レスさせてもらいます。 I've externalized it. は「記憶を自分の記憶力ではなく自分の外部のメモリーに頼るようになった」というような意味だと思います。 2,3行下の the blessings of the external mind とほぼ同意でしょう。 I am one of those baby boomers who are making this the "It's on the Tip of My Tongue Decade." は「(ここ10年ほどの間に)舌の先まで出かかっているのになかなか思い出せない 記憶力の減退しはじめた団塊世代のひとり」ぐらいの意味でかまわないと思います。 I'm no longer clear on where I end and my BlackBerry begins. は「記憶にかんしてはどこまでが自分の記憶で、どこからがブラックベリー(多機能の携帯端末) に頼っている記憶なのかあいまいになっている」ということを述べているのだと思います。 I read in a piece by Clive Thompson in Wired の Wired はアメリカの技術雑誌の名前のようです。 smartphones はスマートフォンでいいかも。
We had some misfortune earlier this year when John was involved in a serious car accident. He broke many bones, including rib, shoulders, back and skull.He spent a month in a rehabilation hospital, as well as having ongoing treatment. He was off work totally for 3 months, when he returned on a part-time basis;and finally back to full-time after another 2 months.He still suffer pain in the head and back at times, however is pretty much back to full health.It was a traumatic and very upsetting time for us, which threw our lives into turmoil for some time.We are now getting back to a normal life, and are even starting to talk about travelling back to Japan again.So again, sorry for the lack of contact, we value your friendship and apoligise greatly for not emailing you earlier.
I am getting close to finishing my Ph.D degree but still have much work to do.I work at a research centre studying muscle development at the genetic level.We have several post-graduate researchers from Japan working with us as well.This summer, my work sent me to California for a business meeting where I was given the opportunity to present my work to other professionals in my field.It was a very exciting trip, but we were in the very hot,dry desert.Before I returned home,I visited Hollywood in Los Angeles and saw many of the famous landmarks and went swimming in the Pacific Ocean.Our rainy season began in May and it was not very warm until July.Since then,however,it has been very hot and humid,and very little rain.July 1 we had our Canada Day, celebrating the anniversary of the day Canada was declared a nation in 1867.Since I live in the capital city (Ottawa),the festivities are the biggest in Canada.All of downtown is closed off to traffic and the streets are packed with crowds of people that makes Shinjuku look almost empty in comparison.We have lots of fireworks and there are concerts with lots of musical performers in front of our Parliament buildings.
Christians were thus supposed to eliminate their own ideas, to negate their worldly life as much as possible, give away their possessions, ignore their own personal concerns, consider the well-being of those less fortunate than themselves, and, above all, to devote themselves to God by doing good deeds on earth. For Christians, at least for those who are truly devout, human life on earth is meaningless, nothing but ''a thoroughfare of woe'', a period of misery and pain. The only thing they should think about is life after death; and their worldly existence should be spent wholly in preparing themselves for glorious life with God in Heaven after they have departed from the human world.
Thus our reacting to the present information involves ignoring some of it, seizing the rest and interpreting it in the light of past experience in order to make as good a guess as possible about what is going to happen.
As I recall, the only benefit was a vague promise that ‘people’ would like me whereas if I did what came naturally, there was grave doubt they would have any such tendency. これの訳をお願いします。 あとthat節、whereas節、if節の範囲を教えてください! 中高生スレできいたんですがだれも教えてくれませんでした。まだ高2なのに。。 どなたかお願いします。
The foundation of textbook screening--a system that must be neutral and fair--could be shaken if descriptions in textbooks are subject to any changes in the political situation.
yesterday I didn't go out with my friends because I have to study for an exam on Thursday. so now I need to study something,but before I want to write you a little bit. Yesterday i thought that two week ago we were together in Milan! That's so strange...did you saved the flower? can you remember,everyone in Milan was able to sell flowers..they were so stressing!! well, I hope you started your studyies in english. so next time surely we'll have a lot of fun!!!
ありがとうございます! Since the action desired by the grownups was always immediate and since it was near clear what good it was going to do me if in some vague distanct futeure equally vague people did like me, the whole situation hardly seemed worth the trouble. これもお願いできますか? what節、if節の終わりをおしえてください。people did like meの前にはthatの省略ですよね?で、この節はどこにかかっているんですか?
Indeed,Searle goes very far in his attempt to ridicule the systems that he portrays in this humorous fashion. For example,to ridicule the notion that a gigantic system of interacting beer cans might“have experiences”(yet another term for consciousness), he takes thirst as the experience in question,and then,in what seems like a casual allusion to something odvious to everyone, he drops the idea that in such a system there would have to be one particular can that would“pop up”(whatever that might mean, since he conveniently leaves out all description of how these beer cans might interact)on which the English words“I am thirsty”are written.
INTERVIEWER: I have taken part in attempts to bring scientists and philosophers together for discussions, and these attempts have usually failed, because the scientists lose interest. The pioneers of the new science were enormously interested in the conceptual questions that you have raised, but the great mass of scientists who follow on behind them do not seem to care. They go back to their laboratories and get on with doing more science. Finally, can we come to what philosophers of science, such as you and your colleagues, are actually doing?
ANSWER: We look at quantum mechanics very closely, we look at relativity theory, at Darwinian evolution, and so on. This is the part of philosophy of science that provides the data for the rest. There are philosophers of science who have a correspondence view of truth and still try to view science in the old way. There are others who view the development of science more culturally, more historically. But much philosophy of science is actually a branch of general philosophy, and I think the best way to describe it is in terms of what we have been talking about.
We feel that the excitement over Google's announcement yesterday was a bit overblown, as there is no assurance yet, FCC decision or not, that a Google-style open mobile market will actually materialize. But the measure of the excitement over this rather modest announcement reflects the reality that there is significant pent up demand for mobile service beyond the gimmicks like your circle of five.
Your circle of fiveは、コンテンツ、アプリケーション、データ、メディア、サービス、この五つの循環のことです。
「五つの循環」については先の文章で述べられています。 "Google with Android and the Open Handset Alliance, however, may blow open a marketplace through a common open platform that can then provide a lot more content, apps, data, media, and services. And that will feed the demand by developers, users, and ultimately advertisers that open platforms be provided on mobile devices." しかしながら、アンドロイドとオープンハンドセット同盟持つグーグルは、 より多くのコンテンツ、アプリケーション、データ、メディア、およびサービスを 供給することができる一般の開いたプラットフォームを通して、市場を台無しにするかもしれません。 そしてそれは、開発者、ユーザーと、最終的には広告主によって開いたプラットフォームが モバイル機器の上に提供されるという要求を促進するだろう。
>>897 Let me hearとかLet me teachは有り得ない hearは耳に入るだから、耳に入れさせてなんて普通じゃない teachは教科を教えることだから不可 Let me knowも変。私が知ることにOKを出してくれって感じだから違和感が強い。 教えてはTell meが極めて自然で他に挙がってるものは教えてとは違う。
English is now the world language. It achieved this status partly as a result of the British colonization of a quarter of the globe, and it remains central to the affairs of just about all the countries to whom it was given, along with mission schools, trunk roads and the rules of cricket, as a gift of the British colonizer. But its present ― day importance is not solely ― perhaps not even primarily ― the result of the British legacy. It is also the effect of American influence in the affairs of the modern world. 長いですが、よろしくお願いします。
>>950 def. のあとに何か動詞がつづくんじゃないですか。たとえば If your diggin' the tunes you should def. get it on iTunes!....とかなんとか。 だとすると、def. は definitely で、気に入った曲があれば、ぜひ〜してみよう、みたいな感じでは?
>>904>>922 as a gift of the British colonizer は「イギリス人の入植者からの贈り物として」でもいいでしょうが、 「イギリスの植民地化の恩恵として」でもいいかも。 remains central to the affairs of just about all the countries....は、 英語が与えられたほぼすべての国々(の国政から国民の営為をふくむ諸事全般)において重要な役割を担っている、 ぐらいの意味かな(かっこのなかは省略してもいいのでは?) But its present ― day importance is not solely ― perhaps not even primarily ― the result of the British legacy は しかし今日の英語の重要性をもたらした要因として、大英帝国の遺産はその唯一のものどころか、 たぶん一義的なものでさえない、かな?
As we think about a "dignity agenda," there are some other useful readings. A starting point is Zbigniew Brzezinski's new book, "Second Chance," which argues that America's best hope is to align itself with what he calls a "global political awakening." The former national security adviser explains: "In today's restless world, America needs to identify with the quest for universal human dignity, a dignity that embodies both freedom and democracy but also implies respect for cultural diversity." After I mentioned Brzezinski's ideas about dignity in a previous column, a reader sent me a 1961 essay by the philosopher Isaiah Berlin, which made essentially the same point. A deeply skeptical man who resisted the "isms" of partisan thought, Berlin was trying to understand the surge of nationalism despite two world wars. "Nationalism springs, as often as not, from a wounded or outraged sense of human dignity, the desire for recognition," he wrote.
I watched the airport lights appear out of the gloomy darkness. They were fixed to box-shaped metal poles at intervals along the adge of the runway. I remember staring fixedly out of the window,watching the wing tip falling closer towards the runway lights that were flashing past with frightening speed. I was convinced they were going to hit the wing,and I knew enough about wings full of fuel and high-velocity impacts to guess what would happen if they did.
お願い Venus is moving through your money sector and trining your ruler, Chiron this week, which means that if you want to find the job of your dreams, the universe is ready to answer your prayers. All you have to do is take that one little step that will open the door, so don’t think about it too hard or too long. Meanwhile Mars stations and goes retrograde in your house of friends and colleagues on Thursday, and the progress you’ve made toward reigniting old friendships in the last 6 weeks will now be processed and reworked. Prepare to rehash the things you’ve said or to revisit old experiences one more time. There’s a reason why these old connections are showing up in your life right now. Sometimes we are required to take a few good steps backward in preparation for a giant leap forward
And as his rage grew so did my contempt,because I saw that it was not self-restraint that kept him from hitting me but some kind of institutional restraint.
945さんありがとう どなたかお願いします。 Contact with lawyers or with those who appear to hold great power seems likely. You may feel you're taking part in a major drama though. Tension between two groups of people could be both mesmerizing and worrying. Concern as to how money is being spent and invested could cause you to make contact with someone who is considered to be an expert at budgeting and thrift.
こちらも Plans that were first mooted during the last week in June may have gone through so many different variations that you're now not at all clear as to what is and isn't possible. In conversation with someone born under one of the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you could identify those parts of the initial design that aren't open to compromise. Dove-tailing rising costs with the overall vision could test even your ability to juggle options!
You can open an account, however I need the passport and drivers license notarised by a lawyer, then I need the forms attached to be signed and then I also need the passports translated and along with a utility bill and bank statement.
翻訳お願いします。 Sorry of not reply you more early , I’m not up to date , at NY I don’t have the phone and the net then I’m reading books , like the good time on the past. So I’m no more on the news it’s crazy ! Well I don’t forget you don’t worry , the friends who like each other don’t need to see every hours , or to write letters every two days , we know that in ours heart .AND welcome in the my Community ( the cingles!!) !! We can support now on each other , I’m fed up!!! That is soon 2years and a half LI’m so deprive that I'm rely on you again.
お願いします Thus, Christianity (from the humanistic point of view) is thoroughly pessimistic, nihilistic, and not concerned with the glory of man or the human world. Christian life is dark, narrow-minded, contemplative; passive rather than active, striving to eradicate the human self or ego, and minimizing the marvels of the human mind and bodyー unless dedicated to the worship of God the Father in Heaven.
This is the 37th time have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation. Each time I have done soto discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the national interest. In all the decisions I have made in my public life I have aliways tried to do what was best for the nation.
Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persever to make every possible effort to complete te term of office to which you elected me. In the past few days, however, it has become evedent to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base, I felt strongly that it wa necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion; that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process, and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. But with the disappearnce of that base,I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served. And there is no longer aneed for the process to be prolonged
ある男の子が自分が胎児だったときの記憶を語る場面なのですが、 Then I was inside mommy’s tummy.” Just before he had turned three, Hiro had started to show her ”the way I held my body when I was in your tummy.” Naturally, his parents had never taught him anything about this, and it was impossible for a two-year old to have such knowledge.
the way I held my bodyの部分がどういう意味なのかはっきり分かりません。「自分の身体を抱いていた様子」 でよいのでしょうか?