The man who wins is the man who keeps cool,whose effort is always proportioned to his power , who gives the impression that there is more in him than ever comes out. どなたかお願いします。
A man in the middle of the Sahara may be prepared to give a fortune for a glass of water that he would expect for nothing in a London restaurant. どなたか訳お願いします。
Note that two documents may have differing canonical forms yet still be equivalent in a given context based on application-specific equivalence rules for which no generalized XML specification could account.
>>24 ありがとうございます。 The man who wins is the man who keeps cool,whose effort is always proportioned to his power , who gives the impression that there is more in him than ever comes out. できればこれもお願いします。
that節は the impression と同格の名詞節かな。 the impression=that〜 で「〜という印象」という意味になる。
The man who wins is the man|who keeps cool, |whose effort is always proportioned to his powe , | who gives the impression that there is more in him than ever comes out.
I really wanted to improve my play and use my experience with Utsugi-san. She is good at coaching and making things easier for players to understand, recalled Reika. Under international rules, a player who has changed pass-ports within tree years before an international tournament is required to have the approval from their old country before being permitted to play. China, however, refused to give approval to its former national team captaen to play in Atlanta, likely because they knew Reika would be a big threat to them.
The patient with diabetes had to go to hospital every week. Over 20% of Americans are obese. When you walk down any London street you can typically see people who are Caucasian or black, or who are of Asian, Indian or Arab origin. A lot of office workers have a very sedentary lifestyle. In Third World countries, the low level of literacy is a big problem. What is special about the kind of diabetes recentlyfound in four British teenagers? What is the cause of this disease in children? Who has this disease NOT been found in before? What are schools and health authorities doing to try to change the situation? Why is it becoming more difficult for schools to include sports activities in the curriculum?
Consider the difficulty of saying all you know about the familiar face of a friend. The fact is that your best effort would probably fail to convey enough information to enable someone else to single out your friend in a large crowd. This simply illustrates the fact that you know you are able to say.
All of my students, teachers and friends know this show (it's one of the most popular shows right now), and as you can tell it's truly disturbing. Not only does he visit elementary schools (again, see above), have his own famous saying, "Fooo!!" (with throwing your hands up into the air) and dry hump random things. It's one of those things I will NEVER understand in this country, which is especially surprising given how much "Don't talk about it" things are here. Anyways, just an interesting aspect of Japanese culture I wanted to note. Welcome to my life... Ok, gotta clean, take out the trash, and get ready for meetings and such that I have tomorrow. Blah. ___________________ レイザーラモンについての記述です。 おねがいします。
As you look at them , ask your self : '' How would you feel if these were photos of your own family and friends?'' Some will shock you , some may make you sad or angry.
Those who have never visited foreign countries ,especially those countries in which law and order is not strictly maintained , but who have spent their lives peacefully at home in their own countries have little idea of how dear a man's country can be to him. especially以降がよくわかりません。特に、those〜maintained の 部分の構造が・・・どなたか教えてください。
Jananese literature, in spite of its beauty and richness, is as yet inadequately known in the West. The reasons for this neglect are not hard to discover. The difficulties of the Japanese language prevent all but a handful of foreigners from approaching the literature in the original.
We've seen it in black and Asian children already, because they're perhaps more susceptible to developing this illness. We're really promoting water, not fizzy drinks, in schools. Teachers feel duty-bound to ensure that they meet those targets because those are the ones that we are judged on at the end of the day.
The people of a country have to be ready for democracy in order to make it work. They must be educated enough so that they will make a wise choice and will not be deceived by dishonest politicians. They also must work for democracy, keeping themselves informed of important issues and exercising exercising their right to vote so that they will keep effective control of government.
The very fact that the goal had not been completely realized tended to focus piblic attention throughout the country on the transcendent importance of this value for the principle of government by the consent of the governed.
And for you guys putting up with my ESM runs and Jamie for hooking me up with my first guitar,Also Dave Quilico,and the gang in Publishing for your encouragement,and Vel Omazic for getting my tunes to radio.続きですm(__)m
Freedom of choice even for motorists is becoming meaningless as it becomes difficult to move on the roads of major cities. In London, traffic moves at an average crawl of about 10 miles per hour. Underfunded buses, trains and underground systems are also inefficient, uncomfortable and overprised. The choice for car drivers is between slow-moving frustration behind the wheel of a car or poor public transport. For people without cars, who include all unaccompanied children and many children in the care of women, there is no choice. The sole option is inadequate public transport.
>>96 ありがとうございます。 全体の訳としては @主要都市の道路での移動は困難で、運転手の選択の自由(?)は無意味である Aロンドンの交通は平均時速10マイル程の徐行運転である D自動車のない人に選択はない E唯一のオプションは不適当な公共交通機関である であっていますでしょうか? また第5文の[who include all unaccompanied children and many children in the care of women] の意味が良く理解できないので教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。
But they will also give you a message for our future. Before you look at the exhibition , l would like to show you two photographs which are particularly important to us.
Complete the following rules of sumo by supplying the correct forms of the verbs given in parentheses:A bout is (win) by (force) the opponent out of the inner circle or by (throw) him down in the ring. お願いします!
>>111について、>>114です。 たぶん、受動態にすることで、「だれが、あんたのいないことに気づくか」 というのを適当に隠す意味があるんだろうね。 Everybody in my class will miss you. と積極的にいう理由もないし、 I will miss you. というほど自分だけでもないし、というあたりだろうなぁ。
ちなみに、I miss you. の内容として、you の部分がたんなる存在 なら、「あんたがいないってことに気づいている」だが、その存在 の意味が大きいということが暗黙の了解としてあれば、 「あんたがいなくてさびしい」と訳せることもあるってことで。 受け身をつかった例として、 If I steal one or two items, they will not be missed. 「一つ、二つ盗んだところで、それが無くなっていることには きがつかれないだろうさ」 という内容だが、ここで、「淋しい」だのなんだのという感情は 全くないことは自明だ。
.A wrestler (lose) when any part of his body,such as a finger,(touch) the ground,or when any part of his body (go) outsider the circle which is (form) by small bales of sand and has a diameter of only about 4.5 meters.お願いします!
(strike) with fists,(pull) hair,(choke),and (kick) in the stomach or chest is (prohibit).Since there (be) no weight limit ,it is possible for wrestlers to (compete) against opponents twice their own size.お願いします!
Money is a stock in the sence that represents wealth just as stocks and bonds do b.a given quantity of it exists at any particular instant is defined only if a time interval is specified
Because of hunting requirements male bodies are taller and heavier than female bodies, with bigger bones and more muscle. 何度もすみません、これのbecause ofと、with以下の部分をどうとれば 自然な訳になるでしょうか?どなたか宜しくお願いします。
Ms.White:How about you,Ling? Ling: Well,I agree with Masao.Pet-robots must be good for those who want pets but don't have the time or space to care for real animals.It's great that they can help reduce stress and make people feel happier.I hear some pet-robots are designed to become friends to or an emotional support for the elderly.I think it's a very good idea.Such pet-robots will comfort old people living alone. Ms.White:That's true.Emily,you look a little surprised. Emily: Yes.Their opinions are very different from mine. I don't fine such pet-robots cute.I think many Japanese see them as friends like the robots in comics.On the other hand,I see them as machines.I can't feel warm toward them.In fact,pet-robots give me the shivers.
Life, for most people, is not so much "a bowl of cherries "as a succession of difficult decisions. Consider a typical young woman entering her senior year in high school. During the years ahead she will have to make many important choices.
This makes them better aimers and weapon-throwers and since they have bigger hands with thicker fingers and stronger thumbs, they are also better weapon graspers.
Consider the difficulty of saying all you know about the familiar face of a friend. The fact is that your best effort would probably fail to convey enough information to enable someone else to single out your friend in a large crowd. This simply illustrates the fact that you know more than you are able to say.
Low-frequency sounds similar to those produced by storms or machinery can cause dizziness and discomfort, as well as limit a person's ability to think creatively. "Infrasound," or sounds which cannot be heard, can make people feel as if their chests were vibrating and their eardrums flopping back and forth. Electronic noise disorders our computers and communication systems, including our TV sets. This can be more than annoying. It is positively dangerous when the affected electronic systems are computers running our banks, government offices, military establishments. 和訳お願いします!!(><)
This ideal used to be called "democracy",and still sometimes is,but it seems to be becoming apparent to more and more people that, although there is a great deal of what is called democracy about,there is little if any of that distributed control.
一行目の「and still sometimes is」のisがどこに繋がるのか分からず、上手く訳せません。どなたかお願いします。
>>195 並べ替えると、、 This ideal used to be called "democracy", and This ideal still sometimes is, but it seems to be becoming apparent to more and more people that there is little if any of that distributed control, although there is a great deal of what is called democracy.
The much-traveled, formerly happy-go-lucky righty kept getting the ball for the hapless Royals, despite continuing to prove he couldn't get anybody out.
Now I hear the music, close my eyes, I am rhythm In a flash it takes hold of my heart
chorus (with ... "now I'm dancing through my life")
What a feeling
What a feeling (I am music now), bein's believin' (I am rhythm now) Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life What a feeling (I can really have it all) What a feeling (Pictures come alive when I call) I can have it all (I can really have it all) Have it all (Pictures come alive when I call) (call, call, call, call, what a feeling) I can have it all (Bein's believin') bein's believin' (Take your passion, make it happen) make it happen (What a feeling) what a feeling... (to fade)
North Kore has broken its silence to confirm what it called a "very serious" train disaster at Ryongchon station near the Chinese border on Thursday. It is feared hundreds were killed and thousands hurt, but the state news agency gave no figures. Repoting from the scene, China's state news agency said 154 people, including many children, were known to have died. Aid workers and diplomats have gone to Ryongchon after a rare call for help from the secretive state.China's Xinhua news agency also reported 1,300 people had been injured by the blast which hasleft two huge holes some eight metres deep. More details are emerging from accounts by Chinese villagers 20 kilometres away who said they were shaken by the blast. "It was black smoke, just like the mushroom cloud after a nuclear explosion," one man said. The accident happend just hours after the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, passed through Ryongchon on his way home from a trip to China.
I've heard it described by one person as not polar opposites -- not individualism on one end of a spectrum, and group or cooperation-type behavior at the other end, but more as a circle. よろしくお願いします。
But given what we've just been saying, isn't that impossible? We have no choice. If you're in the middle of the ocean, you have to swim otherwise you drown. But the ocean of information keeps getting wider and wider and deeper and deeper.
It is also important that you write notes and ask questions : why? how? and what for? If you are really determined , you will find a way. Don't give up. When the chance comes , go for it!
@North Kore has broken its silence to confirm what it called a "very serious" train disaster at Ryongchon station near the Chinese border on Thursday. AIt is feared hundreds were killed and thousands hurt, but the state news agency gave no figures. BRepoting from the scene, China's state news agency said 154 people, including many children, were known to have died.
Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of the bladder and the oral cavity. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.) The majority of physicians and researchers consider these relationships proved to their satisfaction and say, 'Give up smoking. If you don't smoke-don't start!'
These are among the rich perks we discovered as wa trekked across Europe for the fourth consecutive year to find ten companies with exemplary workplaces. We found them in ten countries,in nine industries. They range in size from about 1000employees at Italian fitness manufacturer Technogym to 57000 at Robobank. Two are cooperatives,four are famili owed,and four are publicy traded. 中略 The Austrian retailer Bau-Max has become a world leader in the employment of people with disabilities-and this has rubbed odd on workers,teaching them to become friendlier. In Ireland,employees at MBNA appreciate that the American credit card company places its headquaters in an area that had experienced population decline for two decades,resulting in a revitalization. Employees at Folksam and Robobank buy into their companies's mandates to put customers before profits.
>>267 The much-traveled, formerly happy-go-lucky righty kept getting the ball for the hapless Royals, despite continuing to prove he couldn't get anybody out.
Thanx for the email back, my paypal is having trouble. :-( I do have the Craig mask ready ( i have made two so far this month) I accept postale money orders until Paypal is fixed.
>>260,264 丁寧なご回答ありがとうございました!とっても助かりました! 続きなんですが…またお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか?? 長くて申し訳ありません… Some competent physicians and research workers-though their small number is dwindling even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. They consider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the complex human environment- atmospheric pollution, increased nervous stress, chemical substances in processed food, or chemical pesticides that are now being used by farmers in vast quantities to destroy insects and small animals. Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases, they say, may also, by coincidence, live in industrial areas, or eat more canned food. Gradually, however, research is isolating all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant.
Traditionally crafted in glazed ceramic, the electric fragrancer is the safe, clean and effective way to vaporise essential oils without using a naked flame. Simply plug in then add a few drops of room fragrance to create a welcoming and aromatic ambience. Includes a 10ml relax room fragrance.
Order 10 or more items and receive another 5% discount off our sale price!
その部分だけ集中的に意味がわからずに困っていたので、助かりました。 更に細切れですが、解からないところがあるのでご指導頂ければ、と思います。 宜しくお願いします。 (たくさんあって本当に申し訳ないです。) @As bis as American Express is-挿入-there is a famili feeling about the place,thanks in part to people who never leave. AAt a town hall meeting in October,人 fielded questions from 650 employee for nearly an hour-an example of the importance he places on communications and visibility of management. BWho would have guessed that working for a German power company could be such a gas? But that's what employees say about 社名whose pipelines supply utilities across Europe with natural gas,"Exciting "is among the words employees use to describe their jobs at this $1 billion division of German energy giant 社名. CThe company began in 1926 as a consortium of Ruhr Valley industrialists seeking a market for the gaseous byproduct of coke production. DToday,社名's supplies come mostly from these areas,with the biggest concentration in Russia,where it owns a small stake in Gazprom. EEmployees at headquaters in Essen talk fondly of "Mother 社名"and about how the company goes out of its way to care for those who work there. F次の語句の意味 (1)"membership has its privileges" (2)何か企業内での評価、査定の指標だと思います。"respect for people","integrity","customer commitment","a will to win","personal accountability"
お願いします。 He enjoyed the assertion that he was guilty of a fault or offence by the entry into areas not previously explored in astrophysics leveled by other cosmologists and theoreticians.
That's part of it,but the main reason is that I know I 'm not going anywhere there. それは理由の一部ですが主な理由は、の後が分かりません。 直訳は「そこに何処にも行かないのを知っているということです。」になるんですが・・ 意訳ですよね?
No offense, but what kind of english are you learning? I have studied IB English for more than a year now, and there is nothing wrong with using a pronoun in a sentence, provided that the previous sentence clarifies what "it" is talking about. Crossbone did that by typing out Hooked on Phonics, which denotes and clarifies what "it" is. Considering Crossbone was not the first to comment on your typing, I suggest you start typing properly, it's not that hard.
No offense, but what kind of english are you learning? I have studied IB English for more than a year now, and there is nothing wrong with using a pronoun in a sentence, provided that the previous sentence clarifies what "it" is talking about. Crossbone did that by typing out Hooked on Phonics, which denotes and clarifies what "it" is. Considering Crossbone was not the first to comment on your typing, I suggest you start typing properly, it's not that hard.
その部分だけ集中的に意味がわからずに困っていたので、助かりました。 更に細切れですが、解からないところがあるのでご指導頂ければ、と思います。 宜しくお願いします。 (たくさんあって本当に申し訳ないです。) @As bis as American Express is-挿入-there is a famili feeling about the place,thanks in part to people who never leave. AAt a town hall meeting in October,人 fielded questions from 650 employee for nearly an hour-an example of the importance he places on communications and visibility of management. BWho would have guessed that working for a German power company could be such a gas? But that's what employees say about 社名whose pipelines supply utilities across Europe with natural gas,"Exciting "is among the words employees use to describe their jobs at this $1 billion division of German energy giant 社名. CThe company began in 1926 as a consortium of Ruhr Valley industrialists seeking a market for the gaseous byproduct of coke production. DToday,社名's supplies come mostly from these areas,with the biggest concentration in Russia,where it owns a small stake in Gazprom. EEmployees at headquaters in Essen talk fondly of "Mother 社名"and about how the company goes out of its way to care for those who work there. F次の語句の意味 (1)"membership has its privileges" (2)何か企業内での評価、査定の指標だと思います。"respect for people","integrity","customer commitment","a will to win","personal accountability"
1 質問文にしてはスペルミス多すぎ。 2 fielded questions 質問をさばく(受け答えする) importance he places on 〜に重きを置く 3 誰が〜をこれほど愉快なことと思うだろうか? しかしそれが…社の従業員たちの言ったことだった。 4 ルール渓谷の産業家たちによる合弁企業…コークス生産の副産物のガスを販売しようと 5 供給の大部分は…もっとも集中しているのはロシアであるが、そこではガズプロム社に小さい持分を 6 マザーXXと愛情を込めて呼ぶ go out of one's way 通常の道を外れてわざわざ〜する 7 その一員であることには特権(特典)がある
Thanx for the email back, my paypal is having trouble. :-( I do have the Craig mask ready ( i have made two so far this month) I accept postale money orders until Paypal is fixed.
Teachers feel duty-free to ensure that they meet those targets because those are the ones that we are judged on at the end of the day ※duty-bound toは〜する責任があって ensure thatは、確実に〜なるようになる を使って訳していただける神を探してます。
ありがとうございました!! @失礼しました。正しくはAs big as American Express is-挿入-there is a family feeling about the place,thanks in part to people who never leave. B"guess---could be such a gas?"で「〜をこれほど愉快だと思うだろうか」ですか? この"gas"は「ガス」の意味ではないのでしょうか。 C"industrialists seeking a market for the gaseous byproduct of coke production"は全て" Ruhr Valley"にかかるんですか? 訳は「産業家たちが〜販売市場を探していたルール渓谷」で合っていますか? D「そこではガズプロム社に小さい持分を」の先を教えてください。 「ガズプロム社に出資している」という訳はどうでしょうか。 F辞書は引いているのですが、日本語訳が上手く出来ないで困っています。 例えば「人々への尊敬」や「規範」、「顧客関与」などと意味不明の言葉になってしまいます。
>>333 a family feeling 家族的な感情 この"gas"は→ 「ガス」と「楽しかった」の駄洒落。 Ruhr Valley industrialits マーケットを探すのは「渓谷」か「産業家」か常識で考えてみれ。 personal accountability 個人としての(説明)責任
Some competent physicians and research workers-though their small number is dwindling even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. They consider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the complex human environment- atmospheric pollution, increased nervous stress, chemical substances in processed food, or chemical pesticides that are now being used by farmers in vast quantities to destroy insects and small animals. Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases, they say, may also, by coincidence, live in industrial areas, or eat more canned food. Gradually, however, research is isolating all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant. 本とにお願いします!!!!!!
でも未だに@とCがわかりません! @As big as American Express is-挿入-there is a family feeling about the place,thanks in part to people who never leave. は"as big as"がどこへかかっていくのかがわかりません。 "thanks to"以降も意味不明です。 CThe company began in 1926 as a consortium of Ruhr Valley industrialists seeking a market for the gaseous byproduct of coke production. 「合弁企業」にかかると、訳はどのようになるのでしょうか。 「この会社は産業家が〜の市場を探し求めたルール渓谷の合弁企業として」ですか?
What happens to all the letters that children send to Father Christmas?
If they're in the post by December 15, even the most vaguely addressed missve has a chance of getting a reply from the Post Office's "Santa". But if you want to guarantte an answer, the correct address is Santa Claus/Father Chrismas, Reindeerland SAN TAI.
>>356 子供たちがファザークリスマス宛に送る手紙はどうなるのでしょうか。 もし12月15日までに投かんされていれば、どんなにあやふやな住所が書かれていても、その郵便局の「サンタ」から返事をもらえるる可能性はあります。 しかし、返事を保証してほしいなら、正しい住所はSanta Claus/Father Chrismas, Reindeerland SAN TAI です。
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your conputer. If this screen appears agein, follow these stops: Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the drivers or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable Bios memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable companents, restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode. Refer to your Getting Started manual for more imformation on troubleshooting Stop errers.
Teachers feel duty-free to ensure that they meet those targets because those are the ones that we are judged on at the end of the day ※duty-bound toは〜する責任があって ensure thatは、確実に〜なるようになる を使って訳していただける神を探してます。
Already, Mr.Smith said, there are millions of people around the world who claim English as their first language but who cannot understand each other - an English teacher in India, for example, another in the Philippines and a third in Nigeria. お願いします。
"One of the things about world English is that English now belongs to whoever uses it, not just to native speakers," he said. "So a user of Singlish is as correct as you are in the sence that he knows what he wants to say and is understood by his audience." As English has spread as a second language, it has left behind its ties to Britain and America. お願いします。
So, If you find the way to by oneself for our final vision. You need't any more help from me, are't you? If you say"YES", I sure will. But, I'm telling you my dear. As if you say"you need me", I'll ring my bell.As you know. What wouldn't I do to help you? I love you Daddy.
First, we import the sys module using the import statement. Basically, this translates to us telling Python that we want to use this module. The sys module contains functionality related to the Python interpreter and its environment.
Most English speakers in Asia today use the language to communicate not with native speakers but with other Asians. "Today, fewer and fewer people think of English in terms of either England or America," said Wang Gungwu, a professor at the National University of Singapore. "In a funny way, it is part of the identity of a new Asian middle class." お願いします。
>>359 ありがとうございました! @はご指摘の通り、全文を載せることにしました。 As big as American Express is -it's the world's largest travel agency and one of the world's leading credit card issures,with 70000employees in hundreds of locations around the world- there is a family feeling about the place,thanks in part to people who never leave. 以上が一文です。 -〜-は解釈できますが、その前後の部分がつながりません。 宜しくお願いします。
The lay plausibility is, I think, one of the foundations that has supported the uncritical drawing of a thorerical distinction between linguistic competence and communicative compitence.
The government has advocated its importance for enabling youth to feel connected to other people and their communities. These connections are especially meaningful at a time in their lives when they need to emerge from their self-centered adolescence into becoming responsible and caring adult members of society.
The book describes China as the "world's prostitution superpower" and says, without offering evidence, that prostitution accounts for 10 percent of the country's gross domestic product. It describes China as a source of disease
長いですが、暇な方、どうかよろしくおねがいします。 "I’ve never heard that word before," I said. "Did you invent it?" "Of course I didn’t invent it," he replied. "It’s name given to them who’s risen to very top of the profession. You’ve heard of a goldsmith and a silversmith, for instance. They’re experts with gold and silver. I’m an expert with my fingers, so I’m a fingersmith." "It must be an interesting job.’ ‘It’s a marvelous job,’ he answered. "It’s lovely." "And that's why you go to the races?" "Race meetings is easy meat," he said. "You just stand around after the race, watching for the lucky ones to queue up and draw their money. And when you see someone collecting a big bundle of notes, you simply follows after him and help yourself. But don't get me wrong, guvnor. I never takes nothing from a loser. Nor from poor people neither. I only go after them as can afford it, the winners and the rich".
"That's very thoughtful of you," I said. "How often do you get caught?" "Caught?" he cried, disguted. "Me get caught! It's only pickpockets get caught. fingersmiths never. Listen, I could take the false teeth out of your mouth if I wanted to and you wouldn't even catch me!" "I don't hve false teeth," I said. "I know you don't," he answerd. "Otherwise I'd have 'hd(hadの略?) them out long ago!" I believed him. Those long slim fingers of his seemed able to do anything. We drove on for a while without talking. "That policemen's going to cheek up on you pretty thoroughly," I said. "Doesn't that worry you a bit?" "Nobody's checking up on me," he said. "Pf couse they are. He's got your name and address written down most carefully in his black book."
The farm lay in a hollow among the Somersetshire hills, an old-fashioned stone house surrounded by barns and pens and outhouses. Over the doorway the date when it was built had been carved in the elegant figures of the period, 1673, and the house, grey and weather-beaten, looked as much a part of the landscape as the trees that sheltered it. An avenue of splendid elms that would have been the pride of many squire's mansion led from the road to the trim garden. The people who lived here were as stolid, sturdy, and unpretentious as the house; their only boast was that ever since it was built from father to son is one unbroken line they had been born and died in it. For three hundred years they had farmed the sorrounding land. George Meadows was now a man of fifty, and his wife was a year or two younger. They were both fine, upstanding people in the prime of life ; and their children, two sons and three girls, were handsome and strong. They had no new-fangled notions about being gentlemen and ladies ; they knew their place and wre pround of it.
>>487さん、全文だとこうなります。 Would you wish me to make a decision today that I could not make when I had no sense? Would you が付くことによって語尾の訳し方がわからなくなってしまいました・・・ もしよろしければ、ご教授願えませんか? お願いしますm(__)m
More recently, there has been an increasing focus on approaches which first attempt to acquire and structure the knowledge and then build the system.
Most expert systems developments have typically been separate from information systems development methodologies, in the sense that different people are involved and the focus tends to be on solving the technical problems rather than on the process of development.
For some people, expert systems have particular characteristics that mean that information systems development approaches are not relevant.
They argue that the knowledge domain is more complex, and that the knowledge acquisition process and the representation of rules are the key issues in expert systems development.
This complexity implies that to develop expert systems might require somebody to interface between the domain experts and the technical expert systems developers.
This person is known as a knowledge engineer and typically has good cognitive and interpersonal skills.
Whether developing expert systems is radically different from developing information systems is a matter of debate.
It may be that current methodologies may not need too much adapting to handle knowledge acquisition and representation as well as the acquisition and representation of data and processes.
Another area of interest relates to whether any of the approaches to expert systems development have anyihing to offer information systems development methodologies.
Some of these issues are further discussed in Section 23.2 where an expert systems development methodology (KADS) is described.
Expert systems can be used for handling and applying the rules of a systems development methodology in a toolset. Another area relates to the use of methodologies, not just to develop standard information systems, but to develop expert systems. The approach to their development has been very ad hoc, and there is no such thing as a standard expert systems development methodology. Indeed, up until recently, there has been little interest in methodological issues in the expert systems community (but see Section 23.2). The prevailing approach to the development of expert systems may be characterized as prototyping or evolutionary. This has evolved from the trial and error approach of the early expert systems where the developers would code up a few rules and then try out the program on the users, find it was inadequate, and change or add some more rules, try it out again, and so on.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume that the world contains 3 1/2 billion acres of arable land and 3 1/2 billion people, a number which, according to conservative projections, will be reached before 1970.
I was never at my ease in my father's company; I never knew when I might not be subjected to a series of searching questions which I should not be allowed to evade. Meanwhile, on every other stage of experience I was gaining the reliance upon self and the respect for the opinion of others which come naturally to a young man of sober habits who earns his own living and lives his own life. For this kind of independence my father had no respect or consideration, when questions of religion were introduced, although he handsomely conceded it on other points. And now first there occurred to me the reflection, which in years to come I was to repeat over and over, with an ever sadder emphasis, - what a charming companion, what a delightful parent my father would have been, if it had not been for this strict piety which ruined it all.
What a curious piece of conceit it is to think that everything must have reference to ourselves and that our criterion of things is to be whether they act, whether they work out, whether they answer, for us. 文構造と訳をお願いします。
>>527 構文 What a curious piece of conceit = C it = S(仮主語) is = V to think 〜 (真主語) that everything must have referene to ourselves (thinkの目的節) and that our criterion of things is to be 〜 for us.(thinkの目的節) 訳 何と言う奇妙な自惚れだろうか、 あらゆるものが我々自身に関連付けられねばならず、 ものの評価基準は我々の役に立つかどうかであるべきだ等と考えるとは。
・Recent research indicates that people who get annual influenza shots may be receiving other benefits.
・In a study of 286,000 people aged over 65 who had the influenza shots,hospitalization for heart disease and strokes dropped by nineteen percent and sixteen percent,respectively.
・For those who had taken the influenza shot for two consective years,statistics show an even greater drop in hospitalaization for these serious illnesses.
I would not have wanted it blown full of holes. And there have been not a few times that I have encountered snakes in the wild. She had to drive,with me lying down in the back,to the hospital. 単語からなんとなく意味は分かるんですがはっきりしません。 どなたか訳おねがいします。
"A manager like David, that's the direction they're going in," Poorvu, 70, said while the 10-month search was under way. Poorvu said he thought Harvard would hire someone who relied more on outside managers, as Yale did.
They found that as much as three percent of the ozone over heavily populated areas of North America and Europe has been destroyed in the past thirty years 和訳よろしくおねがいします。
Swensen's acolytes manage five of the country's prestigious endowments. In addition to Golden at Princeton, former Swensen colleagues manage investments for Bowdoin College, Carnegie Corp. of New York, the New York public Library and Rockefeller Foundation. And Swensen's influence is about to extend beyond the U.S. Cambridge University in Cambridge, England, has hired a former Yale provost and Swensen devotee as president to oversee a Business School. 「お願いした部分」 Harvard invests about half of its endowment in-house. In mid-October, Harvard chose Pacific Investment Management Co's Mohamed El-Erian.
国に帰る外国人の友達が紙に書いてくれたのですが、さっぱり意味がわかりません。 「what can a flame renenber? if it remembers more than that is necessary, it gose out. if it remembers less than that is necessary, it gose out. if only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.」
みなさんどうずよろしく。。。 僕は英人です、だから、ごめんなさい、日本語とてもへたです。 この 「what can a flame renenber? if it remembers more than that is necessary, it gose out. if it remembers less than that is necessary, it gose out. if only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.」 でしょう 「What can a flame remember? If it remembers more than that is necessary, it goes out. If it remembers less than that is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.」 でも、If it remembers more than that is necessary, it goes out.でしょう。。。 - If it remembers more than what is necessary... - If it remembers more than that which is necessary... ごめんなさい <(_ _)>
George Seferis, “Straits the Sailor Describes a Man”の一節。 スミルナ生まれのギリシャの外交官・詩人でノーベル賞受賞者。
What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out. If it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.
More so than during last year's post-Thanksgiving rush, people jammed stores early, with more than a few testy shoppers scuffling in a rush to grab coveted, limited-quantity bargains.
The group has a collective action problem if it is better for all if some do it than if nobody does, but better for each not to do it. And it may or may not be best if all do.
And every thing in nature is connected. ln a forest, for example, plants and animals make up a whole, complex pattern of life. lf we destroy that pattern, all kinds of things can go wrong.
Disclaimer This transmission may contain information that is confidential and privileged and intended only for the addressee. If you are not the addressee you may not use, disseminate or copy this information. If you have received this information in error notify us immediately. This message does not constitute a contractual agreement.
In Japan, however, until recently this problem had attracted little recognition. As child psychiatrist Dr.Seiji Sakai writes, “We thought there wasn’t much child abuse and that we were different from the US because our culture was different.” But in the past decade, the Japanese are becoming aware that child abuse is a serious problem in their country, too. The number of incidents of child abuse reported at Japanese public Child Consultation Centers has quickly increased, exceeding 1000 cases in 2000. Part of the reason for this is that abuse is now recognized and reported more often. But more experts believe the actual number of cases of abuse is higher, and increasing significantly. Increases in divorce, remarriage, broken families, along with streets and unemployment all contribute to child abuse. Yoko, a counselor at the Center for Child Abuse Prevention, explains that the problem also has a relation to gender roles: “In Japan, gender roles in the family are still strongly defined, as the father is responsible for work and mother is responsible for child rearing. The recognition that both parents should raise children in mutual cooperation remains weak.” Yoko adds that Japanese mothers are often worried that they will be criticized by others if their children fail in school and so they may resort to excessive punishment in attempting to control children.
それに追加で本当に申し訳ないのですが、最後に、あと数文ありましたので、もし宜しければで良いので、翻訳してくれたら助かりますm(__)m Another problem is the traditional attitude of keeping family matters private, coupled with society’s reluctance to intervene in family problems. As Yuko points out, “Unsurprisingly, the social rights of children have not been well recognized...making it difficult for others to intervene with cases of severe child abuse. At present there are too few counselors and phychotherapists trained in child abuse cases. The space for children at juvenile facilities and the number of welfare workers per child are only about one-third of those in the US.
Have a dialog in which each student tries to make the other student see things from their perspective. At the end of the dialog, you can agree or continue to disagree with your positions.
至急(明日まで)お願いします!!20分以上考えたけどうまい意味になりませんでした。 A dead bird is an irregularity,more startling than an unexpected live bird,sure evidence to the human mind that something has gone wrong.
ちょっと長いですが教えて下さい。文章の途中ですので指示語は気にしないで下さい。If the earth were otherwise and all the dying were done in the open with the dead there to be looked at we would never have it out of our minds.〈(_ _)〉
>>644 We can forget about it much of the time,or think of it as an accident to be avoided somehow.But it does make the process of dying seem more exceptional than it really is,and harder to engage in at the times when we must ourselves engage.
But in a given geometrical configuration,as gas pressure falls so that conditions become transitional and eventually molecular,thermal conductivity progressively diminishes,thus providing a property that can be exploited for pressure measurement お願いします 意味わからん。。。orz
When gaseous conditions are such that the mean free path becomes rather greater than d but still less than D, molecules are in a transitional state and collide dominantly with themselves and with the cylinder wall so that their temperature may be taken to be T.
Chomsky describes "Flak" as a 'negative response to a media statement to a [TV or Radio] program'. These negative responses could take the form of letter, telegrams, phone calls, petitions, lawsuits, speeches, threats or punitive action. Business organizations regularly come together to form "Flak machines". One of the best examples is the big oil companies who formed a group in order to discredit climate scientists and global warming.
In short, the simple fact of swimming through water resulted in making a diffrence between the front and back end of an animal in the course of evolution. どなたかお願いします。end ofのところがよくわかりません。
Wow, well done for winning second prize! I would be much too scared to get up and sing, even with my friends.
Haha, I watched the premiere on television earlier this week! It's a shame you had to stay up and watch it... I hope you weren't too tired in the morning. 簡単な英文かもしれませんが、自分には分かりません;; 和訳お願いします。
It is possible thet strange-looking creatures are living in the seas, land, and skies of other planets. They are not likely to be so strange, however, that we could not recognize them as animals. This is simply because their bodies would have bilateral symmetry.
* = Optional Check IF this is a gift or for different billing address
NOTE: If you plan to pay with a credit card, you MUST PROVIDE A VALID land line number. If you pay by other methods it is not necessary.
In a world where millions of poor people cannot afford basic health care, what does it mean if our medical system becomes increasingly oriented toward such luxury care? Does this allow us to ignore the larger problems of world health? What does it mean if we are constantly trying to hide and deny aging? Does this keep us happier and make us better people? Or does it make us more afraid to face ourselves and the inevitable process of aging? Could it be that true happiness comes through accepting the natural processes of life, rather than fighting against them? As in all medical questions, this is a very personal matter, and there can be no universal answers.
It involves injection of botulinum A toxin to block nerve impulses and paralyze muscles that cause wrinkles. It is also claimed that Botox injections can help relieve symptoms of migraine headaches and excessive sweating.
botulinum A toxin はボツリヌス菌、Botox injections はボツリヌス菌の注入という意味です。 うまく訳せないので、お願いします。
>>712 it が何か心当たりはありませんか? 「アメリカについてどんな間違った考えを持ってても、あなたはきっと私たちを通して it を見つけてくれる」 つまり、「あなたは私たちと接することで{正しい何かを}見出してくれるはず」みたいな意味? 「間違った考えを持ってる」と誤解されてるかもしれませんが、結局信じてくれてるんじゃないでしょうか。
When gaseous conditions are such that the mean free path becomes rather greater than d but still less than D, molecules are in a transitional state and collide dominantly with themselves and with the cylinder wall so that their temperature may be taken to be T.
it を America と考えると、 「間違った認識を持ってても、私たちを通して真のアメリカを見てくれるよね」 的な意味になりそうですけど。 Why do you think I have a wrong idea of America? 「なぜ私がアメリカに対して間違った見方をしてると思うの?」とか、直接 尋ねてみてもいいかもしれません。
>>718 Sure, as many countries' people do, I also think the US is too self-centered holding over others with its hegemonic superpower, but do you think it's a wrong idea? と聞いた方が良いよ。
"I’ve never heard that word before," I said. "Did you invent it?" "Of course I didn’t invent it," he replied. "It’s name given to them who’s risen to very top of the profession. You’ve heard of a goldsmith and a silversmith, for instance. They’re experts with gold and silver. I’m an expert with my fingers, so I’m a fingersmith." "It must be an interesting job.’ ‘It’s a marvelous job,’ he answered. "It’s lovely." "And that's why you go to the races?" "Race meetings is easy meat," he said. "You just stand around after the race, watching for the lucky ones to queue up and draw their money. And when you see someone collecting a big bundle of notes, you simply follows after him and help yourself. But don't get me wrong, guvnor. I never takes nothing from a loser. Nor from poor people neither. I only go after them as can afford it, the winners and the rich".
"That's very thoughtful of you," I said. "How often do you get caught?" "Caught?" he cried, disguted. "Me get caught! It's only pickpockets get caught. fingersmiths never. Listen, I could take the false teeth out of your mouth if I wanted to and you wouldn't even catch me!" "I don't hve false teeth," I said. "I know you don't," he answerd. "Otherwise I'd have 'hd(hadの略?) them out long ago!" I believed him. Those long slim fingers of his seemed able to do anything. We drove on for a while without talking. "That policemen's going to cheek up on you pretty thoroughly," I said. "Doesn't that worry you a bit?" "Nobody's checking up on me," he said. "Pf couse they are. He's got your name and address written down most carefully in his black book."
Not so language. It is of course true that in a certain sense the individual is predestined to talk, but that is due entirely to the circumstance that he is born not merely in nature, but in the lap of a society that is certain, reasonably certain, to lead him to its traditions. Eliminate society and there is every reason to believe that he will learn to walk, if, indees, he survives at all. But it is just as certain that he will learn to talk, that is, to communicate ideas according to the tradition system of aparticular definite limits as we pass from individual to individual. Its variability is involuntary and purposeless. Speech is a human actibity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage.
The heat loss,in addition to being directly proportional to the temprature difference and to the pressure p(fundamentally to the number density), also depends on gas type through M and on its accommodation coefficient α with the heat surface. お願いします。p、M、αはそのままで構いません。
If you think of the people you know who can handle significant amounts of stress and avoid its damaging effects, they are usually men and women who maintain a strong sense of commitment to their work and other activities, and who respond positively to challenges rather than feeling completely overcome by them.
Often and often in afterlife I have come across people doing jobs that I had never dreamed of before, and which would have thrilled me had I been told about them at school.
Garbage is piling up everywhere. I sigh whenever I take out our household garbage, which gets hauled off to the dump several times each week. But how many of us realize that the lifestyle that produces so much waste is a very recent thing? In Japan, we take care to sort our garbage, separating organic wastes, newspapers and magazines, cans and bottles. In spite of our best efforts, if we burn some of these wastes without care, we may produce some poisonous chemicals. They pollute our environment, or these poisons may be gradually building up in our bodies. A process moving toward the end of the Japanese race has already started, as chemicals are cutting the sperm count of Japanese males. Other nations are poisoning themselves in similar ways, but we produce far more garbage per person then Europeans. It is clear that we are the leading consumers of the earth's resources. 少し長いかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。
But it is just as certain that he will learn to talk, that is, to communicate ideas according to the tradition system of aparticular society. Walking, then, is a general human activity that varies only within certain definite limits as we pass from individual to individual.Its variability is involuntary and purposeless. Speech is a human actibity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage.
The heat loss,in addition to being directly proportional to the temprature difference and to the pressure p(fundamentally to the number density), also depends on gas type through M and on its accommodation coefficient α with the heat surface. すみません、やっぱりわからないので和訳よろしくお願いします。p、M、αはそのままで構いません。
All of us have had the experience of not being able to find the right words to get across our meaning, of being misunderstood, of finding that we don't make ourselves clear. Thought and language are mutually dependent.
>subject:failure notice >Hi. This is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
The IS-LM model presented in this chapter is the basic model of aggredemand that incorporates the assets markets as well as the goods market. It lays particular stress on the channels through which monetary and fiscal policy affect the economy. The IS curve shows combinations of the interest rate and level of income such that the goods market is in equilibrium. Increases in the interest rate reduce aggregate demand by reducing the demand for investment goods. Thus at higher interest rate, the level of income at which the goods market is in equilibrium is lower: the IS curve slopes downward. The demand for money is a demand for real balances. The demand for real balances increases with income and decreases with the interest rate, the cost of holding money rather than other assets. With an exogenously fixed supply of real balances, the LM curve, representing money market equilibrium, is upward-sloping. Because of the wealth constraint, equilibrium of the money market implies equilibrium of the remaining assets market - summarized here under the catchall "bond market". The interest rate and level of output are jointly determined by simultaneous equilibrium of the goods and money markets. This occurs at the intersection point of the IS and LM curves.
But it is just as certain that he will learn to talk, that is, to communicate ideas according to the tradition system of aparticular society. Walking, then, is a general human activity that varies only within certain definite limits as we pass from individual to individual.Its variability is involuntary and purposeless. Speech is a human actibity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage.
With further increase of pressures,continuum conditions are approached in which the thermal conductivity of the gas ceases to depend on pressure, although at higher pressures the heat loss continues to increase slightly as bulk convective heat flow become possible when gas adjacent to the wire is heated by conduction,expands,becomes bouyant,and transports energy away upwards. 和訳お願いします。
If the sentence is not satisfied with draw,we will be arranged. これって、どういう意味ですか? さっき、友達に言われました。 教えて下さい。 別の板でも聞いてます。こちらの方がふさわしいと思い、載せてみました。 よろしくお願いいたします。
The IS-LM model presented in this chapter is the basic model of aggredemand that incorporates the assets markets as well as the goods market. It lays particular stress on the channels through which monetary and fiscal policy affect the economy. The IS curve shows combinations of the interest rate and level of income such that the goods market is in equilibrium. Increases in the interest rate reduce aggregate demand by reducing the demand for investment goods. Thus at higher interest rate, the level of income at which the goods market is in equilibrium is lower: the IS curve slopes downward. The demand for money is a demand for real balances. The demand for real balances increases with income and decreases with the interest rate, the cost of holding money rather than other assets. With an exogenously fixed supply of real balances, the LM curve, representing money market equilibrium, is upward-sloping. Because of the wealth constraint, equilibrium of the money market implies equilibrium of the remaining assets market - summarized here under the catchall "bond market". The interest rate and level of output are jointly determined by simultaneous equilibrium of the goods and money markets. This occurs at the intersection point of the IS and LM curves.
But it is just as certain that he will learn to talk, that is, to communicate ideas according to the tradition system of aparticular society. Walking, then, is a general human activity that varies only within certain definite limits as we pass from individual to individual.Its variability is involuntary and purposeless. Speech is a human actibity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage.
The South thence voted to secede, forcing the central government under the presidential leadership of Abraham Lincoln, ironically a Republican, to decide the question by means of a war that had the aspect of a popular moral crusade against slavery.
一文なのですが長くて上手く日本語に訳せません。 to secedeとto decideが同格のような気がするのですが正しいでしょうか。 ご教授お願いいたします。
>>784さん。 寝る前にもう一度、と思って見てみたら、まだ解決していなかったんですね。 さっきsociety までやくしましたよね。続きです。ただ、慌ててやったのでいまいちです。いちおう私が見ている原文も載せておきます。 [中略]Walking, then, is a general human activity that varies only within circumscribed limits as we pass from individual to individual. Its variability is involuntary and purposeless. Speech is a human activity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-continued social usage. 歩行というものは、一般的な人間の活動であって、個々人によって明確に線引きができる程度の多様性しかもたない。その多様性は、意識されないものであり、たいした意味も持たないものである。 話すことは、社会集団どうしの間でいかなる明確な境界ももたない、多様性のある人間の活動である。というのも、話すことは、その社会集団の純粋に歴史的な財産であり、長期にわたる社会慣習の産物だからである。
The hurricane, which later weakenedto a still fierce Category 4 storm, Prompted widespread evacuations as it neared the Gulf of Mexico early Thursday.
Wilma was the 12th hurricane of the year and tied the 1969 record for most hurricanes in a season.
The Season still has six weeks to run and has already spawned three of the most intennse hurricanes on record. Hurricane experts say the Atlantic has swung back into a period of heightened storm activity that could last another 20 years.
With further increase of pressures,continuum conditions are approached in which the thermal conductivity of the gas ceases to depend on pressure, although at higher pressures the heat loss continues to increase slightly as bulk convective heat flow become possible when gas adjacent to the wire is heated by conduction,expands,becomes bouyant,and transports energy away upwards.
The dependence on A means that conduction is greater for the lighter species,a consequence of their greater number of visits to and energy transactions with the wire per unit time. これもよければお願いします。。。
"I'm sorry", I said. "It's none of my business what you do.The trouble is, I'm a writer,and most writers are terribly nosey parkers."
"You wirte books is okay',he said.'It's what I call a skilled trade too. The folks I despise is them that spend all their lives doin" crum-my old routine jobs with no skill in "em at all. You see what I mean" "Yes." "The secret of life," he said, " is to become very very good at somthin" that's very very "ard to do." "Like you," I said. "Exactly. You and me both." "What makes you think the I'm any good at my job?" I asked. "There's an awful lot of bad writers around." "You wouldn't be drivin" about in a car like this if you weren't no good at it," he answered. " It must've cost a tidy packet, this little job." "It wasn't cheap." "What can she do flat out?" he asked. "One hundred and twenty-nine miles an hour," I told him.
数学の問題です。 和訳お願いします。 1. Consider the cubic function : f(x)=2x^3+6x^2-4.5x-13.5 Graph this function and find an appropriate window so the graph looks like this (then there is a figure..)
State the roots of this cubic and confirm using the Reminder Theorem. Then, taking the roots 2 at the time, find the equations of the tangent lines to the average of two of the three roots. Find where the tangent line at the average of the 2 roots intersect the curve again. Does this observation hold regardless of which two roods you average ?? State a conjecture concerning the roots of the cubic and the tangent lines at the average value of these roots.
2. test your conjecture in other simliar cubic functions. 3. Prove your conjecture.
子供が朝まで英語の宿題をやっていなかったので指導したいので訳をお願いできますか? ほんとうに朝から困ってて。。。 The history of organized cheerleading begins in the late 19th century,and the development of cheerleading into a sport ,led by the University of Minnesota,startde in the 1920s with the inclusion of gymnastics and tumbling routines.
The 1930s brought on the growth of showmanship in cheerleading,and it become more entertaining to watch.
Cheerleading in the United States was dominated by men in its early years.
However,when many young men went off to fight in World War U,the tables turned from that point on.
More than 90 percent of cheerleaders were female.Now,many modern girls till dream of becoming cheerleaders.
The cooling causes a lowering in filament temperature and therefore resistance,unbalancing the bridge whose output signal gives a measure of pressure above the threshold of sensitivity. bridgeは回路の名前です。和訳よろしくお願いします。
>>837 そう? 簡略化すると、 The South voted to secede, forcing the central government to decide... south が voted to secede したことによって、the central government に decision を force したんだよ。
In modern forms of the instrument, it is arranged so that the power source drives the filament either with constant current so that changes in resistance are measured as the pressure is varied or in the constant temperature mode in which case the power to the filament is measured at constant resistance.
>>841 そうですね。そこをつなげると The cooling causes a lowering in filament temperature and therefore resistance,unbalancing the bridge whose output signal gives a measure of pressure above the threshold of sensitivity. In this mode of operation the upper limit of sensitivity is about 1mbar. In modern forms of the instrument, it is arranged so that the power source drives the filament either with constant current so that changes in resistance are measured as the pressure is varied or in the constant temperature mode in which case the power to the filament is measured at constant resistance.
When party to a contract may rescind if the consent of the party rescinding, or of any party jointly contracting with him, was given by mistake, or obtained through duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence, exercised by or with the connivance of the party as to whom he rescinds, or of any other party to the contract jointly interested with such party.
ヨロシクお願いします。 訳を頼まれたのですが簡単な英文でも 分からないところが多々あり…参ってしまいました。 I was pleasantly surprised to receive your bussiness card. My friend told me that you asked me to write to you and I feel flatered with your attention. I have to admit though, that by reading your nameI cannot identily who are you and I apologire for it. But if I saw your pictures I most probably would remember you. My english is not very good and my friend helped me with translation. I'll be looking forward to hear from you soon.
Britain's Ministry of Defense said Sunday it was investigating claims of violent bullying in the Royal Marines, after a newspaper obtained video footage of what appears to show recruits being forced to fight each other in a naked initiation ceremony.
Subsequently Michael Portillo,the right-winger many felt would have won the leadership had he not astonishingly lost his huge majority to a novice Labour candidate ,re-invented himself as the quintessence of such a notion. 長文ですが、和訳お願いします。
I have noticed that some people has added me to email black lists, I don?´t know who but it seems that some spammers have used my email and spammed other people. I personally HATE spammers and I don?´t do spams. Now my emails won?´t go thru for some email address, but what I can do? I have asked to remove my address from 2 sites, well see what happens...or does it happens anything...
This week's Look Ahead steers away from those big-name teams for a few moments to a story that could be pretty relevant once the ball starts rolling in April.
それから、下の文章での「they could very well land A.J. Burnett」の"land"は どういう意味なのでしょうか。(和訳は必要ありません)
Sometime in the next few weeks, maybe at the Winter Meetings in Dallas from Dec. 5-8, they could very well land A.J. Burnett which he spent with Jays ace Roy Halladay.
Hey, how long till the music drowns you out? Don't put words up in my mouth, I didn't steal your boyfriend, Hey, how long till you face what's goin' on, Cause you really got it wrong, I didn't steal your boyfriend,
>>876 私が投稿した内容について色々な方にレスを頂き、申し訳ありません。 >>876さんは、nakedを「露骨な」と訳されているようですが、これは多分「裸の」の方がいいん ではないかと。記事を読み進めると、「naked men fighting in a field」と書いてありますから。 でも、大変参考になりました。ありがとうございました。
Subsequently Michael Portillo,the right-winger many felt would have won the leadership had he not astonishingly lost his huge majority to a novice Labour candidate ,re-invented himself as the quintessence of such a notion. 何度もすみませんが、和訳お願いします。
The cooling causes a lowering in filament temperature and therefore resistance,unbalancing the bridge whose output signal gives a measure of pressure above the threshold of sensitivity. In this mode of operation the upper limit of sensitivity is about 1mbar. In modern forms of the instrument, it is arranged so that the power source drives the filament either with constant current so that changes in resistance are measured as the pressure is varied or in the constant temperature mode in which case the power to the filament is measured at constant resistance.
What makes friends? Is it the way you dress? Your look or is it because your rich? Even though I am a girl does not that mean I can't have FRIENDS that are boys? I have friends that are boys and we get teased a lot. What do you think of my opinion? I hope in the future people will realize that to treat people badly because of friends is wrong. I get along with my friends because they treat me nice and I get along with them. I hope this changes some of the ways people look at others.
She doesn't like watching a movie as I do. これで「私とは違い、彼女は映画を見るのが嫌いだ。」になるんですよね。
She doesn't like watching a movie as I don't . ではこれはどういう意味でしょうか。上と同じように考えると、 「私が映画を見るのが嫌いなのとは違い、彼女は映画を見るのが嫌いだ。」 となり矛盾した意味になります。英作文の問題で 「私とは違い、彼女は映画を見るのが嫌いだ。」を英訳しろと言われて自分で書いた 答えが下の英文です。答えは上の英文で納得したんですが、下の自分が書いた 答えの意味がわからなくなってしまいました。 よろしくお願いします。 長文失礼いたしました。
>>927 お願いしたことは She doesn't like watching a movie as I don't の和訳です。 「面倒な表現をするのがよいこととは思わない。」とは自分でも意味がわからないような 英文を書くなということですか?これからは書くことは無いと思いますがこの文の意味を 知りたいんです。
@It seemed clearly to me that the man with a gun was guilty of murder. AThe value of the yen declines as the rate of inflation raises. BNo matter how difficult the problem is, you should never give up it until the last moment. CHow clever for you to buy chocolate chip cookies ― they are my favorite. DI'll never forget to get lost when we were climbring in the Alps last year.
>>936 1) It seemed clear/obvious to me that the man with a gun was/should be guilty of murder. 2) The value of yen declines as the rate of inflation rises. 3) No matter how difficult the problem is, you should not give it up until the last moment. 4) How clever of you to buy chocolate chip cookies, they are my favourites. 5) I'll never forget getting lost when we were climbing the Alps last year.