I think we can get some meats, but we probably need to be food specialty places to get it. The most common Japanese meat we get is the Kobe beef which we can only get at the most expensive restraunts.
Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods, which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers.
I do often feel alone. I'm single, so nobody for me to love. I only have a few friends and my family, but nobody that I can be close to. So, it does get lonely for me. お願いします
Hulk Hogan stood on a stage in Bryant Park, sporting a bright red Pokemon tee. "I wonder what it would be like if I woke up one day and I wasn't Hulk Hogan in yellow and red?" he posited. What if, he asked aloud, "I woke up and I was Pikachu?"
A young trendy twenty-something, I am pleased with the services I have recieved from one of the designers at this salon. I am constantly asked "who does your hair?' and "what salon do you go to?" Well for all of you who want the look of the salons that have the $$$ pricetag but want to pay the $$ price, this is the place for you. Granted you could pay less elsewhere, but you could also pay a generous amount more as well at another area salon
[At the end of each tentacle] is [a drop of sticky fluid [that sparkles like dew in the sun]] 「場所 be 主語」の倒置・主語の内部での関係節( a drop ... that )だけど、その点は解っている?
Dr. Kim and her family left the house just before five, and they stopped back a little after seven. 訳は「キム博士と彼女の家族は5時ちょっと前に家を出て、7時ちょっと過ぎに戻ってきました。」 と問題集に出ていたのですが、"stop back"って何ですか?そういうイディオムかなんかがあるのでしょうか? 辞書とか見てみても分からなくて・・・。
ロイヤル: (2) 前置詞の目的語 to 不定詞は原則として前置詞の目的語になることはできない。 ただし, except の意味の but の後にくる不定詞は,but の目的語と考えられる。 There was nothing for it [I had no choice] but to keep silent. (黙っているより仕方がなかった) Dora did nothing but sit in the house crying all day long. (ドラは一日中泣きながら家の中で座っているだけだった) * 上の第2例のように but の前に do か can があれば, それとの関連で原形不定詞になるが,第1例のように do,can が前にない場合や, choice がある場合は to 不定詞になるのがふつう。
E-DIC: have nothing else to do but do 〜するしかない 「〜する以外にはほかにすることがない」が直訳だが、 but以下の動詞を強調して「ただ〜するしかない、ただ〜する以外に手がない、 〜するほかにどうしようもない」という意味で使われる。 butに続くのは原形不定詞であることに注意。 なお、do nothing but doという形の表現も意味は同じ。
そうとう長いですが・・・ fiber optic cable and test equipment singlemode fiber carries higher bandwidth and lower spectral dispersion than multimode and requires a light source with a narrow spectral width. it supports a higher transmission rate and up to 50 times more distance than multimode. however,single mode connectors and splices have very little tolerance for core misalignment,making them significantly more expensive to manufacture and install. singlemode fibers operate at wavelengths from 1300 to 1500 nanometers and are used primarily for telecommunications and CATV applications.
multimode fiber provides high bandwidth at high speeds over short distances. typical multimode fiber core diameters are 50,62.5,and 100 micrometers and operate with light source wavelengths from 850 to 1300 nanometers. although multiple paths can become an undesired effect,the larger cope permits the use of less expensive connectors and allows less critical tolerances for manufacturing and installing the connectors. multimode cable is usually preferred in systems such as local ares networks(LAN's) that incorporate many connectors with short fiber runs. in cable runs greater than 3000 feet(914 meters),the multiple paths of light can cause signal distortion at the receiving end, resulting in an unclear and incomplete data transmission.
The feeling of easy familiarity that people enjoy with members of their own culture is closely connected with the fact that they share a sense of humour,and therefore a common view of the world. 訳をお願いしますm(__)m
だいにだんです model dispersion is the result of a light pulse being spread out over time becasuse it has traveled multiple paths simultaneously, as in amultimode fiber. multiple path dispension can cause events to blend into one another or eliminate some events altogether. an important considerration for multimode cable is its bandwidth versus length specification. for exanmle, a cable specified at 100MB/s for a1 kilometer link would cally 200MB/s over a 0.5 km link, or 50MB/s in a 2 km link. therefore, multimode links are bandwidth limited to prevent data points from getting too close together and being lost. this bandwidth limitation is acceptation for many LAN applications but not for high-speed links between major systems.
junctions in fiber optic cables the junction formed by either splices or connentors have a significant effect on the performance of a fiber optic cable. three basic techniques are used to join fibers fusion splices , mechanical splices, and connedtors.
fusion splices fusion splices are formed by welding two cleaved fiber ends together in a permanent uison - they have the lowest loss of the three methods and produce extremely low reflections (see Figure 9). fusion splices are most ofthen use to construct and restore permanent cable runs.
文の切れ目を間違えました。 However,if we compare the amount of total annual leave used by workers in Japan against that of other advanced nations,we see that the figure for Japan is extremely low.
I haven't really been looking for anybody. I'm lonely sometimes and it makes me a little depressed sometimes, but I know that at the moment, while I'm in school, I don't really have enough time to devote to somebody else.
どThis is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount - but not the quality - of foods growing in commercial farming areas.なたかお願いします。
YOU ARE BIDDING ON A BRAND NEW COMPLETE SET OF CARS COLLECTIBLES. Use the Buy It Now Option and receive Lightning Mcqueen and Mater Pullbacks as well! 先生方、よろしくお願いしますorz“Mater Pullbacks ”と“Lightning Mcqueen ”は商品の名前です。。。
“Your items were returned by the customs of Japan. T hey need to write your phone number on the airway bill for declaring. Otherwise, your payment was refunded to your PayPal account. Please learn to regard other person. And, please don't do any negative action.”
Well if my last post bordered on self-pity, my fantastic weekend certainly turned things around. I had a beautifully open two days which were spent doing quite a few of my favorite things. I had a lovely long walk on Saturday, complete with the exhibit at the NYPL on the dialogue between French Artists and Writers; lunch in Bryant Park, book browsing at The Strand, and an evening with La Dolce Vita.
The rest of my classes will be photography classes, which are projects to be done mostly in the class and not so much outside of class, except for taking the pictures. お願いします!
He led a team that studied babies in an effort to determine when and how they realize that a ball that disappears behind something is just playing peek-a boo,and is going to reappear on the other side
>>125 He led a team studying babies in an effort to determine when and how they realize that a ball which disappears behind something is just playing peek-a boo, and is going to reappear on the other side.
I graduated from UConn (English Lit and Art History), moved to MD and went to St. John's College for an incredible two years of studying, working in the library, and meeting incredible people... and earning an MA in classical liberal arts. I recently moved to NY where I live uptown and work at a law firm until the loans are paid and I can convince NYU to let me study for a PhD in the philosophy of art.
その@ mechanical splices Mechanical splices employ physical couplers to hold two fiber ends in contact with each other. A special fluid called index matching gel (or oil) is often added to the splice to fill the air gap between the fiber ends and reduce Fresnel reflections. Rotary and Fiberlok are two examples of mechanical splices. Mechanical splices are simple, install quickly, and have relatively low loss. They are typically used to restore damaged cables and in aerial applications where fusion techniques would be impractical.
connectors Connectors provide fiber optic junctions that can be disconnected and reconnected as necessary. They are adaptable, convenient and are typically used at patch panels and for electronic systems and test equipment. Installing a connector requires special tools and training. The "ferrule" is the protruding connector part that houses the fiber and normally includes a spring that provides axial pressure when two connectors are mated. The and face of the fiber/ferrule is finished (polished) to minimize reflections from the mating surfaces. Each surface of the planepolished ferrule reflects about 4% of the light incident upon it. In coherent systems, the total reflection can be as high as 15%, or it can be made extremely low. The amount of reflection depends on the gap between the ends of the fiber, the cleave and the quality of the polish. Physical contact (PC) connectors use a rounded polish to better ensure that the ends of the fiber make contact without a gap. This reduces the reflection from the connection and improves measurement repeatability. If the end of the fiber is polished at an angle, the reflected light will be directed into unguided modes (light paths that don't travel very far) and lightwill be lost from the fiber. This results in very low reflectance for guided modes. Some manufactures improve on this design even more by polishing the ends of the fibers into angled hemispheres.
そのB junction losses The amount of light list in a function is affected by: ・The alignment of the fibers in the splice ・The sizes of the two fiber cores ・The alignment ir shapes of fiber cores---most are circular, some are oval ・The properties of the fibers---scattering coefficients can very from fiber to fiber. Proper core alignment is strongly influenced by consistent and tightly controlled fiber geometry. When splicing two fibers together, more exact core alignment yields a better, lower-loss splice. Core/clad concentricity is a measure of how well the core is centered in a cable; tighter tolerances mean that the fiber core is more precisely centered in the cladding glass.
You're right! Japanse tend to look younger than their actual age. I think like you for western but now, people use plastic surgery for appear more younger. Madonna can be a good example, no? :D
>>137 一行目は日本人のことを言ってるのに、 二行目後半は西洋人のことを言ってる。 だから間を繋げるようなフレーズなんじゃないかな。 I think like you for western (people) 西洋人についても君のように考えるか、 I think like you for (a) western(er) 私は西洋人だけど、君のように考える のどちらかだと思ったんだけど自信ない…
よろしくお願いします。 An increasing number of Japanese are seeking to put meaning into their lives through leisure activities rather than work, and it is common to hear people say they want to get their work out of the way so they enjoy their leisure pursuits.
Gee what are you expecting, that they're going to adhere to tradition until doomsday? This is the 13th game, of course they're going to make something unique and different to make people interested, it's business, always has been. I would be bored too if they made every ff like the ones in snes. You can't stagnate on a single idea forever.
Connectors provide fiber optic junctions that can be disconnected and reconnected as necessary. They are adaptable, convenient and are typically used at patch panels and for electronic systems and test equipment. Installing a connector requires special tools and training. The "ferrule" is the protruding connector part that houses the fiber and normally includes a spring that provides axial pressure when two connectors are mated. The and face of the fiber/ferrule is finished (polished) to minimize reflections from the mating surfaces. Each surface of the planepolished ferrule reflects about 4% of the light incident upon it. In coherent systems, the total reflection can be as high as 15%, or it can be made extremely low.
ギターで2つネックがついているダブルネックギターというものについて 構造的に同時に音が出せるのか聞いたところ(普通は切り替えスイッチがあります) I would not see any reason it would not play on both necks at same time. って返答がありましたが、これはつまり同時に音が出るということでしょうか? 回りくどい表現なので、聞き返しましたがわかるように言ってくれなかったので。
Not only was the iGroove HG voted the “Field Test Winner,” it was touted as offering “a punchy low end and good stereo effects” and “an attractive design that looks good in any room.”
On the first line of poem,the first sentence or a book,more probably than any other,with,perhaps,the exception of the last,hangs the success or failure of the whole. 倒置ですか?お願いします
Their fears and their lack of confidence in social insurance for the elderly are growing, and they feel forced to provide for themselves. This situation must not be overlooked. お願いします。
The year 1998 gave me the happiest time of my life. What I least dreamed of came true- acting as a torchbearer for the 18th Winter Olympic Games in Nagano Japan. This was proposed by the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (The AAR). It is one of the biggest NGOs in Japan, and is part of the movement to ban landmines. One day Mr.Keita Asari, director of the Opning Ceremony, came all the way to London to visit me. “The 20th century has been full of wars and suffering,” he said. “Japan is also responsible for this. I hope the 21st century will be a peaceful one. The Olympiad is the best opportunity to send a message of peace to the world. For this reason i want you to run there as a torchbearer.” “Am I dreaming?" I asked myself. “There billion people are going to watch me run at the Games!"
By patriotism I mean devotion to a particular place one believe to be the best in the world, generally one's own nation,and its way of life; or the emotion to value them more than ones' life.
Not only was the iGroove HG voted the “Field Test Winner,” it was touted as offering “a punchy low end and good stereo effects” and “an attractive design that looks good in any room.”
love at first sight is not uncommon to you. you're impetuous, impatient and love to be loved. your selfreliance helps you handle broken affairs easily but you must know someone cares. Being creative, organized and determined makes you appealing to all who meet you. you're born leader.
Around this time of year, many salaried workers are luxuriating in the feeling they have extra spending money, courtesy of their summer bonus paychecks. Money is a funny thing. If you have it in front of you, you want to spend it.There is nothing wrong with squandering it--if it's your own. の訳をお願いします。出来れば If you have it in front of you, の文法的な解説もお願いできたらうれしいですm(_ _)m何故yourselfではなくyouなのでしょうか??
金を目にするのなんて普通の事で、強調しなくっても良いから再帰ではないのでしょう。 心臓摘出手術とかで、心臓を目の前にしたりしたら、 If you have it in front of yourself, you gonna feel very strange. とかになるような。 麻酔かかっててそんなこと現実にはないだろうから。
203 love at first sight is not uncommon to you. 一目ぼれなんて君(ら)は、しないんだ。 you're impetuous, impatient and love to be loved. 君は性急で、君の思いが報われたくてうずうずしている。 your selfreliance helps you handle broken affairs easily but you must know someone cares. 君のこころの芯は、失恋もうまくやりきれるだろうけど、 やりきれない人もいるってことを知らなきゃいけない。 Being creative, organized and determined makes you appealing to all who meet you. クリエイティブで、まとまっていて、心が乱れずいる事が、 君に会う人々すべてを魅了する。 you're born leader. 君は生まれながらのリーダーなんだ。
In an environment where there is no gravity, people's bodies and bones become weaker. So astronauts must exercise using equipment. There will also be other problems.
前にもやってもらったのですが難しい和訳だったのでどなたかもう一度お願いします。よく分からないんです。 By patriotism I mean devotion to a particular place one believe to be the best in the world, generally one's own nation,and its way of life; or the emotion to value them more than ones' life.
That is, superstars in an American game who are considered the equals of their American peers, and whose country of origin is secondary to their abilities to entertain.
His just-released album, "Faith" (Tofu Records), featuring playing by Nine Inch Nails bassist Danny Lohner and the Cult's drummer, Scott Garrett, takes on religious themes, not the least of which is the cover drawing, featuring the singer in a crown of thorns, posed as Jesus.
I was lost, anyone could tell Just tossing dimes in wishing wells Out of money and down on luck Was I surprised when lightning struck And suddenly you were sent to me
And, while so many Japanese musical exports are treated as novelties and aberrations, representatives of a culture at once foreign, intriguing and endlessly confusing, HYDE -- pronounced haido in Japanese -- made a huge step toward breaking down barriers by singing all of his songs in English.
Since you're going to university, you'd probably be eligible for working with the Walt Disney World College program. They are always looking for representatives from Japan to work in the Japan pavilion at Epcot's World Showcase. お願いします。
It would be madness to attribute too much significance to Liverpool's win in the Community Shield, a curtain raiser with a notorious reputation for falsifying the season's prospets. but then equally who could deny the possibility that at very least it is was part of unfolding pattern ?
mechanical splices Mechanical splices employ physical couplers to hold two fiber ends in contact with each other. A special fluid called index matching gel (or oil) is often added to the splice to fill the air gap between the fiber ends and reduce Fresnel reflections. Rotary and Fiberlok are two examples of mechanical splices. Mechanical splices are simple, install quickly, and have relatively low loss. They are typically used to restore damaged cables and in aerial applications where fusion techniques would be impractical.
Print dominated communication for 400 years in Europe,and longer in Asia.
It helped to spread ideas from place to place and generation to generation.
But for all its magic,the age of print lacked the magic of sound,movement,and appearance.
Even when ways were found to reproduce paintings and drawings in print,these were only substitutes for what one sees in life.
この文のBut for all its magicの意味が分かりません。 選択肢で、a)しかしその便利さが災いして b)しかしそんなにすばらしいものがあってもc)もしも奇跡が起きなかったらd)もしもそれが奇跡だとしたら の4つがあるのですが、どれが最も適切でしょうか?? But forで「もし〜がなかったら」と解釈できるし、for allで「〜だとしても」と解釈できるようなんですが・・・ 文脈で判断するしかないんでしょうか??しかし私は文脈がよく分かりません・・・・。
A:Now I'd better get a taxi and go back. B:Well, look, before you do, why don't you take a little time for yourself? A:Maybe another hour... B:Live dangerously, take the whole day. A:I could do some of the things I've always wanted to. 和訳お願いします!
>>278 Print dominated communication for 400 years in Europe,and longer in Asia. 印刷(印画)は、コミュニケーション(情報伝達)を欧州では400年間、亜細亜ではそれよりも長く独占した It helped to spread ideas from place to place and generation to generation. それは、空間(場所から場所へ)と世代間に思想を広めるのに役立った。 But for all its magic,the age of print lacked the magic of sound,movement,and appearance. その魔力を考慮しても(印刷が持つ力を考慮しても=すばらしい性質をもってしても)、印刷の時代は音の魔力、動きの魔力に欠けていた。 Even when ways were found to reproduce paintings and drawings in print,these were only substitutes for what one sees in life. 絵画や図画を印刷で再現する方法が発見された時でさえ、これらは人が現実に目の当たりにするもの(光景)の代替でしかなかった what one sees in life(現実世界ないし人生で目の当たりにするもの→現実)
Print dominated communication for 400 years in Europe,and longer in Asia. 印刷は、欧州では400年、亜細亜ではそれ以上の長きに渡り、情報伝達の優位を占めていた。 It helped to spread ideas from place to place and generation to generation. 印刷は観念を場所から場所へ、世代から世代へと伝えるのに役立った。 But for all its magic,the age of print lacked the magic of sound,movement,and appearance. しかしその魔力のすべてを持ってしても、印刷の時代には音や、映像の魔力が欠けていた。 Even when ways were found to reproduce paintings and drawings in print,these were only substitutes for what one sees in life. 絵画や図画を印刷で再現する方法が発見されても、それらは人々が実生活で目の当たりにするものの代替物でしかなかったのである。
They were going to have a Mt. Fuji ride based on Mt. Fuji and the bullet trains, but because Fuji Film was going to sponsor it, Kodak got upset with them since Kodak does a lot of sponsoring of rides and attractions at Walt Disney World. お願いします
Toy as it was,it gave certain inventors an idea,and they set to work on finding out how to transmit truly comprehensible apeech a really long distanfe over a string or wine. を長いですけど・・・よろしくお願いします。特にToy as〜inventors an ideaの部分を分かりやすくお願いします!!
Mostly only the very small towns -- the kind where everybody knows everybody -- will have that kind. Places like Columbus have similar events, but it's never too much about tightening relationships of the people. お願いします
I think the closest you will get to that in the bigger cities is when an Apartment Complex or housing community will have something special for the renters.
>>330 thanks a lot. i just got that message but i couldn't understand what she meant exactly. now that i can understand with your help, which makes me slightly disappointed. cause i assumed that she was saying 'you look good' or something. haha.
I think (that) the closest [you will get <to that(=that kind)> (in the bigger cities)] is when [{an Apartment Complex or housing community} will have something (←special for the renters)].
>>341 あー、おkおk。前後を見ないと分からないけど、 you areだから「あなたって本当に優しい人ね」くらいじゃないだろうか? 外見のことを言うなら、you look really sweetと言うような…。 what do you mean by sweet?とかdo I look sweet?とか聞いてみたら
His just-released album, "Faith" , featuring playing by Nine Inch Nails bassist Danny Lohner and the Cult's drummer, Scott Garrett, takes on religious themes, not the least of which is the cover drawing, featuring the singer in a crown of thorns, posed as Jesus.
バンド名:Nine Inch Nails、Cult's 名前:Danny Lohner、Scott Garrettはそのままで結構 ですので、翻訳の大意だけでもお願いします。
I should have my doctoral thesis complete and ready for submission in the next week or so. I then have to defend my thesis in front of a committee. Hopefully all will be complete and official by the end of the year. While I haven't been able to take a vacation, I have managed to take many individual days off here and there. I don't know if I've told you before, but I am building an airplane in my garage.I have used my days off to make much progress.If you are interested in seeing what I've been doing, I have posted pictures at ABC.org. As you can see from the pictures,I'm currently building the wings. I should have them done in a month or so.
Like many schools across the nation, the Edagawa Korean Elementary School in Tokyo's Koto Ward held its annual sports festival last Sunday. But there was more to the proceedings than just watching the school's 65 pupils compete in track and field events. The 300 spectators, mostly parents, former pupils and members of the neighboring Korean community, represented a valuable resource in fund-raising efforts. 文の出だしからいきなりわかりません(-"-;) 内容的に批判されそうな予感がするので導入部分だけでも、訳お願いしますm(_ _)m
What were called diets were imperial councils which were summoned by Holy Roman Emperor to consider methods of effecting certain results in administration of church or empire.
methods of effecting certain resultsがどうもうまく訳せません ある影響してあっている結果の関連??
In Japan Medical Association, which should deligates the benefit of MD's, some groups in it tries to reduce its social power, for the their own benefits to get the positions of related to local offices of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Wealth, the MHLW: the offices related to the public medical insurance or the Japan Counsil for Quality Health care. It is ordinary that the enemy inside make the JMA give up to resisit the adiministration and give the members of the JMA some disadbantages. The JMA's leaders are in 70's, who are obeyed the GHQ in 1940's after the WWII, are the leaders of the JMA. Why can't they be against the current administration? The JMA's action affects to the other nations' MD's status, I think, the other nations' medical doctors would be special techinichians with lower wages like the Japanese medical doctors.
I have never shipped outside. but if you know how much it would cost we can definitely work with you. What is your address and I will see from our post office how much it would be. Email me back and we will go from there.
I think they're about the same, except just different theme -- a night of music and getting drunk. I don't drink so much anymore, so that's not much of interest to me, but I'll enjoy it if the music and anything else they might do is good.お願いします
They(ここでは両親) can try to know him(ここでは子供) better by hearing what other adults (say teachers) have to say about him,having him tested intellectually or psychologically or by accepting the results of school or public examinations.
>>423 That's true, but I do like the idea of communities helping each other out and at least for neighbors to be friends. その通り。でも私は、お互いが助け合い、少なくともご近所同士は友達になるようなコミュニティーという考えが好きです。
しまった!間の文が抜けてた。 Timagoras of Athens was executed for receiving presents from king artaxerxes and demosthenes used all his gifts of innuendo to suggest that Aeschines had been bribed Philip of Macedon. です。すいません。 >>431 executedは処刑という意味は出てこなかったんですがそういう意味もあるんですか?
Part of Speech transitive verb Pronunciation ehk sih kyut Inflected Forms executed, executing, executes Definition 1. to put into effect or accomplish. Synonyms implement (1) , fulfill (2) , carry out {carry (PHR 1)} , administer (1) , effect , perform (1) Crossref. Syn. dispatch , do , discharge , administer , achieve Similar Words expedite , accomplish , dispatch , actualize , discharge , realize , do1 , achieve Definition 2. to make according to a design or plan. Synonyms realize (2) , discharge (2) , carry out {carry (PHR 1)} , fulfill (2,3) Similar Words follow , produce , perform , manufacture , do1 Definition 3. to carry out an execution of; put to death. Crossref. Syn. remove Similar Words murder , assassinate , lynch , dispatch , kill , slay , purge , liquidate Definition 4. in law, to put into effect the terms of (a will).
Related Words mastermind , enforce , work , stone , inflict , transact , behead , commit , enact , handle , perpetrate , negotiate , obey , give , manage , administer , hang
During my first couple of years as a teacher, I would see children do something wrong, and I would immediately give punishments such as silent lunch or no recess. These kids would angrily accept such punishments. I learned after a while that no lesson was really being learned in these cases.
There's just too often when elderly people around here die and are dead in their homes for several weeks because nobody has noticed they haven't seen them in a while. おねがいします
In any case they were obliged to submit their expense account to disobliged scrutiny on the part of the public accounts committee, and their political enemies might take this occasion to indict them for corruption, namely incompetent diplomacy.
>>444 ありがとうございます!!よかったら下もお願いします;; Often, the kids didn't even understand why their actions made me so upset. They didn't understand what they had done wrong. I eventually started talking one-on-one with kids about what had happened. One of the first things I always say is, "Tell me what you think you did wrong, "or" "(4)" It is always very advantageous to hear the kid's view on the situation. Most always you will have two completely different views about what happend, and if you don't take the time to explain why you are upset, then student will continue to (5) toward you for the punishment.
(4)=I don't want to hear your excuse. Never do that again. Tell me why you think I am upset. You should do everything right.
5= bear anger control anger gain respect show respect
下の文章をどなたか訳してください!!お願いします! It was spring vacation.Before the vacation a friend and I had deiced to cover eight countries in twenty-wight days. We had just spent a few days in Nice. Now our francs had almost run out--- a sign it was time to pack up and move on.We stuffed our few belongings into our backpacks and walked to the train station.
>>458助かります。ありがとうございました。 下もお願いします。 By the time we arrived at the train station, a lot of people waiting for trains had already begun to spill out into the streets. Apparently,all 50.000 college students on spring vacation were trying to take the morning train out of Nice.As we made our way to the ticket counter, we kept hearing the words "train strike." "No trains," the man behind the counter said."Maybe a day.Maybe a week."
The story “Kappa” tells ? about making friends and fitting in ? is a bore, compared with the style in which it’s told. Mikey, the straightforward Yankee in the unfathomable East, is painted in broad strokes, literally. He is what he is: a simpleton. The other characters (except maybe Guano) are more deceptive, with refined, mobile anime features that morph according to their changing moods. Practically every frame is a collage of these cartoon styles.
The visit further strained ties with neighboring nations already at their lowest point in many years. 後半のalready at their lowest point in many yearsだけ訳お願いします。
Seriously, why the people want to give negative comments to Yoshiki, and why they want to compare him with other drummers like Akira Jimbo. I'll say that both of them are nice in their own styles and ways of performance. Envy viewers in the these days.... they're the real jealousy brats.
Can you please register 9500855 in the course specified in the attached form. The student may be already in some of the courses they just needed permission to take a course because they failed it twice already.
I hope you are having happy day.I think Sunday is good.How will you come here?I hope to see you soon.Take care!Please see my homepage and a comment if you like.
He used his simple and visit style of design tocreate picture books, and in 1955 the first "Miffy" books appeared. His picture books have been a great success and have published in more than 41 languages with over 80 million copies sold. 訳お願いします
He used his simple and visit style of design to create picture books, and in 1955 the first "Miffy" books appeared. His picture books have been a great success and have published in more than 41 languages with over 80 million copies sold.
It definately should have went out I am getting someone in the back to check on it now. What is it that you were looking to purchase I'll get you written up right now.
×The story “Kappa” tells ? about making friends and fitting in ? is a bore, ○The story “Kappa” tells - about making friends and fitting in - is a bore, これが本当の英文です。どうか宜しくお願いします。
It thus easy for those with whom such mixed embassies were negotiating to play upon these personal animosities and to divide the mission against itself さっぱり訳せませんお願いします。
According to the first constiturion, the Legislative Assembly was to be elected in 1791 to take the place fo the National Assembly. Dissension within tore it apart, and the leading fact ions were Girondists and Jacobins.
二文目のDissension within tore it apartの構造とitの指示対象がわかりません よろしくお願いします
Patients with solid tumors previously treated with no more than two prior chemotherapy regimens were given methotrexate intravenously on day 1, followed by paclitaxel, as a 24-hour infusion on day 2.
Her funeral was held at Westminster Abbey in London. Elton John sang“Candle in the Wind.” The sad fact of her death came home to me, and i thought, “Out of tragedy we must try to create something positive."
From the outside we think they are lucky.It is no fun to think of staying focused on a goal year after year through ups and downs and setbacks and persevering till you win. お願いします。
There's a scene in it taking placing during New Years and the family is laying out all the cards on the floor as fast as they can to see who can lay them out fastest. Is this part of a Japanese tradition with the New Years cards?
For a little extra, we could stay in the park after it closed, wear costumes, go trick-or-treating for candy, ride all the rides we wanted, hear scary stories, watch a special halloween show at the Diamond Horseshoe Salloon, or see the Halloween Parade. お願いします
The visit further strained ties with neighboring nations already at their lowest point in many years. 後半のalready at their lowest point in many yearsだけ訳お願いします。
I thought I had answered� you regarding this� - I apologise if I did not.
I think this directory is much more focused on fine artists. I don't think it will assist us at all as far as getting illustration assignments. However if you� are interested in this fine art world and/or in pursuing your personal work I always think things like this are helpful to� artists.� If you� are not working on ANY FINE ART I would NOT pay money to be listed in here. Please let me know if I have NOT answered your questions.
I thought I had answered� you regarding this� - I apologise if I did not.
I think this directory is much more focused on fine artists. I don't think it will assist us at all as far as getting illustration assignments. However if you� are interested in this fine art world and/or in pursuing your personal work I always think things like this are helpful to� artists. If you� are not working on ANY FINE ART I would NOT pay money to be listed in here. Please let me know if I have NOT answered your questions.
この名鑑は、ゲージュツのほうにかなり偏っていると思われ。 こんなの漏れ達がイラストの仕事をとるための屁の突っ張りにもならんよな。 もしお舞いがゲージツの道に走りたいのなら、役に立つかもしれんがね。 If you are not working on ANY FINE ART I would NOT pay money to be listed in here. もしお舞いがゲージツ畑でやってるんじゃなかったら、こんな名鑑に自分の名前を 載せるために一銭だって払わんニダ。 コレで答えただろ。
Billboards featuring Japanese electronics goods were covered up in Hangzhou as were restaurant signs in Bejing. Another 2,000 people marched in Tianjin City, east of the capital. おねがいします
With the current deregulation[規制緩和] of the upstream sector of the oil industry in Nigeria, ownership of petroleum depot[石油倉庫] automatically empowers[公的な権限を与える] the operator to import petroleum fuels chemicals[石油燃料化学製品]and bitumen[瀝青] and market provided the imported product conforms to the DPR standards. おねがいします
There’s a ninja contest (in a shopping mall!), and believe it or not, it matters who wins, even though the outcome is never in doubt. Maybe it’s the round faces; everybody loves a baby.
“I picked Kikyo because she’s overlooked (in the cartoon series),” she said. “I feel in high school it’s easy for someone to be overlooked because of the way they dress or act, and there is a connection to that in Kikyo.”
Patients with solid tumors previously treated with no more than two prior chemotherapy regimens were given methotrexate intravenously on day 1, followed by paclitaxel, as a 24-hour infusion on day 2.
Dick loves children and this shows not only in his picture books but in his socially - oriented work. He has designed posters, cards, and other items for hospitals, charity organizations and so on. 訳お願いします
With the current deregulation[規制緩和] of the upstream sector of the oil industry in Nigeria, ownership of petroleum depot[石油倉庫] automatically empowers[公的な権限を与える] the operator to import petroleum fuels chemicals[石油燃料化学製品]and bitumen[瀝青] and market provided the imported product conforms to the DPR standards. おねがいします
>>598は自己解決しましたので,>>598に続く英文であるIn factから和訳お願いできないでしょうか。よろしくおねがいします。 In fact here is the beauty of expatriate[国外の] partnership where the foreign partner organizes products as required by the Nigerian market while on return trip the Nigerian partners arrange to load the ship that brought the product with exportable items like crude oil.
Either way it is still predicted that a tank farm[石油タンク集合地域] of this capacity running an aggressive marketing group should be able to generate at least a monthly net profit[純益] N30, 000,000 on sale of imported items. Additional to the PPMC allocation only but improves the return on investment 最後のAdditional以下がわかりません。主語がないようですし、only butもわかりませんし、最後にピリオドもありません。よろしくおねがいします。
just ignore that ignorant thailand bitch. we just ignore that bitch cause thailand ppl got black skin (*´・д・) just ignore her i apologize to you fpaldks we like korea than thailand :) fpaldks can i add you?? :) (reply to this) mark as spam fpaldks11 (1 day ago) okay sure :D yay I got a good japanese friend :)
It is nice to hear from you. I am so happy that you will come to visit. What time of day would you like to come? Afternoon is good for me. We could go out for lunch. Do you need directions to the ○○'s home? If you do I can e mail to them to you. From which direction will you be coming?
When we speak of anything as “free”, our meaning is not definite unless we can say what it is free from. Whatever or whoever is“free” is not subject to some external compulsion is.
The fractional error perceived as a function of the cumulative real job progress is shown in Figure 3. Values for the curve are given by 6, C. Each job is represented by an effort requirement of a number of job units. For the initial model simulations, the job size has been designated as 1200 job units. At a productivity rate of 2 job units per man per month, this job size indicates a requirement of 600 man-months of scientific/engineering effort.
Brands don't just fail. There are no examples of successful brands that one day suddenly became unsuccessful. Rather, someone kills them. And as with murder, a brand is most likely to be killed by someone close. It is true that competitors are always trying to undermine their rivals and consumers are constantly changing their minds, but a brand almost never dies without its own management pushing the knife.
訳お願い致します。 Two days after the Opening Ceremony, I ran a charity marathon from Hakone to Tokyo. Along the way I appealed from night to morning, and it was tougher than the Sahara marathon. I have determined to continue to work for world peace through my campaign against landmines. Even if war were to end, we will have no true peace when there are still landmines. I will make every effort for the goal of real peace. I have two dream. One is to run a marathon in under four hours. The other is to create a world free of mines, no matter how long it takes. But I wish we could get rid of at least one landmine a day somewhere in the world. I say to the young people of the world, “Change is possible. Anything is possible. We should always strive to make the best of what we have and to make the world a better place."
I've heard of Karuta. But I've only seen it as a learning tool for kana so far. I had heard about the rest of the things that are involved with the New Years cards, just not the game. お願いします
I said to myself, “In a few minutes, I’ll start running, and three billion people will be watching me run. No mistakes, now. Stay calm and run" The torch is handed to me at last, and I start at a signal. As I go through the gate, I see a large crowd of children. “How pretty they look." Dressed in white, they hold their hands out to welcome me. As they run around me, cheering and singing, all in white among the colored lights, the children are like snowflakes. From the moment I leave the gate, I’m no longer alone. 訳お願いします。
>>636 E-DIC: The pleasure is [was] (all) mine. 「《お礼のことばに対して》どういたしまして,こちらこそ,とんでもない」。allは強調。 "I appreciate your coming here today." "The pleasure is mine." (「本日はお越しいただきありがとうございます」「こちらこそ,感謝しております」) "Thank you for driving me here today." "The pleasure was all mine." (「きょうはここまで送ってくださってありがとう」「どういたしまして」)
You might like the movie. It's made by Studio Ghibli. Whenever I hear of a teacher wanting to give their students an introduction to Japan, I reccomend they use that movie since it presents Japanese family and culture in an entertaining way. お願いします
And i take it your from america,why is it most of you boxing guys from the US never start of with an email to someone with HELLO or HI or at the end THANKS or REGARDS,It's very rude of you not too,so if in future if you cantact me and you don't start with a Hello or Hi then you will not get a reply
Either way it is still predicted that a tank farm[石油タンク集合地域] of this capacity running an aggressive marketing group should be able to generate at least a monthly net profit[純益] N30, 000,000 on sale of imported items. Additional to the PPMC allocation only but improves the return on investment 最後のAdditional以下がわかりません。主語がないようですし、only butもわかりませんし、最後にピリオドもありません。よろしくおねがいします。
I've only had one girlfriend in my life. She was a waitress at a restraunt we used to go to all the time and sit for hours at. She fell in love with me and was trying to get with me for almost a year. お願いしますm(_ _)m
I just wasn't sure about it, so I didn't make any moves. And then, the day before my birthday that year, I decided to give it a try. We were together for several months. 続きなんですがお願いしますm(_ _)m
No one has killed a brand as effectively as Gerald Ratner, who in 1991 famously described the products sold in his own Ratners chain of jewellers as “worthless,” destroying 95percent of the company's value in minutes.
Even Coca-Cola, one of the largest companies in the world, nearly destroyed itself in 1985 when management decided to change the 100-year-old formula for its product. After just ten weeks (and millions of dollars in advertising), “new” Coke was abandoned and “old” Coke returned.
わかりません(:_;) 穴埋めと訳お願いします☆ In the preface to this book the author writes: “I entirely agree to the opinion that in much of (イ)is published today there is altogether too casual and free a use made of incidents and conversations without regard to the feeling (ロ),or possible consequences to,the people concerned. A much more amusing book I could have written (ハ)I told all I knew in some instances but such betrayals could not have seemed to me justified.”
But she had some severe mental problems. So, because she started having problems with work, she blamed it all on me. And then she broke up with me. お願いしますm(_ _)m
>>662 著者は前書きで次のように述べている: 「今日出版されているものの大部分においては、当事者への配慮や影響を無視して、あまりにも不用意(casual)かつ無制限(free)に、 出来事や会話の記述(use)がなされているという意見に、全くもって同意である。いくつかの場面において、知っていること全てを暴露すれば(told) もっと娯楽性の高い(amusing)本を書くことができたかもしれない。しかし私にとって、そのような裏切り行為は正当化できないことであった」 In the preface to this book the author writes: “I entirely agree to the opinion that in much of (what)is published today there is altogether too casual and free a use made of incidents and conversations without regard to the feeling (for),or possible consequences to,the people concerned. A much more amusing book I could have written (if)I told all I knew in some instances but such betrayals could not have seemed to me justified.”
In Beijing, hundreds of police in riot gear secured the ambassador’s home in the northeast diplomatic district and the embassy in the southeast. Both were hit by rocks and bottles by thousands of protesters last weekend but spared this time around.
China appears keen to keep the capital quiet.
Machimura is due to meet his counterpart Li Zhaoxing on Sunday, and hopes to ensure disputes on everything from gas exploration in disputed waters to Japan’s history do not hurt $178 billion in annual trade between the economic powers.
By the end of the 16th century, Portugal's power was on the wane. By 1580, Portugal, which had come under the Spanish crown, found its possesions in Asia fair game for the English and Dutch.
found をうまく訳せませんでした また、これまで国の代名詞はshe, her などと表記されていたので このitsの指示対象をPortugal としてよいのか、迷っています よろしくお願いします
akira is a test subject for the military and what there tring to do is open up yhe human mind to bacily act tlik an aomeba and yes they faild to controle the efects of theis chaine reaction thing that consumes the indivdual as well as a good amount of surrounding energy........ and yes i have watched it when i was 10 years old mabey yonger but yea thats a basic low down
>>667 こまかいこと(nailsとlooksの数の不一致)はおいても、 how easyだと形容詞だから変じゃないの。how easily なら何とか。 俺が書くなら This shows how you can make your nails look stunning just by following these steps. とかにするけど。
A couple days later, she tried to kill herself by overdosing on sleeping pills. I spent the night with her, but things just weren't the same after all this. お願いします!
I haven't been with many people since then. Sometimes, hard for me to talk to people and I usually don't get interested in somebody until I know them. So, it's been very hard for me to be with anybody. お願いします。
Once, he brought a tango tape and got them to play it over the speakers. Then he commandeered the floor, shooting back and forth like some hot Latin lover. 文中のover the speakersだけ訳してください。お願いします
Hyde once did one of their songs. I heard him do "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." However, I didn't like his version too much. I think it's because he doesn't have a good enough grasp on English to sing a song like that.
Well, the sentence that you did is one that you probably need to be exposed to the language and culture a lot to understand what it means. So, I understand your confusion. どなたかお願いしますm(_ _)m
Some of his works show the sorrow of children suffering from hunger, disease, and forced labor through their simple designs. They communicate their messages directly to the world.
It is hard to choose a most impressire place. Also, I have not been to very many places actually. Personally,my favouriate place is my family cottage because of all the memories from there. Maybe my favouriate place shown in my pictures would be the stone garden in 〇〇. My greatest wish is to go the the beautiful gardens in Haifa, Isreal, at the 〇〇 Holy Land. Hope to see you soon.
Now many people have seen his works and there are a lot of fans of his work all over the world. If Dick had not established this special style of design, his message would not have been so widely understood.
>>729 Now many people have seen… 今や多くの人々が…を見た there are … …がいる all over the world 世界中に If Dick had not …, his message would not have been… もし彼が…していなかったなら、彼のメッセージは…なかっただろう。
In these stories, beautiful females have one real purpose and one thing on their mind, and it sure isn't scholarship, much less fighting evil minions of nameless demons from beyond the stars.
翻訳を続けていたら、また詰まってしまいました。 Now, I'm member of the go club in Nice which counts a dozen members every bishop's death (french idiom meaning "not often") and I see some high school student coming at the club who want to discover go. And the first thing you see is they handle the stones correctly while they tell you that they only played on internet. You can even feel that they enjoy this! Hikaru no Go is great.
Once, he brought a tango tape and got them to play it over the speakers. Then he commandeered the floor, shooting back and forth like some hot Latin lover. 文中のover the speakersの部分を「スピーカーを通して」との回答を頂いたのですが、そうなんですか。overが「通して」となるのですか
So, sorry for the trouble.I may be in 地名 early on Sunday, so I am wondering if we can all go to 地名 together with 人名 driving. I will only come to 地名 (for a サークル名 meeting) if I will drive back to 地名 with you. If cannot drive with you then we can meet in 地名 as originally planned.
“You can't teach an old dog new tricks”goes the old saw. But don't tell Roberta Johnson, an 85-year-young student of “Current Events” at the Santa Barbara Adult Education Center. “I'm a widow and I live in a retirement home. My chirdren and grandchildren come to see me regularly and I go out to dinner once in a while with friends. But I would really be lonely if I didn't have this class to look forward to every Tuesday afternoon. 長いですが、よろしくお願いいたします。
And i take it your from america,why is it most of you boxing guys from the US never start of with an email to someone with HELLO or HI or at the end THANKS or REGARDS,It's very rude of you not too,so if in future if you cantact me and you don't start with a Hello or Hi then you will not get a reply
So, sorry for the trouble. I may be in (地名A) early on Sunday, So I am wondering if we can all go to (地名B) together with (名前♀) driving. I will only come to (地名A) if I will drive back to (地名B) with you. If I cannot drive with you then we can meet in (地名B) as originally planned.
I think what you're saying is that you've been mailing me, but sometimes what I say is strange. Then I think you're saying something about a great impoliteness and that you want to study english more. どうしてもうまく訳せなくて…お願いしますm(_ _)m
I have something on my computer to help me with words by scrolling over the words, but I have trouble figuring out if it's right or not. 翻訳機だと変になってしまいます。助けて頂けないでしょうか?
>>785 I think what you're saying is that you've been mailing me, but sometimes what I say is strange. Then I think you're saying something about a great impoliteness and that you want to study english more.
The Scholarly study of music,wherever it is found histrorically or geographically. The methods of musicology are any that prove fruitful with respect to the particular subject of study. Because musicology has become steadily more diverse in both subject and method,certain traditional boundaries among its subdisciplines have been blurred. Nevertheless, in pratical terms,as reflected in the orientations of professional societies,academic departments,and scholarly publications, several discliplines are useally distinguished.
長いのですがお願いします。 Language acquisition has long been thought of as a process of imitationand reinforcement. Children learn to speak, in the popular view, by copying the utterances heard around them, and by having their responses stregthened by the repetitions, corrections, and other reactions that adults provide.
>846 >>781>>758 > So, sorry for the trouble. > I may be in (地名A) early on Sunday, So I am wondering if we can all go to (地名B) together with (名前♀) driving. > I will only come to (地名A) if I will drive back to (地名B) with you. > If I cannot drive with you then we can meet in (地名B) as originally planned. > 面倒をかけてごめん。私は日曜の早い時間にはAにいるから、 みんなで(名前♀)と一緒に車でBにいけたらと思ってる。 私はあなたと一緒にBに戻るなら、サークルのミーティングのためにAに行くだけ(そこであなたを待ってる?)にします。 私たちが(Aで落ち合ってからBに)一緒に車で行けないなら、当初の予定通り、Bで会いましょう。
In the U.S, leisure time is big business. Enormous amounts of money are spent by competing enterprises that make and sell the goods and services that people use in their free time. In fact, shopping itsele is an important leisure time activity. Spending the dayat a giant shopping mall has become as interestlng as spending the day at a museum or amusement park. People in the U.S are ultimately not much different from others in what they do in what their leisure time. The real difference may lie in the energy, time,money,and sheerenthusiasm that they devote to it. 長いんですが、よろしくお願いします。
A growing backlash among Mindan chapter members has triggered a sense of crisis. For one, it has forced the current leadership to bow out of a key event to mark the new-found reconciliation
長文すみません。訳お願い致します。 Two days after the Opening Ceremony, I ran a charity marathon from Hakone to Tokyo. Along the way I appealed from night to morning, and it was tougher than the Sahara marathon. I have determined to continue to work for world peace through my campaign against landmines. Even if war were to end, we will have no true peace when there are still landmines. I will make every effort for the goal of real peace. I have two dream. One is to run a marathon in under four hours. The other is to create a world free of mines, no matter how long it takes. But I wish we could get rid of at least one landmine a day somewhere in the world. I say to the young people of the world, “Change is possible. Anything is possible. We should always strive to make the best of what we have and to make the world a better place."
和訳おねがいします(´・ω・`) Quantificathon in the natural sciences, the description of matural phenomena in mathematical terms, began to arise again at the end of Middle Ages, about the same time as the invention of double-entry bookkeeping, an essential device for keeping track of blossoming commerce of the period.
Japan has pledged not to let the series of disputes hinder their broader relationship.
Anger flared after Tokyo’s approval this month of a history textbook written by Japanese nationalist scholars that many in Asia say glosses over Japan’s wartime past.
After last weekend’s protests, the situation worsened on Wednesday after Japan announced it had started procedures to allocate rights for test-drilling in a disputed area of the East China Sea.
China has come under fire for tacitly encouraging the unrest, which started in Guangdong and Sichuan provinces early this month, spread to Beijing last week and, now, to nearby Tianjin and Shanghai and Hangzhou on the east coast.
This water will vaporize to form clouds, and the clouds will produce rain. The rain will wash out the red dust in the air, and the color of the sky will turn from pink to blue. By planting plankton and creating forests, we will be able to produce the oxygen that living things, including humans,need.
I said to myself, “In a few minutes, I’ll start running, and three billion people will be watching me run. No mistakes, now. Stay calm and run" The torch is handed to me at last, and I start at a signal. As I go through the gate, I see a large crowd of children. “How pretty they look." Dressed in white, they hold their hands out to welcome me. As they run around me, cheering and singing, all in white among the colored lights, the children are like snowflakes. From the moment I leave the gate, I’m no longer alone. 訳お願いします。
>>864 He is also a football fan and keen follower of Liverpool. 彼はまたフットボールが大好きで、リヴァプールの熱狂的なファンである。
He is also a football fan 直訳すると「彼はまたフットボールのファンです」 日本語ではこういう表現はあまりこなれないかと思い、↑のように訳しました keen follower of Liverpool keen follower は辞書で「熱狂的なファン」と載っていました。 Liverpoolはイギリスのサッカーチームの名前みたいですね。
>>862さん すいません、確かに間違えてました。正しくは In the U.S, leisure time is big business. Enormous amounts of money are spent by competing enterprises that make and sell the goods and services that people use in their free time. In fact, shopping itsele is an important leisure time activity. Spending a day at a giant shopping mall has become as interestlng as spending the day at a museum or amusement park. People in the U.S are ultimately not much different from others in what they do in their leisure time. The real difference may lie in the energy, time,money,and sheerenthusiasm that they devote to it. です。よろしくお願いします。
Should we try to build space colonies? Stephen Hawking, the famous scientist, believes that humans will have died out by the year 3000 due to leave Earth. Robert Zubrin, the head of a project to transform Mars into an environment where people can live, says: “The human race was born in Africa. Now we live all over our world. I think that one day we will travel among the planets, spreading the seeds of life.”
There are other people, however, who claim we should do the best we can to save Earth by working to solve Earth's environmental problems before trying to make space colonies. In fact, we are now facing many problems such as air pollution, global warming, and overpopulation. We need to solve these problems if we want to continue living on Earth.
Whether or not we builda colony in space, we have much to learn from the universe. The door to the unknown world is just beginning to open in front of us.
It was a reaction I learned from my father: have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look at what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, Is it reasonable?
As the use of common definitions are important to any study, it will help to start with some suggested definitions that will influence the data management process, and a brief overview of the roles for key participants in the research process.
Nani ue? -- based on the english phrase, "What's up?" Something to greet people with, meaning "What's going on with your life?" or "What have you been doing?" どうしてもうまく訳せません。お願いします!
But some people still have misconceptions about anime, due to limited exposure. Whereas some think of heavily merchandised kids shows like “Pokemon” or “Yu-Gi-Oh,” others might hear Japanese animation and go the other extreme, thinking of xxx-rated tentacle monsters or gruesomely violent shows like “Fist of the North Star.”
“If it weren't for the homework reading assignments, I wouldn't make myself pay attention to what is going on in the world. But I feel like I'm up on things, like I'm part of things. I know who's doing what in politics, how to prevent inflation from eating up my social security and how governmdnt energy policies affect me.” Ms. Johnson is a “real upperclassman” according to the course instructor, Fred Helms. 長いですがお願いします。
That’s where this column comes in; it will feature the newest entertainment to come out of Japan, while keeping readers up-to-date on the latest trends, industry happenings and other analyses. Both newcomers and otaku alike should find something interesting as this new biweekly column examines these cross-cultural mediums, which are too often overlooked but fast becoming part of our mainstream.
Learning a language is often compared to learning to play a sport or a musical instrument. Players of a sport must react quickly when the ball comes toward them, and musicians must play the melody smoothly or thier listeners will not enjoy it. In the same way, when we are able to use a foreign language well, the grammar and vocabulary come into our minds almost automatically, and we are free to think about what we want to say or convey.
Such are the sentiments of most of the instructors in adult education. In some classes the majority of students may be a complete generation older than the instructor,but that seems to make little difference. The students are eager to learn, willing to express themselves, and intersted in expanding their own horizons, and the instructors enjoy their enthusiasm and depth of experience. What is adult education? Essentially it is aimed at providing a variety of educational experiences to anyone 18 years old or older who is not currently enrolled in high school. Some students dropped out of formal scooling to work in factories or on farms half a century earlier. Others are college graduates. Some are retired and others are simply "between jobs." But since adult education is open to the general public and classes are either free of charge or have enrollment fees of $20-$35,almost anyone van find something of interest. And since classes are offered in morning, afternoon and evening sessions, even the full-time employee van find an appropriate time slot. どなたか和訳お願いいたします。
As the use of common definitions are important to any study, it will help to start with some suggested definitions that will influence the data management process, and a brief overview of the roles for key participants in the research process.
American history is the least-liked subject in high school. Research shows that it is also the most dependent on textbooks. The latter is an astounding fact. Surely geomety, say, offers less opportunity to use books from the library, interview members of the community, or explore on the Internet.
短くしました。 Such are the sentiments of most of the instructors in adult education. In some classes the majority of students may be a complete generation older than the instructor,but that seems to make little difference. The students are eager to learn, willing to express themselves, and intersted in expanding their own horizons, and the instructors enjoy their enthusiasm and depth of experience. What is adult education? Essentially it is aimed at providing a variety of educational experiences to anyone 18 years old or older who is not currently enrolled in high school. お願いします。
>>940さんありがとうございました。 続きです。 Some students dropped out of formal scooling to work in factories or on farms half a century earlier. Others are college graduates. Some are retired and others are simply "between jobs." But since adult education is open to the general public and classes are either free of charge or have enrollment fees of $20-$35,almost anyone van find something of interest. どなたか和訳お願いします。
Some students dropped out of formal scooling to work in factories or on farms half a century earlier. Others are college graduates. 「半世紀前には、正式な教育を中途で断念し、工場や農場で働く学生がいた。」 大学を卒業した者もいた」のほうが危ないと思うが… 時制というものを理解していないでしょう…