"I got a couple of good mistakes to hit, and I didn't miss them," Konerko said. "That's what you have to do against a guy like that. He's got real good stuff. My approach is good, and I want to keep it there. Let the home runs be a reaction sort of thing."
The holders of stock shall, according to the amount of stock held by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as regards dividends, voting at meetings of the Company and other matters as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such privilege or advantage (except participation in the dividends and profits of the Company and in the assets on winding up) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred that privilege or advantage.
I emphasizes the importance of corporate efforts in reviving the economy,although the central bank's quantitative easing policy played a role in averting financial system instability with an abundant supply of money as well as the zero interest rate policy that shored up restructuring efforts by financial institutions.
ある英作文の本で The moon was shinig, and it was almost as bright as day in the woods. の訳が、「月が照っていたので森の中は昼のように明るかった」 ってなっているんだけど、訳がおかしくないか? 俺は、「月が照っていて、(それは)ほとんど昼間の森の中の明るさに近かった。」 の意味に取ったんだけど。
Freanch parents have little patience with childish ideas even if they dont go so far as to look upon childhood as an unfortunate but necessary prelude to adult life.
Not that they need to force the child, for he usually lends himself willingly to the process, and enjoys the affect of his unexpectedly clever remarks and quaint sayings and of his sharp judgment of men and things.
It is not without significance that the French mother instead of appealing to the child's heart by asking him to be GOOD appeals to his reason by asking him to be WISE
>>10 The moon was shining, and it was almost as bright as day,ここで一息, in the woods. でその訳で正しい.>>10のようにしたければ The moon was shining, and it was almost as bright as (it would have been in) day(time) in the woods. みたいな感じだが( )内は省略できない。
すみません、教えてください。 the wife of America exchange professor in Europe , deprived of her electric washer and dryer with which many American homes are equipped , bundled up her washing every week to send the local laundry.
but no such privilege or advantage (except participation in the dividends and profits of the Company and in the assets on winding up) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred that privilege or advantage.
As conpanies are becoming more global, they are looking for new ways to sell their products all over the world. It is true that because of global communication, the world is becoming smaller today. But it is also true that the problems of global advertising have become larger than ever.
Both the Americans and British seem to prefer living in the suburbs to living in town centers. Even if it takes a long time to go to work, the Americans and the British do not mind because they think life in the suburbs is healthier and more peaceful.
The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of 7. It involved more than 1,300 childlen. There were two groups of childlen,ages 1 and 3. Reserchers at Childlen's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in seattle, Washington, reported the results in the publication Pediatrics. They asked the parents how often the childlen watched television. The parents also described their childlen's actions at the of 7 using a method that can tell if someone suffers attention deficit disorders.
The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of 7. It involved more than 1,300 childlen. There were two groups of childlen,ages 1 and 3. Reserchers at Childlen's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in seattle, Washington, reported the results in the publication Pediatrics. They asked the parents how often the childlen watched television. The parents also described their childlen's actions at the of 7 using a method that can tell if someone suffers attention deficit disorders.
I usually measure every part of a dress ― such as the sleeve length ― for a perfect fit,but most women in Mali don't care if the sleeves fit perfectly or not.
I had received 5%gift voucher codes of the previous orders already, so please give me 10% gift of this time and the balance of the 5%gift voucher code you promised.
nobody 【名】 名もない人、ただの人、つまらない人、面白くない人、取るに足りない人、才能{さいのう}のない人、くだらない人、雑魚{ざこ} 【代名】 誰も〜ない、一人{ひとり}も〜ない ・ It's nobody's fault. それは誰のせいでもない。 ・ Nobody knows what may happen tomorrow. 《諺》一寸先は闇。 ・ There is nobody at home right now. 今は、家に誰もいない。
The bacillus-causing tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was identified and described on March 24, 1882 by Robert Koch. He received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1905 for this discovery. Koch did not believe that bovine (cattle) and human tuberculosis were similar, which held back the recognition of infected milk as a source of infection. Later, this source was eliminated by the pasteurization process. Koch announced a glycerine extract of the tubercle bacilli as a "remedy" for tuberculosis in 1890, calling it 'tuberculin'. It was not effective, but was later adapted by von Pirquet in a test for pre-symptomatic tuberculosis.
Hi! Long time no see. I'm 00. Are you doing OK? I'm doing fine. Cherry blossoms are full here in Japan. I'll send a photo to show them to Wilma. I'll send it with something I wanted to send but couldn't because my father passed away in an accident in January. I want to go to a college after I graduated from this school. And someday I want to visit Canada again. I'll send a mail after a while. This adrress is that of my cellular phone. Expect to see a photo. Sincerely yours.
wait they don't love you like I love you wait they don't love you like I love you maaaaaaps wait they don't love you like I love you
made off don't stray enouh oh say say say oh say say say wait they don't love you like I love you wait they don't love you like I love you wait they don't love me like I love you maaaaps
What has been well recognized is that these early educational interventions almost always include a parenting education component, and often attempt to alter parent-child interactions, the life course of young single mothers,and/or the perception among parents that they are doing a good job. In this chapter, we will review the findings from two randomized controlled longitudinal studies-the Abecedarian Project and Project CARE-and illustrate some of the actual and theoretical connections between center-based educational treatment and the quality of parenting and the home environment. In addition, results from an eight-site randomized controlled replication trial of early intervention for low birthweight and premature infants will be presented, with special focus on the benefits to the home environment as well as to the child's emerging intellectual and social-emotional skills.
In my neighborhood, there are many people from other countries,and I often hear foreign languages. There are a couple of million non_Japanese people in Japan. They come from all over the word,and speak dozens of different languages. Mabe they all book at Japan in different ways.So if we want to understand them, we should learn their languages. How many languages are there in the world? There must be quite a few,I think.
Atlantic history −from the first encounters of europeans with the Westren Hemisphere through the Revolutionary era −is a subject that certains historians have found strange, that others have said does not exist and if it does exist it shouldn't, that at best has no easy or clear definition, and that yet in recent years has emerged in college and university teaching programs across the United States and is taught elsewhere as well − in Galway,Ireland; in Dundee,Scotland; in Liverpool,Sydney,Vienna,and Hamburg.
Most japanese will recognize The Tale of Genji,Manyoshu or The Narrow Road to the Deep North as great works of classic literature by their ancesters. However,many of them have probably not read these works since translating bits and pieces of them during their classic Japanese class in high school, and might find it hard to explain the significance of these works to a non-Japanese. One person they might consider turning to under such circumstances is Donald Keene,a Columbia University Professor Emeritus and a leading expert on Japanese literature and culture.
特に2、3文目のそれぞれのmight、3文目のconsider turning to under such circumstancesの訳し方が良く分かりません 全訳も提示して頂けると幸いです
The politics of The politics of retrenchment are quite different from The Politics of incremental growth, as both reagan and Thatcher were to find(pierson 1994).In the end,thought,seeking to hold budgets down was not enought.Fundamental structural changes were called for. まじ困っているので誰かお願いします。。。
In part this was because of the acts of the extreme terrorist wing of the nationalist movement, which were widely reported, in the way these acts always are, in both United States and Europe.
Any work of art is ultimately a great mystery. In the last resort all verbal interpretation is inadequata. The painting or sculpture,poetry or music,architecture or piece of furniture must itself in the end have the last word,and all explanation and description,however much it may help toward understanding,dies away. Finally we are left face to face with the work itself and our feelings. Today more is written about art than ever before,and more and more picture books with evermore accurate illustrations are being published. Although this mearns that we can have our own private gallery or museum on our bookshelves,we must guard against the facility becoming a substitute for the real thing and the real experience. It often rdquires considerable effort to enable us just to see one or two original works of art,but the time and trouble we take are worth more than a great deal of reading. These are firsthand experience. All else,no matter how well written or presented,can only be at secondhand.
>144の続き This is worth mentioning only to restore our sense of proportion,not in any way to diminish the value of the properly used book. よろしくお願いしますm(__)m
The sheer numbers of Europeans who left their homelands in the century before 1914 to go overseas suggest how important was the movement of which they were a part.
What's the use of all those big theories I was talking about in the classroom? Here was a real life situation in which thirty dollars would make it possible for forty-two people to earn a living wage.And yet our society could not provide that kind of small loan to individuals and small businesses.I thought there must be some way of doing this,so I went to see a banker.When I talked about a loan of thirty dollars to forty-two poor workers,he laughed.
A life spent writing has taught me to be suspicious of words. この文なんですが、 A life spent writing (which) has taught me to be suspicious of words. A life (which) spent writing has taught me to be suspicious of words. この二つのどちらですか?自分では上しか思いつきませんでした。今はどちらかわかりません。 上だと「言葉の怪しさを教えてくれた書くことに生活を費やしてきた」 下だと「書くことに費やしてきた生活は言葉の怪しさを教えてくれた」 になりますよね? 模範解答は「文章を書いて人生を過ごしてきて、私は言葉を疑うことを学んできた。」 となっています。これは下だと思うんですが、どうしてこうなるのでしょうか。
>>163 関係代名詞を用いて書き換える場合、 A life (which was) spent in writing has taught me to be suspicious of words. A life (which had been) spent writing has taught me to be suspicious of words. のいずれかと、問題文は同等です。 spent は過去分詞で、それから始まりwriting で終わるまでが 分詞句となります。分詞句は修飾語であり、この場合は 分詞の直前のA life にかかる形容詞と考えます。
What's the use of all those big theories I was talking about in the classroom? Here was a real life situation in which thirty dollars would make it possible for forty-two people to earn a living wage.And yet our society could not provide that kind of small loan to individuals and small businesses.I thought there must be some way of doing this,so I went to see a banker.When I talked about a loan of thirty dollars to forty-two poor workers,he laughed.
>155 155 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 投稿日:2006/04/20(木) 22:15 The sheer numbers of Europeans who left their homelands in the century before 1914 to go overseas suggest how important was the movement of which they were a part.
Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, under intense pressure to give up plans for a second term, agreed Thursday to let Shiite leaders reconsider his nomination, a step that could mark a breakthrough in the months-long effort to form a new government.
Nitobe Inazo was one of them. He wrote busido: the soul of Japan in English in 1900. The book explains the roots of busido,the way of the samurai. Nitobe Inazo once said,“My dream is to be a bridge across the pacific Ocean." He went after this dream all through his life. Okakura tenshin used English for output,too.he wrote the book of tea in English in 1906. It was the first book to introduce chanoyu as a sym-bol of the culture of Japan. The book served to build a cultural bridge between the East and the West.
>>162,184 pal・imp・sest【名】 1パリンプセスト《書いたものを消した上にまた書けるようにした古代の羊皮紙》 ‖Man's brain is a 〜. [比喩的に]人間の頭脳はパリンプセストだ. 2(変更[再生]後も)前の姿を残す物.[G大より]
それに基づいて、私は個人的な聖書解釈をしばしばおこなっています。 その幾層にも重なる意味を一枚ずつ皮を剥くように、 as one would [peel] a palimpsest. (変更後も前の文面を隠し残す性質を持つと考えられる)パリンプセスト =羊皮紙を(元の文面を求めて)一枚一枚めくるように。
>>187>>149 what (from the point of view of society) is necessary labor is (from his own point of view) voluntary play. 社会の立場から見て必要とされる労働は、彼の立場から見て自発的な遊びである。 (言葉は前後の文脈に合わせて適当に調整すべし)
一文なのに、長めでごちゃごちゃしていてよく分かりません。 どなたかお願いします。 The painting or sculpture,poetry or music,architecture or piece of furniture must itself in the end have the last word,and all explanation and description,however much it may help toward understanding,dies away.
A life spent writing (which) has taught me to be suspicious of words. どれが先行詞ですか。先行詞が writing にしろ life にしろ、この文が正しいのなら A life spent writing. が文(SVO)として成立しなくてはなりません。 しかし、この文は意味をなしません。
A life (which) spent writing has taught me to be suspicious of words. これ文では先行詞は a life に決まります。しかし、それなら、 A life spent writing.(SVO) という文が成立しなくてはならず、これもあり得ません。
I am not sure if you shall visit and read this BBS or not, but I heard that you always read many internet journals so I would like to ask you my favor as one of your enthusiastic fans. I and many your fans are so dissapointed to the incident you did. No excuse, and please don't excuse about it. I don't beleive that we know what Samurai spirit is, but I can tell that you shouldn't do that. I am not sure what Samurai is, but all I can say about Samurai as a Japanese is Samurai have to hide your emotion when there's no jastice. It was not even revenge. It was just your selfishness. It was absolutely your fault. Please think about it siriously.
I am really your big fan. I belive that you will come back and apologize to your fans in your nice and amusing Japanese. We really can be your fans again even through this issue after we hear that, and we say "Zuleta Saiko Bai!"
Wish you don't spoil, I think this is big trial since you come to Japan, and you will overcome!
There are certain characteristics common to all the arts, and though we are concerned only with the plastic arts, a definition of what is common to all the arts is the best startingpoint of our inquiry. お願いします!
おおまかには分かりますが,きれいに訳せません。よろしくお願いします。 Today more is written about art than ever before,and more and more picture books with evermore accurate illustrations are being published.
They forget, what Shakespeare would remind them of, that "we are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. ・・・ 彼らは、シェークスピアが彼らに思い出させようとした、「我々は〜〜〜のようなもの で、我々のささやかな人生は眠りによって熟成する」ということを忘れている。 訳してみたのですが全体的に、特に〜〜〜の部分が分かりません。 分かる方お願いします
i really enjoy to learn from these things from somebody from there and not from tourist books, which always say the more touristic things and not the "real" ones...let´s say that it´s one of my hobbies :) If u don´t mind, i´d love to know more things about your culture, about the way you see or feel life... I didn´t understand quite well the idea of " O-hanami"...
>>155、>>243 suggest how important was the movement of which they were a part. は suggest [how important the movement (of which they were a part) was] 倒置。 主語の the movement (of which they were a part)が長いから後回しにされた。
The orchestra,honoring the memory of Hideo Saito,their mentor and co-founder of toho Gakuen school, included many of Saito's former students from orchestras around the world.
宜しくお願いします。 Those who belonged to the group had the strongest association of any youth subculture, even after factors such as social class, parental separation, smoking, alcohol use, or previous depression had been taken into account.
This is a not good period for me because of the unexpected going in the ospital of Fabio Daddy on sunday. Fabio works in Trieste, I live and work in Genoa and so I have to go to the hospital to follow the situation. On tuesday I had a intervention for extirpation of a mole on my right shoulder but I planned it two months ago. I hope the situation becames better.
avrilの歌詞で he is a boy she is a girl can i make it any more obvious he was a punk she did ballet what more can say ってありますが can i make it any more obvious and what more can say の訳をお願いします★
hiya , ppl . how's it goin? i jus posted here , cuz wen i was at skwl , sth popped up in me mind nd jus wanted to take notes of it .
★☆life is shorter than u think it is , thts y u gotta live it to the full . jus accept wht u can get, u never noe hoe wkd it rly is as long as sth important to u is close nuff to reach. there wont be a second chance , well there must be , but i doubt if tht is as gd as the first one , though i don mind takin a risk fo someone i luv . Not until u lose wht u got, will u realize how much important it is to u. so try look on the bright side in life , nd neva complain about the loss u made. all u gotta do is to make th best ov wht opp u have now . think about now, think about wht u can do to make ur life better nd meaningfull. jus hope fo the best nd wait fo the oppotune moment . wen tht tym comes u cud go fo nethink.
u know wa has happenin since last w/? i have been meetin up dis guy frm aus fo like 7 days =一週間=a week straight now , how wkd is tht ? first date , we met , the second day , i went out wid him , n the third , forth , nd da fifth.. we prolly went to yakitori? lol maybe , yakitori was great ! nd u know wa i went to roppongi hills fo da first tym in 6 years or sth . lol we ate tonkatu nd stuff im jus so happi now , well ill c him tomorrowz lol nite x peeps ^^ peace out nd one more think we cooked today lol erm omlette , here there u go lol don laugh ye
We wanted to give you some tips on how to make "My Red Hot Car Radio", and all of your other stations, even better.
We've found that telling Pandora 'I like it' to no more than 3-5 songs,then listening for a while is a great start. When Pandora plays a song you don't like, give it a 'thumbs down'. We'll never play that song again, and we'll steer the station toward the sound you told us you like. Here's a link if you want to give it a try:
Want to add different kinds of music to your station? Try clicking the triangle next to your station name and select 'add more music to this station'. Adding the name of a favorite song will result in a more diverse station; for an even more diverse station, add the name of a favorite artist, especially if that artist has a broad catalog of music.
We hope this helps you discover new music. Let us know what you think!
Cheers - Tim and Lucia
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We're currently on a road trip across the Southern states to hunt for great local music to add to the Music Genome Project. We're posting about our travels on our blog: http:// Have a look - we'd welcome your ideas and suggestions.
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Unfortunately, I tore my acl (anterior cruciate ligament in the knee) during a competition and have to take a quite long break from snowboarding...5-6months. I had surgery and am already riding a bike and doing physical therapy. Enjoy karaoke! A few girls of our crew went out in Sapporo our last night in Japan and found exactly what we were looking for - a fun crowd of japanese people with whom we partied and sang fun song.
I try to imagine(as archaeologists do with tools from Pompeii or shards of pottery from the Incas)the African-American world of hope,struggle,heroism,and long-deferred possibilities that background this 80-year-old object. 正直言って難しいです。お願いします。大学英語です。 ※long-deferred possibility 長いこと実現されていなかった可能性
But the sea is always moving ,even so much that our eyes can see it, simply because the air above it is moving. です。特に真ん中のso〜thatを結果みたいな感じでとらえたんですが、よく分からないのでお願いします。
Changing main password is a tricky operation! If you FORGET the new password, none of your data will be available for you. My suggestion is to make a backup of your passwords file first!
Until now, nutritional food labeling in Europe has been in many ways less regulated than in the United States, allowing for a bonanza in wild and often misleading claims.
mandating that nonnutritious foods be branded with a red stop light; requiring health warnings on junk foods like those on cigarettes; and banning food advertising that aimed at children from television altogether.
The communications industry is warning computer users to guard against a new way to steal private information. They say this kind of theft is increasing. Thieves are linked their computers with other computers and stealing infomation that can cost honest computer users a great deal of money. They are doing this by using the most moderm computer communications method -- wi-fi.
お願いします。 ペンパルとメール交換中。そろそろ手紙にしようということに。 相手が「住所書いておくよ。先に送るのと、私から受け取るのどっちがいい?」 しかし、住所文字化けで表示されず。 とりあえず「住所が正しく表示されない。 良ければそっちから送ってもらいたいんだけど・・・。 (if you don't mind, I want you to send letter first.)」と言う文章に住所を添えて送る。 相手からの返信、挨拶後の一文目。 これをお願いします。
Thank you.I'm looking for your letter.
・(相手が"If you don't〜"の文で誤ってwantの後のyouをすっとばし読み。 私から送りたいと勘違い。) 私はあなたからの手紙を待ってます。的意味合い ・look forward〜の間違い(相手もネイティブではない) ・それ以外に何か別のニュアンスがある
>>383 相手があなたが住所を教えてくれたことに対してThank you.と言って その住所を元に相手があなたに手紙を送るから、その手紙に書いてある相手の住所を 元にあなたが手紙を送り返すだろうからI'm looking for your letter.と言った んだろ。 だってあなたは >(if you don't mind, I want you to send letter first.)」と言う文章に住所を添えて送る。 「住所」じゃなくてletterって送ってるじゃん。
The Kyoto Protocol, which sets numerical target for curbing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, went into effect at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Concerned nations and environmentalists have awaited the pact’s enactment for more than seven years, since it was adopted at the third Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto in December 1997.
お願いします。 The ozone layer has become thinner because of CFCs,and the ultraviolet(UV)rays have become very strong in Australia. UV rays are bad for eyes,and also for your skin. Many of them wear sunglasses like the children in the picture.
Although not strictly a low light level issue it is important to think a little about the way the image output signal is to be used for the application in mind. Both vidicons and CCD TV cameras (intensified or not) produce standard video output signals. These consist of 525 or 625 lines of picture information every 30 or 40 milliseconds. They have a big advantage in that image changes such as motion are immediately detected with a standard TV monitor. Computer cards known as frame grabbers allow a single TV frame to be digitized and passed to the computer analysis package. This has several consequences. Firstly the image can never have more pixels than the roughly 700x500 size of the image. Secondly the high pixel rate (up to 10 MHz) means that the digitizing is usually done to no more than 8 bits or 256 levels even though the video signal may contain higher quality information. Thirdly the fast read-out is often a limiting source of noise.
The protocol requires developed nations to reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases between 2008 and 2012 by 5.2 percent below 1990 levels. Japan is required to reduce emissions by 6 percent, while European Union nations are required to cut them by 8 percent.
The pact is now binding as international law. If the signatories to the pact fail to achieve their respective numerical targets, they likely will be penalized during the second commitment period, starting in 2013.
You have known the truth of yesterday, and you have an inner map that will lead the way to a very beautiful tomorrow. You have gifts that have never even been opened and personal journeys waiting to be explored. You have so much going for you.
If you have plans you want to act on and dreams you've always wanted to come true... You have what it takes, because...
The field of advertising is a controversial one, as people do not agree on whether hard selling can be supported on moral grounds and what its effect is. People also have different views on false statements made in advertisement, the place of advertising in sport, the intrusiveness of advertisements, and their effect on children. Its language therefore needs to be carefully examined and watched.
訳お願いできませんか?本当にすみません。お手数おかけします。 To benefit the most from the reading passages in this textbook,and in fact from any reading that you do, you must do more than just recognize words and understand grammar.Whether you are reading in your native language or in a foreign language, it is important that you read critically.To read critically is to read carefully and skeptically.Don't believe something just because it is written! Even when the writings are based on true stories,as they are in Prism,it is still the case that the views of the authors and the persons quoted in the articles are mixed in with the facts. Critical reading is an important method of questioning the assertions made by writers and the logic of what they write,and then comparing them to your own view of the topic. Broadly speaking,there are three stages in critical reading in which these particular skills are employed: Previewing,While-Reading and Reviewing.Each of these is essential in gaining deep understanding of any text that you read.
Commandos stormed the school after the militants set off explosions and began shooting at hostages who fled. The result was 10 hours of chaos. Crying children, some naked and covered with blood, fled the scene or were carried out amid explosions and gunfire. Security forces chased militants who split into groups and took refuge in a home and a basement. During the initial explosions, part of the school roof collapsed, causing many deaths.
I have no doubt that a large number of American lawyers do wonderfully worthwhile things. But the trouble is that there are just too many of them. In fact, the U.S. has more lawyers than all the rest of the world put together. The U.S. now boasts 300 lawyers for every 100,000 citizens. Britain, by contrast, has 82 ; Japan a mere 11.
和訳お願いします。 This hospital in Bangkok,Thailand. This hospital has been teaching basic nursing skiils to children. The doctors in this hospital hope the children will be able to look after their grandparents at home.
>>444 ありがとうございます。 Easily accessible staircases should be provided as an alternative to the elevator to provide workers with additional cardiovascular exercise.
The pitcher that took the mound for Toronto looked like Roy Halladay. The name on the back of his jersey confirmed that it was him, too. His style of pitching looked slightly different, though -- a high number of curveballs and changeups rather than a constant overpowering fastball.
My parents went to Okinawa last week. Were you home alone during the vacation? No, I wasn't. My grandmother stayed with me. We went to Chinatown in Yokohama. Hou was it? It was great! We saw a Chinese Lion Dance and ate a lot!
man responds to the shapeand surface and mass of things present to his senses, and that certain arrangements in the proportion of the shape and surface and mass of things result in a pleasurable sensation, whilst the lack of such arrangement leads to indifference or even to positive discomfort and revulsion. The sense of pleasurable relations is the sense of beauty; the opposite sense is thesense of ugliness. It is possible, of course, that some people are quite unaware of proportions in the physical aspect of things.
急に質問されたのですが、何を聞きたいのかが全くわかりません。 どなたかお願いします。 I have one quetsion : It is right that I''s is ended with 15 volumes ? In german we have in the moment 7 from this...
My parents went to Okinawa last week. Were you home alone during the vacation? No, I wasn't. My grandmother stayed with me. We went to Chinatown in Yokohama. How was it? It was great! We saw a Chinese Lion Dance and ate a lot!
訳お願いします。本当にすみません。 What bugs me most is entering a restaurant and hearing the host say,“Table for three gaijin samas” Or being called gaijin in a shop.In Japanese,there are many ways to refer to people.Why not call me okyakusan? Why point out my status as un-Japanese when there is no need to do so? Only when doing official government paperwork(visa,alien registration)is it OK to highlight the fact that I am a non-Japanese.
In business therre is an expression "Time is money." We could also say that "Information is money." Most medium to large-sized firms need to deal with mountains of information, from product development to marketing, from personnel to supply chains. 宜しくお願いします!
If an area lacks a wide variety of species,it is either bacause extinction,or the total death of local populations,has occurred or because the area cannot hold more species. お願いします!
訳お願いします。すみません。 In 1988,the Canadian runner Ben Johnson shocked the world when he was stripped of his 100m gold medal at the seoul Olympics for failing a drug test. Since then,evidence has continued to emerge that “doping”is a widespread practice. In June 2003,a syringe containing a hitherto unknown steroid,tetrahydrogestrinone(THG), was sent anonymously to America's Anti-Doping Agency(USADA).A new test was quickly created,and old urine samples were examined.
よろしくお願いします There is much to be learned by careful study of any species,and so few species have been carefully studied that the extinction of a species,particularly an unstudied species,is like burning a book before it has ever been read.
訳お願いします。 The word gaijin builds walls and kills communication.It took me two years to get my co-workers to call me Canada-jin and not gaijin. I want my son to grow up in Japan as a person,not as gaijin or a haafu.In Canada we call people by their names.We do not call someone Mr.Spain or Ms.France. Also we rarely use the term “mixed-blood”to refer a child of a mixed marriage. There is rarely a need to do this.
Japanese team members made a triumphant return to their country March 22 after winning the inaugural World Baseball Classic title with a 10-6 victory over Cuba in the final in San Diego.
Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki, one of only two major league players on the Japanese roster and in the final, was the chief driving force behind Japan's success. He went 3-for-5 with an RBI in a 6-0 shutout of South Korea in the semis and had two hits in the final including an RBI single in the ninth after Cuba pulled within one run.
Employees who can commnicate effectivery will be promoted faster and will be more successful,whether they are making client presentations or communicating their ideas to the boss. よろしくお願いします。
He can no longer care for himself or communicate with others. His thought patterns and personality change. On average a person has alzheimer's for 12 years before actually dies.
A mnemonic is a memory aid. Mnemonics are often verbal, something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something. They are often used to remember lists. Mnemonics rely not only on repetition to remember facts, but also on associations between easy-to-remember constructs and lists of data, based on the principle that the human mind much more easily remembers data attached to spatial, personal or otherwise meaningful information than that occurring in meaningless sequences. The sequences must make sense though. If a random mnemonic is made up, it is not necessarily a memory aid.
訳おねがいします。 I do have a name and that is what I prefer to be called.Gaijin is not my name and don't want people to use it when they talk to me. On the other hand,I sometimes use the term myself.For example,I think it is OK to say,“I met an interesting gaijin at a coffee shop yesterday,”or“This gym is frequented by gaijin.” You might find that contradictory,but that's what we are―foreigners living in Japan. I don't mind the term as long as it doesn't replace my name.I am called a gaijin so frequently that I don't even think about it anymore. But occasionally some of the teachers I work with call me “gaijin sensei.”I'm not sure how to take that!
>>496アンカーつけろよ There is much to be learned by careful study of any species,and so few species have been carefully studied that the extinction of a species,particularly an unstudied species,is like burning a book before it has ever been read. どのような種であっても、注意深い研究によってのみわかるものが大変多く、その上実際にそのような検討を受けた種はごくわずかであるので、ある種の滅亡は、とくに研究されていない種の滅亡は一度も読まれていない本を焼いてしまうようなものである。
For many thousands of years, generation after generation of men went on living in possession of vast potential resources of produation which they lacked not only the knowledge to use but even the power to recognize as sources of productive power. やや長めですがお願いします
訳お願いします。すみません。 It was discovered that THG was being widely used among top athletes,such as Tim Montgomery,world 100m champion; several members of the Oakland Raiders American footbaal team;and Barry Bonds,who holds baseball's record for the most home runs in a season. The THG affair has encouraged many people in charge of sports to join the campaign against doping led by the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA). There are two main arguments against doping.One is that it harms athletes.The other is that it goes against the spirit of sport:that it is cheating,and destroys the mystical quality that gives sport its appeal.
>>492 If an area lacks a wide variety of species,it is either bacause extinction,or the total death of local populations,has occurred or because the area cannot hold more species. もしある地域に多くの種が存在しないならば、それは絶滅もしくはその地域の全生物の死滅が起きた、あるいはその地域がより多くの種を支えることが出来ないからである。
1st paragraph Parents from all culture want to teach the lessons of life to their children so that the children can protect themselves from harm and ready themselves for the adult world.. 2nd paragraph A story that teaches an important moral lesson is called a fable. Fables have been an important part of many cultures from the very beginning of human civilization. The fable form appeared early in the development of primitive people as part of the oral tradition. It is often a story about animals with human characteristics. The stories were told from parent to child over thousands of years, and this was how cultural values and the language were passed down through generations. The lesson of a fable is usually summed up in one sentence at the end - the moral. The moral often becomes a proverb - a sentence that states a basic truth about life or gives a general rule of behavior, which is an integral part of the idiom of a language and culture. 3rd paragraph The most famous fables in the English language and American culture come from a man named Aesop, who was born a slave in Greece around 620 B.C. As an adult, Aesop was given his freedom because of his (a). Aesop traveled through many parts of Greece, teaching and talking with famous philosophers. Through stories he tried to teach lessons that warned about the bad qualities of humans, hoping that people who heard the stories would learn how to improve their behavior.
In some instance,an employer may be prepared to put up with someone who has difficulty in communicating,but this person will not be promoted as far or as rapidly as they would be if they had mastered the skills of successful communication. よろしくお願いします。
訳お願いします。 Let's look at the first argument.How harmful are the performance-enhancing drugs used by today's athletes? Certainly,excessive use may have nasty consequences.For example,when a cyclist recently suffered a heart attack, some people blamed the oxygen-storage-boosting,but also blood-thickening,steroid EPO.In addition,some drug-enhanced body builders have suffered severe depression. But these are rare examples.In contrast,the balance of medical evidence suggests that,used responsibly,today's more popular performance enhancers have only temporary side effects. And any such harm is insignificant when compared to the harm caused by smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol―activities that are unlikely to be banned by the sporting authorities.
You have everything you need to take you where you want to go. You have abilities and talents and attributes that belong to you alone, and you have what is takes to make your path of success... lead to happiness.
4th paragraph You might have read or heard some of Aesop's fables in your own language. Although his stories are well-known, very little is known about him. Many think that he collected stories that were (b) at the time, perhaps adding his own. There are well over 300 fables in English that are considered to be written or collected by Aesop.
Should that species be eliminated,whatever the role of that species had been,it is no longer precisely filled,althougf various competitors can and do take over parts of the role. お願いします。
訳お願いします。 Now let's turn to the second argument.At the moment it is against the rules to use drugs,and cheating is clearly against the spirit. Without agreed-upon rules to play by,and strict sanctions against those who break them,sport would soon descend into anarchy. But perhaps the rules could be changed to allow all non-harmful performance-enhancing drug in sport?The result would be that doping would no longer be cheating. This is exactly what Juan Antonio Samaranch,then head of the international Olympic Committee(IOC),once suggested.His proposal was met by international outrage!
The stories were told from parent to child over thousands of years, and this was how cultural values and the language were passed down through generations. おながいおします。。。
For many thousands of years, generation after generation of men went on living in possession of vast potential resources of produation which they lacked not only the knowledge to use but even the power to recognize as sources of productive power. お願いします。
While it is true that we all make stupid mistakes from time to time,Some of us do not have the courage to admit them because we do not want to be blamed for the errors.
Actually,I'm reading a lot about language these days. One of the books says that the Inuit people have more than ten words for“snow”! So speakers of different language look at the world in different ways. お願いいたします。
many social patterns, customs, or folkways-whatever we choose to call them-are not inherently right or wrong, but they are important because their observance by everybody makes large areas of life predictable.
without them we would not know what to expect of other people or what they might be expecting of us.
furthermore, little would ever get done if we had to dexide each time on procedure for these now patterned ways.
Mr.Hodges was the owner and editor of a small newspaper. He always tried to bring his readers the latest news.
One day, he received an excited telephone call from a man. The man said that he had just come through a big flood in a village up in the mountains. He talked about the flood in great detail, and Mr.Hodes wrote it all down and printed it in his newspaper that evening. He was happy to see that no other newspaper had printed the story.
But soon after that, angry telephone calls showed that he had been tricked, so in the next day's newspaper he wrote: "We were the first and only newspaper to report yesterday that the village of Greenbridge had been destroyed by a flood. Today, we are proud to say that we are again the first newspaper to bring our readers the news that yesterday's story was quite false."
Ruth lived in a village. Her husband had died a few years before, and she had six children. One winter, there was a big flood. A lot of houses were washed away, and many people were killed. Some children lost their parents in the flood. Ruth took one of them to her house and let him live with her children. Ruth's friends could not understand why she did this. "You have so many children," they said to her, "you have enough work to do, don't you?" "Well," Ruth explained to them, "there was a woman in a small town. She was very poor, and had more children than I have now. The night before Christmas, she said to her children, 'We wont be able to buy many things for Christmas this year. So I'm going to get only one present for all of us.' She went out and soon came back with a little girl who had no house to live in. 'Here's our present,' she said to the children. The children were very glad to get the present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up in their house like their real sister. I was that Christmas present.'"
Security experts say another method used by thieves is to gather information by reading a computer screen. Thieves do this in a public place. They have even used video cameras to record the information they are trying to steal. Experts say it is easy to guard against this kind of theft. They say to make sure no one can read your computer screen while you are working in a pubic place. Other methods of protecting your information involve special computer programs. One of these is called a firewall. Afirewall prevents anyone from electronically entering your computer to search for information. Some programs make your computer invisible to anyone on the Internet. Most also block any attempt to spy on your Internet activities.
Halladay was coming off 12 days' rest after skipping one start to spend time recovering from a stiff right forearm. The injury didn't persist, but the extended lay-off took a minor toll on his velocity and Halladay, as he's more than capable of doing, began to mix up his pitches -- giving the Red Sox fits.
ハラデイは「stiff right forearm」からの回復のために一度先発を回避し、12日間ぶりの 登板であった。故障は長く続かなかったが、一時休暇を拡大したことが影響した。(例えば 今回の変化球の多いピッチングがその影響だ)
Fortunately for the new astronomy, the seventeenth century was rich in comets, the observation of which added greatly to our knowledge of the universe, and enabled Newton to correlate Keplar's discoveries with his own, and work out the laws of gravitation. お願いします
以下の文章というのはこれです。お願いします。 Now let's turn to the second argument.At the moment it is against the rules to use drugs,and cheating is clearly against the spirit. Without agreed-upon rules to play by,and strict sanctions against those who break them,sport would soon descend into anarchy. But perhaps the rules could be changed to allow all non-harmful performance-enhancing drug in sport?The result would be that doping would no longer be cheating. This is exactly what Juan Antonio Samaranch,then head of the international Olympic Committee(IOC),once suggested.His proposal was met by international outrage! But athletes are already using non-harmful means to enhance their performance! For example,many top sportspeople train at high altitudes.Although this type of training produces similar physiological effects to steroid use,it is not considered to be cheating. Similary,before the 2002 World Cup,the soccer star David Beckham accelerated the healing of a broken bone by spending long hours in an altitude chamber. Although this “treatment”is very similar in its effect to using the banned substance EPO,no one accused him of cheating. So,why not change the rules to allow all kinds of non-harmful drugs,treatments and training to improve performance? Just as FIFA can tinker with the offside rule of soccer,and Major League Baseball may dictate the size and composition of a bat,it is up to each sporting body to decide its own rules. These issues are not determined by a blanket rule imposed by a single global body,such as WADA.Why not allow the question of doping to be addressed by the individual sporting bodies? Who better than they to judge how much performance enhancement their athletes―and the fans―can accept?
As of Feb. 2, the protocol had been ratified by 141 nations. However, the effectiveness of the pact has been questioned due to the absence of the United States, the largest producer of global-warming gases, which withdrew from the protocol in 2001. Australia also refused to ratify the pact.
Enactment of the pact requires 55 signatory nations to ratify it and the combined 1990 gas emissions of ratifying developed nations to account for more than 55 percent of combined gas emissions of developed countries.
Ratification of the protocol in November by Russia, which account for 17.4 percent of CO2 emissions in the base year 1990, paved the way for its enactment.
An event to mark the protocol’s enactment was held at Kyoto International Conference Hall in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, organized by the Environment Ministry as well as the Kyoto prefectural and municipal governments.
More than 1200 people attended the event.
2004 Novel Peace Prize-winner Wangari Maathai, Kenya’s deputy environment minister, delivered a keynote speech titled “The Framework Convention for Climate Change and Sustainable Development.”
She said, “Today marked the beginning of the long process for the survival of all the species on the planet, including our own.”
Maathai said people had to believe in themselves individually and collectively and that they could make a difference, adding, “We must start ourselves and continue taking personal steps to lower the global temperature.”
She also urged people to act now, not later, saving, “Projected negative impacts of climate changes are unfortunately likely to be negative impacts to the next generations.”
This is how wi-fi works. Most moderm wireless laptop computers have special equipment that links them with the Internet. They use an extremely low power radio in the laptop to make the link. The laptop must be within several meters of a device called a router.Routers can be placed almost anywhere. The router is connected to another computer that is linked to the Internet. As a result,a person with a small laptop computer can use the machine to link with the Internet at any place that has router. Router links have become very popular. They are in hotels, aieports and in eating places called coffee shops. Computer users can do work, read electronic mail, buy or sell products and send and receive business information. They can do this while they are eating or waiting for an airplane.
His vision sounds fanciful - Warren Buffet teaches finance while Michael Jordan hosts Dunking for Beginners - and ever futuristic. But like all online programs, it's rooted in older forms of "distance education," from correspondence schools to university courses delivered on TV or videotape. よろしくお願いします。m(__)m
David Allen の "Getting Things DONE" を原著で読もうとしています。
Many of today's organizational outcomes require cross-divisional communication, cooperation, and engagement. Our individual office silos are crumbling, and with them is going the luxury of not having to read cc'd e-mails from the marketing department, or from human resources, ....
最初の一文は分かるのですが、次の文の "and with them ..." から "read cc'd e-mails" の前までが分かりません。 and は何と何が and なのか、 them はどれを指しているのか……
Herodotus said he was sure the pesian king must be mad because no one in his right mind would go about mocking other people's long established customs as Cambyses had done
”I left the spirit and smartness of the Japanese players while playing with this team," Suzuki said. " It was a great team and I wish I could play major league games with this team for one season".
高3です。 宜しくお願いします。 Included ( ) Special Reports that offer in-depth looks at subjects ranging from collectibles to the home security. A is B are C was D were 訳もお願いします。
what had been accomplished in that world seemed so amazing that for a long time teachers were content to do little more than pass on each new generation of scholars the conclusions arrived at by leading Greek thinkers.
New York City alone spends $200 million a year settling ''slip and fall'' claims ――people trippong over the edge of a sidewalk, and the like. According to a recent TV documentary, because of the ever-growing legal costs, consumers in the U.S. pay $500 more than they need to for every car they buy, $100 more for football helmets, and $3000 more for heart pacemakers. They even pay a little extra for haircuts, because several customers successfully sued their barbers after being given the sort of embarrassing haircut i receive as a matter of routine.
I am either too self-centered or too reserved to be able to be on confidential terms with anyone I know at all well, and when on occasion a friend in trouble has opened his heart to me I have been too embarrassed to be of much help to him. Most people like to talk about themselves and when they tell me things I would think they would prefer to themselves I am abashed. お願いします。
お願いします。 While you cost your time in translating texts requested by John Does and Jane Does, they enjoy their own time. Someone takes taxi, room and bath, makes love and wathces TV, other may watches stock price. And it is not until they get tired of them that they recall that they wanted to know what that text said.
横浜本坑のながいけいこです。 今日は仕事放り出して、まずはインストラターの愚弄です。 私「But I had a lot of experiments I had to do!」 Jo「Experiment?」 私「? Yes.(あれ、間違えたかな?)」 Jo「?」 私「? You know, I'm uh・・・kind of chemical engineer.」 Jo「Oh! Yes!」 こいつ忘れていたなー!! Joの記憶力ってやっぱりダメだわ〜。 **次は顧客の中傷、よくクビにならないね。 午後、まず週報を上げて、登録。。。引き続き、 違うチームのリーダーに連れられて来客。。。 このオヤジがとんでもないやつで、どーも好きになれない。 おまけに向こうのオヤジもなんだか変。 面白くないのに終わると3時過ぎ(;;) >>あなたみんなに嫌われているの知らないの?
2 payments on shipment of $500,000 each, for a total of $900,000 representing 50% of the contract place of the equipment as set forth in exhibit “A” shall be paid by the bank, upon submission of the following documents for each shipment: T Signed Invoice−original and 4 copies. U Certificate of Origin. V Seller’s Certificate of Inspection and Conformance−Exhibit “C.” W Packing List in triplicate. X Either a Signed Bill of Lading or Certificate of Inability to Ship and Signed Warehouse receipt.
Franchising is a world favorite means by which companies reduce capital expansion requirement while ( ) the risk borne by the individual entrepreneur. A reduce B reduction C reductive D reducing よろしくおねがいします。
A mother soaked in popularized psychology is worried. Her three boys, all under 6, believe in Santa Claus. As Christmas approaches, the two older boys are making extraordinary efforts to be good. They are not quarreling over whose turn it is to empty the wastebasket, feed the dog, tidy up their room. Their mother worries not about the boys' belief in Santa today but about their loss of belief likely to happen tomorrow. She knows the oldest boy soon will go off to school and other activities. When he learns the truth about Santa, this boy is sure to inform his younger brothers. Then, the mother fears, her boys will believe that their parents deceived them and this betrayal of trust will make the children more their lives.
横浜本坑のながいけいこです。 今日は仕事放り出して、まずはインストラターの愚弄です。 私「But I had a lot of experiments I had to do!」 Jo「Experiment?」 私「? Yes.(あれ、間違えたかな?)」 Jo「?」 私「? You know, I'm uh・・・kind of chemical engineer.」 Jo「Oh! Yes!」 こいつ忘れていたなー!! Joの記憶力ってやっぱりダメだわ〜。 **次は顧客の中傷、よくクビにならないね。 午後、まず週報を上げて、登録。。。引き続き、 違うチームのリーダーに連れられて来客。。。 このオヤジがとんでもないやつで、どーも好きになれない。 おまけに向こうのオヤジもなんだか変。 面白くないのに終わると3時過ぎ(;;) >>あなたみんなに嫌われているの知らないの? かがみすきよ
In terms kids can understand, Santa can inspire children to be good. Assuming responsibility for their own behavior, such kids not only acknowledge a standard of right and wrong, they also accept that those standards are most effective when self-imposed. Even the youngest children can appreciate Santa's lesson that they must make choices and that each one requires thinking about the consequences before they act. Of such understanding, conscience is and strengthened. On a basic level, Santa encourages a child to practice self-control, ultimately the only kind of control that matters.
横浜本坑のながいけいこです。 今日は仕事放り出して、まずはインストラターの愚弄です。 私「But I had a lot of experiments I had to do!」 Jo「Experiment?」 私「? Yes.(あれ、間違えたかな?)」 Jo「?」 私「? You know, I'm uh・・・kind of chemical engineer.」 Jo「Oh! Yes!」 こいつ忘れていたなー!! Joの記憶力ってやっぱりダメだわ〜。 **次は顧客の中傷、よくクビにならないね。 午後、まず週報を上げて、登録。。。引き続き、 違うチームのリーダーに連れられて来客。。。 このオヤジがとんでもないやつで、どーも好きになれない。 おまけに向こうのオヤジもなんだか変。 面白くないのに終わると3時過ぎ(;;) >>あなたみんなに嫌われているの知らないの?◎◎◎綺麗??
どなたか次の和訳をして下さい。お願いします。 Women in Japan are making inroads into traditional business fields as well. She is known for speaking out about protecting the environment, insisting that environ mental costs be included in business financial audits.
Just as in any other company, the final test should be customer satisfaction, not the gender of the employees.
”I left the spirit and smartness of the Japanese players while playing with this team," Suzuki said. " It was a great team and I wish I could play major league games with this team for one season".
And When I'm gone, just carry on don't mourn, rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice Just know that I'm lookin' down on you smilin' And I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel my pain, just smile back.
In one hotel, every job from receiving guests at the front desk to preparing food in the restaurant is carried out by the 30 female employees, assisted by about 70 female part-timers who clean up the guest rooms.
It must have been cold there in my shadow, to never have sunlight on your face. You were content to let me shine, that's your way. You always walked a step behind.
So I was the one with all the glory, while you were the one with all the strength. A beautiful face without a name for so long. A beautiful smile to hide the pain.
Did you receive my email? I believe Shipping will be in the neighborhood of $40. to $50. Dollars. You wont be sorry It is truly remarkable, and I hate to part with it! Thanks,
Wi-fi is a short way of saying wireless fidelity. Wi-fi permits computer users to link with the Internet communications system without using wires and a telephon. Computer industry experts wi-fi is the fastest groeing part of the computer industry. The experts say there are about 20,000wi-fi Internet places in the United States.
お願いします。 the economic loss resulting from freeters not becoming full-time workers was \1.2 trillion in tax revenue, \8.2 trillion in consumer spending and \3.2 trillion in savings last fiscal year.
続きです A research institute calculated young people choosing not to work cut the nation's gross domestic product by 0.15 percent last year. The institute also calculated the career earnings of a male university graduate who remains unemployed for five years will be 74.4 percent of a similar graduate who enters the workforce immediately after leaving university, while the earnings of a graduate who is unemployed for 10 years will be 56.6 percent of a graduate who starts working full time after leaving university.
すみません!お願いします! Published by Atria Books, the company's vice president and director of publicity Kathleen Schmidt, said: "Snoop, by nature of what he does, is a storyteller."
Speaking to The Book Standard, she added: "Books speak more to a female audience than does his music so these novels give him an opportunity to show, particularly his female fans, another side."
However, any information they send or recevive with their computer can be stolen. One method used by thieves to steal such information is called the "evil twin". For example, a computer user is sitting in a coffee shop and wants to link his computer with a local router and the Internet. Trying to link with the coffeeshop's router will not succeed if a thief's computer is closer to the router. Anearby thief has made his computer copy the local router to make it a twin. The thief can then copy it a twin. The thief can then copy information from the other computer without that person knowing the information has been stolen. The honest person believes the connection is to a legal router and the Internet. There is no way of knowing the information in the computer is at risk.
The proposals shall remain valid for one hundred and twenty calender days from the closing date for submission of proposals stipulated in the letter of invitation and no tenderer may withdraw his proposals within the said validity period.
Do you believe in destiny? -Yes, I do, but I also believe that it can be changed. I remember well one time before the competition telling my mother that one day I would do something that would surprise everyone.
この「I remember well one time before the competition telling my mother that one day I would do something that would surprise everyone.」の部分がわかりません。
So there was the japanese prime minister last week,looking his dashing best in bright fall sunshine, as he prepared to commemorate the 50th birthday of his country's postwar military by reviewing a procession of 4,000 soldiers,complete with attack helicopters,heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers.
I am very happy to know that I will stay with yow next month. I heard this good news from my teacher this morning, so I am writting this letter to you. 日本語に訳してくれませんかΣ(´・艸・*pq) おねがいします!!!!
We have six lessons every day. I study ten subjects at school and my favorite subjects are music and Japanese.There are many students who study Japanese at my school,and I study it hard every day. もしわかる人がいたら日本語に訳してください(◆*VωV艸)・*:゚おねがいします
i was a little confused by your email im not quite sure what you were trying to say. if you want to catch up for a casual drink that would be cool, im not sure when you let me know. i am trying to save at the moment so i dont have a lot of money to spend this month. but let me know ill see what i can do. smn if you want me これをどうかお願いします。
So I am happy to have a chance to visit Japan. I have learned a lot about your country at school,and I would like to know more about Japanese cultre. これも日本語訳できたらおねがいします*゚。+゚(pq´OДo`*)
It is winter in Melbourne now,and it is very cold in the morning. It often rains here in winter,and it is hot and dry in summer. Does it rain much in your country in September? I hope it will not rain so much during my stay in Japan. Could you write to me soon?I would Iike to know about your familo before I visit Japan. Good-by.
Since techniques to perform simplified nonlinear analysis are evolving, the premise that monographs are basic and conceptual and free of significant material that might become dated created difficult review issues.
,,----、,,,,,,,,,、、 / ,,-‐―、ヽヽヽヽ 〔/ ))))ヾヽヽ /.,,,,、、 ,ヽξ\Ξ/ an authoritative account of World War Two / ==/ .,==- レi! 北朝鮮にはぬくもりがいっぱいだ 〔、 ,(_,、ノ( "",,ノ:: 6)He makes a buck out of, well, not making a buck.
Oeun Sambath,3, has an unusual best friend. It is a huge python four meters unusual best friend. It is a huge python four meters long! Oeun and his python,Lucky, are always together. When they sleep, Lucky makes a big circle with his body.Little Oeun is in the middle, with his head on Lucky's head. Oeun's mother is not worried about her son.
One last point worth noting is that even the best examples of natural fractals do not possess self-similarity at all scales, but rather over a sufficiently large range to allow fractal geometric methods to be successfully employed in their description,