>1. 彼と同じくらい英語が上手に話せたらなぁ If only I could speak English as well as he can. >2. 彼女はその猫をまるで自分の子供のように愛している She loved that cat as if it were her own child. >3. 朝ごはんを食べておけば、君は今おなかがすかずにすんだのに。 If only I had eaten my breakfast I wouldn't be hungry now.
>>5 He talks as if he knew everything. (最近、"knows everything"も使ってるみたいですが、"knew" の方が無難です。 ttp://www.udel.edu/eli/questions/g16.html ) Should you lose your way please phone me at once. I wish I could stay longer. If only I had more time.
あらあら。訂正。 >>3 >3. 朝ごはんを食べておけば、君は今おなかがすかずにすんだのに。 >If only I had eaten my breakfast I wouldn't be hungry now. *君* だった! (恥 If you had eaten your breakfast you wouldn't be hungry now.
Thus my plan to be the South Pole Station doctor was supported by my family. But never did I dream that my fathar's fear would become a reality several months later. お願いします
I would like to emphasize that conserving diversity within a given species is just as important as it is to conserve different species. Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. Seed banks are helping us fight the loss of global plant diversity. In one place we can keep seeds for all kinds of plants from all over the world - grasses from the tropics, plants from our fields and gardens, and wild plants that have never been changed by the hands of human beings. We have been trying to save the world's rain forests, grasslands, and wetlands, but even national parks have no guarantee of long-term security. Although seed banks cannot replace the natural environment, they can offer an insurance service to other conservation techniques. Finally, I would like to suggest that the seed bank project be promoted even further in the rest of the world. で 1,Why is diversity within a given species important? 2,It is pointed out that seed banks cannot replace the natural environment. What role can they play? 3,What does the guide suggest at the end? と聞かれたらどのように答えるのが適切でしょうか?
"We have to talk." To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place. " Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it, "Get ready for World War Three."
To men, these may be among the most feared words in the language. They often stimulate what we call male relation dread. One man's response was, "Let me out of here!" another man said, "to men those words mean: 'next stop, divorce.' "
When women say to other women, "We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean, "let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!" and if it is a friend with whom she is in frequent, even daily contact, it can mean, "wait till you hear this. I've got to tell you about last night." It can also mean, "We've got something serious to talk about."
Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two, which he could not do as readily were figures drawn more true life, with all the complexies that characterize real people. 至急お願いします!!すいません。
This signalled the start of an interdependence between the United States and Western Europe that went far beyond the exchange of goods to include a cross-fertilization of ideas, culture and talent
(1)The big sale at the shopping center 〔to, hard, it, made, find, very〕. (2)Sometimes it seems that the 〔have, time, I, more, less, the〕work I am given to do. (3)If you drive more slowly and carefully, 〔the, thing, that, happen, could, worst〕is that you might be late for work. (4)Seat belts〔the, greatly reduce, of death, in, or injury, an accident〕. どなたか並びかえお願いします。あと、並びかえのコツがあったら教えてください。
1 He talks as if he knew everything. 3 I wish I could stay longer. 4 If only I had more time. 2番は問題自体がおかしいんじゃない? 「道に迷ったら、すぐ電話して」だと思うんだけど、lose your way を消去するとyou should しか残らない。 should の特別な使い方ってあるのかな? スンマソン、解らん
1)This is the town ( )our teacher was born. 2)There is no reason ( )I should go there alone. 3)Do you remember the day ( )we first met? 4)She went to London,( )she stayed for a week. 5)We played tennis until 5 p.m.,( )everyone decided to go home.
1 Do you remember the time when you talked with a native speaker of English for the first time? 2 I sometimes visit the town where I was born and brought up. 3 The reason why I jog everyday is that it's good for health. 4 This is how he made progress in his English in such a short period. 5 I went to the department store, where I bought my father a tie for a present.
>>45 1 advised me to visit the art museum 2 The exhibition should not 3 You had better read the book before writing the paper. 4 I suggest that you should meet the professor. 5 あってます
「今年の冬はいつもより雪が多いようだ。」 It is likely that we will have much snow in this winter than usual. 添削をお願いします。「いつもより」の表現がよくわかりません。 あと、we will haveは、it will snow much thanやthere is much snow thanでもOKですか?
last year 去年、のように最新の、最後まで残った、と言うニュアンスで単になにかが 最新状態で残って居ると言う感じです。 final decision ,final drawing と言えば最終決定、決定図面(変更はもうないよ)で これが最新状態で有り、これから変更は無いと言う意味が強いと思います。
1.We should maintain a balance in our environment. We should learn how to use fertilizers and pesticides wisely, and keep our rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds clean.
2. One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of the computer. Computers can be used for various purposes. They have even made it possible to make tiny translating machines. These enable people who do not share acommon language to talk to each other.
3. All the other employees in the department told Helen that she was the one who really deserved the promotion, but that dind't help her deal with the terrible disappointment.
4. The main lesson we learn in school is how to get along in the world. Different subjects are merely means to this end. In the old days, it was thought that a school had only to make children learn reading, writing, or arithmetic, and memorize a certain number of facts about the world.
# told Helen that she was ... の she は Helen のこと。昇進できなかっ # た Helen に、他の社員が「あなたは本当に昇進してしかるべきなのにね」 # と言ってくれた、ということ。 # but that didn't ... 以下の訳はちょっと堅い感じになったが、大意は # つかめると思うのでご自分でも少し考えてみて。
# The main lesson ... の lesson は「授業」ではなく「教訓、知恵」と # いった、「何事かによって教えられる物事」の意味。 # In the old days, ... の文中にある、have only to do は「〜しさえ # すればよい」の意味。 # 「今の学校で学ぶことは全て、世の中でいかに生きるのか、ということで # あるが、昔は、読み書きそろばんぐらいのことを教えてさえいればいい # と思われていた」というのがおそらく大意。
We should maintain a balance in our environment. We should learn how to use fertilizers and pesticides wisely、and keep our rivers、lakers、streams、and ponds clearn.
1、One oh the greatest advances in modem technology has been the invention oh the computer. Computers canbe used for various purposes. They have even made it possible to make tiny translating machines. These enable prople who do out share a common language to talk to each other.
2、Helen was sure that she would be promoted to branch manager、but the boss chose one of her co-workers instead. All the other employees in the department told Helen that she was the one who really deserved the promotion、but that didn`t help her deal with the terrible disappointment.
3、The main lesson we learn in school is how to get along in the world. Different subjects are merely means to this end. In the old days、it was thought that a school had only to make children learn reading、writing、or arithmetic、and memorize a certain number of facts about the world.
The garbage problem has reached a crisis level. No one in the city of Chicago is following the recycling (1). Each day (2) workers have to be careful when they pick up the trash cans. The municipal government wants the citizens of Chicago to follow each of the recycling days (3). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, citizens may discard (4) trash. On the first Monday of every month, citizens may discard non-burnable trash: glass bottles, plastics and aluminum cans. However, many people are too lazy to separate their garbage. Sanitation workers can hear broken glass (5) in the trash cans Tuesdays. Sometimes, the sound of cans can be heard as well.A few workers have been cut by the broken glass. The dangers may seem minor to the guilty parties, but to the workers it is very serious. The municipal government is debating whrther to use clear plastic garbage bag liners. This is the only method the city can take sure the recycling schedules are followed. Many local neighborhood groups are (6) this action. They claim the use of clear bags will (7) their rights of privacy. The government has given no comment about this claim.
1、Just then、I heard my name ( ). アcall イcalled ウcalling エto call
2、Why does the U.S. govemment ( ) people have guns? アallow イcouse ウlet エpermit
3、They kept us ( ) for an hour アwait イwaited ウwaiting エto wait
4、He invited me ( ) lunch with him. アhad イhave ウhaving エto have
5、A plance with an engine on fire approached the airport.( )was really frightening. アWatch it landing イWatching it land ウWatching it lands エTo watch it to land
1.I can study Korean with this one! 2.this dictionary can study Korean! 3.this one has the Korean language in it! 4.you can look up words in Korean with this one!
He hit him =彼は彼を叩いた、だと最初の「彼」と後の「彼」が違う人だと考えられるので 彼は「彼自身」を叩いた、と限定させるためにhimselfを使う。
文法的には this one has the Korean language in itself でも間違いではないが、上記の文だと 「これにはなんとこれ自身に韓国語が入ってるんだ!!」 となるので、なにかおかしい。 辞書に外国語が入っているのは当たり前なので。 「これ」がDictionaryじゃないものならばいいかも。
this one has the Korean language in it は、 this one has [[the Korean language][in it]] で、[the Korean language]と[in it]が、意味上の 主語・述語の関係になるんだよね。それで、it からは this one は、遠くなるので itself は不可になる。
たとえば、Mary wanted John to kiss himself. は OK だけど、 Mary wanted John to kiss herself. が 駄目、っていうのと似ている。
Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two, which he could not do as readily were figures drawn more true life, with all the complexies that characterize real people. 至急お願いします!!すいません。
He is the man whom I met after you left. The offer on the television commercial sounds too good to be true. I would never have succeeded if it had not been for your help. I was robbed to make a long story short.
1. 「ドライブに行きませんか?」 [ ] do you [ ] to going for a drive? 「君の知ったことじゃないよ。」「うっそー、冗談でしょ!」 It is [ ] of your [ ]. No [ ]! 2. 誰がこの教室を掃除するの? (受動態を用いて7語英作文) 3. 彼女の住所を知っていたら、私は彼女に手紙を書いたのに。 (適当な語句を補う) If I [ ] her address,I[ ] to her. 4. Yoshiko likes red wine better than red one. (誤りあれば訂正) 5. お金をすっかり使ってしまったので、彼女は渋谷から歩いて帰宅しました。 [ ] [ ] all her money ,she walked home from Shibuya. 6. I know one of the two boys. =I don`t know [ ] of the boys. 7. I want to be left home.(日本語訳) 8. 私はあんな間違えをしたことを恥ずかしく思っています。 I am ashamed of [ ] [ ] such a mistake.
9. This is [ ] for me. (適当な物を選択) A. a too difficult book B. too difficult book C. too a difficult book 10. I will employ anyone who works hard. =I will employ [ ] works hard. 11. She sad to me, "Let`s wait and see" =She [ ] that [ ] should wait and see. 12. 彼が一時間前にそこにいたはずがありません。 (8語で英作文) 13. 私はドイツ語を話すことはできませんし、まして書くことなんてなおさら(できない)です。 =I can`t speak German, [ ] [ ] write it. 14. この辞書は私にとって大変役に立っています。 This dictionary is [ ] great use to me. 15. 雨が降るといけないから、傘を持っていこう。 (1語補って並べ替え) [ an / it / I / in / umbrella / rains / take / will ].
Would you like to *go* for a drive? (going が間違ってます) It's none of your business. No kidding?! Who's this classroom to be cleaned by? (無理に7語で、ちょっと不自然) If I knew her address I could have written a letter to her. Yoshiko likes red wine better than white. Having used all her money she walked home from Shibuya. Having pissed away all her money she walked from from Shibuya. <- 使うなw I don't know one of the boys. 日本語訳がダメですけど、「家に残りたいです」ってどうですか。 I am ashamed of having made such a mistake.
whomは別に死語じゃないですが。フォーマルな文章では今でもむしろ好まれて使われている。 特にwithやbyの前置詞を伴う場合、whoはまず使われない。前置詞を後ろに持ってきた who .... by?はどちらかというとインフォーマルな文体。(口語の場合は別)
この文はwhomをとやかく言うよりも、設問自体がクソ > 2. 誰がこの教室を掃除するの? (受動態を用いて7語英作文) 日本語は受動態になってませんね。 「誰によってこの教室は掃除されるのですか?」なんて日本語でも言わないだろが。 動作をする人間を聞いているのに、何も動作をしない教室を主語にするなんて、 英語でも日本語でもまずありえない。英語を使う人間はそんな回りくどい言い方をせずに、 who cleans this classroom? とか、 who is supposed to clean this classroom? などと簡単かつストレートに聞く。
9.B.too difficult a book 10.whoever 11.told/she 12.He can't have been there an hour ago. 13.much less 14.of 15.I will take an umbrella in case it rains.
213.2 By whom is this classroom cleaned up? (I am not sure, but how about "clean up" in place of "clean"?) 213.1 what do you say to __ing = How about __ing 214.11 She [told] [me] that [we] . . . (indirect object required) 213.5 Having spent
228.9 I agree with this answer. The absence of "a" seems to be a mistake. 228.12 Nothing is wrong with "ago"; actually, "have been" here is not present perfect.
1. a computer of this type would have been tentimes more expensive. 2. could have settled the conflict in the early stage. 3. to Daniel that he take part in the speech contest.
>>257 1. He sleeps no more than 5 hours everyday. 2. He suggested that he (should) keep the puppy. 3. A careful man would not have made such a mistake.
There are a couple of basic principles of saying no that we'd like to emphasize here. First, saying no without guilt is much easier for all concerned when it's done in the context of generosity.
3.This means being helpful and available to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors whenever you possibly can - in order words, when it won't cause significant stress or inconvenience and when you can say yes without resentment. 4.Just us important, give yourself a little credit for being a generous person. 5.Recognizing the many things you do for others with a willing spirit, you'll feel more confident and less guilty at times when you really do want to say no to them.
6.The second basic principle of saying no: Less is more. 7.The most powerful and effective "nose" are the least complicated, but most of us have a great deal of difficulty saying no politely and leaving it at that. 8.Whether we're telling the boss we can't work late or telling a neighbor we can't walk his or her dog, we feel obliged to justify our "no" with a detailed explanation - often a fictitious one. 9.Yet elaborating is seldom necessary, and it leaves you on shaky ground. 10.The more specific information you supply, the more likely the other person will be to: try to figure out a way to "solve the problem" so that you can actually do the thing he or she wants you to do, decide that your reason for saying no isn't good enough and be offended by it, or catch you in a lie (if you're lying).
[1] Probably the main characteristic of our age is the ablility of most people to be more and more (1) of the world in which they live.
[2] One could take as an example the image of the motor car as a symbol of comfort, power and success, and contrast this (2) the reality of it caught in heavy traffic, a hot, dirty source of frustration for the person inside and everybody and everything outside, a perfect example of the impractical and foolish dreams of civilized man.
13.On the other hand, when you make a statement like "I'm sorry, I won't be able to" or 14."I'm afraid I'm busy that day," you sound clear and decisive. 15.If the other person insists on knowing why, the burden of prying will be on that person. 16.When that happens, don't fall into the trap of trying to come up with new, more creative excuses to satisfy someone who can't take no for an answer. 17.Instead, repeat yourself as often as necessary. 18.You can emphasize different words, change the language around a bit, or offer some other vague comment. 19."I'm busy that day" can also be expressed as "I've got plans," "I have a previous engagement,"
20."I've got an appointment I can't break," or "I've had something on my calendar for weeks." 21.Hold your ground in the face of a rude, nosy, or aggressive person. No one has the right to violate your privacy. 22.This doesn't mean it's a mistake to tell people the reason you're saying no. 23.Especially when the relationship is a close one, it doesn't feel natural to be too cryptic. 24.But remember that by keeping explanations to a minimum and repeating yourself as often as necessary, you'll be in a stronger position.
English is a subject which I am interested int. (2)この本は、私がずっと探し続けていたものです。(whatを使って) This book is what I have been looking for. (3)彼はまったく勉強しない、そのことは両親を悩ませている(全く...→not...at all) He does not study at all. That is worrying his parent.
What if you get appendicitis, or even cancer? You can save everyone else, but could you save yourself? Would you have the courage to operate on yourself to seve your own life? お願いします
1,討論が行われた部屋は学生でいっぱいだった。(一語不要) The room (the debate, which, was held, where, was, full of students). 2,僕の隣に座っていた女性は、少なくとも6杯はワインを飲んだ。 The woman (sitting, next, drank, I, to, was, at) least six glasses of wine. 3,私が学校まで乗るバスは、いつも混んでいる。 (always, crowed, I, is, take, the bus, to school, which). 並び替えお願いします。
>>318 1 The room ( where the debate was held was full of students). 2 The woman (I was sitting next to was drank at) least six glasses of wine. 3 (The bus which I take to school is always croweded ). crowed じゃなくてcrowededだよね?
1,私は札幌に滞在中、彼と知り合いになった。 I became (him, acquainted, while, staying, with, I, was) in Sapporo. 2,ケンがすし屋に連れて行ってくれるまで、私はすしを食べたことがなかった。 I (never, sushi, Ken, tried, took, to, until, had, me) a sushi bar. 並び替えお願いします。
1.( ) she was reading,someone knocked on her door. 2.( ) you don't like the job, you must do it. 3.It's one year ( ) our daughter left for England. 4.( ) he is eighty years old, he is very fine. 5.His face looked pale and sick, ( ) he saw a ghost.
>>389 Then, are you saying that the statement below is correct?
・The days grow shorter and shorter when summer is over. "The days" in this context indicates the days whose daytime gets shorter gradually after summer is over.
>>393 The 'countable' day is generally, rather than 24 hours, "a period during which there is daylight".
"We stayed there for three days" ~= "While we were staying there is was day three times" ~= "We experienced three days(daylight periods) while we were there"
質問です。 「彼女は自分自身の涙に溺れた」という表現(元は詩的な文章です)に対して 本によっては「悲しみにおぼれる」の訳としてbe drowned in sorrowsという例文が あったのでその形を取ってとりあえず"She was drowned in her tears."という 英訳をしてみたのですが何かニュアンスが違う気がしてしょうがないんです。 文全体を出来るだけ短く表現したいのですが、綺麗な書き方がありましたら教えて下さい。 あと、her own tearsという書き方をした方がいいでしょうか?
>>398 >Each 24-hour day has a shorter period of daylight as Winter grows closer. >って両方とも入ってます。 文変えちゃだめだろうが >The days grow short as Winter grows closer という文のdaysに、period of daylightに加え24hoursの意味もあるのかって訊いてんだよ
>>421 which is famous for its dry rock garden where you can enjoy a nice view of the ocean it will remain in your heart for a long time is one of the grandest spectacles
>>430 The people whom we are wating for are late. We are looking for the person who understand both Russian and Japanese. The road which leads Osaka is always crowded.
>>430 1.The people for whom I am waiting have been late. 2.We are looking for the person who can speak Russian and Japanese. 3.The expressway that runs to Osaka is always crowded. エキサイト翻訳でやってみた。
2つ目は a じゃなくて the でいいのか? ロシア語と日本語がわかる特定の人ではなくてどこかの人を探しているから a かと思ったんだが。
高速道路|((米)) a superhighway,((英)) a motorway; 〔主に都市圏〕((米)) an expressway; 〔無料の幹線道路〕a freeway
【道路・交通機関などが】(道路などが)lead, go, run to;(乗り物が運行する)run; (ドア・部屋などが)open into, onto;(鉄道などが敷設される)be laid [built];(開通する)be opened. ・ 海岸に通じている道路 a road leading [going, running] to the seashore.
〔道路などが〕lead, go ((to)); 〔鉄道・バス・道などが〕run ((from a place to another place; between a place and another place)) ・ この道は隣の町に通じている This road leads to the next town. ・ この道は新宿から青梅に通じる This road runs 「from Shinjuku to Ome [between Shinjuku and Ome].
The car stopped in front ( ) my house Your opinion is very different ( ) mine He is good ( ) playing the piano He was absent ( ) school yesterday I went ( ) a picnic yesterday I don't afree ( ) you The city is famous ( ) its beauty I cannot put up ( ) the noise I cut the cake ( ) a knife My father died ( ) the age of fifty
>>463 これこそグーグルの出番です。 different from mine 234,000 different than mine 126,000 different to mine 33,800 (N.B. 米・英の違いがあるかもしれません) different from mine 13,600 (.uk) different than mine 1,040 (.uk) different to mine 9,490 (.uk)
At first, I found it interesting that besides "than," you referred to "to" and made no mention of "than"; for it has often been discussed whether "than" can take the place of"from" after "different." British people seem to think of "to" more readily than "than" after "different." What is as interesting to me is the fact that "to" emerges almost as frequently as "from" in British English.
( ) I knew the number, I would call him ( ) you agree or not, I will do what I believe is right You must not despose a man ( ) he is poor It has been five days ( ) I came to this hospital It will be a long time ( ) we can fly to Mars I will wait here ( ) he comes You will miss the train ( ) you hurry up I had so many things to do at the office ( ) I came home late As ( ) as he saw me, he ran away You can stay here ( ) as as you keep quiet
One afternoon Mrs. Burbidge (v ) Mrs. Carson. Mrs. Carson feared that Mrs. Burbidge might (f ) for several hours Mrs. Carson's husband didn't (l ) Mrs. Burbidge Mrs. Carson tried to (p ) Mrs. Burbidge to leave without making her mad Mrs. Burbidge said that it was (p ) to be at Mrs. Carson's
At the end of last semester Professor John Smith explaind() 1 how to write a good paragraph 2 us how to write a good paragraph 3 us to write a good paragraph 4 us write a food paragraph
>>533 日本語の字義にとらわれないように注意しよう。 いわゆる、5w1H に於いて、そのような例は枚挙に遑がないですよ 例えば、サッカーの試合を見ている人に どことどこがやってるの? って言う場合、まさかwhere 使わないでしょう。 who is playing who now ? このようになるのです。
>>539 1. Don't take the trouble to come and meet me. 2. Would you please give me a ride to the airport tomorrow? 3. but I am quite out of touch with them these days.
>>540 1つ目は 〜 First of all/Firstly, 2つ目は 〜 Secondly,
The train was less crowded than I expected. crowDED, expectED に注意。
今から見て、「混んでいた」「予想した」のは共に 過去のことなので、両方とも過去で可能。とくに、 時間のずれを強調したいときは、大過去の「had expected」 expected のあとは不要。無理につけると、かえってくどい 感じになると思う。つけるとしたら、 The train was less crowded than I expected it was. かな。
Nothing is more useful than a cell phone. Nothing is so useful as a cell phone. どちらも可。
I would like to emphasize that conserving diversity within a given species is just as important as it is to conserve different species. Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. で Why is diversity within a given species important? と聞かれたらどう答えるのが一番良いですか?
Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive.
1. “I am from Canada. (Paul said) 2. “I like talking with my friends.” (Susan said) 3. “I visited Mr.Jones yesterday.” (Joe told me) 4. “I will see you here tomorrow.” (Caroline told Luke) 5. “You lent me this book a few weeks ago.” (Tim told Kate)
1 Paul said he was from Canada. 2 Susan said she liked talking with my friends. 3 Joe told me that he had visited Mr.Jones the day before. 4 Caroline told Luke that she would see Luke(him?) there the following day. 5 Tim told Kate that Kate(she?) had lent Tim(him?) the book a few weeks before.
1. I could hardly hear what she said because she spoke too low. 2. There was almost nothing left when the party was over. 3. I would never buy such an expensive camera. Me either. 4. Not all of us go to college after graduating from high school. 5. What she wanted the most was not wealth but health.
I would like to emphasize that conserving diversity within a given species is just as important as it is to conserve different species. Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. で Why is diversity within a given species important? と聞かれたらどう答えるのが一番良いですか? もういちどお願いします
関係副詞を用いて1つの文にしてください 1.I know some woods.We can find mushrooms there. 2.Do you know a theater? they show good japanese films there. 3.June is the month. we have a lot of rain. 4.Is there any reason? She should be absent from school today
>>608 >Nancy is a pretty girl. >Nancy is the pretty girl. どっちも正しいです。意味が違います。
Nancy is the pretty girl. (数人の女性の中に唯一の可愛い女性です)
A: Here's a photo of Jane, Nancy and Willma. B: Which one is Nancy? A: Nancy is the pretty girl. B: You can't say things like that! ... even if it is true.
>>614 「唯一」と言うよりも、話題に出ていたかどうかではないんですか? 例: A: I saw a pretty girl at the station. B: When? A: About 3:00 p.m. C: I saw the pretty girl, too. B: Who was it? C: Nancy. Nancy is the pretty girl.
>>621 >その会話自体どうなの? >Willmaのほうが可愛いと俺は思っているので、 >Nancyにtheをつけられても困るんだけど。 >>614の会話ですね。 >A: Here's a photo of Jane, Nancy and Willma. >B: Which one is Nancy? >A: Nancy is the pretty girl. >B: You can't say things like that! ... even if it is true. (他の女性が可愛くないという意味ですから、)失礼です。言ってはいけない、 事実であっても。
()にどれが入るか教えてください。理由もお願いします。 Mr.Peterson,the union leader,insisted that all emploees( ) their work on time. 1.finish 2.has finished 3. finishing 4. finished
()にどれが入るか教えてください。理由もお願いします。 The major companies ( ) hazardous wastes are now facing the thrreat oh liblary. 1.produced 2.produces 3. produce 4. producing
ご質問させていただきます。 He's been transferred to their branch here in japan for a year このような英文があるのですが He is been transferred ってどういうことですか? イズがきてビーンがくるってみたことないです。 完了でも進行形でもなさそうですし・・ どなたかよろしくおねがいします。
whereはin whichの意味 I live in the place. とは言えるが I like in the place. とは言えない。 つまり This is the place in which I live.はいいが This is the place in which I like. はおかしいでしょ?
お願いします。。。 (動物は言語を学ぶことが出来ないが人間は言葉を書いたり話したりできるという内容の後、) When humans crossed the threshold of language, several millennia ago, they created for themselves the most powerful and delicate tool the world has【 】,and, in so doing, distanced themselves from the rest of creation. 【 】に入る語は次のうちどれか @copied Afabricated Bduplicated Cwitnessed
車がたくさんあって、そのほとんどの色が赤だったりするシーンで、 例えば日本語だったら、 「ほとんどの車が赤だねぇ」なんて言いたい時、英語なら "The color of the most of the cars is red." なんてことでいいんでしょうか。和文英訳じゃないので、 完全に和文にあってなくてもいいんですが・・言い回しとして もっと自然っぽいのってありますか。
>>800 You had better have that bad tooth pulled out. We are not satisfied with things as they are. Most computers nowadays are equiped with CO-R driver.
大学まで車で数分です。 It is (to, minutes, drive, a few) the uniuversity. 就職難のため、学生たちは職探しに四苦八苦しています。 Because of a job shortage, students (having, finding, time, a, are, hard) jobs. タクシーに傘をわすれてくるとは、あなたもうっかりしていましたね。 It (in, of, to, careless, leave, your umbrella, you, was) the taxi. 自分は何もしないで助けてくれと言うのでは虫がよすぎます。 It is very selfish (of, to, help, for, ask, you) without doing anything for yourself. 人はせっぱ詰まってようやく全力を尽くすものです。 People (are, best, do, forced, seldom, their, they, until) to. 並び替えおねがいします。
大学まで車で数分です。 It is a few minutes drive to the uniuversity. 就職難のため、学生たちは職探しに四苦八苦しています。 Because of a job shortage, students are having a hard time finding jobs. タクシーに傘をわすれてくるとは、あなたもうっかりしていましたね。 It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi. 自分は何もしないで助けてくれと言うのでは虫がよすぎます。 It is very selfish of you to ask for help without doing anything for yourself. 人はせっぱ詰まってようやく全力を尽くすものです。 People seldom do their best until they are forced to do to.
>>807 アンカー付け忘れ+訂正です It is a few minutes drive to the uniuversity. People seldom do their best until they are forced to do to. It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi. It is very selfish of you to ask for help without doing anything for yourself. People seldom do their best until they are forced to.
B ア to hearing from you soon イ who can play tennis well ウ written in English エ to carrt the box, either オ something to drink カ I come from Japan キ as a school gym
>>833 感じとしては "I believe in a kind of country. I believe in religion. However, I want to talk about what kind of religion I believe in." わかりにくかったらすみません。
>>833 ごめん途中で送信してしまいました 感じとしては "I believe in a kind of country. I believe in religion. However, I want to talk about what kind of country I believe in.Not about what kind of religion I believe in" です。
They did not so / because Britain did not have a place / to send prisoners and settlers (after United State declared independence in 1776), and..... 4つくらいスラッシュとか入れて分けてみた。
I have a dream that one day in karaoke, you and I will be able to singing and dancing. I have a dream that one day even the state we don't talking will be transformed into enjoy talking with you. I have a dream that we will live in warmly and quiet place where we have a good time.
>>846 even the state we don't talking will be transformed into enjoy talking with you. がよくわからん。 「いつか楽しく喋れるようになる」の意なら表現を変えた方が良さそう。 ingを使わなくていいとこで使ってるのを直すと文法ミスがぐっと目立たなくなる。 I have a dream that は指定されてるの?違うならI want toとかIwould like toとか使ってみたらどうでしょう?
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.
高2です。 書きかえでわからない問題があったので教えてください。 It is said that in this painting Gogh meant to express his admiration for their hard labor. この文を、 In this painting Gogh〜で始まる文に書きかえなさいという問題です。 誰か教えてください…
訳す問題です。 I must ask you to treat what I am about to tell you with the strictest confidence. This is not a secret to be shared, but one we must keep strictly to ourselves.
途中来れなくなってすいませんでした。 そうです。キング牧師の演説を書き替えてラブレターにしろという宿題でした。 やはり難しいですよね。 >>855さんの文を改造して I have a dream that one day even the state of rarely talking with you will be changed into that of enjoying talking.にしたらおかしくなるのでしょうか?
I must ask you to treat what I am about to tell you with the strictest confidence. This is not a secret to be shared, but one we must keep strictly to ourselves.
with 以下は,厳格なる機密をもって,ということ.だから, これから私があなたに言おうとしていることは,絶対秘密にしてね. これは共有すべき秘密ではないけど,われわれの間だけでの秘密だよ.
>>895 間接疑問文には(1)Wh- do you think・・・と(2)Do you know wh-・・・の2パターンがある。 たとえば、do you thinkとwhere he livesをつなげたいとき、 Do you think where he lives?とすると× なぜなら「彼はどこに住んでいると思いますか?」はYes/Noで答えられないから。 正しくは疑問詞をトップに置き、Where do you think he lives?とする。 do you knowとwhere he livesをつなげる場合は、 Do you know where he lives?でOK。この文はYes/Noで答えられるから。 (1)の形となる動詞はthink以外にもbelieve, supposeなどがある。
Like other Issei who lived on the West Coast and their children,the Nisei,Tomita was forced to move to an internment camp soon after war between the United States and Japan began. 高校教材 TREASUREからの引用です 訳を教えてください
This internment was a serious injustice by the U.S. government because there were in fact no causes of spying by Issei or Nisei during the war. アメリカ政府によってこの留置は重大な不公平であった なぜなら実際にはspying by Issei or Nisei during the warの原因はなかったからだ。って訳なんですがこれも英文のところをどう訳せばよいのか...
Insted of spending all the money he earns as fast as he earns it,he will,if an intelligent man,save a large part of it. この文の all the money he earns as fast as he earns it の部分の構造が分かりません。教えて下さい。
I would like to emphasize that conserving diversity within a given species is just as important as it is to conserve different species. Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. で What is the main purpose of seed banks? と聞かれたらどう答えるのが一番良いでしょうか?
>>968 Since each seed represents a particular individual with particular characteristics, by collecting seeds, we can conserve the diversity of the species.
Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. 日本語訳お願いします
Seed banks are helping us fight the loss of global plant diversity. In one place we can keep seeds for all kinds of plants from all over the world - grasses from the tropics, plants from our fields and gardens, and wild plants that have never been changed by the hands of human beings. 少し長いですけどおねがいします。
>>969 内容は「なぜ特定の種の範囲内における多様性は重要なのか」 >>968 >Because it(diversity within a given specis) gives the species the chance to survive. 「なぜならそれは種に生き残る可能性を与えるから」 >because the more varieties there are for given species, the greater the chance are for the species to survive. 「まぜならある特定の種に多様性があればあるほど その種が生き残る可能性も高まるから」