I recently visited your website and was reviewing your artwork and I would like to post and link to your website:***** on our web directory for one month, completely free. Please check ******* to see the Tips section I refer to, to get a better idea. There is no charge whatsoever for this service to you. I will post your website as soon as I get an OK from you.
You might also be interested in the following project:
~300-page Annual Catalog listing over 500 Top Websites, including museums, artists, galleries and curators worldwide. -1/3 page print publication listing over 500 of the top art websites from museums and blue-chip galleries to art fairs and non-profit institutions. -ALL approved directory/catalog applicants will receive a complimentary catalog at the time of publication. - ALL materials must be submitted by June 30th, 2006
For a total cost of $500, your listing will include: * Artist Name * Website address * One image (300 dpi) of your work * 50-75 words, which you will provide, that best describes your site and the nature of your work. This can be an artist statement. * Your e-mail address * Optional and recommended: List 2 of your favorite websites to be considered (subject to selection).
A camera-based equivalent of a typical distance-based localization system would be acquiring a detailed threedimensional model of the environment [39]. This 3D model can then be used during localization to generate the expected 2D projections (camera images) at different locations. Instead of being able to internally generate complete camera images,the system could settle for being able to predict what features [49] would be detected at each location. The features in this case make up a sort of sparse 3D map of the environment. However, the 3D model-based approaches regularly depend on auxiliary distance sensors like stereo [8] and trinocular [10] cameras. An alternative to the Cartesian 3D models is to use an appearance-based approach [22]. Appearance-based localization, in its simplest form, involves taking raw snapshots at various locations and storing them along with positioning information. The current camera image can then subsequently be matched against these memorized images to find the most probable current location. これの和訳をお願いします^^;
Among writers who have left behind them works sufficient to keep their memory alive, one here and there has also had the peculiar power to impress his personality, not only upon his contemporaries, but upon posterity likewise, which accordingly thinks of him with the kind of interest usually reserved solely for the living.
noway! I've never ever do something like that or something. wwww ofcourse I DO like going to foringn countries. I am SURE I am a person like typical japanese called "Travling Maniacs"(www however NO MORE English except studying for exam wwwww. got it? I said NOMORE ENGLIH ww. Da not be misunderstand it it is just for fun for taking, catting ,listening....blah blah in English. it is the one of my hobbiy taling' Eglish ww
anyway,I hope you to enjoy taking in English here. skums like a ○○社w is never gonna know that kainda fun. all they can do is just seeking,,ww,seekigng someone's mistakes www I call those sucks "Mr. grammer" or "Mr. spelling"wwww. wait wait!!ww I got it!! www I call them "Mr. WALDO"wwww serching...serching.. Where is Waldo?(mistakes)??wwwww
hummm......he's(>>363) not coming not coming coming coming!!! wwwww I can't wait anymore, so I'll be back in night time again. just hope for coming lots of Mr.Waldo www
・It might be objected that it is right to hate those who do harm.
・This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.
>>20 It might be objected [that it is right (to hate those who do harm)]. 「害をなす人々を嫌悪することは正しい」ということは、反論されるかもしれない。 「害をなす人々を嫌悪することは正しい」という主張には、反対意見があるかもしれない。
This has become more difficult than [it used to be] owing to the {extent and complexity} of the specialized knowledge (required of various kinds of technicians). 様々な技術者(専門家)に必要とされる専門知識の範囲と複雑さのせいで、このことは、以前よりも難しくなってきている。 この点については、現在では以前よりも困難になっている。 なぜなら、専門家が細分化しているので、必要な専門知識が幅広く複雑になっているからである。
マザー・テレサの言葉 The other day I received 15 dollars from a man who has been on his back for 20 years, and the only part he can move is his right hand. And the only companion he enjoys is smoking. And he said to me, “I am sending you this money.” It must have been a terrible sacrifice for him, but see how beautiful it was, how he shared. And with that money I bought bread and I gave to those who were hungry. With a joy on both sides, he was giving and the poor were receiving. 最後のwith 以下だけ訳してください。よろしくおねがいします。
The mecca of fans everywhere closed itself to ordinary tourists for the first time since opening in 1982 as it played host to its first sitting president.
The results, however, could not indicate whether extended life span was a direct result of less sleep. Moreover, the researchers could not eliminate the influence of naps or every disease that might affect both sleep and mortality, b) Most Americans get 6.5 hours of sleep nightly, Kripke says, and this study, appearing in the February 1 5 Archives of General Psychiatry, shows that they shouldn't feel guilty about not sleeping more. "What we can say to the average American is, 'You don't have to sleep eight hours. It isn't necessary for health.'
Chlorofluorocarbons, as the name suggests, consist of chlorine, fluorine and carbon, First introduced some 60 years ago, these gases have served as coolants for refrigerators and air conditioners, and cleansers for electronic parts. The compounds were once considered to be virtually ideal industrial chemicals because they are highly stable and unreactive and therefore nontoxic. Ironically it is the inertness of the compounds that makes them potentially troublesome for the ozone in the stratosphere.
They then cut his body into small pieses, which they hid beneath their cloaks.When the light returnde and the people found that their king had disappeared, the senators told them that Romulus had been carried off by the gods to Mount Olympus, and ordered a temple to be built in his honour on one of the seven hills of Rome.
Their generic name notwithstanding, the rare earths are neither rare nor earths (metal oxides). They are metallic elements, and all but one are more abundant in the earth than gold, silver, mercury or tungsten. The rare-earth elements are in fact ubiquitous, being present in low concentration in virtually all minerals. Yet extracting the rare earths from common minerals would be prohibitive. It is therefore fortunate that a handful of less common minerals do exist in which the rare-earth concentration is high enough to allow the economical, extraction of the elements, because the elements are key ingredients in the manufacture of numerous modern products.
Even if American viewers can be harsh judges of the English versions of their favorite series, they are often unclear about what makes a dub work, Mr. Rush said. "When I meet people and tell them what I do for a living, a lot of times I get, 'You need to talk to my son, he can do all kinds of voices.' But it's not just a matter of doing voices. The acting has to come across so you believe what you're hearing and you buy into the story."
Yet extracting the rare earths from common minerals would be prohibitive. It is therefore fortunate that a handful of less common minerals do exist in which the rare-earth concentration is high enough to allow the economical extraction of the elements, because the elements are key ingredients in the manufacture of numerous modern products.
The results, however, could not indicate whether extended life span was a direct result of less sleep. Moreover, the researchers could not eliminate the influence of naps or every disease that might affect both sleep and mortality, b) Most Americans get 6.5 hours of sleep nightly, Kripke says, and this study, appearing in the February 15 Archives of General Psychiatry, shows that they shouldn't feel guilty about not sleeping more. "What we can say to the average American is, 'You don't have to sleep eight hours. It isn't necessary for health.'
We have already discussed the difference between knowing the rules of the game of chess, and being able to play. So it is that we may know the rules, but we cannot play very well. It turns out to be very difficult to predict precisely what will happen in a given chemical reaction; nevertheless, the deepest part of theoretical phisics must end up in quantum mechanics.
we are also redesigning the website and if its ok with you use your shirt designs and other designs you made for us on there. and we also want to put a link to you, where do you want the link to go?
in spite of these and other major differences,Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world誰かお願いします。
It was great! We did a lot of tricks, such as turning "wine" into water, and other chemical color changes. For our finale, we did a trick that used something which we had discovered. I would put my hands (secretly) first into a sink of water, and then into benzine.
Then I'd wave my hands, running around yelling, "FIRE! FIRE!" and everybody would get all excited. They'd run out of the room, and that was the end of the show! Later on I told this story at college to my fraternity0 brothers and they said, "Nonsense! You can't do that!"
There now appear to be only two available choices of clean, nontoxie, transportable liquids with high energy content: ethanol and biodiesel. Clearly, we should search for others. Ethanol is made from sugars. Today, in the United States, the sugars come from com. In Brazil, they come from sugarcane. ]n Europe, they come from wheat. In the future, they will come from far more abundant cellulosie materials such as cornstalks, wheat straw, fast-growing trees, grasses, urban organic waste, and sea kelp.
In 1961 NASA put into orbit one of the first miniature double-focusing mass spectrographs to study molecules, ions, and free radicals in the exosphere. Designed and built by Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation, this instrument recorded data continuously during a one-year period at a maximum altitude of 600 kilometers above Earth's surface. Scientists were especially interested in the effects of highly energetic solar and cosmic particles on the gases at the outer edges of our atmosphere.
Efficiency is basically an engineering issue. Larger plants, reduced transportation costs, and use of biomass energy in processing can all improve efficiency, which is now far above the break-even point. The Pimentel efficiencies are certainly low, and the latest detailed USDA studies w show a ratio of 1.77 in 2001 for ethanol production by the dry mill process When biorefineries are built on the size and versatility of a modern petroleum refinery, costs will almost certainly be competitive with fossil fuel processing,
I am describing one possible course among the million other courses that the future might take. It is not important that we correctly identify the road before we reach it. The purpose of this book is to encourage us to search for it.
The results, however, could not indicate whether extended life span was a direct result of less sleep. Moreover, the researchers could not eliminate the influence of naps or every disease that might affect both sleep and mortality, Most Americans get 6.5 hours of sleep nightly, Kripke says, and this study, appearing in the February 15 Archives of General Psychiatry, shows that they shouldn't feel guilty about not sleeping more. "What we can say to the average American is, 'You don't have to sleep eight hours. It isn't necessary for health.'
Oh my god, you're my role-model now. Excuse me, If you dont mind me asking this. Could you tell me if you raised anything else besides AP? Like Defense or Evasion? So I would know what to raise exactly. Thanks :3
We have already discussed the difference between knowing the rules of the game of chess, and being able to play. So it is that we may know the rules, but we cannot play very well. It turns out to be very difficult to predict precisely what will happen in a given chemical reaction; nevertheless, the deepest part of theoretical chemistry must end up in quantum mechanics.
>>133 これらの実験結果は、しかしながら、長寿が睡眠時間の短さから直接帰結することを 必ずしも意味しない。更に、研究者達はうたた寝の影響も、睡眠と死亡率に同時に 影響し得るような病気の影響も排除できていない。Kripkeによれば大半の米国人は 毎晩6.5時間の睡眠を取る。the February 15 Archives of General Psychiatryに 載ったこの研究は、彼らが、それ以上の睡眠を取らないことについて、罪悪感を持つ 必要がないことを示している。「平均的な米国人に対して我々が言えることは『健康の 為に無理して八時間眠る必要は無いですよ』ということだ。
The only thing both of us needs is a lot of practice and study. My Japanese would probably be stranger than your english right now. It takes me a long time to write some sentences. お願いします
The Shea Butter we use in our lotions is refined by a multi meshing system that cleans the butter of impurities. The butter then goes through fullers clay to further clean it giving it its pure white appearance.
The new Christian religion presupposed belief in God and Old Testament. It centered on the god-like life and resurrection of the man Jesus, and his promised of the future judgment of all man. There needed to be a clear ststement of what it meant to say that one was a Christian.
Mars took the city of Rome under his srecial heaven, during a time of plague, as a sign that he would always watch over the city. The Romans, afraid lest the shield should be stolen, had eleven other shields made, so like the first the only the prieats who guarded them in the temple of Mars could tell which was the one sent from heaven. These priests were called Salii, the Leapers, because they danced war dances when, during the month of March, the shields were carried in a procession through the streets of Rome.
Every technical person stands to gain in improving his or her communication skills. Most scientists and engineers work in organizational settings where teamwork is essential. Good teamwork is impossible without good communication. Those scientists and engineers, however, who work independently, have to deal with clients, sponsors, or other interested parties. For many technical professionals, the ultimate product of their work is a written document. If that document is badly written, it reflects badly not only on the individual involved but on the entire organization.
Even without ignition the leak could prove deadly since the escaping gas, if it remained undetected, could displace the air in a house and asphyxiate the occupants.
Certainly, basic theoretical concepts such as the chemical bond, resonance theory, and hybridization, to mention a few, have been central to the development of chemical thinking. However, much of the large body of empirical data that has accumulated has been organized and categorized, rather than explained in terms of basic theoretical principles.
We turn to one of the most important individual topics in quantum mechanics, the harmonic oscillator. Harmonic oscillations occur when a system contains a part that experiences a restoring force proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Pendulums and vibrating strings are familiar examples. The importance of the harmonic oscillator also lies in the way that the same algebra occurs in a variety of different problems; for example, it also occurs in the treatment of rotational motion.
One difficulty associated with this technique is that rather specialized apparatus is required, a fact that dissuades many investigators from applying it routinely. It is also limited to reactive intermediates that can be prepared by unimolecular photofragmentation since the low temperatures required to maintain a solid matrix obviously preclude the use of any thermal reactions.
One might, before proceeding, want to ask why the energies of molecular-scale particles are quantized. No answer can be given to this basic question. In more advanced courses the student will encounter a number of ways of deciding what the restrictions are, but these "ways" will be introduced arbitrarily. For example, an important equation that is often used in studies of molecular behavior, given by Erwin Schrddinger. permits us. often with some mathematical difficulty, to obtain relations between molecular properties and the energies that are allowed for any molecular motion.
これ訳せる人よろしくお願いします Can you give this to Dad, he'll be at your place before he's at mine I'm sure. Hi Garth, notice report plus Joy's draft of salmon inquiry. Don't have a cow man!!
The planar geometry and restricted rotation in an ethylene-like compound make possible the stable existence of geometric isomers. These are compounds that have the same formula and the same type of bonds but differ in the geometric arrangement of the bonds. The two isomers cannot be converted into each other easily because rotation about the double bond is hindered.
I hope to come to Japan in September,at least.I have been waiting for a “NRT” or a “KIX” on my roster for months, but nothing:I got every part of the world except Japan! I was striving to change my ABC with a Tokyo this month: no way. God, I can’t stay too long without Japan! I like it too much! If I don’t get there until the end of September, my working season will be over, and I don’t know if I’ll remain on long haul flights then.
A little reflection will reveal that maximum overlap in a n bond is produced when the p orbitals are parallel to each other, and any rotation of these orbitals about the bond direction would decrease overlap. Since the directions of the p orbitals are fixed at right angles with respect to the a bond planes, the most stable configuration of ethylene with maximum n overlap is achieved when the a bond planes coincide; in other words, all the atomsォin the molecule should be in one plane. This is indeed true in ethylene, and experiments indicate that rotation of the two GEL halves about the C = C bond results in an increase in potential energy. There is restricted rotation in ethylene. Rotation about pure a bonds is not restricted inthisway.
To Mars, as the God of War, the Romans naturally turned for help in war-time, and a Roman general, before setting out, went into the temple of Mars and, touching the sacred shield with the point of his spear, cried "Mars, watch over us!" The training-ground of the Roman soldiers was called Campus Martius, in honour of the God of War, and it was commonly believed that Mars himself led thier army into battle and helped to give them the victory.
The synthesis of new organic molecules and the improved synthesis of known ones will always be a major task for the professional organic chemist. The stereoisomerism which can arise even when only two appropriately substituted sp3-hybridised carbons are contained in a molecule makes it inevitable that the synthesis of such a molecule will require the exercise of stereocontrol. The concepts of conformational analysis, stereoelectronic control and reaction mechanism have been vital for the development of methods for stereoselective synthesis.
While this is true, I did not really talk to you about the situation or ask you how you felt. I just knew I was leaving and I thought that seeing other people would be best for bouth of us. May be I was right and maybe I was wrong, but I was wrong for not talking to you about it. I can only say that I was scared and did not know what to do. So I wanted to say I am sorry.
Inert gases do not degrade readily in the troposphere, the part of the atmosphere ranging from the surface of the earth to an altitude of about 10 kilometers. As a result such substances eventually find their way into the stratosphere, which extends to about 50 kilometers. When molecules rise above 25 kilometers, roughly where the concentration of ozone peaks, they become subject to the intense ultraviolet light that is absorbed by ozone at lower altitudes. This radiation can break normally stable molecules (such as the chlorofluorocarbons) into more reactive forms (such as chlorine atoms).
When alanine is produced in a laboratory under normal conditions, a mixture is obtained, half of which consists of (R)-alanine and half of (S)-alanine. In an asymmetric synthesis an excess of one of these forms is produced. To achieve this, in a catalytic way - that is, with the aid of a molecule that speeds up the reaction without being consumed itself- is what this year's Nobel Laureates have accomplished.
The researchers examined how the different fish aligned in schools, and how close they staved to each other. They found that those that were highly lateralized tended to stay closer and in better alignment than those that were nonlateralized. Forming such an efficient school allows fish to swim faster and with greater maneuverability, enabling them to better avoid predators. A tight school also confers a hydrodynamic advantage: it takes less energy for each fish to swim.
Assume that Adam and Eve are equipped with two watches (one each) that are synchronized before Eve leaves on her space journey. When Eve returns to Earth and Adam, the time Δt has passed according to Adam's watch, but only the time Δτ ( 3 ) Δt according to Eve's watch. Thus, Eve is younger than Adam, when the two twins meet again after Eve's space journey.
When alanine is produced in a laboratory under normal conditions, a mixture is obtained, half of which consists of (R)-alanine and half of (S)-alanine. In an asymmetric synthesis an excess of one of these forms is produced. To achieve this, in a catalytic way - that is, with the aid of a molecule that speeds up the reaction without being consumed itself- is what this year's Nobel Laureates have accomplished.
In fact this is not the case. Scientists and engineers may be technically brilliant and creative, but unless they can convince coworkers, clients, and supervisors of their worth, their technical skills will be unnoticed, unappreciated, and unused. In a word, if technical people cannot communicate to others what they are doing and why it is important, it is they and their excellent technical skills that will be superfluous. From this perspective, communication skills are not just handy; they are critical tools for success, even survival, in real world environments.
The word chiral derives from the Greek word ceir (cheir), meaning hand. Our hands are chiral - the right hand is a mirror image of the left - as are most of life's molecules such as (R)-alanine and (S)-alanine, which are mirror images of each other. In our cells we find only one form of this amino acid, (S)-alanine. The same is true for enzymes, antibodies, hormones and DNA.
Oil exploration is a similarly hit-and-miss affair. Despite all the high-tech methods geologists use nowadays, nine out of every 10 exploration wells turn out to be dry. It stands to reason, Deffeyes argues, that as more of the world’s oil is discovered, the smaller the new finds are going to get. Deffeyes’s bell curve is a plot of the volume of oil discovered each year for most of the 20th century. The curve rises slowly at first, as geologists picked off the easy-to-find fields?the ones that announced themselves with telltale tar pits and oil slicks. The curve shoots up during the ’50s and ’60s, when geologists discovered many of the bigger, deeper reserves, such as those in the North Sea, the Bass Strait and Saudi Arabia. As the century draws to a close, the pace of discovery actually accelerates, but the finds are smaller. The curve begins to flatten out.
However, can you not turn the discussion around and say that Eve has been at rest in her space-ship while Adam has been on a "space journey'" with planet Earth? In that case. Adam must be younger than Eve at the reunion! If these discussions were both correct, then Adam should be both older and younger than Eve at the same time. But both these discussions are not correct. Adam is at rest all the time on Earth, i.e., he is in the same inertial frame all the time, but Eve is not (as was stated above). Eve will feel forces when her space-ship accelerates and retards, and Adam will not feel such forces.
Our Report did not address the virtues or deficiencies of ethanol; rather, we described a potentially more efficient use for it. Deciding on the best technologies for energy is a much more complex issue that needs urgent attention.
Energy may be the most important technological issue of the 21st century, and simply noting the possible deficiencies of ethanol may be shortsighted, If we are to address the global warming, pollution, and national security problems created by fossil fuels, we have no choice but to find domestic renewable sources that reduce or eliminate CO2 emissions. Although wind, hydroelectricity, nuclear power, and solar cells are possible nonchemical sources of energy (along with conservation), we will need to replace much of petroleum with chemical energy.
It is possible that the USDA analysis is too optimistic, whereas that of the Pimentel might be too pessimistic. However, it is clear that even in the optimistic case, ethanol is not much of a source of renewable energy. The U.S. ethanol program is primarily a subsidy for agribusiness and has its own political rationale. Were it not a subsidy, we would not be imposing a tariff of about 50 cents per gallon on Brazilian ethanol produced much more efficiently from sugarcane.
Ionizing radiation includes cosmic rays, X-rays and the radiation from radioactive materials. Non-ionizing radiation includes ultraviolet light, radiant heat, radio waves and microwaves. The basic unit of biological tissue is the cell, which has a control center called the nucleus. About 80 % of the cell consists of water, the other 20 % being complex biological compounds. When ionizing radiation passes through cellular tissue, it produces charged water molecules. These break up into entities called free radicals, such as free hydroxyl radical (OH), which is composed of an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom. Free radicals are highly reactive chemically and can alter important molecules in the cell.
>>269 What your friend had said (is) that you wanted to have sex with me and learn english that way.... not sure if that's what you were meaning or not. 君の友達が言ってたのは、君が私とセックスしたいって、そういう方法で英語を学びたいって…。 君もそういう意味だったのか、そうじゃなかったのかは分からないけど。
Magneto-optic recording technology makes possible the high density of optical recording with the erasable and rewritable characteristics of conventional magnetic recording. In magneto-optic recording, the beam of light from a diode laser is focused onto the surface of a temperature-sensitive magnetic thin film. The local heating that is due to the energy from laser beam causes a reduction in the magnetic field required to reverse the magnetization in the film, and, as a result, the magnetization in the heated region assumes the direction of the applied field.
The Apostles' Creed is one such "confession faith." Altough modified torough the centuries, its roots go back to first century. It is still widely read and believed in churches today. Here we can already trace the development of early Christian doctorine. Everyone who new of Jesus' life and miracles tought he was something like God.
March was named after Mars because of its rough and boisterous weather, and we find the the same idea in the minds of the Angles and Saxons, who called it Hlythmonath-the loud or stormy month. Another name for it was Lencten-monath, the lengthening month, because it is during March that the days rapidly become longer.
However, I need to focus on my Ph.D. thesis because I have an evaluation with my committee next November. They will then decide if I can graduate soon or if I need to do more work. The doctoral life is very stressful. You need to work a lot during long hours and your work doesn't always translates in successful results.Luckily,my experiences are very successful recently and I have a lot of pleasure working in the lab and thinking about my project. Maybe this is due to the excellent fortune I pulled out of the box at the temple.My studies involve the development of sensory neurons in the zebrafish. I want to understand how fish, like humans, can sense different kind of stimuli such as heat, cold or touch.
here, in Israel, we have a war right now going on in the north with Lebanon, i wonder whether you have it on your daily news, so i can't really do anything,since i live in the north and we have to stay in the shelters when there is a siren and we can never know when it's going to be,but i spend now more time with myself which is great - yoga,reading, studying Arabic,things i wouldn't have time for if not for the war, it's just that the free time reminds me i should spend some more time with myself.
In questions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A),(B),(C)and(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
To read the recorded information, the same diode laser is used, but with lower power output so that heating is insignificant. The plane-polarized light, on reflection from the film surface, suffers a rotation of the direction of polarization that is dependent on the direction of magnetization in the film. Thus, by using an analyzer and a photodiode, the magnetization direction in the disk, which is representative of binary data, may be read. Amorphous thin-film materials are the present media for this technology and, being relatively new, are not well understood. Physicists are needed to help to develop a solid understanding of magneto-optic recording materials so that a high magneto-optic signal-to-noise ratio, good stability against changes in temperature, and a resistance to aging effects are achieved.
When researchers first recognized the disease, they hoped that by isolating patients and their contacts, they might halt transmission of the disease and stamp out the virus. But as the full extent of the outbreak in China became apparent−2000 cases as of 22 April−researchers acknowledged that the likelihood of reaching contacts of all those infected was remote.
Naw baby if you cool w/us like this then... well let it do what it gonna do.... i dont mind having you around and if this works for you then it works for me...をどなたかお願いします☆
Errors may be divided into two kinds, systematic and random. A systematic error is one which is constant throughout a set of readings. A random error is one which varies and which is equally likely to be positive or negative. Random errors are always present in an experiment and, in the absence of systematic- errors, they cause successive readings to spread about the true value of the quantity.
There's a door here, but it will not break There's a stone there, but it won't remain Up there a heaben now, but it will not wait And the lies there, the scent of it, just too much So should you, Sow it once and make it grow, the sweet clematis Let it flower, and paint it all of the colors bold Instantly things fall and fade, return to silence Why oh why, why does it all feel so sorrowful? Dreams of what is real
To read the recorded information, the same diode laser is used, but with lower power output so that heating is insignificant. The plane-polarized light, on reflection from the film surface, suffers a rotation of the direction of polarization that is dependent on the direction of magnetization in the film. Thus, by using an analyzer and a photodiode, the magnetization direction in the disk, which is representative of binary data, may be read.
WEB記事を翻訳していたんですが、以下の3文が上手く訳せませんでした。 Manga is the comic book's richly illustrated Japanese cousin, alive with adolescent strife and romance, often written with a dose of the supernatural.
The climate for such deals owes much to Tokyopop and its aggressive development of a new paradigm.
Manga is also drawing new media. Fans can download Tokyopop's "manga pods" (audio snippets). There's a music label and a MySpace site, and mobile-manga games are on the way. Tokyopop is planning TV animation and-- the ultimate crossover--a motion picture with Sony Screen Gems. Anyone for Manga Meets Spider-Man?
But pinpointing those variables in the early days of a new disease is a tall order. A diagnostic test that can quickly distinguish between cases of SARS and other maladies would help determine incubation time. Existing tests are not sensitive enough: A negative result does not rule out infection with the SARS virus.
I'm very understanding. I still find that I am worse at Japanese, a lot because particles can be very confusing.
If you would like, I will tell you what might be the best way to say everything you might write, unless you would rather learn by example rather than correction.
EU dealt massive blow as French reject constitution Defeat may kill initiative, end Chirac election hopes
PARIS(Blooming) France rejected the European Union’s constitution in a national referendum, dealing a blow to President Jacques Chirac and European integration. All eyes were in the Netherlands, where the government is fighting an uphill battle to persuade voters to approve the text in its own referendum Wednesday. Recent polls show Dutch voters will reject the constitution. The “no” vote Sunday in France garnered 54.87 percent, with 45.13 percent voting in favor, the Interior Ministry said. The defeat, the first vote of an EU pact by a founding member, may kill the constitution, which requires the approval of all 25 nations. The rebuff may end Chirac’s hopes of seeking re-election in 2007 after his failure to curb unemployment, at a 5 1/2-year high.
If we find that it's very hard to get a guy we like, the emotion become more strong. Think about it, If he like you too much, don't you feel afraid of that? 宜しくお願いします。
Large, handsome and sturdy insects, drone beetles have distinctive antennae that end in a club that can be fanned out to form a leafy antenna with a large surface area
Funny you were concern to watch a "cartoon"! :-) You know how LONG it took me to realize how silly that was, of course by American standards, it had to be a seies of leaps and bounds since our cartoons pale in comparision to what the Japanese could handle in theirs?
どなたか よろしくお願い致します。m(__)m aretn you alittle too young to be drinking hmmmm? just joking, i hope you had a good time i want to party with you guys one day!! I will chat wiht yuo when i get home, its not good at work, i might get in trouble
There is no reason to assume, however, as many people do, that one and only one approach will provide us with all the answers to our questions about second language acquisition.
nostalgic!! When the 6 or 7 years-old time, I thought it shameful that the male look at this animation. Therefore,I hid in my room and was looking at this animation. It feared that parents will get to know that I am looking at this animation. All were not able to be seen though it was regrettable. I want to sometimes come to hear the music of ending. Probably the impulse will continue throughout life.
Here the difference between the scheduled completion date and the forecast completion date is seen as causing decisions to change the magnitude or allocation of project resources
There is an update for the book, as we had collected so many nice works we now plan to expand the content and divide the book into different sections. It would be nice to feature more works by you in a section featuring products with girly-taste image.
Attached images for the items we would like to feature from you and if there is some more suggestions from you, please feel free to advise.
Should there be any inquiry, please feel free to email me. Hope to hearing from you soon.
Errors may be divided into two kinds, systematic and random. A systematic error is one which is constant throughout a set of readings. A random error is one which varies and which is equally likely to be positive or negative. Random errors are always present in an experiment and, in the absence of systematic- errors, they cause successive readings to spread about the true value of the quantity.
"I just wanted to send you a smile and tell you I'm thinking of you. Sorry for not getting round to writing for another week or so. I'm having an American friend visit me - as soon as she's gone, my life will be a little more quiet again. I hope you are healthy and fine."
そこで、"I'm having an American friend visit me"をどう解釈するか 迷っているのですが、「私はアメリカ人の友人に訪問されている(訪問を 受けている?)」という感じではないかと思っているのですが、 どう思われますか?さらに、その後に"as soon as she's gone,my life will be a little more quiet again."と書かれているので、その訪問に対して 文通相手が少し消極的なのかと思うのですが、これもどう思われますか? どなたかご教授頂けないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Researchers are optimistic that better diagnostics may soon be available, now that the disease's causative agent has been firmly established; the final evidence came last week from experiments in which monkeys infected with the corona-virus developed symptoms similar to those of human SARS patients. The same week, four laboratories announced independently that they had sequenced the genome of the new virus.
Few things are more satisfying than work that makes a person an essential part of the family,community,or world,and in which one receives recognition for contributing toward the commpn good. The greatest possible satisfaction of the manufacturer or merchant is no more limited to profit than the greatest possible satisfaction of the minister,teacher,or physician is limited to his payment for service.
I don't think it's really hard to pronounce, it's more of a chore to learning to distinguish between the two sounds, just like the problem that many have with the "L" and "R" sounds.
Chinese besiege consulate in Shanghai; Beijing fairly clams
SHANGHAI(Reuters) ― Shouting “Japanese invaders must die,” thousands protested against Japan’s wartime past in eastern China on Saturday, hurling rocks and bottles and burning Japanese flags at Tokyo’s consulate in Shanghai. But, with thousands of paramilitary police on the streets of Beijing and students warned against protesting, authorities appeared to have headed off a repeat of last weekend’s demonstrations in the capital, which will host Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura on Sunday. Police also barred demonstrations in southern Guangzhou and southwestern Changqing, where thousands took to the streets last weekend.
Few things are more satisfying than work that makes a person an essential part of the family,community,or world,and in which one receives recognition for contributing toward the commpn good. The greatest possible satisfaction of the manufacturer or merchant is no more limited to profit than the greatest possible satisfaction of the minister,teacher,or physician is limited to his payment for service.
長いですが、お願いします The result also casts doubt on closer ties with members of the bloc that have not adopted the euro and may set back plans by countries, such as Turkey and Croatia to join. “It’s a “no” against the government,” said Emmanuel Ferry, senior economist at Exane-BNP Paribas SA. Chirac “seems quite compromised now. His chances of running again are very slim.” Ferry said Europe risks a “paralysis of institutions” which will “see the euro fall against the dollar, the yen and sterling.” The euro fell, heading for the biggest monthly decline in four. It was at $1.2536 at 7:30 a.m. in London compared with $1.2585 on May 27. “We’re entering a period of high uncertainty, and investors don’t like uncertainly, said French Finance Minister Thierry Breton on France 2.” “We’ll have to make twice as much effort. I’ll be running 100 meters carrying a 20-kilo bag.”
The band theory of solids helps to explain the different electrical conductivities of conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. The energy levels associated with each state of the isolated atoms spread into essentially continuous energy bands separated from each other by energy gaps. The bands derived from the lower energy atomic states are narrow since there is less overlap among the associated wave functions.
It is important not to confuse this magnetic dipole with the magnetic effect that would result from the motion of the electron in an orbit around the nucleus. To be sure, that motion does produce a magnetic effect, but in addition the electron carries a magnetic dipole around with it. Since the electron bears a negative charge and the magnetic effect could be produced by the motion of such a charge around a circle, the electron is sometimes visualized as a tiny ball of charge, spinning about an axis.
This visualization has led to the name spin for the observed magnetic property of the electron. They concluded also that the spin of an electron in a magnetic field could take only two possible values. The behavior of the electron suggested that its magnetic dipole always has the same strength and therefore that it always spins at the same speed. But it can spin in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction.
The restriction of the spin to two values is like the restrictions that quantum theory and wave mechanics put on the permitted states and energies of the electron. Using the language of those theories, you can say that the spin of an electron is apparently so strongly quantized in the presence of a magnetic field that it can take only two values. They are sometimes called up and down.
I am no longer too embarrassed to ask people for directions、 but I often receive extremely confusing replies and I am no more likely to get to my distination than I was if I had not stopped to ask the way.
In a conductor, the highest occupied band is only partially filled. The electrons do not full to the bottom of the band because they are prevented from doing so by the exclusion principle, called the Fermi level EF, which is 3-8 eV above the bottom of the band. The electrons in this partially filled conduction band can respond to an external electric field because there are many nearby unoccupied levels available.
@Today there is a television set in almost every house. In one country a recent survey showed that the average person spent three and a half hours a day watching television. Housewives were the biggest group of viewers. They spent an average of about five hours a day watching TV while taking care of their children.
AFor families with children a major problem is getting the children away from the television to do their homework. What impact then does television have on people's lives?
BTo find out,an unuseal experiment was carried out recently. A group of forty-four families was asked to disconnect their television sets for one month. The families were studied to see how their lives were affected by not being able to watch TV during this period.
CFour of families found that family life simply could not continue whithout TV and they withdrew from the experiment. They said they could find no other way to spend their free time. Among those who could keep away from television,several interesting observations were reported.
DSome parents were glad to end the daily struggle among family members to dicide what program to watch. In some families,the family went to bed earlier. Family members found other things to do,such as reading or playing volleyball. Many families found that they had more time to talk and play among themselves without television. Dinner time was more relaxed without the pressure of TV. Children's eyesight improved in several cases.
EOn th other hand,some families said they greatly missed their favorite programs. A father in one family without TV started gambling,and another began to drink heavily. Some children found they had nothing to talk about at school;they no longer could talk about their favorite comedians,singers,or actors. Several mothers found they had less to talk about with their children.
FAt the end of the experiment,most of the families wanted to have the television back in their homes. But they said that in the future they would watch only certain programs, and not allow their lives to be governed by television.
But he could not be equated with God, for that would be blasphemy; the creator of the universe could noy be confined in one human body. This could be solved by calling Jesus "God son," even as Jesus himself called God hin "papa." But if Hesus were truly God's son, it seemed thay Mary must have been a virgin when she bore the body Jesus, as the gospels say.
The name April comes from the Latin word aperire, which means "to open," and the month was no doubt so named because it is during April that the earth, which has been bound by the sharp frosts of winter, once again opens beneath the warm rays of the sun; the withered sheaths fall away from the ripened buds, which, opening out, disclose to our eyes their long hidden treasures of beautiful colour.
The constitution, signed by EU leaders in Rome in October, was the product of 2 1/2 years of negotiations led by former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing. The 448-article accord was designed to make decision-making easier among 25 countries after the bloc’s expansion last year. It foresees an EU president and foreign minister, boosts the European Parliament’s power, and increases the voting weight of France and Germany. “The position of France within European institutions was weakened by this vote,” Luxembourg’s Economy and Trade Minister Jeannot Krecke said on radio Monday. Chirac, in a three-minute speech delivered after the exit polls, pledged a “new impetus,” signaling that Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, 56, may soon leave his post. “I will tell you in the very next days my decisions regarding the government and its priorities,” said Chirac. “France’s decision inevitably creates a difficult backdrop for the defense of our interests in Europe.” おねがいします
We find that the month was sacred to Venus, the Roman Goddess of Beauty, and some people think for this reason that the name April comes not from aperire, but from Aphrilis, which in turn comes from Aphrodite, the name given to the Goddess of Beauty by the Greeks. Venus is said to have sprung from the foam of the sea, and to hane made her way to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, where, because of her wonderfol beauty and grace, she was welcomed as the Goddess of Love and Beauty.
BAGHDAD(AP) The Iraqi Parliament picked Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as the country’s new interim president Wednesday, reaching out to the nation’s long-repressed Kurdish minority and bringing the country closer to its first democratically elected government in 50 years. Ousted members of the country’s former regime ― including toppled leader Saddam Hussein ― watched the event on television in their prison cells, Human Rights Minister Bakhtiyar Amin told Al-Arabiya television. Wednesday’s election was largely a formality. Lawmakers had already agreed on Talabani and two vice presidential candidates during weeks of sometimes tense negotiations held after the country’s Jan. 30 elections. Shiite Adel Abdul-Mahdi and interim President Ghazi al-Yawer, a Sunni Arab, were also chosen as Talabani’s tow vice presidents. The three were the only cansidates and received a total of 227 votes. Thirty ballotes were left blank. おねがいします
Adding complexity to this scheme might entail paralleling the single loop based on schedule response with two others based on budget and technical objectives control, respectively.
but I don't think it's less than America, either. All countries have their problems, so I have a much better grasp of the reality of Japan than most of our Otaku that think that Japan is nothing but anime parties all the time. お願いします
Instead of inoculating cattle with a pesticide to control disease, so that consumers eat the poison along with their steak,it may be possible to produce in the animals a natural and inheritable immunity to certain diseases by employing recombinant DNA technology.
Hi, VAvLIUM from 1 , 20 CIvALIS from 3 , 75 AMvBIEN VIvAGRA from 3 , 35 http://www.evtagiharolus.com Like Big Red and his mates on the other side of the wall? Exactly. But what was happening there was far more dangerous than just editing a myth. I had suspected that there would be some strong
his friend named michael was having trouble with substance abuse and daniel tried to help him and he was a very close friend to him michael actaully passed away from it and daniel wrote a song for him
Chinese have been protesting against textbooks they see as whitewashing Japan’s wartime past, and against Tokyo’s bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. In the third weekend of violent protests against Japan across China, thousands marched on the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, smashing windows with rocks, pelting it with paint bombs and attacking Japanese restaurants along the way. よろしくおねがいします Marchers set fire to the red-and-white Japanese flag. Some held posters carrying messages such as “Face Up to History,” white another warned: “The anti-Japan war is not over yet.” A Japanese car was overturned by protesters, left covered with scrawled on its side. Hundreds of paramilitary police in full riot gear stood ready as police appealed for order on loud hailers. Isolated scuffles broke out and about a dozen protesters were dragged away. During moments of relative calm, protesters and police alike were spotted buying lattes at a nearby coffee shop.
I don't work for a big company that could send me there, either. So, I'm not sure how I can go for more than a visit right now. It'll probably be a while before I can go, anyway. お願いします
I think I'd like to spend more than just a few weeks, but I know it's hard for an American to get anything other than a translation or teaching job. I don't think I'm a qualified teacher and I know I'm not good at translation yet. お願いしますm(_ _)m
Like Big Red and his mates on the other side of the wall? Exactly. But what was happening there was far more dangerous than just editing a myth. I had suspected that there would be some strong.
I was once on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would direct him to the Sunlight Insurance Building. I automatically gave my usual reply,butI had only walked on a few steps when I realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However,at this point,I decided it was too late to turn back and search for him out of the crowd behind me as I had an appointment to keep at the office with a new client and I did not want to keep him waiting.
Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions to my office and his appointment when he recognized me as the person he had asked!
The announcement that Talabani won drew applause in the National Assembly. In the Kurdish north, which had led uprising against Hussein, crowds celebrated the announcement. “Today Jalal Talabani made it to the seat of power, while Saddam Hussein is sitting in jail,” said Mohammed Saleh, a 42-year-old Kurd in Kirkuk. “Who would have thought?” Talabani’s election was one of several appointments designed to reflect Iraq’s diverse groups. Sunni Arabs also got the speaker post with Hajim al-Hassani’s appointment. But prominent Sunni Arab groups ― whose members are believed to make up the backbone of the insurgency ― distanced themselves from the government, saying al-Yawer and al-Hassani didn’t represent them. “We are not related to any process in this matter of choosing candidates for posts in this government,” Association of Muslim Scholars spokesman Muthana Harith Al-Dari said. Disproportionately few Sunni Arabs were elected to the Parliament, mostly because they boycotted the elections or stayed home because they feared attacks at the polls. Talabani was expected to be sworn in Thursday, then name Shite leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari prime minister, clearing the way for talks on a new constitution that must be completed by Aug. 15. 和訳、おねがいします
Button came from behind in dramatic fashion after starting 14th but working his way through the field and taking advantage of other drivers' misfortune.
I think for the most part, it might be easier for east Aisians. Usually, the only time you'll find somebody that doesn't like Japanese people is the older generations that lived during World War 2 and usually those are soldiers that were in the war.
A. W. Castleman, Jr., and his students at the Pennsylvania State University forced highly pressurized water through a nozzle into a vacuum. They fired a beam of electrons into the vapor, ionizing it, and then studied the composition of the vapor. The ion [H(H2O)21]+ "just leaps out of the spectrum of species in the vapor," Castleman said. Based on computer modeling, they believe the cluster must be highly regular, probably resembling the picture shown here.
I might have to go to Egypt before I can go to Japan. My brother-in-law wants me to go with him to visit his family the next time my older sister goes.
I don't know how I'll be able to survive. I don't know any Egyptian Arabic. I've been with him when he's with his friends and I always feel lost and alone because I don't know what they're saying. お願いします
From: "Charlton Farquhar" Date: To: Subject: dubyb
D c ea u r H u om b e O f wne b r,
Your c y re a di r t doesn't m m atter to us!
If you OW i N r z ea n l e w st a at x e and want I x MME g DI b ATE c m as f h to s x pen r d ANY way you like, or simply wish to L q OW u ER your m o onthly p g aym b ent q s by a third or more, here are the d k ea c ls w we have T y OD x AY:
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If you OWN real estate and want IMMEDIATE cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish to LOWER your monthly payments by a third or more, here are the deals we have TODAY:
If in addition a systematic error is present, the readings spread, not about the true value, but, about some displaced value. Suppose that the period of a pendulum is measured by means of a stopclock and the measurement is repeated many times. Errors in starting and stopping the clock, in estimating the scale divisions, small irregularities in the motion of the pendulum, all these cause variations in the results of successive measurements and may be regarded as random errors. If no other errors are present, some results will be too high and others too low. But if, in addition, the clock is running slow, all the results will be too low.
Insane I feel ashamed when the morning comes. And I hate to breathe Guilty No doubt I am Please tell me how to come clean again Spaceship Go fuck the stars When the night falls down they shine on me Have you ever felt this way Like you are the worst mankind on the planet earth Don't even ask why I'm standing here I found a piece of me It is still left in you It's very cheap but cute emotion I wish you were here 'Cause I found the way to live with that I'm not going anywhere I thought you'd only make me weak That's wrong I knew it all and you knew it all it's never gonna work To wait for someone who could stop this rain It just rains Tell me how is life treating you baby you're stuck in there so long. Let me show the way to better another day. All you got to do is take a hit and dump your head to the sound around. You're gonna feel all right like danbing all,tonight. おねがいします 大体は分るんだけど詩のようだから本意がつかめないというかorz
I think, just like in Japan, education is one of the easiest jobs that any bilingual person can get. At the college I attend, we have a Japanese woman that teaches the Spanish classes. お願いします。
In a separate experiment, the researchers found that fish with lateralized brains tended to stay in the center of schools, rather than on the periphery. This, too, presumably is advantageous in that it offers better protection from predators. The researchers say the lateralized brain probably gives the fish some kind of computational edge, perhaps because processing of sensory information (like that coming from the eyes) occurs only in one brain hemisphere. There is little or no hemisphere-to-hemisphere interaction to slow things.
A. W. Castleman, Jr., and his students at the Pennsylvania State University forced highly pressurized water through a nozzle into a vacuum. They fired a beam of electrons into the vapor, ionizing it, and then studied the composition of the vapor.
To read the recorded information, the same diode laser is used, but with lower power output so that heating is insignificant. The plane-polarized light, on reflection from the film surface, suffers a rotation of the direction of polarization that is dependent on the direction of magnetization in the film. Thus, by using an analyzer and a photodiode, the magnetization direction in the disk, which is representative of binary data, may be read.
On the other hand, the band structure in a semiconductor is similar to that in an insulator, but the gap is much smaller. For example, it is 0.7 eV in Ge and 1.1 eV in Si. At room temperature, a few electrons can be thermally excited from the valence band to the conduction band. As the temperature is increased, the number of conduction electrons increases, and as a consequence the conductivity also increases. When an electron makes a transition from the valence band to the conduction band, it leaves a vacancy, called a hole. If an external field is applied, another electron in the valence band can move to fill the hole, thereby leaving a hole in its original position. The new hole can be filled by yet another electron, and so on. As this process continues, the hole migrates through the solid. The total current through the semiconductor arises from the motion of electrons in conduction band and of holes in the valence band. A pure material in which these two processes occur is an intrinsic semiconductor.
Q: Johnny, it's time to answer the tough questions. What is it, boxers or briefs? What physical trait do you find most attractive? And finally, where's the weirdest place you've made out?
A: Underwear changes depending on my mood. The most attractive physical trait are eyes and lips. The weirdest place I've made out was either an elevator or the back of my car, so retro.
Their team would have been further buoyed team by seeing an Arsenal team-sheet bereft of a number of leading names including captain Thierry Henry and goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.
Gedo Senki's art style is typical Ghibli but the story is typical epic fantasy, which is a little jarring; given the source material (Ursula K. LeGuin's EarthSea novels) this should be expected, but it still comes as a suprise to see a Ghibli movie with a story in the vein of Lodoss War.
ゲド戦記の感想なんですが、この部分が上手く訳せません。 (Ursula K. LeGuin's EarthSea novels)はウルスラ K ル=グウィン著 小説EarthSea=邦題ゲド戦記、 Lodoss Warはロードス島戦記という作品です。どなかたお願いします。
All the staples of the fantasy genre are combined into a movie that, much like Mononoke Hime, isn't shy about having one or two deeper messages to tell. Goro wants to tell us that life is short and fragile, and precisely because of that it must be cherished.
From what I've seen, Japanese will usually have better jobs around here than most Chinese. There's a bigger Chinese population and it's harder to find many Japanese here if you don't know where to look. お願いします。
I think the Japanese around here keeps to themselves and don't go out as much as everybody else does. I might see a small group of Japanese girls at the mall sometimes, but it's very rare. I have more luck of seeing Japanese near Japanese businesses. お願いします!
Amorphous thin-film materials are the present media for this technology and, being relatively new, are not well understood. Physicists are needed to help to develop a solid understanding of magneto-optic recording materials so that a high magneto-optic signal-to-noise ratio, good stability against changes in temperature, and a resistance to aging effects are achieved.
I think a lot of his problem, though, is because of his Arabic name. Right now, because of what's happening in the middle east, everybody from that area is having a hard time right now. お願いします
Many people are very prejudice against people from over there thinking that they might be terrorists. However, many people don't realize that Egypt sides with America and doesn't want to be part of any wars. お願いします。
Probably because of the ubiquity of water in our environment, the general realization that this liquid had many unique features worth closer study came relatively recently
If you work with Columbus Public Schools, they might need you to help in the classroom as a bilingual assistant or visit with parents that might not know english. お願いします。
Each of them is interesting and well-defined in his own way, but one might be tempted to play a "who's twin is this" game. The main exception to this is Arren; as a confused and angsty (but thankfully not whiny) youth, he is somewhat of a anomaly in Ghibli films, and a breath of fresh air. Really, the only way in which this movie suffers is by comparison to Miyazaki senior.
The Division of Undergraduate Education at the NSF has several programmes for enhancing undergraduate science literacy and communications skills. But there is no programme that specifically aims to improve science communication for science majors. Perhaps we should look to a model developed in the physics and astronomy department at University College London where all degree students are trained in essay writing, conducting research and giving presentations during each year of their study.
In certain aspects of college life, Students will find that understanding; American attitudes will be of help to them. For example, in college classes a higher value is placed upon efficiency and directness of expression than on certain forms of politeness that are observed in other countries, If a professor asks students whether they have understood an explanation he has given, he wants a straightforward yes or no.
All the gods fell in love with her, but she scorned them all, and Jupiter, to pusish her for pride, oeder her to marry Vulcan, the God of Fire, who was deformed and very rough in his manner. He had been thrown from the top of Mount Olympus by Jupiter in a fit of anger. Had he not been a god, he would, of course, have been killed by the fall, but he escaped with a broken leg, which made him lame for the rest of his life.
1.When I arrived at the terminal, I found that the last bus had left. 2.I will call you as soon as Jim comes home. 3.Jim will be laying on the beach in Hawaii tomorrow evening. 4.By the time you finish your work, we will have finished our dinner. 5.I would have come home earlier if you had called me sooner. これらの和訳お願いします。
Please feel free to send me the preview files / snap of the items you suggest. After received the files, I can discuss with my team and plan the arrangement. Is it fine for you to send me the snaps early next week?
Also, is it OK for you to borrow the items for me to photography? I can return everything to you after shooting.
After a career as one of history's greatest shortstops, the Iron Man of the Baltimore Orioles thinks there's serious money in pairing young professionals with even younger instruction-seeking amateurs cheek by jowl.
In 1912 , Alfred Wegener proposed the idea that 200 million years ago the earth had only one huge supercontinent , from which today's continents broke apart and drifted into their current locations .
>>645>>646 ありがとうございます。 today's continents を主語にするならば、 today's continents were broken apart and drifted into their current locations. とするべきだと思うのですがどうでしょうか。
Myron Britt was in court Wednesday with members of his new defense team, which includes Joe Freeman Britt, a former Robeson County prosecutor and judge.
Joe Britt, no relation to Myron Britt, became known as the "world's deadliest prosecutor" after he sent more than 20 defendants to death row.
Myron Britt is accused of the shooting death of his wife, Nancy, at her sister's home in Lumberton in August 2003. Prosecutors claim he wanted to cash in on his wife's $800,000 insurance policy.
Myron Britt and Joe Freeman Britt are not related.
I don’t think I could have said it any better than you my friend. For two years now, we have worked on the project, and for two years, I have enjoyed every single moment. We could not have asked to be partnered with a more dynamic, more creative a nd more PERFECT team than the one we have.
We have become a well-oiled machine, and have made the East-West work flow so absolutely easy that it seems as if we are all in the same office working on these play. From the times we spent in the your offices putting note cards on the walls for plots, to actually reading the amazing final scripts, there has not been a program that I have enjoyed more than the project.
I've worked for 13 years. Now,I'm a manager of a customer support dept. IT trend changes so fast. So keep surfing the wave of technology that changes day by day.
Goddess type posts are clearly ok by US law. Whether they violate Japanese law and where they are posted is not my concern. I would hope that the goddess that posts her picture would take enough precauion that he or she or heshe will not get in trouble in their locale. If their post reaches a server that I own, it will be potected speach unless it violates the law here in San Francisco. BBSpink is definately the appropriate place for goddess posts. It is an adult only bbs, and the people reading it are adults, and should expect some explicit material. If reading bbspink violates the law in your locale, I am sorry for you, and hope that your laws will beomce more accomodating to you someday. Freedom of speach is an important right for all of humanity. It should not have anything to do with borders of countires. However we all know that iit does, and that some of humanity is more free and equal than others. I wish it was not that way, but it is. I will do my best to protect and defend peoples freedom of expression. it is my passion. If someone were to post speach that is not protected, I will not hessitate to report and help that person be apprehended by the police. Classic example of speach that is not protected is yelling FIRE in a crouded theater, or violating the rights of a minor by uploading provacative images of them. Basically don't be stupid and lets have fun!
1By its nature,the expensive habit is not only physically gratifying but also beyond the financial reach of all but a fortunatefew,thus making it a treat for the mind as well as the body. 2but we in our creativity have always been able to devise rarer and ever more luxurious alternatives to anything that threatens to become commonplace
1.Sometimes just for the fun of it,I would call out something. 2.The next time we played The Imagination Game,I would sit happily in my place and watch the dance of the chicken feet. 3.If you just saw darkness,it doesn't mean you will have a hard,sad life. 4.You know when we played The Imagination Game? お願いします。
1By its nature,the expensive habit is not only physically gratifying but also beyond the financial reach of all but a fortunatefew,thus making it a treat for the mind as well as the body. 2but we in our creativity have always been able to devise rarer and ever more luxurious alternatives to anything that threatens to become commonplace
according to timemagazine, some french tourists in the united states conclude that no one likes the french because no one seems to speak their language.
The announcement that Talabani won drew applause in the National Assembly. In the Kurdish north, which had led uprising against Hussein, crowds celebrated the announcement. “Today Jalal Talabani made it to the seat of power, while Saddam Hussein is sitting in jail,” said Mohammed Saleh, a 42-year-old Kurd in Kirkuk. “Who would have thought?” Talabani’s election was one of several appointments designed to reflect Iraq’s diverse groups. Sunni Arabs also got the speaker post with Hajim al-Hassani’s appointment. But prominent Sunni Arab groups ― whose members are believed to make up the backbone of the insurgency ― distanced themselves from the government, saying al-Yawer and al-Hassani didn’t represent them. “We are not related to any process in this matter of choosing candidates for posts in this government,” Association of Muslim Scholars spokesman Muthana Harith Al-Dari said. Disproportionately few Sunni Arabs were elected to the Parliament, mostly because they boycotted the elections or stayed home because they feared attacks at the polls. Talabani was expected to be sworn in Thursday, then name Shite leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari prime minister, clearing the way for talks on a new constitution that must be completed by Aug. 15. おねがいします
They take up a lot of ground space used to cotain wastes produced by cities and industries. They say it would use carbon dioxide and enzymes, which are proteins made by cells.
Doing so costs industries more money than it does to make new ones.
I am always surprised to find some questions that i sought to evade have been answered and some complicated problem i had hoped to flee have become clearer in my absence. お願いします
according to timemagazine, some french tourists in the united states conclude that no one likes the french because no one seems to speak their language.
this americanization process encouraged italian, german, hungarian, japanese, nigerian, and other immigrants to be american in their attitude, culture, and citizenship
In New England they smile less, and in the western part of New York State still less.
Many Southerners find cities such as New York cold and unfriendly, partly because people on Madison Avenue smile less than people Street in Atlanta, Georgia.
People in densely populated urban areas also tend to smile and greet each other in public less tnan do people in rural areas and small towns.
@Does your phone lose reception during such times? ASo do I. The guy he's working for now doesn't let his go home very much at all. He only sleeps for an hour or two every day if he's lucky. And he isn't paid well at all. But my brother-in-law is afraid of being out of work if he leaves. お願いします
I don't quite agree with what our country did to Japan during World War II either because it was no better than what happened to us with the World Trade Towers.
She thinks I'm much too thin She asks me if I'm sick What's a girl to do with friends like this She lets me drive her car So I can score an eighth From the lesbians out west in Venice California in the Summer and my hair is growing long Fuck yeah, we can live like this
But if you left it up to me Everyday would beA holiday from real We'd waste our weeks beneath the sun We'd fry our brains and say it's so much fun out here But when it's all over I'll come back for another year
I'll look for work today I'm spilling out the door Put my glasses on so no one sees me I never thought that I'd be living on your floor But the rents are high and LA's easy Oh, it's a picture of perfection and the postcards gonna read
There are too many of those now and most americans love it because it's unlimited food for very cheap prices. But usually, it's not very good quality. お願いしますm(_ _)m
I know Japan is overly apologetic for what happened and I know that at least the younger generations in Germany don't like talking about it because they're angry with the older generation for doing some things. お願いします!
I don't quite agree with what our country did to Japan during World War II either because it was no better than what happened to us with the World Trade Towers.
あまりに崩れすぎていて分かりませんでした。 話題の当事者の行為についての友人のコメントとしての一文です。 what are y a gonna do, ya coulda bought a front row ticket to the would coulda woulda shoulda show. よろしくお願いします。
The credit was applied to your card on August 1 (8/1/06) and should have appeared on your statement by now. I double-checkedthat it went through and sure enough it was applied. If it fails to appear, please send a copy of your billing statement for the period from 7/25-8/10 so that we may confirm non-receipt of credit. Thanks, take care.
@Not yet. My sister has. She went there to meet him after talking to him over the internet for a while. I think they were engaged and married too soon, though. It was too quick.
AWell, I'm sure you can find some friends here, so it won't be complete Isolation. お願いしますm(_ _)m
but it's probably the best way to be in a working environment that won't overwhelm you and make you feel completely alone and lost. It would probably be best to take things a little slower at first. Maybe use English for free time and Japanese for work. お願いします
1By its nature,the expensive habit is not only physically gratifying but also beyond the financial reach of all but a fortunatefew,thus making it a treat for the mind as well as the body. 2but we in our creativity have always been able to devise rarer and ever more luxurious alternatives to anything that threatens to become commonplace
最近エロサイトからのメールが多いが、今日は英文だった よろしくたのむ How I wish you were in charge next door rather than that hairy the surface. The ripples died away and the surface was still. You will, you will. Shall we go? science building. Do you know about it? speaking again. If I didnt know better I would have said that the Carry this for a bit, will you Floyd, I said, passing over the Yes. The coded radio built into your jaw can reach the receiver at B1 mean? 19T, 908L, and such. are the only ones who survive. Iron John sat down again and crossed his legs. He either painted his >both sides of the wall have had the treatments. This makes for
1By its nature,the expensive habit is not only physically gratifying but also beyond the financial reach of all but a fortunatefew,thus making it a treat for the mind as well as the body. 2but we in our creativity have always been able to devise rarer and ever more luxurious alternatives to anything that threatens to become commonplace
1By its nature,the expensive habit is not only physically gratifying but also beyond the financial reach of all but a fortunatefew,thus making it a treat for the mind as well as the body. 2but we in our creativity have always been able to devise rarer and ever more luxurious alternatives to anything that threatens to become commonplace
>>798 Naturally, the expensive habit is not physically satisfying, but also beyond the financial reach of all except for a few lucky people. Therefore, the habit pleases mind as well as the body.
However, since we have creativity, we have always been able to make rarer and more expensive ways before the goods become common.
Sometimes, because of so much spanish that I've had, I often think of the Spanish word before the Japanese word. I'm glad I haven't said one of the Spanish/Japanese sentences that goes through my mind! お願いします!
One year, during Christmas, most of the electric in the city went out for a week because of too much ice on the electric poles. My electric was out for 3 days, but some people were out longer.お願いしますm(_ _)m
Unfortunate that it has gone the same way with Sushi in Japan. I hear that good sushi restraunts are hard to find sometimes because everybody goes to the cheaper "conveyor belt" places. 分かる方お願いします。
Do you know how to cook well? I've been wanting to cook some Japanese food sometime, but I've not been much of a cook so far. I might need help identifying some ingredients or procedures so that I'm not lost at the Japanese grocery.
It was very cold in the apartment, but I had to throw out all of my food because what I couldn't take with me went bad. Some frozen items actually melted and messed up the kitchen floor. 分かる方お願いします
We're currently putting out some new features, sweeping out the cobwebs and zapping a few gremlins. We'll be back later. In the meantime, please enjoy a layman's explanation of our website... 巨大動画サイトyoutubeがユーザーに告知している文。正しく訳せる方お願いしますm(--)m
Since a lot of things that I will need to make are for my lunch during my workday, I was considering getting a bento box to take it in. Any kind you reccomend? Should I buy several so that I can fit the meal according to size?
I have one bento box that came with a DVD from Japan, but I don't want to use that as a bento box. It's a cheaper plastic one with printing on it that I don't think will like being washed very well.
"It's interesting, and very stylish," said Craig-McCormack, who has also planned a photo workshop and contest tomorrow geared to developing a sequential story, similar to that of a graphic novel. "I think my attraction is just that it gets these teenagers so excited."
Smiling... Jellyroll whirls you anything We stand around on jewery beam Just believe in a hurry running on the dark You will smile Time limit ready be? Lying on the safety ground Someone's call and leading safe wander
You will real murmur...
You have to believe in a callin'on somebody's dance summer party Do you want to bring such humor spy and saying "No Thanks!" If you wanna do to do a Halliwood Star We so real only feel the barrettes on mirror Don't you know?
I keep up being waiting star So hello my day mirror Don't weep (If you...) There will be a starling We're okay You were mine besides Just murmur...
Smiling... Jellyroll whirls you anything We stand around on jewery beam Just believe in a hurry running on the dark You will smile Time limit ready be? Lying on the safety ground Someone's call and leading safe wander
You will real murmur... Do you will real murmur...?
Are you talking about the boxes that stack on top of each other? I've been looking at a nice one that's microwavable that would be good for food that I don't want to eat cold. It has several deviders in it for a few food items.
B:「This is ncredible.」 B:「Your sister used this to rescue you that last time?」 A:「This computer directly controls the World Panoprama. I've instalted new software. You'll have to know it, thoroughly before tomorrow.」 A:「Boyfriend?」 B:「What boyfriend?」 A:「Him.」 B:「I le's not bad, but he's too passive. I like men to be a bit more aggressive.」 A:「I have a question for you. If I was a police officer rather than an assassin... would you choose him, or me?」 B:「Never mind.」 A:「Actually, I didn't need to ask. When you were dreaming yesterday, you already said it. You're a soldier, and I'm a bandit.」
They release mostly Korean movies, but also a few Japanese and Chinese movies. All of the movies I have seen that they have released to the US are very good, I haven't been disappointed yet. お願いします
The Isle of Portland, a tilted slab of limestone four miles long and one mile wide, forms a natural breakwater between Lyme Bay to the west and the sweep of sheltered water between Weymouth and the Isle of Purbeck to the east.
In general,We can assume that proverbs with the more abstract type of wisdom began life in this way,proverbs like ゙THE end justifies the means"誰かお願いします。
Saw some pictures of it. It's a black one intended for adult men, I think. A little plain but does the job I will need it to do. Comes with ohashi that attatch inside to the lid.
I was also thinking of buying a bowl type bento, too, for days I want soup for lunch. I have some recipes to make a miso ball for the bento so that all I need to do is add water and the soup makes itself.
I like it grilled the best, too. When I've made it at home, I fried it, but even though I follow directions, I sometimes think I'm not doing something right.