>>6 (前半)A daughter of Cai yong (a political heavyweight in (Later) Han Dynasty)). During a turmoil at the capital(Luoyang), she was kidnapped by Hsiung-Nu. However, she had spent not such a miserable existence there because of being a royal concubine. She had two children there, but she had lost contact with them since she was rescued by Cao Cao. They say that she had smitten with sorrow of separation. (続く)
>>6 (後半)"Being saved in absence of the will to live, my rescue results in my children's heartbreak. So fugacious is my fate---!" << A poem of nostalgia >> It will decrease the power of enemy(Hostile Power; HP) in the area of interest(AOI). This effect will dissolve when you enter the castle. The castle of your side will be damaged during this effect.
>>13 The great time I spent in Germany is my treasure. I was very glad to see also your family and let me stay at your house. I shall never forget you and happy memories.
もしあなたが、その人の家に一週間とか一ヶ月とか連続じゃなくて、一晩だったり、何回か泊まらせてもらった程度ならstay over at your houseのほうがよいかも。
>>13 Thanks to you for your warm acceptance of me. The period while I sojourned in Germany is a wonderful treasure to me. I am really happy to have opportunities to meet your filmily and stay at your home. Those memories you have given to me will be my valuable pressure for my life.
>>18 Thanksの後にto youはいらない。Thanks to you for your warm of acceptance of meだと、暖かく歓迎してくれてあなたのお陰だ。という変な感じになる。 Thanks to you for your call to me.電話をくれてあなたのお陰だ。これ変でしょ。Thanks for your call to me.「電話をくれてありがとう」になる。Thank you forとThanks forは同じ。Thanks(thank you) for calling me.も「電話をくれてありがとう」になる。
You sent me a mail last year that you were expecting a baby. Now you have a baby, right? Send me some photos of your baby if you have enough time. >>21
You should hopefully accept time allowance minimum 8 days before you get our response to your request of expanding production. Because we have now been busy with increasing sales in Japan and we must allocate more resources to some works before we can answer.
>>27 あなたが録音する機械がなかったりやり方がわからなくてできないのであればI'm sorry I can't record ~. 録音する時間がなくてしばらく放置してたけど、今さら録音できたことを詫びるなら、I'm sorry I haven't record ~ for so long.何を録音するかは~に入れて。
>>34 自分でラジオ番組を持っている? I rarely play songs performed by bands at request, but I like your songs very much because I like the category your music belongs in.
>>29 My boyfriend visited my mother in order to introduce himself formally. As is often the case in Japan, they had already known each other, though. I live in a rural area. Vegetable fields and a cemetery spread in front of my house. Nothing interests you around here. You would agree with me if you come.
>>68 In the first half, the scene of the training in which madness of human beings was expressed exactly was impressive. In the latter half, however, the scene of the real battle was so ordinary that bored me a little.
>>84 これも何かの縁だという言葉は「つまらない物ですが…」みたいに日本語らしい言い回しなので直訳しようとすれば無理があるでしょう。 It is by God's providence that we have met each other.を使ってみてはどうでしょうか?「これも神様のお引きあわせだ」という意味で使われるようなので。 余談ですが自分にとって嫌な話を耳にしたとき「マジかよ」という場合、Is that true?と言う人なんてめったにいません。Damn!とか言います。 問題集の解答ならより正確さを求められますが、普段の会話やメールなら通じる英語でいいと思います。長文失礼しました。
Use: They are free to use for all uses, whether commercial or non-commercial (you may incorporate them into your derived work with no requirement to pay us any licensing fee etc). Your derived work must involve significant modification to the textures. It would be nice if you could credit us.
Sell: You may not sell any of these textures in an unmodified form, or any derived works where the product you are selling is still a texture and is likely to compete with this website.
Redistribute: You may redistribute (give/send to somebody else/display on a web site) up to 30 of these textures together, but no more. You must credit this website as the original source (tell them about us
>>114 I have just got home without troubles. Thank you for a lot of souvenirs and things that I experienced. My parents are really glad too. I will never forget things I saw, hear and did in Korea. Or rather I should like to come to Korea again. Please keep in touch exchanging emails. This is my quick message, as I am a bit tired and going to bed right now. I am looking forward to your message.
>>109 By the way, I realized that English is actually the official language of Ghana. As I told you when I matched you before, I have not yet been able to do by myself though I could have my Japanese message translated to send English emails. I hope I could send English emails by myself someday. But the time being, I have my message translated, and email it which should not contain something intricate. I am going to put your message into the excited machine translator by myself, and in doing so I'd like to figure out. It is because I think it tasteless to show somebody's message to the third person. Those messages containing intimate and intricate issues will be difficult to understand, in which case I would ask somebody to translate it. So, you are strongly suggested to be cafeful regarding the contents you are going to write in the message. Regarding this message, I had it translated by slayers in the second channel. I had a chat with the second channel when I matched, which is a bunch of huge BBS including the slayers reporting the wireless LAN without crying. There are some useful slayers such as analysing whiteblood disease by chimny channel that became a hero. But in the past, there were some bad people using it to notify a crime. The slayers are considered both bad and evil. I am proud of being a faithful and loyal to be your friend. Then, I am very sorry this time.
>>118 Days ago, some kids of my relatives came along to my home, and I found it really tough to take care of them, because they tirelessly moving around in the house for as long as a whole day.
The other day, a kid of my relatives came to our house. I realised that it was tough work to take care of kid, because he was walking round in a house with unsatisfied interest. >>118
Some kids related to me visited us the other day, and I found it really exhausting to take care of them. They kept scampering around indoors all day long.
It's fun to swim in the beach. But be careful! Many kids get drowned during the season every year. 「ビーチで泳ぐのは楽しいけど、気をつけて! 毎年この時期溺れる(溺れ死ぬ)子どもも多いから」(怖がらせる感じ)
または、 There are many tragidies every summer. 「毎年夏は悲惨な事故が多いから」(これも重いかも)
単に「溺れないよう気をつけてね」とソフトに言うなら But be careful not to meet an accident.
>>106 Really thought to be friends? Isn't it truly that the right to live forever is minded? I am grateful if I were allowed to exchange emails to the extent that would not bother you too much, as friends. It is because I just began to get interested in they way people exchange emails in English. "As friends' actually means pure friendships which would not extend to a different way of intercourse even when you exchange emails with me. Not only concerning you, but anybody I would concern, it is so. There is a reason as I had told you at the side of the pond when I was matched with you. There is an organization named you knee on, which deals with visas and the right to live forever, and something like that and labour. It is a labour union in which you can take part by yourself. the right to live forever and visa are not included in the categories that the organization would be consulted about, though at least regarding the labour, it might negotiate with the company. Alians also take part in as union members. That you knee on is actually negotiating about suspended wages to get paid. I am very sooorry if it is unwanted poking nose. To be continued.
Do you really regard me as a friend? The thing that you say we're friends is not for a green card stuff, right? As a friend, I'd still be happy to keep in touch with you through e-mail, but not gonna bending our backwards to relate.
前から思ってたんだけどキリル文字(Cyrillic alphabet)って可愛いよね 日本だとよくインターネット上で顔文字のパーツとしてキリル文字が使われてるよ たとえばこんなのとか (;'Д`) OLD PICK-UP; I was thinking that Cyrillic alphabet is cute. Actually isn't it? You can see them a lot in Japan(appled as a visual expression) like this (;'Д`) ちょい無理やりだが、通じるだろ。
So the most important thing for the last..I understood what you meant by the fact you're interested in me and you don't want me to have a bad impression of you, but I'm going to be honest, and I don't want you to be offended, and I want you to tell me what you think. I like you a lot too, you're a really nice and funny guy (it's not only for flattering, that's really not my thing), and I would like to meet you too, but the fact that you're telling me all these things scares me a little because we've only talked for almost 2 months and we're only on the internet, it's not the real life, and people can say whatever they want on the internet...I really want to know that you're sincere, and if I didn't trust you, I would never had continue to mail with you. It's just that I can't be sure until I meet you, and I don't want to have a bad surprise when that day comes, and I believe in you friendship so I don't want to be disappointed and think that I'm stupid, and that I'm someone who is naive or things like that...I really don't know what to do, and please don't think I don't trust you, it's just that there is a part of me that is a bit scared of what might happened, because I had some bad experiences on the internet. For me, you don't seem like these guys and you seem really sincere, but I can't help thinking that it's still internet!! I know it's a shame because you're really far away!!
I hope you understand what I mean and that I'm not judging you in particular and I'm not abusing you, and I hope we could be good friends and continue to write to each other!!! It's just something I had to say and I hope you'll be comprehensive..And I apologize now for eveything I said that might had offend you!!!
If you come to Japan, I want to see you by all means. When you decide it perfectly, please tell me. Shikoku 88 Meguri (people go to all of the 88 places one by one) have been famous in Japan for a long time. I have been to some of them as a trip.
>>154 I'll be delighted to see you if you come to Japan next summer! Let me know when you have fixed your schedule. Shikoku 88 ji meguri has been famous in Japan for a long time. I have travelled to some of them.
>>155How does your university stand in THES(The Higher Eductation Supplement)? 『世界トップ200大学』の下位もしくは圏外の大学の人に質問しても知らないと言われるだけな気がする。ちなみに2006年ハーバード大1位、東大19位
>>166 I'm quite lazy, and make a response too late. Sorry. I might have kept you too long waiting. Do you have anything particular? I'm not that good anyway. I like studying, though I don't like to study for a long time. Absolutely you are smarter in many ways for you speak as many as three languages, including Japanese too! I'm practising everyday to meet the show coming. Busy but a fun. Do you have part time jobs?
>>184 You can't create anything alone. You can't create anything single-handed(ly).
ビートルズの有名曲 "With a Little Help from My Friends" の タイトルを踏まえるなら、 Without a little help from your friends, you can't create anything. 英国人ならみんな子どものとき歌うので、もじりだと分かるはず。 でも文法的にちょっと不安定かも。
>>196 I am going to send a load to you tomorrow. Please contact it if I arrive because I oftenhear that matched a mail trouble by the overseas shipment. I am going to arrive about around 25th.
>>192 thank you for your reading my terrible English letters always! Japan is so hot that I cant stand, early in the morning I can hear cicada make a noise. but I wonder whether Singaporeis hotter. japan has four seasons and I love Spring the best because My favorite flower'SAKURA' blooms. and it means the start of everything.
incidently, do you mind corresponding with me? I cant tell my real feeling via E-mail. e-mail can be sent to Syngapore immidiately and letters take a long time to be sent. but when you see the letters, you will get glad right? I want to write a letter to you by japanese postcards and so on.
I cannot be grateful too much to you for sending photoes to us. This time, I could see it. I am terribly sorry for troubling you very much. I am sure the photoes you sent are our precious memory forever. thank you very much.
>>195 Some say the entrance exams for universities have caused distorted English education and lowered Japanese people's English abilities and that they insist there be no English test as a university exam subject. They claim university-exam-oriented English education is not interesting and makes students hate studying English.
>>195 someone say the reason for degrading English education in japan and Japanese English skill is University entrance exam. we should delete the test of English. the study for University entrance exam is not interesting but sufferimg, and it makes us hate English.
>>195 Some say the entrance exams for universities have caused distorted English education and lowered Japanese people's English abilities and they insist there be no English test as a university exam subject. They claim university-exam-oriented English education is not interesting and painful, and makes students hate studying English.
>>187 How does he rank in height among other students in his class? ネットで「その州はアメリカで何番目に人口が多いですか?」をHow the state rank in population among other states in America?と訳してあるのを見たので。
>>219 The Kanto fetival ended on August 5th. Unfortunately, I couldn't watch it, because I was busy with the club activities. Shall we go together and watch it next year, if you can come? I'l l help you if you can stand my poor Japanese!状況がよくわからんから違ってるかも。 I'll help you, if my poor Japanese would be useful!かも Teach me Korean, because I seiously want to study it
>>240 I think towns in Japan and other Asian countries are interesting with their exotic and vulgar atomosphere, though they may not be pretty and sophisticated. I recommend you experience some of them if you have chance.
>>251 Honada is strongly asking us to produce the special products in our factory in Germany and use them in Japan. First, we would like to ask you to let us know whether the factory in Germany can produce and supply them. Please check it and reply by 15th of Aug. Thanks in advance.
①ようやくその時になって彼の言おうとしていたことが分かりました。 Only (did,meant, I, what, then, he, had, understand).
②どこが故障か、じきに分かりました(take me, see, wrongをこの順で使って10語か11語で)
③ヨーロッパ諸国では自国語のほかに外国語を1つか2つ身につけているのが普通であり、 決して驚くことではありません。 In Europe countries, it is usual that they master one or two languages but their mother tongue, so it is never surprising.
④田舎へ移ってから3年以上になりますが、老父母もすっかり健康を取り戻したように見える。 It is over three years since we have moved to the country, but my old parents appears to have completely recovered their health.
⑤ここからあの山のふもとまでは少なくとも40分かかるよ。近いようだが実際はかなり遠いんだ。 It takes forty minutes at least from here to a foot of that mountain. It seems to be near, but in fact it is very far.
>>282 The day before yesterday, I saw the performance by the men in the japanese festival. If I express my impression of it with a word, AMAZING! A vocal went down from a stage and went into the audience. But he stumbled because there were many audiences around him^^ and the performance was stopped on the way.
>>285 I read the same books many times. I moved about 6 or 7 times before and then I got rid of some books and CDs or sold.. So I dont have many those now. But I feel like collecting the same things that I got rid of because I want to see again. I am really stupid.
The order going to ship out on 8/16/07 by Yamato USA. There is sold out items from the order it is one Press t-shirt, size M so rest of order going to ship soon.
>>329本当によいのでしょうか。doという単語に役を演じるという意味があるのだから、doの後にroll(役)がなくてOpheliaという人名が続くのものだと考えていますが… たとえばdo the role of Opheliaでは、オフィリアの役の役を演じる。これだと違和感があって気になります。細かいこと気にしなくて大丈夫ですかね?
>>348 Doing for the first time, I call myself XX who is the sister of YY. I am sure that my brother is an enormous burden to you. This time, I hear that you took my brother to buy prostitutes. Thank you very much. This time, you are strongly suggested to come to Japan.
私はブドウの種を蒔く。I sow grape seeds.sowは、『蒔く』って意味なのはわかる。 I seed with grapes.これも私はブドウの種をまく。seed(動詞)には、『種を蒔く』という意味だというのもわかった。だから、もしI seed with grape seeds.だったら、「私はブドウの種を種を蒔く」という変な意味にならないのか疑問。 doという動詞ひとつで『役を演じる』という意味だからdo the role of Opheliaだと「オフィリアの役を役を演じる」って外国人には変な感じに聞こえる? それとも純粋に「オフィリアの役を演じる」と聞こえるのか。だれか教えて!
>>364 I'm sorry to bother you, but do you mind if I talk to you now? 迷惑かけてすいませんが、いまお話してもいいですか? I am just wondering if I could talk to you now. できればいまお話できればと思うのですが。
"I am just wondering ...." を "I was just wondering ..."に変えればより丁寧。
>>372 まず文頭で、 My name is ○○。(私は○○といいます) My order (# *****) has not yet been received. (私の注文(注文ナンバー *****)がまだ届いていません。 It's been ○(数字)weeks since I ordered ×× on August △△. (8月△△に××を注文してから、既に○週間たっています)
Please let me know what is being done. (どう処理されているのか知らせて下さい) Our son [または daughter] has been looking forward to it best of all the items I ordered from you.
他に決まり文句として、 ・I am sure you will find a solution to this problem. (あなたは必ずこの問題を解決してくれるはずです。) ・I am expecting the courtesy of a prompt reply. (迅速な返答という礼儀を期待しています。) など。
This is the fourth time I have contacted you about my order. (私の注文のことで連絡するのはこれで四度目です。) The last e-mail I received from you said that you were dealing with the matter. It also asked me to contact you again after ten days. (最後に受け取ったEメールには、現在対応中であること、 十日後にまた連絡してほしいということが書いてありました。 However, it has been two months since then. (しかし、それから二ヶ月たっています)
I would like to alert you that you must carry out your obligation. (あなた方は責任を果たさなければならない、と警告します。) I believe it is a matter of your trade credit. (これはあなた方の商売の信用にかかわる問題だと思います。)
>>384 I have not heard from him decided to go to college to major English not to speak ill of another person This problem calls for serious consideration.
>>390 He ran out of money and he had to look for a job. I try to keep up with new things. Mr. Brown was asked by his wife to stay home and take care of the children.
>>395 I'm sorry. I tried to call you several times, but I have been busy with doing this and that and lost my timings. I will call you sometime this week.
>>340>>342 ありがとうございました!! 残りの3つの添削をどなたかお願いします。。。; ①ヨーロッパ諸国では自国語のほかに外国語を1つか2つ身につけているのが普通であり、 決して驚くことではありません。 In Europe countries, it is usual that they master one or two languages but their mother tongue, so it is never surprising.
②田舎へ移ってから3年以上になりますが、老父母もすっかり健康を取り戻したように見える。 It is over three years since we have moved to the country, but my old parents appears to have completely recovered their health.
③ここからあの山のふもとまでは少なくとも40分かかるよ。近いようだが実際はかなり遠いんだ。 It takes forty minutes at least from here to a foot of that mountain. It seems to be near, but in fact it is very far.
ホテルでインボイス(「レシート a receipt」ではなく) というのがよく分からないのですが、ひとまずそのまま訳してみました。
Subject: Please send me an invoice ASAP
I am Yamamoto. I stayed at your hotel from July 25 to August 3.
You promised me that you would send me an invoice via e-mail, but I have not received one yet. Could you send it to me as soon as possible?
According to your staff, they could not make an invoice with the logo of the hotel for me because they were not allowed to use the computer during those specific hours. They promised me they would send one to me via e-mail later.
丁寧なメールをいただきありがとう。 Thank you for your sincere e-mail. 子供向けクラスについては心配しないで下さい。 Don't worry about kids classes. あなた自身のことを優先させて下さい。 You and your family come first. 給料をもらったら、すぐにEEE国に帰国した方がいいです。 You had best go back to EEE as soon as possible after you receive a salary. 給与支払の遅延を起こしたこともあり、CCCとの契約を守る必要はないです。 CCCは給与支払いの遅延を起こしたり、4-6月決算発表日を当日に延期しました。 CCCは資金繰りに困っています。 CCCは事業継続の可能性もありますが、倒産の可能性も高いと自分は思います。
新しいDDD国の先生を紹介してくれてありがとう。 Thank you for introducing a new teacher from DDD to me. ぜひ私のメールアドレス、電話を教えて下さい。 Please tell her my e-mail address and my mobile phone number.
8月X日のレッスンはキャンセルしましょう。 Let's cancel a class on the Xth of August. もし9月が忙しくなるようであれば、Y日、Z日もキャンセルして下さい。 If you are busy in September, let's cancel classes on the Yth and Zth. あなたの都合に合わせて下さい。 Please cosult your own convenience.
あなたのお母さんの病気がよくなることを祈ります。 I hope that your mother get well. 親切にしてもらってありがとう。 Thank you for your many kindnesses to me. あなたがいなくなると寂しいです。 I will miss you so much.
もしよければあなたのEEE国での住所、メールアドレスを教えて下さい。 Could you tell me your address and your e-mail address in EEE? 写真を送ります。 I will send pictures to you. <end>
>>421 Thank you so much for explaining the market situation at the telephone meeting last week. 過去のことでも現在完了じゃなくていいかと思います。 変わりゆく市場の話で、前までの状況を>>421さんが知っていたのならthe current market situation 等でいかがでしょうか。
We are always ready with our machines and equipment of high quality and standard, and producing the metal working goods while keeping up with the needs of the modern time of variant values.
>>431 We drove and arranged mechanical equipments and materials. (私たちは車を運転し、機材を配置しました。) We accomplished all the works we were supposed to do before we left. (私たちは撤収前にしなければならない動作をすべてやり遂げました。) We drive about 120 kilometers everyday. (私たちは毎日120キロの距離を運転します。) We must obey the law and avoid accidents. (私たちは法律を遵守し事故を避けなければなりません。)
How much person feels what on this day today? A war is being something unrealistic for the man who lives through now. And the witnesses who experienced a war are disappearing gradually. The evil which forms from peace.
Many Japanese avert their eyes. Is it just as it is and really good?
By whomever it'll be called whatever today, I hope.
>>450 I'm sorry for my late reply. In Japan a female would not visit her boyfriend's mother and confess that she has fallen in love with him. It seems natural that a male should introduce his girlfriend to the mother instead. Are you coming to Japan in December? It takes a lot of time to get to Yokohama, but Tokyo is nearer. I would be very happy if I can see you. I've alreay gotten excited, looking forward to seeing you!
He was the fifth to perform. His live performance drew so much bigger audience that the mood rose to fever pitch. I saw it from a distance, but enjoyed it a lot.
>>479 I'll never forget those beautiful pieces of scenery and your hospitality during the stay. I'm so happy to see both of you again. Thank you very much for your kind attention.
>>471 Speaking of the book I sent 00, I declared the price of the book a little cheaper than its list price in order not to have them imposed tax. If they should put tax on you, please let me know. I'll pay for it later.
1)I like you because you always say to me "You are good" (or "You did it good") even if you don't think that way. I like somebody who does it. 2)I like when somebody says to me "You did it great" even if he doesn't think that way, and you do it to me. It encourages me a lot. I really like that.
I didn't take any pictures when I went to the cherry blossom viewing picnic. I won't take a picture afresh as I go every year. However I will surely take some pictures for you at the next year.
「I am a Japanese pelargonium fan. I collect various kinds by a hobby. I almost watch your HP every day.
Will you send your pelargonium to Japan? The order is 20-30 pots. By the way, the virus test that you worry about is unnecessary for export to Japan. If your answer is OK, I send a list. Thank you very much. I wait for an answer. 」
I am a Pelargonium fan in Japan collecting varieties as a hobby. I am enjoying your enchanting website almost everyday.
I am wondering if you could sell your Pelargonium to me. If possible, I would like to order 20 to 30 pots. The Japanese customs do not impose quarantine on Pelargonium, so there is no need for apprehension.
If you give me consent, I will send you a list of varieties I would like to order as soon as possible. I would be grateful if you answer by return.
>>500 1) I'd like to ask a question about my son [または daughter], a sixteen-year-old American citizen. Would anybody at this window take that kind of question? He [She] had a three-year visa issued in November, 2006. Now he is staying in Japan with it. But I found that his visa, which was issued by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, designates only one-year period of dates. It says it's "a 3-year visa," but somehow it also says the term is only one year. What kind of procedures I should go through to set things straight?
2)は、日本語の意味がよく分からなかったです。補足説明をいただければ訳せるかもしれません。 たぶん、 I'm wondering where my son [または daughter] is taking a class. (私の息子〔娘〕はどこで授業を受けているのかしら)ということなのでしょうが、 状況がよく分かりません。
The Japanese customs do not test pelargonium for virus disease unlike the EU customs, so .... (日本の税関はEUの税関とちがい、ウイルス病の検査をしないので……) として下さい。 unlike the EU customs は削ってもかまいませんが、お好みで。
>533 The center examination is made as easily as, with time, anyone can solve it; nevertheless,why many people who can solve written test acquire unsteady score on computer graded test?It owes to lack of time at any time.No time is left to be puzzled.
By the way, I went to Summer Sonic this weekend. It was hot, but I really had a happy time. ○○ performed in such a cool way! They have made a fan of me.
"2 channel" is one of the most notorious anti-Korea bulletin boards.
When the indiscriminate shooting incident happened at Virginia Tech. in April, there appeared many comments on the board that claimed many Koreans living in Japan are like the criminal. Some comments stirred up trouble, claiming there is no evidence to prove that the sex slaves of the Japan forces were pressed into service by force.
>>550 I worked part-time at a day nursery. I also returned to my native place to enjoy swimming and fishing. I found there that a fugu, or a puffer, cries and the human body floats in the sea.
>>551 officer でもよいですが、大臣から交番のお巡りさん、将校まで含意する幅が広いので、 civil servant (公務員)のほうがいいのでは。 a local public service employee または a local civil servant(地方公務員) でもいいと思います。
>>519 私はスタイリストのアシスタントをしていて、 I'm a stylist assistant. バンド名)のイメージで服を作っているから、 I'm working on (band name) wannabe clothes, 出来上がったら写真送ります。 I'll show you when they are done. あなたの服のサイズを教えてもらえませんか? By the way would you give me your sizes.
>564 Check the design of your website. Lay out newly another five plans of your top page. Make up a PDF file as a data for a presentation. Make up estimates. Send out E-mails to your customers all together.
>564 Check the design of your website. Lay out five more plans of your top page design newly. Make up a PDF file as a data for presentation. Make up estimates. Send out E-mails to your customers all together.
>564 Check the design of your website. Lay out five more plans of your top page design newly. Make up a PDF file as a data for presentation. Make up estimates. Send out E-mails to your cliants all together.
>>584 In the first phase we will be doing an experiment using this instrument under the condition of low pressure and normal temperature. In the second phase we will be doing an experiment using another instrument under higher electric power, pressure and temperature.
>>591 Needless to say, love is one of the necessity for people to become happy. however people often tend to dislike turning their eyes to the action. today, thanks to the development of scientific technologies, we came to be able to get most of what we want and hope to satisfy our hearts. on the other hand, the environment of the life to satisfy our sexual desire is as awful as ever owing to the density of the house. the solution is to stay at hotels, but we keep them at a distance. so it is not often used acutually.
I can't buy all volumes (NO.1 and 2) of this book simultaneously due to budget limitation. So I buy No.1 and later am going to buy the left No2 after I finish reading No.1 >>592
>>593 I wanted to reserve your hotel through the hostelworld, but I know it means we must be charged for Service charge. thats why I want to reserve directly and sent a e-mail to you. Can I reserve your hotel directly via E-mail? I want to reserve the room only for women first of september through third of september.
>>608 when you arrive at Hakata station, please go out of the SOUTH entrance. we will be waiting for you there. please dont go to the north entrance by mistake.
"n n"is the shortneing. It means "no name". It means "名無しさん". I can't speak English. But,I can possibly understand to listen English,little. Then,I practice reading and writing in English just now. My pets live in park. So,they are doves. They are no name,too. They are the anonymous beings. It's just real story ,”ペットも名無しさん”!
>>612 'n n' is short for 'no name' which means '名無しさん' I dont speak English. but I understand a little what you say. and I practice writing and reading in English. My pets are in park. and they are wild birds. they dont have their respective names. they are anonymous. It totally means 'ペットも名無しさん'
>>618 I can't give you an evaluation due to the trouble I found in the system. So please do not expect the feedback from me. I substitute this E-mail for the feedback to let you know that the item has arrived and my appreciation to you.
>>627 I have to bringl you a bad news. The comany which sells this model is not open for business until August 19. Also,the day of deliverry is 2-8 weeks later according to the website. I will tell you the exact date when I call and check with the compay next Monday.
>>629 The 'Kofun' which is the large ancient tomb in Japan has various shapes such as oblong and keyhole. The most(Especially) famous one is the 'Daisen-kofun' with 486m length in Osaka Prefecture.
>>635 I was moved to hear that you work without summer vacation. But you should take care yourself. Japan in this sunmmer, it continues the tough and hot days which are suitable for the words "extreme heat." There are the news which announce that one or two person die by the heat illness every day. It is just like a condition that a few years ago Parris was attacked by terrible heat.
>>621 I saw the picture of the Roky mountain by E-mail. Thank you very much. I can fell the grandeur of the nature form the picture. Jamie who is one of two girl that I met you at Tokyo, isn't it? I scarcely remember that one of them works as a nurse at L.A., and else who has the job which concerns concomputer and does the Yoga by her favorite.
Thank you for the picture of the Rocky Mountains you sent to me via e-mail. It made me feel the grandeur of nature. Is Jamie, the woman on the photo, one of the two ladies who accompanied you when we met in Tokyo? As far as I can remember, one of them is a nurse from LA and the other is in a job related to computer in NY and practices yoga for a hobby.
>>652 会話なら Oh,are you?とかYou did?などいうが 文章ならI just can't believe it. とか付加疑問文でYou bought such an expensive car,didn't you?感嘆符でYou finally made it! なんて工夫したら. 制服は(school) uniformでオーケー。
>>679 Have you good time on summer vacation? Your vacation time remains(is left) less than two weeks. Today is your birthday. Is there any special entertainment? If there is it, I hope you will have wonderful time! Even though if there is not, I hope you will have good time!
>>686 Thank you for your slow speaking. Yet, I couldn't catch some words, so it is glad to me if you send the e-mail which hasthe same contents of that conversation. And, under what condition do you play recently? If you tell it to me, I will invite you.
There is an image that the overseas school is free to me, it is enviable. でいいんでしょうか?嫌味とかになっていたら困るのですが・・・。 海外っていうと嫌ったりしませんよね・・・? 間違っていたら訂正をお願いしたいです。 お願いします。
>>687 I saw the photogragh during your journy in Japan on web-site. I'm sorry for my late reply. Thanks a lot. It is clear/obvious to me that you have enjyoyed the trip.
>>707 Is "Crack" a name of drugs? Is it kinda warning that some people in this thread use drugs? Are you inflaming the thread by pointing out there are only responses by junkies?
>>744 forを2回使うが Could you tell me what reason/purpose for your application for Waseda-Unv? What reason do you have for your application for Waseda-Unv?
>>754 If we are to keep putting up product data on the website, it'd be better to have it acompanied by pictures of the products being used, and instructions on how to use them.
>>788 Japanese people put so-called bath-chemical which add certain colour to the water. The coloured water could hide body under water, by which it could be easier to paint the scene of a person having bath, or which would reduce the sexual stimulation for the restriction purposes.
Some Japanese baths contains bath agents. Their purposes are to keep bodies covered sot that painters feel safe while, for example, drawing. Or they are intended to suppress or control sexual impetus by covering sexual scenes
Does anyone speak English? I am sorry, but my Japanese isn't very good. I am American and I want to meet Japanese friends. Maybe you guys could help me out or be my friends? If you can, great! ありがとうございます。
>>813 I often visit this page, and wonder whether the extent to which the sentences are translated is good enough. Is it OK to answer questions in English for the students who is just studying English? The translated sentences could make sense as those written by non-English natives, though actually are anything but natural. It's quite natural to shout "That's Japanese Engrish!" however it coult be offensive.
>>825 1) In the case of Kendo -- Players are differentiated by their collors. For example, player A is collored red and player B is collored white. When A does effective hit to B, the judge raises the red flag.
2) When they carry the Japanese Mikoshi on their shoulder, they shout "Watshoi !, Watshoi !" There are several theories for the origin of the meaning of this "Watshoi !", including "carrying a social order (wa)" or "being with a social order(wa)" or else.
Come to think of it, I might have been nasty when we were at ○○. I had just woke up, you know, so... (考えてみたら、私たちが○○にいたとき私は意地悪だったかもしれない。 あのとき私は起きたばっかりで、それで……)
>>847 By using this function, you can avoid the hassle of going home just to take a bath and have a sleep and coming back to your office next morning. なんかちょっとブサイクな気もするがまあ通じるだろう。
>>892 As you pointed out righteously, the majority of students of English conversation schools in Japan are house wives. This phenomena is an evidence to the fact that most of woman recognize English as a kind of status symbols such as goods of Hermes e oar Gucci. They don’t care whether English is useful or not. They strongly care the opinions of other people on the importance of English. Housewife is one of the typical examples of those people, because they have no opportunities to raise their social positions and are concentrated to wearing brand cloths labeled English. The abundance of money and time reinforces these characterizes of housewives.
As you have already notice, Japanese are very sensitive to their reputations. We can say that this problem affects strongly the personality of Japanese.
Thank you for coming our hotel. Our hotel’s check-out time is usually 10AM. But your departure for Haneda is at 13PM. So we will take you to Airport by car at your request time. You can choose departure time from hotel at your will. You can stay this hotel over 10AM. If you have any questions, could you write below? Thank you Sir.
>>899 You would have arrived at your home when you read this mail. I think you may get some of fatigue from your long way journy. Please take a good/enough rest today.
>>900 Thank you for your stay at our hotel. Our hotel's check-out time is usually 10 a.m/ten hundred hours. But your departure time for Haneda is 1p.m/thirteen hundred hours. We will take you to Airport by car at requested time. So you can choose check-out time as you like/you wish. ←※ You can stay this hotel over 10 a.m.. If you have any questions, please write below form. Thank you so much. Dear MR.××( 様)
>>902 I tried to buy these Ration(?) by ebay. While I can't speak and write English, French and German, I have gotten them from many nations by using the bidding agency/service "bidbuy.co.jp"
But the shipping charges costs $200 and I must pay $18 by each goods/pdoducts for the handling fee. Then it cost 1 or 2 months for the delivery.
「メールをしたのですが、なかなか返事が返ってこないので、電話しています。 私はインターネット上で8月31日と9月1日の宿泊の予約をしました。 JCBカードを使ったら、"Because you have used a Debit Card to book, you must contact the property at least 24 hours before you arrive to confirm. " というメールが来ました。私はクレジットカードを使ったのですが、これはどういう事でしょうか? 宿泊の24時間前に確認の電話をしなければ行けないのでしょうか?」
>>930 I am quite ready to use Japanese if you really wish to learn it, though I guess English is much easier to read. And I want to make sure if you have received emails I have sent to you.
>>936 This is my sincere appology of my belated response to you. The emails that you have sent to me had unfortunately happened to be categorized into spams. Consequently it has been long before I scrutinized the spam mails and detected some of your mails among spams.
I wish I be as that hath ever been. とか、、。なんか、こういうのってば、シェークスペアリアンな英語に したいよな。 Let me wish to be like that. ちがうなぁ。 shall, will の類ではないとおもうんだよな。「ありたい」だからな。 うーん、マクベスとか、リア王とか、ハムレットとかにそういうセリフ ないかな。
>>940 添削してあげるね。 This is my sincere appology of my belated response to you. => My sincere apology for the delay in reply to you.
The emails that you have sent to me had unfortunately happened to be categorized into spams. Consequently it has been long before I scrutinized the spam mails and detected some of your mails among spams. => I've just found all your emails in my spam folder, some of them are from long ago. It's so unfortunate but good job I found them now. Reallyl sorry!
>>970 Then, your birthday is August 9th, isn't it? Happy belated birthday! (第2文は定型句。) 以下、わたしの作文 I'd say "Happy birthday!", even though the timing is off.
Sorry, I couldn't e-mail you back soon. I really had a fun in Bluemington. Everyday was almost like a dream to me. I want to go there again if I have a chance. I'm happy to have met the best host family I'd ever had. I'll send you an e-mail again. See you.
>>981>>986 Sorry about my snail e-mail. I enjoyed my stay in Bloomington because I felt everyday as if I was dreaming. When I find an opportunity, I want to visit there again. It was my great pleasure to see my best hostfamily ever. I will e-mail you soon. Take care!