English Chat 28

Does it exist? Is it merely a fantasy?
2English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 15:52:47
( ´・ω・) Let's have some tea and chat.
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 15:54:33
Are you dead?
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 15:55:09
5English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 15:55:21
Last time I checked I was alive, but I could have
been mistaken. Would you like to check my pulse?

6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 15:55:30
Damn it. This thread is over.
7English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 15:56:20
Oh no, this thread is alive and going
Nothing can kill a good English Chat

8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 15:56:25
カヒミ・カリィ - was really good long time ago.
9English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 15:58:44
Are there no topics you can think of?
Arguing over whether or not the channel is alive
or dead is pointless. The argument it'self keeps the
channel alive.
10English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:01:38
Are there no topics you can think of?
Arguing over whether or not the channel is alive
or dead is pointless. The argument it'self keeps the
channel alive.
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:01:43
yesterday is only shadow of tommorow
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:03:24
Gah.. this unskilled execution is a disgrace to the english chat thread..
13English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:03:30
This is true.
That is the spirit! Even random quotes are acceptable
on this, the English Chat board.
14English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:04:34
An unskilled execution is better than no execution
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:05:46
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:06:30
I am kinda tired today. dont think I can contribute to this thread much
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:06:59
18English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:07:39
Noone else had made the thread
And people had called for it on multiple other
threads, so I assumed the responsibility.
I may not be skilled, but I should be awarded
points for my bravery at the very least.

19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:07:45
tell me honestly. when did you discover 2channel? I am newbie - in 2005.
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:08:24
21English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:09:52
I am also new this year
Truthfully, there is alot of buzz on the internet
about the popularity of 2ch, but alot of negativity aswell.
I finally decided to ignore the negativity and post
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:11:27
You get a point for bravery. But that's it :-p
I would have happily made the new thread and set it up correctly,
however i am not able to post a new thread, don't know why.
Keeps erroring and telling me that i can't. -_-;;
Which is pretty frustrating since i did start one of the old english chat threads.
So once it did work.

23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:11:46
I am from italy. tell me what's trendy in tokyo music scene now? like in 90's
it was shibuya-kei, but now shibuya-kei is dead. I heard that the most trendy place
in tokyo is nakameguro. is that true?
24English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:12:26
I was about to get the logs when you did it. What else should have
been done to set it up correctly?
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:19:19
Ahhh.. Okay. that's good. Then it's not that bad :-D
The title needs to be in the format "Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part [number]".
Some ascii art iin the first post is quite nice, but not a have-to.
However the first post needs to link to the previous part.
The logs are to be posted, and that's pretty much it. The logs are a big chunk of what
needs to be set up, hence why I thought that this thread was lacking severely.
26English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:21:15
Aah, I should have realized the name was off at the least
I shant make that mistake again.
Is there no way to fix it?
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:25:01
want to know my opinion on nomaneko issue? I dont care! if some people want to
waste their time protecting stupid internet community go on! I will laugh at you
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:25:53
Did you create this thread? If so, you did a good job.
29English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:26:25
Apparently I screwed up completely
but unless that was sarcasm
thank you =D
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:28:13
this thread is good. dont worry
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:30:17
It was not sarcasm at all.
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:30:18
>>26 Not really. Don't worry, it's good.
We have the logs and the previous link, so it's all good :-D
33English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:30:29
I'll agree, this is better than there being
no English Chat at all, even if I did mess up
a little bit
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:31:49
Exactly. Don't worry :-D
35English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:32:38
I wonder how long it will be before Koji or
the Yukorin fans find this thread. We have
just about untill they do to enjoy ourselves
36English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:37:20
The problem with me starting a thread
is that I'm American so I don't exactly
know many topics that Japanese people would
find interesting. We covered American clothing
and American bands yesterday. Hmm...
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:40:59
So, if Yukorin's farts smell like vanilla, and Gackt sang "I am your vanilla" in his song Vanilla,
does that mean that Yukorin's farts smell like Gackt?

Heh.. Just had to... sorry...

...American this american that :-P I'm European. How about just talking about clothing and
bands in general instead? Making the topic a bit more international.
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 16:41:36
eroguro is the worst thing ever
39English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:43:03
Well, everyone yesterday was asking questions such as
"What clothing do American hipsters wear" and "What bands
are popular in America right now" so not much else was on my mind.
I wouldn't even begin to know anything about European bands
or European clothing =P. So, what is hot in Clothing and Music
in Europe right now? lol
40English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:44:53
Hmm..Goory sex or sex with little girls..
I can't decide which is worse. I guess
sex with little girls probably has alot
more fans.
41English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 16:54:46
I think I killed the chat with talk of
Guro and Little girls.

Forgive me
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:02:16
Do you know about "sage"? A thread that you have written on
always comes at the top of a thread list on any board on 2ch unless you
write sage in a field for an e-mail adress.However, no one cares about this
when it comes to English Chat thread. Therefore , the thread is always
at the top of the board while people are chatting here. So trolls tend to
come to the thread. You need to accept that is the destiny of the thread.
By the way, sage in Japanese romaji means down, not a wise person.
43English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:06:02
Aah I see. This thread does get alot of trolls orz
44English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:09:02
What happened to everyone that was here?
It seems like they all suddenly went away
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:10:57
I wanna marry Aoi Miyazaki. I am confident I make her happy.
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:11:07
You have already got used to orz. It's nice.
But there is nothing wrong with writing sage in. Why don't you do that?
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:15:35
In Japan, it is nearly dinner time now.
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:16:44
You are thinking you actually want to marry yukorin and make her your baby.
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:18:58
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:20:59
it's seems that it's a photo of YUKORIN with on of her NERDS from this thread!
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:24:51
What of Yukorin makes you crazy?
she isn't pretty. she isn't a virgin. she just pretends innocent. she sings badly.
she is an idiots. she likes sexing rich men for money and sexing handsome guys for resolving her much stress with her ugly geeks like you.
she is whore!
52English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:26:09
Aah Dinner time. That used to exist here, now we just
eat whenever we feel like it.
Noone else does. Should I?
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:26:47
Answer my question! you fucking idiots!
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:28:03
I dont like yukorin. I liked ryoko hirosue.
55English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:29:55
I don't like any girl who doesn't get atleast half-naked
it just seems to me that if a girl wants to be a sex
symbol, she should show some skin. So that puts Yukorin
out of the question
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:30:02
bikini idols are rarely true beautyful. their producers are search for a girls
that average GEEK or stupid IQed 95 guy will like. not for good taste. for
very harsh taste. I dont like 95% of bikini idols.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:30:09
who do you like now?
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:31:50
You don't have to do so. My bad.
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:31:56
on that link you can see yukorin in bikini. and you dont care about face at all?
what wrong with you? When I see a girl the most thing I care is face.
60English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:33:48
I just mean, wouldn't it be odd if I were the only one doing it?
You can see any girls face that you want. It's not intimate at all
Walking down the street I am sure you'll see atleast one girl that
is as cute as someone like Yukorin.
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:34:21
hoshino aki is the girl everytime I see, I want to kick in her ugly face
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:34:55
it is only otaku that her face appeal to.
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:35:54
The correct way of saying that is "On that link you can see yukorin in a bikini. and you dont care about her face at all?
What is wrong with you? When I see a girl the thing I care most about is her face"
(I know I need people to correct my Japanese mistakes so I'm just trying to help. Sorry if I'm being nosy)
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:36:32
so you want only sex? how immature. I bet you're 14yo virgin who spend
too much time online
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:37:29
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:37:45
Aoi Miyazaki is truely an angel. you can find that easily if you see her picture.
67English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:38:17
Hah :D Staring at her face, you aren't getting anything from it
that I wouldn't get from seeing her naked. It sounds to me like you
have a face fetish.
68English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:39:38
You guys don't mind if we correct your grammatical and
spelling mistakes? I find the mistakes charming, but if any
of you want, I could correct sentences for you.
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:39:46
Sorry, i dont want to speak with such person like you. goodbye
70English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:44:06
I believe I have offended a yukorin fan.
I would say I am sorry, but I didn't really say
anything against her =P
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:44:22
dont mind this post
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:45:11
I am not yukorin fan. it's your immature views are bit sad
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:47:14
I always welcome your correction of my grammatical mistakes.
Do you see any mistake in my post>>42?
74English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 17:49:14
Just because we have differant views, does not mean
that one of us is immature. It just means we have differant
views ^^

Normally I do not pay attention to grammatical errors, but if
you ask for it, I will correct errors as I see them.
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 17:58:05
but isnt grammatical errors make it hard to understand? and it's just a little silly
in general when non-native, average skilled guy tried to write in english.
or even annoying
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:01:54
since I am writing in this thread, my english skills are really improved. I just
noticed(while reading english text) that I am totaly absorbed in it. I notice
grammatical structure of the sentence and learn from it! cool!
77English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:04:55
Grammatical mistakes are corrected instantly within my mind,
so no, they do not affect my ability to understand what
someone is attempting to say.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:05:01
really? is this thread so useful? I thought all people who talk here were just perverted or stupid. well,,what exactly are you guys talking about?
79English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:06:27
It's a general chat, so the conversation does sway towards
perversion from time to time. A very popular topic seems to
be Yukorin from time to time. Generally though the people who
are here are neither stupid nor perverted.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:08:26
All other topics in english board are just useless crap. it's funny how do you all
learn english, not write in english but in japanese. lol.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:11:34
thank you guys!!
82English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:14:11
No problem ^^
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:22:55
A pleasant face is very important if you are planning to look at it a lot.
I would rather be with someone with a pleasant face and an ugly body than
someone with an ugly face and a pleasant body.
Though yes, there are many images of yukorin scantly clad. just not topless.
And indeed, fortunately it's not that difficult to find someone with an as cute face,
just isn't that easy to hit on them for most people, i think that's why they idolize her.
Her image and her looks. Poor yukorin, getting even her farts discussed.
84English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:24:52
Yes, I don't suppose anyone would be too
happy about their farts being discussed on
the internet. So Yukorin is approachable?
That is her appeal?
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:29:41
I want to know if there is any grammatical error in no.42 that I posted. Please.
86English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:37:47
I've corrected your post, but I am not sure what you
meant by the last line "In Japanese romaji, Sage means down,not a
wise person" this isn't grammatically correct, but I am unsure of your
meaning, so I am unsure how to correct it

Do you know about "sage"? A thread that you have written on
always comes at the top of a thread list,on any board on 2ch, unless you
write sage in the field for an e-mail address. However, no one cares about this
when it comes to the English Chat thread. Therefore , the thread is always
at the top of the board while people are chatting here. So trolls tend to
come to the thread. You need to accept that as (or that this is) the destiny of the thread.
By the way, sage in Japanese romaji means down, not a wise person.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:38:47
She is more approachable in theory.
For guys that are afraid of more agressive or open females.
Yukorin is "kawaii","innocent" etc.
She appeals to the people who want their woman to be girly, cute, innocent, pure,
unthreatening and so on.
88English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:39:28
I made a small error, list should not have a comma after it.
2ch however should.
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:42:02
Eh? "I've corrected your post, but I am not sure what you
meant by the last line" The meaning is pretty obvious to me, but then again i do know what sage means,
both in romanji and english.
90English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:43:22
Formatted into English it sounds weird the way you put it.
Sage means an unwise person would have made sense, but since
you added the word down, it gets confusing.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:48:00
>>89 Ehh.. no, i'm not the bloke who posted that..
But sage does mean down.
92English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:51:16
You asked for me to correct 42
So you didn't write 42?
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:52:06
To clarify:
"sage" (romanji writing, japanese) means down.
"sage" (english) means wise person

see http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=sage
and http://4-ch.net/4ch.html for reference
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 18:53:22
Nope, I wasn't the one who asked you to correct it.
That was another anonymous. :-D
95k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 18:55:21
>>92 There, better? :-p

But yes, "sage" and "age" is something ye should get used to hearing around these parts.

96k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 18:58:03
another 2ch-type board faq
97English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 18:59:14
I knew what a sage was, he just used the western definition
of sage incorrectly (unwise man) and pared it with the
Japanese word (down) so I didn't know which one he wanted
to use in his post
98English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 19:02:56
What were you doing on 4chan? =P
99k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:05:44
Ahhh, nah. He didn't say unwise.
He said that it didn't mean "wise man", that it instead ment "down" in japanese romanji.

"sage in Japanese romaji means down, not a wise person. " should probably have been
written as
'"sage" in Japanese romaji doesn't mean the same as it does in English, it means down rather than "wise person"'
to be glass clear for even n00bs.
100English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 19:08:18
Oh well, it's 5am and I've been drinking.
Atleast to me it didn't sound gramatically correct
101k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:08:28
That's the first image board i started to hang out at. Heh.. Nearly a year ago by now.
Haven't looked at it today though.
Alledgedly it was supposed to die yesterday. But it's still up and running, mostly...
102k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:11:49
English isn't my first language, so I can't really say if that is or is not correct.
Sounds perfectly understandable though. But then again i'm terribly used to
quickly and efficiently understanding b0rked English.
The first chatroom I hang out at for a considerable amount of time
was a japanese international chat for broken English.
Good old CRIBE, she still lives *pets the chatroom*
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 19:13:56
Thank you for your correction.
I wrote 42,73 and 85. I didn't write other posts.
I realized that I have some probrem with my way of using the definite article.
Could you explain why you put "the" before "field" and "English Chat thread"
Oh, are you drunk? orz I hope your brain are working.

104k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:17:39
I'm not 92, but yeah, here's some random babbling nevertheless.
"the" before something means a particular something.
So, "go to the room." is refering to a particular room, and assumes that the one
being told that knows what room he/she/it is talking about.
"go to a room." means that the person being told this is being ordered to go to any room,
as long as it's a room.
105k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:18:21
http://drgrammar.org/ - a very handy site for English grammar questions.
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 19:34:27
Thank you.
I understood why I should put "the" regarding "the English Chat thread"
However, doesn't it make sense when I write "a field"instead of "the field" in 42 that I posted ?
107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 19:39:00
Still looking for the backlogs of the previous chat threads on
Shame on k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU for not including them in the
one she started (part 23?)
108107:2005/10/02(日) 19:41:12
Thanks to >>15 >>17 and >>20 for providing the normal
links to the old threads, by the way. Your effort is appreciated.

And >>1: You are a lazy bum!
109k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:47:04
As I've stated before,
I didn't do so because the previous part had not done so either.
So I didn't know where to find them.

You're welcome. :-p
110107:2005/10/02(日) 19:48:17
You should have lurked more before starting new threads which
continue old ones that have a long tradition, then.
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 19:58:09
Okay, I have retrieved them. The only one that is missing is part 14.
If anyone knows where to find part 14, please tell us.

Also, please include these if you are going to start a new part of this thread.

English Only

English only again

English Only

Chatter in English

Chatter in English (Part 2)

Chatter in the English (Part 3)
112k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:58:27
>>110 Probably, but it was going slowly and nobody was making a new thread. So someone had to.
There is nothing that prevents others from adding the offsite links.
After all, the only post you have control over as someone who starts a thread is the initial one.
The log links are not included in the first post. I suggest someone who can view the archives
of 2ch goes and looks what the offsite links are, and adds them here.
The success of a thread heavily depends on the cooperation of the people posting there.
If the thread is lacking, one should do what one can to help fix that. 28th part by now,
and still none of the japanese people have bothered to provide a link to the offsite mirrors.
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 19:58:41
Chatter in English (Part 4)

::::::::::Chatter in English Part 5::::::::::

Chatter in English (Part 6)

Chatter in English (英語で雑談) Part 7

Chatter in English (英語で雑談) Part 8

Chatter in English (英語で雑談) Part 9

Chatter in English (英語で雑談) Part 10
114k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 19:59:09
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 20:00:01
You could have just said in >>1: "Hey, I am going to post the offsite links
somewhere in >>2-20" and then people can easily look for them there.
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 20:00:33
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 20:01:07
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 21

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 22

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 23

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 24

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 25

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 26

I believe Part 27 has not yet been actually archived but here is a temporary link:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 27
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 20:06:04
Back to our usual schedule! I sure missed a lot while I was gone.
These threads move fast now. Look back at the old ones in 2001 and 2002.
Almost nobody posted in them back then and now there's a new thread
pretty much every week!
119k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 20:32:13

A template for whomever is going to start the next thread.
What's lacking in the file? And any other links that should be included?

Also, does anybody have another ascii art we can use?
120k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 20:33:27
hm.. i need to go work on stuff. i'll be back later.
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 20:36:50
 ( ,_ノ` )      n
 ̄     \    ( E) good job!!
フ     /ヽ ヽ_//
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 22:10:01
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 22:16:58
when I told myself "I need to study" I usually sleep!
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 22:19:32
when I study I usualy become about to sleep.
and then when stopped studying, I become awake.
125JIONGUN ◆HVbbu/bKbI :2005/10/02(日) 22:40:59
get a dictionary, and learn what it fucking means, ok? son!
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 22:46:32
ok daddy! I love u!!!
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 22:49:07
I get more little boys than Michael Jackson.
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:22:50
can you tell us what sort of situation we can use
the word "study"?
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:28:16
Is there a young girl here in this thread? you have a big chance to be my girlfriend.
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:31:45
I am little girl, my name is momoko.
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:37:14
I am sad, because other girls at school dont like me.
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:38:21
will you be my girlfriend? I am over 40 years old.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:39:51
I am just 15 years old! I never though how it like to date 40 year old guys!
but who knows! after all love is most important
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:41:33
Young girls tend to fall in love with handsome talent or sportsman who can study well in her class.
Why they can't love computer geeks? I can't do anything wrong. Why? it's extremely unfair!
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:43:35
I am Momoko. and I can tell you why. because such guys are trying to do their best
they are work on themself. you're dont work on yourself. no pain no gain.
136k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 23:43:58

Heh.. That reminds me of the time someone anonymous at 4chan pretended to be a little girl and
adopted me as her "onii-chan" (i was posting anonymously).
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:46:02
You should be like Kim Jong-il, and have your country your way.
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:50:37
I am momoko. I will go to bed soon! but I want to chat with you a little more.
Being great sportsman is not necessary. I can love a guy who dont good at sports
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:56:34
Momoko wants to sleep. bye
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:57:23
Hi, may I join y'all?
I thought I ain't so bad at English ,
but recently I got extraordinary grade at the English exam.
It must be MAD!!
How can I get my confidence back??
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/02(日) 23:58:52
you should study more!
142k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/02(日) 23:59:43
Don't worry. Aim mainly at being understandable and keep the rules in mind.
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:04:51
Thanks a lot!!
I really get relieved!!
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:13:45
I'd suggest you unlearn that hideous nigger-talk, and start hanging around
some white folks, perhaps.
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:20:16
Shall we talk about Onyanko Club? if you are certain adult over 30
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:26:59
there seems to be no one middle aged guy except me.
I envy your youth.
147Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 00:27:33
This thread has changed.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:30:41
how has it changed?
149Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 00:32:53
The title has changed.
The people have changed.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:35:15
Is there anyone who wants to clean my full-of-shit ass?

I forgot to buy toilet papers and because of it I had to come here
without wiping out my ass. It stinks of shit and feels pretty much
uncomfortable. Maybe my beloved Yukorin will lick my ass until all the
shit will be wiped out. I know she is the kindesd girl in Japan and
gladly helps me do that!
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:35:44
why the title changed is the easy answer, thread builder is too stupid to remember the name of former thread.
How have people changed. They are growing wiser ?
152Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 00:37:04
Your words are sparkling with philosophy.
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:39:36
I am going to go to find a job to the hello-work.
I realized jobless makes no fruits and do me harm.
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:40:35
this summer I saw japanese movie Linda x 3 and liked it a lot.
do you know about other movies by that filmmaker?
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:42:32
we found an odd and a discriminator.
i notifYed!!
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:47:04
Shut up! don't say such a big word! you are just stupid NEET!
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 00:49:51

You can suck my full-of-shit ass. It will help you calm down a little.
158Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 00:51:44
All you need is love.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 01:05:07
all you need is hot men penis in your anus
that penis will warm your cold anus
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 01:10:35
All I need is one prostitute. I am so sick of my girlfriend, an inflatable
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 01:18:53
There is a good place for you.
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
162k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 01:39:21
The only constant things in life are death and change.
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 01:39:50
I fall in love with a chinese girl. I am a member of right wing
party. I hate China and foreigners. But I met her and now I love
her so much. I wonder if I should damp my belief and get married
to her. I can not decide. I consider a shame of me to be with a
foreinger like her but when I am with her, this is the happiest
time of my life. I dont know what I should do.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 01:42:33
who knows the meanin' of "petrozooming"?
165k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 01:48:51
to pull up a quote:
"When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep,
our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.
Our enemies would dance with joy if only they knew how they were worrying us,
lacerating us, and getting even with us! Our hate is not hurting them at all,
but our hate is turning our own days and nights into a hellish turmoil."
-Dale Carnegie

Hate less, love more. The world needs to be a happier place, it's bad enough as it is.
Good luck.
166Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 01:53:54
Dale Carnegie's philosophy strikes me as overly optimistic.
And his optimism seems have carried to naivety I fancy.
That's what I felt after reading two of his books.
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 02:01:47

I dont want to accept any advice from a foreinger like you. But
I can understand what you mean. Ever since I met her, I have been
agonizing over this. I still can not find an answer to it.

I love her, this is for sure. However, I just can not decide whether I should
choose her or my belief which was all about my life. I can not betray those
who supported me to be what I am now. But somehow I need her in my life, too.
168Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 02:05:44
Sounds like a story.
169k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 02:10:50
I've never read anything written by him. Don't really know who it is either. I just
like that quote a lot.

Betray those who supported you to be what you are now?
A friend once told me, that real friends are the ones that stay, even if you change a bit.
If they're eager to reject you, then maybe you should revalue how much you mean to them.
It's never a good sign when people are willing to treat you as dirt and quickly reject you just because
you won't do exactly as they want.
170k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 02:22:47
Clarification and correction:
"even if you change a bit, in a way that makes you a better person."
171Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 02:32:27
"When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves."
--Victor Frankl
172Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 02:37:03
"If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change.
If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change."
--Sr. John A. Simone
173Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 02:39:55
"Things alter for the worse spontaneously,
if they be not altered for the better designedly."
--Francis Bacon
174k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 02:50:29
nice quotes :-D
175Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 03:02:17
It's a good morning to say good night.
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 03:04:59
A little while ago, I was in Yahoo Chat in the US for the first time. To be honest,
I hardly understood what people there wrote. Their expressions were extremely
simple with many words left out of the sentences. I wonder if I will get used to this
kind of conversation. Voice chat was also available. When I was watching their
conversation, a man suddenly appeared in the chat room and yelled F-words again
and again with his microphone and made a lot of insulting remarks. It is safe to
say that he was really insane. Was that an usual situation in foreign chat room?
I was a bit disappointed by the chat room while descipline is well maintained in
registration forums.
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 03:08:32
hi koji
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 03:16:08
I wouldn't say that's normal, but is it really all that different than 2ch?
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 03:55:23
can you read what is writen in the poster in this photo?

180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 04:23:08
I take it you haven't been to too many forums, then.
181サーウィッ41歳 ◆CvSO3c570M :2005/10/03(月) 04:27:39
   /⌒ \____/ ⌒\
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\          /    ;;          /
   \         *
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 05:10:58
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 05:13:03
I like Urban Predator, he is a cool guy.
Urban Predator and k-tan make a good couple.
They should marry, what does forum residents think?
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 05:19:14
Who are them?
Anyway, I think famous people are apt to fail to keep their lives after married.
They love each other or not, it may not be the best way to marry immediately.
185k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 05:29:14
I'm already taken, i'm in a serious longterm relationship,
and my boyfriend is not Urban Predator. Sorry.
186k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 05:30:50
I'm nobody. So don't worry.
187184:2005/10/03(月) 05:42:10
Oops, sorry! That topic was about you! I should have read above!!
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 05:55:25
We should rename "English Chat" thread to
"k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU, Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs and English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg" thread
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 08:43:03
Yukorin loves you.
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 09:22:59
Hello everyone. I am NEET here. I think my English is good. What do you think about it?
191Cookie:2005/10/03(月) 09:26:58
Hi, I'm Cookie. Nice to meet you all.
I think your English is very good, Neet.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 09:37:03
Thank you. Do you know what is NEET?
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:09:34
today on my test i applied myself rather than guessing
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:09:40
This is an awesome thread, mainly because it allows non-Japanese people from other countries to participate in the awesomeness that is 2ch. :D
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:10:07
>>163 would be good subject for a movie. Right wing Japanese fall in love with Chinese
girl. Who should be director? Voice your opinion.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:10:33
Applying yourself on tests is much more likely to get you somewhere.
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:11:45
I am happy to hear that.
It is a great change for you.
Tell use if it produce good results.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:13:00
Yimou Zhang
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:15:35
I dont think a Chinese would understand a mentality of Japanese right-wing.He would
rather make such people look very ugly and maybe fall for stereotype.
I think only Japanese director can handle such task.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:16:11
Hahahahaha, this is the most hilarious post ever.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:17:07
Why it so hilarious. Please post more detail when you make an opinion.
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:18:01
It's hilarious because of when 199-san says the Chinese directors would make everybody look ugly.. It reminds me of how French Canadian directors are here in Canada.
203199:2005/10/03(月) 10:22:10
I say this because there is human inside of everyone
Even a right wing people
There is a movie from director Liliana Cavani called "Night Porter"
This movie is about a WW2 camp survivor who fall in love with former Nazi
I think its good movie because there is no stereotype
So I think a movie about Japanese right wing should have a same philosophy
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:24:33
Indeed. Stereotypical or biased movies are never as good as neutral movies.
205199:2005/10/03(月) 10:27:32
there are loud youth outside my house. why are they not in school?
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:29:11
Maybe they're protesting? Who knows. :/
207199:2005/10/03(月) 10:30:29
they leave now. Good thing because I am too coward to tell them go away.
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 10:31:30
Haha, great!
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:00:03
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:13:44
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:19:39
hey right winger? do you know semi documentary movie called 新しい神様?
it's about a real girl who is in right-wing music band.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:20:16
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:24:07
I'm bored... Isn't there more to do around 2ch? Any things that an English person could enjoy?
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:26:22
Actually do some work instead of browsing internet forums all day? :P

(Ooh hypocrisy :D)
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:28:14
I am careless student
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:29:15
Hmm, someone I know is reading this topic and is SUPPOSED to be working. If you're who I think you are, GET TO WORK. :P
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:30:36
I do have a meeting in Kurume in a few hours though.
218Sakurina:2005/10/03(月) 11:32:41
I win. :D!
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:37:20
Curses! My anonimity is no more!
And I would have got away with it if it weren't for you pesky kids!
220Sakurina:2005/10/03(月) 11:41:36
That's what you get for being in the same chatroom as I am. Silly you. :P
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:50:23
Silly me. How could I not notice?
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:51:29
most foreigners here are dasai gaijin. maybe because of densha otoko
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:53:08
Yukorin's firt is aromatic right? If so, is her shit tasty?

Is there anyone who has ever eaten her shit before? I want you
to describe how it tastes and smells.
224Sakurina:2005/10/03(月) 11:57:21
221-san never saw Densha Otoko. What's your point? I liked 2ch way before Densha Otoko, I just had no clue there was an English forum on here.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:59:09
I think he means that most foreigners here are fans of anime
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 11:59:18
I'm a real gaijin (I live in Fukuoka prefecture), though how interesting or stupid I am is totally up to you. :D
227Sakurina:2005/10/03(月) 12:00:53
See ya after lunch, >>226.
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:01:53
I think that most of japanese in this thread are dasai too
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:03:15
the correct name of this thread should be "chat in english for geeks, NEETs and middle aged lonely mens"
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:04:02

For the win.
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:08:54
Is there anyonw who knows where the best brothel is in tokyo?
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:10:01
you should fuck homeless people
233English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:25:06
Homeless people need love too
234Sakurina:2005/10/03(月) 12:26:52
Uh... homeless people shouldn't get exploited.
235English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:28:40
They get exploited quite often
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:30:32
You forgot JETs. :)
237English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:32:14
You forgot aspiring JETs
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:32:52
Actually this thread isnt bad at all. for me it's a good practice in english.
I am too shy(dont know correct word for it) to chat with natives in english chats, but in this thread
I am OK.
239English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:34:15
Not to make you nervous, but some of us are natively
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:35:07
it's easy to exlain. how do american will felt about a foreigner who is obsessed
with american culture, talked about american things only and all other shit like that
241English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:37:22
We love it. It gives us a nice ego boost when
people that aren't from America are fans of America.
There aren't many people who are fans of America in this
world however...
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:39:48
I mean, that this thread is specially for learn english, while american chats
are for natives
yes, of course ego boost. but do you want to be friend with such crazy person?
I am obsession with one thing is not good
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:40:40
"I mean, obsession with one thing is not good "
244English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:42:11
As long as you are obsessed in America with
regards for how much you love it, I don't care
if you strip naked, drape an American flag across
yourself like a cape, and run through sunday mass.
I'd still be your friend =D
245English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:44:02
Switch with and in. My football team lost today
so I am drunk again
246English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:50:12
Nothing makes me want to drink more than
a loss at Football. The stars could get blown
out of the sky Katamari Damashii style and still
that wouldn't be as good a reason.
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 12:54:21
you play soccer right?
248English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 12:55:54
I meant American football. I play American football
but I am terrible at Soccer/European Football.
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:02:31
American football sux! Soccer for teh win!
250English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:03:26
In soccer when you have the ball you don't
have the fear of a 300 pound black guy hitting
251English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:12:40
Compared to a 300 pound black guy, David Beckham
and other assorted Soccer stars are like children
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:16:03
Football sucks
253English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:18:33
Have you ever played it?
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:25:34
yap, I've played it. That's why I said "FOOTBALL" sucks
255English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:26:56
Which football are we talking about that sucks? =P
I'm confused. American or European?
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:26:59
I played American football, it's rugby for pussies.
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:28:04
Beckham is metrosexual. he is cool
258English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:28:11
Rugby is like asking for a broken back
American Football is the only relatively safe
alternative to Rugby
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:29:39
Metrosexuals are fags.
Sometimes I like to punch metrosexuals in the face for fun.
It's so much fun.
I start laughing when a metrosexual starts begging for help.
260English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:31:34
Metrosexuals are usually in pretty good shape
you probably wouldn't want to piss one off.
They might drop the metrosexual act and kick
your ass
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:33:40
Metrosexuals are almost women.
They never fight, because it will make their clothes dirty.
They are homosexuals.
Sometimes I kick them in the face for fun.
It's a great way to relax myself.
262English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:35:38
I'm sure you've kicked alot of people in the
face =P
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:38:02
After I remove my foot from the face of metrosexual, I have sex with his mother.
Or should I say her mother.
The sex is good, but her pussy is dry, I have to thrust very hard.
It's painful for her, but brings pleasure to me.
Thank you metrosexuals.
264English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:41:08
Hello silly orientals!
Here I am again.
I am rich guy from America.
How are we feeling today?
__  ____________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:42:25
that's why I dislike many foreigners. why they just can't mind they own business?
I am dont have any aggression towards metrosexual, because they are always knows
the latest fashion trends they are have a good taste and not boring persons
in general. and I doubt the a person who can spend 2000$ on a costume need to fight
with various scum
266English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:43:20
Did you know good news?
I soon will join you in Japan.
I will be teacher of English.
I like to spread knowledge of English.
I am kind rich guy you are knowing this?
__  ____________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
267English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:46:39
I am English, if you not hear.
I have opinion of every topic.
I like to speak much with orientals.
I am rich and lover of oriental culture.
I will join you in Japan very soon.
__  ____________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:47:13
you're not fun ◇QJ5qI5MaWg.
btw, english. if that guy use ◇QJ5qI5MaWg it does nto mean that he have your
tripcode. because the correct is ◆QJ5qI5MaWg
269名無しさん@英語勉強中 ◆cBpl3PwOME :2005/10/03(月) 13:47:59

Are you rich?
270English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:49:32
Please ask me question of any topic.
I will answer with dedication.
Such is my learning nature.
I am so rich I attend a great university.
I will join you in Japan as teacher very soon.
__  ____________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
271English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:50:10
I know hehe.
It's jealousy. Metrosexuals get alot more women than
normal people do.
272English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:51:41
I am happy you ask me of my financial status.
I am very rich guy, named English.
My parent provide for me great fashionable clothing.
However I will work poor man job in Japan.
I am so rich I cant afford vacation to Japan.
This is my complex nature, because I am so great.
__  ______________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
273English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:52:35
I find this entertaining for some reason =D
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 13:55:00
it's popular thing on 2channel. fun with AA
275English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 13:55:06
I am happy you ask me questions.
Please make more questions about my greatness.
I like to talk of myself so much.
I am rich guy from America.
I will stay here for next 38 hours.
__  ______________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
276English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 13:56:44
This guy's got dedication
38 hours isn't a short amount of time
277名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2005/10/03(月) 13:57:00

Are you good looking?

Do you have a nice body?
Is yours member great?
278English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:00:34
Magic eight balls says no, no, and no
279English ◇QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/03(月) 14:03:19
My heart is pounding ecstatic from your question!
I am very handsome fellow. Name is English.
I have sexy girlfriend, she is very good sex partner.
After great America sex I stay online and watch a anime for 12 hour long.
My member is much bigger compare to oriental tiny penis.
Soon I wil join you in Japan to promote my native language. Dont forget this.
__  ________________________________________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
280English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:08:14
Have any other good ASCII?
The same one over and over is getting old
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:09:59
That's the way they make fun of u man.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:10:31
tell me somethign about CUSSW
283English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:12:02
I noticed. But taking troll insults seriously
would be moronic on my part.

He likes to make an ass of himself
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:12:20
but he can make fun with various AA
285さー ◆CvSO3c570M :2005/10/03(月) 14:15:18
どーも\(^_^ )( ^_^)/どーも
286English ◇QJ5qI5MaW:2005/10/03(月) 14:15:26
You are filthy animal.
I hope your family is cursed with small genital for next eternity.
I am English, rich guy from America.
Please only ask question about me.
CUSSW is weak oriental.
My English is superior to poor attempt of CUSSW.
__  ___________________________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
287English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:20:21
I should start using this after each post

__  ___________________________________
    | ̄ ̄|   ____ ___
  ._☆☆☆_||\   .\  |◎ |
   ( ´_⊃`) ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
 ┌(  つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/  | =|
  |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)_) .| ||        | ||
  / ̄\  / . ||       /  ||
  ◎  ◎..[____||      .[__||
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:21:28
I think CUSSW is english board superstar
289名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:23:44
K-tan is.Some people believe she is a girl and hit on her.
Others believe she is a man pretending to be a girl and
flame her.
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:27:36
she is a girl. I can sense it.
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:29:15
I think k-tan is a girl. There is no reason for her to pretend to be a girl.
It cant be homo guy because she is never flirting with anyone.
And when dickless people say lewd things to her, she doesnt act excited.
Anyway I am Aoi Miyazaki fan, I dont think k-tan can be so cute as her.
292English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:29:17
Either way, it doesn't matter.
It's not like you will ever have sex with K-tan
293English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:31:59
I thought that the only fans who ever showed up here
were Yukorins. I guess I was wrong
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:32:40
idiots why dont you find girlfriend today?
295English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:33:44
Already have one. She might be mad if I found another
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:34:14
this thread has a long history of various fans!
in spring there was only yukorin. but then appeared Kaela Knight and now
Aoi Miyazaki fan. I am glad that Kaela nerd is gone
297English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:35:48
The changing seasons of fandom..I see
298名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:36:01
Dont use "might". U should have said "she must be mad"
299名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:36:15
Hi. Does the design that the hat you are wearing have come from the flag of the Stars and Stripes?
300KRAMNIK RUBLEV:2005/10/03(月) 14:36:31
This thread is far from its end.
The journey will be long, but death will be swift.
301English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:38:50
Why would I use she must be mad instead of might?

Death is not an option
302English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:39:24
Why would I use she must be mad instead of might?

Death is not an option
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:39:29
do your girlfriend have a big breasts?
304English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:40:20
Double post orz

No, I'd say average
305名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:43:48
there are two aoi miyazaki fans on the english forum, i'm no fan of anyone but i think aoi
is cute too. yukorin looks like a damn child, her looks are too boring.
that is my opinion anyway.
google image "aoi miyazaki" then "yukorin" and see which one you like.
306English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:47:31
Both of them look just about as good to me.
Currently I have a thing for Itou Misaki.

307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:48:16
Do you like artists from Avex like Ayumi Hamasaki, Ai Otsuka and EXILE?
308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:48:41
yukorin is too plain. of course she is cute, but I dont like such simple girls..
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:50:17
Aoi Chan is a great actress.
Who is Yokurin? She is whore.
In on year she will be seling her body to drunk on streets.
Aoi Chan has been in international screened film like "A Blue Automobile"
Yukorin has talent of nothing.
Her terrible voice make many young children cry.
310English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:50:33
As far as their looks go? Or do I like their music?

311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:51:15
I meant their music.
312English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:53:51
I like Ayumi Hamasaki. If I have heard a song by either
of the other two, I can't remember.

313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:55:47
eureka is more popular then aoi kuruma
314名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 14:56:31
do you think ayumi hamasuki has had many operations on her face? many stars have them, but
i think she's had more than most.
i don't like her music anyway, it's no better than other pop music.

315English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 14:57:59
I just mean that I've heard one of her songs
and I liked it (name of that song eludes me)
And yeah, she's probably had work done.
I'd rather hear a song by Rie Fu anyday
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:00:34
Ayumi Hamasaki is obsessed with plastic surgery to make herself look cool.
317English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:02:13
Most celebrities are
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:03:50
I am only saying of Aoi Chans last film.
Eureka is more popular in Asia.
But Aoi Kuruma is shown in Rotterdam Film Festival in Netherlands.
And Western audience at festival are saying good thing about it.
319English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:11:07
Film festival movies are usually terrible.
Or atleast any I've ever seen.
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:13:35
What do you think of the face of Michael Jackson?
I don't understand why he has made his face completely fifferent one.
His current face is kind of funny while the previous one was cool.
I think he should not have done that.
321名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:15:54
Eureka was at cannes film festival 2000
this sounds cliche, but you dont have a taste...
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:17:35
I think with Aoi Miyazaki idol status her actress career is almost dead.
323English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:18:19
I don't have a taste for overly artsy, low budget independent films.
I will agree with you there. However, I don't want to have that taste.

He got addicted to plastic surgery, and that was the result.
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:21:35
Cannes Film Festival'00


Prize of the Ecumenical Jury

Golden Palm

325名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:21:56
You talk to much.
Is there nothing that you dont talk about?
Every good film is shown in film festival.
I would like to give you example, but American are ignorant of Japanese film (not anime).
So, I can give you example that every Miyazaki Hayao film in last decade is " Film festival movies"

But you not see "A Blue Automobile" so why even mention it.
Actually, DVD have English subtitle. But again, its not anime.
Surprise that Japanese dont have giant eye and breasts and spiked hair like anime
character for you will be shocking. You will say who are these ugly people.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:23:31
ya gotta watchout for the money horny bitchez
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:24:41
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:26:01
americans can do good films too
like "lost in translation"(i did not liked that film very much, but It's obviously not
average hollywood crap)
also coffee & cig. is good
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:28:53
I am not saying American film are bad.
I like American film more than Japanese film usually.
But American never watch Japanese film, they have messed up view of Japan from anime.
330English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:29:27
Anime is only a small part of it. Japanese drama's
and Japanese movies along with Japanese music, Japanese
Art, and Japanese history account for more in my opinion.

Not all foreigners are just interested in Anime ;P

As far as all the good movies being shown at Film Festivals, maybe they
are, but all the terrible ones are aswell.
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:31:12
I look on US site amazon.com for Aoi Miyazaki movie on DVD and all I see is "Tomie:Forbidden Fruit"
This is sad because is her worst film.
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:33:25
what do you think about Gaichu?
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:35:46
I think a blue automobile is a rather bad film. director did not have annything to
say with that film
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:36:50
Do many American import Japanese film?
Almost every Japanese film DVD has a English subtitle.
What is point of that?
I think its waste of money to translate it.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:38:04
I like Gaichu very much.
It is remind me of powerful French film 400 Blows.
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:39:55
Anyway I am fan of Shiota Akihiko movie since Sasayaki.
337English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:40:41
There isn't a very large market for import Japanese
movies other than animated ones in the US.
The subtitles are so that English speaking people can
understand..without the subtitles they might aswell be
watching a movie with no dialogue
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:42:36
I think that only 50% of japanese dvd has english subtitles.
but if we look at korean market almost 99% of korean dvds with korean movies
have english subtitles
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:43:25
they should translate japanese anime dvd's instead of films, american otaku actually
import those whether they understand english or not.
and japanese anime dvd's never have english subtitles.only in rare cases.
340339:2005/10/03(月) 15:44:23
mistake: meant to say "wheter they understand japanese or not"
341English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:47:44
Fansubs take care of the subbing of anime. It would be a waste
of money to compete when people can just download the subbed
episodes off the internet
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:49:41
for example i found this blog: http://www.moyism.com/blog/

the blogger made an entry about some anime dvd's he imported from japan.
but he says "Nope so I still have no clue what the series is about!"
he doesn't understand japanese, but he has an urge to buy these dvd's anyway.
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 15:50:14
I think american otakus are worse then japanese. because japanese pay for anime
and american are not.
344English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:51:09
He's an Otaku. He probably has statues of Rei and Asuka from
NGE in his room along with tons of Gundam statues and wallscrolls.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.. =P
345English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 15:53:33
Piracy knows no national or ethnical boundaries
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:01:27
such hobby are totaly useless. why dont pickup new? for example if you have
great fashion sense people will be envy u lol
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:01:59
I think his life is very sad.
I read his blog, it all about anime he buy.
That is sad way to exist.
But it seem he not even buy American release of anime, only Japanese.
That is some kind of insanity if he not speaking in Japanese.
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:06:02
do you know why dispute about taste in films/or art is such pain in ass?
because when you look at film/art it's most about your feeling. you feel or
you dont you. so it's absolutely useless to dispute
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:06:57
ha ha:
"B.A. in Computer Science" it's seems that in america most of otakus are
IT nerds.
350English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:10:45
It's not my hobby, it's that guy from that blogs.
And I do have a good fashion sense XD

It does seem to go hand and hand 90% of the time.
I don't really know squat outside of how to keep
windows running and how to play PC games, so I fit into
the other 10%
351English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:13:39
Well, I fit in if you use the American definition of Otaku
which has come to mean someone who watches anime. In America
the word Otaku doesn't have any negativity and isn't used
for obsessed anime lovers like it is in Japan.

I'm proud to say I own no anime toys/posters/etc
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:13:45
>> And I do have a good fashion sense XD
Are you sure? ;)
353English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:15:23
Yeah, I've been complimented many times
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:17:04
Anyway, english, why are you always make a justification like "i am proub, cuz I
dont have anime posters" "I dont know how to use pc" etc..
it's sound kinda .. silly
355English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:19:38
Because I am and I don't?
Do I need a reason for the things that I do?
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:21:18
It seems like you are proving these things to yourself.
357English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:25:20
I can look around the room to see I don't have posters.
I can look at a report card from last year from when I
failed Introduction to Visual Basic.
I don't need to prove it to anyone, especially not myself
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:28:05
but why talking about it?
359English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:29:41
Someone called someone an Otaku. So I commented back by saying
that he probably had alot of Otaku items such as posters and
figures of Rei and Asuka. And..that's more or less why
360Ν εεΤ ◆6Irnh2qHVU :2005/10/03(月) 16:35:34
361English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:37:18
We were talking about the interesting topic of
piracy untill someone interupted =P
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:37:39
I dont feel it. if you're feeling it right now, sorry
363English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/03(月) 16:46:06
I'm gonna go to bed, past 3am
Goodnight sweet 2ch. Try not to have any
flamewars while I away.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:49:57
Good night.
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 16:52:58
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 18:00:19
what koji writes now in monologue thread is... disturbing
367k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 18:07:25
Heh. The majority of the posts are by other people, you know :-p

what's dasai?
I knew of 2ch a long time before i saw Densha Otoko. I however didn't know about the english thread until i saw a link to it at 4-ch.net


You're right, I'm not ;D She's quite cute.

Thank you! :-D Finally someone other than me pointing out the obvious.

Yeah, it's fun to see what various idols people like :-D
Interesting to find out about their existence

What.. You failed intro to VB? o.O;;; But VB is easy.
And horribly ugly and stupid. It's a way too wordy programming language. :-/ It's not efficient.
Makes my eyes almost bleed and renders me frustrated at the ridiculous amount of words it
uses when other languages can do the same thing in a far shorter and more elegant ways.
But yeah.. intro to VB, just out of curiousity, what version of VB?
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 18:08:13
369k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 18:12:02
>>368 yup. no food tends to kill you off.
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 18:19:51
dasai - primitive, unsophisticated, out of fashion
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 18:57:56
Hello, bastard sons of comforting women! i know you are here
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:11:45
373k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 19:16:35
Ahh. thank you for the explenation :-D
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:17:13
did your mom liked it?
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:18:20
I am 326
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:19:05
My brother in Meiji University and I am from waseda university
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:21:25
so what?
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:25:23
He means that he belongs to Super-Free and enjoys rape.
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:26:58
i don't know "Super-Free"
what's it?
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:31:22
I'm test writing.
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:31:29
Super-Free is the most famous club in Waseda university whose purpose is raping innocent young women.
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:32:36
This is great.
This is fun.
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:33:05
wow, in japan isn't it illegal?
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:35:43
yes. absolutely legal
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:36:37
Definitely it is illegal. Therefore some of leading members of the club were arrested.
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:37:54
why you write Meiji with capital letter and waseda not with capital letter?
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:39:25
The fact is that many Waseda students have participated in the club.
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:41:10
I don't know. A simple mistake?
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:42:22
some members were arrested but now the clubs still exist?
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:42:56
Ah. so it's a simple mistake. I understand
391名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:45:35
般  羯 多 呪 多 得 想 掛 所 亦 無 耳 不 是 異 蘊 観  摩
若  諦 呪 能 是 阿 究 礙 得 無 意 鼻 増 舎 色 皆 自  訶
心  羯 即 除 大 耨 竟 無 故 老 識 舌 不 利 色 空 在  般
経  諦 説 一 神 多 涅 掛 菩 死 界 身 減 子 即 度 菩  若
      呪 切 呪 羅 槃 礙 提 盡 無 意 是 是 是 一 薩  波
   波 曰 苦 是 三 三 故 薩 無 無 無 故 諸 空 切 行  羅
   羅   真 大 藐 世 無 陀 苦 明 色 空 法 空 苦 深  蜜
   羯   実 明 三 諸 有 依 集 亦 聲 中 空 即 厄 般  多
   提   不 呪 菩 佛 恐 般 滅 無 香 無 相 是 舎 若  心
        虚 是 提 依 怖 若 道 無 味 色 不 色 利 波  経
   波   故 無 故 般 遠 波 無 明 觸 無 生 受 子 羅
   羅   説 上 知 若 離 羅 智 盡 法 受 不 想 色 蜜
   僧   般 呪 般 波 一 蜜 亦 乃 無 想 滅 行 不 多
   羯   若 是 若 羅 切 多 無 至 眼 行 不 識 異 時
   諦   波 無 波 蜜 顛 故 得 無 界 識 垢 亦 空 照
        羅 等 羅 多 倒 心 以 老 乃 無 不 復 空 見
   菩   蜜 等 蜜 故 夢 無 無 死 至 眼 浄 如 不 五
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:46:58
I'm not sure. But I think it no longer exists.
393名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:47:20
i can't read kanji
plese translate it, someone
394名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:47:34
Is this CUSSW????
When the police opened the door of the car, a foul stench hit them. Inside the
car were PET bottles filled with feces and urine. This was all police needed to
close a particularly nasty case in Osaka.

Since July there had been 15 cases of a motorist throwing feces and urine at young
female pedestrians.

On Sept 16, police at Higashi-Sumiyoshi station in Osaka arrested Kazumasa Kurimoto,
39, an assistant manager in the electronic components section for Sharp, on charges
of assault and destruction of property.
"Kurimoto had been making and storing the PET bottles and their contents in his
garage," said a police spokesman. "In his car, we found 2-liter bottles cut in half.
He wrapped the open top so that nothing would spill out. When he was ready to go out,
he poured feces and urine into a half-liter or 350ml bottles with the top cut off."
According to the police, Kurimoto has confessed to five cases out of the 15.
"I was really stressed out, and I just did it for fun. It was fun to watch the young
woman being disgusted," police quoted him as saying.

A colleague said: "He was learning English for his job and really worked hard."
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:48:52
I am lived with wild animals in cave and I can't read kanji too!
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:51:21
It is a Buddhist invocation. An idiotic troll came here and wrote it.
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:55:45
oh thank you
next i see it, i'll ignore him
398名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 19:58:06
I just readed japantoday. an english site about japan. I read a comment by user.
it was something like "when I was in school I did not wanted sex or anything like
that. I wanted good grades and good college. All I did was skipping one day".
Most users were agree with him. what's the fuck? what kind of americans/english speaking people
are interested in japan??
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:00:24
is buddhist invocation written with kanji only?
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:05:45
Yes it is. Therefore, people who can read it with no difficulty is rare. But Buddhist monks are good at it.
401名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:06:42
Shintarô Ishihara is japan modern hero
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:08:57
I think he can lead Japan aggressively.
403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:14:24
Brutus and Casa Brutus are two of Japan's most stylish mags
404名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:16:24
I wonder... what girls think about guys who are "few word" type but have
handsome appearance
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:19:49
but he's always been bushin'.
i don't approve his fashion.
what wait him is just bumrushin'.
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:21:28
i dont understand it. can you explain it to me?
407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:22:07
my father's name is Ando Tadao
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:26:09
Observation about geeks no.1
Geeks are tend to live quiet, small places with nature.
they dislike big cities, and call them boring, or stupid. something like "what
you can do in big city? only go to work and do thing in your local area". they
dono hang out with friends because they friends like computers. they are afraid
of crowded place. they dislike shopping, and needless to say they dont go to
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:29:48
Observation about foreigners no.1
I read japantoday right now. Everytime they write bad news about horrible crime
instantly there are tons of comments. but when they post things about culture,
art or lifestyle the most of articles left uncommented. Why is that?
410k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 20:36:27
That depends on what kind of "few word" guy it is, no?
If it's someone that only sprouts mean words when he speaks, and has an overall
bad attitude, that's not really good, i think.
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:38:34
Arrogant, with rich parents
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:39:42
have you handed out census report to its collecting officer?
You wrote NEET on the profession mark, didn't it?lol
413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:41:34
How many musturbations do you do everyday?
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:42:35
If there are any foreigner can you answer me?
I discovered that I can download stuff from IRC. I want to download english
e-books. But I dont know any IRC channel with ebooks. can you give me some
names please?
415名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:44:05
shut up! Do it by yourself!
416k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 20:46:22
Perhaps because people in general have a lot less to say about art and so on?
Those things are the default way things are, while as crimes are things that should not be,
so people feel more strongly about such things?
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:51:23
I want to be very happy.
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:52:30

i got no life
419名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:52:50
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:53:25
why is that?
421名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:54:11
I want to be very happy.
422 ◆HPfz/6s0N. :2005/10/03(月) 20:54:37
lalala la
423名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:56:32
How ot's called when you can do a deep breath because it's hurt in your heart?
like spikes
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:57:34
14 years old girl got a splendid honour of Hori-pro talent caravan
she made me her first nerd.
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 20:57:46
I mean when you CAN'T
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:00:11
Teachers in Kuwasawa Design School don't use textbooks. This is the unchanging way
since the school was established. The articles on the textbooks are but records
of the past. I recommend all of you to communicate with teachers who are the
current designers and learn a means of living as a designer from
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:00:31
I agree. Crimes have a direct effect on people's lives. Everyone wants to avoid falling victim to crimes.
On the other hand, art is rather dispensable though it certainly enrich people's lives.
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:01:38
A nerd from chatter thread said "hi" to highschool girl.
highschool girl:
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:02:51
and what's the point of talking about negative things? it's better to know art
oe something, than a crimes
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:04:31
maybe they call us nerds because they are jealous of our english skills?
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:07:11
they pissed in my mouth, said to me 36yo warehouse guy
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:07:28
that 14 aged new fresh girl should be my girlfriend I bet
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:11:30
warehouse job on summer is the hardest labour.
plus my wage is cut by 10%. my salary is about 90000 yen.
434名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:18:09
why cut??? why the fuck you just cant retire?
435名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:21:09
hey dude
there is serious troubles with you! I spended 50000 yen or the last weekends
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:21:44
my company lose thier clients because of economic recession,
so my job hours and hourly wage were cut by 10%.
I can't retire warehouse because there is not any english-related jobs in the job center.
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:23:16
but you can find non-english related job.. even if it's another warehouse
you can find with more pay
438名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:25:52
There's nothing like multiple guys shooting cum in my pussy, butt and mouth all while I have an orgasm !!
439名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:31:28
Yesterday belongs to the dead
Because the dead belongs to the past
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 21:34:37
sometimes warehouse boy really scares me! he may one of those people who will end
killing their parents or kidnap and rape and kill an underaged girl
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:13:47
warehouse boy represent ultimate sadness of all NEET and HIKKIES
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:15:08
tell me how you tall i am 176cm
443名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:18:29
I am a guy I love girls, but I really, really want to suck other guy's dick!
why is so?
444k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 22:27:15
Eh.. That is not good. Arrogance is a bad trait.
Someone who pursues someone like that either thinks
that he can change to be a better person, or is blind
to his arrogance (maybe even as arrogant as him), or
just out to use him for his money.
I'd like to hope that the arrogant guy can become
a better man. But i myself wouldn't pursue someone
like that even had i been single. But that is just me.

Umm.. I don't know any channels either..
But you can always download lots of ebooks from the Gutenberg Project.
they have more than 16 000 free ebooks.

162 cm
445k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 22:30:14
>>444 correction:
"is blind to his arrogance (or maybe even is as arrogant as him and sees it as a good thing)"
446名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:34:26
Tell me about your secret.
447k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/03(月) 22:36:33
Maybe you're bisexual?
448べんきょうちゅう:2005/10/03(月) 22:42:21
I'm not 443

Yes,I'm bisexual.This is my secret.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:42:48
in actuality, i've ever killed somebody i hate, in my heart.
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:51:49
I know I am an asshole.
451名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:57:24
my bad secret is that I dont really respect people around me. I think about them
as inferior people to me
452& ◆LMRaV4nJQQ :2005/10/03(月) 22:58:49
What do Japanese think about guys with beards?
If a Japanese girl sees a foreigner with good fashion sense but small beard will she be
scared or will she be excited?
Please post your thoughts on beards.
453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 22:59:24
If I buy a cool camera for 2000$ how my photos will be look?
454641:2005/10/03(月) 22:59:34
Hi folks!
Can anyone recommend me any good mom/son porn?
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:00:45
you fucking idiot it doesnt matter how "cool" your camera is,
you have to understand what your doing with the camera
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:00:52
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:00:55
I am not a girl but i think that very very rare men look good with moustaches
I am not even talking about beard.
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:02:51
you're fucking idiot because I am never tell you that I dont know what to do
with camera. I mean technical, side of question
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:03:46
thanks! I am going to read Edgar Allan Poe
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:05:00
this is dumb place to ask such a question.
go to a photography forum and people will give you advice on which camera is good
461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:06:03
what girls thinks about guys with foot fetish???
462名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:06:24
Edgard Allan Poe used an old-style English language.
It might confuse you, if your not native speaker.
It probably confuse native speaker too.
463名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:07:44
Do you say that for Japanese guys or all guys?
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:09:20
I doubt. because english is not complicated as japanese.
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:12:39
I think that for all. I dont know why but usually I associate people with bread
with nerds. dont know why
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:14:53
I think that designer who create stencil font and famous logo I♥NY is genious
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:14:57
i never see nerds with beard
468名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:16:15
some nerds dont shave and they have ugly unshave face, but thats not a real beard
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:18:26
haha, i remember I saw a fat geek in train. he was in stupid white t-shirt and
ugly jeans. what a mess
470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:18:28
I'm in the US. In college I ususally see art-fag guys with beards.
471名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:20:48
japanese must be most complex language in the world
i laugh at gaijan that try to master it
472名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:21:35
My vision of an art fag:
Rich,beatiful, knows latest fashion trendy, design as hobby, read cool design or fashion
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:22:33
You must be a child.
Calling people geek is so childish.
I did that in high school.
Its not fun now because I have a life,
so I dont care about geeks.
474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:22:37
Dwaine know japanese language enough for JLT test high rank.
he tells so. he is a nerd, but nerds have some abilities
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:24:52
I don't like a man with beard.
because rough touch is not my favorite.
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:25:53
Calling other people childish without knowing anything about them is childish
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:27:52
my favourite type of man is feminine type
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:28:23
I go to a college that has a lot of art-fags.
Usually an art fag has very rich parents that live in the suburbs, and pay for his
lifestyle in NYC.
Art-fags are into fashion, but they have their own fashion.
Many of them buy vintage clothing.
Art fags like art, music, artsy film and things like that.
They don't read fashion magazines, because in the US the fashion magazines cater to
girls only. I don't know of any American fashion magazines that are for men, except like
GQ, but art fags never read that.
Art fags usually read sophisticated books.
Maybe art fags are different in Japan?
479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:30:29
pointing out other peoples flaws is childish
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:33:42
more like you dont know any cool lifestyle american magazines.
in usa there are tons of cool trendy mags(in japan too) like
DAZED,VICE,I-D and tons of other cool magazines.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:35:56
What do you mean by "art fags"? I don't understand this words.
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:37:57
and I can't agree that art fags read sophisticated book too much.
I am much more for cool images/design/fashion then sophisticated book.
sure, I readed Sartre when I was 14 but now it's totaly uncool. I read
contemporary fiction most
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:38:18
Your right! It's just that when I heard the phrase "fashion magazine"
I thought of something female-oriented like Vogue.
Yeh Vice is popular, but then it's not a fashion magazine, which is what the poster said.
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:40:39
But Vice covers fashion theme too. anyway Vogue is more like mainstream and
AD place for luxury brands. maybe for rich artfag when they grow up and
starts prefer more mature style. lol
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:41:15
You read Sartre at 14?!?!
Did you understand anything he wrote. I'm 21 and I still have a hard time with it.
Anyway, 90% art-fags will say their favorite author is Thomas Pynchon.
It's funny because at one class people were complaining that we weren't going to read
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:44:10
sorry I mean 16.fast typing. I liked his novels like nausea and "words" it's was more like
ordinary novel too me. I also readed Kafka who is more fucked-up then sarte. i did not enjoy his very much
and now I hate kafka, while I can enjoy books like nausea.
487名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:45:19
David Foster Wallace is also a very popular author. But him and Pynchon are very hard to
read. I usually stay away from them both.
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:46:22
the most fucked-up novel is Ulysses by Joyce. I dont think that anyone can enjoy it.
or translate.
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:47:03
Ulysses was translated.
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:47:05
Kafka would appeal more to people that are confused about their direction in life.
If you enjoy life, there is almost no way you can enjoy Kafka because he had a miserable
life and it comes out in his writing.
491Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/03(月) 23:50:15
'All art is quite useless.'
--Oscar Wilde
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:50:28
His write style is impossible to enjoy.just like any isolated people like him
they life in they own world, and it's affect their art. it's
like he was stuck in his illusions or fantasies or something and never grow up.
damn what a mess i just wrote.
493名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:51:51
if there is no art our life will be much more dull.
by the way, why I love desing/visial arts so much. To read something takes a time.
while you can just look at picture and say "I enjoy it" "I did not enjoy it" in
5 seconds
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:51:57
The most popular Japanese author amongst American college students I would say is Murakami.
And in second place is Mishima. It's funny because I think they are completely opposites.
Mishima probably appeals to peoples nihilism. Also the novel Out by Natsuo Kirino is
selling very well in America. Well, maybe not all America, but here in the city.
495名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/03(月) 23:57:19
murakami seems to be the most popular japanese writer in the world
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:04:54
Besides Vice and Vice-like magazines.
Amost EVERY white American in the city reads the New Yorker.
Wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Yorker
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:09:28
haruki murakami wrote a story for that mag
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:21:04
i ask you a Q
Pakkun says "what is the important to learn English is to study like examinee".
other one says "anyway speak".
another one says "write it".

what is the most proper way to become able to speak English like native speaker of it?
or, is it different for us individually?
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:23:37
go to live in america. after two or three years you will be native
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:23:43
All of the above.
501名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:25:17
Thomas Pynchon is hikikomori
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:35:31
why it's important to care about fashion. because you will be look dull
on the contrast with people who dress great
503k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 00:50:05
You need to know the rules very well. So you have to study it.
You need to know how you can bend the rules.
And you need lots of practice. So, what >>500 said, all of the above.

Native speakers tend to bend the rules in speach a lot. Not always, but frequently.
Don't be afraid of using words you've just learned, though you might want to
look up examples of the word in usage so that you're sure you're using it the right way.

How you learn the language best differs from person, but seeing the language being used
is usually helps making you learn it. So do listen to radio shows and watch movies and series
in the language. Reading books also is a good idea.
As I mentioned before, though, you really also should be fully aware of the rules, so that
you're able to better determin whether or not to bend them when you're using the language.

Good luck
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 00:59:46
Never forget what the American barbarians did to our people in Hiroshima,
Nagasaki,Okinawa,Tokyo and many other parts of Japan during the WW2.

Japan is for the Japanese.

505名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:02:49
america is for american then
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:03:36
Never forget what the foreign criminals are now doing in all around

Japan is for the Japanese.
507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:03:41
yes. we won't let them get away with it.
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:11:35
k-tan is so sweet...
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:13:00
idiots! america is friend not enemy. dont be like stupid chinese
510名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:20:24
The man simply chooses not to be a public figure, an attitude that resonates on a frequency so out of phase with
that of the prevailing culture that if Pynchon and Paris Hilton were ever to meet―the
circumstances, I admit, are beyond imagining―the resulting matter/antimatter
explosion would vaporize everything from here to Tau Ceti IV.
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:25:39
Never forget what the North Koreans did and are now trying to do.

Japan is for the Japanese.
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:26:40
japan is for americans
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:27:01
Never forget what you otaku people did to Yukorin.

Yukorin is for me, not for the others.
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:27:25
people who can suck my dick ... look great
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:28:24
why I am writing that late? answer: because I am NEET I dont need to get up early
516名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:29:43
Never forget what the anti-Japanese left wingers did to our divinity.
They are puppets of the Chinese and Korean ciriminals.

Japan is for the Japanese.
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:32:19
thank you very much for your nice advice!!
i got more enthusiasm for learning English!
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:34:48
talking talking why dont you start ACTION? if you spotted chinese or korean or
foreigner why dont you start fighting? kill em all!
or you dont have any ball to do it?
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:36:21
anime is the new rock n roll
in the 1960s america and britain took over the world with rock n roll
now japan is taking over with anime
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:36:58
Okinawa is for the great and courageous Okinawa people, not for the
barbaric Americans.

Japan is for the Japanese.
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:43:08
The great Ainu people have the right to preserve their own culture.

Their culture also constitutes the part of great Japanese civilization.

Japan is for the Japanese.
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 01:43:28
Ironically while the number of American anime fans are growing, the American anime
industry is shrinking. These new fans don't buy anime DVDs , they download them on bt.So
the anime industry in America is suffering.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:02:38
I would like to have some hot sex with K-tan.
I am sure she has got great skills with her tongue and fingers.
Her nipples and pussy also must be wonderful.
I always imagine me and her together having sex when I masterbate.
524名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:04:53
523 what do you imagine k-tan to look like?
525名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:05:53
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:09:21
I today had a little bit violent sex with a Thai girl.
She kept resisting to have sex with me until the end but once I inserted
my penus into her pussy, she started to gasp and finally she wanted me
to keep going until she was satisfied to death.

She says my size and rigidity of penus is the best one she has ever encountered
with before. I like her so much!
527名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:15:30
528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:18:11
My penis is 17cm long
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:21:37
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:22:43
japanese language is forbidden here
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:26:33
go ahead
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:33:03
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:50:34
I sleep on my large bed with my cat.
but cat can't erase my loneliness
534English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 02:54:41
Japanese Otaku's don't pirate anime?
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 02:55:17
find a girlfriend!
536English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 02:56:44
Try a dog. Dogs are friendlier
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:00:27
Are you English?
538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:01:03
I hate dogs.
539English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:01:25
K-tan: I don't know, it was standard edition or something
like that. I constantly got error messages and it just wouldn't
work for me. I don't have the dedication required to write scripts.
The only scripts I can write are AVIsynth and MIRC scripts if you
know what either of those are.
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:01:37
Mine is 14 cm.
541English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:02:29
But they are so cute ;_;
542名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:02:39
k-tan is k with the small k.
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:03:20
I meant are you from England?
544English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:04:18
Originally from England, but I do not live there
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:05:17
I see. Do you speak british English or what?
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:06:30
My god. Jane Style is pretty nifty!
547English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:06:44
I have a British accent but no, normally I speak American English.
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:06:57

CUSSW◆P.cM3I0aTU ← very nice guy
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:09:09
That's dandy.
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:09:50
Is british accent bad?
551English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:10:32
Depends what part of England. Some parts have accents
so thick that you wouldn't even know they are speaking
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:13:00
How old are you, English?
I thought you were quite young.
553English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:15:47
I graduated highschool last year.
I'm 20 years old.
554名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:18:37
You speak, or rather write, in a very orderly fashion for your age.
555English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:20:59
It seems to be the theme of this thread.
Type as grammatically correct as you can with
as few spelling errors as possible. It's not just me,
it's everyone.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:26:51
Oh, you haven't seen the "prime time" of this thead I suppose.
It can get so messy as to make you wish you'd never come back here again.
557English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:28:42
Well, generally it isn't that way. Someone told me yesterday
that many people do not post here because they feel that
there English isn't good enough.
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:29:09
are you NEET?
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:29:43
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:30:49
What gave you that idea?
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:38:24
Does anyone know what happened to an American guy
named :x who were here a little while ago?
562English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:40:23
I think it's safe to say that everyone likes
porno videos.
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:41:17
Everyone? Even women?
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:43:46
565English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:45:08
Yep, even women.
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:47:32
I doubt it, especially if it's Japanese porno.
They are male-centered entertainment and directed in a way
that only men can enjoy.
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:48:50
568English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:49:24
I've known a few girls that liked it (not Japanese porn but
American porn). It's not so much the porn they like, it's just
that they get ideas going in their minds inspired by it.
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:50:53
Japanese porn is sickish and you know it.
570English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:52:46
Yeah it is. And the girls used in the videos are
ugly as sin.
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:53:20
It's deep midnight. What are you guys doing up this late?
572English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:54:18
What are you doing up this late?
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 03:55:18
I think it's sick but I don't think the women are ugly.
Maybe you've only seen a few bad quality videos imported to your country.
574English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 03:58:07
Hmm, possibly. I've seen maybe 10, and it seemed like
the girl used was the same type ever time. Slightly older
but still young looking, and completely slutty.
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:00:44
576English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:02:12
She's cute for a porn girl, I'll give her that
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:05:05
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:05:22
she isnt a porno girl
it's yukorin!!!!!!
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:06:03
580English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:07:03
We were talking about porn so he linked me to
a picture of a girl in a bunny costume. I just assumed
she was a porn girl.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:08:05
but you could see "yuko ogura" written here
anyway it is does not matter
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:10:08
I want to be more like tokyo mayor. he has graduated from todai. how cool.
won akutagawa prize and become tokyo mayor. this man is flawless
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:10:49
I heard that many porno actresses kill them selves after quitting their job.
584English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:11:08
Sorry, that's my default phrase for when I've got no
proper reply to make orz

So does anyone know of a good looking Japanese Porn star?
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:13:42

Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
586English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:14:31
I didn't say anything dirty I just asked a question.
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:14:52
Iijima Ai is popular. Actually I think girls in tokyo(especially in trendy areas)
are much better then any porno stars...
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:15:54
AA for anus
      \   pubic hair    /
        \_  |   _/
            ミミミミ clitoris
           ミミミミ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ノ σ ヽ urethra
         / / ゚ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
labia majora/ //\\ \ 
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ( (vagina) ── labia minora
        \ \\// /
           `   \/  '
  \         *──anus
589English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:15:56
Well obviously they are better, but their clothes stay on
so that doesn't really do me any good. I guess if I were
in Tokyo that would work..
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:17:04
American porno stars are nasty-looking.
591English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:18:13
European ones are the best
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:18:41
are you a virgin mr english?
593English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:19:04
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:19:54
I really dislike american slut-type. stupid blondie with big breast
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:19:55
do you masturbate mr english?
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:20:21
I am so sleepy that I cannot concentrate on everything.
597English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:20:26
Yeah, they aren't high on my list either
598English ■QJ5qI5MaWg:2005/10/04(火) 04:21:03
599名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:21:52
Are you sure?
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:22:14
how often do you masturbate mr english?
601English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:23:39
Every couple of days
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:23:52
English is a nice geek.
He answers our stupid questions.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:24:45
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:25:36
how do you masturbate mr english?
watching videos or magazines?
605English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:26:34
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:28:38
what's your ejaculation point in porno videos mr english?
hand job, blow job, or cumshot?
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:28:39
What is better to have, a lot of crappy clothes or a little nice clothes?
Between these 2 which you choose?
608English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:29:01
Hopefully all of you are women.
Otherwise you are far too curious about
my fapping.
609English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:30:22
Whenever it happens it happens.
A few nice clothes is better than alot of crappy ones.
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:30:26
Very funny you guys!
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:32:02
Is there board on 2channel for ugly women?
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:32:40
mr english, is it true that all americans have a roundhead penis?
80 percent of japanese men have cavalier penis you know.
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:33:54
> A few nice clothes is better than alot of crappy ones

I think so to. Anyone else have opinion? My parent said I spend to much on clothing,
even I am poor university student. They said if I buy less expansive clothing I would
have more clothes. But I dont agree with this view.
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:33:59
japanese dicks are tragic
615English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 04:34:19
Mine is the only one I have ever seen, so I can't be sure.
I'll get back to you on that one

616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:35:48
what's your favourite shops in tokyo>?
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:36:28
western penises are weapons.
oriental penises are toys.
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:40:37
     ( ´∀`)
     (     )
      |  二つ 13cm

     | ̄ ̄|
    _☆☆☆_ AMERICAN
     ( ´_⊃`)
     (    )__
      |  彡__) 30cm
     しー|  | 彡

      (__) KOREAN
     <#`Д´ >
     (     )
      |  彡つ 9cm
619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:41:49
ha ha ha
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:43:00
addition to "artfags discussion" artfags prefer macs
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:46:30
I see there are some college/university students here. What are you studying? I'm going
to college soon and I'm not sure what to study.
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:48:08
I am from Waseda. Cant sleep. School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:50:03
I'm a student of NEET university.
624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:52:46
NEET university is great! How can a guy become neet?
bad university -> bad career -> poor private life -> unsatified dreams -> lost motivatin -> NEET
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 04:53:27
Very logical.
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:01:58
waseda student would not post here anything! You must be liar
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:02:46
study math and programming. that is best thing to do.
you life will be very happy!
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:03:01
waseda student would never post here anything
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:03:45
You're very funny person I AM SURE
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:05:26
the most disgisting people are math major from todai!!!!
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:06:41
and NEETS!
Do you know about NEETLES???
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:09:22
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:09:42
i hate otaku. they dont care about culture.they are stupid pervert that need to buy figure
with a panty shot to make themself hard. otaku that think anime is like literature are
living in fantasy world.
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:11:17
better watch what >>632 said
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:12:01
>>634 stop being so perplexing to >>633
636English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:13:04
Sgt.Peppers loli hearts club band..
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:13:44
BTW >>633
if you're posting stuff that late it means you're NEET too
just like me. we're not much better then otakus
638English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:14:49
Could somebody define neet? =P
639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:15:10
i am not neet. how do you know i am in japan anyway. i can be on opposite side of world.
640English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:16:08
Nevermind, I've remembered what neet means.
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:17:15
NEET = Nitro Electric Engineer Team
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:17:44
Not in education, employment or training
643English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:19:38
Omg I'm neet at the moment. Untill I choose
a University anyway.

644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:20:40
Neet generation
Japanese and UK researchers want to know why young people are choosing not to work or study. By Peter Kingston
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:22:09
The lack of social contact and prolonged solitude has a profound effect on the mentality
of the hikikomori, who gradually lose their social skills and the necessary social
references and mores of the outside world. Anguished about their isolation and acutely
self aware of their problem, they immerse themselves into the fantasy worlds of manga,
television or computer games, which in turn becomes their only frame of reference.
As time passes, the hikikomori, lacking interpersonal stimulus, developmentally stagnates
into routine behaviors of sleeping all day and staying up all night only to sneak out into
the kitchen for food when the family is asleep. Eventually, hikikomori may abandon their
diversions of books and TV and simply stare into space for hours at a time.
646English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:25:22
So there is a huge neet problem in Japan huh? =P
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:25:38
My bad habit is that I like sweet decadence
648English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:26:20
I'd like to meet these neets
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:27:12

That sounds like me, all right.
650名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:27:58
Until now, Japanese leaders have focused on two main youth and labor problems:
unemployment of the younger generation, which stands at 10 percent -- a much higher
percentage than that faced by older generations -- and "freeters," who drift constantly between
temporary jobs, numbering more than 2 million people. Now the problem of the NEET population has
been added to their worries.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has not hidden his anxiety over the problem.
"The people who are not acquiring work skills or knowledge ... will seriously
affect Japan's economy and society," he said at the Diet, Japan's parliament,
last year.
651名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:29:08
NEET experience would at best be considered temporary or part-time workers, with wages
20 percent lower than those of the average worker
Someone who remains in NEET status for five years is likely to earn barely
75 percent the lifetime wages of the average college graduate.
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:29:50
I am in the mood for Dazai Osamu
653English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:30:31
I'm in the mood to neet for another semester. Who's with me?
654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:31:32
"Let them unchain their minds," advised Hiroshi Sekiguchi, a psychiatrist and counselor
at the Bunko Clinic for Mind and Body, which counsels young people with withdrawal
symptoms in Yokohama. "They carry a heavy complex -- that they cannot act as others
do. They are also unable to share their pressures with anyone else," he said,
suggesting such young people need support from parents and other people.

"NEET people are commonly less able to appreciate their positive aspects,"
agreed Mitsunori Iwata, director of Youth Support Net Reload in Yokohama.
Iwata himself spent seven years withdrawn from society in his 20s.
Out of despair, he attempted suicide three times. His turning point
came through a female friend who paid attention to him and visited him
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:33:23
not me, lol
656English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:33:27
The definition of neet is getting crazier as the posts
flood in. First it was simply someone who was unemployed
and who wasn't going to school. Then it was an otaku who loses
himself in manga. Now it's an uber depressed 20 something
guy who tries to commit suicide.

Which one is the real neet?
657English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:34:50
In America, the first definition (No Job, No School) is
called living the sweet life.
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:35:09
it's mix of hikkies(hikikomori - people who dont go out at all) and neets.
659English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:36:58
So it's definatly a bad thing then?
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:40:28
NEET is bad. no job is not good thing at all.
and hikky is bad too. (people who are afraid of people so much, that can't go out)
661English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:41:48
What if you don't want a job? But you have your own
apartment and you aren't a hikky?
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:43:03
how you gonna pay for you life??? and its kinda patethic to be such loser
who can't earn money
663English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:43:50
What if you win the lottery and are a multi-millionaire?
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:47:09
you will fed up with such life very soon. you will be depressed
665English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:47:52
A job is the cure for depression? =P
I thought jobs caused depression.
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:53:26
English, I dont think you understand. The Japanese value work. You cant prove your point
because you are dealing with a foreign culture.
667English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:54:38
It seems like on Japanese drama's the people always
get crazy psycho from their job that they hate. I understand
that there is a high work ethic, but that has got to be stressfull.
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:56:58
You should not think of work as something you just do to get money for yourself. The work you do will also help
the company you work for, and by extension, the economy of your country. So by not working, you are harming
your country by depriving it of the use of your skills. This is why neets are a problem, particularly on a large scale.
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 05:57:53
I think Americans and Japanese both value work.
For example, a disdain for academia is something both Americans and Japanese share.
"You ought to work" is an old American mentality.
670English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 05:58:00
Are there a ton of jobs open because neets aren't filling them?
671k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 05:58:07
Ahh.. response spamming.. Sorry everyone..
It just piles up when i haven't been around for a while.

Wouldn't it be far more productive to imagine having sex with someone
you actually do know what she looks like? Like some idol or celebrity?
Or even an anime character would be an improvement
from fwapping off to a block of text.

HAH! Richard Mongler! *giggles madly*
are you a 4channer, by any chance? :-p

That's sad =( *hugs*
Find a girl to love who will love you back?
Or get a lot of good friends?
Be careful though, you may feel a lot of pain and more
loneliness before you find some good people.
672k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 05:58:56
I've done some MIRC scripting, but never encountered AVIsynth.
And ah, error finding can be a pain in the ass yeah.

Heh.. Cuteness depends on the dog. Same goes for cats.
I've seen insanely adorable dogs and cats, and i've seen horrible
dogs and cats...

Either of those two works well.
673English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:01:32
It's an encoding program. It's obscure I guess. I rip
DVD's that I buy (or that I've borrowed) and encode them
with AVIsynth.
674k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:01:33

Nope. That statement is very much untrue.
However, most people seem to like them.
But yeah.. I even know a guy who doesn't like pornos.
He's terribly adorable, ridiculously innocent and always keeps getting girl-problems
because too many girls take his cuddlings and flirtings seriously,
when he doesn't really mean it as flirting with them for their sake,
but flirting for the sake of flirting.

The ones i've seen have pretty much been for a laugh.
Some pornos are utterly hilarious, the plot is so
absurd and ridiculous, and the events and the lines are so stupid
that it's comedy gold.
Bad acting + stupid contents = amusing.
Well, assuming it's being silly and not boring.
Especially when the logic used is so mindbogglingly absurd.
..heh.. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that i
laugh at pornos. But then again I haven't seen that many.
675k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:02:45
That's so insanely adorable :-D
We need more cuteness in this world!

She looks very plain o.O
Not complaining, just that i've gotten used to people
only posting images of either really good looking girls or really ugly such

Heh.. I'm gonna assume you've played katamari damashi.. Please tell me you played
it in english.. Because the lines are so very awesome and really needs
to be understood. A friend of mine had gotten the japanese version, so i played a little of that and got hooked. Then he got the english version, and finally being able to understand what the king of cosmos says...
it was even more awesome! i don't know what the creators were on while making the game, but the result is pure awesome.
Have you played KD2 too? If not, then you really should. It's even more fun :-D
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:03:24
Americans have a lot more in common with Japanese than they do with Europeans.
For example, when a disneyland was opened in France it was largely a failure.
It took Disney over a decade to make back their money.
However, Tokyo Disney Resort is a big success.
677k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:03:55
A little nice clothes is probably better. You'd feel better
about yourself that way too.

Either that or they're trying to see where the limit goes,
how intimate questions they can ask before you refuse to play
their game any more ;D

What's a roundhead penis? o.O
What's a cavalier penis? O.o;;
678k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:04:53
Heh. i think, size is more for verbal bragging that actual useful function. Guys probably are more interested in other guys sizes than what girls are.
Peacocks have their bright colors and big feathers, guys have their
penises :-p
Actually, there's a pretty good book on the topic you all should read. I've only read halfway, unfortunately, i should read the rest..
A very interesting book. History told in an entertaining manner.
Or should i rather say, entertaining history told in an efficient manner.

go read http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0142002593/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/002-5987504-0438433?v=glance&s=books
679English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:05:06
I played the English version yeah. It probably tops my
list of the greatest non-serious games of all time.
You more or less kill thousands of people, and all the while
the funky music is playing in the background and the sun is shining
and all is well =D
And yeah, I've played We Love Katamari (the sequel)
680k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:05:40
It's amusing, in movies, the majority of the computers are Macs,
in real life, the majority of the computers are PCs.

I don't know japanese so i don't understand everything in there...
But even that way, it's still so very amusing.
Such a big pity that i don't get even half of the references in there...
If someone would care to enlighten me, i would be most grateful :-D
681k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:06:25
Jobs can cause depression. But not having something to do, to
have something you can see as an accomplishment is depressing too.
That is why being NEET is so depressive, i think.
You don't feel like you're worth anything, since you're not doing
anything of worth.
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:08:21

Hollywood likes Macs. They have pretty, simple interfaces that tell you what you're doing without actually revealing
what the computer is going through.
683English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:09:25
The response spam injures my soul. We might just get to 1000
today if this continues much longer =P
684k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:09:53
so yes.. once again.. i apologize for taking up so much space...

i will try to avoid doing this sort of thing in the future
685English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:11:44
686k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:12:03
Not for me. Today is around 50 minutes away from tomorrow.
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:13:56

k-tan lives on a planet with a 50 minute day. Would such a planet even support human life?
688English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:15:59
No, it would have to be nearly on the surface of a star
689k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:18:15
*giggles* Not quite what i ment... But i guess that works too..
It's past 11 pm right now where I live, so, there really isn't much left of the day before a new one starts.
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:18:27

Or it might just be spinning very fast. What would that do to any lifeforms on there though?
691English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:20:01
Or the planet could be tiny. Like, the size of kentucky
692k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:21:19
That would render the gravity field too weak, no?
Also, that makes me think of the story of the little prince who lived on that tiny planet.
I love that story...
693English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:23:10
Yes, so it would probably drift aimlessly through space like
a comet
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:29:54

Poor little k-tan, drifting through space on her tiny little planet all alone ... *sniff* so very romantic though
695English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:31:26
I live on a planet much like The Prince's planet from Katamari Damacy
696ΝεεΤ ◆.UCGTjkGGo :2005/10/04(火) 06:32:19
697English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/04(火) 06:42:49
Time to fire up the grill. I'm making steak~!

Goodbye for now.
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:43:50
Steak, hmmm .... that reminds me, has Japan lifted its import ban on American beef yet?
699& ◆LMRaV4nJQQ :2005/10/04(火) 06:47:03
700名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 06:49:35
701k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 06:49:41
...b-chan, that's you, isn't it. It has you written all over it :-p
Silly boy. *hugs*

I feel terribly stupid for only first now connecting KD with The Little Prince...
Especially when it's so blatantly obvious..
I blame that on that I haven't thought of the book for many, many years..
702^__^:2005/10/04(火) 07:42:37
703& ◆Z2KySTSpOo :2005/10/04(火) 07:49:33
TO go back to the artfag discussion.
There is a dating/photo site where artfags put up their picture called Make Out Club.
Boys : http://makeoutclub.com/profiles/boys/1.php
Girls : http://makeoutclub.com/profiles/girls/1.php
so look for yourself at the world of emo-gays and artfags
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 07:53:21
here is image of typical artfag: http://www.makeoutclub.com/htdocs/profiles/images/boys/flip.jpg

his info and interests are "industrial/synthetic music, dancing, star trek, chemistry grad student at ucla, vegan, 25"

I think the Japanese have this image of artfags as the picture of cool.
I don't think so.
Artfags get girls (female art fags), they like fashion, but they ARE geeks.
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 08:50:44
and many of those have beards. that how artfag debate start.
someone said artfags have beards.
706k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 08:51:59
I blame you guys for this.
silly, sloppy oekaki doodle.

Hi! And good night *hug* I'm off to bed.

So, what you're saying is that geeks by default cannot achieve coolness, because
geek excludes coolness?
So if anyone manages to geniunely be cool, they're automatically not geeky any more?
707k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 08:56:09
Hmm.. If a new thread is started before i get back,
feel free to use the following template:

708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 08:57:14
you are not killing people in "katamari damashii"
as you roll the katamari you see the people moving, they are not dead.
the point is that they are sacrificing their existence to save the starry sky, but the
prince doesnt kill them.the king does when he turns them into stars.
its like the book "woman in the dunes" by kobo abe.
its about sacrificing your hedonistic existance for a greater purpose.
i suppose both this book and this game are featuring a totalitarian ideals
709k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 09:05:24
Heh.. I know. I know that very well. I've played KD and KD2 a bit :-D I love that game.
Never heard of "woman in the dunes" though, i should look it up.
And that more of makes me think of the ending of the series Spartacus And The Sun Beneath The Sea.
I saw that cartoon when I was a kid. Some episodes were very surprisingly deep for a childrens cartoon.
Especially the ending o.O;;;

http://people.ucsc.edu/~jeremys/theshow.html to read about what the show was about. Hm.. I miss it..
I need to get it on DVD or something..
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 09:15:15
Edgar and Cloe are definitely cool in 24. Their appearance really don't matter.
711名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 09:39:57
as a king of all cosmos he has the right to take the life of humans i think
he is a divine being
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 10:44:19
i really like the song "america's boy" by broadcast
has anyone heard it? the mp3 is here
this is the kind of music popular with hipsters. It has a cool feeling to me
713名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 10:50:31
i can't open the file
i suspect it's some virus
714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 11:17:12
Works fine for me in Winamp.
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 11:34:51
Works for me too.
It sounds like Ladytron, who in turn sound like Kraftwerk.
It's good, but I wouldn't listen to this kinda' music for long.
I like the warbly messy parts, it's a break from the ultra-polished pop on MTV/radio.
But it's too repetitious.
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 13:48:20
I'm ready to chat.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 13:50:48
chat me up, baaaayyybeeeeh!
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 13:53:17
hey man lets chat
719名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 13:55:46
about what?
don't say "yukorin"...
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 13:58:01
im not yukorin fan. im aoi miyazaki fan
721名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 14:00:37
aoi chan fans are a growing minority
yukorin is on her way down into the gutter
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 14:10:46
sankyu- o−l
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 14:31:17
No one but me is here.
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 14:32:06
It is a sperm by and large. Thank you.
Please leave me alone.
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 15:16:59
726k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 16:29:21
Heh... But you have to remember why new stars have to be created in the first place...
The king of cosmos messed up, badly. :D

Nice song, though lately i've been listening a lot to songs by Electric Light Orchestra.
Speaking of indie hipsters, here's a comic with some such in it. It has lots of puns sometimes.
Unfortunately all the band references go over my head since i don't really know about
those indie bands they sometimes speak of.
727Mr Shit ◆Fwr8e6MGOU :2005/10/04(火) 22:28:07
            \  人  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          _   (__)  _ < Mr Shit is here!!!
              (__)     \________
           / ( ゚∀゚ ) \             
728Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 22:30:28
Good for you.
729Mr Shit ◆Fwr8e6MGOU :2005/10/04(火) 22:32:31
HA HA HA!!! >>728 is the another proof that Mr Shit is urban predator!!!!
730dyn-128-59-109-16.dyn.columbia.edu ◆TTLQTUMllo :2005/10/04(火) 22:33:54
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:42:00
hello. nobody's here
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:42:03
Hi Mr Shit, you've been missed!
733名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:43:15
>>732 have no idea at all
734Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 22:43:38
Good for me.
735Predator of Urban ◆Hell5/Jaig :2005/10/04(火) 22:46:28
Hello! I am cool guy like Urban Predator
736Predator of Urban ◆Hell5/Jaig :2005/10/04(火) 22:47:44
I am work for CM business. everyday you see my bullshitting on your TV screens!
737k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 22:49:56
738Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 22:50:21
I feel dizzy.
739名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:51:53
urban predator why you put email in email field? want to meet friends? hahaha
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:55:03
what kind of CM have you made?
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:56:13
worst porno I saw on the internet:
A guy put dildo on the drill turn in on, then put it into teen girl's vagina, while
teen girl sucking her used tampon
742Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 22:56:46
I'm just opening up my gate to strangers.
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:56:56
the most annonying CMs that you hate with your whole heart
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:57:42
you just mean your ANUS?
745Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 22:58:09
Every hikki is a neet, but not all neets are hikki.
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 22:58:52
you're 25. most people know how to contact with people ibn their early childhood.
you're late. you're last train is gone.
747Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 22:59:37
I appeciate your wet sense of humour most of all.
Thank you.
748名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:00:21
I am hikky, but I work via Internet. I send them my concepts and if they said yes.
i sell it to them.
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:00:22
I have successfully lived without a threat of death for more than 20 consecutive years.
But today, I have got tired of that. Good bye.
750Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:00:48
What is ibn?
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:00:55
what do you mean? tell me more
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:01:32
type mistake. ibn = in
753Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:02:27
DETAILS PLEASE. what do you mean concept? Like concept for curing your dermato arthritis?
754Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:03:27
I see. Thank you for your advice.
But you are only assuming things.
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:03:40
I am websites developer
756Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:05:38
If you have your own money, why be a hikki? Go out and buy something nice.
757名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:07:10
why I can do out? I dont have any friends or anything like that. I am nervious
with people, contacts with real people bring me real pain...
758Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:08:58
Buy some stylish clothes. When you are dressed nicely, you will feel good about yourself,
and you want to socialize with people (especially a female).
759Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:10:41
Excuse me but what does your name Womchy mean?
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:11:19
They will look strange on me. I am not fat, but my behaviour in social situation
is really clumsy. on my face written: patethic. I have no guts or confidence
761Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:11:43
Womchy is my cats name. So I made it my name.
762名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:12:32
today is the first day of the rest of your life
763Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:12:39
Will you stay inside until your death?
764Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:13:03
Oh, that's a cute name.
765Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:14:06
Its true for every day, except the day you die.
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:14:40
how can I know...
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:15:13
Null Pointer Exception
768k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 23:17:53
Try to find people with similar interests to you to spend time with in real life for a starter?
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:17:57
i dont like geek humor
770Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:18:17
ヽ(´ー`)ノ ぬ る ぽ
771Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:19:08
I love geek humour.
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:19:27
I am sick of viewing stupid AA on 2channel it's so annoying
773Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:20:22
>>769, >>772
2ch may be wrong place for you.
774 __________ :2005/10/04(火) 23:21:05

Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
775& ◆cIYxGPRRGA :2005/10/04(火) 23:22:00
        (-_-) . . .
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:23:55
i wonder if this post will be done today
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:24:06
Yeah. But sometimes there are great threads, that's why I can't quit 2ch...

You should say "Null Pointer Exception". It's an English chat here...
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:24:11
12000 suicides in france in 1997
779Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/04(火) 23:24:48

   ミ彡゙ .._    _   ミミミ彡
  ((ミ彡 '´ ̄ヽ '´/ ̄ ` ,|ミミ))
  ミ彡  ' ̄ ̄'  〈 ̄ ̄ .|ミミ彡
  ミ彡|  ) ) | | `( ( |ミ彡
  ((ミ彡|  ( ( -し`) ) )|ミミミ    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ゞ|  ) )  、,! 」( ( |ソ   <  I'm sorry Koizumi sorry!
     ヽ( ( ̄ ̄ ̄' ) )/       \_______________
     ,.|\、)    ' ( /|、
   ̄ ̄| `\.`──'´/ | ̄ ̄`
      \ ~\,,/~  /
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:25:12
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:26:30
westerns dont use AA at all.
2ch is so uncool.
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:27:23
look, a wester otaku, use 2ch AA
this site is extremely creepy
783KRAMNIK RUBLEV:2005/10/04(火) 23:27:51
I am awaiting to serve it merciful death.
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:30:24
only ugly people in depression
785Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:30:59
That guy is a creep.I hope he never comes to Japan.
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:31:55
So are you.

--------- + ----------- + ----------
Ok let's just ignore him let the thread start again
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:32:31
Your ugliness can be improved by plastic surgery. So don't worry!
788784:2005/10/04(火) 23:34:23
who ever said that I am ugly?
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:36:35
he is a pedophile
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:39:20
you are geek if:
you have more then 10 DVD-R in your place.
791Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:39:49
This is why I hate anime. It made a style from a disease like paedophilia.
Now otaku like "lolicon style" ... but who is a lolicon? A dangerous criminal.
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:39:57
my pc work for 24 hours because I have download mania
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:42:34
I think CM business is the most stressful work ever
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:44:27
accounting is stressful and boring, crunching numbers all day. but it pays nicely.
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:46:14
I am beautiful?? yes, some people says so. but I dont ask this question to myself.
Me is just me.
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:47:02
This isn't monologue thread.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:48:55
Jesus Christ is best copywriter ever
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:49:46
the average price for cocaine in europe is 100euro per 1g
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:50:32
800 is coming. the days of this thread is over
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:51:02
he said if you get 800 you will be happy
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:51:08
i dont do drugs because they put you in jail. its not worth losing your freedom for
something like that.
802Womchy ◆m9dcW0mChY :2005/10/04(火) 23:53:47
Do legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes.
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:54:42
it's hard to got caught with drugs.
804名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:55:51
No No. Very easy. Go out and do drugs in public. You will got caught. Try it!! So fun.
805名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:56:04
cocaine can destroy you nose
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:57:31
I have iron nose.
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:57:34
many people do drugs at night in quiet places
808k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/04(火) 23:57:54
Hmm... A thought just struck me, maybe USians don't look as funny on cosplayers as what Japanese do,
since USA has a tradition of getting into cosplay every Halloween?
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/04(火) 23:58:18
Acctualy I want to use cocaine. but just one time. you can't say anything if
you dont do it. so why not
810IRONMAN:2005/10/04(火) 23:59:44
811名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:00:13
IF only I had the eyes like 50 CENT got my life will be much better
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:00:43
If you try it once, you will want to try a thousand times.
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:02:02
I am koji kabuto
814HAM:2005/10/05(水) 00:02:10
Too bad. I'm Hydrochloric Acid Man.
I can beat iron.
815Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/10/05(水) 00:02:26
What is the use of narcotics when there is plenty of Oxygen?
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:03:28
only with heroine. heroin is really dangerous. cannabis is not dangerous at all.
cocain is expensive and not ever dangerous as heroin.
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:04:20
I found good mom/son porn, but I won't tell 641 where!
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:06:48
what kind of fetish do you have?
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:11:21
"when I touch you skin, I feel like I have to wash my hands" - that's what I said
to my last girlfriend
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:25:44
being a geek makes me happy. im happy doing geeky things like learning about computers
and watching anime. so what? only sad people complain about my lifestyle.

anime just means cartoon. if there is a dirty porn movie doesnt mean that all movie are
dirty porn. same for anime.
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:27:21
dont you think that you're missing somethin better?
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:28:41
anime is a cartoon aimed to kids, and early teens. if you're 20's something
and still watch cartoons it's strange
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:31:04
you dont watch anime,so you cant say that.some anime is made for people in the 20s.
anyway i see older people reading manga, so what is the difference?
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:34:33
manga is something you can read in train and then put it in garbage can.
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:36:08
you're american I am sure!!! in america everyone hates star trek geeks and only
geeks and kids watch star trek. you DON'T need to watch star trek to know that
it's crap
826k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 00:38:30
Heh... Are you saying that as long as it's done outside the home, it's okay to do it?
Since that would be the difference.. Since anime you watch on TV in your home, while as manga
you read anywhere.
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:39:11
I watched animation when I was 13. But after it I just lost any interest
828k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 00:39:17
Was she unhygenic? O.o
829名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:40:02
No i did not mean it. actually I am tired of talking about otaku
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:41:24
i watch one ep. of star trek. its really boring. anime is more interesting to me.
how can all anime be for kids? do you know what time some anime is on tv?
right now is when good anime is starting. in 20 minutes i will go watch anime.
how can kids be not sleeping now?
831k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 00:44:15
Uhh.. Didn't Osamu Tezuka and some other guy compete about who could first produce
an animated movie that was rated for adults, even?
832名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:44:38
i didnt want to make otaku discussion, but i see in this thread people are talking about
geeks too much. they have no life except to complain about geeks.
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:44:47
but everyone needs to wake up in the morning. and if you will not sleep in the right times, watching TV
your face will be not good looking
834名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:45:56
He made childish toons and his little art-works are completely unknown to otaku people.
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:47:41
most real otaku are tezuka fans. what little art works are you talking about anyway?
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:49:04
im otaku and i have DVD of ozuka experimental works
837836:2005/10/05(水) 00:49:59
mistake, not ozuka i mean tezuka
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:50:18
"Aru machikado no monogatari"
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:51:56
So, why aren't you sleeping?
Did you figure out a way to post to 2ch in your dreams?
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:52:39
I dont need to wake up early. anyway im tired of talking
841名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:55:25
"Tales of a Street Corner" is on the DVD "Osamu Tezuka Jikken Animation Aakuhinshuu"
which i know some otaku own
842名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:55:48
forget about stupid otakus! CUSSW is great
843名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 00:58:05
I want to post to 2ch in my dreams.
I will probably make a more interesting post.
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:00:02
I am more CAT type then DOG type
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:00:33
let's make this thread legendary!
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:00:36
840 is a NEET type.
847k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 01:01:11
I know he did astro boy, i've never seen it so i can't pass any judgement on it. As far as I've read
in articles about him, he did do some works that were of a more serious and philosophical matters.
Phoenix i think the collection of stories is called? Not certain.
I have read Adolf though (it is about the three Adolfs in the story, one is a half-japanese/half-german hitler jugend boy,
the other a jewish boy in Japan, and the third Hitler ). It's mainly about the boys lives, what happens with them
during the war and after, as they become old men.
I didn't find it thought provoking but it was interesting.
Maus by Art Spiegelman was much more interesting artistically, but also was about the nazis and their victims.
It felt more serious than Adolf, though. Somehow.. Not sure how.
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:01:35
It's already legendary.
This is the first time in human history that so much stupidity has been concentrated in
one place.
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:01:35
why I dont like anime:
I am not fucking 13yo boy to like stupid highschool romance movie or
crazy SF stories
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:02:45
you are talking about the whole fuckin 2channel, this thread is nice because we
write in english here!
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:04:36
dont fuck with 2channel they are yakuza
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:06:53
I remember the first time I read Maus by Art Spiegelman, I couldn't put it down.
I read book 2 as soon as I finished the first one.
I guess since Spiegelman was affected by nazis directly, he could make a bigger impact
with his story than Tezuka.
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:07:55
I mean Spiegelman's family was affected by nazis directly.
854k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 01:10:25
855ΝεεΤ ◆6Irnh2qHVU :2005/10/05(水) 01:12:47
856& ◆LMRaV4nJQQ :2005/10/05(水) 01:15:22
>>855 has a flour on his head
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:16:16
adding εε does not make you cool
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:17:44
>>856 has a flower on his head
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:20:19
let's abandon this thread and go to news4vip
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:22:14
     <#`Д´ >
     (     )
      |  彡つ
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:23:51
to whoever creates the next thread:
Please do a better job than this thread.
Make sure to title it Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 29
Make sure to include links to offsite logs which >>111, >>113, >>116-117 posted
Use k-tan's template to make it easier:
862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:26:35
863861:2005/10/05(水) 01:28:28
Remember thread starter, presentation is everything.
What you do online is a reflection of your real life.
In other words, don't be a sloppy jerk.
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:30:10
>>863 sounds so scary. I dont want to have such co-worker in the future!
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:32:21
co-workers can be great pain in ass
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:34:44
here's the mystery. why many fashion designers dont look very cool like people
who like designer cloths?
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:39:33
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:40:01
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:42:00
Uho ii otoko
870名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:43:16
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:47:04
   _,.:|/ --------ヽ   
  /ノ7  ●   ● |           
  '" |    ( _●_)  ミ    Quit your job, make music all day ー♪
   彡、   |∪|  /     
  / \\  ヽノ  、゙i      But money is important, oh no! ー♪ 
  | ∠二ヽ..:―、 ,ィ゙ l。。。
  (____)●)三r‐、≡Ε∃   oo〜h oo〜h oooooh〜♪
   |\_.;;へ--'|`''''" ゜ ゜ ゜
   |  /\  /              
   | /    ) )
  /  )   ( \
 (_/     \_)
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:47:50
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ̄∵∴∵∴∵∴∴∴∵ヽ
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴| ● |∴∵∴∵∴∵∵∵∴ヽ
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ _/ ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ヽ
∵∴∵/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ,-‐-、 ∴ / ̄∴∵∵∴∵)
∵∴/  \     /   ヽ∴| ● |∴∵∵∴ノ
∵/   \ \    l    |   _/∴∵∴ ノ   
/   \ \     ゝ___,.ノ  |∴∵∴∵∴∵丿  
      \     /      |∴∵∴∵∴∵ノ
           /       |∴∵∴∵∴丿
     \   /     \   |∴∵∴∵∴ノ
      \/     \ \ |∴∵∴∵ノ
     \ \    \ \  |∴∵∴ノ
     \\ \    \  /∴∵ノ
873(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 01:49:33
Давай говорит по Русски?
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:54:09
Я не могу сделать его
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 01:55:31
wow now we have commie bastards here!
another proof have international this thread is.
876FIERCE CLAW/CLAW FIERCE ◆TTLQTUMllo :2005/10/05(水) 01:58:39
Здраствуй,давай будем друзя!
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:00:51
no! it's communists attack. everyone hide!
878(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 02:07:33
Оченъ приятно вас встретит。
>>877 настояший прудурак,правда?
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:07:45
is it possible to enter into washing machine with spin mechanism and stay alive?
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:09:40
Are you Russian?
881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:16:33
naisu jo-ke、ha,ha,ha!
882& ◆XhHM7kjAXw :2005/10/05(水) 02:17:23
No, but Russian language is so nice. Wah. I like to read the old Russian classics.
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:17:46
my favourite hobby is to recond on camera, girl who fuck with AIDS man.
then I recond on hidden camera, when he go to AIDS TEST. when I see
her face after she know she got AIDS, I came.
884(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 02:17:55
What happened my poor 名前
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:18:35
russia,china,north korea - most fucked up countries in the world.
886名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:19:44
I lived in Shanghai for 2 years. Even if someone ever gives me a chance
to go back their, I don't think I would ever want to come back. China is
not that culturally developed country. I know their country is where the
civilization started but now it's all gone long time ago.

I can speak fluent Chinese and I did have many friends. But I always felt
their people are not culturally sophisticated. All they talk about is
what the Japanese did during the WW2 or how great the chinese civilization
was. Except for educated people that one can rarely find, people are
very ignorant. You know what, there are still bunch of those only elementary or
junior high school graduated. It is virtually impossible to expect such
people to be cultually sophisticated.

I did have some good time but meeting such people also depressed me. So until
educational standard in China gets better and becomes as good as Western criteria,
which is said to take at least 50 to 60 years, I don't think I ever want to
go back there.
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:24:20
I lived in Shanghai of two years. Those we who give me the chance that someone
returns do not want to return. China is not the country culturally developed.
Those countries : going at all time when it now is long before it knows though
started the civilization ..me...

I was able to speak fluent Chinese, and there were a lot of friends. However, I felt
their people never always refined. Everything they spoke is whether the Japanese did
during WW2 or how wonderful it was in the chinese civilization.
People are very ignorant excluding people into whom the education to which one was
able rarely to be found was initiated. There is still a bunch of the junior high
school to which knowing what you are, they only basic or scales were put up. It is
actually impossible to expect that such people are refined to cultually.

I spent some, good time, and meeting such people was dispirited of me. Therefore, I do
not want to return there until an educational standard of China recovering, and
improving as much as the criterion of the West (It is said that it will take at least 50?
60 year).
888& ◆hu7z4Y2bUs :2005/10/05(水) 02:24:50
Я с вами сагласин. Мне кажетса што >>877 DQN―типа.
Мне пора спатъ. Счеслива!!
889名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:27:09
you're 100% correct.
890(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 02:30:03
Don’t blame Russian people for Putin-busu's mistake!
Russian people are an interesting.
891名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:30:31
WASHINGTON: Former Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson has finally managed to get a three-year
restraining order against an alleged stalker.
892名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:32:53
I doubt that russian people are interesting. I mean, how it can be possible
to have interest in culture, where they own country(russia) sunk in poverty
and crime? they only thinks about surviving
893名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:37:56

I also spent one month in Irkutsk in Russia. I had a really good
time in there. In Irkutsk, people have really good images of Japan.
There is a street called 金沢通り in the city. That city and Kanazawa
is a sister city. I really liked there.
894名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:40:18
what are you did in Irkutsk? Transfer student? if yes, you probably
study in the best university there, which ordinary russian could only dream about.
895(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 02:40:41
That is only because of communistic tyranny for almost 100 years and a sudden rapid
transmission to capitalism. Of course, this will create poverty or crime.
However, Russia has created the great works of art that are in Hermitage museum,
the greatest work of literature, and film. Miyazaki-sensei himself has said that
he was influence by a old Soviet fairy tale movie and animation.

And Russian girls... So pretty!
896名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:42:05
897名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:44:27

Yeah, this must be one I saw. I kind of laughed when I saw it.
But I felt some kind of affinity to people there.
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:49:16
When Japan changed from Empire to Western style government, there was lots of poverty
and crime also.
But Japan changed for the better because of American help.
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:52:16
900名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:53:56
japan poverty and crim can't be compared to chinese...
901名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:56:05

I perfectly agree with you. Go to interior or western parts of
China. Poverty and crime rate in there is nothing comparable.
902名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:56:33
the days of this thread are almost gone
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 02:59:30
what's the average age of random cobblestone ?
904名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:12:33
Let's make it dissapear soon.
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:19:31
okay! I am NEET. You're NEET too. We are Midnight NEET club.
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:20:13
I am big fan of yoshimoto nara. I have big poster in my room.
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:21:20
908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:25:13
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:30:25
I am honor to be in your club!!
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:30:37
I remember several month ago there was a guy, I forgot his name, his was manga
fan, but not otaku at all. what he talks about was so different from typical japanese
or western otaku. he left this thread forever ago.
911名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:38:03
Can tell me which thread this was in. I wanna see the backlog.
By the way, does anyone know the manga NHK ni Youkoso or 「NHKにようこそ!」
It's about hikkikomori. I wanna read it.
912k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 03:40:32
I know of it a little and want to read it too. Seems interesting.

Oh? What did he talk about?
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:41:13
it was in april or may. He was not speak very much about manga, but more about art
in general
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:44:32
also he was mangaka assistant
915k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 03:48:52
Art is good :-D
I'm going to assume it was in this english thread?
hmmm... i wonder what part that would be... i hope it wasn't 14...
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:49:52
when the night comes
deep evil confesions
once again
i showed
my dick
in train
full of people
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:50:36
yes, in english
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:57:08
charles in charge
a-a-all day and all nights
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:57:53
 __     __  ___ _____  
 |   |    /  /  |  //       | 
 |   |.   /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄|. l   
 |   |  /  /  /  / /   /.  / / 
 |   |  /  /  /  / /    ̄ ̄ /
 |   |. /  /  /  / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ 
 |   |/  /  /  /. /   /  
 |.     /  /  /  /   / 
 |    /. /   | ./   /  
  ̄ ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄.  ̄ ̄
920k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 03:58:58
Heh.. http://www.joeseigenthaler.com/3D_CG.html
This makes me think of the stuff i saw at the Magnus Wallin exhibition a year or so ago.
Creepy, some were very creepy.. but definitely brilliant 3d animations art-wise.
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:59:11
I assume >>910 is speaking of a fellow named Qoo who posted here a few months ago.
Check Chatter Part 9. >>910 is right. he was very smart and had a love for culture, very
different from otaku.
But he is manga artist.
Also, I am trying to be mangaka too.
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 03:59:59
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:01:49
do you know about Kiriko Nananan? she made very good comics totaly different
from typical otaku style. she is like european authors
924k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:02:07
Nice :-D
925k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:03:17
What's otaku style?
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:06:00
big rounded eyes, insane hair colors etc.
in general - no individual style at all. you can take 15 different manga
and they will be no different at all(in art style)
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:06:18
It is obvious what he means.
Otaku pandering means panty shots, unrealistic big eyes and big chest. Super deformed
over-expression.ETCETERA ETCETERA.
I dont know if any Kiriko Nananan manga is out in US.
928k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:07:03
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:07:35
reading part 9 made me nostalgic a little
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:09:04
I will actually say that read this thread was more pleasant a few months ago.
Hopefully, now that Densha Otoko is here, less idiots will travel over here.
I am idiotic sometimes as well, so I will try my best to contain my idiocy.
931k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:10:18
Ahhh, that. I more of kept calling that stereotype japanese manga style.
Not that i am not very well aware of that far from all manga is drawn like that, but it's what
first pops into ones mind when thinking of japanese manga. It's a very common stereotype.
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:12:14
I really adore kiriko nananan style. really minimalistics but great.
I almost feel what her characters feels.
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:12:50
There is lots of non-otaku manga in Garo magazine.
This is where Kiriko Nananan started.
Also, I made a check on Amazon US, and no Nananan manga is out over there.
Too bad.
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:15:26
I like some American comic book.
They are much better than many manga.
When I read Watchmen or Y The Last Man, I feel relief.
No fetishism and high school romance escapades.its so nice
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:15:56
I dont think a typical american ANIME FAN(not typical american, but anime fan)
will adobe Nananan manga. her manga needs to be spread amongs fans of european
comics.(notice: there is no elitist bullshit in my message)
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:18:09
I never read European comics.
Only American-published comics written by Europeans like Alan Moore and Warren Ellis
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:22:48
also, there are 2 movies made from Nananan manga. first is the BLUE made in 2001.
and second is not finished, yet. I saw blue and liked it
938k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:25:08
Both are good, why the distinction though? Is it intentional or justy practical?

The wotakus loss. And it probably does need to be spread, it seems interesting. Reminds me
of a few comics i've read, story/artwise.
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:28:14
No, I am not saying that I dont want to read European comics.
I mean I dont know about them.
All I know except Japanese comics is American published ones.
940k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:30:04
..Ack.. Two big typos within two posts... I think i probably need some caffeine.. it's half past nine p.m. here..
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:33:30
Dont be so harsh on yourself.
Its ok to make mistakes here.
If my past english teachers read this, they will probably have many regrets.
942k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 04:36:48
Yeah, well it's just that they're really stupid typos I should have noticed at once. =(
And I'm tired. Which is why I'm thinking I may need some coffee or similar..
And I don't really type as I usually do here. I tend to skip words that aren't vital to produce
shorter sentances. That however adds a lot of ambiguity to it unless the one reading knows
very well what the person is likely to mean.. And since that's definitely not the case here, I try to be more clear.
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:38:31
There is an anime that I like called "Monster"
I think non-otaku can enjoy it.
Does anyone know of it?
It's based on manga by Naoki Urasawa.
He is a good mangaka, he is also doing Tetsuwon Atom spinoff manga titled PLUTO.
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:44:28
by the way what your favourite mangaka's ?
94570:2005/10/05(水) 04:53:43
i like Osamu Teduka
among his works i especially like Black Jack.
everytime i enjoy it, Black Jack(the main character) reveals me of
necessity to be a great human.
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:54:58
TO ADULTS, childhood seems like an idyllic existence free from worry and care, but to
children, nothing happens fast enough. Trapped in a continual state of restless
waiting, they squirm furtively at the dinner table or kick the back of your movie
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:55:49
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 04:59:10
I would like to fall into a mountain of snow.
This my urge, why should I question it?
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 05:00:01
my foreigner friend once wears cute T-shift with astroboy :D
950k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 05:02:42
I saw the first 8 anime episodes a bit less than a year ago.
Good stuff.
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 05:03:45
I remember 9/11, it was like NON-STOP TV addiction. I come to TV/internet at late night
to see is something more happens. I watched reports about war in Afghanistan.
Reading tons of news at internet everyday. the world really changed since 9/11
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 05:04:13
Of Tezuka in my adult years I like Blackjack, Hi no tori,and Buddha. When I was a child I
like Tetsuwon Atom but couldn't appreciate his other work so much as now.
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 05:05:28
k-tan, you are 950. the burden of creating Chat 29 is on your shoulders.
954k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 05:07:33
Uh.. That may be a problem.. I'm not sure I can start a new thread..
I tried to start another thread before, but it wouldn't let me.
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 06:11:20
As a reminder: The links to the backlogs are kindly provided by k-tan
here: http://www.geocities.com/ktan2ch/template_chatinenglish.txt

Please include them when you set up the new thread!
956641:2005/10/05(水) 06:12:08
You are mean!
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 06:37:37
The shout of joy flitted to the queer voice.
'Coi' event holding in the main stage

Whenever the radio actor of the aim goes up to the stage the peel by the
upsurge of the fan it is necessary to make a special mention「..ー... It dances,
it dances, and dance. 」The shout of joy went up. However, the shout of joy
some day : to the queer voice. Fans who were calling out each pet name also :

「..ー... , ..carving.. ..digging.. ー and Hoaartsu Hoartsu. 」や
「....Hiromi.. ー... Hiromi Hiromi Hiromi. Ah Artsu. 」と

It begins to raise the voice of the instinct as proceeding. .... live if it trows,
the shake that ..one.. doesn't fall into disorder is developed according to radio
actors' stage actions. We used properly as pushing and the pull were good, and the
appearances of ..event.. fans who became accustomed were impressive.
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 06:43:07
Speaking of manga, Mishima Yukio's Haru no Yuki is going to be turned into a manga by
Ikeda Riyoko.
959k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 06:46:09
One of Neil Gaiman's stories. And interesting version of an old story, with a twist.
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 07:14:25
pakuri was Japanese culture ,It is seen together by the underdeveloped country of capitalism.

961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 07:19:03
I understand pakuri, but I don't get this post ...
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 07:34:39
pakuri is brought together by non-governmental Japanese forces as wars between
underdeveloped countries
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 07:39:14
>>962 made pakuri of >>960
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 08:55:00
What the fuck is wrong with Kimura Kaela?!?!? She looks as if she crawled out of a gutter.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:38:57
We must kill this thread!
Kaela is super punk now! like avril lololollololololo
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:43:22
Good job on setting up Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 29!
Let's forget the shame that was Chat 28 and have a new beginning.
Re Kaela - She is ugly, Avril is ugly. Punk is ugly. Sorry. My opinion.
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:43:32
2ch doesn't like me any more ;___;
I was going to start the next thread now already since i badly need to go sleep.
But i got the following error message:

名無しさん@英語勉強中 (0 , 1)"

So, i asked someone to make the first post for me.
But yess... Sorry about the new thread being posted before this one is over, but i badly need sleep.
So I'd rather do it a bit in advance than way too late.
968k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2005/10/05(水) 09:46:01
So yes.. I'm gonna go sleep now. x_X;;; So very tired..

Good morning to the people waking up, have fun.
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:47:32
No No 967 stop apologising. You did a good job. Thank you!
Let's clap for 967.
OK OK OK stop clapping now!!
My ears, they are experiencing a tragic pain
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:54:22
Some people in the world are going to sleep, some are waking up.
Some are having breakfast, some are having dinner.
What does it mean?
I don't know.
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 09:55:36
pull over now
exit here
highway shops
frequent stops
972(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 10:06:01
lets be wild
for a while
unbutton my shirt
pull down your skirt
973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 10:34:24
I did not sleep this night. I need to pull myself together to not sleep
another 12-14 hours. shit i hate to do it
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 10:38:06
what I will do this 12-14 hours? First I listen to music while I listen to music
I will finish a book. Then put all collected links together. then go to the
various sites and of coure I will be writing my bullshit to this thread!
975(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 10:42:44
Why are you doing this? You will be hallucinating if you dont sleep.
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 10:44:25
because if I will go to sleep right now, i will wake at time like 23:00
I dont want it
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 10:51:51
Do you wear a bra to bed?
978(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 11:00:50
OK I understand it. Stay here and talk with us!
979名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:05:52
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:07:36
talkin' bout art:
here's a nice set of photo
981(≧∇≦)+ (≧∇≦)= LOVE:2005/10/05(水) 11:12:22
Aoi is so cute and cool. No one can rival her cute-ness for a long time.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:22:29
of course have you ever seen the movie "NANA"?
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:23:31
sorry, I better go to sleep
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:24:56
I changed my mind. I can stay wake up!
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:27:10
anyway, let's talk with other people, not with yourself
this is chat thread
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:29:04
I will write something when i see something interesting
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:31:39
I want to pierce my tongue.sounds scary
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:34:59
im an fan of aoi chan.
i like that she is not only idol showgirl, but good actress
i like eureka, gaichu, and nana
those are movies i truly enjoy
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:37:12
eureka is a little hard to watch because of it's epic 4hour length
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:45:06
the most great japanese actor of this time is no doubt
Tadanobu Asano
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:47:39
i am hungry!
992名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:50:14
993KRAMNIK RUBLEV:2005/10/05(水) 11:50:16
The skies of this thread have darkened, faint stars in the distance shine down on its
inhabitants, and time for death draws near.
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:50:42
Why don't you suck my anus?
995名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:51:37
lets not flood. ok? just get this thread to death by natural way
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:55:07
this is not spam message. If I were A director of food company I will start
new food line: " NEET RAMEN "
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:57:16
sex will make you idiot
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:57:19
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/05(水) 11:57:53
1000KRAMNIK RUBLEV:2005/10/05(水) 11:57:55