the government prefers EFT to checks because the way doesn’t require any commission fee. I suggested to a vendor that had taken check way for more than decades that they should take EFT in order to minimizing cost for both of us.
The government prefers EFT to checks 政府は小切手よりEFTを好む because the way doesn't require any commission fee. なぜなら、その方法なら手数料が要らないからだ
I suggested 私は提案した to a vendor that had taken check way for more than decades 小切手を支払い方法として数十年以上採用してきた売主に that they should take EFT EFTを採用すべだと in order to minimizing cost コストを最小限にするために for both of us. 我々双方にとって
* check [AmE], cheque [BrE] (noun) a special printed form that you use to pay for things, using the money in your bank account. (WordWise) * check (noun) 4. 小切手 (プログレッシブ英和) * EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer (プログレッシブ英和) * EFT: Electonic funds transfer or EFT refers to the computer-based systems used to perform financial transactions electronically. * vendor (noun) someone who sells something, especially on the street: street vendors (LASD) * vendor [名] 1. 売る人、売主、行商人 2. =vending machine (プログレッシブ英和) * vender (noun) 1. one that sells or vends: a street vender, vendors of cheap merchandise 2. A vending machine (AHD) * vendor (noun) Variant of vender. (AHD) * decade (noun) a period of ten years (WordWise)
「行ってよかった〜」と「行かなくてよかった〜」と「行けばよかった〜」と「行かなければよかった〜」を訳していただけませんか I am luck I had visited there. I am luchk I hadn't visted there. I should have visited there.
The two students that ... In America... , have killed to this school's twelve students and one teacher by a gun shotting around, and these two guys killed themselves. So we have a question how to get a machined gun and shotting gun to the guys , and the guys have a mind to do then?
>>74 Two students of the Columbine High School, in Jefferson County, Colorado, U.S. embarked on a shooting rampage, killing 12 other students and a teacher, before commiting suicide. How did they get their machine guns and shotguns, and what was their motives of this massacre?
Always when sad It is looking-up in the blue night sky. The kind memory where it is possible for you to have turned over To becoming a star By the hill which the sea can be seen in Only by the color of the picked flower It comes to inform a chest about the summer. Without forgetting Behind what tears, too The rainbow always hangs finally. The place where you sleep sometime To reach
Forever Forever The pupil as it doesn't disappear can shake. That liked smile I don't want to lose. where, too, and where, too, and With to wrap up in the sky which doesn't have an end being possible The light dawn to have regarded as you about I don't want to forget. Forever Forever It affects the heart as it doesn't disappear. of the sound of the chest of the boy I don't want to lose.
Always when sad I looked up to a dark blue sky Until every tender memory you had given turned to stars. At the hill we could see the sea, we picked frowers Only the colour of them tell my haert that summer is comming. Remember it A rainbow always appears after any tears To reach the place you are sleeping someday
Forever Forever your smile I love stays never fading away in my eyes I don't want to lose it. Wherever Wherever The sky never ending held us and we saw dawn I don't want to forget it. Forever Forever Boy's heart beat stays never fading away in my heart I don't want to lose it.
A friend telephoned me on last Saturday. He told me that His computer didn't conect to LAN and internet. (actually I gave the computer to him) And then I got to him, and took a look and see what is wrong with the computer. I couldn't find any trouble about setting computer and the router,but I found the wire had broke down. I guessed it had been bitten by rats