
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/24(水) 16:47:28
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/24(水) 16:47:28
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。
□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。

■スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part101◆
雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 15
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 21
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/01(木) 15:39:06


6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/01(木) 18:01:51
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 08:54:31
jacobit2001: hi
jacobit2001: are u there
orz_www_orz: I'm not here.
jacobit2001: were are u then
orz_www_orz: nowhre
jacobit2001: maybe is only ur mouth that is there
jacobit2001: thats why its only the mouth that is talking
orz_www_orz: asl plz
jacobit2001: a man
jacobit2001: 32 ys
orz_www_orz: where do you live?
jacobit2001: i live in lagos
orz_www_orz: Nigeria
orz_www_orz: /
orz_www_orz: ?
jacobit2001: stright qus stright answer
jacobit2001: yes
orz_www_orz: Are you african?
orz_www_orz: Are you black?
jacobit2001: proudly one
jacobit2001: u ?
orz_www_orz: I am japanese.
jacobit2001: ok
jacobit2001: your sex ?
orz_www_orz: Do you know Japan?
jacobit2001: yes
orz_www_orz: I am male
jacobit2001: thats wonderful
jacobit2001: i love that
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 08:55:12
jacobit2001: i know japan very well
orz_www_orz: Why do you know Japan?
jacobit2001: i have not been there
jacobit2001: but read so much about them
orz_www_orz: I didnt think the internet is available in Nigeria.
jacobit2001: why ?
jacobit2001: the highest internet market in africa
orz_www_orz: I thought Nigeria was a backward nation.
jacobit2001: wat are u talking about
orz_www_orz: About Nigeria.
jacobit2001: u are backward in ur research
orz_www_orz: I dont know about Nigeria.
jacobit2001: certainly u dont
jacobit2001: all the best mobile telephones they make in ur place comes here
orz_www_orz: Do Nigerian people use a mobile telephone?
jacobit2001: all the best of the communication equipments comes here
orz_www_orz: What percentage of people use it?
jacobit2001: more that those in london
jacobit2001: over 80 percent
orz_www_orz: I thought Nigeria was a tribal society.
jacobit2001: and the phny part is that they own more than one
jacobit2001: a people numbring over 200 million
orz_www_orz: Not a savage land?
jacobit2001: the best of every product of the world comes to nigeria
orz_www_orz: Ok
jacobit2001: no no no
jacobit2001: dont be decieved ok ?
jacobit2001: lik i said
orz_www_orz: Ok
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 08:57:48
jacobit2001: the best of all this comes here
orz_www_orz: Ok
jacobit2001: come to talk of cars
jacobit2001: communication
jacobit2001: authomobile parts
jacobit2001: despite all this nigeria is still in the 3rd world country
jacobit2001: so
jacobit2001: i have said much about my country and myself
jacobit2001: now over to u
orz_www_orz: Yes.
orz_www_orz: Japan is safe country.
jacobit2001: wat do u do ?
orz_www_orz: I am a collage student.
jacobit2001: ok
jacobit2001: while am a graduate already
jacobit2001: and doing my own business
orz_www_orz: What was your major?
jacobit2001: business admin and managment
orz_www_orz: Are you a company president?
jacobit2001: my masters in financial studies
jacobit2001: yes
jacobit2001: ceo of my company
orz_www_orz: What does your company do?
jacobit2001: mobile phones
jacobit2001: security equipments
jacobit2001: inportation of second harded cars
jacobit2001: importation
orz_www_orz: a trading company?
jacobit2001: u can say that
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 08:59:22
jacobit2001: but we mainly deal on impoting our goods and saling them
orz_www_orz: Do you deal TOYOTA's car?
jacobit2001: importing and saling here is the best business u can do here in nigeria
jacobit2001: yes
jacobit2001: camry
jacobit2001: 2.1
jacobit2001: 2.2
orz_www_orz: Ok
orz_www_orz: Are you rich in Nigeria?
jacobit2001: i cant praise myself
jacobit2001: thats the last thing i will do
jacobit2001: i cant
orz_www_orz: Ok
jacobit2001: but am just doing fine
jacobit2001: its been a nice time with u
orz_www_orz: me too
jacobit2001: keep working hard
jacobit2001: u will get to the top one day
orz_www_orz: Thank you.
jacobit2001: it all starts today
orz_www_orz: It was nice talking with you.
jacobit2001: the part u lay for urself takes u were u are going
jacobit2001: so take ur time and lay a good one
jacobit2001: dont rush it
jacobit2001: because u cant take it back
orz_www_orz: good bye
jacobit2001: u too
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 09:02:08
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 09:03:17
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:25:59): I am a student.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:33:55): hi,asl?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:34:09): 20/male/Tokyo
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:34:13): your asl?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:34:30): 20,f,USA
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:34:37): are u japanese?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:37:07): yes
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:37:35): thats cool
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:37:46): lol
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:49:09): hi
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:49:25): hey orz
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:49:36): Have you ever masturbated?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:49:44): yup
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:49:55): r u guy or gal
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:49:59): Do you like to masturbate?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:50:15): I am male
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:50:48): Do you shave your underarm hair?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:50:59): yup
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:51:04): Why?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:51:21): u speak english well japanese guy
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:51:39): I like a woman's underarm hair.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:51:56): coz i dont like being hairy
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:52:09): ewe
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:52:12): Then
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:52:24): Do you shave your pubic hair?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:52:30): yup
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:52:36): Really?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:52:59): how old r u,? you sound young
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:53:04): partly?
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 09:04:38
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:53:11): u must not be an adult
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:53:19): Why do you think so?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:53:22): how old r u?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:53:35): I am 20 years old.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:53:36): welll if u were an adult,u would know these things
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:54:13): i dont believe u,even a teenager would no these things
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:54:24): In Japan, women shave their underarm hair but dont shave their pubic hair.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:54:37): interesting
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:55:03): Do you shave your pubic hair completely?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:55:15): like a child
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:55:27): yup,im white,i have to shave
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:55:58): How many times in a week do you shave your pubic hair?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:56:12): once
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:57:27): How do you masturbate?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:57:50): In Japan few women masturbate.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:57:55): omg
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:58:05): ur kidding me!!
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:58:30): find urself a japanese women and find out
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:59:09): How do you masturbate?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 7:59:36): im not going to answer u,go to japan chat and ask
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 7:59:52): Do you like to stimulate your clitoris?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:00:12): How many times in a week do you masturbate?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:00:21): everyday
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:00:31): Really?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:00:42): i dont think ur japanese,u speak english too well
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:00:50): No.
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:00:58): I am poor at English.
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:01:13): then how did u know clitoris?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:01:59): Dictionary
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 09:06:25
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:02:13): cunnilingus
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:02:16): fellatio
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:02:29): sixty-nine
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:02:44): I like these words.
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:02:53): Are you there?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:03:04): Can I see your photo?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:08): no
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:03:08): Are you pretty?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:09): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:10): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:11): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:12): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:13): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:14): no
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:15): no
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:03:26): Can I add you in my buddy list?
bunnyfarm2006 (2005/09/04 8:03:36): no
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:03:57): Please send me your pussy photo.
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:04:06): smooth pussy
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:08:45): hi
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:09:03): I'm sorry.
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:09:09): Are you a student?
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:09:19): I am interested in you.
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:10:03): Ok
orz_www_orz (2005/09/04 8:10:10): See you later.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/04(日) 09:09:15
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 07:42:32
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:21:01): hi
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:21:02): I am from Japan.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:21:10): so?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:21:18): your asl please
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:21:41): 20f
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:21:50): Where do you live?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:22:31): in turkiye
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:23:14): Istambuli?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:23:20): istanbul
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:23:21): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:23:39): Can I see your photo?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:23:50): who are you?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:23:52): asl?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:24:01): 20/Male/Tokyo
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:24:07): ok
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:24:10): wait
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:24:12): My name is Takaaki
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:24:26): mine is gozde
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:25:12): you have photo?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:25:21): No. I am sorry.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:25:42): nah liar
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:25:45): hehe
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:25:48): you are japanese
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:25:51): Yes.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:26:03): how could you didnt took any photo?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:26:21): I dont have my digital camera.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:26:53): you dont?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:26:53): Please show me your photo.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:27:04): what kind of japanese you are?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:27:07): nah i dont believe you
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:27:12): so no photo
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 07:46:11
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:27:13):
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:27:30): first i gotta trust if we talking
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:27:48): Do you have a boyfriend?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:28:11): is it your business?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:28:43): I want to know it.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:29:24): why?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:29:27): What do you do?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:29:36): Are you a student?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:29:42): yes im study
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:29:47): studying
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:29:50): What is your major?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:30:01): animation
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:30:07): animation?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:30:41): yes
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:30:50): fine arts academy/animation
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:30:53): cartoon
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:30:55): heh
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:30:59): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:31:05): Are you a virgin?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:31:11): nah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:31:16): fuck off ok?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:31:28): Do you like sex?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:31:49): its not your business ugly horny but lonely creep
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:31:50): ok?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:32:50): Does a Turkish woman shave their underarm hair?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:33:40): Hi
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:33:45): I am sorry.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:34:01): Come back
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:35:14): nah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:35:22): are you sick or something?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:35:30): No.
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 07:50:29
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:35:31): kinky japanese
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:36:05): Where did you learn
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:36:13): Where did you learn English?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:36:21): high school
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:36:27): my lessons were enlish
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:36:34): all lessons i mean
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:36:35): Are you good at English?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:36:43): dont know
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:37:01): you are beginner right?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:37:37): beginner?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:37:47): for english i meant
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:37:51): Yes.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:37:57): I am poor at English.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:38:03): yes i know
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:38:22): so why you asking psycho questions?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:38:39): psycho?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:38:41): talk kind and grow yourself in english?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:38:55): psycho=pervent person
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:39:26): I want to know you.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:39:46): nah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:39:58): dont ask such like disgusting questions
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:40:27): For example.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:40:28): At what age did your pubic hair start growing?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:40:35): such a question?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:40:44): I like such a question.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:40:44): yes
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:40:48): nah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:40:53): so piss off
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:40:55): ok?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:41:11): ask that questions who like them
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:41:22): dont waste my time
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 07:56:52
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:41:27): I am sorry.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:41:33): you gotta
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:41:46): Do you like japanese animation?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:41:57): Hayao Miyazaki
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:42:06): Do you know him?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:42:13): yes ofcourse
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:42:24): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:42:36): Do you like it?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:43:23): you meaning what?spirited away?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:43:40): yes
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:44:18): yes really wonderful project
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:44:35): Is a Turk good at English?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:44:49): yes so so
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:45:21): Do you want to see my penis?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:45:33): pff
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:45:39): what is pff?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:45:43): you are really sick
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:45:48): No.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:45:53): I am normal
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:46:05): what would i do with your little penis?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:46:07): you tell me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:46:27): No. My penis is big.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:46:32): hahahahahaha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:46:40): you kidding i know
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:46:57): its like joke a japanese saying "my penis is big"
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:47:00): good joke
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:47:23): Have you ever been to Japan?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:47:30): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:47:41): Really?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:47:44): When?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:47:49): last year
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:08:33
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:47:55): Tokyo?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:47:58): in september
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:48:00): yes tokyo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:48:01): Kyoto?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:48:37): Why did you come to Tokyo?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:48:47): for my major
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:48:57): i was school tour
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:02): it was i mean
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:49:11): Where in Tokyo did you go?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:20): animation studios
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:49:32): Jibri?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:49:37): Jiburi?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:40): nah dont remember names
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:48): we didnt care
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:51): hhehe
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:49:55): we just made fun
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:50:18): What do you think of Japanese people?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:51:34): they are kinky,strange,pervent and they have no delectation
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:52:35): and so ordinay
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:52:44): How about Turkish people?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:52:50): ordinary
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:06): nah i have no comment about them
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:53:13): Why?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:13): im not really turk
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:15): half turk
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:53:24): another half?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:36): but we are funny than japanese
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:38): greece
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:53:46): Are you beautiful?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:49): i have good times in here
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:53:54): yes i am
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:14:36
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:54:03): Please send me your photo.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:54:07): no
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:54:09): i wont
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:54:29): Don't you like Japanese people?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:55:09): no i liked a boy japanese
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:55:26): How about a girl in Japan?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:55:41): hahaha they are so bitch
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:56:12): Have you ever talked with Japanese people?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:56:25): little bit
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:56:35): to take something from market
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:56:47): market?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:56:56): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:57:01): What market?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:57:28): food market
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:57:33): hehhe what can be?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:57:57): super market
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:58:00): dont you know?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:58:09): Yes.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:58:15): I know of course.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:58:21): why still asking?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 3:58:34): Have you ever been to Cappadocia?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 3:58:40): yes
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:09): anyway
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:00:18): Turkish men like Japanese girls.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:33): japanese girls too
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:00:39): No.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:41): like ilhan mans?z
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:43): haha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:45): he is so ugly
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:00:53): Who is mansiz?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:00:53): but japanese girl loving him
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:21:06
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:01:02): football player
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:01:06): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:01:10): I see.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:01:37): How many times in a week do you masturbate?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:01:52):
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:02:22): I have an interest.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:02:26): dont
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:02:39): or i'll ignore you
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:02:43): you so boring
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:03:58): Why aren't you open to sex?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:04:08): Are you muslim?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:04:57): yes i am but its not the reason
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:05:21): who da hell are you and you talking about my sex life?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:05:51): I have an interest.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:06:24): so like i said you are lonely horny sick person like other japanese
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:06:56): Why are Japanese people horny?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:07:42): hehe becuz your people have problems about toucking and communication
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:08:33): You have a prejudice.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:09:00): nah i dont
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:09:17): Will you please be more specific?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:09:37): so stop talking nonsense
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:10:00): Do you like PS2?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:10:26): yeah
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:10:29): What is your favorite game?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:10:34): tekken
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:10:53): You are offensive.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:11:02): Are you really a girl?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:11:13): You like to kill a person.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:35:05
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:11:18): hehe
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:11:24): girls cant like?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:11:30): Yes.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:11:55): why?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:12:07): and i love pes4
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:12:13): how about it?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:12:17): what is pes4?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:12:18): and silent hill
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:12:27): pro evolation soccer
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:12:38): It's OK.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:14:32): Do you like American people?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:19:08): nah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:19:18): they are all idiots
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:20:12): You are sarcastic
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:20:16): Why?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:20:54): im perfectionist
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:21:22): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:21:33): You are otaku.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:21:37): haha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:21:41): hahaha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:21:43): me?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:21:50): yes.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:21:53): its sounds like you are otaku
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:21:57): Do you know otaku?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:22:09): im making movie for otaku people
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:22:14): ofcourse idiot
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:22:40): Do you like Akihabara?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:23:50): i didnt gone there
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:24:14): You are otaku, so you like Akihabara.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:24:23): haha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:24:27): look
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:42:05
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:24:45): You are an introverted person.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:24:56): dont push your subconscious often me ok?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:25:29): what?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:25:44): it sounds like you are introverted person
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:25:57): why?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:26:20): you are stonewalling
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:27:30): anway you have job or sometinh?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:27:48): I am a college student.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:27:54): major?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:28:03): mathematics
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:28:07): hahahah
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:28:11): Do you like mathematics?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:28:13): pitty
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:28:36): Mathematics is beautiful.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:23): but mathematicians are being like you
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:27): yes its right
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:33): its really lonely being you
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:34): hahaha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:39): otaku mathematician
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:29:40): hahahaha
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:29:47): No.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:30:04): No lonely.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:30:12): go outside and buy a girl to fuck
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:30:23): it will make you calm down
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:30:24): and normal
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:30:25): ok?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:31:14): I am normal
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:31:43): hahaha
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:31:53): Are you having your period now?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:32:54): You like to stimulate your clitoris very hard.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:33:28): hahah
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:50:27
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:33:41): yes really you are so NORMAL
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:33:57): Do you like fellation?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:34:04): like i said go outside little otaku
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:34:05): Do you like cunnilingus?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:34:32): You had better go outside too.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:35:10): hahahaha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:35:13): hahahahahahahaha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:35:17):
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:35:19):
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:36:40): Do you wear strong glasses?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:37:12): you didnt even had sex for once time with real girl right?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:37:21): Yes.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:37:27): I am a virgin.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:37:45): I am pure.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:37:52): I am clean
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:37:58): hahahah
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:38:07): yes it sounds like
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:38:32): you can be virgin and clean but you are not pure sick bastard
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:39:01): You are not popular with boys.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:39:12): You must be otaku.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:39:35): You are gloomy.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:39:48): hehe ok tell me your life
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:39:51): go on
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:39:54): im listening
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:40:33): You are not nice-looking.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:40:57): So you don't show me your photo.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:41:01): and then?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:41:14): im so beatiful for you be sure
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 08:56:57
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:41:24): but you so loser for to show
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:41:32): You masturbate everyday alone.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:41:38): hahaha go on
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:42:30): Do you have big breasts?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:42:56): hahah what happened?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:43:39): Please tell me your body size.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:43:51): haha loser
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:44:20): you satisfy yourself like this way
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:44:22): pitty
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:44:25): poor boy
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:44:52): Do you like cybersex?
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:45:36): haha no
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:45:43): but you like i know
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:45:51): you doing sex just cyber way
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:46:49): Please show me your wet pussy.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:46:58):
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:47:04): dont cross the line
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:47:43): Now I am masturbating.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:47:49): Please send your picture.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:48:22): LOSER LOSER
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:48:30): LOOK YOU MAMA'S PICTURE
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:48:33): LOSER LOSER
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:48:55): fuck your own mother
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:48:57): haha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:49:01): kinky loser
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:49:16): You are vulgar.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:49:21): dirty
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:50:22): and you masturbating with you monitor
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:50:24): haha
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:51:09): i dont want you in my list
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:51:16): Why?
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 09:02:36
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:51:24): hahah think why?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:51:52): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:52:00): Good bye.
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:52:12): yes
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:52:18): goodbye loser
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/05 4:52:30): good bye pussy girl
pipabelievespipa (2005/09/05 4:52:55): goodbye dick head psycho
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/05(月) 18:58:47
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 00:50:31
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 02:41:23
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:38:18
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:36:33): Nothing
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:36:54): what is your name
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:37:03): Takaaki
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:37:21): mys indiana
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:37:39): how old are u
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:37:42): 20
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:37:56): am 15
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:37:59): are you female or male?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:38:31): gal
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:38:34): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:38:42): What is your nationality?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:38:52): and uare
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:39:24): uare = you are?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:39:56): are u a gal or boy
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:40:22): of course male
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:40:41): and am from D R
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:40:49): D R?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:41:03): YES
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:41:10): What is D R?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:42:09): SHPIN
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:42:30): Am for prov
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:42:38): SHPIN?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:42:44): What is SHPIN?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:43:38): damca
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:44:22): What is damca?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:44:28): oooooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:45:43): Is damca a name of a country?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:46:20): brb
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:46:31): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:49:42): hi
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:49:58): Is damca a name of a country?
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:39:40
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:49:59): hi what
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:50:14): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:50:29): I cannot find "damca" in my dictionary.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:51:58): Do you have a boyfriend?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:52:20): D R is a spanish country
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:52:28): Ok.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:52:39): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:53:05): Are you a virgin?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:53:18): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:53:31): Have you ever masturbated?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:53:52): what
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:54:23): why are u as
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:54:41): I want to know you.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:54:48): ooooooooooo
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:55:19): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:55:34): Do you shave your underarm hair?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:55:50):
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:55:58): yes
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:56:05):
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:56:13): do you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:56:37): No.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:56:40): I am male.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:57:00): so
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:57:04): At what age did your pubic hair start growing?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:57:34): 11
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:57:44): Oh too early
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:58:04): Do you like to stimulate your clitoris?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:58:34): what
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:58:45): what is this
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 7:59:13): Do you like masturbation?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 7:59:58): nooooooooooooooo
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:44:51
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:00:04): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:00:16): Are you pretty?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:00:33): yeah
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:00:43): Can I see your photo?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:01:29): can i see yours frist
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:01:53): Oh I am sorry, but I don't have my photo.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:02:29): do u have webcam
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:02:48): sorry, don't have a webcam.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:03:15): will u can see me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:03:55): I want to see you.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:04:05): u can
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:04:11): How?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:04:26): how what
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:04:38): How can I see you?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:04:55): if i see you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:05:00): Yes.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:05:06): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:05:31): You don't want to see me your photo?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:05:44): Is it ok?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:06:03): ok for what
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:06:38): Are you having your period now?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:07:50): see me
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:08:36): you see me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:08:45): I can't see you.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:09:38): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:09:45): I can see you.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:09:47): can you seee me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:09:54): You are very pretty.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:10:35): Who is behind you?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:10:44): Is your mother?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:10:51): my brother
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:48:22
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:48:33
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:10:56): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:11:18): You are very pretty.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:11:29): thank u
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:11:44): i what to see u
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:11:57): I am sorry.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:12:12): for what
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:12:26): I don't have my webcam.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:12:38): I don't have my pic.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:12:46): want can i see you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:13:36): I am sorry.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:13:50): Are you popular with boys?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:14:37): yes am take wat 5 boys now
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:15:56): Do you live in Spain?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:16:14): yes
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:17:47): Do you know Japan?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:17:55): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:18:26): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:19:11): Have you ever been to Madrid?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:19:26): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:19:33): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:20:20): Do you know Antonio Gaudi?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:20:36): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:20:48): Do you know Picasso?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:20:59): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:21:05): Really?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:21:24): yesp
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:21:57): Picasso is a famous spanish painter.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:22:26): ooooooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:23:11): What is your favorite subject in school?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:23:58): home ec
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:24:49): What time is it now there?
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 08:49:44
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:25:15): 7 30
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:25:39): Oh.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:25:49): You don't live in Spain.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:26:26): las floas
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:27:16): What does "las floas" mean?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:27:37): 7:30 pm or 7:30 am?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:27:47): the water
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:28:07): 7 30 pm
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:28:12): oh
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:28:14): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:28:43): You live in south america.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:28:46): Ok?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:29:34): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:29:40): Oh.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:29:59): But it is 7:30 pm in south america.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:30:21): And it is not 7:30 pm in Spain.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:30:38): in her at is
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:31:31): What does "in her at is" mean?
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:32:15): the time is 730pm
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:32:25): Yes.
handfield47 (2005/09/06 8:32:33): buy
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:33:00): Are you busy?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/06 8:33:54): good bye
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 15:55:18
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 17:15:53
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 17:21:10
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/06(火) 23:51:15
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     .||              ||
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 17:24:49
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:02:57
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:40:40): hi
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:40:50): u r from?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:40:55): Japan
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:41:02): Tokyo
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:41:30): do usee tokyo japan
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:41:52): tokyo ghost story
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:42:01): Movie?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:42:20): or drama
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:42:32): Where are you from?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:42:48): malaysia
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:42:56): Are you female?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:43:02): yes
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:43:05): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:43:11): I am male
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:43:23): really
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:43:27): Yes
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:43:39): i thought u r f
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:43:43): No.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:43:50): How old are you?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:43:56): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:44:01): 20
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:44:38): do u hav ur picture
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:44:44): No.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:44:50): I'm sorry.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:45:01): never mine
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:45:12): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:45:17): How old are you?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:45:17): do u see that
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:45:51): still young but cannot tell the age
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:45:56): Why?
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:04:02
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:46:53): under 15?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:47:11): i think so
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:47:48): Do you live in Kuala Lumpur?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:48:25): no
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:48:31): y?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:48:58): It is a capital.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:49:21): how did u kno
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:50:01): It is well-known city.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:50:33): do u see that tokyo ghost story???
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:50:38): No.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:51:14): Are you chinese or malayan?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:51:36): chinese
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:52:11): What language do you speak in Malaysia?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:53:54): chinese/malay/english(sometimes japanese/korean only with sister)
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:54:11): That's great.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:54:27): You are intelligent?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:54:41): medium
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:54:50): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:54:58): no.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:55:03): y
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:55:32): nihongo wakarimasuka?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:56:03): means
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:56:08):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:56:15): Can you speak Japanese?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:56:35): some
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:56:41): easy one
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:56:42): For example
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:56:45): ?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:56:49): ohayo
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:56:54): easiest
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:05:36
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:46:21): because i'm still young
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:56:58): Ok.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:57:22): ohayo=good morning
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:57:22): What is your favorite subject in school?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:57:25): Yes.
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:57:46): science
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:57:54): Physics?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:58:15): means
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:58:20): Chemistry?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:58:41): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:58:51): Don't you know Physics?
sandy low (2005/09/07 16:59:08): can u tell more about it
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 16:59:37): In my english dictionay.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:00:24): where is it
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:00:30): Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity, and electricity, and the way that they affect objects.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:00:33): r u there
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:00:45): Yes.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:01:05): Do you like mathematics?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:01:15): yes
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:01:30): I study mathematics in a university.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:01:42): wat time is now at there
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:01:56): It is 17:01.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:02:19): when u in primary school u don't study it?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:02:19): Is it 16:02 there?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:02:40): how do u kno
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:03:06): it's right
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:03:37): I learned arithmetic in a primary school.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:03:44): not mathematics.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:04:02):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:04:06): Are you pretty?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:04:56):
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:07:36
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:05:46): r u handsome
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:05:51): No.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:06:10): then my ans is no
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:06:17): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:06:26):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:06:33): Do you have a boyfriend?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:06:43): no
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:06:44): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:06:55): I have a girlfriend.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:07:20): do u hav a girlfrien
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:07:24): Yes.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:07:46): u r still study or not
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:08:17): ur girlfriend pretty or not????
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:08:28): pretty
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:08:43): do u hav her picture
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:08:48): Yes.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:08:53): where
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:08:59): Please see my profile.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:09:10): in
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:09:44): where
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:10:02): Don't you know how to view my profile?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:12:10): http://profiles.yahoo.com/satomi_ishihara_1986?intl=us&os=win&ver=7,0,0,426
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:12:12): i don't see it
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:12:47): Click on the link.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:13:39): Can you see my profile?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:14:34): no
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:14:42): Why?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:14:47): Just click.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:14:49): u r female?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:14:53): No.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:15:22): u r boy/man
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:09:10
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:15:59): Yes.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:16:20): pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/satomi_ishihara_1986/album?.dir=/8319
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:16:37):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:17:10): Are you there?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:17:23): y she looks sad
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:17:33): No.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:17:41): Is she pretty?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:17:56): u "buli "her
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:18:09): what is buli?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:18:45): means make her cry
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:18:55): No.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:19:12):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:19:29): Do you shave your underarm hair?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:20:12): I heard that chinese women didn't shave their underarm hair.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:21:25): Are you there?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:22:01): Please answer my question.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:23:00): no
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:23:20): cause i don't like money
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:23:47): b
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:23:49):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:23:50): Do you shave your underarm hair?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:23:56):
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:23:56): wat means underarm hair
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:24:12): Why don't you know the meaning?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:24:24): 腋毛
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:25:02): for more information??
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:25:45): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:25:52): Just a moment please.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:27:04): http://himitu.site.ne.jp/sonoko/04_5_19_01.jpg
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:27:15): Please see the above link.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:28:27):
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:12:03
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:28:30): Are you there?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:28:58): wat's that
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:29:06): is that u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:29:10): No.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:29:16): then
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:29:22): underarm hair
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:29:38):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:29:52): Ok
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:30:02): i don't have that
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:30:07): I don't want to answer the question.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:30:34): whish question
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:31:02): "Do you shave your underarm hair?"
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:31:16): no
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:31:28): Really.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:31:29): ?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:31:58):
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:32:14): i mean i don't have that underarm hair
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:32:22): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:32:44): Then you don't have your pubic hair too?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:33:09): pubic hair???
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:33:21): Yes.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:33:40): wat's that
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:34:13): Pubic means relating to the area just above a person's genitals.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:34:25): Ok?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:34:56): pubic hair = pussy hair
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:34:57): Ok?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:35:04): not understanding
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:35:09): Why?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:35:39): pussy hair like
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:35:42): wat
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:35:58): Don't you know the meaning of "pussy"?
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:15:04
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:36:09): Do you have a english dictionary?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:36:26): yes
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:36:49): pussy = sex organs - genitals
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:37:01): Do you understand?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:37:05): clearly
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:37:19): Then,
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:37:26): easyly
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:37:37): tell me the easier
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:37:37): you don't have your pubic hair too?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:37:50): wat's that
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:38:14):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:38:15):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:38:16):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:38:17):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:38:17):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:39:00): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:39:16): You don't want to answer the question.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:39:21): right?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:39:29):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:40:27): By the way,
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:40:43): i don't understand wat mean of "pussy hair "how i wan to ans
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:19): Please search the word "pussy" by Google.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:35):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:36):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:36):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:37):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:41:37):
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:41:59): send me that pic see weather i understand or not
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:42:23): Ok.
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:44:06): where is it
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:44:14): Just a moment
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:17:29
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:46:07): got it???
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:48:22): got????
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:48:25): http://www.pennhealth.com/ency/imagepages/9073.htm?articleID=003975
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:48:38): Please see above
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:49:02): Ok?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:49:08): Do you understand?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:49:45): not yet see
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:49:48):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:49:50): why?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:50:47): i'm seeing
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:51:00): Ok?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:51:57): repeat the question
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:52:18): Do you have your pubic hair?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:52:28): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:52:45): Of course
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:52:47): Yes
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:52:50):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:52:52): U?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:53:04): yes
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:53:20): Really?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:53:36): y
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:53:52): At what age did your pubic hair start growing?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:54:00): u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:06): 12 years old.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:13): u?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:54:26): i'm too
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:31): Ok.
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:34):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:35):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:35):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:35):
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:20:40
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:36):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:36):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:54:44): Do you know Kanji?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:54:54): y did u remember all that
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:54:59): no
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:55:15): kancil i kno
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:55:47): You know?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:55:51): 漢字
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:56:02): means
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:56:15): chinese character
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:56:39): no
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:56:46): wat's that
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:08):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:09):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:11):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:12):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:13):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:14):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:15):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:18):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:20):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:20):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:21):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:21):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:22):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:22):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:22):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:23):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:23):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:24):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:24):
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:21:16
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:24):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:25):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:25):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:26):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:26):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:27):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:46):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:46):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:47):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:48):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:48):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:49):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:49):
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:57:50):
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:58:15): how many a's did u got when u r 12 years old for ur upsr examination
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:58:21): Are you at home now?
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:58:27): yes
sandy low (2005/09/07 17:58:37): how many a's
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 17:59:07): Many a's
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:00:02): how many
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:00:05): Are you 12 years old?
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:00:16): I forgot that.
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:00:25): how many a's u got
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:00:46): remember clerly plzzz
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:01:12): I'm sorry, but cann't.
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:01:32): when would u online again
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:01:44): tomorrow
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:01:51): time
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:02:02): I don't know the time.
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:02:28): morning afternoonor night
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:02:40): night
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 20:23:11
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:02:53): 9.000
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:01): or
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:07): 10.00
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:16): or
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:17): ....
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:03:28): after 19:00
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:48): then see u tomorrow
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:52): gtg
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:03:52): Ok
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:03:57): bye
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:03:57): Thank you bye.
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:04:05): nice to meet u
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:04:13): nice to meet you too
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:04:22): bye
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:04:26): bye
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:04:34): bye bye
sandy low (2005/09/07 18:06:03): bye!bye!
satomi_ishihara_1986 (2005/09/07 18:06:11): bye
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 21:27:33
このスレ いいかも
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 23:38:50
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/10(土) 16:10:50
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:08:05): hi
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:08:47): hi
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:08:48): yes i am
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:09:10): I am from Japan
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:09:20): 20 male tokyo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:09:26): your asl please
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:09:38): 23 f singapore
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:09:47): Oh
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:10:00): Are you pretty?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:10:18): i dont know
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:10:21): you tell me
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:10:28): my pic in profile
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:10:33): do you have one?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:10:35): Thank you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:10:53): I have my pic.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:11:12): may i see
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:11:18): Can you see me?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:11:29): i see ya
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:11:44): you look silly in that pic
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:11:46): IoI
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:11:48): You are very beautiful.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:11:56): thank you
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:12:02): you look nice too
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:12:06): No.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:12:09): I am not.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:12:26): well i would never judge a book by its cover
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:12:30):
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:12:46): you are the nicest person in the room
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:13:04): Thank you. Are you a model?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:13:43): model?? no..
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:13:51): i'm too short to be a model
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/10(土) 16:11:29
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:13:53): IoI
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:14:09): What is a soft spot for animals?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:14:29): nothing
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:14:48): i just saw that line on a t-shirt
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:14:51):
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:14:58): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:15:20): What language do you speak in Singapore?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:12): english
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:15): chinese
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:18): mandarin
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:21): malayan
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:16:35): Can you speak all that languages?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:44): only english and malayan
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:16:56): i cant speak chinese/ mandarin
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:17:05): Ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:17:23): Are you married?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:17:31): not yet
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:17:43): Do you have a boyfriend?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:17:43): and you?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:17:50): I am not yet.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:18:00): not right now, i just broke up
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:18:15): You are so sexy.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:18:22): blushing
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:18:27): thank you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:18:44): You have big breasts.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:18:52): big??
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:18:55): IoI
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:18:58): Yes.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:19:00): i dont think soo
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:19:07): they're small
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:19:13): well asian are small right
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/10(土) 16:12:05
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:19:15): IoI
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:19:36): Do you like sex?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:19:50): sure
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:19:55): Oh
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:20:01): its humanly
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:20:38): Have you ever had an orgasm?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:20:48): IoI
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:20:55): its a silly question
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:21:07): everybody had it
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:21:17): Really?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:21:40): well, i think so
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:21:49): have you
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:22:15): I am a virgin.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:22:42): IoI
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:22:45): you're kidding!!
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:23:00): So I want to have sex with girls.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:23:34): well, its your choice
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:23:37): have fun then
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:23:47): but safe sex
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:23:54): Yes.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:24:08): good
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:24:18): Have you ever masturbated?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:24:30): I like masturbation.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:24:38): I masturbate everyday.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:24:41): sure i have
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:24:43): IoI
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:24:50): good
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:24:57): How many times in a week do you masturbate?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:25:11): well not much
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:25:45): I masturbate 2 or 3 times in a day.
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:25:50): wow
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/10(土) 16:15:44
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:26:40): Do you shave your underarm hair?
sophia_rosario_v (2005/09/10 15:26:52): sure
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 15:27:23): Do you shave your pubic hair too?
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/10(土) 16:17:51

興味のある人はYahoo! Americaで彼女のプロフィールを検索

60名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:37:50
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:21:44): hi
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:21:51): hello
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:21:54): hello
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:22:04): your asl please
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:22:29): 19 f pak
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:22:32): ur aasl
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:22:38): 18 m tokyo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:23:21): where in paki do you live?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:23:38): karachi
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:23:47): I know the name.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:24:26): What do you do?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:25:08): im a student of computer science
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:25:15): oh good
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:25:23): and u
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:25:33): and wht do u do
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:25:39): I study mathematics in a university.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:25:47): Do you like algorithm?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:26:06): i like it
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:26:06): ya
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:26:31): Do you like mathematics?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:26:45): ya i like mathematics
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:27:00): Do you know Donald Knuth?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:27:13): noo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:27:34): He is the most famous computer scientist in the world.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:28:44): What subject in computer science do you like?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:28:59): i dont knw
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:28:59): thx to inform me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:29:08): yw
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:29:37): can i see you?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:30:27): noo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:30:32): why?
61名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:38:50
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:30:36): i like progrmamming ................
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:30:43): bcz i dont have web cam
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:30:47): and no pic in my pc
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:30:53): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:31:14): C language?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:31:17): Java?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:31:37): c language
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:31:42): Ok.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:32:11): Do you study discrete mathmatics?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:32:28): ya
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:32:33): i study
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:32:45): do u knw it?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:32:49): yes
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:33:04): do u help me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:33:07): yes
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:33:11): to solve some problems i
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:33:16): thx
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:33:23): yw
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:33:44): what color is your hair?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:34:10): and your eye?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:35:52): wht r u asking me these questions
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:36:01): any color u suppose
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:36:13): do you dislike such a question?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:36:27): I want to know you.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:37:06): if u want to knw me then is it neccessary to ask this question
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:37:33): ok if i tell u the answer of these Q..........u suppose u will knw me
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:38:04): ?????????
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:38:44): have you ever been to afghanistan?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:39:21): nooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:40:07): have you ever been to the Silk Road?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:40:26): noo
62名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:40:12
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:41:17): do you have a boyfriend?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:41:27): nooooooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:41:31): why?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:41:40): aren't you popular with boys?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:42:46): u lived in pakistan??
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:43:09): no
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:43:17): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:43:49): do you hide your hair by a cloth?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:45:25): are you at home now?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:45:51): yes
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:45:59): im at home
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:46:08): hide?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:46:24): i hide my head by a cloth
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:46:30): ohhhhhhhhh
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:46:36): you are muslim
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:47:14): Do you believe religion?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:47:59): 100% beleive
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:48:03): in religion
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:48:06): r u muslim??
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:48:08): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:48:17): I don't believe any god.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:48:45): most japanese don't believe any god.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:49:08): why r u not beleive any god
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:49:58): Is there an evidence of god?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:50:30): everything in this universe is the evidence of god
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:50:41): give me any prove
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:50:49): of not the existence of Allah
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:51:58): then why don't you believe Christinaity?
63名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:41:05
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:52:13): There are many religions in the world.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:52:25): Why are you muslim?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:52:57): i just want to ask u why r u dont beleive on any god
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:52:58): then we discuss types n beleives in religion
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:53:46): What is your definition of god?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:54:02): I don't know it.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:54:13): the universt = god?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:54:42): no
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:55:06): the god has the all power.................he is the creator of the universe
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:55:06): if universe = god, then I would believe god.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:55:22): Where is he?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:55:29): He is like a human?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:56:09): nno
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:56:25): he is all alone...............
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:56:27): we cant see him
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:56:47): he is not visible ..............he ios not like the human
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:57:05): he is every where in the world
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:57:09): ok
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:57:23): the god of Christianity = the god of Islam?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:57:28): let think................
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:57:49): why sun rises frpom the east everyday ..............not from west
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:57:57): who is controlling it?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:03): wht r u saying about this fact
64名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:42:17
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:08): noo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:58:24): why do you believe Islam?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:58:37): but why don't you believe Christianity?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:41): but
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:41): in christianity........there r 3 gods
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:43): the fact is that the god is all; alone
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:58:45): he is one
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 18:59:00): Why is he one?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:59:03): bcz islam is the religion of nature
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:59:15): im giving u a example
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:59:20): listen
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:59:44): if in a country there r 2 government or more tahn tweo
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 18:59:48): then wht will happen
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:10): there is confusion is decision malking for the country
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:11): but we see
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:13): observe that
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:21): in this wrld
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:22): everything is perfect
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:29): sun always rises fron the east
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:00:39): raining is always fron the sky
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:06): days r always 24 hrs from the very begining
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:08): all thesse proves that
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:22): there is something
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:29): there is some power
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:50): who is controlling all the phenomena
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:01:57): understand?>
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:02:01): you are mad.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:02:02): do u ahve any confusiion
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:02:06): then just let me knw
65名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:43:37
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:02:08): why
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:02:27): not scientific
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:02:53): It's just a fabrication.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:03:06): every prove which i m goiving to u its scientific
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:03:13): ok
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:03:35): just give me some examples or proves that these r not scientfic
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:03:51): no evidence
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:04:27): why don't you believe christianity?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:04:37): Please explain
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:05:45): bcz they beleive 3 gods..................but islam says there is only one god..........no body can interfere in His work
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:05:58): i just give u an example
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:06:40): we belv HAZRAT ESA AS as a prophet of god but they belv that He is the son of Allah
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:07:12): Allah is free from any sublings..........any wife..............any childrens.........any type of relation ship.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:07:15): he is isolated
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:07:46): nobody is equal to him
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:07:53): u wnt any prove to this?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:08:21): you are mad.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:08:26): By the way,
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:08:46): u prove me its contradiction
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:09:20): helloooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:09:26): Do you like Osama (Usama) bin Ladin(Laden)?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:09:47): ya i like him
66名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:44:53
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:09:55): Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:09:58): Really?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:10:07): You dislike America?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:10:56): no
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:11:17): i dislike the policies of Amerca
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:11:38): do you like sex?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:12:04): noooooooooooo
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:12:05): i m a muslim
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:12:14): and muslim dont like any sex
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:12:17): a true muslim
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:12:34): but there are many children in paki.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:12:36): why?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:12:45): because they like sex.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:12:58): they have sex everyday.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:13:11): nooooooooo
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:13:17): i am saying a true muslim hate this
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:13:53): the people who do this has a weak beleive in islam
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:14:20): so they inspire fronm non muslims and try to do each n every thing that they do
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:15:04): then you don't have sex throughout your life?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:15:33): hellooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:15:36): hello
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:15:48): then you don't have sex throughout your life?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:16:20): no children throughout your life?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:16:23): *have
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:16:23): thats it
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:16:23): nooooooo................islam only allows to ahve marriage
67名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:46:06
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:17:28): a virgin cant involve himself/herslf in these sexy activites
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:18:13): you must be sexually frustrated.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:18:14): hayyyyyyyyyy
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:18:25): noooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:18:31): you are a liar.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:18:39): we never sexual frustrated
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:18:45): im telling a truth
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:18:53): related to a true muslim
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:19:08): i think
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:19:14): u met only a so called muslims
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:19:14): not a real muslim
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:19:18): is it so?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:19:26): ?????????
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:19:39): don't you have a sexual desire?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:20:28): nooooooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:20:36): you are a liar.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:20:53): our religion dont allow it
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:20:58): we have no desire like this
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:21:02): i m not a lair
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:21:20): a true muslim never b a lair
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:21:25): understand?????????
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:21:44): even man don't masturbate?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:22:12): I masturbate everyday.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:22:29): sometimes 2 or 3 times in a day.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:23:09): r u mad?????????????????????????????
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:23:13): no
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:23:21): natural desire
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:23:27): but im sure u r mad
68名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:47:30
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:23:46): either wrong or right
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:23:56): u dont make any decision by ur thinking
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:24:03): wht is roight or wht is wrong
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:24:10): our religion is perfect
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:24:51): it learns us how to keep control our desires
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:25:25): and this the main difference in islam and other religions
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:25:26): when u entered in islam
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:25:42): u dont have any type of feelings like this
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:27:03): a man's wet dream is permitted?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:27:06): or even if u read bookof islam(QURAN pak) then u can eeasily understand how TO KEEP control
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:27:53): quran is the book of Allah
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:28:09): a man's wet dream is permitted in Islam?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:28:39): wet dream??wht is meant by wet dream
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:29:00): In my english dictionary.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:29:26): noooooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:29:36): If a man has a wet dream, he has a dream about sex which causes him to h
69名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 19:48:06
ave an orgasm while he is asleep.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:29:44): islam never ever permit it
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:30:20): but a man's wet dream is the needs of the body.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:31:12): are you pretty?
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:31:29): noooooooo
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:31:39): you are ugly
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:32:15): i dont knw............. but the fact is that islam control our desires
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:32:43): u dont want to understand about any religion specially islam
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:32:55): I want to teach you sexual pleasure.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:33:20): Do you know how to masturbate?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:33:39): It is very good to stimulate your clitoris.
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:33:42): but i hate this ..........i never ever want to
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:33:43): knw oit
midhat_akhtar (2005/09/10 19:33:47): just go to helllllllllllll
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:34:00): stimulate your clitoris hard
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:34:09): it is good
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:34:17): sexual pleasure
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:34:38): are your pussy wet now?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:34:52): my penis is big.
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:35:01): do you want my big penis?
a_japanese_man_2005 (2005/09/10 19:35:17): do you want to have sex with me?
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 21:55:59

jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
my dear
jonny の発言 :
how are you ?
unko の発言 :
im fine thank you~~
jonny の発言 :
am cool
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
i wanna know more about you
unko の発言 :
ok...do you know what kind of me?
unko の発言 :
ahh...I not good at english...ahaha
jonny の発言 :
no ,,,,,but with hope very soon i will know about you very well
jonny の発言 :
do you think so ?
jonny の発言 :
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 21:56:34
unko の発言 :
thankyou ...yesyes
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
hope you like black man ?
unko の発言 :
do you have your picture
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
and you ?
unko の発言 :
black?...it's Slightness

unko の発言 :
i like yellow monky
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :

unko の発言 :
yeah yeah
jonny の発言 :
pls can i see your cam ?
unko の発言 :
sorry i don't have web cam
jonny の発言 :
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 21:59:07
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
you have pics ?
unko の発言 :
pict of me?
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
send to me please
unko の発言 :
ok please wait
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
unko の送信 :
jonny の発言 :
ok my dear, wait i want to change system so that you will see my cam. 2 minutes ok?
unko の発言 :
I took now!
unko の発言 :
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:00:11
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
i see you very beauthful
jonny の発言 :
pls wait
jonny の発言 :
i want to change
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
hijonny の発言 :
can you see me ?
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
yes yes yes]111[
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
IT's real!!!!!
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:00:31
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:01:11
unko の発言 :
The webcamera is terrible.
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
do you like me ?
unko の発言 :
youare blakguy??
unko の発言 :
waa!!! kiss me!!!!
unko の発言 :
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
you kiss me too ,
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
please. tell me true
jonny の発言 :
are you married ?
unko の発言 :
hahaha that's joke
unko の発言 :
Im single
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
am single too
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:01:44
unko の発言 :
yes I know
jonny の発言 :
very good
unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
hope you will marry black man ?
unko の発言 :
I don't know!]
jonny の発言 :

unko の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
my pray is to meet a very nice lady that i will marry
unko の発言 :
hahaha good
jonny の発言 :
if you good for me,,,,, then we will talk about that
jonny の発言 :
ok ?
unko の発言 :
ahhh please here one
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:02:44
unko の発言 :
Are we friends OK?
jonny の発言 :
right now i think
jonny の発言 :
but when time goes on
jonny の発言 :
we will marry
jonny の発言 :

unko の発言 :
All men say thoughtlessly like that. I am not a tool.

jonny の発言 :
i think we can mary when time goes on ?
jonny の発言 :
why you think like that ?
jonny の発言 :
is also in woman
jonny の発言 :
but pray one day GOD will give you . your own person
unko の発言 :
All men in Turkey are the same as you. I am regrettable.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 22:04:18
jonny の発言 :
like how ?
jonny の発言 :
i cant realy understand you
jonny の発言 :
do you know me before ?
unko の発言 :
They think a Japanese woman to be a tool.
unko の発言 :

jonny の発言 :
you realy makes me feel some how right now
jonny の発言 :
i cant undestand your talking
jonny の発言 :
if you have met some one from turkey
jonny の発言 :
that treats you bad ... not thats all
jonny の発言 :
i have also met one woman from japan that treats me very badly,
jonny の発言 :
and that does not mean that i will say bad of all japanese woman
unko の発言 :
ahhPlease let me question on one....
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
Do you hope for the friend?or other?
jonny の発言 :
ok,,, thanks for your question
jonny の発言 :
i think we are friends rigt now
jonny の発言 :
but.......from being a good friend we can marry if is will of GOD
jonny の発言 :
unko の発言 :
very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy NO!!
jonny の発言 :
BECOS, my farther married my mom. from friendship
jonny の発言 :

unko の発言 :
I go home!!!!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jonny の発言 :
jonny の発言 :
if you go,