◆GR(語彙数制限あり) レベルは低いほど易しい いずれも易しい英語で話が面白く、ストレスなく読めるもの "The Year of Sharing(Lv2)" "Star Zoo(Lv3)" ・SF好きなら。SFなにそれって人にはお勧めできないかも。 "The Piano(Lv2)" "A Stranger at Green Knowe(Lv2)" ・泣ける話、ちょっといい話とか読みたいときに 。 "The Coldest Place on Earth(Lv1)" "Desert, Mountain, Sea(Lv4)" ・ノンフィクション冒険ものが好きな人ならお勧め 。 "The Wizard of Oz(Lv1)" おとぎ話が好きなら 注:ここであげられているのはすべてOxford Bookworms Libraryから
◆児童書 "Holes"(Louis Sachar) ・伏線がドミノ倒しになる話が好きな方に。このスレでも人気 "Because of Winn-Dixie"(Kate Dicamillo) ・家族もの。いい話。 "Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf" (Catherine Storr) ・約1万6千語,100頁たらずのパフィンブックス お笑い好きにお勧め
◆その他一般 "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (Agatha Christie) ・教科書に出てきそうな英文といった印象 ・英語の勉強のために洋書を読む初心者に向いているかも ・それほど難しくないが、きちんと読み込めば英語力アップに役立ちそう ・http://www.gutenberg.netでも全文が読めるみたい "The Great Blue Yonder" ・英文のレベルはハリポタより易しい ・ストーリーは同じことの繰り返しばかり。でも不思議と泣ける "The Neverending Story" ・ハリポタと同レベルもしくはそれより簡単 ・内容はハリポタほど子供っぽくない
まず、変化する世界の一つの例として モスクワで行われた第二次大戦終戦60年式典で の一こまに触れています。 その夜の晩餐会で Bush made a beeline for Manmohan Singh. ということがあった。このmade a beeline というのは 初めてみました。 そして大統領の現在のインドへの評価をローラ夫人に説明として 取り上げます。 最後に原子力の民事利用について課題があるとという 流れで締ています。 hammer-and-sickle flags ソ連国旗 India had an energy crunch なんていうのもおもしろい表現ですね
Any air that might once have been fresh and was actually within our reach was already populated by huddled masses escaping the tyranny of a smokeless workplace.
any airが主語で、 was already populated...が述語動詞ではないでしょうか。
With both Tehran and the Western allies now committed to mutually exclusive positions,
commit to say that you will definitely do something
お互い受け入れることができない条件を主張している という感じか
and the matter headed for the Security Council, the role of Russia and China becomes decisive. Moscow and Beijing are ultimately aligned neither with the West nor with Tehran, and their economic interests in Iran and a range of economic and diplomatic ties with the West give them an overwhelming incentive to find a formula acceptable to both sides.
It was clear from the moment Jim Chatters first saw the partial skeleton that no crime had been committed--none recent enough to be prosecutable, anyway.
no crime had been committed に対して none recent enough to be prosecutable と受けてる。 had been が省略されているのかな
Chatters' off-the-cuff guess, based on the skull's superficially Caucasoid features,
it was clear that his estimate was dramatically off the mark.
off-the-cuff guessしたら dramatically off the mark.となりました。
In fact, says Owsley, "the bones are so robust that they're bent," the result, he speculates, of muscles built up during a lifetime of hunting and spear fishing.
"the bones are so robust that they're bent."なんですが、 「彼らの骨は頑丈だったので、折れた状態ではなく湾曲して発見された」 という意味なんでしょうか。
>>142 > It was clear from the moment Jim Chatters first saw the partial > skeleton that no crime had been committed--none recent enough > to be prosecutable, anyway. > > 出だしが大切 > > no crime had been committed に対して > none recent enough to be prosecutable と受けてる。 > had been が省略されているのかな
「It was clear from the moment Jim Chatters first saw the partial skeleton that no crime had been committed」 で、一文完成してるやん。 「Jim Chattersがその骨の一部を見た瞬間から、これが犯罪とは無関係であることがあきらかであった」
で、「none recent enough to be prosecutable, anyway」 いずれにしても、その骨は昔々のもので、犯罪として起訴すべきたぐいのものではなかった と続く。
none recent enough to be prosecutable, anyway はつまるところ、The partial skeleton was not recent enough to be prosecutable. ってことでしょう。「骨は昔のものやった。警察の出番ちゃう」ってことです。
303 名前:L2VL ◆ilMFhy8AUA :2005/10/30(日) 22:47:20 That necronation guy is ever developing its cheep way of pretending to be many different people. It is quite easy to distinguish it from other participants of the Aちゃん related threads. And it is also threatening those who are trying to stop its harmful acts on the related threads. Just "do not touch the suspicious posts" is the best way. Ignore it and its posts, this is what I'd like you all to do.
Directors also ignore the complaints about moviegoing --the glop on the floor, the indifferent projection, the half an hour of ads and in the row behind you a nattering couple rehearsing their Jerry Springer act.
Whatever is lost on the smaller screen, DVD has become, in Smith's words, "historically the final record of your movie. That's the one people watch over and over." Rodriguez has said that the "real versions" of his movies are the extended, unrated ones on DVD.
ロドリゲスの最後のセリフがわかりません。 real versionsは、映画館であると言いたいんでしょうか。 DVDであると言いたいんでしょうか。
It goes against everybody's inner cynic to read (or for that matter to write) a sentence like the following: We are on the verge of the greatest age of creativity and innovation the world has ever known.
「イヤホンで音楽を聴いている」のは友人ではなくて私だと思う。 itは仮目的語でthat以下の内容を指しているのは正解。 そのthat節内のshe isのあとに"getting my full attention"が省略されていて 「実際は友達の話半分、音楽半分って感じで聞いているなのだけど、友達にはちゃんと聞いているって誤魔化す」 っていう意味合いじゃないかな。
He grew wild, a thriving weed, a tall, quick boy, loud and proud and full of temper.(13P) 彼は、成長して野性的に、、、、 tall と quick は、わかるんですけど、a thriving weed なんてどういう比喩なのかさっぱりです。 イメ―ジ検索すると、タンポポばっかw
ほんじゃ 来週は『依頼人』 その次週が『ペリカン文書』ということで決定します。 その次は処女作の『A Time to Kill』 そして次の順で一週間に一冊のペースで進みます。 『The Rainmaker』 『The Firm』 『The Chamber』 『The Runaway Jury』 『The Partner』 『The Street Lawyer (1998)』 『The Testament (1999)』 『The Brethren (2000)』 『A Painted House (2001)』 『The Summons (2002)』 『The King of Torts (2003)』 『Bleachers (2003)』 『The Last Juror (2004)』 『The Broker (2005)』 『The Innocent Man (2006)』(実はこれがお目当て -- ジョジクルニ --)
以前に読んだことがある人もどうぞ。何度も読むとさらに英語が 上達します。 ジョン・グリシャムの全書を読破してグリシャム用語をマスターしましょう。 グリシャムで慣れたら、『大統領の陰謀』に挑戦します。 そのあとケネディの周辺をさまよい、 『Waiting for Snow in Havana』とか 『Reading Lolita in Teheran』など米国の大学生必読本をたしなみたいと 思います。
いよいよ月曜日から『A Time to Kill』が始まります。あっという間でしたね。 でも確実に英語力がアップしていると思いませんか。 来週から2週間休憩ですので、遅れている人や単語を整理したい人は この期間をご利用ください。 また、この期間に気分転換として何か別の種類を読みたい方はお申し出ください。
Never Let Me Go私の方もさっそく読み始めました。 女性が幼い頃のことや、わりと最近のことなどを回想していて本文が口語っぽいですね。 何を意味してるのかよくわからない部分があったりしてミステリ的な要素とSF要素もあるのかな。 でもとっつき易い感じがします。 ちょっと語彙の壁もあるけど今のところなんとかなりそう。
Tom Clancy, Micheal Criton, Robin Cook, Thomas Harris, Frances Hodgson Burnet, Robert Louis Stevenson, Lewis Carol, Laura Ingals Wilder, Albert Camus, Jules Verne, Alexandre Dumas, Chales Dickens, Antoine Saint Exupery, J. D. Salinger, Jeffrey Archer など著作権切れのクラシック作品の英文、 LOOK INSIDEで公開された一部の英文と辞書を引いて調べた結果、考察、 疑問点などを自由に書いていこうと思っています
上記作家でリクエストがあれば、お願いします 使用辞書についても英和・英英の種別、語彙レベルの希望があれば書いてください なければ、中級学習英英で、5,000〜1万語程度、新聞が辞書ありで読めるくらいの想定で語句調べをやります Arthur Conal Doyle, Maurice Leblancも、喜んでやります 上記作家以外の場合は、他の人が書いてくれることを期待しています 他の人が上記作家について精読やってくれるのは大歓迎です^^
You would think that such a day would tremble to begin ...
Clarice Starling's Mustang boomed up the entrance ramp at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on Massachusetts Avenue, a headquarters rented from the Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the interest of economy.
----------------------------------------------------------- * tremble (verb) to shake slightly because you are afraid, worried, or excited : Her voice trembled as she spoke. [tremble with anger/fear etc] John was trembling with rage. (LASD) * Mustang : The Ford Mustang is an automobile manufactured car by the Ford Motor Company. (WIKIPEDIA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Mustang * boom (verb) to make a loud deep sound (LASD) * ramp (noun) a slope that has been built to connect two places that are at different levels (LASD) * firearm (noun) (formal) a gun (LASD) * reverend : used in the title of a Christian priest : Reverend Larson (LASD) * Sun Myung Moon : Sun Myung Moon is the Korean founder and leader of the worldwide Unification Church. (WIKIPEDIA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Myung_Moon * in the interest of ... : [in the interest(s) of justice/safety/efficiency etc] in order to make something fair, safe etc : The race was cancelled in the interests of safety. (LASD)
The strike force waited in three vehicles, a battered undercover van to lead and two black SWAT vans behind it, manned and idling in the cavernous garage.
Starling hoisted the equipment bag out of her car and ran to the lead vehicle, a dirty white panel van with MARCELL'S CRAB HOUSE signs stuck on the sides. Through the open back doors of the van, four men watched Starling coming.
She was slender in her fatigues and moving fast under the weight of her equipment, her hair shining in the ghastly fluorescent lights. ------------------------------------------------------ * battered (adj.) old and in bad condition : a battered suitcase (LASD) * undercover (adj.) working secretly in order to find out information for the government or the police (LASD) * SWAT : A SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) team is an elite paramilitary Special Operations tactical unit in American and some international law enforcement departments. (WIKIPEDIA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAT * cavernous (adj.) Resembling a cavern, as in depth, vastness, or effect (AHD) * hoist (verb) to lift something heavy (LASD) * panel van : A panel van is a form of van; in some national usages it is distinct from a purpose-designed van in that it is based on a family car chassis; elsewhere in the world it applies to any solid (rigid-bodied, non-articulated) van, smaller than a lorry or truck without rear side windows — in this usage the term is fairly interchangeable with simply "van". (WIKIPEDIA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panel_van * fatigues (noun) Clothing worn by military personnel for labor or for field duty (AHD) * ghastly (adv.) very bad or unpleasant (LASD) * fluorescent (adj.) a fluorescent light is made of a long glas tube filled with a special gas, which produces a very bright light (LASD)
[Novels] 1. Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less 2. Shall We Tell the President? 3. Kane & Abel 4. The Prodigal Daughter 5. First Among Equals 6. A Matter of Honour 7. As the Crow Flies 8. Nonour Among Thieves 9. The Fourth Estate 10. The Eleventh Commandment 11. Sons of Fortune
今まで読んだところでは、平易な文章で、同じ作者の「Kane and Able」よりはずっと易しいなといいう印象です ストーリは、頭がいいというかずるがしこい人の話で、すごく面白く、ためになる話です
途中、フランス語なんかの表現もあって、 "Jean-Pierre dialed the number of the Casino and asked to speak to Pierre Cattalano: 'Reservez-moi (予約を) la deuxieme place ( 2番目の席 ) a la table 2 (2番テーブルの) pour le vingt-et-un (21時に) ce soir (今晩) et (と) demain soir (明晩) , s'il vous plair. (お願いします)' とか。私はフランス語は簡単なものしかわかりませんが、それでも結構楽しめる感じです^^
"JORG, EXPECT $7 million from Credit Parisien in the No. 2 account by 6 P.M. tonight, Central European time, and place it with first-class banks and triple 'A' commercial names. Otherwise, invest it in the over-night Euro-dollar market. Understood?" "Yes, Harvery."
"Place $1 million in the Banco do Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, in the names of Silverman and Elliott and cancel the call loan at Barclays Bank, Lombard Street. Understood?" "Yes, Harvey."
"Buy gold on my commodity account until it reaches $10 million and then hold until you receiver further instructions. Try and buy in the troughs and don't rush - be patient. Understood?" "Yes, Harvey." ( "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" by Jeffrey Archer より)
* expect (verb) to believe that someone or something is going to arrive * Credit Parisien : 架空の企業か金融機関名 * No.2 account : No.2の口座 * triple 'A' : 信用格付がAAAの最高ランク * Banco do Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro : リオ・デ・ジャネイロのミナス・ジェライス銀行 * call loan : A loan repayable on demand. Sometimes used as a synonym for broker loan or broker overnight loan. * Barclay Bank, Lombard Street : ロンバード・ストリートのバークレイ銀行 * commodity (noun) a product that is bought and sold * troughs (noun) a period when prices or economic activity are low
Harvey Metcalfe realized that the last instruction was unnecessary. Jorg Birrer was one of the most conservative bankers in Zurich and, more important to Harvey, had over the past twenty-five years proved to be one of the shrewdest.
"Can you join me at Wimbledon on Tuesdy, June 25th at 1 P.M, Centre Court, my usual debenture seat?"
"Yes, Harvey."
The telephone clicked into place. Harvey never said good-bye. He had never understood the niceties of life and it was too late to start learning now. He picked up the phone, dialed the seven digits which would give him the Lincoln Trust in Boston, and asked for his secretary.
---------------------------------------------------------- * shrewdest (adj.) good at understanding situations and making clever decisions * debenture seat : Wimbledon Debenture Tickets are situated in the best positions within the Centre Court and Number One Court. http://wimbledondebentureseats.com/ * clicked into place : ガチャと受話器が置かれて電話が切れた * nicety (noun) a small detail that is the difference between the correct and the incorrect way of doing something
"Miss Fish?" "Yes, sir." "Remove the file on Prospecta Oil and destroy it. Destroy any correspondence connected with it and leave absolutely no trace. Understood?" "Yes, sir."
The telephone clicked again. Harvey Metcalfe had given similar orders three times in the last twenty-five years and by now Miss Fish had learned not to question him. Harvey breathed deeply, almost a sigh, a quiet exhalation of triumph. He was now worth at least $25 million, and nothing could stop him.
He opened a bottle of Krug champagne 1964, imported from Hedges & Butler of London. He sipped it slowly and lit a Romeo y Julieta Churchill, which an Italian immigrant smuggled in for him in boxes of two hundred and fifty once a month from Cuba.
He settled back for a mild celebration. In Boston, Massachusetts, it was 12:20 P.M. - nearly time for lunch.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prospecta Oil : プロスペクタ・オイル * correspondence (noun) 通信 * Krug champagne : クルーグ・シャンペン * Hedges & Butler of London : ロンドンのヘッジズ・アンド・バトラー * Romeo y Julieta Churchill : Romeo y Julieta is the name of two brands of premium cigar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_y_Julieta_(cigar)
In Harley Street, Bond Street, the King's Road and Magdalen College, Oxford, it was 6:20 P.M.
Four men, unknown to each other, checked the market price of Prospecta Oil in the final edition of the London Evening Standard. It was £3.70. All four of them were rich men, looking forward to consolidating their already successful careers.
Tomorrow they would be penniless. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * consolidate (verb) to make your power or success stronger so that you continue to be successful