Many webmasters operate their web sites that explain how to get, set up and utilize Winny. Unbelievably some of them were subject to a search soon after Mr. Kaneko had been arrested. So far (x) of them closed their web sites. (y) are still accessible but may go the same way, we are afraid.
As you actually know, P2P softwares including Winny themselves have no harm and of course, describing how to use those softwares is lawful. Quite a lot of Japanese poet have been making their poems public for free with Winny.
Again, we do not believe the authorities took a sensible course of action.
we grant a copyright and think that sharing copyright work with general public is against the law.
Since he had known almost all winny users have exchanged many copyright work , he might have to improve the software not to exchange copyright work. In that view point, he is guilty. But this arrestmet is not based on a definite law.
Do you know "winny"? Winny is the P2P(peer-to-peer)software,like "free net", made in
Japan. Winny is developed by Mr.Kaneko. He has said "don't share the illegal contents(like mp3) by using "winny".
But,this time, he has been arrested on a charge of aid and abet in the literary piracy
by Kyoto Police in japan. As you may know, developping the p2p software is legal. In the US, a court of justice ruled the p2p software developper not guilt.
In this case, we think this arrest is going beyond the law.
If he was ruled GUILT, the precedent that developping the p2p software is ILLEGAL was set.
>>25 We believe that it's a problem of basic human rights. は良い感じだと思います。
文章の流れとしては, 1.>>20 2.>>17,18 3. Table of Contents 4. (47氏逮捕の経緯,法的問題等) 5. 解説ページ閉鎖の経緯,問題など 6. We believe that it's a problem of basic human rights. 7. これを見た人にお願いする事(バナーとか)
1.始めの文章(かなり端折った。) Do you know "winny"? Winny is the P2P(peer-to-peer)software,like "free net", made in Japan. Mr.Kaneko who made this software has been arrested on a charge of aid and abet in the literary piracy by the Kyoto Prefectural Police in japan. As you may know, developping the p2p software is legal. In the US, a court of justice ruled the p2p software developper not guilt. In this case, we think this arrest is going beyond the law.
Please read following and we wan'na gain your understanding and support
2.Table of Contents (順番変えた。) i) Quick sketch of these arrestment and compulsory searches ii) More detali of the arrestment of Mr.Kaneko iii) More detail of the compulsory searches of the Winny-Explaining sites' author (文法やべぇ。) iiii) Our begging
3.Quick sketch of these arrestment and compulsory searches
Do you know the infringement of the people's rights which the Kyoto prefectural Police performed? A Japanese software engineer Mr. Kaneko, who works for the University of Tokyo as one of teaching assistants, was busted the other day by the Kyoto prefectural Police on suspicion of breaching of the Copyright Act by developing and distributing his P2P file sharing software "Winny."
In our opinion, this arrest must be a "stretch". Since he had known almost all winny users have exchanged many copyright work , he might have to improve the software not to exchange copyright work. In that view point, he is guilty. But this arrestmet is not based on a definite law, because the authorities say officially that they caught him due to his aggressive attitude against themselves and his intention. It is, as they say, to spread violation of the Copyright Act. We believe it is the Prosecution and the Police who abuse the adjective laws and even his basic human rights in this case.
At the same time, many webmasters operate their web sites that explain how to get, set up and utilize Winny. Unbelievably some of them were subject to a search soon after Mr. Kaneko had been arrested. So far some of them closed their web sites. the others are still accessible but may go the same way, we are afraid. We don't know why they were subjected a search or why they closed their sites.
Again, we do not believe the authorities took a sensible course of action.
We believe it is the Prosecution and the Police who abuse his basic human rights, which we regard as an arbitrary exertion of authorityin in this case.
この部分もちゃんと載ってます。 > Police said Kaneko had a cavalier attitude toward copyright protections, > and said it was proof of his intent to encourage copyright violations.
●47氏逮捕について 全体の流れ: 1.始めの文章(かなり端折った。) Do you know "winny"? Winny is the P2P(peer-to-peer)software,like "free net", made in Japan. Mr.Kaneko who made this software has been arrested on a charge of aid and abet in the literary piracy by the Kyoto Prefectural Police in japan. As you may know, developping the p2p software is legal. In the US, a court of justice ruled the p2p software developper not guilt. In this case, we think this arrest is going beyond the law. Please read following and we wan'na gain your understanding and support
2.>>17,18 i) Quick sketch of these arrestment and compulsory searches ii) More detali of the arrestment of Mr.Kaneko iii) More detail of the compulsory searches of the Winny-Explaining sites' author (文法やべぇ。) iiii) Our begging
3. Table of Contents Do you know the infringement of the people's rights which the Kyoto prefectural Police performed? A Japanese software engineer Mr. Kaneko, who works for the University of Tokyo as one of teaching assistants, was busted the other day by the Kyoto prefectural Police on suspicion of breaching of the Copyright Act by developing and distributing his P2P file sharing software "Winny."
In our opinion, this arrest must be a "stretch". Since he had known almost all winny users have exchanged many copyright work , he might have to improve the software not to exchange copyright work. In that view point, he is guilty. But this arrestmet is not based on a definite law, because the authorities say officially that they caught him due to his aggressive attitude against themselves and his intention. It is, as they say, to spread violation of the Copyright Act. We believe it is the Prosecution and the Police who abuse the adjective laws and even his basic human rights in this case.
At the same time, many webmasters operate their web sites that explain how to get, set up and utilize Winny. Unbelievably some of them were subject to a search soon after Mr. Kaneko had been arrested. So far some of them closed their web sites. the others are still accessible but may go the same way, we are afraid. We don't know why they were subjected a search or why they closed their sites.
Again, we do not believe the authorities took a sensible course of action.
>>81 Do you know "winny"? Winny is the P2P(peer-to-peer)software,like "free net", made in Japan. Mr.Kaneko who made this software has been arrested on a charge of aid and abet in the literary piracy by the Kyoto Prefectural Police in japan. They said officialy Mr.Kaneko had a cavalier attitude toward copyright protections, and said it was proof of his intent to encourage copyright violations. As you may know, developping the p2p software is legal. And "attitude" shouldn't be the proof of arrest.
In the US, a court of justice ruled the p2p software developper not guilt. In this case, we think this arrest is going beyond the law. What do you think about this case?
"From a criminal penalty standpoint, this is overkill in my view," James Muraff of law firm Wallenstein Wagner & Rockey told TechNewsWorld. "It's pretty stiff compared to U.S. law."
You may have thought that we are just offering useless resistance. But we do not think so. (これでいいのかな・・・) この件を未だに Winny使用者の悪あがきと捕らえてる 意見があるがそれは間違いである 警察と著作権を振りかざす団体(TVメディア・出版業界等)は 判例が欲しいのである この件で47氏の有罪が確定すれば あらゆる所で不当逮捕がまかり通ることになる 例えば ・画像掲示板を運営してたから著作権違反幇助 ・画像系HPにリンクを張っていたから著作権違反幇助 ・DVD等のコピー解除方法を解説していたから著作権違反幇助 ・コピー解除も出来るソフトにリンクを貼っていたから著作権違反幇助 ・通常型掲示板でもこの手の書き込みを放置していたから著作権違反幇助 ・著作権に関して異論を唱えたから著作権違反幇助 ←47氏はこれを理由に逮捕されてる 等 そうなれば無論 ここも閉鎖に追い込まれる可能性が高い 特に画像系コンテンツは 警察とメディアによって根絶やしにされる 表現の自由 思想の自由も保障されない 著作権法をねじ曲げ自分達の都合の良いように 解釈し行き過ぎた権利の主張がまかり通っている この様な暴挙に歯止めを掛ける必要があると思う。
I think winny is very good. If we don't do illegal things, winny is vey useful. Mr47 is arrest, but I think he will be free because many people is warking for Mr47. I think kyoto police is wrong.
激眠い。。。 明日見直す。。 寝る。。 There are opinions which still catch this affair as useless resistances of Winny users. But these are incorrect. The polices and groups which raise copyrights wish to establish a new precedent.
There are those who still see this issue as an attempt of futile resistance by users of Winny. We think they are mistaken. What the police and the rightholders -- ie. the television and publishing industries -- want is a precedent. If the court rules 47 as guilty, it could very become a carte blanche for all sorts of unlawful arrests to follow. For instance:
-Contributory infringement for operating a bulletin board with image upload capabilities -Contributory infringement for linking to an image-centric site -Contributory infringement for explaining steps for decrypting DVDs -Contributory infringement for linking to software which are capable of decrypting DVDs -Contributory infringement for failing to delete posts of the aforementioned sort, even in bulletin boards without image upload capabilities -Contributory infringement for voicing objections against current copyright law (This was the reason of 47's arrest)
If this happens, this site certainly wouldn't be safe either. Many image and graphics-based content, especially, may be eradicated. Little guarantee would remain for freedom of speech or thought.
There are those who argue for superfluous rights for themselves, through deliberate misinterpretation and abuse of copyright law for their own interests. We think there needs to be a stop for these kinds of reckless acts.
There are those who still see this issue as an attempt of futile resistance by users of Winny. We think they are mistaken. What the police and the rightholders -- ie. the television and publishing industries -- want is a precedent. If the court rules 47 as guilty, it could very well become a carte blanche for all sorts of unlawful arrests to follow. For instance:
-Contributory infringement for operating a bulletin board with image upload capabilities -Contributory infringement for linking to an image-centric site -Contributory infringement for explaining steps for decrypting DVDs -Contributory infringement for linking to software capable of decrypting DVDs -Contributory infringement for failing to delete bulletin board posts of the aforementioned sort, even in boards without image upload capabilities -Contributory infringement for voicing objections against current copyright law (This was the reason for 47's arrest)
If this happens, this site certainly wouldn't be safe either. Many image and graphics-based content, especially, may be eradicated, and little guarantee would remain for freedom of speech or thought.
There are those who argue for superfluous rights for themselves, through deliberate misinterpretation and abuse of copyright law for their own interests. We think there needs to be a stop for these kinds of reckless acts.
"Winny is a file sharing software aiming to accomplish high throughput and annonymity, with simple Bullitain Board System.
Winny2 enables mass-scale Bullitain Board System in addition to the functions of Winny.
Be aware that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS raising while your beta testing. DO NOT USE THESE SOFTWARE FOR ILLEAGAL SHARING OF FILES. You should reproduce or link etc. according your common sense."
Introduction of Winny Winny provides three key features, such as protect users privacy, better file transfer speed, and increased accessibility of downloadable files. "47" who has developed Winny for research of new P2P file sharing technology from two years ago. And It was released as free software.After the release, The number of Winny users has grown drastically, from 0.5 million to 1 million in 2years Since Winny was originally developed with a Japanese GUI,users are limitted in Japan now Even Though the author had said to the user in his website " Do not use Winny for illegal sharing of files", many users took advantage of anonymity for their illegal activities The police arressted author because officials believed he developed winny for illigal file sharing. The officials seized the source code as well as other inforamtion related to the development of Winny. Therefore, people are no longer able to update Winny.
English version of Winny just released. However, Sanpu-Shokunin has posted a patch to localize WINNY for English speaking users on the internet. By applying this patch, people can now use WINNY in English.
Compare with other major P2P file sharing softwares. Protection of privacy for Winny user is not so perfect as Freenet.However Winny is the 2nd place in the field of privacy protection of users. No work can be performed only in Freenet.Freenet system is complicated and its CPU load is high But Winny is simple,CPU load is lower than freenet,and the transfer speed of a file is much higher than freenet. Bittorent perform more transfer speed than Winny.But user's privacy is open to the other person in the network. eDonkey may be can more easily obtain target file than winny.However, the transmission speed of eDonkey is so late compared with Winny and no privacy protection.
"Clusterization" is the unique idea of Winny, and it has done in order to raise the ease of obtaining of a file. The Winny users which exist in near in the network connect each other mutually. Since there is no central server in Winny network, file information is not manageable unitary. Winny has taken the method of collecting file information from surrounding users. However, if the scale of a network becomes large, the exchange infomations with a long distance users will become difficult. For solution of this problem,Winny will divide group of users who like same kind of files called "cluster". If you join right claster,You may obtain files more easily.