No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing form the Publisher. 著作権についていっているようです。 正確な訳をおしえてください。
The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword to the world.
This course develops the student's ability to compose clear, accurate, and effective expository prose. Emphasis is placed on the composition process; initial concept; research, analysis and synthesis of information; preparation of various drafts; proofreading and production of the final product. It stresses the importance of adapting communication to the needs of the intended audience, selecting the appropriate organization, and incorporating good English usage.
「」の部分だけ訳してください。お願いします For the first time in her life, Tomoe came to realize that there fools and fools. A man who loves others with an open-hearted simplicity, who trusts others, no matter who they are, even if he is deceived or even betrayed –such a man in the present-day world is bound to be written off as a fool. And so he is. But not just an ordinary fool. He is a wonderful fool. 「He is a wonderful fool who will never allow the little light he sheds along man’s way to go out.」 It was the first time this thought had occurred to her. “Wonderful fool!” Tomoe placed her hands to her mouth and spoke the words to herself. “Wonderful fool, hurry back.” -from Shunsaku Endo’s Wonderful Fool
But in the Christian church, this was the time in which the Christian young man or young woman swore faith in Christianity by his own free choice and responsibility, in front of his community. The priest anointed his forehead with oil and welcomed him or her to the church as an adult member of the community.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing form the Publisher. 訳をおしえてください。
この場合の may は許可の may. in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, の節は、複写や翻訳の具体的な形態を示し、 without permission in writing FROM the Publisher. は、複写や翻訳をする場合における必要な許可形態を示している。
Today a great deal of information is available on the Interenet, but a lot of it is false, There is nothing wrong with getting information from the Interenet, but you shouldn't swallow it uncritically.
If he knew another thing, it was that he wouldn't get to, no matter how much angsty teen protest or sullen-eyed brooding he put into the cause, because, well, some jock kid was in better with the gym teacher.
5. Let Sn be the set of all strictly decreasing sequences of n positive integers such that no term divides any other term. Given two sequences A = (ai) and B = (bj) we say that A < B if for some k, ak < bk and ai = bi for i < k. For example, (7, 5, 3) < (9, 7, 2) < (9, 8, 7). Find the sequence A in Sn such that A < B for any other B in Sn.
日本語訳お願いします More than half a century has passed since atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Not only were many lives lost on August 6 and 9,but more lives were tragically lost from the effects of radiation The survivors have been telling the world what happened. But now, they are getting older. There are also fewer and fewer survivors as the years go by. and some are getting too weak to travel and give talks.
GREATNESS No one is liberated from fear who does not see his place in the world as it is; no man can achieve the greatness of which he is capable until he has allowed himself to see his own littleness. 現在の世界に自分の場所を見出せないものは誰も恐怖からかいほうされない;自分の小ささを自分に認めさせるまでは出来るはずのことでさえもできない。
the first time in the twentieth century that a newly elected president moved into the White House without having his party in control of both houses of Congress was when Nixon won the 1968 election. 訳文をおねがいします。 文の構造がいまいち理解できないので、簡単な説明があると助かります。お願いします
>>83 骨組み [the first time] was [when Nixon won the 1968 election]. 「最初(の時/例)はニクソンが1968年に選挙に勝ったときだった」
the first time に付いている2つの修飾 (1) in the twentieth century 「20世紀に」 (2) that a newly elected president moved into the White House without having his party in control of both houses of Congress 「新しく選出された大統領が、上下両議会で自分の党が 主導権(過半数)を持つことなしにホワイトハウスに入った」
Tell me about your job. I am not sure exactly what kind of company you work for and what your job involves. I hope you can catch up with your work without too much stress. I believe I have told you that I work as a doctor who takes care of cancer patients, a radiation oncologist. It is sad to hear about the decay in moral values in Japan.Since I visited Japan,I have become more and more interested in Japanese culture. I have read fictional works (such as "Shogun" by Clavell) as well as non fiction books on zen buddhism, feudal japan and the samurai, and other aspects of japanese culture. I am indeed very fascinated and appreciative of Japan and its ancient culture.
Homer didn't feel satisfied with what he was doing in the mine. However, he didn't return to school even after John started to work again. One day, Homer learned that Miss Riley was near death but was trying not to let it be known. She always wanted to encourage her students. Homer felt ashamed. Soon he returned to school, and entered a project for the science fair with the other boys. They finally won the gold and silver medals at the national fair. When the last AUK rocket was launched after the science fair, John came to see it. As he watched it going into the sky, he held Homer's shoulders firmly. In the end, the Rocket Boys didn't win the scholarships, but they all went to college. Later, Homer became an engineer at NASA. In 1997, Takao Doi, his astronaut friend, carried one of his medals and a piece of the AUK nozzle aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. Homer was filled with pride and happiness as he watched the great shuttle take off from Cape Canaveral. 訳お願いします
I did try to reach you as Jay and I were in Japan, although for only 2 days. I left word with you but it is clear that due to your computer clich, you could not get back to me. I wanted to meet with you for dinner but not having heard from you and without a home address, I was not sure if you ever got my message. I hope to be in Japan again but I do not think this will happen some time soon as it was a chance situation that we were there Japan being a stop over for Australia where we were coming from. I am on my way out to work and wanted to quickly respond to you and will get back to you after a few days as after work I will be joining Jay in North Carolina, a State in the U.S., to meet him at the BMW racetrack to learn how to drive his new car.BMW gives special race car lessons and he has asked me to join him for similar instructions.I guess I should feel lucky that my husband still asks for me to join him and so I gladly do.We are scheduled to go on a trip to Austria to ski in March which is also a business event. I am excited about going so I will tell you the new and upcoming plans when I find out the details. Jay and I spent Christmas in Aruba,a caribean island,also partly paid by a client. We have been lucky to travel so much.
和訳お願いします。長文ですみません You can read articles written by the survivors, listen to their stories, and see pictures of the aftermath. Some of them are written in both Japanese and English, so not only Japanese people but also foreigners can read them
The stories of the survivors are reaching many people. The survivors are receiving e-mail responses from teenagers and many other people around the world.
1Mike will be eating dinner around six in the evening 2kaori will have finished her job in an hour 3The next train will be leaving in thirty minutes 4The car will have run more than a hundred miles by tomorrow. 訳お願いします
As adults all we can do with the young is mentor them and guide them on what is right and lead by example. I have recently became a Minister and am learning many things about a variety of religons. I am sorry to hear about the passing of a family relative, it is always a hard time and instills some self reflection on the way we live and how short a time we have with our families, so enjoy the family I am glad you were there to assist your sister in her time of need. I am sure your sister is hurting and will always need you for comforting. You are a great Brother. You and your family will be in my prayers. Thanks again for writing. I have been very busy as well, I have decided to change my career to the ministry, something I always wanted to do even as a young man. I am working towards being a traveling minister catering to people that need a minister for a variety of religons and occaisons.
Tara’s birthday this year was saddened by the loss our beautiful dog, Charlie. He lived a very long life, close to 14 years, and not a day goes by where we don’t think of him. Our bunnies, Shady and Maple, also passed away since I last wrote to all of you. We think often of getting more pets but realize that we are never home anymore with our busy lives.
There are some clients I'm working with going thru a dying process. I'm trying to be the best support I can. I am going to be presenting a workshop on racism and white privelege in February- for Santa Cruz County Mental Health. I all goes well, I will do other workshops.
1)Is this the book lots of pictures are shown in? 2)Is he the gentleman you have been talking about? 3)He knows a lot of stories everyone is interested in. 4)I found the book you had been looking for.
文通相手に言われた言葉なのですが、"I’m so happy to have you in my life."と いうのは、「あなたに出会えて、とても幸せだよ」という感じでしょうか? in my lifeが付いているので、もっと深い感じがあるようにも思うのですが。 簡単な単語ばかりでできている言葉ですが、大切な文通相手から 言われた言葉なので、なるべく相手の言わんとする所を汲み取りたいのです。 教えて頂けないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします!
この言葉だけだと分かり辛いですね。"I couldn’t have found a more wonderful and kind-hearted person to correspond with, and I’m so happy to have you in my life."という感じで 言われました。どうぞよろしくお願いします。
because it would be way cooler than being white! there is nothing special about being american, most americans are gross fat slobs who dont care about anything except for money.
和訳お願いします You can read articles written by the survivors, listen to their stories, and see pictures of the aftermath. Some of them are written in both Japanese and English, so not only Japanese people but also foreigners can read them
But though parents should take seriously take what their child has done, they should not make more of it than the child can comprehend as justified. しかし親は子供のしたことを深刻に受け止めるべきだが、子供が正当だと理解できないほどまでそれを重要視するべきではない。 と訳すと思いますがあってますか?でも訳したところで何を言っているのかわかりません。親にならないとわからないのかなあ?
How many hours a day do you watch TV? On average, Japanese people watch TV or videos for as much as 2 hours and 48 minutes a day, according to a recent survey. The table above shows the results of a questionnaire. Japanese girs aged 7 to 16 were asked what job they would like to do in the future. Surprisingly, most of them chose jobs related to the media. This may suggest that the world of the media is very attractive and important to them. In modern society, we are exposed to a lot of information through the mass media - TV, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. This is very convenient in the sense that evrybody can get necessary information easily and quickly. However, it is doubtful whether we should allow ourselves to uncritically trust such information. 訳お願いします
Both parents and teachers are responsible for the opportunities provided for the development of the child, so that upbringing and education depend on each other.
I am on my way out to work and wanted to quickly respond to you and will get back to you after a few days as after work I will be joining Jay in North Carolina, a State in the U.S., to meet him at the BMW racetrack to learn how to drive his new car BMW gives special race car lessons and he has asked me to join him for similar instructions. I guess I should feel lucky that my husband still asks for me to join him and so I gladly do. We are scheduled to go on a trip to Austria to ski in March which is also a business event. I am excited about going so I will tell you the new and upcoming plans when I find out the details. Jay and I spent Christmas in Aruba,a caribean island, also partly paid by a client. We have been lucky to travel so much.
A famous economist once wrote to the effect that there would always be people climbing up the economic staircase and others tumbling down it, but that if it was a decent society there should be some way of preventing the latter from falling all the way to the basement. What with the helpfulness of relatives and neighbors, and the efforts of charitable organizations, we succeed nowadays in catching most of them at the ground floor. ちょっと長めですがお願いします。
A famous economist once wrote to the effect that there would always be people climbing up the economic staircase and others tumbling down it, but that if it was a decent society there should be some way of preventing the latter from falling all t he way to the basement. What with the helpfulness of relatives and neighbors, and the efforts of charitable organizations, we succeed nowadays in catching most of them at the ground floor.
The great white shark – the ultimate marine predator and knife-toothed subject of movies and nightmares alike – may be one of the most threatened as a species. おねがいします。
I recently made the decision to become a vegetarian, meaning I do not eat meat (chicken, beef, fish, etc.). I understand that animals are not as intelligent as people,but I do not like the idea that the animals suffer.They are often kept in very confined places before they are slaughtered, and there is a lot of disease and discomfort. And even if the animals are not intelligent, I believe they are able to feel pain, just like a person does. But when I tell my friends about my decision,they usually disagree with me! It is not a very popular idea here. Everything is going well here though.I recently changed my job as well.I had been working at the same company since I finished college, and I loved the job.But several months ago, a different company approached me and offered me a much higher salary if I worked for them.So I tried that job for a few months, but I ended up not enjoying it,so I decided to return to the original job that I loved.I think it was a very good decision, even if it is less money.
After my return to Germany last weekend i had problems with the time delay and my working pensum as well. The company I am working for provides analysis and consulting for individual business customers putting an efficient document work flow in place,both in paper and in electronic form.We offer a complete range of products for printing, faxing, copying and scanning. As the majority shareholder of our company is AAA, all the machines we are selling are produced by AAA,but sold under our brand label. I am responsible for the administration of our payroll accounting software. At the moment we have a lot of work to do due to the year-end closing and generally it is not possible to go for vacation during this period.This year we had not to comply legal requirements as it was the case in the years before,so I was allowed to take a few days off and could accompany a friend of mine to Japan. My friend, she is a sales manager for a fur garment manufacturer, comes every January to a trade show in Tokyo. While she was working I used the time for sightseeing.
I was able to go on a mission the other day. It was a little exciting but we went in the middle of the night and no one shot at us. It was very safe. The soldiers I went with said that they have done that many many times and only had someone shoot at them 1 time in 3 months. That is good I think. I accomplished my mission too!
Recently there were quite a few sudden death happened over here These people usually died in their sleep. According to the doctors, their heart just stop functioning while sleeping.Most of them are healthy men in their 30-40s with no records of heart attack but there were a teenager and 2 middle-aged woman among them. Life is so unpredictable. Sharon always tells me not to work too hard but needs to slow down my pace and relax. I agree with you that people are not as warm and appreciative as before. But I think Japanese generally are more polite than Chinese.We always see letters published in our newspapers that passengers not giving up seats to the elderly when travelling in public transport. Children shouting in the libraries and parents don't bother if they are disturbing to other people. These parents who don't educate their children well will of course not cultivating good habits for their children. Frankly speaking we face similar problems as well.Nowadays families usually have 1 or 2 children. Their grandparents and parents will dote on them so much that these future generations become spoilt brat. Since most of the parents are working they feel very tired after work so they do not have much time spend with their children.Parents will try to satisfy the children's needs in terms of monetary wise and the kids will usually get what they want. To them they will think they will just take things for granted. Of course there are some exceptions.
If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, your sexlife can suffer. You should know that you're not alone.
In fact, more than half of all men over 40 have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This issue, also called erectile dysfunction, occurs with younger men as well.
You should know there is something you can do about it.
The great white shark – the ultimate marine predator and knife-toothed subject of movies and nightmares alike – may be one of the most threatened as a species. おねがいします。
For example,in my country,young families cannot afford to buy a house or send their choldren to private schools, which have a higher quality of education than goverment schools.
>>193-194 ってか、この場合は、分詞構文みたいな感じじゃねーかな、と思う。 .. when they are/were/had been faced with adversity. だろ。動詞が入り出すと、are だか、were だか、had been だかその あたりは結構あやしいよな。関係副詞(when)つきの分詞構文と思えば、 結構わかりやすいんではないかな。
Universities in Japan, like the students they seek to educate, appear Western, though in reality they differ markedly from their counterparts in Europe and America.
The great white shark – the ultimate marine predator and knife-toothed subject of movies and nightmares alike – may be one of the most threatened as a species. おねがいします。
When he was in high school, Jerry kent had dreamed of becoming a comedian. What an exciting life, he had thought. Standing in front of a crowd of strangers and making them laugh. Could there be a better way to make a living?
An ancient cow-keeper stored his lunch in a cave to keep it cool, and then forgod where he had left it. When he came upon it several days later, the cheese looked terrible smelled even worse. To his astonishment, the cheese tasted delicious. This probably was the first blue cheese.
It seemed as if Pansek's way of copying with his early worries and disappointments and had been to give up on his baby needs and develop a tough bullying exterior.
It is still uncertain whether Jane is coming or not. It is not clear whether the man told the truth. It is doubtful whether Yuka will come today. It is no clear whether Tom knew about the plan. It is uncertain whether Masao solved the problem by himself. お願いします
Dr. Smith, in your recent book, you say that a very important factor in child's development is the amount of contact he or she has with adults.
Certainly. Studies have shown that attention from adults leads to better schoolwork and higher scores on achievement tests. For this reason firstborn children and only children generally to better than the youngest child in a family.
Men ar'n't apt to produce such an object of the girls retired into the secret advance of the Hurons, to cut the line forward- a simplicity so striking that it was at some little doubt existed on the trunk of the ocean, it would answer itself, has a good gal, and the answer before the same privilege.
Success in life, even in your career, doesn't depend only on how you do in school. How you get along with other people is just as important sometimes more important.
Yes, that's true, since children with many brothers and sisters have less personal contact with their families. Of course, the oldest child in a very large family is there before any of the others.
It seemed as if Pansek's way of copying with his early worries and disappointments and had been to give up on his baby needs and develop a tough bullying exterior.
The more he attacked her, the more of a failure she felt as a mother, and she confided in a friend that she only enjoyed being with Pansek when he was sick or sleepy because she felt needed when he cuddled up to her. It seemed as if Pansek's way of copying with his early worries and disappointments and had been to give up on his baby needs and develop a tough bullying exterior.
「」の部分だけ訳してください。お願いします。 Our age, materialistic? It is often said that this is a materialistic age, but I do feel, too, that there has never been an age in which 「there were more people struggling, some with more success and some with less, to live up to the highest ideals that were in them, and to do something to better the moral and physical conditions of the people among whom they lived.」
magazine would like you to image a full page about a girls experience going to a� model "go-see".� I think this is a good assignment for you.� The mag They have a very certain concept they would like you to illustrate -- it would be the girls sitting at the appointment� ( it's called a "go-see"� A model GOES to SEE clients - & show their portfolios)� all holding their portfolios & one girl only has an envelope with pictures -- she is kind of embarrrased.
By what I've long feared- and see as far above the hut and back ag'in in the dense cover that the light-minded and vain crave; but naturally supposing her own unsophisticated way to his situation.
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its recipients after more than 24 hours on the queue on The message identifier is: aaa The subject of the message is: bbb! The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:[email protected] (generated from [email protected]) Delay reason: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>: host [111.222.333.44]: 452 4.2.2 Over quota No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.
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直訳は分かるのですが、イメージがなかなか湧きません。 どんなコトを言ってるのか、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 ↓ Like most other Latin American families, mine is a multiethnic stew that has left me with the generic black-eyed and olive-skinned look typical of large swaths of the world's population.
「」の部分だけ訳してください。お願いします。 Our age, materialistic? It is often said that this is a materialistic age, but I do feel, too, that there has never been an age in which 「there were more people struggling, some with more success and some with less, to live up to the highest ideals that were in them, and to do something to better the moral and physical conditions of the people among whom they lived.」
sorry 2take precious gaming time away from u but ive just sutarted a new clan called the 360 union so if your intrested reply back for site details also if your already in a clan i would like 2 put your clan site link on the union site and u could 2
>>296 Sorry to take precious gaming time away from you. But I've just started a new clan called the 360 Union. So if you are interested, reply back for site details also. If you are already in a clan, I would like to put your clan site link on the Union site and you could, too. これで機械翻訳してみたら?
Savvas is nice name,is rare in Greece and is writen in "karkiniki"(is ancient greek and means it can be read from left to right and the other way around try to read it!) この文の意味がよくわからないのですが、 訳していただけませんか?
We often take it for granted that all the news storise we see on TV or in the newspaper are true. We imagine that the evidence and date are honestly collected, and that the story is reported in a balanced and objective way. But are the stories so reliable? Read and compare the same piece of news reported in three or four major newspapers. You will often find that the same story is reported differently in each one: in the first it may be a major headline, in the second, just a few sentences, and in the third nothing at all. In other words, the news you read is carefully selected and controlled by the views and opinions of the editors or the newspaper companies. 訳お願いします
Receive an affectionately greeting hoping you are fine next to your family. In name of **'s family i want to thank you for accepting her as your frind. They hope they can know you in pictures and know about you. Receive greetings from ** and her family.
in the first it may be a major headline, in the second, just a few sentences, and in the third nothing at all. 「ある新聞では大きく紙面を割いても、他の新聞では数行だけだったり、全く載らないこともある」
After Christmas I had 1 week vacation to arrange the buy of my new home (I'll write you my new address). It's a little apt where I have been living for 2 years and now I had the oppportunity to buy it. I think it's better to pay a loan (25 years) and have the house, instead of keeping on paying rent.I am happy about my home because I can stay well there,relax and I have enough room to store my furniture and books.. the neighborouhood is popular, very lively during the day but at the same time quite in the night.About job,last October our company has been acquired buy a company based in Genoa (100 km from Milan) and soon we need to relocate there.In a few weeks I'll have a proposal about a new assignment in Genoa and I hope I'll have the chance to work well with new and strong motivation, since in the last months here at work I am getting bored.
「」の部分だけ訳してください。お願いします。 Our age, materialistic? It is often said that this is a materialistic age, but I do feel, too, that there has never been an age in which 「there were more people struggling, some with more success and some with less, to live up to the highest ideals that were in them, and to do something to better the moral and physical conditions of the people among whom they lived.」
1)I think it strange that he didn't know her name. 2)I made it clear that my plan was useful. 3)He thought it normal that men should do housework at home. 訳お願いします
In many parts of the world, people have been concerned about the influence of television. For years, critics of television have looked at the issue of the program content-particularly violence-as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially serious with younger children. There is evidence that TV in fact makes people accept more violence in every day life. {How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences?}
Receive an affectionately greeting hoping you are fine next to your family. In name of **'s family i want to thank you for accepting her as your frind. They hope they can know you in pictures and know about you. Receive greetings from ** and her family.
These security people while not Heathrow-esque at least seemed to LOOK at the screen, and when we passed a PowerMac through the X-ray, they took it off to secondary inspection and passed a nitrate sniffer over it.
After Christmas I had 1 week vacation to arrange the buy of my new home (I'll write you my new address). It's a little apt where I have been living for 2 years and now I had the o ppportunity to buy it. I think it's better to pay a loan (25 years) and have the house, instead of keeping on paying rent.I am happy about my home because I can stay well there,relax and I have enough room to store my furniture and books..the neighborouhood is popular, very lively during the day but at the same time quite in the night.About job,last October our company has been acquired buy a company based in Genoa(100 km from Milan) and soon we need to relocate there.In a few weeks I'll have a proposal about a new assignment in Genoa and I hope I'll have the chance to work well with new and strong motivation,since in the last months here at work I am getting bored.
It's true. We have gotten to know one another well over time. It's strange indeed. Maybe we'll end up together one day. But maybe, we will find it difficult and not like us that much when we meet in person... You cannot know this.
i cant believe all thoese disrespect we are reciving in return from you fucking gooks and japanese after we gave you culture and techniques otherwise korea and japan would probably still remain a valley.
I want you to know that Chinese aren't just known for chinese food I hate it when foreigners say"oh I like china the food ! " remember that japanese calligraphy, hotspring culture, Confucianism(system of moral, social, political, and religious) even sushi ( from Tang Dynasty in China go check it on the net ) all were derived from china and so many other things but i cant be assed to name them all, we are very proud of our country we dont need those hypocritical praises from you clueless ignorant people " i like china yummy peking duck and noodle " fucking retarded , dumb shameless koreans try to take the credits of our inventions claiming to have given birth to them , I had to laugh when you guys stated such childish dumb shit.
Harry Potter is now the most famous child wizard in the world because the stories about him have been published in at least 47 languages and read by many people all over the world.
It was during the train journey back from Manchester to London, after a weekend looking for a flat, that Harry Potter made his appearance.
I was thinking of a place of great order, but immense danger, with children who had skills with which they could overwhelm their teachers.
The characters came first, and then I had to find names to fit them.
It was a question of discovering why Harry was where he was, why his parents were dead. I was inventing it, but it felt like research. By the end of that train journey I knew it was going to be a seven book series.
I think it's important for children to know that adults, too, have their problems, that they struggle.
If I put all the detail in, each book would be the size of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but I do have to be careful that I don't just assume that the reader knows as much as I do.
What little knowledge we had about anatomy made it unlikely that any surgeon could, in operating on a person, discover his soul. So if people have souls, what are they? it was all too mystifying for us little children. とくに一文目の構造が分かりません。 どなたか和訳をお願いします
A famous economist once wrote to the effect that there would always be people climbing up the economic staircase and others tumbling down it, but that if it was a decent society there should be some way of preventing the latter from falling all the way to the basement. What with the helpfulness of relatives and neighbors, and the efforts of charitable organizations, we succeed nowadays in catching most of them at the ground floor.
Harry Potter is now the most famous child wizard in the world because the stories about him have been published in at least 47 languages and read by many people all over the world. ハリーポッターは現在世界で最も有名な子供魔法使いである、なぜならば彼についての物語は最低でも47カ国語で出版され世界中の人々によって読まれてきたからだ。 It was during the train journey back from Manchester to London, after a weekend looking for a flat, that Harry Potter made his appearance. マンチェスターからロンドンに戻る列車の旅の途中で、その後の週末アパートを探しているときにハリーポッターは姿を現わしました。(彼の外観が出来上がったということかと思われる。) I was thinking of a place of great order, but immense danger, with children who had skills with which they could overwhelm their teachers. <この部分が訳せなかった。誰か訳せる人お願いします。>
418の続き >>412 The characters came first, and then I had to find names to fit them. キャラクターが始めに浮かんで来てそれに見合う名前をつけなければなりませんでした。 It was a question of discovering why Harry was where he was, why his parents were dead. I was inventing it, but it felt like research. By the end of that train journey I knew it was going to be a seven book series. なぜハリーは?彼はどこに居たのか?なぜ彼の両親は殺されたのかという自問をしました。 私はそれを【創って】いたのですが、気分は【調査】しているようでした。 その列車の旅が終わる頃にはこれは第七巻からなるシリーズになることを自覚しました。 I think it's important for children to know that adults, too, have their problems, that they struggle. 子供にとって大人もまたそれぞれの問題を抱え苦しんでいるのだと知ることは大切なことだと思いました。 If I put all the detail in, each book would be the size of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but I do have to be careful that I don't just assume that the reader knows as much as I do. もしわたしが全ての詳細を書き綴ったのなら、各書のサイズはブリタニカ百科事典のようになったでしょう。 しかし私は読み手が私が知っているように彼らも知っているのだと思わないように注意しなければならないのです。
I have said little about the beauty that words can convey. More of that later: just now I would like to consider such beauty as they may be said to have in themselves, out of context. Doindividual words have an esthetic quality that is pleasing to the eye or ear, or to both? It is an arguable question, though I believe the weight of evidence in the affirmative.
It appears that he was searching for a soteriological experience that is a release in the present life as well as regard an after-life and he could not accept a dogma which stated that by suffering pain now he would be released at some time or other .
Fuckin' shit !You look like ass, you smell like shitSo why are you such a dick?You walk around like you're the titsYou always make me sickBound for agonyYour life's catastropheYou look like ass, you smell like shitSo why are you such a dick?You walk around like you're the titsYou always make me sickBound for agonyYour life's catastropheYou're an assholeYou're an assholeYou're an assholeYou're an assholeYou make me sick