As adults all we can do with the young is mentor them and guide them on what is right and lead by example. I have recently became a Minister and am learning many things about a variety of religons.
I recently made the decision to become a vegetarian, meaning I do not eat meat (chicken, beef, fish, etc.). I understand that animals are not as intelligent as people,but I do not like the idea that the animals suffer. They are often kept in very confined places before they are slaughtered, and there is a lot of disease and discomfort. And even if the animals are not intelligent, I believe they are able to feel pain, just like a person does. But when I tell my friends about my decision, they usually disagree with me! It is not a very popular idea here.
I have been very busy as well, I have decided to change my career to the ministry, something I always wanted to do even as a young man. I am working towards being a traveling minister catering to people that need a minister for a variety of religons and occaisons.
I recently changed my job as well. I had been working at the same company since I finished college, and I loved the job.But several months ago, a different company approached me and offered me a much higher salary if I worked for them. So I tried that job for a few months,but I ended up not enjoying it, so I decided to return to the original job that I loved. I think it was a very good decision, even if it is less money.
I am really sorry to hear about your brother in law passed away. Is "subarachnoid hemorrage"a kind of stroke? like bleeding in the brain? Anyway, i really hope you and your sister will stay put and get over the sorrow soon.Did you get your old harddrive restored / recovered? Viruses are so pavasive these days, its not easy to keep your computer up to date with the latest security and virus patches.Lucky my computer hasnt been infected yet.Phew! Maybe it's because i am not much of a web surfer.
I responded to your email sent on the 7th of February to inform you that I will have a cheque out to you next week. I will email you once I have sent the cheque.
I responded to your email sent on the 7th of February to inform you that I will have a cheque out to you next week. I will email you once I have sent the cheque. あなたの2月7日に送っていただいたemailにお答えです。来週には小切手をお送りします。 小切手を送りしたらEmailを送りします。 でいいのでは?
I responded to your email sent on the 7th of February to inform you that I will have a cheque out to you next week. I will email you once I have sent the cheque. あなたの2月7日付のemilへの返答です。 来週には小切手をお送りします。 発想時にはemailでご連絡します。
ANDY (offers his hand) Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne. Red glances at the hand, ignores it. The game continues. RED:The wife-killin' banker. ANDY:How do you know that? RED:I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it? ANDY:I didn't, since you ask. RED :Hell, you'll fit right in, then. (off Andy's look) Everyone's innocent in here, don't you know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy? HEYWOOD :Didn't do it! Lawyer fucked me!
Behold the repositories of fearful arcane knowledge, tomes of aeons-old cursed lore which was surely ancient even when the ill-fortuned antediluvian civilizations which initially articulated it first committed such dread lexicons of terror to shuddering memory!
It might be tempting to conclude-following a fashinable stream in modern social thougt- that industrialization was at best a mixed blessing and that,by implication,economies which for one reason or another escaped it,were fortunate.
I am not very good at computers either,but I am fortunate Nancy is an expert so I always have her help and a troubleshooter... you should findyourself a troubleshooter,Megumi.
What has kept me going through all the hard times, and what's allowed me to work so hard on improving my game, is the love I've always had for this sport. よろしくお願いします。
I strive to develop each occaision as unique as you are, and desire to fulfill your requirements.I primarily serve Northern California;however I love to travel.No destination is too far. I offer a variety of services from Blessings, Baptisms, Affirmation of Faith, Weddings, Dwelling Blessings,Last Rights, Anointments and Funerals. There are no hidden fees. Fees are aggreed upon previous to the event.All fees are dependant upon your location and type of service you wish to be performed.
well I hope you don’t mind cuz nothing’s really all right the Demo’s you’re doing’s nothing better than mosquitoes now du-wala-du is what you have to listen to please be neat and be an E.T / this agitation is a noble invitation petients never gives me a question to this infernal question now you it’s you who’s gonna say that is throught to Mr.Priminisiter go sister no sister now go go go
Verification Request No email messages were found with the given verification tag. Therefore the verification tag is invalid, or has already been verified.
By signing this letter,you authorize X to perform,or have an outside party to perform,a reference check to verify the personal information submitted to X by you or on your behalf which has been used in consideration for employment by X. Your employment is contingent upon the recipt of satisfactory references. If an unsatisfactory reference is received,this offer might be withdrawn or your employment might be terminated
(The surprising answer,according to one study of pre-school children,is yes :children who had watched cartoons were `more likely to hit out at their playmates,argue,disobey class rules,leave tasks unfinished, and were less willing to wait for things than those who watched the nonviolent programs'). お願いいたします。
Harvard University on Feb.11 named historian Drew Gilpin faust as its first female president.Her selection is noteworthy given the uproar over her predecessor, Lawrence Summers, who said that genetic differences between the sexes might explain why there are few women in top science jobs. Her selection 以下をお願いします。
Her selection is noteworthy given the uproar over her predecessor, Lawrence Summers, who said that genetic differences between the sexes might explain why there are few women in top science jobs.
If you compare a story that you have found in the Japanese news media with the same event reported in some foreign news media, you will probably find they are quite different. Take the example of sports. You ask editors whether they report about their own country's athletes first and foremost. They will surely answer, "Of course we do!" Athletes from other countries get less attention! The winning of a gold medal by Kuniko Obinata in Alpine sit-ski at the 1998 Nagano Paralympics was widely reported in Japan, where it caused a boom in this event. However, in the US, the Paralympics were seldom reported. As a result, people in the US paid little attention to the games. This is a typical example of how the media control their viewers. In other words, what news we are interested in depends on what the media is interested in. 訳お願いします
Naturally, Kazakhstani athletes, among others, have been struggling through their Games with genuine Olympic spirit, being most of times the last of their respective sporting specialities, or being simply in the crowd of all other non-winners. Few moments have seen the Kazakhstani in evidence, for example when the ski-jumper Radik Zhaparov was kept for minutes under the international television spotlight because, just before his jump, an unfavorable wind forced the Olympic officers to briefly suspend the jumps for reasons of security. Then Zhaparov did his jump, it was even a good one, then he faded away from the fame like the others like him, simple Olympic-spirited participants. Another moment of television visibility of a Kazakhstani athlete was during a cross-country event, the 15+15 kilometers pursuit, mixed technique, in Sansicario, when Maxim Odnodvorstev in the last kilometers has been for a while in 5th position, just few meters from the front of the race, then he finished 9th. In that occasion, a Kazakhstani flag has been seen waving among the public in Sansicario. Also from the cross-country came the best results for Kaz team, the 6th place in the Sprint Team Competion, with Nikolay Chebotko and Yevgeniy Koschvoy.
In science as in life, it is well known that a chain of events can have a point of crisis that could magnify small changes. But chaos meant that such points were everywhere. They were pervasive. In systems like the weather, sensitive dependence of the way small scales intertwined with large. His colleagues were astonished that Lorenz had mimicked both aperiodicity and sensitive dependence on initial conditions in his toy version of the weather: twelve equations, calculated over and over again with ruthless mechanical efficiency. How could such richness, such unpredictability―such chaos―arise from a simple deterministic system?
Lorenz put the weather aside and looked for even simpler ways to produce this complex behavior. He found one in a system of just three equations. They were nonlinear, meaning that they expressed relationships that were not strictly proportional. Linear relationships can be captured with a straight line on a graph. Linear relationships are easy to think about: the more the merrier. Linear equations are solvable, which makes them suitable for textbooks. Linear systems have an important modular virtue: you can take them apart, and put them together again―the pieces add up.
>>126 お話したいな。(love to have conversations n GOINGOUT, love to have conversations n I AM outgoing だろ!と説教したい。 前者だったら、お出かけしたいな。後者だったら、人見知りしないよ。) ドライブも好きだし、うちでマッタリ映画みたりするのも好き。
The pitch, contrary to its legend that might as well have been cooked up with water from Loch Ness, does not dart 4 feet or dip 2 feet or do the Macarena before it reaches home plate.
As individuals we take it upon ourselves to make small changes that will have a big impact on our environment.
The producer of "An Inconvenient Truth," Lawrence Bender, wants to know how you can encourage those around you to be more conscientious with their energy habits.
1. I asked him if I could use the phone. 2. Mother asked me if I was going out in the afternoon. 3. Ms.White asked Mike if he had time to talk 3.You ask editors whether they report about their country's athletes. 4.You ask editors,Do you report about your country's athleted?" 5.Jane asked me if I had heard John going out. 6.Jane said to me, "Did you hear John going out?" 訳お願いします
We may be aware that the world is too complex for the media to report the whole of a story, or even all the important stories. Therefore we need to be careful when we watch TV or read the newspaper, and to remind ourselves that we are not getting the whole picture. Perhaps you have heard the expression 'media literacy.' This means the ability to use the media as a tool, like language. In order to be 'media literate,' it is essential for us not to lose our identity. We need to be aware that there are lots of events the media is not reporting. There are opinions quite different from those reported in the papers. It is important for us not to just be a passive receiver of information, but to think about and investigate issues for ourselves, and to communicate our own ideas with others. Unless we do this, our society will lack diverse views and opinions. Moreover, we may come to think that the world presented in the media is the real world! 訳お願いします
dont mean to be a shit stirrer, but how about investing time in proper study of your own language? U d b sirprized at deez rezults. Evermore, Lonery engrish speaker
>>188です。 答えてくださった方、どうもありがとうございました。 また質問なのですが、 How are things over in Japan??? この部分はオーストラリアのバンドは日本ではどうか、という意味ですか? それとも、このメールを送ってきたバンドが日本ではどうか、という意味 なんでしょうか?
>>215 すみません、説明不足でした 以下が全文です。 Thanks a bunch.... no worries at all. Glad you enjoy it. How are things over in Japan??? Know many Aussie bands??? これは、私が相手のバンドに曲がイイ!とか送ったメールの返事です。
I wanna feel it right, cuz the heat is on. Gonna set the trap and the dice be thrown. uh, U know we got it like that. We set the tone on the microphone. I wanna feel it right, cuz the heat is on Gonna set the trap and the dice be thrown. uh, U know we got it like that. If U wanna do it right, then act like U know
This e-mail together with any attachments may be confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please contact AAA and delete all copies. You are not permitted to copy, disclose or use the content in any way. Check attachments for viruses before opening. Thank you. お願いします。
もう一つお願いします・・・ (裁判にて) Attoney: Describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night that she was murdered. Andy: It was very bitter. SHe said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. And she said she wanted a divorce in Reno.
(その後裁判が進み、判決が下される場面) judge: You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man. It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it. 字幕らしいナチュラルな訳の参考にしたいのでお願いします。
Thus,using F=qq'/r^2 as the defining equation, a charge that would repel an equal and like charge with a force of 1 dyne at a distance of 1 cm in a vacuum was defined as a unit charge.
初歩的な物理の文です。真ん中あたりのa charge that would repel an equal and like〜の意味が よく分かりません。お願いします。
>>250 an equal and like charge 同種同量の電荷 このlikeはここでは「同じ種類の」という意味ね。つまりプラスとプラス マイナスとマイナス。equalは「同じ電荷量の」ということ。で an equal and like が chargeにかかる。そこがわかればあとは大丈夫かな。
The first example from that paper is set out below as a worked example to help get you started. と To help you get over the confidence barrier, try out this skeletal worked example. です。
When the nurse declared that "How are you?" was really no more than a plite greeting and that she didn`t expect any answer more elaborate than simply"Fine".
How sensible scientists can suggest that a modest intervention of a single antioxidant supplement, can have a major effect in reversing life-threatening pathology, where patients already have advanced cardiovascular disease, is ridiculous.
私は a modest intervention とreversing life-threatening pathology の意味が取れなかったです。あと、can have a major effectのcanの前に コンマがあってその意味が分からず、最初のsuggestと並列なのかな〜、でも 意味が繋がらないしと悩んでいました。ありがとうございました。
To tip or not to tip, that is the question. When Joe Girardi, then the Marlins manager, pointed out a pitching flaw to Phillies right-hander Joe Lieber, did it cross the line of fraternization?
We are speeding toward even more rarified investment based on indices of indices of indices, derivatives of derivatives, synthetics mirroring synthetics.
>>328 んーとちょっと違うかな。 would you likeは本当に自分が相手に何かをしてもらいたい時に使う。 why don' t youは別に自分に何かをしてほしいわけじゃなくて、 それ以外にも使う。例えば why don't you do that→「それやってみたら?」とか。 この場合、何かを行う相手はIでもyouでもないことがあるわけ。
ただ326の場合には why don't you do that for meのfor meの部分が入ってたから 「私のためにやってよ」という訳になったんだ。 それから、would you likeというときは自分が下手にでて丁寧に頼んでる感じだけど why don't you do that for meに限って言えば親しい間柄とか すこしインフォーマルというか時にはぶっきらぼうに聞こえるかもしれない。 (言い方にもよるけどね。)
Thank you for your order with Sideshow Collectibles. It appears that extra figures and symbols may have been added to your address when the account was created. Please reply directly to this message with your current billing and shipping address(es).
hello hideo how are you doing.i m always happy to recieve some news from you. lot of things had happened since this summer and now it s been a while i haven t seen fabienne.but everything is fine for me.i spend most of my time in england when i m not working.i ve met a girl in london on october and we have a lot of good time with each other.i spent christmas in her familly and this was the occasion for me to see what was a traditionnal christmas in mother came with me as i didn t want her to be alone for christmas.i think she ll remember this moment until the end of her life because the last time she went in england she must been 10 or 11 years old. otherwise i try to visit my best friend on the french riviera as often as i can.hopefully i ll visit him next month.i ve got a very good friend of me who is going to visit a friend of her in tokyo this summer so i told her about you and she is very interested to know if you want to meet her too just let me know and i ll give each other adress.
hey what it do baby? I was tired yesterday coz I moved to live in bkk and also study in the university here, how things around u? and how da weather overthere? well i hope all is great with you, don't forget to take care of yaself, and if u had a chance come to thailand, it would be very nice, i hope to see u anyway im here for sending some sweet love to ya way, be nice baby and keep ya smile too.... much love
>>395 Hey, how does it do, baby? I was tired yesterday because I moved to live in Bangkok and also study in the university here, how are things aroud you? And how is the weather over there? Well I hope all is great with you. Don't forget to take care of yourself, and if you have a chance to come to Thailand, it would be very nice. I hope to see you someday... 笑 Anyway I'm here for sending some sweet love to your way. Be nice, baby. And keep your smile, too. Much love. これで機械翻訳してみな。
There's little that either lawmakers or the industry can do in the short-term about the high oil prices that yielded those profits, however, as long as energy markets stay tense and the global economy is expanding. Instead, it would take a decision by consumers and businesses to consume less fuel, a choice they have yet to make, analysts said.
I believe "The McFly Project" might be of interest to you. It's about getting sneaker giant Nike to make the futuristic sneakers worn by Marty McFly in the second episode of Back to the Future.
英国鉄道(National Rail) is a brand name of the ATOC. The brand and ATOC are jointly owned by the passenger rail companies of Great Britain, which were formed out of British Rail (BR), the now-defunct state-owned rail operator. 翻訳お願いします
一応支払い方法として先方が指定したのが Paying is western union or sending the money in envelope だったんですけど、一々ユーロに変換して直に送るより international postal money order(書留付)送った方が 手っ取り早いし確実に届くと思ったんですよね。
相手が乗り気のWestern Unionは日本国内だと代理業務やってるのが 駿河銀行しかないので手続きに時間がとられ過ぎるということも international postal money orderを提案した理由の一つだったんですけど。
Many old customs are beautiful, but unfortunately I think they are misused by some and they can develop negative meanings. There are some very positive movements evolving today though, and I'm excited by their potential. There is groundwork being laid for a major transformation, returning to wonderful, honorable, caring values. Have you ever heard of the author Ken Wilber? He writes some really interesting theories, drawing from many religious sources, eastern, western, and a slew of others. He understands that at the basis of most religions there is common ground. He has been assembling his concepts since the 1980's and has written many books. He started a website, and now a university called "Integral Institute" where they post audio interviews with different people discussing spirituality or areas of interest, artwork, chat areas, etc. If you ever want to check it out, the website is AAA.
It is no accident that most folk music and dancing has a similar rhythm. Here again the sounds and movements take the people back to the safe would before their birth.
After all, using one's wits to acquire a little cognac or a tin of goulash--not to mention to avoid getting shot or being hanged--demonstrates a heroism that could "eclipse even the glory of Alexander the Great."
Thinking along these lines,perhaps inside the body of the mother,the growing baby becomes "imprinted" with the sound of the heart-beat. If this is so, then hearing this familiar sound again after birth might have a calming effect on the new-born baby,, especially as it has just been pushed into a strong new world outside.
Japan was amazing! We just loved it and promised ourselfs that we have to go back one day. We were in Tokyo 5 days but due to the jetlag we were verry tired and James got sick on the way over so we didn´t get any sleep in 2 nights. If we had been a little less tired we probably would have done more things, for exampel go to the fishmarket. We´ll save it to next time, and then we will get some more sleep before we go there.
We wanted to get to know the neighbourhood a little bit since it was impossible to get to know the hole city. We were stunned by all the beautiful houses up there. It was a mix of new and old. Overall, you seem to have a great sence of taste in Japan, everything was so delicate and made with consideration. We just loved it. Today it´s Saturday and we are planning to cook some nice food tonight and open a bottle of vine. I think we are staying in because Sam is working this weekend at SF, witch is a cinema were he works some weekends.
ただの推測に過ぎないんだけど、SFってサンフランシスコの略なんだろうか? それならat じゃなくinを使いそうな気がする。 Because Sam is working this weekend at SF,which is a cinema where he works some weekends. SF って映画館の名前か何かじゃないの?唯の推測だから間違っているかも しれない。それにこの文章を書いた人は女の人のような気もする。
As Japan's population shifts to the late life, researchers are picking up the pace and developing robots to care for them when they retire. Perhaps when you think about it, designing a robot that looks like it can fight may be useful if they ever need to add security and self defense functions later.
lot of things had happened since this summer and now it s been a while i haven t seen Laura. but everything is fine for me. i spend most of my time in england when i m not working.i ve met a girl in london on october and we have a lot of good time with each other.i spent christmas in her familly and this was the occasion for me to see what was a traditionnal christmas in mother came with me as i didn t want her to be alone for christmas.i think she ll remember this moment until the end of her life because the last time she went in england she must been 10 or 11 years old.otherwise i try to visit my best friend on the french riviera as often as i can.hopefully i ll visit him next i ve got a very good friend of me who is going to visit a friend of her in tokyo this summer so i told her about you and she is very interested to know if you want to meet her too just let me know and i ll give each other;i wish i ll go back in japan one s a place that i really miss.
What initially brought me to your profile to begin with was some bizarre stroke of networking that happened earlier this afternoon. It all started with Icky and the Yuks and I somehow came across your friend Rinko. I didn't that friend because that profile seemed a little sparse. 〜省略〜 You seem down.
Asked if the president's decision to visit the tornado-stricken areas Saturday was influenced by the political fall-out from Hurricane Katrina, White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino said that was never part of the discussion. 日本語訳お願いします。m(_ _)m
Right into adult life the phenomenon seems to stay with us. We rock with anguish. We rock back and forth on our feet when we are in a state of mental conflict.
Stationary trees, however, are much easier to deal with, si we humans have agreed to take the trees and the land they're attached to as our stationary references.
U.S. defense officials say Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for the resignation of Army Secretary Francis Harvey, because he said he was disappointed that some Army officials were not taking the poor treatment of wounded soldiers seriously enough. 後半のbecause以下の訳をお願いします。
AAAS president John Holdren, himself an environmental scientist, unveiled the group's policy on climate change, saying that responding to the challenge will be harder and more expensive, the longer we wait. (AAAS=American Association for the Advancement of Science) 和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m
Rough. Kickin' rhymes like Jim Kerry or Alex Haley. I'mma be the belly rhymes, comin' raw styles, hardcore, Niggas be comin' to the hip-hop store comin' to borrow stories from me. Pretending to be a hip-hop Emcee. The law: in order to enter the Wu-Tang. You must bring The ol' dirty bastard type slang. Represent: the gza, abbott
This arrangement failed, Kumazawa said, through treachery on the part of Gofukakusa and his progeny, who established the Northern (Hokucho) Dynasty now reigning, and who forced Kameyama and his successors, who form the Southern (Nancho) Dynasty, from the Capitol in to hiding until Aug. 45.
GHQの熊沢天皇に関する文書で、熊沢が南北朝について述べている文です。「This arrangement」というのは 後深草天皇が亀山天皇に対してお互いの息子を交代で天皇に就かせるようにしたことです。特に、最後の 「from the Capitol in to hiding until Aug. 45」がよくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。
Here in France every body is waiting for the Election of the Président of the Republic (in Avril for the first turn).In France the Président has big power(i think it's the same power has de Prime Minister of Japan).His is the chief of the army. (with red button of the nuclear forces)He has the responsibility of the foreign politics.He nominates the Prime Minister (after the prime minister design a governement)He is the chief of the executive power (in charge of applying the laws,on witch he can put a veto) laws are decided by :La chambre des Députés ( elected by the people) ==> representing the people. And La chambre des sénateurs (elected by "the great electors" ; great electors are people that are mayors,députy,...) ==>representing the Republic. He has the reponsibility of nominate many people that are important in the republic fonctionnement (like the highest level of the justice representant ...) And he has a ( almost) total impunity face of the justice. There is not a empeachement procedure like in USA.So The Election of President of de French Republic is very important for us.For the first turn for being elected you have to get the absolute majority (greater than 50% of the votes)If there is not an absolute majority (all the time) between the first and the second turn, only the first two guys are allowed to go to the second turn. Then the relative majority is required.We remember that in 2002, Jean Marie Le pen (representing Fachist party named Front National) arrived to the second turn due to lack of voting people.Fortunatly Jacques Chirac has been elected by 80% of voting people to the second turn (witch has been call in France the Republic Front).
訳よろしくお願いします one of the triumphs of modern science has been the ability to change the chemical makeup of the brain selectively and thus block unhealthy changes in mood or thought.
The reason my blog is not available at the moment is that my network connection has been very unreliable.In any case, there have been no updates lately, as I have not had the time to work on the plane. Instead,I have spent much of the last 3 months doing renovations to my house. I bought my house 11 years ago, and since then have been living in the basement and renting out the 1st and 2nd floors to help pay the mortgage. A few months ago, my 2nd floor tenants moved out, and my wife and I decided to move upstairs. First however, I needed to make major repairs and renovations. I completely rebuilt the bathroom and kitchen, as well as making many other changes. I hope to finish in the next week or two and finally move upstairs. Even if I weren't working on renovations, its too cold to work on my plane. I'm building it in my garage. The garage isn't connected to the house.
The sun's energy is also a renewable source of energy. The sun has been shining for billions of years, and it will continue to do so for several more billion years. Solar energy, the harnessing of the sun's energy is one of the cornerstones of a renewable energy supply. Besides the possibility to generate current from sunlight, which you will learn about in the fifst part of this experiment kit, there are many other applications to investigate. If you have ever gotten into a car that has been standing in the summer sun you know that it is also possible to extract heat from sunlight. You can further explore solar energy with experiments in the future with other THAMES & KOSMOS experiment kits.
I always have a hard time choosing an adequate Camus photo (cuse I just love him too much), so this time I choose him in movement to just drool over him even more. Only thing missing would be his helmet, but he looks adorable anywhere, anytime.
One of the tricks that I was taught in college was to write your goals in a journal and review them when you get discouraged to remind yourself why you are getting your education.
But, it is here written one day, when even the Great War have faded to naught but distant memory, a great conflict shall be waged between the gods of light and the dark fiends.
In contrast I hear that Tokyo has just had its first winter on record with no snow! We just had a bad snow/ice storm here on Thursday. The ice caused many trees to fall on electrical wires. My house was without power for a day. Some went a few days without power.In other news,I am almost finished with school. I have a presentation in a few weeks to defend my work,and then all (hopefully) is done. In the meantime,I have already started work with a company that does circuit design for microchips.
Japan will not apologize again for its World War II military brothels, even if the U.S. Congress passes a resolution demanding it, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told parliament Monday. Abe, elaborating on his denial last week that women were forced to serve as frontline prostitutes, said none of the testimony in hearings last month by the U.S. House of Representatives offered any solid proof of abuse. "I must say we will not apologize even if there's a resolution," Abe told lawmakers in a lengthy debate, during which he also said he stood by Japan's landmark 1993 apology on the brothels. Historians say that up to 200,000 women -- mostly from Korea and China -- served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia in the 1930s and '40s.
The sun's energy is also a renewable source of energy. The sun has been shining for billions of years, and it will continue to do so for several more billion years. Solar energy, the harnessing of the sun's energy is one of the cornerstones of a renewable energy supply. Besides the possibility to generate current from sunlight, which you will learn about in the fifst part of this experiment kit, there are many other applications to investigate. If you have ever gotten into a car that has been standing in the summer sun you know that it is also possible to extract heat from sunlight. You can further explore solar energy with experiments in the future with other THAMES & KOSMOS experiment kits.
The sun's energy is also a renewable source of energy. The sun has been shining for billions of years, and it will continue to do so for several more billion years. Solar energy, the harnessing of the sun's energy, is one of the cornerstones of a renewable energy supply. Besides the possibility to generate current from sunlight, which you will learn about in the first part of this experiment kit, there are many other applications to investigate. If you have ever gotten into a car that has been standing in the summer sun you know that it is also possible to extract heat from sunlight. You can further explore solar energy with experiments in the future with other THAMES & KOSMOS experiment kits.
The American habit of being mobile, of moving from one locality to another, dates back to the days of the frontier. It was on the frontier, where life was harsh and often dangerous, that the need for personal contacts was especially strong, and it was here that some of the groundwork was laid for the subsequent development of voluntary association. It was also on the frontier that friendliness was readily welcomed, so that Americans acquired the custom of making friends easily, although frequently such friendships were not so deep. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。
On the whole, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
Most women who do work still do unskilled jobs, while only a small proportion of the country's workers -- possibily one third -- are in fact women.
If you observe the students more closely, you will be more surprised to see how quickly and willingly they jump into discussion and express their point of view.
If Japan is to win the respect of other nations, who are often envious of her economic success, she must be able to defend herself in one of the international languages, preferbly English.
she is lively and full of energy. he enviesher. he meets her at acoffee shop and begs for her help. toyo's words inspire him. at that time, the people of the area want to have a park built for children. however, the project he wishes to live his own life at last. the next day he begins to work as hard as he can. he devotes himself to building the park. よろしくお願いします
I enjoy it because lessons are boring only some are good, that we have with one teacher and guys usually do/say funny things so it's fun. おねがいします。この英文は文法的に正しいのでしょうか?
He said that one Japanese man ran to a bunker in the middle of the night where there was a large gun and blew himself up to destroy the gun. My grandfather did not understand why he killed himself to destroy a gun.
Marc had been in hospital for one week in december and 8 weeks at home. He has a half facial paralysis due to a zoster herpes virus. First we thought he is catching a cold, but next morning his face was very different. We went at once to the hospital. - Now he is back in the office, but he is always very tired and weary. 2-3 times a week he is at the physiotherapy. The face is getting better day by day, but we have to be patient.
Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, you'd think that the confusion that you and everybody else is dealing with would have died down. But it hasn't. That's because March brings serious changes, and for every sign. Knowing that, tackle all those elements of your life that need to be revitalised, if not transformed.
After failing a pop quiz, nearly setting her cooking class on fire, and enough physical accidents to fill a Buster Keaton movie, she gets killed when the brakes on her bike stop working, sending her directly into the path of an oncoming train.
1.「Maddon gave a good impression Thursday that〜」は、「that〜とい ういい印象を与えた」でよいでしょうか? 「いい印象」というのがどういうこと を意味しているのかよく分かりません。 2.「the improvements McClung made towards the end of the season」は 「シーズンの終わりに向けて行なった改善」でよいでしょうか? 3.「You'll see the developments〜」の訳をお願いします。 4.「a new slicked-back, long hairdo」の訳をお願いします。
My name is Mrs. Jennifer Wilson I am a dying woman who have decided to donate what I have to you/ church. I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for. I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband to the you for the
続き(被ってるとこあるかも) husband to the you for the good work, rather than allow my relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly. Please pray, that the good Lord forgive me my sins. I have asked God to forgive me and I believe he has because He is a merciful God. I will be going in for an operation in less than one hour. I decided to WILL/donate the sum of $1,500,000 (One million five hundred thousand dollars) to you for
続き the good work of the lord, and also to help the motherless and less privilege and also for the assistance of the widows. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls right now due to the fact that my relatives are around me and my health status. I have adjusted my WILL and my lawyer is aware I have changed my will you and he will arrange the transfer of the funds from my account to you. I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you
abundantly, and please use the funds well and always extend the good work to others.
Contact my lawyer with this specified Email:[email protected] and tell him that I have WILLED ($1,500,000.00) to you by quoting my personal reference number law/chamber/ solicitors/je/ws/WILL/9834520012 and I have also notified him that I am WILLING that amount to you for a specific and good work. I know I don t know you but I have been directed to do this. Thanks and God bless.
最後 NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until the task is accomplished as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish. And Also I will be contacting with you by email as I don't want my relation or anybody to know because they are always around me.
She ends up participating in a multitude of other sports-club related activities in addition the work she puts forth for the student council despite not being an official member. This is due to her liking to help out where she is needed.
"'Listen, three eyes,' he said, 'don't try to outweird me, I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal.'" - Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
My main argument during that whole extended lolicon debate was that all it would really take for us all to be painted with the pedo brush would be for some enterprising journalist to "investigate" anime fandom far enough so they discover the whole lolicon side of it.
>>740 "'Listen, three eyes,' he said, 'don't try to outweird me, I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal.'" あんたより変わったものが朝食用フレークのおまけに入ってくるんだぜ・・・
1Unfortunately,A, you are just making things more complicated. It seems you keep pushing the button. Now I know why you were so hostile but without your explainexplanation-about your so called hate mails- and accused 2channelars made things more worse.
2 I think in the cases where things are mis-labeled, like not being able to find the right names and where other uses have mistakenly labeled credits, the solution is not to exclude the anime from the encyclopedia because there are many other things on the entry that are useful
3 Hi. Yes, I am (from another board). And I remember that thread and it's an awful memory because I did some extremely stupid things that I realise were quite dumb right now, but let's just put whatever I know about 2ch culture as ROMing too much... I should never like to remember that debacle again.
4But language being what it is, we can't go very far beyond simple corrections.
5There are a lot of different tasks in our database (4522, to be exact); figuring out a global ordering scheme would be a major endeavor
>>763 Hey, just stopping by to say hello. You got loads japanese on your page. LOL I'm learning jananese right now. Maybe you can give me some advice. LOL heart-mark (ヘイ!挨拶のために立ち寄った。君のページはたくさん日本語があるね。笑 今、日本語習っているんだけど、なんかアドバイスあったらもらえそうだね。笑 ハートマーク)
Diocletian brought an end to the period popularly known to historians as the "Crisis of the Third Century". He established an autocratic government and was responsible for laying the groundwork for the second phase of the Roman Empire, which is known variously as the "Dominate" (as opposed to the Principate instituted by Augustus), the "Tetrarchy", or simply the "Later Roman Empire".
>>766 ディオクレティアヌスは、”Crisis of the Third Century”として歴史家には一般に知られる時期に終わりをもたらした。 彼は独裁的な政権を打建て、さらにローマ帝国を次の時代に進ませるための基礎をつくる役目を果たした。 この時代は、(アウグスチヌスによって始められたプリンキパトゥス(元首制)に対して)「ドミナートゥス(専制君主制)」、 またはテトラルキア(四分割統治)、あるいは単に「後期ローマ帝国」など様々に呼ばれている。
We have things in Seasons - Each season with something like 12 episodes, so they can end when they want Soap operas are long running, But alot are episodes. But its rare.
Time, as we know it, is a very recent invention. The modern time-sense is hardly older than the United States. It is a by-product of the Industrial Revolution. What synthetic perfumes and artificial fibers are in the material line, this new sense of time is in the psychological line. お願いします。
>>784 It can make activities they may at first watch passively それは、できる、させる,活動を、彼らが、かもしれない、初めは、見る、受身で、 so attractive that they are stimulated into active participation. たいそう、魅力的に、彼らが、刺激される、中へ、積極的な、参加 直訳 それは彼らが始めは受身で見るかもしれない活動を、彼らが刺激されて 積極的な参加の中へ入るほど魅力的にさせることができる。
@They are not likely to be so strange, however, that we could not recognize them as animals. AIn short, the simple fact of swimming through water resulted in making a difference between the front and back end of an animal in the course of evolution.
This is another problem that many Japanese okakus actually think taht not all but someone intentionally doing that. I mean not only alphabetical order but excliuding Japanese staff names from credits and make it like subcontracted people are the ones who made those anime. I know some people want to think they are the ones who make anime and I see those kinds of comments often. They asked me that if it was the DVD companies' fault then why there were no Japanese animaters'names on Macross Plus's credits. I think if you had watched 2ch you would have known why they are so sensitive abot it but it's not suitable for bring the subject here. Well, so I mean I think it shouldn't be alphabetical order. (sorry I'm repeatedly saying the sameting but I want everyone to know what 2channller are thinking)
i have seen yuor picture .what a beautifui car . from now on you can go everywhere up to you. i kown cars little. your car shows a good look ,but i think most imprtant is the good quality for anything the cars of this kinds are made from japan ,right ? i read from internet sth about that how wondreful you can buy a car by yourself. oh when can i buy it by myself .
What you have to learn,if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbors, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same with them, that dose not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be persomally uncivil to them.
well society is bullshit, they would rather you be married to someone you didnt love than be free & single so fuck them. societies ideas are more destructive than anything causing nothing but bitter comfort to those who conform & pain & misery to the rest so don't worry about what people think.
societies ideas are more destructive than anything causing nothing but bitter comfort to those who conform & pain & misery to the rest 社会理念というのは、苦痛と窮状を他と同等に論じる人に、痛々しい慰めをもたらすにすぎない どんな事よりも有害である。 でいいの?
They're not going to make it any harder than it is for me to go home and look in the mirror," Foulke said about the booing that rained down from the stands on a sticky night in the Fens. "Like I've told you guys plenty of times, I'm more embarrassed to walk into this locker room and look at the faces of my teammates than I am to walk out and see Johnny from Burger King booing me. I'm worried about these guys, not everybody else."