Crown[I]のReading1の長文で質問させてください。 After doing all this thinking, he finally came to the conclusion that it was best for him to go back to where he came from. 分からない点は2つ 1.bestの前になぜtheがついていないのか 2.where he came fromのwhereの前にthe placeが省略されていると思う のですがなぜwhichじゃないのか 特に2が分かりません。the placeが省略されていないとwhichになり省略 されるとwhereになるんですか?
最上級にtheがつくのは名詞or副詞に対してじゃろう.the best playerとか。 ここでbestは形容詞だから.theなくていいね。 the place which he came from = where he came from whereは関係副詞.the place which がまるごとwhereに置き換えられるね
>>3 まず1について。 best は同一物に対する比較が対象になるときは、the は通例用いません。 この場合彼という同一の人物の行動に対して(たとえば今いるところににとどまる、 などという行動に対して)来たところに帰る、という比較を行ってると考えられますから、 theは用いません。ただし、米語ではtheをつけることもありますし、つけても別に 完全に間違ってるわけではありませんが、正式にはつけない、というところでしょう。 次に2について。 whereは先行詞なしで〜する所、点 という意味があります。 例えば、 Where he is weakest is in his facts. (彼の一番の弱点は事実に暗いことだ) This is where I live. (ここが私の住んでいるところです) のようにつかいます。
>>6 What prevented you from being on time? prevent ・・・from 〜ing
I never see the girl without being reminded of my sister. remind ・・・ of
It being very cold, we stayed at home all day long. これは分詞構文かな。分詞が接続詞と動詞の役割を兼ねる。 (=As it was very cold, we stayed at home all day long.)
To be frank with you, I don't like being called by my first name. 「ファーストネームで呼ばれるコト」が好きじゃないと言いたいんですね。 という事はlike より後ろの部分はlike の目的語にならなければならない。 そのためには名詞の働きをするものが必要。 being という動名詞はその役割をする。
It is quite impossible to tell what happen to us tomorrow There is (..........) (..........) what will happen to us tomorrow
How about going out for dinner tonight ? What do you say (.........) (.........) out for dinner tonight ?
As there was no taxi , we had to walk to the nearest station. (.........) (..........) no taxi , we had to walk to the nearest station.
I hurried to the dentist , but I found that the clinic was closede. I hurried to the dentist , (...........) (..........) find the clinic was closed.
Turning to the right at the intersection , you will find my office. (.......) (......) (.......) to the right at the intersection , you will find my office.
As I walked home through my middle-class neighborhood, my thoughts were on the other side of the world. 和訳問題になります。後半部分はなんとか理解できるのですが、前半が上手く訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。
中学の教科書では、単独の分詞の場合は a running man のように 前置修飾となると習ったんですが、塾の先生は、普通は there is a man running. のように使うと言ってました。 なんか a running man はわざとらしいとかタイトルっぽいとか、 とにかく「A running man!」みたいな感じだそうで、 言われてみれば自分もそう思います。 本当のところどうなのでしょう?
>>68 そもそも「走っている男」という表現を使う場面が、あまりない気がする。 ★【向こうを走っている男】は私の兄です(○) ★【走っている男】は私の兄です(わざとらしい?) つまり、その「わざとらしさ」は、「前置修飾」によるものではなく、 表現自体から来る印象だろう。 そういった不自然さがない文を考えれば、分詞単独の場合は当然前置修飾。 A drowning man will clutch [catch] at a straw. 《諺》溺れる者はわらをもつかむ
The day had begun unpleasantly at breakfast,in fact it had gotten off on a definitely wrong foot before breakfast when served as Elphinstone's bedroom for that month and the next of summer,and she,Horne,had shrieked at her,Happy August the Tenth! 訳お願いします
There is no end to what we can give and contribute , and therefore no end to the satisfaction we can derive from doing what we know is helpful and right to do.
This makes me wonder if the heart transplant won”t give way to the brain transplant, just as the appendectomy once gave way to gall bladder removal.
意味は「このことで考えさせられるが、ちょうど以前に盲腸手術に変わって胆嚢の切除が流行ったのと同様に、心臓遺書に変わって脳移植が流行るようになるのではないだろうか」 と書いてあるのですが、 「won”t give way~~」と否定形で書いてあるのに、なぜ流行るのではないだろうか、と肯定文になっているのでしょうか?
1. You, observe the traffic rules. 2. Take it easy. 3. Take it easy.
1. How pretty Jane's hat is. What a pretty hat Jane has. 2. What a fluent English she speaks. How fluent her English is. 3. How well his speach in French was. What a good speach he made in French.
It is curious to note that in almost no species of higher animal does one member of the species kill another for any reason,though they might fight with each other for many reasons.
The day had begun unpleasantly at breakfast,in fact it had gotten off on a definitely wrong foot before breakfast when served as Elphinstone's bedroom for that month and the next of summer,and she,Horne,had shrieked at her,Happy August the Tenth! 訳お願いします
1.The house is ( )of mine. ア.half the size イ.half as big as ウ.the half size エ.half as the size 2.( ) watched that program on TV yesterday. ア.All the almost students イ.Almost the all students ウ.Almost all the students エ.Almost the students 3.I have known ( ) since they were children. ア.the both twins イ.both of twins ウ.both the twinsエ.the both of twins 4.It is ( ) since he went to America. ア.quite a long time イ.a quite long time ウ.a long time quite エ.quite a time long 5.Nothing gives us ( ) as cars. ア.a so convenient life イ.a such convenient life ウ.such convenient a life エ.so convenient a life 6.( ) in the class turned in the report to their teather. ア.The half students イ.Half the students ウ.Half students エ.Half of students
The state of health and the expectancy of life are now much the same in the largest cities as they are in the rural areas throughout the countries of western civilization. 訳は「西洋文明社会全体を通して、健康状態及び平均余命は、 大都市においても農村地域においても、いまやほとんど同じである」 戸かいてあるのですが、このasはどのような意味、品詞なのでしょうか?特に、副詞的な意味の節を導くasなのか、 関係代名詞のasなのかがくべつできないです
The day had begun unpleasantly at breakfast,in fact it had gotten off on a definitely wrong foot before breakfast when served as Elphinstone's bedroom for that month and the next of summer,and she,Horne,had shrieked at her,Happy August the Tenth! 訳お願いします 誰もわからないんですか?
It could be a necessary orders, meaning that it could not be different from the order in which it is arranged それは必要な秩序で、決められた秩序と異なる・・・ it could not beが分かりません 「かもしれない」の推量のcouldでしょうか
>>206 "Why? What have I done to deserve this??? For what reasons am I being criticized like this??? I have no idea whatsoever!"
The reasons? The biggest reason is that you're a politician on your dad's coattails. On top of that, your answers are so hopelessly conservative. I really wish Koizumi would be salted in a jar and exposed to the public eyes in every corner of the country. Oh, wait, we really should be thinking about pickling Miss Masumi Okada and living on that long."
>>205>>207 >The purpose that had entered the high school >The purpose of entering high school それだと高校に入ること自体の目的になってしまって、「自分が」高校に 入る目的が見えてこないと思うけど…いかがなもんでしょ?しかも205は明らかに 意味がへんてこ。。。目的自体が高校に入ってたってことになるよ? 俺だったら The purpose that I got into the high school was that I wanted to see a variety of people. にするな。
1.We saw them lay the body in the grave. の意味と、 1.Many teachers today think that you can't make children learn anything.They say you can only(encourage, force, get, help, lead)them learn. 2.He has too many interests,(as it were, for fun, to put it, in politics,as such)mildly. のカッコの中に選ぶべき単語と意味を教えてください。 調べたんですが、分かりませんでした…
多くて申し訳ないのですが究極にピンチなのでお願いします。 間違っているところを一箇所訂正せよ Comparing with Americans,Japanese people are more likely to go in groups when traveling ven in their own country.
The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking is to maintain worldwide pace and security, and to encourage respect for human rights.
By eight o'clock, no decision having made, the committee meeting to elect the president for ndecided to hold another ext year.
私の提案について何も言わないところを見ると、だれも異議はないようだ。 ( )that they have nothing to say about my proposal, it seems they have no objection to it. 一人きりになると彼女は泣き始めた ( ) to her self, she began to weep. 一語不要 I saw(hair/her/Mary/standing/stood/there/waving/with)in the wind.
Last night our newly-married daughter called,(to/to/how/know.wanting)make pizza.
The human species,(at/being/developed/water drinkers,/the earliest societies/the forest edge) near streams and lakes.
Liking the children the way she does, Sue should become a teacher. 分詞構文なのはわかるのですが、 「children the way」のところが分かりません。likeの後ろなのに なんで 名詞 + 名詞 の形がOKなんでしょうか? よろしく おねがいたしますm(__)m
John ( )d the baseball club because he wanted to be a coach. You'd better ( ) your thoughts before speaking in front of an audience, no matter how small it is. We should ( ) a volunteer group to help earthquake victims. My suggestion is that the classes should be ( )d according to ability and willingness to learn.
>>262 "taught himself to be"でぐぐると「・・・になろうと決めた」というより、「誰にも教えられずに・・・になった」 という意味合いで使われているみたい。例えば、次のような感じ。
As a twleve-year-old apprentice in his brother's print shop, Benjamin Franklin taught himself to be a writer by taking notes on the works of great essayists such as Addison and Steele, jumbling them up and then trying to recreate them in his own words.
お願いします。 私の提案について何も言わないところを見ると、だれも異議はないようだ。 ( )that they have nothing to say about my proposal, it seems they have no objection to it. 一人きりになると彼女は泣き始めた ( ) to her self, she began to weep. 一語不要 I saw(hair/her/Mary/standing/stood/there/waving/with)in the wind.
Last night our newly-married daughter called,(to/to/how/know.wanting)make pizza.
The human species,(at/being/developed/water drinkers,/the earliest societies/the forest edge) near streams and lakes.
How many factories does the company operate? 「その会社はいくつの工場を経営していますか?」という文章がなぜ↑のようになるのか分かりません。 How many does the company operate factories?じゃないんでしょうか?誰か詳しく教えて下さい。
1=A start(出発する)は自動詞だからfromが必要。 2=A enterは他動詞だからintoは不要。 3=A whoは目的語、wait forが句動詞の他動詞。 4=B sea a dreamじゃなくてhave a dream。Bは同族目的語。 She lived a happy life. とか。
>>312 別にjustなくてもいいけど、例文として出したまで 「今怒られてきたばっかりだよ」ってね a good talking-toで「叱ること」だね だからI'll give him a good talking-toで「ちょっと彼に注意せにゃならんな」 He was given a good talking-to by his bossで「彼はボスに叱られた」
A tree stands on the hill. は、第1文型で、同じ自動詞+前置詞の I wait for him. は第3文型です。つまりstand onは句動詞でなく、wait forは句動詞です。 一番わかり易いのは、 He is waited for by me. という受動態が可能だということです。 受動態というのはつまり、能動態の目的語を主語とする文です。 受動態が存在する以上、eait forは一つの他動詞と見なすべきで、 それが句動詞たる所以です。まあ自動詞の句動詞もあるのですが、 すこしはイメージがつかめたでしょうか。
( )内より適当なものを選びなさい 1 He has (many/much) friends. 2 There is (litte/few) time to lose. 3 We have (many/a lot of) snow here. 4 She has (a lot of/a great deal of ) foreign books. 5 Tom feels (much/very) better because he took some medicine. 6 I recognize him because I have met him (before/ago). 7 He said that he had left home ten mimutes (before/ago). 8 He left home ten mimutes (before/ago). 9 When we arrived at the station, the train had (already/yet) left.
ただし、厳密に考えると>>336>>337さんも書いているように、 どちらとも考えられる。 特に、7の場合は、 @10時に彼が家を出た A10時10分に話し手は彼に会った Bその時、彼は「10分前に家を出た」と言った C今12時である なら、「He said he had left home ten minutes before.」だが、 @彼が何時に家を出たかは不明 A11時50分に話し手は彼に会った Bその時彼は「俺は家を出た」と言った C今12時である なら「He said he had left home ten minutes ago.」となる。 要するに、「ten minutes 前」が「had left」を修飾するのか、「said」を 修飾するのかで、答えが違ってくる。
Several times I almost asked my grandmother whether I would be allowed to eat the oranges my head, but Ichecked myself so that she would not know I had been disobedient.
( )に適語を入れて、英文を完成しなさい。 1. Do I have to speak in Englith at the meeting? - No, you don't ( ) ( ). You ( ) use Japanese. 2. () I mail the letter for you? - Yes,please. And ( ) you buy some stamps,too? 3. When we were children, we ( ) often play in this park.
>>349 1. Do I have to speak in Englith at the meeting? - No, you don't ( have ) ( to ). You ( may/can ) use Japanese. 英語を話さないといけませんか。 いいえ、その必要はありません。日本語を使ってもいいです。 2. ( Shall ) I mail the letter for you? - Yes,please. And ( will ) you buy some stamps,too? あなたの代わりにその手紙を投函しましょうか。 お願いします。切手も買ってくれませんか。
教科書で、「このように」という意味で、like this と this way が出てきます。 問題に" Please wrap the box (like) (this)." というのがあるのですが, これを”Please wrap the box (this) (way).” とするのは間違いでしょうか。 もしどちらでも可能なら、何か違いがあるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
並び替え問題で、いきなりなんですけど、 正解は Too much reading will make you a fool worthless in actual life. ってなってるんですけど、 Too much reading will make you a worthless fool in actual life. としてはいけないのですか。これは諺とかですか?
書き換える問題なのですが、お願い致します 1.I never see this picture without thinking of my hometown. →( )I see this picture, I think of my hometown. 2.Unless you work hard, you will fail the exam. →Work hard,( )you will fail the exam. 3.Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English. →Don't be afraid of making mistakes ( )speaking English. 4.Owing to the heavy snow,their arrival was delayed. →( ) it snowed heavily, their arrival was delayed. 5.This English dictionary is a must for me. →I cannot do ( ) this English dictionary 6.Mika doesn't depend on her perents. →Mika is independent ( ) her perents. 7.These two are quite different from each other. →These is quite a different ( ) these two. 8.His essay had no mistakes at all. →His essay was free ( ) mistakes. 9.They have been married for twenty years. It is twenty years ( ) they got married.
倍数がよくわかりません。 彼は仕事の2倍の精力を趣味に注いだ。という英文は He poured twice as much enegy into his hobby as into his work. と教わったのですが、教科書に出ている倍数の例文は Japanese made twice as many comment as Americans. というものでした。上の文と構成が違いませんか? 私は下の文はわかるんですが、どうして上の文が He poured for his hobby twice as many enegy as his work. にならないのかわかりません。教えて下さい!
I need ( have/my/possible/old/repaired/computer/to/as soon as). (the/him/problem/I/helped/solve). Although the majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to our health, it is very difficult to (all/give/persuade/smorkers/to/the/up)habit.
>>401 ★as 〜 as A」は分割する 「as 〜 ( as A )」 のように、「後as」の部分を( )で閉じ込めて、その「外側」と 「内側」に分割して考えることを勧めます。 He poured twice as much eneRgy into his hobby(as into his work). Japanese made twice as many commentS (as Americans). ★「外側」の「前as」は「very 〜」のなかま ところで、「前as」の品詞は「副詞」で、「very」の仲間です。つまり、 「前as」は必ずその後に「形容詞・副詞」が続きます。「as 〜」となる わけです。意味は「very 〜」が「とても〜」であるのに対して、 「同じくらい〜」となるだけ。 very important → as important :同じくらい重要な very beautifully → as beautifully:同じくらい美しく 倍数表現は「twice」や「three times」を「as 〜」の前に置くだけ。 twice as important :2倍(と同じくらい)重要な three times as beautifully:3倍(と同じくらい)美しく ★(as A )の「外側」は、原則として、普通の語順 ( as A )の「外側」の構造は、(1)形容詞・副詞」を含む文に (2)「as 〜」を置き、(3)さらにその前に「twice」等を置いただけです。 したがって、それほど複雑な構造にはなりません。 (1)This question is important. (2)This question is【as】important. (3)This question is【twice as】important. つまり【 】の部分を除いた部分(1)は、基本的な構造をしています
★あてはめ 以上を踏まえて、該当文の(as A)の「外側」を見ていきます。 He poured【twice as】much eneRgy into his hobby 〜 Japanese made【twice as】many commentS 〜 どうでしょうか?比較的単純な文だと思います。それに対して、 あなたの作った文は、あまりにでたらめすぎます。 He poured for his hobby【twice as】many eneRgy 〜 ★コメント おそらく「as 〜」と「as A」の間に「into his hobby」が「挿入」 されているのが気持ち悪かったのだと思います。しかし、これは >>402さんも書いているように、 He poured much eneRgy into his hobby 〜 という表現が本来で、むしろそれに【twice as 〜】が「挿入」されたと 考えればよいのです。
1.彼がインターネットのことについて説明すればするほど、私は一層、 それに興味を持つようになった。(the more...,the more...) He explain the more and the more about computer, I have a interesting about that. 2.コンピューターは必ずしも私たちの生活を快適にしてはくれないと 私は思います。(not always) I think that computer is not always make my life to comfort. 3.一旦あなたがパソコンを使い始めたら、あなたはきっと、それの便利さに ますます依存するようになるでしょう。(rely more and more on) Once you have started to use computer, you surely, rely more and more on convenience. 4.Mr. Johnsonは彼の秘書のKellyのことを彼の「右腕」と呼んでいる。 (refer,right-hand man) Mr. Johnson refers to his secretary as, right-hand man.
>>434 1.The more he explain 〜, the more we have a〜 じゃねーかな。あとインターネット→computerじゃないぞ 2.make A 形容詞でAを〜にする。つまり形容詞なら前置詞のtoなんぞいらんってこった 3.surelyのあとのコンマと語順に注意。its convenienceにしたほうがいいかな 4.「彼の秘書」と「Kelly」を同格で並べるべきだな
1.She has a valuable picture (アpainted イpainting ウto paint) by a famous artist. 2.I introduced Tom,a friend of (アme イmy ウmine),to Betty yesterday. 3.Did you see the new teacher(アwho イwhose ウwhat)come to school last week? 4.Either you or I(アis イam ウare)to blame. 5.A fire broke(アdown イout ウup)during the night.
どなたかこの問題をお願い致します。 1.If the weather is fine, I will go swimming ( to/in ) the river. 2.He bought a new camera ( for/with ) 30,000 yen. 3.Japan is ( to / is ) the east of China. 4.He suddenly caught me ( with/by ) the arm. 5.I fell asleep ( during/while ) the lecture. 6.My son had already gone to bad ( by / by the time) I got home. 7.(Beside/Besides) being a famous pianist, she is a great novelist. 8.(Once/Even if) you learn the basic rules, the game is easy. 9.She is ( below / above ) cheating on the test. 10.Australia is rich (for/in )natural resources. 11.The children ran ( in / to ) all directions. 12.We have to move that tree; it's really ( in / on ) the way. 13.He was named Robert ( to / after ) his father. 14.I ran all the way,(otherwise / so )I would have been late. 15.The workers are paid ( by / for ) the hour at the stone.
答が分かれているところを書いておく。 >>468 3.Japan is ( to ) the east of China. 11.The children ran ( in ) all directions. 15.The workers are paid ( by ) the hour at the stone.
>>497 30代にとってはまだ電子辞書なんて一般的じゃないよ その先生が中学や高校の頃は電子辞書なんて無かったし 自分と同じように分厚い辞書引いて単語覚えたほうが勉強になると思ってるんだよ どっちがいいかは俺もわからないけどね >>496 takes more patience than you might expect holds one-fifth as muth water as that one is no more difficult than that one
私は彼らの両方を知っているわけではない。 I don't know ( )( ) them. 私はリンゴを半分に切った。 I cut an apple ( ) half. この時計は一日に2分進む。 This watch ( ) two minutes a day. あなたは毎日日記をつけますか? Do you ( ) a diary every day? コーヒーは薄いほうが好きですか、濃いのが好きですか? Do you like your coffee ( ) or strong? この戸はどうしても開かない This door ( ) not open.
1.incompatibility(j)a.not theoretical;indefinite 2.shove(e)b.lating to sight 3.squint(g)c.t a message intocode 4.optical(d)d.hint;clue 5.convert(i)e.push;thrust 6.format(h)f.complex;intricate 7.abstract(a)g.look at something with one,s eyes pressed almost closed 8.complicated(f)h.the way data is stored or recorded 9.encode(c)i.alter;transform 10.indication(b)j.discrepancy;inconsistency
>>496 Learning a foreign language takes more patience than you might expect. This glass holds one-fifth as much water as that one. This problem is no more difficult than that one.
1:(Even though) Brad is a (college graduate), his writing ability is no better that a first year high school student's. 2:In my (first) job, I had to be at the plant by 6 a.m. (every day), but I drove (quickly), so I was (almost ever) late. 3:I (started) studying accounting in high school. I study at least (four times a week) and hope to get my CPA license (sometimes) in (the) near future. 4:Philip (almost) (always) stays late at work. He generally doesn't mind this because he (is hardly never) (bothered) by telephone calls. 5:(As) a student, Julie (was frequent) (late for) history class, but (was never) late for literature. 6:Mrs. Eastman (has still) finished (her basic Arabic courses and) is now (taking) advanced courses. 7:I really (don't see) how this computer is (deffered) (from) (that). 8:Most of (our) customers (seem) happy with (our) new check out system. It's (full automated). 9:(Most) students (did bad) on the examination. This was (surprising), because (usually) they do quite well. 10:Everything is (runnning smoothly). Supply (costs are) down, the work force (is happy), and production is three times (as many as) last year.
こんな感じかな? 1:(Though) Brad is a college graduate, his writing ability is no better that a first year high school student's. 2:In my first job, I had to be at the plant by 6 a.m. every day, but I drove quickly, so I was(almost)late. 6:Mrs. Eastman has (already) finished her basic Arabic courses and is now taking advanced courses. 7:I really don't see how this computer is (different) from that. 8:Most of our customers seem happy with our new check out system. It's (fully automated). 9:Most students (was bad) on the examination. This was surprising, because usually they do quite well. 10:Everything is runnning smoothly. Supply (costs are) down, the work forceis happy, and production is three times (as much as) last year.
I need ( have / my / possible / old / repaired / computer / to / as soon as ). ( the / him / problem / I / helped/ solve ). Although the majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to our health, it is very difficult to ( all / give / persuade / smorkers / to / the / up ) habit. ()内の語句を並び替えて英文を完成させなさい、という問題です。 高校受験もまだなのに、大学入試問題を出されました。たぶん嫌がらせです。 腹が立つので力を貸してください。よろしくお願いします。
>>529 I need to have my old computer repaired as soon as possible. I helped him solve the problem. Although the majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to our health, it is very difficult to persuade all smokers to give up the habit.
>>541 わざわざカッコつきで「二重目的語」としたのは、 例えばgiveなどに見られるようなそれを想定したからです。 第4文型といいますが、You will inform me something.という文は容認できますか? 基本的には無理なはずですよ。 代わりにYou will inform me OF something.という形式が用意されているのでしょう?
>>543 be seatedは「座る」、reachは直後に前置詞を取らなければ「〜に到着する」を意味します。 be satはもともと自動詞であるものを「受動態」の形式で用いていますので、意味をなしません。 また、arrive Tokyoも動詞の性質上、何らかの前置詞を伴うのが通常ですので、排除されます。
Hot peppers are 唐辛子は not only だけでなく the most widely produced spice 最も広く生産されているスパイス in the world 世界で but also また〜でもある the spice with the most uses. 最も使用されているスパイス
Tact often succeeds where force fails. It is not violence, but good, that overcomes evil. Lilly quotes the old fable of the sun and the Wind: It is prettily noted of a contention between the Winde and the sunne, who should have the victorye.A Gentleman walking abroad, the Winde thought to blowe off his cloake, which with great blastes and blusterings striving to unloose it, made it to stick faster to his backe. for the more the Winde encreased the closer his clake clapt to his body: then the Sunne, shining with his hot beames, began to warm this gentleman, who waxing somewhat faint in this faire weather, did not only put his cloake but his coate, which the Winde perceiving yeelded the conquest to the Sunne.
>>652 1. get (人など) to do =(人など)に〜させる,勧めて(人など)に〜させる You should get your friends to help you. 君は友人に助けてもらうべきだ。 2. Mr.X discovered this gold mine. ↓受動態 This gold mine was discovered by Mr.X. ↓疑問文 Was this gold mine discoverde by Mr.X ? ↓Mr.X の所を問う疑問文 Who was this gold mine discovered by ?
「interesting,interested 」「exciting, excited」「pleasing, pleased」などのように、 He is excited. The news is exciting.のような使い分けをする単語って、他にどのような物がありますでしょうか? 他動詞がそうなるそうですが、ちょっとピンと来なくて・・・ よく試験に出るこの種の単語を教えていただけないでしょうか?
1.reminds, of(タイポだと思うが、Sぬけてた) 2. ○(devoted toでも) 3. I wrote this song, because I was ( ) ( ) that beautiful photo. この歌は、あの美しい写真にひらめいて書きました ↑ 日本語変 日本語がおかしい。英語を訳したからだと思われ。 おそらく667さんもこの日本語ぴんとこないでしょ? はっきりいって出題者が悪い。
確かに変だと思います。この歌は、あの美しい写真に感動して書きました。とかなら変な日本語ではないし I wrote this song, because I was inspired by that beautiful photo.の意味を捉え直訳ではない感じがしていいと思います。 でもあらかじめ和訳がひらめいて書きましたとかかれていたらこうするしかないかな。 なんか書いてて自分の文章も変ですけどいいたいことが伝わればいいです(笑)
Which other country have you ever visited beside Japan?
"You should change Line”を、 "You should transfer line"と 言っても同じですか? I'm assuming this sentence is related to the bus lines or subway lines, I think you can use both as similer meaning transfer:norikaeru change: kaeru "transfer" sounds better to me.
All social issues of the early republic fade into insignificance alomgside the issue of salavery.Slaveholding had been wideide im the colomoes, but by the time of the Revolution the great mass of slaves was employed as agricultural labor on the Southern plantaions. Manyof the nation's founders thought slavery incompatible with democracy and, althought unable to persuade amajotrity of their contemporaries, they publicly decried the institution.Even Southern patriots had been known to free their own slaves. Most historians feel that,if it had not been for the invention of the cotton gin(by Ell Whitney in 1793) salavery might have gradually disappeared becouse pf social disapproval coupled with dubious profits. Whitney's machine for efficiently separating the cotton fibers from the seeds made this product competiive in the newly technological marketplace. Cotton made money.To insure the uninterrupted flow ofcash, the plamter committed himself to defend slavery as the only effective labor force he could imagine. He also soought additional lands for the cultivatiom of the the cotton plant.
All social issues of the early republic fade into insignificance alongside the issue of slavery.Slaveholding had been widespread in the colonies, but by the time of the Revolution the great mass of slaves was employed as agricultural labor on the Southern plantations.
Yet the argument that overwork and an absence of free time are the source of our discontents has recently reached a new crescendo. The focus now stays narrowly on the last 30 years or so, a period when the pace of life Seemed to quicken and when the course of life itself changed for many Americans as vast numbers of women took jobs outside the home.Those who began the latest time debate, however, were less reformist advocates of "family friendly" work practices than critics of catitalism. If capitalism has not impoverished the masses, as Karl Marx predicted, then perhaps it has robbed them of time====a theme addressed years ago by the eminent Marxist historian E,P,Thompson in an essay titled, "Time, Work-Discipline,and Industrial Capitalism" Time is , after all, the most precious resource. An economy can be thought of as an elaborate mechanism for converting time into money , for making my 10 minutes of labor easily convertible into a gallon of gasoline or a jar of mayonnaise or some other product of somebody else"s labor. A group of progressive businesspeople in Montpelier, Vermont, made this connection explicit recently when they launched a new alternative local currency they called Grenn Mountain Hours.
Those who began the latest time debate, however, were less reformist advocates of "family friendly" work practices than critics of capitalism. この英文の詳しい構造、 そして、Grenn Mountain Hours.が何をさすのか教えて頂けないでしょうか?
1 I have seen his grandfather before. (never) 2 There is something in the envelope. (nothing) 3 Some children listened to his advice. (no) 4 I met somebody in the park. (nobody) 5 Some of these books are useful. (none)
From the first time we kick our mothers until the last human notice is taken of us, we are compelled to gesture and to communicate nonverbally as long as we are observed.
この文のuntil the last human notice is taken of usは訳せず、 as long as we are observedは訳せるのですが、この文中での意味がわかりません。
>>711 あれ?どうやったら「until the last human notice is taken of us」が 「人間として認められる最期のときまで」になるんですか? あと「人間として認められる最期のとき」と「言葉を用いないコミュニケーションをするように迫られている」の 関連性が見えないのですが。。。(このへんは国語ですね…)
Innocent, ethereal in her rare beauty, Audrey Hepburn stood alone among the actresses of her time. Into the abundance of voluptuous American girls came this gamine with an enchanting Anglo-European accent.
1文めのInnocent, ethereal in her rare beauty,のあたりが 意味は分かるのですが次の節とうまくつなげられません。 英訳お願いします。
>>717 until the last human notice is taken of us = until the last time people take notice of us as human beings と解釈した。つまり、「周囲の人々が我々を人間として認知する最後の瞬間まで=死ぬまで」ということ。
>>725 と思ったが、よく考えると、humanは>>719さんが書いているように、noticeの意味上の主語(つまり、 noteする主体)として解釈した方がよさそう。だから、単に until the last human notice is taken of us = until the last time people take notice of us と訂正する。
>>732 I lay collapsed as he licked my naughty ass, in long wet strokes from my pussy back to the very edge of my asshole. I sighed gently at the sensations, and lay very still, resting, as the excitement slowly rippled through my pelvis. I thought he would taste my ass, but instead he put me on my side, with my legs as though I were climbing a step staircase, and moved on top of me, slipping his cock into my very open cunt.
>>732 別解 He nibbled on my ass, licked it, and spread me open with his fingers only to slip his tongue inside me to make my ass wetter, and yet more open. With fingers buried deep within both my holes, he suddenly heaved me up, hoisting my ass into the air as I moaned and wriggled. My hand went to my clit and I started masturbating quickly, very excited now, and my husband brought his cock up to the wet and waiting opening of my ass. I panted, exhausted yet excited, sweat beading on my forehead as I masturbated and whimpered, my forehead wet, leaving damp streaks upon the sheets as I frantically tried to reach one final release.
>>703 ありがと。ピリオドまで写します。thoseとseparateがよく分かりません。 My most unforgettable memories will always be those suffering children in South asia: the face of the young girl who was separating the syringes; the eyes of the boy in a brick factory who told me he was working to pay off a loan taken out by his grandfather.
We were reduced to near total poverty as is the developing world today - for it is poverty that is at the root of all their suffering - the not having, not having the means to help themselves.
1.この歌を聞くとフランスを思い出す。 This song【reminds of French】. 2.彼女はよく私に助けを求める。 She often【】. 3.彼女は床一面にマットを敷いた。 She 【】a mat. 4.雨のために私たちはテニスができなかった。 The rain【prevented 】tennis
>>771 1.This song reminds me of France. 2.She often needs me to help her. She often demands(requires) any help of me. 3.She paved (all of) the floor with a mat. 4.The rain prevented us from playing tennis.
日本文に合うように___に適切な語を、書き入れましょう。 私はその子どもが海で泳いでるのを見たとき、とても嬉しかった。 When I ___ the child ___ in the sea, I was very happy. どうか彼らに自由に話しかけてください。 Please ___ ___ to talk them.
(1)近頃はコンピューターのおかげで、いろいろな面で生活がずいぶん便利になった。 Computers have made various aspects of life much easier in modern times. ↑並び替えで、あとひとつどこかにrecentが入るみたいなんですが、どこだかわかりません。 (2)そんな虫のいいことを頼みに行っても、断られるのが関の山だよ。 If you go to him with such a selfish request,you are bound to be ( ) at ( ). (3)今日ほど日本語が混乱している時代はないと言われている。 They say no times ・・・・・・ まではできるんですが、比較の範囲なので比較表現を 使いたいんですが…
1.Why can't a woman think more like a man? なぜ女性は男性のように深く考える事ができないのか? 2. That's the sort of questions one would expect to hear from a chauvinist like professor Higgings in My Fair Lady. このような質問をマイフェアレディのヒギンズ教授のような男性優位主義者にする事を期待するだろう 3. But a growing number of scientists have begun wondering the same thing. しかし多くの成長した科学者はこの同じことを不思議に思い始めている 4. Relying (ON ) part on advanced brain-scanning techniques, they have collected interesting hints that men and may women may use their heads in subtly distinctive ways. 高度な脳内技術においては、男と女の頭を使って微細な特殊な方法を使って面白いヒントを集めました カッコになにが入るか分からないのでONを入れて訳しました。
>>829 俺の主観による添削 1.Why can't a woman think more like a man? なぜ女性は男性のように深く考える事ができないのか? Why can't a woman think as deeply as a man? 深く考えるなので、think deeplyをつかって、as asで挟んだほうが分かりやすいかも。
2. That's the sort of questions one would expect to hear from a chauvinist like professor Higgings in My Fair Lady. このような質問をマイフェアレディのヒギンズ教授のような男性優位主義者にする事を期待するだろう
3. But a growing number of scientists have begun wondering the same thing. しかし多くの成長した科学者はこの同じことを不思議に思い始めている but a number of grown scientists〜〜〜 元の文章だと、『科学者の数が増えている』にとれちゃう。
4. Relying (ON ) part on advanced brain-scanning techniques, they have collected interesting hints that men and may women may use their heads in subtly distinctive ways. 高度な脳内技術においては、男と女の頭を使って微細な特殊な方法を使って面白いヒントを集めました andの隣のmayはタイポかな?
>>830 倒置?? 1)彼は車の運転が出来る。彼の奥さんも出来る。 he can drive, so can his wife (2)私はスケートができない。私はスケートもできない。 I can't skate. Skate I can't. (3)ジェーンは来なかった。ジムも来なかった。 Jane did not come, neither did Jim.
Just last week a new study showed that in science tests、 teenage boys( ) scored in the top 5% outnumbered girls7to1 、while girls surpass boys in reading comprehension。カッコに言葉をいれて訳してもらえませんか?長くてコンマがおおいしわからないんです。
The ideas and practices providing satisfactory solutions may eventually become group beliefs and habits, which the individual accepts and to which he adjusts.
[本文] That summer I met Dr.Panuddha Boonpala, a woman from the International Labor Organization in Geneva. She had worked with child laborers in the streets and factories of Thailand. "If you really want to understand the problem of child labor," she told me, "then you should go to South Asia and meet the children yourself." In December that year I left on a 7-week trip to visit Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. During the trip I talked with a lot of working children. I met Iqbal's mother, too. ★I also took part in a demonstraion against child labor and a raid on a carpet factory to free the children held there. My life is divided into two parts - before I went to Asia and after. The trip changed me forever. I am still being strongly influenced by the things I saw and the people I met. ★My most unforgettable memories will alway be those suffering children in South Asia: the face of the young girl who was separating the syringes; the eyes of the boy in a brick factory who told me he was working to pay off a loan taken out by his grandfather.
>>879 補足。 recognize 1 [vn] ~ sb/sth (by / from sth) : to know who sb is or what sth is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before
見る価値のないテレビ the TV program not to be worthing watching the TV program which is not worth watching the TV program not being worth watching あってますでしょうか?添削お願いいたします。
>>890 >>893 まず、彼が「呼ばれたのを」聞いたって日本語自体が不自然。 普通「呼ばれるのを」としか言わない。 それと、 I heard him・・・と I got my bicycle・・・を 比較することは出来ない。 get have let make などは「使役動詞」と言って、 普通動詞のheard とは事情が違うから。
>>903 He was heard by me to call my name. (by me が文末でも間違いじゃないが、意味が不明確になるから) ただ、普通、by 誰々 って付けなければ「私によって」だよw あえて付けないほうがいいw 使役動詞の受動態も可能。 My bike was got repaired. これは例えば、We call him Bobbie. を受身にすると He is called Bobbie (by us). になるのと同じ。repairedと Bobbieがそれぞれの文の補語だが、そこにtoは付けない。
たしかに「have O C」は、訳しづらい。 その原因は「have」の動詞の性質にあるような気がする。 つまり、この2つは「【動】詞」ではあるが、積極的な行為を意味しない。 「知覚動詞」や「make」なら、その積極的行為をイメージできる。 I saw him break my bike. ←私は「見」た I made him break my bike. ←私は「強制」した しかし「have」の場合、主語は特に何もしていない。 I had him break my bike. ←彼が壊した時、私が何をしていたのか不明
そこで、私は 1)訳さないで、意味をとる 2)意味の取り方は、 ★「O C」の意味を先につかむ O do 〜 → Oがdoスル O done 〜 → Oがdoサレル O doing 〜 → Oがdoシテイル ★「have」は、あえて言えば「何もしていない」という不作為の行為。 「腕を組んでじっとしている」ようなイメージ。 3)意味をとったら、その意味を日本語にする
間違ってる箇所があれば、訂正せよ問題でつ 1.My family and my friend's family were both unable to find accommodations downtown.2.The misunderstanding about his time of arrival caused a confusion. 3.The crash caused many damages to his car, but he was unhurt. 4.The government are intending to build a new terminal at this airport before 2006. 5.The police is investigating the case, and hope to make an arrest soon.
>>925 1 both of my family and my friend's family 〜 2 the misunderstanding of his time 〜 3 much damage (uncountable nouns) 4 the government is 〜 by 2006 5 the police are
・In 1993, Sean H. Ferrer, Luca Dotti (Audrey's sons) and Robert Wolders (her companion) created The Audrey Hepburn Memorial Fund at the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to commemorate the humanitarian efforts she made as a UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador. To date, the Audrey Hepburn Memorial Fund at UNICEF has raised over $1 million dollars for educational programs in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sudan and Somalia.
どなたか和訳お願いします。(ある文章の抜粋) Had conditions been reversed, the American would feel that he was "cheating" the driver if he implied the next town was close when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Although he, too, would be sympathetic to the weary driver, he would say "You have a good way to go yet;it is at least 15 more miles." The driver might be disappointed, but he would at least know what to expect. This often-repeated question of choosing between truth and courtesy leads to many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance,it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem.
1行目のHad conditions been 〜っていうのは Ifと同じ意味だとすると 2行目にifがあるのでこんがらがってしまいます。
(1)Many student thought () he would be given a scolarship. uncertain that 2.uncertain that that if さっぱりわかりませんが、辞書を見て1・2ではなさそうだと思いました。 (後ろにofなどがないため) (2) How () that he is becoming a doutor? 1.happens 2it happens 3.does it happen 4.happen 1のような気がするのですが確証が持てないです。 (3) () wants to see me? 1.It is who that 2.Who it is that 3.Who is it that 4.Is it that who さっぱりわかりません;
[3]について、次のような状況を考えてみました。 運動会の新種目、プール飴食い競争。 プールを小麦粉で一杯にします。 中に飴をちりばめます。 競技者はいっせいに小麦粉の中に飛び込みます。 小麦粉の中を泳ぎつつ飴玉を探し、 飴玉をほおばりながらプールからいかに早く出られるかを競います。 このような場合なら、He was the first to eat out the candy. と言えるかもしれません。
どなたかこの問題をお願いします。 1.If the weather is fine, I will go swimming ( to/in ) the river. 2.He bought a new camera ( for/with ) 30,000 yen. 3.Japan is ( to / is ) the east of China. 4.He suddenly caught me ( with/by ) the arm. 5.I fell asleep ( during/while ) the lecture. 6.My son had already gone to bad ( by / by the time) I got home. 7.(Beside/Besides) being a famous pianist, she is a great novelist. 8.(Once/Even if) you learn the basic rules, the game is easy. 9.She is ( below / above ) cheating on the test. 10.Australia is rich (for/in )natural resources. 11.The children ran ( in / to ) all directions. 12.We have to move that tree; it's really ( in / on ) the way. 13.He was named Robert ( to / after ) his father. 14.I ran all the way,(otherwise / so )I would have been late. 15.The workers are paid ( by / for ) the hour at the stone.
So useful have these new media of communication become that our whole society has beome geared to them and our daily lives are shaped by the messages they bear.(この前後は載っていません)
>>927-929さんの意見を参考にすると 1.bothを文頭に持ってくる 2.his time of arrival→the time of his arrival 3.many damages→much damage 【確定】 4.are intending→intends 5.hope→hopes
ついでに予習の分の確認をさせていただきたいのでつが・・・ 1.Today's news of troubles in the Middle East are very disturbing. 2.The media usually assumes that the audience has a very short attention span. 3.She used her brain to solve the problem. 4.This data proves conclusively that the lake is badly polluted. 5.The three brothers always tell stories to each other before going to sleep.
1.are→is 2.assumes→assume 3.brain→brains 4.proves→prove 5.each other→one another