Coreen and japan is waring server. A day when japan is about to attak to Coreen, in mistak japon attakedd to Igiris server. I apologized to Igiris for miss-shooting. Japon is bery sorry.
48>> We are so sorry for the DDOS attacks which probably cause your server down the other day, but let us explain why this happend.
Of course you do not know the situation, but right now, a Korean web terror group called "VANK" and some Japanese internet user called "VIPPER" are in the middle of cyber war, and some of the VIPPER were misread by the VANK's terrorists to do DDOS to your IP address. Now, VIPPERS, are all feel so sorry our mistakes and we all know the correct target and will never ever attack your IP address again. Please have a guiness if we faild again :)
We are writing this mail to sincerely apologise for the huge numbers of illegal accesses to your computer server we made earlier. Accidentally we had been trying to access an wrong IP address and as a result of that, we imposed a heavy load to your computer server. We should have made sure the IP address we had accessed to avoid such happening and would like to inform you that we have never intended to disturb your work. Again, we are very sorry for what we have done to your server.
I'm sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to that server first of all. We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we Japanese try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I'm sorry really. From Japan.
I'm sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to that server first of all. We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we Japanese try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I'm sorry really. From Japan.
壱・I'm sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to that server first of all. We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we Japanese try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I'm sorry really.
弐・It apologizes sincerely to the start for our having given a lot of illegal accesses to that server. It cyber fights in South Korea and Japan now though it is not thought that it knows. When we day books started attacked the server of South Korea, the setting of IP was mistaken, and Britain was put away by the construction of a certain country as a server attack contrast. I apologize to irrelevant your country for the server attack. I'm sorry really.
参・We are writing this mail to sincerely apologise for the huge numbers of illegal accesses to your computer server we made earlier. Accidentally we had been trying to access an wrong IP address and as a result of that, we imposed a heavy load to your computer server. We should have made sure the IP address we had accessed to avoid such happening and would like to inform you that we have never intended to disturb your work. Again, we are very sorry for what we have done to your server.
壱・I'm sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to that server first of all. We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we Japanese try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I'm sorry really.
弐・We are writing this mail to sincerely apologise for the huge numbers of illegal accesses to your computer server we made earlier. Accidentally we had been trying to access an wrong IP address and as a result of that, we imposed a heavy load to your computer server. We should have made sure the IP address we had accessed to avoid such happening and would like to inform you that we have never intended to disturb your work. Again, we are very sorry for what we have done to your server.
>>165 壱・I'm sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to that server first of all. We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we Japanese try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I'm sorry really. これはどう?
First of all I am sorry that we give a lot of illegal accesses to your server . We are cyber fighting in South Korea and Japan now though you might not know. We have made a mistake in the setting of IP when we try to attack the server of South Korea. We have cyberattacked Britain for that. I am sorry for cyberattacking irrelevant Britain. I am sorry really. We promise that we will never attack you.
We are writing this mail to sincerely apologise for the huge numbers of illegal accesses to your computer server we made earlier. Accidentally we had been trying to access an wrong IP address and as a result of that, we imposed a heavy load to your computer server. We should have made sure the IP address we had accessed to avoid such happening and would like to inform you that we have never intended to disturb your work. Again, we are very sorry for what we have done to your server. We promise that we will never attack you.
giveは何かプレゼントしたみたいだ、あと時制おかしい first of allこの言い回しいらん、どうしても使いたいなら文頭 though you might not knowこれは先方を愚弄してる cyber fighting聞いたことない表現 we...fighting against South Koreaが正しい、and Japanいらん 繰り返すがこのくだりは好かん tryはtried we have...これもおかしい文 irrelevant Britain ?? I'm sorry reallyこれは友人にしか使わん
>>170いろいろすまん。 じゃあ素直に 弐・We are writing this mail to sincerely apologise for the huge numbers of illegal accesses to your computer server we made earlier. Accidentally we had been trying to access an wrong IP address and as a result of that, we imposed a heavy load to your computer server. We should have made sure the IP address we had accessed to avoid such happening and would like to inform you that we have never intended to disturb your work. Again, we are very sorry for what we have done to your server. We promise that we will never attack you.
u amuse me too well boy! sorry, I dunno what "FICKING HIKKY?" is.... suppose is this a kind of your favourite doggy soup or something ? sorry, no interest cuz I can't eat dogs like u guys, ha! :P