Japan will free up part of its private-sector oil reserves at an amount equal to 12 percent of the International Energy Agency's planned release of 60 million barrels following Hurricane Katrina. よろしくお願いします。
I watched Yoko Tajima by a certain TV program. It is the aunt whom a Councilor worked at with a professor at former university. In asking you a question to North Korea diplomacy || "at first do day morning diplomatic relations normalization first, and should look for the people whom then go to North Korea, and was abducted". I accused this for two years. I insisted with 」. Nothing gets possible to argue that it was pointed out the non-reality for this by other performers. I completely have it that such a person worked as a professor at university and a Diet member and it is unbelievable and cannot but ask what how many years or "Madonna whirlwind" was with oneself.
Now, whenever I face a pressing problem that threatens to worry me, I give it what I call ‘the old Willis H. Carrier formula.’ If you think Willis H. Carrier had troubles – listen: you ain’t heard nothin’ yet. Here is the story of Earl P. Haney.
The doctor said my skull would have to be joined on to my spinal column. It wasn't certain if the operation would be successful, or even if I could survive.
A coffee roaster in Calofolnia is handing out bags of coffee for a $10 donation to the Red Cross. In Virginia Beach, the owner of a tax assistance firm is making a donation for every tax return he prepares.
>>46 > I'm back in school too, I'm working on my Masters Degree, so > I'm overwhelmed with all the work that has to be done in the > next 3 weeks. > 和訳おねがいします。
I have the honor to announce to you that I am leaving Japan in October to take a new post in our Embassy to the State of Israel. It is with heavy hearts that Consuelo, our children and I leave this wonderful country, but we are also very well aware that we are awaited in an equally wonderful and stimulating reality. Allow me to express my deep gratitude for the privilege of your friendship and the excellent relations, both social and working, we have sustained during these three and a half years in Japan. Please be assured that we will treasure these feelings forever and are certainly looking forward to meeting again in the very near future.
1]If it doesn't tomorrow,I will go out. 2]When does he leave? 3]She shall do as she pleases. 4]I shall be thankful to you, If you will watch your language. 5]Accidents will happen. 6]They have owned the car for nearly five years. 7]She won't consent. 8]I shall heve been learning English for seven years by the end of this year. 9]Stay here till it has stopped raining. 10]Yesterday I lost the textbook I had got the other day. 11]Ayrton Senna has been dead. 12]Mine differs from yours both in color and in size. 13]The flowers are opened. 14]I had not waited for five minutes when he came. よろしくお願いします。。
INn San Francisco, a couple of days ago I found a jacket with a good price. Of course, the jackets with "good prices" were mostly those manufactured by cheap labor in some poor country in the south. It demonstrates once again that the "wealth" of the north and the "poverty" of the south are two sides of the same coin. To buy the least expensive goods is normal market behavior; it is what a consumer is expected to do in a market economy. Similarly, it is normal behavior for workers to seek the highest wages they can get. Thus, as the world becomes increasingly integrated into a single economic system, we see more and more workers leaving their birthplaces and migrating to where the money is. 長文なんですが和訳をよろしくお願いいたします。
Now, whenever I face a pressing problem that threatens to worry me, I give it what I call 'the old Willis H. Carrier formula.' If you think Willis H. Carrier had troubles - listen: you ain't heard nothin' yet. Here is the story of Earl P. Haney. Here is the story as he told it to me himself on November 17, 1948 in the hotel Statler in Boston. おねがいします
>>82 今では、私を悩ませる脅威となる切迫した問題に直面したときはいつも、 私が呼んでる「the old Willis H. Carrier formula」を用いてる。 もし「Willis H. Carrier 」がわかんなくても、とりあえず聞いて。 まだ何も聞いてないんだから。「Earl P. Haney」の物語があって、 それは1948年11月7日、ボストンの「the hotel Statler 」で 彼自身私に話してくれた物語です。
Thanks to the steady winds,the fleet sailed swiftly to the west.Nonetheless,their troubles were not yet at an end.Far from it,worse was still to come. 和訳お願いします!!
The newly discovered ocean being completely uncharted, the explorers came upon no more than two small islands,and those barren and without inhabitants. 和訳お願いいたします!!
The sailors had no fresh provisions, little water(and that bad),and nothing but rotten biscuit, so that they were reduced to eating the flesh of rats. 和訳お願いします!!お手数かけます!!
They were on the point of despairing, but at last, on March 6,1521, they landed on what is now called Guam, where they rested and filled their ships with fresh provisions. 和訳お願いします!!
「tja snalla ha en bild predator(SWE) skickade ett ljudklipp till dig, men det kravs att du har den senaste versionen av MSN Messenger. Om du vill hamta den senaste versionen av MSN Messenger gar du till http://g.msn.com/5meen_us/122.」 ??? 「visnigs bild snalla!!!!!!!」 I can't read(゚Д゚) 「snalla snalla va?」 Who are you?? 「aim [Tmf]_pred(SWE)」 Where are you from? 「halmstad are you swe」 My name is ○○. 「who are you you playing css」 I live in japan. I'm Japanese. What is css?? 「no you are not」 「you playing counter strike source」 「and half life 2」 Please wait...
>>130 The truth of that CUSSW guy is that he is a leisured guy who's got 900 points in TOEIC. I had a discussion with him in the other thread, where he told that he was studying in a graduate school or university in the states. The question I had then was why such a guy like him should come to 2ch. His answer was just like "Leave me!" I guess he should be such a guy who cannot blend in the society where he lives.
>>49 見出しと関連すると考えられる発見と思いつきをすべて、頭に浮かぶ 順番のままに、それぞれの紙に書き留めなさい。 (On each sheet) put down (in random order,) (just as they occur to you,) all the findings or thoughts (that seem to belong under that heading).
既に書いた材料や方法、結果の記述を関連するセクションに加えなさい。 Add (to the relevant section) any description of materials, methods or results (that you have already written).
Please let me know how you want to place orders... in regards of the official dealer in Japan we will mention your informations in our sales listing. I have to tell you that we already selling to numerous customers in Japan and we have a lot of success there.Thank you for the interest in our line
At the Salon of 1787 David exhibited the Death of Socrates.This painting of the Greek philosopher,dying for an ideal of society thet was perceived as a threat by the ruling powers,is often thought to anticipate the secrifices of the French revolutionaries of 1789. Such a "hindsight" interpretation,however, can easily distort the meaning the work held for its contemporaries.
日本語訳してくれたら嬉しいです!! お願いします。 Bangladesh is a country which has long suffered from flooding storms and famines. For generations people have been forced to live in poverty. If the poor people ob Bangladesh could get even a small loan, they could get started on the way to a better life. They could raise chickens and a cow; they could buy a sewing machine and Make clothing. However ,no bank will loan money to poor people.
続き。 Dr. Muhammad Yunus set out to solve this problem. He created a unique institution, the Grameen bank, to provide small loans to the poor, especially to women living in the Villages. Tonight Dr, yunus will tell us how this system
A job will be disabled a week after we have the minimum number of results per workunit and the results rollup script has been run to completion. This will be somewhere around the two week mark (or a little more).
出世、成功するためにずいぶん体を害する(胃潰瘍、心臓病、高血圧)といったような英文が続いたあと。 What price success! And they aren’t even buying success! 訳おねがいします。 What price success! はWhat price success is!ということですか?
No one could have foreseen,fifty years ago,that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language. 訳お願いします
Assuming the worst case scenario of repeated scans in the same area while 16 ft vehicles are scanned a total of 20 ft each with rapid change out of inspected vehicles, it is projected that no more than 34 vehicles per hour could be scanned in this fixed location.
>>185 私たちは彼が信用できると考えたので、私たちのperformancesの"back-stage" に彼が入ることを許容する。ここでいう"back-stage"とはcommunication学者の Goffmanが名付けた概念である。 (Goffman理論知らないからここまで) what Goffman refers to as the "back-stage"=Goffmanが"back-stage"と呼ぶもの。 a scholar of communicationは挿入でGoffmanと同格
I HATE KOREAN!I HATE HIM!He's such an asshole! Or should i say,pain in the arse! I just don't like him can't he get the point?!?!Grr... So what if he starts watching Japanese doramas, listen to Jpop and Jrock and speaks Nihongo?! I STILL DON'T LIKE HIM!Sheesh. Why can't he get it man!!! Simple English yet he don't understand!Okay,i won't brood over this now.
I've watched SMAP on 24 hours. They are so good looking and adorable!! -drools- I love the song "Triangle" and i wonder why is it triangle and not circle or square.Hah.Takuya kissed Shingo! So cute!!Heh.
No one could have foreseen,fifty years ago,that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language.
No one could have foreseen,fifty years ago, that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language. 誰も想像できなかったと思う。50年前、女性はすぐに、男性だけができる と思っていたことを。それは言葉にできない程の驚きだった。
「Anytime you do something right people are gonna tell you you're doing it wrong you know, in that you're making a mistake or sort of like a very english mentality that anytime you try and....」
A compelling philosophy has recently emerged from the European tradition of adult education that provides a simple yet visonary orientation to this issue.
Perhaps their doubts come from the knowledge that the best brains are employed to sell fringe commodities which fulfil no urgent public need, goods like tabacco, liquor, drugs and seets.
* fringe commodities : 二次的商品
すいません、the best brains are ........の辺りからよく分かりません。 和訳おねがいします。ちなみに広告の話です。
At last, the starting gun sounded. the runners started around the track. She was running even with a Jamaican runner. She could see the finish line ahead. She pulled away just before she crossed the finish line.
スイマセン。ホテルの予約をしたのですが この一文がどういうことなのかわかりません。 I may offer you 1/3 with one extra unused bed price fas single room only
ちなみにこの後 we have no single rooms available at the time periods you are interested for. Please let me know, if you wish to make pre-reservation. Sincerely こう続きます。 ふつうのシングルが無いのはわかったんですが、何を提供する って言ってくれてるのかわかりません。助けていただけませんでしょうか?
問い合わせたら即効こんな返事が返ってきました。 Hello, it is one triple room with single use where you have to pay for one person for non use bed and second bed is for free. これって3人部屋一人で使って残り二つのベッド料金はいらねえってことですよね? なんかウマイ話なので自信がなくなりました・・・
i went to the post office today to file a claim for your item. they will contact you or me about it they said. this usually takes anywhere from one to two months they said as they have thousands of claims to process. keep me posted and i`ll do the same from here.
pull awayだけだとはなれていく、ととれるから遅れた、の可能性もあるかと思うが後ろとあわないしね。 英二郎より pull away from 〜から離れる、〜から引き離す ・ Our horse pulled away from the rest of the pack just into the homestretch. われわれの馬は直線コースで、ほかの一団から引き離された。 pull away from the base of the tooth (歯肉{しにく}などが)歯の根元{ねもと}から離れる pull away from the Cold War mind-set 冷戦思考{れいせん しこう}から脱却{だっきゃく}する pull away from the persistent runner with a spurt スパートして粘る走者{そうしゃ}を振り切る[から距離{きょり}を引き離す]
確かにはなれるのなかで一番非常識な奴を選んだから>>244にテラワラワれてもしょうがないけど、 pull awayじゃどっち向きに離れたかわかんないから、腹でも痛くなってコースから外れたんかいな、 と思ったんだ。よく考えるとjust before she crossed the finish line. だからあり得ないことがわかるけど。 ああ大恥こいた
Assuming the worst case scenario of repeated scans in the same area while 16 ft vehicles are scanned a total of 20 ft each with rapid change out of inspected vehicles, it is projected that no more than 34 vehicles per hour could be scanned in this fixed location.
AAA as a concept is beyond translation from the Maori language. Its meaning is multi-from and includes psychic influence, control, prestige, power, vested and acquired authority and influence, being influential or binding over others, and that quality of the person that others know she or he has!
In the days that followed, Angie tried to forget about Sam. の "In the days that followed" ってどういう意味なんでしょうか? followの意味として辞書には to happen or come immediately after something else と書いてあったんですが、それと先のfollowの意味がどうもかみ合いません。
The right pronunciation of (how to read) "-80 kg" as in the weight classes of sports such as judo is "UP TO eighty kilograms", NOT "minus eighty kilograms". But all my Japanese friends use the latter reading. We use a dash ("-") to describe a value range as well as a negative number. A tilde means "approximately" in our language, never used as a range symbol. These are summarized as:
No one could have foreseen,fifty years ago,that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language
No one could have foreseen, fifty years ago, that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language。
No one could have foreseen, fifty years ago, that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do that to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language.
次の英文、意味もよくわからんが、そもそも、構文解析ができないので だれかその説明もふくめて、訳してほしい。 出典は、日本の歴史に関する書籍で Japan a short history という、 もの(学習者向けの英語の本のシリーズのなかの一つ)。29ページ。 鎌倉時代の始まりのころの話の一節として登場する文だ。
The establishment of a military government came at the same time as an an important cultural change society in general.
>>337 off of the thread theme になってしまいますが、実は自分の専門分野の英語論文を「読む」ことは難しくないのです; 自分の範囲の専門用語を覚えてしまえば仕舞いです。 今でもむしろ難しいのは「書く」ことですね。こちらの伝えたい内容が (主張の科学的正誤ではなく純粋な意味で) 違って捉えられては絶対にいけないからです。
Thank you very much! Thank you very much! That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me! It isn't every day Good fortune comes me way I never thought the future would be fun for me And if I had a bugle I would blow it To add a sort of how's-your-father touch But since I left me bugle at home I simply have to say Thank you very very very much! Thank you very very very much!
I think the body should be shared with onlya true love. Men are disgusting to take advantage of women like that. Can you tell me "Boy" and "girl" words in japanese?
At the time we speak of the poor lad was not very well dressed, and wore shoes from which his toes peeped out; for his older father had barely the means of supporting his wife and children.
どなたか訳していただけませんか Observations.... When I reflect on my life I dont see it as being particularly difficult. I see it as being quite an adventure actually. I know I have seen and experienced much more then 99 percent of the people, men and women, my age and I appreciate what I have been given. Lately though I have inquired within my own walls as to whether or not I am unnecessarily jaded....am I? I mean have I seen too much? I suppose it is useless to ponder unless my own ideas on people are exposed, made clear etc.
Ok, for starters, I think that we are all essentially bad. I dont think people are born good. I think we are born selfish and it all spirals from there. Forgive me for not really getting detailed with this, I didnt eat breakfast so I havnt the patience.
Based on ....that....you know what nevermind... I just remembered a passage from a book by my favorite author that totally answered my question about me judging others hardship against what I have seen. If I remember later I will post the quote in its entirety for anyone to review.
ok, I have to go I have a ceramics class to get too.
Nineteen Chinese wokers drowned piteously in Morecambe Bay last week. Illegal or not, they were indefatigable labourers, toilingwithout respite in conditions few of us can imagine. They died in the night, in the cold, and the nation woke up next morning to confort the truth that such desperation exists in our world today. Some commentators instantly questioned how these victims had the impudence to travel across from a no-hope place to do what all human beings do: try at any cost to help their loved ones to live.
While there were grumblers who took the opportunity to beat up on immigrant labour, most of the residents of Morecambe Bay were luminously decent.Volunteers ─ white British, I am proud to say ─ spent hours looking for bodies and survivors
How different from the scorching summer of 2000 when 58 young Chinese men and women died, suffocated in a truck in Dover. Key local and national figures then abysmally faild to lead the country towards a moment of collective sorrow before furious debates over illegal immigration took over. With the actors Corn Redgrave and Kita Markham, I organized a vigil atended by dozens of actors, directors, journalists and writers who turned out to remember these peaple.
For decades, people of all backgrounds have sought to fight a system that demonises migrants and creates gross ineualities in the world. Jabez Lam, a Chinese Briton who wokers tirelessly to fight racism against his people and to galvanise their political energy. tells me campaigners like himself are livid these wealthy Chinese bosses who collude with the state's indifference towards immigrant employment.
Undocumented wokers have saved many British Chinese restaurants from extinction ─ as the owners got older they couldn't work long hours. Their children want professions and a good life (young Chinese Britons are among our top academic achievers), employ desperate people from China who work for low pay and with honour, but others behave with capitalist ruthlessness, exploiting their wokers without any concern for their humanity.
There is undoubtedly a deep cultual trait that makes Chinese Britons seek anonymity and acquiescence even at moments when they must feel most misunderstood and maligned. When events erupt such as the one we are witnessing, the community feels generically blamed and criminalised, and that leads it to hide away even more.
Obscurity is meanint to offer protection but keeping your head down never wins respect, acknowledgment or lights. Yungergerenration British Chinese have websites where they debate this strategy furiousry.
But Rheingold's mostly sunny picture of the mobile technofuture contains one dark shadow: The same technologies that allow for anytime, anyplace communication may also open the door to a level of surveillance unimaginable to prior generations
Observations.... When I reflect on my life I dont see it as being particularly difficult. I see it as being quite an adventure actually. I know I have seen and experienced much more then 99 percent of the people, men and women, my age and I appreciate what I have been given. Lately though I have inquired within my own walls as to whether or not I am unnecessarily jaded....am I? I mean have I seen too much? I suppose it is useless to ponder unless my own ideas on people are exposed, made clear etc.
Ok, for starters, I think that we are all essentially bad. I dont think people are born good. I think we are born selfish and it all spirals from there. Forgive me for not really getting detailed with this, I didnt eat breakfast so I havnt the patience.
Based on ....that....you know what nevermind... I just remembered a passage from a book by my favorite author that totally answered my question about me judging others hardship against what I have seen. If I remember later I will post the quote in its entirety for anyone to review.
ok, I have to go I have a ceramics class to get too.
大体の訳は分かるのですが正確に出来ません。。 どうかお願いします。 In the Harry Potter books, the hero is given a cloak of invisibility, which looks and feel like water, and which helps him escape great danger.
Grant was in hot pursuit, banging away at the Confederates from both sides and the rear, while Sheridan’s cavalry was heading them off in front, tearing up railway lines and capturing supply trains. おねがいします。
お願いします。 文頭のcomingがよく分からないので解説してもらえるとありがたいです。 Coming a week before world leaders gather at the U.N. to debate the world body's future, the report could not be more timely.
One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.
>>451 There were no shops on this wide street (that he was walking along), only a line of tall houses on each side, all of them identical. 彼が歩いていたこの広い通りにはお店なんかなかった。ただ 両側に高い家が並んでいるだけだった、それもみんな同じような。 There are no A , only B. ⇒AはなくBだけ。
And so we could go on, adding more examples, until in despair we might feel like giving up the struggle to control and keep within limits these harmful human activities.
Grant was in hot pursuit, banging away at the Confederates from both sides and the rear, while Sheridan’s cavalry was heading them off in front, tearing up railway lines and capturing supply trains. 注:アメリカの南北戦争の話。Grantとは、もちろん北軍のグラント将軍のこと。 in hot pursuitとは“in hot pursuit for 南軍の将軍、Lee将軍、あるいはその軍隊”。だと、文脈上そう思える。 Confederatesとは南軍のこと。 おねがいします。
As a student, of course, your heart is obliged to bleed over issues like university funding, racism, homophobia, environmentalism, and every individual's right to wear plaid shirts and smell bad.
Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirate's life for me. We pillage, plunder. We rifle, and loot. Drink up me 'earties Yo Ho. We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties Yo Ho. 続きがあるんですがとりあえずここまで翻訳していただけないでしょうか?お願いします。
This is better than his other book which is widely used. The questions are well selected. Finish this book, first and if you still want to learn how to pass "InnShi", open his other book. But you believe life is short or have something else to to do (study physics?), don't buy his other book. You can't be a specialist of Clasical Mechanics.
A:Please hold your penis in one's mouth while eating my pubic hair and, well, give to me. B:It is good. However, I am a man who has had the sexual interlude before with 100 men and women or more. May I hold such man's penis in one's mouth? A:Of course,Your thing came to like it. May I touch your penis while kissing? B:My penis has gotten excited more and more when you say such a pungent thing.
Freezing can be useful for medical science. Doctors have some patient whom they cannot help. However, someday there may be a new medicine for them. These doctors want to freeze people for the future. Maybe patients can be frozen until there is medicine to help them. The problem is that they do not know how to make a frozen person come back to life. Men like the one found at the North Pole cannot be brought back to life.
>>512 そうですね。 their double-faced attitude towards the Empire の訳はわかるんだけど、その内容がわからないということであれば 違う板で聞いたほうがよいかと。 たいてい論説文ならば、その後の文章で詳しい説明が書かれているはずなので とりあえず読み進めていけば、そのうち出てくるかもしれませんよ。
Even the humanist is seldom content with the silence of humanism in the face of the ultimate questions and is resentful if the religious minister writes him or her off as a nonbeliever.
Supposing you and I had never been taught to read. Supposing that we live to be a hundred years of age in an illiterate state, can you imagine what our state of cultural development would be like? We should be cut off from almost all those things which make an educated modern man. We would, in short, be illiterate,and the hundred years we had lived would have made very little,if any, to this state of ours. Time is irrelevant. What is relevant to this matter is the history of our cultural experience. As it is with individuals, so it is with peoples. When human beings are brought up in an American environment they become Americans, whether their parents were originally Italian,Irish,English,French,Japanese,Chinese, or what not.
"MGS4 Becoming a War Zone." "Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima is great at keeping secrets. However, his work so far on Metal Gear Solid 4 is so good talk about it is spreading like wildfire throughout the PS3 developer camp. One source has described the game to PSM as "'a cross between Rambo and Black Hawk Down,"' with Solid Snake plunged into the middle of a high-intensity urban war zone where artillery is taking out cover all around him and AI controlled "'sidekicks"' fight alongside him as if they were actual human-controlled characters. The new 3D camera will play a big role in surviving the tight quarters and constantly changing cover. Kojima has an update on the game planned for Tokyo Game Show and PSM will be there to bring you all the details next issue."
補足です MGS4=メタルギアソリッド4 Metal Gear=メタルギア PSM=プレイステーションマガジン Solid Snake=ソリッドスネーク
But the buses drove right by them -- sometimes only half loaded with refugees, a stark image that angered White and others who were left in a knee-deep puddle in the buses' wake.
"Clearly Takuma made a mistake but these things do happen, you saw today many of the top drivers making mistakes and Michael has made his fair share so I don't think it's very fair to say that kind of thing about Taku," he said.
"Taku couldn't hear what Michael was shouting at him which is probably a good thing."
(x) I have a cell phone. ( ) I am an only child. (x) I have smoked a cigarette before. ( ) I do drugs. (eh) I smoke. (...) I am an alcoholic. (x) I love cold weather. ( ) I have shot a gun before. (x) I can not live without music. (x) I have no tolerance for ignorant people. (x) I have ridden on a motorcycle before. ( ) I will be in this town forever. ( ) I have been to 5 other countries. (x) I get annoyed easily. ( ) I eventually want kids. ( ) I have neat handwriting. (x) I have more than a few horrible memories. ( ) I am addicated to chocolate (x) I have a sibling/siblings. ( ) My parents are strict. ( ) I love airplane rides. (x) I love taking pictures. (x) I hate people who are fake. (x) I can be mean when I want to be. ( ) My parents care about my grades.
(x) I am easy to talk to. ( ) I hate when people are late. (x) I procrastinate. ( ) I love springtime. ( ) I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser. (x) I love to sleep. (x) I wish I were smarter. ( ) I am afraid of flying. (x) I hate drama. ( ) I bite my nails. (x) I have been on a 7 hour car ride or longer. ( ) I never fight with my parents. ( ) I love the beach. ( ) I have had the chicken pox. ( )I have had pneumonia. (X) I have gone out in public in my pajamas. (x) I can not control my emotions. (x) I have a best friend. ( ) I have moved more than once. (x) I truly love my friends. (x) I love to write. ( ) I have broken a bone.
(x) I love my computer. ( ) I am a happy person. ( ) I love to dance. (x) I love to sing/scream. (x) I love to act crazy and be funny. ( ) I love cleaning my room. (x) I tend to get jealous very easily. (x) I have been on the phone for over 5 hours at a time. (x) I don't like to study for tests. (x) I am too forgiving. ( ) I have horrible sense in direction. (x) I miss elementary school. (x) I become stressed easily. (x) I hate liars. ( ) I can play the piano. (x) I love to play in the rain. ( ) I love some of my family. ( ) I hate needles. (x) I'm afraid of snakes. (x) I always wanted to learn to play the guitar or drums. (x) I hate the feeling of failure. (x) I know how to cook. ( ) I can speak another language. (x) At times, I can be very selfish. (x) At times, I still act like a little kid. ( ) I have allergies.
( ) I love little kids. (x) I love to read. (x) I wish I was more motivated for school. (x) I like getting stuff in the mail. (X) I have problems with letting go of old feelings/memories. (x) I hate being alone. ( ) I love myself ( ) I .. weekends. ( ) I can type with one hand. (x) I can swim. ( ) I go to church. ( ) I sing/scream in the shower. ( ) I have never been camping. (X) I hate cheerleaders. ( ) I usually get what I want. (x) I have been on stage before. (x) I love roller coasters. ( ) I am close with my parents.
i taught my first class today. i've got a little teaching experience under my belt, though i didn't realize how different communicating in class becomes when your teaching communication and language itself. the challenges and strategies are completely different from my most recent experience (teaching the alt key to the elderly), and worlds apart from my time as a t.a. and tutor at rochester. i can see the focus is far, far less on cramming the lessons full of information and MUCH more on getting the students involved and active. although i've been told this about a thousand times since getitng involved with all this JET business, i guess it didn't really hit home until i experience the uber apathy, shyness and stagnation that is class in japan.
ゲームのボスキャラの台詞だったりするんですが、2行目がちょっと意味がつかみかねてます。 1行目の添削もお願いします。 > You may think you've accomplished something, but you'll never leave here alive! 何かを成し遂げたと得意げになっておろうが、生きて帰れぬのは貴様らの方だぞ! > I have waited so long... could it be that freedom may yet come to me?
some of you might be wondering: "aren't japanese students incredibly disciplined? don't they work 25 hours a day and are eager to do their best all the time?" well.. yes and no. in my experience thus far, it seems as if the students can put energy and discipline into things when they want to, but they can also just as easily stray in not-paying-attention-land and stay there for a 50 min vacation. that's actually not that different than back in america, but i think the difference is in how it's tolerated. back home students goof off a lot and avoid work in all sorts of ways.. but they don't seem to really do it in a blatant way. and if there are kids like that, you kind of label them as 'those kids' and figure they just don't give a fuck about school at all. but in japan, kids put their heads down, flat-out don't answer, or turn around and talk to their friends.. and the teacher DOES NOTHING.
i had been warned about this beforehand, but seeing it in action was kind of interesting. and in fact, i can't completely blame the kids. all the doors were open, and sometimes class was drowned out by the voices of students next door, not in class, doing who knows what. on top of that, the teacher sort of morphed my lesson plan and made it even more boring than it already was. not to mention, no offense to him, but he's not the most engaging guy to start with. while he was talking i even found myself looking out the window, beginning to daydream. oh well, i guess this just means i'm going to shift around my priorities in lesson planning. i will say one thing however - there were one or two girls who i had met beforehand, outside of the class i taught. and although they didn't necessarily know the answers, they definitely tried a lot harder because they had met me. so i think a big key may be in getting to know more and more students...
i finally buckled down and cleaned the stove area today too. it took a long time.. god knows the last time someone cleaned that kitchen tile. and it's not a huge improvement.. unfortunately the place is just old and you can only clean something so much before you realize it's ancient and no amount of scrubbing is gonna remove chips and cracks. but i put in the new gas range and that corner of the kitchen looks completely different. slowly by surely...
i've been unusually hungry these last few days. maybe it's because the initial spurt of "welcome to japan!" drinking has stopped and my body is trying to make up the lost calories, but it's kind of weird. i've been eating a sizeable amount and i still feel like i could eat every 15 minutes and never get full. logic dictates that it's probably just the stress from living in a new place and trying to form a routine while balancing the extra energy required to do even simple things (like withdrawing money from the bank, or going grocery shopping).
it also feels like those routines i've been pushing to create are indeed finally starting to form. my time in japan no longer feels like one huge hunk of time, but i can definitely tell the difference from the first two weeks, these last two weeks and even the time right before then, for instance. different events going on, different weather, different music. it's good because it really helps to help me get my bearings. it seems really easy for time to seem a little off here. either being incredibly fast or slow. space, too, gets kind of distorted. i walk for 10 minutes and because of the sparseness of town, it feels like it was only what would've been a 5 minute walk back home. on the other hand, the 2 minute walk to school from my apartment sometimes has the feel of walking 15 minutes to class on a rochester morning. sort of. anyway, just little observations, not too sure what to make of them just yet...
Since the billing address for your credit card is not within the United States, we are unable to mail your tickets. However, we will have your tickets waiting for you at the venue's box office will call window. Tickets at will call are typically available one hour prior to the event time. In order to receive your tickets, you must present the credit card that was used to purchase the tickets, picture ID, and the Ticketmaster order number issued to you during the sale. The will call window at the box office is usually located near the main entrance of the venue. You may confirm the status of your order (as well as your seat locations, venue, performance date, fulfillment status, total charges, etc.) by going to www.ticketmaster.com and clicking on the "View Order History" link on the right hand side of the Welcome Bar. If you have any further questions, please reply and include all previous correspondence. Thank you for using Ticketmaster, where we really appreciate your business.
We exchange or refund any unwashed or unworn merchandise with a copy of your receipt or invoice. Without a proof of purchase, you will receive the last known value in the form of a Merchandise Credit Card. If you are returning merchandise purchased in a store, we will credit you with a Merchandise Credit Card. For all other returns, we will credit you using your original payment type.
>>566>>568 ありがとうございます。前は送ってくれたんですけど・・orz 購入の詳細に International Will Callって項目で$2.50って 各公演とられてるのはどういう代金なのですか? order Processing Chargeとかって$3.75取られててこれはチャージ 料金だと思いますが↑のは海外へ郵送する料金だと思ってたんですけど。 どなたか教えてください。。。
Most people would agree that,although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no correlative increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define wisdom and consider means of promoting it.
フランス革命があって、ナポレオンが出てきました。みたいなのの続き A new government, called the Consulate, was introduced. It called for a stronger, more effective executive branch comprising three consuls, the fast of whom held most of the power. Within days of the cope, Napoleon had emerged as a leader, becoming First Consul in 1800, and again in 1802 when he was granted this position for life by a national referendum. Still not satisfied, Napoleon in 1804 assumed the title of Emperor, an action that ensured that his power would eventually be inherited by his son.
Bottlenose dolphins live in tropical and temperate oceans. Living in small and large groups, they are very social animals. They use sound to navigate, to find prey, and to communicate. They are highly intelligent animals. You can them perform in aquariums. の訳をお願いします
David Buck writes "Today, the Council of Europe (an influential quasi-governmental body that drafts conventions and treaties) is to finalize a proposal that would force all Internet news organizations, moderated mailing lists and even web logs (blogs) to allow a right of response to any person or organization they criticize. This would mean that you would be required to post the responses as well as authenticate their origin and make the responses available for some period of time. This will likely have a chilling effect on Internet communication (at least in Europe)."
Dies irae dies illa, Solvet soeclum in favilla Teste David cum Sibilla. Quantus tremor est futurus, Quando judex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus! Tuba mirum spargens sonum, Per sepulcra regionum, Coget omnes ante thronum. Mors stupebit et natura, Cum resurget creatura, Judicanti responsura. Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum continetur, Unde mundus judicetur. Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidquid latet apparebit Nil inultum remanebit. Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus? Cum vix justus sit securus. Preces meae non sunt dignae Sed to bonus fac benigne Ne perenni cremer igne. Inter oves locum praesta, Et ab hoedis me sequestra, Statuens in parte dextra. Confutatis maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis, Voca me cum benedictis. Oro supplex et acclinis Cor contritum quasi cunis Gere curam mei finis. Lacrimosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus
Old Smithfield, or “Smoothfield” as it was called in 1150, was the “Union Stock Yards” in London of that day. It is clear that in growing London, the weekly congregation of livestock and people in the confined space of Smithfield led to such overcrowding and tumult that not only were human tempers frayed but bovine and porcine patience broke all bounds.
Euro Shop General Trading is a leading wholesaler and retailer in UAE dealing mainly wih stock goods of European origin such as home appliances, garments, shoes, wood-works and decorative items. Even though Euro Shop is newly established, but it has proved to be one of the most succesful and fastgrowing shops of its kind in here to the extent that it can no longer meet the demands of all customers and as such we are interested in the purchasing of stock goods of Japanese origin such as pressure cookers, steamers, juicers, mixers, blenders, vaccum cleaners, coffe makers, lamps, electronics, decorative items and so on. All the goods must be in perfect condition which are usually taken from the display shelves and properly packed. We are looking for a reliable business partner who could supply us with our enquiries for the many years to come and we hope that you would gant us the favor of having you as such partner. We take this opportunity to thank you for your kind attention and prompt response and we remain.
Bottlenose dolphins live in tropical and temperate oceans. Living in small and large groups, they are very social animals. They use sound to navigate, to find prey, and to communicate. They are highly intelligent animals. You can them perform in aquariums. の訳をお願いします
The Strawberry Seasonという小説(邦題「苺つみの季節」)の一部らしいのですが、 訳してみてもうまくできませんでした。お願いします。
Early in the spring when the strawberries began ton ripen,everybody went from place to place helping the farmers gather them.If it had been a good season for the berries and if there were many berries to pick,there would sometimes be as many as thirty-five or forty people in one field.Some men brought their families along,going from one farm to the next as fast as the berries could be gathered.The slept in barns or any place they could find.
They are both wanted and not wanted. They are loved because they work for less and hated because they are poor and foreign. They are eagerly hired and then violently discriminated against. 長文の一部なんですが和訳をよろしくお願いします。
>>630 629に対するレス?629は 「体の状態がおかしい。」というような内容の英文の後に They look like someone half scared to death. – and that’s about what it amounts to. という英文が続きます。この部分の和訳をおねがいします
長いのですがお願いします。オーストラリアの話です。1文が長すぎるので改行してますが、気にしないで下サイ From the beginning of the 20th century for about fifty years, the Australian government had a policy which stated that children who were part-Aboriginal could be taken away from their mothers and raised in institutions to assimilate them into white society.
Many Aboriginal Australians grew up not knowing who their parents were. They are members of what Australians have come to call"the stolen generation."
>>638>>639 ありがとうございました。とても助かりました。できたら次の文もお願いします。 Black stands for the color of the dark skin of the Aboiiginal people. Red stands for the color of the earth of Australia and it also represents the blood the Aboriginal people shed. 中略 In fact, Cathy's grandmother was one of the victims of this policy. She was "stolen" when she was eight because she had lighter skin. Cathy once publicly voiced her anger at this cruel treatment of Aborigines by the government.
This has become more difficult that it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.
Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.
The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy.
You have not time to consider the effct which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.
You succeed(let us say),as modern medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.
This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the most populous parts of the world.
When you don't need an answer there'll be days like this When you don't meet a chancer there'll be days like this When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit Then I must remember there'll be days like this
Governments would also be obliged to "deny safe havens to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct."
hello glad to see yourthanks and good luck interested in my lovely auction. i will ship to japan and i ship by ups. if you send me your zip code ill be more than happy to calulate shipping for you.
Thanks its my pleasure meeting you. Hello Dear, It is my pleasure to seen your reply. Meanwhile compliment of the day to you and all around you ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I wish to say thanks very much for your mail to me cos it is very hard to confide or reply a strange mail from someone through the Internet in this new generation. So how is things in general? hope sound perfectly cool with you and your family in this 2005? well we have to give thanks to the almighty God for his love and kindness on we all.
I was happy to see in the content of your mail that you did not elaborate more about yourself, country and family background. Well more about me as I told you in brief in my first mail that I am a 25 years old student who is about to graduate soon & from a christian family, (senstive in humour as you said) I work out my daily activities & love to read in English variety of books, I think I am sensitive and kind to people, my mother says that I am good looking take a good care of my body and my look, also I think I have a good sense of humor enjoy going to theater ,concerts and be a good Christian. And that teach me to be open minded, forgiving , loving and of my hobbies like to laugh, I live to be spontaneous, and I am usually up to trying any good thing at least once, I love relaxing indoors after the days activities by watching movies,reading and a littel sleep to relax my veins and artries. I have peace in my heart that God will give me the sweetest person in the whole universe, mature, fun to be with, warm hearted, and would be able to cry on his shoulder and he will also cry on mine too.
Meaning that I am single but with my past experiance with my ex-boy friend I don't want to go into any immediate reletionship with anyone untill I have been healed by the past experiance,pls don't ask me more about the problem cos it is like opening a healing wound... So I can say like Paul, "though I am not what I ought to be nor what I wish to be, nor yet what I hope to be, I can truly say I am not what I once was" only can be tell by people! A Little About Me My sign I do not believe in signs and i am 1.62 meters tall,white in colour but prefer red as my favourite colour. I'm a people person...Very warm. . .Giving. . .committed to family. . .Friendly. . . Funny... I think I am Smart. ..ahhhhand hope to be full of charm... Favourite Things My favourite things include my family and my education mostly followed by other interesting things. I have one sister and a brother behind me........Pyjama pants...Towels right out of the dryer... Hobbies and Interests 1 like being at the library or hostel, reading, watching movies, camping, hiking, riding bicycle, and laughing... I don't smoke but at time take alcholic occassionally..........My favourite Quotel)"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own joy." Robert A Hemlin2)"A successful mamage requires falling in love many times--with the same person."3)"Marriage = permanent tag-along"Hope to hear more from you concerning your family and ife experiance and i will send you my picture in my next mail i hope you will send me yours while getting back to me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !extend my greetings to your family. Take care and May God bless you. Yours riter,
This is a project which was started in 1999. It is designed and managed by some volunteers. It is funded by a beer company. Children who went through the Great Hanshin Earth-quake are invited to experience a unique kind of therapy. They play with dolphins, which helps them get over their trauma. It is hoped that more projects like this will follow. の訳をお願いします
hello glad to see yourthanks and good luck interested in my lovely auction. i will ship to japan and i ship by ups. if you send me your zip code ill be more than happy to calulate shipping for you.
THERE was once a little man called Niggle, who had a long journey to make.He did not want to go,indeed the whole idea was distasteful to him;but he could not get out of it. He knew he would have to start some time,but he did not hurry with his preparations. Niggle was a painter. Not a very successful one,partly because he had many other things to do.
This is a project which was started in 1999. It is designed and managed by some volunteers. It is funded by a beer company. Children who went through the Great Hanshin Earth-quake are invited to experience a unique kind of therapy. They play with dolphins, which helps them get over their trauma. It is hoped that more projects like this will follow. の訳をお願いします
With this new problem statement, you can come up with different solutions: curtains, elastic diaphragms, mechanical shutters, or even an air curtain like those used to keep heat in stores or out of freezers.
May 26 was chosen as a day of national apology to the Aborigines. On that day, more than 200,000 people - Aborigines, whites and also many immigrants from other countries - walked across Sydney's Harbour Bridge. They wanted to show that they were making the choice of reconciliation by crossing the bridge together. "Looking different is a beautiful thing," said Cathy in an interview. But it also gave us a real hope that the day will come when the cultures of different peoples come together in harmony.
With this new problem statement, you can come up with different solutions: curtains, elastic diaphragms, mechanical shutters, or even an air curtain like those used to keep heat in stores or out of freezers. がわからないのでどうか訳をお願いします
With this new problem statement, you can come up with different solutions: curtains, elastic diaphragms, mechanical shutters, or even an air curtain like those used to keep heat in stores or out of freezers. がわからないのでどうか訳をお願いします
1.He has preferred doing things for himself to having them done for him more efficiently by someone else, and there are some things that he would rather not be paid for doing.
2.There is one fact that you many as well face now,namely,that the easiest things are rarely the best for you. To overcome disease,famine,poverty, and other misfortunes mankind has been forced by them into thinking out remedies. The harder the suffering, the more it has pushed the mind forward.
For simplicity, lumped parameters, namely rigid masses, linear springs, and viscous dampers, will be assumed unless otherwise stated. Systems possessing these characteristics are called linear systems, and their equations of motion are ordinary linear differential equations. An important property of linear systems is that they follow the principle of superposition. For example, the resultant motion of a linear system due to the simultaneous application of two excitations is a linear combination of the motions due to each of the excitations acting separately. Furthermore, if these parameters are time invariant, the equations become ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients. A brief review of this type of equation is given in Appendix B. In the beginning chapters, the excitation is assumed to be periodic. Nonperiodic excitations will be treated by the Laplace transform method in Chap. 8.
So far we have discussed only systems with rectilinear motion. In the case of systems with rotational motions, the system parameters are (1) the mass moment of inertia of a body J, (2) the torsional spring with spring constant k_t, and (3) the torsional damper with damping coefficient c_t. An angular displacement θ is analogous to a rectilinear displacement x, and an excitation torque T(t) is analogous to an excitation force F(t). The two types of systems are compared as shown in Table 1-1. The comparisonIt is apparent from this comparison that, with the change of units, the discussion on rectilinear systems can be extended to rotational systems. is shown in greater detail in Tables 2-2 and 2-3, pp.50 and 51.
For simplicity, lumped parameters, namely rigid masses, linear springs, and viscous dampers, will be assumed unless otherwise stated. Systems possessing these characteristics are called linear systems, and their equations of motion are ordinary linear differential equations. An important property of linear systems is that they follow the principle of superposition. For example, the resultant motion of a linear system due to the simultaneous application of two excitations is a linear combination of the motions due to each of the excitations acting separately. Furthermore, if these parameters are time invariant, the equations become ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients. A brief review of this type of equation is given in Appendix B. In the beginning chapters, the excitation is assumed to be periodic. Nonperiodic excitations will be treated by the Laplace transform method in Chap. 8.
I hear in the news all these weather destructions happening in Japan and I am really very worried about you, your family and your country.It seems that August and the beginning of September were very difficult for almost all the globe. Let's hope and pray that the rest of the year will be better.I believe that you are aware that we had a bad airplane accident in the suburbs of Athens a few time ago. So, we had our part in that tragic period of time.
If a dynamic system is set into motion by some disturbance and from time equal to zero thereafter no excitation or disturbance is applied, the vibrations are called free vibrations.
Our records show that the credit card you have tied to your ESPN The Magazine and Insider subscription has expired.
In order to ensure continuous service to your account after your renewal date of 09/18/2005, please follow the link below to make sure all of your subscription information is up to dat
I hear that you had elections and that your pry minister is reelected. That is a sign that he was a good leader. Lets hope that he is going to do even more good to Japan. Please, let me know how you are and if everything is O.K. with your family and friends.
綺麗な日本語になりません、どう訳したらいいんでしょうか? Most Japanese are quite happy to invite you home if work requires it but to invite you for a social occasion would be to admit you to the inner circle of their lives, a holy place from which all stranger are necessarily excluded~
>>763 ネットで検索するとすぐ見つかるぞ。ほかの単語はわかるだろ? pedorthics -- the design, manufacture, modification and fit of shoes and foot orthoses to alleviate problems caused by disease, congenital condition, overuse or injury
Ladies and gentlemen, Now we’d like to introduce Hikaru and new Ya-Ya-yah with Kis-my-ft. Let’s get together and let’s exciting. Come on come on, here we go.
On the other side of the fence,critics view globalization more as a slide into chaos that erodes socio-ethical values,and contend that the interdependence wrought by globalization is asymmetrical.
If the character image of the rabbit I drew is of any help to some volunteer activity, I will gladly decline to accept reward. I'll give it away free of charge.
Compared to Americans and Europeans,the salaries of Japanese were rather low, but people appreciated the other benefits and job security they received, and so they felt loyal totheir company―almost like members of a family to a parent. In times of economic downturn,Japanese companies tried to keep all their workers employed.
There is nothing I want more than that you should be happy and contented. There are few experiences quite so satisfactory as getting a good idea. If you choose your friends on the ground that you are virtuous and want virtuous company,you are no nearer to true friendship than if you choose them for commercial reasons. Strangers in London who cannot find their way can never do better than consult a policeman. The Church was certainly corrupt,but she was no more corrupt than the feudal lords.
お願いしますm(__)m Our press and television have dramatized the difficult problems our nation is straining to contain, but they offer little analysis. 特に、our nation is straining to containのところがどういう意味合いかわかりません。。
In New Zealand, where we lived 4 years ago, it was customary to take off your shoes. Not out of respect for the house, but because it rained so much, and your shoes where always muddy. The aim was to keep the mud off the carpets and to keep the floors clean. However, when we entered a Marae (holy ground and meeting place for Maori people, almost like a church) we took our shoes off at the entrance and left them outside. Our shoes where always safe from theives, and people made sure that they did not wear socks with holes in them and that their feet did not have a bad smell. In South Africa, we did not take off our shoes, unless we were requested to, which was never! When we entered a church we would not take our shoes off. If you took your shoes off in South Africa, and left them at the door, you would come back to find them gone - stolen!!! But if we compare the quality and price of shoes in New Zealand to South Africa, they were not able to be compared because the shoes in South Africa were of a much better quality, and cost a lot more.
>>818 違うよ。周りの評価だ。 the extent to which you receive recognition when you do a good job 書き換えると To what extent do you receive recognition (when you do a good job)? いい仕事をしたとき、どの程度の評価を「受けているか」を聞いてるんだよ。
The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it ‘the Riddle House'even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the villaeg,some of its windows boarded,tiles missing from its roof,and ivy apread-ing unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest building for miles around,the Riddle House was now damp,derelict and unoccupied. The Little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was ‘creepy’. Half a century ago,something strange and horrible had happened there,some-thing the that older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times,and had been embroidered in so many places, that mobody was quite sure what the truth was any mone. Every version of the tale,however,started in the same place:fifty years before,at daybreak on a fine summer's morning,when the Riddle House had still been well kept and impressive,and a maid had entered the drawing room to find all three Riddles dead.
これはハリーポッターと秘密の部屋の冒頭らしいです。 Riddleと言うのはリドルと言う人物らしいです。 Little Hangletonと言うのは、この本の中だけの地名らしいです。
お願いしますー! This does not mean they must never think independently or differently, but they must agree upon many things, such as what is fun, what is bad, what is interesting, what is right, what is wrong.
Do you know the copyright of ASCII art becomes a problem in Japan? URL is a site where the problem was brought together. When some advice and the comments can be gotten aiming at the networker in Japan, it is glad. It explains easily. ASCII art has been shared in the community of the bulletin board of the net. The enterprise used uncertain author's ASCII art for the CD promotion. The enterprise is insisting that the character work is making by oneself. The community of the bulletin board is protesting when it is a plagiarism. Because the enterprise is a big sponsor, the mass communication doesn't report it.
I think that sentences are strange because these sentences are the automatic translations of web.
A person observing the occurrence of certain facts and phenomena asks, naturally enough, what kind of operation known to occur in nature applied to the particular case, will unravel and explain the mystery.
>>833 原文は以下の通りで、 what process が抜けてしまっているようです。 A person observing the occurrence of certain facts and phenomena asks, naturally enough, what process, what kind of operation known to occur in Nature applied to the particular case, will unravel and explain the mystery? この文ならば、構造を理解するのは容易だと思います。
>>836 what process もwhat kind of operationも両方known to occur in Natureにかかる訳でしょ。 もし、これが英文解釈の問題だとすればわかりやすくするためにあえてwhat processを外したのでは ないかとすら思える。もちろん写し間違いかもしれないけど。その場合最後の , が問題になるのは ご指摘の通り。そんなとこまで気にしなかった。
will unravel and explain the mystery? の主語は what process と what kind of operation でしょう。
で、known to occur in Nature と applied to the particular case は修飾詞ですね。 まぁ、known to occur in Nature はどうみても what kind of operation を修飾してるのは自明ですが、 やっぱり問題は applied to the particular case がどこにかかってるのかってことですね。
>>844 もろに訳していくとこうなるのでは? certain facts and phenomenaのoccurrenceをobserveする人は、当然のことながら、 自然界でおこることが知られているどのようなprocess、どのようなoperationをその特定の事例 (=certain facts and phenomena)にapplyすると、(certain facts and phenomena の)mysteryを unravel and explainできるかを自問する。
どなたかお願いします。 Europeans have had a lot of practice at this, whose negative aspect has been mentioned repeatedly, namely, that too often they see themselves as teachers and take an arrogant attitude which prevents them from hearing what others are saying.
同じく「Same Thing In Revers」の 2番を和訳して欲しいのです。本当に知りたい!たぶんお忙しいでしょうから 時間をゆっくりとって訳をお願いします
What can you say where do you go Do you want the world to know Make a prison of your fear Be akamikaze queer
Bite my lip hold my tongue Hope I`m not the only one I don`t have to be afraid In God`s image I am made (間奏) Do I love him, yes I love him So don`t question my affection This is not some damn affliction It`s just love in contradiction
お願いします I'll sleep long and well tonight. Because in dreams you're in my sight. And with eyelids shut I'm not lonely anymore, and everything with in the world seems right.
When it comes to clearly defining what the English garden really is, it is not as easy as you might think.
One person will start talking about the kind of flowers a certain garden has, while another will mention the typical flowerpots that another garden has.
Before completing the application, you should be able to answer "Yes" to the following statements by checking the boxes:
Yes, my credit history is clear of bankruptcy. Yes, my credit history is clear of seriously delinquent accounts. Yes, I have NOT been denied credit by Chase within the last 6 months.
Holla back is a very dated term. A rule of thumb: Do not say what you hear in rap. If goto America saying Holla Back as a Japanese, some blacks will probably rob you for being naive. Just a little note. Also, most urban blacks don't even like asians-another thing to remember.
>>897 > I've been a long time that I'm waiting > Been a long that I'm blown > Nick Drakeの Northern Skyの歌詞の一部分です。 > 特にI've been a long timeが上手く訳せません。 > 連なってて混乱しているのですが、どなたか和訳宜しくお願いいたします。
これはたぶんIt's been a long timeをI've beenとミスタイプしたのだろう。 あとは馬鹿どもが訳してくれるから待ってな
I never felt magic crazy as this I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea I never held emotion in the palm of my hand Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree But now you're here Brighten my northern sky.
I've been a long time that I'm waiting I'VE Been a long TIME that I'm blown I've been a long time that I've wandered Through the people I have known Oh, if you would and you could Straighten my new mind's eye.
Would you love me for my money Would you love me for my head Would you love me through the winter Would you love me 'til I'm dead Oh, if you would and you could Come blow your horn on high.
I never felt magic crazy as this I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea I never held emotion in the palm of my hand Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree But now you're here Brighten my northern sky.
Doing meaningless sunshine over and over I’m just a third-rated star covered in blood See the prince on the rocking horse, his polishied face looks cool I’m just gonna spill my guts on you
Under the name of Justice You can’t break my soul * Under the name of Justice Kill yourself Think, you moran Fall out of line you cockroach
Right, left, front, and back, it overflows with despair and pain They say this anger, this emotion, and this passion is all a lie Wither… I’m not even trying to justify myself
The dark dark Sunday, the blood stains You can’t save yourself The dark dark Sunday, the blood stains One day I will fuck your parents *
This is the last time Welcome to the garden of destruction
The night is cold and long The night sky is deep and wide
Death is its second birth. Its first came when it was born into your world and began to manifest through a physical body. The second birth comes when the spirit says farewell to the physical body and continues in unbroken sequence its eternal path on the road of infinite progress. You cannot die. Life is deathless.
So there is the evidence that you, an individual immortal spirit, will continue after the death of your body, and everything that constitutes your individuality will persist. You will have consciousness, awareness, memory, power to reason and to express love, for love is an aspect of the Great Spirit. Love in its highest form is divine, and love too, like life, is deathless.
I came to realize that with single mums, particularly ones who'd been messed around and abandoned by the father of their children, you became by comparison. すみませんおねがいします
I came to realize that by comparison with single mums, you became particularly ones who'd been messed around and abandoned by the father of their children. みたいな感じですかね。
So, tomorrow I leave for a week in Japan. My first trip. I'm not really looking forward to the long flight, but I am looking forward to the shopping...if I have some time. And if I do find the time, you may never hear from me again as I plan to get sucked into the "shoes and things I can't really afford" vortex.
>>963 サンクス!!! You know, you are brilliant. I came to realize that with single mums... ...particularly ones who'd been badly treated... ...and eventually abandoned by the father|of their children, you became by comparison... You are a wonderful person. No, I'm not. こうなってるわけだ。.....がキモで最後の...の後ろに省略があるのでは?あなたは立派だ、といった? ちょっと長過ぎて読む気がしないけど。
I couldn't think of anything to say that would be of any value. Next time he could talk to Zina or a counselor, or anybody capable of something more than an obscenity. をお願いします。
Before completing the application, you should be able to answer "Yes" to the following statements by checking the boxes:
Yes, my credit history is clear of bankruptcy. Yes, my credit history is clear of seriously delinquent accounts. Yes, I have NOT been denied credit by Chase within the last 6 months.