Residents, Let's talk about love with Yukari !


      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Hi, residents !
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'm Yukari.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Let's talk about love with me !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 19:18:47
who are you?
are you cute?
3Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 20:02:50

      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>2
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'm Yukari, a cute girl !!
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
4Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 20:03:35
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I think 2ch'ers are too rude and are lacking in love.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| You should love others more.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 20:45:02
6Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:03:29
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>5
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Hey, stupid you.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Don't respond with "sage".
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
7Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:16:27
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | There was an earthquake last night.
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I was watching the soccer game on TV then.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| It was so scared.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:19:45
how old are u, yukari?
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:23:22
i have seen nothing so far to make me believe that Yukari is more
knowledge about love than other people who use 2ch.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:24:07
is is doubtful that yukari is a woman.

but then it is not so important i suppose
11Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:26:59
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>8
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | You are rude to ask a lady her age.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:27:01
Before the talk, Show me your tits babe.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:28:21
grrrrrrrrrr. lets just cut the crap and cut to the chase.

yukari, what r u wearing?
14Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:31:53
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>9
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | This thread is about to start.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Let's think and talk about love together !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:33:08
I assume Yukari is man who have big one.
16Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:33:31
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>12
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | What is "tits babe" ?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
17Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:35:48
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>13
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'm sorry. I can't understand your English.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:35:56
Don't you understand mean it?
Tit means woman's breast.
Now Show me your tits.
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:37:43
how can that happen? this is internet bbs, not video chat.

you are a fool
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:38:25
Fuck off Dwaine
21Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:39:14
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>15
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'm not a man, but a cute girl.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| And I have a big Teddy bear !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:39:58
Shut the fuck up ya mouth.
There are tons of uploader out there, You know that mo-fo.
23Gary Hughes:2005/06/20(月) 21:40:19
Love is the tapestry that life can fray at the corners
But its colours should never fades
When your love has gone
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:40:39
there is nothing you can do that will sufficiently prove that.

i think many will just assume you are man
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:42:16
ummm...that really doesn't solve the problem though
young man.

your ghetto slang needs improvement as well.
26Gary Hughes:2005/06/20(月) 21:43:00
Love becomes a fine wine slowly spilt from the grail
It's a bed of nails no one can lie upon
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:44:27
I think Yukari is ugly guy who wearing glasses with huge belly and hairy ass.
28Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:44:30
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>18
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Oh, do you wanna see my breasts ?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I wanna show you my breasts, but have no means for that.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:44:59
is that a copy from a book?
30Gary Hughes:2005/06/20(月) 21:45:23
There are books of lives and lovers
Mine begins and ends with you
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:46:38
What are you talking about?
Are you some kind of insane jerk??
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:46:42
plagarism is a crime
33Gary Hughes:2005/06/20(月) 21:47:11
So shelter me in your caress
Our love outshines the diamond, pales the pearl
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:47:44
is this a new chat room or something?
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:47:58
Dwaine will surely be dateless forever
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:48:01
yukali is a whore
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:48:26
why can you think that?
38Gary Hughes:2005/06/20(月) 21:48:27
Any place withou you near
Is the loneliest place in the world
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:48:42
40Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:48:45
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>23
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Too difficult for me.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| What do you mean ?
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:49:10
Sounds great!
I love kinky sex.
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:49:27
Gary's poetry is not so moving.

it really just sounds dasai
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:49:32
why is yukari in love with a man who has wife?
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:50:17
how do you such a thing?

how do you even know yukari is woman?
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:50:24
C'mon Yukari SUCK MY BUTT ohhhyeaaaa!
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:51:38
how is that possible?

you two cannot see or touch each other through internet
47Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:54:40
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>24
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | You are a skeptic.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| You can't love anybody without trusting others.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:54:52
so what does yukari know about love?

please tell me
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:57:01
im beginning to think yukari's a girl for real who really digs talking about love.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:58:11
what reason is there to trust bbs posts?
51Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 21:59:37
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>49
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'll give you a blow job.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 21:59:36
it's just my gut feeling. that's all.
53Yukari:2005/06/20(月) 22:01:12
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>residents
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I have to do my homework.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Thanks for many responces. See you later, bye !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 22:01:38
yeah, you're a guy alright
5550:2005/06/20(月) 22:02:57
Wait! Finish the thought on 51!
I've already set mind for it!
56Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/20(月) 22:04:26
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>residents
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | >>51 is a fake !
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I use TRIP.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 22:05:49
asshole, you're not 50
I wrote that
58Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/20(月) 22:06:25
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | But what is "blow job"? problem, bye !
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 22:06:55
oral sex
6049:2005/06/20(月) 22:08:11
hey, i was all set for the blow job and wasnt thinking at all.
cut me some slack, will ya?
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 22:15:56
Is she gone?
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/20(月) 22:35:57
love is blind. thats all.
63Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 01:42:55
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Yeah !
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I've finished my homework at last.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I'm tired and sleepy. Good night, my residents. I love you !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
64Yukari ◆dAD0LApr22 :2005/06/21(火) 03:57:16
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | NO! *I* am Spar..
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I mean: YUKORi, errr YUKARI!
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 'sup guys? ◆OWlD/4c0kU is an impostor!
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 08:32:40
Just use here as chatter thread.
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 08:46:09
Beauty is skin deep.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 09:02:03
so are monkeys!
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 09:20:45
Also, ugliness goes to the bone.
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 09:54:53
just like llamas
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 15:06:40
lets talk about love with yukorin?
what an attractive title.
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 19:23:21
is this already closed?
why did it end asap it was created?
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:04:44
I have a dream that one day I'd sleep with 2 girls at the same time.
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:14:39
you can buy a prostitute.
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:14:49
thats a nice dream.

75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:25:31
two prostitutes will be expensive for him.

unless he has girlfriend then he will only need one prostitute
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:34:19
Let's talk about a girl's anus. That is a nice topic.
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:34:57
It would be so nice to sleep with two girls. Then I could lick two anuses!
i would be so happy!
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:36:59
I wonder, how much would a cute high school girl charge me to let me lick her anus for
one hour?
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 20:59:41
that is even more illegal that a normal prostitute.

you're a bad, bad man
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 21:07:11
>>79 Why is it more illegal than a normal prostitute? Just to lick a girl's anus??
It will feel good to her. She will enjoy it.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 21:27:02
because of anti-child prostitution law.

so you are more in trouble to pay a high school girl than
a regular prostitute
82loser Scum American English Teacher:2005/06/21(火) 21:27:47
I think 16 or 17 is NOT a child. Their bodies are completely grown.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 22:01:20
is does not matter what you think. only what the police and people
who make a law think
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 22:07:34
kokushou sayuri!
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:20:18
Yukari, where are you now?
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:35:10
87Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:38:17
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Good evening, my residents !
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | How are you today ?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| It was a hot day today !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
88Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:43:09
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I have a question to 2ch'ers.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Is "the train man" a true story ?
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
89Dangerous Guy:2005/06/21(火) 23:46:28
I love you.

 (´Д` )    Pooh
⊂二、  \
    \  ) ) =>>88
    / / /
90Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:47:40
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I don't like OTAKUs.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| But I don't want OTAKUs to give up looking for love.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
91Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:48:52
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>89
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I love you, too !
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
922ch Dancers:2005/06/21(火) 23:51:30
Why don't you dance with me♪
   ∧_∧   ∧_∧
  ( ・∀・) ( ´∀`)
 ⊂    つ⊂    つ
  .人  Y   人  Y
  し'(_)   し'(_)

It's fun to dance all night.
   ∧_∧  ∧_∧
  (・∀・ ) (´∀` )
 ⊂、   つ⊂、   つ
    Y 人    Y 人
   (_)'J   (_)'J

I love you to death.
  ∧_∧  ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・ ) ( ´∀` )
 ( つ⊂ ) ( つ⊂ )
  ヽ ( ノ  ヽ ( ノ
 (_)し'  (_)し'

Please say something sweet!
   ∧_∧   ∧_∧               
  ∩ ・∀・)∩∩ ´∀`)∩             
   〉     _ノ 〉     _ノ            
  ノ ノ  ノ  ノ ノ  ノ               
  し´(_)   し´(_)
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:51:43
Your question is a bit stupid.
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:54:29
You're Otakey enough, because you always use AAs.
95Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:56:11
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>92
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Yeah ! I love to dance !
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I'm dancing during recess every day.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:57:24
×I love to dance.
○I love dancing,
97Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:57:26
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>93
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Why stupid ?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
98Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/21(火) 23:59:15
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>94
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I'm not Otakey.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I use AAs because it's pretty.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/21(火) 23:59:31
How soon will you get to the conversation that teats love?
I'm waiting...
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:00:14

teats → treats
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:00:28
Do you ask Christain for "Do you believe in God"?
102Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/22(水) 00:00:48
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>96
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Thank you for your advice.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I have to study English more.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:01:17
Both are correct.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:01:51
yukari isnt japanese
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:01:59
Show us your small round dark parts on your chest.
106yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:04:05
Hello neets. I am your queen! do you want to lick my anus?
107Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/22(水) 00:05:17
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>99
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Don't hurry, baby.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .|  Waiting is a kind of love.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ

108yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:07:00
my anus is a great pleasure! just lick it!
109Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/22(水) 00:07:06
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | >>101
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Oh ! "The train man" is 2ch'ers' God !
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I understand.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
110yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:07:38
I am 2ch'ers' god!
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:07:43
Yukorin, I want to lick your anus! Please open your anus in my face.
112yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:09:05
come to me! i will open my anus! my anus is very clean as usual! only a few hairs on
113Yukiko:2005/06/22(水) 00:10:55
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ        | Hello everyone.
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ     | I am your servant.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        |  What do you want me to do?
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:11:25
Oh, I love a cute anus with a few hairs. The hairs are very cute. They
tickle my nose when I am licking an anus.
115yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:12:00
The most important thing in this world is timing, i think
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:12:01
Yukiko, may I lick your anus? Does your anus have some hairs??
117Yukari ◆OWlD/4c0kU :2005/06/22(水) 00:12:24
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | I have to go to bed now. Mom scolds me.
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Thanks for your responces.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Good night, my residents. I love you !
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
118yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:13:08
You can lick yukiko's anus! but her anus can not compare to mine anus!
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:13:17
Yukari, don't go yet! I haven't licked your anus yet. Come back!
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:13:41
We are Otakus. Why don't you love us.

        / ̄ ̄ ̄\
       | 」」」」」」」」」)            ______( ̄ ̄`´ ̄ ̄) )))川川(((
       |(6ーB-B|ノ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\(::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/(三三◎三三)(三三三三三)
       |:::|ヽ   .> |  彡彡ノ((((^^)))))|::/ ノ   ー|ミ _  _ ミ(6 ー□-□-|)
       |ミ   (=)/  彡ミ ー○---○ |(6ー[¬]-[ー].|(∴ ` 」´ ∴)|___´ つ )
     / ̄ \;;;;;;;;;/ ̄\ミ(6  .( 。。) |/∪   ^^  |/\ ( へ) /|時刻表| ∀ / ↓FP4700Z
     |  |       ||ミ (∴  (三)∴)  :::: )3 ノ   (___)(⊃   |__/|「| ̄[]
     |  | ガイナックス / ̄ ̄ ̄\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ノ ̄\__/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ / ̄ ̄ ̄\.| ̄|⊃ ⊂|\
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ( ((((((^))))))´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\(# ノノノノノノノノノ)|___A_| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ )
   (  人____).|ミ/ _=_| ノノノノメノナノノ)  ノー◎-◎|ノ川 ノ  ー))/))ナ)))ナ)ヽ)
    |ミ/  ー◎-◎-)(6ー[¬]-[¬] ノー□-□-|リ(彡ミ)\  つ|ノ川 ー●-●.| ノ  ⌒ _ ⌒ |ノ
   (6     (_ _) )|    、」 |川) ∴)`_´(∴)ゝ彡ミ) | ∀ノノ .|   (・・) |( .///)  3 (//)
  _|/ ∴ ノ  3 ノ \  (ー)// \___/ ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)/|   (三) |)\___/()
 (__/\_____ノ_|  \___/ |_|       | ノ三三三三|/::::::::\___/\      ヽ()
 / (__))     ))| | スクウェア命 | | ヒカ碁命(6ノー⊂⊃⊂⊃:::::::::::::葉鍵命::::|/ はるとき命(())
[]__ | | どれみ命ヽ |       .| |       |彡     ・・ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/|       )|
|]  | |______)_)三三|□|ミ(__)____ノ彡    (ーノヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/_)_____))
 \_.(__)三三三[国]) \::::::::::::::::::/  \:::::::Y::::| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|三三[国])、_/)_/)_\
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:14:17
I want to lick many girls' cute anus. If you have some hairs in your anus, it
is better!
122yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:16:02
i dont mind if you're otaku! my anus is open for all good people in the world!
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:18:12
Yukorin, I want you to open your anus and sit on my face. When you are
sitting on my face, please move in circles, ぐるぐる on my face
124yukorin ◆EzjOxSck22 :2005/06/22(水) 00:25:23
I can shit in your mouth! my shit is like vanilla!
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:31:50
Look at my beautiful anus. Do you want to lick it??
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:34:36
Hi, Yukari, Haven't we met before?
127Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 00:40:12
      ___ ___           |   
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         |
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       |    I'm a high school student.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .|
   |:::(i:| ( l < |::|       .人_____________
   .|::::l:| * ヮ ノi:|
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./i ゙̄> ))
   / ノ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) /
  │  ̄~|つ;;;;;;|..∨
[ ̄「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
|| ̄||fZZZ7⌒)⌒ヾゝ,. ̄`||
||  ||ニ:Iニ/ 7ニ\ \.  ||
||  ||| ||/ ./.   ||ヽ ヽ, .||
||  ||| |に~⌒)  || (⌒'). ||
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 00:41:24
fake is coming up━━━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━━━ !!!!!
129Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 00:59:00
      ___ ___           |   
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         |
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Do you want to see my anus?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .|
   |:::(i:| ( l < |::|       .人_____________
   .|::::l:| * ヮ ノi:|
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./i ゙̄> ))
   / ノ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) /
  │  ̄~|つ;;;;;;|..∨
[ ̄「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
|| ̄||fZZZ7⌒)⌒ヾゝ,. ̄`||
||  ||ニ:Iニ/ 7ニ\ \.  ||
||  ||| ||/ ./.   ||ヽ ヽ, .||
||  ||| |に~⌒)  || (⌒'). ||
130Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 01:41:06
             ,, -―- ,,
            |::::::iw' 'wリ        / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
             l:::(リ.( l l |::|  彡    | Show you my whole body
           ノ:::ノ、. ヮ ノ::l     <
          ノ::::::ノノ/ )::ノ       |
          ノ::::ノ:リ/ /;;;)       \_____
           ノノノ /;;;;|
            (ミ_/   l
              /_」 」 」 」
                  l |  l
             l |  |
             l |  l
                  lノ /
             / / l
              /  ( l
            \  )_ )
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 01:42:25
132Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 01:44:50
.      ,. -‐‐- 、     .| 
.     ゝ_,. ╋.,_ノ     | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ     |  My dream is
     |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ     .|  to became a nurse.
    |:::(i:| ( l l |::|    | 
    .|::::l:|. " ヮ ノi:|.   < 
    |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|      | 
    !/^リ. i`个ヾリ、   ..| 
    ./ /i. |┌┐| |,i     \________________
.   ( .ヾ,|. | L. / ̄/
 /. /  //└┘|  ヽ
 ! /. / ./    .|    ヽ
. !/   /    .j    _.ゝ
  \,./`‐r ' T'‐!゙⌒ ~
         |  |. |
.        |  |l . |
       |  |.l . |
       |  |.l .|
       |  | l .|
        |ヽ‐ゝ ‐ゝ、
        \.  )‐- '
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 01:46:01
134Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 01:46:01
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | 
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | I prefer tea to coffee.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   .
   !/^リ;;;;;;个;;;;リ ヽ
   ( /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;||
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 01:52:23
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 01:53:48
137Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 01:59:59
        , -―- 、
      /(@)__〕     ヽ
      V| K 从从ノノノ〉
     /ll  |(l| ( | | | |    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    / | lゝリ ~ lフ/l |  < I want to be a beautiful bride.
  / / .l l. ヘ ゚゚゚゚゚゚ ヘ.l|   \______________
 <_   / . 〈 ソ 〉`,´,,) 〉
  \_./ んソゝ   〈ハゝ
    / /ヽく(@)フノ \
  / 〔X_〕∠(@(@)ゝ〔_X〕
 <_   / /  :l く/|_〉l  l ::|
   `ー/ /  :| |   |  l ::|
    / /   :| |   |  l  :|
    / /   :| |    |  |  :|
  / /   ::| |     |  |  :l
  ー/    ::| |    :|  |   |
  /    |  |     ::| | _,i
  ` 、_  __|  |     :| ├'
     ̄ `^ー---、__」ー'
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:00:25
139Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:07:23
┃  .      。 。       .┃
┃      , - М - 、      ┃
┃   /了 l__〕      〈]     ┃
┃    7| K ノノノ ))))〉    .┃
┃    l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃||      .┃
┃    | |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿!     ┃
┃    | | (__)~~∞~(__)     .┃
┃    l |ノ∪lノ ヽ∪     ..┃
┃    r'(       ァ、    ┃
┃     ^; `ァ〜r-〜'" ,r'    ┃
┃      `^〜〜-〜'^     .┃
┃       (_)(_)      .┃
┃                  ┃
This picture is my childhood.
140Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:09:52
    ,  -―- 、          I usually take a bath before sleep.
  /了 l__〕      〈]
  7| K ノノノ ))))〉バシャ
 ゜.l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|| ゜。ο゜   。
 。゜| (゙゙ヽ. '' ヮ'ノ')゜ ∩∩ 。ο
 .o( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)゜
  ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)
  ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:11:37
142Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:12:06
     ., -―- 、 \        (___ ♪
  /了 l__〕      〈].|\            `ヽ、
.  7| K ノノノ ))))〉 |  \    〜♪      \
   l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|| .|   \             〉
   | |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿! | ♪  \           /  
    ‖( つ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄! ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ノ
    ‖( 匚______ζ--ー―ー―ーrー´
     〓〓) ) ‖    ||          ||
    ‖  (__)‖)   ◎         .   || 〜♪
.          ◎               ◎

I can play the piano. My favotite music is "For Elyse".
143Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:13:43
         , -―- 、
     /了 l__〕      〈]
      7| K ノノノ ))))〉
      l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃||  ∧彡
      | |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿彡 ・ \
      l |( ⊃ ⊃彡  人.ヽ.)  
       ,-(_)--y"'''--/'''" ̄
    =≡=( |  |   ヽ
        / └─‐┘    )
       / ノ ノ ̄丶  ソ \
     /// /    \ ヽ\ .\
    《_/ 《_/      ヽ/ラ丶/ラ

I have a good hand in riding.
144Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:15:19
         , -―- 、
      /了 l__〕      〈]
  ☆     7| K ノノノ ))))〉+  *
       l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|| ψ  〜♪
       | |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿! / ゜         ☆
   、_    | |<´ヽWノフつ
.   ミ≡=_、 !リ(,ノ(,, _,-、ゝ____ -、  
.   彡≡=-'´ ̄ ̄`~し'ヽ) ̄  ̄ ゙̄"
      ☆              ☆
.    ☆                    ☆

When I was a child, I wanted to be a witch.
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:15:46
146Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:16:14
     , -―- 、
  /了 l__〕      〈]
   7| K ノノノ ))))〉
   l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|||  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   | |ゝリ '' ヮ'丿! <   Just call me "Yukarin".
   | l l i^ヾf^1、l|  \_____________
   l l | l |ヽ '^>´l|
    !リ l 'ノニー'ト、!|       
    |ll //   l!|\      
      /     リ  ヽ
.     〈  /      ヽ  i
    ヽ/        i,ノ
     ` ァ‐ァr‐r ´
      /、./ l .!
..      l ∪ l∪!
 .      ヽ__)l__ノ
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:18:12
148Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:18:14
        , -―- 、
     /了l__〕      〈]
     .曰| K ノノノ ))))〉.
      | | |」(l| -‐ ‐-||
    ノ 丶ゝリ. ''' 0'丿!    I sometimes drink.
     ||芋|| /\_V〕、l|□в
  _ ||焼|| / /<ノ|ト'.l 丶.)
  \ ||酎||L二⊃ . ̄ ̄\
  ||\`~~´  (<二:彡) \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
   .  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
149Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:20:50
       , -―- 、
     /了l__〕    ヽ〈]
     V| K 从从ノノノ〉
     ll l|(l| > < | l|
     | lゝリ''⊂⊃丿l|  < >>145 Don't bully me....  
     | l l i^ヾf^1、.l|
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:21:48
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:23:31
152Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:26:37
  ☆       ||      .  , .  ||   ☆
,       o   ||     。    .   . ||     o
  。        || . , ァ        .  ||           。
      ★   || //   。   ゚  .  .||  ☆  ゚
,         ゚ / i. .      .    ||
    o   /  i   . ., -―- 、 || o   。   ゚
 。      |    i,/了 l__〕      〈]||
   ☆    |     ;,7| K ノノノ ))))〉||     。   ★
       |    '.l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|| .||
       'i    ゚'ゝ|ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿! ||_.,ャ ゜   。
 o        'i       ^`∪ ̄∪~`.,;.'´
         丶,          ,./   ☆
           'ー- - - - -r '´


Where is my prince? I'm here.
153Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:33:28
    , -―- 、
 /了 l__〕      〈]
 7| K ノノノ ))))〉
 l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃||
  | |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿!  Summer has come.
  | | ハ∨/^ヽl |     I love summer.
  l l ノ::[三ノ :.'、 |
  !i)、_;|*く;  ノリ
     |!: ::.".T~
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:34:42
155Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:36:40
  (⌒ヽ ――  ─   ─ ────────   -( ゚∀゚.)-     ─────     (⌒ヽ
  (    ,⌒)                 _,,..-―''    >┬<       ゙―-..,,  (⌒ヽ    (
 (    ⌒ヽ         _,,...-‐‐''"" ̄     /  /  |  \    (   ⌒)   ゝ
  ゝ      ⌒ヽ,, __,,,....--―-..、        /   /   |    \    ,,.(     )、,,(
 (          /  ,,,,,,,,,;;》》》〉〉ゞ      /    /    |    , -―- 、 (          ゝ
_,,...-‐‐--..,,,_   / ミ''           /     /      |/了 l__〕      〈]  
>〉〉》》》》>>,, `ヽ、,r'~ ̄ ̄`ヽ、 ̄+; ̄ ̄ __ ̄ ̄ /  ̄ ̄ ̄. 7| K ノノノ ))))〉.  ̄,, /> ̄
    _____,,,...(,;;)/⌒ヽ、"",,, ヽ、 。..: _'. ! ..::::. / ...::::::.. ..:::::::l」 |」(l| ┃ ┃|| .....::::::::::::/>:::::
,,r''~ ̄,,,,,,;;;;《《(,;;);;)彡 ヽ  彡,,ゝ /  | .::::: *....::::... ..+:::::| |ゝリ. '' ヮ'丿!..::::::::. ......:::.....:.:
《《《<""  ,r';i;i/ ..::.  彡 ) +:::  |  /...........::::::::..:::::.. 。...::::::::| |/    ,⊃ .::....... ...::::.. :
。.... ::::: ,r'ww/ :::::::::: 彡ノ::. / ̄ ̄|  。..::::...... 。...:: ......*.....:⊂ 人   つ:::::::::::::... ...:::
〜;,,。,r';i;i;i;i;i/ :::::::... ::  /     | .........:::::::::::::::::.........::...::::::⊂二二二二(ノ二二⊃:::。.....
    /www,'.。.... 。.... . . |     /。.....゚ .........。・...。.... 。 。。..::::...... 。...::::::::... ......::::::::::::::::..
  /;i;i;i;i;i;,'. ~^^゚〜〜~゚^ |__/〜〜・。,,,,:〜"~~。〜・" ゚''〜。,,, 。....゚....... 。.....:::::::::......
 /w;w;w,'       *                         ~^^゚〜・,,。,, 。....゚.......

156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 02:37:22
157Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 02:39:09
See you. 
         , -―- 、
       /了 l__〕      〈]
        7| K ノノノ ))))〉.
        l」 |」(l| -‐ ‐-||
        | |ゝリ. ''' 0丿つ    Good night.
        | |  i/ l _ノ⌒⌒⌒`〜、_
        ( ̄⊂人 //⌒   ノ  ヽ)
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 03:02:19
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 03:28:48
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 05:10:44
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 05:34:38
Yukari, you need to learn English more. Dropping a couple of lines here won't help
you improve, I don't think. I think you need to read more & watch TV in English,
something like that. I don't mean to be rude but this thread is fucking boring.
If you wanna talk about love, let's talk about love! Let's talk about your juicy cunt!
Let's talk about fist-fucking, bondages, orgies, rimming. Yes, REAL LOVE!!
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 06:14:22

163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 06:22:09
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 11:54:42
I think i just came!
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:12:40
Yukari, I miss you.
166Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 21:19:08
             ,, -―- ,,
            |::::::iw' 'wリ        / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
             l:::(リ.( l l |::|  彡    | Do you want to see my anus?
           ノ:::ノ、. ヮ ノ::l     <
          ノ::::::ノノ/ )::ノ       |
          ノ::::ノ:リ/ /;;;)       \_____
           ノノノ /;;;;|
            (ミ_/   l
              /_」 」 」 」
                  l |  l
             l |  |
             l |  l
                  lノ /
             / / l
              /  ( l
            \  )_ )
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:21:53
you are imposter
168Yukari:2005/06/22(水) 21:27:47
Help yourself...!

      \   pubic hair    /
        \_  |   _/
            ミミミミ clitoris
           ミミミミ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ノ σ ヽ urethra
         / / ゚ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
labia majora/ //\\ \ 
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ( (vagina) ── labia minora
        \ \\// /
           `   \/  '
  \         *──anus
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:29:50
dont use such a large aa.
its a waste of space.
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:38:55
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ        | >>168
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ      | Who are you?
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| I never show you my provate parts.
   |:::(i:| ┬ イ |::|   人   .人_____________
   .|::::l:|.  ヮ ノi:|   n て
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  /E)
171Yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 21:41:03
      ___ ___           |  Oh, I forgot to write my name.
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | I'm Yukarin, you know.
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | 
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| (。l l。|::|        人_____________
   .|::::l:|  ,m. ノi:|
172Yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 21:48:21
           ___ ___
      _-‐ |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ
   /   |:::(i:| 一 ー|::|  Zzzz・・・・Zzz.・・・
  (   . |::::l:|.." − ノi:| 
[ ̄「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
|| ̄||fZZZ7⌒)⌒ヾゝ,. ̄`||
||  ||ニ:Iニ/ 7ニ\ \.  ||
||  ||| ||/ ./.   ||ヽ ヽ, .||
||  ||| |に~⌒)  || (⌒'). ||

I don't like English because my teacher is so boring.
She just teach in Japanese only.
I always fall asleep on her classes.
173Yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 21:50:48
      ___ ___           | So, I'm looking for my English teacher.
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Would you like to teach me English?
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | 
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l - |::|         .人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:| =3 .n
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|, ./i~!.≡)
   !/^リ!;;;;;;个;;;;リ;;∨::/ ̄
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:53:40
yukari, create a new chatter thread
175Yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 21:54:54
      ___ ___           | 
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Come on ♥
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | 
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l - |::| =☆     人_____________
   .|::::l:|.." ヮ ノi:|   n
   |:::::|:l゙',:: i::::|:|_ ./ ≡)
   !/^リ!   . .リ ∨ / ̄
   / /!/⌒)⌒)、 ./
  ( 〈. ゙!‐-‐'゙''‐ノ `´
   \. ソ  .. /
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 21:56:19
how old are you?
177Yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 21:59:38
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ        |
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ      | >>176
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .|  You are rude to ask a lady her age.
   |:::(i:| ┬ イ |::|   人   .人_____________
   .|::::l:|.  ヮ ノi:|   n て
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  /E)
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 22:15:59
hey yukari! you're boring! be frank or write something that entertain of go away!
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 22:21:50
im sorry, yukari
i prefer americans girls with blond hair
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 22:28:09
you're stupid! of course everyone prefers americans! but it's hard to get
american girlfriend, so if you're not lucky enough, enjoy japanese girlfriend
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 22:31:49
Hi, Yukari, what do you mean "rude"?
In England, a lady would like to be asked her age,
because she wants herself to be looked younger than her actual age.
182yukarin:2005/06/22(水) 22:40:17
I'm 42 years old.
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/22(水) 22:53:45
go away then! cook dinner for your kids!
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 00:05:46
>>168 Yukari, may I lick your anus? Please???
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 00:09:00
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 00:44:19
What the hell do you think you're doing?
You have no time to write ur opinion in this board.
If u have time, Devote urslf to feed ur children.

187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 00:52:46
what is she does not have children?

what if she is female neet?

perhaps she is like all you geeks only woman
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 00:57:38
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 01:00:18
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 01:04:28
× in a crapper
○ at a loo
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 07:56:51
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/23(木) 11:42:39
It should also be

Go Fuck Yourself in the Restroom (in the Crapper, in the Loo...)
193Yukarin:2005/06/24(金) 20:50:21
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | While I'm driving, I frenquently see the
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | "Baby in Car." I think this is supposed to be
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| "Baby in this Car" or "Baby on Board."
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/24(金) 20:51:04
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | While I'm driving, I frenquently see the
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | "Baby in Car" sticker. I think this is supposed to be
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| "Baby in this Car" or "Baby on Board."
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
195Yukarin:2005/06/27(月) 23:26:21
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Why does no one make any comment
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | on this thread? Came on, don't be shy
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| you bunch of monkey screwing motherfucker.
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
196Arthur Hiller:2005/06/28(火) 18:35:16
Love means never having to say you're sorry.
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 18:52:19
that is the dumbest line from the dumbest movie.

whoever wrote that should be attacked by rabid ferretts for 24hrs
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 18:54:14
okay i'll make a comment,

go fuck yourself you incontinent dog raper
199Yukarin:2005/06/28(火) 19:33:43
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Hey >>198,
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | Look at what you are wearing.
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| Go tuck yourself in!!!
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 19:42:31
that really doesn't make sense.

i suggest you try again
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 19:48:47
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Go tuck your shirt in !
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | 
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 19:50:31
why should i do that?
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 20:00:41
      ___ ___          
    , ´::;;;::::::;;;:ヽ         | Because you said "Go fuck yourself,"
    i!::::::::::::;ハ;::::::ヽ       | so I say "Go tuck yourself in"
    |:::::::ivv' 'vvvリ        .| 
   |:::(i:| ( l l |::|       人_____________
   .|::::l:|   ヮ ノi:|   ./〉
   |:::::|:l〈\/i:::|:|,  ./iアノ
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/06/28(火) 20:05:55
that makes no sense
205Candace:2005/06/29(水) 16:16:19

You know, stray blonde hairs are really gross. They make me want to puke.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/09(土) 11:04:43
you is a fool men
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 13:01:17
Love is lust.
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 14:18:43
Who is Yukari?
What does she do?
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:03:19
Yukari is a man.
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:12:53
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:14:49
omg means orz?
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:23:26
omg means "oh my god".
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:26:57
oh, I didn't know that. thanks.
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:29:22
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/16(土) 16:31:23
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/18(月) 03:25:46
Love? It is a sickness.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 09:17:30
Yukari = Yukorin?

Please say that it's true!
218drnick:2005/09/07(水) 11:36:44



219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/07(水) 12:45:14
   ( ´_ゝ`) Japanese people are weird
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/  DELL / ____
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/08(木) 18:00:37
are you guys all japanese?
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/08(木) 18:01:17
is any american here?
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/08(木) 18:05:28
does this silence mean nobody's here?
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/08(木) 18:31:10

I am a chinese. Can I take part in your conversation?
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/08(木) 19:14:43
日本鬼子 反日無罪
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/09(金) 11:01:51
everybody is welcomed
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/09(金) 17:19:17
unless everybody bahaves like a outlaw
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。
□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 23
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART I
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
Debate in English (英語で討論)
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうU☆ Diary∵
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/16(金) 15:35:38
削 除 ガ イ ド ラ イ ン

3. 固定ハンドル(2ch内)に関して


>Residents, Let's talk about love with Yukari !

>1 名前:Yukari[] 投稿日:2005/06/20(月) 19:13:03

Yukari is no more.