☆The thread which replies to the question of the homework of English of junior and senior high schools(The 21st question)☆
●●For clients●● Let's write in positively the problem which is not understood. Let's thank to the person who answered for. Let's stop absolutely writing the same question in two or more threads.
●●For respondents●● If an answer is known, let's write in as much as possible.
The person who wrote in the 970th needs to stand the following thread
中高の英語の質問に答えるスレでも聞いてしまったのですが、ここでも聞かせていただきます I told them to get out このto get outは不定詞の名詞形ですか? 主語+使役動詞or知覚動詞 +O+原型不定詞 の形の原型不定詞は、to 不定詞で言うと何用法に当たりますか? なお、自分が立てた単発スレは削除依頼出してきまた。本当に悪いことをしたと思っています だから、どうかこの問題を教えていただけないでしょうか
>>41 ○数字は「機種依存文字」なので使用を控えましょうね。 1. I agree with it. / I'm for the opinion. ※指示文が"Do you think that〜?"だったら"I think so."なども。 2. It's because I like vegetables better than meat. 3. I like them because vegetables are rich in vitamins and do us good.
>>41 1. I am for it. / I agree with it. 2. Because I like vegetables than meat. / Because I prefer vegetables to meat. 3. Because vegetables contain lots of vitamins and are good for the health. ただし、これらが一続きの文なら、単にこの三つを並べるだけではダメです。
As mr.ismay,the president of white star line looked at his company's ship,the titanic,he was a proud man, and with a good reason. It was the largest ship in the world at that time,had room for over 2000 passengers plus crew in its luxurious interior and was said to be quite unsinkable.
>>52 固有名詞は大文字にしましょうね。Mr. もなるべく。 As [Mr. Ismay], the president of [White Star Line], looked at his company's ship, the [Titanic], he was a proud man, and with a good reason. It was the largest ship in the world at that time, had room for over 2000 passengers plus crew in its luxurious interior and was said to be quite unsinkable.
・Could Miss Evans go home to Boston? ・On the fifth day of the seven-day journey,it got much colder. ・Late that night,the Titanic hit the iceberg. ・About 700people weren't dead that night. ・Miss Evans also lost her life with many other people.
質問です。 1.Think of 2 examples of misunderstandings( funny, serious, sad, strange, etc) that you have experisnce( or perhaps they happened to someone you know).
2. What common mistakes do foreigners make when speaking in Japanese? Think of 2-3 examples.
>>95 for がないと、疑問詞が副詞句にならないからです。 the federationが主語で、(did...)obtainが動詞で、such information が目的語で、for what porposesが修飾語(副詞句)です。 なんの目的で、連盟はその情報を入手したのか? の、なんの目的で、という修飾語をつくるためにはforが必要です。
分からない時のために・・・ "What purpose(目的語)" do you need?「どんな目的が必要なんだい?」 "What purpose(主語)" has made you work so hard?「どんな目的が君をそんなに勉強させたんだ?(直訳)」 I need "that purpose(目的語)". 「その目的が必要だ。」 "That purpose(主語)" has made me work that hard. 「その目的が私に(ry」
"For what purpose" do you visit the US? 「何の目的のためにアメリカに行くんだ?」 I visit the US "for that purpose". 「その目的のためさ。」
まず、>>95 の文で、what purposesにforが必要と昨日教わったんですが、what purposesだけでも 「何の目的で連盟はそのような情報を手に入れたのか」という意味になりませんか? もう1つあるんですが、for what purposes did the federation obtain such information. の文の文型を教えていただけないでしょうか。というより、なんで疑問形容詞のwhatが前置詞の目的語になるんですか?
>>177 OK. ではその文を、 「何の目的のためにこの連盟はこの情報を手に入れたのか」 という疑問文に変形することを考える。
平叙文を疑問文に変える手続きは、まず、 聞きたいものをwhからはじまる疑問詞で入れ替えて (今の場合はthe purposeをwhat purposeに置き換える)、 文を疑問形に変えて、 (今の場合はDid this federation get this information for what purpose?) 最後に、whではじまる疑問視を文の先頭に持ってくる (今の場合はWhat purpose did this federation get this information for?)
This federation got this information for the purpose. ↓ This federation got what information for the purpose. ↓ Did this federation get what information for the purpose? ↓ What information did this federation get for the purpose?
Because pepole were no longer frustrated and afraid, they became less suspicious of each other. They found it easier to get to know one another and to form clubs and associations.
>>244 Because pepole were no longer frustrated and afraid, they became less suspicious of each other. They found it easier to get to know one another and to form clubs and associations. 人はもはや、欲求不満や恐れを抱いていなかったので、 互いを訝しがることはなくなった。 互いのことを知ることやクラブやサークルを作ることは 簡単だと分かった。
no longer:もはや〜ない be frustrated:受け身の形だけど、自動詞的に「欲求不満である」の意味。 less suspicious:比較級。この場合は「(以前ほど)訝しがらない」の意味。 be suspicious of〜:「〜を訝しがる」 ofに注目。「〜について」という意味だ。 find it easy (easier) to〜:「〜することを(より)簡単だと分かる」 itはto〜を受けるので、とくに「それ」とは訳さない。 form:「形成する」 association:「連合、交際」の意味だけど、訳中では「サークル」とした。
each otherとone another:each otherは2つ・2人の場合、one anotherは3つ・3人以上というのが 原則。ただし、必ずしも守られてはいないけどね。 この文章では「1対1で相手を恐れる」→「何人も集まってクラブを作る」なので 守られているといえるかな?
the ideal of American family is group cooperation to help achieve the fulfillment of each member and shared affection to renew each member's mental strength.
shared affection の部分の文法的位置付けがわかりません. the ideal of American family を主語とした受動態だと、affectionが浮いてしまうし、 achieveの目的語とすると意味が通りません. 大学入試の過去問です
>>262 確実に違いは有るけど、文の構成如何によって同じことを表現するのに使える。 例えば、>>262は次のように before と after をひっくり返して書き直せる。 They moved to Sunningdale not long before something happend that put Agatha's name on the front pages of every newspaper in England.
"What's the secret of your success?" asked another. "If we knew that." George said,"eachof us would form a group and manage it" During their stay in the U.S they were guarded by police 24 hours a day , but their American fans still tried to reach them. For example , at a hotel in new York City , the Beatls had the 12th floor to themselves, and girls ran up hundreds of fire stairs outside the building. At a hotel in Miami Beach, two girls arrived in packages. They had mailed themselvers. Please, Please Me was the Beatls first number-one hit in England . And in 1964, I Want to Hold Your Hand sold a million copies. I think you know, besides them, a lot of their songs, such as Let it be and Hey jude. One of their most popular songs, Yesterday , is a simple but very beautiful song which tells of losing the person you lover was with you yesterday. It is more than 30 years since the Beatles broke up, but their songs continue to be loved by each new generation.
What kind of sports are you interested in? という英文ですが youが主語で are interested inが同士だと思うのですが それならwhat kind of sportsというのはなんなんですが? 意味はわかるんですけど文法で考えると疑問文の前にこのような者があると 非常に違和感を感じます 説明お願いします
さて、What kind of sports are you interested in? は、次の平叙文から作られます。 You are interested in this kind of sports.
Are you interested in this kind of sports? [Are you interested in [ WHAT kind of sports? ] ] [ WHAT kind of sports ] are you interested in? --(*) 上のような過程を経て、ご質問の文が得られますので、What kind of sportsは be interested inの目的語(厳密には前置詞直後の要素)です。
誤文指摘問題何ですが、はっきりいって意味がわかりません Do you know that he is planning to enter the graduate school? Yes I do. He says he does not want to study any more and is going to take over his father"s job. do you know thatのthatを if に変える、と書いてあったのですが、 thatのままでも十分意味が通じると思うんですが、何故ifに変える必要があるんですか?
While stayed in London, I made the acquintance of Mr.Wilson There being a fije day, Iwent out for a walk His house,situationg on a hill,commands a fine view Sidney Lanier achieved fame both as a poet or as a symphony musician The weather permitting,we are going for a boat ride tomorrow Admittted what you say,Istill think you are wrong Unlike most other reptiles,chameleons have the able to change their color The vast majority of the residents of Montreal,Canada,say both French and English There were no doubt of his having forgotton my birthday Hegave up to smoke for fear of spoiling his health If you intend to climb such a high mountain,these shoes want to repair One reason birds have been so successul is because of their able to escape from danger quickly When I return home tonight,I want to lay down and take anap The fax machine is so busy since the company is considering getting another one to help handle the lload Robert is having a tough time deciding if to give his wife for their anniversary This medicine offres great relieving for colds, but it makes one feel drowsy Remain seated as log asa the airplane has come to a complete stop at the gate I checked three stores, and none of they had the ice cream you like some of the factory workers complained that their work was bored Public utility are going to rise their rates at the beginning of next month Each one of the new trains are equipped with a computerized control system Many home in that district were damaged by last winters's severe snowstorms
While staying in London, I made the acquintance of Mr.Wilson It being a fine day, I went out for a walk His house,situated on a hill,commands a fine view Sidney Lanier achieved fame both as a poet and as a symphony musician Weather permitting,we are going for a boat ride tomorrow Admittting what you say,I still think you are wrong Unlike most other reptiles,chameleons have the ability to change their color The vast majority of the residents of Montreal,Canada,speak both French and English There was no doubt of his having forgotton my birthday He gave up to smoking for fear of spoiling his health If you intend to climb such a high mountain,these shoes want repairing One reason birds have been so successul is because of their ability to escape from danger quickly When I return home tonight,I want to lie down and take a nap The fax machine is so busy that the company is considering getting another one to help handle the load Robert is having a tough time deciding whether to give his wife for their anniversary This medicine offrers great relief for colds, but it makes one feel drowsy Remain seated until the airplane has come to a complete stop at the gate I checked three stores, and none of them had the ice cream you like Some of the factory workers complained that their work was boring Public utilities are going to raise their rates at the beginning of next month Each one of the new trains is equipped with a computerized control system Many homes in that district were damaged by last winters's severe snowstorms
ありがとうございます。I saw my brother crying yesterday.の crying は、 動名詞と考えていいですか?その否定形は、I didn't see my brother crying yesterday. ではなく、I didn't see my brother cry yesterday. でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
The FAA is contemplating increasing the use of armed, undercover air marshals on domestic flights, an action that nearly 80% of Americans support, according to a Time/cnn poll conducted last week. Now fewer than 100 federal air marshals randomly travel on a very select number of domestic and international routes, down from a peak of more than 1,000 in the early 1970s, before concerns about airborne shoot-outs effectively sank the program. Some pilots are suggesting that an even better deterrent would be to have a uniformed security officer in the jump seat next to the cockpit.
高1なんですがもう学校では2年の 教科書に入っています。難しくて予習ができません。 クラウンのレッスン1で、心理テストの話があって、 水槽の映像を見せるんですが、アメリカ人は 魚しか見てない、とかそういう話なんですが、 Asians who take this test are 70 percent more likely than Americans to notice the background. という文が訳せません。70パーセントって何の数字ですか? 教えてください!
When they are able to enter the body and overpower the immune system, microbes grow and reproduce rapidly, just as you saw if you conducted the experiment described earlier.
>>345 Asians ( who take this test ) are 70 percent more likely < than Americans> to notice the background. できるだけ直訳: (このテストを受ける)アジア人は、背景に気付く[注目する]可能性が<アメリカ人よりも>70%高い。
>>345>>352>>354 読まれるかどうかわからんが、徒然なるままに解説を書く。 the backgroundが具体的に何なのかわからんが。
文の骨組みは、 Asians[=S] ( who take this test ) are[=V] likely to notice the background. (このテストを受ける)アジア人は、背景に気付く可能性が高い・気付くだろう。 ・be likely toV:Vする可能性が高い・Vするだろう
で、この文に < than Americans > が入り、likelyという形容詞が比較級になる。 Asians ( who take this test ) are more likely < than Americans > to notice the background. Asians ( who take this test ) are more likely to notice the background < than Americans >. (このテストを受ける)アジア人は、背景に気付く[注目する]可能性が<アメリカ人よりも>高い。
で、つぎのような文を思い出そう。 He is 【ten years】 older than I. 彼は私より【10歳】年上だ。 つまり、比較級の前にある【数字・much(はるかに)・a little(少し)】等は、 【どれくらい】差があるか、を示す。 したがって、
Asians ( who take this test ) are 【70 percent】 more likely < than Americans > to notice the background. (このテストを受ける)アジア人は、背景に気付く可能性が<アメリカ人よりも>【70%】高い。
In 'Strawberry Fields Forever', John looks back at his hometown Liverpool, while in 'Penny Lane', Paul looks back at his. There's sn smazing contrast between John and Paul's music and personality. Let's listen to 'Strawberry Fields Forever'.Strawberry Field was the name of the orphanage where John had often played as a child. In this fantastic song, he remembers his childhood days, surrounded by a surreal world where nobody understood him. Would you like to go to "Straw berry Fields"?
Who praised the album, "Sgt.Pepper's"? What are over 60 world-famous people doing on the jacket? What did George Martin call the single, 'Strawberry Fields Forver/Penny Lane'? What was Strawberry Field?
あっているか分からないので指導お願いします★ 1.夜コーヒーを飲むと一晩中眠れない。 A cup of coffee at night keeps me awake all night. 2.車があればあなたを家まで送ってあげられるのに。 If I had a car I could take you home.
並び替えて英文を完成させなさい。 1.来年の三月には高校の学業を終了していることでしょう。 I will ( high school /the/by/have/finished/March/course) next year. →わかりませんでした。
>>379 1. I have a lot of friends with whom to consult. 2. Your success in the examination [depends] on how well you study. 3. The scholarship made it [possible] for him to continue his studies. 4. Bad weather (forced) us to (put) off the picnic.
(例) This handle is hard/impossible/easy to turn. ※to-は副詞的用法 この取っ手は、回すのが難しい/不可能だ/簡単だ。 = この取っ手を回すのは難しい/不可能だ/簡単だ。 It is hard/impossible/easy to turn this handle. ※to-は名詞的用法
>>446 S=One V=learned O={that one had tuberculosis} ひとは{自分が結核であること}を知った。 のlearned that one had tuberculosisが動名詞になっただけ。
S=[Learning {that one had tuberculosis}] V=amounted to [hearing a sentence of death]. [{結核にかかっていること}を知ること]は、[死の宣告を聞くこと]と等しかった。 [{結核にかかっていること}を知ること]は、すなわち、[死の宣告を聞くこと]であった。
>>473 いや、解釈はそれでいいんでしょ。 for her own sakeじゃないんだし。 for its own sakeで 「それ自身が目的で」「それに興味があるので」 という意味。 彼女自身のために、ではなく、(ほかのなにかのためではなく)それ自体のために、って感じ。 chaseそのものが目的っつーこと。 study math for its own sake 数学が好きだから勉強する ↑ジーニアスより つーかもうイディオムとして覚えたほうがいい。
熟語って呼ぶべきものかは疑問だけど、 cannot fail to 〜 はよく見られますよ。 例 They cannot fail to reach an agreement. 「彼らはきっと合意に達するであろう。」 They cannot fail to have missed it. 「彼らはそれを見落としてはいないはずだ。」
並べ替えの問題で Would (something, you, to, like) drink? ってありました。 答えは Would you like something to drink? でわかるんですが、 例えば、Would you like to drink something? とかでも意味は通じますか?
>>495 He had not been /in the office [ five minutes before he 〜 ]. このように区切ることができます。 もちろん、He had been in the office [for] five minutes. (だいぶ意味が変わるけど) であっても同様で、in the officeとfive minutesを入れ替えることはできません。 結論として、>>495さんの提案する形は「ダメ」と言わざるを得ません。
「He fell asleep while he was watching the TV drama. を、分子構文を用いて書き換えよ。」 の正答が、 He fell asleep, watching the TV darama. なんですけど、 watching のところは being watching ではダメなのでしようか。 正答のだと、進行の意味がなくなってて、ダメなような気がするのですが。。。
Besides, there are some kinda of living things that we must not destroy. Many drugs for human diseases come from plants destroying the cure for cancer and other diseases without knowing it. I see. Yes. And everything in nature is connected. In a forest, for example, plants and animals make up a whole, complex pattern of life. If we destroy that pattern, all kinds of things can go wrong.
If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法じゃないですか? だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この間違った文を指摘する問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう」
>>564 1.So far as I'm concerned, breakfast means nothing but bread and butter, and I drink neither milk nor coffee. (私の場合は:So far as I'm concerned)
2.I make it a rule to get up at five thirty every morning, (to) take light exercise, and (to) read an English book aloud for a time. (軽い運動:light exercise)
3.It's been raining since rhis morning; I think it would stop this evening. One has had enough raining. Anyway I hate June. (もうたくさんだ:One has had enough〜 とにかく:anyway)
4.When I saw Suzuki ten days ago, he said, "I will visit my uncle in Hokkaido, who I haven't seen for ages." (ずいぶん久しく:for ages)
いい加減に答えろカスども If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法じゃないですか? だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この間違った文を指摘する問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう
(4)for people to make 〜 →(2)で予想した「to不定詞」が登場した可能性が高い →「全く疑いなく、それ=『人々がmakeすること』は経済の 問題というよりはむしろ倫理の問題である」 → makeが出てきたら、とりあえず「make O C」を予想する (5)〜 make the land the subject 〜 →(4)で予想した「make O C」あるこ可能性が高い →「全く疑いなく、それ=『人々がthe landをsubjectにすること』 は経済の問題というよりむしろ倫理の問題である」 (6)〜 make the land the subject for speculation 〜 →「全く疑いなく、それ=『人々がthe landを投機の対象にする こと』は経済の問題というよりはむしろ倫理の問題である」 (7)〜 and go insane. → andの後ろが「go」、つまり原形動詞であるから「make」と等位 → for people to ×( make 〜 + go )ということ →「全く疑いなく、それ=『人々がthe landを投機の対象にして、 狂ったこと』は経済の問題というよりむしろ倫理の問題である」
頼むから教えてください If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法じゃないですか? だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この間違った文を指摘する問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう
I felt very excited about the idea of having my oun car. 自分の車を持てると思うと、私はとてもわくわくした。 There is something noble about her. 彼女はどこか気品がある。 The book is no longer much of importance to us. その本は我々にとってもはやあまり重要ではない。 She is ahead ( atudents/of/the/all/other ) in her chemistry class 彼女は化学ではクラスの誰よりも優れています。
頼むから教えてください If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法じゃないですか? だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この間違った文を指摘する問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう
Geothermal energy can be obtained directly from the hot water or steam that comes naturally from underground,or by pumping cold water into spaces between very hot rocks.
>>636 Geothermal energy can be obtained from (1) the hot water or steam that comes naturally from underground or (2) by pumping cold water into spaces between very hot rocks.
頼むから教えてください If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法じゃないですか? だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この間違った文を指摘する問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう
>>636 まとめ Geothermal energy can be obtained (1) < directry > < from the hot water or steam (that comes naturally from underground ) > or (2) < by pumping cold water into spaces between very hot rocks > .
こんばんわ★指導お願いします!! 1.I'm all ( ウ ) when it comes to using a computer. (ア.thumbs イ.or nothing ウ.inn all エ.toes) 2.I like job, but the pay is ( エ ). (ア.low イ. few ウ.thin エ.cheap) 3.Please ( ア ) yourself to some fruit. (ア.give イ.help ウ.enjoy エ.bring) 4.You ( ウ ) very nice in that dress. (ア.fit イ.seem ウ.look エ.go) 5.The ewather forecast ( エ ) it's going to rain tomorrow. (ア.says イ.speaks ウ.talks エ.tells) 6.Do you regard the situation ( エ ) serious? (ア.by イ.as ウ.for エ.of) 7.If you don't know what a word means, you should ( ア ) in the dictionary. (ア.turn it up イ.put it up ウ.look it up エ.take it out) あっていますか??お願いします^^
すいません、後これもお願いします★ どうしてもわからない問題があるので聞かせていただきます まずは、仮定法の文です。If you knew the deadline for her report was tuesday ,you should have helped her. この文のyou should have helpedというのは仮定法になる気がするのですが なので、if you knewが if you had knownにしたほうがいいと思うのですが、どうですか? もう1問あります
If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would have made a considerable amount of profit. この文の間違っているところを指摘する問題です。いわゆる誤聞訂正問題です。答えは If it were not for
を if it had not been forにするらしいのですが、この文の訳は もしそのプロジェクトで彼の失敗が無ければ、「会社はかなりの量の 利益を上げられただろう」と書いてあるのですが、 if it were not forは正しくて、would have made を would makeにしても 「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう という意味にならないでしょうか? どうかお願いします^^
>>652 1.I'm all thumbs when it comes to using a computer. 「コンピュータを使うとなると、私は全く不器用だ。」 2.I like job, but the pay is low. 「仕事は好きだが、給料が低い。」 3.Please help yourself to some fruit. 「果物はご自分でおとり下さい。」
5.The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. 「天気予報では明日は雨が降るそうだ。」 6.Do you regard the situation as serious? 「君はこの状況を重く見るかい?」 7.If you don't know what a word means, you should look it up in the dictionary. 「単語の意味が分からなかったら、辞書をひきなさい。」
The true distinction is not one of geography; but neither is it necessarily one of ideology. It demarcates felt superiority from imputed inferiority, as defined by those who see themselves as 'better' that is to say usually belonging to a higher intellectual, cultural or even biological class than their neighbours.
すみません。この文↑の It demarcates felt superiority from imputed inferiority, の捉え方がわかりません。教えてください。
My son and I decided to visit my daughter during the summer vacation. She was studying music at a college in American. It was our first visit to a foreign country.
On the plane to America,my son got sick. When our planearrived and we went out of the airport building, itwas already dark. Itwas raiding,too. We looked for a taxi and found one across thesteet. We ran in the door. Iremembered that taxi doors usually do not open automaticallyinforeign countries.
>>699 あんまり自信ありませんが 2.→The more developed industries 'are,' .. 3.→... is 'the depletion of' the ozone layer. 4.→improve attitudeは妙な「気がします(要するに自信がない)」。 We must be more aware of the environment.とかの方がいいかも。
たびたびすみません、質問です (1)The water and the air in Tokyo is dirty. (2)The water and the air in Tokyo are dirty. どっちが正しいですか? このあと「空気と水」という意味で they are polluted・・・ というように使っても大丈夫でしょうか。
1.環境汚染が今日ほど深刻であったことはありません。 →Environmental pollution has never been as serious as it is today.
2.工業が発達すればするほど、ますます多くの問題が生じています。 →The more industries develop, the more problems they cause.
3.もっとも深刻な問題の一つにオゾン層の破壊があります。 →One of the most serious problems is the ozone layer depletion.
4.科学技術が進歩するにつれて、環境に対する意識も向上しなければいけません。 →As technologies advance, our awareness of environmental problems should be improved. →Technological advance should be accompanied by improved awareness of the environment.
>>724 nearはどちらかといえば「叙述的」なんだよね。 The station is near. 別に「限定的」に使えないことはないけど: What is the nearest station? それに対して、nearbyは「限定的」に使える: a nearby bank 逆に、「叙述的」には使わない: *The station is nearby.
前後がないとわかりにくいな。検索したらこんなのが出てきたが(他にもいくつか)。 Rumsfeld: Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones. ttp://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2002/t02122002_t212sdv2.html
You will see the old restaurant, you told me of it. この二つ目の文で前置詞のofがついているのはなんでですか? tellって単語は前置詞なしでSVOOとかSVOCっていう形の文を作れると思うんですが。 もう一つ質問があるんですが do you think what he bought? この文は間違っているらしくて、whatを文頭に持ってくる必要があるといわれたのですが 間接疑問詞のwhat he boughtのwhatをなんで先頭に持ってくる必要があるんですか?
じゃあもっと詳しく。 >>742 > Do you think what he bought? これが正しいとするね。Doで始まる疑問文だから、yes/noで答えられるよね。 じゃあ、 Do you think what he bought? Yes, I think. / No, I don't think. を日本語に訳してみ。
Anyone with knowledge can communicate it to others to increase our stock of learning. 訳していただけないでしょうか。あと to increase の to はどういう意味の toなんでしょうか?おねがいしますm(__)m
長文ですが、今日中に訳さなくてはならないので、宜しくお願いします。 五体不満足を書いている乙武さんの本に沿った内容で、最後のまとめ?みたいな部分です Some people feel sorry for han-dicapped people,but is this right ? There are People like me who enjoy themselves, just as everyone else does. I have a tough mind instead of arms and legs. When it comes to arguing, I am 100 times stronger than anyone else. When I was very young, I didn`t even recognize I was handi-capped at all. I am handicapped, and that`s why I speak out for removing prejudices surrounding handicapped prople. I think it`s my role. You also have your own role in this society. I believe all of us have different roles. “it`s all right and natural for everybody to be different.” This is the massage that I have for society.
>だから、if you knewが if you had knownになると思うのですが そのとおりだと思います。
>If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would >have made a considerable amount of profit. >この間違った文を指摘する問題です。 >if it were not forは正しくて、would have made をwould makeにしても >「彼が失敗しなければ、その会社はかなりの量の利益をあげられるだろう」
これは厳しいでしょうね。 if it were not for his failureというのは 英語としては、「彼が失敗しなければ」という意味で書いてあるわけではなく、 「彼の(あのorこの)失敗が存在しなかったなら」という意味です。 it は状況をさす主語、for〜は「〜が存在している」という意味ですから。
1)私は教師になるために必死に勉強するつもりです。 (be, study,a teacher,I am going to,hard,so as to) I am going to a teacher so as to be study hard. 2)私はアメリカへ行ったことがある。 (have,America,to,been,I,ever) I have ever been to America. 3)彼女は昨日、裕子が電車に乗るのをみた。 (saw,she,Yuko,a train,getting on,yesterday) She saw Yuko getting on a train yesterday. 4)その医者は一郎がすぐに元気になると言った。 (Ichiro,said,better,the doctor,that,soon,would get) The doctor said that Ichiro would get better soon.
>>790 ゆみこ、 >If it were not for his failure on the project, the company would >have made a considerable amount of profit. 相変わらず偉そうに書いてるけど、これは、直すんだったら、 If it had not been for his ...だろ、普通? でも実際は(特に口語では)、元文のままの時制もよく使われるんだが。
予備校のスレであったんですけど、答えがなかったので気になってここに持ってきました。 誤りを含む箇所を指摘し,正しい英文に書き改めよ。 Even professinal drivers @(can have an accident) A(if) road conditions B(are bad) and C(you are tired).D(NO ERROR) @(Poor although it is) in natural resources,Japan A(has developed) B(into a great economic power) C(thanks to) international trade.D(NO ERROR)
How long does it take a Japanese to get used to the weather in England? How long is it before you start on your trip? it take ・is it、一方は倒置しなくてもう一方は倒置。なぜですか?
>>843 上はIt takes a Japanese ○○ to get used〜 の○○(for+期間)を問う疑問文。 これは主語(it)+一般動詞(take) I like ○○.の○○を問う疑問文はwhat do you like? 主語(you)、動詞(you)の順番になる。 下はIt is ○○ before you start〜 の○○(期間)を問う疑問文。 これは主語(it)+be動詞(is) This is ○○.の○○を問う疑問文はwhat is this? be動詞(is)主語(this)の順番になる。
>>851 文中でも、文頭でも、文末でもいいよ。少しずつ変えなくてはいけないけどね。 Life is by no means a series of failures. By no means is life a series of failures.. Life is not a series of failures by any means.
That that that that writer wrote is wrong の和訳は「あの作家が書いたあれは間違ってる」でいいのでしょうか? 一番最初のthatは「あれ」で二番目のthatは一番最初のthatにかかる関係代名詞 四番目のthatはthat writerであの作家だと思うのですが 三番目のthatはなんなのかがよくわかりません。 どなたか教えてください。
アメリカの軍隊のカモフラージュの話です。 で、そのカモフラージュの問題点の事です。 The problem is range. Imagine you are standing ten meters from a brick wall. At that distance, the line between the bricks are not very noticeable,so a simple reddish-brown camouflage might succeed. But at five meters, thin simple camouflage would probably fail. まではOKなんですが It would be very noticeable that the line between the bricks stopped where the camouflage began. の訳がよくわかりません。お願いします
@A I wish I had left home five minutes earlier! B If (were) I had left home five minutes earlier!
AA Left to herself in the room,the girl might have gone mad with fear. B If she (had)(been)(out) to herself in the room,the girl might have gone mad with fear.
>>905 もっというと handing in a report neatly printed by a word processor よりも satisfying なものはない といってるんだ。 handingのingは形容詞を作るためのもの。satisfyingのingとは関係ない。 だから1、のtalkingに対応するingはなくていいんだ。 そのかわりほら、形容詞delightfulがあるじゃないか。
>>912 どうなるのが満足なんですか "Do you know how far from the earth to the sun it is?" と書いたら…まあ通じるとは思うけど。 「もともとfar fromで1つ、不可分」と考えている辺りに 問題がある気がする。 元の文章は疑問系になる前、 It is more than 100,000km far / from the earth to the sun. と、/の部分で区切れるものです。
>>916 元々、多分想像通り A policeman stood on the corner. という文。その形は倒置文で、 There came a grasshopper. Here comes the hero! とか使う…まあ見て慣れるしかない。 元々There is a boy.とかの、この文もこの範疇に属する倒置文。 (A boy is there.→There is a boy)
道案内の指示のところで、これらはどういう場面で使うのか教えてください a,Turn right. b,Turn left at the second signal. c,Go to the right. d,Go two blocks. e,It`s on your left. f,It`s across from the hotel. h,It`s next to the hotel
a,Turn right. 右に曲がって。 b,Turn left at the second signal. 二つ目の信号で左に曲がって。 c,Go to the right. 右に行って。 d,Go two blocks. 2ブロック行って。 e,It`s on your left. それはあなたの左側にあります。 f,It`s across from the hotel. それはホテルの向いにあります。 h,It`s next to the hotel それはホテルの隣にあります。
>>948 「be過去分詞to do」が文中に出てきたら、「be過去分詞to」の部分を カッコでくくるなどして、飛ばし読みすることをお勧めします。 He was made to go there. → He ( was made to ) go there. → 彼は( 〜 )そこへ行く(行った)。 で、あとからカッコの中を加えるのです。 → 彼はそこへ行く+(のを強制された) つまり「be 過去分詞 to」を「助動詞的」に捉えるのです。 He was able to go there. を読むときのような調子です。
その他の例を挙げます。 He ( was forced to / was supposed to / was seen to / was said ) go there.
→彼は行く+( のを強制された / と思われていた / のを見られた / と言われていた )
This year`s rice crop is estimated to be 〜 →This year`s rice crop (is estimated to) be 〜 →今年の米の収穫高は例年の20%減である +( 評価されている ) → 今年の米の収穫高は例年の20%減であると評価されている
>>955 They say that some young Japanese recently do not know much about Japanese cultures. It is very sad. I hope that you young people will start to learn the Japanese cultures.
>>955 I've heard that, in Japan, young people who are unacquainted with Japanese cultures are increasing recently. It is very regrettable. I do want you young people to learn the Japanese cultures over again.
It took him twenty minutes to go there on foot. I want to know what your school life is like. This morning it was too colde for me to get out of arrow. What made her break her promise? で、以下はちょっとかってに背景を想像して。。 She tried again only to fail.もう一度やったが結局失敗した。 This coffee maker needs mending.このコーヒーメーカーは修理が必要だ。 I had my English composition corrected by him.彼に英作文を直してもらった。 She should have attended the ceremony.セレモニーに出ればよかったのに。