Bolton specified three sources of funds remitted legally and illegally to that country: sales of ballistic missiles and other weapons of mass destruction; sales of illegal drugs; and connections with Japanese organized crime networks.
Korean Pilots Face Crisis over ICAO English Evaluations Many pilots from Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are on the verge of being cut out from international routes starting 2008. This is because the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an agency of the United Nations, has decided to evaluate the English conversation ability of airline pilots and air traffic controllers from non-English speaking nations in order to reduce the number of accidents, and those who fail to pass those evaluations would be taken off international lines.
Korean pilots and air traffic controllers cannot shake the stigma of having the worst English conversation skills on the international lines. There is talk that the ICAO's primary target was Northeast Asia, and Korea in particular. This is because of Korea's record of accidents resulting from the poor English skills of its pilots.
During the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, a Korean Air passenger liner was nearly shot down by U.S. fighter jets that had made a sortie after mistaking the craft for a hijacked jet. It was learned that the pilot's poor English skills played a large part in this incident.
North Korea conducted lethal chemical experiments on humans until 2002 as part of a programme to develop weapons of mass destruction, a human rights group said yesterday, quoting former scientists from the communist state.
少々スレ違い的な内容で申し訳無いけど。 THe Japan Timesに池田大作のオピニオンが'special to The Japan Times' として載ってたりする(全国紙・一般紙で池田大作の意見て…)。 インターFMなんか時々聴くと、創価学会のCMが結構あったりするんだけど ニフコ関連企業と創価学会って何か関連あるの?知ってる人いる? 2ちゃん的な「創価だからあーだこーだ」という意図はなくて、素朴な疑問。
>>55 同じく、AvantGo+Workpad 30Jで英字新聞を読んでたくち。 その後、IHT朝日で紙の新聞に切り替えました。 ところが半年前より、Clie TH55でAvantGoとMobipocket Readerで NYT, NYT Op-Ed, Times Asia版、Japan Times On Lineを読むようになりました。,9754,108848,00.html 米タイム誌:パチンコで冨を築き、六本木で豪遊していた在日の織原城二と報道 Joji Obara was born in 1952 to an impoverished Korean family in postwar Osaka. His father had been a scrap collector, then a taxi driver who worked his way into owning a fleet of cars and a string of pachinko parlors from which he amassed a fortune. Obara, then known by his Korean name Kim. his mother, who still controlled the lucrative pachinko operations, helped bail her son out, at one point paying off a creditor nearly $33 million in cash. Following these business failings, Obara's company reportedly became a front for the Sumiyoshi yakuza. Copyright c 2004 Time Inc.
Korean-American rapper arrested in Burbank BURBANK, Calif. Tue, Dec. 14, 2004 Authorities said today that a former member of a popular South Korean hip-hop group was arrested in connection with the murder of a man shot to death in his back yard. Steve Sangwook Kim of Los Angeles surrendered to police accompanied by his attorney and was being held on one (m) million dollars bail, police Lt. David Gabriel said. Arraignment was expected on Thursday.
日本で、日本人は人種差別が大好きと騒いで金儲けをしてる、日本人帰化した元アメリカ白人、有道出人(あるどうでびと)David Aldwinckleの出身地で起きた事件 last April 11, a group of mostly Japanese and Asian American Syracuse University students went to eat in the early morning hours at the Denny's restaurant on Erie Boulevard East just outside of campus. The students charge that they were denied seating, asked to leave the restaurant, and then were attacked by a gang of white patrons shouting anti-Asian epithets in the restaurant's parking lot. According to the students, the incident began when their group was forced to wait for nearly a half-hour. After watching white patrons who arrived after them be seated first, one of the students, Li Chiu, went to complain to the hostess about the discriminatory treatment. She replied, "Don't even go there!" A manager then asked the students to leave, and they were escorted outside by two armed security guards who were also off-duty deputy sheriffs, pushing and shoving two of the students, Derrick Lizardo and his white friend Sean Dugan, in the process. Outside the restaurant as they were approaching their cars to leave, the students say a group of white men who had been eating inside the restaurant came outside yelling racial slurs and, without provocation, attacked Yuya Hasegawa. As Lizardo and Dugan tried to come to their friend's aid, they too were attacked. Meanwhile, they charge, the two security guards watched without intervening as the attack continued. They also charge that one of the guards used pepper spray against Lizardo during the attack and threatened to use it against some of the others as well. "I stood by and watched as two armed and uniformed security guards began shoving my friends for no apparent reason
But what was even worse, when we were attacked by a large group of white males, clearly outnumbered and out-muscled, the security guards did absolutely nothing to stop the attack," Yoshika Kusada tearfully told reporters at a press conference last month at the offices of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the New York-based advocacy group that is representing the students. "I begged the security guards for help--'Do something, why aren't you doing anything?'--over and over." Kusada said she was knocked unconscious after trying to pull an attacker off of one of her friends. She said the fight only stopped when two black students, who were in a separate party, intervened to end the fight. Kyoko Hiraoka, one of the Japanese students, said, "I think that in this country there is no justice. I'm so disappointed that this report didn't tell the truth. I now have to live in fear of being attacked again because they're free." The district attorney's report contradicted the findings of a report by a federal Civil Rights Monitor who recommended that the manager who ordered the students to leave the restaurant be fired and the hostess be suspended without pay. The monitor also recommended that the deputies, who are no longer Denny's employees, not be rehired. The monitor found that the employees had not received necessary nondiscrimination training and recommended that Denny's develop a new video-based training program.
今年辺りから、宗教色が濃く、クリスチャン教義で有るMerry Christmasを使わずに、 Happy Holidaysや、Seasons Greetingsを使う大手のブランドや、デパートや、公共機関が増えています。 頭が堅くキチガイクリスチャン保守主義(日本人から見ればオウム信者と代わらん)の一部の州や、ブランドは(Abercrombie & Finch等)、断固としてMerry Christmasに拘ってます。 アメリカのConservative Christiansが、キチガイで有る事は、アメリカに住んでる奴なら知ってると思うけど? Merry Christmasの代わりに、Happy HolidaysとSeasons Greetingsを使おうと言う動きは、 宗教の自由と、公の場に宗教を持ち込まないと言う法の有るアメリカでは、当たり前の考え方です。 Christmas, they fear, has been co-opted by consumerism, political correctness and an obsessively misguided construction of the separation of church and state. Web sites are offering advice to assist Christians in combating the ridiculous banishment of the word "Christmas" from schools, stores and corporate greeting cards. "Happy Holidays" and "Seasons Greetings" don't cut it with them -- they want "Merry Christmas," with the emphasis on the Christ.
イエール大、日本の犯罪者の三分の二は、在日と部落民によるもの。 ここに書いて有る通り、日本ではタブーとされてるサブジェクトなので、 この研究をしたのはアメリカ人。 Yale University Research Today almost two-thirds of burakumin (pronounced boo-RAH-koo-min) say in opinion polls that they have never encountered discrimination. About 73 percent now marry non-burakumin, and most dismiss the possibility that the Japanese police might treat burakumin unfairly. Social workers say crime is a disproportionate problem among young burakumin, but the issue is so sensitive that no Japanese scholars have conducted research on it. One rare statistical study, conducted by Americans in the 1960's, found that burakumin youths were three times as likely as non-buraku youths to be arrested for crimes. In the buraku of Kobe, the nicest houses -- gaudy American-style homes with wide porches and Mercedes-Benzes in the driveway -- belong to yakuza bosses. As a result, the "success stories" whom children in the buraku see as they grow up are often mobsters.
イエール大、NYTimes、日本の犯罪者の三分の二は、在日と部落民。 ここに書いて有る通り、日本ではタブー視されてる題材なので、この研究をしたのはアメリカ人。 朝日はこの記事を取り上げませんね。 Yale University Research Today almost two-thirds of burakumin (pronounced boo-RAH-koo-min) say in opinion polls that they have never encountered discrimination. About 73 percent now marry non-burakumin, and most dismiss the possibility that the Japanese police might treat burakumin unfairly. Social workers say crime is a disproportionate problem among young burakumin, but the issue is so sensitive that no Japanese scholars have conducted research on it. One rare statistical study, conducted by Americans in the 1960's, found that burakumin youths were three times as likely as non-buraku youths to be arrested for crimes. In the buraku of Kobe, the nicest houses -- gaudy American-style homes with wide porches and Mercedes-Benzes in the driveway -- belong to yakuza bosses. As a result, the "success stories" whom children in the buraku see as they grow up are often mobsters.
New York January 12, 2005 Byungki Koo became the second federal law enforcer charged with helping Kyongja and Wun Hee Kang try to evade charges that they lured two young women from Korea to work as hostesses at their bar in Queens. The women say they were physically and sexually assaulted after they refused to have sex with customers.,0,4581983.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork AIR-MARSHAL HELD IN SEX-SLAVE CASE Brooklyn, New York January 12, 2005 A U.S. air marshal was grounded by the feds yesterday for obstructing an investigation into a Korean couple suspected of smuggling young women into the country to force them into prostitution. ★Byung Ki Koo, 33, was held without bail at an arraignment in Brooklyn federal court yesterday after he turned himself in to the FBI to face obstruction charges ★that carry a maximum sentence of life in prison. Koo is accused of trying to protect accused human traffickers Wun Kang and his wife Kyongja Kang by joining a plot to put one of their victims onto a flight to South Korea after she told authorities she would blow the whistle on the smuggling scheme. The Kangs are accused of helping South Korean women come to the United States for a $10,000 fee, promising they could work off their debt by hostessing at the couple's Flushing, Queens bar. The women — who are cooperating with federal investigators — were promised they would not be required to have sex, according to court papers. But as soon as they were in the U.S., Wun Kang allegedly suggested they could earn more money by sleeping with customers. After they repeatedly refused to prostitute themselves, Kang allegedly threatened to kill them and made plans to sell them to a brothel in Chinatown
【国連】北朝鮮に援助与え過ぎ! 17日に発表された国連報告書によると、北朝鮮には援助を与え過ぎで、北朝鮮の人権に対する改善や自由主義化するのには逆効果と報告した。 この報告書は、国連事務総長のアナン氏に以来され、コロンビア大のジェフリィー・サックス教授が指揮を取り纏めた報告書で、三千ページにに及ぶ報告書である。 UN Warns Against Too Much Aid for N. Korea Jan.17,2005 The warning comes from a 3,000-page report released Monday and prepared by Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who has led the international body's anti-poverty efforts. Sachs was appointed by UN General Secretary Kofi Annan to head the anti-poverty Millennium Project and come up with an action plan to meet the UN’s “millennium development goals” by 2015. The two countries signed the Japan-South Korea Basic Treaty in 1965. In lieu of reparations, Japan provided economic assistance to South Korea. While Japanese aid contributed to South Korea's economic advancement, many problems were left unsettled, including apology and compensation to former "comfort women" who were forced to have sex with Japanese soldiers. ↑↑↑ 捏造朝日は大嘘吐き、書面でも謝ってんだろが↓↓ In 1995, then-Prime Minister Murayama used the August 15 date to provide one of the clearest, most direct apologies to Japan's neighbors. More recently, then-Prime Minister Obuchi even put it in writing, at least to South Korea, during his 1998/1999 exchange of summits with ROK President Kim Dae-jung
there has been a noticeable increase in the number of Chinese and Korean residents, especially in private international schools, which were once the domain of Westerners. According to local foreign residents, the trend, which began in the 1980s, accelerated after the quake.
One area where we've noticed a real difference is in the international schools, where over the past few years there have been fewer Western children and more from East Asia, especially (South) Korea," said George Gibbons, a Kobe resident from Britain who recently retired as an official at Marist Brothers International School.
Chosen Soren (the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan - Zainichi Chosenjin Sorengokai), the association of Korean residents in Japan Nearly one-third of the Japanese pachinko [pinball] industry is controlled by Chosen affiliates or supporters. Chosen remittences in hard currencies to Pyongyang have been variously estimated at between $600 million and $1.9 billion each year.
Gakushu-gumi is Chosen's underground organization, which is a quasi-formal body of the North Korean Workers' Party. Gakushu-gumi , with a membership estimated at 5,000, engages in intelligence activities and political maneuverings against South Korea. The Chosen Soren supports intelligence operations in Japan, assists in the infiltration of agents into South Korea, collects open source information, and diverts advanced technology for use by North Korea. North Korea uses several methods to acquire technology related to nuclear, biological, or chemical warfare and missiles. The Chosen Soren has among other activities an ongoing effort to acquire and export advanced technology to North Korea.
オレゴン州とワシントン州で、女子大生の下着を女子寮から盗んで集めていた変態チョン逮捕━━━━━━ !!!!! 犯人キム(Sung Koo Kim)のコンピューターからは、幼児ポルノが発見される。 キムがストーカー行為を繰り返していた同じアパートに住むオレゴン州立大生のBrooke Wilbergerさん(19歳)が、 昨年の5月から行方不明になっている事件もキムの仕業で有る可能性が可也高い。 $10ミリンの保釈金に対して、地元のキチガイ朝鮮人団体は、「差別ニダ!」、キムはパンストを盗んだだけなのに、この保釈金は高過ぎるニダ!」 Kim faces burglary and theft charges in four Oregon counties involving thousands of pieces of lingerie that had been taken from women's college dormsand were found in his possession. In Washington County, he also faces 16 counts of possessing child pornography after police say they discovered those types of images on his computer. Sung Koo Kim was initially arrested in early May, about a week and a half before 19-year-old Brooke Wilberger disappeared from a Corvallis apartment complex where Kim had allegedly been stalking an OSU swimmer. Authorities accused Kim, a somewhat reclusive 30-year-old who lived with his parents, of traveling to college campuses up and down the Willamette Valley to steal thousands of pairs of panties. The burglaries, they allege, were part of an obsession that left him with a vast collection of pornography depicting violence against women and, in a few cases, images of children. A police task force investigating Wilberger's May 24 disappearance from a Corvallis apartment complex was intrigued by Kim's links to the apartments. They suspected Kim of stealing panties and lint from a clothes drier in the complex, cyber-stalking an OSU swimmer who resembled Wilberger and searching the Internet for nations without extradition treaties with the United States.
The new strategies are aimed at intensifying efforts to track and freeze financial transactions that officials say enable the Government of Kim Jong-il to profit from counterfeiting, drug trafficking and the sale of missile and other weapons technology. In interviews over the past three weeks, Administration officials denied the effort was part of an unstated initiative to topple Mr Kim.
Several said North Korea had stepped up its illicit trafficking and counterfeiting to help make up for lost missile sales and a crackdown on cash transfers from North Koreans living in Japan, some of which are illegal.
Japan has long been North Korea's shopping mall of choice when it comes to military components. It has the advantages of proximity, advanced technology and a large population of ethnic Koreans, many with family ties to the North or to the pro-Pyongyang General Assn. of Korean Residents in Japan. ttp:// N.+Korea+May+Have+Nuclear+Backup+Plan%3B+Pyongyang+has+indicated+it+would+shut+down+a+plutonium-based+program%2C+but+the+U.S.+suspects+it+has+another+using+uranium North Korean Ties Complicate Japan's Efforts to Clean Up Banks By James Simms The Wall St. Journal there are diploma subject tic costs to consider. Leaning on the chogin could fuel criticism that Tokyo is discriminating against Korean residents Suspicions about many of the chogin can't be ignored. Late last year, police arrested a score of former chogin executives and a former finance official at the pro-Pyongyang association that acts as North Korea's de facto embassy, on allegations that included embezzlement and covering up bad loans.
powerful General Association of Korean Residents in Japan were searched by police for the first time ever on November 29th. The search was protested by an angry mob of several hundred North Korean residents shouting slogans of "rascism" and "go home"(!).
Chang-Woo Han's business of running Japan's largest chain of pachinko parlors is growing despite economic downturn in Japan; Han is founder and chairman of Maruhan Corp, which presides over 121-shop empire that took in 576 billion yen ($4.8 billion) last year from players who put money into pachinko Maruhan's sales have almost tripled since 1998, and Han expects them to double again by 2005; pachinko is big business in Japan, with total revenue of about 28 trillion yen ($233 billion) per year
>>306 Japanese citizens today should not be blamed for what their country did in World War II to China." Los Angeles Times Aug 6, 2004
U.S. Ambassador to Japan Howard H. Baker said Baker said he told the Chinese official: "Well look, the United States and Japan really had a first-class war there for a while, and we've gotten over it and we're best friends and allies." He added, "It's time for you to get over it." The Chinese official "didn't like that a bit," said the American ambassador.
CNN 日本人や、日本人に協力する中国人を拷問、虐殺する中国人 The photos, taken by a Swiss photographer near Shanghai in 1937, all depict the brutality of Chinese soldiers toward Japanese prisoners The photos are so disturbing that Tom Simmen, who was in Shanghai on business and asked to witness the executions by the Chinese, kept them hidden away. "They enjoyed it," Simmen said. "They (were) waiting for the head to get cut off, then they took the head and played football ... I mean that was a terrible thing." Some were shot, and their bodies stacked for mass burials. Others, mostly Chinese nationals accused of aiding the Japanese, were beheaded with a large sword. Chinese soldiers used a variety of torture methods on prisoners, including suspending them in wooden cages by the neck until they died of starvation.
She will not attack against her less interest nation which, of curse includes natural resourse. Abuduction-mania nation has little it and has hostages only
FCCJ : The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Japanese and the Japanese themselves are basically no more or less prejudiced than Americans or Europeans. The Koreans, though, are a completely different matter. Even if you are a Korean planning to get married in Korea, your family register will be checked and if there's any evidence of undesirability (e.g. mental instability, criminals, sexual deviancy, living in a different town, not being called Kim, Park or Lee, etc.) then you're out of contention. Parental approval is a serious issue. A few days later, my gal and I were walking up a hill opposite the Hilton Hotel when a 50-something woman popped out of her cubbyhole and started screaming some thing at my girlfriend in Korean. ``What's she saying?'' I asked. ``Prostitute! Prostitute! Prostitute!'' my girlfriend replied without emotion. It was a relief to find out that my girlfriend's sister, who lives in Shinjuku, was normal. But . . . On one of my girlfriend's first visits to Tokyo after our relationship had started, we were invited to dinner at her Shinjuku sister's apartment. Also invited were Megumi, the girl who introduced us, and her boyfriend, Paul. But there was a proviso. ``Don't mention our relationship to my sister's husband,'' my girlfriend implored. ``You're just a friend -- of Megumi's.''
The University of Chicago Ask Mu Yung Shin (not her real name), presently a prostitute at a Korean massage parlor in Dallas. →Abducted at the age of 14 from her village home in South Korea by a group of Korean criminals, she was repeatedly raped, then sent to one of the infamous "sex farms" used by the South Korean army, where she was made a sex slave for two years. In the early nineties she was moved to the US legally through a sham marriage with an American GI and has served ever since as a Korean massage parlor prostitute in various locales stretching from Chicago and Houston to New York City1. →Mu Yung Shin is just one of several thousand Korean women abducted, raped, and virtually enslaved by the multimillion-dollar international prostitution network run by the Korean Killers, or KK. Korean Killers, and other major Korean gangs in the US such as Korean Power, based in New York, deal not only in prostitution, but in drug trafficking, extortion, and firebombings, mostly directed against the Korean community. Take Tae Sook Lee (not his real name), a longtime member of the Korean Killers based in Los Angeles' Koreatown. With two accomplices, called his "enforcers," Tae would visit Korean businesses in the area, mostly car dealerships, and demand payments of money ranging from $30,000 to $50,000. If threats and intimidation failed to net him the money, arson would result. According to Ray Futami, a detective with the LAPD, "If they [Korean business owners] didn't pay, Tae would send in his boys, his enforcers, and they would burn cars and dealerships." 文章長いので、続はここで読んで↓
Korean Air jet may have narrowly missed disaster Pilots on Korean Air Flight 85 mistakenly issued a hijack alert at 1:24 p.m. ET as they neared Alaska on the way to Anchorage. Military officials, who had ordered two F-15 fighters to tail the jet, told Anchorage air traffic controllers that they would shoot it down if it did not turn away from populated areas, several sources told USA TODAY. During the next 90 minutes, officials on the ground launched evacuations in Anchorage, at the Trans Alaska Pipeline and in Whitehorse, the capitol of Canada's Yukon Territory. Scanning every communication it transmitted that day, it found something suspicious sent by the Korean jet. The Seoul-to-New York flight was headed for a refueling stop in Anchorage. In a message sent at 11:08 a.m. ET to Korean Air's base, the pilots included the letters "HJK" — a code for hijacked. Instead of reassuring controllers, the Korean pilots declared themselves hijacked at 1:24 p.m. They set their transponder, which transmits information about the flight to radars, to the four-digit universal code for hijacked — 7500. Suddenly, more than an hour after the skies emptied over the lower 48 states, a routine flight became a potential new attacker. With two F-15s tracking Flight 85, NORAD officers told officials at the Anchorage center that they would shoot down the airliner if it continued, the sources said. Air traffic officials ordered the jet to turn wide of Alaska's largest city. Canadian air traffic officials agreed to let the jet land there, but its approach set off a new wave of evacuations.
Korean, Asiana Rank Low in 30-Year Airline Safety Survey Feb.25,2005 Local carriers Korean Air and Asiana Airlines ranked a poor 43rd and 32nd in terms of airline safety by the German flight magazine Aero International (AI). AI reached its results based on International Civil Aviation Organization statistics such as numbers of accidents, fatalities, flights and passengers. The No. 1 airline was Australia's famously safe Qantas, while Turkish Airlines finished last. Finland's Finnair, Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific and Japan's ANA followed Qantas on AI's list. Virgin Atlantic and Southwest Airlines of the U.S. and British Airways rounded out the top 10. Turkish Airlines sat alongside Egypt Air, Air India and Taiwan's China Airlines at the bottom of the rankings. FAA downgrades Korean Air safety rating The FAA placed the restrictions--including a ban on expanding U.S. service--on South Korean airlines. The FAA said only that Category 2 ratings are given to countries in which civil aviation authorities lack the regulations, qualified personnel, technical expertise, resources or documentation to meet international standards. South Korean civil aviation authorities had failed to provide the oversight needed to meet the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization.,7792,881746,00.html Fred's Korean wife received email death threats and the South Korean embassy in Tokyo twice visited the Japan Times to demand action. 韓国の売春婦問題や、最初の記事に有るような事を書いた、 FRED VARCOE記者の韓国籍妻の元に、殺人予告メールが来り、 駐日本韓国大使館員が、苦情を言いにジャパンタイムス社をニ度も訪れたりと、 物凄い粘着攻撃に屈したジャパンタイムス社は、FRED VARCOE記者を解雇しました。
>>416こんな横暴をする会社だからな、読者は離れて当たり前。 Japan Times(ジャパンタイムズ)紙、韓国の真実を書いた英国人記者を韓国政府や韓国ネチネチ粘着ネチズンの圧力に負け解雇! ワールドカップの取材でソウルを初めて訪れたFred Varcoe記者は、売春婦にしつこく付き纏われた体験談記事を書き、 この記事を見た韓国政府と韓国人ネチネチ粘着ネチズンがジャパンタイムズへしつこく抗議を繰り返し、 これに屈したジャパンタイムズ紙は、Fred Varcoe記者を解雇した。 解雇理由は朝鮮人女の名誉を侮辱した(insulting the honour)と言うとんでも無い理由で有り、 在日本韓国大使館員がジャパンタイムズ社二度も直接訪れるなど、言論の自由や真実の隠蔽に必死であった。,7792,881746,00.html That story - an introduction to Seoul - began with Fred reminiscing about being propositioned by a prostitute during his first visit to the South Korean capital. He refused to resign and was fired on July 4 for, among other reasons, "insulting the honour of Korean women". 新宿区に住むFred Varcoe記者の韓国籍妻の元へは脅迫メールが韓国から殺到↓ Fred's Korean wife received email death threats and the South Korean embassy in Tokyo twice visited the Japan Times to demand action. この解雇劇に対しイラク戦争でも活躍する世界中の言論の自由を守る活動で有名な、Reporters Without Border(国境なき記者団)が激しくジャパンタイムス紙と日本政府を批判。 Fred Varcoe記者のその他の記事 日本人は差別や偏見は余り無いが、韓国人は差別をしたり、偏見を持つのが大好き。 FCCJ : The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Japanese and the Japanese themselves are basically no more or less prejudiced than Americans or Europeans. The Koreans, though, are a completely different matter.
韓国で犬肉論争が再燃 A government decision to impose strict regulations on processing and selling dog meat has reignited an old controversy over the traditional Koreans' practice of eating dog meat. The Cabinet last Wednesday decided to draft measures that prohibit any brutal slaughtering of dogs and set hygiene guidelines on the processing and sale of dog meat. Seen as a move to bring the sale of dog meat under control and as a result officially recognize the controversial practice as legal, the government announcement drew immediate responses from animal rights activists and some people who oppose the time-old practice of eating dogs. “Setting a hygiene standard on dog meat means nothing but legalizing the dog meat industry,” the Korea Animal Protection Society stated in a news release. “We cannot believe the government is moving to legalize the dog-eating practice of some Koreans, which is not only harmful for national interests but also disgraceful and reproachable.” The Web sites of Cheong Wa Dae and other related government offices were hit with a flurry of postings following the announcement, with some supporting Koreans' dog-eating tradition and the government decision and others strongly criticizing the government for not outlawing such a 'barbarian' conduct. 「冬季オリンピックに立候補するらしいけど犬猫食い止めないと無理だな」でも書いて送る? Cheong Wa Dae Office of the President, Republic of Korea
The following is the text of an article which originally appeared in the Hong Kong Eastern Express on April 12, 1995. fetuses are already dead [when we eat them]. We don't carry out abortions just to eat the fetuses
読みやすい英字紙もいいが 英語が読めるなら、たまにはネットで外紙も読んだら U.S. Cites Signs of Korean Preparations for Nuclear Test 06korea.html?hp&ex=1115438400&en=773ed03c17edc59c&ei=5094&partner=homepage という凄い特ダネもあるしね
この程度なら読めるだろ WASHINGTON, May 5 - White House and Pentagon officials are closely monitoring a recent stream of satellite photographs of North Korea that appear to show rapid, extensive preparations for a nuclear weapons test, including the construction of a reviewing stand, presumably for dignitaries, according to American and foreign officials who have been briefed on the imagery. Bush administration officials, when asked Thursday about the burst of activity at a suspected test site in the northeastern part of the country, cautioned that satellites could not divine the intentions of Kim Jong Il, North Korea's leader, and said it was possible that he was putting on a show for American spy satellites. They said the North Koreans might be trying to put pressure on President Bush to offer a improved package of economic and diplomatic incentives to the desperately poor country in exchange for curtailing its nuclear activities. "The North Koreans have learned how to use irrationality as a bargaining tool," a senior American official said Thursday evening. "We can't tell what they are doing."
1番目のご質問ですが,まず,最低限読めるとはどのような状態を指すのか定義 する必要があります。記事に出てくるすべての単語のうち,95%わかれば,記事 を読むことができると言われております。そこで,実際に,The Japan Times等 の記事を使って調査した結果があって,8000語の語彙力があれば,The Japan Times に出てくる単語のうちの95%はカバーできるそうです。従って,8000語が一つの 目安になると思います。
以前,どこかのblogでThe Japan Timesの英文とTOEICのREADINGの英文を分析して, 使われている単語が非常に似ているので,The Japan Timesを読んでいれば,TOIEC のREADINGに効果があるかもしれないという記事を読んだことがあります。どのblog なのかは失念してしまいました。
The victim was 21-year-old Japanese national Eimi Yamada, said Lt. Richard Hanna of the Los Angeles County Coroner's O ffice.
Deputies were responding to a prowler call in the 6800 block of La Presa Avenue just before 2 a.m. when they received another call reporting a body less than a quarter-mile away in the 8500 block of Palma Vista Avenue.
Neighbors told ABC7 the victim was attending school and that the suspect was the woman's boyfriend.
Neighbors told the TV station the victim was quiet, but that they often saw Pigman skateboarding in the neighborhood and had heard the couple arguing before.
"We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her, so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said.
Japan has long been North Korea's shopping mall of choice when it comes to military components. It has the advantages of proximity, advanced technology and a large population of ethnic Koreans, many with family ties to the North or to the pro-Pyongyang General Assn. of Korean Residents in Japan. Los Angeles Times ttp:// Demick&desc=N.+Korea+May+Have+Nuclear+Backup+Plan%3B+Pyongyang+has+indicated+it+would+shut+down+a+plutonium-based+ program%2C+but+the+U.S.+suspects+it+has+another+using+uranium
Asahi Weekly の単語熟語解説は間違いが多すぎる。 例えばさっき買ってきた今週号(5/15)の英総選挙結果の記事。 ReutersとAFP-Jijiから編集したらしいが、次の部分はひどい。 『Labor obtained 356 seats in the 646-seat House... (中略)The outcome meant Blair's majority has been slashed by more than half to a projected 66...』 この "a projected 66" は「予想される66議席」と解説がある。 どう見ても、66は与野党の議席数の差=356-(646-356) 頼りにしているのに、これじゃ困るなぁ。 >ASAHI WEEKLYは朝日新聞社が発行する英語学習者のための >英和新聞です
>>585 ASAHI WEEKLY を定期購読しているので、心配になって見直しました。 同じ日付の「カタールのラクダレース」の記事にもトンデモ解説発見。 記事の内容は『カタールではラクダのレースに子供の騎手を使うので、 人権擁護団体から「child abuse」と非難を受けてきた。その対策として ロボットをラクダに乗せて走らせる実験が始まった』というもの。 >Spurring the robots' development has been vehement >condemnation of human rights groups
倒置でまったく問題ないですよ。 BE動詞を挟んでSとOの配置が前後逆になるというのは良くあるケース。 問題の文を少し長く引用します。 >Spurring the robots' development has been vehement >condemnation of human rights groups, who say the sport >abuses child jockeys who normally take the reins. >So, race organaizers plan to have 20 riding robots >ready when racing season starts in October.
原文一文を訳してみました。 Spurring the robots' development has been vehement condemnation of human rights groups, who say the sport abuses child jockeys who normally take the reins. 「ロボットの開発に拍車をかけたのは、人権団体の猛烈な抗議であった。 彼らは、その競技が通常馬の手綱を取っている子供の騎手達の虐待に あたると主張する」
倒置の部分を普通の語順に直すと [Vehement condemnation of human rights groups] has been spurring [the robots' development]. (人権団体の猛烈な抗議がロボットの開発に拍車をかけてきた) →(人権団体が猛烈に抗議したためにロボットの開発が推し進められる ようになった)
Vehement condemnation of human rights groups has been spurring the robots' development. They say the sport abuses child jockeys who normally take the reins.
などとなって、human rights groups を受ける代名詞 They が必要となり しかも位置が離れてしまう。 原文のように倒置にして human rights groups を最後に持ってきて、 関係代名詞の継続用法 [ 〜 , who] でつなぐ方がスムーズに文意が とれるからです。
(続き) ・倒置について has been spurring の spurring が先頭に出た形の倒置(現在完了進行形 の倒置)はたしかにそう頻繁に見られるものではないでしょうが、 倒置は結構いろいろな形が可能です。小説や詩などを読むといわゆる大学 受験参考書に載っている形以外にも様々な倒置があるのに出会います。 手元の「英語文体論」(池田拓朗著)を参照すると次のような進行形の 倒置例が載っています。
Running backward are the sentences until reeling is the mind. (文が逆に進んでいくのだ、心がくらくらしてしまうまで。) (= The sentences are running backward until the mind is reeling.)
Hayat was first interviewed by the FBI on May 29 in Japan, when he was trying to return from Pakistan. His name was flagged on a federal "no-fly list," and Korean Airlines Flight 23 from Seoul to San Francisco International Airport was diverted to Tokyo, after about five hours over the Pacific Ocean. Canadian authorities refused to accept the flight
This Fourth of July will have special meaning for Quyen Nguyen, a 26-year-old human-trafficking victim from Vietnam. Nguyen said she can truly say she is free from former employer Kil Soo Lee, a South Korean businessman who recruited men and women like her to work under →slave-like conditions in an American Samoa garment factory producing clothing for major U.S. retailers.
Lee, 52, convicted in U.S. District Court in ★★★the largest human-trafficking case ever prosecuted,
Stanley Togikawa of the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention was in American Samoa when he heard of Nguyen's plight and made the arrangements to get her and other workers to Hawaii. He and the church fed, housed and found sponsors across the United States willing to take them in. They received numerous community donations of rice, food and money to help the workers with their first month's rent and deposit.,,7-1737805,00.html He was born Kim Sung Jong in 1952 to Korean parents in Osaka. His father was a poor immigrant who built himself a fortune in taxis, property and pachinko At 15, Kim Sung Jong was sent to the preparatory school for the private and prestigious Keio University in Tokyo. It was at this time that he underwent surgery on his eyes to make them larger and less oriental, and he took on a new, Japanese name, Seisho Hoshiyama.
>>742 A teenager convicted of murder in the deaths of two classmates was not insane at tha time of the shootings and will go to prison instead of a mental hospital. The judge, Michael Kirk, said that the teenager ,John J. McLaughlin of Cold Spring, suffered "some sort of mental impairment," but that he knew "his actions were morally wrong." Mr. McLaughlin, who is now 17, killed Seth Bartell, and Aaron Rollins.
>>18 図2より、文字英語では英文雑誌のNewsweek (NW)、TIME (TM)が一番右端に位置し、 最も語彙レベルが高いと認められる。次にUSA Today (US)、Japan Times (JT)、 Chicago Tribune (CT)の英字新聞が続く。その後、 Daily Yomiuri (DY)、 Asahi Weekly (AW)、 Student Times (ST)という日本の英字新聞3紙、 その後に New York Times (NY)が来ている。日本の英字新聞3紙は、 Daily Yomiuri に「辞書なしでやさしく楽しく学べる」と宣伝されているように、 難しい語に注釈がつけられている。 もし注釈がなければ実はNew York Timesに匹敵する語彙レベルということを示している。
どうして注釈がなければ、より簡単なNew York Timesに匹敵することになるのかわからない。 しかも、注釈によってどうして語彙レベルに影響が出てくるのかもわからない。
My Lai massacre hero dies at 62 Hugh Thompson Jnr, a former US military helicopter pilot who helped stop one of the most infamous massacres of the Vietnam War has died, aged 62.
Mr Thompson and his crew came upon US troops killing civilians at the village of My Lai on 16 March 1968.
He put his helicopter down between the soldiers and villagers, ordering his men to shoot their fellow Americans if they attacked the civilians.
"There was no way I could turn my back on them," he later said of the victims.
Two soldiers who stopped their comrades from slaughtering innocent civilians during the Vietnam War 30 years ago have been awarded the Soldier's Medal.