文法的な間違いを指摘しなさいというものなんですが、よくわからんの です。 I think she is a typical yo-yo dieter, because although she does a lot of dieting, she loses her weight and then gains it back.
Firt Spanish and then American colonialist found the region hard to subdue. という文がうまく訳せないです。一行目が主語なのはわかりましたが、 二行目の動詞 found 以下がうまく訳せないです。 解説をお願いいます。 助けてください。
a majority of parents want corporal punishment to be reintroduced in schools to tackle what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorder.
what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorderという部分の構造がさっぱり分かりません。
This book,( )carelessly,will do you more harm than good. 1.read 2.reading 3.if reading 4.reads どれが入るのでしょうか? あと、訳がよくわかりません・・注意深く読まないと逆に害になる・・・みたいな感じですか?
( ) control herself,she burst into tears at the news. 1.Being unable 2.In unabling 3.Unabling to 4.Unable to これもどれをいれたらよいのかわかりません・・・よろしくお願いします。
選択問題で間違った問題なのですが○×だけしか付けられていなくて、 正解が分かりません・・・。どなたか、よろしくお願い致します。。 1, ________________ this week? "No, she's on holiday." A/Is Susan working B/ Does work Susan
2,Tom ____________ his hand when he was cooking the dinner. A/bornt B/was burning
3, Jim is away on holiday. He __________ to Spain. A/is going B/has gone
4,Everything is going well. We ________ any problem so far. A/didn't have B/ haven't had
5, We're good friends. We __________ each other for a long time. A/know B/have known C/ knew
Again, the knowledge or competence one has in the Ameslan system can be called language, in contrast to the use of it, which is called performance. です。
>>64 1. How do you say "itadakimasu" in English? 2. How do you say "gachisousama" in English? 3. Thank you very much for the meal. It was really good. 4. May I ask who prepared this delicious dish?
1 彼女は柔道の練習を始めた。 She began ( ) judo. 2 あなたは柔道の試合を見たいですか。 Do you like ( ) judo matches? 3 わたしのおじは柔道の先生になろうとした。 My uncle tried ( ) a judo instructor. 4 私は前に彼にどこかで会ったことを覚えている。 I remember ( ) him somewhere before.
1.I consider to go overseas for a holiday,provided my boss gives his consent to my plants. 2.I tried on three suits to see if they looked good on me,but I found neither of them satisfactory. 3.I'm sorry to say that we found the person you had recommended to me was impossible to carry out the task. 4.To my regret,I have a feeling,nowdays,that I cannot stay up as late as I used to be.
>>98 1.I will consider going overseas for a holiday,provided my boss gives his consent to my plants. 2.I tried on three suits to see if they looked good on me,but I found none of them satisfactory. 3.I'm sorry to say that we found the person you had recommended for me impossible to carry out the task. 4.To my regret,I have a feeling that nowadays I cannot stay up as late as I used to .
The labor union leaders corporate with management side and try hard to avoid anything that might affect the company's growth or survival. だいたいの訳はわかってるけど、一応確認のために誰か翻訳して下さい(^_−)
Glen's the man, going to work Got his tie, got ambition Middle management is right in his grasp It's a dream he will never let die Glen's the man of the hour, he's the king of his cube Status call reports have finally met their rival Burning the candle at both ends on his way to the top He know one day he just could become... Supervisor!
>>125 現在進行形はおかしい so I am studying hard now.→so I study hard everyday. 下もちょっといじった方がいい・・・。 Every student needs a good teacher. But I know to teach to others is very difficult because to tell others ones thought properly is not easy.
I know every student needs a good teacher.however, it is difficult for me to be that, because I do not know very well how to teach and tell,it must be not easy.
I want to be a person to think of others and be a teacher to think of students. I think this thought is very important. I will keep this thought. Becoming a good teacher is not a easy way, but I’ll do my best.
ここもちょっといじろうか・・・。 I want to be a kind teacher who take care of students carefully, and I deeply believe it is significant.and thus,I will keep on trying it hard. 作文だけど、一応アカデミックなラインティングだから[']は使わない方がいい。
I want to be a teacher. I want to teach math or science, so I study hard everyday.
I know every student needs a good teacher, however, it is difficult for me to be that. It must be not easy to learn how to teach and tell well.
I want to be a teacher who takes care of students kindly. I believe it is very important, so I will keep on trying it hard. To become a good teacher is not an easy way, but I will do my best.
おねがいします。 1、日本は多くの点で西欧諸国の影響を受けてきている。 Japan has been influenced ( )( )( )by western countries. 2、古代日本人は中国から漢字を取り入れた Old Japanese ( )( )Chinese characters from China. 3、日本は今、経済においてだけでなく政治においても不安定だ。 Japan is not stable ( )( )economically ( )( )politically now. 4、日本語を第2言語として用いる人はほとんどいない。 Few people use Japanese ( )( )( )( ).
>>149 輪郭がぼやけるのが不定冠詞、輪郭がはっきりするのが定冠詞。 The sun is in the sky.では、たった一つの空にたった一つの太陽があるんだが、 A sun is in a sky.では、太陽っていうものが、空というところにあるという感じ。 (太陽が二つあってもいいし、空が二つあってもよい。) Could you lend me a book?では「何でもいいから本を貸してくれ」となるが、 Could you lend me the book?だと「その本を貸してくれ」となる。
>>157 どれぐらい前からそうしようと思っていたのかの基準なんてないでしょ。 とても暑いと感じたので、窓を開けようと決めた。そしてその瞬間以降なら、 going toでぜんぜんおかしくない。おしっこしたくなったので、便所に行って きますというのに、I've got to pee. I will go to the bathroomなんて だれもいわない。I shallなんてなおさらいわないよ(w
アNow,can you help me figure out this recipe? イNow,can you help me prepare dinner tonight? ウNow,can you finally give me back the book I lent you? エNow,can you understand why we learned to read?
アNow,can you help me figure out this recipe? こんどは君がこのレシピを理解するのを手伝ってくれる? イNow,can you help me prepare dinner tonight? こんどは君が、私が夕飯を作るのを手伝ってくれる? × ウNow,can you finally give me back the book I lent you? さあ、君はそろそろ私が貸した本を返してくれるんだろうね? エNow,can you understand why we learned to read? さて、君は我々が読むために習ったことを思い出したかね?
>>167 A:How were your summer holidays? (夏休みはどうでしかたか?) B:(It ) have been (great ). (最高だったよ)
彼女は彼らが全く知らない世界に属している。 She belonged to a world he was quite ignorant of. She belonged to a world about ( ) ( ) ( ) nothing ( ) ( ). ワカンネ
他にすることもなかったので、映画を見に行った。 I didn't (have ) (anything ) (better※自信ない ) (to do ) , so I went to the movies. better / good / anything / to do / something / have
復活。 これは難しい問題ですね。 エNow,can you understand why we learned to read? を訳すとすれば 「何故わしらが読めるようになったのか、わかってるかね?(わしが虫眼鏡を貸してやったからじゃよ)」 となるでしょう。No Problem のあとに続ける文としては、いかにボケ老人としても不適切かと。ちなみに
アNow,can you help me figure out this recipe? このレシピを理解するのを手伝ってくれる?
という文にナンシーのSure,as long as I can read it!をつなげると 「もちろん、私がこの文字を読めるうちはね!(私に読める文字の大きさなら大丈夫よ!」 となりますので、やはりアが正しい正解かと思われます。ここではletterは手紙ではなくて文字と 訳すのが適切でしょうね。文字が読めない件について、会話がなされているのです。 文字が読めない→虫眼鏡提供→ わしの読みたいものも手伝ってくれ→この小さい文字が読めるんだからなんでも持ってきなさい! というような感じでしょう。唐突にレシピが出て来ましたけど、他の選択肢は選べませんということで。続く
イNow,can you help me prepare dinner tonight? スレ違い。誤爆でしょう。
ウNow,can you finally give me back the book I lent you? the bookのtheで指し示せるような名詞に相当するbookは出てきていないので 唐突にthe bookというのは禁じ手です。
エNow,can you understand why we learned to read? readにitが付いていれば、見返りに何かを要求しようとする意地悪爺さんと as long as I can read it!(呼んだら忘れちゃうわよん)というちゃっかりナンシーとの 会話として成立するでしょうけど、No Problemの直前ということからも、itがにということからも この線では考えにくいです。 よってアが正しい、ということになります。今度はわしのを手伝っておくれ。ということですね。
>エNow,can you understand why we learned to read? >readにitが付いていれば、見返りに何かを要求しようとする意地悪爺さんと >as long as I can read it!(呼んだら忘れちゃうわよん)というちゃっかりナンシーとの >会話として成立するでしょうけど、No Problemの直前ということからも、itがにということからも >この線では考えにくいです。
>>166 A:How were your summer holidays? (夏休みはどうでしかたか?) B:(I ) have been (enjoyed ). (最高だったよ) excitedでもいいじゃねぇかと言われてしまえばその通りの問題ですね。 大事なのはhaveとあるので主語をIにする点です。
彼女は彼らが全く知らない世界に属している。 She belonged to a world he was quite ignorant of. She belonged to a world about (which) (he) (has) nothing (to) (learn). これはabout whichを使うのでnothing to V のVは、about a worldを後ろに取れる 動詞でないといけません。ので、doだと微妙かもしれませんね。
M: Hey, I heard you tried that new Japanese restaurant around the corner. How was it? W: Couldn't have been better! N: What does the woman mean?
(A) She has not been to the restaurant yet. (B) She enjoyed the restaurant very much. (C) She thinks that some of the menu items are better than others. (D) She plans to eat at the restaurant soon.
A:How were your summer holidays? (夏休みはどうでしかたか?) B:( Couldn't ) have been ( better ). (最高だったよ)
彼女は彼らが全く知らない世界に属してい【た】。 She belonged to a world he was quite ignorant of. She belonged to a world about ( which ) ( he ) ( knew ) nothing ( at ) ( all ).
>>200 彼女は彼らが全く知らない世界に属してい【た】。 She belonged to a world he was quite ignorant of. She belonged to a world about ( which ) ( he ) ( knew ) nothing ( at ) ( all ).
>>221 確かに形の上ではどちらともとれるものが存在します。 We have boiled eggs.なんかもそれですね。 見分ける前に、両方の意味で解釈できること(「ゆで卵を食べる」「卵をゆでた」)が大切で、 その次に文脈から意味を決定するのがいいと思います。 事実、2例はいずれも文脈から切り離すと意味が決定できません。
仮定法の問題なんですが、 1、A step forward, you would have fallen over the cliff. If you (had )( made ) a step forward, you would have fallen over the cliff. 2,It is time for him to retire and make way for a yonger man. It is time he ( ) and ( ) way for a yonger man.
1 私は買い物をしている間に財布を盗まれた。 I was stolen my wallet while I was shopping. 2 私はその作家のあまりにも突然の死を知ってショックを受けた。 I shocked to learn that the writer died so suddenly. 3 陰で笑われるのを好む人はいない。 No one likes to be laughed behind their back. 4 今度のオリンピックはどこの国で行われるのですか? In what country will the next Olympics be taken place?
>>230 1 私は買い物をしている間に財布を盗まれた。 I was stolen my wallet while I was shopping. => I had my wallet stolen while I was shopping.
2 私はその作家のあまりにも突然の死を知ってショックを受けた。 I shocked to learn that the writer died so suddenly. => I WAS shocked to learn that the writer died so suddenly.
3 陰で笑われるのを好む人はいない。 No one likes to be laughed behind their back. => No one likes to be laughed AT behind their back.
4 今度のオリンピックはどこの国で行われるのですか? In what country will the next Olympics be taken place? => In what country will the next Olympics TAKE place? => or: In what country will the next Olympics be HELD?
>>230 1 I had my wallet stolen...... 2 I was shocked to learn...... 3 No one likes to be laughed at behind the back. 4 In what country will the next Olympics take place?
1 I ( ) computer games for a long time when my mother came home. 2 Before we fast met, we ( ) of each other only by name. 3 I could tell who he was because I ( ) him several times before. 4 Tom ( ) for six hours when he reached the top of Mt. Fuji.
1.次の会合には万障お繰り合わせの上ご出席ください。 We would really (meeting/attend/next/you to/the/like) →like you to attend the next meeting. 2.となりの人に鍵を預けていきます。 I will (the key/my/leave/neighbor/with/next-door). →leave my next-door neighbor with the key. 3.最善を尽くしたのだと考えて自分を慰めた。 I consoled myself(the thought/my best/I had/with/done/that).
Emi is talking with Miki and Rie about the photograph. Emi said "This is my family. I have the elder sister of the twins who live in Boston now. She resembles me. But she is mole in a head." Miki said "She is very well alike. It cannot distinguish with a photgraph." Emi said. "We lived in a house which strands on a hill. Only parents live now." Rie said "I also lived in a house which stands on a hill. But It does not live now." "why?" "The school removed to the near house. with the family." Miki said "Only I was born in this town."
>263 i don't think that "which" is the one you are looking for on this problem. because sentence doesn't flow with which. the correct answer would be "but".
1、もうそろそろお休みになる時間ですよ。 It's about time you ( went ) to bed. 2、ゆうべ、あんなにたくさん食べなきゃよかった。 I wish I ( hadn't ) ( eaten ) so much last night. 3、もっと早く来ていたら、君は彼に会えたのに。 ( If ) ( you ) come earlier, you could have met him.
1 When I went to the zoo, I took many pictures of pandas but ( ) pictures of monkeys. 2 Everybody respected the scientist. She had ( ) monkey, but a great love of learning. 3 I recognized Tom easily at the party. But I had changed a lot, so he could ( ) recognize me. 4 My sister likes to go out. And like me, she ( ) stays at home on Sundays.
1.His son would often take hammer and chisel, and try to cut a statue from a piece of rock. 2.All of us should give up the wrong view that happiness depends upon worldly prosperity. 3.If you would pass the entrance examination, you should always study all subjects as hard as you can. 4.In spite of his good fortune, he used to long very much to go home to see his dear children again.
( )に適当な関係副詞をいれろという問題なんですけど下記であってるでしょうか? 添削お願いいたします。5番は2つの文を関係副詞を使ってひとつの文にしろという問題です。 1,The church (when) they had their wedding was by the lake. 2,Do you remember the day (when) you met me for the first time? 3,I don't know the reason (why) she says nothing about the accident. 4,The man told the reporters (how) he had survived for more than a week on the cold mountain.
5、This is the house. Montgomery wrote the famous "Anne of Green Gables" here.
This is the house when Montgomery wrote the famous "Anne of Green Gables" .
>>297 1 where the churchが先行詞 5 where the houseが先行詞
☆when(先行詞が時を表す) where(先行詞が場所を表す) why(the reasonが先行詞) how(=the way in which, the way) この問題の4番だが、以下のように置き換え可能。 The man told the reporters how he had survived ・・・ =The man told the reporters the way he had survived ・・・ =The man told the reporters the way in which he had survived ・・・
>>302 The important thing is for you to have some object for living worth for living. 以下のように訂正いたします。(消し忘れた) ↓ The important thing is for you to have some object worth for living.
In most Western countries, service industries use a ‘tip’, or gratuity system, while Japan does not. What are the benefits and drawbacks of a tipping system? Would you like to see this system used in Japan? Explain.
Kyoto is a city in Japan. There is many temples and shrines. They are very mistycal and I was impressed by the greatness of the real thing. I think Kyoto is so attractive and nice place. So I want to visit Kyoto again, when I grow up.
1行目はA city called Kyoto is located in Japan.のほうがいいでしょうか? お願いします…!
Kyoto is located in Japan. There is many temples and shrines there. They were very mystical and I was impressed by the greatness of their real thing. I think Kyoto is so attractive and nice.(such an attractive and nice place) So I would like to visit Kyoto again, when I grow up.
問4.You ( ), because the shop didn't open until ten o'clock. 1.hadn't had to hurry 2.needn't have hurried 3.hadn't better hurry 4.didn't need have hurried
問5.I ( ) go to the river and catch many kinds of fish when I was a little boy. 1.would often 2.should sometimes 3.might usually 4.must always
1.母親が入院中は誰が子供たちの世話をするのだろうか。 while their mother is in the hospital? 2.この建物のエレベーターはいつも故障ばかりしている。 The elevators in this building 3.彼は言い訳を作り上げるのがうまかった。 He was good at make the story up.
Imagine a school where there is never any homework. Work is only done in school, because that is where the machines are. Students punch a time card when they arrive in each classroom. They work at their studies only until the bell rings and then punch out. At the end of each week, every student receives a paycheck. Each student has a computer terminal and works at his or her own pace. There is a meter on each terminal, and the teacher can read off how much the student has accomplished during the week. [This] allows the school to reward students in relation to their productivity.
1〜5の文を関係副詞を用いて1つの文にしろ。という問題なんですけど よくわからないんです。一応やってみたんですけどどうか教えてください!! 1、June is the month. There is a lot of rain in Japan in the month. June is the month when there is a lot of rain in Japan. 2、She told me the way. She mastered five languages in the way. She told me how she mastered five languages . 3、Is there any reason? You don't eat meat. ・・・・ 4、She went to Egypt. And she saw lots of ancient pyramids there. She went to Egypt and there she saw lots of ancient pyramids . 5、I was getting off the train. And I felt someone touch me on the shoulder then. I was getting off the train and them felt someone touch me on the shoulder.
1 彼女は私にその劇場は5時に開くといった。 would / at five / that / told / open / she / the theater / me 2 彼女は私たちがもっと早く出発したらどうかと言った。 suggested / should / earlier / that / we / start / she 3 私たちは劇の第1幕を見損なうかもしれないと彼女は私に言った。 miss / told / the play / the first act / she / we / of / might / me
>>370 1,2→OK 3,Is there any reason (why) you don't eat meat? 4,〜Egypt,where she saw lots of ancient pyramids. 5,〜 the train,when I felt someone touch me on the shoulder.
>>372 1 She told me that the theater would open at five. 2 She suggested that we should start earlier. 3 She told me we might miss the first act of the play.
It is not easy for sighted people to realize the implication of the fact that the blind person's perception of the world, sound apart, is confined to the reach of his body, and to extension of his body which can set up, such as a cane.
Aserinsky did not know what to think of this. He woke his son during one of these strange movements, and the child told his father he had been dreaming. Aserinsky had discovered rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep. Most dreams happen during this kind of sleep. A new age of dream research started with this discovery.
コンピューターは間違いなく蒸気機関やガソリンエンジンと同様、重要な発明になるであろう。 The computer (important/certainly going/an invention than/no less/to be/is) the steam and the petrol engine.
The scholar uses the term culture to mean ( ) range of phenomena than this word covers in ordinary language. 1.the broadest 2.a much broader 3a very broad 4.by far broad
>>400 Aserinsky had discovered rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep. は「アセリンスカイは逆説睡眠、あるいは レム睡眠を発見しました。」 ではなく、 「アセリンスキーは急速眼球運動睡眠、すなわちレム睡眠を発見しました。」 が正しいと思います。「,or」(カンマor)で「すなわち、言い換えれば」。 辞書では「or」の最後のほうにあると思います。 「rapid eye movement」の頭文字が「REM」です。
Mother told me stories ( ) we walked along. 歩いていきながら、母は私に話をしくれた。 It began to rain( ) I was waiting at the bus stop. 私がバス亭で待っている間に雨が降り出した He started walking to work with a ( ) to cutting down on expenses. 彼は経費を切り詰めるために会社へ歩き始めた
>>414 Mother told me stories (as) we walked along. It began to rain (while) I was waiting at the bus stop. He started walking to work with a (view) to cutting down on expenses.
>>414 Mother told me stories (as) we walked along. It began to rain (while) I was waiting at the bus stop. He started walking to work with a (view) to cutting down on expenses.
The prime minister will visit Russia next month, ( )
1 when he proposes that the two countries come to an agreement. 2 when he proposes that the two countries will come to an agreement. 3 when he will propose that the two countries come to an agreement. 4 when he will propose that the two countries will come to an agreement.
正解は3なんですが、理由がわかりません。選択肢の部分が next month の 修飾語になっているのはわかるのですが…。 よろしくおねがいします。
並べ替えです Sunset has always been one of my favorite times of the day. Before I simplified my life, I was frequently too busy to enjoy it. という二文に続けて (my world/I/ regulary one of the most spectacular shows / is/ almost never miss/ on earth/ simpler/ is /now that /, /what).
He praises the Meiji era translators who were able tocreate kanji images to convey Western concepts and ideas,achallenging intellectual tradition carried into the 20th century.As examples,he cites the kanji characters for the ""League of Nations"and ""United Nations"and such catchy creations as gorin to convey the concept of the Olympics. 訳をどうかお願いします。
As recently ( 1 ) 1960, only 33.3 percent of the American work force was female. ( 2 ) 1985, the percentage had risen ( 3 ) 54.7. Today, more and ( 4 ) women, ( 5 ) single and married, are working outseide their homes. Women's liberation no doubt has nothing to do ( 6 ) this new situation; difficult economic times have ( 7 ) contributed to the increase in female participation ( 8 ) the work force. Women are working ( 9 ) only in secretarial positions, as they ( 10 ) did, but in the professions and trade ( 11 ) well. It is growing more common to find female engineers, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals. Female housepainters, plumbers, and construction workers are not common, but they ( 12 ) exist. Fifteen years ago they did not.
>>464 As recently ( (as) in ) 1960, only 33.3 percent of the American work force was female.
( In ) 1985, the percentage had risen ( (up) to ) 54.7. Today, more and ( more ) women, ( both ) single and married, are working outside their homes.
Women's liberation no doubt has nothing to do ( with ) this new situation; difficult economic times have ( been ) contributed to the increase in female participation ( in ) the work force.
Women are working ( not ) only in secretarial positions, as they ( usually?? ) did, but in the professions and trade ( as ) well. It is growing more common to find female engineers, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals.
Female housepainters, plumbers, and construction workers are not common, but they ( do ) exist. Fifteen years ago they did not.
仮定法の並び替えなんですが、わかりません。。 @新聞にもっと明るいニュースが出ていればいいのになあ。 (more,wish,were,I,cheerful news,there)in the papers. I wishで始める気がするんですが、つなげられません。 A少し遅く出たので、彼は夕方のラッシュアワーにつかまった。 Had(have,a little earlier,he,missed,he,left,would)the evening rush hour. 全く分かりません。。 Bもしあなたが助けてくれなかったなら、私は途方に暮れていたでしょう。 (help,been,for,it,your,had,not)I would have been at a loss completely. Had not been〜?? C愛する父が生きていて、私の勝利を見てくれたらいいんだが。 I(my,were,father,and,wish,alive,saw,loving)my victory. I wish my loving father ere alive and saw〜でしょうか?? どなたかお願いします!!
1. I wish there were* more chereful news in the papers. * was のほうがいいでしょう。 2. Had he left a little earlier he would have missed the evening rush hour. 日本語の文はあまり似てません。 3. Had it not been for your help I would have been at a loss completely*. 'completely at a loss'のほうが自然です。 4. I wish my loving father were alive and saw my victory. 英語の文はちょっと不自然です。私なら、 I wish my beloved* father had been alive to see my victory. (* いみがちょっと違いますが・・・)
1、He is too fat to dance. If he (were) not so fat, he ( could) dance. 2,I'm sorry you didn't come to see me yesterday. I wish you ( had)(come) to see me yesterday. 3,If you heard him speak English, you would think him a Englishman. (To) (hear) him speak English, you would think him a Englishman.
>>481 Great Britain (/ The United Kingdom) consists of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. 'Englishman' refers specifically to someone from England.
1,I will give a reward to anyone who finds my missing dog. 2,You can buy any of these clothes that you want. 3,Anything that she cooks tastes good. 4,Don't hesitate to call me any time you have a problem. 5,These plants grow in any place where there is light.
1,I will give a reward to (whoever) finds my missing dog. 2,You can buy ( )( ) you want. 3,(Whatever) she cooks tastes good. 4,Don't hesitate to call me (whenever) you have a problem. 5,These plants grow (wherever) there is light. 各組の文がほぼ同じになるように( )に適当な語をいれなさい。という問題ですけど( )内であってますか? あと2番が何をいれていいかわかりません。 どなたか教えてください。御願します。
1、これは彼がロンドンで勉強してたときにその作家が住んでいたアパートである。 1、This is the apartment where the writer lived when he studied in London. 2、I went to Spain last year, when I saw a bullfight for the first time. 2、私は去年スペインに行きはじめて闘牛を見た。 3、Reading the textbook aloud every day is how I learn English. 3、毎日教科書を大声で読むことは、私がどのように英語を学習するかです。 英文を訳したのですが添削をお願いいたします。
1 彼女はなぜそんなに心配しているのかしら。 I wonder (is / so / why / worried / she). 2 彼女はバッグをどこへ置いたか覚えていない。 She does not remember (bag / she / her / left / where). 3 彼女は遺失物取扱所はどこか私に尋ねた。 She asked (the lost-and-found office / me / wes / where).
He feels publishing, movies and TV have followed foreign linguistic trends without making the intellectual efforts to create something original and vibrant in Japanese itself. He cites the movie title "Private Ryan," nothing it wound have been self-explanatory to use "Ryan" and the kanji for ""private"" rather than resorting to only katakana which left some people thinking "Saving Private Ryan" was about the private life of a man named Ryan. 和訳をどうかお願いします。
>>515 "Don't you think his lecture is too long?" "Yes, it is too long" / "No, it is not too long" "Why did she have to go to work for this past Sunday?"
He even sees the trend growing in the world of Kasumigaseki's bureaucrats-some of whom, he alleges, feel they can deter the press from digging deeper. この文章の-の役割を知りたいです。あと-以下はhe alleages some of whom feel〜としていいですか?
>>517 My bike's brake does't work well . Could you repair it ? Both wheel need. How much does it cost ? And please keep tires pressure within standard .
>>534 つーか、「if they are to become」は確かに「conditional」ですね。 Aのほうは「There present high cost must be reduced whether they wish to become more widespread or not.」です。
Why are Americans so antismoking? I’ve been to Europe, and it’s not so bad there. In Italy,they still have ashtrays in elevators. In England, people still politely offer cigarettes and cigars to their guests.( ), people can smoke more freely in Europe.
(1) I do not have time to not type it now. ----- - but I could do it in about two hours. --------- -------
(2) Since past success is not necessarily predictale of future performance, ------------- -------- clients may have little concern for how long a company has been in business --------- --------- (3) Are you looking anything special today, -------------- ------ or are you just browsing? ----- ---- (4) Separate studies in ten Asian countries were basically on in-depth telephone interviews --------- ------- --------- with over one thousand firms. ----
(1) I do not have time to not type it now. ( A ) (B) but I could do it in about two hours. ( C ) ( D )
(2) Since past success is not necessarily predictale of future performance, ( A ) ( B ) clients may have little concern for how long a company has been in business ( C ) ( D ) (3) Are you looking anything special today, ( A ) ( B ) or are you just browsing? ( C ) ( D ) (4) Separate studies in ten Asian countries were basically on in-depth telephone interviews ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) with over one thousand firms. ( D )
>>563 (1) I do not have time (not to) type (it) now.
but( I will able to do) it (in about) two hours. いまタイプする時間はないけど、約2時間でできると思う
(2) Since past (success is not) necessarily (predictable) of future performance,
clients (may have) little (concern about) how long a company has been in business 過去の成功は必ずしも将来の実行を予言するものではないので クライアントは会社がどれだけの間ビジネスできるか関心をほとんどもたない。 (3) Are you (looking something) special (today),
(or are) you (just) browsing?
(4) Separate (studies among) ten Asian countries were (basically) on in-depth telephone (interviews)
1,ここが、私が毎週泳いでいるプールです。(関係副詞を使って) 2,そんなわけで私達は試合に遅れたのです。(関係副詞を使って) 3,私が電話する時はいつでも、ブラウン氏は忙しそうだ。(複合関係詞を使って) 1,This is the pool in which I'm swimming every week. 1番はなんとかわかったんですけど2番と3番がわからないんです。 教えてください!!お願いします!!
>>577 When is your commencement day? ←変な文 What /else/ do you know about that man? 2は合ってます。 Which do you think the best season is to [visit] kyoto and Nara?
Between periods of REM sleep, electrical waves are slow and even. But during REM sleep-during dreaming-the electrical pattern is very similar to that of someone who is awake. レム睡眠の期間で、電気波は遅くゆるやかです。 しかし、レム睡眠に耐える間に、夢を見る電気的パターンは、 目が覚めている人のパターンに非常に似ています。
My teacher told me to study harder to get into a good university. Land prices in this city are so high that few houses have yards. He turned the heating on so that the room would warm up.
Up to 25 percent of American population have a fear of flying. The feeling of anxiety itself is (nervous/natural/rare/remote) and can even save a person's life in a dangerous situation. But being afraid on an airplane is nether useful nor healthy. This fear prevents many people from flying altogether. Since airplanes are an important means of transportation in the USA,this can cause (unimportance/independence/unreality/inconvenience) in their lives.
すみません、ちょっとお聞きしたいんですが 1、But for your advice, I would have been ruined. ( If )(it )( were )( not ) for your advice,〜以下同じ
だと文法書を調べて思ったのですが、この文は後半がwould+have+p.pですよね? という事は、仮定法過去完了になるのですか? But for=If it were notとIf it had not beenがあって、前者は仮定法過去の場合で後者を完了に用いると書いてあったのですが カッコの数に合わないんです。なので、どうなるのかな〜と。意味は「あなたの忠告がなければ私は破滅していたでしょう」みたいな感じですか? 教えてください。
1 It's time you [ ] to bed. ア.went イ.gone ウ.should エ.to go 2 My uncle died [ ] cancer two years ago. ア.of イ.for ウ.by エ.out 3 [ ] to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? ア.Are you possible イ.Is it able for you ウ.Is it capable for you エ.Is it possible for you 4 He did not [ ] the meeting. ア.attend イ.go ウ.present エ.absent 5 What [ ] you here this morning? ア.came イ.made ウ.brought エ.caused 6 He was so confused that his answer did not make any [ ]. ア knowledge イ.meaning ウ.sense エ.word
>>639 1 It's time you [ ] to bed. went 2 My uncle died [ ] cancer two years ago. of 3 [ ] to come to the office an hour earlier than usual tomorrow? Is it possible for you 4 He did not [ ] the meeting. attend 5 What [ ] you here this morning? brought 6 He was so confused that his answer did not make any [ ]. sense
( )の中から正しいものを選ぶ問題です。 @(How,What,Which,Who)do you think she tamed this tiger? How 彼女がどのようにこの虎を慣らしたと思いますか。 AHis composition is(free,beyond,far,nothing)from mistakes. free 彼の構成は誤りがありません。 B(Do you think who,Do you think whom,Who do yo think,What do you think)will be elected President of U.S.A? Do yo think who 誰がU.S.Aの大統領に選ばれるか思いますか。 CHe'd be the(last,usual,untimate,strange)person to do such a thing. last 彼は決してそのようなことを行う人ではないでしょう。 DWe should look about and see(what other course,why other course,when other course,where other course)is open to us. what other course 私たちは回りを見るべきであり、他のどこのコースが私たちに開放されているか確かめるべきです。 EI never see this photo without(reminding of,reminding,being remindedof,reminded of)my happy days in the countryside. reminding 私がこの写真を見ると必ず、地方で私の幸福な日に思い出させます。 FThe children weren't in their room. I wonder(what,where,how,that)they went. where子供たちは彼らの部屋にいませんでした。私は、彼らがどこに行ったかと思いました。 G(Not all the,Not every,Not all of,None of)employees here speak English well enough to do their job without an interpreter. None of ここの従業員の誰も、インタープリターのないそれらの仕事を行うことを十分に上手に英語を話しません。 日本語の添削もお願いします!!
>>656 @ok AHis composition is(free,beyond,far,nothing)from mistakes. free 彼の作文は誤りがありません。 B(Do you think who,Do you think whom,Who do yo think,What do you think)will be elected President of U.S.A? Who do you think 誰がU.S.Aの大統領に選ばれると思いますか。 Cok DWe should look about and see(what other course,why other course,when other course,where other course)is open to us. what other course 私たちは他のどのコースが私たちに開放されているかを見て回って調べるべきです。 EI never see this photo without(reminding of,reminding,being remindedof,reminded of)my happy days in the countryside. being reminded of 私はこの写真を見ると必ず、地方での私の幸せな日日が思い出されます。 Fok G(Not all the,Not every,Not all of,None of)employees here speak English well enough to do their job without an interpreter. Not all the ここの従業員は全員が通訳なしで仕事を行うほど(十分)上手に英語を話すとは限らない。
>>656 (How)の中から正しいものを選ぶ問題です。 AHis composition is(free)from mistakes. B(Who do yo think)will be elected President of U.S.A? ブッシュのバカ! CHe'd be the(last)person to do such a thing. DWe should look about and see(what other course)is open to us. EI never see this photo without(being reminded of)my happy days in the countryside. FThe children weren't in their room. I wonder(where)they went. G(Not all the)employees here speak English well enough to do their job without an interpreter.
1(Whoever )rings the doorbell, you must not open the door right away. 2(However )busy she was with her work, she usually came home before nine. 3(Whatever)happens, try to do your best. 4( Whenever)you go, come home by11:00. 5(Whenever)go to his house, he is not at home. 6(Wherever )shirt you choose, it will look nice on you. ( )に適当な複合関係詞をいれろという問題なんですけど ( )内であってるか添削をお願いいたします。
女性が冷たい海を泳いでいるというのが状況です。 Against the frigid grip of the sea, she struggled on – hour after hour – while millions were watching on national television. この場合、女性が海をgripしているのでしょうか、海が女性をgripしているのでしょうか。
1 She aimed to be a composer. =Her aim ( ) ( ) be a composer. 2 She went to Vienna to study music. =She went to Vienna. Her purpose ( ) ( ) study music.
>>712 1 ? 2 She is so kind a girl that she is loved by everyone. 3 We should make the most of our time. 4 I was surprised to hear the news of his death. 5 It takes her more than two hours to go to school.
1彼の兄はいわゆるJリーガーだ。 His brother is (what/is/called)a J-Leaguer. 2彼女は昔の彼女ではない。 She is not(what/she/used/to/be). 3彼は勇気があるし、そのうえだれに対しても優しい。 He is a brave man,(and/what/is/more/,/he/is/kind)to everybody. 4エンジンと車の関係は(人間の)心臓と身体の関係と同じだ。 An engine is to a car(what/the heart/is/to/the body). 日本語の意味にあうように( )の語句を並び替えなさい。 という問題なんですけど( )内は一応並び替えました。 添削をどうかお願いします。
1 要するに、彼はあまりにも楽観的過ぎたのだ。 that / optimistic / the point / he / is / was / too 2 問題は、私がいつ彼に真実を言うべきかだ。 should / the truth / when / the problem / him / is / tell / I 3 それが、私が今心配な理由だ。 why / I / that / worried / is / now / am
About 60 percent of company employees over 40 would not call in sick if they caught a cold, and three out of four would go to work even if they had fevers as high as 37.5, according to a recent survey by a major pharmaceutical firm.
のthee out of fourなのですが 訳は たとえ熱が37.5度あっても4分の3は仕事に行くだろう となっているんですがthree out of four とthree fourthsはどう違うんですか?
1,Whichever video you rent, you will find it interesting. 2,It is not a surprise whenever an accident happens.The crossing is too crowded. 3,He was from Australia, as I could tell from his accent. 4,The team is strong this year. It is quite different from what it was last year. 1どちらのビデオを借りても、それを面白く思うでしょう。 2いつ事故が起こっても、驚きではありません。交差点はあまりにも混雑していました。 3彼のアクセントから、彼はオーストラリアの出身だとわかった。 4そのチームは今年強い。それは、昨年のチームの状態とは全く違います。 英文を訳したのですが添削をお願いいたします。
■高1の教科書の本文(の質問です。) the folloing true sotory is about what one man did in order to save a rain forest.という文なんですが, 訳に「これから述べる話は一人の男性が雨林を守るためにしたことについての実話です。」 とあるんですが,「order」は訳に入ってません・・。どうゆうことでしょうか?
高1です。関係詞(whoとか)の宿題です。 @2つ文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適切な語を入れなさい。※that使用不可。 * He is a writer ( ) books are popular among young people. * He is a writer ( ) ( ) books ( ) ( ) widely read by young people. 最初の()の中はwhoseと分かったのですが、それ以外が分かりません。答えと少々解説をお願いしますm(__)m
>>741 * He is a writer (whose) books are popular among young people. * He is a writer (of) (the) books (which) (are) widely read by young people. cf He is a writer of which books are widely by young people.
1,この種類の絵が、いわゆる浮世絵だ。(Ukiyoe) 2,海と魚の関係は空と鳥の関係と同じだ。(whatを使って) 3,どんなに寒くても、私は明日の朝は5時に起きなければならない。(複合関係詞を使って) 1,This kind of picture is what called Ukiyoe. 2,The sea is to the fish what the sky is to the bird. 3,However cold I am, I have to get up at 5:00 on tomorrow morning. ( )内の条件で英文を訳す問題なのですが添削をお願いします。
Read the instructions carefully, ( ) you will not be able to build this model instruction. ⇔( ) you ( )( ) read the instructions carefully, you will not be able to build this model airplane.
If you ( )( ) improve your work, you will fail the exam. ⇔( ) you improve your work, you will fail the exam.
I cannot swimming today, because I have to prepare my lessons. →I could go swimming today〜
Satoru did not paint the gate, so his father did not buy him a ticket for the soccor game. →If Satoru had〜
But for Japan's technological support, the project would not have succeeded. →If Japan〜 (これのみgiveを用いて。)
Read the instructions carefully, (or) you will not be able to build this model instruction. ⇔(If) you (do)(not) read the instructions carefully, you will not be able to build this model airplane. If you (do)(not) improve your work, you will fail the exam. ⇔( ) you improve your work, you will fail the exam. ←何か間違いでしょう。 I cannot swimming today, because I have to prepare my lessons. →I could go swimming today if I didn't have to prepare my lessons. Satoru did not paint the gate, so his father did not buy him a ticket for the soccor game. →If Satoru had painted the gate his father would have bought him a ticket. But for Japan's technological support, the project would not have succeeded. →If Japan had not given technologica support the project would not have succeeded.
We can conduct an international conference very rapidly because technology of simultaneous interpretation was improved. However, it is needless to say that making simultaneous interpretaion different system of language like Japanese and English is difficult.
>>773 1文目は、×was improved, ○improved。ただ、過去形よりも現在完了にして、has improvedとした方がいいかも。 2文目は、HoweverではなくStillの方がベターな気がするけど、howeverでも間違いではない。 ところで、英語は文章の主語が長いのを嫌うので、itを主語にしてthatで受けたほうがいい。 それから、同時通訳のところは、「同時に通訳する」と考えて、 interpret simultaneously あるいは sumultaneously interpret としてはどうかな。 あと、は文章の主語が長いのを嫌うので、itを主語にしてthatで受けたほうがいい。 また、「語系が異なる場合の」は、「語系が異なる言語の」と考えてthe languages of differnt systems としてみてはどうか。
2文目についてまとめて反映させると・・・ Still, it is needless to say that it's difficult to simultaneously interpret the languages of different systems like Japanese and English.
@マリさんはこころよくワープロを教えてくれました。そのお礼に近々食事に誘おうと思います。 Mari willingly teach me how to use a word processor. I will shortly invite her to dinner in reward for that.
A私はぜひ英語の知識を有益に日常レベルで生かしてみたいと思っているのです。 I want to make the most of my English knowledge in daily level.
B最初、僕は番号を間違えてかけてしまったかと思ったよ。 At first,I thought I had dialed the wrong number.
Cロンドンに来て5年になりますが、こんな暑い夏は初めてです。 I've never had such a hot summer since I came to London five years ago.
>>778 @マリさんはこころよくワープロを教えてくれました。そのお礼に近々食事に誘おうと思います。 Mari willingly taught me how to use a word processor. I will invite her to dinner in reward for that soon.
A私はぜひ英語の知識を有益に日常レベルで生かしてみたいと思っているのです。 I want to make the most of my English knowledge for daily use.
B最初、僕は番号を間違えてかけてしまったかと思ったよ。 At first, I thought I dialed a wrong number.
Cロンドンに来て5年になりますが、こんな暑い夏は初めてです。 I've never had such a hot summer since I came to London five years ago.
D去年十年ぶりにバンコクに行ったら、町がすっかり変わっていたので驚きました。 When I visited Bangkok last year after 10 years' absence, I was very astonished at the sight of town; it was not what I knew it had been.
E私は大学2年生の時に、世界中をたった一人で旅行して、すばらしい経験をしました。 When I was a second-year college student, I traveled all over the world all alone and had great experiences.
F昨年やっと借金が返せた。それで気分がせいせいしている。 At last I have finished paying back my debts. So I feel good now.
日本文にあうような単語を括弧内に入れる問題です。 (1)彼は数多くの間違いをしたけれども、そこから大切なことを学んだ He made many mistakes. He, ( ), learned something important from them. =He made many mistakes, ( ) he learned something important from them. =( ) He made many mistakes, he learned something important from them. @but Athough Bhowever
(2)ビルは科学に興味がある。一方、アレックスは音楽が好きだ。 Bill is interested in science, ( ) Alex is fond of music. =Bill is interested in science. ( ), Alex is fond of music. @while Aon the other hand
If he(goes )to the party, I'll do so, too.[go] If I( was )you, I would help him with the work.[be] If Mr.Tanaka(called )me, please tell him I'll be back in about an hour.[call] If I(had )a driver's license, I could drive the car instead of you.[have] [ ]の動詞を適当な形に変えて( )内にいれ英文を完成させろという問題 ですけどあってるかどうか添削をしてください。お願いいたします。
和訳の問題です。なんとなくの雰囲気はつかめるんですが…。 @He found that they had one thing most in common: they all had eaten a big breakfast all their lives. AOne study showed that people who ate 2,000 calories each day for breakfast lost weight, while those who ate the same 2,000 calories at night gained weight. お願いします。
(1)彼は数多くの間違いをしたけれども、そこから大切なことを学んだ He made many mistakes. He, (B), learned something important from them. =He made many mistakes, (@(B)) he learned something important from them. =(A) he made many mistakes, he learned something important from them. @but Athough Bhowever
(2)ビルは科学に興味がある。一方、アレックスは音楽が好きだ。 Bill is interested in science, (@) Alex is fond of music. =Bill is interested in science. (A), Alex is fond of music. @while Aon the other hand
While I was staying in London,I otfen visited Hyde Park. __ __ stay in London, I often visited Hyde park.
@At its lowest, a coin would advertise in its design the basic commodity of some city or country. AAt its highest,it often bears the sigh,the symbol or the features of some divinity, BIt has linkes with religion,arts,and economic and poltical life of the period it was issued.
1.私がチームの代表として監督に謝罪をしなければならなかった。 As the team's representative, I must apologize to the manager. 2.そうした行為が許されるべきではない。 Such conduct ought to not be allowed. 3.あの人はこの村で生まれたのではないのかもしれません。
どこが間違ってるのかよく分かりません… お願いします。 That man might not be born in this village.
どなたかおねがいします 1 He was so confused that his answer did not make any ( ). ア.knowledge イ.meaning ウ.sense エ.word 2 I was made ( ) for over 30 minutes. ア.waiting イ.having wait ウ.to wait エ.wait 3 We palyed cards to ( ) time. ア.kill イ.set ウ.make エ.find 4 Will you make ( ) with me again? ア.friend イ.a friend ウ.friends エ.the friends 5 Do you believe ( ) ghosts? ア.with イ.on ウ.of エ.in
1.( ) did you cut down that tree with? a. How b. What c. By what d. By which
2.The company executives were unable to come to an agreement about ( ) in the new overseas factory. a. how much money they should invest b. how much money should they invest c. how much they should invest money d. how much should they invest money
3.What ( ) of foods does this company mainly produce for the consumers in the country? a. style b. sort c. type d. kinds
4.I can`t understand ( ) he had to commit suicide. a.who b. whom c.why d. which
英語の教科書に How many stops is Hata from here? という表現があるのですが、これは自然な表現ですか? それからこの形が成立するのなら、文法的には Hata is three stops from here. という肯定文も成立しそうなのですが、私には何か違和感があります。これは自然な表現でしょうか?
1、彼女の電話番号を知っていれば、今すぐにこの吉報を知らせることができるのになぁ。 If I (knew) her phone number, I(could)tell her this good news right now. 2、彼は忙しくなかったら、私とスキーに行っただろうに。 If he( )( )( )busy, he(would )( )( )skiing with me. 3、もし私が客室乗務員なら、世界中の都市に行けるのに。 If I(was)a flight attendant, I(could)(go)to cities all over the world. 4、10分早く出かけていたら、彼は渋滞にはまきこまれなかっただろうに。 If he(had)(left)ten minutes earlies, he(would)(not)(have)got stuck in a traffic jam. 5、充分に休息をとっていたなら、今そんなに疲れることもないだろうに。 If you( )( )enough rest, you(would)(not)be so tired now. 日本語の意味にあうように( )に適当な語を入れなさい。という問題なんですけど ( )内一応いれたんですけどわからなくて・・・ 教えてください。お願いします。
1.私たちの二人の息子はお互いに性格がとても違っている。 Our two sons are very incharacter 2.忘れそうだから思い出させてくださいね。 Please remind me 3.トムがパーティに来れるかどうか解らない。 I'm not to the party or not.
@必要であれば私はあなたの誤りを直します。 I correct your errors ( ) it is ( ). Aこれこそが私が何年も捜し求めていた小説です。 This is the ( ) novel that I have wanted for ( ) and ( ). B彼は若いけれど一人で何でも出来る。 Young ( ) ( ) is, he can do everything for himself. C一体ぜんたい何をやっているんだい? What ( ) ( ) ( ) are you doing? その試合に勝てるなんて夢にも思ってなかった。 Little ( ) ( ) dream that we could win that game. Dレポートに全然自信が無いです。 I have no confidence ( ) ( ) in my report.
@必要であれば私はあなたの誤りを直します。 I correct your errors (when) it is (necessary). <- 不自然な文です。 I will correct your ... のほうがいいと思います。 Aこれこそが私が何年も捜し求めていた小説です。 This is the (very) novel that I have wanted for (ages) and (ages). B彼は若いけれど一人で何でも出来る。 Young (person/man) (he) is, he can do everything for himself. C一体ぜんたい何をやっているんだい? What (do) (you) (think) are you doing? <- 多分、 'you are doing'の間違いでしょう。 その試合に勝てるなんて夢にも思ってなかった。 Little (did) (we) dream that we could win that game. Dレポートに全然自信が無いです。 I have no confidence (at) (all) in my report.
1.私たちの二人の息子はお互いに性格がとても違っている。 Our sons two are very defferent from each other in character. 2.忘れそうだから思い出させてくださいね。 Please let me remember it not to forget it. 3.トムがパーティに来れるかどうか解らない。I'm not sure whether Tom is to come to the party or not.
1.She's very ( about / son's / anxious / her / health ). 2.Now you are ( free / home / to / go ). 3.I was ( I / his feelings / afraid / hurt / might ). 4.I'm not ( where / sure / go / should / I )
1.She's very ( anxious / about / her / son's / health ). 2.Now you are ( ). 3.I was ( ). 4.I'm not ( sure / where / I / should / go )
As long as Michael could remember he had dreamed of flying. His mother had his dreams with color. He felt like the birds in the stories. His father,on the other hand,was not a dereamer. Bert Stone was a realist.Itread him many stories about flying when he was growing up. These stories always described the land from a bird's-eye view. They filled was hard work that he believed in. He always said,"If you want something,work for it!"From the age of 14,Michael did just that. He began a carefully planned training program. He trained one day with weights,the next with some kind of running,week after week. Mildred Stone,Michael's mother,often wanted him to relax more and be that"free dreaming"little boy again.
As long as Michael could remember he had dreamed of flying. His mother had read him many stories about flying when he was growing up. These stories always described the land from a bird's-eye view. They filled his dreams with color. He felt like the birds in the stories. His father,on the other hand,was not a dereamer.Bert Stone was a realist. It was hard work that he believed in. He always said,"If you want something,work for it!"From the age of 14,Michael did just that. He began a carefully planned training program. He trained one day with weights,the next with some kind of running,week after week. Mildred Stone,Michael's mother,often wanted him to relax more and be that"free dreaming"little boy again.