English Only

Let me hear your opinion about
"why japanese people have so much inferiority complex
in their English abilities".
I suppose that is a reflection of an image
Japanese people have for US.
They evaluate its culture and admire it too much.
2名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 03:09
3名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 03:16
We've been there, done that. Many, many times (failed miserably each time). So why even go there again?
4名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 04:11
Cuz they speak English.
5名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 06:47
Japs don't speak English, they speak Engrish.
6名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 10:04
No we japs speak ingrish
7名無しさん@1周年 :2001/05/12(土) 11:08
Well I guess we are programmed to study English inevitably.
We ought to face the fact; here in Japan so many people are studying English nowadays.
Our inferior complex that is given might provide the demand of the thing
by post of war 2’s America doctrine for Japanese government
8JaJa:2001/05/12(土) 11:53
Mesa no speaken Engrisha!
9名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 16:44
10名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/12(土) 20:30
kagayake! to iterunokato omotayo...
11名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 00:27
We japanese suck up on someone who speaks English fluently.
and think they must be something.
But English is a just tool to communicate with people
from other countries.
If you have nothing to say to these people even in Japanese,
how can you speak that in English??

That's most common opinion Ive heard so far. But I dont believe it.
Because the occupation peiod of US in japan, it's like 50 years ago.
and I dont think weve been dragging these influences until now.
12名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 00:31
>>11 One does not suck up "on" someone else but suck up "to" someone else.
Other than that, I wholeheartedly agree with what you're saying.
13名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 00:37
Sorry, thanks for correcting.
14名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 11:46
15名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 13:50
In addition to the above explanation, I would say taht the pronounciation of the Japanese is strange to the natives a little.
I think that is the factor which further militates against the motive of us to speak English.
16名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 14:07
17名無しさん@1周年 :2001/05/13(日) 14:45
So What ?
What are you trying to say?
18saba:2001/05/13(日) 14:59
i may weep openly
19名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 16:17
Pronunciation is not as important as stress or intonation. If you don't put stress on the proper part of the word, you won't be understood, even if you have an excellent pronunciation.
20名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 16:44

youre only seeing it from the japanese side .
there are much more people who speak weird english
and japanese katakana-english is only one of them .
i think katakana-english is much more easy-to-understand
than aussie english because my english is new york
or new england english .

you call that an excellent pronunciation ?
21名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 17:59
I guess you are right.
Dont stick too much to your pronunciation.
English is a second language unless you were grown up
in english countiries even if you would be making great efforts
to speak as a native.
If you get the point of how to convey your intension to others
in english, it is not a big deal you are pronunciation is excellent or not.
22名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 18:01
<21 you are→ your
23名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 18:09
I’m the one who wrote NO.7
Good day isn’t it?
I’m still in a day because I went to some nightclub and discussed
the matter that we are confronted with my friends.
A friend of mine he is American who is high school teacher
came and talked me about his thought,
he said that I don’tCare anything what you are thinking
about America have been dominant influence to Japanese.
Though if you feel so,It’s not my problem.
Maybe it is public opinion that all of Japanese have.
Be honest I don’t know what America did to Japanese.”
When I heard of his saying. I was little confused.
Here in Japan when it comes to talking about the bilateral.
Apparently we are too much conscious to the relationship.
Comparing which means have me say that America people Do not always
pay attention what Japan says.
Their attention is obviously heading to Europe countries
on the ground of Their cultural background.

Therefore the bottom line is... I would say we don’t have to convert
our culture into American’s culture.
We don’t need to feel about the inferior complex.
They don’t care whether Japanese feel about it or not..
Off cause now that the international language demand have been increasing rapidly.
Seems like it is to be continue.
See you later guys !
24名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/13(日) 18:23
sorry, i cant catch what you mean. I dont want to be too picky, but
please be more careful in your grammar. My understanding is that
"we, japanese, do not have to adjust ourselves to american way,
because they, american people, dont care about us very much."
Is it right? Does it make sense?
25名無しさん:2001/05/13(日) 21:46
Thank you for pointing out my messy english so please let me know what went wrong.
you might be better than i.

26名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 00:02
I just dont get it at all.
Your standing point is like We dont have to have inferiority
complex about our english abilities BECAUSE they Americans
never care about our feelings? Of course, not.

The inferiority complexes that we have for english are obviously
our problems. You dont have to care if some chinese men
who live in Japan feel inferiority complexes about their japanese.
So, we care because we pay attention for
what they think about japan so much.
but They never care something they dont have to do with.
"I dont care "is really typical prase for expressing americans.
27名無しさん@1周年 :2001/05/14(月) 09:13
Hi all!
I have been studying English for a while.
Very naturally, I have many English speaking or learning friends.
Some time, I hear same kind of opinions like above posts, say:
"Inferior complex toward USA makes Japanese people study English so
I have to say "Oh yeah? Is that so?"
I mean, what the hell are you talking about?
Have you studied mathematics because of your inferior complex toward
Einstein or someone like that?
C'mon guys! Someone may want to think that way. But never take it as
a general opinion of entire Japanese people because it is so untrue.
28名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 09:46
English (or any other language, for that matter) is merely a means of
communication. No more or no less than that. There are some things I'd
like to say about the English education system in Japan, but that's a
completely different topic.
29名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 10:08
30名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 10:17
Hello all! Especially >>27 >>26
At the beginning I would like to show you my appreciation.
I’m glad to talk to you
Because I’ve been coming to 2Ch since I found.
It is the first time that I have productive talking.
I convince that you think same way.
Even we have different viewpoint.
So let me clear a few cases,
which are founded from my fieldwork in ordinary scene.

1.why some of Japanese ladies are so gullible
when they are asked out to foreigners?
Do you know what white people define those who people?
2.Why many Japanese young mothers are rushing
to get their child to study English so younger age
even the child has not handled enough our native tongue.
3.Why some Japanese guys want to have make love white girl?

My opinion might not be general.
Even though I saw so many the cases.
31名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 10:50
>>3.Why some Japanese guys want to have make love white girl?
I guess they are just being curious.
Y'know, wondering how it is like to do with blonde girls.
Seems nothing wrong with that to me.
32名無しさん@そうだ選挙にいこう:2001/05/14(月) 10:54
33Hi! I am Natti( ● ´ ー ` ● ):2001/05/14(月) 12:39
Hi! I am Natti( ● ´ ー ` ● )
34名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 14:10
Im not so sure we have inferiority complex to US.
The answer for this question, it depends on people.
But clearly, we have one to our english.
Its quite obvious, isnt it?

How many people are studying english right now
devoiding of opportunity or plans for using it?
and we are really sheepish to follow this third English boom
in Japan blindly.
But, I guess we cant blame people who are saying
"Japan is becoming an internatinal so that you should make
your kid learn English as soon as possible".
Because we ,more or less, feel enviousness of people who speaks
english fluently next to you. This follows we take English
for really common way to make good reputation of yourself.
You can make people jealousy by using it.
3524:2001/05/14(月) 14:19
>> 28
> English (or any other language, for that matter) is merely a means of
> communication.

I completely agree with that. But, at the same time, I think it's
possible that the incentive to study English is from his/her
personal inferior complex. For instance, one may start studying
English, if he/she has been made fun of by an American, to strike
back. A certain number of English learners could have this kind of
experience, I suppose. Indeed, I have been embarassed many times
because of my poor English. Those experiences have made me study
English harder.
36名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/14(月) 14:24
That's good motivation a bit twisted though..
37名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 10:09
Yo guys guys how many times do we have to talk about same thing ?
We don't need to feel the inferior complex do we ?
38名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 11:10
Yeah! You're absolutely right!
39名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 12:07
Casually I think this thread has become great!
Because dropped off people may not catch up with this topic.
40名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 12:56
huh??dropped off people??
i bet lots of us just fed up with this sort of conversation.
thats all.
41駐在員:2001/05/15(火) 12:58
i'm tired of same shit again and again
42名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 13:44
why dont we change the topic?
how about..
Do you really need this language?
43名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/15(火) 16:39
That depends on what you mean by "this language”.
Is that supposed to be Japanese or English?
44名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 09:33
phew. my driving license got suspended for 30 funckn' days.
what am i gonna do?
45名無しさん:2001/05/16(水) 09:36
46名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 09:55
take the bus, that's what.
47名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 10:02
Yes, it is.
48名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 13:06
That kind of thought should have occured to me much earlier, though.
49名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 13:52
What do need to learn English for??
From what ive known, some japanese congressmen said
English should be the common language in Japan
a couple o years ago.
What happaned to that propopal?
50名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 14:33
Oh My Manko!!
51名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 16:00
Well, what you are saying is very straightforward and easy to understand.
Yet very twisted, though.
My only question now is, what the heck are you writing that kind of
comments in English if you think it is totally unnecessary for us
to learn it in the first place.

I mean why not?
52名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 16:14
'Cause I say so.
53奥さまは名無しさん:2001/05/16(水) 16:24
I laughed very much!
54奥さまは名無しさん:2001/05/16(水) 16:24
You're pretty smart!
55nanasiさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 16:33
I'm Japanese!
56名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 16:42
Get lost!
57nanasiさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 19:45

Oh~ No~!!
58名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 20:44
fuk my ass
59名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/16(水) 20:57
They love English.
Because its something make themselves look good.
They all say
"I scored 900 at TOEIC or I was exchanging student in univ
I know this word. I understand this book without translation..."
Those are all bullshit.
They never use English in front of people
cause' they are too pussy and scared of being made fool of.
I have no interest in your accessory-like English.
Go tta hell suckers!!
60名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 08:14
>>59 get the fuck outta here
61名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 09:55
People boast their some English score
as if they were somebody.
But on the whole the people who study English enthusiastically
There are no chances to talk to English people.
It’s very funny things here that the people are too afraid
to make mistake.
Seems as if they were a kind of organic tape-recorder.
These domestic products, which are invented by terrible Japanese English
Education program often case malfunction.
But please forgive them.

So far they have no choice but practice themselves.
You know what?
They didn’t qualify member of society
62名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 10:21
Hey guys!! Stop talking about the shit!!
Who cares when we make a mistake!!???
we r not afraid of making mistakes!!
U know the saying" failure is a mother of invention!"
so pls!!!
Stop blaming each other!! you know...thats sad and strange!!
We r all Japanese who r studying english.
we should encourage and help each other!!
i think those who r saying those bullshit to others are not afraid
of speaking eng..but we have to admit there are some who r!!!
you know...it sounds ridiculous when you say " i know you are
afraid of making mistake so that u cant have a convasation
with foreigner!! Am i wrong??!!!"""
FK it!! Dont listen to those guys who r saying....
"JP are..bla bla bla..."
63名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 11:28
したがって、pls !!!
互いに非難することをやめて下さい!!あなた悲しい、また不思議なknow...thats !!
、我々がいくらか(の人)がいるということを認める必要があるeng..butを話します誰r !!!
あなたあなたが" iがあなたを知っていると言うばからしいサウンドがそうであるknow...it
「JPare..bla bla bla ...」
64名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 12:56
>we r not afraid of making mistakes!!

That's good, seeing as you ARE a mistake.
65名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 12:57
Yeah! Way to go 62!
Why cant we be just friends and help each other.
The very basic thing of all is to have some fun here, I guess
66名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 13:08

67Rising 6:2001/05/17(木) 13:44
By the way...

When I use English, sometimes it makes me so dull that I wonder how I can express my inner feelings with correct adjective for instance, though communication is running through to each other on real time. Well...that might be caused from my environment that I haven't been grown up with speaking in English.
At such moment, I used to find that there are a decisive difference in feeling between people who speak English and us who speak Japanese, and I remember a wise saying that says "when you speak English, think everything in English.".
I think most of Japanese people have heard that once at least. The saying "think everything in English" has another meaning that says "abandon one for accepting another one."
We have to consider about this issue.
I think, "abandon one for accepting another one" means not only forces everyone to accept but also makes people to stand at another point of others.

Isn't it "OMOIYARI(思いやり)"?

Even so, a party does not accept our opinion's existence, unless we insist very strongly...ugh!!

Do you ask me what a party is??

hahaha 連中のことさ。...って言うかいろいろか。

68名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 13:56
69名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 13:59
70名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 19:58
Sorry,Japanese only.
71名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/17(木) 20:50





hahaha 連中のことさ。...って言うかいろいろか。

thanx !!
72名無しさん:2001/05/18(金) 03:56
let's Get a fuck out of here,cos there is no one speak for your self.
73名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 08:11
This is truly interesting.
Even though, this is supposed to be English BBS,
English only threads never survived here.
Not single one ever.

74名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 09:16
75名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 09:45
↑You having any fun?
I guess no one here appreciate your shity straight-out-from-translation-software Japanese.
Would you pls cut that shit off now?

76名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 10:38
いくらかの(どんな)面白いことを持っている↑You ?
77名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 10:40

78名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 11:38
79名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 11:54
80名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 13:08
81名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 13:18
>>72 yourself is one word.
>>76 you're funny.
82名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 13:26
>>72 Plus, Get THE fuck out of here.
No one speakS.

you should focus on verb conjugation and an article.
83名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 13:34
let's Get the fuck out of here,cos there is no one speaks for yourself.
Am i right?
84モーソーロバートンソ:2001/05/18(金) 14:06
85名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 14:07

86名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 14:20
Kiss My Ass Baby!!
87名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 14:26
8882:2001/05/18(金) 15:38
ついでに、for yourselfが何を意味しているか不明。
yourself は一般プロナウンなのか1の事を言っているのか、
8982:2001/05/18(金) 15:45
90名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/18(金) 20:58
>一般プロナウン って ナニ????? 意味不明!!!!!
91名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 07:54
We don' needya here.
All bunch of guys who misunderstood an intention of this thread,
gotta hell out o' here.
Go for another place to find somebody plays with U.
I dont like your twisted mind
You must be a big twisted fuck has no one whom plays around with.
Its such a pity that youre such a disgusting shit.
92名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 08:30
You suck.
Bye Mother Fucker. LOL
9392:2001/05/19(土) 08:40
I suck what??
94名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 09:06
this kid is a real snot, somebody oughtta
smack his ass!
even his gripe is spastic lol!
92-91 Fuck it ! you should get outta here ! tiger

95名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 09:14
96名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 09:33
>>95 you can't use english huh ?
or you're scared of taking risk ?
anything else, that is that.

97名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 09:37
98≠96:2001/05/19(土) 09:55
↑non educated.
non logical.

Suck: [IT]
Sucker: [N]
99名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 10:04

100名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 10:06
Back off (son of a) bitch!
101名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 10:14

 望み通りに、このスレが荒れてくれたので、ぼくは本望でし。 ヤタネ!

102名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 11:20
Here is for english only thread. if you can't hadle to speak english,
you don't have any rightment to writre here.
i do you a favor to write some in japanese for just in case.
103nanashi:2001/05/19(土) 11:29
cheeky bastards. you all suck. btw, is the above message
english? look like a dictionary is in need...
104名無しさん@1周年 :2001/05/19(土) 11:48
105名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 11:59
Well Well. at last you can write englisht
I didn't see that you do it.good to hear that,
though it's a little bit funny, because it seemS your english is
out of order. hahaha !
you've gotta need DICKtionary!
seems you're fago.
I'm not in a mood to mention your mistakes but you drived it.
106名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 12:01
it's kinda funny that everyone's "cursing English" is nearly perfect.
if you all could study the normal words as well, you wouldn't have
such a problem.
Anyway, I don't think fighting on a BBS will really improve your English.
...Unless your reason to learn English is to get into a fight with an
American or British or Australian or whoever.
10782:2001/05/19(土) 12:05
yeah, you really need A dictionary.
>>91 I just corrected some of mistakes that someone made.
わっつ ろーん〜?
10882:2001/05/19(土) 12:14
Also I noticed some of you who are writing in this thread
are using really bad English like 13 or 14 year old kids.
Are you learning English from chatting on the internet?
It is not very healthy to learn English from kids on
the net. You will never be able to speak mature English.
When you talk to someone who is the same age, you just sound stupid.
109名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 12:16
Thank for mentioning it
But what I’m doing here is just to make sure
how to work my English When I am in trouble
to against nitwits like NO.97

While I feel somehow remorse that I participate in this thread.
Because as long as in this tread
I could have been in more rational.
110106:2001/05/19(土) 12:25
Alright 109, I know what you mean. But for me, this thread
is more comedy relief than a learning experience.
Don't let your brain rot with all these naughty words! :-)
You seem too reasonable to let that happen.
111106:2001/05/19(土) 12:29

112名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 12:40
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you
island-dwelling monkeys for providing such an excellent
source of humor and entertainment.
113名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 12:46
G.O.A.T. Style English教材セット!
114106:2001/05/19(土) 12:52
yagi san?
115111:2001/05/19(土) 13:10
Guess so.
But so what??

116106:2001/05/19(土) 13:14
117名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 13:18
Ive heard having a fight in English is a good way
to think in english logic ..
As long as I see here, its doubtful though..
1181:2001/05/19(土) 13:41

A topic for this week-

119名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 15:49
Since a Fight involves with physical contacts,
an argument is more like it.
120Rising 6:2001/05/19(土) 16:40
After several days have passed I came here and...

Isn't it right to express it "having a debate" rather than "having a fight"?
And, I guess you already know that it's a comfortable game with logical thinking for brain and communication.....right??

121名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 17:00
I think this intercultural language is one of the tools.
People come here want to criticize someone's mistake.
But this thread isn't a thread for making fun of others.
People should be more polite.
Can you take these nasty words to others
when you are talking to them face-to-face?
If you don’t, you shouldn't do this here.

In addition to people who are coming here
as non-native English speakers aren’t good enough
to express their feels in English.
Off cause I’m not good enough too,
though,the worst problem here is that a few people deliberately
provoke unnecessary controversy with their inferiority complex.

Therefore the others don’t lose your mind in order to
Make a constructive conversation.
122Rising 6:2001/05/19(土) 17:27

BEAUTIFUL!!!! No Objection!!!!

>Off cause I’m not good enough too

123名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 20:25

124名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 20:48
Im kind of stuck in a depression lately.
I used to use american video dorama like
Ally Macbeal, 90120(?).
I got used to their speaking speed and can follow the plot
but still dont catch the details..
and I hate "Dictation". Thats big trouble here..
I guess its almost impossible to learn Grammar, voca, dict,
reading at the same time on the same level.
125名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/19(土) 20:50
126名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 03:42

127名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 03:52
I am not good enought EITHER.
So what's the purpose for this thread?
Chatting in English with non-native speakers?
128名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 15:02
Using expressions youve learned
and make sure you can use them in appropriatre context.
it isnt too bad right? unless you think its nonsence using english
to non-native.
129名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 20:07
それとても悪くて正しいisnt ?あなたがenglishを利用したそのnonsenceを思うことがない限り
130>129:2001/05/20(日) 20:12
131名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 20:17
132名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 20:22
133名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/20(日) 20:52
134名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 09:18
When I was still a university student, I had lots of friends from
overseas. You know they were kinda “Exchange students” stuff.
Some of their Japanese ability was improving very fast as they spend
most of their time with Japanese speaking friends.
Funny thing was every single one of them trace exactly same patterns
in their linguistic improvements, which is:

In the beginning their Japanese were extreamly polite, just like
straight out of textbooks. Sounds little weird.
Gradually, they start picking up more colloquial phrases and their
Japanese gets better.
And then they start picking up bad words and very bad words, their
language get rougher and sometime even rather offensive, because they
think its cool to be able to use those kind of wards in foreign language.
Maybe they do not even realize how impolite to use such phrases and
words they are using at this point.

Then at the certain point, they start realizing that using rough language
all the time and being offensive is not very smart thing to do even if
it was in foreign language.
Finally they start using more appropriate language.

This thread is right in the second phase I mentioned above, I guess.
Many of us using English, which is rather good, but not good enough
to know that being offensive all the time does not mean you are good
at that language.
Sorry for a long post, I betta go.
135名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 10:42
And then finally in the last phase, they realise just how stupid and incompetent they are,
and start praying for death.
136名無しさん@1周年 :2001/05/21(月) 12:05

Me, too, I have some friends from college who are international students.
Their ability to speak Japanese is pretty good. For my part, I somehow think
that they are perfectly functioning in Japanese society. Their Japanese sounds
perfect to the point where I feel like that. What I want to know is how English-
speaking people think about my English... Well, it's not so important.
At least I don't think I have difficulty in communicating with people.
But it's definitely an interesting point, i suppose, don't you think so?
This kind of thread is sure facilitating people to write and communicate in
foreign languages, which is nice. I strongly suggest that we set up a
thread where we discuss in French. What do you think?
137名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 12:56
Why in French??
138名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:02

The first time I went to jail I was 18 years old. I had gone AWOL from the navy, was living with 3 prostitutes, and befriended an older Marine. The Marine and I decided to pull an armed robbery of a small convenience store. A policeman happened to be in the area, and after a long chase we were arrested and went to jail. We ended up in different tanks in the Sonoma County Jail in California. I was 6'1" and weighed about 180 pounds. I wasn't a small guy and figured I could pretty well take care of myself. I was in for a big surprise.

Their were 20 men in my tank, it was split into two 10 man pods with 5 bunk beds in each pod, a day room was between them. The day room had four large steel tables to eat on, a toilet and shower was in the rear. The first night I was approached by 3 men. Two of them were about my size and the third was about 20 pounds and 6 inches smaller. They asked who I was and what I was in for. I told them and then one of them asked if I had ever been fucked. I said "no and I wasn't planning on it "he said "we're going to fuck you". l was filled with fear like I had never felt before. I swung at him with a left hook and as he blocked it his partner swung and hit me in the face knocking me to the floor. One of them grabbed me by the hair and slammed my face into the concrete knocking me out.

139名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:02
When I woke I was on my stomach, my pants had been pulled off, my legs were spread wide apart with one guy sitting on each leg and the other guy laying on my back. The guy on top was slapping me awake and said I want you to feel this. He proceeded to drive his cock deep into my butt. I had never felt such pain and tried to get away. They held me in such a way I knew they had done this to someone before. He fucked me for what seemed like forever and then came in me. Then he switched places with another one, and all three raped me. After it was over I was held in a head lock while they debated if they should kill me or not. I was asked if I was going to snitch and I told them "no". They said they would kill me if I said anything to anyone. I really thought I was going to die.

The next day they left me alone, I was numb and didn't know what to do. I was raised not to snitch on people and to handle my own problems and this was reinforced in Navy Boot-camp. As much as l wanted too, I rejected snitching as an option. I was looking at 5 years to life in prison for the armed robbery. If I snitched and then went to prison they could very easily have me killed. I was from another state and knew no one in California. I was so terrified and filled with shame and fear. My options were so limited, I felt paralyzed and helpless. I had no one to talk too, or to help me.

140名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:02
That night the same three came back to my bunk. They said I was their punk now and it would do no good to try and fight because they'd just take me down and hurt me again even worse then before. My head was throbbing from the beating, my right eye was black and swollen shut, and my butt hurt. They told me to take a shower and shave all the hair off my body from the neck down. I was just like a robot and did what they said. Going along was better then getting beat or killed. I didn't reason it out I just did it.

After shaving they told me I was going to give them all head. I didn't want to and resisted. I said "please don't make me do this. I couldn't imagine sucking a mans cock!! I was slapped and my head was forced down to the first guys cock by my hair. I started sucking his cock and he gave me instructions on how to suck it. He grabbed me by the hair and forced his cock down my throat when he came. I thought he was going to gag me to death and I puked on the floor after he let go. The others must have been turned off cause they left me alone that night. I was still in shock the next day and wondered what would happen next I even thought about killing myself.

141名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:02
The next night the same three came to me again. This time they told me to take off my pants. I was given Vaseline and told to lay on my stomach and put some on my butt. I did what I was told. This time they told me to help by pushing like I was taking a shit as he pushed his cock in my ass. It made it allot easier as he took his time working it in making it less painful. It was still uncomfortable and I felt like I had to take a shit while he was in me. This time he fucked me like he would probably fuck a woman and it wasn't near as bad as the first time. The second guy fucked me about the same way while the third had me give him head at the same time. Their was nothing pleasurable about it yet I was perplexed about getting a hard on. I was afraid about it because I thought they would beat me if they saw it. I also wondered if I could be homosexual. That really bothered me!

I now know that when a man's Prostate Gland is stimulated he will get an involuntary hard on. It was very confusing at the time. I was able to keep them from noticing because they always had me lay on my stomach for sex. Things started to tapper off after this and they weren't so demanding. I would have sex with one of them at a time, and at different times, however others in the pod started to become interested.

142名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:03
I would be woken up at different times of the night and asked to perform sex. I would just do it rather then risk being beaten. The men began to treat me gently and after a week or so they started letting me play cards with them and gave me candy bars and stuff. Before that I was ostracized, no one talked to me nor would they eat with me.

After a time some of them would even protect me against the three that originally raped me. They would abuse me by calling me a punk and asked things like, "do you like getting fucked in the ass bitch" and "what would your girlfriends think of you now". They even got into my things and wrote to the girls I had been living with and told them I was a punk. Sometimes they would pull my hair or slap me while I gave them head. The other guys started to get on them about it. I appreciated them sticking up for me and started to like them. These other guys treated me real well during sex. Some of them preferred getting head and some liked fucking better.

Even though I wasn't saying no anymore they all knew they were raping me. I knew it was established that I was a sex toy and if I ever flat refused I'd be beaten badly. I thought of the first three as violent rapists and the others as opportunists and in reality nice rapists. They wouldn't come out and take sex violently but would take advantage of a scared young person who they knew couldn't say no.

143名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:03
144名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:03
At this point I was trapped in this role. I reasoned that I had better Just make the best of it and get past this the best I could. After awhile the sex wasn't all un-pleasurable, however I became rudely aware of what frustration many, many women go through. As I would lay on my stomach getting fucked some of the guys treated me just like a women. As they got hotter and hotter they'd start grinding nicely and kissing on my neck and back and rub on my sides, legs, butt, and stomach. This felt so good and I'd Just give in to it and enjoy it. I would start fucking them back so I could grind my cock into the bed and get my own pleasure. It felt really good, but right when I would start getting real hot they would usually cum and put all their weight on me before I could orgasm. Then after we got up they wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. It really made me feel like shit.

145名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:05
その点で、私は、この役割で罠にかけられました。私は、ちょうどそれを最大限に利用してすることができたこの最高を過ぎて得るほうがよいことを推理しました。しばらく、性が全くun -楽しくなかった後に、しかし、私は、無作法にどのような欲求不満を通して多く、多くの女性が行くかを知っているようになりました。私が私の性交される腹部を誇張するだろうから、何人かの人は、ちょうど女性のように私を扱いました。だんだん熱くなったので、彼(それ)らは、心地よく粉を挽いて私の首、および後ろでキスし始めて、私の側、足、太いほうの端、および腹部で擦するでしょう。これはとてもよい感じがしました、そして、私は、ちょうどそれに降参して、それを楽しむでしょう。私は、後ろへ彼(それ)らと性交し始めるでしょう、したがって、私は、私のベッドへの雄鶏を挽いて粉にして、私自身の楽しみを得ることができました。それは、本当によい、しかしいつ私がすることができた前に、私が通常彼(それ)らがするだろう熱く現実になることを開始して彼(それ)らのすべての重量を私の上に置くだろうかは正しいオルガスムを感じました。それから、我々が起きた後に、彼(それ)らは、私と話をして、あるいは私をさらに見ないでしょう。それは、本当に、私に糞のような感触を作りました。
146名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:11

147名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:25
r u tryin' to tell us that's the best way to learn how girls feel during a sex?
y'know that could be a hellova lesson.
148名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:26
but I am not ganna take that lesson, though
never ever. eww.
149名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 15:38
r u tryin’我々にそれを言うことは、どのように少女が性の間に感じるかを知るのに最もよい方法です?

150Rising 6:2001/05/21(月) 15:46

Are you a poet?

Short but words piled sounds comfortably at one of ear,
and that's coming cruelly into another and the heart.

Somebody can imagine the smile on your mouth.
They'll see you as if they got a time slip car.
You've spit spit and spit words out out and out.

...and, they realised intuitively how
despair had come to you at last.


By the way, are you praying for death still now?
Or, do you think yourself is a special existence?

Anyway, it's not so difficult to guess some of them here learn something from you without pity.
Talent sometimes be merely a strong poison that leads person into abandonment only.

Now, my coffee break is over.
I get to start my work again.

151名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 16:40
>> 145
is that the only way for you to participate this thread?
try somethin' different, will you?
152名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 16:42
participate in this thread, imean..
i rather wanna die..
153名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 21:14

このスレッド、imean ..に参加して下さい
154名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/21(月) 21:59
>150 You must be a poet too..

Some people said language is a tool of communication.
I agree with them. Tools get rusty if you don't use them.
Since I don't have any opportunity to use them, only when I go abroad,
I am really envious of people who use English everyday at work or
at college, wherever. That must reinforce your incentive
for improvement.
So I have a question to ask, for people who dont use english
but make it progress constantly. What is your motivation??

155名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 08:49
does "39s" means thanx?
i bet those non-japanese speaking people wouldnt even have a clue what
it says though.
156名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 08:53
I agree with them. Tools get rusty if you don't use them.
Since I don't have any opportunity to use them, only when I go abroad,
I am really envious of people who use English everyday at work or
at college, wherever. That must reinforce your incentive
for improvement.
So I have a question to ask, for people who dont use english
but make it progress constantly. What is your motivation??
157名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 09:36
What is your motivation?? あなたの誘発はなんですか?

158名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:20
are u taking Irish?
159名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:21
are u talking Irish?
160名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:26
y r u asking if im talking irish?
161名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:32
im asking u spudpicker or not,
4get about it if u don understand...
162名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:49
Yarggghh, all of you can suck on Pirate Pete's Mystery Meat.
163名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 11:54
165名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 12:05
166海賊ピートのミステリー肉で乳を飲むことができます:2001/05/22(火) 12:07
167名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/22(火) 12:09
168名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/23(水) 08:58
hi all!
i almost got late for the office this morning.
phew, that was really close. i hate rain.
1691:2001/05/23(水) 15:58
I did :(
I hate rain too, but I prefer it's cooler.
170169:2001/05/23(水) 15:59
I'm not the "1".
Well, I am the one, but not the "1".

Hehehe :)
171名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/23(水) 20:51



Hehehe :)
172名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/26(土) 02:52
Hey guys! I found the coolest web page.
It's only for people who understand English, though.

173名無しさん@1周年:2001/05/26(土) 03:56
174名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/11(月) 15:48
175名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/11(月) 15:52
how do you translate gansha in english?
facial shot?
176名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/11(月) 15:56
Hey! that's a good q!
i wanna know it too!
177名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/12(火) 00:26
facial (cum) shot/≒bukkake
178名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/13(水) 13:07
k, tell me the difference then
179名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/13(水) 14:19
you are DQN's!! aren't you?
180名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/13(水) 14:35
dunno what u talkin' about..
181名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/13(水) 16:06
Don't bring this shit-thread up, fucking idiots...!!
182名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/14(木) 10:08
hey! here's another bumping.
sorry, i just like keeping this shit thread up.
183名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/24(日) 05:41
That depends on what you mean by "this language”.
Is that supposed to be Japanese or English?
184名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/24(日) 18:27
Hi !
I want to try TOEIC.
please tell me when it held on ?
185名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/24(日) 18:31
186名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/25(月) 14:55
a few days ago,I think this thread had comparatively better responses
than now.I'm sorry for the fact that this "English Only" thread had
died of vacant communication between the low-level participant's
scribbling,which is so endemic in 2CH.
187名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/26(火) 01:26
thread up!
Ms. Imada is the ugliest woman I've ever seen.
She looks like 今田浩司.
Plus, she is the leftist.
I put a stick into her vagina.
Thank you.