割り込んでの質問、失礼します。 His thinking was too complex for most people to understand. 「理解できないほどに複雑」 が和訳なのですが、 for most people to understandの部分はエキサイト翻訳によると 「ほとんどの人が分かるように」 となっています。以上のことから 「ほとんどの人が分かるほど、彼の考えは複雑だった」 という訳に辿り着いたのですが、何故これでは不正解なのでしょうか。 中学レベルの質問の内容でありますが、ご教授願います。
1 The deluxe tour (a, Andes, at, includes, of, stay, two-day) the spectacular Machu Pichu ruins.(1語追加) 2 When we meet someoe for the first time, we usually form (an opinion, as to, is, that person, what) like. 3 During (about, asking, conversation, felt, how, I, kept, me, the, they) them. 4 If you are (are, back, come, customers, impossible, improbable, incapable, rude, they, to, to, unlikely).(3語不要)
各英文で誤っている部分が各1箇所あります。 1 We also have a commitment (to revisit) sites regularly to check (if) a rating is still accurate, (that) links still work and to look for and (evaluating) new features.
2 We stayed in a motel (called) the Frangista Beach by an R.V. park (where) denizens caught rays atop their Winnebagos and made hatbands out of Budweiser pop tops, (which) were (in ample supply).
3 (None of) the places, however, (rise) to the decadence of the World, a multilevel club on Second Street near Avenue C that (drew) club kids, artists, drag queens and other outcasts (at) the 1980's.
>>12 1 The deluxe tour (includes a stay of two-day at Andes with ) the spectacular Machu Pichu ruins.(自信なし) 2 When we meet someoe for the first time, we usually form (an opinion as to what that person is) like. 3 During (the conversation they kept asking me how I felt about ) them. 4 If you are (rude to customers, they are unlikely to come back).
宜しくお願いします。 I know he is reliable ( ) I have traded with him for years . @but Asince Bthough Cwhether You should not despise a man ( ) he is poor . @and Abecause Bbut Cwho When I was younger I could remember everything just ( ) it happened . @as Aif Bthat Cwhether He ran all the way to the station ( ) the train . @in order that should he catch Alest he should catch Bso that he could catch Cthat he may catch
1 一雨来そうだ。 It looks ( ) ( ) it is going to rain . 2 人間は考え、話すことが出来るという点で動物と異なっている。 men differ from animals ( ) ( ) they can think and speak . 3 彼はそうすぐにはなおるまい。 It will be some time ( ) he gets well . 4 君はとても楽しい人だから何度でも来て下さい。 Such ( the pleasure / that you / come /you give / is /cannot ) too often . お願いします。接続詞に関わる用法の問題です。
質問です。 Tired from the day's work, he went to bed early. という文章なのですが、これは Because he was tired from〜を分詞構文にしたものですよね。 受身の分詞構文の場合Beingが省略できるのは分かるのですが、 このtiredって形容詞ですよね?どうしてBeingが省略できるのでしょうか。
>>53 しつこいようですみませんが、 形容詞でbeingが省略できる文を書いていただけますか? もしも形容詞の場合はbeingが省略できないように思えます。 たとえば、 Being busy at work, I could not see her. beingをとったら不自然になるのじゃないでしょうか?
間違った部分を指摘し、訂正せよ。 1.Nobody knows where Jim is;he must leave for the afternoon meeting. 2.Never I have dreamed to attend such a beautiful concert held in the newly-built hall . 3. The instructor should have had answers to most of the questions the students might have in class concerning the computer . ※タイトルが「助動詞の補助活用」だったので、 1.leave→have left 2.? 3.should have had→should have にしてみたのですが、確信ありません。どなたか分かる方、お願いします。
1.日本語を参考に( )内な語句をならびかえなさい。 このカメラを金曜日までに修理してもらいたい。 I would like(repaired/by/the camera/be/to)Friday. 2.2つの文がほぼ同じ意味になるように英文を完成させなさい。 I want to read that book,but I don't have enough time to read it now. →I wish________ お願いします。
1.飛行機で行けば一日でロンドンへ行ける. Flying ( ) us ( ) go to London in a day. 2.disabled:形( ) 3.communicate him the story 正しい形に直せ。( ) 4.culture:動( ) 5.実現性のない計画:( ) 6.absolutely:副( ) 7.金庫:( ) 8.element = ( ) 9.besides ≒ ( ) ( ) ( ) 〜 10.彼はその事業に全財産を賭けた. He ( ) all his fortune ( ) the enterprise.
>>92 This love is because it is true (real thing) Become it when ×× (name) is in by the side like two people ..no change.. ..good.. … ×× is loved all one's life.
1 その国の労働人口の約45%は女性である。 (the country's, women, workforce, of, for, 45%, account, about). The country's workforce account of women about for 45%. 2 ロサンゼルスはフィラデルフィアの3倍以上の大きさだ。 Los Angeles is (of, the, Philadelphia, than, size, times, more, three). Los Angeles is the size of more three times than Philadelphia. 3 質問を受けた100人のうち、5人に1人は政治に全く関心を示さなかった。 Of (questioned, one, every, the, five, 100 students, out, of) showed no interest whatever in politics. 4 海の水の量は陸地の水のほぼ40倍である。 There is (of, the sea as, on, about, much water, in, forty times as) land.(1語不要)
1.飛行機で行けば一日でロンドンへ行ける. Flying (allows ) us (to ) go to London in a day. 2.disabled:形( katachi tte dou iu koto? ) 3.communicate him the story 正しい形に直せ。(tell him the story ) 4.culture:動( culture ) 5.実現性のない計画:( an unrealistic plan ) 6.absolutely:副( absolutely ) 7.金庫:( safe ) 8.element = ( 要素 ) 9.besides ≒ ( ) ( ) ( ) 〜 10.彼はその事業に全財産を賭けた. He ( invested ) all his fortune ( in ) the enterprise.
1.飛行機で行けば一日でロンドンへ行ける. Flying ( enables ) us ( to ) go to London in a day. 2.disabled:形( 身体障害のある ) 3.communicate him the story 正しい形に直せ。( communicate the story to him ) 4.culture:動( 栽培する,養殖する ) 5.実現性のない計画:( bubble ) 6.absolutely:副( 絶対的に,まったく,確かに ) 7.金庫:( safe ) 8.element = ( factor ) 9.besides ≒ ( in ) ( addition ) ( to ) 〜 10.彼はその事業に全財産を賭けた. He ( ventured ) all his fortune ( on ) the enterprise.
>>96 1. Flying (allows) us (to) go to London in a day. 2. 不具になった, 身体障害者になった 3. communicate the story to him 4. …を栽培[養殖・培養]する 5. an unrealistic plan 6. 絶対的に、完全に 7. safe 8. factor 9 in addition to 10. He (staked) all his fortune (on) the enterprise.
さて、前のスレッドからの持ち越しであるが、 Much has been written about ... という件について、英文法の専門家(ドラゴン桜のモデルになった某 予備校の教師)に聞いたところ、このMuchは、「名詞です」とのこと。 ようするに、much は、形容詞の名詞用法とみてよいらしく、副詞として 考えるのは全くの間違いだということをこの「ドラゴン桜のモデルとなった 教師」(東大英語受験の専門)はおっしゃっている。 ということで、これをしっかり理解すること。
A few minute' walk brought me to the ruins of Olympia. この文章の主語と動詞がよくわからないんですが、 これってA few minute' walk が主語で、broughtが動詞、っていう構造になってるんでしょうか? とすると、A few minute' walkってどういう意味なんでしょうか? あと、アポストロフィは何か意味があるんでしょうか?お願いします。
4.その列車は台風のために遅れた。 The train( )( )by the typhoon. 5.その少女は学校の制服をきています。 The girl( )( )in her school uniform. 6.トムはCDプレーヤーを修理してもらった。 Tom( )his CD player( ). 7.私はバスケットボールをしているときに、指を骨折した。I( )my finger( )while playing basketball.
マルチですみません!次の語句を並びかえてほしいです!お願いします! @学校から家に帰る途中で、にわか雨にあった。 I( a shower,in,caught,was)on my way home from school. Aその薬はガンに効くとわかった。 The medicine(be,cancer,was,to,effective,proved,against). B彼女はその大きな犬に触れるのを恐がった。 She(to,the,scared,dog,was,touch,big). C強風で私の帽子は吹き飛ばされた。 I(blown,by,off,wind,the,had,strong,my hat).
Joe's ruthlessly competitive company doesn't buy out small book stores like Kathleen's "The Shop Around the Corner." He puts them out of business without a second thought.
I was cought in a shaower The medicine was proved to be effective against cancer She was scared to touch the big dog I had my hat blown off by the strong wind
次の英文の態(voice)を変えなさい。なお受動態に変えられる箇所が3つあります Nobody would have stared at him if they had told him beforehand what clothers one had to wear on such an occasion.
下記の英文では最上級が使われていますが、これを原級、比較級をもちいたものに変えなさい The Mississippi is the longest river in the United States.
次の英文aとbの空所に同じ語を入れなさい a your dream can be interpreted ( ) two different ways. b it is easier to walk ( ) a short skirt than ( ) a long one
a we all live within walking distance( ) each other. b what a pity that he,( ) all men, should fall a victim to the disease!
a this flight connects ( ) the flight for Philadelphia b i cannot keep pace ( ) your way of living
a I don't think you need to stay any longer. b I don't think it is( ) to stay any longer.
最初の問題は He would have been stared if he had been told beforehand what clothers had to been wear on such an occasion.で、he would haveとif he hadにbyをつける必要はないのでしょうか? 次の最上級の書き換えの問題は No river is longer than The Mississippi in the United States. No river is as longer as The Mississippi in the United States. で合っているのでしょうか? 残りの二つの穴埋め問題はさっぱりわからないです。
1. Many wines improve (a. with b. by) age. 2. I regret (a. to be b. being) unable to go. 3. I took her to a (a. near b. nearby) restaurant. 4. It was (a. so b. such) warm a day that we decided to go on a picnic. 5. There hats are all of (a. a size b. sizes). 6. Some people were (a. talking b. discussing); some interesting to the music. 7. He (a. came b. went) back to his senses. 8. His (a. rapid b. rapidly) drawing the picture surprized me.
>>171 1. I hope he will remember me. 2. You are not old enough to be senile./ You are too young to be senile. 3. She seems to have many irons in the fire. 4.They are her clients / at the same time./ as well 5. That's the way it goes. 6. Then are you going to remain single for the rest of your life ? 7. Don’t give an envious look to her. おれの英語力ではこれが限度
>>171 1. I hope he remembers me. 2. It’s too early for you to become senile. 3. She seems to have a lot of irons in the fire. 4. They are her clients at the same time. 5. That’s the way it is. 6. Then, you are going to remain single for the rest of your life? 7. Don’t give her such a envious look.
1.The new model 1(costs)2 (twice)3(more as)4(last year's model). 3が間違いなのはわかるんですが、これをどう直せばいいかわからないです。
意味がほぼ等しくなるように適切な語を入れる問題。合ってますか? (a)I don' think you can read that book as easily as she can. (b)I think she can read that book (more) easily (than) you can.
>>187 The differences in Japanese and American family relationships do not stop once the children grow up and the parents become elderly. 違い、日本とアメリカにおける家族関係についての違いは、止まらない いったん子供が成長して親がもっと年を取ることに止まらない。
>>190 Whatever problems you are dealing with, chances are they could be thought of in a way that includes a genuine desire to learn from them. たとえどんな問題を処理しようと、機会というものは その機会から学びたいという真の願望を含んだ方法で考えられるものだ。
1 仕事は先延ばしにするほど、やりたくなくなるものだ。(1語不要) The longer you put off your work , (will,to,the,inclined,you,not,less,be) do it. →The longer you put off your work, (the less you will be inclined to ) do it.
2 働く女性の数は20パーセントも上昇している。(1語不要) (women,of,has,working,as much as,the ,to,increased,by,number) 20 percent. →(The number of working women has increased by as much as) 20 percent.
3 君ならバス停まで10分とかからないでしょう。 It (less,you,take,than,will) ten minutes to (get) to the bus stop. →It ( will take you less than ) ten minutes to (get ) to the bus stop.
>>197 >>193は機械翻訳だと思う>>192も同じ The differences in Japanese and American family relationships do not stop once the children grow up and the parents become elderly. 日本とアメリカにおける家族内の関係の違いは、 いったん子供が成長して親が年を取ったからといってとどまるものではない。 今イチ変な文だと思うけどこっちの英語力の問題かもしれん。
>>201 Whatever problems you are dealing with, chances are they could be thought of in a way that includes a genuine desire to learn from them. どのような問題にあなたが取り組んでいるにしても、おそらく(これがchances are)それら (問題のこと)はそれらから学ぼうとする純粋な要求を含むようなやり方で考えることができるであろう。
The company's revenue increased by 20 percent last year. 会社の収益は、昨年20%増加した。 Compared to a year ago the social welfare spending in the town increased by 20 percent. 去年と比較すると、その町の社会福祉関係費用は20%上昇した。 If you could increase your order by 20%, we would be able to give you a 15% discount. 20%多く発注していただければ、15%値引きします。 By the end of this year, we are planning to reduce the workforce by 20%. 《レ》年末までに20%の人員削減を予定しております。◆計画
次の英文を和訳せよ。 Any vehicle may be called a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power. For example, an electric bike is a type of hybrid because it combines the power of an electric motor with the pedal power of its rider.
次の英文に使われているto不定詞の用法を答えなさい What a fool I was to think that he had commited that horrible crime! 次の英文aとほぼ同じ意味になるように、英文bの空所に適切な語句を入れなさい a He did not to go to school, but he stayed at home all day reading books. b Instead( ) to school,he stayed at home all day reading books.
It is nessesary that we should be prepared for the worst. It is necessary for ( ) for the worst.
健康のためタバコのすいすぎに注意しよう for the sake of health,( ) about smoking too much.
この夏は世界的に異常気象が現れた There were abnormal meteorological conditions ( )this summer.
どうして買い物をするのにこんなに時間がかかったの? why did it take you so long( ) the shopping?
今年は石油の産出量が減った ( ) oil was produced this year.
答えは 最初の問題は原因をあらわす副詞用法 次の問題はInstead of going その次はus to be prepared 次はcaring all over the world time to do less で合っているでしょうか?
次の英文aとほぼ同じ意味になるように、英文bの空所に適切な語句を入れなさい a He did not to go to school, but he stayed at home all day reading books. b Instead( ) to school,he stayed at home all day reading books.
****of going****
It is nessesary that we should be prepared for the worst. It is necessary for ( ) for the worst.
***us to prepare***
健康のためタバコのすいすぎに注意しよう for the sake of health,( ) about smoking too much. *for->For****I must be careful****
この夏は世界的に異常気象が現れた There were abnormal meteorological conditions ( )this summer. ****this sentence is ok as it is now. you could put "during" if you wanted to, but you don't have to****
どうして買い物をするのにこんなに時間がかかったの? why did it take you so long( ) the shopping? ****to do****
今年は石油の産出量が減った ( ) oil was produced this year. ****I don't understand the Japanese ^^;;
()内の語句を並べかえて答えよ。 @話し方で彼女が誰だかわかった。 I(by,it,knew,she,talked,the,was,way,who,). A初めて彼に出会ったころと比べると、彼ははるかに金持ちだ。 He is quite rich(met,when,compared,first,to,I)him. お願いしますm(__)m
・My new computer is ( ) faster than my old one. (A)very (B)lot (C)most (D)much
・Please call us if you ( ) read the manual before running this software program. (A)will not (B)have not (C)had not (D)are not もしあなたがこのソフトウエアプログラムを使用する前に、そのマニュアルを読まなかったら私達に電話してください(?) ------------- ・We need to change to an electronic means of communication to operate internationally than before. (A)to change (B)an electronic means (C)internationally (D)before
・Lately people have been contacted the library using the Internet and downloading important infomation. (A)have been contacted (B)using (C)downloading (D)important infomation
自分で英作しました。添削お願いします。 because there are two campuses,it can change mind of students to finding employment. 意味として“2つキャンパスがあることで、学生の気持ちを職探しに変えることができます” という意味の文を作りたいです。他にベストな言い方があればお教えください。 よろしくお願いします。
>>288 (1) An apple a day keeps the doctor away (2) You have needn't written such a long letter. (3) There's nothing like a glass of cold water after 〜 これでいいの?誰かエロイ人添削して
>>296と>>300だけど。 It's time for me to respect THAT the ones WHOM you love mean more than anything. でいいんだろ。 THAT節(WHOM節「貴方が愛するものたち」が何よりもMEAN意味深い(重要だね っていう程度の話だよ)ということ)を尊重するときが私にはきた。
>>305 文の意味はそうとらざるを得ないと思うが、 It's time for me to respect THE FACT THAT the ones WHOM you love mean more than anything. でTHE FACT THAT は省略できないと思う しかも誰にとって最も意味深いのかもわからないし、この文は意味不明だと思うけどな。 なんて言って偉い人が書いたんだったりして・・・
Say “despot” and everyone thinks instantly of a tyrannical ruler, a dictator. Yet in its original Greek form , despotes , it meant no more than the head of a household or the master of slaves.
One of the guiding priciples in American society is the value of future orientation. Americans, on the whole, look to the future rather than the past. Tradition and ritual, reminders of the past, play a small part in most American's daily lives. There is instead a focus on progress and change,goals that many Americans try to achieve.Many people feel( ) that they can be responsible for some progress and change, however small, in their lives. (This is also related to the American belief in personal control over one's environment and one's life,) and the emphasis on doing and acting.
Our faces reveal emotions and atitudes, but we should not attempt to (ア) people from another cluture as we would (ア) someone from our own culture. The degree of facial expressiveness one exhibits varies among individuals and cultures. The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural restrictions on the amount of (nonverbal expressiveness) permittted.
1. meant to 2. broken 3. have finished 4. edge (on the verge ofでもいいかも) 5. treated 6. it a rule to read one book 7. not to hurt 8. being run 9. having been 10. sure to 11. it, understand
一応自分なりにとちゅうまで英作文したんですけど……… My favorite time is time to listen to the music of my room. Since I like Western music, I am often hearing Western music. Britney Spears, Kelly Rowland, Hilary Duff, and Alicia Keys are favorite especially. ここまでしかできません…… これってまちがってますか?
>>403 My precious time is when I listen to my favourite music in my room. I often listen to Foreign music as one of my favourites/likes, such as B.S., K.R, H.D., and A.K.. I like English. And an English teacher in my school give an advice that listening English songs would improve your English. After that I began to listen to foreign/English music and came to love them. I wish I could sing foreign/English songs fluently. It would be cool! To realize this, I study English hard so that I could speak English.
Western music ってば、なんちゅうか、カントリーロードっていうか、 特定のウェスターン(西部劇みたいな)になってしまうと思うんだけど。 English songs も難しいところだ。American にするべきかな。
>>403 最初は、when i listen to music in my room, i enjoy myselfとか (of はまずいだろ) hearing westernはまずいだろ。聴覚テストじゃないんだから。 listen it.でいいんじゃね。 最後の文のfavorite>my favorite singerがいいんじゃね。
ですが、一人ひとりが心がければ、温暖化だけではなく、他の環境問題だって、状況が変わるのです。 However, if each of us be careful, not only global warming but also another environment will change condition.
例えば、家庭での電気の消費量を減らせば、発電所から出る二酸化炭素も減ります。 節水をすれば、ダムから家庭へ来るまでの設備や下水処理にかかるエネルギーも減ります。 つけっぱなしで見てないのなら、テレビを消す。そうすることで、年間4.8`も二酸化炭素を削減できます。 他にも、冷蔵庫は開けたら、なるべく早く閉める。身の回りに緑を育てる。車よりも、電車やバスを利用するなどなど・・・ For example, if we have low electricity consumption ...?
>>413 とりあえず途中まで Global warming is a phenomenon that the temparature on the surface of the earth rises and the climates change.
There are greenhouse gases around the earth. It traps the infrared rays going out to the space and thus keeps the temparature appropriate for animals to live on in.
However, as the greenhouse gases around the earth increase, the amount of the infrared rays they trap also increases. Therefore the temparature in the air rises, which results in global warming. Consequently, the climates changing, agricultural produce suffer its effects, or the sea level rises and small islands sink below the sea.
The cause of global warming is the greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide.
>>413 Global warming is a phenomenon in which the temperature on the Earth surface rises and as the result the climate changes. There is greenhouse-effect gas surrounding the Earth which absorbs the infrared light going out to space, and keep the temperature suitable for the life being to live. However, as the greenhouse-effect gas surrounding the Earth increases, so too does the amount of infrared light absorbed by the gas. As the result the temperature rises and this results the global warming. Consequently, the climate changes, agriculture is affected, and the rise of the sea level will engulf small islands. The cause of the global warming is greenhouse-effect gas, particularly carbon dioxide. Previously carbon dioxide did not increase because the amount of carbon dioxide released by animals and plants' respiration is nearly the same as that absorbed by plants' photosynthesis. Along with the begining of the industrial revolution, by the progress in industry and commuting system, the more and more exhaust gas including carbon dioxide has been released by factories, electric power plant, and vehicles. However, if every one would pay more attention to this issue, not only global warming but also other environmental problems would truly change. For example, if you redueced the consumption of electricity in your home, carbon dioxide released from electric power plant would also decrease. If you reduce the consumption of water, the energy consumed by the installations between your home and dums, or that consumed for water processing would be much reduced. If you did something like turning off the TV set which nobody watches, you could reduce 4.8 kilograms of carbon dioxide released in a year. And also, if you always tried to shut the fridge door as soon as possible after you opened, or glow plants around in your garden, or use public commuters more than your own car....
>>423 の訂正 誤 dioxide did not increase because the amount of carbon dioxide released by animals and plants' respiration is nearly the 正 dioxide did not increase because the amount of carbon dioxide released by animals and plants' respiration was nearly the
I saw a dog yesterday. 話し手にとって特定のイヌだが聞き手にとっては不特定だから不定冠詞。 The dog was very cute. 前行の文で、聞き手にとっても特定になったので、定冠詞。 I don't like dogs. イヌ一般についていうので複数で無冠詞。 But I like the dog(that I saw yesterday). また昨日のイヌがでてきたので定冠詞。
>>430 それは、間違い。 There is a Japanese who is very famous among Americans, known as a genius novelist by his masterpiece "The God died." なんていう文章があるとすると、これは、後ろのwho 以下で、完全に 特定されているものの、there is で導入されている Japaense には、 the はつかず、 a になる。ようは、聞き手にとって導入されるときは a であり、そうでなく、聞き手が既に知っていると思われるものに ついては、the をつけるという原則があるだけなんだなぁ、これが。
>>433 422です。 回答どーもです。 There is a Japanese who is very famous among Americans, known as a genius novelist by his masterpiece "The God died." ある日本人(作家)についての説明文ですよね? 聞き手がその日本人作家について、会話の流れで特定されればaからtheに切り替わるんですか? There is the Japanese who〜の文もありえますか?
ほぼ同じ内容のぶんになるように、書き出しに続けて英語を書きなさい 1 Can you come home before seven? Is it possible 2 John said to me, Will you attend the meeting in place of me? John asked me () 3 The students climbed to the top of the mountain in about five hours. It took () 4 I regret that I did not spend that summer in Spain. I wish () 宜しくお願いします
メタンハイドレードにはもうひとつ注目すべき性質がある。 通常の水の中に溶け込めるメタンガスの量が、水の体積の程度であるのに対して メタンハイドレードの場合は2oo倍以上ものメタンを取り込む事ができる。 Methan hydrades have another noticeable character. If we dissolve CH4 in water,we can dissolve CH4 only 2 or 3 times in volume. But methan hydradescan sissolve more than 200 times of CH4 in it.
メタンハイドレードにはもうひとつ注目すべき性質がある。 通常の水の中に溶け込めるメタンガスの量が、水の体積の2~3倍程度であるのに対して メタンハイドレードの場合は2oo倍以上ものメタンを取り込む事ができる。 Methan hydrades have another noticeable character. If we dissolve CH4 in water,we can dissolve CH4 only 2 or 3 times in volume. But methan hydradescan dissolve more than 200 times of CH4 in it.
>>461 IF から先は、いったいどういう文章ですか? なぜ、if we dissolve が必要なんでしょうか? While the gas state volume of CH4 dissolved in water is about 2 or 3 times as large as the (liquid state) volume of that water, methan hydrades dissolve CH4 at a volume more than 200 times as large as that volume. 私のもちょっと怪しいのですが、こんなところでは?
>>461 As a solvent, methane hydrate can dissolve methane more than 200 times the volume of the solvent, whereas, water can dissolve the gas only 2 or 3 times the aqueous volume.
日本語の内容を表すように()に的語を書きなさい。 1女性の夜の一人歩きには賛成できないな。暗くなる前に帰ってきなさい I don't approve () a woman () () herself at night Come back () dark. 2あなたのサイザがわかっていたら、そのスカートを買ってきてあげたのに。 () I () the size you wore, I () () () you the skirt. 宜しくお願いします
>>256ですがわかりました the onesの直後にwho mean more than anythingが来るべきだけど その後にyou loveを持ってくると理解しにくくなるのでthe ones you loveになったそうです つまりthe onesにyou loveとmean more than anythingの両方をかけるにはこのような構文にしなければならなくて meanの直前のwhoは間にyou loveが来てその後にwhoを入れても理解できないから省略された、だそうです
Because Methane hydrades are consist of CH4 and H2O, they hardly make pollutant such as SOx by burning. This is why they are called cleaner enegy resources. Though if methane hydrades dissolve and escape to the air directly, they reacts with O2 to form CH4. CH4 affects global warming 21 times as much as CO2
The problems of justice in models of social science are no where more conspicuous than they are in our models of individual human behavior. These models are the myths we use in dealing with other people and with ourselves as well. If the models impute unattractive features to people, we are likely to do the same in our ordinary life.
It is not easy to define a simple set of rules by which we make life better through speculation. Certainly the injunction to seek justice demands more than that we merely dress our prejudices up and call them theories. It requires some subtle choices between interpreting behavior offensively in order to change it and interpreting behavior positively in order to change it and interpreting behavior positively in order to provide a new perspective for ourselves. It requires a sweet appreciation of the limitations of human perspective for ourselves. It requires a sweet appreciation of the limitations of human wisdom. We are probably incapable of meeting the demands of justice:but better worlds are made by elementary attempts. In particular , we may want to ask ourselves about any proposed model.
>>499 その場合は、nineteen o one でもいい。 よーするに、できるだけ短いのを選べば、それでアタリ。 nineteen o o だったら、3語でしょ。nineteen hundred なら、2語。 だから、短いのをつかう。nineteen hundred and one だと4語だけど、 nineteen o one だと、3語だから短い。
>>520 問題答えとして間違いはなかろう。 He is a poet whose poems are widely read in Japan. I/We/He/She/They told you what (had) happened there. Doctor Yukawa is the first Japanese who (ever) won Nobel Prize. Humbergers are ones of fast foods which Americans love. >>521 What is this box for?
>>522 ありがとうございます。 (2)はやってるところからするとwho which thatかその変形を使って、allがあるのでたぶんthatを使うと思うんですが教えて下さい。 説明不足ですみませんでした。 それとすみませんがもう1問教えて下さい。同じく関係詞で2文をくっつけるんですが @Any student can get a scholarship. AThe student's grades are the best of all. お願いします。
When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only Light we'll see No I won't be afraid Oh I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand Stand by me, so
# Darlin', darlin' Stand by me, oh stand by me Oh stand (now), stand by me Stand by me
高二です。 They move the frame from left to right,and then from top to bottom of the TV screen to show how much is included in, or missing from. を和訳してくれませんか?
(1) She was responsible for looking after the little girl ( )blouse. 1 and wearing long sleeved 2 wearing a long-sleeved 3 wearing long sleeves 4 who wore a long sleeves
(2)Why are you laughing at me ? There's no need to be so ( ); I'm doing my best. 1 happy 2 hurt 3 pleasant 4 scornful
(3)The citizens of this city are getting sick of all this ( )violence. 1 terrybly 2 mind less 3 ugly 4 disgusted
(4)The Byodoin in Uji is on our ( )coins. 1 ten-yen 2 ten-yens 3 ten yen's 4 ten yens'
(5)In the heavy snow areas like Niigata, the snow may get ( )four or five meters. 1 as deep as 2 as long as 3 as many as 4 as much as
最も適当なものを選べという問題ですが、 I couldn't attend my evening classes, though I ( ) to.
で選択肢は @ ought A have B was supposed C would have でした。正解はBだそうですが、 @Aは現在形だからおかしいのはわかります。 解説では『be supposed to 動詞の原形』=『〜することになっている』だからBらしいですが、 C番も過去形でそんなに悪くない気がするのですが、どなたか教えて下さい。 意味も『参加しなければいけなかったけれど、午後の授業に参加できなかった』ですよね?
お願いします、訳お願いします!(>_<) This is partly due to the unfailing courtesy and generosity which it has been my good fortune to meet from everyone with whom I have come in contact.
>>605 あのなー、人がちゃんと訳してやったのに、なぜ見ないで書きこむ? path は、通り道だ。path from X to Y なら、「X からYまでの通り道」 だろが。clean は、掃除だろ。きれいにする、ってことだろ。 clean the path ときたら、通り道をきれいにする、ということだろ。 で、その後ろにfrom X to Yときたら、解釈できるだろ。 おいおいまったく。
>>607 なにいってんだろ。the path は名詞だろ。名詞を修飾するのは、副詞 じゃないだろ。形容詞句とでもおぼえておけばよいが、それよりも、 前置詞 from とか to とかはそもそもそういうものだろ。 A man on the horseback. 馬の背にのった男。 The way to heaven. 天国への道。 The way from hell. 地獄から戻る道。 The way from hell to heaven. 地獄から天国への道。 The human life could be considered as a way from hell to heaven. 人間の人生なんてものは、地獄から天国への道のようなものよ。
Tell A to 原形 Aに〜するように言う Tell them to clean the path 彼等にその通り道を掃除するように言え。 the path( from garage to the gate) ガレージから門への通り道 from garage to the gateはthe pathを修飾する形容詞句
>>618 private >>620 Mary went to the stationery store to buy some picture postcards yesterday. 点がないから、yesterday は最後だろうな。 postcards が複数で、picture が単数だから、picture postcards 以外ないな。あとは問題なし。
Yet there are many smaller but perhaps ( )significant impressions which I shall never forget.で、( )に入るのが、 @the least Aleast Bmuch less Cno less で、答えはCらしいのですが何故なのかわかりません。誰か教えていただけませんか?
>>630 The garage was full with the snow. ガレージ(the garage)は、その雪(the snow)で(with)、いっぱい(full)だった(was). そこに、いろいろくっついている。all the snow from the path は、 snow from the path(通り道からの雪)ばっかり(all)ということ。
単純にすると、 There are smaller but no less significant impressions. ってことで、文脈では、他に、bigger impressions ってのがあるはず。 で、smaller (より小さい)but (が)no less (より程度が低いなんて ことがない)significant(重要)なimpression(印象)。 ということだね。less significant だと、「より重要さが小さい」 だから、それを no で否定している。「より重要さが小さいわけではない」 ということだ。
@それはゼリー状のものです。 A私たちは二酸化炭素をそれに詰め込み、大気から追い出して、深い海の底の様な 問題のない場所に置いておく事ができます。 @It is in state of jelly. AWe can collect CO2 and get it out from the air to useless spot likedeep sea bottom.
Remember the story about the boy who wanted to march in the circus parade. When the show came to town, the bandmaster needed a trombonist, so the boy signed up. He hadn't marched a block before the fearful noises from his horn caused two old ladies to faint and a horse to run away. The bandmaster demanded,“□” And the boy said,“How did I know? I never tried before!”
Many years ago,I might have done just what that boy did. Now I'm a grandfathr and have a good many gray hairs and what a lot of people would call common sense. But if I'm no longer young in age, I hope I stay young enough in spirit never to fear failure――young enough still to take a chance and□.
最初の□にはどれが入る?@How did you cause those two ladies to faint in the parade? AWhy didn't you tell me you couldn't play the trombone? BWhen did you see the horse run away? CWhich is the trombone you tried to play but failed?
次の□には? @look back on how tough things were Amarch in the parade Bhave common sense Cwere a pair of white flannel trousers
次の各文の関係代名詞を[接続詞+代名詞]の形に書き換えなさい。 1)We could not follow the speakers, who spoke English too fast. 2)John did not come, which greatly troubled the other members. 3)The movie, which was very popular, bored me. どう手をつけるかすら分かりません;;ぜひ教えて下さい
>>704 1)We could not follow the speakers, because they spoke English too fast. 2)Jhon did not come and that greatly troubled the other members. 3)The movie was very populer, but it bored me.
>>703 文法とか少し自信ないけど、こんなのでよければ参考にしてください。 (1)This is the brush by which Monet painted. (2)Is that person who(m) you spoke of the other day? (3)He sent me a heap of letters, which troubled me. (4)We were always given advice by Mr.White, which is because we trusted in him. ←関係詞を上手く使える人、書き直してください (5)What I need is your help. (6)She was robbed of all the money (which)she had.
Another time,the same friend had a problem with shopping.He was staying with American friends.They were very kind to him.He wanted to help them by doing some shopping for them.His host mother said to him,“Could you buy some dressed chicken,please?”He didn't know exactly what a‘dressed’chicken was.He thought that the chicken had to be ‘dressed’in all its original feathers. The butcher was surprised when he was asked for a chicken with its feathers on.But he gave my friend what he asked for.My friend then triumphantly gave the chicken to his host mother.At first she wasn't very pleased. However,she laughed when she understood his mistake.She told him,“When we talk about‘dressed chicken’or‘dressed crab,’we mean chicken or crab that is prepared for cooking.”
There were also fines,however,for athletes who broke the rules. For example,one young man broke the rule that athletes must arrive at least one month before the Games started.
>>721 (1) If she had been born a century (earlier), she might have been a happier person. 1世紀早く生まれていたら、彼女はもっと幸せだったかもしれない。 quickは動作が素早いとか突然とか言う感じが強い。
(2) This country is so( small )that it takes no more than a day to drive around it. narrowだと通りが狭いとか幅が狭いと言う印象が強いので、国が小さいので すぐ一回りできると言うにはやはりsmallがピッタリ来る。
(3) According to the newspaper this morning , the economic situation in this country still remains ( threatening ).
>>740 習慣行動で、彼女が、「言った」ときだろうが、現在だろうが、通用 するからです。 She told me that she jogged the day. って場合は、その日(the day)のことで、現在はそうかどうか不明だし、 たぶん、それを考えるのも意味がないので、過去形になります。 もっとも、このあたり、最近は、ひかくてきなんでも時制の一致を うけない方向に向かっているようではあります。以前は、 The professor said that the earth is rotating around the sun. のように、絶対的真理で永久不変なものだけが時制の一致をうけない ようなことがいわれていたのですが。
>>747 It was getting dark when I was walking a narrow path. *It was getting dark that I was walking a narrow path. It was getting dark where I was walking a narrow path. とかそういう意味?二番目はありえねーと思うけど。
>>758 文法的な説明はできないけど、 On my rightをThereに置き換えたら、わかりやすいと思う。 (There) is a wide river. ほかにも、On the wallとかAmong the crowdとかIn the seaとか 全部場所の「そこ」にしちゃったら、There is 〜と同じ構造だって わかりやすいと思うよ☆
Hello,I am a high schoool student . I want you to check my English skill . Believe it or not , I have 895 TOEIC score . Many get 600 or 700 TOEIC score . Average socre is 500 or something,right ? When I knew it, I laughed .
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を補いなさい。 @They provided the homeless with blankets. @'They provided blankets ( ) the homeless.
AIt is impossible to know what she will do next. A'There is ( )( ) what she will do next.
BThey got married seven years ago. B'Seven years ( )( ) since they got married.
CSusan finally managed to get a good job. C'Susan finally succeeded ( ) ( ) a good job. DI could not go out because of the rain. D'The rain ( ) me ( ) going out.
宜しくお願いします。 1.Are you going by bus or by taxi ? By taxi if I can get ( ). @itAthatBwhichCone 2.This was not the sort of reception he had anticipated , nor was ( )he was prepared to tolerate . @one itAit oneBit thatCthat it 3.There's no objection on the part of ( ) present at the meeting . @thisAthatBtheseCthose 4.( )are you back for ? @HowAWhatBWhenCWhere 5.Can you tell the difference between rice in Japan and( )? @American oneAAmerican riceBone of AmericaCrice of America
過去のことを言いたいけど、toの後には過去の動詞がつけられないから、 have 〜edにしてごまかしている、ていう感じでとらえるとわかりやすいよ。
後に過去の動詞がつけられないshould, must, mightなんかも、 「〜すべきだったのに」みたいにする場合には You should've〜 みたいに言うしね。
仮定法でも、 ・現在 :If he does, I also will do. ・過去 :If he did, I also would do. ・過去分詞:If he had done, I also would've done. みたいに、haveで誤魔化してる感(?)があるっしょ。
だから、 I am sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. =I am sorry that I kept you waiting for a long time. ≠I am sorry that I have kept you waitong for a long time. だと思う。違ったらごめん(笑