>>8 I'm sorry that I haven't shown up for 2 months or so, I was really busy with my job. I don't think I'll be able to come in for every class this month, but I'm planning on getting my act together next month.
>>11 I wanted to order you to do ○○, but I couldn't choose it because you addressed about Japan in the filling section. Are you able to send Japan to me?
As I tried to order 00 with you in your Web application, I couldn't choose "Japan" in an address column of the format. Is it possible to ship to Japan?
On behalf of my self, I would like to extend my appology that I have been absent in your class for approximately 60 days or 1440 hours. It is not possible for me to participate in your class due to my part time job. Whereas, I wish to attend the class next month. But this will never happen.
>>3 Of course we can't climb up to the summit of Fujisan in this season. We will go to the half height point called "Gogoume" by bus. It may be chilly so you better have a thick jacket with you.
We have newly developed a CMOS technology to enable 140 percent higher dynamic range and 6 times greater optical sensitivity for CCDs, thanks to the manufacturing technology by Konica Minolta, our partner in a development project of single-lens reflex cameras, which offers 1000 times more dynamic range for CCDs. The new technology will be more improved and accessible, which is only useful for professional digital cameras now, and it will be applied to our consumer products as well as Konica's in the coming months.
>>67 I would like to send you it in Euro notes, however, it appears that the metal strips in them can be detected by metal detectors. The postmen know the sending of cash by post is illegal so there is no guarantee and it usually gets stolen. The postal guarantee itself is, at most, 5000 Yen (cheap!) but the mailing of cash in anyway is not allowed. If by some chance it disappears, you can not claim anything under the postal insurance, and you would just have to swallow it. In my opinion, it would be safer to send it in dollar bills, what do you think?
>>81 Next, I will tell you a bit about sports in London. A very popular sport in London is soccer and there are two distinct championship teams. When they play each other it is extremely exciting.
>>136 I'm sorry, but I didn't go to the exhibitation that you told me about. I had no interest in it. Because my damned customer made a complaint to me, so I had to handle with this idiot, and I had to work on Saturday and Sunday. But it is none of your business. I feel sorry for you.
>>140>>132 I couldn't wish anything more that you cannot come to Japan this time. The season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom is very nice, but the period of automn is also relaxing, sober and calm. I have to decline your visit with Jim next time.
I'm sorry but I couldn't go to the exhibition you'd told me about. It was because I had to deal with customer complaints over last weekend. Anyway, I've worked it out today. I'm really sorry and thank you for the information.136
I'm sorry that you cannnot come to Japan this time. There is a quiet feel of autumn now, as nice as the bloomed cherry blossoms of spring. Please come visit me again with Jim!
ラベルはあくまでもその人を表す表記にすぎないから Whose label does this picture have? じゃないの?
>>131 1「私は彼に噴水の前で写真を撮ってもらった」 I had him take a picture of me in front of the fountain. 2「昨夜の火事で、10戸が全勝した。」 The last night fire burned ten houses down. 3「私はショッピングモールで財布を盗まれた」 I had my wallet stolen in the shopping mall. 4「息子があまり電話をくれないので、がっかりしています。」 I'm disappointed at my son not ringing me up often. 5「試合がスリル満点だったので、私はとても興奮した。 I got exited because the game was thrilling.
>>140 &132 I regret it so much that you can't come to Japan this time. While the season of cherry in full bloom is lovely, the autumn in Japan has its own air of tranquility and is also lovely season. I am looking forward to your next chance to come to Japan. it's also nice if Jim can come with you then.
>>147 If I can have 10-days paid vacation next month, I'll go and see you. I'll leave Tokyo on 13. First I'll go to Toronto, and reach Vancouver on 18.
I'm sorry but I couldn't e-mail you because of my misreading of your e-mail address. Now I am e-mailing you again on the correct address I've got from Sannna.
I'm terribly sorry for someone who's gonna get visited next month for as much as 10 days by a person with absolutely no politeness and courtesy just like >>153.
I recommend you learning what politeness and courtesy are, which is much more important than language.
This is a wallet, a souvenir for you (Kate). I bought it at a department store last month where they had a special sale of local goods from Kyoto. Though it's an old Japanese style wallet and you may find it a little tricky to use, I hope you'll like it.
Most Japanese students are passive learners; they are waiting for someone's instruction. Though they can do assignments given to them, they rarely study spontaneously; they are low-motivated.
I e-mailed to you this morning but I fax to you just in case. I'm fine to meet you at 10 am. As the meeting place wasn't mentioned before, I wrote it in the e-mail.
I always feel like I wanna be something like good music! You know, good music has such a wonderful power to groove everyone around together! The awesome beat's gonna start playin' in your heart and you feel hot! Hope you all have fun at my play!
>>222 > 真面目な質問です。 > 出身地を聞かれて群馬と答えるのが恥ずかしいので、英語で格好よく答えたいです。 > 何かよいアドバイスください。 > 群馬だと、やっぱり馬=ホースですか? > 群れる? > お願いします This is a serious question. It's embarrassing to tell that it's Gunma when peopel ask me where I'm from. I want to answer such question in cool English. Please give me some good advice. Is "ma" in Gunma "Horse"? Gun is "gather"? Please help me.
>>226 Don't critcize other before you have checked your responsibilty. You are taking only on your points. That is why you are hated by all people around you. I am a Japanese of yellow skin people cosindered lower than white. We declare love in the centre of the world I got up in the morning to find it was a night.
>>257 I have confirmed the payment. I'm sorry to have caused you so much bother. I wish my English were better so that I could properly convey my gratitude to you. Anyway, thank you very much.
1,この薬を飲めば気分が良くなります。 This medicine will ( ) you feel better. 2,飛行機のおかげで、私たちは2,3日で世界一周ができます。 Airplanes ( ) us to go around the world in a few days. 3,重要な用事でその会には出られなかった。 Important business ( ) me from attending the meeting. 4,一時間歩くと、山の頂上に着きますよ。 An hour's walk will ( ) you to the top of the mountain. 5,この木を見るといつも子供の頃を思い出します。 This book always ( ) me of my childhood. 6,海に飛び込むことを考えると怖くなる。 The thought of diving into the sea ( ) me. 7,この冷蔵庫を使えば、電気代が50%節約できます。 This refrigerator will ( ) you 50 persent on your electricity bill. ( )に入る適語を教えてください。
>>277 They are very good customers so are you sure that treating them in that manner is a good idea? There is a very high probability that they will purchase a large amount from us in the future.
>>278 ほらよ 1,この薬を飲めば気分が良くなります。 This medicine will (come ) you feel better. 2,飛行機のおかげで、私たちは2,3日で世界一周ができます。 Airplanes ( take) us to go around the world in a few days. 3,重要な用事でその会には出られなかった。 Important business ( reply) me from attending the meeting. 4,一時間歩くと、山の頂上に着きますよ。 An hour's walk will ( link) you to the top of the mountain. 5,この木を見るといつも子供の頃を思い出します。 This book always ( think) me of my childhood. 6,海に飛び込むことを考えると怖くなる。 The thought of diving into the sea ( scatter) me. 7,この冷蔵庫を使えば、電気代が50%節約できます。 This refrigerator will ( sail) you 50 persent on your electricity bill.
>>288 I study as hard as a normal student should be.苦しい I have confidence in my English, and my dream is to have a job which requires English. ほんとかね?こんなところで聞いててもいいのか?
>>298 私のカメラはいまxxさんに貸してあるんです。 xxさんからカメラを返してもらい次第、すぐにそのビルとその周辺を写真に撮って あなたに送ります。 とりあえずこのメールにはxx駅の写真を添付しておきます。 この写真は新しいです、ほんの2〜3週間前に撮ったものです I'm going to send you some pictures of the building and its neighborhood right after getting my camera back from Mr. XX, who's needing it now. For the meantime I'm sending pictures of XX Station. These pictures are fresh. I took them just a few weeks ago.
>>298 テキトーに I've lended my camera to xx. As soon as I have it back from him, I 'll take pictures of the building and around and send them to you. As for now, I've attached a photo of xx station. This photo is quite new, I took it just 2 or 3 weeks ago.
>>304 She's a member of the tennis club, and she practises everyday until dark. She's very good at English and hopes to get a job related to English in the future.
Thank you for coming to XXX booth. Here is a couple of announcement Please do not smoke in this building. Eating and drinking are not possible here. and also we ask that a cell phone be? swiched off.
>>319 Thank you for coming to XXX booth. Here are a few regulations we ask you to follow. Please refrain from smoking in this building. Eating and drinking are not permitted, and all cell phones and beepers should be swiched off.
Please do not leave your belongings unattended, and if you find a suspicious object please do not touch it and let the clerk know.
I tried to send you an e-mail on the next day I met you, but it was returned in error. I thought you might have a protect on your mailbox. The e-mail with the title 'test' I sent the other day seems to have been delivered fine, so today I try again.
あなたの発音は彼らより私にとって理解しやすいです。は Your pronunciation is easier than thier one for me to understand. Your pronunciation is easier for me to understand than thier one. のどちらが正しいでしょうか?両方間違ってるとしたら、書けばいいですか?
>>322 1. I was about to go back home since you didn't show up while I had been waiting for a long time. But I'm so glad that you are finally here, (今会っている人に言っているという前提でよいのでしょうか?)
>>323 As for the fish you asked if it was tuna in Tsukiji fish market, I found it was bonito. Do you remember eating bonito in sushi restaurant? It was one with a bit of grated ginger on it. And one more thing, among fish you ate there, one in another plate was see eel. See eels do not taste so strong, that we eat them generally with aigre-douce-soy sauce (sweetend soy sauce).
>>335 You know, these guys who’s having their letters to foreigners translated into English in this thread, most of them wouldn’t be able to speak English properly, when they actually meet foreigners, although they probably write more or less proper English emails or letters with help of others. Foreigners would think of these ‘can write proper English, but can’t speak it at all’ guys very strange, when they meet them in person.
>324 I think sodium was detected from the port of this product because a man touched the port. No sodium was detected from ports of stocked ones. Isn't it because no one has touched them ?
>>368 I sincerely appreciate it that you offered me the wine as a souvenior. I have already consumed it. 'Twas truly delicious. My mother make it rule to taste wine at the dinner every evening, consequently, she was highly delighted. And the waffle we ate in Ginza was fucking yummy and super nice. Thank you.
>>373 最近、画面にでる英語が日本語に変わってしまって、あまりこういう 英語を目にすることがなくなったのだが、 「Process X は強制終了されました」は、X was forcefully terminated. でよいと思うので、 (forceful termination is acceptable) ではないかとおもふ。
The fish and oil with blue back that is called blue must be on a roll and delicious at this time It does. ..、Bonito, taste, sardine, mackerel, and mackerel pike, etc. However, there was no mackerel pike alone in that sushi parlor. Oil is too strong, and when it asks Mr. board, the mackerel pike at this time seems to make and not to peel off in the seed.
>>404 Because the taste of how to eat and the ingredient that gave a ride to the salt on the fish a little and ate was effective, it was delicious. There is tasting different from the method of eating applying the soy sauce. It is the best for this how to eat and white meat fish system. I sometimes eat Ten by this how to eat. By the way, that salt is rock salt imported from Borneo. Maybe, minerals might be more than usual salts.
>>382 In the vicinity in the Sugamo ground warehouse, there was only being called, "Grandma's Harajuku", and were a lot of grandmas and grandpa. Holiday is only one vicinity and coming near because that state on the weekday in year.
Thank you for the wine of the souvenir. It was immediately gotten, and it was terrible and it was delicious. It was terribly pleased because my mother won every evening at supper. Moreover, are sweet, are delicious, and thank you for waffle eats in Ginza.
I'm sorry. In the e-mail I just sent to you, there are some improper expressions, this is because I asked someone to translate my Japanese into English, but his English skill was not enough to do so. I am terribly sorry if you feel upset about my previous e-mail.
>>382 巣鴨地蔵の辺りは、"おばあちゃんの原宿"と呼ばれるだけあって、おばあちゃんや おじいちゃんが沢山いましたね。 平日であの状態ですから、休みの日は辺り一面、お年寄りだらけだそうですよ。 As we saw, there were so many elderly people hustling in Sugamojizo Street, sometimes called "Harajuku for grandmoms." (Harajuku is a major gathering place for young people.) I hear that the street is even more crowded on weekends, with elderly men and women all around!
I saw so many senior citizens around the Sugamo Jizo as the area is called 'Harajuku for elderly people'. As it was just like so on weekdays, you can see more on weekend or national holidays.
>>432 You can see the remnant images in the present buildings. The existing buildings show some images of the old times. You can scent the fragrance of the past in the remnant buildings. なんの面影だかわかんないし、具体的じゃないのでこれでいいのかわからんな。
She had a friend. She was always with him. She liked him very much, for he was the only person back then that she could trust. It is true that she owes to him the best part of what she is now. She was going to move to Kanagawa pref, and he gave her this CD before she left. Unfortunately, he passed away in autumn two years ago. At that time she felt depressed just by looking at the CD. But now, having come to terms with the past, she is rather encouraged by the CD; it is a proof that he still lives in her.
>>440 Thank you for replying email. It was very helpful for me to talk to you. I was sometime busy on weekend because of my part time job, but I can be available on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing you again, which give me a lot of motivation to study English.
>>440 Thank you for replying to me. It was really nice talking with you. I usually work part-time on weekend. However, I can be available on this Sunday. I hope you will be fine with it. I look forward to seeing you again and study hard by then.
地球から数週間逃げ出して、月を訪れるのは素晴らしいことだろうと思います。 I think it will be excellent to escape from the life on the earth and visit the moon for weeks. またはるか先には、別の世界から地球に宇宙船がやって来ることも、考えずにいられません。 Also, I cannot help thinking that space ships would come to the earth from another world.
The Incaic Empire was born in 13th century. (インカ帝国は13世紀に成立した) Inca expanded their territory Chili to Columbia during imperial peak with a focus on Cuzco. (最盛期には首都クスコを中心にチリからコロンビアまでその領土を広げた) They had superior stone manufacturing technology and The existing buildings show some traces of that technology. (彼らは優れた石材加工技術を持ち、現存する建物にもその面影を見ることができる) But Incan civilization had no letter. (しかしインカ文明は文字を持たなかった) In 16th century, Inca Empire was destroyed by 200 Spanish soldiers that Francisco Pizarro led. (16世紀、インカ帝国はフランシスコ・ピサロ率いる200人のスペイン軍に滅ぼされてしまった) Machu Picchu is one of Incan remains and it is placed along Urubamba valley in Peru. (マチュピチュ遺跡はインカの遺跡の一つで、ペルーのウルバンバ谷沿いに位置する) Machu Picchu means “old peak” in the local language. (マチュピチュとは現地の言葉で”老いた峰”を意味する) In this area, monsoon season and dry season comes one after the other. (この地方では雨季と乾期が交互にやってくる) This climate is difficult to grow up crops. (この気候は作物を栽培するには不向きである) But people of past time were growing more than 200 kinds of vegetables such as potato or corn. (しかし当時の人々はジャガイモやトウモロコシなど200種類以上の作物を栽培していた) In height of prosperity, it is said that 1000 people made a living in Machu Picchu remains. (最盛期には1000人がマチュピチュで生活していたとされる)
I appreciate your replying. I learned a lot from talking with you. I am busy doing my part-time job on some weekends, but I could find time on Sundays. I will keep studying English very hard, looking forward to seeing you again.
Even though the reason why she does so is because she doesn't like his ugliness, she will be punished if he reports complaining "I was refused because I'm a Korean ! It is an infringement on people's rights !"
Her name will made publish by the medium of televisions and newspapers and so on. She can't get any indemnify and apology even if her inoccence is proved. She will lose social standing.
I think that's possible though you may think the example exaggerated.
The foreigners living in Japan don't have suffrage now.
After "the Protection of Human Rights Bill" is enforced, people who oppose "the Foreigners' Suffrage Bill" will be punished. Therefore, no Japanese can't oppose the bill.
After foreigners in Japan obtain the suffrage, Korean people living in Japan will become politicians and take over Japan ! Japan will become a colony of Korea. Even now Japan is such like that enough.
Thinking about the cruelty that the South Korean soldiers did at Vietnam during the Vietnam War, it is very horrible to image the Korean's treatment to the Japanese whom they hate most !
The truth "a self-torturing history of Japan is fabricated by China and Korea " has spread to some Japanese, but not many, by the spread of internet recently.
Some books about China and Korea's fabrication have been sold in shops in Japan recently.
However, if "the Protection of Human Rights Bill" is enforced, these books such above will be accused of "an infringement on people's rights" by the Korean and Chinese living in Japan and be prohibited the sale.
Writings in the web-sites also becomes the object of punishment.
And The truth "a self-torturing history of Japan is fabricated by China and Korea " is hushed up again.
In Tottori Prefecture, "the Protection of Human Rights Bill" was passed in the prefectural assembly on the 12th this month for the first time in Japan.
The bill was projected secretly from the inhabitants in the prefecture and the passage was an ex post facto report in the local paper, very small article.
"the Protection of Human Rights Bill" was passed secretly from the citizens also in Tama City. The city plan to enforce the bill earlier than Tottori Prefecture.
>>482 The Japanese education methods in general scarsely have such system where teachers ever encourage students to actively participate the teaching than that they one-sidedly provide students with knowledge.
>>490 I was able to make a girlfriend miraculously on the introduction of my friend last year, though I had a typical creepy face of curly hair and single eye. It was terrible, and for the girl, the character was went, and woman favorably who that was good at cake making and good. It became thin because it is not an unhealthy becomeing thin but it body moved by the girl with cool eyes, it was thin, and it was the highest favorite animal it girl. However, my face of the leakage was shaken though associated for feelings bad squid one year.
>>490 Sorry, I didn't know the meaning of "Mattari".
I have a single-edged eyelid and an ugly face, though, I was able to get a girlfriend last year through one of my friends. She was very kind and liked making sweets. Her eyes were very clear. She was not just slender, her body was made by sports training. She was extreamely nice. She loved animals. I was dumped by her after 1 year because I am such a ugly man.
>>497 The exchange of commemorative gifts starts at two o'clock. The member is card-carrying. Please come to the Mono booth of the second floor. (The Mono booth is a corner where T-shirt and the pamphlet are sold in the event hall etc.)
The commemorative gift numbers is limited. I will assume the end of it as soon as it is lost.
>>497 The exchange of commemorative gifts starts at two o'clock. Please come to the Mono booth of the second floor with your member card. (The Mono booth is a corner where T-shirt and the pamphlet are sold in the event hall etc.)
The number of commemorative gift is limited. I will assume the end of it as soon as it is lost.
>>446 The Incaic Empire was born in the 13th century. The Empire expanded its territory from Chili to Columbia during the peak of its strength. Cuzco was its capital city. They had superior technology on stone architecture, technology, and the existing buildings show some traces of that technology. However, the Incan civilization did not have letters (written language). In the 16th century, Inca Empire was destroyed by 200 Spanish soldiers led by Francisco Pizarro. Machu Picchu is one of the Incan remains and it is placed along the Urubamba valley in Peru. Machu Picchu means “old peak” in local language. In this area, monsoon season and dry season comes one after the other (in turnsでもよいか). This climate makes it difficult to grow up crops. But people of the past (in those times) were growing more than 200 kinds of vegetables, such as potatoes or corn. In the height of its prosperity, it is said that around 1000 people made a living in Machu Picchu. 生活しているときはときはremainsではなかっただろう.
>>506 Today, I was planning to go to the school festival of ○○ university with my friend, but my friend got a flat tire on her back, so we became to be able not to go. We were looking forward to because △△ is comming... Recently, I bought a wing blancket. It was expensive, but confortable.
>>506 I was planning to a school festival today, but my friend got a strained back, so we will not go to the school festival, though I was looking forward to seeing the artist, ***. I bought feather blanket recently which was expensive but I can sleep very confortablely.
このドキュメントはAシステムにおける脆弱性とその対策について記述しています。 これを This document describes the vulnerability and the corrective actions to it <前置詞> A system. と書くことができるとしたら、何の前置詞を使えばいいでしょうか? 間違ってるとしたら、どう書いたらいいでしょうか?
He was really looking forward to working with you, Yuki. But, for some other reasons, he stopped working at the shop. Don't be disappointed. Be positive, Yuki.
>>525 訂正ありがとう。 じゃあこれでどうですか? If I can exchange with you, let's exchange the information on Japan's cosmetics and fashion and Korea's crappy cosmetics and fashion.
>>533 Thank you for the inviting meal on the other day. The Italian restaurant had a nice atomosphere. Would you consider eating me and banging me next time? Are you going back to New Zealand soon, aren't you? How about visiting Kyoto with me? Kyoto has many Japanese cultures, as well as I have a stinky vagina. so I recommend it.
Thank you for inviting me to the crappy dinner the other day. The Italian restaurant did have a crappy atomsphere,didn't it? You're soon going back to that crappy coutry of yours, New Zealand. May we should go sightseeing to Kyoto next time, where much of Japan's crappy culture is alive today.
その調査は保護対象が適切に保護されているかどうかについて行われました。 The investigation was done on whether the protective target was protected adequately, not require the perfect security. でよいでしょうか?
My elect penis is about 6. inches long. According to a survey, it seems like my penis is comparable size to white men's as well as incomparable to average Japanese's. But I don't know how large my girth is. I never measured it, so sometime I will. で合っていますでしょうか?
「当時私は人前でイイ子を演じなければならなかった。 私はイイ子を演じている自分が大嫌いであった。 だか彼の前だけでは、本当の私をさらけ出すことができた。 彼は私の心の拠り所であった。」 という文を英訳したいのですが、 「At that time,I have to play a good boy in company. I hated mayself as a good boy. Only being with him, I could reveal real myself. He was (私の心の拠り所).」 というのでよろしいのでしょうか?英語力に乏しいので非常に不安です。 また(心の拠り所)という言葉はなんと表現したらよろしいのでしょうか? どうか回答お願いいたします。
最近少し太ったみたいだね。なんで他の水着着てる写真消しちゃったの?今ある残りの1枚(ビキニのやつ)はおなかをひっこめてるでしょ? you seem like you’ve put on a bit of weight recently. why did you delete your other pictures of wearing swimsuit?I guess the left (bikini one) is putting back your belly. これであってますか? よろしくお願いします。
1) Japanese people would speak aloud even if they should not do. 2) completely agree with you. 3) No, not so much to say I love it. 4) I don't have Japanese food usually, oh, except for Natto that I often have.
1. I (have) lived for two years in the suburb of NY. 2. It was a custom of the town to refrain from using lawn mowers in weekend morning. 3. It's the way to take care of neighbours so as not to wake them up. 4. Unfortunately, Japanese people are rather careless about the noise. 5. Those who stand with it without complaining are not few.
1. However people hated a country, there should be the way to fix without starting a war against it. 2. Why people try to fix the issues by force, or by killing people although people have means to comunicate by language.
>>634訂正 You seem like you’ve put on a bit of weight recently. Why did you delete the other pictures of you in a swimsuit? You're sucking in your belly in the one picture you left (the bikini one), aren't you? 喧嘩売ってるねw
It is true that U.S. beef and Japanese beef are significantly different in quality, but they both are beef at all. Referring to U.S. orange and Japanese orange, however, they have more than just a brand difference; they are completely different species in biological classification. Therefore, we cannot discuss the two issues comparably ...